Catalogue of The Roman Pottery in The Departments of Antiquities, British Museum

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THIS Catalogue includes the who~c of the Roman Pottery wherever found, both ornamented and plain, and concludes the series of Catalogues of Greek and Roman wares, It was originally intended that the classical Lamps in the Museum should be also dealt with here; but it has since been decided to include the material found in Britain, preserved in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities ; and the effect has be~n so to increase the volume that it was thought advisable to defer the Lamps for a separate Catalogue. In dealing with the Arretine and Gaulish wares, Mr. Walters has followed the classifications of Dragendorff and Dechelette, which, though perhaps they occasionally appear over-elaborate, may in the main be regarded as established. With a view to making this Catalogue so far as possible uniform with the material published elsewhere, and for convenience of reference, it has been decided to reproduce here (Plates XLI.-XLIII.) the plates of vase-forms given in the B01zner Jalzrbiicher, Vol. xcvi. pis. 1-3. For permission to do so special thanks are due to Professor Dr. Hans Dragendorff, Director of the Romischgermanische Kommission at Frankfurt-am-Main. The proofs have been read throughout by myself, and in different portions by Mr. F. H. Marshall and Mr. E. J. Forsdykc; Mr. Reginald Smith. of the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, has given general assistance, especially in connection with the pottery found in Britain, and in reading the proofs. CECIL SMITH.

October, 1908.





History of the Collections Enamel-Glazed Wares Italian Pottery Provincial Fabrics List of Gaulish and German Potters Miscellaneous Fabrics


xii xxiii xxxvi xlvi

I.-Faience and Enamel-glazed Wares (X 1-77) II.-Arretine and other Roman Pottery (L 1-172) I. Red Wares from Greek Sites (L I-53) 2. Arretine and Italian Red Wares (L 54-155) 3 Appendix (L 156-I72) III.-Gaulish and Provincial Fabrics (Continental Sites) (M 1- 190) A. ORNAMENTED RED WARES (M 1-I2J). ' {I) Transitional Fabrics (M I-3) (2) Rutenian Ware (M 4-35) . (3) Fabric of Banassac (M 36-38) (4) Fabric of Montans (M 39-4I) (5) Fabric of Lezoux (M 42-89) (6) German Red Wares (M 90-99) (7) Miscellaneous Wares (M I00-I23) B. MISCELLANEOUS PLAIN FABRICS (M 124-188) ADDENDA (M 189-190)
I3 20 41

44 45 5I 52 53 64 65 73 80



IV.-Roman Pottery found in Britain (M 201-2860) A. ORNAMENTED RED WARES {M 201-2364). 1. Rutenian Ware (M 201-1000). (A) Ornamented Wares (M 201-004) . (B) Plain Wares with Potters' Stamps (M 6051000) 2. Fabric of Lezoux (M 1001-1756). (A) Ornamented Wares (M 1001-1004) (n) Plain Wares with Potters' Stamps (M 1605-1756) 3 Plain Wares with Potters' Stamps, of uncertain origin (M 1757-2250) 4 German Fabrics (M 2251-2362). (1) Ornamented Wares (M 2251-2299) (2) Plain Wares with Potters' Stamps (M 2300 -2362) 5 Fragments of Uncertain Fabric (M 2363-2364) 6. Vases with Applique Reliefs (M 2365--2376) . B. MISCELLANEOUS PLAIN FABRICS (~f 2377 286o). I. CONTINENTAL WARES (M 2377-2478). 1. Vases of Gallia Bclgica (M 2377) . 2. Marbled Vases _(M 2378-2379) 3. Vases with Incised Decoration (M 2380-2396) 4 Vases with Barbotine Decoration (M 2397 2443) 5 Rhenish Ware (M 2444-2459) 6-7. Stamped Wares (M 2400 -2478) . I I. ROMANO-BRITISH WARES (M 2479 2763). 1. Castor Wa~e (M 2479 2536) . 2. Painted Wares (M 2537-2596) 3 New Forest Ware (M 2597--2640)

81 155 193 301 316 367 375 382 383

386 386 386 388 393 395 397 403 410

PLATE I. II. 1. EROS os GoosE: Faience Ware from Tanagra. 15. ESAMELGLAZED AsKOS from the Cyrenaica. 7 FAIESCt HEAD OF QUEEN from Naukratis. 29. ENAMEL-GLAZED BOWL from Italy. 33 ENAMEL-GLAZED BOWL. 49 ENAMEL-GLAZED LAMP from Cologne. 50. ENAMEL-GLAZED LAMP, with Victory. 3 ENAMEL-GLAZED Bowr. from Greece. 4- ENAMELGI.AZED ASKOS from Thera. 26. ENAMEL-GLAZED ASKOS. 36. ENAMEL-GLAZED BOWL. 55 ENAMEL-GLAZED LAMP. K 6o. ENA!IIEI.GLAZED LAMP, with boars' heads. K 14. ENAMEL-GLAZED PIG from EGYPT. K 45 ESAMEL-GLAZED FIGURE OF BoY. K 46. ENA!IIEI.GLAZED MODEL OF BOAT. K 47 ENAMEL-GLAZED MODEL OF CHARIOT. K 48. ENAMEL-GLAZED MODEL OF COUCH. K 64. ENAMEL-GLAZED PIG. K 76 and 77 F AJENCE JUGS from Canosa. L 54- ARRETISE KRATER, with Seasons, from Capua. L 55 ARRETINE KRATER, by P. Cornelius. L 57 ARRETINE KANTHAROS. L 35 ARRETINE JAR from Laodicea. L 56. ARRETINE JUG, by P. Cornelius. L 138. ARRETINE IMITATION OF GAtJLISH WARE, by Rasinius Pisanus. M 6 and 18. RUTENIAN BOWLS OF FOR!\1 29. M 22 and 62. GAULISH BOWLS OF FORM 37 M 64 and 65. BOWLS OF LEZOUX WARE OF FORM 37 M 99 MOULD FUR BOWL OF GER!IlAN WARE, by Cerialis. M 108. hllTATION o~ METAL DISH, made at Lezoux. M Il5. JAR WITH APPLIQUE RELIEFS, from France. M 121. MEDALI.ION FRO!Il GAULISH VASE, with scene from Cycnus. M 2478. JAR OF CASTOR WARE, from Colchester. L 49 and L 52. BOWLS WITH BARBOTI:SE DECORATIOS, from Sardinia. M 136 and M 138. BOWLS WITH BARilOTINE DECORATION, from France. M 124 and M 126. BOWLS OF "l\1;\RBLED" \VARE, from Southern France. M 141-143. INSCRIBED JARS o~ RHENISH WARE, from the Rhine. M 146. JUG OF SIMILAR WARE. M 140. JAR OF hUTATIOS METAL WARE (Lezoux fabric). M 157, 158. JARS WITH INCISED ORNAMENTATION, from France. M 163. JAR WITH HATCHED PATTERSS, from France. M 168, 171. JARS WITH HATCHED ANI> IMPRKSSED ORNAMENTATION, from F ranee. K K K K K K K K K K K K




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XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. M 308. RUTENIAN BOWL OP' FORM 29, by Meddillus, found in London. M 351. RUTENIAN BOWL OF FORM 29, by Vibinus, found in London. M 352 RUTENIAN BOWL OF FORM 29, by Passenus, found in London. M 364- RUTENIAN BOWL OF FORM 29, found in London. M 509 RUTENIAN BOWL OF FoRM 37, found in London. M 544, 555 RUTENIAN BOWLS OF FORM 37, found in London. M 401. RUTENIAN BOWL OF FORM 78, from Sandy, Beds. M 1077. LEZOUX BOWL o~ FORM 78, by Butrio, found in London. M 1597. LEZOUX jAR OF FORM 64, from Colchester. M 1050. LEZOUX BOWL OF FORM 30, found in London. M 1148. LEZOUX BOWL OF FORM 37, found in London. M 1352. LEZOUX BOWL OP' FORM 37, fo~nd in London. M 1353 LEZOUX BOWL OP' FORM 37, from York. M 1463. LEZOUX BOWL OF FORM 37, by Paternus, from Wingham, Kent. M 2365. jAR WITH APPLIQUE RELIEFS, found in Cornhill, London. ORNAMENTAL PATTERNS OS GAULISH POTTERY (Wreaths). ORNAMENTAL PATTERNS ON GAULISH POTTERY (Wreaths). 0RNA~IENTAL PATTERNS ON GAULISH POTTERY (Scrolls). ORNAMENTAL PATTERNS ON GAUI.ISH POTTERY (Scrolls). ORNAMENTAL PATTERNS ON GAULISH POTTERY (Scrolls). ORNAMENTAl, PATTERNS ON GAULISH POTTBRY (Festoons). ORNAMENTAL PATTERNS ON GAULISH POTTERY (Panels). ORNAMENTAl. PATTERNS ON GAUJ.ISH POTTERY ("Cruciform" patterns). SHAPES OF VASES (Arretine ware). SHAPES OP' VASES (Gaulish pottery of first century). SHAPES OF VASES (Gaulish pottery of first three centuries). SHAPES OF VASES (Gaulish pottery of first three centuries).


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THE present Catalogue contains a description of the Roman pottery in the Departments of Greek and Roman and of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, and is supplementary to the Catalogues of Greek Vases and of Terracottas. It comprises the enamel-glazed wares of the Graeco-Roman period, the pottery of the same period found on Greek sites, such as Kertch, Asia Minor, Africa, and Sardinia, the pottery of Italy subsequent to the introduction of the typically Roman red glaze, and the terra sigillata and other ornamented and plain wares found in Gaul, Germany, and Britain. For the numbering of the vases the system adopted for the Greek vases has been adhered to, in accordance with which the enamelled wares are classed under the letter K, the Italian red wares and pottery from Greek sites under L, while M comprises the whole of the provincial pottery of Gaul, Germany, and Britain. HISTORY OF THE COLLECTIONS. The Roman pottery in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities is mostly of recent acquisition. In all three classes down to the end of the last century specimens had only been obtained from isolated donations and purchases; but between 1893 and 1900 a representative series of fragments and moulds of Arretine pottery was acquired, chiefly from finds at Arezzo. The collection of Romano-Gaulish pottery from Continental sites has been recently supplemented by the acquisition of a valuable and instructive series of vases, plain and ornamented, found in various parts of France, and formerly in the collection of M. Leon Morel at Rheims; these were obtained in 1904, and form the bulk of the section M 1-190. The extensive collection of Gaulish and Romano-British pottery in the Department of British Antiquities-all from British sites-is very largely due to the energy and industry of Charles Roach Smith (I80]-189o), whose valuable collection was purchased en bloc in 1856. But even before this date the Museum Collection was by no means inconsiderable. Included in the Towneley Collection (I 814) was a series of second-century Gaulish vases from Lezoux, almost exclusively plain red-glazed ware with potters' stamps, dredged up from the Pudding Pan Rock off Heme Bay in Kent.1 They are remarkable for the evidences
1 See Pr. S. Antigs. xxi. p. 268ff. The numbers in the Catalogue are M 1641-43, 1650, 1668, 1669-72, 1681, 16g4o 1707, 1720-24, 1737, 1738, 1740, 175o, 1i52-56, 214l 2403, 2404, 2!!44.


they show of their long submarine sojourn, being much injured by oyster-dredges and the scouring of pebbles against their bottoms, and encrusted with oyster-deposit. This find, probably representing the cargo of some ship wrecked on its way to London, may be dated about the reign of Commodus. I'n 1837-38 a large number of potters' stamps from various Londpn sites-in particular from St. Saviour's, Southwark, at the time the nave was pulled down-was acquired by purchase, probably through Roach Smith's agency. In 1853 a similar acquisition, comprising some 250 examples, came from the collection of E. B. Price. Since 1856 the increase has been gradual and insignificant, most recent additions being due to the generosity of the late Sir Wollaston Franks. The Trollope Collection from Lincoln (1866) and the Pollexfen Collection from Colchester (1870) added largely to the series of plain Romano-British wares. But, as has already been said, it is due to Roach Smith that the Museum now possesses one of the largest and most representative collections of Roman pottery in Europe from any one site, at least as regards the series of te1ra sigillata wares. With a few exceptions, all his finds were made within the bounds of the City of London, and they enable us in some measure to estimate the commercial importance of the City in the first and second centuries of the Roman Empire. Roach Smith devoted himself to collecting in the year when he first entered business in London, and continued assiduously to watch excavations and rebuilding operations in all parts of the City for many years.1 The results of his investigations are summarised in his admirable work, Illustrated Roman London, published in 1859, which even now almost ranks as the standard work on the subject. It contains among other things a valuable list of potters' stamps found in London, which formed the basis of HUbner's compilation in the Corpus of Latin Inscriptions (vii. 1336); and to him is due the credit of being the first to detect the Gaulish origin of this pottery by means of comparison with similar finds in France. His Catalogue of London Antiquities (1854) is a catalogue raisonm; on the lines of the other book, of the greater part of his collection.



Enamelglazed ware from Greece and Asia




the sixth to the third century there appears to have been an intermission of the practice, but under the Ptolemies it was revived at Alexandria. In the first century B.C. a new development may be observed in the introduction of a metallic, probably leaden, glaze used for coating clay objects in place of a slip or alkaline glaze ; for the sake of distinction it is more convcrnient to !!peak of the former as an enamel. The industry does not appear to have been confined to one spot; it can be traced at Tarsus in Western Asia Minor, at Alexandria, and in the Allier district of Gaul, where it centred at St. Rcmyen-Rollat and Lezoux. Exportation from these centres was common, and we find, for instance, Alexandrine vases in Greece and Italy. Asiatic in Greece and the Archipelago, and Gaulish enamelled wares in Britain. The beautiful askos (K 1 = Plate 1.), in the form of a duck on which Eros rides, was found in a tomb at Tanagra, together with another farence vase (Furtwaengler, Col/. Sabouro.JJ, i. pl. 70, fig. 3), but is evidently an importation from Alexandria or some other industrial centre of Hellenized Egypt, where the traditions of Egyptian farence were carried on. Specimens of glazed ware with reliefs or farence ware modelled in various forms have been found at Naukratis and in the FayCim (K 7-14), the most noteworthy example of the latter class being the head of a Ptolemaic queen (K 7 = Plate II.). Among the former, K 8 and K 9 are examples of a favourite class of subjects at this period : Eros and Psyche. In the Egyptian and Assyrian Department are two pale blue farence jugs, one from the Temple Collection (K 76), the other (K 77) found at Canosa in Southern Italy, both illustrated on Plate V. On both of these are figures in relief of Greek style, and they are inscribed with the names of Arsinoe, Berenike, and one of the Ptolemies. 1 Similar jugs have been found in the Cyrenaica, and are now in the Louvre. The character of the Tarsus glazed ware is illustrated by the kc,tylae and aski from Tanagra and other sites (K 2-6 = Plate III.), in which the glaze is green of a vurying hue, and the decoration is confined to a simple figure or wreath of ivy or oak, the graceful form of the vase being apparently its chief claim to merit. It is obviously derived from a metal prototype. The wares found in Gaul differ somewhat from these in character. They have been assigned by Dechelette 2 to the fabric of St. Rcmy-en-Rollat in the Allier district, which dates from the middle of the first century after Christ "Its speciality," he says, "is the manufacture of vases with white paste, green or yellowish, covered with brownish-yellow glaze, which comes away easily." The glaze is of a brilliant vitreous nature, and is obtained by means of metallic oxides ; whether from lead or not is, according to Dechelette, a matter for chemists to decide. The forms of the vases are two-handled goblets like the Roman scyplms or the Greek kot)'le, or again tumbler-shaped, and flasks or jugs, of which latter examples may be seen in K 37 and K 65, the former found in
1 Walters, At~cimtl'tJJI~ry, i. p. 129; see also Rrvu, Arcfl,'ol. \'iii. (181!6), p. 99 (Chromipur d'Orimt, i. p. 269), for one found at Curium, Cyprus, with name of l'tolemy l'hilopator. 2 Vaso tlf'His J~ Ia Gault rom. i. p. 59



France, the latter at Colchester. The decoration is confined to simple wreaths and other floral motives in relief. There is an interesting fragment of this ware at Colchester from a bowl of Form 29 (seep. xxv.), which is an exact imitation of the contemporary terra sigillata fabrics of Gaul, but covered with a light green vitreous glaze. Koenen and Dragendorffl have pointed out that there are two varieties of vitreous-glazed wares in Gaul : the first with yellow, yellow-brown, yellow-green, or grey-brown glaze, dating from the first century, which is Dechelette's St. Remy fabric ; secondly, a malachite-green glaze which is found on vases made at Lezoux in the time of the Antonines. The former is found in the early dated cemeteries at Andernach on the Rhine (A.D. 4o-5o). In Italy we also find frequent examples of vases and lamps of the second- century type made in this ware and decorated with small reliefs (embtemata), which were made separately and attached before the glaze was applied (cf. K 29 ff., 50 ff.). Figures of gladiators, models of boats, couches, etc., are also made in the same technique (K 44-49). and appear to have been intended for toys. The vases and lamps arc usually characterised by their bluish-green glaze, which tends to become iridescent. An interesting treatise by H. A. Mazard 2 deals with the technical aspect of these wares, and discusses many of the Museum examples. He maintains that a lead glaze must have formed the basis of the enamel in every case, and his views seem to have found general acceptance. The colours of the glazes seem to have been obtained with minium, oxide of lead, and protoxide of copper, producing the yellow, brown, and green varieties respectively.
[See also on the subject generally Rayct and Collignon, Hi'st. de Ia Clram. Grccque, p. 365 ff.; B(llmer Jallrb. xc\'i, p. 115; Walters, Ancimt Pot/cry, i. p. 128 ff.; Daremberg and Saglio, Diet. des Antiqs., s:v. Figulus, ii. p. 1132.)



In this section of the catalogue are included, for convenience of classification,



r Ketal.


But it is obvious that with all the tendency to increased luxury this change could never have been universal. For ordinary household purposes pottery was still essential, and for the great majority services of plate and vessels of gold and silver were out of reach. Hence naturally arose a tendency to imitate the more precious material in the humbler one, a signal instance of which may be seen in the British Museum, in the silver phialae of Eze and their terracotta replicas (Cat. of Vases, iv. G 118, 119). The collection of relief- and moulded wares of the Hellenistic period in the Fourth Vase Room (G -194) shows that this imitative pottery was made both in the Eastern Mediterranean and in Southern Italy, though it was more at home in the latter. Between that region and Etruria there were then close artistic relations, and this method of decoration had long been familiar to the Etruscans. Hence it is not surprising that in the Etruscan region of Italy a new centre sprang up which was destined to become of great importance, embodying more than one line of artistic traditions. This was Arretium, the modern Arezzo, where the bulk of Italian pottery was made in Roman times, the influence of which centre made itself largely felt all over the Empire. The era of Roman pottery, strictly so-called, has generally been assumed to begin with the establishment here, within the area of Roman domination, of a great manufactory in the hands of Roman masters and workmen. Evidence points to the second century B.C. as the time when it first sprang into importance.

Many of the examples here described from non-Italian sites in the Mediterranean are shown 6y the potters' stamps to be of Arretine ware, and others again, such as L 51- 52, arc probably of Gaulish origin. But it has generally been recognised of late years that the manufacture of terra sigil/ata in the Roman period was not confined to Italy and Western Europe, but that it was also carried on to a limited extent in Greece, South Russia, Asia Minor, and Egypt1 Hence it is probable that in some of the examples under discussion we have to deal with actual local fabrics, as for instance in the specimens from Kertch and lnkermann (L 7-17). The late black wares with patterns in relief found here and in Asia Minor must be regarded as Greek rather than Roman, belonging to the class of " Megarian .bowls," and are not included in this catalogue. 2 In Greece proper there were apparently no local industries at this period, and the pottery found there is either Arretine or resembles that of Asia Minor and Southern Russia. Examples of stamped Arretine wares have been found at Athens, Olympia, Dimitzana, and elsewhere.3 In the British Museum are flat
1 See Dragendorff in BOftlln' Jahr!J. ci. p. 140 ff., and Walters, Ancimt Fo/lt'ry, ii. p. 476 ; the former article is especially important. ~ See C/11, of Yasu, iY, p. 24; Walters, Andmt Pofltry, i. p. 499 1 AIMn. Miltll. 1901, t' 58; Dragendorff, 1. dt.









bowls from Corfu (L 2-3) with the stamps of Arretine potters LGELL and LVFI, and other examples are quoted by Dragendorff. But in Southern Russia terra sig-itlata, according to Dragendorff, was the ordinary table-ware of late Greek and Roman times. The method of decoration en barboti11e, so common in Gaulish and German pottery, as well as in that of Britain (p. Iii.), was actually invented here independently, though, as in Central Europe, it undoubtedly owes its origin to the same principle, the imitation of glass technique. L 15 is an example from Kertch. It docs not, however, appear that any of the pottery of Southern Russia is decorated with figure subjects, and therefore L 7, with the frieze of Cupids, is probably an importation from Germany ; the form of the bowl and general character of the glaze and decoration point to the same conclusion. In Asia Minor fragments of red glazed ware are not at all uncommon, as at Assos, Mytilene, and Myrina. 1 They appear to emanate from a local fabric, and in some cases the technique is really good. The best specimen in this collection is tbe graceful jar from Laodicea (L 35 = Plate VIII.) with its elegant scrollpattern and bright orange-red glaze. The flat-bodied flask with long neck, of which there is an example from Karpathos (L 32) may also be of local origi~. ~ The fragments from Knidos (L 23-34) are mostly unglazed. with figures and ornaments in relief, somewhat coarse in character. Among these are two recent acquisitions with interesting subjects (L 33, 34) : Pan, and a combat of gladiators, the latter treated in the same style as on the Roman lamps. Tw9 curious medallions, one from Crete (L 1), the other from Baalbec (L 39), seem from their style to be Gaulish importations. In Egypt red-glazed wares are found in some quantity, but none appear to be of local make, and they are imported, certainly from Italy, probably also from Asia Minor. L 40- 42 from Naukratis bear the stamps of Arretine potters, C. Amurius, Attius, and Xanthus. Attention should also be drawn to the remarkable specimens L 156-158. Sardinia may be conveniently considered under this head, though the red



was kept up by Arrctium, especially for dinner-services ; he also mentions : Mutina, Surrentum, and other towns, and says that "exportation from the celebrated potteries goes on all over the world." Isidorus of Seville, writing in the seventh century, says : " Arretine vases are so called from Arretium, a town in Italy where they arc made; for they are red.'' 1 The pottery of Arretium is also more than once referred to by Martial, as in the epigram in which he pleads against the neglect of it (xiv. 98):
Arrctina nimis ne spernas vasa moncmus ; Lautus erat Tuscis Porscna fictilibus.

An epigram in the Latin Anthology (No. 259) runs:

Arrctine calix, mensis decor ante paternis, Ante manus medici quam bene sanus eras.

In more modern times we find mention of it as early as 1282, and Alessi described the discovery of red ware in 1492, about a mile from the city, in the Arrepresence of Giovanni de Medici (afterwards Leo X.), one of the pieces bearing ae ware.. ~he name of the potter, Calidius Strigo. Vasari states that in 1484 his grand.. father found an ancient furnace in the neighbourhood. Further allusions are found in the writings of Gori (1734). who gives several potters' stamps, and Rossi (1796); and in 1841 Fabroni published a history of Arrctine ware,t in which the above facts are recorded. He tells us that in 1779 potteries were unearthed at Cincelli or Centum Cellae, with part of a potter's wheel and other implements.3 Subsequently lists of potters' stamps from Arezzo were given by Gamurrini (1859), and Marini (1884)! and the official record of Italian excavations contains an account of finds made in 1883-84, 1890, 1894, and 1896, on various sites in the city and neighbourhood.5 An exhaustive list of potters' stamps may be found in the recently published volume of the Latin Corpus Inscriptwnttm (xi. pt. 2, No. 6700), dealing with Etruria.6 The collection in this museum consists partly of complete vases and fragments, partly of moulds and stamps, all found at Arczzo, and mostly obtained in recent years. The Arretine ware must be regarded as the Roman pottery par excellence. mtres ~Manu The term was used anciently, in an extended sense, for all vases of a certain ' ~ure. technique without regard to the place of manufacture; but it is not absolutely certain to what extent it was made exclusively at Arretium, and exported thence, or imitated in other places. At all events, there appears to have been a branch fabric" at Puteoli in Campania, the clay for which was supplied by the neighbouring Cumae. Campania is well known as a centre of pottery manu-



1 Elym. xx. 4, 3 He depends for his information chiefty on Pliny a.nd other earlier writers. S/Qria tkgli ant. vasi jilt. ar~li11i, Arezzo, 1841. See Walters, Andmt Pottny, ii. pp. 438, 48o. IscriJI. a11t. doliari, p. 421 ff. 6 Nomu tkgliSt:tWi, 1883, p. 265; Nov. 1884, p. 369; 1890, p. 63 tL; 18941 p. 117 If.: 1896, p. 453 ff. ; see also C.I.L. xi. pt. 2, p. 1o82. ~ee also xiii. pt. 3, No. 10009; xv. 4925 ff.



facture, not only in the Roman but in the preceding Hellenistic period. 1 Puteoli, though not mentioned in this connection by any ancient writer, has yielded numbers of vases of a type closely resembling the Arretine, and in 1874 a pottery with moulds was discovered.~ Some of the vases have Arretine stamps, but local names are also found. Probably this pottery was an offshoot from Arretium, its products differing in the quality of the designs and the absence of many o.f the best types. The Museum collection contains several fragments of this pottery from Pozzuoli (L 73 ff.), and it is possible that the krater from Capua, L 54 (see below), was also made here. Besides Arezzo itself, this ware is found in all parts of Italy, and the potters' stamps occur in large numbers at Rome, as also at Modena, Rimini, and various sites in Etruria ; and all over Campania, as at Capua and Cumae, as well as Pozzuoli. North of the Alps it is rare, except in Southern France; but fine specimens have been fo}Jnd at Mainz, at Neuss on the Rhine, and in Britain at Foxton in Cambridgeshire (see below) 3 ; it also occurs at Tarragona in Spain, and in Sardinia. In the Eastern Mediterranean examples are known, as already noted, from Africa, Greece, Asia Minor, and Cyprus. The general characteristics of the Arretine ware are: (r) the fine local red Characteristics. clay, carefully worked up and baked very hard to a rich coral colour, or like sealing-wax ; (2) the fine red glaze, composed chiefly of silica, iron oxide, and an alkaline substance ; (3) the great variety of forms employed, showing in a marked degree the influence of metal work ; (4) the almost invariable occurrence of stamps with potters' names. The duration of the pottery seems to have been from about 1 50 B.C. to the middle or end of the first century of our era, at which time pottery in Italy had reached a very degenerate stage, and the height of its success and popularity was during the first century B.C. ;. The stamps range in date from the second century B.C. down to the ChroChristian era, but cannot be traced beyond the first century. The oldest of all nology. are found on black-glazed wares similar to those from the Esquiline.5 The red-glazed ware probably came in about 100 B.c:, ~nd the two methods appear



Cornclius,1 who employed at least forty slaves, of whom the best known are Antiochus, Faustus, Heraclides, Primus, and Rodo. His date may be ascertained from a vase with the name of the slave Rodo, which has a head of Augustus and an inscription giving the Emperor's name. The Museum possesses four specimens of his work : a bowl with four separate stamps twice repeated, with the slave's name, Antiochus (L SS) ; an elegant jug with floriated patterns (L 56); a fragment (L I6o); a mould of a fine bowl (L 94) with figures representing a Dionysiac procession, with the slave's name, Parides ; and there is also a fragment of a mould with the name of the slave Rodo (L I 12). renFew stamps are commoner than those of M. Perennius, 2 and his wares certainly take the highest rank for their artistic merit, all his relief designs being copied from the best Greek models. The form of the name on the stamps varies greatly, no less than fifty varieties (with the various slaves' names) occurring at Arezzo; the commonest is M PERENNI; M PEREN, M PERE, M PER, and M PE in a monogram are also found. Of his slaves, the names of seventeen occur on vases, of whom the best known are Bargates and Tigranes. The name of the former occurs on a fine vase in the Boston Museum, with the fall of Phaethon 3 ; the latter's (which appears in the form TIGRAN, TIGRA, or TIGR) is found on three moulds in this collection, along with the name of Perennius, and twice alone (see L93, 95, 99, IOC), III) He was also the potter of a fine vase in the Louvre with the apotheosis of Herakles, and another slave, Cerdo, made a vase with the nine Muses. 4 The site of Perennius' principal workshop appears to have been in Arretium itself, where is now the church of Sta. Maria in Gradi, but he may also have had a branch manufactory at Cincelli or Centum Cellae. Among other potters whose names occur on ornamented vases may be mentioned L. Annius (L IOO, I I3), who with his kinsmen Caius and Sextus had a pottery near the church of San Francesco, the names of twenty slaves occurring on their vases; Tellius (L 114); and Vibienus (L IIO), whose name is usually found on plain wares. On vases of the latter class occur the names of A. Titius, Umbricius, Inachus, L. Tettius, and bpilio, the slave of Rasinius. The last-named belongs to a pottery associated with a very large number of slaves' names, represented in the Augustan period by C. Rasinius, and found more often at Rome than at Arezzo; these wares also occur at Pompeii and in Germany. In the Flavian epoch the pottery was in the hands of L. Rasinius Pisanus, who exemplifies the degeneration of the Arretine ware at that time by his remarkable imitations of Gaulish ware,0 of which L I38 is a striking example. The form is that known as No. 29, associated with the Gaulish potteries of Graufesenque (see below, p. xxv.), and the decoration which, as commonly on Rutenian vases, is in two friezes, is very coarse and debased in character. He

See Bomur .fur6. cii. p.


Op. cit., p . 114.

a See below, p. xxi. Rayet and Collignon, HisJ. d~ Ia Ct'r. Dlichelette, VaSt's o1'111s, i. p. 114.

p. 357;

Mtiri~ a~gli

Scavi, 1884, pl. 8.



also made plain bowls and plates. A potter of the same date and character is SEX M F, whose name is often found on plain wares in Italy (see L 140 ff.). Lastly, there are a certain number of potters whose place of manufacture was not certainly Arretium. Of these, P. Sextius (L 132) is found in Southern Italy, as is also C. Julius Firmicus. On the other hand, Cn. Ateius, with his associates Xanthus arld Zoilus,1 probably worked at some place in Gallia Narbonensis, and represents the transition from the Arretine to the Gaulish wares. His pottery is widely spread, and there arc examples in the Museum from Naukratis, Sardinia, and Gaul (L 42, 45, 124). In the museums at Cambridge and Mainz are three \'ery fine specimens from his hand, with figure-decoration worthy of. the best period of Arretium. ~ The name usually given in the signatures on the stamps is that of ,the Potters' stamps. maker only ; sometimes a slave's name is added, either above or below, or on a separate stamp.s The maker's name usually gives the nomen and praellometz, implying a freedman, and when given in full is seen to be in the genitive, but slaves' names are usually in the nominative. The commonest form of stamp is the simple rectangle, and next to this, the outline of a foot ; in later times, circular, oval, lunate, and other forms are found, and varieties of marks, such as wreaths, stars, and branches. The forms of the letters arc not always an indication of date, but such forms as lA for A, II for E, and 1 for F seem. to be . 'early. Ligatures are very common. The forms of Arretine vases are all, without exception, borrowed from metal Forms of vases. originals, and in their contours display the same tendency. But, as compared with Hellenistic forms, they show great simplicity, and almost, as it were, a return to archaism. The vases are for the most part of small dimensions: cups, bowls or dishes, of hemispherical or cylindrical form, and devoid of handles, a characteristic which usually distinguishes Roman from Greek pottery. Some of the moulus for Arretine ware in this collection (e.g ., L 95, L 107) appear to have been used for a deep straight-sided cup with flat base and spreading lip, a type which finds no parallel in Greek shapes; but the prevailing form is a



which Alexandria and the coast of Asia Minor were the principal centres ; but, apart from forms, it is doubtful whether Alexandrine toreutic work exercised much influence on the pottery of Arretium. Its influence is much more prominent in Gaul, just as Gaulish terracottas and bronzes reflect in various ways the subjects and conceptions of Graeco-Egyptian art. 1 For their subjects and decoration generally, the Arretine potters undoubtedly drew their chief inspiration from the " new-Attic " reliefs, and also from the chased silver work of Asia Minor (see above, p. xii.). 2 Moreover, since the second century was the era of collecting works of art in Greece and Asia Minor and conveying them to Rome, the examples which were most prominently before the eyes of Italian artists under the later Republic were just these products of Greece and Asia Minor in the Hellenistic Age. The mixed style of art of the first century B.C. is essentially Roman, produced under the influence of the Greek works then collected in Rome, and does not extend beyond Italy. But it is also conceivable that its predecessors in the line of ceramic development contributed to produce the ware of Arretium. It recalls in some respects the later Greek wares with reliefs, of which the so-called Megarian bowls and the Calene phialae of the third century are the most familiar examples.3 Some have seen in these, more particularly in the Megarian. bowls, the real "Samian" ware of the Roman writers. Nor must it be forgotten that the earliest Arretine pottery was covered with a black glaze, similar to that of the Greek wares, in which it represented a desire to reproduce more closely the effect of metal. And there is another class of relief-wares, in which the transition to the Arretine is, as Dragendorff and others have pointed out, even more strongly and closely marked. These arc the" Italian Megarian" bowls or "Vases of C. Popilius" which were made at Ocriculum and Mevania in Umbria in the third century B.C., an9 bear a remarkable affinity to the Greek Megarian bowls, whence the name was adopted for them.' They are bowls of hemispherical form, closely imitating metal-work, and richly ornamented with wreaths, foliated patterns, and miscellaneous small devices such as masks or dolphins ; one only has a figure-subject. They are covered with a slip varying from black to brown or yellow, but arc not highly glazed. To sum up in the words of Dragendorff, 5 a careful study of Hellenistic pottery is essential for a correct estimate of the Italian and Roman. As in the case of other arts, it proves that the Romans were merely receptive, at best only developing what they received. This development began with the importation of Greek relief-wares with blcttk glaze, especially from Asia Minor, and their imitation at Cales. Then, as in Greece, so in Italy, the search for new forms, colo.uring, and decoration began, and brought about a technical degeneration :
See CaJ. 6f Brunttes, p. lv., and Walters, A11cimt P<lltry, ii. p. 386. See also BflfUU1'Jdrll. xcvi. p. 69. ~ CaJ. 'of V111u, iY. Gg6ff. See Walters, A1Kimt FotiH), ii. p. 490 There are two or three eumple! in the Museum. /HtnfwJaArll. ac:vi. P 382




what the Calene vases are to those of Asia Minor, so are the Italian Megarian bowls to the Greek. In the Arretine wares the red-glaze technique is not a new invention, but a perfecting of a method already known to the Greeks, as recent discoveries at Athens and in Southern Russia indicatc.1 In regard to the decoration of the Arretine vases,.their subjects, and their place in artistic development, Dragendorff has distinguished two classes (including with them the vases of Puteoli). His first class, which includes the vases of M. Perennius, is characterised by friezes of figures repeated, or of groups of figures all of the same size, sometimes divided by pillars or terminal figures. Groundornaments are rare, nor is the ground indicated under the figures. The subjects include Dionysiac scenes, such as Dionysos in a chariot, dancing Maenads, the vintage, sacrifices, or drinking-scenes; Cupids, Muses, and seasons; Hieroduli or dancing priestesses with wicker head-dresses~ ; banqueting, erotic, and hunting-scenes. The types of the figures are largely derived from the "newAttic" reliefs.3 A good example of this class is the mould L 93, with the subject of the Birth of Dionysos.' In the second class, to which belong the vases of P. Cornelius and those found at Puteoli, a large use of ornament is the most conspi"cuous feature. The figures are little more than decorative, or form motives of a sculpturesque character, and are not necessarily isocephalous. Naturalistic motives, such as wreaths, are very frequent. 5 Throughout there is a remarkable variety, not only of subjects, but of ornaments and methods of composition, features in which the Greek vasepainters at all times allowed themselves little freedom. The ornamentation, which usually borders the figures above and below, or still oftener occupies the whole surface available for decoration, includes such motives as conventional wreaths and festoons, scrolls of foliage, and egg-and-tongue patterns ; a favourite device is the use of columns with spiral shafts, often surmounted by masks, between the figures. But the details are usually naturalistic rather than conventional, and it is only the general effect which is purely ornamental.



A somewhat later development, corresponding to the second of the two classes, seems to draw its inspiration rather from the naturalistic reliefs of the Augustan period. 1 The figures are no longer stiff, but free and vigorous, and elaborate compositions are sometimes attempted, or realistic landscapes introduced. A notable exam.ple of this tendency is the mould L 101, with the subject of Alexander the Great at a lion-hunt, which bears the name of M. Perennius. The king is represented slaying a lion with the assistance of Kratcros. An even more remarkable instance is the death of Phaethon on the vase at Boston, already mentioned. 2 Dragendorff, in his estimate of the Arretinc wares,3 points out that they are an example of the tendency, so constantly occurring in classical art, to imitate one substance in another; this is particularly strong in the Augustan period, where we find the style and compositions of marble reliefs constantly imitated in metal-work and terracotta, as in the Boscoreale treasure or the so-called " Campana" reliefs. It is a general result of the eclectic art of this period, which instituted a reaction against Hellenistic art and the laroque forms of later Hellenistic pottery. These works of art show no traces of the impressionist or illusionist style which Wickhoff maintains to be the chief characteristic of the art of the succeeding Flavian epoch, and it may therefore be assumed that \vhen this new principle came in, the art of the Arretine potter had had its day. But it should also be noted that the same absence of impressionism is characteristic of all the later provincial wares, which, though the origin of their style is uncertain, do not seem to be influenced in that respect by contemporary phases of Roman art. ganeThere was, as we have seen, a steady degeneration of the Arretine ware Uonof throughout the first century of our era, and by the close of that period it had Lllan tteey. practically come to an end. Nor does it appear that anything took its place in Italy, for it will be seen that all other examples of terra sigillata found in Central or Southern Italy are undoubtedly of provincial, i.e. Gaulish, origin. Not the least striking feature in the history of Roman pottery is the rapid rise of these provincial fabrics, and the reputation they so speedily acquired, even in the more central and more civilised parts of the Empire. After the end of the first century, plain and unglazed wares for domestic or other ordinary uses, such as the dolia and wine-amphorae, continued to be made in Italy as elsewhere, and the list of centres given by Pliny clearly shows that in the Flavian epoch several places still preserved a reputation for the manufacture of pottery. On the other hand, we do not know that this pottery had any other than utilitarian merit, or that it ever included terra sigillata wares. Lamps and tiles also continued to be made in Italy throughout the second and third centuries, but these were both obviously utilitarian in their purposes, and the latter at any rate lay no claim to artistic distinction. The growing usc of metal vases by all but the poorer

Cf. Wickhoft', /?()tnall Art (Eng. edn.), p. 34; Strong, /?()matl Srulpturr, p. 59ft'. Plri~, lviii. p. 481 ; Walters, Andmf Pflfl~tr;, ii. p. 483. 8~11rrJalrr/J. ciii. p. 103, H. N. xxxv. 16o.



classes was also not without its effect on the disappearance of moulded wares in Italy, and a reference thereto may perhaps be traced in Martial's plea for the Arretine pottery (p. xv.). As, therefore, in the fourth century B.C. the manufacture of painted vases ceased at Athens, but entered on a new era of development in Southern Italy, so in the first century after Christ the manufacture of terra sigillata in Italy gradually died out, owing to the migration of artists and transference of artistic traditions to the rising centres of a new civilisation in Gaul and Germany. In the succeeding section attention will be called to the importance of the various potteries which can be traced in those countries and the character of their products, and brief allusion made to. a few examples of the transition from the Arretine to the Gaulish fabrics.
[See on the subject generally, Bon11er jahr6. xcvi. p. 39 ff. ; Fabroni, Storia degli tznl. vasi fill. arelini, Walters, Ancim/ Pol/try, chap. xxii.; and Chase, l.oe6 Coli. of Arrdine Potttry, lntrodn.]


I. Or11amenttd Wares.

L 100, 113 L 55 (slave Anliocltus) ; L 56 ; L 94 (sla\'C Parides) ; L 16o; and see Rooo. L 58; L 95 and 99 (slave Tigratus) ; L 101 , 102; L 109 ( TiiJYanes) ; L 117 ; and sec TJGRANES. L 138 L 112 L 114 L Ill ; and see PERENNIUS. L lo6 L IJO



L 149

L 139 I. t67 L 132 L 142-144 L 140, 141 L 129 L 126, 127 L3

L 44
L 170

II I. Miscellalltous.

An:ms, Cs.

L 123, 124; and see



K I. 1. Locality unknown. :\1 1. Probably of Southern Gaul. L 42, 169. See Cs. ATEit.:s. L 45. 125, 171. See CN. An:ws.


of Southern Gaul. Maker of lamps.

PROVINCIAL RED-GLAZE FABRICS (M 1--2376). Provincial terra sigillata wares, known to an older generation as "Samian," are distinguished, from a technical point of view, by their fine close-grained red clay, harder than the Arretine, and presenting when broken an edge of light red. The surface is smooth and lustrous, of a brighter yet darker colour than Arretine, but the tone varies with the degree of heat used. The most important feature is the fine red glaze with which it is . coated, similar in composition to, though not identical with, that of the Arretine1 ; it is exceedingly thin and transparent, and laid equally over the whole surface, only slightly augmenting the colour of the clay, and producing the hue of coral or sealing-wax. The glaze varies in lustre and quality as well as in colour, but as analysis shows, it is produced on the same principle in all fabrics and at all periods. The ornamentation is invariably of a coarser nature than that of Arretine ware, and though to some extent inspired thereby, is divided from it by a considerable interval of artistic degeneration; nor is the missing link always easy to trace. This ware is found all over the Roman world, but chiefly in Central and trfbul&nd Western Europe, from the Balkan to the Spanish Peninsula, and occurs in the :rae- greatest abundance in Central France and the neighbourhood of the Rhine, a sties. fact which in itself directs us to look to these districts for the centres of its manufacture. Wherever found, it is in its main characteristics identical, and readily to be distinguished from the purely local pottery with its absence of glaze and ornamentation. The vases are usually bowls, cups, or dishe'>, of small


For analyses see Btm""Jaltr6. XC\'i. p.

