Behavior Plan - Bip Plan For j-1
Behavior Plan - Bip Plan For j-1
Behavior Plan - Bip Plan For j-1
General Information
Student: School: James Birthdate: Medication: Previous Funct Assess? Eligibility Status: N/a Yes No When: ASD Date:
Caseload Teacher:
(student reactions, staff reactions, environmental changes) Prompted to remove the grab and follow up with a "break" option, either break, food, or recess.
In what settings/situations is the behavior of concern most and least likely to occur? Settings/Situations Most Likely Least Likely Adults?
(personality characteristics, teaching style, gender, disciplinary style, etc., no names) Peers? (personality characteristics, gender, etc., no names) Certain Activities? (independent work, Paraprofessionals, other individual helpers and unknown adults. Transitions and schedule changes and difficult Any peers. Planned schedule.
work. Unstructured time (hallways for transitions) and general education classroom After lunch and afternoon. 1-1 Discussions Handbooks Other Conflict Resolution Anger Management Check One or More and Indicate Frequency Peer Mediation Staff/Student Awareness Regarding BIP Recess, scheduled breaks. Morning and pre-transition. Check One or More and List How Often Behavior Plan Posted Classroom Rules
(playground, math, science, lunch, school bus, unstructured time) Time of Day or Class (morning, end of class, afternoon) Other? (home issues, bus, medication, health, sleep, etc.) Class Discussions Assemblies Check Sheet Social Work Support Behavioral Support Contracts Other
Check One or More and Indicate Frequency of Use Detention Work Detail/Restitution Reprimand/Warning *Attached Documentation
Check One or More and Explain Shows frustrations through this behavior.
Power/Control Other
Reinforcement Strategies
Methods of Teaching and Reinforcing Appropriate/Replacement Skills
-J should be given something to chew on (gum, candy, etc) after lunch (when biting mostly occurs) to substitute for biting. - J's schedule will be changed as little as possible - J will be provided with an ipad throughout the day to allow him to communicate effectively (by using buttons on the ipad with words on them.) - Use two blankets (two different
- Not drastically reacting to J's innapropriate behaviors and acting out when he is upset. - Introduce behavior contract after 8 weeks of cooperation. This will allow J to not be overwhelmed or frustrated by any new and overwhelming tasks or information. - Positive feedback/praise for good and appropriate behavior - Sticker chart (for reinforced postive behavior) that leads to extra choice
- Be sure that another adult is around by asking someone to assist you or asking someone to go get an adult. - Directly tell J to stop biting. - Once he has not followed this instruction, hold onto both his wrists. - Ask other adult for assistance to (as gently as possible) pull J away from the person being bitten - Sit J down and give him time to think. - Discuss the behavior with J
Deviation of School Handbook? Yes No
Attach Sample Data Sheet MacKenzie Brady will inform the following staff of BIP: Harriet Lyno, Danny Cole, Ali Coyne, Katie Gabriel
Signatures below indicate the plan has been reviewed and agreed upon for implementation: