Woodsmith 131 - Build The Ultimate Router Table

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Router Table Box Joint Storage Chest Old-Fashioned Clock

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rate cabinets. The upper cabinet can
be lifted off the lower section. This
way if you're working on a project
away from the shop, you can take the
upper part of the router table with
you, As an option, the lower part can
also be used as a tool stand.
There are also a few other details
about the router table that are worth
mentioning. For one thing the top fea-
tures a unique metal track that can be
adjusted to fit any miter gauge.
What's different about this miter
gauge slot is it also has a separate T-
track that allows you to quickly attach
a featherboard to the table.
The fence also has a couple of inter-
esting features. It has two sliding
faces so you can adjust the width of
the bit opening. And once again, a
metal T-track makes attaching a bit
guard or featherboard a snap.
Even if you don't plan on building
the router table in this issue, this T-
track is worth a look. It's a great way
to add a quick, adjustable mounting
system to any shop jig or accessory.
As you can probably tell, I'm very
excited about this new router table.
And I hope you are too.
t'sfall":-the time ofyear when I get
a chance to start spending more time
in the shop. As usual, I'm always itch-
ing to get started on newprojects. This
year, at the top of my list was a brand
new router table.
Now there's nothing wrong with
myoId router table. I've been using it
for a number of years, and it has
always seemed to get the job done.
But to be honest, I thought it could
use a few improvements.
At first, I considered buying a man-
ufactured router table. However I
couldn't find any single table that had
all the features I was looking for. So I
decided to build my own.
Taking a look at the front cover, it's
easy to see that this new router table
has a large, laminated worksurface
with a lift-out insert plate that pro-
vides a quick way to change bits. It
also features plenty of built-in storage
and an accurate, shop-built fence.
But what sets this router table
apart is something you can't see. I
guess you could say it has a "split per-
sonality." Let me explain.
The router table is designed so it
can be taken apart to make two sepa-
October, 2000
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No. 131
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2 Woodsmith No. 131

Router Table : 6
A design makes this router table unique. The upper
tion can be carried to a job site while the lower section has plenty
of room for storing your router accessories.
Router Table Fence 14
Agood fence is a for any router table. This one
tures a clamping system as well as adjustable front
faces. And it's reinforced with aluminum angle and
Box Joint Storage Chest 20
With its rows of box joints, this storage chest is sure
to please. The drawers are sized so you can mix and match them
in the case, creating your own distinctive look.
Box Joints 26
Learn the secrets to making perfect box joints. With nothing more
than a table saw, a dado blade, and a simple jig, you'll be turning
out joints in no time.
Box Joint Clock 30
So you want to try making box joints, but you're not sure where
to start? This little clock just might be the perfect choice. It doesn't
require a huge investment of time or materials.
Tips &Techniques 4
Shop Notes 18
Sources 35
Router Table page 6
BoxJoint Clock page 30
No. 131 Woodsrnith 3
Online Tips
If you'd like even
more woodwork-
ing tips, the solu-
tion is simple.
Just visit us at our
web site and sign
up to receive a
free tip via email
every week.
Wine Rack Jig
I recently built a wine rack
similar to the one that you
featured along with the
kitchen work center in
issue No. 129. Since I don't
own a band saw, I had to
come up with a different
way ofmakingthe crescent-
shaped cutouts that hold
the wine bottles, see photo.
Instead I use a 3lf2!'-dia.
hole saw in my drill press
and a simple jig that
attaches to the drill press
table, see Fig. 1.
The jig helps me to line
up the workpiece for con-
sistent cuts. It's simply a
large plywood base and a
fence made from a short
piece of 2x4 stock. I glued
the fence to the base and
then clamped the jigto the
drill press table.
By centering the hole
saw lf2" from the edge of
the fence, I can make the
cutouts in the rack using a
portion of the hole saw.
Plus, the fence helps to
keep the drill bit aligned
while making the cut
Just drawacenteredline
through the kerf and the
base. Layout the work-
piece and hold it against
the fence to make the semi-
circles. Then clean the
semi-circlesupwitha sand-
David Hendrick
Salina., Kansas
hole saw
Body Filler Sanding Block
Sanding the profiles on wax paper over the cove
cove moldings can be molding, pour in the body
tricky. The problem is filler, and add a scrap of
holding the sandpaper to wood for a handle as
the shape of the cove. To shown at left. Once the
make this job easier, I filler dries, I use the block
make a custom sanding by attaching a piece of
block using leftover body self-adhesive sandpaper to
filler from my garage the curved face.
workshop, see photo. Mark Vanderpool
I simply lay a piece of Wichita, Kansas
Lathe Window Shade
Mylathe sits against the wall in my
garage. Whenever I turn reallywet
wood or when finishing a turning
on the lathe, the wall behind the
lathe gets splattered. So I mounted
a roll-down window shade above
the lathe. I just pull down the shade
to protect the wall.
Ralph Spinney
Attleboro, Massachusetts
Hardware Magnet
I stuck a magnetic bar on the edge
of the extension wing of my table
saw. When I unscrewthe auxiliary
fence from my miter gauge, or
remove hardware from ajig, I stick
the hardware to the magnet This
way, I knowright where it is when
I need it again.
Craig Ruegsegger
Altoona., Iowa
Dust Bag Zipper
Instead of having to remove the
bag from my dust collector every
time it gets full, I came up with
a quicker method. I simply sewed
a zipper into the bag. This way, I
can just unzip the bag and empty
it out while it's still connected to
the dust collector.
Bobby HiU
Columbus, Georgia
No. 131
Turned Spindle Repair
Recently while turning an turned down on the spin-
intricate spindle, my chisel dIe. A hole is drilled in
caught the work piece and the center of the block to
tore out a chunk of wood. match the diameter ofthe
Rather than discard the area to be repaired.
ruined turning, I came up The block is then cut
with a simple technique to in half on a band saw (or
repair the damage. split with a chisel) and
To start with, I used a glued in place around the
parting tool to turn down spindle, as shown in Figs.
the damaged area to a 2 and 2a. Once the glue
consistent diameter, as dries, the spindle can be
shown in Figs. 1 and 1a. re-turned correctly.
Next, select a block of If you take the time to
wood with similar color carefully match the grain
and grain as the spindle of the block with the spin-
that's being repaired. The dIe, the repair will be
length of the block hardly noticeable.
should match the width David McNish
of the area that was Pinehurst, North Carolina
Flush Cut Guard
I like to give my projects a
finished look by plugging
exposed screwheads. But
sometimes when I'm cut-
ting the plugs flush, I nick
the workpiece with my
backsaw, leaving a scratch
that's hard to sand out
So I've come up with a
little trick to avoid this.
Now when trimming the
plugs, I use a scrap
piece of laminate as a
guard to protect the
workpiece (Fig. 1).
The scrap piece isn't
very large. (Mine's 4" x
8".) I simply drill a hole
in the guard slightly larg-
er than the size of the
dowel used for the plug.
Then I place the guard
over the workpiece and
saw off the plug flush
with the laminate.
After removing the
laminate, the plug will be
standing a little proud of
the surface. But this is
easy to fix. Just lightly
sand down the end of the
plug so it's flush with the
surface of your project,
as shown in Fig. 2.
Federico Val1enas
St. Huberth, Quebec
If you have an original shop tip, we would like
to hear from you and consider publishing your
tip in one or more of our publications. Just write
down your tip and mail it to: Woodsmith, Tips
and Techniques, 2200 Grand Avenue, Des
Moines, Iowa 50312. Please include your name,
address, and daytime phone number in case we
have any questions. If you would like, FAX it to
us at 515-282-6741 or send us an email message
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to $200 if we publish your tip.
No. 131 Woodsmith
Sand plug
flush with
~ To measure the
inside dimensions
of cabinets and
drawers, I simply
extend a telescop-
ing pointer (found
at most office sup-
ply stores) and
transfer the meas-
urements to a tape
measure or rule.
Paul Fertell
Longmont, Colorado
You can't buy arouter table this good. But you can build one.
call this my "Jekyll and Hyde"
router table. Not because it's a mon-
ster, but because it has a dual per-
sonality. At first glance, it looks like a
fairly ordinary, floor-standing router
table. But walk over to it, lift upthe top
section, and all of a sudden you have
a smaller, portable router table that's
ready to go anywhere.
Even though it's made to be
portable, this isn't a lightweight
router table. It's got a full-size top
and just about all the features you
could want in a router table (see the
box below). Plus to top it off, we've
included a shop-built fence which is
fully adjustable and includes a guard
and dust collection port. For more
on this, turn to page 14.
Check out these features:
~ Portability - A two-piece design allows you to
simply lift off the upper section and carry the
router table to your jobsite.
~ Dual Track - Miter gauge slot includes a [-
track for attaching featherboards.
~ Lift-out Insert - An easily removable insert
plate means quick bit changes.
~ External Switch - No more fumbling under-
neath the table trying to find the router switch.
~ Storage - A drawer and large storage com-
partment in the stand offer plenty of space for
bits, routers, and accessories.
~ Fence - Sturdy fence equipped with adjustable
faces, bit guard and hood for dust collection.
~ Leg Levelers - Easily adjustable, heavy-duty
levelers make this router table rock solid.
.. The portable upper section of the
router table lifts straight off the
stand. It can be placed on a bench
or carried to a remote jobsite and
then returned to the stand.
... You can make your router table
even more versatile by adding this
shop-built fence. It features
adjustable sliding faces to accom-
modate different size router bits.
Adjustable fence
(see article
on page 14)
Aluminum angle
reinforces corners
of stand
I @
i ;
Hardwood edging
covers all exposed
plywood edges
Dual track
miter gauge slot
includes T-track
for attaching
Drawer rides on
metal slides
Doors provide
access to
NOTE: Drawer an.d storage
compartment In stand
provide plenty of room
for router accessories
@ Adjust
levelers with
Allen wrench
NOTE: Two-piece
design allows
you to lift
router table off
stand for portability
NOTE: Cabinet and stand
are constructed out
of 34" maple plywood
Construction Details
'. 30"Wx 23"D x 37
No. 131
Top is made up of
plywood core sandwiched
between hardboard and
plastic laminate
insert plate
Insert plate
hardboard edges, it protects them
from damage as well.
EDGING. Looking at Fig. 3, youll see
that the edging (C, D) is just four
pieces of hardwood that are mitered
and glued around the edges of the
top. I made the edging slightly
wider than the thickness of the top.
Then after it was glued in place, I
planed it down flush with the sur-
faces of the top using a hand plane.
(You could also sand the edging
flush.) With the edging applied, I
rounded the corners with a belt
sander, like you see in Fig. 3a.
LAMINATE. I applied laminate to both
faces of the top for a good reason. It
helps to keep the moisture level the
same on both faces of the top, there-
by preventing the top from warping.
As you can see in Fig. 4, there's
not much to adding the plastic lami-
nate. It's just a matter of gluing the
laminate down with contact adhe-
sive and trimming the edges with a
flush trim bit A:file or sanding block
can be used to knock down the
sharp edges of the laminate that are
left behind by the flush trim bit.
INSERT PLATE. At this point, the top is
almost complete. All that remains to
Dual track
Trim hardboard
flush with
top panel
Top is plywood
glued between
two layers
of hardboard
flush trim bit (Fig. 2a).
Before adding the plastic lami-
nate, I added some hardwood edg-
ing to the top. The edging not only
covers the exposed plywood and
Round over
corners after
edging is applied
NOTE: Cut hardboard
oversize and trim
flush after gluing