20 ;

Walters, Anciml Pqfl~ry, ii. p. 436.




dimensions, two or three forms being preferred almost to the exclusion of the rest, and many of them bear the stamp of the potter impressed on the inside or outside. The angular and sharp profiles of the various shapes indicate that in nearly all cases they are derived from metal prototypes. For the existence of potteries in Central and Western Europe there is no literary evidence, with the exception of Saguntum in Spain, where however modern excavations have not upheld its ancient claim to a reputation. All our evidence is necessarily derived from excavations, and from finds of moulds and potteries ; but the careful and scientific researches of Von Hefner, Dragendorff, Dechelette, Ludowici, and other investigators on Gaulish and German sites, have obtained results of incalculable value for establishing the provincial centres which, during the first century of the Empire, inherited the traditions of Arretium. The results of these investigations, more particularly those recently published by M. Dechelette, will be embodied in the succeeding pages, and form the basis of our classification. Following on the lines laid down by Dragendorff and Dech_elette, 1 we begin with a consideration of the forms employed in provincial pottery. The former writer originally collected a series of fifty-five varieties, almost exclusively cups, bowls, and dishes, which embraced all examples of Italian and provincial tetra sig'illata. Of these the first fourteen (Bqmzer Jakrb. xcvi. pl. 1) were peculiar to the Arretine ware; but there are other vases found both in Italy and the provinces which in form are not distinguishable, yet are not certainly of Arretine ongm. Such vases are found in Southern Gaul and on the Lower Rhine, as well as in Italy, and some bear the stamps of Ateius and Xanthus, which we have already met. 2 Evidence, however, tends to show that Ateius may have worked in Southern Gaul, and the Italian origin of these vases is not absolutely certain. The principal forms found in Gaulish and German red wares of the first three centuries may be divided into two classes: ornamt>nted wares and plain wares with potters' stamps. The distinction is clearly marked, and there is no



throughout the greater part of the century was the bowl Form 29, distinguished by the sharp angle at which the side bends, providing two flat bands for decoration. The earliest examples are found at Andemach, Hofheim, and other early sites in France and Germany, and it is the characteristic form of the La Graufesenque wares (A.D. 20-70). At Lezoux it appears for a timC', and is represented by M 1002-1026. About A.D. so a form of bowl with straight sides and cylindrical outline (30) appears to have been developed from 29; it was popular both at La Graufesenque and Lezoux, and appears to have lasted well into the second century, to the beginning of which period the potters Divixtus and Doeccus (M 1038, 1o62) belong. A subordinate form, in which the sides are much lower proportionately, is here numbered 78, and is found between A.D. 70 and A.D. 120, one specimen (M 1077) being signed by Butrio, one of the later potters of Lezoux. About A.D. 6o or 70 a new form of bowl was introduced, of hemispherical shape (37), and attained such great popularity that in time it ousted the other forms entirely. It is found at La Graufesenque, chiefly with decoration of an advanced type, throughout the whole period of Lezoux, and frequently in German fabrics. It does not occur in the finds at Hofheim, near Frankfurt, which belong to the reign of Tiberius. 1 Other forms occurring much more rarely are the jars 64, 65, and 67. Form 72 is confined to \'ases with applique reliefs and simple ornamentation (pp. xlvii., li.). Among the forms used in Gaul for plain red wares with potters' stamps, the earliest are the group of shallow bowls, 15-18, and Nos. 24-25. The two latter are derived from a common Arretine prototype (cf. Forms 5, 6), and are found at Bibracte (Autun) in a cemetery known to be not later than the time of Augustus; Nos. 17 and 19 are found in the contemporary cemeteries of Haltem, Westphalia. All these seem to have disappeared about the end of the first century, but the only one found at all commonly is No. 18, with its characteristic raised centre, which is apparently a development of 15-17, as they in their turn are of the Arretine Forms 1-3. This form is by far the most popular with first-century potters of both the principal centres; but by the end of the century it has developed into a new type, No. 31, in which the centre is very much more raised, and the sides are higher. A parallel development may be observed in the cup with double-curved outline, No. 27, which is contemporaneous with No. 18, but at the end of the century merges into a straight-sided form with flat bottom, like a modern teacup (but without handles). As 18 and 27 are the typical first-century forms, so are 31 and 33 correspondingly typical of the second century. More potters' names are found on No. 33 bowls than on any other form. In the German pottery of the second century a favourite form is No. 32, a p1ain shallow bowl, which is also, though rarely, found in Gaul. Two forms specially associated with the Lezoux pottery of about A.D. I6o-I8o, found on the Pan Rock (see p. xxxv.), are Nos. 79 and So ; contemporaneous with them are Nos. 38, 44. and 8 1.

A nnalm d. V.mdm fiir Nassauisdu A 11.-rtumsktmd~, xxxiv. ( 1904), p. 67 ll".



of Manu-



Of forms on which potters' stamps are rarely if ever found, Nos. 35, 36, 38, 43, 44 and 45 may be noted. The two first occur only with barbotine leafdecoration on the rim (see p. lii.). Nos. 43 and 45 are known as deversoria, and are found at Lezoux and in Germany, sometimes with slip-decoration or with potters' stamps on the rim (cf. M 2238 ff.). The forms 52-55 are not found in the red glazed wares, but 52 and 54 are those most commonly employed in the Rhenish and Romano-British wares described in a later section (p. xlix. ff.). The terra si'gillatcl fabrics proper extend from about A.D. 30, or even earlier, down to about A.D. 250, according to the evidence of Continental rliscoveries.l That they emanate from a limited number of centres is shown by the remarkable correspondence in the potters' stamps of the most widely-separated localities. To quote only one instance, it was noticed many years ago by Roach Smith, in comparing lists of stamps found in London with those from Douai in France, that no less than. three-fourths of the names occurred in both places. Hence he derluced the obvious conclusion, which subsequent investigations have only more strongly confirmed, that there was no local manufacture of terra sigillata in Britain.2 M. Dechelette, employing as the basis of his researches the conclusive evidence of finds of moulds and remains of potteries, has now placed it beyond the possibility of doubt that the principal centres of manufacture were in Central Gaul, and that two of these held the field, almost to the exclusion of the rest, during the first and second centuries. These two sites are La Graufesenque, near Rodez (Condatomagus) in the Department of Aveyron, and Lezoux in Puy-de-DC!me, Auvergne, representing respectively the ancient territories of the Ruteni and Arverni. Of these two potteries we shall speak more in detail subsequently. In Germany again excavations show that there were large and important potteries at Rheinzabem (Tabernae Rhenanae), near Speyer, and lesser ones at Westerndorf in Southern Bavaria, at both of which-and perhaps only at these places-ornamented vases were made. 3 They were not, however, exported to



surface of the vase, either in the form of separate figures or of medallions modelled by hand or made from moulds and then attached, or by the method known as en barboti11e, or lastly by various forms of incised or hollowed-out ornament. Those vases in which the decoration is produced in the mould exhibit, ;1s already noted, a remarkable monotony of form, being practically confined to two or three \arieties. At first, as in the earlier pottery of Graufesenque, there is a general absence of figure subjects, and the designs are purely ornamental, or else animals, such as hares or birds, are introduced as mere decorative elements. An important distinction from the Italian wares is that in the latter the wreaths and scrolls which play such an important part in the decoration arc composed of single detached leaves or flowers, whereas in the provincial pottery the whole wreath is modelled in one continuous system, either formed of undulating motives, as at Graufesenque, or of a straight wreath or band of ornaments, as at Lezoux. On the other hand, the figure compositions are never continuous until the "free " style (see p. xxxiv.) comes in at Lezoux with the second century, but are broken up by ornaments into metopc-like groups. The typical arrangement at first is that of a wreath or scroll between rows of beads or raised dots, with a triple band of hatched lines above, and various patterns below, pointing downwards. With the introduction of the hemispherical bowl (form 37) comes a new system, in which the upper edge is left plain, followed by a band of egg-and-tongue ornament ; then comes the main frieze, with a simple wreath below. Finally, the decoration consists of figures dther arranged in medallions or arcades, or freely in friezes ; on the pottery of Germany these methods alone obtain, thus indicating its comparatively late date. Along with these changes in arrangement goes a steady artistic degeneration. . ubjects. As regards the subjects, it may be generally observed that the conceptions are good, but the execution is poor. In many cases they are obviously imitations of well-known works, and it is curious that no Gaulish subjects occur, nor is any mixture of indigenous or Celtic elements discernible. The types include representations of gods and heroes, warriors and gladiators, hunters and animals. In general they are of Hellenistic origin, and comprise all such subjects as are characteristic of the art of the period. The earlier vases with purely decorative patterns adhere to the principles of the analogous Arretine ware, and it is not until after the disappearance of the latter that figure-subjects are found. Hence there is no borrowing from the types of the Arretine vases, but rather from the sculpture and metal-work of the period. We thus find imitations of well-known statues, as in the types of Venus bathing or the Diana a Ia bidre, and of the so-called Hellenistic reliefs (now thought to be Augustan) with genre and idyllic subjects. The 'new-Attic' reliefs also furnish models, as for other branches of Roman art, and Eros, Herakles, and Dionysiac subjects are universally popular. The gladiatorial subjects so often found closely follow the types of Roman art, and the favourite theme, a combat of two in which one is worsted, resembles a common type on the Roman lamps. Thus, though the





style of art is essentially provincial, the subjects draw their inspiration exclusively from classical sources. 1 The terra si'gillata fabrics were thought at one time to have lasted down to the end of the fourth century in the provinces, at least in Germany, but previous writers were misled by conclusions drawn only from style. Moreover the evidence of excavations, in conjunction with that of historical records, will hardly admit of a later date than the middle of the third century, at all events for the ornamented wares. In the finds on the Pan Rock (see p. xxxiv.) ornamented vases are entirely wanting, and evidence points to the middle of the second century as the earliest possible date for this deposit. Hence it seems likely that in Gaul the manufacture of figured moulded ware came to an end about a century earlier than in Germany ; and its place, subsequent to the Anton inc period, was taken only by the vases with applique relief decoration (seep. xlvii. ). It must also be remembered that debased style and barbaric-looking figures are not necessarily criteria of a late date; even in the first century vases of a degenerate character are found, as in the case of Rasinius Pisanus and his imitation of Rutenian ware (p. xvii.). The plain wares with potters' stamps seem to have been made in Gaul down to the end of the second century, if not later, but in the last years of those potteries the red glazed ware greatly degenerates in technique, and ends by becoming a merely barbaric and imitative fabric. 2 Many of the names of potters which so frequently occur on the provincial wares are Gaulish in form or origin, and this has rightly been regarded as a strong argument for the Gaulish origin of the pottery. The stamps arc usually a human quadrangular in form, but sometimes circular or oval, or in the form foot ; they are depressed in the surface of the vase, but the letters are in relief. On the ornamented wares of Lezoux and Germany they are sometimes in relief, sometimes incised on tablets, among the exterior designs ; but on those of Graufesenque and on the plain wares they are invariably in the interior, across the centre. There is considerable variation in the forms of the letters, which are often cursive, often ligated : and frequently single letters or whole words are




Roman citizens ; but undoubted examples of slaves' names arc rare. Some groups of names are peculiar to certain localities ; other potters give a hint of their origin, adding to their names AR or ARVE for Arvemus (cf. M 727). On several first century bowls the name RVTENVS occurs (cf. M 721-723, 877), and as these are sometimes found at Lezoux, the name may indicate a deliberate intention of the potter to show that the vase was not made locally. In the case of Salarius (M 727), who was a Graufesenque potter, the same intention seems to be manifest. Incised inscriptions are often found on provincial pottery, especially in Britain (cf. M 21 I, 644, 1668).
[For the potters' stamps found in Gaul and Gennany, sec C.I.L. xiii. pt. 3, 10010 (plain wares) and IOOII-10013 (ornamented wares, moulds, and stamps); for those of Britain the only complete list is Hubner's in C.I.L. vii. 13361337, but this is now somewhat out of date, and no supplementary list has so far been attempted.]

THE FABRICS OF GAUL. We now proceed to discuss in detail the various local fabrics of Gaul and Germany, so far as they can be ascertained, and the examples by which they are represented in this collection. In our classification of the Gaulish fabrics we follow the lines now laid down by M. Dechelette, whose conclusions may fairly be regarded as final. The fabric of St. Remy-en-Rollat,1 which he regards as the earliest variety of Gaulish terra sigillata, belonging to the reign of Augustus, had for the most part only a limited and strictly local vogue ; but it produced specimens of the enamel-glaze wares described in an earlier section of the Catalogue (p. x.), of which K 35 and K 67 are good examples. We have no vases bearing the name of Aco Acastus, a potter who also belongs to the Augustan period, and forms a connecting link between the Arretine and Gaulish wares. He seems to have worked in the region of Savoy and Piedmont, and his influence is apparent in the.Saint-Remy vases. But there are two small jars of thinly-polished red ware, M 1-2, ornamented with rows of raised points, one of which bears the name of L. SARIVS L L SVRVS, and it has been shown by M. Dechelette 2 that vases of this type must be associated with the fabric of Aco.

(M 3-35,


At Graufesenque, in the Department of Aveyron, the ancient Condatomagus, very remarkable results have been obtained, proving that in the first century after Christ it was the chief centre of the terra sigil/ata industry, not only in Gaul, but in the whole Roman Empire.3 Although it is not mentioned by
- ---1

------- --- - -- --

Dechelette, Vas.s um1s, i. p. 41 ff. Op. tit. i. p. 39 See Dechelette, i. p. 64 ff.





Pliny, it must have supplied the whole of Italy, even as far as Campania, and its products have been found in Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, and even Spain and Africa. This fabric covers the period A .D. 3o-1oo, overlapping towards the end of the century (after A.D. 70) with that of Lezoux. There is no evidence that the potteries were in existence after A.D. 100, and their rapid disappearance is certainly due to the rise of those at Lezoux. Remains of pottery were first discovered in 1882, including a series of moulds, which made it certain that this was a centre of manufacture, and these discoveries were largely supplemented by further excavations in 1901-o2. Many of the moulds bear names which are only found here, and consequently such potters can be localised in this region. The potters were not itinerant, nor were the moulds transferred from one pottery to another ; but several smaller potteries seem to have been grouped round the one important centre, as at Arezzo. In the pottery of Graufesenque we see clearly the result of the invasion of Gaul by Italian methods, first in the universal introduction of red glazed wares in place of the white clay of the Allier valley ; secondly in the adoption of the shape of the Arretine krater (Dragendorff's No. II}, which only occurs in the earlier examples, and obviously represents a period of transition. Practically the wares are limited to the moulded class, but one peculiar fabric, to which we shall recur later (p. xlvii.), can be proved to emanate from Graufesenque. It has already been remarked that three forms of the bowl are specially, almost exclusively, associated with the ornamented fabrics, and we find !111 three in use at Graufesenquc, though one (No. 29) occurs in greater numbers than the others. ::\o. 30 is found in about the same proportion both at Graufesenque and at Lezoux, and is therefore clearly transitional ; while No. 37 is only found in the later Rutenian examples, but is almost universal at Lczoux. Hence the chronological sequence is obvious. The decoration of the v.ases falls into two categories: (I) an earlier class with ornament only, occurring on the forms 29 and 30, of which our numJ:>ers





are distinguished by Dechelette : (a) a transitional system with two friezes of panels derived from the older form ; (/3) panels with zigzag borders, a diagonal or cruciform pattern (see types, Plate XL.) often occupying alternate panels ; (ry} large medallions, often combined with inverted semicircles or festoons (see types, Plate XXXVIII.), the former chiefly found at Lezoux; (o) arcading, very rare at Graufesenque ; (e) arcading and festoons combined ; (/;') large foliagepatterns and scrolls interspersed with animals, only found at Lezoux ; (17) friezes of free' figures, only found at Graufesenque on the later examples of Form 37 which adhere to the old style of two friezes. The accompanying plates (XXXIII.-XL.) of ornamented patterns used on these vases need little explanation. They are classed under five headings: (A) Narrow wreaths (Plates XXXIII., XXXIV., 1-32 Graufesenque, 33-36 Lezoux) used as borders between subjects, and especially round the lower part of the vase. (B) Running scrolls of foliage (Plates XXXV.-XXXVII., I-28) mostly found on earlier Rutenian bowls of Form 29, especially on the upper friezes. (c) Festoons or inverted semicircles (Plate XXXVIII., 1-9), chiefly found on Rutenian vases; on those of Lezoux they are oftener used singly. (D) Panels containing rows of zigzag lines, "arrow-heads," small plants and similar patterns (Plate XXXIX., I-I I), all from Graufesenque. (E) Diagonal or "cruciform" patterns (Plate XL., 1-IO), mostly from Graufesenquc, though these types are also very common at Lezoux. In the text of the Catalogue references will be found, where these patterns occur, to the running numbers on these plates. Mythological types arc rare, and generally there is not so much \'ariety as at Lezoux ; figure-subjects, as we have seen, only prevailed for a short time in this fabric. Animals, such as rabbits or ducks, are frequently employed as decorative motives, and even where figures occur, such as Satyrs (M 17, M 19, M 509, etc.), or the Artemis types (M 36 5, M 412, M 42 1), they are little more than decorative repetitions of common types. Attention may be called to such subjects as the wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (M 20, M 499), Bacchus giving drink to a panther (M 524), Herakles in the garden of the Hesperides (M 412), Leda and the swan (M 544), and the numerous gladiatorial contests. The entite absence of Gaulish types here and at Lezoux is remarkable, and shows the complete Romanisation of Gaul in the first century. The potters' names fall into two classes: those found on ornamented vases (mostly of Form 29, on which they appear on the interior only), and those found only on plain vases of Forms 18, 27, 31, or 33 Dechelette (i. p. 81) gives the names of forty-three potters as occurring at Graufesenque itself, and there are many others which from their occurrence only on the earlier forms, or from their geographical distribution, may be assigned to the same centre. A list of those represented in the Museum collection will be found at the end of this section. 1 One of the most interesting names is that of Mommo, whose stamps frequently occur at Rome and Pompeii, in the latter case supplying important
It should be compared with the fuller list given by Dechelette, i. p.




evidence for the chronology of Rutenian vases, inasmuch as he must have been in full activity before A.D. 79 ; while again, the fact that no mythological types occur on the Rutenian vases at Pompeii shews that such types were only intro. duced towards the end of the pottery's activity. Another interesting name is that of Vitalis, who is found as far afield as Carthage and the east coast of Spain, as well as frequently in Britain. Among the most successful makers of ornamented vases were Meddillus, Felix, Passenus, and Sabinus; examples of their work is given on Plates XX. (Meddillus) and XXII. (Passenus).


Occupying a position intermediate between the fabrics of Graufesenque and Lezoux are those of Banassac in Lozere and Montans in Tam. 1 These wares include, besides terra sigillata of the ordinary kind, a special class made at Banassac, with inscriptions of a convivial character. The form 37 is universally employed ; the discovery of fragments of the ware on the site of a pottery at Banassac established the centre where it was made, and its occurrence at Pompeii enables us to date it not later than the reign of Vespasian (that it could not be earlier is obvious from the use of Form 37). It is found in large quantities in the South of France, especially in the region of Vienne, Orange, and Nismes. The most notable example is the well-known bowl in the Naples Museum from Pompeii, inscribed BIBE AMICE DE MEO, with letters in relief encircling the body, interspersed with leaves and scrolls. 2 On this cup also appears a female bust of a type characteristic of this fabric. 3 The Museum collection includes three similar fragments, M 36-38 ; one with the letters Bl <BE>, another with the bust just referred to, but n'l inscription, and a third with the characteristic convolvulus-like leaf found on many of these vases. Other specimens from Banassac are inscribed with such sentiments as Remis (or Sequanis) feliciler; bonus puer (or bona puella), etc. It is probable that some of the late with friezes in "free" (M 558-592), are from Rutenian bowls of Form




LEZOUX (M42-89, 1001- 1756).


The pottery of Lezoux in Auvergne (the ancient territory of the Arvemi) has been longer recognised than the other fabrics, having been first studied by the late A Plicque, who excavated there on a large scale in 1879 and succeeding years. The results of his researches have been incorporated by M. Dechelette in his recent work, 1 which now supersedes that issued by Plicque ;1 the latter's valuable collection of moulds, etc., is now in the Musee St.-Germain. Remains of no less than 16o furnaces have been found at Lezoux, and 3,000 potters' names collected from different sources. The potteries here seem to have been in full working order in the time of Vespasian, and lasted down to about A.D. 26o. The earliest date to be obtained from the evidence of coins is about A. D. 70, but some of the pottery must be earlier ; the date of the destruction of the site by invading German barbarians is supported by the discovery of coins of Gallienus and Salonina among the burnt ruins. It seems probable, however, that the manufacture of ornamented wares was not kept up much beyond the Antonine period (see above, p. xxviii.). As has been already noted, the typical form for the ornamented vases at Lezoux is the hemispherical bowl, No. 37, though the other two forms are not unknown. In Form 29 the examples from Lezoux may be distinguished from the Graufesenque fabric by the character of the patterns employed for the upper frieze, which arc no longer in the form of running scrolls, but formed by a straight stalk with leaves symmetrically attached on either side. Bands of rosettes or other ornaments are not uncommon. Examples of this method of decoration are given in M 1002-1020. All these belong to the period A.D. 40--75. In Forms 30 and 37 the upper part of the bowl is left plain, and about a quarter or a third of the way down it is encircled by a characteristic egg-and-tongue pattern, forming an upper border to the design ; this is frequently the only ornamental pattern employed, except in the frieze. Dechelette distinguishes in all three periods of development :40--75. Bowls of Form 29; ornamental patterns; no figuresubjects. (2) A.D. 7 5-110. Forms 30 and 37 in use; "transitional " 3 or" mctope" decoration. Principal potters: But rio, Cobnertus, Divixtus, Libertus. (3) A.D. 110- 200 (?). Form 37 exclusively; "free style" decoration or large wreaths and medallions. Principal potters: Cinnamus and Paternus.
(I) A.D.


Some of the Lezoux potters, such as Libertus, produced vases of considerable merit, and this craftsman, who worked about A.D. 100, has been described as "the foremost potter and modeller in Gaul, who, brought up on classical
Vol. i. p. 138tr. Etude tk Ia Cf:ramiqu. Arvemo-romaine (1887). By "transitional'' dc.'Coration he means the double-frieze system of the 29 bowl applied to the 37 bowl, as in M 1099, :\I llJl, M 117!!, etc.





traditions, influenced the whole pottery of the country." Cinnamus and Paternus, who belong to the period of the Antonines, represent, says.Dechelette, " the apogee of the prosperity of Lezoux, and of its export commerce." Another successful potter of the same period is Butrio, whose name occurs on two vases with 'free style' decoration (M 62 and M 1077). The Museum possesses no specimen of Libcrtus' work except two stamps, one with a figure of a youth, the other with a panther (M 82, 105) both inscribed OFFI LIBER, offi(cina) Liber(tij. There is a fine vase by Cinnamus (M 1354), as well as numerous fragments on which his name occurs (M 1051, 1127, 1150, liS:.!, 1355-61, 1472, JSSI, IS64, 1565, 1004), and a fine ' free style' bowl by Paternus (M 1463), with other fragments bearing his name. The only other potter whose name occurs on a complete vase is Divixtus, who made a bowl of form 30 (M 1038), found at Castor, N orthants. 1 The ornamented pottery from Lezoux (M 42-78, IOOI-1608) is classified in this catalogue primarily according to shape, and secondarily according to the method of decoration adopted, following with some slight deviations the scheme laid down by M. Dechelette (i. p. 178}. On the whole, the decoration does not call for much comment. The subsidiary ornamentation is much less elaborate and systematic than that of the Graufesenquc fabrics, which is partly accounted for by the greater prevalence of figure-subjects at Lezoux. Nor are the latter of very great interest, following as they do the recognised lines of Dionysiac, gladiatorial, and animal subjects. The later or 'free style ' group fall into two categories as regards subject, 2 those with hunting scenes or groups of animals (M 1463-1510), and those with figures in the style of the earlier ' metope decoration,' but not confined within borders (M r 51 1-1563). Among the subjects best worth mentioning are Herakles and the lion (M 1202), Perseus with the head of Medusa (M I 354), Thetis supplicating Zeus (M I 382}, the drunken Seilenos (M 1408), Neoptolemos and Polyxena (M 1427), and Scylla and the ship of Odysseus (?) (M I 523, 1542). Of the plain red wares with potters' stamps the Museum possesses a large



(p. ix.), all.the vases from which can be identified as the work of Lezoux potters. Mr. Reginald Smith, in his study of this find, has collected thirty-four such names, most of which are here represented. 1 It is a noteworthy fact that no vases with figure-subjects or ornamentation of any kind except simple leaf patterns m barbotine (see p. Iii.) have been found in this deposit. The forms adopted for these plain wares with stamps include Nos. 18, 27, 31, and 33. also occurring at Graufesenque, but in inverse proportion; there the earlier forms 18 and 27 prevail, and 31 and 33 are rare, whereas at Lezoux forms 18 and 27 are rare, and their respective developments, forms 31 and 33, are the prevailing ones. Of new forms, Nos. 32, 79, So, and 81 (see above, p. xxv.), should be noted, the forms 79 and 8o being specially characteristic of the Pan Rock group; form 32 however is more usually associated with the potters of Germany (see below). It is possible that a careful study of the potters who employed these different forms, distinguishing those who only employed the earlier 18 and 27 from those whose names are only found on the later 31-33, may yield useful results as to the chronology of the Lezoux fabrics ; the Pan Rock names, for instance, are only found on the later forms, and this affords additional evidence for the comparatively late date of the group. But at present the available evidence is hardly sufficient to establish permanent conclusions. GERMAN FABRICS (RHEINZABERN). (M 90--99, 2251-2362.)

In dealing with the terra sigil/ata of German-y we are hardly as yet on such firm ground as in the case of France. But the recent researches of Herr Ludowici in the Palatinate and of Drs. Dragendorff, Ritterling, and other explorers in the forts on the German Limes and elsewhere, have done much to establish the chronology both of the local fabrics and of the imported wares found in the country. 2 During the first century of the Empire the manufacture of terra sigilt~1ta wares appears to have been quite unknown in the Rhine district or any other part of what we now know as Germany. But about the beginning of the second century local potteries sprang up, in which there arc obvious attempts to imitate the Gaulish wares, which had long become familiar by importation. At Heddemheim, near Frankfurt, an interesting local pottery has recently been unearthed, but its circulation does not appear to have spread beyond its immediate neighbourhood. 3 More important was the centre established at Tabernae Rhenanae, now Rheinzabern, near Speyer, with its offshoot at Westerndorf in Southern Bavaria, the products of which first make their appeart The potters' names in this collection from the Pan Rock are Albucianus, Atilianus, Caletus, Caratillus, Catianus, Cintusmus, Decimus, Major, Maternianus, Matcmus, Pattus (?), Paullus, and Saturninus. See below, p. xl., for the catalogue numbers of their vases. The following names are found on Pan Rock pottery in other collections: Aestivus, Casurius, Maccalus, Macrianus, Martinus, Primanus, Severianus, Sextus. A few of these names occur on ornamented ware, e.(. Atilianus, Paullus, and Saturninus. See Dragendorff's summaries in his Bn-ichlc iilvr die Thiitigktit tin rom.-gt'rtn. Kommission, 1904. P 53 ff. ; 1905, p. go If. See Mittnl. uon- rom. Funde in Hctld~trnhnm, iv. (Frankfurt, 1907), p. 87 ff.



ance early in the second century. Many of the types employed seem to have been borrowed from Lezoux, being identical with those of the Gaulish potters ; but the Rheinzabem pottery was not totally devoid of originality, and there are a considerable number of figures and ornaments employed which we can recognise as peculiar to their vases. The principal potters were Cerialis and Comitialis, many of whose moulds have been found at Rheinzabern, and one of the former's (M 99) is in this collection. The forms employed are the same as at Lezoux: 37 and rarely 30 for the ornamented vases; for the plain ones, 31, 32, and 33, with occasional instances of 18 and 27 (see list on p. xlv.). The system of decoration, it will be noted, is not as well defined or regular as in the Gaulish wares ; usually the potter is content to collect and repeat a few types round the circumference of the vase, without any definite decorative system. The types are also coarser, inferior in merit, and showing less variety. A rlpertoire of these German types has been made by Herr Ludowici from the pottery collected by him at Rheinzabern, on the site of the ancient potteries} Many of his types may be observed on the examples in the Museum collection (M 225 1-2299), all of which have been imported from Germany into Britain, the only country where the German potters could find a market during the predominance of the Gaulish industry. The following Gaulish and German potters' stamps are to be found in the Museum collection, the forms on which each occur being notified by numbers 2 : 1.


(a) Ornamented Vases.

Form 29. Form 30. Form 37



(a) Ornamented V ases-co11tinued.

Form 29.

Form 30.

Form 37


201,3o8,334,38o-382,400 383 355, 356 210, 352. 384 385-387 15, 288 388 389-392 267, 354. 393 394 395 307,3 397 351 17

(b) Plain Wares.


j~or~ ~
1 614,615 '984

Form 27.

Form 31.

Form 33 I Other Forms.


_J_ _




I ' 777-779
781,782 783 784 785 786-791 792 793-794 795 7

' 9

927 1000 928


619 6:zo-6:z6 627 6:z8-633

i 6J4

910 911-915 916,917


929 930 931 932 30 6o9.978 31

985,986 6]5-637 6]8 I 642,643 644-646 647


997 998 So 1933.934


! 988


797.798 \ 799. Boo . 801 I 8o:z, 8o3

33 610,979

It is possible that this and other double names, such as Sf'IJN". Pud., should be read
St'!!tr{UI) Pud(mtis),


etc., indicating some relation between two distinct individuals.



(b) Plain Wares-continued.

Form 18.

Form 27.

Form 31.

f'om1 33

Otlter Forms.


648-65o 6s, 6s:z 653 654 655

989,990 8o4 8os, soo 8o7 8o8,8o9 8ro 811 918



65~j,f 6 5
664 665

66z, 663 9 19

St:z 813

Mo 1M M N'l'ANUS Mo Ttcu .

670,671 672 673-679 68o


814,815 819

920 921 999 922

936 937 938-94 942 943-946 947 948""951

983 98o oo5,6,, 39



681, 682 683


820,821 822-827 28, 828-8301 831 832-83a 835,83 837-850



NinER .

C. 0


684, 685 987


41 6o7
6t:z, 775

8s-8S3 854 694.~ 32,6 702





(b) Plain Wares-continued.

Form r8. Form 27. - - - - - - - - - SEVER !IS SEVERUS PUDENS SILVANUS . S!LVINUS SILVIUS SILVIUS PATRICUS SULPICIUS . TERTIUS TETTIUS VIR ILlS VIRILLIUS . VIRTUS VITALIS ' 735-741 : 742 743-747 899-<)02 748, 749 : 750,751 752-754 I 755 756-76o 761,762 763-774 903 90.1 905--909.994 889-8 897,898

Form 31.

Form 33
- ----





I 5-969

i 970,971 : 972 973

1 974--976


I 29




(a) Ornamented Vases.

Form JO.

Form 37
I469, 1470

I I 149, 1471
I077 1051


42 62 I 127, 110, 112, 1354-1361,1472,1551, 1564, 1565,1004 1473 IJ62, 1363? 1038 1153, 1154 1031, 1054 1155. 1364 1474 1156 1475 I365, 1598 43. 67, 1151, 1157,1463

(b) Plain Vases.

Form 18. I Form 27.

Form JI.

Form 32. - - --

Form 33 , Other Forms. I I I748 I678, 1679 I749 168o

1681-84 1685

-1 - - ---


1005 1627 16o6

1640 !641-1643 1674 I644 !645




(b) Plain Vases-continued.

Form r8.

Form 27.

Form 31,
1646 2014? r647,

Form 32,

t628 1007 1629 r6o8-ro 1630


1945 1649 1653. 1651>-)2

1698 1699 I 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 t7o6 '75 '


1613 16ss 1614? 1615- 19 1631 1656 1657 1620 16)8 1659


1676 1632, t63

1711>-12 1713- 15 1716 1717 1718 1719






Mossms Mo tus



. 3

POTTERS OF UNCERTAIN LOCALITY (Stamps on plain wares).

Form 18. Form 27.

_I _ __

I Form 31.
1935 1934

Form 32.

Form 33

i Other Forms.

I _ - - -- - -- - -I


1757 1758 1835 1836 1837 1759 176o 1838 1839-41



19J6, 1937i 1938

2031-33 2034 2238


1]61 (?)

1842 1843 1939 1940

2037 97 2038 2039 2040,2041 2042

1762 1763 1764


ie845-48,} ; 1920 (?)

1941 1942

2043-46 2047-51 2052

I 1849, 185o I 1851

1852, 1853 1771 1854 1855

:!053 2054-56 2057-6o 2019 2001






1766-69 1770


I 2o66 I I

2003 2004 ' 2005



POTTERS OF UNCERTAIN LOCALITY (Stamps on plain wares) ---conti11ued.

.Form 18. Form 27.

I Form 31. ! Form 32.

- - - ~- ---

: Form 33

IOther Forms.



11156, 11157

: 2C~7-70 :!071 1947, 1948 :!07:! 1 2240 :!073 :!074

17]2 1858

1949 2075 2076 20::0 1950 1951 1952 1953 20]7, 20781 2079 zo8o,zo81 2082-84 201!5 1954 1955 1861 1956 1957


J6l4 (?)


2086 2o87


2089, lQ90 2091 20C}Z-95


1958, 1959
Jg6o, 19{)2





3 POTTERS OF UNCERTAIN LOCALITY (Stamps on plain wares)

Form 18.

Form 27.
- --

Form 31.

Form 32.

Form 33 Other Forms. ---I 21o6, 2107 2105



'971 2021 93 1972, 1973


2108 2109-II 95. 189 2112 2II3

178o 1974 2022 1975 1976,1977

1781 1878 1782 1879, 188o 1913 (?) 1979. 198o, 1783-86 1787 1978

2114-16 2117 2118 2119 212Q-22 21l3 2124 2125 2126-29 213Q-32 2133,2134 2135 2136 2137 2138,2139 2232 2140

2228, 2229

1881 1882, 1883 11}81 1916 1884-87 1888

1788 1789 11}82, 1983! 1984 l 1889 1790-95 1890 1891 1985 1986 19i7 11}88 1989

2141 2143 2142 2223 2225


i 2023
: 2024 2144



POTTERS OF UNCERTAIN LOCALITY (Stamps on plain wares) -continued.

Form 1. Form 31. Form 32. Form 33 Other Forms.


1796, 1797 1798, 1799

t8oo, J8ol


e145-48, 2217

t8oz, t8o3 18o4

r8o6 t8o7 1893

2150 :1151-53 2154, :!15 2156 2157


2025 2158-00 2161,21 2163



1994 1995 1!}96 1997 1998 18g4 1999

2165 t8og

2166 2026




POTTERS OF UNCERTAIN LOCALITY (Stamps on plain wares) -COlllinued.

Form 18.

I Form 27. . Form 31.


Form 32.

Form 33
2186 . 2187

IOther Forms.
1 ---!




! 2009



I ,88-go 2191

1 1910


2192 1831

'{' 9Q6-o8,
1923? 1815


1816, 1817 1

2193 2194 i 2195 " 12197-99 220C>-<>4 2224 12205



(a) Ornamented Vases (Form 37).

99 (mould) 2281, 2282, 2293-95 2283

(b) Plain Wares.

Form 18.

Form 27.

Form 31.

- - ----- -

----2318 I 2319 ' 2320


Form 32.

Form 33

2311 2300 2321 2322, 2323 2324 2301 2325 2312 2313, 2314 12326 12338 2337

. 94
2346 ' 2347, 2348 ; 2349. 2350?



(b) P!ai11 Wares-c01ztinued.
Form 18. Form 27. Form Jl. Form 32. Form 33


2302 2315 2327 2316 2328, 2329 2330 2331 2332, 2333 1 2334 2335

2339 2340


: 2353 ' 2354

I 2355 : 2341, 2342 I 2356

2357 2358, 2359 2343 2300 2361 236z 2344


Also on the


M 2242.

Under this heading may be grouped all the various provincial fabrics which do not come under the heading of ordinary terra sigillata. It is somewhat difficult, and would perhaps hardly be sufficiently instructive, to attempt a chronological classification ; and it therefore seems better to group them geographically according to the centres at which they were made.



with deities on a 8o'Mry'iov in the background. The play represented is the Cycnus, two lines from which, spoken respectively by Ares and Herakles, are inscribed in the field. M 122 has a representation of a gladiator, with the inscription VELOX VI lNCITJ. M. Dcchelette is of opinion that such subjects as this portray real personages, and suggests that the vases were made specially in connection with gladiatorial and dramatic performances.

A peculiar variety of unornamented ware made at this centre in the first century after Christ was the' marbled ware,' of which M 124-127 and M 2378-79 are examples. It consists of a series of small bowls and plates with a dull lemon-yellow slip covered with veins of a red colour, producing a variegated effect. They are often found in Southern France, and of the Museum examples three are from Aries, one from Bordighera. Others have been found in Sardinia and Southern Italy, at Pompeii, at Lyons and Vichy, at Trier, and in Britain at London and Silchester. Many of them bear stamps of known Rutenian potters, such as Primus. It is not certain in what manner the 'marbling' was produced, but it is probably an imitation of coloured glass. 1

.th 1plique



Several variations on the ordinary red-ware methods appear to have been practised at Lezoux ; but though the manner of decoration varies, the red glaze of the terra sigillata is almost invariably retained. We have first a series of vases with ornamentation of a composite character, the relief-decoration being produced in two ways. 2 The usual form is that of a large olla or jar with ovoid body, short neck, and no handles (Dechelette's form 72; cf. p. xxv.). It is obvious that such shapes could not be conveniently moulded, and thus the vases are made quite plain on the wheel, and the figures are made in separate moulds and attached round the body, as in the Vienne fabric discussed above. The subsidiary decoration, in the form of scrolls of foliage or vine-wreaths, is produced by the barbotinc or 'slip' process (cf. p. Iii.). The subjects are mainly mythological, but treated as decorative figures, not compositions. Some of the simpler types, such as the vine-leaves, are also found on the ordinary Lezoux wares. No potters' names have been found on these vases, and they appear, in spite of their admirable workmanship, to belong to the latest stages of ceramic industry at Lezoux. Dechelette finds evidence for attributing them to the beginning of the third century. Several specimens have been found in London, mostly fragmentary (M 2367-2376), and Roach Smith records others from York and Richborough; but by far the finest is the magnificent, though sadly shattered, vase from Cornhill (M 2365 ; Plate XXIV.)

---- ~


See generally Bonner Jahr6. xci. p. 97; Dechelette, i. p. 67. Dechelette, ii. p. 167 ff.

xi viii


Imitations of

Imitations of glass.

formerly in the Roach Smith collection. Attention should also be called to M 1 15 (from France) and M 2366 (from Felixstowe in Suffolk) for the effectiveness of their decoration. Other fabrics illustrate the all-pervading tendency to imitate metal, as in the case of the imitations in red ware of the metal dishes and saucepans (tmllae), 1 of which many specimens exist in bronze and silver. The best example is M 108, a dish from the Towneley collection (Plate XIV.), which was probably found in the South of France, and is ornamented with athletic contests and cock-fights in a frieze round the rim. M 140, with its highly-polished bronze surface, is probably a Lezoux product, as Plicque found similar vases there; but is remarkable as a departure from the ordinary red ware style. Dechelette also considers that the deversoria, or large bowls with folded-over rims and lions' head spouts (Form 45), were made at Lezoux,:a but they were very commonly made in Germany, and there are fine examples in the Speyer Museum with barbotine decoration. M 2244-47 are examples of the Lezoux variety, also M 2238-43, with potters' names stamped on the outside of the rim. The Lezoux potters also imitated the technique of glass vases, and this is exemplified in ollae of the type described above, but with cut-glass patterns incised, in place of decoration in relief.3 M 2380 is a fragment of a fine example of this method, with carefully-cut stars and other patterns; of an inferior type, but still with effective patterns, are M I 55-159. Glass technique also seems to be imitated in the class of vases with broad vertical indsntations round the sides, apparently made with the thumb in the soft clay, and hence usually styled "thumb-markings." These are very common both in Gaul (cf. M 162-172) and in Britain, where they are found among the Castor and New Forest wares (see below, p. l., and also M 2734 ff.). They do not appear to be earlier than the second century. 4OTHER GAULISH FABRICS.






Silchester. Very little has been found in London, and the only specimens in the Museum are M 2377, a flat <;Jish o( pale red ware, with the name of Asinnius (?), and M 2839, a bowl of black ware with the stamp CARISSO. During the flourishing period of the fabrics of Southern and Central Gaul we have no evidence of potteries in this region; but towards the end of the third century it seems to have inherited the traditions of Lezoux. At this time we find bowls of red glazed ware of Form 37 manufactured in the region which is now the Department of Marne, from which quarter a considerable collection has come to the Museum with the Morel Collection (M 173-18o). It is not often found in Britain, but there are specimens from London and Lympne in Kent (M 246o-62). These bowls are decorated with rows of linear incised patterns, usually small panels of hatched lines, produced by means of wooden stamps, each panel being fashioned separately. 1 The ware was popular throughout the fourth century, when it was succeeded by a fabric, of which the claims to be considered Roman at all are somewhat doubtful. Dechelette is inclined on the whole to regard them as such, though they date from the Christian period. The patterns are still stamped, but in a different fashion, in rows of detached rosettes or semicircles. Examples from London and Lympne are catalogued under M 2463-2478. 2


There is one interesting class of vases which is undoubtedly of German origin : those with painted inscriptions of a convivial character, which arc found on the Lower Rhine, in north-east France, and also in Britain. They mostly date from the third century, beipg found in Germany (as at Andernach) in inhumation-graves, 3 but they occur as early as the middle of the second century at the Saalburg fort near Homburg.' The usual form is that of a round-bellied jar with cylindrical neck and high foot (Form 54), but jugs and flasks often occur. They are usually covered with a black slip or glaze on which the lettering and ornamentation are applied in opaque white pigment, resembling the process employed on the "vases of Egnazia."& Many of these vases are to be seen in the museums at Cologne and Bonn, and there are some very richlyornamented specimens at Trier, which place may have been the chief or only centre of their manufacture. But as a rule the decoration is confined to simple scrolls or floral patterns of somewhat conventional character, and to the inscriptions, which are often in bold well-formed letters. There are six complete examples
1 Dechelette, ii. p. 325. This method of decoration is not a new one in the district ; similar patterns occur on first-century jars of grey and black ware in the museums at Bonn, \Viesbaden, and Trier, found in the neighbourhood of the Rhine and Mosel, and it is probable that these are the prototypes of the Gaulish third-century fabric. See for examples Koenen, Gifdsskund~, pl. 10. See Dechelette, ii. p. 327 ff. Cf. BDnttn'Ja!trb. lxxxvi. p. 183 ff., pl. 10. See Jacobi, Riimttrkastdl Saa/burg, p. 344 1 Walters, Ancient Pott~ry, i. p. 487.


from Cologne in this collection (M 141-146), as well as incomplete fragments from Britain (M 2445 ff.), and the inscriptions on the former are given in facsimile on pp. 75-76. 1 To the same category belongs a very interesting specimen of red glazed ware from the Morel Collection (M 147). It is a jug or flask, of a form which may perhaps be identified with the lagena, and is inscribed REPLE COPO DA MNUM ?), a parallel to which may be found in a black-ware vase at Bonn, with REPLE ME COPO MERI. 2



(M 2479-2536).

