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ICS 91.060.10; 91.120.10

EN 13947

December 2006

English Version

Thermal performance of curtain walling - Calculation of thermal transmittance

Performances thermiques des faades lgres - Calcul du coefficient de transmission thermique Wrmetechnisches Verhalten von Vorhangfassaden Berechnung des Wrmedurchgangskoeffizienten

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 9 November 2006. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.


Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36

B-1050 Brussels

2006 CEN

All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.

Ref. No. EN 13947:2006: E

EN 13947:2006 (E)

1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.4 7 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4


Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................6 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................6 Terms and definitions, symbols and units..................................................................................................7 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................................................7 Symbols and units .........................................................................................................................................7 Subscripts ......................................................................................................................................................7 Superscripts ...................................................................................................................................................8 Geometrical characteristics..........................................................................................................................8 Main principles...............................................................................................................................................8 Developed areas and internal depth ..........................................................................................................11 Boundaries of curtain wall structures .......................................................................................................11 General..........................................................................................................................................................11 Boundaries of a representative reference element ..................................................................................12 Curtain wall areas ........................................................................................................................................13 Cut-off planes and partitioning of thermal zones.....................................................................................14 Rules for thermal modelling .......................................................................................................................14 Cut-off planes of the geometrical model ...................................................................................................14 Calculation of curtain wall transmittance .................................................................................................14 Methodologies..............................................................................................................................................14 Single assessment method ........................................................................................................................15 Thermal transmittance of glazing units and panels (filling elements) ...................................................15 Determination of the heat flow through filling element / mullion or transom / filling element connection ...........................................................................................................................................16 Determination of the overall thermal transmittance of a curtain wall (Ucw) .........................................20 Component assessment method ...............................................................................................................21 General..........................................................................................................................................................21 Definition of areas........................................................................................................................................21 Thermal transmittance of glazing units and panels (filling elements) ...................................................24 Thermal transmittance of frames, mullions and transoms .....................................................................24 Linear thermal transmittance .....................................................................................................................25 Thermal transmittance of a curtain wall built of different elements.......................................................27 Input data......................................................................................................................................................28 Report ...........................................................................................................................................................29 Section drawings .........................................................................................................................................29 Overview drawing of the whole curtain wall element ..............................................................................29 Values used for calculation ........................................................................................................................29 Presentation of results ................................................................................................................................29

Annex A (informative) Guidance for calculating the thermal transmittance Ucw of curtain walling using the two methods .......................................................................................................................30 Annex B (informative) Linear thermal transmittance of junctions .....................................................................31 Annex C (normative) A method for calculating the thermal effect of screws using a 2D numerical method and the procedures specified in EN ISO 10077-2 ..............................................................39 C.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................39 C.2 Calculation of the equivalent thermal conductivity of the screw s,eq .................................................40 C.3 Consideration of screw heads and washers.............................................................................................40 Annex D (normative) Ventilated and unventilated air spaces .............................................................................41 Unventilated air layer................................................................................................................................................41

EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex E (informative) Component method: Calculation example ..................................................................... 44 E.1 Data for examples........................................................................................................................................ 44 E.2 Frames .......................................................................................................................................................... 46 E.2.1 Definition and evaluation of areas ............................................................................................................. 46 E.2.2 Evaluation of Uf values ............................................................................................................................... 47 E.3 Glazing units ................................................................................................................................................ 48 E.3.1 Definition and evaluation of areas ............................................................................................................. 48 E.3.2 Evaluation of Ug values .............................................................................................................................. 48 E.3.3 Definition of lg and evaluation of g, m,f and t,f ............................................................................... 48 E.4 Panels ........................................................................................................................................................... 49 E.4.1 Definition and evaluation of areas ............................................................................................................. 49 E.4.2 Evaluation of Up values .............................................................................................................................. 49 E.4.3 Definition of lp and evaluation of the p values ...................................................................................... 50 E.4.4 Calculation of a complete element ............................................................................................................ 50 Annex F (informative) Single assessment method: Calculation example......................................................... 51 F.1 General description of examples ............................................................................................................... 51 F.2 Centre U-value of the glazing unit ............................................................................................................. 52 F.3 Centre U-value of the spandrel panel ........................................................................................................ 52 F.4 U-values of thermal joints........................................................................................................................... 52 F.5 Overall U-value of the curtain wall............................................................................................................. 53

EN 13947:2006 (E)

This document (EN 13947:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components, the secretariat of which is held by SIS. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2007, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2007. This European Standard is one of a series of standards on calculation methods for the design and evaluation of the thermal performance of buildings and building components. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

EN 13947:2006 (E)

The design and construction of curtain wall systems is complex. This European Standard specifies a procedure for calculating the thermal transmittance of curtain wall structures. Curtain walls often contain different kinds of materials, joined in different ways, and can exhibit numerous variations of geometrical shape. With such a complex structure, the likelihood of producing thermal bridges across the curtain wall envelope is quite high. The results of calculations, carried out following the procedures specified in this European Standard, can be used for comparison of the thermal transmittance of different types of curtain wall or as part of the input data for calculating the heat used in a building. This European Standard is not suitable for determining whether or not condensation will occur on the structure surfaces nor within the structure itself. Two different methods are given in this European Standard:

single assessment method (see 6.2); component assessment method (see 6.3).

Guidance on the use of these two methods is given in Annex A. Calculation examples for these two methods are given in Annex E and Annex F. Testing according to EN ISO 12567-1 is an alternative to this calculation method. The thermal effects of connections to the main building structure as well as fixing lugs can be calculated according to prEN ISO 10211. The thermal transmittance of the frame, Uf, is defined according to EN ISO 10077-2 or EN 12412-2 together with Annex A. The thermal transmittance of glazing units, Ug, is defined according to EN 673, EN 674 or EN 675 which do not include the edge effects. The thermal interaction of the frame and the filling element is included in the linear thermal transmittance which is derived using the procedures specified in EN ISO 10077-2.

EN 13947:2006 (E)


This European Standard specifies a method for calculating the thermal transmittance of curtain walls consisting of glazed and/or opaque panels fitted in, or connected to, frames. The calculation includes: different types of glazing, e.g. glass or plastic; single or multiple glazing; with or without low emissivity coating; with cavities filled with air or other gases;
frames (of any material) with or without thermal breaks; different types of opaque panels clad with metal, glass, ceramics or any other material.

Thermal bridge effects at the rebate or connection between the glazed area, the frame area and the panel area are included in the calculation.

The calculation does not include: effects of solar radiation; heat transfer caused by air leakage; calculation of condensation; effect of shutters; additional heat transfer at the corners and edges of the curtain walling; connections to the main building structure nor through fixing lugs; curtain wall systems with integrated heating.

Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 673:1997, Glass in building Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) Calculation method EN 674, Glass in building Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) Guarded hot plate method EN 675, Glass in building Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) Heat flow meter method EN 12412-2, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters Determination of thermal transmittance by hot box method Part 2: Frames prEN ISO 6946:2005, Building components and building elements Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance Calculation method (ISO/DIS 6946:2005) EN ISO 7345:1995, Thermal insulation Physical quantities and definitions (ISO 7345:1987) EN ISO 10077-1:2006, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters Calculation of thermal transmittance Part 1: General (ISO 10077-1:2006)

EN 13947:2006 (E)

EN ISO 10077-2:2003, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters Calculation of thermal transmittance Part 2: Numerical method for frames (ISO 10077-2:2003) prEN ISO 10211, Thermal bridges in building construction Heat flows and surface temperatures Detailed calculations (ISO/DIS 10211:2005) EN ISO 12567-1, Thermal performance of windows and doors Determination of thermal transmittance by hot box method Part 1: Complete windows and doors (ISO 12567-1:2000)


Terms and definitions, symbols and units

Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 673:1997, EN ISO 7345:1995, prEN ISO 6946:2005 and the following apply.
NOTE panels. Clause 4 includes descriptions of a number of geometrical characteristics of glazing units, frame sections and


Symbols and units

Table 1 Symbols and units Symbol A T U l d Quantity area thermodynamic temperature thermal transmittance length depth heat flow rate linear thermal transmittance difference summation emissivity Unit m

K W/(m K) m m W W/(mK)

cw d e eq f f,g FE g i j m

curtain walling developed external equivalent frame frame/glazing filling element glazing internal joint mullion

EN 13947:2006 (E)

m,f m,g n p s t t,f t,g tot TJ W

mulliom/frame mullion/glazing normal panel (opaque) screw transom transom/frame transom/glazing total thermal joint at a connection between two filling elements window


definition of areas for length-related treatment of thermal joints (see


Geometrical characteristics
Main principles

The main principles of curtain walling are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key 1 A-A structure fixing bracket vertical section Figure 1 Principle of curtain walling construction: unitised construction

EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key 1 A-A structure fixing bracket vertical section Figure 2 Principle of curtain walling construction: stick construction


EN 13947:2006 (E)


Developed areas and internal depth

Internal and external developed areas and internal depth are defined as shown in Figure 3.

Key 1 2 di Ad,i Ad,e internal external internal depth of mullion or transom internal developed area external developed area

Figure 3 Internal and external developed area, internal depth


Boundaries of curtain wall structures


To evaluate the thermal transmittance of faades representative reference areas should be defined. The following subclauses define the various areas.


EN 13947:2006 (E)


Boundaries of a representative reference element

The boundaries of the representative reference element shall be chosen according to the principles shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Boundaries of a representative reference element of a faade


EN 13947:2006 (E)


Curtain wall areas

The representative reference element is divided into areas of different thermal properties (sash, frame, mullion, transom, glazing units and panel sections) (see Figure 5).

Key 1 2 3 4 5 mullion transom sash and frame glazing panel Figure 5 Areas with different thermal properties


EN 13947:2006 (E)


Cut-off planes and partitioning of thermal zones

Rules for thermal modelling

In most cases the faade can be partitioned into several sections by using cut-off planes so that the thermal transmittance of the overall faade can be calculated as the area-weighted average of the thermal transmittance of each section. The necessary input data (thermal properties of each section) can be evaluated by measurement, two-dimensional finite element or finite difference software calculation or by tables or diagrams. In general there are two possibilities: the single assessment method (see 6.2); the component assessment method (see 6.3).

The partitioning of the faade shall be performed in such a way as to avoid any significant differences in calculation results of the faade treated as a whole and the heat flow rate through the partitioned faade. Appropriate partitioning into several geometrical parts is achieved by choosing suitable cut-off planes.


Cut-off planes of the geometrical model

The geometrical model includes central elements (glazing units, spandrel panels etc.) and thermal joints (mullion, transom, silicone joint etc.), which connect the different central elements. The geometrical model is delimited by cut-off planes. Curtain walling often contains highly conductive elements (glass and metals) which implies that significant lateral heat flow is possible. Cut-off planes shall represent adiabatic boundaries, which can be either: a symmetry plane, or a plane where the heat flow through that plane is perpendicular to the plane of the curtain wall, i.e. no edge effect is present (e.g. at least 190 mm away from the edge of a double glazing unit).

Cut-off planes may be positioned only where there is a clear adiabatic situation (i.e. the heat flow is perpendicular to the plane). Figure 6 shows adiabatic lines (in the middle of the glass or panel far enough from the frame) where the heat flow will be perpendicular to the glass panes. Cut-off planes do not necessarily fall at the same place as the geometrical boundaries of a unitised element (i.e. through the frame). The middle of a frame might not be an adiabatic boundary. This might be due to asymmetric geometrical shape of the frame, asymmetric material properties (e.g. different conductivity of sub-components at each side of the frame), or asymmetric connection of panels in a symmetric frame (e.g. a frame that connects a spandrel panel and a glazing unit, or two glazing units with different thermal properties).


Calculation of curtain wall transmittance


Two methods of calculating the thermal transmittance of curtain wall systems are specified: the single assessment method and the component assessment method. The single assessment method (see 6.2) is based on detailed computer calculations of the heat transfer through a complete construction including mullions, transoms, and filling elements (e.g. glazing unit, opaque panel). The heat flow rate (between two adiabatic lines) is calculated by modelling each thermal joint between two filling elements (opaque panel and/or glazing unit) using two-dimensional or three dimensional finite element analysis software. By area weighting the U-values of thermal joints and filling elements, the overall faade U-value can be calculated. This method can be used for any curtain walling system (i.e. unitised systems, stick systems, patent glazing, structural sealant glazing, rain screens, structural glazing).


EN 13947:2006 (E)

The component assessment method (see 6.3) divides the representative element into areas of different thermal properties e.g. glazing units, opaque panels and frames. By area weighting the U-values of these elements with additional correction terms describing the thermal interaction between these elements (-values), the overall faade U-value can be calculated. This method can be used for curtain walling systems such as unitised systems, stick systems and patent glazing. Structural silicone glazing, rain screens and structural glazing are excluded from the component assessment method. For the purpose of this European Standard, the term filling element is any faade component that has a onedimensional heat flow in the absence of edge effects (the flat surface being perpendicular to the heat flow direction). Examples are glazing units and spandrel panels.