('4" hardboard)
Edging is
When it comes
to router tables, the top is
where the action is. Since all the work
will be taking place on the top, we put
a lot of thought into the design ofthis
part of the router table.
FLAT TOP. First and foremost, the
top of a router table needs to be flat
and smooth - and stay that way. If
it's not, youll have a hard time rout-
ing consistent profiles, grooves, or
dadoes. Since solid wood may warp,
I used plywood and two layers of
hardboard to make the top. By lami-
nating these materials together, you
end up with a table that's flat and sta-
ble. Then to provide a smooth,
durable surface, plastic laminate is
added to each side of the top. You
can see what I'm talking about by
taking a look at Fig. 1.
To make the top, start by cutting
the plywood top panel (A) to fin-
ished size, as shown in Fig. 2. Then
cut the two oversized hardboard top
skins (B). (I made my hardboard
skins about I" wider and longer
than the plywood top panel.) After
these skins are glued to the ply-
wood with contact cement, they are
trimmed flush with a router and
(3,4" plywood)
Screw track
to top
- - . ~ . ------
bled track pieces. As you can see
in Fig. 6, this groove matches the
width and thickness of the track.
Once the groove is cut, the two
pieces of track are just screwed in
place, like you see in Fig. 6a.
Size groove
to match
dual track
#6x 114"
Fh wood-
flush with top
NOTE: For more
on insert, see
page 19.
piece with instant glue. (Note: A
sheet of paper slipped around the
bar of your miter gauge will help to
create a perfect sliding fit.) Then a
dado blade can be used to cut a
groove in the top for the assem-
be added is an insert and a slot for a
miter gauge. I decided to use an
insert plate that's made out of phe-
nolic (a hard, dense plastic). The
nice thing about this plate is that it
lifts right out along with the router
so you can change bits easily. Shop
Note: If you plan on using a plunge
router with this table, you may have
to use a larger insert plate.
In Fig. 5, you can see that the
insert plate fits into a simple open-
ing. (fum to page 19 for more infor-
mation on making this opening.)
Hardwood cleats (E, F) are
screwed to the sides of the opening
and support the insert plate so it's
flush with the top (Fig. 5a).
MITER GAUGE SLOT. The miter gauge
slot I used for this router table is
made up of two separate aluminum
extrusions - an L-shaped piece and
aT-track - take a look at Fig. 6a.
Together, these parts form a slot for
the miter gauge. And the T-track
makes it easy to attach a feather-
board using a couple of knobs and
toilet flange bolts.
Editor's Note: This track system
is a product called Dual Track that
has been specially manufactured for
Woodsmith. It's available as part of
. a hardware kit for the router table,
refer to Sources on page 35.
Before you can cut the groove
for the dual track, you'll need to
assemble the two track pieces.
Using your miter gauge as a spac-
er, glue the T-track to the L-shaped
Brush the contact adhesive onto both sur-
faces that you wish to join. After the first
coat dries, apply a second coat and let it
dry also. The adhesive will look glossyand
won't transfer to your finger when dry
No. 131
Since contact adhesive grips on contact,
you want to avoid letting the laminate
touch the router table top before it's posi-
tioned To do this, lay dowels across the top
and center the laminate over the top.
Starting at one end, begin removing the
dowels, rolling the laminate down as you
go. The trick is to use as much pressure as
possible to ensure a good bond This is
especially important around the edges.
#6x 1W'
Fh wood-
.. )
~ \ .
! \ r
\ ( I
, \
. I <t: I
112" III
~ I
!1{ I
Once this hole is drilled, you can
glue up the cabinet While the glue
is setting up, drill pilot holes and
install the screws and finish wash-
ers on the sides and back of the cab-
inet. When these are in place, you
can remove the clamps.
DOORS. To help contain the dust
and tone down the high-pitched
scream of the router, I added doors
to the front of the cabinet. Each
door is made up of a plywood door
panel (K) with hardwood edging on
three sides, as shown in Fig. 8. The
Attach top
with figure-8

I used a dado blade to cut the rab-
bets with an auxiliary fence clamp-
ed to my rip fence. The sides are
rabbeted to hold the back and the
bottom. And the back is rabbeted
along one edge to hold the bottom.
Before assembling the cabinet, I
drilled a large hole in the back for a
shop vacuum (Fig. 7). Hooking the
router table up to a shop vacuum
not only keeps the inside of the cab-
inet clean by removing sawdust and
chips, it also pulls air across the
router, allowing it to run cooler.
pieces (except
edging) are
34" plywood
Cabinet &Stand
With the top of the router table com-
pleted, you can start working on the
base. There are actually two parts to
the base. The table top is fastened to
a small cabinet that houses the router.
This cabinet in turn sits on a stand.
With this arrangement, you can eas-
ily lift off the upper section of
the router table and take it with
you to a jobsite while leaving
the stand behind.
CABINET. As you can see in
Fig. 7, the cabinet is really just
a small plywood box that's
open in the front for access to
the router. To start with, I cut
the two sides (G), back (H)
and bottom (I) to size from
%"-thick maple plywood.
When laying out and cutting
these pieces, pay attention to
the grain direction. (The grain
should run up and down.)
To hide the exposed edges
of the plywood, the front
edges of the sides and bottom
are covered with hardwood.
To make this edging, I simply
ripped l,4l1-wide strips from the
edge of a %"-thick piece of
maple stock. Then I glued the
edging (J) to the front edges
of the sides and bottom and
trimmed it flush with a router.
The cabinet is held together
with glue and screws. But as you
can see in Fig. 7b, I used rabbets to
increase the glue surface and keep
the pieces aligned during assembly.
NOTE: Cut hinges
to size
l ,i
111; '12%"\
I ;,' ,
~ O R
NOTE: Do not
apply edging to
hinge side of door
(1) Handy Box
(1) Single 15 Amp., 120
Volt Receptacle
(1) Single Receptacle Box
(1) Cable Connector
(1) Exterior Receptacle
(1) 15Amp., 120 Volt
(2) Water-Tight Cable
(1) Switch Plate
(1) 14-3 Electrical Cord
(8 ft.)
(1) 15Amp., 120 Volt
Plug (grounded)
(1) Wire NUl Connector
10 Woodsmith No. 131
I 0
I SIDE I 22114"
: ' 1
#6 Finish
washer 0
#6 x 1314"
small piece of plywood that is glued
and screwed in place.
SPACERS. Since the corners of the
stand will be covered with alu-
minum angle, I added some spacer
blocks (p, Q, R, S) to the stand.
These provide a place for mounting
the aluminum angle as well as the
drawer and door hardware. They're
just %"-thick pieces of hardwood
that are glued to the front and back
edges of the sides (Fig. 11). Once
they're in place, you're ready to
make the drawer and doors.
NOTE: Glue
edging to
plywood before
cutting dadoes
in sides
like making the cabinet. Start by
cutting the sides (L) and three
dividers (M) according to the
dimensions in Fig. 10. After adding
edging to the front of these pieces,
you can cut the rabbets and dadoes
that hold them together. Then the
sides and dividers can be glued and
screwed together.
BACK & TOE KICK. The back (N) is
being added in Fig. 11. It is also cut
from %" plywood and has dadoes
and a rabbet cut in it to fit over the
dividers. The toe kick (0) is just a
Looking at Fig. 10, you can see that
the stand is also a plywood box
that's assembled with rabbets, glue
and screws. The main difference
is that the stand contains a drawer
as well as a storage area.
Building the stand is pretty much
doors are then attached to the cabi-
net with continuous (piano) hinges.
HARDWARE. To complete the cab-
inet, all that's needed is to add
the remaining hardware. First, a
pull is attached to the front of
e a i > ~ h door. Then a couple of
magnetic catches are mounted
inside the cabinet and to the
back of the doors. Finally, four
. rubber bumper feet are fastened
to the bottom of the cabinet to
prevent the router table from
shifting around during use (Fig.
7a). Once this is done, you can
attach the top to the cabinet
using Figure-8 fasteners (Fig. 9).
SWITCH. To avoid having to fumble
around under the table for the
router switch, I mounted an outlet
on the inside of the cabinet that is
controlled by a switch on the out-
side of the cabinet (Fig. 9). Safety
Note: Wiring the outlet and switch
is not difficult, but if you aren't
familiar with basic wiring princi-
ples you should seek the advice of
a licensed electrician.
are cut
from %"-
thick N
hard- BACK
SPACER NOTE: Back attached
with #6 x 1314" Fh
woodscrews and
finish washers
SPACER ~ ~ ~ = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~
(314" ply. -
20Vs"x 22114")
not use finish
washers when
attaching back
and toe kick to sides
NOTE: Glue front
spacers flush with
No. 131
(%" hardboard)
. ..:. . _
- -.'
hinges down to size with a hacksaw
to fit the doors.)
HARDWARE. To complete the doors
and drawer, I added some pulls to
the front to match the ones on the
cabinet doors. Then I mounted a
couple of magnetic catches to the
inside of the stand for the doors
(Figs. 13a and 13b).
ALUMINUM. At this point, all that
remains is to add a couple of fin-
ishing touches to the stand. The
most obvious of these is the alu-
minum angle that is applied to
NOTE: Drawer sides,
NOTE: Leave room
for false front when
attaching drawer slide
Thickness of
34" plywood.---'----+-:-'-+-_HA'+-+---'T-__--l
sized to allow a 1/16" gap on all four
sides of the drawer front. Once the
edging is applied, the false front can
be centered on the front of the draw-
er and screwed in place.
DOORS. Except for their size, the
doors on the stand are identical to
the ones you made for the cabinet.
They are just a couple of plywood
door panels (X) with hardwood
edging on three sides. Once the
edging is in place, the doors can be
mounted to the stand with continu-
ous hinges. (You'll have to cut the
Drawer & Doors
At this point, the carcase of the stand
is complete. All you have to do now
is add the drawer and make the doors
for the storage compartment.
DRAWER. I decided to add the draw-
er first. It's made up of %"-thick
hardwood stock with a plywood
false front. The first step is to cut the
drawer front and back (T) and
sides (U) to size according to the
dimensions shown in Fig. 12.
The drawer is joined with rabbet
joints and held together with glue
and screws. Rabbets are cut in the
side pieces, one at each end, just
like you see in Fig. 12a. Then a
groove is cut near the bottom edge
of all four pieces to hold the drawer
bottom. After cutting a piece of %"
hardboard for the drawer bottom
(V), you can glue and screw the
drawer together.
DRAWER SLIDES. To make it easier to
get to items at the back of the draw-
er, I used full-extension drawer
slides. Each kind comes in two
pieces - one is screwed to the side
of the drawer and the other is
screwed to the inside of the drawer
compartment. The important thing
to note is that the slides should be
set back far enough from the front
edge of the stand to allow room for
the false front that is added next,
like you see in Fig. 12a.
FALSE FRONT. As you can see in Fig.
12, the false front (W) is made out
of %"-thick plywood with hardwood
edging all around. The false front is
A This stand can also be used with
other portable power tools, such as
a thickness planer or a bandsaw.
12 Woodsmith No. 131

