Letter, Musical Pitch, and Color in The Work of Pauls Foster Case

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Spring 2006

Letter, Musical Pitch, and Color in the Work of Paul Foster Case
Alison Deadman

n his published works, the author of esoteric books and founder of the occult society The Builders of the Adytum, Paul Foster Case, makes references to and gives examples of a system that correlates color, musical pitches, and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet; however, nowhere in his available writing does he explain why these particular colors, pitches, and letters belong together. By analyzing Cases correspondences and piecing together the various hints that he gives about them, this article demonstrates that he was using a systematic application of a logical theory that has at its root the division of the Hebrew alphabet into mother, double and single letters; the division of the color spectrum into primary, secondary, and tertiary colors; and the division of the musical scale into twelve equal half-steps.1

derived from certain traditional occult interpretations of the Hebrew letters. These are given in an ancient volume of Qabalistic wisdom. The name of the book is the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation. From it are taken all occult attributions of the Hebrew alphabet given herein, with the exception of the attributions of the sun, moon and planets to the seven letters technically known as doubles, because each of them has a hard and a soft pronunciation.4 This article suggests a logical derivation for the system Case used to correlate each letter of the Hebrew alphabet with both color and pitch.

The Sepher Yetzirah

he Sepher Yetzirah is a short book (between 1,300 and 2,500 words, depending on which version one consults5) that, as Aryeh Kaplan explains, Is without question the oldest and most mysterious of all Kabbalistic texts.6 References to the Sepher Yetzirah date back as early as the first century C.E., but the origins and authorship are not known and most likely date back before the first century references. The Sepher Yetzirah does not assign colors or musical pitches to the Hebrew letters. It is rather concerned with examining the mystical aspects of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which it divides into three groups: Three mother letters (Aleph, ); Mem, m; and Shin,

aul Foster Case (1884-1954) in his The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages2 assigns each Tarot card (or key as he terms them) of the major arcana to one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, to a particular musical pitch, and to a specific color. In the Tarot deck he designed3 the assigned color provides an external frame for the pictorial glyph, and the appropriate letter of the Hebrew alphabet is printed in the lower right-hand corner of each key. Case does not explain the colors and pitches, nor does he elaborate on how they are derived or assigned to specific keys. The only hint that he gives is in the chapter entitled Construction of the Tarot where he tells us enigmatically that: In addition to the clues afforded by the numbers and titles of the major trumps, or Keys, and by the associations of ideas suggested by the letter-names, we find others
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About the Author

Alison P. Deadman, Ph.D., is associate professor of music at East Tennessee State University and artist/clinician for the Yamaha Corporation of America. She is also a long-time esoteric student. For further information see her website: www.etsu.edu/music/faculty/deadman.html.

The Esoteric Quarterly #);7 seven double letters (Beth, b; Gimel, g; Daleth, d; Kaph, k; Peh, p; Resh, r; and Tav, t); and twelve single letters (Heh, h; Vau, w; Zain, z; Cheth, x; Teth, +; Yod, y; Lamed, l; Nun, n; Samekh, s; Ayin, (; Tzaddi, c; and Qoph, q). The Sepher Yetzirah also seems to create a mystical cube from the letters, assigning each to an edge (single letters), a face (six of the double letters), an internal dimension (mother letters) or the central point (the remaining double letter, Tav) on the so-called cube of space. Case makes mention of this cube in The Tarot, but only briefly; he provides a diagram indicating the position on the cube assigned to each of the 22 Keys of the Tarot and thus each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but tells his readers that No more than hints of this cube symbolism can be given in this introductory text, but we have thought best to include the figure of the Cube of Space, since careful study will reveal to discerning readers many clues to a deeper understanding of the Tarot symbolism.8 Few authors have written about this diagram or its meaning. David Allen Hulse gives a summary of the symbolism of a cube in his New Dimensions for the Cube of Space saying that: To Plato, this simple shape represented the element of earth. To every initiated Mason, the cube is the ultimate symbol for the soul, polished and shaped by constant spiritual work. In the emblematic language of alchemy, the cube is the body, whereas the sphere is the spirit.9 The Cube of Space, like the better-known Qabalistic diagram, the Tree of Life, can be interpreted as a map of the souls journey toward unity with the Divine. The three-dimensional nature of the Cube makes it the more complex of the two glyphs and perhaps this is the reason that so little has been written about it. The combination of geometry, sound, and number (Hebrew letters are also numbersymbols) that is found within the Sepher Yetzirah was fundamental to both the Pythagorean and Hebraic traditions.10

