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Usage: Adverbs of Degree Are Usually Placed

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Usage Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or degree of an action, an adjective or another adverb.

Common adverbs of degree: Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely. Adverbs of degree are usually placed: 1. before the adjective or adverb they are modifying: e.g. The water was extremely cold. before the main verb: e.g. He was just leaving. She has almost finished.
almost completel y entirely extremely near ly partially perf ectly pretty quite rather ver y wholly

casi completamente enteramente extremadament e casi parcialmente perfectamente bastante bastante bastante muy enteramente

Posicin de los adverbios de grado It is very hot (adverbio + adjetivo). Hace mucho calor. He travels to New York quite often (adverbio + adverbio). Viaja a Nueva York bastante a menudo. It is hot enough to go to the beach (adjetivo + enough). Hace calor suficiente para ir a la playa. We ran fast enough to win the race (adverbio + enough). Corrimos lo suficientemente rpido para ganar la carrera. "Enough" en este caso no se debe confundir con un adjetivo ya que cuando funciona como adjetivo precede al nombre al que modifica.

We have enough tomatoes. Tenemos suf icientes tomates. Suelen ir delante del verbo principal, detr s del verbo "to be" y detrs del auxiliar en los t iempos compuestos. I have hardly known her. Apenas la he conocido. I completely f orgot our date. Olvid completamente nuestra cita. You wer e really tr ying to help her. Estabais realmente intentando ayudar la. Los adverbios "absolutely", "completely", "totally", y "rather" pueden ir en posicin f inal. I f orgot our date completely . Olvid nuestra cit a completamente. I completely f orgot our date. Olvid completamente nuestra cita.
almost absolutely awfully* badly* barely completely decidedly deeply enough enormously entirely extremely fairly far fully greatly hardly highly how incredibly indeed intensely just least less little lots most much nearly perfectly positively practically pretty* purely quite rather really scarcely simply so somewhat strongly terribly* thoroughly too totally utterly very virtually well


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