Fh wood-
NOTE: Aluminum angle 11.
" x 111.2" X 1
extends 3;"" above " I. I.
top of stand aluminum angle
b. V2" radius
" ii'l
adjusted with an Allen wrench, with-
out having to reach underneath the
stand or turn it upside down. Once
these are attached to the stand, you
can apply a finish and mount your
router to the insert in the top. LW
! ;
Ph screw
The final pieces of hardware to
add are the four leg levelers (Fig.
14a). The ones I chose are really
slick. They simply screw to the
sides of the stand. But the nice thing
about them is that they can be
each corner of the stand. Besides
strengthening the stand and pro-
tecting the corners, the aluminum
angle also creates a lip to position
the upper cabinet on the stand.
The way this works is quite sim-
ple. The aluminum angle is cut %"
longer than the height of the stand.
This way, when it is attached to the
corners of the stand, the ends will
stick up and create a lip that holds
the upper cabinet in place.
Since aluminum is soft, it can be
easily cut with a hacksaw. You can
also cut the aluminum on a table
saw, using a carbide-tipped blade.
Safety Note: Do not try to cut the
aluminum on your table saw unless
you have a carbide-tipped blade.
Once the aluminum is cut to
length, you can drill and counter-
sink the screwholes. A few seconds
on a belt sander will round over the
top corners of the aluminum angle,
like you see in Fig. 14b. Then the
aluminum angle can be screwed to
the corners of the stand.
. A Top Panel (1) % ply. - 21112 x 28Yz
B Top Skins (2) % hdbd. - 21112 - 28Y2
C Ft./Bk. Edging (2) % x 1% - 30
D Side Edging (2) % x 1% - 23
E Ft./Bk. Cleats (2) Yz x 1 - 8
F Side Cleats (2) Yz x 1 - 6
G Cabinet Sides (2) % ply. - 17% x 14
H Cabinet Back (1) % ply. - 20 x 14
I Cabinet Bttm. (1) % ply. - 17% x 20
J Ply. Edging (1) % x % - 32 lin. ft.
K Door Panels (2) % ply. - 9%z x 12%
l Stand Sides (2) % ply. - 17
/8 x 22%
M Dividers (3) % ply. - 17% x 20Ys
N Stand Back (1) % ply. - 20Ys x 22%
o Toe Kick (1) % ply. - 19% x 3%
P Frt. Drwr. Spacers (2) % x 2% - 4
Q Bk. Drwr. Spacers (2) % x 3 - 4
R Door Spacers (2) % x 2% - 12%
S Toe Kick Spacers (2) % x 2% - 3%
T Drwr. Ft./Back (2) 112 x 3112 - 16%
U Drawer Sides (2) Yz x 3Yz - 16
V Drwr. Bottom (1) %hdbd-1 SlAG x 16%
W False Front (1) % ply. - 17Yz x 3%
X Door Panels (2) % ply. - 8
hz x 12Ys
(1) Phenolic Insert Plate
(1) 32" Dual Track w/Screws
(16) #6 x 1%" Fh Woodscrews
(48) #6 x 1%" Fh Woodscrews
(40) #6 Finish Washers
(4) %" Rubber Bumpers w/Screws
(5) Pulls w/Screws
(4) Magnetic Catches w/Screws
(2) 1Yz" x 30" Piano Hinges w/Screws
(4) Figure-8 Fasteners
(8) #8 x 1" Fh Woodscrews
(1 pr.) 16" Drawer Slides w/Screws
(4) Leg Levelers
(24) #8 x %" Ph Sheet Metal Screws
(4) J.B" x H2" x H2" x 24" Alum. Angle
(24) #6 x %" Fh Woodscrews
(4) #6 x 1" Fh Woodscrews
6 Board Feet of
4" Maple
W' - 48" x 48" Tempered
2 Pieces of Plastic Laminate
(24" x 32")
G 0 /
3;"" - 48" x 96" Maple Plywood
No. 131 Woodsmith 13
3fa" hole
radius. '...--------'T----'----L.......j
the waste, simply drill holes in the
corners like you see in Fig. 2 and
cut away the waste with a sabre saw
and a metal-cutting blade (Fig. 3).
Youll probably need to clean up the
edges of the opening with a file.
The last bit of work to do on the
aluminum angle is to radius the
two back corners as shown in Fig.
lb. This can be done quickly on a
disc or belt sander.
FENCE. The aluminum angle gets
attached to a hardwood fence. This
fence (A) is just a piece of %"-thick
hardwood with a shallow rabbet cut
along one edge to receive the alu-
minum angle (Fig. 4). After cutting
the rabbet, the aluminum angle can
be screwed to the back of the fence
(Fig. 5). Then four holes can be
drilled through the fence for the toi-
let flange bolts that will attach the
sliding faces later (Fig. la).
It's hard to get good results when
can be seen in Fig. 1. Alength of alu-
minum angle serves as the back-
bone of the fence.
To make the fence, I started by
cutting the aluminum to length and
drilling the holes for the screws and
bolts that will be used to attach the
various parts of the fence to the alu-
minum. (fhe screw hole locations
can be seen in Figs. la and lb.)
After the holes are all drilled, you
can layout the bit opening in the
middle of the aluminum. To remove
14---- 15"------<
14---- 14" -----.<
OW do you improve on a great
router table? The answer is to
add a great fence. Now there are a
lot of router table fences out there on
the market. But you don't have to
spend bigbucks to get a qualityfence.
The shop-built fence shown
here is made out of a few board
feet of lumber and some com-
monly available hardware
items. In fact, the only part that
you probably won't be able to
find at your local lumberyard or
hardware store is the aluminum
track at the top of the fence and on
the back of the sliding faces (see
page 35 for sources).
This fence clamps firmly to your
router table and provides a rigid,
straight surface for guiding your
workpieces. The two front faces
are adjustable for different size
bits. And the T-track along the top
of the fence allows you to add
some handy accessories, like a bit
guard or featherboard.
ALUMINUM ANGLE. The secret to mak-
ing the fence strong yet lightweight
NOTE: All pieces
are %" -thick stock,
except spacer and
positioning block
14 Woodsrnith No.l31
.l Toilet flange
bolts and thread-
ed knobs are
used to attach
the sliding faces
to the fence.
a. /
NOTE: Sliding
fences should sit %2"
proud of upper
you're routing with a fence that's
twisted or bowed. And while the alu-
mipum angle is pretty straight, I
wanted to make sure the front face
of the fence was as straight and flat
as possible. So once it was mounted
to the aluminum, I took a couple of
light passes on a jointer to flatten the
wood face of the fence.
Now that the fence is flat, you just
need to cut out the area of the bit
opening. You can use a sabre saw to
remove most of the waste and then
come back with a router and flush
trim bit to clean up the opening, as
shown in Fig. 6. After the opening is
trimmed flush, a chamfer is routed
along the inside edges to provide
clearance for extra-large bits.
T-TRACK. One of the neatfeatures of
this fence is the T-track that runs
along the top. This allows you to
attach a bit guard or a featherboard
at any point along the length of the
fence without having to use clamps.
As you can see by looking at
Fig. 7, the T-track is mounted to a
spacer (B) that is in turn glued to
the front of the face. The thickness
of this spacer is important. You
want to make sure that the T-track
won't extend beyond the sliding
faces that will be added later.
After gluing the spacer to the
front of the fence flush with the top
-'. edge, you can add the T-track. This
is just screwed in place.
SLIDING FACES. If you take another
look at Fig. 1, you'll see that right
below the spacer and T-track are a
couple of sliding faces (C). These
slide on a second piece of T-track.
The two faces start out as a single,
%"-thick blank, slightly over 36"
long. A groove is cut down the cen-
ter of the blank to hold the T-track
that is used to attach the faces to the
fence. (Make sure that the groove
lines up with the holes in the fence.)
After the groove is cut and the T-
track is screwed in place, the blank
can be cut into two 18"-long faces.
Then the ends of the faces are
chamfered to create clearance for
the bit. You can see this in Fig. 7a.
Finally, the faces are attached to the
fence with toilet flange bolts and
plastic knobs (Fig. 7b).
No. 131 Woodsmith 15
A short piece of ..
angle, a block of
wood, a knob,
and a few pieces
of hardware are
all it takes to
make this fence
Designing the last part of the fence
proved to be the most challenging.
The trick was to figure how to
securelyclamp the fence to the top of
the router table, but still allow the
fence to be easily adjusted.
The solution I came up with is
simple. It's just a small hold-down
made out of a piece of aluminum
angle and a wood block, as shown
in the photo above. These hold-
downs are attached to each end of
the fence. When the knobs are
tightened down, the aluminum
angle grips the edge of the router
table top with surprising force.
A couple of thick wood blocks
attached to each end of the fence
prevent the hold-downs from rotat-
ing out of position when moving the
fence over the router table top.
These positioning blocks (D) are
made first. I glued up two pieces of
stock for each block, ending up with
a finished thickness of 1WI. In Fig.
8a, you can see how these blocks
are attached to the fence. Before
they're screwed in place, the sharp
corners of the blocks are relieved
on a sander, like you see in Fig. 8b.
HOLD-DOWNS. Making the hold-
downs that secure the fence to the
table is a little more involved than
making the positioning blocks.
Each one is made up of a short
piece of aluminum angle. But in
order for the hold-down to match
the thickness of the table top, you'll
have to cut down one side of the alu-
miilUm angle, as shown in Fig. 8b.
To provide a means of bolting the
aluminum angle to the fence, a
wood block is epoxied to the inside
of the angle. Fig. 8c shows one of
these hold-down blocks (E). Before
angle D
to alum.
these blocks are glued in place, you
need to do a little work on them.
The first step after cutting the
hold-down blocks to size is to drill a
hole for a bolt in both the block and
the aluminum angle. To do this,
clamp the block to the inside of the
aluminum angle. Then place the
block with the aluminum angle
against the positioning block on the
fence and mark out the location for
the bolt (using the hole that's
already drilled in the fence as a tem-
plate). Now you can drill a bolt hole
through the hold-down block and
the aluminum angle.
To prevent the bolt from spinning
when tightening the knob on the
hold-downs, I used lock nuts. A
small notch is cut in the top of each
hold-down block to receive the nut.
The trick here is to size the width of
the notch so the nut fits in snug.
This will keep the nut from turning
once the hold-down is assembled.
~ . Wa,ste
A l u m i n u m ~ ~
angle 2"
You can get a better idea of what I'm
talking about by looking at Fig. &.
ASSEMBLY. As you can see in Fig. 8d,
assembling the hold-downs is pretty
easy. Start by inserting a lock nut
into the notch on each hold-down
block. Then epoxy the blocks to the
aluminum angle. Now to attach the
hold-downs, simply thread a bolt
(with a washer) through the alu-
minum angle and the block. A plas-
tic knob then secures the assembly
to the fence. Finally, to help give the
hold-downs a little more gripping
power, I placed a piece of self-
adhesive rubber grip tape on the
inside face of the aluminum angle,
like you see in the photo above.
FINISH. To help protect the wood
surfaces of the fence, I wiped on a
couple coats of an oil finish. Then
after the finish dried, I applied a coat
of paste wax to the fence and sliding
faces to reduce friction and to make
them easier to adjust. 1\1
16 Woodsmith No. 131
This bit guard is designed to
attach to the T-track along
the top of the fence. The
guard consists of a hard-
wood back and a shield
made from lf4" polycarbon-
ate plastic (plexiglas). After
cuttingtwo adjustment slots
in the back, the shield is
screwed in place.
One nice thing about this
featherboard is that it can
be attached to the fence or
to the top of the table. It's
just a piece of WI-thick
hardwood with mitered
ends. To cut the slots that
formthe fingers, I tilted the
table sawblade and clamped
the featherboard to an aux-
iliary fence attached to the
front of the miter gauge.
(112" thick)
c Hose