Among the local fabrics of Britain under Roman domination, that usually known as 'Castor ware' holds the pre-eminence. It is, in fact, the only one that can lay any claim to artistic merit. Yet even this cannot boast a purely local origin, as a similar kind of ware was made in Germany in the first century, and it is well known in the district of the Lower Rhine, as for instance at Cologne. It must therefore be admitted to have been introduced into Britain from Germany, and the place where it was chiefly made was undoubtedly Durobrivae or Castor in Northamptonshire, round which so many kilns, as well as specimens of this particular pottery, have been found. 3 But it was doubtless made also elsewhere in Britain, and is pretty generally distributed over the island. Many of the specimens in this collection have been found in London, and the best of all (Plate XVI.) comes from Colchester, and is possibly, like the famous' Colchester Vase' in the museum of that town,' a German importation. While the pottery found in and near the Castor kilns shows considerable variety both in technique and ornamentation, one may be distinguished as the characteristic local ware by its white paste coated with a dark slate-coloured slip, on which ornamentation is applied by the barbotine 'process (see below, p. Iii.), the designs being coated with the same slip as the rest. This is what is generally



pottery manufactured under Roman domination, and that its ong.m must be placed in the first century of the Empire rather than at a later period, though there is no evidence how long the potteries flourished. Vases painted with patterns in opaque white, or with fine hatched patterns, or with indentations round the sides and raised patterns down the inteiVening ridges, are also frequently found at Castor, and the last-named type seems to be purely local (cf. M 2734--36; other specimens found at Brough in Nottinghamshire and elsewhere in the neighbourhood).

(M 2596-2640).

Some fifty or sixty years ago extensive remains of potteries were found in the north-west part of the New Forest in Hampshire, near Fordingbridge. From a general similarity of technique to other Romano-British wares, the pottery discovered could be assigned to the Roman period, though the decoration is of a very simple, almost barbaric type, and is as much native or Celtic as Roman in its character. The principal sites were at Crockhill and Sloden, but specimens have also been found at Fordingbridge, and in other parts of Britain. There are two main varieties: one consisting of jars (Forms 54 and 55) with indented sides ('thumb-markings') or rough patterns incised in the soft clay ; the other of jugs and flasks with painted patterns of a geometrical or simple vegetable type. The former are often distinguished by a purplish highly metallic polish. 1

(M 2641-2700).

The term 'Upchurch ware' is rather one of convenience than scientific accuracy. It has been applied to more than one class of Romano-British pottery, all distinguished by their dark grey clay and polished grey or black surface, and their simple ornamentation of raised or incised patterns. The prevailing form is the bulbous jar or oila/ but jugs, bowls, and other varieties are not unknown. The name was given by Roach Smith 2 to the pottery found by him at and near Upchurch in Kent, where there are extensive remains of pottery in the marshes along the banks of the Medway, though no kilns have been found ; but it is very unlikely that any of these varieties were manufactured here. Some types are also represented in Germany, particularly the o/lae with lattice-patterns scored over the body with a blunt tool, and these are also found in such numbers at Colchester that they may well have been made there also. The vases with incised patterns of parallel lines and semicircles. (M 2670 ff.) may possibly represent the local ware, but they are also found in London and at Weymouth. As no kilns have been found at Upchurch, the only likely centre
1 See on the subject generally Victoria County Hist. of Hampshin, i. p. 326; ArGha~ologia, xxxv. p. 91; Arch.Joum. liv. p. 348; Walters, op. cit. ii. p. 547 Col/,ct. A11tiq. vi. p. 178; Rdros)'xctions, i. p. 214 If.; see also Arclza~ologia, xxix. p. 223; Wright, Uriconium, p. 247, and Ctlt, Roman, a11d Saxofl, 6th edn. p. 259



of manufacture is at Higham in the neighbourhood, where there are more definite signs of a pottery. 1 The vases with scored patterns may be assigned to the first century on the evidence of the analogous German fabrics, but as to the other varieties definite chronological evidence is lacking. SLIP AND PAINTED WARES, AND OTHER FABRICS. Under this heading are included various fabrics which were not peculiar to one part of the Empire, but were made in more than one centre, and of which the distribution is fairly general. (1) Vases witlt. slip or "barbotine" dt'coration.-Instances of the use of this method have already been noted on particular fabrics at Lezoux and at Castor in Britain, but its use was at all times more or less common in Central Europe.~ The process known as en barbotine is a sort of cross between painting and relief, and was achieved by the laying-on of a semi-liquid clay slip with a brush, a spatula, or a small tube. The pattern was probably first lightly indicated, and the viscous paste was then laid on in thick lines or masses, producing a sort of low relief. The process was as a rule only employed for simple ornamentation, such as patterns of leaves, wreaths, and tendrils ; but on some of the provincial wares of Germany and Britain it finds a freer scope, being employed for figures of men and animals, as at Castor (see p. 1.). It is applied both to red- and black-glazed vases, at least in Germany ; in Gaul it is only found on red glaze, in Britain only on black. The colour of the slip did not necessarily correspond to that of the surface of the vase, cts in the case of the earlier examples from Germany, such as the early first-century olla from Cologne (M 1 28), where the ornamentation is in dark-grey slip on a drab (unglazed) ground. It has already been suggested (p. xiv.) that this method was invented independently in Southern Russia and in Central Europe ; but it wa!D a purely provincial method, and is never found in Italy, except in a few imported



has pointed out' that this process betrays the influence of glass technique, not only in the method, which suggests the imitation of threads and lumps of spun glass, but also in the forms on which it is employed. A connecting link may perhaps be found in the enamel-glazed wares of Gaul, of which K 66 may serve as an example. (2) Pai11ted warcs.-Painted decoration is practically unknown in Roman pottery, at least subsequently to the POCOLOM series, which dat~s from the end of the third century ll.C. 2 But it was not unknown in Gaul before the Roman conquest, and native painted wares of some merit are found not only in France, but even as far away as Bohcmia3 ; they have simple patterns in light colours on a dark ground. The place of painting in provincial Roman pottery is mainly taken by the 'barbotine' method ; but the Rhenish ware, described on p. xlix., may also be regarded as an exception. We also find that it was employed in a tentative and elementary fashion in Gaul and Britain, as on some of the Castor and New Forest wares ; a few isolated examples from Gaul, doubtless imitations of pre-Roman prototypes, are in the Morel Collection (M 148-1 54), and others from Britain are given in M 2537-2596. (3) Vases witle 'frilled' decoratioll (M 2750-56, 2850).- --These form a small class, but are worth noting on several grounds. They are usually supposed to have been employed for the burning of incense, and it is indubitable that many show traces of burning. Messrs. Wiegand and Schrader found what appears to be the prototype of this class at Priene. 4 It is not uncommon in the Rhine district, in cemeteries of the second century. (4) Vases modelled in lt11mme form.- The interest of this small class is that it appears to be a return to the popular Greek fashion of modelling vases in the form of human heads," although it cannot be ao;signed to an earlier date than the third century. The vases are small jugs or flasks, surmounted by female heads treated almost in the fashion of archaic Greek . terracottas, and sometimes carefully painted in the same manner. They arc found in large numbers about Worms in Southern Gcrmany, 6 and also in the neighbourhood of London (M 2757-2760). Examples of a more primitive type, made in the Rhine district in the first century, are M 129 and M 2762, with which may be compared M 2761 from Lincoln, dedicated, as the inscription shows, 'to the god Mercury.' (5) JJ!ortaria, or pehes (M 2764-2835). These mortars for domestic and other uses were made in most districts, and those in the Museum collection are probably for the most part of local manufacture. But some are shewn by their. stamps to have been imported from Lugdunum (Lyons), where there was an
1 j,',,,,a-jrrltrb. XC\"i. p. 121 . z \Valters, A11ciml 1\lkJ)', i. I' 490 J Rrou~ Arch,' /. xxvi. (1S95), p. 11}611 . 1 Frim,, p. 279, fig. 2S7. There is another example in the Museum collection found at Ephesus in 1S74, a fragment with 'frilled' rim an<l tloral patlerns in relief (not catalo~ro). Sec Waliers, Ancimll'<1II~'Y i. p. 491 !f. There are about thirty examples in !he Museum there ; cf. Weckerling, A'iim. A/JI~il. tl~s PmtlusJl/usrums, ii. p. 100. :-;L"' also Undsct in Zeitschr.fiir Rllm~l. xxii. (1S90), p. 141.



important fabric. 1 Their chief interest is supplied by the potters' stamps they almost invariably bear, a list of which is here appended:-AELUCIUS (?) AF"<.;UMI.IUS ALBISl:S ALiliNULUS AI'RII.IS BORIEDICUS BRIXA CF.LSIANUS DOCCIUS LITUGENUS MARl SUS MA1'UGENt:S MAXI!ItUS MEI.US 0SSIUS (?) PAt:LUS l\1 2764 M 2794 PLINEAS (?) M 276; ::\1 2795 PRASSO ;\[ 2796 M 2766-70 RIPANUS. M 2771 :\1 2797, 271)8 SATURNINUS M 2803 ::\1 2773 SECUNDUS M 2804 M 2774 Sou. us M 2799-28o2, 28o; M 2775 TRAL"SIUS VALENS M 28o6 ;\-I 2777, 2778 URBANUS. M 278o 1\I 28o7 VALERIUS C., SEX. l\1 :!810 M 2781, 2782 (?) - - - - ESUNERTUS M 2818 M 2783-85 - - Sr..,Q. M 28o8, 28oy M 2782 (?), 2786-89 - - - - TUNERIUS !VI 2811 M 2790 - - - - VERANIL'S,Q. :\1 2812-16,2817 (?) ::\1 2791, 2792 M 2793 - -- -- - - - - - ------

1 Sec 1\l 2So7, 2819-2.z. this place.

The names of Albinus, Ripanus, anti Urh:mus arc specially as_o;ociatetl with

(K 1-77).
NoTF..- The numbers (1-73) by which the forms of the vases are indicated in this Catalogue

refer to the diagrams of shapes, in which the system of Messrs. Dragendorff and Dcchelette is adopted (sec Introduction).

K 1.

ASKOS in the form of a Duck, on which Eros rides. Ht. 7 in. Tanagra, 1875. Rayet Pr..a.n I. and Collignon, Clramique Grecque, pp. 365, 374; Ga8elle des Beau.r-Arls, xxxv. (1887), p. 393 ; Mazard, De Ia co~tnaissance par lu a~tciens des glafures plom!Jiflres, p. 22 ; Winter, Typmkalalog der Terrakollm, ii. p. 313, note E; Walters, Ancient Pottery, i. p. 129. See also Furtwaengler, Coli. Sa!Jourojf, i. text to pl. 70, fig. 3, for a fai'ence kantharos (Berli11 VaseCal. 2941), found in the same tomb. Wings of Eros, beak and tail of duck injured. Probably of Graeco-Egyptian (Alexandrine) manufacture.

Eros is seated on the neck of the duck, with legs apart and hands extended, having probably held a bridle ; he is of boyish proportions, his wings are spread, and he wears a wreath. Behind his back is the mouth and neck of the vase, and on the I. side of the duck's back is a circular qandle of three ribs. The duck's head is turned to its I. ; its legs are only rudimentary supports, and in front of the body is a spout. The feathers are most carefully indicated, on the body in brown on white, on the neck and head white on pale blue; the wings are crossed over the back.
K 2.
KOTYLE. Form q. Ht. 3 in. Diam. 3i in. Tanagra (?), 1873. Mazard, Glap~rts ploJnbifi1res, pl. 11, fig. 3, p. 63; Walters, Anciml Pollery, i. pl. 10, fig. S Small ring-shaped handles ending above in ornamental attachments on the rim of the vase ; green glaze, much worn and corroded.

On either side, in relief, an oak-wreath (leaves and acorns).

K 3.
KOTYLE. Shape as last. Ht. 2i in. Diam. 31 in. From one of the Greek Islands. PLAn IlL Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1890. Handles as last, one broken; green glaze.

Ivy-wreath and berries each side.

[Perhaps the same as one mentioned by Mazard, op. cit., p. 66, from Cyprus.]

K 4.

ASKOS. Ht. 2t in. Dark olive-green glaze.

Thera, 1900.

Lip and handle restored; the handle has two ribs. Pun III.

On either side, figures in relief, very indistinct.



K 5.

JUG. Ht. 3 in. From the site of the Temple of Apollo, Kalymnos. Presented by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, I856. Handle and lip broken. Emerald-green glaze, much worn and encrusted.

No design.
K 6.
KANTHAROS. Form 9 (nearly). Ht. 31 in. From the Temple of Aphrodite, Paphos. Presented by the Cyprus Exploration Fund, I888. Joum. Hdl. Stud. ix. p. 165. Dark green glaze, worn; inside yellow. Grooved handle.

On either side, a bird to r.

K 7.
PORTRAIT-HEAD of a Ptolemaic queen (?). Ht. 2~ in. From Naukratis. Presented Pun: II. by the Egypt Exploration Fund, I888. Naukralis II., pl. 17, fig. II, p. 86; \Valters, A11eimt Pottery, i. p. 129, pl. Io, fig. 1. Bright blue fa'ience ware.

Hair in parallel waves, drawn into a coil (not modelled) at the back ; wears wreath or diadem, and earrings coloured yellow to represent gilding ; the eyeballs are white and brown, all the rest blue. It is uncertain whether the head has belonged to a complete figure.
[The resemblance of the head, especially in the treatment of the hair, to that of Berenike H. on coins, has been noted.)

K 8.

AMPHORISKOS. Ht. 4t in. From Egypt. Presented by Prof. W . M. Flinders Petrie, I895 Mouth broken off; injured by fire. Buff ware, with traces of red colour; all the glaze has worn away.

On either side is a figure of Eros in relief to the front, holding before him a bee ; he is represented as a curlyheaded boy, with wings spread and feet together, standing on an acanthus plant which frames the scene. On the shoulder each side is an ivy-wreath.
[The bee may be intended to represent Psyche ; it was regarded by the Greeks as an emblem of the soul, like the butterfly (cf. Joum. Hell. Stud. xv. (1895), p. 19.)
Fig. ,= K8.


Presented by Prof. W. M.

K 10.

FRAGMENT OF VASE. Ht. 2~ in. Bought in Cairo. Flinders Petrie, 1890. Yellow fa'ience ware, with details in black.

Eros (P), a rude figure in high relief, winged, moving rapidly to 1., with 1. hand advanced in front of his body and face to front ; r. arm, 1. hand, and legs wanting.

K 11.

FRAGMENT OF VASE. Ht. 2} in. From Egypt. Presented by Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie, 1895. Similar ware, with markings in purple; colours faded.

Boy(?) to front, moving to r. and carrying a lyre on I. arm and plectrum in r. hand ; he is nude, with curly hair indicated by colour ; on the r., remains of another figure. Very high relief, almost in the round.
K 12.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. Length It in. From Naukratis. Exploration Fund, 1886. Pale green enamelled ware. Presented by the Egypt

Part of nude figure on lion to r. ; only the legs of the figure and body of animal remaining.
K 13.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. the design ; blue enamel. Ht.


From the same site. Surface worn ; ridge below

Lower part of woman dancing to the front with I. foot kicked up; wears long chiton.
K 14.
PIG. Ht. 2i in. Length 4i in. Bought at Cairo by Rev. Greville Chester; acquired PLATE IV. Fine olive-green enamel. Traces of fire on surface; tail (forming handle) broken off. On the nose is a triangular hole, and another is cut in the back ; has perhaps been used as a lamp. The legs are short, and the eyes and mouth are not indicated.

K 15.

ASKOS. Ht. 4t in. Benghazi, Crowe, t861. Mazard, Glafures jJiom6ijerts, p. 65. PLATE Ovoid body; handle wanting, but has been shaped as K 25 ; injured in places. Green enamelled ware.


On either side of the body are large vine leaves with tendrils, in relief; the mouth of the vase is stirrup-shaped, and the handle ends above and below in double discs, as often in the case of painted vases (cf. A 691, 100<), 1037, and F 175 in B.M.)
[Cf. Rayet and Collignon, Clramique Grccqul', pl. 14, fig. J.]

K 16.
p. 63.

JAR. Ht. 31 in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856 (tomb 33). Mazard, Gla(ures plombifires, In bad condition ; handle broken off. Green enamel.

Rows of leaves in low relief on the body, with raised tips.

K 17.
JAR. Ht. 6i in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856 (tomb 33). green glaze. High neck; two handles. Good

No design.
K 18.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. Ht. 4 in. Found in the Baths ofCaracalla at Rome in 1857. Presented by A. \V. Franks, Esq., 1890. Green enamelled ware, iridescent.

In relief, Hera.klea to the front with r. hand resting on his club, holding an ol/a in I. ; he is nude and bearded, with lion's skin over I. arm.
D 2

K 19.


FRAGMENT of similar vase. Ht. 4~ in. Mazard, Glafrtres plomoiflres, p. 65. Indistinct ; part of club wanting. Bluish-green enamel on the exterior ; yellow on the interior ; style and proportions inferior to the last.

Subject as last.
K 20.
FRAGMENT OF FLASK. Ht. 3fin. From Civita Lavinia. Presented by Lord Savile, G.C.B., 1895 Only the neck and upper p:1rt of body remaining. Pale lemon-yellow glaze.

On the body, vertical patterns :

K 21.

I~ ~

1 l and a star of fourteen rays.

OLLA. Ht. 7! in. From Pozzuoli. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple1 1856. Mazard, Glap1rts plom!JijJrts, p. 64 ; cf. i/Jid., pl. 9, fig. 1. No handles, but raised knobs on lip, Iridescent green glaze on exterior; yellow on interior.

No design.
K 22.
SMALL TWO-HANDLED JAR. Wide mouth. Brown glaze. Ht. 3! in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856.

Round the shoulder, raised mouldings.

X 23.
FLASK. Ht. 4w in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Handle bent over at an acute handle ; narrow neck !md spheroidal body. Deep olive-yellow glaze.

On the shoulder, interlacing curves incised ; on the body, rows of parallel vertical lines.
K 24.
FLASK. Ht. 4t in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Shape and

as last.

Round the shoulder,

""--. incised.

[This or the preceding is mentioned by Mazard, op. cit., p. 64.]

K 25.

ASKOS. Ht. S! in. plom!Jiflres, p. 64. which is formed

Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Mazard, G/afurts body and moulded handle, the top part of with an imitation below


K 28.

ASKOS, as the last. Ht. Jlr in. Length 4i in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Mazard, op. &it., p. 65. At the side is a double-grooved handle. One horn broken; green enamel much worn.

The cow's skin is indicated by low raised knobs throughout.

K 29.

KYLIX. Ht. It in. Diam. 4~ in. From Southern Italy. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Mazard, Glafures plom.IJifJres, p. 64. Olive-green enamel. Design indistinct. Handles small, forming horizontal rings above, and forked below.



In the interior are five appliqul reliefs : In the centre, a tragic mask ; round it, four small nude figures of Bros on irregularly shaped backgrounds, in various attitudes. K 30.
KYLIX. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 4l in. From Southern Italy. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. 1\lazard, op. cit., p. 64. In very bad condition, the figures almost obliterated ; handles and enamel as last.

Design as last.
K 31.
KOTYLE. Form 14 (nearly). Ht. 3 in. Castellani, 1873. Mazard, Glap1res plo,!Ji.ftres, p. 62. Figures very indistinct ; enamel yellow inside, olive-green outside ; much worn on exterior. Small ring-shaped handles, with attachments above in the form of double volutes.

Round the body, a frieze of figures in relief, forming three groups: (A) (1) Penthesileia fallen on I. knee to 1., with r. foot extended and drapery falling over r. thigh ; hec arms are supported from behind by Achilles, with short sword(?) at side. (2) A youthful figure seated on a rock to 1., regarding the first group, with hands clasped round r. knee, sword (?) at ~ic. 3 = K 3' side and drapery underneath, apparently the figure of the seated Achilles repeated from (H). (3) The armour of Achilles: Thetis (P) advancing rapidly to r., holding Achilles' helmet in r. hand by her side, and some other object in her extended I. ; she wears long chiton floating behind and twisted up round the hips; Achilles to front with chlamys over 1. arm and staff in r. hand ending in a tendril; Nereid, resembling (3) but seated to 'I., holding up a greave in both hands. (B) The Embassy to Achilles: Phoinix


turned partly to 1., wrapped in himation, holding a staff; Nike to r., holding out jug in r. and libation-bowl in 1., resembling Thetis; Odysseus(?) to r., wearing himation over I. shoulder and round lower limbs, holding up a sprig before Achilles seated to 1., resembling No. 2 (no sword visible; r. foot resting on higher ground; wears shoes).
[Cf. for the Achilles and Penthesileia group, Robert, An/ike Sarkopllag-reliifs, ii. p.

K 32.

KOTYLE. Form 14. Ht. 3 in. Castellani, 1873. Mazard, Glaf'uns plombifires, p. 63. Small ring-shaped handles with ornamental attachments (as K 2). Upper part injured by fire ; bright green enamel, much worn.

Round the body, scale-pattern, the insides of the scales stippled as if to represent bunches of grapes.
K 33.
KOTYLE. Form 14. Ht. 2t in. Diam. 3i in. Castellani, 1873. Handles as last, Pun II. ending in volutes above, one broken off. Deep yellow enamel, green on the inside.

Round the body, two rows of leaves placed with the tips towards each other ; below, a row of concentric circles.
K 34.
ASKOS. Ht. 4i in. Castellani, 1873. Mazard, Glaftlres plom6ifcres, p. 65, fig. 17. Shape as K I 5, with bulbous body and stirrup-shaped mouth. Gteenish-yellow enamel.

On one side is a bull to r. in relief; on the other, a cow to I. The handle is in the form of a panther or lioness springing forward, the fore-paws on the edge of the mouth.
K 35.
PROCH60S. Ht. H in. Blacas Coli., 1867. Mazard, Glafures jJiomlliferes, p. 63. Trefoil lip; ribbed handle ; graceful form. Dull olive-green glaze. Lip broken.

On the shoulder, incised markings ; on the body of vertical lines.

K 36.
KOTYLE. Form 14. Ht. 2t in. Diam. moulded in the form of a thum

patterns between pairs




K 39.

ASKOS in the form of a rabbit. Ht. :z~ in. Length 3' in. From the Rhine (probably Cologne). Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1885. Glaze worn or injured by fire. Handle over back, and mouth between the animal's ears.

The rabbit is represented squatting down.

(Cf. Tudot, Figurittes anlivues, pl. 67, and Dechelette, Vases ornls de Ia Gault rom., ii. pl. 10, no. 6, p. 323 ; the latter thinks that these figurine-vases were made by the statuette-makers of the Allier valley.]

K 40. K 41.

ASKOS, as the last. Ht. 4! in. Length 5 in. Castellani, 1873. Mazard, Glafures plomiJijtres, p. 65. Thin pale green glaze ; good modelling ; mouth of animal pierced. FLASK. Shape as K 23-24. Ht. 6-f in. Found with Roman remains in Hungary. Presented by Dr. F. Romer, 1872. Light olive-green glaze.

Round the shoulder, raised mouldings.

K 42.
FRAGMENT from vase. Ht. 4} in. Presented by Rev. G. J. Chester, 1866. Mazard, Glafures plomiJijeres, p. 65. Surface corroded ; very indistinct. Variegated enamelling, the exterior bluish-green, the interior yellow.

Maenad in relief to the front, holding a pine-cone (?) in r. hand by her side and thyrsos in I. ; she looks to her r., with r. leg bent, and wears long chiton and himation twisted round her waist.
K 43.
FRAGMENT from vase. Ht. 3 in. Chaffers Sale, 1854 (from the Crofton Croker collection). Edges much injured ; indistinct. Drab-coloured glaze, silvered over.

Head of Medusa in relief; late type, with serpent round chin.

It 44.
GROUP IN ENAMELLED WARE. Ht. 41 in. Length 4t in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. See Mazard, Glafures plomiJiflres, p. 65. Olive-green enamel, much corroded.

Gladiatorial Combat. Two gladiators on a long base, of whom one is wanting, all but 1. foot ; the other stands with r. leg advanced and shield (scutum) held before him in r. hand ; he holds a short curved sword (sica) in 1., and wears a crested visored helmet and greaves.
It 45,
FIGURE OF BOY in enamelled ware. Ht. 3} in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 18;6. Sec !\Iazard, Glaruns plvmiJij<'les, p. 65. Bright brown enamel. Left hand wanting ; very indistinct ; modelled in the round.


The boy stands on a base with legs straight, and holds a musical instrument (?) in r. hand placed on his extended I. ; he wears a short loose chiton. Hair and folds of drapery indicated ; features almost invisible ; some object on I. shoulder.
.MODEL OF BOAT. enamelled ware. Length


Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Olive-green PLAn IV.

The boat rests on four small legs, and has a thwart for rower, upright projections at bow and stern and three on each side.

K 47.



MODEL OF CHARIOT. 1856. Greenish-brown enamel.

in. Length

in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, Pun: IV.

The chariot rests on four supports, the wheels not being indicated ; the front part is curved, and has three equidistant projections inwards on the upper rim; at each end of the floor is a horizontal loop.

K 48.

MODEL OF COUCH. Brown enamel.

Ht. 2~ in. Length 38 in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Pun: IV.

The couch, or rather settee, is of open work, with back and arms and crossbars at the ends between the legs ; all the parts are formed of spirally-twisted bars except the seat.
[See for the three preceding, Mazard, Glnfures plombijeres, p. 65.]

K 49.

LAMP in the form of a gladiator's helmet. Ht. 3~ in. Found in a Roman sarcophagus Pun: II. at Alteburg, near Cologne. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1885. Mazard, Glaptrcs plom!Jifbes, p. 66. Bright green enamel, well preserved throughout. Nozzle of elongated form with groove to centre (as Nos. 377-392 below), projecting beneath visor; filling-hole at back, and hole for suspension in crest.

The crest of the helmet ends in the head of a hawk ; the visor is perforated all over. Cf. a lamp in the Romano-British Collection (No. 721).

K 50.

LAMP. Type as C. I. L. xv. pt. 2 1 pl. 3, No. 20. Length 5 in. Diam. 3~ in. Acquired Pun: II. 1901. Plain nozzle with broad groove at base; ring-handle; on one side three raised knobs, on the other two, and at the base of the nozzle two more. Roughly modelled ; green enamel, worn and iridescent.

Victory to the front, alighting on a rock, with wreath in r. hand and palmbranch in l. ; wears long floating chiton with apoptygma. Underneath is the stamp LMVNPHILE, L. Mun(atz) Plu'le . .. {cf. C. /. L. xv. 6562d.).
[For the subject ct. Roach-Smith, Collect. A nliq. ii. pl. 15.) K 51. LAMP. Type as last. Diam. 3i in. Castellani, 1873. Nozzle with groove at base ; ring-handle. Light green enamel, iridescent. Design indistinct.


K 55.

LAMP. Type as before. Diam. Ji in. Sloane Coli. 1o64. Green enamel, iridescent. Pun: Round the centre, a wreath with a comic mask under the handle and a sort of clasp on the opposite side. LAMP. Type as before. Length 6~ in. Diam. 4i- in. From Pozzuoli. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Filling-hole in centre. Bluish-green iridescent glaze, much worn.


K 56.

Round the rim, a stamped leaf-pattern ; round the centre, rays.

K 57.
LA:\tP. Type as before. Length 5i in. Diam. 4~ in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. According to a label attached, it was found at Pompeii in 1835; but according to Gargiulo's MS. Catalogue of the Temple Collection, it is from Pozzuoli. Grooved handle; the glaze has been green but is now iridescent and silvery throughout.

Round the centre, rays.

K 58.

LAMP. Type as before. Length 4 in. Sir \V. Temple, 1856. Filling-hole in centre.

Diam. 2! in. From Pozzuoli. Dark green enamel.

Bequeathed by

No design.
K 59.
LAM 1'. Type as before. Length 5 in. Diam. 3} in. Towneley Coli. Raised knob at base of nozzle and one each side on the rims. Dark green enamel, covered with iridescence. Roughly modelled ; surface injured in parts.

No design.
K 60.
LAMP. Type as before. H t. 3! in. Length 6 in. I 87 5 M azard, Glafures plombifens, Pun: III. p. 66 (cut). On the top of the noz;zle is a flat disc; filling-hole in centre. Bluish-green iridescent glaze.

No design; on either side of the rim is fixed a small lamp in the form of a boar's head, of the same shape as the larger one (filling-hole in top; one of the heads is restored). Round the rim is stamped a pattern of leaves.
K 61.
LAMP. Type as before. Diam. 3~ in. From l'ozzuoli. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Design very indistinct. Heart-shaped nozzle; handle wanting. Bluish-green enamel, iridescent.

In the centre, a head of :Medusa of late type, within an octofoil rosette with moulded beaded edge.
K 62.
LEKYTHOS. Ht. 6~ in. Towneley Coli. 675. A drawing in the Departmental Library. Red ware, unglazed. No handles ; plain mouth.

Round the body, a pattern of bosses filled with coloured glass, united by leaves diagonally placed, within which are rows of raised dots (en barbotine).
K 63.
RATTLE IN FORM OF PIG. Ht. 2i in. Length 4in. Sloane Coli. 1014. Mazard, Glafures plombij(res, p. 65. One ear damaged and one leg restored. Red ware with insertions of blue glass.

The eyes are formed of separately-attached pellets with glass insertions for pupils ; along the back is a serrated ridge, on either side of which are raised



patterns of leaves en barboti11e, with six pieces of glass inserted each side ; legs rudimentary ; hole in snout and another in back.
K 64.
RATTLE as the last. Dark red clay. Ht. :z~ in. Length 3!- in. Towneley Coil. 489. Mouth injured. Pun: IV.

On the back, three rows of raised knobs filled with blue and green glass.


ENAMEL-GLAZED WARES FOUND IN BRITAIN (K 66-76). [These are in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities.]

K 66.

JUG. Shape as K37. Ht. Si in. Colchester, 1854 Mazard, p. 64(?). Olive-green enamel, worn in parts. Fabric of St. Rcmy-en-Rollat; cf. K 37

Lip chipped.

Round the upper part of the body, floral patterns in relief (flowers on twisted stalks, with leaves on tendrils springing from alternate ones).
K 66.
LLA. Form 67. Ht. 31 in. From Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Arduuologia, xxxii. p. 452; Mazard, p. 63. Much damaged by fire, and broken; about one-third wanting. Deep olive-brown enamel, yellow on rim.

Round the body, oblique raised ribs in yellow.

K 67.



Patterns in the form of palm-leaves alternating with circles below.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. enamel, worn. Ht.


and a row of



in. Similarly acquired.

Band with spiral patterns; below, part of another band, with lozenge-shaped motives as the preceding. K 71.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Length 3 in. Similarly acquired. Pale yellow clay with olive-green glaze. First century after Christ ; a similar bowl in the Reading Museum.

On the exterior, rosettes formed of thin discs studded with points.

K 72.
K 73.
FRAGMENT, similar, forming part of rim. Length 1} in. Glaze browner.

One rosette as last visible.

FRAGMENT OF LARGE JAR. 3 in. x 2t in. Found on the site of the India House, Leadenball Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Coarse blackish-grey clay ; dark brownish-green glaze reeded in light greenish yellow. FRAGMENT. Length 1} in. Found in Tokenhouse Yard, London. A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Fine green enamel. Presented by

K 74.

Patterns of concentric circles and a dotted line.

K 75.
MOUTH AND NECK OF FLASK. Coil., 1871. Light greenish-drab glaze, worn. Ht.


Found in London, 1865.



FAYENCE VASES OF GRAECO-EGYPTIAN FABRIC (K 76-77). [These are in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities.]

K 76.

OINOCHOE. Ht. 11} in. From Canosa (?). Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Revue Arcltlol. \'ii. (1863), p. 259; Rayet and Collignon, Hist. de Ia Ctr. Grec9ue, p. 374. Trefoil mouth (restored) ; handle modern. Hard gritty paste, largely composed of sand and silica, with a coating of pale blue enamel or faience.



On the front is a woman to the front leaning over to her r., with I. hand on side, holding out a small patera over an altar; she has a high spltendcme, shoes, long chiton, and himation round waist gathered up on the I. side. The altar is square with pilasters round the base, and on the top are cakes of pyramidal form. Behind the woman is a meta in the form of a tapering obelisk, round which are knotted three wreaths or sashes. On the shoulder is inscribed


Ba<Tt~EWII II-roJ\.ep4{ov

<f> I A 0 i' AT 0

po (

<l>tM7r&-ropo~> ...

[The figure of the woman may be intended to represent Arsinoc, the sister of Ptolemy Philopator (who reigned B.c. z2z-2o4). Cf. for this vase an example in the Louvre with Berenike (Rayet and Collignon, ojJ. cit. p. 372).]



K 77.

OINOCHOE. Ht. I2k in. From Canosa. Castellani, 1873. Arch. Zeit. 1869, p. 35 PLATE V. Shape as last, but lip flatter in front and more spreading. Triple-ribbed handles ending above and below in large masks of Seileni. Much restored; bluish-green enamel nearly all worn away ; traces of gilding, e.g. round the foot.

Design as the last ; the altar similar, but no panels in front ; round the top a wreath, below which are remains of letters Ar ... The woman stands on a base to I. with l. knee bent, holding out in r. hand a patera of larger size than in the preceding, and in l. a cornucopia. Her hair is curly in front, and is qrawn back in parallel tresses and wound round in a coil at the back, a fillet passing round the head, the gilt ends of which hang down behind; she wears earrings, a gilt armlet on l. arm, long chiton, and himation twisted round the waist in a thick fold and falling to below the knees, the folds being carefully but conventionally indicated. Behind her is a cross-shaped object, and beyond, a tapering meta as the last. The handles end above and below in large masks of Seileni, partly bald, with open mouths, and beards in thick separate locks; the upper one is smaller than the lower and of a different type, the beard being shorter. On the forehead of the latter are remains of gilding ; on either side of the former is a volute. On the shoulder is incised (before glazing) :

~\A0H~T ~~ ~AP~INOKt trAA~Ef,, o~

'A"'a8-ik TV')(!I~ 'Apuw&r,~ <f>>..aob..f/>ou. Ptolemy Philadelphos (284-247 B.c.).
This Arsinoe was the wife and sister of




(L 1-167).


' L 1.

1\tEDALLJON FROM \'ASE. Diam. 3 in. Crete, I87S Red glaze, worn. Quite flat, with edge intact and small hole in rim ; bad style.

Lion to r. leaping on a deer which is running in the same direction ; it has long branching antlers ; above the lion is a bird with wings spread. Round the edge is inscribed in raised letters: FORMA L NOSTILI SERVOS MIN .. CVRVS FECIT, "made by Min .. curus the slave, from the mould of L. Nostilius."
{Cf. for the inscription C./.L.x. 8o56, I87(L NOSTI); for the style of the design, D~chelette, Vases ornls tie Ia Gault rom., ii. p. 304, no. I37 (a medallion from a vase).]

Fig. 6

=L '

L 2.

PLATE or shallow bowl. Form I. Diam. 6~ in. From Corfu. Woodhouse Coli., 1868. Red glaze, worn ; injured, and rim much chipped.

Round the rim, ornaments in relief attached : a dog running to 1. alternating with rosettes and festoons of feathery leaves, the dog being repeated between each of the other motives. In the centre is a foot-shaped stamp, ~

L. Gel/(); underneath is inci..ed

~ \.
From Corfu. Woodhouse Coli., 1868. Good red

[L. Gellius was an Arretine potter ; cf. C.I.L. xi. 6700, 308.]

L 3.

PLATE. Form I. Diam. 6i in. glaze ; surface worn and rim damaged.

On the rim either side, raised double spirals (one volute gone); round the centre, a band oi hatched pattern ; in the centre a foot-shaped stamp, ~ (cf. C.J.L. xi. 6700, 344 ; probably an Arretine potter).
L 4.
PLATE. glaze, worn.
~....,,......._, ,



Diam. 6i in.

From Corfu.

Woodhouse Coli., 1868.

Dark red

On the rim, two raised double scrolls; in the centre a foot-shaped stamp, possibly intended for OF APR(J) as C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 140; but the vase is more like Arretine than Gaulish ware.


L 5.

BOWL. Form 7. Ht. 2~ in. Flat projecting rim. Glaze worn.




From Corfu. Woodhouse Coil., 1868.

On the rim, a double row of hatched lines incised, and two scrolls

in the centre of the bowl, a rosette and double band of hatched lines round.
L 6.
BOWL. Form 26. Fairly good glaze. Ht. It in. Diam.


From Corfu. Woodhouse Coli., 1868.

On the rim each side a raised scroll ; in the centre a foot-shaped stamp, ~. L. Avil(li); cf. L 148 and C.I.L. xi. 6700, 125.

L 7.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2t in. sented by Col. Munro, 1856. Red glaze, very lustrous.

Length 3i in.

From Kertch. Pre-

Frieze of figures, with band of beads below : Eros bending over to I., and fluted krater (?} on a twisted column (upper part of vase wanting) ; Eros dancing to r. with head thrown back and r. hand raised, I. knee raised to support a lyre held in I. ; drapery is twisted round his body. Next, Eros to the front, looking up to r., with torch or crook in r. hand and I. extended, holding something ; his legs are wide apart and a chlamys hangs over I. arm. On the extreme r., the legs of another figure.
L 8.

Fig. 7 = L 7

[The fabric looks like that of Arretium, ami the vase is probably an importation.] SMALL PLATE. Form



Kertch, 1848. Red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp L~rJtj. IlaTp6KX'T}~ (the first letter uncertain) ;


Bright red glaze.

L 12.





From the same site.

Incised wave-pattern.

L 13.




From the same site.

Dark red glaze.

L 14.



If in. From the same site.


Band of eight-point stars, and foliage below.

L 15.

KOTYLE. Form 14, nearly. Ht. 21 in. Diam. 3! in. Kertc~ 1877. One handle and part of lip wanting ; in bad condition. Red glazed ware with barbotine decoration.

Round the exterior a foliated pattern forming a wreath.

[Cf. Bomter Jakrb, ci. p. 144, fig. 5 (a vase at Odessa).]

L 16.

FRAGMENT from rim of vase. Ht. It in. From the site of a temple, lnkerman, Crimea. Presented by Col. Munro, 1856. Brown-red glaze with barbotine decoration,

Foliage patterns.

L 17.

FRAGI\i ENT of vase. barbotine decoration.


If in. From the same site. Coarse red ware with

Part of leaf and fruit.

L 18.

FRAGMENT. red ware, unglazed.

Ht. r! in.

From Mytilene; obtained by C. T. Newton, 1856. Dark

Relief attached separately: Lower part of :Maenad dancing to r., wearing long floating chiton with apoptygma, and himation over arms. The Maenad is derived from one of the "Nee-Attic" reliefs (see Hauser, Neu-attisc!te Reliefs, pl. 2).
L 19.
FRAGMENT. Ht. 1~ in. From Mytilene ; obtained by C. T. Newton, 1856. red glaze ; probably Arretine ware. Fine

Palmette in relief.

L 20.


exterior. frieze.

Ht. in. From the same site. Glaze good on interior, poor on Apparently a fral{rnent of a Gaulish bowl (form 29) with metope-decoration in upper


Part of two panels, one of" arrow-head" pattern as M with a dolphin(?).

and M 41, the other

L 21.

FRAGMENT. Ht.:! in. with barboti11e decoration.

From the same site. Thin red-brown glaze, on exterior only,

Raised dots arranged closely in regular rows.

L 22.


LEKYTHOS. Shape more or l!!ss as Bonner jalzr!J. ci. p. 144, fig. 8. Present height, Diam. 5 in. From Karpathos. Presented by J. Theodore Bent, Esq., 1886. Repaired ; handle, neck, and other parts wanting. Red glazed ware. Has had a long cylindrical neck and angular handle; flat body.

2: in.

On the upper part of the body, a wreath of leaves, flowers, and fruit tied up in festoons with sashes, in relief.
L 23.
3;, m.

FRAGMENT of shallow bowl. Length From Knidos; excavated by C. T. Newton, 18;9. Unglazed red ware.

In the centre, medallion with relief, Fi,. s = r. ... within a border of beading : A youthful head tor., perhaps Herakles, with short closely-curling hair; on the r. is part of a tree spreading over the scene, which may indicate the garden of the Hesperides. L 24.
1859. FRAGMENT of rim of vase. 1t X 2~ in. From Knidos; excavated by C. T. Newton, Red ware with thin red-brown glaze and moulded rim.


Festooned wreath with comic mask inverted. L 25.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. polished ; surface encrusted. Ht. 2! in. From Knidos (Newton, 1859 ?). Red ware,

Above, beads ; below, a stippled surface on which are part of a coiled serpent(?), roughly stippled, and an unintelligible object.
L 26.
FRAGMENT OF VASE, with relief. Ht. 2 in. From the Gymnasium, Knidos; excavated by C. T. Newton, 1859. Newton, Discovt'ries, pl. 84, fig. 7 Red glaze, worn ; surface corroded. Coarse style.

Bearded man seated or reclining to l. with face to front, extending I. hand, the wrist of which is grasped by the l. hand of a nude youth, of whom only the



L 30.

FRAGMENT as last. 4 x 2~ in. From the same site. such coarse ware, but discoloured by fire.

Base of handle remaining ; not

Ivy-wreath with leaves and clusters of berries. L 31.

FRAGMENT OF JAR, forming lower portion. Coarse black ware : design indistinct and much corroded. Ht. 3 in. From the same site.

Krater with fluted body, and vine-branch in relief. L 32.

FRAGMENT OF VASE. Ht. 2~ in. t'rom Knidos; excavated by C. T. ~ewton, 1859. Unglazed red ware.

Krater with S-shaped handles, on a high foot, from which springs out on either side a vine-stem ending in a large bunch of grapes.
[Cf. the designs on late lamps from Knidos (as Nos. 634-636, 692-693) ; also Dechelette, ii. p. 234, No. 155 (a similar specimen from Vichy).]

L 33.

FRAG~IENT OF VASE. Ht. 4~ in. Knidos. !'resented by F. W. Hasluck, Esq., 1905 light brown glaze.

From Thin

Pan to front, dancing, with shepherd's crook in r. hand over shoulder, and SJ'rinx in I. by his side ; he is bearded, with goat's legs and a fringe of shaggy hair round the thighs. On the r. is part of a woman in chiton and himation; on the 1., part of a star-pattern(?).
L 34.
FRAGMENT OF JAR. Ht. 3~ in. From Knidos. Presented by F. W. Hasluck, Esq., 1905 Rough unglazed red clay.

Fig. 9

= L 33

Combat of two gladiators, as on the Roman lamps. Each has a visoreq helmet with grilled front, a short dagger (sica) in one hand, arm-guard on one arm, and oval shield on the other ; round their waists arc ornamented belts ; their lower parts are wanting. On the I. is seen the crest of a helmet (? a cock's head, cf. K 49), perhaps from a different subject.
L 36.



1. 3~

JAR. Ht. 6!in. Laodicea, 1902. Light red clay with fine glaze; has had small handles PLATE VIII. attached to the neck, which is short but deeply-indented ; body tapering gradually to foot.

Round the body of the vase, in relief, two wreaths (one each side) of ivyleaves and berries, arranged in festoons ; tendrils are indicated by incised lines on the surface of the vase.

L 36.


FRAGMENT of flat plate with plain vertical rim. Sale, Sotheby's, 15 April 1853. Good red glaze.

Diam 5-l in.

From Tarsus.


Round the outside of the rim, hatched pattern ; in the centre is the stamp~L 37.
1853. FRAGI\IENT of rim of bowl (Form 25 ?). Fine red glaze like Arretine ware. Length 2j in. From Tarsus. Barker Sale,

On the vertical moulded rim a rosette is attached.