Table 1. Associations between Tarot Keys and Hebrew Letters

Key 0. The Fool 1. The Magician 2. The High Priestess 3. The Empress 4. The Emperor 5. The Hierophant 6. The Lovers 7. The Charriot 8. Strength 9. The Hermit 10. The Wheel of Fortune 11. Justice 12. The Hanged Man 13. Death 14. Temperance 15. The Devil 16. The Tower 17. The Star 18. The Moon 19. The Sun 20. Judgment 21. The World Letter Aleph Beth Gimmel Daleth Heh Vav Zain Cheth Teth Yod Kaph Lamed Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Peh Tzaddi Qoph Resh Shin Tav ) b g d h w z x t y k l m n s ( p c q r # t

The Major Arcana and the Hebrew Alphabet

n the Introduction to The Tarot, Case suggests that the Tarot originated around 1200 C.E. but dates the modern revival of interest in it as an esoteric science (rather than an exoteric parlor game) to Eliphas Levis Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie of 1854.11 Quoting Levi, he makes clear that the Tarot is an erudite Kabalistic book,12 and states that it makes use of the relatively simple system of num-


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Spring 2006 bers and letters afforded by the Qabalah, or Secret Wisdom of Israel.13 represented by Mem, is the first mirror. Water reflects images upside down, and this idea is carried out by the symbolism and title of Key 12, which is a symbol of reflected life, of life in image, of life in the forms taken by the occult water, or cosmic substance.18

The scheme that Case uses to relate the Hebrew alphabet to the major arcana of the Tarot is identical with that used by the occult society known as The Golden Dawn.14 Case had been a member of this society from 1918-1922,15 and as such had sworn an oath not to reveal Letter-Color Associations: any of their teachings; however, he had been Moina Mathers and the Golden studying the Tarot long before joining the Dawn Color Scales Golden Dawn. In the 1919 preface to his Introduction to the Study of Tarot, Case says of owards the end of The Tarot, Case makes the attributions of the Hebrew letters I worked reference to the Qabalistic Tree of Life. out this system some This glyph consists of ten twelve years ago.16 circles or sephiroth conHe makes clear in The nected by 22 paths. Case As someone who began his Tarot when discussing career as a professional mu- states: his attribution of the seven planets to the sician, it is perhaps not sur- The paths connecting the ten circles are those of the seven double letters, prising that musical pitch twenty-two letters and which were also their corresponding Keys. was important to Case. A identical to the system Each of these paths correespoused by the typescript document from sponds also to the mode of Golden Dawn, that he 1922 entitled The Lifeconsciousness attributed to did not consider he its letter, and each path is Power written by Case was breaking any oath to the color by revealing things makes clear that he is draw- related mentioned in this book.19 that he had worked out ing on the work of Edward on his own prior to his The teaching of the Maryon (1867-1954) for his involvement with the Golden Dawn included the Golden Dawn.17 Table Qabalistic Tree of Life. pitch-color associations. 1 illustrates the The Golden Dawn was Maryons book Marcotone: Hebrew letters founded in 1888 by a associated with each The Science of Tone-Color group of three Masons, key of the major arWilliam Wynn Wescott, expounds his theory of a cana. The name of Robert Woodman, correlation between musical William each Hebrew letter is and Samuel Liddell Macalso a word in its own pitches and color in a didac- Gregor Mathers. The right, and Case uses first initiate of the society tic format. these words to help was Mina Bergson who elucidate the meaning would later marry Macof the associated Tarot Gregor Mathers and take the name Moina key, for example he says of Key 12, The Mathers. She had significant clairvoyant skills Hanged Man/Mem: and was a trained artist of Jewish descent.20 It is Moina who is credited with creating the four Mem. Its name means literally seas, color-scales of the Golden Dawn. Each colorbut, like many plurals in Hebrew, it desigscale represents one of the four Qabalistic nates a general idea, in this instance, waworlds21 and it was the so-called King-scale, ter. In this connection we may note that alassociated with Atziluth (the archetypal world, chemists call water the mother, seed, and the world of the God-force or Deity) that was root of all minerals. Water, the element assigned to the paths of the Tree of Life.22 Ta-