Figure 6 Thermal section representing the full curtain wall


Single assessment method

Thermal transmittance of glazing units and panels (filling elements)

The thermal transmittance of opaque panels Up shall be evaluated according to prEN ISO 6946. The thermal transmittance of glazing units Ug shall be evaluated according to EN 673, EN 674 or EN 675. In some cases, there is a different filling element at each side of the thermal joint (mullion, transom), so that two thermal transmittances have to be determined.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

6.2.2 Determination of the heat flow through filling element / mullion or transom / filling element connection General

The total heat flow rate tot of the complete connection shall be calculated using computer software that conforms to prEN ISO 10211 and EN ISO 10077-2 or measured according to EN ISO 12567-1 with the filling elements positioned between the adiabatic lines. The modelling of screws (if present) in the two dimensional calculation shall be performed according to Annex C. Since the heat flow rate is determined between the two adiabatic boundaries, it represents the heat flow through the filling elements, the thermal joint (e.g. mullion/transom) and also the lateral heat flow (edge effects) of the interaction between the two filling elements. Therefore tot represents the total heat flow rate that results from making a thermal joint between two filling elements and includes: heat flow rate straight through filling element 1 and filling element 2 (one dimensional heat flow perpendicular to the surface of the filling element); heat flow rate through the thermal joint that is used to connect the two filling elements together (e.g. a frame in a framed curtain wall, a silicone joint in case of structural glazing); lateral and edge heat-flows due to the thermal interaction between the filling elements and the thermal joint and due to the edge constructions of the two individual filling elements (e.g. glass spacer).

As in most cases these different heat flows are difficult to separate, and to assign to a specific sub-component of the thermal joint, it is appropriate to split the overall heat flow through a thermal joint into only three parts (see Figure 7a): the heat flow rate FE1 through filling element 1 without the presence of the thermal joint (i.e. the heat flow derived from the centre U-value of filling element 1); the heat flow rate FE2 through filling element 2 without the presence of the thermal joint (i.e. the heat flow derived from the centre U-value of filling element 2); the heat flow rate TJ which is the additional heat flow rate due to making a thermal joint (which includes direct and lateral heat flows of all joint edges and the thermal joint itself excluding the one dimensional heat flow through the filling elements).

There are two ways of allowing for the additional heat flow rate TJ, which are equivalent and either approach will yield the same result for the thermal transmittance of the curtain wall. The possibilities are:

consider the heat flow rate TJ in terms of an area-related joint thermal transmittance UTJ; consider the heat flow rate TJ in terms of a length-related linear joint thermal transmittance TJ.

NOTE The thermal transmittance of the joint UTJ or the linear thermal transmittance of the joint TJ includes, in one single parameter, all thermal bridging effects resulting from making a thermal joint between the filling elements. This definition should not be compared with the frame thermal transmittance Uf (e.g. as defined in EN ISO 10077-2 or in the alternative method described in 6.3), which is solely the heat flow rate through the frame excluding the lateral heat flow effects of panels and interaction with the frame. UTJ should not be used to assess condensation risk.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Determination of the area-related joint thermal transmittance UTJ

Figure 7a Definition of the areas when using UTJ (example: glazing, mullion, panel) The heat flow rate TJ, which represents the additional heat flow rate due to making a thermal joint between two filling elements, can be calculated as:

TJ = tot (UFE1 AFE1 + UFE2 AFE2) T



T is the temperature difference between internal and external environments used to simulate the heat transfer. The thermal transmittance of the joint UTJ is calculated as: UTJ = TJ / (A TJ T) where ATJ is the projected area of the thermal joint; T is the temperature difference between the internal and external environment used for the simulation. Determination of the linear joint thermal transmittance TJ (2a)

The definition of the filling element areas is different from the definition in Figure 7a and is as specified in Figure 7b. The calculation of TJ is according to Equation (1b). The heat flow rate TJ can be calculated as:

TJ = tot (UFE1 A*FE1 + UFE2 A*FE2) T

where T is the temperature difference between inside and outside air used to simulate the heat transfer.



EN 13947:2006 (E)

Figure 7b Definition of the areas when using TJ (example: glazing, mullion, panel) The linear thermal transmittance of the joint TJ is calculated as:

TJ = TJ / (lTJ T)
where T is the temperature difference between the internal and external environments used for the simulation. Definitions of areas for other combinations


Figures 8 to 11 give further examples of how the curtain wall can be decomposed into parts for analysis by the single assessment method. The area of the joint ATJ is the largest of the projected areas between the two filling elements. The length lTJ is the length of the thermal joint connecting the filling elements.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key Aj Acw Ap Am Ajoint curtain walling panel area mullen Aw Af Ag area window area frame area glazing

Figure 8 Example 1: Framed curtain wall

Key ATJ Ag area of thermal joint glazing area

Figure 9 Example 2: Structural silicone glazing


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key TJ thermal joint Figure 10 Example 3: Structural glazing

Figure 11 Example 4: Rain screen


Determination of the overall thermal transmittance of a curtain wall (Ucw) Using the area-related thermal transmittance UTJ

The overall thermal transmittance of the curtain wall element Ucw is calculated as the area-weighted average of all the thermal transmittances of the joints, glazing units and panels.

U cw =

Ag U g + ApU p + ATJU TJ Ag + Ap + ATJ


where the areas Ag and Ap are defined according to Figure 7a. Using the length-related linear thermal transmittance TJ

The overall thermal transmittance of the curtain wall element Ucw is calculated as the area-weighted average of all the thermal transmittances of glazing units and panels and the linear thermal transmittances of the joints.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

U cw =

* * Ag U g + Ap U p + l TJ TJ



using the areas Ag* and Ap* as defined according to Figure 7b.


Component assessment method


The thermal transmittance of a single element of a curtain walling, Ucw, shall be calculated using Equation (4).

U cw =

AgU g + ApU p + Af U f + AmU m + At U t + lf,g f,g + lm,g m,g + lt,g t,g + lp p + lm,f m,f + lt,f t,f Acw



Ug, Up Uf, Um, Ut

are the thermal transmittances of glazing and panels; are the thermal transmittances of frames, mullions and transoms; are the linear thermal transmittances due to the combined thermal effects of glazing unit or panel and frame or mullion or transom; are the linear thermal transmittances due to the combined thermal effects of framemullion and frame-transom

f,g, m,g, t,g, p m,f, t,f,

and the other symbols are defined in Clause 3. The area of the curtain walling shall be calculated according to Equation (5):

Acw = Ag + Ap + Af + Am + At


Acw Ag Ap Af Am At

is the area of curtain walling; is the total area of glazing; is the total area of panels; is the total area of frames; is the total area of mullions; is the total area of transoms.

