ELS3 Test Yhhhhour Vocabulary

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TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1The committee has ......

the front three rows of seats for the parents of children who are appearing in the play. A) restored D) reserved 2B) accommodated C) seated E) praised 13- Many old people don't want to live in a home for the elderly because they don't get much ...... there as they are always in a room with other people. A) privacy D) excitement B) sympathy E) service C) society

Shaun often leaves volumes of the encyclopedias out on the table instead of ......... them to their usual shelves. A) returning D) hanging B) clearing E) examining C) compiling

14- The new teacher seems to be very ......... in class. He makes the students sit in straight rows and won't tolerate any noise. A) common D) strict B) soft E) helpful C) preferable


"Please stop tapping your foot," said Tom to Jeannine in class. "It is very ......'.. and I just can't concentrate." A) sore D) sensitive B) helpful E) promising C) distracting

15- He spent his entire .......... that month on a new stereo, and spent the rest of the month with the money he borrowed from his mother. A) earnings D) loss B) balance E) valuables C) victories


In this restaurant, the waiters used to collect money from customers until the manager ......... a cashier. A) lent D) sacked B) invented E) employed C) baked

16- I wrote to the firm complaining about the standard of service and they replied with a really ........ letter, implying that I was just a silly, complaining old woman, so I was absolutely furious. A) delightful D) pessimistic B) insulting E) convincing C) considerate


In the strong winds and rolling waves, the crew were ...... to keep the boat afloat. A) pulling D) punching B) sniffing E) struggling C) sinking

17- I gave the carpet fitter the ...... of the conference room for a new carpet and asked for a quotation. A) seating D) volume B) stages C) entrance E) measurements


Because of the threat of terrorist attacks in the shopping centre, a security guard ......... everyone's bags as they enter the building. A) fills D) produces B) inspects E) tears C) controls

18- In order to clear a pond of the weed donkey's tail, it is necessary to pull out all the ....... as well as the stems; otherwise, it will soon grow back again. A) lowers D) water B) roots E) leaves C) plants


All visitors to the company first report at the ....... where they sign the visitor's book and are given a visitor's pass. A) cashier D) accounts B) delivery E) profit C) reception

19- For sending bills, I usually use cheap brown ......... but for sending cards and letters, I prefer to use white or blue ones. A) stamps D) briefcases B) presentations E) documents C) envelopes


He didn't want to go to the farewell party, but as the member of staff who was leaving was a ...... from the same department, he felt obliged. A) pensioner D) relative B) rioter E) colleague C) convict

20- The hospital has advertised for a qualified nurse. The closing date for ...... is November 5th. A) resignations D) applications B) reservations E) operations C) invitations


As her business became more successful, Maryanne decided to ....... it and opened branches in many different parts of the city. A) contract D) expand B) reduce E) invest C) explode

21- Due to the flooded ground, the cricket match has been ...... until November 7th. A) scheduled D) postponed B) referced E) cancelled C) qualified

10- I went to a fortune teller ten years ago, but none of the predictions she made were ........ nothing she predicted has happened. A) accurate D) lasting B) exact E) pessimistic C) constant

22- In order to make this dessert, you need to ...... the egg whites until they form a stiff white mixture. A) rotate D) scramble B) roll E) whisk C) trim

11- As a salesman, he has to buy petrol, meals for customers and parking permits, but he claims these ...... back at the end of the month. A) expenses D) wages B) prices E) prescriptions C) recipes

23- 'One-for-One' is a charity which gives all the money it ......... from fund holding events to help disabled children. A) spends D) completes B) raises E) contributes C) investigates

12- You shouldn't eat so much chocolate. It will ...... your teeth. A) fill D) polish B) crack E) brush C) ruin

24- The seller wanted five million liras for the scarf I liked, but I ...... hard with him and, in the end, I paid four million liras for it. A) profited D) bargained B) conflicted E) agreed C) debated

36- There is something wrong with our ...... . Instead of going out, the smoke from the fireplace is coming back into the room. A) ladder D) pipe B) flames E) chimney C) roof

25- My father had had a moustache for years, but yesterday, he ....... it off. I think he looks much younger now without it. A) combed D) trimmed B) brushed E) shaved C) split

37- The potatoes had literally dissolved into the water because she had ...... them too long. A) peeled D) chopped B) sunk E) soaked C) boiled

26- I overheard you arranging to meet James on Saturday afternoon. I ...... that means you are not coming to basketball practice. A) promise D) wonder B) question E) detect C) assume

38- I had expected a pay rise after I had worked for the company twelve months, so when I didn't get one, I was ...... . A) excited D) destroyed B) frightened E) amused C) disappointed

27- The truck hit a car and sent it spinning over to the other side of the road, where it ...... with a vehicle coming in the opposite direction. A) drowned D) floated B) crumbled E) squashed C) collided

39- Cyanide, a deadly poison, escaped from a reservoir at the gold mine when it overflowed and caused the worse ...... of the River Tisza in living memory. A) evolution D) solution B) contamination C) evaporation E) clarification

28- She always pays her rent to her ...... on time every month. A) housekeeper D) tenant B) landlord E) doorman C) headmaster 40- The company didn't send the order on time because the packing machine had broken down and they had to pack the items with a tool operated .......... . A) annually D) permanently B) steadily E) manually C) constantly

29- ...... me to give you the shop keys before I leave; otherwise, you won't be able to lock the shop. A) Promise D) Remember B) Announce E) Remind C) Forget

30- She can't swim very well and certainly shouldn't have been in the deep end of the swimming pool. Fortunately, a lifeguard spotted her as soon as she started to panic, and he ........ in and saved her. A) dived D) raised B) drowned E) sank C) appeared

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY l.D 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.E 6.B 7.C 8.E 9.D 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.E 18.B 19.C 20.D 21.D 22.E 23.B 24.D 25.E 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.E 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.E 37.C 38.C 39.B 40.E

31- As soon as they realised that the dam was going to burst, they flew in helicopters to help ........ the area, and within hours, they had moved all the local people to safety. A) locate D) conquer B) evacuate E) flatten C) transfer

32- We have fitted a safety gate at the top of the ...... in order to prevent the baby from falling down. A) hill D) ladder B) path E) rope C) staircase

33- I had been worried because of the reports of an aeroplane crashing in bad weather and was relieved when we ...... safely at Atatrk Airport. A) landed D) grounded B) crossed E) crashed C) parked

34- Mary works twice as hard as her colleagues and yet she is on a lower salary she doesn't seem to ........ this, but I'd be really hurt and angry if I were her. A) tolerate D) offend B) mind E) abuse C) bear

35- I was against buying a new carpet for the lounge, but my husband brought a catalogue home with some lovely designs in it and ........ me. A) assumed D) persuaded B) approved E) regretted C) distracted

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