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The Esoteric Quarterly ble 2 compares the Golden Dawn King Scale (as recorded by Israel Regardie)23 with Cases system. The reader should note that the paths on the Tree of Life are numbered 11-32 (numbers 1-10 being assigned the ten sephiroth). The similarities will be immediately clear, especially if one is prepared to equate orangeyellow with amber and green with emerald green. The only points at which the two colorscales diverge significantly are: the slight difference for path 19 (Key 8, Teth) where the Golden Dawn scale lists greenish-yellow and Case has simply yellow; and path 31 where the Golden Dawn scale shows scarlet-orange and Case simplifies it to scarlet. I will suggest in the discussion that follows that Cases system is different in these places for very specific reasons. mary, secondary and tertiary colors). His educational goal was to teach the student to associate color and pitch; that is to develop absolute pitchthe ability to sing or recognize a specified pitch at will, without reference to any external sound.28 Maryon believed that: When Marcotone has become a natural possession, acquired through the common educational system of the people, a new epoch will have come. The characteristic feature of this epoch will be, that the Divine Cosmical Idea will then be expressed, as the Practical Work of Human Endeavor29

The Mother Letters

he Sephper Yetzirah assigns the three mother letters to the internal dimensions of the cube of space and Case assigns each letter a color/pitch pair: Aleph (pale, light yellow/E) connects the upper face to the lower face; Shin (scarlet/C) connects North and South faces, while Mem (pale blue/G-sharp) connects East and West faces of the cube30. If you refer to Table 2 you will note that in Moina Mathers King-scale the mother letters are assigned colors that are intensebright pale yellow, deep blue, glowing scarlet-orange. Case removes the intensity, but includes modifiers for both Aleph (clear, pale yellow) and Mem (pale blue), but not for any of the other letters, thus the color for Shin (scarlet) has no modifier associated with it. The three mother letters are also associated with three of the four esoteric elements. Shin is associated with the element of fire, and so it seems logical that of his three colors Case should choose scarlet, likewise Mem is associated with water, and pale blue would seem to be the obvious color. This leaves the element of air and the color clear, pale yellow. Figure 1 shows the chromatic scale inscribed around a circle. One can see immediately that the three pitches Case assigns to the mother letters divide the chromatic octave and the color wheel exactly into three equal portions. I suggest that this is the reason he changed the Golden Dawn scarlet-orange to plain scarlet. The three letters here create what a musician would call an aug-

Color-Pitch Associations: Edward Maryon and the Marcotone system

s someone who began his career as a professional musician, it is perhaps not surprising that musical pitch was important to Case. A typescript document from 1922 entitled The Life-Power written by Case24 makes clear that he is drawing on the work of Edward Maryon25 (1867-1954) for his pitch-color associations. Maryons book Marcotone: The Science of Tone-Color26 expounds his theory of a correlation between musical pitches and color in a didactic format. In a 1905 article, Maryon makes clear his view that the vibratory natures of both light and sound have a spiritual source saying: Is not Mans truest expression in song? Are not all the suns of all the Universes qualified by the power of their chantings? Yes, for Svara, the Great Breath, source of all Vibration, as motion in waves of sound or light, embodies all things in Cosmos, it is Gods embodied Will.27 Maryon believed that most people could bring to mind a particular color with accuracy but not a particular pitch. By working with ratios of light to sound waves, Maryon came up with specific color equivalencies for each of the 12 pitches of the chromatic scale (employing pri12

