Nerwin V Pnoc Digest

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Nerwin v PNOC, G.R. No.

167057, April 11, 2012

Facts: 1. In 1999, the National Electrification Administration ( NEA ) published an invitat ion to pre-qualify and to bid for a contract, otherwise known asIPB No. 80, for t he supply and delivery of about sixty thousand (60,000) pieces of woodpoles and twenty thousand (20,000) pieces of crossarms needed in the country s Rural Electri fication Project. 2. Thereafter, the qualified bidders submitted their financial bids where privat e respondent [Nerwin] emerged as the lowest bidder for all schedules/components of the contract.NEA then conducted a pre-award inspection of private respondent s [N erwin s] manufacturing plants and facilities, including its identified supplier inM alaysia, to determine its capability to supply and deliver NEA s requirements. 3. Upon learning of the issuance of Requisition No. FGJ 30904R1 for the O-ILAW P roject, Nerwin filed a civil action in the RTC in Manila, docketed as Civil Case No. 03106921 entitledNerwin Industries Corporationv. PNOC-Energy Development Corpo ration and Ester R. Guerzon, as Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee, alleging th at Requisition No. FGJ 30904R1 was an attempt to subject a portion of the items covered by IPB No. 80 to another bidding; and praying that a TRO issue to enjoin respondents proposed bidding for the wooden poles. 4. Respondents sought the dismissal of Civil Case No. 03106921,stating that the c omplaint averred no cause of action, violated the rule that government infrastru cture projects were not to be subjected to TROs, contravened the mandatory prohi bition against non-forum shopping, and the corporate president had no authority to sign and file the complaint. 5. Thence, respondents commenced in the Court of Appeals (CA) a special civil ac tion forcertiorari(CA-GR SP No. 83144), alleging that the RTC had thereby committe d grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in holdi ng that Nerwin had been entitled to the issuance of the writ of preliminary inju nction despite the express prohibition from the law and from the Supreme Court; in issuing the TRO in blatant violation of theRules of Courtand established jurisp rudence; in declaring respondents in default; and in disqualifying respondents co unsel from representing them. Issues/s 1. Whether or not the CA erred in dismissing the case on the basis of Rep. Act 8 975 prohibiting the issuance of temporary restraining orders and preliminary inj unctions, except if issued by the Supreme Court, on government projects. Ruling 1. The petition fails. In its decision ofOctober 22, 2004, the CA explained why it annulled and se t aside the assailed orders of the RTC issued onJuly 20, 2003andDecember 29, 2003, and why it altogether dismissed Civil Case No. 03106921, as follows: a. It is beyond dispute that the crux of the instant case is the propriety of respond Judge s issuance of a preliminary injunction, or the earlier TRO, for that matter . b. Respondent Judge gravely abused his discretion in entertaining an application for /preliminary injunction, and worse, in issuing a preliminary injunction through the assailed order enjoining petitioners sought bidding for itsO-ILAW Project.The sa me is a palpable violation ofRA 8975which was approved onNovember 7, 2000, thus, al ready existing at the time respondent Judge issued the assailed Orders dated Jul y 20 andDecember 29, 2003.

2. The said proscription is not entirely new. RA 8975 merely supersedesPD 1818whic underscored the prohibition to courts from issuing restraining orders or prelim inary injunctions in cases involving infrastructure or National Resources Develo pment projects of, and public utilities operated by, the government. This law wa s, in fact, earlier upheld to have such a mandatory nature by the Supreme Court

in an administrative case against a Judge. WHEREFORE,the CourtAFFIRMSthe decision of the Court of Appeals; andORDERSpetiti oner to pay the costs of suit.

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