f1B -Tee

To help remove sawdust, I added a dust hood to the
back of the fence. This is made out of a few pieces of
hardboard and a strip of hardwood and screws direct-
ly to the back of the fence. With a few plastic fittings
(see page 35), you can attach your shop vacuum to the
back of the router table cabinet as well as the fence.
A Fence (1)
B Spacer (1)
C Sliding Faces (2)
D Positioning Blocks (2)
E Hold-down Blocks (2)
% x 3112 - 36
% x1%2 - 36
% x2
V,6 - 18
1% x 2 - 2V,6
% x 1% - 2
(2) 36" T-Tracks w/Screws
(4) S/'6" x 1%" Toilet Flange Bolts
(6) S/'6" Through-Hole Star Knobs
(8) 5/'6" SAE Flat Washers
(1) Ys"x 2" x 2" Alum. Angle (42" long)
NOTE: List does not include hardware for accessories
(2) 5/'6" x 2112" Hex Head Bolts
(2) 5/'6" Lock Nuts
(8) #8 xl" Fh Woodscrews
(8) #8 x 112" Fh Woodscrews
(1) 6" of Anti-Skid Tape (2" wide)
No. 131 Woodsmith 17

'-Square Router Edge Guide
The nice thing about using keep the dadoes square to
a hand-held router to cut a the panels. And best of all,
dado is you can see what's it requires just a couple
happening. The trick is straight scrap pieces.
positioningthe edge guide To build the T-square
so the router bit will line up edge guide, I screwed the
exactlywith the layout line. long straightedge to the
For the stopped dadoes crosspiece, using a fram-
in the storage chest case ing square to position the
(on page 22), I used a T- pieces and a couple
shaped guide that aligned clamps to hold them in
the bit easily and helped place, as shown in Fig. 1.
Then I routed through
the crosspiece to make
setting up the guide easier
(Fig. 1b). Simply align the
dado on the crosspiece
with the layout mark on
the side panel, as shown
in Fig. 2b. But when set-
ting up the edge guide,
keep in mind that you
need to move the router
from left-to-right (assum-
ing it's between you and
the fence), just like any
hand-held routing opera-
tion. Otherwise the bit
may pull the router away
from the guide. m
Layout mark
on workpiece
e lib

