Increasing Call Center Effectiveness With First Call Resolution

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Increasing Call Center Effectiveness with First Call Resolution

By Upstream Works
Upstream Works Software
2007 Upstream Works Software All Rights Reserved

First call resolution definition and effects

Why improve?
Causes of errors Measuring first call resolution Improving first call resolution
Upstream Works Software

What is First Call Resolution?

Properly addressing the customer's need the first time they call, thereby eliminating the need for the customer to follow up with a second call.

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Industry average FCR rates are only 70%
Therefore 15% of your callers have to call twice or more
~15% is rework
~15% of your customer base is at risk

Repeat calls are premium expense calls

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Cost of Repeat Calls

Repeat calls increase call volumes Repeat calls are driving customer satisfaction down
Decreases likelihood to recommend

Increases customer attrition / churn

Lowers long term revenues

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Strategic KPIs
FCR Agent solve rate Cost per incident Customer satisfaction
Likely to recommend Net Promoter Score

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Benefits of Measuring FCR?

Reduce call volumes Improve customer satisfaction Properly reward and retain agents Increase revenue Improve overall business process Understand your customers
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Why Arent Calls Handled?

Agent ability Access to information Authority Business process Customer
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Why Isnt FCR Measured?

Dont know how
Complex metric

Cost of FCR not known

Costs not recognized; WIIFM

FCR improvement is a long term investment

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7 Ways to Measure FCR

No single mechanism is 100% accurate

Multiple methods provide more detail

Measure to improve!

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FCR Measurement Failures

Measuring FCR as a number Measuring FCR as a single metric across all call types Not capturing enough detail to be actionable

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#1 Agent Logs
Simple measurement Shows a clear management focus on FCR

Real time measurement

Biased by agents perceptions and motivation Manual process Minimal improvement detail
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#2 CRM / Case Management

CRM application must have history support
Could be an IT project

Manual process

All calls and call types are not tracked

Number of calls number of cases

Requires single CRM application

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#3,4,5 - Surveys
Live; IVR; Email First hand customer view of the call

Sampling technology
Requires permission

Must be immediate
Direct measure of customer satisfaction rates
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#6 - Call and Screen Recording

Agent view of the call
But this is NOT Quality Monitoring!

Pinpoint simple errors on calls

Subject to reviewers opinion

May lack detail for improvement

Sampling technology - prohibits related (original) call evaluations
Upstream Works Software

#7 Repeat Call Tracking

Automatically collected Requires actionable detail

Evaluates 100% of calls

Does not rely on impressions

Repeat is defined by call horizon

Requires caller identification Rear view mirror
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Tracking details
Call reason Agent ID Customer information Call information (ToD; AHT; ASA; ACW) Tagged to:
Repeat call tracking Recording Survey responses Agent Logging CRM

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3D FCR Measurement
Repeat Call Tracking

Detailed Contact Information

Call Recording


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Problem Solving
Repeat Call Tracking

Pattern Short call ; terminates in IVR Subsequent call to agent

My payment is late and I cant make it in the IVR

Detailed Contact Information

Call Recording


Call type = payment Sat = 40%

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Improving First Call Resolution

Low Hanging Fruit Determine impact Root cause analysis
Call reason Pareto analysis - biggest bang

Multi - channel correlation Extend throughout the business

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Lots of room for FCR improvement
Large return on investment

Primarily a measure of effectiveness

Do more with less

Complex measurement
Multiple types is best

Use detailed information to improve Not a quick fix but a worthwhile one
Upstream Works Software

About Upstream Works

Call center solution provider UpStart Experience Suite
Measures FCR 4 different ways To help agents and improve FCR rates

Addressing a wide range of agent and call handling needs

Contact us for free FCR ROI Assessment
Upstream Works Software


Rob McDougall
[email protected] 905 660 0969 x 358 Twitter: @up_rmcd

See the full webinar recording at

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Divide social media into multiple component areas
Marketing, PR (proactive) and contact center (reactive)

Implement scanning software that will filter the incoming results Assign call center staff to resolve public customer issues
Create customer interactions Timely identification of call center failures Provide specific resolutions

Upstream Works Software

About Upstream Works Software

Upstream Works Software

Business Interaction Management

Track and save the entire interaction as it happens. Its easier to use and understand later Provide in-your-face interaction context thats role tailored for personalized service Pre-built best practices analytics
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Customer Insights

Customer Experience

Performance Improvement

Performance Management

Training and Staffing

Process Improvement

All customer channels

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Business Interaction Pain Points

Problem: No methodology or technology used provides a single comprehensive and auditable view of how customers interact with a business. Result: Averages are used to allocate funds to drive customer loyalty and reduce costs across the multiple interaction channels in use today.

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Upstream Solution
Upstream Works Business Interaction Management, makes the collective of customer interactions visible, accountable and controllable
Combines technology and a methodology to track individual customer interactions across the business Links outcomes to supporting interactions Puts the collected information into a powerful form Compliments existing applications and infrastructure
Upstream Works Software


Next In Series
Repeat Calls: Assessing the Damage; Calculating the Cost
Download the whitepaper from our website: Increasing Call Center Effectiveness Through First Call Resolution

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