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Spring 2006

Table 2. Comparison of the Golden Dawn King-Scale and Cases Color Scale.
Path 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Case Clear Pale Yellow Yellow Blue Green Scarlet Red-Orange Orange Orange-Yellow Yellow Yellow-Green Violet Green Pale Blue Blue-Green Blue Indigo/Blue-Violet Scarlet Violet Violet-Red Orange Scarlet Indigo/Blue-Violet Golden Dawn King-Scale Bright Pale Yellow Yellow Blue Emerald Green Scarlet Red Orange Orange Amber Greenish-Yellow Yellowish-Green Violet Emerald Green Deep Blue Green Blue Blue Indigo Scarlet Violet Ultra Violet Crimson Orange Glowing Scarlet-Orange Indigo Letter Aleph Beth Gimmel Daleth Heh Vav Zain Chayth Teth Yod Kaph Lamed Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Peh Tzaddi Qoph Resh Shin Tav Key 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

mented triad and are assigned the three primary colors. The three primary colors are the only three colors of light that the human eye is capable of registering. All other colors that we perceive are formed of mixtures of these three colors. Why is there no reference to the fourth element, earth? Case provides the answer when he tells us that the cube is a symbol that from the time of Pythagoras has been associated with the earth,31 so the cube itself provides the fourth element.

The Double Letters

here are seven double letters, which both Case and Moina Mathers assign to the seven colors of the light spectrum (scarlet, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) and Case adds their associated pitches. These colors are the three primary colors (scarlet, yellow, and blue) the three secondary colors (orange, green and violet) and one tertiary color (indigo). The identification of seven colors in the light spectrum is in some ways arbitrary, as there are no clear

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The Esoteric Quarterly dividing lines between constituent colors, rather each blends into the next. The tradition of there being seven colors goes back to Sir Isaac Newton, who felt that there should be a correspondence between the number of colors in the spectrum and the number of notes in a diatonic scale; although, unlike Maryon, he had no accurate way to correlate sound and light waves.32 All of the double letters but one are assigned by the Sepher Yetzirah to the faces of the cube of space. Case and Moina Mathers take the remaining double letter, Tav (which the Sepher Yetzirah assigns to the center of the cube), and associate it with the only tertiary color in the light spectrum, indigo, and thus the pitch A. The other six double letters are: Beth assigned to the upper face (E/Yellow);

Figure 1. Mother Letters: Primary Colors: Augmented Triad

B A-sharp C (scarlet) Shin C-sharp

G-sharp (pale blue) Mem


G F-sharp F

E (clear, pale yellow) Aleph

Figure 2. Double Letters: Primary and Secondary Colors: Whole Tone Scale
A-sharp A-sharp (violet) Kaph C (scarlet) Peh C-sharp

