Durood Shareef/Saalwaat

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Durood Shareef//Salawaat As-Salaatu'l Gauthiyyah Allahumma Salli 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-in As-Saabiqi li'lkhalqi nuruhu Wa Rahmatullil 'aalameena dhuhuruhu

'Adada man madhaa min khalqiqa wa man baqiya Wa man sa'ida minhum wa man shaqiya Salaatan tastagriqu'l 'adda wa tuhitu bi'l haddi Salaatan laa gaayata lahaa wa laa muntahaa wa lanqidha'a Salaatan daaimatan bidawaamika Wa 'alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasleeman mithla dhaalik O Allah! Bestow blessings on our master Muhammad whose light was created first, and whose appearance is a mercy for all the worlds, as many times as the number of Your creations past and yet to come among those that are blessed and those that are unfortunate; such blessings that are unlimited and unbounded, countless, endless, never finishing; such blessings as everlasting as You, and on his family and companions, and in the same manner complete salutations as well. In this salaat, Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu 'Anhu declares his aqeeda (belief) loud and clear that before Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala created anything else, He created Nur-e-Muhammadi, the Nur of Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam. Sub'hanAllah! As-Salat al-Kaamil (Between Maghrib and `Isha especially to remove forgetfulness and strengthen the memory) The most honored salawat which awliyaullah said one recitation equals 70,000 salawat, and in the Shafi`i school of thought they say it is rewarded with no end, as Allah's Perfection has no end! It is read between Maghrib and `Isha, especially to remove forgetfulness and strengthen the memory: Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa `ala aalihi kamaa laa nihayata li-kamaalika wa `adada kamalih. O Allah! Grant salawat on the Prophet (s) without end on the number of perfection with which You dressed him! alawt Nrnyyah / alawt Badaw Kubr Allh said in the Holy Quran: Allh and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.(al-Azb, 33:56) In composing their own odes of praise on the Prophet awlyullh have been inspired directly from the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad or by seeing a vision or dream in which he informed them of the value of a particular praise or recitation. In the case of this particular du, which was composed by Sayyidina Amad al-Badaw, it is related in Talkhs almarif f targhb Muammad rif by asan ibn Muammad Qa, that the wal Muhammad Talmaysn recited Dalilu l-Khayrt 100,00 times. After completing 100,000 recitation the Prophet came to him in a dream and said to him, If you read the recitation of Ahmad al-Badawi it would be as if you read Dalilu l-Khayrt 800,000 times. Allhumma alli wa sallim al Sayydin wa mawln Muammadin shajarati l-ali n-nrnyyati wa lamati l-qabati r-ramnyyati wa afali l-khalqati l-insnyyati wa ashrafi -rati l-jismnyyati, ibi l-qabati l-alyyati wa lbahjati s-sanyyati wa r-rutbati l-alyyati mani ndarajati n-nabyyna tata liwihi fahum minhu wa ilayh. Wa alli wa sallim wa brik alayhi wa al lihi wa abihi adada m khalaqta wa razaqata wa amatta wa ayayta il yawmi tabathu man afnayta wa sallim taslman kathran wa lamdulillhi rabbi l-lamn. Durood Didaar E Mustafah ALLAHUMMA SALLI WASALLIM WA BAARIK ALA SAYYIDINA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADININ NABIYYIL UMMIYIL HABEEBIL AALIL QADRIL AZEEMIL JAAHI WA ALA AHLIHI WA SAHBIHI WASALLIM. The pious people and the Awliya Allah said that whoever recites this Durood Shareef regularly every Thursday night, at least once, then at the time of his or her death, he or she will see the blessed countenance of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu

'Alaihi Wasallam) and when he or she enters the grave, that person will make the Ziarat of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam). They will see Rasool-e-Paak (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) with his own blessed hands taking him or her in their Qabr. Durood E Ali ALLHUMMAJ AL SALAWAATIKA WA BARAKAATIKA ALA MUHAMMADININ NABI YI WA AZWAAJIHI UMMAHAATIL MU'MINEENA WAZURRIYATIHI WA AHLI BAYTIHI KAMA SALLAYTA ALA IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMEEDUM MAJEED. Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said that if any one wishes that he should get the maximum reward for one Durood alone, then he must recite the above Durood Shareef. Durood E Busairi Maulai Sullay Wa Sallim Da'iman Abadan Ala Habeebika Khairil-Khalqi kullihimi (Or recite like this): Ya Rabbi Sullay Wa Sallim Da'iman Abadan Ala Habeebika Khairil-Khalqi Kullihimi Benefits: This Durood Shareef is a verse from Qaseedah Shareef written by Imam Busairi and is knowns as Durood e Busairi.. This durood shareef has alot of worldly & religion related benefits... Who ever reads this durood shareef 100 times in morning and 100 times in evening each day.. his heart will be filled with the love of Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam and if he reads it with the intention of seeing Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam then his wish will be fulfilled.. InshaAllah Azwajal.. Actually reading this durood shareef continuously.. will make the reciter of this durood shareef a beloved of Allah Ta'ala and of Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam and after dying the reciter of this durood shareef will enter jannah bc of the intercession from Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam. If u desire/need/want something then read this durood shareef 1500 times on each day after fajar or Ishaa numaz for 120 days.. InshaAllah Azwajal with sadaqah of Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam ur desire will be fulfilled. If u have financial problems or u have a dept or someone owes u some money and isnt able/willing to pay u back.. then read this durood shareef for 3125 times (each day) for 40 days.. InshaAllah Azwajal ur rizq will increase and ur problems will be solved.. Reading this durood shareef for 11 times after fajar numaz.. will increase ur honour and fame. Durood E Hifazat Allahumma Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammadeon Wa Ala Aali Sayyedina Muhammadin A'dada Ma Aahata Bihi I'lmuka Wa Jaraa Bihi Qalamuka Wa Sabaqat Bihi Ma-she-a'tuka Wa Sallat Alayhi Malaa'ekatuka Salatan Daa'ematam Bi Dawamika Ba Qiyatan Bifadlika Wa Ihsaanika Ila Aabadil Aabadi Aabadal La Nihaa-yata Li-Aabadiyyatihi Wa La Fanaa'a LidaiMu Miyyatihi. Benefits: The person who remains busy in prayer and remembrance of Allah Ta'ala, upon him come many temptations and trials. The greatest merit of this Darood is that no temptations and trials come upon him and he's in a state of safety by Allah the Most High. This is why whenever sitting for Zikr e Ilaahi it is better to read this Darood Shareef at least once. Durood E Isme Azam ALLAHU RABBU MUHAMMADIN SALLA ALAIHI WASALLAMA, NAHNU IBBADU MUHAMMADIN SALLA ALAIHI WASALLAMA. "Allah is the Lord of Muhammad, mercy and blessings upon him. We are the slaves of Muhammad, may mercy and blessings be upon him and Salaams". One should make it a habit to recite this Durood Shareef for at least one hundred times daily so that one will be able to see the results of the recitation in this world and in the Hereafter. You will be prosperous and you will never be overcome by your enemies. Durood E Itisaam Allahumma Sulay Wa Sallim Wa Baarik Ala Syyedina Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Syyedina Muhammadin Afdhali Mamduhim Biqaulika Wa Ashrafi Da'il-Lil-I'tisaami Bihablika Wa Khatimi Ambiyaa'eka Wa Rasoolika Salatan Tuballiguna Fid-Daraini A'meema Fadlika Wa Karamata Ridwanika