Definition of areas Glazed areas

The glazed area, Ag, or the opaque panel area, Ap, of a component is the smaller of the visible areas that can be seen from both sides (see Figures 12 and 13). Any overlapping of the glazed area by the gaskets is ignored.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Total visible perimeter of the glazing or opaque panel

The total perimeter of glazing, lg, or of an opaque panel, lp, is the sum of the visible perimeter of the glass panes (or opaque panels). If different perimeters are seen from each side, the perimeter is defined by the interface of the area of the glazing and the frame (see Figure 12).

Key 1 glass Figure 12 Illustration of the glazed area and perimeter Areas of frames, mullions and transoms

For the definition of the areas see also Figures 13 and 14.

Am,i / At,i is the internal projected mullion/transom area, equal to the area of the projection of the internal mullion/transom on a plane parallel to the wall; Am,e / At,e is the external projected mullion/transom area, equal to the area of the projection of the external mullion/transom on a plane parallel to the wall; Am / At Af,i
is the mullion/transom area, equal to the larger of the two projected areas seen from either side; is the internal projected frame area, equal to the area of the projection of the internal frame on a plane parallel to the wall;


is the external projected frame area, equal to the area of the projection of the external frame on a plane parallel to the wall;


is the frame area, equal to the larger of the two projected areas seen from either side.

Am = max (Am,i ; Am,e) At = max (At,i ; At,e) Af = max (Af,i ; Af,e) Aw = Af,i;+ Ag


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Acw = At + Am+ Af,i;+ Ag+ Ap

In Figure 13 only a mullion is shown. The general principal is also applicable for transoms.

Key 1 2 3 4 5 internal external frame (fixed) sash (movable) mullion/ transom Acw Ap Am,i Am Af,e curtain walling panel area internal mullen area mullen external frame area Af Ag Am,e area frame glazing area external mullen area

Figure 13 Illustration of the various areas on mullion or transom sections, panels and glazing


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Af = max (Af,i ; Af,e) Aw = Af + Ag

Key 1 2 3 4 internal external sash (movable) frame (fixed) Figure 14 Illustration of the various areas on frame-sash sections and glazing

Area of a module of curtain walling

If the internal or external frame has a complex geometrical shape, the frame section Af is determined according to Figure 14, the mullion and transom section Am and At are determined according to Figure 13. The total area Acw, of an element of curtain walling is the sum of the mullion/transom area, Am / At, the frame area, Af, the glazing area, Ag, and the panel area, Ap (see also Figure 13). 6.3.3 Thermal transmittance of glazing units and panels (filling elements)

The thermal transmittance of opaque panels Up shall be evaluated according to prEN ISO 6946. The thermal transmittance of glazing units Ug shall be evaluated according to EN 673, EN 674 or EN 675. In some cases, there is a different filling element at each side of the thermal joint (mullion, transom), so that two thermal transmittances have to be calculated. 6.3.4 Thermal transmittance of frames, mullions and transoms

The Uf values of the sash and frame sections can be evaluated according to EN 12412-2, EN ISO 10077-1 or EN ISO 10077-2. See also Annex B concerning the boundary conditions for the calculation of Uf for frames which are integrated in the faade. The Ut and Um values for the transom and mullion sections can be evaluated according to EN 12412-2 or EN ISO 10077-2. The U-value calculated according to EN ISO 10077-2 does not take into account the effect of screws connecting the internal to the external sections of mullions and transoms. The effect of screws shall be included using Equations (6a) and (6b).


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Um = U0 + U Ut = U0 + U

(6a) (6b)

Um / Ut is the thermal transmittance of the mullion/transom; U0

U is the thermal transmittance of the mullion/transom calculated according to EN ISO 10077-2 excluding the effect of metal connectors (screws); is the difference in the thermal transmittance of mullion/transom with and without screws.

Values for U are given in Table 2. Table 2 Values of U for mullion and transom sections for stainless steel connectors Diameter of stainless steel connectors Distance between stainless steel connectors mm 200 to 300

U W/(mK)

6 mm

U depends on the distance between the connectors, the diameter and the materials used.
An alternative to using the values given in Table 2 is to measure U using the procedures specified in EN 12412-2. In this case U is derived from the difference between measured values for specimens with metal screws and those on the same specimen but using plastic screws (which are assumed to have a negligible effect). U can also be evaluated by a three dimensional calculation according to EN ISO 10211 obeying the specific rules for cavities given in EN ISO 10077-2. A second alternative is to calculate the influence of the screws according to Annex C. It is common practice to produce "profile systems" comprising a large number of different frames, having a wide range of geometric shapes but having similar thermal properties. This is because in these groups of frames, the important parameters such as the size, material and design of the thermal break, are the same. The thermal transmittance of a profile or profile combination of a "profile system" can be evaluated by:

using the highest value of Uf or Um /Ut of the profiles or profile combinations within the profile system, or using trend lines that show the relationship between Uf or Um /Ut and defined geometrical characteristics.

In the latter case the data points for the trend line are evaluated on selected profile cross-sections, taken from the profile system in question. Detailed procedures are described in [1], [2] and [3] of the Bibliography. 6.3.5 Linear thermal transmittance

Values for the linear thermal transmittance of glazing units, g, are given in Annex B, Table B.1, Table B.2, Table B.3, Table B.4 or can be calculated using EN ISO 10077-2. In the case of single glazing, g in Equation (4) shall be taken as zero (no spacer effect) because any correction is negligible. Values for the linear thermal transmittance p of panels are given in Table B.5 or can be calculated using EN ISO 10077-2. The interaction between the frame and the mullion or transom caused by the installation of the frame into the rebate of the mullion or transom (Figure 15) is accounted for with the linear thermal transmittances m,f and t,f.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Values for the linear thermal transmittances m,f and t,f describing the thermal heat flow due to the installation of a window in the faade are given in Table B.6 or Table B.7 or can be calculated using EN ISO 10077-2:
2D m, f = L U m Am U f Af U p1 Ap1 U p2 Ap2 2D t, f = L U t At U f Af U p1 Ap1 U p2 Ap2

(7a) (7b)

2D L

is the thermal conductance of the section shown in Figure 13 in W/(mK) calculated using EN ISO 10077-2; is the thermal transmittance of the frame, in W/(m K), calculated using EN ISO 10077-2; is the thermal transmittance of the mullion, in W/(m K), calculated using EN ISO 10077-2; is the thermal transmittance of the transom, in W/(m K), calculated using EN ISO 10077-2; is the thermal transmittance of panel 1, in W/(m K); is the thermal transmittance of panel 2, in W/(m K).
2 2 2 2 2

Uf Um Ut Up1 Up2


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key 1 2 3 4 transom or mullion frame (fixed) sash (movable) infill, panel Figure 15 Illustration of a window integrated in a transom or mullion section


Thermal transmittance of a curtain wall built of different elements

The calculation of Ucw,tot of the overall curtain wall built with different sizes or design of elements shall be calculated as the area-weighted average thermal transmittance of all modules according to Equation (8).

