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The key takeaways are that a trickling filter is a wastewater treatment system that uses microorganisms attached to media to break down organic matter. Wastewater trickles through the media while air is pumped in to maintain aerobic conditions for the microbes.
Presented By, Mansi J. Kakani MTech (Environmental Engineering) Under the guidance of, Dr. Aruna Joshi
Microbiology of Trickling Filter
Sr. No. Contents Page No.
1. Trickling Filters: Introduction 2 3. Filtration 4 2. Filter Classification 4 3. Trickling Filter: Process description 6 4. Nitrification 7 5. Biology of Trickling Filters 9 6. Organisms present in trickling filter biofilms 10 7. Removal of Pathogens and Parasites by Trickling Filters 12 8. Advantages and disadvantages of trickling filters 13 9. Operational Problems 14 10. References 19
Microbiology of Trickling Filter
A trickling filter (TF) is a wastewater treatment system that biodegrades organic matter and can also be used to achieve nitrification. The wastewater trickles through a circular bed of coarse stones or plastic material. A rotating distributor (a rotating pipe with several holes across it) evenly distributes the wastewater from above the bed. The microorganisms in the wastewater attach themselves to the bed (also known as the filter media), which is covered with bacteria. The ssbacteria break down the organic waste and remove pollutants from the wastewater. When excess nutrients became a concern, it became necessary to adapt “conventional” sewage treatment systems to meet the increased oxygen demand placed on receiving waters by high ammonia nitrogen concentrations in wastewater effluents. The trickling filter consists of several major components including
distribution system, media, underdrains, effluent channel, secondary settling tank, and recirculation pumps and piping
. Each of these components has one or more purposes. In operation, wastewater is distributed evenly over the surface of the trickling filter media. As the wastewater flows over the surface of the media the organisms in the slime remove the organic matter from the flow. The organisms aerobically decompose the solids producing more organisms and stable wastes, which either become part of the zoogleal slime or are discharged back into the wastewater flowing over the media. The wastewater continues through the filter to the underdrain system where it is collected and carried out of the filter. At the same time air flows through the filter (bottom to the top or top to bottom depending on temperature). Oxygen is transferred from the air to the wastewater and slime to maintain the aerobic conditions. Periodically the slime on the media becomes too heavy and portions will be released. This material known as
is carried out of the filter with the wastewater flow and is removed in the settling tank following the filter.
Microbiology of Trickling Filter
Trickling filters are very efficient at removing B.O.D. and ammonia from wastewater, and they use a minimal amount of power. The cost to remove B.O.D. is only a few dollars per ton. The common hardware and components of trickling filter are shown in the schematic diagram shown below:
Fig. No.:01
Schematic Diagram of Trickling Filter