Wa Waslika. Recite this durood shareef when u enter Madina Shareef.. and also recite it when u enter Masjid e Nabwi.. And after paying respect at Roza e Rasool.. sit inside Riyaaz ul jannah and recite this durood shareef 1100x on a daily base.. InshaAllah Azwajal u will see Rasool e Akram Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam in ur dream... One can get khair o barkat if they read this durood shareef once before going to sleep.. If some one is falsely accused of something then he should read this durood shareef 111x for 11 days.. InshaAllah Azwajal he will be freed from that false accusation.. And the one who falsely accused him will suffer from some sort of lose.. One who reads this durood shareef after each numaz.. will achieve steadfastness in his iman. Durood E Kausar Allahumma Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Fil Awaleena Wa Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Fil Akhireena Wa Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Fin Nabiyyeena Wa Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Fil Mursaleena Wa Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammadin Fil Mala-il A'la Ila Yaumiddeen. Durood e Kausar refers to that durood shareef, which will give us the water of Hauz e Kausar, if recited/read in excess.. So, those who wish to drink the water of Hauz e Kausar from the blessed hands of our beloved Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam on the day of judgment should recite it in excess.. So much in excess that he/she becomes a person who deserves jannat.. And when he/she on the day of judgment will go to jannat he/she will get a drink from Hauz e Kauser. This blessing is such a great privilege that on the day of judgment when people will be starving for a drop of water due to scorching heat at that time the he/she (that is the reciter of this durood shareef) will be able to drink the coolest, purest and blessed water of the Hauz e Kausar. Therefore, this durood shareef is the best means of attaining the nearness to our beloved Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam. Hazrat Khawaja Hassan Basri Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu, who is one of the most respected sufi shaykh has stated about this durood shareef that one who wants to achieve Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala's Qurb then he should recite this durood shareef in excess. InshaAllah Azwajal bc of blessing of this durood shareef one will be able to attain the Qurb of Allah. Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala's beloved Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam. One more benefit of this durood shareef is that the one who recites this durood shareef in excess and regularly will always stay respectful in this world and in hereafter. And Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will bestow him with such a dignity/honour that no one will be able to take away that dignity/honour.. Durood E Khamsah Allahumma Sulay Ala Muhammadim Bi-Adaadi Man Salla Alaihi Wa Sulay Ala Muhammadin Kamaa Tuhibu Wa Tardaa An TusulliYa Alaihi Wa Sulay Ala Muhammadin Kamaa Aamar-Tanaa Bis-Salatin Alaihi Wa Sulay Ala Muhammadin Kamaa Tambagi Assalata Alaihi. Make a routine of reading this durood shareef if u want to live a life of dignity and be in peace from all sort of problems and calamities.. Reading this durood shareef in abundance is an indicator of success in all sort of tasks.. And for fulfillment of a desire read this durood shareef 100x daily after Isha numaz. Reading this durood shareef 3x after each numaz daily will be the cause of ease/comfort/forgiveness at the time of questioning in the grave after dying..

Hikayat: Once a person died.. Someone with kashaf asked him if Allah Ta'ala forgave him or not.. That person replied that when I was alive I used to read durood e khamsah on each thursday and bc of it.. Allah Ta'ala forgave me.. Its written in Tofa-ul-Maqasid that this durood shareef was in the routine of Hazrat Imam Shafi Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh And that they used to read this durood shareed in abundance. Durood E Khizri Sallalaho Ala Habeebihi Muhammedeon Wa Aalihi Wa As-haabihi WaSallam. Oh Allah Azwajul send salam and durood on your beloved and his family and companions. The one who recites this durood will Inshallah become a true Ashiq E Rasool. Also ones wordly and religious matters are all solved, ones heart will be full of peace.

Durood E Mahmood Allahummaj-A'l Salwataka Wa Rahmataka Wa Barakatika Ala Sayyidil Mursaleena Wa Imaamil Muttaqeena Wa Khatamin Nabayyeena A'bdika Wa Rasoolika Imaamil Khairi Wa Qaa'edil Khairi Wa Rasoolir Rahmat. Allahummab-A's-hul Maqamal Mahmoodal Lazi Yagbituhu Bihil Awwaluna Wal Akhirun. It is narrated by Hazrat Abdullah ibn Masood Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu that Rasool e Akram Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam have said that, when u recite durood shareef, then recite it in a beautiful manner because it will be presented to me.. that's why u have to recite it effectively and with affection for me. Because u dont know that its presented to me.. (Thats why recitation of this durood shareef is recommended..) [Note: translation is not exact.. so if I made any mistakes with it.. then plz do let me know abt it.. JazakAllah Khairan. Benefits: This durood shareef is very beneficial for Khair o Barkat/Rehmat & Naimat.. Therefore, one who wants to see an increase of Khair o Barkat in his home, business, money and Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala's mercy on his children.. should recite this durood shareef 11 times after Fajr namaz on a daily base. One who recites this durood shareef 100 times before sleeping, will always be in the protection of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala. And one who recites this for the purpose of paying back the loan etc should recite this durood shareef 313 times after Isha numaz (continuously) for 11 days. InshaAllah Azwajal all his loans will be paid in time. And If someone is facing any difficulty then he/she should recite this durood shareef 111 times after Isha numaz (continuously) for 7 days.. InshaAllah Azwajal all his/her difficulties will get solved.. Recite this durood shareef 100 times before going to see the person endowed with power (such as a chief, judge etc.) InshaAllah Azwajal.. he will display much sympathy and leniency.. Durood E Makeen Allahumma Sulay Ala Syyedina Muhammadeon Wa Ala Aalihi Wa As-haabihi Wa Aulaadihi Wa Azwaajihi Wa Zurriyyatihi Wa-Ahli Baitihi Wa As-haarihi Wa Ansaarihi Wa Ashya'ehi Wa Muhibbehi Wa Ummatihi Wa Alaina Ma'ahum Ajma'eena Ya Arhamar Raahimeen. Benefits: f some one reads this durood shareef once on a daily base in his house.. then he will have prosperity and peace in his house.. If ur spouse, kids or some relative is bothering u on some issue then read this durood shareef 111 times and then do dam on some water and let them drink it... InshaAllah Azwajal.. any type of disagreement will end and u will have a peaceful environment.. Hazrat Khawaja Hassan Basri Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh have said that if some one wants to drDurood E Makeen

Allahumma Sulay Ala Syyedina Muhammadeon Wa Ala Aalihi Wa As-haabihi Wa Aulaadihi Wa Azwaajihi Wa Zurriyyatihi Wa-Ahli Baitihi Wa As-haarihi Wa Ansaarihi Wa Ashya'ehi Wa Muhibbehi Wa Ummatihi Wa Alaina Ma'ahum Ajma'eena Ya Arhamar Raahimeen. Benefits If some one reads this durood shareef once on a daily base in his house.. then he will have prosperity and peace in his houDurood e Samaraat If ur spouse, kids or some relative is bothering u on some issue then read this durood shareef 111 times and then do dam on some water and let them drink it... InshaAllah Azwajal.. any type of disagreement will end and u will have a peaceful environment.. Hazrat Khawaja Hassan Basri Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh have said that if some one wants to drink from aab e kosar... then he should recite this durood shareef. Durood e Naimat e Uzma Allahuma Sulay Ala Syyedina Muhammdeon Wa Ala Aali Syyedina Muhammadeon Wa Ala As-haabi Syyedina Muhammadeon Wa Baarik Wa Sallim "O Allah Ta'ala! Shower Thy blessings and peace on Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam , our Master, and and upon his family and companions." Benefits