U cw,tot =

(U cw, j Acw , j ) Acw , j


Ucw,j Acw,j is the sum of the products of thermal transmittances and corresponding areas of the different modules; Acw,j
is the sum of the areas of the different modules.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Input data

The thermal property data required to evaluate the thermal transmittance of curtain walling, using the procedures in this European Standard, shall be obtained from Table 3. Table 3 Sources of input data Values of thermal transmittance Source EN 673, EN 674, EN 675 EN 12412-2, EN ISO 10077-1, EN ISO 10077-2 EN 12412-2, EN ISO 10077-2 (and Annex C) Annex B EN ISO 10077-2 prEN ISO 6946

Ug Uf Um, Ut

g andp andm,f /t,f


The sources of all data shall be stated unambiguously. Ensure that numerical values used relate exactly to the areas as defined in Clause 4. If the results are to be used for comparison of the performance of different curtain walling, the sources of the numerical values of each parameter shall be the same for each type of curtain walling included in the comparison. Results obtained for the purposes of comparison of products (declared values) shall be calculated or measured for horizontal heat flow. Design values should be determined for the actual position and boundary conditions, by including the effect of the inclination of the curtain wall in the determination of Ug. However, the Um, Ut, Uf and as determined for the curtain wall in the vertical position are used for all inclinations of the curtain wall. Values for the surface thermal resistance can be obtained from EN ISO 10077-1:2006, Annex A.


EN 13947:2006 (E)


Section drawings

A technical drawing shall be available (preferably scale 1:1) giving the sections of the curtain walling with sufficient details to permit the verification of the following:

thickness, position type and number of thermal breaks; number and thickness of air chambers (for plastic frame sections); presence and position of metal stiffening (for plastic frame sections); thickness of frames; thickness of the gasspaces and the identification of the gas; type of glass, its thickness, its thermal properties and emissivity of its surfaces; thickness and description of any opaque panels in the frame; position of the glazing and panel unit spacer bars or of the edge stiffening for opaque panels.

The distance between the connections of external and internal frame sections having thermal bridge effects shall be clearly indicated.


Overview drawing of the whole curtain wall element

A drawing of the front view of the whole curtain wall element (seen from outside the building) with the following information shall be available:

glazed area Ag and/or opaque panel area Ap; frame area Af; perimeter length of the glazing lg and/or of the opaque panels lp.


Values used for calculation

If the values in Annex B are used, this shall be stated and reference made to the identifiers of the tables and annexes used. If measured or calculated values are used the measurement or calculation methods shall be indicated precisely and it shall be stated that the values obtained correspond to the definitions of the areas given in this European Standard.


Presentation of results

The thermal transmittance of the curtain walling, calculated according to this European Standard, shall be given to two significant figures. Reference to this European Standard shall be made.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex A (informative) Guidance for calculating the thermal transmittance Ucw of curtain walling using the two methods

Table A.1 Summary of the procedure for determining Ucw of curtain walling
Component assessment method 1 1.1 1.2 Frames Definition and evaluation of areas according to 4.2 Evaluation of Uf , Um und Ut values according to EN ISO 10077-2 (with Equation (6)) or EN 12412-2 Evaluation of m,f / t,f according to Table B.6 of this European Standard or EN ISO 10077-2 Glazing Definition and evaluation of areas according to this European Standard Evaluation of Ug according to EN ISO 10077-1 or EN 673 EN 674 EN 675 2.3 Evaluation of t,g m,g and f,g according to Table B.1, B.2, B.3 or B.4 of this European Standard or EN ISO 10077-2 Panels Definition and evaluation of areas according to 4.2 Evaluation of Up according to prEN ISO 6946 Evaluation of p-values according to Table B.5 of this European Standard or EN ISO 10077-2 Complete elements Calculation of complete elements according to Equation (4) of this European Standard Complete curtain walling Calculation of a faade built of different elements according to Equation (8) of this European Standard 4 4.1 Complete elements Calculation of complete elements according to Equation (3) of this European Standard Complete curtain walling Calculation of a faade build of different elements according to Equation (8) of this European Standard 3 3.1 3.2 Panels Definition and evaluation of areas according to 4.2 Evaluation of Up according to prEN ISO 6946 2 2.1 2.2 Glazing Definition and evaluation of areas according to this European Standard Evaluation of Ug according to EN ISO 10077-1 or EN 673 EN 674 EN 675 1. 1.1 1.2 Single assessment method Frames (joints) Definition and evaluation of areas according to 4.2 Evaluation of UTJ or TJ according to 6.2


2 2.1 2.2

3 3.1 3.2 3.3

4 4.1

5 5.1

5 5.1


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex B (informative) Linear thermal transmittance of junctions

glazing or panel. The linear thermal transmittance describes the additional heat conduction due to the interaction between frame, glazing unit or panel and spacer. The linear thermal transmittance, , is mainly determined by the thermal conductivity of the spacer material and the design of the frame or mullion/transom. Table B.1 and Table B.2 give the m,g,t,g values for spacers used in glazing units installed in transoms/mullions. Table B.3 and Table B.4 give the f,g values for spacers used in glazing units installed in frames. Table B.5 gives the p values for spacers used in opaque panels. Table B.6 and Table B.7 give the m,f / t,f values for mullion/transom-frame junctions. Table B.1 Values of the linear thermal transmittance m,g and t,g in W/(mK) for normal types of glazing spacer bars (e.g. aluminium and steel desiccant-filled) used in glazing units installed in transoms/mullions Glazing type Double or triple glazing (6 mm glass) Mullion or transom type - uncoated glass - air or gas filled Double or triple glazing (6 mm glass) - low emissivity glass * 1 pane coated for double glazed * 2 panes coated for triple glazed - air or gas filled W/(m K) Aluminium-wood Metal with a thermal break 0,08

The thermal transmittance of glazing units, Ug, and panels, Up, are applicable to the central area of the glazing unit or panel and do not include the effect of the spacers at the edge of the glazing unit or the panel. The thermal transmittance of frame, mullions and transoms (Uf, Um, Ut), however, has been defined without the presence of the

W/(m K) 0,11 0,13 0,15

di 100 mm: di 200 mm:

di 100 mm: di 200 mm:

0,17 0,19

di is the internal depth of the mullion or transom (see also Figure 3).