A (indigo) Tav

D (orange) Resh

G-sharp (blue) Gimmel


G F-sharp (green) Daleth F

E (yellow) Beth


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Spring 2006 of Space and are associated with the twelve Gimmel, the lower face (G-sharp/blue); signs of the zodiac as shown in Table 3. Daleth, the Eastern face (F-sharp/green); Kaph, the Western face (A-sharp/violet); Peh, the The number of single letters/edges to the cube North face (C/scarlet); and Resh the Southern (twelve) is double that of the number of faces face (D/orange). These pitches and colors are to the cube (six). One can see from Table 3 illustrated in Figure 2 where you will notice that Case has taken the signs of the zodiac in that they divide the color wheel and the chrousual order beginning with Aries and assigned matic octave equally into six parts (creating them to the ascending chromatic scale/color what musicians call a whole-tone scale). Carewheel, starting with the pitch/color C/scarlet. ful examination of this whole-tone scale reWhen compared with Moina Mathers Kingveals a close connection with the mother letscale, the letter Teth is the only one that is sigters. You will see that there are twice as many nificantly different in Cases system (see Table faces to the cube (six 1). If Case had used greenfaces) as there were inish-yellow which presumably ternal dimensions (three [T]he correspondences equates with yellow-green dimensions). In the he would have had two single between Hebrew letters, same way that each letters with the same mother letter is assigned colors, and pitches in color/pitch and there would to one of three elements, not be a letter assigned to the Cases work are based each of the double letcolor/pitch yellow/E. Cases on a systematic applicaters is assigned to one of system for single letters is ilthe seven planets (Sun, tion of a logical theory lustrated in Figure 3. Moon, Mercury, Venus, that has at its root the Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). Conclusion division of the Hebrew The planet most closely he foregoing discussion associated with fire alphabet into mother, has shown that the correthe fiery energy of Mars spondences between Hedouble and single letters; (the letter Peh), is asbrew letters, colors, and signed to the same the division of the color pitches in Cases work are pitch/color (C/scarlet) as spectrum into primary, based on a systematic applicathe letter Shin. Liketion of a logical theory that secondary and tertiary wise the letter/planet has at its root the division of combination most colors; and the division the Hebrew alphabet into closely associated with of the musical scale into mother, double and single letwater (Gimmel/Moon) ters; the division of the color twelve equal half-steps. is assigned the same spectrum into primary, seconpitch/color (Gdary and tertiary colors; and sharp/blue) as had the the division of the musical scale into twelve mother letter Mem (water) and the letter planet equal half-steps. For Case, however, this is combination most closely associated with air more than a theoretical system. He makes a (Beth/Mercury) the same pitch/color practical application of this work clear in The (E/yellow) as had the mother letter Aleph (air). Life-Power where he speaks of the mother letThe pitches for the other three planets are ter Shin and its relationship with the esoteric formed by inserting three pitches/colors element of fire. He writes: (D/orange, F-sharp/green, and A-sharp/violet) exactly in-between those of the existing triad. To hum the tone C, therefore, is to set up sound vibrations which have a true correThe Single Letters spondence with the cosmic Fire. If, at the same time, you visualize the corresponding he twelve single letters of the alphabet are color, and intone words (thought-forms) assigned to the twelve edges of the Cube whose meaning is in harmony with this tone

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The Esoteric Quarterly and color, you will be able to get in conscious touch with a limitless store of energy.33 He also makes a similar statement in The Tarot, where he suggests: If you will look at something yellow, and intone the note Enatural before you being to look at Key 1, you will intensify the evocative effect of that Key.34 In part two of The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, Case discusses the ten Rosicrucian Grades, which are stages in the souls journey toward Unity or true self-knowledge. Case spells out significant words associated with

Table 3. Single Letters

Pitch C C-sharp D D-sharp E F F-sharp G G-sharp A A-sharp B Letter Heh Vau Zain Cheth Teth Yod Lamed Nun Samekh Ayin Tzaddi Qoph Edge of Cube North-East South-East East-Above East-Below North-Above North-Below North-West South-West West-Above West-Below South-Above South-Below Scarlet Red-Orange Orange Orange-Yellow Yellow Yellow-Green Green Blue-Green Blue Blue-Violet/ Indigo Violet Red-Violet Color Zodiacal Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Figure 3. Single Letters: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors: Chromatic Scale
B (red-violet) Qoph C (scarlet) Heh

A-sharp (violet) Tzaddi

C-sharp (red-orange) Vau

A (indigo) Ayin

D (orange) Zain

G-sharp (blue) Samekh

D-sharp (orange-yellow) Cheth

G (blue-green) Nun

E (yellow) Teth

F-sharp (green) Lamed

F (yellow-green) Yod


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Spring 2006

each grade, for example Tahoor meaning purified and spelled Teth, Heh, Vav, Resh for the second grade of Theoricus (which is the grade in which one learns the underlying theory that will be applied in subsequent practice35). Case uses the Tarot keys assigned to each letter of the word in question (for Tahoor: Strength, The Emperor, The Hierophant, and The Sun) to elucidate significant teachings associated with the grade being discussed. By so doing, he invokes the power of the Hebrew letter and the associated color (which forms the frame to the keys of his Tarot deck) but makes no mention of the musical pitches; however, based on the above quotations from The LifePower and The Tarot, one can only assume that Case in his own work also invoked the pitches of each letter as a tool to connect with the teachings encapsulated in each Tarot key.