This durood shareef is sort of an ocean of mercy.. Reciter of this durood shareef becomes immersed in the ocean of mercy. When he recites "Allahuma Sulay" he enters the ocean of bounty & grace of Almighty Allah.. And when he recites the name of Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam then he's sorrounded by the waves of Rasalat.. and when he recites "Wa Ala Aalihi" then he starts receiving favour/grace same as ahle e bait... and when he recites "Ala Ashaabi" then he starts receiving blessings same as sahaba e karaam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum.. Durood E Taj Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadin sahibit taji wal-mi`raji wal-buraqi wal-`alam. Dafi` al-bala'i wal-waba'i wal-qahti wal-maradi wal-alam. ismuhu maktubum marfu`um mashfu`um manqushun fil lawhi wal-qalam. Sayyidil `arabi wal-`ajam. Jismuhu muqaddasum mu`attarum mutahharum munawwarun filbayti wal-haram. Shamsid duha badrid duja sadril `ula nuril huda kahfil wara misbahiz zulam. Jamilish shyami shafi` il-umam. Sahibil judi wal-karam. Wallahu `asimuhu. Wa jibrilu khadimuhu. Wal-buraqu markabuhu. Wal-mi`raju safaruhu wa sidratu al-muntaha maqamuhu. Wa qaba qawsayni matlubuhu. Walmatlubu maqsuduhu wal-maqsudu mawjuduh. Sayyidil mursalin. Khatimin nabiyyeena shafi`il mudhnibin. Anisil gharibeena rahmatil lil `alamin. Rahatil `ashiqeen. Muradil mushtaqeen. Shamsil `arifeen. Sirajis salikeen Misbahil muqarrabeen. Muhibbil fuqara'ay wal-ghurabaay wal-masakeen. Sayyidith thaqalaynay nabiyyil haramayn. imamil qiblatayn. Waseelatina fid darayn. Sahibi qaba qawsayni mahbubi rabbil mashriqayni wal-maghribayn. Jadd al-hasani wal-husayn mawlana wa mawlath thaqalayn Abil Qasimi MUHAMMAD dibni `Abdillahi nurinm min nurillahi yaa ayyuhal mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi sallu `alayhi wa alihi wa ashabihi wa sallimu taslima. Durood E Noor Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Nuril Anwaari Wa Sirril Asraari Wa Sayyidil Abraar. Benefits: If any one wants to become a Friend of Allah (Wali Allah), he should recite this Darood Sharif. This Darood Sharif should be recited at least one hundred times on Friday. A divine light lights up in the heart of the reciter. And when one becomes habitual of reciting this Darood Sharif, then divine mysteries are unfolded to the reciter. It is not possible for one to describe the rank of a person to whom divine mysteries are unfolded. This Darood-e-Noor has oceans of divine light in each of its letter. Durood e Samaraat Allahumma Sulay Ala Sayyedina Wa Maulana Muhammadin A'adada Auraaqiz Zaituni Wa Jamee'is Simaari Benefits: Reciter of this Durood Shareef will get alot of worldly benefits and will also see increment in his sunstance [rizq]. InshaAllah Azwajal. Durood E Shazli Allahumma Sulay Ala Sayyedina Muhammad. An-Nuriz Zaatis Saari. Fi Jamee'il Aa-Saari Wal Asmaa'i Was Sifaat. Wa Ala Aalihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Sallim. "O Allah! Send actual blessings and grace on Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam , our master, who is light and this secret is spread up in all things in every corner and in every name and fame". Benefits: Hazrat Saeed Ahmed Savi (radi Allahu anhu) says there is one Durood Shareef which is just like actual light. In fact, it is light in itself. If recited once, the reciter obtains the reward for 100 000 Duroods. Whenever a person is faced with trouble, he or she should recite it 500 times daily and all his or her troubles are bound to disappear. Hazrat Abu Abideen (radi Allahu anhu) says that if a man recites this Durood daily, the love of Allah Ta'ala and a very high position will be given to him. Hazrat Shaikh Ahmed Malool (radi Allahu anhu) says that this single Durood Shareef is equivalent to 100 000 Duroods Durood E Taj

Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadin sahibit taji wal-mi`raji wal-buraqi wal-`alam. Dafi` al-bala'i wal-waba'i wal-qahti wal-maradi wal-alam. ismuhu maktubum marfu`um mashfu`um manqushun fil lawhi wal-qalam. Sayyidil `arabi wal-`ajam. Jismuhu muqaddasum mu`attarum mutahharum munawwarun filbayti wal-haram. Shamsid duha badrid duja sadril `ula nuril huda kahfil wara misbahiz zulam. Jamilish shyami shafi` il-umam. Sahibil judi wal-karam. Wallahu `asimuhu. Wa jibrilu khadimuhu. Wal-buraqu markabuhu. Wal-mi`raju safaruhu wa sidratu al-muntaha maqamuhu. Wa qaba qawsayni matlubuhu. Walmatlubu maqsuduhu wal-maqsudu mawjuduh. Sayyidil mursalin. Khatimin nabiyyeena shafi`il mudhnibin. Anisil gharibeena rahmatil lil `alamin. Rahatil `ashiqeen. Muradil mushtaqeen. Shamsil `arifeen. Sirajis salikeen Misbahil muqarrabeen. Muhibbil fuqara'ay wal-ghurabaay wal-masakeen. Sayyidith thaqalaynay nabiyyil haramayn. imamil qiblatayn. Waseelatina fid darayn. Sahibi qaba qawsayni mahbubi rabbil mashriqayni wal-maghribayn. Jadd al-hasani wal-husayn mawlana wa mawlath thaqalayn Abil Qasimi MUHAMMAD dibni `Abdillahi nurinm min nurillahi yaa ayyuhal mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi sallu `alayhi wa alihi wa ashabihi wa sallimu taslima. Translation: O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad, The Owner of the Crown and the Ascent and the Buraq and the Standard, The Repeller of Affliction and Disease and Drought and Illness and Pain. His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and the Pen, The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs, Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure, Illumined in the House and the Haram, The Sun of Brightness, the Full Moon in Darkness, The Foremost One in the Highest Fields, the Light of Guidance, The Cave of Refuge for Mortals, the Lamp That Dispels the Night, The Best-Natured One, The Intercessor of Nations, The Owner of Munificence and Generosity. Allah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant. The Buraq is his mount, the Ascent is his voyage, The Lote-Tree of the Furthermost Boundary is his station, Two Bow-Lengths or Nearer is his desire, His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal, The Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets, The intercessor of sinners, the friend of the strangers, The Mercy for the Worlds, The rest of those who burn with love, the goal of those who yearn, The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers, The light of Those Brought Near, The friend of the poor and destitute, The master of Humans and Jinn, The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries, The Imam of the Two Qiblas, Our Means in the Two Abodes, The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn, The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests, The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn: Abu alQasim MUHAMMAD Son of `Abd Allah, A light from the light of Allah. O you who yearn for the light of his beauty, Send blessings and utmost greetings of peace Upon him and upon his Family. For clearing his heart, he should recite this Darood Taj after Salaatul Fajr seven times, and again, three times after Salaatul Asr and Salaatul 'Ishaa respectively. For repelling the Magic of Jinn and the Shayateen, and to be safe from an epidemic and any other diseases, he recites it eleven times. For being safe from enemies and the Hasid [jealousy] of the Haasideen and the oppression of oppressive rulers, and to be rid of sadness and grief, he should recite this Darood Taj for forty [40] nights after Salaatul 'Ishaa forty one [41] times. Durood E Talluq Alhumma Sulay Wa Sallim Wa Baarik Ala Rasoolikal Mabo'si Rahmatal Lil-Aa'lameena Wa Ala Aalihi Wa Ashaabihi Ajma'aeen. Benefits: One can have a special connection with Rasool e Akram Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam bc of the regular recitation of this durood shareef.. (ofcours with the will of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'alaAllahu and His Habeeb Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam) If one makes a habit to always recite this durood shareef.. then one's inner & outer self will be purified bc of

the nazar e Karam of Rasool e Akram Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam.. and best benefit of all is that he will be with Rasool e Akram Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam on the day of judgment. Durood Naariyah Allahumma salli salaatan kaamilatan Wa sallim salaaman taamman 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-I Nilladhee tanhallu bihi'l 'uqad wa tanfariju bihi'l kurab Wa tuqdhaa bihi'l hawaaij wa tunaalu bihi'r-raghaaib Wa husnu'l khawaatim wa yustasqa'l ghamaamu biwaj'hihi'l kareem Wa 'alaa aalihi wa sahbihee fee kulli lamhatin wanafas Bi 'adadi kulli ma'loomin-lak O Allah! Bestow complete blessings and perfect peace on Sayyidina Muhammad and for his sake may all our difficulties be removed, all calamities and agonies prevented; all needs fulfilled; all our cherished desires obtained; and a felicitous end to earthly life attained (with Imaan); and (give us) rain-showering clouds through the generous countenance of the Prophet, and (bestow blessings and peace as well) on his family and companions in every moment and every breath, as many times as is in Your Knowledge (that is, unlimited blessings). If read 41 times after fajr prayer will be successful with all the intentions in their heart and Allah will eliminate all the bad and facilitate all of lifes affairs. If read 313 times A miraculous thing will open /or open secrets from the ghaib-unseen. If read 4444 times will reach all his goals and the intention in this world and hereafter / and open all doors of goodness / To be read 4444 and dua made for ones intention for reading it. If read 1000 times then for him (will obtain) what was not possible by human kind and will obtain what not had been seen by the eyes, nor had been heard by ears and not had crossed in the heart" of"humankind." A saalik-(traveller on the spiritual path) is recommended to recite this salaat 4444 times in his lifetime. Its recorded in the Ba-alawi wird manual, as the Ba-alawi's (al-Haba'ib of yemen) are connected to the Shadhili through Imam al-Faqih al-Muqaddam from Shaykh Abd ar-Rahman al-Maqad al-Maghribi and Shaykh Abdallah as-Salih al-Maghribi, both disciples of the great Shaykh Sidi Abu Madyan Al-Ghawth, it says to read it 11 times after every Fard salat. In the section: 34 ways - Duas Seeing the Prophet (PBUH) in dreams, that is number 19, and was frequently Recited by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani. If it is recited daily, it will give such strength and power to the recitor that no one on Earth can subdue them. Allah will help the recitor from the quarters unknown to the human being. It grants success in all the affairs of the world. It brings about one's success for his/her net income. Durood nariyah is also called salat taaziya salat taaziya, from Sidi Ahmad at-Tazi, a great wali from the maghrib, traditionally when there is a big societal calamity, a group gets together and divides up the reading of this salat, so that the total number is 4444 times... useful for the repelling of great calamities and the solving of difficult problems. Salaat by Gauth u'l A'zam Muhyuddeen Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu 'Anhu This is one of the salawaat from Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani's Kibriti'l Ahmar (The Philosopher's Stone). Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-in Wa 'alaa aalihi wa as'haabihi Khazanati asraarihee wa ma'aadini anwaarihee Kunoozi'l haqaaiqi wa hudaati'l khalaaiqi Wa nujoomi'l ihtidaa-i limaniqtadaa Wa Sallim tasleeman katheeran daaiman abadaa O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace on Sayyidina Muhammad, and on his family and his companions, who are the repositories of his secrets, the reflecting centres of his light, treasure houses of truths, leaders to the right path for the creatures, and the guiding stars for those who follow them and grant them peace constantly in profusion for ever and ever. Durood Salaatul Saadat ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADIN ADADA MAA FI 'ILMI LAAHI SALAATAN DAAA IMATAM BI DAWAMI MULKILLAH. O Allah! Send Your Mercy and Blessings upon our master Muhammad the number which is in the Knowledge of Allah and mercy forever".

