CS5101 Formal Languages and Automata Theory Syllabus

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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, B. I. T. MESRA MODULE - I Introduction to Automata: Study and Central concepts of automata theory, An informal picture of finite automata, deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, applications of finite automata, finite automata with epsilon transitions. MODULE - II Regular expression and languages: Regular expressions, finite automata and regular expressions, applications of regular expressions, algebraic laws of regular expressions. MODULE - III Properties of Regular Languages: Proving languages not to be regular, closure properties of regular languages, equivalence and minimization of automata. MODULE - IV Context free Grammars and Languages: Parse trees, Applications of context free grammars, Ambiguity in grammars and languages. MODULE - V Pushdown Automata: Pushdown automation (PDA), the language of PDA, equivalence of PDAs and CFGs, Deterministic Pushdown Automata. MODULE - VI Properties of Context Free Languages: Normal forms of context free grammars, pumping lemma for context free languages, close properties of context free languages. MODULE - VII Introduction to Turing Machine: The Turing machine, programming techniques for Turing machine, extensions to the basic Turing machine, restricted Turing Machines, Turing Machines and Computers. Text Books: 1. J.E. Hop croft, et.al. - Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, 2 nd Edn. Pearson Education, New Delhi 2001 Reference Books: 1. 2. K.L.P. Misra et.al. - Theory of Computer Science, 2nd Edn. PHI, New Delhi, 2000 J.C. Martin - Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation 2nd Edn, TMH, New Delhi, 2000.

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