12 13 14


4 5

8 9


I am grateful to Marianne Gubler and Joseph R. Lee for reading early drafts of this work and providing encouragement and helpful suggestions. Paul Foster Case, The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, Los Angeles: Builders of the Adytum, Revised edition 1990. Original Edition, Paul Foster Case, 1947. This deck was drawn by Jessie Burns Parke under the supervision of Paul Foster Case and is the deck published by the organization Case founded, the Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.). Case, The Tarot, p. 18. Aryeh Kaplan, Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation, Boston, MA/York Beach ME: Weiser Books, 1997, p. xi. Kaplan, Sefer Yetzirah. p. ix. Note the various spellings of Qabalah and Qabalistic. The transliteration of the Hebrew letters in this discussion will use the spellings given by Case in The Tarot. Case, The Tarot, p. 68. David Allen Hulse, New Dimensions for the Cube of Space: The Path of Initiation Reveald by the Tarot upon the Qabalistic Cube, York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 2000, p. 3. See Leonora Leet, The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah: Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sa-



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cred Science, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1999. Translated into English by A. E. Waite and published in England by Rider and Co. in 1896. Case, The Tarot, p. 1. Ibid. See Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Ceremonial Magic Four Volumes in One, sixth edition, St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 1989, p. 71. For a discussion of the different methods of assigning the Hebrew alphabet to the major arcana, see Gareth Knight, A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism, York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1978 (first edition 1965), Volume 2, Section Four The Tarot Part 1: The Greater Arcana, pp. 207-233. Cases resignation from the Golden Dawn in 1922 is well documented, as is his entry to the Second Order (who were concerned with practical rather than theoretical matters) in 1920; however, the date at which he joined the Outer Order (whose focus was largely theoretical) is less well documented. The date of 1918 is suggested by Lee Moffitt in his Biographical Timeline of Paul Foster Case [http://www.2000biz.com/pfc/documents/timeli ne.pdf accessed 8-22-05] posted as part of the Paul Foster Case Online Study Resource formerly associated with B.O.T.A. Paul Foster Case, Introduction to the Study of Tarot, New York, 1920, p. 3. Case, The Tarot, p. 19. The preface to the first revised edition of this work claims the date 1907 for the year in which Case worked out Hebrew letter-Tarot key correspondences. Case, The Tarot, p. 135. Ibid, p. 211. She had studied art at the Slade School of Art in London but put her artistic career on one side when she married Mathers, to devote both her artistic and clairvoyant talents to Mathers work and the Golden Dawn. For a discussion of the little that is known of her life, see Mary K. Greer, Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses, Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 1995. For a succinct explanation of the four Qabalistic worlds, see Case, The Tarot, pp. 3-5. Information from the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn Website: http://www.goldendawn.org/biomoinam.html Biography of Moina Mathers. Accessed 8-04-05. Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn, p. 99.

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33 34 35

Typescript document based on a series of lectures at Hotel Astor in 1922. [PDF document downloaded from the Fraternity of the Hidden Light, http://www.lvx.org/Archive/ accessed June 5, 2005.] (John) Edward Maryon (-dAulby) b. London, 1867, d. London, 1954, English composer. Edward Maryon, Marcotone: The Science of Tone-Color, New York: The Marcotone Company, 1919. Bakers Biographical Dictionary dates the first edition at 1915, although I have not been able to trace a copy. Edward Maryon, The Theosophical Society and Music, Transactions of the Second Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society; Held in London July 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1905, London: Published for the Council of the Federation, 1907, p. 365. Interestingly, Case changes the names Maryon uses for two colors, he calls A Indigo as well as blue-violet and he inverts Maryons Green-Blue for the pitch G, calling it BlueGreen. Maryon, Marcotone, 1919, p. 73-4. Case is working with an equal tempered chromatic scale where the note G-sharp is identical to that of A-flat. For ease here, only one of these two enharmonic names will be given, and I have arbitrarily chosen to use the sharp names. Paul Foster Case, The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, Boston: Weiser, 1985, p. 96. See Joscelyn Godwin, section on Newton and the Doctrine of Correspondences, in Music and the Occult: French Musical Philosophies 17501950, Rochester, NY: University of Rochester, 1995, pp. 9-10. Case, The Life-Power, p. 7. Case, The Tarot, p. 210. See Case, The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, p. 176-80.


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