Unit 6 Modal Verbs: 6.1. ABILITY I. Presentation

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Study this example: Jack: Paul, do you think you can help me with the homework tonight? Paul: Well, Jack, I cant tell you for sure but I could be able to do that. Let me check my schedule and see if I am able to do something for you. Jack: Thanks a lot, Paul. I really appreciate it. Paul: My pleasure, Jack.


We can see the lake from our window. I can hear the baby crying.

It is used to say that something is possible or that somebody has the ability to do something. It is frequently used with the verbs with five senses: see, hear, feel, smell, taste.

It is the negative form of CAN I am afraid I cant come to the party. I could hear the river flowing. We could do what we wanted.

It is the past tense for CAN It is also used to say that somebody has the general ability or permission to do something.

It is used instead of CAN It is necessary to use BE ABLE TO as CAN has only two forms: Present and past

I havent been able to sleep recently. ( PRESENT PERFECT) Tom hadnt been able to pass this test. (PAST PERFECT)



1. Rewrite these sentences, using the right modal: a. Jack is really good at swimming.

He. b. You are too busy to take that course now. You c. I was able to read a book in two days when I was your age. I d. Is it all right with you if I open the window? .. e. Birds have the ability to fly. Birds. f. I need someone to help me lift my furniture tomorrow. be able to .?

2. Fill in with the right modal verb: a. I ..do a million things by myself. b. I .teach Spanish when I was young c. I fix the car as fast as you want. d. I am sure I ..be able to pass the test next summer. e. I be able to mend my bicycle before you came in and broke my box with tools. f. I ..been able to read my mail for a week.


Study this example: Mary: What do you think about the next elections? Tom: I believe President Jones might win. Mary: So, do you think he could win this time? Tom: Actually, this is my personal opinion, although some say he may not win. Mary: But what are the reasons for which you see things this way? Tom: Well, Mary, I took a look at the numbers and I was impressed, I must say. Mary: What about the other candidate? Tom: Well if we are to look at the numbers, he cant win. Mary: Hm.I see, so he must be the one you voted for. Tom: You guessed well, my dear friend but all these are merely suppositions. Mary: You are right, Tom, you never know with politics Tom; Yes, you never know


I may/might come to your birthday party tonight. I may not/might not have time to finish the project tonight. He could be stuck in the traffic. Tom must be in his office now. Jane didnt come to the party last night, he must have been sick. Mary cant be at the office at this time. Jack is an honest person, he couldnt have stolen the money.

MAY and MIGHT It is used when we think something is possible or we are uncertain MAY is more formal MAY NOT and MIGHT NOT describe uncertainty, not impossibility COULD is used when we are uncertain, with the verb BE MUST is used to express probability in the present tense. MUST HAVE +PAST PRTICIPLE OF THE VERB is used to express probability in the past tense. CANT/COULDNT is used to express impossibility in the present/past

1. Fill in the blanks with the right modal: a. Next week we go to the disco. b. Take an umbrella with you, it .rain. c. When is she going to phone you? I dont know, she .phone this afternoon. d. Next week they take a walk in the woods. e. The teachergive you a good mark if you learn. f. He .be talking to the girl in white. g. I cant tell you whether Jake.or .come to the party with us. h. This ..be Toms car, he is out of town. i. Paul..have done such a stupid thing, he is too smart for that. j. Do you think Jane .have called us while we were away? 2. Make deductions about the given sentences using a modal verb: a. It is possible to rain tonight. It b. I dont think Tom would lie to me. Tom. c. I guess she likes to travel abroad more. She d.Peter is so tired, so I guess he wanted to go to bed early.

Peter e.You could see in her eyes the desire to go to that party. She. f.Why didnt you call your sister? Maybe she would like to give you a hand. Your sister g.Maybe Mary would want to lend you some money. Ask her. Mary. h.The lights are on at Toms house. Tom i.He is listening to music. He. j.She never does her homework. She


Study this example: Jane: Tom, you have to send these letters today. Tom: I am afraid I dont have time today. Jane: Sorry, Tom, but you must do this right away. These letters must not be delayed. Tom: Well, I guess I will do it if I have to. Jane: Yes, you must.


You must report to the commander right away. Paul must not lie about the accident. You dont have to help me, I can manage.

MUST is used to express an order, a necessity to do something. MUST NOT is used to express an interdiction. DO NOT HAVE TO is used to express the lack of obligation.



