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address such methods as competitive bidding, group purchasing, utilization-review programs, and cost-effective patient services.4 Workload and financial performance. A process shall exist to routinely monitor workload and financial performance. This process should provide for the determination and analysis of hospital and systemwide costs of medication therapy. A pharmacist should be an integral part of the hospitals financial management team. Committee involvement. A pharmacist should be a member of and actively participate in those committees responsible for establishing medication-related policies and procedures as well as those committees responsible for the provision of patient care. Quality assessment and improvement. There shall be an ongoing, systematic program for quality assessment and improvement of the pharmacy and medication-use process. This program should be integrated with the hospitals or health systems quality assessment and quality improvement activities. Quality improvement activities related to the distribution, administration, and use of medications shall be routinely performed. Feedback to appropriate individuals about the quality achieved shall be provided. 24-hour pharmaceutical services. Adequate hours of operation for the provision of needed pharmaceutical services must be maintained; 24-hour pharmaceutical services should be provided if possible. Twenty-fourhour pharmaceutical services should exist in all hospitals with clinical programs that require intensive medication therapy (e.g., transplant programs, open-heart surgery programs, and neonatal intensive care units). When 24-hour pharmacy service is not feasible, a pharmacist must be available on an on-call basis. After-hours pharmacy access. In the absence of 24hour pharmaceutical services, access to a limited supply of medications should be available to authorized nonpharmacists for use in carrying out urgent medication orders. The list of medications to be accessible and the policies and procedures to be used (including subsequent review of all activity by a pharmacist) shall be developed by the pharmacy and therapeutics (P&T) committee (or its equivalent). Items for such access should be chosen with safety in mind, limiting wherever possible medications, quantities, dosage forms, and container sizes that might endanger patients. Routine after-hours access to the pharmacy by nonpharmacists (e.g., nurses) for access to medications is strongly discouraged; this practice should be minimized and eliminated to the fullest extent possible. The use of well-designed night cabinets, after-hours medication carts, and other methods precludes the need for nonpharmacists to enter the pharmacy.5 For emergency situations in which nonpharmacist access is necessary, policies and procedures should exist for safe access to medications by persons who receive telephone authorization from an on-call pharmacist. Practice standards and guidelines. The practice standards and guidelines of the American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) or other appropriate accrediting body should be viewed as applicable, and the hospital should strive to meet these standards regardless of the particular financial and organizational arrangements by which pharmaceutical services are provided to the facility and its patients. Laws and regulations. Applicable laws and regulations must be met and relevant documentation of compliance must be maintained (e.g., records, material safety data sheets, copies of state board regulations). Patient confidentiality. The pharmacist shall respect and protect patient confidentiality by safeguarding access to computer databases and reports containing patient information. Patient information should be shared only with authorized health professionals and others authorized within the hospital or health system as needed for the care of patients.
tional review board, and the infection control, patient care, medication-use evaluation, and other committees that make decisions concerning medication use. Documentation of pharmaceutical care and outcomes. The pharmacy shall have an ongoing process for consistent documentation (and reporting to medical staff, administrators, and others) of pharmaceutical care and patient outcomes from medication therapy and other pharmacy actions. Continuity of care. The pharmacist shall routinely contribute to processes ensuring that each patients pharmaceutical care is maintained regardless of transitions that occur across different care settings (for example, among different components of a health system or between inpatient and community pharmacies or home care services). Work redesign initiatives. The pharmacist must be involved in work redesign initiatives such as patientfocused care, where they exist. These efforts should be such that pharmaceutical care is enhanced and supported. Clinical care plans. Pharmacists must be involved in the development of clinical care plans involving medication therapy. Microbial resistance. Policies and procedures addressing microbial resistance to anti-infectives shall exist. Pharmacists should review laboratory reports of microbial sensitivities and advise prescribers if microbial resistance is noted. Medication-therapy decisions. The pharmacists prerogatives to initiate, monitor, and modify medication therapy for individual patients, consistent with laws, regulations, and hospital policy, shall be clearly delineated and approved by the P&T committee (or comparable body). Immunization programs. The pharmacy shall participate in the development of hospital policies and procedures concerning preventive and postexposure immunization programs for patients and hospital employees.9 Substance-abuse programs. The pharmacy shall assist in the development of and participate in hospital substance-abuse prevention and employee assistance programs, where they exist.
