Schlitterbahn Medical Release

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Grace Community Church


Grace Community Church
14505 Gulf Freeway
Houston, TX 77034
Registration and Medical Release

(Please print and complete)

Last Name _______________________________________
Address _________________________________________
Grade (as of fall 2012) _____ Male _____ Female _____
Email ___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian __________________________________

First Name _______________________________________

City ____________________ State ____ Zip ________
Birth Date ____/_____/_____ Age _____
Phone __________________________________________
Phone __________________________________________

:: MEDICAL INFORMATION (If you do not carry insurance, please write N/A for Medical Insurance)
Medical Insurance ________________________________
Policy # _________________________________________
Family Physician _________________________________
Phone Number ____________________________________
Allergies ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Medical Conditions ___________________________________________________________________________________
Have You had a Tetanus shot in the last 12 months? Yes ____ No ____
I give the health care providers of the trip/event permission to give over the counter medication and administer other
treatment as deemed necessary. Please attach any other additional medical information.
List any exceptions below:
For participation in a Grace Community Church trip/event, we (I) as legal guardian(s) of the participant, hereby grant my
(our) permission to take the participant to a doctor or hospital, and authorize medical treatment, including emergency surgery
and medical treatment. Furthermore, I (we) assume all responsibility of all medical bills and all charges.
I (we), release Grace Community Church and its staff, directors, and/or volunteers from all liability for personal injury,
sickness, death, and/or property damage of any nature that occur during this trip/event. I (we) also assume all risk and
expenses as a result of participation.
Should it be necessary for the participant to be returned home for medical reasons, disciplinary action, or other wise, I (we)
will assume all transportation cost.
Any media obtained by Authorized GCC Staff may be used for future promotional use without any compensation or prior

Signature of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________________

Date ____ /____ /____

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