Magical Signs of The Jewish Cabala
Magical Signs of The Jewish Cabala
Magical Signs of The Jewish Cabala
Jewish Cabala (or Kabbalah). The Cabala is not new, of course. It's
been around for centuries. The Cabala is actually ancient magic. It is
an exotic blend of devilish, sometimes fanciful, New Age mystical
practices topped by a philosophical bent of Jewish supremacism.
Orthodox Judaism, or phariseeism, is rife with cabalism, and Jewish
rabbis are the Cabala's greatest promoters.
The question is, why? Why is Jerusalem and the nation of Israel
spiritually "Sodom and Egypt?" I believe it is because of the Jewish
religion, a religion diametrically opposed to the Old Testament faith
of Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets.
From the days of the Jews' captivity in Babylon, to today, the religion
of the Jews has increasingly grown more dark and more wicked.
If the Jews had stuck to the teachings of the Old Testament, Satan
would not have had such terrible inroads. Indeed, if Moses and the
prophets had been heeded, or if their writings were honored today,
the Jews would believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah and be saved by
faith in His promises.
Instead, the Jews departed from the prophets, and over the centuries
the rabbis steadily developed a body of man-made literature (the
Talmud and the Cabala) that is supremely wicked and corrupt. Their
traditions, moreover, are antithetical to the Faith and teachings of
Moses and the prophets.
The Cabala brings together in one neat package the core of all the
Mystery teachings of the ancients. Indeed, the Bible gives evidence
that the Jewish elders had brought the Mysteries into the Temple and
had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers as far back as
the days of the prophet Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 8).
Freemasonry has long praised the Cabala, and its top officials have
admitted that the Lodge's rituals and teachings are but the offspring
of the Jewish tradition. Albert Pike, former Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite wrote: "One is filled with admiration,
on penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Cabala."6
Freemasonry is Jewish
The late Pope John Paul II was a believer in Jewish Cabala. On March
22, 1984, the Pope received members of the infamous B'nai B'rith
Freemasonry Lodge of New York City, made up exclusively of
influential Jews, at the Vatican.
"I am proud to be a Mason" writes Rabbi Seymour Adas, 32o, in this
issue of The New Age Magazine (April 1987).
Note: The name of this magazine has since been changed to The
Scottish Rite Journal, to hide the connection of Masons with the
occultic New Age movment. In fact, the Masonic order is
predominantly led by Jews. As its former Sovereign Grand
Commander, Albert Pike, has revealed, the symbols and rituals of
Freemasonry are all based on the Cabala of the Jews.
Now, Pike also asserted that the true meanings of the symbols of
Freemasonry are found in the occult philosophy of the Jewish
Cabala, that Freemasonry owes all its secrets to the Cabala, and that
Freemasonry is a religion based on the Cabala.15
There are hand signs and body gestures, talismanic jewelry and
clothing, hidden codes, and on and on. The end result is a confusing
jumble of "man is God " theology (but only Jewish man Gentiles
are inferior) and magical formulae, words of power, incantations and
spells. Heads of chickens are cropped off and blood sprinkled
around; "magic cords" of specific color are worn on the wrist as
miracle-working bracelets; magic water is used to heal; magic
symbols are objects of trance-like mediation; and mantralike chants
are repeated over and over.
This belief system of the coming of a Jewish Utopia fits in well with
the teachings of the Illuminati. Lady Queensborough, quoting the
Jewish authority Bernard Lazare, in the classic Occult Theocracy,
reported that,
"There were Jews behind Weishaupt, founder of the Order of the
Illuminati... Jewish financiers such as Daniel Itzig, Friedlander,
Ceerfbeer, Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid, Moses Mocatta, Veitesl
Heine Ephram... also Moses Mendelsohn, Naphtali Wessely, Moses
David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of the newly formed nation
of Israel, performs the First Sign of a Select Master Mason.
Many in the Arab and Islamic world know that Zionism is racism and
resent the United States' blind support of Israeli Zionist aggression.
Fanatical Zionism has also led to Masonic excesses, Talmudic evil,
and cabalistic magic by satanic Jews. (Photo: Reuters)
For many years, in Europe and Russia, reports of cabalistic blood
ritual sacrifices of young Gentile girls and boys were commonplace.
While many were hype and based on old wives' tales, apparently at
least some accounts proved to be true, as documented in this
revealing book.