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table B.2 Values of the linear thermal transmittance m,g and t,g in W/(mK) for thermally improved types of glazing spacer bars used in glazing units installed in transoms/mullions Mullion or transom type Glazing type Double or triple glazing (6 mm glass) - uncoated glass - air or gas filled Double or triple glazing (6 mm glass) - low emissivity glass * 1 pane coated for double glazed * 2 panes coated for triple glazed - air or gas filled W/(m K) Aluminium-wood Metal with a thermal break 0,06

W/(m K) 0,08 0,09 0,10

di 100 mm: di 200 mm:

di 100 mm: di 200 mm:

0,11 0,12

di is the internal depth of the mullion or transom (see also Figure 3).

Table B.3 Values of the linear thermal transmittance f,g in W/(mK) for normal types of glazing spacer bars (e.g. aluminium and steel desiccant-filled) used in glazing units installed in frames
NOTE 1 This table is based on EN ISO 10077-1:2006.

Glazing type Double or triple glazing (4 mm glass) - uncoated glass - air or gas filled Double or triple glazing (4 mm glass) - low emissivity glass * 1 pane coated for double glazed * 2 panes coated for triple glazed - air or gas filled W/(m K) Wood or PVC Metal with a thermal break Metal without a thermal break 0,06 0,08

Frame type

W/(m K) 0,08 0,11




EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table B.4 Values of the linear thermal transmittance f,g in W/(mK) for thermally improved types of glazing spacer bars used in glazing units installed in frames
NOTE 2 This table is based on EN ISO 10077-1:2006.

Glazing type Double or triple glazing (4 mm glass) - uncoated glass - air or gas filled Double or triple glazing (4 mm glass) - low emissivity glass * 1 pane coated for double glazed * 2 panes coated for triple glazed - air or gas filled W/(m K) Wood or PVC Metal with a thermal break Metal without a thermal break 0,05 0,06

Frame type

W/(m K) 0,06 0,08



Values for spacers not covered by the tables can be determined by numerical calculation in accordance with EN ISO 10077-2. Definition of glazing spacer bars with improved thermal performance For the purpose of this annex a thermally improved spacer is defined by the following criteria: (d ) 0,007 W/K This criterion is based on the thickness of the materials of the spacer where d is the thickness of the spacer wall, in m; is the thermal conductivity of the spacer material, in W/(mK). The product of the spacer wall thickness and the thermal conductivities have to be summed. The summation applies to all heat flow paths parallel to the principal heat flow direction, the thickness d being measured perpendicular to the principal heat flow direction see Figure B.1. Values of thermal conductivity for spacer materials should be taken from prEN ISO 10456 or EN ISO 10077-2.

Figure B.1 Definition of glazing unit spacer bars with improved thermal performance


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table B.5 Values of the linear thermal transmittance for panel spacers Filling element type internal/external cladding Panel type 1 (see Figure B.2) with cladding: aluminium/aluminium, aluminium/glass, or steel/glass Panel type 2 (see Figure B.3) with cladding: aluminium/aluminium aluminium/glass steel/glass

Thermal conductivity of spacer W/(mK)

Values of the linear thermal a transmittance



0,2 0,4 0,2 0,4 0,2 0,4

0,20 0,29 0,18 0,20 0,14 0,18

This value may be taken if no information from measurements or detailed calculations is available.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key 1 aluminium 2,5 mm / steel 2,0 mm 2 insulating material = 0,025 W/(m K) to 0,04 W/(m K) 3 air space 0 to 20 mm 4 aluminium 2,5 mm / glass 6 mm 5 spacer = 0,2 W/(m K) to 0,4 W/(m K) 6 aluminium

Key 1 aluminium 2,5 mm / steel 2,0 mm 2 insulating material = 0,025 W/(m K) to 0,04 W/(m K) 3 aluminium 2,5 mm / glass 6 mm 4 spacer = 0,2 W/(m K) to 0,4 W/(m K) 5 aluminium

Figure B.2 Panel type 1

Figure B.3 Panel type 2


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table B.6 Values of the linear thermal transmittance for mullion/transom-frame junctions aluminium and steel profiles Values of the linear thermal transmittance a m,f ort,f W/(mK)

Junction type A



Mounting of the frame to the mullion with an additional aluminium profile with thermal break 0,11

Key 1 metal 2 thermal break B Mounting of the frame to the mullion with an additional profile with low thermal conductivity e.g. Polyamid 6.6 with 25 % glass fibre



Mounting of the frame to the mullion using the extension of the thermal break of the frame 0,07

Key 1 thermal break C2 Mounting of the frame to the mullion using the extension of thermal break (e.g Polyamid 6.6 with 25 % glass fibre) of the frame



EN 13947:2006 (E)

Mounting of the frame to the mullion with an extension of the outer aluminium profile. Infill material for the fixing of low thermal conductivity ( 0,3 W/(mK))


Key 1 metal extension


This value may be taken if no measured or detailed calculation values are available. These values are only valid if the mullion/transom and also the frame have thermal breaks and one thermal break is not short circuited by a non thermally broken part of the other frame.

-values not covered by the tables can be determined by a numerical calculation method specified in EN ISO 10077-2.
Table B.7 Values of the linear thermal transmittance for mullion/transom-frame junctions Wood and aluminium wood profiles Values of the linear thermal transmittance a m,f ort,f W/(mK)

Junction type


Um > 2,0 W/(m K)


Um 2,0 W/(m K)


This value may be taken if no measured or detailed calculation values are available.

Calculation of Uf for frame profiles installed in the faade

Uf for frames which are installed with an additional profile in the faade (mullion/frame junction type A and type B) are calculated according to EN ISO 10077-2. The additional profile is not considered in the calculation of Uf. The heat flow in the additional profile is a component of the linear thermal transmittance m,f or t,f describing the thermal interaction between the mullion/transom and the window.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

The general procedure for the calculation of Uf value for frames, which are installed directly in the faade (mullion/frame junction type C and type D) is defined in EN ISO 10077-2. The area of the frame which is installed in the mullion, is seen as adiabatic for the calculation (see Figure B.4). The additional heat flow, due to the inclusion of the window in the faade, is part of the linear thermal transmittance m,f or t,f describing the thermal interaction between the mullion/transom and the window.