L 38.
FRAG:\lENT forming centre of bowl. Diam. 2} in. Good red glaze ; cut neatly all round in circular form. From Tarsus. Barker sale, 1R53.

Underneath are moulded concentric circles; above is the stamp

L 39.


FRAGMENT OF MEDALLION with relief. Length 4~ in. From the Temple of the Sun, Baalbec. Li~;hfield Sale, 1865. Lower parts of figures wanting. Rough late work; red ware, much burnt.

Spnplegma of Leda and the swan: Leda is nude, with hair knotted up; the swan kisses her on the mouth, and its 1. wing is visible behind her. Round the edge arc alternate concentric circles and lozenge-shaped pendants.
(Cf. a mould of a medallion for attachment to a vase, published in Rro. Arc/1. xxxviii. (1<)01), p. 388, apparently made at St. Rcmy-en-Rollat in Gaul by one Sixtus; this relief may therefore have been imported into Syria. Cf. also for the type B . .M. Vasts, iv. G 107 =Roscher, ii. p. 1927 and ibid. Cat. of Scu/jJIMre, iii. No. 2199; Dechelette, i. p. 43, ii. p. 6; Roscher, ii. p. 1929.]

L 40.

FLAT PLATE, fragmentary. l.>iam. ;~ in. From Naukratis. Presented by the Egypt Exploration Fund~ 1888. Rim wanting and part of centre. Fine red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

16od; probably Arretine.

Heracli(dae) ; cf. C. I. L. x. 8056,



L 44.

BOWL. Form 5 Ht. 2j- in. glaze; surface somewhat encrusted.

Diam. 5 in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856 (tomb 7). Good

Round the rim, cable-moulding and hatched pattern; inside is the stamp ~ C. Vibie(nz); cf. the mould L I 10.

L 45.

PLATE. vertical rim.


or 3




Tharros, Sardinia, 1856.

Good red glaze;

On the rim are two dolphins to r. in relief; in the interior, a stamp of irregular form :

~ ; underneath are

incised markings.

The stamp probably

represents Zoili; cf. C.I.L. x. 8056, 398 and xi. 6700, 836; he was a slave of Ateius (Bonner jahrb. ci. p. 26.)
L 46.
PLATE. Form 17. Diam. 6i in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856.

Gaulish ware.


In the interior is the xiii. 10010, I 594

BOWL. Form 40.

Oj(ficina) Quad(rati); cf. C.I.L.

Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 41 in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856. Gaulish wan:(?).


In the interior is the stamp

L 48.
BOWL. round rim. Form 26.


Ht. 2} in. Diam. 4i in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856. Good glaze, worn

In the centre is the stamp

(cf. C.lL. x. 8o56, 349).

[A stamp apparently only found in Sardinia.]

L 49.

KOTYLE. Shape nea.rlyas Holder, Formen der rom. TltoiiKef. pl. 21, No. I:!. Ht. r! in. PLATE XVII. Diam. 3t in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856. Red ware, unglazed; two ribbed handles.

Patterns of raised knobs and leaves ending in raised points, applied round the exterior en barbotinc.
L 50.
BOWL. Form 36. Diam. 4~ in. bowl plain with curved overhanging lip. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856. Thin, orange-red glaze;

On the lip three scrolls, en barbotine.

L 51.

BOWL. Shape as last, but lip flatter. Ht. No glaze.



Diam. 6i in. Tharros, Sardiuia,

On the lip, scrolls and markings at intervals, en barbotine.

L 52.
PLATE. Shape as before but very shallow. Red glazed ware. Diam. 6} in. Tharros, Sardinia, 1856. Pr.ATE XVII.

Round the rim a wreath of leaves interspersed with parallel lines of raised dots, all nz barbotine.



JAR. Ht. 2} in. Castellani, 1873. Unglazed reddish ware, thin.

L 63.

Round the body, six wavy lines or festoons of small raised dots.
[Cf. Bolllh'r fakrb. ci. p. 145, fig. 10, for two similar vases, one found in Asia !\Iinor, the other in the :\Iuseum at Bari ; Dragendorff ascribes them to the Hellenistic period.]




L 64.

BELL-SHAPED KRATER, without handles. Form 1 t. lit. 7~ in. From Capua. PLATE VI Bequeathed by Felix Slade, Esq., 1869. Riccio, Sca?!amcnli dell' anlica Capua, pl. 4, p. 13 ; Dragendorffin Bonnerjalirb. xcvi. (1895), p. 64; Walters, A11cimt Pottery, ii. p. 488, fig. 219 ; Ci1t. Slade Coli., p. 167. Arretine ware, but perhaps actually made at Cumae ~r l'uteoli. Fine deep red glaze. Above the design, row of beads, wreath, ;md band of rosettes.

Frieze of six figures to r., representing the Seasons with columns between:
( 1) Winter moving to r., wearing close cap, boots, long chiton, and thick

dtlama over it ; with r. hand she drags a boar by one hind leg, and in 1. she holds a shepherd's crook over her shoulder from which hang a hare behind, and a bird in front. Before her (instead of a column) is a lamp-stand (cf. Cat. of Terracotlas, D 640-641), with moulded and fluted stem and high triangular base, with a circular ornamented top. (2) Spring, holding in both hands a basket (or fold of her drapery) containing flowers and fruit; she wears a close cap, long chiton slipping off the right shoulder, and himation. Before her is a Tuscan column with a large mask of Pan to r. on the top ; round the cap is tied a festoon which extends all round the vase, and at the foot of the column is a square wicker basket covered with drapery, in which are bunches of grapes. (3) Summer moves hastily to r., holding a wreath in r. hand, and





passing all round the vase. (1) Woman to I. with hair knotted up, long girt chiton, and himation round lower limbs and mer I. arm, held up in I. hand : she holds up cars of corn(?) in the r. (3) Two twisted columns, above and below which are patcrae, and between them an arch ; on this Eros kneels to r. on r. knee with I. foot extended, holding a festoon which passes over the tops of . the columns. (4) Youth moving tor. with short girt chiton and high boots; r. hand by side ; in I. he carries a spear(?) over his shoulder. Above is a band of alternate peltae and paterae, with a wreath of leaves and band of beads below ; below the designs is a band of rosettes. Above the abacus of one column is a stamp fLURED P. Comeli; over the other is 1'110"00 Antioc(lt)us.

L 56.

OINOCHOE. Ht. 5~ in. Castellani, 1873. Fine red glaze. High double-ribbed PuTE VIII. handle, ending above in a flat piece with imitations of two rivets, and below in a palmette between two rosettes ; below the palmette is a heart-shaped pattern.

Round the lower part of the body is a frieze consisting of an upper and lower row of concentric circles, between which is a wreath arranged in straight festoons with rosettes at the angles, and twisted stalks springing from the lower angles, on which are ivy-leaves and clusters of berries ; in the alternate angles are plants. In the upper part of the frieze is the stamp l~ (P.) Cornel(i), as the last.

L 57.

KANTHAROS. Ht. 2~ in. Castellani, 1873- Bell-shaped body and double-ribbed Pun VII. banded handles; the form is virtually No. 11, with the addition of handles.

The handles end below in masks of Satyrs with straight parted hair and long pointed beards ; above is a band of six-pointed rosettes all round, and a row of beads ; below, beads, wreath (interrupted by the masks), and a row of vertical objects all round.
L 58.
FRAGI\IENT 4!in. Castellani, together. OF KRATER 1873. Three (Form 11). Ht. fragments joined

On the I. is part of a bald bearded Satyr bending down or dancing to r., with I. hand extended ; on the r. is a bearded Satyr in a similar attitude to 1., with a skin tied round his throat and a cloth twisted round his loins; his r. hand is placed under his knee and his I. is raised, holding a wreath. Between and above them are vine-branches with grapes and tendrils ; above, a row of half-discs. In the field is the stamp [M_._ P.E .REN].
L 59.

Fig. n = L



Arezzo, 1893.

Maenad dancing to r., with head thrown back and r. hand extended downwards ; her hair falls in curls over the shoulders, and she wears long girt



chiton with apoptygma, transparent over the thighs and leaving the r. breast bare ; she raises the edge with l. hand from behind her shoulder. Her legs from the knees are wanting. Above are two wreaths.
L 60.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL, with part of foot.

Ht. 3-i in. Arezzo, 1893.

Lower part of Maenad dancing on tiptoe to 1., wearing long chiton and apoptygma, with floating skirts ; on the r., the legs of a Satyr to r., also dancing on tiptoe ; on the I., part of another figure.
L 61.

in. Arezzo, 1893.

Bearded Satyr (?) to r., with r. hand extended, holding a cornucopia in l. ; a band passes round his body, from which hangs a bag over his l. shoulder (cf. L 93), and a cloth is twisted round his loins. On the r. is part of a Maenad (?). In the background a row of rosettes; below, a wreath.
L 62.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. It in. chased in Rome by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1857. From Arezzo: purFig.

= L 61.

Satyr to 1., bearded, with drapery round loins, seated on a rock and playing the double flute.
L 68.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. 2l in. Arezzo, 1893.

Victory to 1., playing the double flute ; wears fillet, and himation twisted round lower limbs ; feet wanting. In the background, vine with leaves and grapes ; above, egg-moulding.
L 64. FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. 2i in. Franks, Esq., 1857. From Arezzo. Purchased in Rome by A. W.

Upper part of Satyr (P) to r., bearded, holding up thyrsos (?) in r. hand ; on the r. is visible part of a figure in a himation. In the background is a festoon


L 67.


Ht. 2~ in.

Arezzo, 1893.

Youth advancing to 1., with I. hand extended and spear in r. ; he appears to be charging against some animal, of which a leg is visible ; he wears short chiton and chlamys over shoulders. Below, flowers ; in the background, a wreath ; above, beads and tongue-pattern.
[Cf. the Gaulish be.rliarius types, such as Dt!chelette, Vases ornls, ii. pp. 103, 104-)

L 68.


Ht. 2i in.

Arezzo, 1893.

Woman reclining on I. elbow with r. hand raised, looking to r.; her hair is knotted up, and she wears long chiton, leaving r. shoulder and breast bare ; over the couch is a coverlet. Above the design, a band of bunches of grapes, and a wreath. Head and I. arm of woman mostly wanting.
L 69.


From Arezzo.

Purchased in Rome, 1857.

Woman to front with r. foot drawn back, r. hand holding proc!toos at her side, and I. raised to support something on her head ; she wears long chiton and himation over I. shoulder ; her head and legs are wanting.
L 70.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL, with part of foot. in. Arezzo, 1893.


Broad band of pattern, with row of beads and straight wreath of small leaves above ; the pattern consists of a very beautiful scroll of winding stalks with leaves, buds, and six-petalled flowers, delicately executed.
L 71.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. 2! in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Templt!, 1856. Glaze and style of rdiefs good ; Arret inc fabric.

t 'ig. , 3 : L


Above, a wr~ath of large dentated leaves between two rows of studs ; below, a fluted column with a sort of debased Ionic cap, round the neck of which is tied a sash ; on the r. of this is a large erect wing, probably from a figure of Victory.
L 72.
FRAGMENT of rim of bowl. 2 x 3 in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Arretine fabric ; fine red glaze; style good.

Above, egg-pattern and wreath ; below, head of youth to r. wearing wreath.

L 73.
FRAG;\IENT OF BOWL. Ht. Presented by Rev. G. J. Chester, 1875.


From Pozzuoli.


= L 73

Winged goddess to r., playing on a kitl1ara, with I. foot twisted behind r. ; her wings are carefully indicated, and she has shortish hair and drapery


round the shoulders and loins, the ends trailing behind. Before her is a lampstand with moulded and fluted stem and triangular base (cf. L 54).
illS!. 1875, p. 242.

[On the Arretine ware from Pozzuoli see Bonner jaltrb. xcvi. p. 54, and Bull. ddr For a similar fragment to this see Holder, Formen der riim. Thongif. pl. 24.] FRAGMENT. Ht. 2~ in. From Pozzuoli. Presented by Rev. G.

L 74.

J. Chester, 1875.

Satyr moving to I. with I. foot raised and r. hand raised above his head, carrying in I. an amphora with fluted stem ; he is beardless, with rough hair, wreath, and a skin tied round his neck, and his muscles are very strongly marked. On the I. is the lower part of a woman to r., wearing chiton and apoptygma; below is a wreath.
L 76.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. 2;! in. Rev. G. J. Chester, 1875. Very indistinct. Length 3i in. From Pozzuoli. Presented by

Actor (P) seated on a block to 1., with drapery over thighs and I. hand extended, holding a bowl up to his mouth in r. On the r. another actor bends forward to r., with I. hand holding up a bowl and himation twisted round lower limbs; before him is a calyxshaped krater with fluted stem on a high fluted pedestal. Below is a band of large flowers.
L 76.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. 2-} in. Length 3-i in. From Pozzuoli. Presented by Rev. G. J. Chester, 1875. AtTetine ware.

Upper part (to waist) of a woman wearing chiton with apoptygma, rising out of a plant with two large daisy-

Fie. s

= L )'6.




L 78.

FRAGMENT as last.



Towneley Coli.

Similar style and fabric.

Combat (?) : Theseus or a youth advancing on I. foot to 1., with sword in r. hand, I. held out with chlamys wrapped round it ; the sheath is slung round him by a belt. On the 1. is part of a woman to r. with 1. knee bent and I. hand raised as if appealing to him ; she wears long chiton with apoptygma.
L 79.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Length by Sir \V. Temple, 1856. Dark red glaze.



Part of chariot drawn to r. by two lionesses (?) ; the wheels have light mo.Jidcd spokes ; the figure in the chariot is not visible, and the animals' heads arc wanting. L 80.
FRAGMENT as last. Ht. in. From Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Glaze of interior good; surface of exterior worn. Not certainly Italian; may be Gaulish ware.


Fig. 17

= L 78.

Frieze with biga (?) galloping to r. ; part of the charioteer is visible, and on the further side of the horses is the leg of a man running to r. (?).

L 81.

FRAGMENT. Arretine fabric.




Fine red glaze; probably

Woman reclining to 1., with r. hand placed on her head and I. on a square calatlzos of wicker-work inverted ; over her lower limbs is drapery ; on her r. arm an armlet. In the field, wreaths and floral patterns ; below, a ram to r., the body finely stippled ; above is a wreath.

Fig. 18 = L 8.

L 82.

FRAGMENT. Ht. 1~ in, Temple, 18;6. Good glaze.

Bequeathed by Sir W.

Subject uncertain (part of human figure). L 83.

FRAGME~T from rim of bowl. Form 3 (?). Ht. 2 in. Purchastd at Rome by A. \V. Franks, Esq., 1857. Dark red glaze.

In a rectangular panel with raised rim is a horseman galloping to r., turning to the front anL! brandishing a sword over his head in r. hand ; he wears a short girt chiton.

Fig. 19 = L 83.

L 84.

FRAG!\1 E~T from rim of similar bowl.

i in. x



Similarly acquired.

Lioness crouching down to I.


L 85.

TWO FRAG!\tENTS of rim of large vase. as before.

Length 7l in.

Similarly acquired.


On the lip, hatched lines ; on the neck, a band with a tree-trunk at either end, between which is a large olive-wreath (?) with berries.
L 86.
FRAGMENT, from rim of bowl. Temple, 1856. Dark red glaze. Form 3

in. x

a in.

Bequeathed by Sir W.

Tragic mask with Q-yKor; falling in formal curls below the chin.
L 87.
worn. FRAGMENT, similar.

in. x It in.

Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856.


Comic mask with ivy-wreath.

L 88.
FRAGMENT, similar. inferior. Length

If in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Glaze

formed of a pair of feathery leaves.

Part of a festoon as on L
L 89.

FRAGMENT from rim of bowl (? mortarium). Ht. 2! in. From Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Surface worn : dark red glaze. Possibly Gaulish fabric, but well executed.

Lion's mask in high relief; below, row of beads and tongue-patterrt

L 90.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. and fabric uncertain. Length Ii in. Towneley Coil. Unglazed drab ware; shape

Four horses of a chariot galloping to l.; behind them is seen the upper part of the driver, with extended r. arm.



(L 91-122).

Non:.-In the case of the moulds the description is taken from casts.


His r. leg is advanced, and his I. hand is held palm outwards in front of his face to shield it from the fire ; he wears a short chiton exomis over r. shoulder.
L 98.
MOULD for Arretine bowl (shape like an inverted bee-hive, with flat base). Ht. 3i in. Diam. 4{ in. Arezzo, 1896. About one-quarter of the vase is wanting.

The Birth of Dionysos, celebrated by sacrifices and offerings : On the I. a Seilenos brings up the child Dionysos in his arms, wrapped in swaddling-clothes ; he is bald, with a cloth fastened round his loins. Behind him is part of a draped figure holding part of a tray resting on the head ; behind this figure is an accumulation of objects, among which a small flask or jar can be seen ; below the figure is a low stand or table. At the back is a curtain stretched on two poles, beyond which is se(m the upper part of a woman to the front Fig. oo = L 92. looking to 1., and holding two rings up in r. hand, her hair knotted up. Before the curtain a beardless Satyr advances to 1., holding a torch head downwards in r. hand, and holding up the folds of the curtain with l. ; he wears a sort of kilt falling in flaps round the loins. Next


f'ig. -o = L!IJ

i a bearded Sat yr to r. wearing loin-cloth, with staff in L hand and a bag or wine-skin hanging at back from a cross-belt (cf. L 61); in r. he holds out a torch horizontally over the next group, which represents a sacrifice. In this, a woman stand to r. over an altar on which a fire burns, holding up by the feet a pig, which a beardless Satyr stabs in the neck with a sacrificial knife, holding up its head ; its blood drops into a fluted bowl beneath ; his r. foot is drawn up and crooked behind his I. knee. The woman wears a cap, and long chiton


with long .sleeves and girdle twisted round the waist. On the r. a woman moves to r., looking back, holding a jug in r. hand and on I. a dish containing a pine-cone and other objects ; her hair is knotted up, and she wears a long chiton and himation over l. shoulder. Next to her is part of a draped figure leaning forward to r. ; the rest of the design is wanting. Above is a narrow wreath; the vase is stamped [TIG~AN.!] .
[Cf. for the subject Bou11cr Ja/Jr!J. xcvi. (1895), p. 6t.] L 94.
MOULD for bowl (Form 7). Ht. 4~ in. Diam. 71. in. Arezzo, 1896. Part of bowl wanting.

Frieze representing a Dionysiac procession, in which are three chariots. In the first chariot, drawn to r. by two he-goats, Dionysos and Ariadne are seated ; Eros rides on one goat as postillion, carrying some animal ove1 his shoulders. Dionysos is seated backwards in the car looking to r., with I. hand raised to head, wearing high boots; Ariadne sits on his further side, turning round to him with r. hand on his r. wrist, raising her drapery with 1. as a canopy over her. are followed



mules' heads stands a young Satyr to r. pulling them up and brandishing a bough in r. hand ; his 1. foot and arm arc advanced and the arm has a skin over it. Behind the car follows another Satyr with 1. foot advanced, apparently pulling at a wine-skin placed in it. Of the third group little remains; the car appears to be drawn by mules, and Heraklea is seated in it (1. arm holding club visible), with another figure at his side ; at the back of the car sits a bearded figure with r. foot drawn back, and drapery over his thighs, placing r. hand on the shoulder of a youthful figure (or a nude Maenad) who bends towards him. At the head of the mules is another youth with drapery over I. arm, his back turned to the spectator, pulling them along with ropes Above the design are rows of beads and of trefoil leaves; below are a series of eleven panels with wreath below, in each of which is a winged lion(?) with open mouth and wings recurved. The vase is stamped [f> CORN] and [~AR_I_!>~~] ; the latter name as a slave of Cornelius only seems to . occur here.
L_95. FRAGMENT OF MOULD. Ht. 5~ in. Arezzo, 1900. About half the bowl remaining; cylindrical form, with deep straight sides, lip curving outwards and flat bottom (see L 107 below).

Frieze of Three Dancing Maenad& : The one on the r. dances on tiptoe to 1., with 1. hand hanging down and head thrown back ; she has rough hair, a long loose chiton, and thyrsos (part wanting) in r. The next, \Vho dances to r. has two inverted torches in r. hand ; she has smooth hair rolled off the face all round, and her chiton has fallen off her r. shoulder, the edge being held up on the other shoulder with her 1. hand. Behind her is a circular altar with fire burning on it, round which are three figures in relief; beyond it is visible part of a third Maenad to r., playing the double flutes, with panther-skin, and floating draperies. In the field are festoons tied up with large bows, from one of which a wreath hangs down in front of the altar; on the ground is a flower. Above are a row of beads and a wreath ; the mould is stamped [M_: .PE-~EN] and [TIGR~NIJ.
[Cf. Bon11cr jahrb. xcvi. p. 61, and for the type of dancing Maenad, Hauser, N.-u-c~tlisclte Rclr<:fi, pl. 2 , fig. 29.] L96. FRAGMENT OF MOULD. Form 8. Ht. Arezzo, 1896.


Dancing Maenad to 1., with head thrown back ; in r. hand a thyrsos tied with ribbons and chaplets. She wears shoes and long loose Fig. 23 =L. chiton, and with I. hand draws aside the edg-e of her skirt. On the right is visible the I. leg (with drapery) and both feet of a similar figure. On the l. is a cymbal, which seems to be attached to a



tree-trunk or stand of some kind, or else to one of the festoons which are suspended across the upper part of the scene. Above and below are rows of beads.
[Cf. for the type of dancing Maenad, Hauser, Neu-allisclu Reliefs, pl. 2, fig. 26; Roscher, Le.riko11, ii. p. 2275. It appears on the Sosibios vase (Friedericbs-Wolters 21 14) and elsewhere.)

L 97.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD. Dr. Allen Sturge, 1890.

Form 7 Length 4k in.

From Arezzo.

Presented by

A bearded Satyr to r., with 1. knee bent, holds the end of a wine-skin in r. hand and the neck in 1., from which he pours wine into a krater with volutehandles, ribbed on the shoulder; he wears an ivy-wreath and a skin tied round his neck and hanging behi!ld. On the r. is part of another Satyr holding up a bowl, and between them hangs a Pan's pipe between two cymbals. Above the design, beads and a wreath.
L 98.
FRAGI'tJENT OF MOULD. Form 7 Length 6 in. Italy, 1897.

Two Seileni dancing on either side of a krater of calyx-form with body fluted below, on a high fluted stem and base ; the Seilenos on the r. dances with legs bent, holding a bowl in r. hand ; the other holds something in r. hand on hip and a bowl in I. They appear to have filled, or to be about to fill, their bowls from the krater. On the r. arc part of a thyrsos and the tail of a fawnskin ; on the 1., part of another Seilenoa


Arezzo, 1900. Coarse work.

L 100.


Dimensions 3~ x 3i in.

Two Victories holding a large wreath vertically between them, with a sash tied round it ; they wear long girt chitons and stand on an acanthus-plant ; of the one ~n the I. little is visible. Within the wreath is a stamp ~-~ L. Annz. Above, beads and tongue-pattern. lll~.t._a==:;...;;......:~-...ilJ
[For the potter L. Annius see Bomur jal1rb. cii. p. 117; C.!.L. xi. 6700, 6:z.]


L 101.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD. A ncimt Pottery, ii. pl. 66.

Form 8 (nearly).

Ht. 4~ in.

Arezzo, 189S.


Alexander the Great slaying a lion : Alexander charges to r. on horse back, brandishing a dagger in r. hand_over his head, with which he is about to


s = I. o.

slay the lion ; he wears a chlamys, and holds the bridle in 1. hand. The lion stands to r. over a fallen man, seizing his head in its jaws, its r. fore-paw on his 1. shoulder and r. hind-paw on his 1. foot. The man supports himself with r. hand resting on the ground ; he is nude, and drapery is visible round 1. arm and under him. On the I. Krateros advances to the rescue, brandishing a battle-axe over his head ; he is beardless, with drapery over 1. arm floating behind. On the r. are the legs of Krateros repeated, shewing that the three figures form the whole subject and are repeated round the vase. In the field is stamped [tf:_PERE~] ; above the design are a row of beads and a wreath.
[Compare for the subject a relief published in Jaltrbuclt d. arclt. Ins/. iii. (1888), pl. 7, p. 189, which is apparently a reminiscence of the group by Lysippos and Leochares (Plutarch, V. A It:~:. 40) commemorating this incident; see also Dragendorff in Bonner j altrb. xcvi. (1895), p. 73; Rom. Mittlt. 1897, p. 270; and l'erdrizet in Joum. Hell. Stud. xix. (1899), p. 273; the latter does not mention this example, but gives on pl. 1 r, fig. 3. a gem-impression which more nearly resembles it than does the relief.]

L 102.



Shape uncertain.

Ht. 4 in.

Italy, 1897.

Sacrifice: In the middle is part of an altar, on which three figures in relief are visible, and from which rises a fire ; on the 1. is a woman with hair knotted under a cap, long chiton and himation tied round her waist, holding a wreath over the fire ; on the r. arc the head and arms of a bearded man playing the double flute on which the projecting stops are indicated. The ground is strewn with flowers ; above the design is a wreath. In the field is the stamp [t.1 PEREN].
L 103. 1896. ;MOULD FOR llO\VL of conical form without foot. Part oflip wanting. Ht.


Diam. 4:i in. Arezzo,

Musicians and Dancers: (1) Woman to r. clapping her hands, wearing long chiton and himation veiling the back of her head. (2) Youth dancing to 1., looking up to r., with hands clasped over his head,* wearing short chiton t'Xomis. (3) Youth to r. as the last, with r. foot advanced and hands extended.

(4) Flute-player seated on a block(?) to r., wearing short loose chiton (head wanting") ; with r. foot he works a Kpot'nreta (see L 104). (5) Youth dancing to L,



bare. On the !. a similar figure plays the double flute, working a 1Cpowe~a (scabellum) with r. foot to mark time (cf. L 103) ; he wears a short girt chiton. Behind him is a flower; above the design, vine-wreath with grapes, between a row of beads and a wreath.
l:a 105.

:!t in.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD. Ht. Length 3} in. From Arezzo. Presented by Dr. S. Fabroni, 1857.

Chariot or cart to !., with two horses, and flat body, on which stands a man in girt chiton turned to the back of the cart and leaning forward to take a rolled-up bale o cloth(?) which a man standing there holds up with both hands on his I. shoulder. Above the design (round the rim), row of beads and eggand-tongue pattern; below, a row of concentric circles.
[, 106.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD. Length 7t in. Italy, 1897. Form 7

Fig. 27


On the !. is a bearded man seated in a chair to r., with r. hand extended and staff in I. ; he wears a laurel-wreath tied in a knot behind and himation over lower limbs; lower part wanting. Behind him part of a tree is visible. On the r. is a woman to r. with r. hand extended, wearing a Phrygian cap and himation wrapped round her and held up in 1. Beyond is visible part of a stamp,



(cf. C.l.L.

xi. 6700, 688), and above are beads and a tongue-pattern.

[, 107.
L 95 FRAGMENT OF :\IOULD. Ht. 5~ in. Arezzo, H)OO. Shape as
l..ig. s =I. 107.

Two figures confronted, with a krater between, resting on an acanthus-plant ; the one on the 1. plays the kitlzara and wears drapery round the loins and a necklace ; the other plays the double flutes. Both are incomplete ; of the one on the r. only a leg with drapery reaching to knee and part of the flutes are visible. On either side of the acanthus-plant are two smaller plants, and a large flower of eight petals ; from the krater springs a large flower on which kneels a small Seilenos to 1. Above the design, beads and wreath.

L 108.



FRAGMENT OF MOULD for bowl. Ht. Pottay, ii. pl. 66, p. 493 Bowl shaped like L 95


Arczzo, 18. Walters,


Four girls dancing in pairs on tip-toe, all to 1. ; the fir!'t and third have r. hand on breast and 1. extended behind ; the second has both hands clasped on breast. They have short curly hair, and each wears a short transparent chiton with apoptygma and a ca/atlws-like head-dress of open wicker-work, like the so-called Hierodoulos on the terracotta relief (Cat. of Terracottas, D 646). Only the second figure is quite complete. In the background is a wreath tied up in festoons between the figures, with large bows ; above, beads and a wreath ; between the pairs of figures a flower springs from the ground.
(Cf. Dragendorff in Bomur jaltrb. xcvi. (1895), p. 58, and Ctrt. of Terracol/,zs, p. 412.)

L 109.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD. Pollery, ii. pl. 66.

Form 7

Diam. 7~ in.

Arezzo, 1900.

Walters, Anciml

Banquet-scene: In the middle are a young man and girl reclining on a couch covered with drapery ; he !oaks to his I. with I. arm resting on pillows, the I. hand grasping her r. arm, his r. hand placed on the back of her head. The girl, who has wavy hair and wears a close cap, bracelet on r. wrist, and long loose chiton, places her r. hand on the man's chin ; she lies forward, supporting herself on I. hand. On the r. is part of a girl reclining, looking back and holding a lyre in r. hand ; she wears a coif over her hair, shoes, and himation over I. shoulder, reaching to the feet ; beyond on the r. is seen the face of a girl confronting her. On the I. is the upper part of a youth to 1., reclining with 1. arm on pillows and wearing a fillet. Above is a rich vine-wreath between a row of
beads and a narrow wreath; the mould is stamped



[TI(fRANn, }Y/. Peren(ni)-Ti'grani(s).

L 110.
for bowl. Form 7 Ht. 3} in. Diam. 7 ~ m. Found at Arczzo, 1888;



L 112.




in. Arezzo, 1900. Coarse and indistinct.

Head of goat to the front, and skin of goat (?) extended and tied up by the fore-legs. Above, a row of beads ; in the field the stamp (ROD_2], Rodo.
[Rodo was a slave of P. Cornelius; see Bonner jaltrb. cii. p. IIJ.]

L 113.





Arezzo, 1900. Shape as L 103.

Pattern of long spatula-shaped leaves alternating with zigzag stalks surmounted by flowers resembling daisies. Above, beads and tongue-pattern; m the field is the stamp
L 114.

&~ lNJ


L. Anni, as on L 100.


Length 4t in. Arezzo, 1900.

Alternate leaves (as on last) and columns marked with herring-bone patterns, which support heads of bearded Satyrs, above which are pine-cones. In the field is the stamp L(l. for which see C.I.L. xi. 6700, 66o.


L 116.

1! in. Diam.

MOULD for bowl in the form of an inverted hat, with flat bottom and spreading rim. 3~ in. Arezzo, 1896.

Rich vine-wreath ; above, beads ; below, wreath.

L 116.
MOULD for similar bowl. Ht.

11 in. Diam. 3} in. Arezzo, 1896.

Pattern of pine-cones on double acanthus-leaves, and pairs of eight-point rosettes. Above, beads; below, wreath.
L 117.
MOULD for bowl.

Ht. Ii in.



in. Arezzo, 1900.

Ivy-wreath with berries, between narrow wreaths ; in the field is the stamp M. Peren(ni).
Ht. din. Length

L 118.

FRAGME:'\T OF 1\IOULD. Dr. S. Fabroni, 1857.



From Arezzo.

Presented by

Round the rim, row of beads and egg-and-tongue pattern ; below, mask of goat (part only remaining). L 119.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD for bowl. 21 x 2 in. From Arczzo. Fabroni, 1857. Red ware, unglazed. Two fragments joined.

!'resented by Dr. S.

Above, row of beads and egg-and-tongue pattern ; below, a flower with and leaves horizontally placed, below which is another flower.
2} x 1-i in.

L 120.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD, as last. Fabroni, 1857

From Arezzo.

Presented by Dr. S.

Above, row of beads, and egg-and-tongue pattern (very thin lines) ; below, thick wreath of flowers and fruit.
IJ 2


L 121.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD for bowl. Form 7 Length 5i in. From Calvi. Castellani, 1873. Very rough and indistinct; designs on 011/er side, the mould being apparently for a bowl with interior designs.

On the I. a table or stand on which is a basket of loaves(?) ; next, a repreof a small temple on a high stylobate, with angle-columns and gabled roof. Next, Eros to r. with face to front, supporting from behind a draped figure, who dances with head thrown back, holding a rod horizontally over I.



= }, UT,

shoulder ; on their r. arc a Maenad dancing to r., in cap and long girt chiton, and a nude woman dancing to the front, with drapery over her extended r. arm, passing behind her, with a fold held up in I. hand. On the r. is the upper part of a Seilenos(P), with r. hand muffled in drapery ; in the field above, three rosettes. Above the design, inverted egg-pattern. L 122.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD, as last. Designs on tlte erltrior, as on last.


x 2.,\ in.

From Calvi.

Castellani, 1873

The patterns consist of ( 1) a tongue-pattern and spirals with rows of dots as



L 124.

BOWL. Form 13. Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 4~ in. From Lorio!, Dept. of Vaucluse. Coli., 190-1- Moulded rim, with hatched pattern round upper edge : good glaze.

In the centre, within rings, is the stamp ~ Cn. Atei.

L 125.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL Form 5 Ht. t} in. !\lore! Coli., 1904. Fine glaze.

Round the rim (the upper edge of which is broken away) a narrow band of hatched pattern ; in the interior is the stamp [IJio:S) Zoili (cf. L 45) ; on the exterior is incised ( /\ ~ 1~ Cali
L 126.
BOWL. Form 1. Piece broken out of rim.

' Diam. 6! in.



From Lorio!, Dept. of Vaucluse.

Morel Coil., 1904.



[See for this potter, C.I.L. xi. 6700, 819; xiii. cii. p. 120 ; D~chelette, i. p. 16.)


310; xv. 5783d; !Jt11mer Jakrb.

L 127.

FRAGMENT of foot of bowl. Good glaze.

Diam. 1 in.

Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856.

Stamp in shape of foot, in which is

L 128.
BOWL. red glaze. Form 18 (nearly). Diam.


Flat bottom; good

Towneley Coli.

Round the centre, a ring of hatched pattern, inside which, four times repeated, is the stamp ~ A. Titifigu(lini).
[A. Titius was an Arretine potter: cf. L to6. pottery.) The shape is one common in Gaulish

L 129.

FRAGMENT from bottom of bowl. Diam. 2! in. :\fore! Coli., 1904 C./.L.xiii. 10009, 252e; cf. Bull. des Antu;s. dt France, 1893, p. 205. Very fine red glaze; cut neatly round, as L 38.

In the centre is the stamp (W;Tl), L. ( T)etti Crito(nis) ; cf. C.l.L. xi. 6700, 679.
L 130.
BOWL. Form 6 (?). exterior encrusted.



in. Diam. 4~ in.

Towneley Coli.

Good glaze ; surface of

Round the rim, five rosettes attached ; in the interior, a foot-shaped stamp C. :Jul(i) Fir(mici) ,' cf. C/.L. xi. 6700, 330, xv. 5277.
BOWL. Form 7. Diam.

L 131.

41 in.

Towneley Coil.

Exterior surface much corroded.

Round the rim, rosettes as last ; stamp as last, without the c.

L 132.
BOWL. Form 7 (nearly). Diam.


Towneley Coli.

No decoration.

In the interior is a foot-shaped stamp : ~ P. Sexti.

[Cf. C.l.L. x. 8o56, 332 (SEXTI), also xi. 67oo, 641 (P. Sextilius Clemens); probably an Arretine potter.]


L 133.

FOOT OF BOWL. Diam. 2i in. Purchased by A. W . Franks, Esq., at Arezzo, Good glaze ; cut neatly round like L 38.

L 134.

~ ~


Opilio (R)asin(i servus); cf. C.I.L. xiT6700, 5J7; . I ~ , ..,

Found at Arezzo, 6 April, 1870. Presented by

FOOT OF BOWL. Diam. 21 in. H . Wallis, Esq., 1870. Fine glaze.

In the centre, a foot-shaped stamp : ~ Ma1me(z) ; cf. C. I. L. xi. 6;oo, 367/.

L 135.
BOWL. Shape as Holder, Formen tier rom. Tl!ongej. pl. 20, No. 11.

5i in. From Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple,

deep ; no foot ; red glaze.


Ht. 2 in. Diam. Plain body, rather

In the centre a stamp:


~ 'A'MEav8pov; underneath is incised F.:s-N)(~

Ht. 1} in. Diam. 2i' in. Towncley Coli. Fine red

ACETABULUM(?). glaze.

Form 24 (?).

On the projecting edges above and below, hatched patterns ; in the centre is the stamp lnaclms.


[Probably an Arretinc potter; see C.I.L. xiii. 10009, 145.]

L 137.

BOWL. Form 27. Ht. If in. Diam. Probably Arretine, but the form is a Gaulish one.



Towneley Coli.

Bright red glaze.

Round the upper part, hatched patterns ; in the interior, remains of a stamp (iib (?).
L 138.
BOWL of Form 29. Ht. St in. Diam. uj in. Castellani, 1873. Repaired and largely PL&TB IX restored. Coarse and inferior work, in imitation of Gaul ish wares ; figures worn and indistinct.

Two friezes of figures, with row of hatched lines above the design: (1) A row of twisted columns supporting arches ornamented with double scalloping



L 139.

BOWL. Ht. ::! in. Diam. 7 in. Towneley Coli. Rounded body without mouldings ; the nearest par;11lcl for the shape seems to be Hiildcr, ,Formoz dcr nim. l'ltoll.IJCf. pl. 19, No.4.

On the rim, two dogs running to 1., alternating with rosettes ; in the interior, within a border of tongue-pattern, a foot-shaped stamp: (L RPI!J, L. R(asim) Pis(ani).
L 140.
BOWL. Form 6 (?). Temple, 1856. Diam. 2k in. From Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed by Sir W.

On the rim, two rosettes attached ; in the interior is the stamp ~. Sextus M ... F(es/us).
[Cf. C.I.L. xi. 6700, 353, xv. 5297 ; D~chelette, i. p. 115 ; this potter was, like L. Rasinius Pisanus, an Italian imitator of Gaulish wares ; but he was not necessarily an Arretine (Bonner janr6. cii. p. 110).)

L 141.

BOWL. Form 26. coarse ; edge chipped.

Diam. 5 in.

Presented by Gen. Meyrick, 1878. Glaze somewhat

L 142.

Round the rim, four rosettes attached ; in the interior, a foot-shaped stamp: G S(ertus) 11-1. Fe(stus).
Form 6 (?). Ht.

BOWL. inferior.

z! in.

Diam. 4i in.

Towneley Coli.

Glaze somewhat

Round the rim, four rosettes attach~d (one wanting) ; in the interior, footshaped stamp: (I!_XM@, Sex(ts) M. Cl(adi).
[Cf. C.l.L. x. 8o56, 195, xi. 6700, 349, xv. 5294.] BOWL. Form resembling No. 31. Ht. z in. Diam. 6i in. Towneley Coli

L 143.

Underneath is the stamp ($&5CMCD (?as the last).

L 144.
BOWL. Form 6 ('). Ht. 1~ in. by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Good glaze.


zi in.

From Torre Annunziata.


On opposite sides of the rim, two rosettes in relief; in the interior is stamped (cf. the preceding).

L 145.

BOWL. Ht. z in. Diam. 5 in. Campanari, 1839; probably from Etruria, but apparently not Arretine. Red glaze worn ; plain shallow form ; edges chipped.

Round the rim, equidistant, four rosettes attached ; in the centre is the stamp CPA~ffi (cf. C. I. L. iii. 6o10, 27 and xv. 5417).
L 146.
FRAGMENT of shallow bowl (forming the foot). 21 x Ii in. Temple, 1856. Glaze lighter than usual ; surface encrusted. Bequeathed by Sir W.

Within a moulded circle is the stamp

L 147.


as the last.

BOWL. Form as L 143. Ht. 1 ~in. Diam. 7 in. From Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. C.I.L. x. 8o56, 10. Aright red glaze; surface encrusted.

In the centre, within concentric rings, is a foot~shaped stamp

mEta Ael(i).

L 148.



Good glaze.


From Rome.

In the interior is the stamp ~ (L.) Avill[i; cf. L 6, and C.J.L. G7oo, 125.
L 149.


From Rome.

Good glaze.

In the interior, a stamp

L 150.


Prim(us) Tell(i).
Fine glaze.


From Rome.

In the interior, a foot-shaped stamp~ L. Gel(li); cf. L

L 151.


Diam. If in.

Froin Rome.

Good glaze.

In the interior, a foot-shaped stamp 5218.


, For ... ; cf. C.I.L. xi. 6iOO,

L 152.


From Rome.

Good glaze.

In the interior, a foot-shaped stamp~ Mar(i); cf. C.I.L. xi. 6700, 298. 372-375
L 153.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. 3~ in. x 1~ in. From Cincelli. Arretine ware, but somewhat inferior. Above th~ design, a row of studs.

Woman tor. (upper part only), with hair in a knot, wearing chiton, holding up a curtain in festoon ; beyond it a wreath. On the r. is the head of a man facing her, beardless, wearing helmet.
L 154.
FRAGMENT from rim of vase. Length

If in. Towneley Coil. Italian fabric; good glaze.

Female mask to front, with hair parted and falling in tresses each side of face.



APPENDIX (L 166--172).


:. 156.

FRAGMENT of Arretine bowl. Form 7 (nearly). Ht. 3} in. Diam. 5~ in. Found by Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie at Coptos, Egypt, 1894. Presented by H. M. Kennard, Esq.; acquired 1'}06. About half preserved; rim wanting all round ; good glaze.

Above the design, row of hatched pattern and concentric rings; below, concentric rings. Frieze with latticepattern formed of triple intersecting raised lines, with rosettes or bosses at the points of intersection ; the upper rosettes have twelve rays each ; the middle and lower ones are smaller. and from them - rise finely- veined leaves ; in the spaces below arc similar leaves. Compare the decoration of the jug L 56.
L 167.
FRAGMENT, probably from the rim of a large flat dish. Ht. 31 in. Length 4!- in. Found by Prof. Petrie at Coptos, Egypt, 189~. Presented by H. M. Kennard, Esq. ; acquired 1)06. Rough unglazed salmon-red clay, with polished surface.

On the flat rim is a figure in low relief, probably representing a gladiator or bestiarius charging to l., with large spear in both hands ; he wears a short chiton, but the other details of his costume are indistinct.
L 168.


FRAG:\IE:'II'T, as the last. Ht. in. Length 4i in. Similarly acquired.

Fil[_ 3>

L '57

On the flat rim in low relief are (1) the head of a lion springing to r. and ( 2 ), on the r., but placed in a direction at right angles to the lion, the lower part of a bestiarius to r., charging with spear or club ; he wears sleeved short chiton, under which is a loin-cloth (?), gaiters (?), and boots.

Fig. 33

= J. 158,




ARRETINE POTTERY FQUND IN BRITAIN (L 159-169). [In the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities.]

L 159.

FRAGMENT OF KRATER. Form 11. Ht. 4 in. Price Sale, 18S3 Arretine ware; dark red glaze. Moulded rim with hatched pattern between fillets ; above the design a fillet with 0-shaped markings, a row of beads, and egg-and-tassel pattern.

