Em3 Baby
Em3 Baby
1. Place one hand in the center of Baby’s abdomen, 1. Place a thumb on each side of the navel.
below the rib cage. 2. Move thumbs outward at the navel.
2. Glide hand down toward the groin area. 3. Repeat, beginning from a slightly lower position each
3. Repeat with the other hand, making a paddling time, until you have reached the groin area.
4. Continue alternating hands. Make sure that one hand
is always in contact with the stomach.
1. Place your relaxed hands on the buttocks. 1. Place fingerpads together on one side of the base of the
2. Alternate your hands back and forth, gliding over the spine.
entire back surface from the buttocks to the neck. 2. Moving hands in unison, make clockwise circles that
3. Move one hand back down to the buttocks, while the move up to the top of the spine.
other maintains contact at the neck. 3. Cross over to the other size, avoiding pressure on the
4. Return the other hand to the buttocks and repeat. spine. Continue the circular motion down to the bottom
of the spine.
4. Cross again to the other side and repeat.