Merits: Hazrat Sayed Ali bin Yusuf Madani (radi Allahu anhu), Sheik-ul-Dala'il, narrated from Imam Suyuti (radi Allahu anhu) that he who recites this Durood Shareef once gets the Sawaab of 600 000 Durood Shareefs. He who recites this Durood Shareef everyday one thousand times, will be blessed in both worlds, this world and the Aakirah. Durood Virtues Of 1000 Days ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI SAYYIDINA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADIN KAMA TUHIBBU WA TARDALAHU. O Allah! Send Your Mercy and Blessings upon our master Muhammad and upon the family of our master as You love and like for him". Merits: That person who recites the above Durood Shareef once will be fortunate to be rewarded with virtuous deeds for 1000 days. Several Angels of Allah Ta'ala keep on writing good deeds for 1000 days in the person's mark sheet. Durood E Haq ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIW WA ABLIGHUL WASILATA AD DARAJATAR RAFI'ATAL JANNAH. O Allah! Shower peace upon our Chief Muhammad and endow him with the means and high status in Heaven". Merits: This is the highest Durood Shareef and if recited after every prayer and in every prayer, it brings a great deal of reward. Durood E Inaam ALLAHUMMA SALLI WA SALLIM ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALIHI ADADA IN'AAMIL LAAHI WA IFDAA LIHI. O Allah! Shower Thy blessings and peace on Muhammad, our Master, and on his progeny according to the number of Thy rewards and Thy bounties". Merits: Those who wish to visit Madinah Shareef and pay respects to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) must read this Salawat for 313 times before going to bed. This Durood is the jewel of all Duroods. Its reward is unimaginable. Durood E Nahariya ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SALAWATAN KAMILATAW WA SALLIM SALAAMAN TAAAMAN ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIL LAZI TANHALLU BIHIL UQADU WATAN FARIJU BIHIL KURABU WA TUQDA BIHIL HAWA IJU WA TUNAALU BIHIR RAGHAAA'IBU WAHUSNUL KHAWATIMI WA USTASQAAYAL GHAMAMU BIWAJHIHIL KAREEMI WA ALAAA A'LIHI WASAHBIHI FI KULLI LAMHATIW WA NAFSIN BI ADADA KULLI MA'LUMIL LAKA YAAA ALLAHU YAAA ALLAHU YAAA ALLAHU. O Allah! Every moment and in every breath, bestow complete and the best blessings and perfect peace which is endless on Muhammad, our master, and on his descendants and his Companions, and may, for His Sake, all our troubles and tortures be over, calamities ended, and all our needs fulfilled, all our cherished desires attained, and good ends vouch-saved, and clouds are laden with water through the glorious countenance of Prophet. The perfect blessings and peace on the Prophet's House, his Family and his Companions every instance in number equal to the count of all things in Thy Knowledge". Merits: Durood-e-Nahariya is a great power. If it is recited daily, it will give such strength and power to the reciter that no one on earth will be able to subdue him. It is a grand success in all the affairs of the world. If this Durood Shareef is recited during days of calamities, Allah Ta'ala will help the reciter from the quarters unknown to the human beings. The reciter will be able to cross every barrier of handicap safely and soundly. In every worldly affair, in every trial and tribulation, success will be his net income. Durood E Quraani

ALLAHUMMA SALLI WASALLIM ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI WA ASHABI BI ADADA MA FI JAMI'IL QURAANI HARFAN HARFAN WABI ADADI KULLI HARFIN ALFAN ALFAN. O Allah! Send your blessings and peace on Muhammad, our Master, and on his Progeny and his Companions according to the number of every letter in Quran and let each letter carry thousands of blessings and salutations in it". Merit: This Durood Shareef is a very sacred one. If it is recited after every prayer, it is said that the reciter will receive the Sawaab equivalent to the recital of the entire Holy Quran. After reading the verses of the Holy Quran, this Durood Shareef should be recited 3 times. Durood E Radawiyya SALLAL LAAHU ALAN NABIYIL UMMIYI WA AALIHI SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM. SALAATAW WAS SALAAMAN ALAIKA YA RASOOLALLAH. The above Durood Shareef should be read 100 times after every Salaah if possible. Especially after Jummah Salaah the men should stand together facing Medina Shareef and recite this Durood Shareef with absolute respect. The following benefits are derived from reciting Durood-e- Radawiyya: 1. The reciter is blessed with 300 Mercies of Almighty Allah. 2. Allah Almighty sends peace on him 2 000 times. 3. 5 000 good deeds are written in his Naama-e-Amaal. 4. 5 000 of his sins are forgiven. 5. His status is eleated by 5 000 times. 6. It will be written on his forehead that he is not a Hypocrite. 7. It will be written on his forehead that he is free from the Fire of Jahannum. 8. On the Day of Qayamah, he will be amongst the Shuhadaa (Martyrs). 9. He will gain Barakah in his wealth. 10. There will be Barakah in his children. 11. He will be strong over his enemies. 12. People will have love in their hearts for him. 13. He will see the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in his dream. 14. He will leave this world with Imaan. 15. On the Day of Qiyaamah, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will shake hands with him. 16. The intercession of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be compulsory on him. 17. Almighty Allah will be pleased with him in such a way that he will never be displeased. Durood E Sadaqah ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIN ABDIKA WA RASOOLIKA WA SALLI ALAL MU'MINEENA WAL MU'MINAATI WAL MUSLIMEENA WAL MUSLIMAATI. O Allah! Shower Thy blessings and beneficence on Muhammad, Thy creature and Thy Messenger, and shower beneficence on all men of faith and women of faith, and Muslim men and Muslim women". Merit: This Durood Shareef is a special one. Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri (radi Allahu anhu), a close companion of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), says that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Whoever does not possess wealth to give in charity, should recite this Durood in his Du'a. It will become a source of (spiritual) cleanliness for him". Durood E Shifa Illness ALLAHUMMA SALLI WA SALLIM WA BAARIK ALA RUHI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIN FI ARWAAHI WA SALLI WASALLIM ALA QALBI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIN FIL QULUBI WA SALLI WA SALLIM ALA JASADI MUHAMMADIN FIL AJSAADI WA SALLI WA SALLIM ALA QABRI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIN FI QUBUR. O Allah! Shower Thy blessings on the soul of Muhammad amongst all Souls, on the heart of Muhammad amongst all hearts, and on the body of Muhammad amongst all bodies, and on the grave of Muhammad amongst all graves. A poor man complained to Hazrat Shahabuddin Ibn Arslan (radi Allahu anhu) about his illness. The disease was incurable. No doctor or physician could even suggest any medicine for his disease. Hazrat Shahabuddin (radi Allahu anhu), who was a very great Saint, listened patiently to this poor man and then told him to recite the above Durood Shareef. The poor man immediately did so and his illness disappeared so quickly as if it was never present. The poor man gladly returned to his house. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu), a companion of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim), says that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) said that if a man recites the