a. #8xl1f4"
Fh screw
Small Stopped Dadoes
I typically rout stopped pieces werefairlysmall. So
dadoes on the router table I decided to cut the dadoes
or with an edge guide (as just like I would a mortise.
shown above). But on the LAYOUT. The first step is
boxjoint clock, the stopped to layout the dadoes care-
dadoes were cut between fully. When doing this, I
the two grooves, and the also scored the edges to
make the dadoes easier to
clean up later, as shown in
the margin photo at left.
most of the waste of the
dado can be removed with
a Forstner bit (Fig. 1).
that's left is to clean up the
dado. I use a wide chisel
on the shoulders (Fig. 2).
And a narrow one (with
the bevel down) for the
bottom (Fig. 3). m
Before drilling out
the stopped
dndoes, I scored
the shoulders with
a utility knife.
This mluie the
clean-up easier
later on.
18 Woodsmith No. 131
Router Table Insert
When it comes to creating
the opening for the insert
plate for the router table on
page 6, there are two things
to be concerned with. You
want the plate to fit the
opening like a glove and
you want it to be flush with
top of the router table.
Making the opening for
the insert plate involves
three steps - laying out
the opening, cutting out
the waste, and trimming
the opening with a router
so the plate fits perfectly.
LAYOUT. To layout the
opening, I like to use the
insert plate as a template.
For the router table
shown on page 6, the
insert plate is centered
on the table. A framing
square makes it easy to
position the plate square
with the edges of the
table, as shown in Fig. 1.
Carpet tape will hold
the insert firmly in place
while. you carefully trace
around the edges. These
lines serve as a guide for
rough-cutting the opening
as well as positioning the
template for routing the
opening smooth.
step is to cut out the open-
ing with a sabre saw. In
order to do this, I began
by drilling a couple of
starter holes in oppo,site
corners of the waste area.
Then I use a sharp, new
blade to rough out the
sides of the opening, stay-
ing about 3/16" away from
the layout lines (Fig. 2).
TRIM OPENING. After rough
cutting the opening, the
last step is to trim the
edges to match the size of
the insert plate. To do
this, I made a template by
simply taping down some
strips of %" hardboard
along the layout lines on
the top, just like you see in
Fig. 3. (You can use the
insert plate to test the size
of the template opening.)
Once the strips are in
place, the opening can be
trimmed with a router and
a pattern bit (see margin
photoatright) .There'sjust
SECOND: Cut away
waste with saber saw
one thing to keep in mind.
Since most pattern bits are
only l"long, youll need to
make two passes, increas-
ing the cutting depth after
the first pass. You can see
what I'm talking about in
you've created the open-
ing, all that's left is to
attach cleats to the sides
of the opening to support
the insert plate. The trick
is to position the cleats so
the plate ends up flush
with the top. Here's a fool-
proof way to do this. Just
set the top face-down on a
flat surface. Then drop the
insert plate in the opening
and glue and screw the
cleats in place, like you
see in Figs. 5 and 5a m
NOTE: Stay
3116" away
from layout
A A pattern bit has a
guide bearing at
the top of the bit.
Lower bit
on next pass
To mount a ..
router in the
table, simply
remove the
baseplate of the
router and use
it as a template
for locating the
screw holes in
the insert plate.
insert plate into
FIRST: Place top
face-down on
flat surface
THIRD: Glue and
screw cleats to
sides of opening
No. 131
Inside - a place for everything.
Outside - box joints take center stage.
y and large, the work of wood-
working - the joinery - goes
mostly unnoticed. Not with this chest.
The consistent spacingof the boxjoints
creates a lot of visual interest on what
would otherwise be a rather plain chest.
However, being "front and center,"
these box joints will also be subject to
some close inspections. So their fit
should be about perfect. This isn't
anything to worry about. Box joints
may look exacting, but the accuracy is
built into a shop-made jig that has an
indexing key. Once the jig is fine
tuned, you could almost cut themwith
your eyes closed. (But please don't.)
There's something else impressive
about this chest - it's all the storage
space. There are three rows of deep
drawers, and these drawers can be
built in three different sizes. The
smallest is just right for CDs, while the
largest will hold just about anything
you'd want to put in a drawer.
And best of all, the drawers are
designed so they can be arranged
(and even rearranged) in a variety of
configurations, as you can see below.
So you can choose the one that fits
your storage needs. Plus, on page 25,
there's yet another version of this
chest that rolls on small casters.
What kind of storage
do you need? There's
a lot of f1exibility in the
number and size of the
drawers on this chest. So
you can customize tnem
to fit your particular
storage needs.
Woodsmith No. 131
other design
options, see
page 25
Case joined
with W' x3j,,"
box joints
_.-- drawer '
ALSO NEEDED: One 24" x 48" piece of Ill" cherry plywood
and one 24" x 48" piece of W maple or birch plywood
3j,," x 5" - 96" Cherry (Six Boards @ 3.3 Bd. Ft. Each)
W' x 4" - 96" Cherry (Four Boards @ 2.7 Sq. Ft. Each)
W' x 4" - 96" Cherry (Four Boards @ 2.7 Sq. Ft. Each)
I L I L I L I L I--'-.:......:.L-'---L
4" X 5" - 96" Cherry (Two Boards @ 3.3 Bd. Ft. Each)
I E ---'-'--'--E------'--'--'--'--.-------E
4" x 4" - 96" Cherry (Two Boards @ 2.7 Bd. Ft. Each)
1 F G
drawer pull

