Paper 3 Dasa & Transit

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Paper -3: Transit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Importance of transit of Mars and the Moon in the child birth Moorti Nirnaya What is Moorti Nirnaya? Work out for 4/8/2012 for a native whose Janmarashi is Libra Transit of Lagna lord over 5th house and ninth house Should transit be examined from the Moon or the Ascendant? Give your views Discuss why so much importance is given to the Moon in transit What do you understand from Vipreet Vedha Write the benefic positions with respect of all nine planets in transit What will be the effect of transit of Saturn on Jupiter and 10H/10L What are the effect of transit of Saturn in Fourth and eight house from the natal Moon Mars is transiting in 8th house from natal Moon in its own sign, what result you expect assuming the Natal Moon is posited in Aries 12. On which place from the natal position of Moon, Venus is considered inauspicious 13. On which houses from the natal Moon, Jupiter is considered benefic 14. What do you mean by double transit

15. Is Sade Saati always malefic? Which factors affect the judgment of results of Sade Saati in a horoscope? 16. What do you mean by Bhava Siddhi Kala in transit? Explain with example Bhava Siddhi Kaal also known as timing of results or fructification of signification of a bhava. It is a three stage process. 1. The promise in a horoscope: A quick look at the promise in the horoscope. This can be judged by accessing the strength of bhava and bhava lord. The PAC relationship of bhava and bhava lord with other planets as is augments the strength of bhava and bhava lord. The houses and yogas that influence them decide the quantum and the quality of likely results. 2. The dasha syndrome: 3. The transit

17. How do Saturn and Jupiter in transit jointly give the results of the house? Give your answer with example of child birth 18. What are the modifying influences on the transit of planets? Confirm your answer to Saturns transit over the Moon

19. Transit of Saturn and Jupiter sets a trend and transit of Lagna lord and significator causes the event. In the light of this statement discuss the transit conditions that would lead to result of the fifth house

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