following Durood Shareef once, then for the coming 1 000 days the Angels of Allah Ta'ala will be busy in writing reward for the reciter of this Durood. This Durood Shareef is a very rewarding one. By reciting it only once, the Angels go on writing good deeds in the account sheet of the reciter for full 1 000 days. What a great reward and what a great return? The Durood is the following: JAZZALLAHU ANNA MUHAMMADAM MA HUWA AHLAHU. "O Allah! Give reward to our Hazrat Muhammad the reward which is benefitting as he deserves" Hazrat Qabisah Bim Mukharib Hazrat Royafai (radi Allahu anhu), a very close companion of the Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) has revealed that once Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) said: "There is a Durood which if anyone recites, then I shall definitely come to his help on the final Day of the Judgement". That Durood is the following: ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ANZILHUL MAQADAL MUQARRABA INDAKA YAWMAL QIYAMAH. "O Allah! Shower Thy blessing on Muhammad and make him enter the highest place which is the greatest before You on the Day of Resurrection". Hazrat Saeed Ahmed Savi Hazrat Saeed Ahmed Savi (radi Allahu anhu) says there is one Durood Shareef which is just like actual light. In fact, it is light in itself. If recited once, the reciter obtains the reward for 100 000 Duroods. Whenever a person is faced with trouble, he or she should recite it 1 500 times daily and all his or her troubles are bound to disappear. Hazrat Abu Abideen (radi Allahu anhu) says that if a man recites this Durood daily, the love of Allah Ta'ala and a very high position will be given to him. Hazrat Shaikh Ahmed Malool (radi Allahu anhu) says that this single Durood Shareef is equivalent to 100 000 Duroods. The Durood is the following: ALLAHUMMA SALLI WA SALLIM WA BAARIK ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIN NURIZ ZAATI WA SIRRIS SAARI FI SAAA'IRIL ASMAAA'I WAS SIFAAT. "O Allah!Send actual blessings and grace on Muhammad, our master, who is light and this secret is spread up in all things in every corner and in every name and fame". Highest Salawaat Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `alaa Sayyidina Muhmmadin an-Nabee, al-Ummee, al-Habeeb, al-`Aali, al-Qadri, al-`Azheem, al-Habeebu l-`Aaliyy al-qadr, al-`Azheemi l- jaa, wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Shaykh Yusawi (r) said that Ad-Dardeer, who is very famous, explained that and Imam Suyuti (r) has confirmed this salawaat. It is mentioned that whoever keeps reciting it once every Friday will not be put in the grave except that he will be with Prophet (s)! Also, Syed Zayni ad-Dahlaan of Mecca, a very famous mufti from the Shafi`i school of thought, wrote in one of his collections on page 65, "It is from the best forms or versions of praising Prophet (s)." Numerous awliyaullah said, "Whoever recites it even once on Friday or from Thursday evening onwards, Allah will allow his soul to see the Exemplar of All Souls (s) at his death." Allah (swt) will open for him to see Prophet (s) when his soul is coming out, not only in death but also when they take him to his grave, until he sees Prophet (s) is the one taking care of him in that grave! That is the for the one who will recite it just once! Huruf u'l Muqatta'at An ancient tradition among the ulama (the learned) and the mashaaikh (spiritual masters) is to compose salawaat giving a meaning to each letter in the name of the beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. On earth, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam is called Muhammad and in the heavens, he is called Ahmad. The name Muhammad is composed of four letters: "Meem", "Haa", "Meem", and "Daal", while the name Ahmad is composed of "Alif", "Haa", "Meem" and "Daal". The mashaaikh have composed salawaat with these letters. But Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu 'Anhu went a step beyond this. He composed a salaat with these letters together with the Huruf u'l Muqatta'at. The Huruf u'l Muqatta'at are the letters with which some of the surahs of the Qur'an Kareem start. These are: "Alif Laam Meem", "Alif Laam

Meem Saad", "Alif Laam Raa", "Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad", "Taa Haa", "Taa Seen Meem", "Taa Seen", "Yaa Seen", "Saad", "Haa Meem", "Ain, Seen, Qaaf", "Qaaf", and "Noon". Only Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala knows their true meanings, as well as those whom He cares to give this knowledge to, the foremost among them being the Holy Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. The mashaaikh are agreed that Taa Haa and Yaa Seen are attributive names of praise for the blessed Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. Other mashaaikh have explained the significance of each of the huruf u'l muqatta'at, saying they denote the sifaat (attributive qualities) of the noble Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. For example, the letter "Yaa" in "Yaa Seen" denotes a sifat, and so does the letter "Seen". Yet other mashaaikh have composed salawaat with the huruf u'l muqatta'at. Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu 'Anhu combined all this 'ulum (knowledge) in a grand convocation in just one salawaat. We find that in one of the salawaat given in Fuyudhaat u'r Rabbaniyyah, the Gauth u'l A'zam has used the letters in the blessed names Muhammad and Ahmad as well as the Huruf u'l Muqatta'at without repeating any of the Huruf u'l Muqatta'at! Who can beat such scholarship? As we appreciate this learning that is open, manifest and clear, we begin to understand the depth of his spiritual knowledge that was a secret and even more hidden. Let us then approach this salawaat after reciting Surah al-Fateha. AlFateha! Bismilla Hirrahma Nirraheem Allahumma Salli wa Sallim Wa birra wa akrim wa a'izza wa a'zim wa'rham'Ala'l 'izzish-shaamikhi wa'l majdi'l baadhikhiWa'n nur-it-taamihi wa'l haqqi'l waadhihiMeemi'l mamlakati wa Haa-i'rrahmatiWa Meemi'l ilmi wa Daal-i'd-dalaalatiWa Alifi'l jabaruti wa Haa-i'r-rahamutiWa Meemi'l malakuti wa Daali'l hidaayatiWa Laami'l altaafi'l khafiyyatiWa Raa-i'r-ra'fati'l khafiyyatiWa Nuni'l minani'l wafiyyatiWa 'Aini'l 'inaayati wa Kaafi'l kifaayatiWa Yaa-i's-siyaadati wa Seen-i's-sa'adati wa Qaafi'l qurbi Wa Taa-i's-saltanati wa Haa-i'l-'urwati wa Saad-i'l-'ismatiWa 'alaa aalihi hawaajiri 'ilmihi'l 'azeeziWa as'haabihi man asbahaddeenu bihim fee hirzin hareez. Translation In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful (1:1) O Allah! Bestow blessings, peace and honour; and give nobility, power and greatness; and have mercyon the one who is lofty in power and towering in grandeur,and is the high-aspiring light and the clear truth;the letter "Meem" (in the name Muhammad) is for the kingdom,"Haa" is for mercy, "Meem" is for knowledge, and "Daal" is for evidence (proof);the letter "Alif" (in the name Ahmad) is for might and power,"Haa" is for the realm of mercy, "Meem" is for sovereignty, and "Daal" is for guidance; the letter "Laam" (in the Huruf u'l Muqatta'at) is for hidden kindness, "Raa" is for hidden compassion,"Noon" is for perfect benevolence,"Ain" is for care and concern, "Kaaf" is for sufficiency,"Yaa" is for headship and becoming master, "Seen" is for happiness,"Qaaf" is for nearness, "Taa" is for the sultanate, "Haa" is for the tie or bond (of friendship)and "Saad" is for preservation,and (blessings and peace) on his family, who are the high noon of his esteemed knowledge,and on his companions through whom religion was well protected. Istighfar Al Kabir Its Merits:Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris wrote about the Istighfar al-Kabir: I sent it to one of the awliya, so he wrote me a letter in which he said: I read the istighfar that you sent me one time and Allah forgave me all my sins so that nothing of them remained. And this means that he knows that Allah forgave him, a real and true knowledge, otherwise how could he have said: He forgave me? Astaghfirullhal am alladh l ilha ill h, al- ayy al-qayym ghaffr adh-dhunbi, dhal-jalli wal-ikrm wa atbu ilayhi min jamil-ma kullih wal-dhunbi wal-thm wa min kulli dhanbin adhnabtuhu amdan wa khaa, hiran wa b in, qawlan wa fil f jami arakt wa sakant wa khaart wa anfs kullih diman abadan sarmad min adh-dhanbilladh alam wa min adhdhanbilladh l alam adada m aa bihil ilmu wa ahul kitbu wa khaahul qalamu wa adada m awjadat-hul qudratu wa khaaat-hul irdatu wa midda kalimtillh kam yanbagh li-jalli wajhi Rabbin wa jamlih wa kamlih wa kam yuibbu Rabbun wa yar I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Great, there is no god save He, the Living, Sustainer of Life, the Forgiver of sins, the Majestic and Generous. And I turn to Him in repentance from all acts of disobedience, and all sins and offenses. From every sin that I have committed intentionally and unintentionally, openly and in secret,in word and deed. In my every action and my every stillness, my every thought and my every breath, always and forever and eternally. From the sin that I am aware of and the sin that I am unaware of. To the number of all things contained in His knowledge, registered in the Book, written down by the Pen, and to the number of all that

His omnipotence has created, and His will chosen, and as much as the ink of Allahs words. As it befits the Majesty of the Face of Allah, and His Beauty.