Herakles (?) turned to 1., beardless, with club in 1. arm ; on the I. is visible the paw of a quadruped (?) ; in the field between is a sash tied with a bow.
L 160.
FRAGMENT OF KRATER. in. London (Southwark ?), 1837. row of hatchings and beading.

Form 11. Ht. Round the lip,

On the lip, two dolphins head downwards, with tails intertwined ; on the body, wolf to 1. 1~ii!!li (fore-part only remaining). Between is the ' stamp as in Fig. 34, Cornel(i) ; cf. L 55-56.
L 161.
FRAGMENT OF RIM OF KRATER. Form 11. Length 4} in. London, JESS Italian fabric ; good red glaze. Moulded lip with plain fascia below.

On the rim, in high relief, Eros asleep, huddled up to the front, with 1. leg bent under him, r. knee drawn up, and head inclined to his r. and resting on his folded arms ; wings spread.
L 162.
FRAGMENT of Arretine bowl. 3 x 2;l- in. London ( outhwark ?), 1837. Good red glaze; made up from Lhree pieces. Round the rim, hatchings and studs.

Fig. 34

= L 16o.



L 166.

FRAGMENT of vase. 2 x 24- in. Found in New Street, London, E.C. Roach-Smith Coil., I856. Ill. Rom. Lon d. pl. 21), fig. I 3 Italian fabric(?). Good glaze; raised moulding round middle.

Above, kratcr with ribbed body and handles in middle, on a high stem, containing fruit ; on either side a bird to I. with wings addorsed.
L 167.
FRAGMENT forming centre of flat bowl. Diam. Ii in. London, 1855. C.l.L. vii. 1336, I()()()IJ; Mittdl. d. Alltrlums-Komm. fur lVulfalm, ii. (ICJOI), p. I42, note I. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp cf. C.I.L. xi. 6700,





=L 166.

[This Arretine potter must be distinguished from his Gaulish namesake (cf. 1\1 728 ff.).]

L 168.

BOWL. Form 8. Ht. I~ in. Diam. 3~ in. Slade Bequest, I869. Found with the following, enclosing between them a cinerary vessel of brown glass; see Cat. of Slade Coli. of Glass, p. 34, No. 205. Dull glaze.

In the centre is a stamp in the form of a foot: cf. L 41.

L 169.

{:AIVg@. C. Amur(i);



2l in. Diam. 41 in. Similarly acquired. Lip chipped.

In the centre is a stamp in the form of a foot (toes not indicated):


Xantlzi; cf. L 42.

L 170.


BOWL. Form I. Ht. 1} in. Diam. 64- in. From Vaison. Morel Coli., 1904 Good glaze on interior ; exterior surface encrusted.

In the centre is the stamp

L 171.

WORI.SJ, Vort~ (?) ; cf. C.l.L. xii. 5686, 957


BOWL. Form 1 or 17. Ht. It in. Diam. 6k in. Morel Coil., 1904 Good glaze. Round the rim, hatched patterns, and on either side a double scroll in relief as L 3 ff.

In the centre is the stamp L 172.

BOWL. Good glaze. Form 19, nearly.

cf. L 45 and L 125.


Ht. 1; in.


From Orange.

Morel Coli., 1904

In the centre is the stamp


cf. C.l.L. xiii.


[Apparently an Arretine potter, though the stamp only occurs here and at Neuss.]







Ht. 4 in. Castellani, 1873. Repaired. Red glaze.

M 1.


Form 55 (nearly).

The body is covered with a pattern of raised points, about two-thirds of the way up ; above this ornamentation is inscribed in raised letters : LSARIVS L LSVRVS. L. Sarius L(uci) l(ibertus) Surus.
[Sec Dt!chelette, Vasts dt Gaule, i. p. 39 ; B01mer jaltrb. cii. p. 1 ro; C.I.L. xi. 6700, 577 ; made in the basin of the Po, in the first half of the first century, perhaps at Mutina. On the form of the name see Oxe in Rhein. Mus. lix. p. 128.)



seen a gladiator to r. with helmet, cuirass and short chiton, arm-guard on r. arm and square shield ; on the r. the spear of another gladiator; on the 1., part of another figure.
[For the inscription cf. C.l.i.. xiii. 10013, 26.]



M: 4.

BOWL. Form 29. Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 9 in. Found at Xanten in 1822. Bequeathed by Felix Slade, Esll, 186g. Fiedler, Dmkm. Vtlll Caslra Vetera, pl. 21, fig. r, p. 50; Walters, A11cimt l'ottery, ii. pl. 67, tig. 3 ; Dcchelette, i. p. 256; Cal. of Slade Coli. of Glass, p. 167.


Fig. 39 = M 4

Round the rim, two rows of hatched lines or "engine-turned " pattern ; below, between two rows of beads, a band of tendrils with buds and lozengeshaped leaves (Fig. 39) ; below this a row of beads and an elongated tonguepattern. In the interior is the stamp (F8A$115j), Of(ficina) Bassi (et) Coeli; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 277.
BOWL. Form 29. Ht. 3 in. Diam. 8 in. Eppelsheim, Hesse, 1846. Walters, Ancient Pottery, ii. pl. 67, fig. r. In good preservation.

Fig. 4o6

= 111 5

Round the exterior two bands of ornament divided by two rows of heads, with a border of hatched pattern and a row of beads round the rim above: (1} wreath of curvilinear form interspersed with eight-point stars or


flowers ; (2) a band of large leaves curled round at the tips and having acorns attacht:d below on twisted stalks (Fig. 40b). In the interior is the stamp )QBNVS(, which may be intended for Liberius, whose name Dechelette gives as a Rutenian potter (i. p. 84); other possible names are Liber and Liberalis ( C.l.L. xiii. 10010, I I 35-36).
M 6.
BOWL. Form 29. Ht. 4 in. Diam. 91 in. Sir W. Temple, 1856. Repaired; foot restored. l'rom Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed by Puu X.

Round the rim, hatched pattern; between two rows of beads, a wreath of leaves on a straight stalk (cf. Dechelette, i. p. 97, fig. 66), and a row of stars ; below, a row of beads and wide band of vine-leaves, the leaves large and broad, with tendrils (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 14). In the interior is a stamp

!AVHO), A(v)itio(fficina);
M 7.

cf. M 785 and911 ff.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 29. 2} in. x 3i in. From Pompeii. Presented by Signor da Petra, 1883. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched pattern, and row of beads above design.

Wreath of scrolls with tendrils ending in flowers (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 5), on which is perched at intervals a bird to I.; below, a moulding between two rows of beads, and a band of broad tongue-pattern.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 29. Ht. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. the same vase as the last. Moulded rim with hatched pattern.

Probably from

On the body, designs as last.

M 9.
FRAGMENT. similar. Ht.

It in. Similarly acquired. Glaze somewhat dull.

Part of upper frieze with scroll pattern, narrower than the preceding; no birds.



Form 29.

Ht. 1} in.

Length l in. Similarly acquired



M 13.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL, as before. ~~- x 1~ in. Probably found in Italy. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Good glaze.

Above, hatched pattern; below, a straight wreath interspersed with rosettes and dotted circles, and moulding between two rows of beads.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL, as before. 1} x 1} in. Probably found in Italy. Bequeathed by Sir W.Temple, 1856. Good glaze.

Straight wreath of double rows of leaves with flowers between ; above and below, rows of beading.
M 16.
DOWL. _ Form 29. Ht. in. Diam. Si in. Found at Aries, 1873. Morel Coli., 19;)4, D~chelette, i. p. 295 Two pieces broken out of top. Good red glaze ; thin walls. Moulded lip with double row of hatched pattern ; sides nearly vertical.


Panels divided by groups of zigzag lines : Between two rows of beads, a dog and a hare springing towards each other, this group occurring seven times with a varying number of rows of vertical zigzag lines between ; below, a band of pattern with row of beads above; groups of vertical zigzag lines, and wheat-sheaves with rosettes and plants on either side. Inside is the stamp OF PRIMI, Of(ficina) Primi , cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, I 569
[For the wheat-sheaf sec l>cchclettc, ii. p. FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 29. inaistinct. " Mctope-and-medallion " style.

No. 1 q5.] Length Ji in. Design

M 16.

Ht. 2i in.

On the rim, hatched pattern ; below, a band of panels : alternately a panel of nine arrow-heads" in rows of three, enclosed by vertical zigzag lines, and a medallion formed by a wreath, within which is a dog to I. with fore-legs raised ; below, moulding between two rows of beads.

M 17.

BOWL. Form 29. From Torre Annumiata. Temple, 1856.

Ht. 3 in. Diam. 6~ in. Bequeathed by Sir W.

Upper frieze: A group of two birds confronted, looking back, with a tree between them, repeated six times, alternately with groups of seven, seven, six, seven, six, and ten trees respectively. Lower frieze : Medallion (incomplete), in which is a goat to r.,


butting, repeated six times alternately with groups of six, three, four, three, four, and five trees respectively. Round the rim, two rows of hatched pattern. Inside the bowl is the stamp (\iTR'~, Virilli o(Jficina) / cf. M 903 and see Dechelette, i. p. 303 ; C.I.L. xii. 5686, 938, xiii. rooro, 2055.

M 18.

BOWL. Form 29. Ht. in. Diam. Joi in. From Torre Annunziata. Bequeathed PL.A.TB by ~ir W. Temple, 1856. Repaired and restored; parts missing. Apparently a late example of Rutenian ware.



Round the rim, hatched patterns ; upper frieze with borders of beads above and below, in which the design is of the mctope and half-medallion type (Dechclette, i. p. 73): In the half-medallions or inverted arches are alternately a dog to r. and a rabbit to 1., and below each are two dotted circles ; they alternate with panels bordered by twisted stalks, in which are twisteti tendrils and "arrow-heads," as in M 16, arranged pyramidally, six, nine, or ten together. The lower part is decorated with a wreath (type as Dcchelettc, i. pl. 6, No. I I) between rows of beads, and a pattern of tendrils with round fiat leaves and buds ; at intervals is a pattern formed by leaves tied together, from the middle of which spring twining stalks ending in long buds (cf. Dechelette, i. p. 11 I, fig. 72).
M 19.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 29. Ht. 2t in. Length 3:} in. Bright red glaze.

Above, two rows of hatched pattern; below, a pattern of inverted arches, not continuous, within which are birds to l., with ivy-leaves in the alternate spaces (four birds and three leaves visible); below, t\\'o rows of beads, and part of another frieze.
M 20.
CYLINDRICAL BOWL. Form Jo. Ht. 4 in. !Jiam. 5i in. From Auvergne. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1888. Walters, A11cicnl Pottery, ii. pl. 67, fig. 2. Glaze of a lighter tone than usual. ~luch repaired and about one-quarter restored; much of the design obliterated. Above the design, egg-pattern.

Designs in a broad frieze, consisting of three


Morel Coli., 1904.

J1 21.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 37. Brown glaze. Distorted in the baking.

Ht. 3i in.

Diam. c. 9 in.

On the exterior, egg-and-tassel pattern, bead-moulding, row of inverted arches with scrolls and flowers, row of rosettes between bead-mouldings, and running scroll pattern ; in the interior, the imprint of a pattern apparently from a vase which rested in it while the clay was soft.
[For the ornamental patterns see pl. 6, fig. s. pl. 7. fig. 24.)


M 22.

BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 3} in. Diam. 6 in. Morel Coli., 190~. Red glaze ; several fragments joined together ; most of base wanting.



Above the designs, egg- and- tongue pattern ; below them, a thick wreath ; band of medallions with double hatched borders, in which is a sort of cross .fleurie with diagonals of dots between the arms, alternating with a diagonal pattern composed of buds on stalks saltire-wise, with triplets of buds in between.
[Probably late Rutenian ; cf. Dcchelette, i. p. 98, fig. 67 ; but similar ornamental motives occur at Lezoux e.g., ibid., pp. 184, 185.]

M 23.

BOWL. Form 37. Ht. 46 in. Diam. 10 in. surface scraped. Bad coarse style ; designs indistinct.

Morel Coli., 1904.

Dull red ware;

Above the design is a row of semicircles incised, and the same inverted in relief, followed by a row of hatched lines ; below, a row of incised 'hatched lines. The designs are in panels divided by alternate twisted columns and trees, and consist of two groups repeated alternately, a comba.t of gla.dia.tors five times and Eros six: (I) Two gladiators advancing on one another with swords and shields ; the one on the r. (a secutor armed as a Samnite) has shield on r. arm and sword in 1., and behind the other (a Thrax) is an uncertain object ; both have crested helmets, but the details are very indistinct. (2) Eros moving to r., holding a torch(?) in r. hand and a thyrsos in I. (cf. M 474).
[For the type of Eros see Dechclette, ii. p. 61, No. 353 (wrongly identified as a Satyr) ; for the gladiators, ibid. p. 98, Nos. 588,589, and Westdeutscke Ztitscltr. 1882, p. 176, pl. 4, fig. 3.]


FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 37 Si x 3:i in. Morel Coli., 1<)0~. Red glaze. Late Rutenian fabric.

Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern. On the 1., double panel : in the upper compartment, a biga galloping to r. (only horses' bellies and legs Fig. 47 = Ill '4 and wheel preserved); in the lower, the wolf suckling Romulus a.nd Remus, to r., very badly executed. Next is a panel with Eros, as last, walking to r. on a sort of base, holding out a torch(?) in r. hand;




over his I. arm is drapery ; details very indistinct. Next, a Satyr (?) following an animal to r., with sprigs of leaves below ; below all round, three rows of pomegranate buds forming wreath (Fig. 47). Between all the panels are zigzag lines.
[For the type of Eros cf. the last vase; for the wolf,

ii. p. 83, No. 494.]

l4 25.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 2i in. Diam. 6 in. Purchased at ClermontFerrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. About halt remaining. Good glaze on interior. Late and Yery rough work. Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern.

Designs in panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes : (I) Combat of two gladiators (Dcchelette, types 6I9 and 620): of the one on the I. only the advanced I. leg and part ofl. arm holding trident are visible ; the other to 1. defends himself with his oblong shield. (2) Combat of gladiators (Dechelette, 588 and 589; cf. M 23), with more detail visible than in (I): on the 1. a T!tra% with crested helmet to which is attached a floating piece of stuff, greaves, small round shield, and sword, attacks a secutor or Samnite, with similar helmet, cuirass, greaves, sword in l., and oblong shield on r. arm. (3) Oblong panel with pigeon to r. (Dechelette, I 03 I), below which is (4) Eros to r. with r. hand extended. (S) Man walking to l., with drapery round loins; head obliterated; below, a plant. (6) Oblong panel with bird to I. (Dechelette, 1032 ?), below which is (7) Eros or Satyr moving to l. (cf. Dechelette, 352); finally, (1) repeated, the one on the I. being complete, except hi head and the prongs of his trident; of the other only the legs and lower part of shield are visible.

1'4 26.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 3 in. Diam. (of existing part), 6~in. Morel Coli., ICJ04 Dull red ware; design indistinct and worn; figures very flat and rudely executed.

Above the design, rude egg-and-tassel pattern and wreath ofleaves; below wreath of leaves in pairs all round (cf. Dechelette,





BOWL. Form 18. 1904- Glaze poor.

Diam. 4i in. From Courthezon, Dept. of Vaucluse. Morel Coli.,


In the centre is the stamp <Um, (C)arilli; cf. C.l.L. xiii. Dechelette, i. p. 83.
1111 81.


PLATE. Form 17. Diam. 4i in. Morel Coil., 1<)04 Glaze poor, much worn. In the centre is the stamp ~ Of(ficilla) Coci , cf. C.I.L. xiii. 6o3 ; Dcchelette, i. p. 267. BOWL.
10010, I 51 1 ;


M 82.

Form 18.

Diam. 5~ in.

From Rheims.

Morel Coil., 1<)04.

In the centre is the stamp QPATRIC!D, Oj(jicitta) Patrici , cf. C.I.L . xiii. Dechclettc, i. p. 294.
Form 24 or 25. Ht. 1-} in. Diam.


BOWL. Red glaze.

31 in.

From Vaison.

Morel Coli., 1<)04'

Round the upper part, three r0ws of hatched pattern ; on the upright rim, two scrolls in relief; inside is the stamp ~. the nearest potter's name to which is Crestus (see Dechelette, i. p. 268 and C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 698, and cf. M 635).
1111 84.
FOOT OF BOWL. Form 27. Diam. 2 in. From the site ot the Roman pottery-kilns, C:lermont-Ferrand. Presented by M. Compagnon, 186o. Fine red glaze.

Across the centre is the stamp xiii.

M 85.
10010, 120S ;

[N\A@- Macr(z) o(fficit;a) ;


cf. C.l.L.

Dechelette, i. p. 284, No.

BOWL. Form 15 (nearly). Diam. part of rim repaired. Rutenian fabric (?).

51 in.

Morel Coli., 1<)04.

Piece broken away and


In the interior is the stamp QM.!N4!VI, Vojangiv ... (?) (sec C.l.L. xii. 5686,47, IOOIO, 125 ; found at Aries, Avignon, Vichy and Mainz).

M 36.


FRAGMENT of large bowl (Form 37). Ht. 4 in. Lorio!, Dept. of Vaucluse. Morel Coil., 1<)04. D~chelette, i. p. 128, No. lo<). Dark red i!laze; style somewhat coarse.

Above, egg-and-tassel pattern; then a broad band on which arc the letters BI]BE interspersed with large ivy-leaves ; below, three large buds and a boar to I.
(Cf. the vase given in llfus. Borb. vii. 29 = Walters,
A11cimt Potlt'ry, ii. p. 525, fig. 226.]

M 87.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 3:! in. Careless execution.

Bands of rough egg-and-tongue pattern, and of convolvulus-like leaves and bud!',

Fi11 a


l!' 2


M 38.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. Vaucluse. Morel Coli., 1904.



Length 8 in.

From Lorio!, Dept. of

Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern and zigzag line or cable-moulding. Female bust to the front looking tor., with tragic expression, the mouth open, the hair in a bunch behind ; wears necklace (?), and wreath of vine-leaves. On

either side of the bust is a vertical chain or twisted column, and beyond are vines(?) in the form of stems with large leaves hanging over each side, and flowers springing from the ground.
(Cf. the vase Kiven by D~chelette, i. p. no. 663, where it is described as male.]

fig. 8o; and for the bust, ibid. ii. p.




Diam. 6i in. From Rheims. Morel Coli., 1904-

BOWL. Shape nearly as Forms 17.







M 42.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), 3 in. x 4~ in. Purchased at ClermontFerrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Glaze worn .

. Round the body, large scrolls of tendrils and leaves, with occasional vine-leaves of larger size (something like Dechelette, ii., p. 234, No. 157) ; below in raised letters is inscribed : BANVI, Bam~(i) ; cf. Dechelette, i., p. 253 ff.
M 43.


so= l\1

FOOT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2f in. Diam. 6 in. Purchased at ClermontFerrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B.,1893 Dt!chelette, i., p. 293, No. 110, Bright red glaze, but coarse ware ; in bad condition. Part of body also remaining.

Round the body, large wreath with twisted stalks and large vine-leaves ; in the field, palm-leaves and rosettes, and the inscription in raised letters

IOOII, 2.p.]


(Cf. for the wreath, Dechelette, i., pl. 11, No.3; for Patemus, 1\I 67, M 81, and C.I.L., xiii.

M 44.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3i in. Length 6i in. Three pieces joined ; good glaze. Fig. 51 gives the left-hand portion.

Morel Coli., 1904.

Above the designs, egg-and-tassel pattern, badly moulded ; below them a band of ornament Designs in frieze, interspersed with a scroll-

pattern with vine(?) leaves, of the type given by Dechelette, i., pl. 7, fig. 19; in each upper space are geese pecking, alternately to r. and to I. On the part remaining, there is in the middle an eagle to the front with head to r., standing on a dead hare (on its back with head to r.) ; Fig. 5, = l\1 (put .,.,1y). below it, a zigzag line ending in rosettes, and a double row of "arrow-heads," as M 12, at each end of which is a bird turned away but looking back. On either side is a plant with buds and tendrils ending in flowers.

(For the type of decoration (large scrolls interspersed with animals) see Dechelette, i. p. 73-)

M 45.


S in. Two pieces joined.

Above, egg-pattern, with hatched bars between the eggs, and row ot raised circles; below this, a medallion with double-hatched border, in which is a goat (?) lying down to r. with r. foreleg bent up; the space outside the medallion is filled up with ivy-leaves and tendrils.


M 46.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. :z} in. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel, and zigzag line.

Designs in panels with borders of zigzag lines : ( 1) Inverted arch ending in reels (Dechelette, type 111 I}, in which is a dolphin(?) to r. Below this is (2), part of an Amazon riding to r., with pelta (Dechelette, type I 53). (3) Panel, with Athena. to front looking tor. (Dechelette, type 77); she has a long chiton and peplos, aegis, helmet, and oval shield on 1. arm ; on the r. is a reel as before. M 47.
PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 5 in. Length 7-} in. Found at Verpillieres, Dept. of Aube, 1867. Morel Coli., 1904 Upper part restored; four pieces joined together. Good glaze.

Designs in panels, divided by zigzag lines, with border of egg-and-tassel pattern above : on the I. is a long narrow panel in which a figure is seated to r. (details obscure); below are two rosettes. In the next panel are: above, a lioness leaping to r. and a hind (Dechelette, type 879) lying down to 1., looking back; below, a lion (Dechelette, type 759) walking to I. Next is a large panel in the centre of which are two gla.dia.tora about to fight, the one on the I. looking back, the other advancing on I. foot ; each has crested visored helmet, cuirass, short chiton, shield on I. arm and short sword in r. hand. Between them is a bust of a woman to front with head to 1., and in the field above on the I.







Dark red glaze.

Panels divided by zigzag lines : on the l. a youth in back view dancing or running tor., carrying a bunch of grapes(?) ; on the r., upper part of nude man tor.

II 60.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4~ in. Length 7i in. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Bright red glaze, partly discoloured on interior. Above the design, egg-andtassel pattern ; below, a straight wreath.

Designs in panels with borders of zigzag lines and rosettes at angles : (I) panel of oblique zigzag lines and arrow-heads (?see Fig. 52), below which is (2) boar running to l (Dechelette, 839); in the field, two "crown" ornaments (see Dechelette, ii. p. 95). (3) Oblong panel with hare (Dcchelette, 952) running to l. ; in the field, three rings. Below this is (4) a Capricorn to l. ; in the field,

Fig. 51 = M so.

a pelta. Between these two panels is a straight wreath. (5) Oblong vertical panel in which is a pattern composed of a tall plant on the stem of which is a ring between two peltae. (6) Oblong panel with dog(?) running to r. ; in the field, three rings above and a pella below. Below this is (7) a" cruciform" pattern of volutes and leaves with zigzag lines as diagonals. Next is (5) repeated, and beyond it part of an arch of scallop-pattern, the shafts formed by wreaths between zigzag lines.
[Cf. for a similar bowl, D~chelette, i, pl. 9, fig.


M 61.

FN.A<.~MENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. :If in. Purchased at Clcrmont-Fcrrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.D., 1893 Glaze worn away; design very indistinct.

Designs in panels with borders of zigzag lines: (1) Inverted arch, in which is a bird to r., looking back (Dechelette, 1009) ; below this is (2), the design in which is entirely wanting. (3) Gladiator advancing to r. (Dcchelette, 6o7 ?), a Tltrax with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, sica in r. hand, and oblong shield on raised l. arm; his opponent is entirely wanting.


M 62.

FRAGMENT of rim of bowl (Fonn 37). Ht. :zi in. Thin dark red-brown glaze.

Length 4 in.

Morel CoU., 1904.

Designs in panels divided by vertical chain-patterns, above which arc rosettes : on the I. a dolphin to I. (Dechelette, type 1052) ; below, a bull(?) to r., of which only the upper part of head and neck are preserved ; on the r., a floral pattern or conventional thunderbolt; above the panels, a row of rings and one of beads.
M 63.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3i in. Length 7 ~ in. From Lorio!, Dept. of Vaucluse. Morel Coli., 1904-

Fi1 . 53 = 111 5

Above, egg-and-tassel pattern ; panels divided by vertical chain-patterns or columns, in which are (1) a draped figure with chlamys over extended I. arm, the face obliterated; (2) two branches twisted together in caduceus form and birds between (Fig. 54) ; (3) Heraklea or athlete to the front, turning to 1., nude and bearded, with sword in r. hand and scabbard in l. suspended by a belt across his body; (4) as (2).
[For the ornament Fig. 54, ct: Dc!chelette, ii. p. 157, no. II 13 ; it seems to be common to the fabrics of Graufesenquc, Banassac and Lczoux.]

Fill. 54

=:11 53

M 64.

FRAGMENT. Ht. If in. Two panels with borders of cable-pattern: above, a dog (?)walking to I.; below, unintelligible subject.



raised to her head, on which is some object. In the upper and larger halves of the wide panels, of which two and part of a third remain, the subjects are as follows : ( r) an obscene group of a woman seated on a column and a man to r. ; on the r. Eros advances with both arms extended, as if holding a wreath, drapery floating behind him. (2) A nude figure bends over to 1., his chin resting on a crooked staff(?), with a curve in the middle; behind him is a young Satyr (P) to 1., with head thrown back, blowing a trumpet(?) ; next is Aphrodite, bending down to 1., and lifting with r. hand the edge of a garment twisted round her lower limbs (Dechelette, ii. p. 37, type 181). (3) On the r. is part of another panel with Eros to r. In the lower portions of these panels are (1) a deer running to 1., looking back; (2) a dog running to 1. ; (3) a cock to r. (Dechelette, type 1023).

I 57.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). thin glaze.


zi in.

Morel Coli.,


Rough work;

Designs in panels divided by lines of beading ; ( 1) above is a panel of chains and " arrow-head " pattern, with a row of the latter motive arranged horizontally below; (2) part of a panel divided diagonally, with an acanthus leaf (Dechelette, 116o) in each compartment ; (3) panel with combat of gladiators. The two gladiators (Dechelette, types 582, 583) advance to meet each other; they are similarly clad and armed, with short chitons, crested visored helmets and oblong shields ; the one on the I. has a short sword (sica), and is probably a T/erax, the other a Samnite or Secutor. The Fie. SS = M 57 Tltrax appears to have a greave on r. leg, and each has an arm-guard on r. arm. In the field are two oblong shields and several small rosettes. On the r., (2) repeated ; on the 1., above (2), fore-paws of quadruped to r.


FRAGMENT of bowl (Form 37). :zl x


in. Thin dark red glaze.

Panels divided by rows of raised dots : on the 1. a flower ; next, part of two spathe-shaped leaves, below which is a mask of Pa.n to 1., bearded, rough and indistinct (cf. Dechelette, type 675) ; next, a pattern of flowers and lozenges; on the r., remains of double panel with part of inverted arch in upper compartment.
II 59.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht.4in. Length4fin. Purchased at ClermontFerrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. In bad condition; glaze worn away. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Designs in arches, in panels divided by lines of beads : ( 1) Of this only a twisted column with Corinthian(?) capital remains. (2) Under an arch supported by Caryatid figures (probably Dechelette, type 656, but very indistinct)



is Apollo (Dechelette, type 57), seated to r. on a rock with r. hand on head, holding up laurel-branch in l. (3) Arch as in ( 1) within which is a fisherman ( ?) to r., holding two fish by lines (?). Above on the rim is incised MAC.
M 60.
FRAGMENT of lower part of bowl (Form 37). Length 4} in. From Lorio!, Dept. of Vaucluse. Morel Coli., 1904Very lustrous smooth glaze.

Above, part of a frieze, with ivy-leaf as on M 45 ; then a zigzag line; below, a broad band of" arrowheads " arranged like scales, in the midst of which are medallions containing conventional plants with tendrils and in the field below, two concentric circles.
M 61.

ig. s6 = M 6o.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3! in. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Thin dark glaze; design indistinct. Fabric doubtful, but probably Le~oux. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and a row ot small ~;tamped squares.

Medallion with wreath as border, in which is a warrior advancing tor., with short sword (?) in r. hand; he wears high boots and a chlamys floating behind. On the r. is part of a festoon.


M 62.

BOWL. Form 37. largely restored.

Ht. 4i in.

Diam. 8i in. Auvcrgne, 1888.

Repaired; one group Pr.ATB


TERRA SIGILLATA WARES, 1 63. BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 4 in. Diam. 8} in. obliterated in places and very indistinct throughout. Auvergne, 1888.

Repaired; design

Frieze of gladiatorial combats and other figures : A gladiator in back view advances to r. against an adversary who stands in back view to l., defending himself with shield (scutum) on l. arm. Both wear visored helmets, short chiton, and greaves, and the first carries his shield on r. arm and wields a short curved dagger in l. hand, the I. arm being protected by a metal guard twisted round it (cf. B.M. Cat. of Brottzes, No. 1005). Between the pair is a moulded stand with leaf above, and below are trefoils and other ornaments; on the r. is a lozenge with a scalloped edge. Next is a similar pair of combatants, but on a smaller scale and with Jess actior1 ; they are shewn in side-view, and the first holds his dagger in r. hand by his side. Between them, stand as before, and below are a pair of diminutive nude figures dancing, turned nearly to the front, each holding up the inner hand. Next is a similar figure dancing with I. hand held up, and beyond him a reel-like ornament. These figures and ornaments are repeated four times over, giying a total of eight groups of combatants.
Ill 64.
BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 5~ in. llot qo). Rim broken on one side. Diam. 9} in. From Cologne. Chaffers Sale, 1855

Pun XII.

Frieze of figures representing Actaeon devoured by his hounds. The subject is indicated by three figures repeated in varying order: (1) Artemil drying herself after her bath: she stands to I. with feet close together looking round to r. and holding up a towel or piece ol drapery to wring it out. (2) Actaeon advances to l. on I. foot, beardless, wearing short chiton, with a pedmn over l. shoulder from which hang two hares ; at his feet follow two hounds. (3) Actaeon to I. with l. leg extended and r. hand by his side, is devoured by the two hounds which seize his r. leg ; drapery is twisted round his 1. arm and in I. hand he holds up a pedum. The order of the groups is as follows: 1-2J, 2, 1-2-3, 2, 1-2-3, 3. 2, 1, forming fifteen figures in all. Between the figures the ground is indicated by plants of asphodel (?) with large six-petalled flowers at top and bottom and spirally-marked stems ; between the bottoms of the stems arc five-lobed leaves, probably those of the lupin plant (see M 239). Above the figures, egg-moulding and cable-pattern ; below, egg-moulding.

II 65.

BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 5 in. Diam. 9; in. From Germany(?). Falcke Sale, 1858 PLA'l'B XII. (Christie and Manson, lot 2445). Late rough work ; from worn-out moulds. Bright red glaze.

Frieze with a figure of a Giant (P) seated to the front, repeated thirteen times ; made from five distinct moulds, so that the head, arms, torso, and each leg form separate and detached pieces. The head is not in its proper place, but on the I. side of the body, with tufts of hair tied over each temple; both hands are raised to the mouth ; ends of drapery are visible on the thighs. The relative positions of the pieces vary slightly in some instances. From the sitting posture and the gesture of the hands, the figure may be intended for Polyphemus. Below is a row of rosettes and above is one of spirals.

M 66.


BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 3! in. Diam. 7i in. From Poix, Marne (found 1877). Morel Coli., 1904- Light red ware ; no glaze. Designs rough and careless, in large panels, verging on the " free " style.

Above the designs, egg-and-tongue pattern ; in panels between twisted columns resting on spirals are six subjects: (1) Draped man to r., blowing a hom, and two dogs to 1., one above the other ; (2) Two dogs to r., one above the other, confronted by a lion (?) ; behind them a pattern of dots ; (3) Two dogs as before; peacock to I. and rosette ; (4) Group as (1) with pattern of dots on 1.; (5) Group as (2); (6) Group as (2) apparently.
1'4 67.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37) as the preceding. Length 4 in. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks; K.C.B., 1893. Above the design, eggand-tasliel.

Horse (?) running to 1., partly obliterated (? Dechelette, 905); above it, fish to I. (Dtkhelette, 1062), the head wanting. Below, lioness or dog running to r., indistinct, over which is the inFig. 57= Jlf 67. scription in raised letters (see Fig. 57), Pal(t)rni, as on M 43 On the r., above, a dog running to r. (Dcchelette, 915) ; below, dog to I. (Dechelette, 934) and a larger dog to I. (Dcchelette, 932) ; in the field, part of a sword and several objects like Dechelette's type 1 IQ9a, perhaps intended to represent stones.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4 in. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Combat of warriors : The one on the I. advances with I. hand held out and I. leg bent, holding in r. a spear with twisted shaft ; he is nude. The other



patterns and border of dots; Ajax has a similar helmet and shield; each has r. hand raised as if to thrust with a spear. Below in front of Ajax is an acanthus-leaf; in the field are two objects like Dechelette's type I 1Q90, and an acanthus plant (ibid. type I I6o).
Jl 70.
FRAGMENT as the last.

in. x


Similarly acquired.

Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and row of beads; on 1. forepart of horse (?) to r. (? Dechelette, type 968) ; on r. a bear (?) to I., head to front (? Dechelette, type 817); below, parts of two plants.
Jl 71.

2i in.

Similarly acquired. Bright red glaze.

Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Lion walking to 1. with face to front (? Dechelette, type 76o), within an oval cable-border; below on 1., deer to 1. (Dechelette, type 873) and line of oval marks o o o.
Jl 72.
FRAGMENT. 11 in. x

in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze, worn.

Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Deer running to 1. (Dechelette 87 4) and double leaf (Dcchelette, 1 I6I) ; in the field, rosettes. X 73.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). lenbrtb 2} in. Coarse work; design indistinct.

Horse(?) galloping tor. with head turned back; below, dog running to r., pursuing a panther (?), of which the hind-legs and tail are visible.

X 74.




Above, egg-and-tassel pattern, and zigzag line; below, a stag running to 1., and zigzag line. X 75. X 76.

of bowl (Form 37). Ht.



Dark red glaze; surface encrusted.

Ivy-leaf, and rosette at the end of a chain.

FRAG:\lE~T of bowl (Form 37). Length 2i in. Morel Coil., '904 Bright red glaze: design shallow and indistinct.

Above, egg-and-tassel pattern and beads ; below, three vine-leaves and a plant of three long pointed leaves. M 77.
FRAGMENT. Length 2} in. Bequeathed by Sir W. Temple, 1856. Good glaze. Probably but not certainly Lezoux ware.

Vine-leaf in low relief.

M 78.
JAR. Shape nearly as D~chelctte, i. pl. 4, No. 67. Ht. zl in. Obtained by A. W. Franks, Esq., on the Continent, 186o. Fine red glaze. Probabl)' a Lczoux fabric.

Round the lower part of the body, vertical zigzag lines in relief.


M 79.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Fonn 33). Ht. 2 in. Purchased at Clerrnont-Ferrand. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Good glaze; foot nearly complete.

In the centre is the stamp (b)TTI<II\?p, Attici m(amt); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 203 and M 910 (a Rutenian potter).
M 80.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2! in. Acquired as the last. Foot intact ; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ([)MONO, Damoni .- cf. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 401 and xiii. 10010, 742 ; also M 610 (a Rutenian potter).
M 81.
FOOT OF BOWL (Form 31). Diam. 3! in. acquired 1850. Bright red glaze; foot intact. From La Bujey, Valley of Rhone;

In the centre is the stamp


Patern11sj(,cit); cf. M 43, M 67.

[The edge is rounded off smooth, making the fragment perfectly circular, as if it had been used for some special purpose ; cf. L 38.]

(5) STAMPS AND MOULDS (M 82-89).

M 82.
STAMP OF LIBERTUS (ot Lezoux). Length 1} in. Acquired at Rome(?) by A. W . Franks, Esq., 1857. Birch, Ancimt Pollerv,t p. 565. Reddish yellow clay; pyramidal at back.

Panther tor., springing forward; along one side of the pyramid is the stamp (reversed) O.ffi(cina) Liber(t1).
[For Libertus, sec D~chelette, i. pp. 170, 186, 28o, and cf. }I 105 below; for the type ee D6chelctte, ii. p. 124, No. 798.]

""O ]

M 83.

TAMP, as the last. Length rt in, Acquired at Rome (?) by A. \ Frank , Esq., 1857. Birch, A 11cienl Pollery,


Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern and row ot small squares all round. Panel on 1., with banqueting scene: a recumbent bearded figure (Beraklea ?) to the front, looking to 1., bearded, holding out a cup in r. hand; upper part only remaining; on the r. is a thyrsos or twisted stem with bunch of berries on the top, round which a sash is tied ; beyond, a rosette of eight points (Dechelette, type 118o) in a medallion.
[ 86.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD for bowl. Ht. 2~ in. Length 3} in. From Lezoux, Auvergne; found on the site of the Roman kilns. Presented by Prof. Matthieu, 186o. Round the outside, a projecting rim. Style better than last ; designs sharply cut.

Above, egg-and-tassel pattern, and row of beads closely placed ; below, on the l. a woman to l. with r. hand extended and 1. by side holding something; her hair is gathered up, and she wears long girt chiton with apoptygma; on the r., between two plants, is a pattern of leaves of different kinds in the form of a star or cross. '

Fir;. 6o :: M 86.

II 87.

FRAGMENT OF MOULD for bowl. Ht. 4 in. Length 4 in. From Lezoux, Auvergne; found on the site of the Roman kilns. Presented by Prof. Matthieu, 186o. Round the outside a projecting rim.

Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern ; panels divided by zigzag lines with rosettes at the intersections ; the vertical lines end above in rams' heads (?) and below in rosettes. Parts of six panels are visible: on the upper row, (I) the paws of an animal to r., (2) a hare or dog galloping to r., (3) a stag galloping to l. ; on the lower, (1) and (3) are uncertain but appear to be, (on l.) head with ear, (on r.) hind-quarters and tail of quadruped ; in (2) is a small hare to l.
II 88.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD for bowl. Ht. 2~ in. Length 5~ in. From Lezoux, Auvergnc ; found on the site of the Roman kilns. Presented by Prof. Matthieu, 186o. Round the outside a projecting ridge.

Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern, indistinct ; below, on the l., a medallion in which are a bear to l. with head down turned to the front, and below, the head of a wild goat, inverted ; on the r., a vine-plant between two twisted columns at the top of which are ornaments or animals' heads to l.





zi x 1l in. From the same site.

Medallion in which are a dolphin or fish, and an eel (?) ; on the r., part of another medallion ; between the two, a chain.

M 90.


From Siegen, Transylvania. Chaffers

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4~ in. Diam. 81 in. Sale, 1855 (Jot 141). Bri~:ht red glaze.

Round the rim, tongue-pattern ; round the body a band of crosses, the arms ending in double volutes, divided by upright bars of hatched lines; carelessly stamped.
[Cf. a mould in the Archaeological Museum at Cambridge.]

M 91.

FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4 in. Diam. 7! in. Light red glaze. About half the bowl remaining. Style much like M 66.

Morel Coil., 1904.

Above design, rough egg-and-tongue pattern ; the design consists of a series of detached arches, as if of brick with keystones and imposts, underneath which are figures, very vague and indistinct ; four are visible, ot which the first, second, and fourth are the same. Between the arches above are boughs ; between the figures below are two dogs pursuing two hares.
M 92.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Free style ; flat reliefs, of debased character. Ht. 2k in. !\lorel Coli., 1904. Bright red ware.

Abo\'C, egg-and-tassel pattern ; below, a panel with double-hatched border on r. ; in it are a panther or dog running to 1., and four rosettes, three above and one helow.
[For the panther, cf. Dcchelctte, ii. p. 125, no. 803.]



BOWL (Form 17, nearly).


6i in. Morel Coli.,


Stamped WSOI'fAI 1 Montan(t).

[Probably a potter of Gallia Belgica ; see C.I.L. xiii.


M 97.

BOWL. Shape as the last. Diam. 7 in. thin. Rim moulded inside and out.

Eppelsheim, Hesse, 1846.

Glaze somewhat

In the centre is the stamp WJi) Anexia {?).

[The stamp is also found at N~ris, Bonn, and Vechten, and seems to belong to Gallia Belgica; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 123.]

M 98.

BOWL (Form 24). inside.

Ht. 2} in.




Morel Coli., 1904

Good red glaze, worn

Round the rim, hatched pattern ; inside is the stamp <Ii!l2), /(nt)u(s).
[Cf. C.I.L. xiii.

1039; probably a Gallo-Belgic potter.]


M 99.

MOULD FOR BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 11 in. Chaffers Sale, 1855; probably from Germany. Walters, Ancient Pollery, ii. p. 439 Rheinzabern fabric. Complete; light red clay. Round the rim, egg-pattern; below the design, a wreath of heart-shaped leaves.


Frieze with combat of three figures, four times repeated ; the three types are : ( 1) a nude warrior moving to 1., brandishing a short sword in r. hand ; he wears crested helmet, and on his I. arm is a small shield. (2) Before him another moves away to I., looking back ; he wears a cuirass with double fringe and helmet with central and two side plumes, and brandishes his sword (not shown) over his head. (3) Next on I. is an Amazon on horseback galloping to r., and brandishing a battle-axe in r. hand ; she wears short chiton and chlamys, and on her I. arm is a pella. The hind-quarters of the horse resemble rather those of a panther. Below the rim inside is the stamp

(1.JJAJSl35} Ceri~Mis.

[For the Amazon and her steed, cf. Ludovici, Stempi!lbilder, p. 189, No. !\1 57 Cerialis was a potter of Tabernae Rhenanae (Rheinzabern in the Palatinate), whose vases are found in Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Holland; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 544, and 10011, 53.]

(The following eight examples, M 100-107, are in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities.]
M 100.
MASS OF FRAGMENTS of bowls of Form 37, which have been compressed together in baking and rejected as useless. 5t in, x 7 in. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand ; probably from the kilns at Lezoux. Presented by Sir A. \V. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. Bumt to a dark brown colour.

The mass appears to consist of parts of eight bowls, with which is included the stand of plain red ware on which they stood in the furnace ; the subjects are neat'ly all indistinguishable, but one has a rombat of gladiators ; two others,



panels with "cruciform " floral patterns ; a fourth, a panel with three dancing figures(?) and below all round, a straight wreath with pairs of curved stalks ending in buds. On the others only the egg-and-tassel pattern above the designs is visible.
M 101.
FRAGMENTS OF MOULD for bowl of Form 37 Dimensions 3! x 4!- in. and 3! x in. respectively. Purchased at Clermont-Ferrand ; probably from Lezoux. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1893. They belong to the same mould, but do not join. Bright reddish clay, soft and sandy ; designs very indistinct. On the exterior, a projecting rim.

Above the designs, egg-and-tassel, and row of beads ; below, a straight wreath with pairs of buds. A series of alternating arches and pediments resting on a row of columns with moulded caps and bases ; on the piers are crosshatchings. The edges of the pediments are serrated, on the tops are antefixal ornaments, and within them are rosettes ; the arches are semicircular ; in the spandrels all along are uncertain objects. On the first fragment one arch and one pediment remain ; under the former is a male figure to r., under the latter a combat of two figures (?). The designs on the other fragment are apparently similar, but it is so much broken that they cannot be made out.
M 102.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD as the last. Ht. 6f in. Acquired as the last.