Case back is
rnr .' I ' W plywood
see box on
page 20
Gentle curve
cut in front and
back of base
Bottom panel
(and top) has
slight bevel
on one edge
Drawers built
with \12" x W'
box joints
Cleats glued to
base frame and
screwed into
bottom panel
A Case Top/Bottom (2) % x 12% - 25%
B Case Sides (2) % x 12112 - 22
C Case Back (1) %ply.-24%x2Ws
D Case Dividers (2) % x 11 % - 24%
E Top/Btm. (2) % x 14 - 27%
F Base Front/Back (2) % x 3% - 26%
G Base Sides (2) % x 3% - 13112
H Base Cleats (2) % x W2 - 25%
I Large Drawer Fr./Bk. (2) 112 x 6112 - 24
J Medium Dwr. Fr./Bk. (4) % x 6% - 12
K Small Dwr. Fr./Bk. (8) 112 x 6% - 6
L Drawer Sides (14) % x 6112 - 11 %
M Lg. Dwr. Btm. (1) % ply. - 11 % x 23%
N Med. Dwr. Btm. (2) % ply. -11% xl W2
o Sm. Dwr. Btm. (4) % ply. -11% x 5112
(8) 3" -wide Bin Pulls w/Screws
(6) #8 x 2" Rh Woodscrews
(6) #8 Flat Washers
275fs"H x 27%"Wx 14"D
No. 131 Woodl'mith 21
requires more glue and clamps,
which takes more time. So my goal
was to be able to press the pieces
together completely by hand. (How-
ever, you'll still want a mallet handy
when you add glue to the joint)
To cut the joints, you'll need to
start with the top and bottom pieces
(Fig. 2). The reason has to do with
small, square "holes" that will be vis-
ible after the case is assembled.
(These are created by grooves cut
later to hold the case back.) By
starting with the top and bottom,
the holes will end up at the top of the
case (Fig. 7), where they'll be cov-
ered by a top panel later.
One last thing. When it's time to
cut the first slot on the sides, you1l
need to have both pieces set against
the jig. These panels are too large to
do this without a little "help," so I
clamped a long scrap cleat across
the two pieces to hold them tight to
the fence, as you can see in Fig. 3.
GROOVE FOR BACK. With the box
joints cut, the next thing to do is cut
the groove to hold the back of the
case (Fig. 4). A %11 plywood back is
closer to 3/
11 thick, so I cut this
f ~ \
(;;\' .
; i \SJ '
(1f4"-ply. -
245fs" x 21 W)
: \
~ Vz" -wide ~
box joints ~
3f.I" long
For more on
cutting box joints,
see page 26
Case built with
34" -thick stock, except
for plywood back
~ D E
Case & Dividers
The mechanical precision ofboxjoints
can look intimidating- the pins and
slots interlock tighter than the teeth
on a pair of gears. But believe it or
not, box joints don't take any great
skill. The consistency and precision
are achieved with an easy-to-buildjig.
CUT TO SIZE. The first thing to do is
glue up four %II-thick blanks for the
top (AJ, bottom (AJ and sides (BJ.
But instead of cutting these to final
size, I ripped them WI extra wide.
(Fig. 1 shows finished sizes.) This
way, after the box joints are cut, you
can rip the pieces so there's a full
slot or pin on both edges.
CUT BOX JOINTS. With the work-
pieces cut to size, the box joints can
be cut on the ends of each piece. If
you haven't cut box joints before,
there's an article on page 26 that will
walk you through this process step-
by-step. But even ifyou have cut box
joints before, there are a few things
to keep in mind. That's because
building a large case with box joints
requires a different strategy than a
small box or a drawer.
First of all, keep in mind that the
front fence should be long and tall
enough to support the wide panels
(Fig. 2). Second, even though the
slots here will be cut %11 deep, I
made the key a hair less than WI tall
(Fig. 2a). This way, this same jig can
be used later when building the
drawers with their shorter pins.
When fine-tuning the box joint jig
(as described in the box on page
27), I didn't size the pins to fit quite
as tight as I usually do. Alarge case
22 Woodsmith No. 131
A. A simple edge
guide makes it
easy to rout a
stopped dado.
To see how it
works, tum to
page 18.
For easier
sand bottom
face slightly
(except front 1")
Small groove holes
will be covered by
____--e:::""""-'--a top panel later
a wide panel into a dado isn't easy. If
the fit is tight, you'll never get the
piece in place. Too loose, and youll
end up with gaps. But here's a sim-
ple trick: Lightly sand the ends of
the bottomface (except for the front
1" or so) to reduce the friction. The
piece will slide in much easier.
Groove for back
cut on all case pieces
ing blocks to the box just behind the
pins, as you can see in Fig. 6. (These
help spread out the clamping pres-
sure.) And to glue up the case, I
chose liquid hide glue so I'd have
about twenty minutes to get the glue
on and all the pieces pulled tight.
DIVIDERS. The last step is to glue up
panels for the dividers (C) that will
support the drawers (Fig. 7). Gluing
Don't set
clamping blocks
directly on box joints
Use slow-
setting glue
No. 131
groove in two passes, nudging the
rip fence away from the blade for
the second pass. Initially, I set the
fence lf2" from blade, but the impor-
tant thing is to check that the blade
lines up with the box joints (Fig. 4a).
STOPPED DADOES. Now the top and
bottom panels can be set aside so
you can cut %"-deep dadoes for a
pair of dividers (Figs. 5 and 7).
These dadoes stop at the groove for
the back. To make it easier to see
what was happening, I decided to
cut them with a hand-held router
and an edge guide.
There are a variety of edge guides
you can use here. I quickly made a
guide shaped like a ''T.'' The cross-
piece screwed to the straightedge
helps when positioning the guide
(See the margin photo and page 18).
When setting up the edge guide,
it should be located so the groove
will be routed left-ta-right from the
front edge of the panel to the groove
in back (Fig. 5). This way, you w o n ~ t
need to make a plunge cut
The groove at the back is too nar-
row for the bit to rout the dadoes
completely. So after the dadoes have
been routed, the back edge of each
dado needs to be cleaned up with a
chisel, as shown in Fig. 5b.
BACK. Now you can dry assemble
the case and cut the WI plywood
back (C) to size. (I often cut a panel
like this a hair less than full size so it
won't prevent the box joints from
going together completely.)
ASSEMBLY. To assemble the case, I
did a couple dry runs and found it
helpful to carpet tape some clamp-
Before gluing up the base, I cut a
gentle curve on the base front and
back. To lay it out, I used a scrap of
lfsll hardboard, and the curve can be
cut quickly with a band saw or sabre
saw. Alittle sanding, and the frame
is ready for assembly.
Finally, to attach the assembled
frame to the case, I glued two cleats
(H) to the frame and then screwed
through them into the bottom panel
and case (Figs. 10 and lOa).
- and bottom
case 3;"" on
all sides
NOTE: Bottom
overhangs base
v,,' on each side
sized so the bottom (E) will over-
hang the assembled base frame 1,411
on each side (Fig. lOa).
To strengthen the miters, I added
a hardboard spline to each corner.
This means cutting a kerf in the
ends of each base piece, as shown in
Fig. 9. But instead of centering the
kerfs, I cut them closer to the inside
corners of the miters (Fig. 9a). This
lets me add a little larger spline with-
out weakening the tip of the miter.
Top & Base
I wanted the storage chest to have a
traditional look, so I worked on a top
and base next (see margin photo).
But if you're toying with the idea of
whether or not to add casters (as
shown in the box on the next page),
now's the time to decide.
TOP & BOTTOM. For a traditional
chest, the first thing to do is glue up
panels for the top (E) and bottom
(E), as shown in Fig. 8. They're cut
to size to overhang the case %11 all
around (Fig. 8a).
CUT BEVELS. After the panels were
cut to size, I beveled the edges with
the table saw (Fig. 8b). The trick
here is guiding the pieces safely.
After all, these are fairly large panels
to run through on edge, so I added a
tall auxiliary fence to the rip fence,
which made guiding the panel more
secure. Also, when beveling a panel,
it's always a good idea to start with
the short ends. This way, if there is
any chipout, it'll be cleaned up when
the bevels are cut on the long edges.
ATTACH TO CASE. To attach the top
and bottom, I simply glued them to
the case with the bevels facing each
other. (The overhang should be
equal on all four sides.) But go easy
on the glue here. Use too much, and
the panel won't want to stay in place
when you apply the clamps.
BASE. The case (and bottom panel)
sits on a 3
!4"-tall base made up of a
front (F), back (F), and sides (G),
as shown in Fig. 8. These pieces are
mitered on each end, and they're
This chest can be
built with a tradi-
tional top and base
(shown here). Or
with casters (see
box on page 25).
base to bottom
I---L.--- SIDE
#8 x 2" -H-------1
Rhscrew @
& washer
cleat to base flush
with top edge of
front and back
24 Woodsmith No. 131
I also fine tuned the jig so the box
joints fit a bit tighter (refer to the
box on page 27). That's because the
drawers aren't going to be as chal-
lenging to assemble as the case.
Also, when cutting the box joints,
you'll want to start with the front
and back pieces so the plugs end up
on the drawer sides (Fig. 11b).
on sides,
see page 2 9 - - ~
BOTTOMS. Next, the bottoms (M,
N, 0) can be added. For these draw-
ers, the grooves should be cut flush
with the bottom pin on the fronts.
With all the drawers assembled, I
plugged the grooves (Fig. 11b).
Then I applied several coats of fin-
ish. When it's dry, all that's left is to
add the pulls (Fig. 11a). l\1
The width of
each row of
drawers adds
up to 24"
style pull
(file screw
tips slightly)
Drawer pieces are
V2" thick except for
~ " plywood bottoms
All that's left to build are some draw-
ers. What size and how many is up
to you. There's alot offlexibility here.
Also, if you want to create handle
cutouts instead of adding pulls, youll
want to do the work before you assem-
ble the drawers. (See the boxbelow.)
The drawers simply sit in the case
and can be pulled out completely. To
keep the math easy, they're either
6", 12", or 24" wide, which means
each row of drawers has lfs" total for
the gaps between the drawers.
CUT TO SIZE. Regardless of their
width, all the drawers are built the
same way. The lf2"-thickfronts (1, J,
K), backs (1, J, K), and sides (L) all
start out slightly oversized, just like
the case pieces did. (Fig. 11 shows
finished dimensions.)
BOX JOINTS. The spacing of the box
joints here is the same as the case.
So you can use the box joint jig you
made earlier (refer to Fig. 2 on page
22). But these boxjoints are only lh"
long (instead of %"). So to reduce
the chipout, I backed up the cuts by
gluing a scrap plug into the notch in
the fence. Then I recut the notch
with the blade raised to lf2'1.
While workingout the design ofthis stor-
age chest, a couple interesting options
came up that you might want to consider.
MOBILE CHEST. The first option is to make
the case mobile by adding casters, as
you can see in the photo at right and cen-
ter drawing below. This means you don't
have to build the top or the base. But you
will need to plug the grooves for the
back that are exposed on the top of the
case, as shown in the left drawing. (For
more on this, refer to page 29.)
HANDLE "CUTOUTS." Another option is to
build the drawers with cutouts instead of
adding metal drawer pulls, as in the right
drawing below. These cutouts couldn't
be more simple. Before assembling the
drawer, drill two 1"-dia. holes and
remove the waste with a band saw or
sabre saw. Then sand the cutout smooth.
Case without top or base. This storage
chest can be built without adding the top
or base. Just plug the holes in the top.
Mobile chest. For a mobile chest, you
can buy casters and screw them to the
case. (Locking casters are also available.)
Handle cutouts. Instead of traditional
pulls, you can cut openings on the front
pieces before assembling the drawers.
No. 131 Woodsmith 25
No. 131
(Figs. 1 and 1a), so its size isn't too
important. What is important is to
drill oversize shank holes when
screwing the fences together. This
creates a little "play" so you can
micro-adjust the front fence later on.
KEY. Finally, there's a hardwood
key that's glued into the front fence
(not the back fence). The nice thing
about this key is that once the jig is
set up and fine-tuned, cutting the
box joints is almost automatic.
MAKING THE JIG. Now that you've
got the basic idea, take a few min-
utes to build the jig following Steps
1-5 on the next page. And if you're
wondering why the notch (and key)
are set below the thickness of the
stock (Step 1), the explanation is
pretty simple. You don't want the
key to prevent the ends of the pieces
from seating fully on the table.
SETUP. After the jig has
been built, it can be set up to
cut the box joints. All there is to
this is getting the key in the right
place. That's because the position of
the key determines the width of the
pins. So all you have to do is
FRONT FENCE. Of the two fences, the
one in front provides the support.
How big should it be? It depends on
the size of the workpieces. I make
sure the fence is at least twice as
long as the pieces are wide. (And
with large panels, making the fence
taller is also a good idea.)
BACK FENCE. The fence in back is a
mounting board for the front fence
Boxjoints have it all- they're strong, quick, and good--looking.
And all you need is a dado blnde and a "ten--minute" jig.
oxjoints are strictly
"power tool" work.
You don't need hand saws
or chisels. That means
they're quick and easy to
cut - as easy as pushing a
piece across the table saw. And
the interlocking pins create so
much good gluing surface you'd be
hard pressed to break the joint.
Don't get me wrong. Quick and
easy doesn't mean sloppy. Box joints
have to fit well for the glue to work.
That's why I rely on a shop-made jig.
With a careful setup, this jig works
with assembly-line consistency.
Another nice thing about box
joints is their flexibility. They can be
as wide or narrow as the dado set
you use to cut them. (A stacked set
works best.) Their length (set by
the height of the blade) will always
match the thickness of the stock.
JIG. The box joint jig I use has just
three parts: two fences that attach to
the miter gauge and a small hard-
wood key, as shown in Fig. 1.
A Interlocking pins
create a lot of glu-
ing surface for a
really strong and
attractive joint.
With the fences screwed to the
miter gauge, set the dado blade
slightly below the thickness of the
stock. Then cut a notch in the jig.
unscrew the front fence and shift it
over "one key" to the right (Step 3).
When testing the setup (Steps 4
and 5), make sure the test pieces
are the same thickness and at least
as wide as the workpieces. If not,
even though your test pieces fit per-
fectly, the workpieces may not.
Just howtight should the fit be? It
depends on the workpieces. I usual-
ly fine tune the jig so the pieces have
to be tapped together lightly with a
mallet. Any tighter, and youll have
problems when the glue is added.
However, for large, wide panels, I
like to be able to dry assemble them
with just hand pressure (l still have
clamps on hand for when the glue is
added). This way, the assembly
goes a little more smoothly.
Loose fit. If there is a gap
between the pins, nudge the key
away from the saw blade slightly.
Short pins. If the blade is set too
low, the pins will be short. So
simply raise the blade slightly.
Now cut a hardwood key that
fits snug in the notch. Glue this
key into the front fence and relieve
the top edges with sandpaper.
test piece
Holding a test piece tight against
the key, make apass. Then fit this
slot over the key and make another
pass. Continue across the workpiece.
When fine tuning, you'll also set
the length of the pins by raising or
lowering the blade (see box). I like
the pins to stick proud just a hair
(lh2" or less). This way, all I have to
If pins are
long or short
adjust height
of blade
front fence
For the initial setup, unscrewthe
front fence and position the key
with one ofits cutoffpieces. Re-attach
the fence and set the blade height.
test piece
Flip the first test piece aroundand
set asecond test piece against it.
Cut the slot, remove the first piece
and continue with the second piece.
do after assembly is sand the pins -
not the entire face of each piece.
Once the test pieces fit well, the
"tricky" part is over - now you can
get started on the good workpieces.
Tight fit. If the pins won't fit into
the slots at all, then nudge the
key towards the saw blade.
Long Pins. If the pins stand
proud more than V32", the saw
blade needs to be lowered.
When fine-tuning
the front fence,
1make any micro-
"visible" by draw-
ing a line across
the two fences.
Label pieces
Box joints cut
on both ends
of front/back
pieces first
idea to label the pieces. I orient
them the way they'll be assembled
and number the corners along the
bottom (or back) edge. This will be
the leading edge - the one set
against the key for the first pass.
CUT JOINTS. Nowyou can begin cut-
ting the box joints, as shown in the
steps below. I focus on keeping the
pieces held tight to the jig and
pressed down flush to the table. But
as I've said, this is almost automatic.
lines up
with pins
Pieces start : : : : : = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : " . out extra wide
Groove will ~ 0
exposed on side
after assembly
intended width in the end, but no
one (besides you) will know.
And what about drawers that
have to fit a particular opening? I
still start with oversize pieces. Then
when trimming them down, I simply
do what looks best. Sometimes it's
trimming a little off the top edge.
Other times I take a little off both
the top and bottom of the pieces.
LABEL PIECES. Before you begin cut-
ting the box joints, it's also a good
Cutting Box Joints
At this point, you've already cut at
least one set of boxjoints (on the test
pieces), so you know just how
easy it is. Now it's time to get
started on the actual workpieces.
there's a little secret I should
let you in on. Box joints aren't
as precise as they look. For
instance, say you're cutting WI
box joints for a drawer, as shown in
the drawing at right. These box
joints won't be exactly 0.5" - they
may be 0.49", 0.51" or 0.52" (It
depends mostly on the width ofyour
dado blade.) This may sound like
hair splitting, but after cutting the
thirteen or so slots and pins, this
.01" starts to add up.
EXTRA WIDE PIECES. Don't worry, the
solution isn't to get out a set of
calipers. What I do is build in a
"fudge factor" by cutting the pieces
extra wide. Then after the box joints
are cut, I trim them so there's a full
slot or pin on each edge. The work-
pieces probably won't end up their
Begin with the front piece (one
that starts with a pin). Set its bot-
tom edge against the key and hold it
tight as you pass it over the blade.
NOW lift the piece and straddle
the first slot over the key and take
another pass. Repeat this process
across the entire end of the piece.
FliP the piece end-far-end, keep-
ing the bottom edge against the
key Then cut the slots on this end.
Repeat this on the other "pin" piece.
To cut the sides (that begin with
a slot), straddle the mating "pin"
piece over the key Then butt the side
against it and cut the first slot.
Nowremove the "pin" piece and
continue cutting the slots across
this workpiece. Repeat this pr:ocess
on all the mating corner pieces.
After cutting the boxjoints on all
four corners, set the rip fence to
trim the top edge of each workpiece
to leave a full pin or slot.
28 Woodsmith No. 131
backed sandpaper
bled with a mallet and a scrap piece
that's set just behind the box joints
(since the pins were cut to stand
proud), as shown in Fig. 2.
With one corner together, I move
to the next, working my way around
the case until all the workp'ieces are
assembled (including the bottom). I
won't have picked up a clamp yet,
and sometimes I don't have to. The
joints are tight enough that they're
held together by friction. But often
there are small gaps, which is when
the clamps come in handy.
Two cautions, however. As when
using a mallet, you can't put the
pressure right on the joint So again
I use scrap blocks, carpet taping
them next to the box joints (Fig. 3).
Second, you want to careful about
applying too much clamping pres-
sure. With the clamps set beside the
box joints, they can easily force the
sides of the assembly to bow in.
SAND PINS. After the glue is dry, all
that's left is to sand the pins. With
small boxes, I find it easier to keep
from rounding over the corners if I
set a couple pieces of adhesive-
backed sandpaper on a flat surface
and sand the box lightly until the
pins are flush, as in Fig. 4. m
Rotate chisel
around plug
'" I (
I r
To trim the plug, use a chisel to
pare off the excess by working
around the plug towards the cen-
ter. Then sand it smooth.
You can anticipate any problems by
making several "dry runs." Plus,
using a slow-setting glue (like liquid
hide glue) will buy you a little more
working time. I also keep a small
brush handy, which lets me spread
the glue on more quickly.
The second challenge is pulling
the corners tight. Each corner has
to be squeezed in two directions.
This can mean quite a few clamps,
but they're not the first tool I pick
up. Instead, each corner is assem-
To plug the hole, start by cut-
ting an extra-long plug. Taper the
sides slightly to get a snug fit and
then glue the plug in place.
Assembling the Box
With all the box joints cut, the last
thing to do is glue the workpieces
together. But before getting out the
glue and clamps, youll want to take
care of the groove for the bottom or
back of the box, as well as any other
joinery that needs to be cut
might expect, cutting the grooves
for a drawer bottom or case back is
pretty straightforward. I like to do
this on the table saw, as shown in
Fig. 1 at right. This way, I can size
the groove so the bottom or back
(usually WI plywood) fits perfectly.
But keep in mind that these grooves
will be exposed after assembly.
Sometimes the exposed grooves
will be covered with a panel, as they
were on the cases of the storage
chest and clock. But it's not a big job
if the holes do need to be plugged,
as they will with most drawers. (The
box below shows you how.)
joinery is completed and the bottom
(or back) has been cut to fit in the
grooves, the workpieces are ready
to be put together. But with boxjoint
assemblies, there are a couple of
challenges you should be aware of.
First, to get the glue in the slots
on both ends of each piece and then
get the pieces clamped together,
you have to move quickly. And the
larger or more complicated the
assembly is, the faster you have to
move. But don't let this scare you.
No. 131 Woodsmith 29