Sadness Into Happiness Allahumma inni `abduka wabnu `abdika wabnu amatik nasiyati bi-yadik madin fiyya hukmuk adlun fiyya qadauk asaluka bi-kulli ismin huwa lak sammayta bihi nafsak aw allamtahu ahadan min khalqak aw anzaltahu fi kitabik awistatharta bihi fi `ilmi al-ghaybi `indak an taj`ala al-Qurana al-karima rabi`a qalbi wanura sadri wa-jalaa huzni wa-dhahaba hammi. Salaat al-`Aali al-Qadr (Salawat for the Claustrophobic) As mentioned by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani (q) and many other awliyaullah, from the Sharh Salawat ad-Dardir al-`allamah as-Saawi, reciting this salawat will eliminate claustrophobia and bring ease to you in the grave. It will also remove the fear of the interrogating angels, Munkar and Nakir. It is mentioned that whoever recites this salawat once every Friday, upon his death Prophet (s) will go with him to his burial and bury him with his own blessed hands! Numerous awliyaullah have said, "Whoever recites it even once on Friday or from Thursday evening onward, Allah (swt) will allow his soul to see the Exemplar of All Souls (s)," not only when his soul is leaving the body, but also when he is taken to the grave, until he sees the Prophet (s) is the one taking care of him in that grave. Awliyaullah say to be consistent in reading as-Salaat al-`Aali al-Qadr ten times daily and once on the night of Jumu`ah will bring you khayr al-jaseem, the uncountable good that comes from it. Also, the book Fath arRasool states that who reads it ten times after `Isha will be rewarded as if they recited it all night. Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad an-Nabiyyi 'l-Umiyy al-Habeebi 'l-`aliyya 'l-qadri 'l azheemi 'ljaahi wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. O Allah exalt and greet and bless our master Muhammad the Unlettered Prophet, the Beloved of Highest Value, Possessing Immense Status and on his family and companions and send them peace. Salaat Al Faatih Salaat al-Faatih (The Prayer that Conquers): The Prophet (s) informed us that reading this salawaat equals to reading 600,000 salawaats and performing 400 Hajj! The Prophet (s) said, For every salawaat on me a bird or angel with 70,000 wings comes and opens its wings, each of which makes salawaat on me. So every time you recite this salawaat" (Salaat al-Fatih) 600,000 birds will make salawaat and the rewards of their salawaats will be written for you." ahadeeth say reciting Salaat al-Faatih once equals to 600,000 readings of Dalaail al-Khayrat: Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin il-faatihi limaa ughliqa wa 'l-khaatimi limaa sabaqa wa 'nnaasiri 'l-haqqi bi 'l-haqqi wa 'l-haadi ilaa siraatika 'l-mustaqeema sall 'Llahu alayhi wa `alaa aalihi waashaabihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi 'l-`azheem. Translation: O Allah! Exalt our Master Muhammad (s), who opened what was closed and who is the Seal of what went before, he who makes the Truth victorious by the Truth, the guide to Thy Straight Path, and bless his household as is the due of his immense position and grandeur. Salaatu Ulu'l 'Azm Reciting this salawat three times is equal to reading the whole Dalail ul-Khayrat Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Adama wa Noohin wa Ibraahima wa Moosa wa `Isaa wa maa baynahum min an-nabiyyeena wa 'l-mursaleena salawaatullahi wa salaamuhu alayhim ajma`een. O Allah! Bestow blessings on Sayyidina Muhammad, Sayyidina Adam, Sayyidina Nuh, Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina Musa and Sayyidina `Isa and all the other Prophets and Messengers who came in between. Allah's Blessings and His Salutations be upon them all. Salaatun nabi recited by Hadrat Sayyidinaa UWAIS QARNEE Allaahumma Salli 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadiun Wa Aalihee Wa'itratihee be 'Adadi Kulli Ma' loomillaka Astaghfirullaa Halladhi La ilaahaa illaa huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu Wa Atoobu ilaih. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom

Translation: Dear Allaah, bestow Your Choicest Blessings upon our Master Muhammad and upon his extended family and his progeny according to the number of all things known to You. I seek the forgiveness of the One but for whom there is no God, The Truly and Perfectly Alive and The Self Sustained and I turn to Him with repentance. O The Truly and Perfectly Alive O The Self Sustained This is the Salaatunnabi (Durood) recited by Hadrat Sayyidinaa UWAIS QARNEE , and the inherited Durood Shareef of the Honorable chain of Quadariyyah; Mujaddidiyyah; Ghafooriyyah; Raheemiyyah; Kareemiyyah and Ameeriyyah. It is highly recommended that those who seek the love and closeness to the Beloved of Allaah, Hadrat Muhammad make it mandatory upon themselves to recite this Durood Shareef according to their capacity and the time they have available. For instance at least 11 times after each Salaat. It should be recited more frequently after Ishaa, Tahajjud and Fajr. 100,300,500 times or even more. Remember though, once the frequency is fixed, be steadfast upon it.

Salat Al Tabbiyah Allahumma Salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Tibbil qulubi wa dawaaiha Wa nuril absari wa diyaiha Wa `afiyatil abdaani wa shifaaha Wa `ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim. Salat Al Tanjiina ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA WA MAULANAMUHAMMADIW WAALAAALI SAYYIDINA WAMAULANA MUHAMMADIN SALAATAN TUNAJJINABIHA MIN JAMI'ILAHWAALI WAL'AFAATI WATAQDILANA BIHA MIN JAMI'IL HAAJAATI WATU TAHIRUNA BIHA MIN JAMI'IS SAYYI AATI WATARFA'UNA BI HAA A'LAD DARAJAATI WATU BALLIGHUNA BIHAAQSAL GHAAYAATI MIN JAMI'ILKHAIRAATI FIL HAYAATI WABA'DAL MAMAATI INNAKA ALA KULLI SHAY IN QADEER O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammad(S.A.W), our Master, and his Family such blessings by means of which Thou may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. Thou may satisfy all our needs. Thou may clean us of all evils and thanks for which Thou may grant us high position and high rank and status in Thy presence, and Thou may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world Hereafter, as Thou has the full Power over everything". Merits: This Durood Shareef is always a cure for all calamities in the world of worldly affairs. It was taught by Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (s) himself. To recite this Durood Shareef 70 times during days of calamity, turmoil and trouble, is a must. It works wonders.The great Scholar, Saint, Jurist and author, Imam ibn-Faikihani (Radi Allahu Anhu) says that there was once a pious man called Sheikh Moosa Zareer (Radi Allahu Anhu). He embarked on a voyage by ship. Due to a heavy storm, the ship started sinking. All the passengers on board started crying and clamouring, but Sheikh Moosa Zareer (Radi Allahu Anhu) went to sleep. He saw the Holy Prophet () in his dream and the Prophet () directed him and the passengers to recite Durood-eTunajjina 1 000 times. Sheikh Moosa Zareer (Radi Allahu Anhu) got up and started the recitation. As soon as he finished 300 Durood Shareefs, the storm subsided and the ship was saved. The other ship on the high seas sank, but this ship reached its destination safely and soundly. This miracle was a sufficient eye-opener for the members of the ship. It was by the Grace of Allah Ta'ala and Durood-e-Tunajjina that all were saved.All the Saints have unanimously given verdict that Durood-e-Tunajjina is the best cure of all ills and all calamities of this world. Salawaat of Sayyidina `Ali (r) Hazrat Qibla Sayyidina Ali Maula Sher E Khudah Qarma Allaho said, If you read this salawat three times daily and a hundred times on Jumu`ah, it will be as if you have read the salawat of all Creation, including ins, jinn, angels, and anything that makes salawat on Sayyidina Muhammad (s), and the Prophet (s) will take you by the hand to Paradise. Salawaatullaahi taala wa malaaikatihi wa anbiyaaihi wa rusulihi wa jami`ee khalqihi `alaa Muhammadin wa `alaa aali Muhammad `alayhi wa `alayhimu s-salaam wa rahmatullaahi taala wa barak Blessing Of Allah Almighty, of His Angels, of His Prophets, of His Messengers, and all Creation be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad; may the Peace and Mercy of Allah Almighty and His Blessings be upon him and upon them. Salawaat that Instantly Raises You Hazrat Qiblah Sayyidina `Ali Maula Sher E Khuda Qarma Allaho (r) said, man salla `alaa an-Nabi (s) bi haaoolaai kalimaati fee kulli yawmin thalaatha marraat wa fee kulli l-jumu`ah miyata marratin.