Parts of' three panels, with wreath below as the last: {I) A figure moving to l.; below him a rosette; on either side a column. (2) Within dotted borders, a cruciform pattern and dotted diagonals. (3) Apparently similar to ( 1 ).
M 103.
FRAGMENT OF MOULD. 3 x 38 in. Said to have been found in the Seine, Paris; acquired 1858. Probably from a bowl of Form 37

Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern. across 'hich leaves (?) are placed at intervals, of in r. hand her side and

twisted stems front, holding of her head.


M 105.

STAMP. Ht. 2 in. Presented by Mons. B. Hertz, rB;r. Birch, A11cimt Pol/cry, ii. p. 56~; Walters, A11ciml Pollery, ii. p. 439; Dechelette, Vas.~s or11l.r, i. p. 281, No. 9/Jis.

Figure of youth to front, with r. hand by side and drapery \\.rapped round I. arm ; on the back is stamped (letters set backwards so as to come right way an~ raised in the mould): IA381JI':I':!O, O.ffi(cilla) Libert(t) , cf. M 82.
M 106.
STA~II'. Length 1~ in. Said to h;n-e been found in the Seine, Paris : acquired r R;S.

Fig. 6s

Female head or mask to r., with long handle at back ; dark brown clay.
M 107.
STAMP. Length :~ in. last; acquired r8;8. Said to have been found as

=M as.

~ ~~.

Rabbit to I.

Fig. 66 = :\1




M 108.

DISH. Length 13} in. Towneley Coli. Birch, Ancien/ PtJIIcrf, p. 558; Dcchclettc, PLATE XIV. ii. p. 319: ~lanscll, /Jril. .Mus. Plwtograp!ts, No. 776; a drawing in Departmental l.ibran. 0\a\ form with flat handles at the end ; light red glaze. Repaired : much worn and very indistinct. Lezoux fabric, imitating metal.

Round thr. rim and on the handles is a frieze of figures, representing athletic contests and cock-fights: The beginniP.g is marked by a tall vase on a high stem and a suspended object, on the r. of which arc two boys boxing-; the one on the I. has felled the other on his back and is pommelling him ; on the r. are a terminal figure and a table. ~ext are two cocks confronted and a diola; a boy to the front turning to r. between two suspended vases, and a boy
,. 2



lying on r. elbow with head to I. Next, a cock fallen to r. before another to r. looking back ; two vases suspended ; a pair of boys confronted as if boxing ; a terminal figure to I. ; two cocks confronted, the one on the r. with a stick (?) in its mouth; and an amplzora. Next, two boys boxing, a table with bowl, a lebes on a stand ; two cocks fighting, the one on the I. with a stick (?) in its mouth, the other fallen forward ; a diota and a table with j wg ; two boys wrestling, the one throwing the other head downwards to I. (the cross-buttock throw) ; and a lebes with volute handles on a stand. Finally : two cocks fighting ; a terminal figure (perhaps to indicate the stadium) and a suspended object ; two boys boxing; a tripod ; two cocks tail to tail, the one on the r. looking back ; and a bowl. The vases are probably intended for prizes. On the handle arc two nude boys boxing . or wrestling, with legs apart, one having grasped the other's hand; between them is a sash. Behind each stands a cock, and beyond is a bowl each side ; each cock holds a wreath in his beak. The other handle, part of which is broken away,_is similarly ornamented; the boy on the I. is being hurled forward, and is turned partly to 1. Behind the cocks are diotae on stands, and beyond are wreaths or sashes. At each corner of the handle is a duck's head.
M 109.
FRAGMENT OF VASE (perhaps from the handle of a ln1lla). glazed ware. Design very indistinct.


in. Yellowish

Judgment of Paris (P) : Aphrodite seen in back view, nude, with hair knotted up, holds out r. hand to take the apJ.Jie from Paris, who is eated to l. on a rock, with pedum on I. arm and drapery over knees ; at his 1. shoulder is a goat, and between the two figures is a dog I. looking the fie!


seen a circular building with door and conical roof, over which is a tree, and another building with doorway and gabled roof, on the r. of which is a cypresstree. (3) Hunter in short chiton moving tor., carrying three dead animals on a pole over I. shoulder ; before him moves a dog with nose to ground ; on the r., separated by a large pedum (?), a group of Eros(?) and a .term; on either side a goat browsing.
[Cf. Dechelette, ii. p. 318.]

M 111.

FRAG:\IENT, apparently forming the handle of an oblong dish. Red-glazed ware.

Ht. 2~ in.


Ji in. Purchased at Rome by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1857. Figures very indistinct; glaze worn. The upper edge is moulded, with two rows of figures in low relief: Above, a shrine with steep-pointed pediment, on a base of four steps, within which is a figure of Apollo to the front with r. hand raised at back of head, holding a branch in I. and leaning on his lyre which rests on a column, with drapery wrapped round I. arm. On either side is a tree, and on the r. is part of a stag(?) to r., the head wanting. On the 1. is a panther seated to I. looking back \vith r. fore-paw raised, and beyond is part of a border of tendrils, extending all round the edge, in the loop of which is a small animal lying down to I. Below this is a small circular altar with fire burning. Below: two dogs attacking a bear, one at each end, urged on by a man on the r. advancing to I. and thrusting with spear(?) ; on the r. is a tree in the background and a dog to r. biting the hind-leg of some animal.
[Cf. for the type of Apollo, Reinach, Riper/. de Ia SculjJt. ii. p. 95, No. 10.]

M 112.


Ht. 2k in.

Castellani, 187J.

Terminal figure of a child holding a bird in r. hand to its breast, with thick wavy hair and himation round its body.
M 113.
HAKDLE OF KOTYLE (Form 14). Length 1! in. Towneley Coli. Red ware, unglazed ; carefully modelled, with ring-handle underneath, the upper part in the form of an Ionic colonnctte. HANDLE OF VASE, part of, flat and band-shaped. ware, polished. Ht. 1j in. Towneley Coli. Red

M 114.

Pattern of ivy-tendrils and berries, well executed.

---- --------7. VASES WITH APPLIQUi.: RELIEFS (M 115-120).

M 115.

jAR. Ht. 7~ in. :\lore! Coli., 1904. Made up (rom fragments and restored in plaster PLATE where incomplete. For the shape cf. Dcchelette, ii. pl. 1, and two jars in British and Mediaeval Department. Good orange-red glaze.


Round the body are four figures made from moulds, interspersed with scrolls and rows of raised dots en barbotim:: ( 1) Maenad dancing on tip-toe to




r., holding up tambourine in both hands and looking round over r. shoulder ; wears himation over I. shoulder and round lower limbs. (2) Young Satyr moving to I., extending r. arm; skin or chlamys over r. shoulder and shepherd's crook (?) in I. hat1d. (3) Maenad as (1 ), but moving to I. and looking round to her I. (4) Upper part of youthful Dionyaoa (P) to r. with I. arm extended, holding thyrsos in r. hand ; chlamys over I. arm.
[See for similar vases p. 169 ff.)


M 116.

FRAGMENT of jar with ajJPiiqul reliefs. Ht. :!~ in. From ClermontFerrand; probably found in the Roman kilns at Lezoux. Presented by Prof. Matthieu, 186o. Red ware; thin glaze, lighter on relief than on vase. Design well executed.

On an attached panel is a lion (fore-part only remaining) rushing to r. ; below, plants ; above, three parallel raised lines.
[Cf. Dechelette, ii. p. 230, No. 136.]

Fi,. 71 = l\1 117.

M 117.

FRAC ME NT in form of relief for vase of same class. Ht. :! in. Similarly acquired. Thin reddish glaze; part of vase remains to which it was attached.

Mask of Pan or Dionyaoa with hair and beard in formal spiral curls, horns (?), and ampyx over forehead.
M 118.
FRAGMENT OF VASE as before. Ht. 2} in. Similarly acquired. Red clay with thin metallic black glaze. Round the upper part a rough tongue-pattern, modelled in relief. Design very indistinct.

Oval medallion with figure of man to r., with I. foot raised on a plinth, holding something over I. knee.
M 119.
FRAt;MENT as before. acquired. Design indistinct. Ht.

Fi,. 1



11 in.


Eros to front, moving tor., with wings spread, holding drapery in r. hand, staff in I. M 120.
FRAG:\lENT as before. acquired. Cood glaze. Ht.



Eros(?) moving to 1., looking back, with crook in r. hand and chlamys tied round his neck ; I. leg and arm wanting.

Fi&. 73

=M ug.







M 121.

MEDALLION from Vase. Ht. 4 in. Morel Coli., 1904 Found in the neighbourhood PLATE of Aries (Dechelctte says at Orange), and acquired there by Morel from the Daty Coli. ; formerly in the possession of E. Dumas of Sommil:res, Gard. Gaz. Arch. 1877, pl. 12, p. 66; Dechelette, Vases ornls de Ia Gaule rom., ii. p. 290; Baumeister, iii. p. 1756, fig. 1832; Walters, A11dmt Pottery, ii. p. 531; Pltilologus, Suppl.-Bd. v. p. 25 ; Arclt. Z eit. 1879, p. 187; CI.L. xii. 5687, 4 Orange-red glaze ; oval form, surrounded by a thick laurel-wreath tied at top and bottom, within which is a design in relief.

Scene from a Roman tragedy, perhaps the Cycntts: In the background is a high raised platform ((>:!)eo:\o'Yeiov) ornamented with bosses and a palmbranch laid horizontally midway up on the l., on the top of which are seated three deities : in the centre, Zeua looking to his r., with drapery over 1. shoulder and knees, thunderbolt(?) in r. hand and sceptre in l.; on his r. is Victory, with r. hand raised to her neck and l. on knee, drapery over lower limbs; on his l., Athena looking up as if in supplication to Zeus ; she has helmet, short chiton, and spear in r. hand, and her l. rests on her shield. In front of this platform Berakles is seen in back view as if moving off to 1., turning round to r. and with raised r. arm addressing Ares who stands before him. Herakles is nude and bearded, and holds club in I. hand ; Ares is bearded, with crested helmet, short chiton, spear in r. hand and l. resting on shield. Between them on the ground is the eagle of Zeus to the front with head to r. Over Herakles is inscribed' ....TERRERI IAVIRTVSNVSQVA lnvic]ta Virtus nusqua(m) terreri POTEST potest: "Unvanquished Virtue can ne'er be intimidated'' ; behind Ares, AD ESSE VLTO REM NATI M. Adesse u!torem nati m(e) crcdas mei " Believe that CREDASMEI . ' I am come as avenger of my son"; below this, TORI, ...tori (name of potter). M 1!3!3. FR GMENT F MEDALLION from vase. HL 3t in. Morel Coli., 1904. From the outh of France. Dechelette, Vasu omls, ii. p. 2; C.I.L.



M 124.


' 1. .. MARBLED" VASES (M 194-197).

BOWL. Form 40(?). Ht. 2i in. Diam. 4i in. From Bordighera. Presented by J. A. PLATB XVIL Goodchild, Esq., 1889. Red ware, covered with yellow slip, which is "marbled" with red colour.

Inside is the stamp

M 125.


Cas(tus fecit).
Ht. 2 in. Diam. 4i in. From Aries. Morel Coil., 1904

(See C.I.L. xii. 5686, 192, xiii. 1001o, 467 ; Dcchelette, i. p. 67.] BOWL. Form 25 (nearly). Similar ware to last ; repaired.

On the upper edge, shallow hatched pattern ; inside is the stamp (the middle letters seem to have failed to impress).

M 126.

BOWL. Form 29 (nearly). Diam. Si in. From Aries. bowl, with marbling as the two last ; rim restore:d.

Morel Coli., 1904.


In the centre a stamp

w,.D'RJ, . .mrdau(ci) ?

. [There is a similar bowl from Silchester in the Reading 1\luseum, with the stamp OF lANDA/C. The name is not to be found in any published list.]

M 127.

BOWL. Form 35. Ht. li- in. Diam. 21 in. From Aries. Morel Coli., 1904 last ; surface only slightly marbled ; edge much chipped, also foot.

As the

Round the lip, leaves and stalks en barbotine, the yellow one used for covering the vase.


being the same deep



M 128.

OLLA. Shape as Dcchelettc, ii. pl. 1, No. 72. Ht. 6~ in. Found at Cologne in 1867. Unglazed grey ware with patterns us barbotilu of the same colour ; German fabric of the first century u.c.

Ivy - wreath between raised points.

two rows of

[For this fabric see Bonn.:r jahrb. lxxxvi. pl. 6, 13, xcvi. pp. 89, 113 ; Hettncr in Fe.rtschr. jiir 0'l.l'rbec/.:, p. 174 ; Koenen, Gifiisskulld,, p. 83 ff. ; Holder, Formen der riim. Thonl{if. p. 8; l>cchelcttc, ii. p. Jlo.]

M 129.

JAR. Form 10. Ht. 3 in. Towneley Coli., Unglazed drab ware with designs in drabcoloured barbotine.

The design on either side is apparently intended for a rude representation of a Fig. 75 = M 8. human face, as in the so-called "owl\'ases" of Hissarlik (Walters, A11cient Pottery, i. p. 258), with nose and eyes roughly indicated ; the handles have large rings appended to them, and may



represent ears with earrings (cf. Cat. (If Terracottas, A 10 ff., 52, from Cyprus).
[Holder, Formm tlt:r rom. Thot~l{t(. pl. 6, gives a similar vase from Italy ; sec also Bomur Jlltrll. lxxxvi. pl. 6, I:! (Andernach), xcvi. p. 113, and Koenen, GejJssktmfk, pis. 1:!, IS, 17.]

M 130.

JAR. Form 52 Ht. 5-i in. Germany, 1859. Bright red glazed ware with designs en barboli11eJ. probably local fabric.

Round the body a raised pattern of leaves and tendrils.

[Sec Dechclette, ii. p. 312.]

M 131.

LAGENA. Shape as Holder, pl. 12, No. 10 or pl. 13, No. J. Ht. 8 in. Morel Coli., 1904 Mouth in form ot plain disc, with moulded neck ; flat handle of two ribs. Bright red glaze with barbotine decoration.

Round the upper part of the body, scroll and leaf patterns.
JAR. Form 54 (nearly). Ht. 5} in. From L~nflans, Marne ; found 1871. Morel Coli., 1904 Red glaze and patterns m btlrbotillc,

Round the body,leaf-pattern.

JAR. Ht. S!- in. From Conftans, Marne; found 1871. Morel Coli., 1904- Exactly as the last.

Fi,. 77

= M 131.

Fig. 78 = M 133.



Round the body. patterns representing alternately a flower with three buds on straight stalks, and a tree or plant with spine-like leaves.

M 138.

JAR. Ht. 3~ in. From Orange. ~lore! Coli., 190~. Shape as the last. nearly all worn away. Remains of handles on opposite sides of shoulder.

Ochrous glaze,



Round the body a band of leaves overlapping like scales, the ends thickened so as to be in high relief; below, a band of raised dots. The technique is apparently not barbotine, but the vase was made on the wheel and the raised ornaments attached subsequently.
[Sec for this method of decoration, Bonner J<lltrb. Xc\i. p. 112]

M 139.

TWO-HANDLED BOWL. Ht. 2f in. Diam. Jl in. Morel Coli., 1904 Thin redbrown glaze. Handles of two ribs. Cf. for the shape L 49

On the neck and shoulders is a pattern in relief of nine rows all round, a series of small dotted squares arranged in oblique lines.

M 140.

JAR. Form 54 Ht. 3i in. From the Purnell Collection; presented by A. W. Franks, PLATE XIX. Esq., 1885. An Arvernian fabric, but probably found in the neighbourhood of the Rhine. Black ware, highly glazed to look like bronze ; ornamentation m barboti11e.
Round the body, floral pattern in relief between horizontal rows of serrated points, consisting of three plants of long narrow serrated leaves.
fOn this fabric see Plicque, Cirami!Jtte Arr1er11., pp. 16, 30; Walters, A11cit!lll Pottery, ii.




M 141.

JAR. Shape as HOlder, Riim. T!lcJII,I{ej., pl. 17, fig. S Ht. 4; in. From the Rhine, 1853. Cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10018, 4~, and Walters, ./lltcimt Follcry, ii. p. 538. Black ware with thin glaze and inscription painted in opaque white.


Round the body: dots obliquely placed.

M 142.

.B I . B. E .

Bibe; at the end, three.: XVIII

ojJ. cit. ii. p. 537, fig. 229; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10018, 63.

Ht. 31- in. From the Rhine, r8;J. Walters, Shape as last, but wider-bellied. :\Iouth broken. Black glaze with decoration in opaque white ; round the lip and shoulder, a band of red-brown (perhaps an accident in firing).


Shape as Holder, pl. 17, fig. 6.


Round the body, bands of hatched lines incised, over which is painted in well-formed letters
M 143.

D A .: y

: J N iV

~,., Dtz Vinum.


JAR. Ht. 4 in. From the Rhine, 1853. Cf. C.I.L. xiii. IOc>IS, 83, and Walters, op. cit. ii. p. 538. Shape as the last but one. A piece chipped out ; black glaze somewhat worn. Designs in opaque white.


Round the body



~I -~~'-.., Felix.


M 144.

JAR. Ht. 4 in. From the Rhine, 18;J. Cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10018, 1p, and Walters, lo<". cit. Shape as the last. Letters coarsely executed.

Round the body, between two wavy lines:R., Rep/e.

M 145.

P. 1....
~ .A.

JAR. Ht. 3k in. From the f{hine, 1853. Cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10018, 197, and Walters, /oc. cil. As before.

Round the body, between two wavy lines : V

. J


M 146.
JUG. Shape as Holder, pl. 13, fig. 3 Ht. 6~ in. From the Rhine, 1853. Cf. C.l.L. xiii. PLATE 10018, 191, and Walters, loc. cit. Wide plain mouth, small handle, and high plain foot.

Designs in raised white and yellow, on black glaze.

On the shoulder, between the bands Vita; on the body, patterns of tendrils in thick white raised lines, and circles with raised centres in yellow.
M 147.
LAGENA. Shape nearly as Holder, pl. 10, No.6. Ht. 13 in. From Rheims; found in Morel Coli., 1904 C.I.L. xiii. 10018, 154; Habert, Pot~ries par/antes, p. 174. No. 1013. Flat handle with shallow groove down it ; thin red-brown glaze ; lip broken.

V I T A.

On the shoulder is inscribed, in white paint much worn :

4\\B-E 'F ~I C o

1\lorel Coli., 1<}05

copo, da ; below this is a scroll-pattern also painted white.

(Cf. Bontur jaltr!J. xxxv. p. 48: 'reple me, copo, meri'; and see \Valters, A11ciml Pottery, ii. p. 538.1

M 148.

J t.J(;, Ht. 8k in. From Mcix-Tiercelin, Dept. of :\larne, France. ){ed ware with dull brown glaze.

Round the body, scrolls painted in white, which has almost entirely faded away.



M 153.

JUG. Ht. 4A in. Morel Coli., I904 red glaze, but none on neck or mouth.

Shape as last; handle broken away; good light-

On the upper part of the body, scroll-pattern in faded purple.

M 164.

jUG. Shape as Holder, pl. I3, No.4 (nearly). Ht. 8j in. From Poix, Dept. of Marne; found I874 Morel Coli., I904 Lip cylindrical, with small spout; flat handle with shallow groo\'e, Thin light brown glaze.

On the body painted patterns in white, consisting of crescent-shaped motives arranged in parallel oblique lines between two horizontal ones.



M 166.

BOWL. Pollery, ii. pl.

69, fig. 4

Form 8.

Ht. 4! in. Diam. 5~ in. Morel Coli., 1904. Walters, A11ciml Dark brown polished ware. Broken and repaired. A Lezoux fabric.

Round the body, panels with borders of leaves-incised in the soft clay and feathered; in each panel an incised pattern of four leaves diagonally placed, forming a quatrefoil ; above and below all round are bands of incised dots and strokes.
l4 166.
JAR. Shape as :\1 I I 5 Good red glaze. Ht.


Morel Coli., I904

Round the body, panels formed by vertical broad grooves incised in the soft clay, with hatched incisions down each side of the groo\'es ; in the panels, patterns cf eight rays formed in the same manner, alternately long and short, the former being hatched with incisions.
[Cf. Dcchclt:tte, ii. pl.;, p. 3I2.)

M 167.

JAR. Form p. Ht. 4~ in. From Poix, Dept. of :\Iarne; found 1873. Morel Coli, I904 Thin dull glaze of a dark brown colour.



Round the lower part of the body, four leaves incised diagonally as on the following, between double zigzag lines.
l4 158.

Fig. St

= M tsG.

JAR. Shape as last. Ht. 5t in. Dark brown polished ware.

From Meix-Tiercelin, Dept. of Marne.

Morel Coli., PLATB XIX.

On the lower part of the body, between two double rows of hatched incisions, a band with five quatrefoils as last.
l4 169.
JAR. Shape as before. Ht. 6~- in. Polished red ware, discoloured by rire. Found at Poix, Marne, 1873. Morel Coli., 1904.

Patterns as last, but only single rows above and below.

M 160.
BOWL. polished. Form 30. Ht. 3! in. Diam,


Morel Coli., 1904. Reddish-brown ware,

Round the body, three rows of incised hatchings, at intervals.

1'4 161.


JAR. Form p. Ht. 41 in. Fr<'m Contlans, ~I arne. l\Iorel Coli., 1904. Black polished ware.

Round the body, three double or triple bands of incised hatchings at intervals.
1'4 162.
JAR. Shape as Holder, pl. 8, fig. 6. Ht. 2i in. Fine black glazed ware ; squat body and short neck. From Poix, Marne. Morel Coli., '904

Between rows of faint hatchings, six shallow thumb-marks.

1'4 163.
1904. JAR. Shape as last. Ht. 3 in. Found at Fine black glazed ware, imitating metal.
~Ialadrcdic (?),

Rheims, 1887.

:\lore! Coli., PLATE


Three bands of hatched incisions ; no thumb-marks.

1'4 164.
JAR. Shape as l\I 141 (cf. Bomur Jahrb. xcvi. pl. 3, Nos. 54-5;). L'onflans, ~Iarne. :\lorel Coli., 190-+. Red-brown ware with thin polish. Ht. 8} in. From

Round the lower part of the body, between rings of hatched markings (single abO\e, double below), are six indentations formed by impressing the thumb in the clay whiie soft.
M 165.
JAR. As the last. Ht. 8~ in. From the same site. Somewhat wider than the preceding; imperfectly fired.

Single lines of hatchings above and below ; thumb-marks as the last.

1'4 166. 1'4 167. 1'4 168.
JAR. As the preceding. Ht.

Ht. 8} in. in.

From the same site.

Dull brown ware.

Hatchings and thumb-marks as last.

JAR. As before. JAR. As before. From the same site. From the same site. Redder ware, more polished. Ht. 6k in.



M 169.
1'4 170.

JAR. As before. Ht.6! in. From Arcis-sur-Aube, France. :\tore! Coli., 190-+ Reddish ware.

Hatched patterns, very vague.

JAR. Shape as beforl'. H t. 5i in. I lark red-brown ware with thin polish. From Arcis-sur-Aubc, I-- ranee. :\lorel Coli., 19<>4

Thumb-marks as before;
1'4 171.


bdow only.
:\lorll Cull.. I':J04

Shape as heforc, hut squatter.

From Corbeil, :\!arne.



M 174.

BOWL (Form 37). Bright red glaze.

Ht. 2j in. Found at Rouffy, Marne, 1875. Morel Coli., 11)04-

On the exterior, on the under side of the body, are five narrow bands of panels of hatched lines, very shallow.
M 175.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3 in. Diam. 6! in. Plain, with thick rim ; red glaze, much worn.

From Conftans, Marne.

Morel Coli.,

Round the lower part of the body, three narrow bands of panels of hatched lines, very shallow.
M 176.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3:! in. Diam. 7} in. Found at Meix-Tiercelin, Marne, 1867. Morel Coli., HJ04 Repaired and restored in parts. The vase when found contained bones of animals. Glaze worn.

Round the body, seven rows of panels of hatched patterns as on M 173

M 177.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3i in. Diam. 6i in. Found at Poix, Marne, 1878. Morel Coli., 11)04. Dark red glaze.

Round the lower part of the body are six rows of patterns in low relief ; consisting of the following motives: (1) panel of hatched lines ; (2) diagonal cross in panel ; ( 3) qui1zcm1.~; they are arranged in each row alternately, (3), (I), (1), (3), (2), (2).
M 178.
BOWL (Form 37). Complete ; dull red glaze. Ht. 2} in. Diam. Sl in. From France. Morel Coli., 11)04-

Round the body, three rows of stamped patterns as on last (sec Fig. 84) :
(1) hatched lines; (2) cross with dots between the arms ; (3) diagonal lattice

pattern ; (4) two concentric circles ; (5) one concentric circle ; (6) panel with nine dots in square; (7) lattice pattern (vertical and horiwntal).

Fis. Bs = M '79

M 179.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2~ in. Dram. sa in. Morel Coli., 11)04. C.l.L. xiii. 10017, 138; 2296, and Holder, Alterlumssamml. iu Rotl7ttil, i. p. 112. Plain, with thick rim; orange-red glazt>, worn.
cf. ibid. iii.

On the exterior, round the lower part, three rows of shallow roughly executed patterns : egg-pattern, panels of diagonals with dots between and groups of vertical lines (sec Fig. 85). On the upper part is incised

1\tl' ~

\'1 T I V ,.,. , A mantium (?).

M 180.


BOWL (Fomt 37). Ht. 2! in. Diam. 6 in. Found at Linthes, Marne, 1870. Morel Coli., 1904. Complete.

Round the body, five rows of sunk squares, roughly stamped.

M 181.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 7} in. Found at Linthes, Marne, 1870. Morel Coli., 1904. Thin red glaze.

Round the lower par"t of the rim a double row of incised hatched lines.
M 182-183.
TWO BOWLS as last. :\lore! Coli., 1904. Complete. Ht. zk and 3~ in. Diam. 7~ and 7~ in. Surface of one encrusted. From Corbeil. :\I arne.

Round the lower part of the rim, two rows of hatched pattern.
M 184-186.
THREE SIMILAR BOWLS. Ht. 3~, 3~, and z! in. Diam. 8, 7!, and;~ in. France. Morel Coli., 1904. The largest is repaired, but all are complete. From

Hatched patterns as before.

M 187.
PLATE. Diam. 6j in. worn ; partly burnt black. Found at Corbeil, Marne, 1867. Morel Coli., 1904. Glaze

Flat rim, round which is an incised pattern.


M 188.

BOTTO:\f OF JAR. Diam. 2il in. From the south of France. Rough grey ware with black slip like bucchero.

:\fore! Coli., 1904

In the interior is the stamp ~NA-n-1}, C. Na/11 (?).

fCf. for this ware the fragments with circular stamps given in Cal. t~( Tcrract>tlas, E q;147: see also \\'alters. Ancimt Potter:_~. ii. p. 553; C.!.L. xii. so!!s. 195, 361, XJI, ll-lSJ





(M 201-2838).
[In the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities.]

NOTE.-The type-numbers given in the text refer to the diagrams of wreaths, scrolls, and other patterns which will be found in the Introduction. The form-numbers also refer to the diagrams in that part of the volume.






(M 201-400).



l\1 201.

BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 4 in. Diam. 9 in. Found in Cannon Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6goa; Bom1er Jaltrb. xcix. p. 110. Very fragmentary. Moulded rim with hatched patterns.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In upper, scroll-pattern (type 3; cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 1) ; in lower, elongated tonguepattern as M 5, and straight wreath (type 16). In the interior is a stamp, (19i IY.r) Medd(i!Jius , cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 1324
[The whole vase closely resembles that given by Dt!chelette, i.




It 202.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3l in. Length 5 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper, a band of elongated loops (cf. M 479) ; in the lower, elongated tongue-pattern.
It 203.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3~ in. Length 4~ in. Found at St. Saviour's Church, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Rim as last, with row of beads.

Upper frieze of scrolls with rosettes, flowers, and long spikes of blossom (type 4) ; in the field, small rosettes ; below, moulding between two rows of beads, and elongated tongue-pattern.

Fig. 88




M 204.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29). Found in London. Three pieces, two of which join. Good glaze. Rim as before.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Round the upper part of the body, frieze with narrow scroll-pattern of feathery leaves and knotted stalks (type 5) ; below, moulding between two rows of beads, and elongated tongue-pattern.
M 205.
FRAGMENTS of similar bowl. Ht. 3i in. Diam. of larger piece, 6! in. Similarly acquired. Five pieces, of which four join. Good glaze. Rim as before.

Upper frieze with scrolls tied at intervals, with tendrils ending in buds and leaves (type 6); below, moulding between two rows of beads, tongue-pattern, zigzag line, and straight wreath (type 4).
M 206.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 3} in. Length 6i in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 19 Sept., 1837. Four pieces joined. Good glaze. Above the design, row of beads (incomplete).

Upper frieze of scrolls with buds, rosettes, and pointed leaves (type 7) ; below, moulding between two rows of beads, and lower frieze of tongue-pattern.
M 207.
FRAGMENTS of similar bowl. Ht. 3 in. Length of larger piece, 31 in. Found in Fenchurch Street, London, 1833. Three pieces joined in two. Good glaze. Above the design, row of beads.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : In the upper, scrolls with rosettes and leaves (type 8) ; in the lower, tongue-pattern.
M 208.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset. Durden Coli., 1892. Nine pieces, of which three join. Above the design, row of beads.

Upper frieze of scrolls with pairs of leaves and rosettes of eight points in the spaces (type 9) ; below, moulding between two rows of beads ; lower frieze with elongated tongue-pattern.
(For the finds on this site, see Roach Smith in Coli. Ant. vi. p.

ff.; also Arclt. journ.


Upper frieze: Scrolls of foliage with pointed leaves and flowers (type 1); on the r., forepart of bird to I. ; below, row of beads. On the interio< is incised I \ I\ Viarir (I); cf. M 1830. M 212.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part ofrim. with hatched pattern and row of beads.

y I A /> f ,r /;;

xt x ri in. Similarly acquired. Moulded rim

Scrolls with buds and leaves as on last, between rows of beads.

M 213.
FRAGMENT, similar, Ht. 2} in. Length

5t in. Similarly acquired. Rim as before.

Upper frieze of scrolls (type below, row of beads.

M 214.
FRAGMENT, similar.

nearly, with rosette of many petals in field) ;

Length 3i in. Similarly acquired. Rim as before..

Ht. 2j in.

Upper frieze with scroll-patterns as M between two rows of beads.

M 215.

(type 3) ; below, moulding

Roach Smith

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4i in. Found in Old Bailey, London. Coli., 1856. Rim as before. Dull glaze.

Upper frieze with scroll-pattern (type 10); below, row of beads.

M 216.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. zi in. Coarser style than last, but better glaze. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Designs as last.
M 217.
FRAGMENT, similar. row of beads above design. Ht. 2} in. Diam.

in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze;

Upper frieze with good scroll-pattern with scallop-shaped leaves and large buds (cf. Dechelette, i. pl 6, No. 3) ; below, moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath of scallop-shaped leaves, row of beads, and straight wreath of cyclamen leaves (type 5; cf. Dechelette, type 1171).
M 218.
FRAGMENT, similar.


in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Upper frieze of scrolls with rosettes and buds (incomplete); below, moulding between two rows of beads, straight thick wreath (type 6), zigzag line, and row of narrow leaves.
M 219.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2 in. Length 4t in. Found in Fenchurch Street, London, 1833 Two pieces joined. Glaze somewhat dull. Moulded rim with hatched patterns.

Upper frieze of scrolls with rosettes and flowers (cf. type 3), between rows of beads.
M 220.
FRAGMENT, similar. 1~ x 2 in. From the site of the East India House, Lcadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864.

Upper frieze of scrolls with tendrils ending in rosettes and leaves (cf. type 3) ; below, row of beads and moulding.
G 2


M 221.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Length 3 in. 5 March, 1836. Price Sale, 1853. Deep red glaze.

Found in Eastcheap, London,

I I ;

Upper frieze of scrolls with leaves of peculiar form (type below, moulding between two rows of beads.
M 222.

cf. M 247);

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). 21 x 2! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Upper frieze only remaining, in which is scroll-pattern with rosettes in lower spaces (type I2) ; below, row of beads.
M 223.

with part of moulded rim.


in. Similarly acquired.

Scrolls as last ; in lower spaces seven-petalled flowers within medallions with cable borders ; below, moulding between beads.
M 224.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2t in. Length 3i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Upper frieze of scrolls with flowers ~nd rosettes (cf. type moulding between two rows of beads, and straight wreath (type I4).
M 225.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3 in. Rim as last, but no beads. Length 3~ in. Similarly acquired.

20) ;


Good glaze.

Design as last, except that on some of the tendrils of the scroll there are small birds to 1. (Dechelette, type 1045 ?).
M 226.
TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2i in. Length of larger, 4i in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondsey, London, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Rim as before.

Upper frieze of scrolls, with pairs of tendrils ending in heart-shaped leaves (type 13; cf. M 259); below, moulding between two rows of beads, and straight wreath (cf. type 23).




Found in London.

M 229.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2} in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Rim as before.

Length 3i in.

Two friezes as before: In the upper, scrolls as type 19 (see M 240), but with buds in groups of three and double rings in field ; part of lower frieze with scrolls remaining.

M 230.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x 3} in. Similarly acquired.

Rim as before.
1 ;

Two friezes as before: In the upper, scrolls as type scroll with cyclamen leaves, as M 238.
M 231.
FRAGMENT, similar. Rim as before. Ht. 2k in. Length 3l in.

in the lower, large

Good glaze.

Similarly acquin.-d.

Two friezes as last: In the upper, scrolls with heart-shaped leaves and rosettes at end of tendrils (type I 5) ; in the lower, scroll-patterns as on last (only a small part visible).


TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS as before. Good glaze. Above the design, row of beads.






Similarly acquired.

Design on each : Two friezes as before : in the upper, scrolls with flowers and plain triangular leaves on stalks (type 1) ; in the lower, scrolls and large deeply-indented leaves (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 14).
M 234.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Good glaze ; row of beads above design. Ht. 3 in. Length

in. Similarly ac4uired.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls with groups of ivy-leaves on tendrils (type 16) ; in the lower, cyclamen plant.

M 236.

FRAGMENT, similar. Good glaze.






Similarly acquired.

Rim as before.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls with leaves and rosettes (cf. types 15, 18) ; in the lower, scrolls.
M 236.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Length 4! in. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls with rosettes and flowers (cf. type 3) ; in the lower, scrolls with large pointed leaves and spikes of blossom.

M 237.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3i in. Length 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Two friezes as the last: In the lower (Fig. 8g), buds in place of the spikes, and in the field, concentric rings and rosettes.

M 238.


TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. of each 4i in. Found on the site of St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, London, March, 1841. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Fig. go = M "38 (part).

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls with volutes ending in rosettes and sprigs with leaves (type 17) ; in the lower (Fig. 90), large scrolls with polygonal leaves and buds on tendrils.
M 239.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3i in. Length 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Fine glaze; designs very well executed. Rim as before.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scroll with lozenge-shaped leaves (type 18); in the lower, large scroll-pattern as Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 13; in


M 241.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3} in. Length 6~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Four pieces joined. Good glaze. Rim as before.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, a scrollpattern (type 20) ; in the lower (Fig. 91 ), arcading with spirally-moulded pillars on bases, the arches formed of stalks, with buds on spikes over the columns ; under each arch a pair of tendrils ending in long pointed leaves.
M 242.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4! in. Diam. 4} in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Rim as before.



= :.1

~ 1 (lower part).

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls with rosettes and lozenge-shaped leaves (type I 8). In the lower, alternate panels and medallions : in the former, "cruciform" patterns (incomplete) with zigzag lines for diagonals and leaves on zigzag stalks; at the angles rosettes, the upper ones having tendrils attached ; in the medallions are conventional plants (see Fig. 92).


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.



Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls Fig. 9, = !It~ (part>. with flowers and leaves on stalks (type 21); in the lower, scrolls enclosing plant with buds as l\1 240, cyclamen leaves, and spikes of blossom.
M 244.
FRAG!\1ENT, similar. Ht.

2!- in.



in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, scrolls with rosettes on tendrils (cf. type 3); in the lower, large scrolls with large pointed feathery leaves (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 14) ; in the lower spaces, a large conventional floral pattern with volutes ending in rosettes as M 242.
1111 245.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Surface partly burnt black. Ht. 2} in. Length 4 in.

Two friezes as before: In the upper, scroll-pattern formed by wreath, with rosette-like flowers and large oval leaves on tendrils (type 22) ; in the lower, medallions containing plants with pairs of volutes (cf. M 44), alternating with large and elaborate plants, on either side of which are rosettes.
M 246.

FRAG:\lENT as last. 2k x 2h in. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset; Durden Coli., On the rim, hatched patterns and row of beads ; dull glaze.

Upper frieze of scrolls with pointed leaves (type in field ; below, moulding between two rows of beads.

3), and concentric rings

lY! 247.


FRAG:\1ENT, similar. Length 3l- in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper, scrolls with leaves as type 1 I ; in the lower, scrolls with wreath in festoon, from which spring buds and polygonal leaves; in the field, rosettes of dots.
lY! 248.
FRAG.M ENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Ht.



3i in. Found in London.

Lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath of scallop-like leaves (type 14), and zigzag line above ; scrolls with flowers and small triangular leaves (as type I}.

M 249.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length

in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

Moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath (type 7), and part of a boar to I. (Dechelette, 838). M

FRAGMENT, similar.




Length 3!- in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Lower frieze with zigzag line above, in which arc scrolls with heart-shaped leaves on tendrils (cf. type 13); in the lower spaces, plants with tendrils ending in buds.

M 251.

TWO FRAGMENTS of similar bowl. 2j- x 2~ in. and x 2 in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. The fragments do not join.

Lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads above ; pattern of plants and tendrils through which passes a wreath in festoon (cf. Dechelctte, i. pl. 6, No. 12).

Fig. 93

= M S

M 252.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3} in. Similarly acquired.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper,



J4 256.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. Length 3t in. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. Good glaze.

Part of lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads above ; scrolls with groups of tendrils ending in pairs of large leaves (cf. M 259) with buds between.
M 257.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x It in. London. Price Sale, 1853. Good glaze. Found in

Part of lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads above; scrolls with polygonal leaves and buds on tendrils in the lower spaces.
:M 258.
FRAGMENT as before. acquired. Good glaze. Length

Iz in.


Lower frieze with wreath and tendrils forming large scrolls ; in the upper spaces are large leaves; above, moulding between two rows of beads.

Fig. 94

= M 57

Fig. 95 = :\1 sB.

Fig. <j6

= )! 59

:M 259.

FRAGl\lENT as before. what dull.


2! in. Lenbrth 3i in. Similarly acquired. Glaze some-

Lower frieze with scrolls, large heart-shaped leaves as on M 256, and spikes of blossom. In the field is a raised tablet on which is incised 0 ..,~,0), Oj(jicilza) lll(a)r(tii)? Cf. M 814 and C.l.L . xiii. 10010, 1286.

J4 260.

FRAG~IENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 4 in. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. On the rim, hatched pattern and row of beads.

Length 6 in.

In upper frieze, scrolls with tendrils, rosettes, and leaves in upper spaces, in lower, groups of leaves (type 23) ; moulding between rows of beads ; below, tongue-pattern and straight wreath (cf. type 23).

M 261.

FRAG:'.IENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Coli., 18;6. Good glaze. Rim as before.




Found in London.

Roach Smith

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads, tongue-pattern, and zigzag line ; of the lower only a small part (probably of a large scroll)


remains. In the upper frieze are scrolls (cf. type 26) with flowers and rosettes on tendrils ; in the lower spaces, three rows of" arrow-heads."
1111 262. FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim.

in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Upper frieze : between two rows of beads, scrolls with large leaves on tendrils; in lower space, rows of leaves(?) ; in field above, concentric rings.

M 263-264.

TWO FRAGMENTS of similar bowls. 2 x 2! in. and If x 2i in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn on one fragment.

Design on each : Upper frieze between rows of beads ; scrolls with flowers and rosettes ; in the lower spaces three rows of " arrow-heads," as on M 261 (type 26).
1111 265.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length

in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : In the upper, scrolls, with " arrow-heads " in the lower spaces (type 26) ; in the lower, straight wreath (type 9); below, band of pattern as M 44 between zigzag lines, and part of a straight wreath. M 266.
glaze. FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with two-thirds of foot. Diam. 3i in. Good

Part of lower frieze with scrolls; in the lower spaces a row of" arrow-heads," with a zigzag line ending in rosettes above. In the centre is the stamp ]11/i of(ficina) j cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, Io66.

ny.... oe.

M 267.

FRAGMENT, forming bottom of similar bowl. Sale, 1853. Foot complete. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 9566.

Diam. 6t in.

Found in London. Price

Large scrolls with groups of "arrow-heads " as last. In the interior is the stamp ()F/ABIN, Of(ficina) Sabin(t); cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 1682 and Dechelette, i. p. 297.


Lower frieze, with rows of beads, vertical leaves and zigzag line above ; scrolls with polygonal leaves on tendrils ; in the lower spaces, "arrow-heads."

111 270.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length

in. Similarly acquired.

Lower frieze with scrolls; in the lower spaces, rows of leaves as M 365; among the tendrils, birds to r. (Dechelette, 1046 ?}.
M 271.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length in. Found in London Wall (?). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

Lower frieze with scrolls as Dechelette, i. pl. 7, No. 20 (but without wreath) ; in the upper spaces, long pointed leaves as on M 268, and smaller leaves

~ ; in

Fig. !J8

= M 7

the lower, a hare(?) lying down to 1. (head wanting}; below, zigzag line and three rows of" arrow-heads" (cf. Dechelette, No. 19).
M 272.
FRAGMENT, similar. z;i x zr in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Lower frieze with zigzag line above ; scrolls with buds and leaves ; in the lower spaces, alternately groups of" arrow-heads" and medallions in which are birds to r. looking back (cf. Dechelette, 1009) ; below the medallions are rosettes.
M 273.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length

in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze.

Scrolls with " arrow-heads " in upper spaces ; in the lower, birds to 1. and r. (Dechelette, 1044 and 1046 ?), parts of two being visible.
M 274.
FRAGMENT, similar. hatched patterns.


in. Similarly acquired.

Moulded rim with faintly-

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : In the upper, scroll consisting of a plain line, with large four-petalled flowers in upper spaces, in the lower (one only visible) man to r. with arms raised, confronted by a hare (Dechelette, 954) ; cf. for this group, Dcchelettc, 536. In the lower, large scroll with rosettes in field.
M 275.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Good glaze. Above the design, row of beads. Ht. 3i- in. Length

4f in.

Similarly acquired.

Two friezes as last: In the upper, scrolls with rosettes and flowers on tendrils ; in the lower spaces alternately a panel of "arrow-heads" and a medallion with cable-border in which is a bird to 1. looking back (Dcchelette, 1035 or 1036); on either side of the medallion a rosette. Lower frieze of large scrolls with flowers and leaves ; in the field, a bird to r.looking back (Dcchelette, 1009 ?) ; in the lower spaces, conventional plants with volutes as on M 240.


M 276.

FRAGMENT, similar.

x rt in.

Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Upper frieze of scrolls with rosettes and bunch of leaves (cf. type 17); in the lower spaces, bird to r. (only small part remaining), chain ending in rosettes, and row of leaves
M 277.

{)fjtJ ; below, moulding between beads.

Length 4 in. Similarly acquired. Moulded rim

Ht. 3t in. with hatched patterns and zigzag line.

FRAGMENT, similar.

Two friezes divided by moulding between beads : In the upper, scrolls as type 23, with zigzag line above ; in the lower, scrolls with large oval leaves, like those of a water-lily, and small flowers. In the only lower space visible is a medallion with cable-border in which is a bird to 1. looking back (cf. Dechelette, 1009, 1036) ; on either side, a rosette.
M 278.
FRAGMENT from lower part of bowl (Form 29). acquired. Ht.

in. Length 3! in. Similarly

Lower frieze with row of beads above; scrolls with large vine-leaves and smaller leaves on tendrils in upper spaces ; in the lower, conventional plants with volutes, as M 275; below, pairs of birds confronted (Dechelette, 1040).
M 279.
TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. of one, 3~ in. ; length of the other, 4i in. Found in Tower Royal, Cannon Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze poor.

Two friezes divided by a moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath (type 10), and zigzag line: In the upper, scroll-pattern with buds (cf. type 3). In the lower, scrolls with polygonal leaves on tendrils in the upper spaces ; in the lower, medallions in which are birds alternately to r. and 1. looking back (Dcchelette, IQ09 and 1035) ; at the foot of the medallions, two birds confronted



111 281.

FRAGMENT, similar. Good glaze:

Ht. 2~ in.

Length 3~ in. Similarly acquired.

Lower frieze of scrolls, with serrated leaves of five fronds (cf. M 239, M 1084); in the lower spaces, medallions in which are swans to I. (cf. Dcchelette, 1004) ; at the base of each medallion, two rosettes.
M 282.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3! x 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Fine glaze.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : In the upper, scrolls with rosettes and flowers; in the lower (see Fig. 100}, scrolls with tendrils ending in large palmette-like leaves and buds ; in the lower space, medallion with cable-border, in which is a dog(?) walking to r. looking back (Dechelette, 924) ; at the base, two quatrefoils.



= M 83.

111 283.

FRAGMENT, similar.




Length 3 in.

Similarly acquired. Bright red glaze.

Lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads above; wreath in festoons with conventional plants (mostly wanting) in lower spaces; in the upper, Gryphon to r. crouching down (head wanting), above which is a goose or swan tor. (Dechelette, 1017).
M 284.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3 in. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset; Durden Coli., 1892. Three pieces joined, with part of rim, on which are hatched patterns and row of beads. Dull glaze.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : In the upper, scrolls with pairs of leaves (type 2); in the field, rosettes. Of the lower frieze are only \'isible the head of a Gryphon to I. (Dechelette, 502 ?) and an uncertain object.
M 285.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Dull glaze. Above the design, row of beads. Ht. 2} in. Length 3)} in. Similarly acquired.

Two friezes as last : In the upper, scrolls with pointed leaves and spikes of blossom (cf. type 1) ; in the field, concentric rings. Of the lower, a rabbit to l. (Dechclette, 954) is all that is visible.

:M 286.


FRAGMENT, perhaps from the same vase. Ht. 2} in. Similarly acqqired. Two fragments joined. Glaze worn.

Upper frieze with scrolls as last ; lower frieze with rabbit as last, scrolls and wreath in festoon, with large leaves, and part of a panel with chain-border, in which is a "cruciform " pattern ; between the friezes, two rows of beads and moulding.
:M 287.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 6 in. Found in Abchurch Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 66; Ill. Rom. Lond. pp. 103, 105; Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 42; Col/. Ant. i. p. 151. Three pieces joined; foot complete. Glaze worn.

Part of lower frieze, with moulding between rows of beads above : large scroll as Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 14; in the upper spaces a bud between two leaves, all on tendrils ; in the lower, a Gryphon to r., crouching down to spring (perhaps the same as Dechelette's type 502, which is to 1.). In the centre is the stamp (GANPATJD C. An. Patr. (?); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1()0()9, 15.
:M 288.
FRAGMENT of centre of bowl (Form 29). Diam. 5~ in. Smith Coli. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 857. Foot intact. Good glaze. Found in London. Roach

Part of wreath or scrolls, and of medallion with cable-border, with crosses (as M 282) between. In the interior is the stamp {fJUMIM], Primi ma[nu; cf. M 15.

:M 289.

BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3i in. Diam. 8 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 25, fig. 6, p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 31, No. 131, and p. 43; C.I.L. vii. 1336, 468, and 1337, 35; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Schucrmans, 2327; Bomter jaltrb. xcix. p. 90; Dc!chelettc, i. p. 273, No. 81, 7 Two fragments joined; about one-third wanting. Round the rim, four rows of hatched pattern.

Two friezes divided



M 291.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2i in. Length 5l in. Found in Paternoster Row, London, 8 April, 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns.

Fri!!ze with rows of beads above and below, in which arc festoons formed by scrolls with buds and rosettes on tendrils ; between the arches are buds on stalks.
II 292.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. Length 3A in. Found in Philpot Lane(?), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Rim as last.

Upper frieze with two festoons divided by buds on stalks ; in each is a volute ending in a triangular leaf (cf. M 308).
II 293.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ht. 4} in. Lenbrth 5 in.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper,

festoons with stems

between, in which are scrolls ending in pointed leaves

and rosettes (cf. M 290-291). In the lower frieze, scrolls as Dechelettc, i. pl. 6, No. 14, with large feathery leaves, smaller leaves, and flowers; in the lower spaces, medallions, in each of which is an eagle to the front looking to I. (Dechelette, 982) ; at the base, two rabbits confronted (Dechelette, 947 and 954). See Fig. 102.
M 294.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim and foot. Ht. 3! in, From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., 1\Ll'., 1864. Two pieces joined. Good glaze. On the rim, hatched patterns.

Upper frieze: Festoons containing tendrils ending in rosettes; between the arches, pointed leaves on twisted stalks (type as M 493). Between the friezes, moulding between two rows of beads. Lower frieze : Scrolls composed of stalks and wreaths ; in the upper spaces, cyclamen leaves and buds, with rosettes in the field ; in the lower, a plant with volutes ending in rosettes (cf. M 242), above which is a bird to r.


M 295.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 3t in. Length 5i- in. From Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Several pieces joined. Dull glaze ; debased style. Rim as last.

Upper frieze with festoons in which are rabbits alternately to r. and I. (Dechelette, 947 and 954); between the festoons, buds as M 291. . Below, moulding between rows of beads, tongue-pattern, zigzag line, and row of oblique markings.
M 296.
FRAG:\lENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 41 in. Two pieces joined. Burnt to a dark red-brown or black. Rim as before.

Upper frieze of scrolls with buds (type 10) ; above and below, concentric rings ; below this, moulding between rows of beads, band of ovals with vertical lines below, and row of beads. Lower friez~ with festoons in which are tendrils ending in rosettes ; between the festoons are dwarf columns. See Fig. 103.
M 297.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Length Coil., 1856. Two pieces joined. Good glaze.



M 2!)6 (part).

in. Found in London. Roach Smith

Round the body, two friezes. The upper consists of panels divided by double lines of beads : in one, part of a bird to 1. ; in the other, a medallion with cableborder ; and in the angle of the panel, a rosette. Below, moulding between two rows of beads, and straight wreath (type 12). The lower frieze, with rows of beads below, has festoons with flowers between ; in the festoons a rosette and a bird to l. (Dechelette, 1012) alternating. Below is a straight wreath (type 13).
M 298.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3t in. Length 5 in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. .Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads and straight





FRAGMENT, similar. Length 5! in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondsey, London, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

Two friezes, divided by moulding between two rows of beads and thick straight wreath (type 16) : In the upper, festoons in which are scrolls ending in leaves and rosettes (cf. M 308); between the festoons, bunches of leaves on stalks. In the lower, panels divided by zigzag lines: (1) dog pursuing hare (Dechelette, 921 ?) to r. ; (2) dog(?) running to I. ; above, zigzag line; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 17).
[ 302.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Coil., 1856. Dull glaze. It x 2~- in. Found in London. Roach Smith

!.ower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads and rude tonguepattern above : festoons fo4Fed by wreaths with zigzag lines above and below (cf. M 490); between the festoons, bud on stalk; in one is a swan(?) to r. (Dcchelette, 1017 ?), in the next a large star or rosette of thirteen points. Below is a straight wreath (type 16).
[ 303.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht.


Length 3i in.

Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Above, rows of" arrow-heads " ; below, row of festoons with buds between ; in one a swan as on last, in the next a rosette.
[ 304.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Length 5i in. Found in Love Lane, London.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : Of the upper, part of a scroll-pattern with leaves is visible ; in the lower are festoons, with chains ending in rosettes between ; in each festoon a bird to r. (Dechelette, 1034 ?) ; below, row of beads and band of arabesques and rosettes. See Fig. 104.
[ 305.

Fig. , 04


o,. <part>.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29). Diam. 6 in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 286a (?). Foot complete. Good glaze.

Crofton Croker Sale,

Part of lower frieze with festoons in which are scrolls ; between the festoons are stems. In the centre is the stamp OF CEN, Oj(.ficina) Cen(soris) ; cf. C/.L. xiii. 10010, 528, 536.
[ 306.
FRAG:VlENT, similar, with threefourths of foot. Diam. 7 in. Roach Smith Coli., 18 56. Cat. Lond. A 111. p. 43 ; Cot!. A nl. i. p. 1 52 Found in London.

Part of lower frieze, with thick wreath above: festoons with twisted columns between, in which arc two types of rabbits to r. alternating (cf. Dechelette's types 944 and 947). In the centre is the stamp @LA810NIS), Oj(.ficina) Labio1lis; cf. M 811 ; also C.I.L. vii. 1336, 550.


M 307.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of foot. London; acquired 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1045 Good glaze.

Diam. 4} in.

Found in

Part of lower frieze preserved : rosette within a semicircular wreath ; on either side, zigzag line ending in small bunch of leaves ; in the centre of the bowl is the stamp lrVIIRIV ~. S]everi (marm)?; cf. M 3.

M 308.

PART OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 4} in. Diam. 9! in. Found in London. Roach PL.a.n Smith Coli., 1856. Dckhelette, i. p. 286, No. 1271 1 ; C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6<)oa; Cal. Lond. A1tl, p. 44; Coli. A11l. i. p. 153; Bo11ner jakrb. xcix. p. 110. Very fragmentary; only the foot and less than half of the rest remaining ; restored in plaster. Design in panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.


(I) Panel of "arrow-heads" placed horizontallyJ,type I); (2) archer tor.. kneeling on r. knee and drawing his bow (Dechelette, type 168; see M 536); (3) panel of oblique zigzag lines and "arrow-heads" as M 50 (type 2) ; (4) dog to l. (cf. Dechelette, 924) ; above, three circles; below, a plant; (1) repeated; (5) lion leaping to r. (Dechelette, 748); above, three circles; (3) repeated ; (6) roebuck running to r. looking back (Dechelette, 859); above, three circles; below, two plants. Below are : a moulding between two rows of beads ; elongated tongue-pattern as on M 201 ; a row of festoons (type 4) in which are tendrils ending in triangular leaves ; between the festoons, bunches of leaves on twisted


In the interior is the stamp (MeJ~, Meddillus , cf. M


[Dechelette (ii. p. 35) thinks that the archer tNo. 2) is rather to be regarded as a besliarius, but Blanchet has suggested that he represents a Rutenian bowman ; sec Bullet. des attlirJs. de Fra11,e, 1898, p. 122.)

M 309.

BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2t in. Diam. 6} in. Lincoln, 1866. Made up from seven fragments and restored; foot modem. Nearly all burnt black. On the rim, hatched patterns.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : ( 1) festoons (cf. M 497 = type 9) with conventional buds between, w~thin which are swans(?)


Two pieces joined.


!4 311.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3~ x 3! in. London, 1837. patterns on rim and border of beads above design.

Upper frieze of panels with borders of zigzag lines ending in rosettes: (I} Two hares or rabbits to r. (Dechelette, 943 and 947); (2) four rows of leaves or "arrow-heads," horizontally placed (type 3) ; (3} dog to r. looking back (Dechelette, 924); (2) repeated, only a small fragment remaining. Between the friezes, moulding between two rows of beads and triple row of scalepattern Lower frieze with festoons, between which

are plants
I 312.

; in the festoon, bid to 1. looking back (Decllelcttc, 1036).

Ht. 3 in. Length 6 in. Good glaze. Rim as last, but x:o beads.

FRAGMENT, similar.

Upper frieze with panels and medallions alternating; in the panels are three rows of leaves (type 4), and in the medallions alternately a small bird to l. (Dechelette, 1043) and a swan(?) to l. (Dechelette, 1017, reversed) ; in the angles of the medallions are small discs. Below are a moulding between two rows of beads, a straight wreath (type 18), and a zigzag line. Lower frieze with festoons formed by serrated lines, with buds on cable-pattern stalks between ; in the festoons are birds (1) to l., (2) to r. looking back, (3) to 1. looking back (Dechelette, 1043, 1009. 1035).
Ill 313.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Length 6~ in. Found in Lotbbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 100; Cat. L01td. All/. p. 32, No. 144. Two pieces joined. Good glaze.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two zigzag lines and straight wreath: In the upper, which is very incomplete, festoons formed by wreaths, between which are swans(?) to r. (Dechelette, 1017); in each festoon a grasshopper(?) to r. ; in the field, a ring. In the lower, panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes: (1) grasshopper(?) to r., swan to r. (both as above), and doe(?} to r. looking back; (2) dog to r. (Dechelette, 920 ?), another quadruped to r. (indistinct}, small rabbit to r., dog to r. (half erect), and swan as before; (3) two birds to r. (Dcchelette, 1034 ?), deer running to r. (ibid. 861 ?), and grasshopper as before; (4) small rabbit to r., dog(?) to r., bini to 1. (ibid. 1032 ?) ; (5) dog to r. (ibid. 924, but smaller), bird to r. (ibid. 1034), and part of dog or hare running to r. (head wanting).
l\1 314.

Coli., 1856.

OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2} in. Found in London. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Roach Smith

Upper frieze with part of festoon and column ; in the festoon, a pattern of diamond-shaped leaves; on the r., hind part of dog(?) running tor. Below, moulding between two rows of beads.
H 2



Ht. 2} in. Length 3! in. Similarly acquired.

M 315.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Good glaze.

Upper frieze with festoon (cf. type 5), on r. of which is a stem ending in leaves as M 311 ; in the festoon a scroll ending in a rosette ; on the r., dog running to r. (head wanting), above which is a tendril ending in a bud ; below, two tufts of grass

~~ .

Below, moulding between two rows of

beads, straight wreath (type 19), and zigzag line.

M 316.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2~ in. Length Two pieces joined. Dull glaze. Above the designs, row of beads.


in. Similarly acquired.

Round the body, two friezes divided by a moulding between two rows of beads : In the upper, small medallions divided by chains ending in rosettes ; in them alternately small rosettes and birds to I. The lower frieze has scrolls with long pointed leaves with indented edges in the upper spaces, above which are birds to 1. (as above) ; in the lower spaces are conventionalised plants with volutes and spikes of blossom (cf. M 240, etc.).
M 317.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2 in. Length 3t in. Found in Eastcheap, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and beads.

Medallions with serrated borders, in which are birds to 1. ; between them, chain-borders ending above in rosettes.
M 318.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3i in. Length 2! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns.

Two friezes divided by moulding between rows of beads: In the upper, a panel with borders of zigzag lines, in which are four rows of leaves horizontally placed (type 5), alternating with a medallion in which is a dog to I. with collar and curly tail, open-mouthed. Of the lower frieze there remains a panel with



Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads and thick straight wreath (type 5): In the upper, panels with (1) two wreaths (type I2) divided by beads; (2) medallion in the form of a plaited wreath within which is an eagle to the front looking to r. (Dtkhelette, 986) ; in the upper angles, rosettes ; on either side, groups of three vertical zigzag lines; (3) panel with rows of leaves as M 3 I 2. Lower frieze of scrolls, mostly wanting.

II 322.

FRAGMENT, similar.


4w in.

Similarly acquired.

Bright red glaze.

Lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath (type I7), and zigzag line above: (I) dog running to I.; (2) six vertical zigzag lines; (3) dog to r. pursuing hare (Dechelette, 921 ; only hind-legs of hare visible). Below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type I6).

II 323.


FRAGMENT, similar.

Ht. 2i in.

Length 3 in.

Similarly acquired.

Lower frieze with moulding between beads, tongue-pattern, and zigzag line above: panels divided by sets of four zigzag lines, in which are (I) rabbit seated to r. (Dechelette, 946 ?) ; (2) bird to r. ; (3) rabbit as before.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht.

M 324.



4k in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze.

Above, two straight wreaths (types I 3 and 6) and zigzag line ; below, medallions with cable-borders enclosing rosettes, and groups of vertical zigzag lines, alternating.

M 326.

FRAGMENT, similar. designs badly stamped.







Similarly a';quired.

Good glaze;

Lower frieze with straight thick wreath between rows of beads above ; medallions enclosing ten small rosettes, alternating with narrow " cruciform " patterns formed of lines of beads with rosettes at the angles.
M 326.
FRAGMENT, similar.
21 x 2jj- in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads : Of the upper, part of a medallion with plait-border alone remains ; the lower consists of a wreath of scallop-like leaves (type I4), row of beads, and a double ring of cable-pattern below, on either side of which the tail of a bird turned away is visible.
M 327.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 3i iu. Length 4B- in. and in. Found in Cannon Street, London, June, 1851. Price Sale, 1853. Four pieces joined in two. Good glaze. On the rim, hatched patterns and row of beads.

Two friezes as last: In the upper, scrolls with rosettes and buds or flowers (type 26) ; in lower spaces, groups of "arrow-heads." In the lower, above, a straight wreath (cf. types 6, I I) and row of beads ; below, four vertical rows of beads alternating with medallions in which are rosettes ; the medallions have cable-pattern borders, and in the upper spaces are pairs of rosettes.




:M 328.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. worn ; design indistinct.


Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Glaze

Two friezes divided by moulding between rows of beads: In the upper, a panel of leaves in four rows (type 10), with zigzag borders, and a cable-bordered medallion, within which is an uncertain object. In the lower, scrolls with large polygonal leaves and flowers in upper spaces ; in the lower, flowers and volutes ending in rosettes.
:M 329.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 3i in. Lenb>th 5 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Three pieces joined. Good glaze. Above the design, row of beads.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath as M 322, and zigzag line: In the upper frieze, (I) eagle to front looking to r. (Dechelette, g86) between two birds (the one on the r.= Dechelette, I032, the other imperfect) ; behind the one on the r., a bird to 1. (Dechclette, IOI7, reversed) ; (2) panel of "arrowheads" (cf. type 10); (I) repeated (eagle and part of bird on r. visible). Lower frieze (Fig. 105) of medallions with cable-borders divided by patterns, in which arc alternately a bird to r. looking back (cf. Dcchclctte, 1009) and one to I. looking back (cf. ibid., 1036).
:M 330.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 6~ in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. pieces joined, with part of rim. Good glaze. Above the design, row of beads.


Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads, wreath as M 321, and zigzag line : In the upper (Fig. 106), panels divided by groups of



Upper frieze: Panel with dog pursuing hare to r. (cf. Dechelette, 9I4 and 944) ; on either side, a panel of ornaments (conventional trees?).
Ill 332.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). 3! x 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beans, tonguepattern, and zigzag line: In the upper, (I) panel of "arrow-heads" (type I I) ; (2) panel with four quadrupeds ; in the upper left- and lower right-hand spaces, a hare or rabbit to r. ; between them, two uncertain quadru'peds, one pursuing the other to r. ; the panels are divided by zigzag lines with rosettes at the angles. In the lower frieze, scrolls with buds and rosettes, as type 10.
Ill 333.

THREE FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29). Found in High Street, Southwark, Dec., 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Rim as last.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper, panels divided by zigzag lines : (I) lion leaping to r. (Dechelette, 748), on either side panels of oblique zigzag lines and rows of leaves (type 7); (2) similar design, but with lion (Dechelette, 749) confronted by another quadruped, of which only the fore-paws remain; (3) as the first fragment. Lower frieze (on the third fragment only): scrolls with large pointed deeply-feathered leaves and spikes of blossom in upper spaces (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. I4); in the field, rosettes; in lower spaces, (I) lion to 1. (Dechelette, 764); (2) Gryphon to 1., crouching down to spring (as Dechclette, 502, but looking back) ; collar round neck ; fore-part only remaining.

:M 334.

PART OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., Ill. Rom. Lolld. pl. 26, fig. 7 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 153. Eight fragments made up with plaster into a complete bowl, forming about one-third of the whole ; foot nearly complete. Moulded rim with hatched patterns ; above the design, zigzag line.

Two friezes divided as last: In the upper, panels divided by rows of beads : (I) four rows of" arrow-heads''; (2} dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1049); (I} repeated; (3} two fishes to r., one above the other ; (I), ( 2 ). (I), repeated. Lower frieze with elongated tongue-pattern as M 201. In the interior is the stamp CBLjllfiiCr) liieddillus ; cf. M 201.

M 336.


Ht. 2k in.

Lincoln, 1866.

Two friezes as before: In the upper, panel of" arrow-heads" with bonier of beads ; in the lower, three rows of " arrowheads " above and panel of vertical zigzag lines below.
M 336.

Fig. ' 0 7

= !II


FRAGMENT, similar. r~ x I~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Panel with dog seizing the hind-quarters of a hare which leaps up to r. (cf. Dechelette, 921) ; on the r., part of a panel of" arrow-heads" (?).



FRAGMENT, similar. Ht.

:M 337.

in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Panels with zigzag line between: (1) "arrow-heads"; (2) dog to r. setzmg hare (?) ; in the field, a rosette ; below, moulding between two rows of beads and a lower frieze of patterns obliterated.
M 338.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Above the design, row of beads. Ht. 1~- in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze

Panels divided by zigzag line: (1) rabbit to I. (Dcc.helette, 954) ; (2) "arrowheads " ; below, mtmlding between two rows of beads, and tongue-pattern.
M 339.
FRAGMENT, similar.

It x 1i in. Similarly acquired.

Between two rows of beads, two panels with borders of zigzag lines: (I) fore-part of uncertain quadruped; (2) "arrow-heads."

M 340.

FRAGMENT, similar.


x 1~ in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Panels between two rows of beads, divided by zigzag line with rosettes at intervals: (I) two hares running tor. (Dechelette, 943 ?) ; (:::) uncertain design, only a small part being visible.
M 341.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2 in. Similarly acquired.

Eagle to front, with wings spread (Dechelette, 985 ; head wanting) ; on either side, four vertical zigzag lines.
M 342.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.
( 2)

Panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes: (1) tails of two fish to l.; five rows of feathery leaves, as M 3 I 2, but horizontally placed ; below, moulding between two rows of beads.
FRAGMENT, similar.

M 343.


in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Panel with rosettes and tendrils ending in buds at angles, in which are




M 347.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Moulded rim with hatched patterns.

1! in.


3t in.

Similarly acquired.

Gla1.e dull.

Fig. 1o8

= M 347

U ppcr frieze with row of beads above and below, in which arc panels divided by zigzag lines with rosettes at the angles: (I) lizard tor.; (2) lizard to 1. ; (3) three plants ; ( 1) and ( 2) repeated.
:M 348.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3 in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze, worn.

Upper frieze with panels divided by zigzag line ; on the 1., part of panel with oblique zigzag lines ; on the r., dog to r. (Dcchelettc, 91 5) pursuing hare, of which hind-legs only are seen ; in the field below, leaf on tendril. Below, moulding between beads.

II 349.

2f x l in. Similarly acquired. Dog running to r. (Dechelette, 9I5) ; below, zigzag line and wreath
FRAGMENT, similar.

(type 16).

M 350.

FRAGMENT, similar.


x i in.

Similarly acquired.

Bright glaze.

Part of panel with zigzag border, rosettes and tendrils at angles, in which is a "cruciform" pattern, and of another with panther to 1., its head turned upwards to seize a bunch of grapes (Dechelette, 802; cf. M 4o6).

M 351.

PART OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 4 in. Found in London. Presented by A. W. PI.ATll XXI. Franks, Esq., 1865. About one-fourth remaining, the rest made up in plaster. Moulded rim with two rows of hatched pattern.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: The upper consists of festoons (type 5) in which are scrolls, and between which are buds or bunches of leaves (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 7, Nos. 23, 24). In the lower, medallions alternating with panels: (I) medallion with dog to I. (head w<tnting); (2) panel with zigzag borders and tendrils ending in leaves at the angles, in which is a "cruciform" pattern (type 2) ; (3) medallion with a.rcher kneeling on r. knee to r. (cf. Dcchelette, 168 and 170); (4) panel with borders as (2), in which arc two dogs to r., with a double row of studs between. These four subjects seem to be repeated, but only a small part of (I) and (2) in the second series remains. In the interior is a stamp: tVJRPJp, Vi(b)itzi?; cf. C.I:L. xiii. 10010, 2030.

M 352.

llOWL (Form :!l)). lit. 3 in. Diam. S in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., PLATll XXII. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 781b; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 31, No. 135; llotmer jahrb. xcix. p. 119 ;

Dechelette, as last.


p. 288, No. 139, 2.

Nearly complete; made up from fragments.


Two friezes divided as last : In the upper, panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes, as follows: (1) dog running to 1. ; (2) panel of" arrow-heads" (type 10) ; (3) goat lying down to r. (Dechelette, 887). with plant in field ; (2) repeated; (1) and (3) are repeated four times altogether with (2) between them throughout. In the lower frieze are alternate medallions with a bird to r. looking back (Dechelette, 1009) and a panel with "cruciform" pattern (type 3). In the interior is the stamp \OFPA\\EN), Of(ficina) Passen(i); cf. C.l.L. xiii.


M 353.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3! in. Length 5!- in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, (I) a double festoon formed by wreaths with an ornament between, in each festoon a volute (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 7, No. 24); (2) panel of narrow leaves in two rows, with zigzag line ending in rosettes dividing it from (3) panel with pattern as Dechelette, i. p. 95, fig. 63 ;

Fig. '09

= M 353
Lower frieze of alternate panels and

next, (2) repeated, and (I) repeated.



Wl 355.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with two-thirds of foot. Ht. Ii in. Diam. 5} in. From the Minories, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d, p. 105 ; Cat. Lo11d. A11t. p. 44; Arclzaeo/ogia, xxvii. p. 152; Col/. Ani. i. p. 153; B01mer ja/1rb. xcix. p. 117. Dark red glaze.

Lower frieze remaining, with moulding between rows of beads and straight wreath of feathery leaves above: (1) part of "cruciform" pattern with rosettes and tendrils at angles; (2) medallion with eagle to front looking to r. (Dechelette, 986) ; (3) "cruciform" pattern with diagonals of zigzag lines, pattern of plants in the intervening spaces, rosettes and tendrils at angles ; (4) medallion with dog running to r. looking back (Dcchelette, 924). In the centre is the stamp OF NIGRI, Of(ficina) Nigri; cf. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 763, xiii. 10010, 1428 ; Dechelette, i. p. 288; M 6o7, etc.


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29). Good glaze.




Foot complete.

Lower frieze with alternate medallions and panels containing "cruciform " patterns (type 2, as M 35 I); in the medallion a rosette or flower of thirteen points, with concentric rings in the angles. In the centre is the stamp (QF 1, lliJ Of(ficina Nig)ri ?.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.




Found in London.


Two friezes divided by moulding between beads: In the upper, panels divided by zigzag lines ; on the 1., the hind part of a quadruped to l. ; on the r., " arrow-heads" (type 1 I). In the lower, medallions and panels with "cruciform " patterns alternating ; in the medallion, small bird and cock to r. (the latter =Dechelette, I 02 I ?) ; in the field, a rosette. The panels have zigzag borders with rosettes and tendrils ending in leaves at the angles ; the patterns consist of zigzag diagonal lines, triple buds at top and bottom, with zigzag spikes ending in buds also at top, and tendrils at the sides ending in long leaves.
l\11 358.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 3~ in. Length 4t in. pieces joined. Above and below the upper frieze, rows of beads. London, 1837. Two

Upper frieze of scrolls with buds and small rosettes; lower frieze of panels with borders of zigzag lines ending in rosettes : ( 1) medallion with Eros kneeling on r. knee to r., holding out bow (Dechelette, 274) ; (2) double panel: in upper compartment, hare running to r. (Dechelette, 942) ; in the lower, "cruciform'' pattern with diagonals of zigzag lines, and ivy-leaves on tendrils. At the angles of the panels are tendrils ending in pointed leaves.
M 359.
FRACME~T OF BOWL (Form 29). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

Ht. 2 in. Length 21 in.

Found in London.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: Of the upper, only a stalk and tendril ending in rosette remain. In the lower, part of medallion with eagle to front looking to 1. (Dechelette, 982) ; on the r., panel with border of zigzag lines, and rosettes and tendrils ending in buds at the angles, in which is part of a quadruped tor., the rest wanting.

M 360.


FRAG:\fENT, similar.

Ht. 2} in.

Length 2! in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Lower frieze of moulding between two rows of beads above ; medallion with eagle to front looking to I. (cf. Dechelette, 981 and 982) ; on the r., part of "cruciform" pattern with zigzag borders and tendrils ending in buds at the angles. M 361.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2! in. Similarly acquired.

Part of "cruciform " pattern with zigzag borders and diagonals, and of medallion with cable-border in which is a Gryphon springing to I. looking back (cf. M 333 and Dcchelette, 502); behind it, a leaf
M 362.
.FRAG:\lENT, similar.

A .


x 2l in. Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Part of lower frieze with moulding between two rows of beads above ; part of "cruciform " pattern (borders and diagonals of beads, rosettes and tendrils ending in buds at angles), and of a medallion on ~he r.
M 363.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3~ x 3~ in. Similarly acquired.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper, part of panel with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, in which is a man kneeling on one knee tor. (legs only remaining; probably archer as M 308, 536); below, a row of leaves. In the lower, (I) panel as above with three compartments: \a) fore-part of quadruped (indistinct) running to r., (b) two rows of "arrowheads" as on M 308 (type 2), (c) dog(?) running to I. ; (2) medallion with lion bounding tor. (Dcchelette, 7 50?) ; above, tendril ending in rosette and leaf; on the r., part of a panel as (I). At the angles of the panels are tendrils ending in buds.
M 364.
BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 4~ in. Diam. 9i in. Similarly acquired. It/. Rom. Lmui. PLAn XXl pl. 25, fig. 1; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 31, No. 133. Twelve fragments joined, and about onethird restored in plaster. On the rim, four rows of hatched patterns.



(cf. Dechelette, II5I) ; (2) dog to I. as Dechelette, 926; (3) plant as (I), above which are pairs of swans or geese (Dcchelette, IOI7) confronted; (4) boar to I. as Dechelette, 842. Below, straight wreath (type I9) and zigzag line; scroll-pattern with large feathery leaves in upper spaces resembling Dcchelette, i. pl. 7, No. 19; in the lower spaces are conventional plants as M 240, etc., at the base of which are two rabbits (Dcchelette, 946) confronted. Lower frieze mostly wanting.

M 365.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Ht. 2 in. Length 3!- in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, 9; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 35, No. 170. Good glaze.

Two friezes as last: Of the upper there only remain a quadruped nmning to r. and a plant. In the lower, two panels, at the angles of which are tendrils ending in buds ; on the I. is a panel with Artemis driving a biga to r.. (crescent on head, long chiton ; sec Fig. I II) ; on the r., a double panel with borders of zigzag lines and rosettes at angles : in the upper, hind part of quadruped to r. ; in the lower, a row of leaves as M 27I.

Fig.,.,= !\f 365 cparu.

(e) DECORATION IN FRIF.ZES (.M: 886-370).

M 366.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29), with part of rim. Ht. 2& in. Length 3i in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Good glaze. Rim moulded, with hatched pattern.

Round the body, two friezes : On the upper, hare running to r.

(Dechelette, 942) ; leaves plant ; of stems with feathery dog three running to r. ( Dechelette, gi6 ; fore-part wanting). Below, a series of ornaments; and moulding between two rows of beads. On the lower frieze, part of a large palmette ; rosette ; Fig. 112 = l\1 366. lion attacking deer (heads only visible); large palmette between two rosettes ; part of tendril (?).


M 367.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6.


31 in. Length 4i in. Found in London.

Two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads, straight wreath (type I9), and zigzag line: In the upper, plant as Dcchelette, II5I, but smaller, with serrated leaves ; on the r., a quadruped running to I. ; in the field below, tufts of grass. In the lower, festoons (type 6) with serrated edges, between which arc buds on stalks ; in the festoons, tendrils ending in triangular leaves. Below, zigzag line and straight wreath as above.

I 10


M 368.

FRAG.MENT, similar. Ht. 2} in. Length 4 in. Similarly acquired. Glaze dull and Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Upper frieze with dog running to r. (Dcchelette, 916; hind part wanting); in the field, tufts of grass ; on the r., a spike of blossom or plant as on M 366 and part of another object; below, moulding between beads.
M 369.
FRAGMENT, similar.
2} x 2! in.

Similarly acquired.

Rim as last.

Dog to r. and tuft of grass below, as on last. M 370.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot.

x Jk in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Str(\ight wreath with three rows of leaves, below which is a narrow frieze with dog to r. (Dechelette, 923 ?) and plant as M 3 1 1 ; on the I. are visible the fore-paws and muzzle of another dog.

(JI 371-400).

M 371.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 29). Diam. 4} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., r856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 149; Ill. Rom. Lottd. p. 102; Cat. Lond. A11l. p. 42 ; Loll. A tzl. i. p. 15 1. Foot complete. Fine glaze on interior.

M 372.

In the centre is the stamp {(:>FIBILI(Al?, Oj(j)ic(ina) Bilicat[i; cf. C.l.L. 10010, 297, and for the form of the c, M 378.
Similarly acquired. C./.L. vii. 1336, 259. Foot

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Si in. nearly complete. Good glaze.

Part of design visible, with acanthus-plant and two rosettes. In the centre is the stamp OF CAST, Of(ficina) Cast(i) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. IOOIO, 478 ; Dcchelette, i. p. 257; and M 627.
M 373.
FRAGMENT, similar, with foot complete. Sale, r8;3. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 336a. Diam. Jl in. . Found in London. Price


In the centre is the stamp IOOIO, 607.

[01 0 ':)=\Q), Oj(jicina) Co(l)o(ni ?) ; cf. C.I.L.




M 378.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 29), with part of foot. Diam. 3 in. Found near St. Saviour's Church, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 56o; Ill. Rom. Lone/. p. 104; Cal. Lond. A11t. p. 43; Coli. A11l. i. p. 152. Dark red glaze.
10010, 1 143,

In the centre is the stamp ~, Licinus f(ecit) ; cf. CI.L. xiii. and for the c, M 371.
Diam. 3! in.

M 379.

FRAG:\fENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29), with part of foot. Good glaze.

In the centre, stamp as last

380 -381.
TWO FRAGMENTS, each forming centre of bowl (Form 29). Diam. 3~ in. and 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 6cpa; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; toll. A1zt. i. p. 153; Bomur jalzrb. xcix. p. 110. One has part of foot remaining.

In the centre is the stamp (ME$1~, Meddi//us; cf. M 20I, M 308.

M 382.
186o. FRAGl\tENT as last. Diam. 2~ in. From Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., C.J.L. vii. 1336, 6cpa. Good glaze.

Stamp as last. M 383.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 29?), with part of foot. Diam. 4! in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 741b; ill. Rom. Lo11d, p. 105 ; Bomur jahrb. xcix. p. 11 S ; Schuermans, 3748. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp xiii. 10010, 1 394

M 384.

<Of'Mv1t](6, Of(ficina)

Murra(ni) ; cf. C.I.L.

Diam. Sl in.

FRAG:'vlENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29), with part of foot. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. Good glaze.

Part of lower frieze with moulding between beads above ; band of three rows of'' arrow-heads," zigzag line, and straight wreath of scalloped leaves. In the centre is the stamp~, (P)as(s)en(z); cf. M 210. X 385.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). Diam. 3! in. Found in Gracechurch Street, London, 9 Apr., 1837; acquired 1838 C.I.L. vii. 1336, 784b. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp xiii. 10010, 1495

l4 386.

OFPASSIENJ, Of(ficina) Passim(i);

cf. C.I.L.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 4} in. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 7846. Bright red glaze.

Lime Street, London, 29 Oct.,

Stamp as last:
l4 387,


FRAG~IENT, similar. 2~ x 2t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 7R4b; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Coli. A ttl. i. p. 153. Good glaze.

Stamp as before.
l4 388.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 29), with part of foot. Diam. 2!- in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 14 Dec., 1837. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 884. Dark red glaze. From

In the centre is the stamp C.I.L. xiii. 10010. 1 591


Quartionis or Quarli o(.fficina) ; cf.

M 389.


FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 4! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 939a ; Cal. Loml. An./. p. 45 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 106 ; Coli. A nl. i. p. 154 ; B,mnrr Jahrb. xcix. p. 134; Schuermans, 4768. Good glaze on interior.

Part of design visible ; rosette, zigzag line, and row of heart-shaped leaves ; in the centre is the stamp (OFRVFI~), Of(ficina) Rtifitt(i) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii. 10010, 1659 M 390.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4! in. From Colchester(?). vii. 1336, 94oa. Foot complete. Good glaze. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L.

In the centre is the stamp M 391.

(0FrVFIM, Of(.ficina) (R)u.fitz(t).


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29). Diam. 4~ in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondsey. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Foot complete. Dull glaze.

Part of lower frieze with festoons, between which are buds on stalks. the centre is the stamp QEJ ~. Oj(.ficina) R[zlji]ll(i) ?.
:M 392.
FRAGMENT, as the last. Diam. 5-i in. Foot complete. Good glaze.

Part of straight wreath ; in the centre is the stamp Rujin(i) ?.

M 393.

@fl)l. tfiD, Of(.ficina)

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 29), with half of foot. Diam. ;i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 9;411 ; A rchaeolt~t;ia, xxvii. p. 147 ; Saull, No/it. Brit. p. 37; Froehner, Inscr. terr. cocl. 1835 ; Schur.rmans, 4839. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 394.

~' Sabimts fe(cit); cf.


M 267, 354

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 29). Diam. 31 in. Found in King William Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1002; Bo11ncr Jaltrb. xcix. p. 141. Foot nearly complete. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~--F~l:-:=0~'11:-;~1\m).,.., , Of(.ficilla) Seamd(i) ; c( C.I.L. xiii.





M 398.

FRAGMENT fanning centre of bowl (Fonn 29), with part of foot. Diam. 4f in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 120<Jtl or c; Bo1m~r janrb. xcix. p. 161. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~OFVITI\[ xiii. 10010, 2062. M 399.

?, Of(ficina) Vital(is) ; cf. C.I.L.

Price Sale, 1853.

FRAGMENT as the last. Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. vii. 1336, I20<Jtl or c. Foot complete. Dark red glaze.


In the centre is the stamp M 400.

fOMTAI the last.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 29). 4~ x 3~ in. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 6900; jahrb. xcix. p. 110; Dcchelette, i. p. 286, No. 127, 1. Good glaze.

1017) ;

On the exterior, part of medallion, and below it a bird to r. (Dechelette, in the interior is the stamp {ifjjll@, Meddillus; cf. M 201, etc.

78 (M 401-456).

111 401.


BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 4~ in. Diam. 5t in. Found at Sandy, Bedfordshire, Sept., 1844. Pun XXVI. xxxi. p. 254. Broken in four pieces, but complete; repaired anciently with rivets. Above the design, egg-and-tassel with rosettes.

Round the body, scroll-pattern like Dechelette, i. pl. 6, No. 14, with zigzag line below; each leaf has adjoining it a stalk ending in a long spike of blossom, and here and there are perched eight birds, alternately to I. and r. (Dcchelette, 1046).
M 402.
BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 4{ in. Diam. 5 in. From Murston, Kent, 1883. Payne, Col/. pl. 3, fig. x, p. 41. Repaired, but practically complete ; rim damaged. Dull glaze, much worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Band of wide scrolls with tendrils and sprays of leaves in the spaces ; in the field above each space is a small bird to I. ; in the field below each, a rabbit to r. (Dechelette, 946) nibbling at the leaves.
M 403.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 3i in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-pattern and zigzag line. Roach Smith

Thick wreath in festoons (cf. M 4o6) and scrolls with cyclamen leaves (as M 257).
M 404.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2} in. Similarly acquired.

Large scrolls from which spring tendrils ending in spikes of blossom, buds or leaves, and large feathery leaves, filling the upper spaces.


FRAG:\<IENT, similar. Ht. 4 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Three pieces joined. Dark red glaze. :Moulded rim and base ; above the design, egg-and-tassel with rosettes, and zig-zag line.

Large scrolls with cyclamen leaves and spikes of blossom ; in the lower spaces a plant with buds, vollttes ending in rosettes, and a zigzag stalk from the



base of which spring tendrils ending in sprays of leaves ; from the upper end of

"it spring tendrils ending in cyclamen leaves; in the field are pellets.
M 406.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4j in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 27, fig. 6 ; D~chelette, i. p. 286, ii. p. 124; C.I.L. vii. 1337, so; 'Schuermans, 3389. Made up from seven pieces. Good glaze ; design well executed. Above the design, zigzag line and egg-and-tassel; below, zigzag line.

Round the body of the vase a scroll-pattern, formed by a wreath, with tendrils in upper spaces ending in spikes of blossom and large pointed leaves



Large scrolls with tendrils ending in cyclamen leaves, sprays and other leaves ; on one is perched a bird to r. looking back (Dechelette, IO<J9).
II 408.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Good, dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and straight wreath (type 20) between zigzag lines.

Scrolls with polygonal leaves in upper spaces ; in the lower, medallion with cableborder, in which is a bird to 1. (?) ; outside the medallion, small bird to r.

Fie. 115

=M 407


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3f in. Diam. 4 in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined. Dull glaze. Moulded rim ; above the design, egg-and-tassel ; below, zigzag line.

Large scrolls with long feathery leaves and spikes of blossom on tendrils ; in the upper spaces, pairs of tendrils ending in acorns. In the lower spaces: (1) two subjects divided by a zigzag line, the upper uncertain, the lower, part of a gladiator to I. ; (2) similar: above the line, two rabbits confronted (Dcchelette, 946 and 951 bi's) ; below, two gladiators, the one on the 1. to 1., with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, short sword in r. hand, and small oval shield in raised 1. ; of the other, also to 1., only the head with crested helmet and part of shield are visible.

M 410.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3! in. Length 4 in. Above the desib'11, egg-and-tassel ; below, zigzag line.

Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Large scrolls with tendrils ending in small leaves, rosettes, and large poly-


upper spaces); ;n the lower space, dog runn;ng

to r. (Dechelette, 916 ?) ; below, zigzag line ending in rosettes and bunch of leaves with volutes on _either side ending in rosettes; below one volute, part of a bird tor.
BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 4~ in. Diam. Si in. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Complete. Dull glaze. Moulded rim, with egg-and-tassel above design. Panels with chain-borders and rosettes at angles.