Key 1 adiabatic

Figure B.4 Boundary conditions for the calculation of Uf for a frame profile, which is directly installed in the faade (mullion/frame junction type C and type D)


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex C (normative) A method for calculating the thermal effect of screws using a 2D numerical method and the procedures specified in EN ISO 10077-2

C.1 General
The scope of EN ISO 10077-2 excludes the thermal effects caused by three dimensional heat transfer such as pin point metallic connections (e.g. screws). But measurements on curtain wall systems have shown the thermal effect of screws cannot be neglected. This annex gives a method for evaluating the three dimensional heat transfer caused by screws using a twodimensional calculation and the procedures specified in EN ISO 10077-2. The screw is modelled as a smoothed screw with its thickness equal to the real diameter ds but an equivalent thermal conductivity s,eq (see Figure B.1). The equivalent thermal conductivity is calculated according to Equation (C.1). The equivalent thermal conductivity of the airspace surrounding the screw shall be calculated on the basis that it is a single air space (without screw).
NOTE If the equivalent thermal conductivity of the airspace is calculated automatically by computer software, the software might treat it as two separate airspaces (above and below the smoothed screw as illustrated in the lower right diagram of Figure C.1). That will lead to erroneous results.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key 1 2 real screws smoothed screw Figure C.1 Evaluation of the thermal effect of screws using two dimensional numerical calculation

C.2 Calculation of the equivalent thermal conductivity of the screw s,eq

The connection between the pressure plate and the curtain wall profile is done by a screw with diameter ds. The thermal conductivity of the screw is s. The distance between the screws is ls. The equivalent thermal conductivity s,eq of a smoothed screw with a diameter ds is calculated from:

s,eq =

2 ds ds 1 s = s 4 ls d s 4 ls


C.3 Consideration of screw heads and washers

Screw heads shall be considered in the 2-dimensional calculation using their real diameters and the equivalent thermal conductivity of the screw s. Washers shall be considered in the 2-dimensional calculation with their actual diameters and their actual thermal conductivity.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex D (normative) Ventilated and unventilated air spaces

Air spaces (ventilated and unventilated) in a curtain wall, e.g. double skin faade, can be taken into account using their thermal resistance values.
Thermal resistance of air layers

The values given in this annex apply to an air layer which:


is bounded by two faces which are effectively parallel and perpendicular to the direction of heat flow and which have emissivities not less than 0,8; has a thickness (in the direction of heat flow) of less than 0,1 times each one of the other two dimensions, and not greater than 1 m; has no air interchange with the internal environment.

Unventilated air layer

An unventilated air layer is one in which there is no express provision for air flow through it. Design values of thermal resistance are given in Table D.1. The values under "horizontal" apply to heat flow directions 30 from the horizontal plane.

Table D.1 Thermal resistance Rs (in mK/W) of unventilated air layers: high emissivity surfaces
Thickness of air layer mm 0 5 7 10 15 25 50 100 300 500 1000 Upwards 0,00 0,11 0,13 0,15 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 Direction of heat flow Horizontal 0,00 0,11 0,13 0,15 0,17 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 Downwards 0,00 0,11 0,13 0,15 0,17 0,19 0,21 0,22 0,23 0,23 0,23

NOTE Intermediate values may be obtained by linear interpolation.

An air layer having no insulation layer between it and the external environment but with small openings to the external environment shall also be considered as an unventilated air layer, if these openings are not arranged so as to permit air flow through the layer and they do not exceed:

500 mm per m length for vertical air layers; 500 mm per m of surface area for horizontal air layers.

NOTE Drain openings (weep holes) in the form of open vertical joints in the outer leaf of a masonry cavity wall usually conform with the above criteria and so are not regarded as ventilation openings.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Slightly ventilated air layer

A slightly ventilated air layer is one in which there is provision for limited air flow through it from the external environment by openings within the following ranges: 500 mm to 1500 mm per m length for vertical air layers; 500 mm to 1 500 mm per m of surface area for horizontal air layers.

The design thermal resistance of a slightly ventilated air layer is one half of the corresponding value in Table D.1. If, however, the thermal resistance of the construction between the air layer and the external environment exceeds 0,15 mK/W, it shall be replaced by the value 0,15 mK/W.
Well ventilated air layer

A well ventilated air layer is one for which the openings between the air layer and the external environment exceed: 1 500 mm per m length for vertical air layers; 1 500 mm per m of surface area for horizontal air layers.

The total thermal resistance of a curtain wall containing a well-ventilated air layer shall be obtained by disregarding the thermal resistance of the air layer and all other layers between the air layer and external environment, and including an external surface resistance corresponding to still air (see prEN ISO 6946:2005, Annex A ). If no other information is available this external surface resistance is
Rsi = 0,13 m K/W
EXAMPLE Calculation of Ucw for a double skin faade

The following example shows how Ucw is calculated taking into account the thermal resistance of a slightly ventilated layer (see Figure D.1). The U-value of the inner faade (primary faade) is: Ucw,1 = 1,8 W/(m K). The U-value of the outer faade (secondary faade) is: Ucw,2 = 6,0 W/(m K). The cavity is slightly ventilated and the thickness of the air layer is 300 mm. According to Table D.1 and the rule for slightly ventilated cavities this layer has a thermal resistance of
Rs = 0,09 m K/W
2 2 2


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Key 1 2 3 4 5 internal external slightly ventilated layer secondary faade U cw,2 = 6,0 W/(mK) primary faade Ucw,1 = 1,8 W/(mK)

Figure D.1 Example: Calculation of Ucw for a double skin faade

The thermal transmittance of the overall faade is calculated as:

U cw =

1 1 U cw,1 Rsi + Rs Rse + 1 U cw,2


1 1 1 0,13 + 0,09 0,04 + 1,8 6,0

= 1,6 W/(mK)


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex E (informative) Component method: Calculation example

E.1 Data for examples

This annex gives an example for the calculation of a curtain walling element according to the component method described in 6.3. Dimensions in millimetres


i ii iii

window panel fixed glazing unit

6*/6* comparable to 6/6 but in reverse position


Figure E.1 Element of a curtain wall seen from the exterior


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres



1 2 3 4 5 6

low E coating n = 0,05 glass with = 1,0 W/(mK) argon 90 % aluminium with a thickness of 0,5 mm and = 160 W/(mK) molecular sieve with = 0,13 W/(mK) polysulfide with = 0,40 W/(mK)

1 2 3 4

steel insulation with = 0,04 W/(mK) glass with = 1,0 W/(mK) spacer with = 0,4 W/(mK)

Figure E.2 Detail of glazing unit

Figure E.3 Detail of panel

For the module illustrated in Figures E.1 to E.3, the calculation procedure is in accordance with E.2 to E.5.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

E.2 Frames
E.2.1 Definition and evaluation of areas


i ii

mullion frame transom frame

1 2

internal external
Figure E.4 Definition of areas


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Mullion Area Transom

2 3,3 m 0,025 m Am 2 (1,20 m 2 0,025 m) 0,025 m 2 (1,20 m 2 0,025m) 0,050 m

= 0,165 0 m = 0,165 0 m = 0,057 5 m = 0,115 0 m = 0,172 5 m = 0,184 0 m = 0,142 4 m = 0,326 4 m