Whoever makes salawaat on the Prophet (s) with these words three times every day and a hundred times on Jumu`ah day, will benefit from them as if all of Creation, all Muslims on Earth, all mumin jinn, and all angels have made salawaat on the Prophet (s). Salawaat To Enter Through Heavens Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) taught this Durood Shareef to Hazrat Qabisa bin Mukharib (radi Allahu anhu) on a particular occasion. If any Muslim man or woman recites this Durood Shareef once, then Allah Ta'ala opens all the four Doors of Heaven for him. The reciter is at a liberty to enter into Heaven from any door he chooses. Hazrat Qabisa (radi Allahu anhu) used to only recite this Durood. The Durood is the following: That Durood is the following: Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadiw Wa Ala Aali Sayyidina Muhammadiw Wah Dini Min Indika Wa Afyid Alayya Min Fadlika Wa Anshur Alayya Mir Rahmatika Wa Anzil Alayya Mim Barakaatika. "O Allah! Shower your blessings on our Master Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam , and his Family, and give me exclusive guidance and shower grace and favours, and spread Salawat Azeemiyya Merit of Salawat Azeemiyya, is such that it outweighs the Dalai'l al-Khayrat 20,000 times & more Allhumma inn asaluka bi-nri wajhillhil am,alladh malaa arkna arshillhil a m,wa qmat bih awlimullhil am,an tuall al mawln Muammadin dhil-qadril a m,wa al li nabiyyillhil a m,biqadri aamati dhtillhil am,f kulli lamatin wa nafasin adada m f ilmillhil a m, altan dimatan bidawmillhil am,taman li-aqqika y mawln y Muammadu y dhal-khuluqil a m,wa sallim alayh i wa al lih mithla dhlik,wajma bayn wa-baynah kam jamata baynarr i wannafsi, hiran wa b inan, yaqatan wa manman,wajalhu y Rabbi ran li-dht min jamil wujhi,fidduny qablal khirati, y a m. English meaning of Salawat Azeemiyya O Allah, I ask by the Magnificent Light of Your Face, Which filled pillars of the Majestic Divine Throne, and by it are upheld the worlds of Allah, the Immense, to send blessings upon our Master Muhammad of magnificent worth, and upon the family of the Prophet of Allah, the exalted, as much as the greatness of the Essence of Allah, the Great, In every glance and in every breath, as numerous as that is contained within the Knowledge of Allah, the Great. A prayer that is perpetual in the perpetuity of Allah, al Azim In glorification of your worth, O our Master Muhammad, O you of the most noble nature, and send peace upon him and his family just as much,and join him with me, just as You joined the soul with the nafs, outwardly and inwardly, in wakefulness and in sleep. And make him, O Lord, a soul for my body in every aspect, In the here and now, before the next world to come, O the Magnificent One. Salawat Al-Askandari One day Jamal`uddin bin `Ali Askandari (r) saw the Prophet (s) in a dream who said to him, Yaa Muhammad Ibn `Ali al-Askandari! I will teach you some words that if you read them, it will be as if you read the whole wird with all its rewards! Repeat it ten times, it will be as if you have recited your entire wird all day and all night, and you will get the benefit of that reward in addition to the wird you are already doing. Repeat after me, and we are saying after the Prophet (saw): Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadini s-saabiqi li l-khalqihi nooruhu wa rahmatan li l-`alameena zhuhooruhu `adada mam-madaa min khalqika wa mam-baqiya wa man sa`ida minhum wa man shaqiya salaatan tastaghriqu l-`adda wa tuheetu bi l-haddi salaatan laa ghaayata lahaa wa laa muntahaa wa laa amadala wa lanqidaa salaatan daaimatan bi-dawaamika baaqiyatan bi-baqaaika wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi kadhaalik wa l-hamdulillahi `ala dhalik. Allahumma yaa Rabbee salli `ala Muhammadin wa `ala aali Muhammad wajzihi Muhammadan `anna maa huwa ahluhu. Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin wa `ala aali Muhammadin `adada maa `alimta wa zeenata maa `alimta wa mila maa `alimta. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa `ala kulli nabiyyin wa `ala Jibraaeela wa `ala kulli malakin wa `ala Abi Bakrin wa `ala kulli waliyyin.

Salawat Dhatiyyah Allahumma salli `alaa dh-dhaat al-mutalsam wa l-ghayb al-mutamtam laahoot al-jamaal naasoot al-wisaal tal`ati l-haqq ka-sawbi insaan al-azal fee nashree man lam yazal fee qaabi naasoot al-wisaal al-aqrab. Allahumma salli bihi minhu feehi alayhi wa sallim. Who knows Arabic knows how profound this salaat is. Allahumma salli `alaa dh-dhaat al-mutalsam wa lghayb al-mutamtami laahootil-jamaal. Here it expresses that there is no one more beautiful than Prophet (s), he is the beauty of this universe and he is the beauty of heavens and here Allah sends His prayers and praises on that Essence that no one knows about, for it is hidden and you cannot penetrate its realities without knowing the secret codes needed to open it and decode them. For example, if you have a rough diamond it is a large rock which you break down and break down until you reach the gem, then you cut it nicely and then after that you have to polish it. He then mentions the Dhaat al-Mutalsam, that essence that is covered and which no one can open, and al-Ghayb al-Mutamtam, the unseen ghayb that no one can reach or discuss. It then mentions al-Laahoot al-Jamaal. Laahoot means that which belongs to earth and Naasoot is the connection from earth to heavens, the appearance of Truth, which is Sayyidina Muhammad (s), where Allah dressed him with the dresses of Justice, Beauty and ...of human beings. Insan al-azal fee maa nashari maa lam yazal, the human being that is living from azal to abad who will open from the secrets of heavenly Names and Attributes." Fee qaabi naasoot al- wisaal al-aqrab. He opens only to those who reached the connection between earthly life and heavenly life, he opened to them as they are moving forward to heavens. Yaa Allah salli bihi. Salli bihi is different than salli `alayh. It means make the salaat through him. Salli bihi minhu. Make the salaat from him to him from the Prophet (s) to the Prophet (s) and in him, wa sallim, and give greetings of peace. Amin. Salawat that Equals 100,000 Salawat If you recite the following salawat once, it is equal to reciting 100,000 salawat that you recite daily: Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin `abdika wa nabiyyika wa rasoolika an-nabiyy al-ummiyy wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasleeman bi qadari `azhamati dhaatika fee kulli waqtin wa heen. O Allah, please send prayers upon Sayyidina Muhammad, Your Servant and Your Prophet and Your Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and send peace and greetings as plenty as Your Greatness, in all times and moments. Salutation for the Day of Gathering It is said, Whoever repeats this on Friday seven (7) times will receive the intercession [shafaa] of the Messenger, Allah bless him and give him peace. It is assured. Allhumma salli wa sallim wa brik al sayyidin Muhammadin wa al li sayyidin Muhammadin saltan taknu laka ridan, wa lahu jazan, wa li-haqqihi adan, wa atihi-l waslata wa-l fadlata, wa-bathhu-l maqma-l mahmda-ni lladhi wa adtah, wa-jzihi ann m huwa ahluh, wa-jzihi ann afdala m jzaita nabiyyan an qawmihi wa raslan an ummatih, wa salli alaihi wa al jami ikhwnihi mina-n nabiyyna wa-l mursalna wa-s siddqna wa-sh shuhadi wa-slihn, bi-rahmatika y arhama-r rhimn. O Allah, shower Thy beneficence, give peace and rain blessings upon our liege-lord Muhammad and upon the family of our liege-lord Muhammad with a benediction that is acceptable to Thee and as may recompense him befitting his stature; grant him the means and the merit; elevate him to the praiseworthy station Thou hast promised him; honour him on our behalf with the most beautiful requital and a reward more excellent than one granted by Thee to any Prophet on behalf of his people or to any Messenger on behalf of his nation; and invoke blessings upon him and his brothers from the Prophets, the Messengers, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous. By Thy Universal Mercy, O most Merciful of the merciful. Salutation for the Deliverance of the Soul The Salutation (for the Deliverance) of the Soul [salatu-r ruh] is customarily recited at the graveyard, especially at the final resting abodes of ones parents, ancestors, relatives and teachers. It is also known as durud-e-dawami. A shorter version without the first three lines is known as durud-e-shifa. Extracts of this benediction also appear in the Salawatcompendium of Imam al-Jazuli, Dalailu-l Khayrat. Many spiritual guides have stated that this salutation is equivalent to 1,000salawat. Our Shaikhuna Dr. Taika Shuaib al-

