Electrostatics - Force and Field

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Electrostatics 2 Force, Field and dipole 1. Two similar charges repel each other with a force of 44.

.1N when placed in air. Calculate the strength of the charges. (1.4C) 2. Calculate the value of two equal charges if they repel one another with a force of 1kgf when separated by a distance of 1cm in air. Now if the charges are situated in an insulating liquid having permittivity 8 times that of air then what would be the magnitude of the charges if they exert the same force on each other. (0.33C, 0.93C) 3. A pendulum bob of mass 80mg and carrying charge 2 x 10 -8 C is at rest at a certain angle with the vertical in a horizontal uniform electric field of 20000V/m. Find the tension in thread of the pendulum and the angle it makes with the vertical. (8.8 x 10-4N; 27.020) 4. Two charges of +0.2 x 10-12C and -0.2 x 10-12C are placed 10-6cm apart. Calculate the electric field at an axial point at a distance of 10cm from their midpoint. (3.6 x 10-8N/C) 5. An electric dipole with dipole moment 3 x 10-8 Cm placed with its axis making an angle of 300 with a uniform electric field experiences a torque of 1.2 x 10 3N. Calculate (i) magnitude of electric field (ii) potential energy of the dipole (8 x 1010N/C; -2078.46J) 6. Two point charges +q and +9q are separated by a distance of 10a. Find the point on the line joining the two charges where electric field is zero. (2.5a from +q charge) 7. An electric dipole consists of two charges of 0.1C separated by a distance of 1cm. The dipole is placed in an external field of 103 N/C. What maximum torque does the field exert on the dipole? (10-6Nm) 8. In a certain region electric field is along Z axis throughout. The magnitude of electric field is not constant but increases uniformly along positive Z direction at the rate of 10 5 NC-1m-1. What are the force and torque experienced by a system having total dipole moment as 10 -8 Cm in Z direction? (-10-3 N, 0) 9. An electric dipole with dipole moment 4 x 10-9 Cm placed with its axis making an angle of 300 with the direction of a uniform electric field of magnitude 5 x 104 N/C. Calculate the magnitude of the torque acting on the dipole. (10-4 Nm) 10. Derive an expression for the electric field along the axial and equatorial line of a dipole.

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