Some say the word and name of "Fox" has hidden, cabalistic
significance. Numerologically, the letters FOX in the English
alphabet equal the sum of 666.
Jesus once called Israel's King Herod, a murderous scheming man
who embraced magic, "That old fox." Fox television network is
owned by Rupert Murdock, an ardent Zionist.
Logo of the Israel international spy agency, the Mossad. The Mossad
has a notorious reputation for skullduggery, deception, murder, and
A huge and powerful monster, or beast, the Golem would then do the
magician's bidding. In 1920, the classic film Der Golem created a stir.
Directed by Paul Wegener, Der Golem depicted the monster
variously wearing either the five-pointed star with one point up
(white magic) or two points up (satanic). Also the six pointed Star of
David played a part in the film's plot as a Jewish Rabbi, Rabbi Low,
using the secret word "AemAct" brought life and breath into the
artificial man.
In Der Golem, Rabbi Low employs the magic word and the
pentagram star to bring life to the creature.
Horror fiction novelist Stephen King with his hands in exactly the
same, familiar position as that of Senator Schumer (right page).
Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Barak (left), U.S.A. President Bill Clinton
(center), and PLO Chief Yasser Arafat each look down at their hands
to make sure they get their masonic grips done correctly. Notice
overlapping hands by Clinton. (Photo and article: Austin American-
Statesman, November 3, 1999, p. A2)
Placing one hand, resembling horns, in the other symbolizes the idea
that the person is entrusting his soul in care to the superior deity
(Satan). Thus, he is submissive, playing down his own power and
acknowledging a superior power which controls him.
Rabbi Yehuda Getz, Chief Rabbi of all the holy places in Israel, holds
his hands in the cabalistic pose. Rabbi Getz claims he knows where
the Ark of the Covenant is hidden beneath the Temple Mount in
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (right) with Knesset leader Milo
(left). Notice Milo's hand sign. (The Jerusalem Report, August II,
1998, p. 15)
Cabalistic Jews also have similar signs, some using one finger,
others using two fingers to the head as is customarily the case in the
Mark Master (4th) degree.
Malcolm X wears a ring of the Black Muslims while giving the
Masonic sign.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom lets insiders know he's one of
them with this cabalistic hand/arms gesture. Newsom became the
gay community's ultraliberal darling in 2003 by promoting gay
Time magazine's editors go wild in this article, mentioning that the
mayor is "simply adored," touting his many achievements, and
insisting that publishers give him a "fat cat" contract to write a book.
(Time, April 25, 2005)
In the Hindu practice of Yoga, the participant bends and twists his or
her body parts and limbs into specific forms symbolic of universal
energies (Drawing from book, Sacred Geometry, by Robert Lawlor,
Thames and Hudsen, London, 1989, p. 92)
Again we discover the comedy team from Seinfeld teaming up to
present cabalistic messages.
It is a sign of high rank and is said to invoke good fortune on the part
of the user. The sign is often given publicly at the beginning, or
commencement of a project to enhance success.
Promoter Sidney Shlenker, here giving the sign of the ram, was in
the news back in 1992, Shlenker, a Jewish wheeler-dealer and owner
of a professional basketball team, was co-builder of Memphis,
Tennessee's massive new Great Pyramid of the Americas.
Four Middle Eastern leaders, all brother Masons, met in 1997 in so-
called "peace negotiations."
From left to right: Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin, Jordan's King
Hussein, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and Palestinian Leader
Yasser Arafat. Mubarak is giving the cabalistic sign of the ram.
(Photo: Mews From Israel, October 1997)
From the era of the roaring 20s to today, a number of the fad dances
were based on masonic and Jewish cabalistic rituals.
Anne Rice, writer of the popular "Vampire" series, giving an occult,
cabalistic sign with her left-hand, partially concealed yet in front of
all. Various occult symbols are on Rice's shirt.
This sign is also reminiscent of the fourth sign in the initiation for the
Select Master's Degree (see Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry, p.
85). (Photo: Newsweek, August 5, 2002)
Mr. Spock, a Star Trek character played by actor Leonard Nimoy,
became famous for giving the Vulcan greeting with his right hand.
Nimoy, a Jew, says that the sign is the same gesture given in Jewish
Synagogues when the Rabbi and Elders bring out the Holy of Holies.