Looking for aproject .you can build in no time? This clock is the answer.
The secret - asimple jig makes the box joints go like clockwork.
or me, one of the biggest frustra-
tions with woodworking is time-
there never seems to be enough ofit
This clockis an exception. It's aweek-
end project from beginning to end.
BOX JOINTS. Now, I know it seems
like cutting tight, consistent box
joints would be time-consuming.
And they must require a great deal
of skill and experience, right?
Wrong. The truth is that with the
help of a simple jig, cutting box
joints is almost automatic. And by
"simple," I mean a couple of scrap
pieces that can be screwed together
in minutes. Spend a few more min-
utes fine-tuning the jig, and you'll be
ready to cut the box joints.
CLOCK MOVEMENT. Besides the box
joints, the other striking part of this
project - the clock - will take
even less time. It's an inexpensive
quartz movement that's commonly
available from woodworking and
clock catalogs. (For sources, turn to
page 35.) To install the movement, a
hole is drilled in a mounting board,
and then after the case has been
assembled, the clock is pressed into
this hole. It's that simple.
FINISH. Even finishing this clock is
quick and easy. To help the maple
look "aged," I used an off-the-shelf
oil stain (Honey Maple) and wiped
on a few coats of an oil finish. But
don't get in too much of a hurry.
Letting the finish dry is the one part
of this project that will take time.
So if you've got a "free" weekend
coming up, why not plan on build-
ing this small clock? I can promise
you a couple big payoffs: You'll get a
chance to try your hand at a classic
woodworking technique. Plus, you
will end up with a timeless project.
30 Woodsmith No. 131
v.," xv.,"
cut with
shop-made jig
. ,
; i
Case back has
W' tongue to fit
grooves in case
. ,
(and top)
are cut from
W' -thick stock
. Mounting
.L-- board is V2'
, thick to
34"- dia.

NOTE: Jig and step-
by-step procedure for
cutting box joints are
described on page 26

-dia. 0=

board and
back held
in Wx VB'
ers set ....
ck VB'
case 1
VB' hardboard -
314' -dia.
wood knob

, -r=-
with scrap
w .
, .

- '-

121fs"H x6%"Wx 5"D
(1) 3
/s"-dia, Quartz Movement
(2) %"-dia, Wood Knobs
ALSO NEEDED: Two small
(3" x 4v.,") pieces of W hard-
board for drawer bottoms
w x 5W' - 48" Maple (1.8 Sq. Ft.)
W' x 5W' - 24" Maple (.9 Sq. Ft.)
w x 6" - 36" Maple (1.5 Sq. Ft.)
% X 3% - 11Ys
%x 3% - 5
% X4'11,6 - 10
Y2 X4'11,6 - 4'11,6
112 X 5 - 6%
%X 2% - 4Y2
%X 2% - 3%
.Va hdbd, - 3 X 4%
A Case Sides (2)
B Case Top/Btm, (2)
C Case Back (1)
D Case Dividers (2)
E Mounting Board (1)
F Top/Btm, (2)
G Drawer FrJBk, (4)
H Drawer Sides (4)
I Drawer Btm. (2)
No. 131 Woodsmith 31
Clock Case
As I've already mentioned, this case
is built with boxjoints, and they only
appear difficult. You can build a jigin
minutes, and once it's set up, you'll
have all the boxjoints cut in no time.
CUT TO SIZE. Before cutting the box
joints, however, you need to cut the
case pieces to working size. The fin-
ished sizes for the sides (A), top
(B), and bottom (B) are shown in
Fig. 1. But to start with, I ripped
them slightly wider, as you can see
in Fig. 2. This way, you can be sure
you'll end up with a full pin (or slot)
on both the front and back of the
case. (This means your case may
not end up exactly 3%", but nobody
will know any difference.)
CUT BOX JOINTS. Now you're ready
to make the box joint jig and cut the
box joints on the case pieces, as
shown in Fig. 2. The article that
starts on page 26 describes both
building the jig and cutting the box
joints. All I need to point out is that
for this clock, you'll want to start
with the sides (A). This way, when
you cut the grooves for the back and
mounting board later on, they'll
show up on the top and bottom of
the case, as you can see in Fig. 6 on
page 33. This is exactly what you
want because the top and bottom of
the case will end up being covered
later (Fig. 7 on page 34).
CUT GROOVES. After the box joints
are cut and the workpieces have
been trimmed to final width, it's
time to cut the grooves for the back
and mounting board (the piece that
will hold the clock movement).
There isn't anything tricky about
these grooves. They're both WI x
V8" and are cut on all four pieces. But
note that the grooves in front are cut
3 % " ~
~ ,
board flush
with second
further away from the edge than
those for the back (Figs. 1 and 1b) .
CUT DADOES. With the grooves com-
plete, I set the top and bottom aside
so that dadoes could be cut in the
case sides. These dadoes will trap
; 1
some case dividers (shown in Fig. 3).
But I didn't want them visible from
either the front or back of the case
after assembly. So these are stopped
dadoes - they're cut only between
the two grooves you've already cut.
The stopped
grooves in the case
sides were roughed
out at the drill
press and then
cleaned up with
chisels. See page
18 for step-by-step
instructions . ....
32 Woodsmith No. 131
Scrap block
backs up cut