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approved list of medications for specific treatment circumstances and emergencies. A system shall exist to ensure that medication orders are not inappropriately continued. Formulary. A formulary of approved medications shall be maintained by the pharmacy.11 Prescribing. Medications shall be prescribed by individuals who have been granted appropriate clinical privileges in the hospital and are legally permitted to order medications. The pharmacy shall advocate and foster practitioners conformance with standardized, approved terminology and abbreviations to be used throughout the hospital when prescribing medications. Medication administration. Only personnel who are authorized by the hospital and appropriately trained shall be permitted to administer medications to a patient. This may include pharmacists and other pharmacy personnel. Extemporaneous compounding. Drug formulations, dosage forms, strengths, and packaging that are not available commercially but are needed for patient care shall be prepared by appropriately trained personnel in accordance with applicable practice standards and regulations (e.g., FDA, state board of pharmacy). Adequate quality assurance procedures shall exist for these operations.12 Sterile products. All sterile medications shall be prepared and labeled in a suitable environment by appropriately trained personnel. Quality assurance procedures for the preparation of sterile products shall exist.13 Unit dose packaging. Whenever possible, medications shall be available for inpatient use in single-unit packages and in a ready-to-administer form. Manipulation of medications before administration (e.g., withdrawal of doses from multidose containers, labeling containers) by final users should be minimized.14 Medication storage. Medications shall be stored and prepared under proper conditions of sanitation, temperature, light, moisture, ventilation, segregation, and security to ensure medication integrity and personnel safety. Adverse drug reactions. An ongoing program for monitoring, reporting, and preventing adverse drug reactions shall be developed.15 Medication errors. Pharmacists, with physicians and other appropriate hospital personnel, shall establish policies and procedures with respect to medicationerror prevention and reporting.5 Ongoing monitoring and review of medication errors with corresponding appropriate action should be maintained. Drug product recalls. A written procedure shall exist for the handling of a drug product recall. There should be an established process for removing from use any drugs or devices subjected to a recall. Patients own medications. Drug products and related devices brought into the hospital by patients shall be identified by pharmacy and documented in the patients medical record if the medications are to be used during hospitalization. They shall be administered only pursuant to a prescribers order and according to hospital policies and procedures. Vendors representatives. Written policies governing the activities of representatives of vendors of drug products (including related supplies and devices) within the hospital shall exist.16 Samples. The use of medication samples shall be eliminated to the extent possible. However, if samples are permitted, the pharmacy must control these products to ensure proper storage, maintenance of records, and product integrity. Manufacturers and suppliers. Criteria for selecting drug product manufacturers and suppliers shall be established by the pharmacy to ensure high quality of drug products.17 Cytotoxic and hazardous drug products. Policies and procedures for storage, handling, and disposal of cytotoxic and other hazardous drug products shall exist.18 Controlled substances. Accountability procedures shall exist to ensure control of the distribution and use of controlled substances and other medications with a potential for abuse.19 Nondrug substances. The pharmacy shall seek and obtain documented authorization from appropriate medical staff and hospital committees for the pharmacologic use of any chemical substance that has never received FDA approval for any drug use. Documentation must exist to ensure that appropriate risk management measures (e.g., obtaining informed consent) have been taken. Medication storage area inspections. All stocks of medications shall be inspected routinely to ensure the absence of outdated, unusable, or mislabeled products. Storage conditions that would foster medication deterioration and storage arrangements that might contribute to medication errors also must be assessed, documented, and corrected. Floor stock. Floor stocks of medications generally shall be limited to medications for emergency use and routinely used safe items (e.g., mouthwash, antiseptic solutions). The potential for medication errors and adverse effects must be considered for every medication allowed as floor stock. Disaster services. A procedure shall exist for providing pharmaceutical services in case of disaster. Medical emergencies. The pharmacy shall participate in hospital decisions about emergency medication kits and the role of pharmacists in medical emergencies. Drug delivery systems, administration devices, and automated dispensing machines. Pharmacists shall provide leadership and advice in organizational and clinical decisions regarding drug delivery systems, administration devices, and automated dispensing machines and should participate in the evaluation, use, and monitoring of these systems and devices.20 The potential for medication errors associated with such systems and devices must be thoroughly evaluated.
1. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP residency accreditation regulations and standards on definitions of pharmacy residencies and fellowships. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1987; 44:11424. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP statement on continuing education. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1990; 47:1855. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on the recruitment, selection, and retention of pharmacy personnel. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1994; 51:18115. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on assessing cost-containment strategies for pharmacies in organized health-care settings. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1992; 49:15560. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines on preventing medication errors in hospitals. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:30514. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP statement on the pharmacists role in patient education programs. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1991; 48:1780. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines for obtaining authorization for documenting pharmaceutical care in patient medical records. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1989; 46:3389. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines on the pharmacists role in drug-use evaluation. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1988; 45:3856. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on the pharmacists role in immunization. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:5015. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP statement on the pharmacists responsibility for distribution and control of drug products. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1995; 52:747. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP statement on the formulary system. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1983; 40:13845. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on compounding nonsterile
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products in pharmacies. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1994; 51:14418. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on quality assurance for pharmacy-prepared sterile products. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:238698. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on single unit and unit dose packages of drugs. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1985; 42:3789. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines on adverse drug reaction monitoring and reporting. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 1995; 52:4179. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines for pharmacists on the activities of vendors representatives in organized health care systems. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1994; 51:5201. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines for selecting pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1991; 48:5234. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on handling cytotoxic and hazardous drugs. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1990; 47: 103349. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP technical assistance bulletin on use of controlled substances in organized health-care settings. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:489501. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP statement on the pharmacists role with respect to drug delivery systems and administration devices. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:17245. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines for the use of investigational drugs in organized health-care settings. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1991; 48:3159. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP statement on pharmaceutical research in organized health-care settings. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1991; 48:1781.
Approved by the ASHP Board of Directors, September 22, 1995. Revised by the ASHP Council on Professional Affairs. Supersedes an earlier version dated November 1415, 1984. Copyright 1995, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. All rights reserved. The bibliographic citation for this document is as follows: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines: minimum standard for pharmacies in hospitals. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 1995; 52:27117.