Kimberly Forgay Resume With References
Kimberly Forgay Resume With References
Kimberly Forgay Resume With References
Professional Profile
Creative, outgoing and confident leader with excellent communication, planning, collaboration and organizational skills. Driven to support and work alongside all kinds of learners in a fun and innovative environment that encourages growth and development, personalizing teaching to each students learning styles and needs.
Bachelor of Education Major: Early Childhood Education University of Calgary, AB, 2013 Bachelor of Communication and Culture University of Calgary, AB, 2011
Professional Experience
Glenbrook School Practicum (Kindergarten) - Feb 2013 April 2013
Built relationships and rapport with students, staff and parents Prepared lessons that supported a varying range of student learning styles and needs Taught collaboratively with partner teacher and student ed. assistant Prepared and taught full days individually for the last four weeks Prepared and taught units and lessons in all subject areas Prepared and taught inquiry-based projects Supported and assisted students in small groups, large groups and one-on-one Worked collaboratively with grades two and six for class buddies Taught a school-wide yoga program in physical education Used documentation to reflect on the process of students learning Used formative and summative assessment strategies Attended professional learning opportunities with the school
her instruction is clearly given, simple, she uses straightforward language, provides plenty of examples and time for students to understand her. She is engaging, funny, and will get down to the students level to get them involved in what she is teaching. Anna Li-Wang Grade One Teacher Wildwood School
Contributed to parent-teacher interviews and conducted testing Wildwood School Volunteering (Grade 1) - Dec 2012 Present Volunteer with students Conduct lessons and offer assistance to the teacher Wildwood School Practicum (Grade 1) - Nov 2012 Dec 2012 Built relationships and rapport with students, staff and parents Taught individually and with partner student teacher daily Prepared and taught lessons in all subject areas Personalized teaching to varying learning styles and needs
...worked effectively with the Grade One team and other staff members, developed a strong connection with the students and communicated successfully with parents. Kim would be an asset and a valued member to any school. Anna Vilaysane Grade One Teacher Wildwood School
Involved with the staff and contributed to parent-teacher interviews North Haven School Volunteering (Grade 1/2) - April 2012 Present Volunteer in two grades 1/2 multiage classes Observe and help students in their learning
Conduct testing and assist the teacher when needed North Haven School Practicum (Grade 1/2) - Mar 2012 Apr 2012 Built relationships and rapport with students, staff and parents Conducted individual lessons and created a home reading program Worked with a guided reading group daily Assisted with field trips One week school-wide observations - Nov 2011
Citadel Park School Practicum (K-4) Valley Creek School Practicum (4-9) is evident that Kim is a lifelong learner and pushes to find new ways to challenge herself and provide the best for her students. Sandi Metz Grade 1/2 Teacher North Haven School
One week school-wide observations - Oct 2011 Bow Croft Elementary Practicum (Grade 1/2) - Oct 2008 Dec 2008 Observed and assisted students in their learning
Related Experience
Calaway Park (Lead) - April 2005 Present
Ongoing coaching and training of employees (aged 14-18) Completed work schedules, timecards and other documentation Evaluate and recognize employee performance Maintain inventory and solve technical problems Flexibility to work in all departments on park
... very passionate about her future as a teacher and is truly invested to providing a wonderful learning atmosphere to the children she teaches. As a father I would be absolutely thrilled if Kim was my sons teacher. William Ast Riverside Spa Owner
Assist children and families in a fun retail environment Girl Guides Volunteer (Sparks Leader) - Sep 2010 May 2012 Worked alongside and managed young girls aged five to six Planned activities that helped girls reach the goals of being a Spark Worked collaboratively with all leaders, assisting them when needed
Additional Experience
Riverside Spa (Guest Services Representative) - Sep 2009 Present
Answer phones, book appointments, ensure guests needs are met Work collaboratively with others and maintain retail sales Assist with marketing materials, training and day-to-day management
Learning Commons (Mar 2013) Calgary City Teachers Convention (Feb 2013)
Professional Learning
... Kim teaches with poise and confidence, always striving to maintain the students interests and involvement through wellorganized learning activities that she presents with enthusiasm. Laura Levorson Kindergarten Teacher Glenbrook School
University of Calgary Student Led Conference (Jan 2013) Understanding SMART Boards for Classroom Use (Jan 2013) Substitute Teachers: Roles and Responsibilities (Jan 2013) Early Childhood Education Council Conference (Nov 2012) Assessing Learning Disabilities in the Inclusive Classroom (Oct 2012) Teacher Professional Growth Plans (Oct 2012) Documentation in the Classroom (Oct 2012) Math for Success (Apr 2012)
Alberta Teachers Association ESA Membership Early Childhood Education Council Membership Standard First Aid & Level C CPR
Laura Levorson Kindergarten Teacher Glenbrook School Anna Li-Wang Grade One Teacher Wildwood School Sandi Metz Grade One/Two Teacher North Haven School 403-455-7236 [email protected]
403-560-1961 [email protected]
403-389-1633 [email protected]