grooves will
be covered
by top and
bottom later
Groove cut
only in upper
case divider
" I I
: I
! :
Right side
and back of
case not shown
Apply glue only
to box joints and (
notches on dividers
To ease assembly-
set case on its side
port to the clock movement. And
this mounting board is like the back
(C): it's 1/
11 smaller than the open-
ing created by the grooves and its
inside face needs to be rabbeted to
create a small tongue (Fig. 3a).
To hold the clock, the mounting
board requires a fairly large hole.
And since all quartz movements
aren't identical, be sure to have your
clock in hand before drilling it.
To drill out the hole, I used a com-
mon wing cutter, as shown in Fig. 5.
And to keep my fingers clear of the
spinning cutter, I secured the small
workpiece in the jaws of a hand-
screw. (If you don't have a wing cut-
ter, you can also drill a starter hole
and then cut out the opening with a
sabre saw or scroll saw.)
ASSEMBLE CASE. Nowyou're ready to
glue the case together. There are a
lot of pieces to work with here, but
only the box joints and the front
ends of the dividers need any glue.
By setting the case on its side, as
shown in Fig. 6, I could get most of
the pieces in place easily. Except for
the lower divider, every piece was
supported by at least one other. All
that was left then was to glue and fit
the second side onto the assembly.
'\ Handscrewsecures
\ mounting block
, """
Normally, I cut stopped dadoes on
,a router table, but it's hard to see
what's happening. So this time, I cut
the dadoes by drilling overlapping
holes on the drill press, as shown in
the photo on page 32. (For more on
how to do this, refer to page 18.)
CASE BACK. With the case pieces
complete, I cut a back (C) to fit in
the grooves in the case (Fig. 1). But
to be safe, I didn't cut it to fit tight.
(It's 1M' smaller in both width and
height.) Of course, the grooves are
only %11 wide, so youll need to cut a
small rabbet around the front face
of the back so it'll fit (Fig. 1a).
DRAWER DIVIDERS. Next, you can
work on the two dividers (D) for the
drawers (Fig. 3). These are cut to fit
into the stopped dadoes. So I meas-
ured the opening of the case and
added 1/
11 - %11 for each dado.
Since the dadoes were stopped in
front, the dividers must be notched
so they'll fit between the case sides
(Fig. 4). Youll want to sneak up on
the size of these notches so you
don't end up with gaps at the front of
the dividers. Fortunately, checking
the fit couldn't be easier. I dry
assembled the case and test the fit
of the notches between the case
sides, as shown in Fig. 4b.
When you're satisfied that the
dividers will fit well, there's still one
more thing to do. Since the upper
divider is part of the "frame" that
will hold the mounting board, you
need to cut a groove that aligns with
the front groove in the case pieces,
refer to Fig. 1b on page 32.
MOUNTING BOARD. The last piece to
add is the mounting board (E), as
shown in Fig. 3. It's WI-thick to sup-
No. 131 Woodsmith 33
! I
I '
Clocks don't get much handling,
so you don't need to worry about a
heavy-duty finish. After staining the
wood a honey maple color, I wiped
on a few coats of an oil finish. Then
when that had dried, I pressed the
movement into its opening. m
I 2%"
(118" hardboard)
added to each drawer front. I didn't
have a screw small enough for the
hole drilled into the back of the
knob. (And a screwdriver would've
been too long anyway.) But I did dig
up a small scrap of dowel to use
instead, as shown in Fig. 7.
"" _=5'=-1

39's" -dia. !..I__ -:-- _
quartz -
1.....----------.... movement
Top, Bottom & Drawers
With the case glued up, all that's left
is to add a top and bottomto the case
and build the two drawers (Fig. 7). I
started with the top and bottom.
TOP & BOTTOM. The WI-thick top
and bottom (F) are sized to over-
hang the case %" on all four sides
(Fig. 7a). Then the only thing to do
with these pieces is bevel their
edges (Figs. 8 and 8a). When bevel-
ing all four edges of a piece, I always
cut across the end grain first. This
way if there's chipout, the bevels on
the edges should clean it up.
I glued the top and bottom to the
case one at a time. The only thing to
be careful about here is that the
overhang is the same on all sides.
DRAWERS. With the top and bottom
in place, the drawers can be built
from %"-thick stock. And like the
case, thefront (G), back (G), and
sides (H) start out extra wide at
first. (Since the drawers are small, I
built them to fit tight from side to
side. Then I sanded them until they
opened and closed easily.)
The box joints are cut on the side
pieces first. This way, the grooves
cut for the lis" hardboard bottom (I)
will be exposed on the sides. Then
after cutting the box joints, the
pieces can be trimmed to size.
This is where the drawers differ
from the case. The final width of the
case wasn't critical, but the drawer
pieces have to fit into the case open-
ings with a 1/16" gap at the top, as
shown in Fig. 7b. So you may not
end up with a full slot (or pin) at the
bottom of the drawer.
HARDWARE. After the drawers are
glued together, the small holes in
the sides can be plugged (see page
29), and a small wood knob can be
Sanding Tip.
If the edges of
a drawer aren't
flush, apply one
or two strips of
sandpaper to a
flat surface and
sand the drawer
When bevelling
top and bottom,
start with ends

34 Woodsmith No. 131
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Lee Valley
Dust Collection
Accessories, T-track
S. LaRose
QwLrtz Clock WJJ"-dia.)
Woodworker's Supply
QwLrtz Clock (3'f,,"-dia.),
Router Table Hardware,
T-track & Inserts,
Dust Collection
Accessories, Casters
Quartz Clock WJJ"-dia.),
RO'UiRr Table Hardware,
Inserts, Dust Collectian
Accessories, Casters
Similar project
supplies and
hardware may
be orderedfrom
the following
RockIer Woodworking
QwLrtz Clock (3lf;/'-dia.),
Router Table Hardware,
T-track & Inserts,
Dust Collection
Accessories, Casters
QwLrtz Clock Wl,o"-dia.)
Restoration Hardware
hardware. com
Storage chest JYUlls
While other sources offer similar T-
tracks, ours works with both %"-20
and 5/16"-18 toilet flange bolts. Our
Dual Track (which is not available
from other sources) takes this a
step further by allowing you to add a
perfect-fitting miter gauge slot
32"-long Dual Track
7213220 $26.95
4502-076 . . $13.95
DUST COLLECTION. To connect the
router table to a shop vacuum, we
used attachments and hoses from
Lee Valley (see list at right). m
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Order Woodsmith/ShopNotes Back Issues
guard (page 17), the durable plastic
ones shown above are also avail-
able. Both can be attached with
hardware already included in the
router fence kit (and complete kit).
Large Featherboard
Router Bit Safety Guard
DUAL & HRACKS. The T-track and
Dual Track are also available sepa-
rately from Woodsmith Project
Supplies. The T-track provides a
quick, secure way to attach acces-
sories to any shop jig or project.
The router table hardware is available
in a kit that includes everything you need
(except for the electrical supplies, the
plastic router bit safety guard and feather-
board, and the dust collection supplies).
When ordering,.please use Key W13)
Note: Prices subject to change after December 2000.
To order a hardware kit from Woodsmith Project
SUPPlies, please use ourToll Free order line, see below.
It's open Monday through Friday, from 8AMto 5 PM
Central Time. Before calling, please have your VISA,
MasterCard, or Discover Card ready.
If you want to mail in your order, call the number
below for more information concerning shipping
charges as well as any applicable sales tax.
There's a lot of hardware that goes
into the router table in this issue. Most
items, like the screws, washers and
even the aluminum angle, are avail-
able at a home center. Other items,
like the plastic knobs, T-track, and
insert plate, are only available from
woodworking stores and catalogs, see
the mail order sources at right And
the Dual Track is an item our "prod-
ucts group" recently developed. (It
works so well we just had to use it.)
Woodsmith Project Supplies has
pulled all the hardware together and
is offering three separate kits for the
different components of the project.
These kits include everything need-
ed to build the project, including alu-
minum angle, T-track, Dual Track,
and a 7%" x 11%" phenolic insert.
The optional items not included are
the plastic accessories (see below),
the electrical items, and the dust col-
lection hoses and connectors.
Fence Hardware Kit
7131-100.. . $63.95
Table Top & Cabinet Hardware Kit
7131200.. .....................$57.95
Stand Hardware Kit
7131-300. . $103.95
ed time, you can buy a complete
router hardware kit at a special dis-
counted price and save over $25.
Complete Router Table Kit
ACCESSORIES. While you can build a
featherboard and router bit safety
No. 131 Woodsmith 35
! Box Joint Clock. With its eye-catching box joint
drawers, this little, old-fashioned clock will look at
home just about anywhere. Plans begin on page 30.
! Router Table. With portability and storage designed into one package, this may be the
last router table you'll ever need to build. Easy-to-follow directions for this project can
be found on page 6.
Box Joint Storage Chest. ~
Build this cabinet your
way... choose from tradi-
tional or mobile, drawer
pulls or handle cut-outs.
Plus you decide the configu-
ration of the drawers. Step-
by-step instructions
begin on page 20.

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