Area Frame

At 2 (1,20 m 2 0,025 m) 0,080 m 2 (1,10 m 2 0,025 m 2 0,08 m) 0,08 m

Area Am 50 mm width At Af 50 mm width 80 mm width


E.2.2 Evaluation of Uf values

Uf values can be taken from measurement according to EN 12412-2 or can be calculated according to EN ISO 10077-2 (the effect of the screws has to be considered according to 6.3.2). For further calculations in this example it is assumed: mullion transom frame Um Ut Uf 2,2 W/(m K)* 1,9 W/(m K)* 2,4 W/(m K)
2 2 2

measured value according to EN 12412-2


EN 13947:2006 (E)

E.3 Glazing units

E.3.1 Definition and evaluation of areas
Movable part width height Ag Fixed part width height Ag 1,20 m 2 0,025 m 2 0,08 m 1,10 m 2 0,025 m 2 0,08 m 0,99 m 0,89 m 1,20 m 2 0,025 m 1,10 m 2 0,025 m 1,15 m 1,05 m = 0,99 m = 0,89 m = 0,881 1 m = 1,15 m = 1,05 m = 1,2075 m
2 2

E.3.2 Evaluation of Ug values

For further calculations, it is assumed: Ug = 1,2 W/(m K)

E.3.3 Definition of lg and evaluation of g, m,f and t,f

perimeter movable part fixed part

lg lf,g lt,g + lm,g 2 0,99 m + 2 0,89 m 2 1,15 m + 2 1,05 m = 3,76 m = 4,40 m

-values can be taken from Annex A of this European Standard or can be calculated according to EN ISO 10077-2
(see Table B.1, B.3 and B.5 of this European Standard) movable part fixed part Type D2 Type D2

f,g m,g t,g m,f t,f

0,11 W/(mK) 0,17 W/(mK) 0,07 W/(m K) 0,07 W/(m K)


EN 13947:2006 (E)

E.4 Panels
E.4.1 Definition and evaluation of areas
width height Area Ap 1,20 m 2 0,025 m 1,10 m 2 0,025 m 1,15 m 1,05 m = 1,15 m = 1,05 m = 1,207 5 m

E.4.2 Evaluation of Up values

The U-value of a panel can be evaluated according to prEN ISO 6946. The panel shown in Figure E.2 gives Up 0,46 W/(m K)


EN 13947:2006 (E)

E.4.3 Definition of lp and evaluation of the p values

perimeter lp 2 1,15 m + 2 1,05 m = 4,40 m

p values can be taken from Annex B, Table B.5 or can be calculated according to EN ISO 10077-2. A panel
shown in Figure E.3 gives

0,18 W/(mK)

E.4.4 Calculation of a complete element

Table E.1 Presentation of values of calculation example A U l




m mullion transom frame mullion - frame transom - frame glazing movable part fixed part panel total Ag Ag Ap ACW Am At Af

W/(m K) Um Ut Uf 2,2 1,9 2,4 lm,f lt,f

W/K 0,363 0,328 0,783

0,165 0 0,172 5 0,326 4

2,20 m,f 2,20

0,07 0,07

0,154 0,154

t,f g g p

0,881 1 1,207 5 1,207 5 3,96

Ug Ug Up

1,2 1,2 0,46

lf,g lm,g lt,g lp

3,76 4,40 4,40

0,11 0,17 0,18

1,057 1,449 0,556 4,536 6,80 1,7

0,414 0,748 0,792 2,262

AcwUcw = AU + l = Ucw=

A U + l = 6,80/3,96 =



EN 13947:2006 (E)

Annex F (informative) Single assessment method: Calculation example

F.1 General description of examples

This annex gives an example for the calculation of a curtain walling module according to the single assessment method in 6.2. For this example a structural silicone glazing is used. The calculations are based on the given panel dimensions. Dimensions in millimetres



sill / ceiling transom joint mullion panel joint mullion glass joint

Figure F.1 Faade module geometry


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table F.1 Panel dimensions Panel Dimensions mm

Faade module height Faade module width Spandrel panel height

3 500 1 500 1 200

F.2 Centre U-value of the glazing unit

The glazing unit chosen for this calculation is the following: Outer-light: 8 mm Low E glass (n = 0,04); Cavity: 16 mm air filled; Inner-light: 5 mm clear glass. One-dimensional centre U-value calculation has been performed for this glazing unit in accordance with EN 673. The one-dimensional thermal transmittance of this glazing unit is found to be Ug = 1,4 W/(mK)

F.3 Centre U-value of the spandrel panel

The one-dimensional panel thermal transmittance is Up = 0,38 W/(mK) (in accordance with prEN ISO 6946).

F.4 U-values of thermal joints

The thermal joints have been modelled by means of 2-dimensional FEA analysis. Material properties have been taken from EN ISO 10077-2:2003, Annex A. The glazing unit has been modelled with aluminium spacers. The assessed joint U-value UTJ represents the heat flow rate through the frame plus all thermal effects due to the thermal interaction between the glass, frame and panel. The projected width of the joint (perpendicular to the panel direction) excluding the glazing gaskets is measured between the two panels. For each of the models, the projected width of the joints is stated along with the joint U-value.


EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table F.2 U-values of thermal joints Ceiling transom joint Component (equal to sill transom joint in this example)

Mullion glass joint

Mullion panel joint

UTJ [W/m K] ATJ [m]

UTJ = 9,97 W/(mK) bTJ = 0,092 m

UTJ = 9,71 W/(mK) bTJ = 0,092 m

UTJ = 9,66 W/(mK) bTJ = 0,092 m

F.5 Overall U-value of the curtain wall

Area weighting of the U-values of all frames, glass and panels is used to calculate the overall U-value. U cw =
AgU g + ApU p + ATJU TJ Ag + Ap + ATJ



EN 13947:2006 (E)

Table F.3 Overall U-value of the curtain wall U-Value W/(mK) A 2 m UA W/K


Ceiling transom joint Sill transom joint Mullion glass joint Mullion panel joint Spandrel panel centre Glazing centre

9,97 9,97 9,71 9,66 0,37 1,40 TOTAL

0,13 0,13 0,21 0,11 1,56 3,11 5,25

1,29 1,29 2,05 1,07 0,58 4,35 10,63

Overall U-value curtain wall Ucw = 2,0 W/(mK)


EN 13947:2006 (E)


[1] [2] [3] [4]

Uf-values for thermal break metal profiles of window systems, ift Guideline WA-01engl/2, ift Rosenheim, February 2005 Uf-values for PVC profile sections of window systems, ift Guideline WA-02engl/3, ift Rosenheim, February 2005 Uf-values for thermal break metal profile of facade systems, ift Guideline WA-03engl/3, ift Rosenheim, February 2005 prEN ISO 10456, Building materials and products Hygrothermal properties Tabulated design values and procedures for determining declared and design thermal values (ISO/DIS 10456:2005)


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