1. Complete the sentences, using the above modal verbs: a. We havent got much time. We.hurry. b. Jake didnt pass the test. He.study harder.

c. This is a secret, you.tell anybody else. d. ..I do this right now? I am busy now. e. It would be nice to get some help, but youto sacrifice your free time. f. Take your time. You.hurry. g. You..look after the baby . He is very naughty. 2. Rewrite the sentences using modals in such a way that the meaning stays the same: a. I need those papers ready by tonight. Those papers. b. I dont want Jane know about this. Jane. c. It is very kind of you to try to give me a hand, but I dont want to bother you. You.. d. I am afraid the boss wants the report now. You. e. These flowers need to be washed. These flowers.. f. Jake will be asked to quit his job. Jake.. g. When your mother asked me if you went to school yesterday, I covered you and said you did, but it was a lie. I


Study this example: Kate: What is going on with you, Paul? You seem upset. Paul: I havent passed the test at school and I am worried about my mother finding out. What should I do, Kate? Kate: Did you lie at home about them? Paul: Actually, I did. Kate: Well, Paul, first of all, I think you should stop lying. It is not good for you to do that, you will only complicate things. Paul: I know, but I am so afraid my mother might get upset. Besides, she promised me a new bike. Kate: If you want a piece of advice, I think you should tell the truth, no matter the consequences. Paul: I guess you are right, but I am too scared. Kate: I know, but you must understand that lying is not a solution. You ought to respect your parents and by telling the truth you prove it.

Paul : You convinced me, Kate. I will do that, thank you so much for showing me the right way. Kate: Dont mention it, and dont worry. What are friends for? Paul: Yes, indeed, you are a true friend.


I think you should go to that party. You shouldnt act like that. I demanded that he should apologize. You should have been there by now. You shouldnt have been so harsh with him. You ought to be more polite to your sister. Jake ought not to ask her that private question.

SHOULD is used to offer a piece of advice. It is used after a series of verbs: suggest, propose, recommend, insist, demand. SHOULD NOT is used to express that it is not advisable for you to do something. SHOULD/SHOULDNT HAVE and the past participle of the verb are used to refer to a past situation and normally they involve some sort of regret or reproach. OUGHT TO is used to express that it is your moral obligation to do something. OUGHT NOT TO is used to express that it is your moral obligation not to do something.



1. Complete the sentences using should and one of the verbs: ask, be, leave, listen, say, worry a. It is strange that she late. She is usually on time. b. It is funny that you..that. I was going to say the same thing. c. It is only natural that parents..about their children. d. Isnt it typical of Ron that ..without saying goodbye to anybody? e. I was surprised that heme for advice. What advice could I give him? f. It is very important that everybodyvery careful. 2. For each of the situations write a sentence with should or shouldnt and one of the following: i. Go away for a few days

ii. iii. iv. v. vi. a. b. c. d. e. f.

Go to bed so late Look for another job Put some pictures on the walls Take a photo Use her car so much

Liz needs a change. She My salary is very low. You.. Jake always has difficulty in getting up. He.. What a beautiful view. You. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. She. Bills room is not very interesting. ..

3. Fill in with the right modal: a. She is a very respected lady, so youto respect her, too. b. Do you think I ..give him a lesson? c. You..put him to do the homework, but now it is no use crying over spilled milk. d. You encouraged Jack to play football. Now he has a broken leg. e. I believe Tom take that exam. f. You..always wear a helmet.


Study the example: Jessica: I have something to tell you but you mustnt tell anyone about it. Jack: What is it? Is it something bad? Jessica: Oh, no, you need not panic, I just want to fix a problem. Jack: So, it is not a secret. Jessica: No, not really, but I would appreciate if you keep it between you and me. Jack: All right, then, tell me, I am curious. Jessica: I lost Toms book and I dont know what to do.

Jack: I guess you could buy him another one. Jessica: I tried to, but I cant find it anywhere and he said to give it back as soon as possible. Jack: Well, you could tell him the truth and maybe you can fix the problem together. Jessica: I will do that, thank you. Jack: No problem, Jess.


You mustnt ask him about his childhood. You neednt hurry, you have plenty of time. That shirt is not dirty. You neednt wash it. You neednt have called the boss, I would have solved the problem. We neednt hurry. Or We dont need to hurry.

MUSNT is used to express that it is necessary that you do not do something. NEEDNT is used to express that it is not necessary that you do it, so you dont need to do it. NEEDNT HAVE and the past participle of the verb is used to express that it was not necessary for an activity to be performed in the past, but it was. Instead of NEEDNT you can use DONT/DOESNT NEED TO



1. Read the situations and make sentences with neednt have : a. George went out. He took an umbrella because he thought it was going to rain. But it didnt rain. He. b. Ann bought some eggs when she went shopping. When she got home, she found that she already had plenty of eggs. She.. c. A friend got angry with you and shouted at you. You think this was unnecessary. Later you say to him/her: You d. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery. He.. e. When we went on holiday, we took the camera with us but we didnt use it in the end. .. e. I thought I was going to miss the train so I rushed to the station. But the train was late and in the end I had to wait for 20 min.

2. Fill in with mustnt or neednt: a. You have a lot of food in the fridge. You..go to the market today. b. The manager ..know about the missing file. c. You .leave earlier from work. d. We can take a taxi, we ..walk. e. Help yourself with the snacks. Yoube shy. f. I understand the situation perfectly. Youspeak further.

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