Kirkari al-Siddiqi has mentioned the following benefits in relation to this salutation in his prayer book, AlMunjiyat: Reciting it once is equal to reciting the whole of the Dalailu-l Khayrat Reciting it 3 times at a graveyard will provide its occupants relief from the trials of the grave for 80 years Reciting it 4 times protects the dead from all tribulations of the grave till the Day of Judgement. Reciting it 24 times for ones parents would deem one to have discharged ones duties to them. Such parents would be visited by a thousand angels Reciting it daily brings about purification of the heart, immense beneficial effects on the body and soul, and an exalted position here and in the hereafter Success is from Allah. Allhumma salli al Muhammadin mdmati-s salawt, wa salli al Muhammadin mdmati-r rahmah, wa salli al Muhammadin mdmati-l barakh, wa salli al rhi Muhammadin fi-l arwh, wa salli al srati Muhammadin fi-s suwar, wa salli al ismi Muhammadin fi-l asm, wa salli al nafsi Muhammadin fi-n nufs, wa salli al qalbi Muhammadin fi-l qulb, wa salli al qabri Muhammadin fi-l qubr, wa salli al rawdati Muhammadin fi-r riyd, wa salli al jasadi Muhammadin fi-l ajsd, wa salli al turbati Muhammadin fi-t turb, wa salli al ummati Muhammadin fi-l umam, wa salla-Llahu wa sallama wa braka al khairi khalqihi sayyidin Muhammadin wa lihi wa ashbihi wa azwjihi wa dhurriytihi wa ahli baytihi wa ahbbihi ajman, bi-rahmatika y arhama-r rhimn, wa-l hamdulillhi rabbi-l lamn. O Allh, invoke benedictions upon the praised one till Your benedictions are completed, Your mercy is exhausted, and Your blessings are fulfilled. And whelm the soul of the praised one, from amongst all spirits, with Your choicest benedictions; ennoble the appearance of the praised one, from amongst all forms, with Your choicest benedictions; exalt the name of the praised one, from amongst all appellations, with Your choicest benedictions; exalt the quintessence of the praised one, from amongst all essence, with Your choicest benedictions; illuminate the heart of the praised one, from amongst all bosoms, with Your choicest benedictions; enwrap the resting abode of the praised one, from amongst all graves, with Your choicest benedictions; shower the garden of the praised one, from amongst all fields, with Your choicest benedictions; clothe the body of the praised one, from amongst all beings, with Your choicest benedictions; perfume the dust of the praised one, from amongst all earth, with Your choicest benedictions; and honour the nation of the praised one, from amongst all people, with Your choicest benedictions. May Allh invoke benedictions, bestow peace, and shower blessings upon the best of His Creation, our liege-lord Muhammad, and on his pure family, noble companions, faithful wives, blessed progeny, protected household, and ardent lovers. Through Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful. And praise be to Allh, Lord of all the Worlds Sawaab JazAllahoo Unna Syedina Muhammadum Ma Hu Wa Ahh Lo Ho Read This Darood E Pak Once And 70,000 Angels Will Keep Writing Sawab For You For 1000 Days. Sayyid as-Salawaat As an addition to Sayyidina `Ali's salawaat, this salawaat was given by Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) in a vision of Shaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani (q), who said, Reciting this salawaat even once in your lifetime is heavier than if the whole of Creation was standing twenty-four hours in salawaat, repeating it all their lives; this salawaat will be heavier on the Scale then all of their salawaats combined! Alaa ashrafi l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat. Alaa afdali l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat. Alaa akmali l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat. Salawaatullaahi ta`alaa wa malaaikatihi wa anbiyaaihi wa rusoolihi wa jami`ee khalqihi `alaa Muhammad wa `alaa aali Muhammad `alayhi wa `alayhimu s-salaam wa rahmatullaahi ta`alaa wa barakatuh. Wa radi-Allahu tabaraka wa ta`alaa `an-saadaatinaa as-haabi rasoolillaahi ajma`een. Wa `ani t-taabi`eena bihim biihsaanin, wa `ani l-aimmati l-mujtahedeen al-maadeen, wa `ani l-`ulamaai l-muttaqeen, wa `ani l-awliyaai s-saaliheen, wa `an mashayikhinaa fi t-tareeqatin naqshibandiyyati l-`aliyyah, qaddas Allaahu ta`ala

arwaahahumu z-zakiyya, wa nawwarr Allaahu ta`alaa adrihatamu l-mubaaraka, wa `adallaahu ta`alaa `alaynaa min barakaatihim wa fuyoodatihim daaiman wa l-hamdulillaahi rabbi l-`alameen. Upon the Noblest of all Creation, our Master Muhammad, blessings. Upon the most Preferred of all Creation, our Master Muhammad, blessings. Upon the most Perfect of all Creation, our Master Muhammad, blessings. Blessings of God (Exalted is He!), of His angels, of His prophets, of His Emissaries, and of all creation be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad; may the peace and mercy of God (Exalted is He!) and His blessings be upon him and upon them. May God, the Blessed and Most High, be pleased with every one of our Masters, the Companions of the Emissary of God, and with those who followed them in excellence, and with the early masters of juristic reasoning, and with the pious scholars, and the righteous saints and with our Shaykhs in the exalted Naqshbandi Order. May God (Exalted is He!) sanctify their pure souls, and illuminate their blessed graves. May God (Exalted is He!) return to us of their blessings and overflowing bounty, always. Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds, Al-Fatihah. Tawassul Dua The Supplication Through the Means of the Prophet Allhuma inn as'aluka wa atawajjahu ilayka bi nabyyika Muammad, Nabyu rramah, y Muammad inni atawajjahu bika ila rabb f jat hdhihi li-tuq l. Allhumma shaffihu fyya" "O Allah! I am asking You and turning to You through Your Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy. O Muhammad! [YA MUHAMMAD!] I am turning to My Lord, taking you as a means for my request to be granted. O Allah, grant me his intercession." The Salutation of Medicinal Virtue The Salutation of Medicinal Virtue [salatu-t tibbiyyah] is a succinct benediction that our Shaikhuna terms as the salutation to strengthen ones body and soul. The constant recitation of this salutation is a tried and tested means to attaining cure for ones physical and spiritual maladies. Shaikh Amjad Rasheed of Jordan clearly explains the wordings of this salutation in this answer: Is the Prophet, peace be upon him, a healer of sicknesses? The words wa rawhi-l arwhi wa ghadhih is found in the version of this salutation distributed by the late gnostic of Damascus, Shaikh Ahmad al-Habbal al-Rifai, who was widely considered as one of the forty Abdal of the age. Success is from Allah. And Allah is the Guide. Allhumma salli al sayyidin Muhammadin tibbi-l qulbi wa dawih, wa fiyati-l abdni wa shifih, wa nri-l absri wa-l basiri wa diyih, wa rawhi-l arwhi wa ghadhih, wa al lihi wa sahbihi wa brik wa sallim. O Allah, invoke salutations upon our liege-lord Muhammad the medicine of hearts and their cure, the health of bodies and their healing, the light of outer and inner sight and their illumination and upon his family and companions, complete with peace and blessing.

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