Four subjects, each occurring twice, with slight variations: (r) Combat of gladil:l.tors: Retiarius to r., with loin-cloth, arm-guard on l. arm, and trident in r. hand (Dcchclette, 622), attacks a gladiator who holds his scutum in front of him (very indistinct, perhaps Dcchelette, 620) ; below the former is a platform indicated by a zigzag line, and in the angles on the 1. are tendrils ending in
2. -



spikes of blossom. (2) "Cruciform " pattern with chain-pattern diagonals (cf. M 499=typc 6); in the upper and lower spaces are plants, in the lower alsp ivy-leaves on stalks; in the side spaces, tendrils ending in leaves as on M 221. (3) Warrior or gladiator to the front (indistinct), with club(?) in l. arm and an object like a greave held out in r. hand ; he has drapery round his thighs and over 1. shoulder ; at his feet are, on the 1., a conical object, on the r. an eagle(?) to r. looking back (Dechelette, 1019 ?) ; in the upper angles are tendrils with spikes of blossom. (4) Oblong double panel : above, lion running to r., pursuing a deer (Dechelette, 747 and 861); in the field, tendril ending in leaf and two plants ; below, two festoons formed by wreaths, in which are volutes ending in rosettes.
M 412. PART OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. SA in. Diam. 6 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ctll. Lond. Attt. p. 35, No. 164; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 92; journ. Brit. Arch. . Assoc. iv. p. 5; Roach Smith, Retrospections, ii. p. 20~. Eight fragments joined in two, forming about two-thirds of the whole vase. Good glaze. Moulded rim ; above the design, egg-andtassel and zigzag line. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles.

On the larger fragment (see Fig. 1I 6) : (I) Nude warrior to l., looking back, with oval shield on l. arm ; in the lower angles, tendrils ending in leaves. (2} Double panel: above, three rows of" arrow-heads" as M 352 (type 10); below, Herakles slaying the serpent in the garden of the Hesperides (Dechelette, 468) ; he brandishes his club in r. hand and with 1. seizes the serpent, which is twisted round the tree (on which the fruit is vaguely indicated) ; the panel ljl~~-,.dli~~==L).(;~~;tt:z.=U.::==:oo=U has tendrils at the angles. (3) Fig. 116 = Jll 412 (part}.


zigzag stalks alternate with large feathery leaves ; on the straight central stem is perched a bird to 1. looking back (Dechelette, 1035) ; at the foot are two rabbits leaping up, one each side (Dechelette, 944). The other plants have zigzag stems with a branch each side ending in a flower; from the bases spring tendrils ending in large buds.

Fig. "7


4'3 (part).

Fig. u8 = M 4'4

:M 414.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 3l in. Found in London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Panels divided by pairs of zigzag lines ending in rosettes; above, egg-and-tassel pattern.

(I) Panel with plant spreading over the field ; above, a bird to r. (Dechelette, I009) ; below, hare or rabbit tor. (Dechelette, 944). (2) Fisherman to r., nude and beardless, wearing petasus (Dechelette, 557); he is divesting himself of his loin-cloth in order to enter the water. (3) Plant and bird as in (I), but the latter reversed ; below, hind part of dog(?) to r.

M 415.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2! in. Length 4i in. Found in New Church Street, Dennondsey, London, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 11l56. Dark red glaze. Moulded rim, with row of beads and egg-and-tassel above design.

" Cruciform " panels and medallions alternating : the former have borders and diagonals of beads, tendrils at the angles ending in long buds, and


~and buds In the

upper spaees; In the medallions arc plants with

buds and pairs of volutes ending in rosettes, as M 242, etc.

M 416.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x :zi in. Found in Lombard Street, London. Smith Coli., 18 ;6. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Roach

Alternate "cruciform " patterns and medallions : the former have zigzag borders and diagonals, with rosettes and tendrils ending in leaves at the angles, and tendrils in the spaces at the sides ; the medallions have cable-borders and




contain conventional plants with buds and pairs of volutes ending in rosettes (cf. M 242). All that remains is two-thirds of a medallion and a small part of the panel.each side.
M 417.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2!x2i in. Found in London. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Good

On the I., part of " cruciform " pattern, with zigzag borders, rosettes and tendrils ending in buds at angles ; on the r., plant as on last, above which arc two birds confronted, pecking at the buds.
M 418.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 4~ in. Found in Walbrook, London. Loftus Brock Coli. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1896. Three pieces, which do not join; glaze burnt to dark brown or black. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles, from which spring tendrils in the alternate panels ; in each is a "cruciform" pattern (type 5).
M 419.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). 3~ x 3} in. Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Good glaze. Found in London. Roach Smith

Panel with " cruciform" pattern : zigzag borders and diagonals ; tendrils at angles ending in buds ; between the diagonals, long leaves, spikes of blossom, and tendrils ending in buds ; on the r., part of a medallion or scroll.
M 420.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Fine glaze.

Part of "cruciform " pattern with zigzag diagonals : in the upper space, stalks and leaves as M 41 5 ; in the lower, '' arrow-heads " ; on each side a large leaf (as on M 41 5) at the end of a tendril.
M 421.
FRAGMENT S OF BOWL (Form 30), with part of rim. Ji: x 3 in. and 3~ X zi in. Found in Leadenhaii Stre t, London. Roach mitb Coli., 1856. Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 34, No. 163. T wo pieces,



111 422.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 31 in. Found in London, March, 1836. Price Sale, 1853. Good glaze. Moulded rim, with egg-and-tassel. Panels with borders of zigzag lines and rosettes at angles.

(1) Combat of gladiators (Tkraces): Of the one on .the I. (Dechelette, 6o3), only l. leg and part of shield are visible ; the other (Dcchelette, 604) has crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, oblong shield on r. arm, and sica in l hand. Below, two rows of" arrow-heads" between zigzag lines ; in the field on the r., a bud on a zigzag stalk. (2) ''Cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals; in upper space, buds on zigzag stalks, at the side a tendril ending in a long feathery le,af.
M 423.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x 1i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-pattern. Panels divided by zigzag lines.

On the l., a gladiator ( Thrax) advancing to l., with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, oblong shield (sctttum), and sica in r. hand ; behind him, a bud on a zigzag stalk. On the r., "cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals, tendrils at sides ending in long feathery leaves, and five buds on stalks in upper space. The designs closely resemble those on the last example.
II 424.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark, 1836. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Moulded rim. Good glaze. Panels divided by zigzag line ending in rosettes; above, egg-and-tassel.

(I) "Cruciform'' pattern with leaves on tendrils. (2) Gladiator (Thrax) advancing to r., with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, arm-guard on l. arm, and sira in r. hand (cf. Dechelette, 6o7} ; his opponent is wanting.
II 425,
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 39, No. 196. Fine glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles; above, egg-and-tassel.

On the 1., part of a "cruciform " pattern with tendrils ending in leaves as M 415 and zigzag diagonals. On the r., above, three rows of "arrow-heads" ; below, retiarius advancing to r., with loin-cloth, arm-guard on I. arm, and trident in both hands (Dcchelette, 622); somewhat indistinct.
[The type No.

Dechelette assigns to the fabric of Montans ; cf. M 510.]

111 426.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 30). 3~ x 31 in. and 3i x 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Sec Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 27, fig. 3 Two pieces, not joining. Fine glaze. Moulded rim; panels with chain-borders and rosettes at angles ; egg-and-tassel and chain pattern above.

On one fragment : ( 1) On 1., tail of lion ( ?) to I. ( 2) " Cruciform " pattern (cf. type 9) with chain-pattern diagonals, in the upper space three buds, on each side tendril and leaf as M 415. (3) Double panel: in upper compartment, lion rushing to r. (Dechelette, 747 or 748) pursuing quadruped of which only the hind-legs are visible. Below, two small panels: in the first (4) a draped man to I. carrying something; in the other (5) "arrow-heads." On the other fragment the latter panel is repeated, except that the positions of (4) and (5) are reversed.



M 427.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 30). 2j- x z in. and 2j- x 3~ in. Similarly acquired. The fragments do not join. Good glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles.

On the first fragment, above, fore-part of lion ( ?) to r. (Dechelette, 748 ?) confronting dog(?) ; below, panel of leaves as M 345 and oblique zigzag lines ; on the r., a vertical row of leaves as M 408 (only two remain). On the other fragment: On the 1., tendril and vertical leaves as before ; on the r., above, hindpart of lion as before ; below, panel of leaves and zigzag lines as before.

lYl 428.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 4 in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and zigzag line. Panels as last.

Good glaze.

( 1) On the 1., above, part of a long panel in which are two gladiators walking to 1., with helmets, loin-cloths, high boot on r. leg only(?), and oblong

hields ; beyond, the raised foot of another figure and a

i. (

2) Below, two

small panels : in the first, "arrow-heads" ; in the next, a fish or marine animal to r. (tail only visible). (3) On the r., a large panel with "cruciform" pattern (mostly wanting): zigzag diagonals, tendrils at sides, and at the top a zigzag stalk between two spikes, on which is perched a bird to 1. (cf. Dechelette, 1032).
M 429.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form Jo). Ht. of one, 3~ in. Length of the other, 4~ in. Similarly acquired. Two fragments, which do not join. Fine glaze. Panels as before ; above, egg-and-tassel between zigzag lines.

On the one fragment : ( 1) Arch on twisted columns, within which is a man walking to r., carrying a quadruped ; below him, zigzag line and row of oblongs, and on the r. a straight vertical wreath (type 6). (2) Double panel with tendril




I 21

M 431.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ii in. x It in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Journ. Brit. Arck. Assoc. iv. p. 9; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 101 ; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 38, No. 192. Good glaze. Panels as before.

Parts of two panels : (I) Part of "cruciform" pattern, with tendrils ending in leaves springing from the centre, sides, and angles. (2) Oblong panel with Victory to r. (lower part only ; roughly executed ; same type as on the following}; below, an altar(?) ornamented with patterns, from the top of which spring two tendrils. Beyond, part of a vertical wreath.
M 432.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1~ in. Similarly acquired. Jounz. Brit. Arc/1. Assoc. iv. p. 9; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 101; Cat. Lo11d. Alii. p. 38, No. 192. Dark n.-d glaze. Above, egg-and-tassel. Possibly part of the same vase as last ; the two are combined in Roach Smith's illustration.

In a medallion or arch, Victory as on last vase to r., carrying a lamp-stand (?); lower part wanting and details indistinct.

M 433.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3 in. Found in the Fleet Ditch, London. Coli.. 1856. Glaze poor. Panels as before.

Roach Smith

(I) Above, roe-buck lying down to r., looking back; (2) below, Eros running to r., holding something in 1. (Dechelette, 280 ; see M 436) ; below him, a plant. On the r., above, (3) small panel with zigzag diagonals meeting in a central rosette and rosettes in the spaces ; below, (4) rabbit seated to r. (Dechelette, 946).

1Vl 434.

LOWER PART OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 4 in. Diam. 5~ in. Sotheby's Sale, July, 1848. Foot nearly complete. Good glaze. Panels as before; below the design, zigzag line.

(I) On the 1., bull-fight (Fig. I2I); fore-part of bull to r., with band round centre of body (Dechelette, 897), confronted by a bestiarius with short chiton, and a gladiator's oblong shield (Dechelette, 637) ; below the bull is a small oblong panel left plain. (2) Double panel : in the upper compartment, combat of gladiators : on the 1. is the retiarius (only 1. leg and 1. hand with trident visible) ; on the r., the Fi~. = :0.1 434 (part). semtor, with drawers, oblong shield on r. arm, sica in 1. hand, and greave on r. leg. In the lower compartment, dog to r. pursuing hare. (3) Part of double panel: in the upper compartment, hindleg of quadruped to 1. ; in the lower, a wreath (type 3).

[For the hull-tight, cf M 1184, 1185, and Dcchclette, ii. pp. 105, 136; also Bull. des Antiqs. d,- h ana, 18gz, p. 64; Bullet. Arclt. 1896, p. 46.]



M 435.

"FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). 3w x 3i in. Found near London Bridge. Price Sale, 1853. Good glaze. Moulded rim; panels divided by cable-patterns with rosettes at angles, with egg-and-tassel and chain above.

( 1) Part of panel with man to I. wearing chiton exomis (leaving I. shoulder bare), r. hand extended, in I. a scroll (Dechelette, 5 10) ; before him a tendril. (2) Seilenoa walking to 1., with drapery fastened round waist, holding up an uncertain object in r. hand ; the I. (wanting) has held a hare at his side ( Dechelettc, 324).
M 436.
TWO FRAG:\fENTS OF BOWL (Form 30). Dimensions, 4~ x 4!- in. and 2i x 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lolld. pl. 27, fig. 2; Cal. Lo11d. A11t. p. 37, No. 189. One fragment (consisting of three pieces joined) includes about a quarter of the circumference and part of the foot ; the other is from the opposite side. Fine glaze. Abo,c the designs, a zigzag line and well-executed egg-and-tassel pattern with rosettes (cf. M 444).

( 1) On the larger fragment, in a medallion with border of circles and ropepattern, is Eros to I. playing flutes (cf. Dechelette, 267, a Lezoux type) ; on the I. of this are a swan(?). tor. (Dechelette, 1017) and a rabbit to I. (Dechelette, 954) ; beyond, part of the hind-leg and tail of a quadruped to I. On the r. is a square panel with borders and diagonals of zigzag lines, in which is a "cruciform" pattern of buds and tendrils (cf. M 20); at each angle of the panel is a flower on a tendril. (2) Of this side all that remains is a medallion as on (1), except that Eros here runs to 1., holding up a small quadruped by the hind-legs in r. hand and carrying some object in I. ; on the I. of the medallion a flower from the comer of the next panel is visible ; on the r., above, is a bird to I. looking back (Dechelette, 1009 ?). The type of Eros here is Dechclette, 280, but it is there given incomplete, without the quadruped.
M 437.
FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 30). Two pieces joined, with part of foot. Ht. 3 in. Length 4 in. Similarly acquired.

Panels divided by beads, with rosettes and pairs of tendrils above and below, the latter ending in feathery leaves: (1) medallion in form of wreath,



below the hare, a smaller one to r. (ibid., 946) ; in the first arch a dog to r., standing up to seize the smaller hare, in the other a dog seated to r., placed so that its nose touches the larger hare's fore-paw. Above the wreath are two birds, one to r., the other to 1., very indistinct. M 440.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x Cat. Lond. A~tl. p. 39, No. 197. zigzag line.

in. Found in Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and

Medallion formed by wreath with a rosette at the top, in which is a combat of two gladiators (Thrax and secutor, Dechelette, types 6o1-6o2 reversed): the Tltrax on the 1. has peaked helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, arm-guard on r. arm, sica in r. hand, and scutum on 1. arm ; the sccutor has crested helmet, loin-cloth, greave on r. leg (1. wanting), arm-guard on 1. arm, sica in 1. hand, and shield on r. arm. In the upper angle is a rabbit to r. (Dcchelette, 947) ; on the 1., a vertical zigzag line.
M 441.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3i in. Diam. 5~ in. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. Two pieces joined. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; moulded rim.

( 1) Arch formed by a wreath, with shafts in form of zigzag lines ; from the capitals spring tendrils ending in leaves (inside) and three stars as on M 421 (outside); in the arch is a woman to 1., resting chin on r. hand and supporting



= 1\1 44'

r. elbow in 1., wearing long chiton with apoptygma (Dechelette, 539, and see ii. p. 89). (2) Wreath forming semicircular arch and terminating below in two wreaths which bend round and unite in the middle in a reel-ornament (cf. Dcchelette, 111 1), from which spring a plant (above) and tendrils (ending in leaves) at sides and below. (3) Arch as in (1), in which is Victory tor., holding up wreath in r. hand (lower part wanting).
M 442.
FRAG:\IENT, similar. Ht. :z~ in. Found in Cannon Street, London, 1851. Smith Cull., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Roach

Within an arch formed by a wreath is a woman to 1., standing on a sort of dwarf column, resting chin on r. hand and r. elbow on I. (Dcchelette, 539,
Helbig, fVandgan. 1332
He cnmparc-s this with the " Penelope" type ; see also Rn.11e dt!s Etlldts am:., 19<JJ, p. 72, and Jllzu. B vrb. i. pl. U.



as on the last) ; she wears long chiton with apoptygma; on either side, a spike of blossom and tendril.
M 443.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. glaze. Above the design, zigzag line and egg-and-tassel. Dull

Arches resting on zigzag stems, in each of which is a large leaf like holly; between the arches, leaves.

M 444.

FRAGMENT, similar. 1~ x 2~ in. Found in London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Fine glaze ; carefully executed. Above the design, egg-and-tassel with rosettes as M 436.

Plant with zigzag stalks ending in leaves and acorns ; on the central stem is perched an eagle to front looking to r., with wings spread (Dechelette, g86) ; in the field is inscribed in raised letters ~w. Ma(sculus?; cf. M 406).
M 445.
FRAG:\IENT, similar. Ht. dark red glaze; design indistinct.

If in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull




plant (Dechelette, 1151 ?) ; (4) a bird to r. looking round (Dechelette, 100<)) and similar leaf-plant. Each of these ( 1)-(4} occurs twice in the circumference of the vase.
M 448.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL, as last, with moulded rim. Ht. 2~ in~ Found in Paternoster Row, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 28, fig. 1 ; Cat. Lond. A111. p. 37, No. 188. Design indistinct. Panels divided by zigzag lines ending above and below in rosettes.

( 1) Plant on which is a bird to I. (see Fig. 125); (2) Pan tor. (Dechelette, 423), confronted by a man or Satyr with I. foot drawn back, I. hand extended and r. drawn back; (3) part of a plant.

M 449.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form as last). Ht. 3 in. Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 28, fig. 3 Rough work.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

On the 1., panel of " arrow-heads " with zigzag border ; next, panel with retiarius (?) to r., attacking a beast which rushes at him ; he has a garment round I. shoulder and body, and a long-pronged trident in both hands ; between them are five " arrow-heads " ; above, a rosette on a tendril.
M 450.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL, as before. Ht. 2k in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 28, fig. 4; journ. Brit. Arcll. Assoc. h. p. 5; Wright, Uriconium, p. 237. Above the design, abbreviated egg-pattern ; below, a row of beads.

Eagle to front with head to r. (Dechelette, 986) between two trees ; under its feet is a hare on its back ; on 1., part of wreath.
M 451.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL, as before. Length pl. 28, tig. 10. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lo11d.

Three vertical zigzag lines ; medallion with bird to r. looking back (probably Dcchelette, 100<)) ; panel of "arrow-heads" with oblique zigzag lines above and borders of the same each side, ending in rosettes.
M 452.
FRAGI\IENT OF BOWL, as before.
1{ x 2} in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Stag lying down to I. (Dechelctte, 862) ; on either side, a tree.

M 453.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. zk in. Good glaze, but design very indistinct. Similarly acquired.

Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 28, fig. 9

Bird to r. looking back (Dechelette, 1009 ?) ; above it, smaller bird (cf. Dechelette, 1017) to I.; in the field, leaves on stalks.
M 454.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. I! in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Similarly acquired.

Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 28, fig. 8.

Vertical rows of beads alternating with vertical rows of semicircles.





M 455.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1~ in. From the City of London. Presented by Philip Hardwick, Esq., jun., F.S.A., 186o. Good glaze.

Fore-part of lion rushing to r., and fore-part of hare(?), confronted ; in the field above, a zigzag line ; above the design, a zigzag line.
M 456.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 2~ in. Found in London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Design very indistinct.

Hinder part of quadruped to 1. (apparently from a group of Eros driving a chariot?) ; below, tufts of grass. (3)
M 457.



37 (M 457-592).
Found in ~ew Church

(M 467-478).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37 ?). Ht. 3 in. Length 3! in. Street, Bermondsey. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

Two friezes divided by a row of beads : In the upper, scrolls enclosing a pattern of plants and tendrils ; on the I. of the pattern in the lower space is a hare(?} to I. In the lower, scrolls with tendrils ending in pointed leaves and rosettes in the field (type I 3).
M 458.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Glaze worn.

2! in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

Designs in friezes, divided by zigzag lines: (I} straight wreath (type 33); (2) pattern of long pointed leaves ; (3) scrolls with tendrils ending in rosettes and buds (type 25) ; (2) repeated.
M 459.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3! in. Diam. 6! in. Similarly acquired. Three pieces joined. Dark red glaze, discoloured. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 3).

Frieze of scrolls with pointed leaves on lower

spaces ; in




Scrolls, with tendrils in upper spaces ending in leaves and rosettes (cf. type 26) ; in the field, rings ; in the lower spaces, " arrow-heads." X 462.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3 in. Diam. 7i in. From Jordan Hil~ Weymouth. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1891 . Made up from fragments, but complete; somewhat shallow. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel (upper part of pattern cut off) and zigzag line; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (cf. M 365).

Large scrolls with pointed feathery leaves (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. ;, No. 15) and flowers on tendrils in the upper spaces ; in the lower, the folJowing alternate : (a) hare or rabbit tor. (Dechelette, 941) and dog to l. (Dechelette, 920, reversed), divided by zigzag line ending in rosettes; (b) hare or rabbit to 1. (Dechelette, 949) and hare to I. (as if pursued by the dog), similarly divided.
M 463.
BOWL (Form 37, shallow variety). Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 7! in. From Jordan Hill, Weymouth. Medhurst Coli., 1879 (Sotheby's Sale, 1 July, 1879, lot 104). Above the design, egg-and-tassel; below, line of beads and straight wreath as type 10.

Round the body, frieze of scrolls and long pointed leaves as M 293 ; on the tendril between the large leaves is a bird to r. and 1. alternately (Dechelette, 1017), and in the lower spaces are rabbits alternately to I. and to r. (Dechelette, 941 and 949), lying down; below them, a zigzag line ending in rosettes and two birds confronted (Dechelette, 1017), with two rosettes between.
M 464.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 37). Diam. 8 in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondsey. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Three pieces joined ; foot complete. Dull glaze.

Two friezes divided by a straight wreath (cf. type 19) and zigzag line, of which only the lower remains ; this has a pattern of large scrolls with pointed feathery leaves (as Dechelette, i. pl. 7, No. 19) ; only one lower space remains, in which is a hare(?) seated to 1. (head wanting ; probably Dechelette, 951) ; below it are a zigzag line ending in rosettes, and a row of long straight leaves. Below the frieze are a zigzag line and a row of leaves, as before, but extending all round (cf. M 458).

M 465.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). 2 x 3~ in. and 2~ x London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Dull glaze; the fragments do not join.



Found in

Part of lower frieze only remaining, with scrolls and medallions (?), below which are birds to I. ; below, zigzag line and band of pattern as on M 44

M 466.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2 x 2~ in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Bright glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and chain.

Large scrolls with pairs of pointed feathery leaves in upper spaces, between which is a bird to 1. (Dcchelette, 1034, reversed?).
:M 467.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3} in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern. Diam. 5} in. Three pieces joined. Good glaze.

Upper frieze of triple row of "arrow-heads"(?) between zigzag lines; lower frieze of scrolls with wreath and tendrils ending in leaves and buds in the upper


spaces ; in one space a swan(?) to r. (Dechelette, 1017) is inserted in the loop of the tendril. In the lower spaces, birds alternately to r. and to I. looking back

(Dechelette, 1009 and 1035), with a rosette in the field ; below them. zigzag line and double row of leaves as on M 365.
M 468.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2~ in. Found in London. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Price Sale, 1853. Good

Scrolls with tendrils ending in large feathered leaves ; in the lower spaces, the wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (Dechelette, 494 ; cf. M 499), below which are a zigzag line and a row of " arrow-heads."
M 469.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. Found in London. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good

Upper band of pattern



between zigzag lines.

Scrolls with large pointed serrated leaves, and buds ; in the lower space, Gryphon to l. (Dechelette, 504; cf. M 471 ).
M 470.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length


Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.




1.\1 473.

2f x 3 in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze; design indistinct. Large scrolls with the following design in the lower spaces : Above, combat of two gladiators (Dtkhelette, 6o;-6o8) : on 1., Thrax with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, and small scutum held up in 1. hand ; on r., gladiator, wearing loin-cloth, fallen to r., with 1. hand raised imploring mercy ; below the latter, three tufts of grass, and below again, zigzag line. Below this, dog pursuing hare (Dechelette, 942) tor.; below each, a plant as before.
FRAGMENT, similar. FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2} in. Length 4i in. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel ; below, zigzag line and thick straight wreath (type 1).

M 474.

Large wreath forming a scroll ; in the upper spaces, Eros dancing to r., looking down to 1., holding a burning torch in r. hand and thyrsos in I. over his shoulder (Dechelette, 353, wrongly as Satyr; cf. M 23, M 533) ; drapery floats from his I. shoulder and behind him. In the lower spaces, bird to I. with head thrust out (perhaps a duck; cf. Dechelette, 1013- 14); below, dolphin to I. and three geese to r. (Dechelette, 1017).
M 475. FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 2} x 31 in. Found in High Street, Southwark, 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Above, festoons with chains between, in which are (1) hare(?) to r. (Dcchelette, 944 or 947 ?), (2) hare to I. (Dechelette, 954), (3) swan to r. (Dechelette, 1003, reversed). Below, band of chevrons between zigzag lines, and scrolls with leaves and tendrils ending in rosettes (type 25).
1.\1 476.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2i in. Found at St. Mary-at-Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Above the aesign, egg-and-tassel and row of heads.

Two friezes divided by row of beads: In the upper, band of scrolls with tendrils ending in leaves and spikes of blossom ; in the lower, festoons, with chains ending in bunches of leaves (as M 311) between; in the arches, a swan alternately to r. and to I.
!II 477.
FRAGMENT, similar. tassel and row of beads. Ht.

J!- in.

Similarly acquired.

Above the design, egg-and-

Two friezes as last: In the upper, scrolls with tendrils ending in polygonal leaves, buds, and 'spikes of blossom (type 27) ; in the field, a rosette. In the lower, festoons with chains ending in buds between; only one complete, with small dog to r. (Dcchelette, 923).





M 478.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4! in. Diam. 7~ in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., IBio. About half preserved, with part of rim and small fragment of foot. Above the desib'll, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Large scrolls with tendrils in the upper spaces on which are pairs of long pointed feathery leaves as M 463, with smaller ones between; in the lower spaces alternately a deer running to r. and a dog to I. ; below them, between zigzag lines ending in rosettes, are oblong panels of zigzag lines and leaves in two rows. Below all round, festoons (cf. type 9) with buds between, within which are volutes ending in rosettes.


M 479.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of foot. Ht. 3i in. Diam. 7 in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and straight wreath between zigzag lines.

Upper frieze of scrolls with rosettes and buds ; ~=7 below, a row of panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes ; above ~~~~~>p~~~~ and below them, straight wreaths as before. In the panels are alternately a dog tor. looking back (Dcchelette, 924), and six loops (cf. M 202). Below, scrolls as before, with small discs in the field, and a straight wreath as before.
M 480.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 3~ in. Length 51 in. Found at the Mansion House, London, 9 July, 1866. Presented by the Rev. W. Sparrow Simpson, D.D . 188o. Good 1-flazc.

Above the




running to r. ; ( 1) repeated ; (3) dog as before, pursuing hare (Dechelette, 942 ; head wanting). In the lower, scrolls as M 467 ; in the upper spaces, tendrils ending in !elves ; on one is perched a small bird to r. ; in the lower spaces, swan to l. divided by a horizontal zigzag line from a hare or rabbit to r. ; in the field, rosettes.
1'4 481.

Length 5~ in. Found in London . . Roach Smith

Coli., 1856.

Two pieces joined. Glaze worn.

Two friezes, of which the upper one has had panels, but is nearly all wanting ; between them is a wreath as type 12. The lower frieze has scrolls with pointed feathery leaves (type 28); below is a wreath (type 22).
II 482.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 3t x Above the design, egg-and-tassel, zigzag line, and band of chevrons.

2i in. Similarly acquired.

Two friezes : In the upper, panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles: (1) fore-part of hare running to r.; (2) oblique zigzag lines and" arrowheads," as M 308 (type 2}. In the lower, large scrolls with tendrils ending in two varieties of leaves (one as on M 46g).
I 483. FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3k in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Two friezes divided by straight wreath (type 34) between zigzag lines: In the upper, panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, alternately medallions with large rosettes, and "cruciform " patterns with zigzag diagonals, tendrils at sides ending in acorns, and buds in upper and lower spaces. In the lower, scrolls, with tendrils in the upper spaces ending in pointed leaves, above which is a swan(?) to r. (Oechelette, 1017) ; in the lower spaces, "arrow-heads."



BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3} in. Diam. 7~ in. Found in London Street, Fenchurch Street, E.C. : acquired, 1854. Numerous fragments joined; nearly complete; shallow variety, as
K 2



M 462. Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and straight wreath (cf. type 6) between zigzag lines. The rim is moulded.

Round the body a row of festoons as on M 308 (type 4), in which are tendrils ending in ivy-leaves(?) ; between the festoons, zigzag lines ending in leaves, with a star on either side ; below, a zigzag line and a band of rosettes of six points. See Fig. I 32.
M 485.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4 in. Diam. 8! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 25, fig. 5; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 31, No. 130. Fragments joined together ; about one-quarter wanting ; has been anciently broken and riveted with lead. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Designs in two friezes : above, between zigzag lines, band of festoons as M 35 I (type S) in which are spiral tendrils ending in rosettes (cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 7, No. 24) ; between each pair of festoons are floral ornaments. Below, alternately panels of" arrow-heads" and oblique zigzag lines as M 308, and two stags couchant confronted (Dechelette, 845 and 862) with a tree between; each of these devices is repeated three times.
M 486.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

x 3} in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

Two friezes : In the upper, which are leaves and tendrils, borders and rosettes at angies: (2) part of panel with lion to r. in leaf.
M 487.

festoons with buds as on M 3 I I between, in as M 212; in the lower, panels with zigzag (I) part of panel with oblique zigzag lines; (Dechelette, 748 ?) ; in the field, tendril ending
Bright red glaze. Below the

FRAGMENT, similar. 3~ X 4! in. Similarly acquired. design, zigzag line and straight wreath as M 297 (type 12).

On the 1., part of arch formed by wreath resting on spirally-twisted columns, and tendrils, below which are a bird to r. looking back (Dechelette, 1009 ?) and


3 7.
Good glaze.

Above the

M 489.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x 2! m. design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Similarly acquired.

Designs as last, but better executed ; the festoons are formed by plain lines, and between them are twisted chains.
M 490.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part ot rim. Ht. 3! in. Length 3i in. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Similarly acquired.

Two friezes divided by zigzag line : In the upper, festoons (type 7) formed by wreaths, ending above in bits of cable-pattern ; between the festoons, sprays ; within them, tendrils ending in rosettes. In the lower, on 1., part of medallion with eagle to front (Dechelette, 986) ; on r., ''cruciform" pattern with zigzag borders, rosettes at angles and tendrils ending in spikes of blossom, and zigzag diagonals ; in the upper and lower spaces, flowers ; at the sides, tendrils as before.
M 491.
FRAGMENT, similar. 4!- x 4i in. Found at the Royal Exchange, London, Dec., 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line; below, zigzag line.

Three friezes with different methods of decoration: (I) Festoons formed by wreaths, between which are small plants ; in the festoons, birds looking back, alternately to l. and tor. (2) Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles: (a) hare running to r. (Dechelette, 942), in the field a leaf; (b) zigzag diagonals, in the upper space a swan to r. (Dechelette, 1003, reversed), in the side spaces, bird to r. and bird to 1. (Dechelette, 1017, reversed); (c) narrow panel of chevrons vertically placed ; (d) dog or hare to l. (cf. Dechdette, 946) ; (e) hind-part of dog to r. and three leaves. (3) Scrolls : in the upper spaces tendrils ending in small pointed leaves, on which are perched birds to r. (Dechelette, 1046), in the field another bird to r. ; the lower spaces are similar : tendril ending in leaf, pair of birds to r. and to l. looking back (Dechelette, 1009).
M 492.
FRAG:\IE~T OF BOWL (Form 37). 3 x Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. z~


Found in Princes Street, London.

Above, festoon-; with buds on twisted stems between, in which are tendrils ending in leaves ; below, panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, in which are (I) boar to 1. (Dechelette, 837), (2) oblique zigzag lines; below these, a straight wreath (type 12).

M 493.


FRAGMENT, similar. 31 x 3!in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853 Good glaze; remains of leaden rivet joining it to another piece. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Panels, in two rows: In the upper, (I) plant as Dechelette, II 5 I,

and hare running tor. (ibid. 942); (2) tail of sea-monster(?). In the lower: (3) festoons (type 8) with pointed leaves on stalks between ; in one festoon a tendril, in the other a bird to 1. ; (4) parts of two uncertain objects. The panels are all incomplete.
M 494.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2;i x 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

Panel : (I) On the 1., large panel, of which only a lower compartment (Fig. I 35) remains, containing a pair of festoons formed by wreaths, with spikes of blossom between ; they enclose tendrils ending in rosettes ; the one on the 1. is incomplete. (2) Double panel: upper compartment wanting ; in lower, plant like Dechelette's, I I 5I. but smaller (Fig. 135). (3) Double panel: upper compartment wanting ; in the lower, Pan moving to r. (Dechelette, 4I6). Below, cable-pattern, with rosettes at angles of panels, band of chevrons, and zigzag line.
M 495.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3; x 5! in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and chain.

Part of cruciform pattern with chain-diagonals and plant in upper space. (3) Triple panel : (a) hare running to 1. (cf. Dcchelette, 921); (b) festoon formed by wreath ending in reel-ornaments(?), within which is
( 1)

(2) Head of figure to I.

RUTE:'-llA!'I llOWLS OF 1-'0IUI



as M 291 (type 3) in which are scrolls ending in rosettes ; between the festoons are buds.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2~ x 4: in. London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Found in Bishopsgate .Street,

Two friezes: In the upper, panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles :
( 1) Bacchus giving drink to panther (Dechelette, type 302 ; see M 524).

incomplete, showing only the legs of Bacchus and hind-part of panther; (2) "cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals, tendrils and leaves at sides, and bunch of leaves in lower space ; in the centre a rosette of seven petals ; (3) combat of two gladiators (Dechelette, 6o7-6o8): on 1., Tltra.r with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, and small smtum hel<i up in I. hand ; the other fallen to r. (wears loin-cloth ; mostly wanting) ; between them, a plant as M 429, and below them, a triangular panel with leaves. In the lower frieze, festoons (type 9) with buds on stalks between, in which are (I) a volute, (2) a bird to r. (Dechelette, 1034), (3) and (4) pair of volutes.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3} in. Diam. 7~ in. Found in ~ew Church Street, Bermondsey, London, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 30, No. 128; Journ. Brit; .-/rei!. As.rc1c. i. p. 313; \\'right, Uriconium, p. 229. Made up from eight fragments; about one-quarter wanting. Moulded rim ; above the design, egg-and-tassel, and wreath (cf. type 19) between zigzag lines ; below, zigzag line and row of vertical leaves.

Round the body, a series of panels alternating, each repeated three times :
( 1) panel of zigzag lines and "arrow-heads" as on M 308, with zigzag borders and

rosettes at angles ; (2) lion to r. (Dechelette, 748 ?) and boar to I. (? Dcchelettc, 826, reversed) confronted. with a plant (cf. Dechelette, I I 51) between.
FRAC.!\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 6~ in. Found in Catcaton Street (now Gresham Street), London. Price Sale, 1853. GmtlemaJt's Mag. -,s.B, i. p. 190 (=Gmt. :llag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rmz. i. p. 198). Designs in panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel, straight wreath (type 3), and zigzag line ; below, two straight wreaths (types 23, 3), divided by a zigzag line.

A "cruciform" pattern (type 6) alternating with a panel in which the type of the wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (Fig. r 36 = Dcchelette, 494) occurs twice.

~ig. 136

~I 499 Cpart).

FRAGME::-IT, similar. Length 4~ in. Found in Moorgate Street, London, 11 Feb., 1838. Price Sale, 185~. Good glaze. Panels with cable-borders and rosettes at angles ; below the dcsi~o:ns, straight wreath (type 10). ( 1) Three oblong panels one above the other, of which the middle one only remains, containing four rows of triangular objects or leaves. (2) Man to 1., wearing short girt chiton and high boots, holding a roll(?) in both hands (Dcchelette, 510; cf. M 523) ; head wanting. (3) "Cruciform" pattern (type 7) ; above, a long, narrow panel, now wanting. (4) Lower part of Pan to r. (Dechelette, 4I6); below, tufts of grass. (5) Small portion of "cruciform" pattern, probably as (3).


M 501.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853 Good glaze. Panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes ; above, band of chevrons between zigzag lines ; below, similar chevrons.

(I) Panel of oblique zigzag lines and "arrow-heads" (type 2); (2) Gryphon running to l. (Dechelette, 503a) ; below it, a row of" arrow-heads."
M 502.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. li x Ji in. Found in Foster Lane, London. Roach Smith Coll., 1856. Design indistinct. Dull glaze. Double panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads ; below, a wreath (type 16).

(1) In the upper compartment, retiaritts tor. (Dechelette, 622; only l. leg and end of trident visible); confronting him, a gladiator as on M 496, behind whom is a tendril ending in an ivy-leaf; below, row of flowers. (2) Above, lion running to r. (Dechelette, 748 ?) ; below, oblique zigzag lines and rows of flowers (cf. M 333, 427). (I) repeated, but of the upper compartment only the tendril remains.


FRAGMENT,similar. 2! Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Careful work. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Two friezes divided by a zigzag line : In the upper, panels divided by lines of beads ending in rosettes: on the 1., part of panel with hind-leg of quadruped to 1., below which is a band of ~~~~~:~F~~~ leaves ; next, a panel filled with oblique ((i~~ii~~ lines of beads and flowers ; on the r., '-nl...._-N.-.1!:~1 boar to l. (Dechelette, 837), with indications of grass above and below, followed Fig. '37 = M SOJ. by another quadruped (nearly all wantbelow which is a band of leaves as before.





M 506.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Ii in. Similarly acquired. Good dark red glaze ; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Panel with zigzag borders, in which is Eros as last.

M 507.
FRAGMENT, similar, with moulded rim. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.


x 4 in.

Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Panels divided by zigzag lines with tendrils ending in leaves at angles : on the 1., upper part of gladiator with crested helmet and scutum (Dcchelette, type 589) ; on the r., narrow panel of small squares in rows.
M 508.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim. Ht. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

31 in.

Similarly acquired.


(I) On the 1., upper part of gladiator to 1. as on last, with crested helmet with flap attached, arm-guard on 1. arm, sica in 1. hand, scutum on r. arm (Dechelette, type 589). (2) Narrow panel with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, enclosing a vertical band of chevrons, on the 1. a tendril ending in a bud. (3) "Cruciform" pattern as M 54I (type 9) with zigzag diagonals, rosette in centre, three buds on a stalk at the top, and tendrils at sides ending in leaves.
:M 509.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4j in. Diam. 10 in. Found in Cheapside, London. Presented by Messrs. G. and J. B. Hilditch, 1901. Very fragmentary; about half wanting; repaired anciently with lead rivets. Designs in panels divided by zigzag lines with rosettes at the angles ; above, egg-and-tassel pattern, badly executed.


(I) Double panel : In the upper compartment, a dog with collar, running to 1. (head wanting ; Dechelette, type 928) ; below it, a plant. In the lower are two Seileni (Dechelette, types 324, 323) ; the one on the 1. walking to 1., with drapery round loins, in r. hand an uncertain object, in I. a hare or other quadruped ; the' other walks tor., and has loin-cloth, bunch of grapes in r. hand. and basket of fruit on head supported by 1. (2) Trojan hero(?) to r., kneeling on I. knee, and starting back. with shield on 1. arm and an uncertain object in r. hand; he wears a Phrygian cap. The type is Dechelette, No. I49, but he is there represented kneeling on an altar, which here is absent. In the lower righthand corner are four plants. (3) Double panel : Above, dog running to r. (Dechelette, 9I6 ?) and plant as in (I); below, Seilenos as in (I), (the one on the r.), occurring twice, with plant below. (4) Nude warrior to I. (Dechelette, type I I 8) ; legs only remaining; below, hare running to 1. (cf. Dechelette, 970). Next is (I) repeated, but with the dog from (3) in upper compartment; then (2) and (I) repeated. Next, (4) repeated, upper part only, the warrior being shown with r. hand raised over head, striking with sword ; he has a shield, and chlamys over I. arm. The rest of the frieze consists of (1) repeated (dog only visible); (2) repeated; (3) repeated (dog only visible); (4) repeated; and (I), (2), (4), all fragmentary.
[For the type of the Trojan warrior No. (::!), cf. B.llf. Cal. of Vases, h. G 129, and Cal. of !lronzes, :-.; os. 729, 730.]


M 510.

FRAGME!';T OF BOWL (Form 37). 2~ x 2i in. Lincoln, 1866. Montansfabric (?). c;ood glaze. Panels with chain-borders ending in rosettes ; above, egg-and-tassel.

( 1) Double panel : (a) In the upper compartment, combat of gla.dia.tors ( Dechelette, types 622 and 6r o ?) ; on the I. is a retiaritts attacking the other with his trident ; he wears a loin-cloth, and on his I. arm is an arm-guard (cf. M 425). The other defends himself with his scutum (which is on his r. arm), and has loin-cloth, visored helmet, greave on r. leg, and short sword in I. hand; on the r. is a tendril. (b) In the lower, the fore-part of a dog to r. (Dechelette, 916 ?). (2) Long narrow panel with vertical wreath.
[Dechelette, ii. p. 101, 102, assigns these gladiatortypes to the fabric of 1\lontans; cf. M 425.]
Fig. IJ8

= M SIO.

M 511.

FRAGMENT, similar.




Burnt black.

Below the design, a wreath.

Panels with zigzag borders ending in rosettes: ( 1) "cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals, above which is a bird to r. (head wanting) ; (2) part of panel. with a quadruped to I. (indistinct) in the lower part ; ( 1) repeated, more complete.
M 512.
FRAC_;l\IENT, similar.


Two pieces joined.

Glaze worn.

Design in panels: Above, biga driven to I. (or perhaps a quadriga, as Dechelette, 647) ; in the field below, three tufts of grass ; below, hare to l. with stippled body.
M 513.
FRAGMENT, similar.

1! x 2! in. Glaze worn. Designs in panels divided by twisted


3 7.


(3) On r., large panel with lower part of man (warrior?) tor., with I. foot raised ; drapery is visible behind his I. leg ; below him, two tufts as before.

Fig. 139

Ill 514 :part).

Fig. t.fO

M 5<5 (part).

M 616.

FRAGMENT, similar. egg-and-tassel pattern.

3l x Si in. Similarly acquired. Uull glaze. Above the design,

Two friezes with panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles : In the upper, ( 1) bird to r. (Dechelette, 1046 ?) perched on plant, with pair of volutes ending in rosettes (Fig. 140); (2) Pan to r. with arms extended (Dechelette, 423), and Satyr(?) to 1., with I. arm raised and r. hand extended behind him ; (3) narrow panel of "arrow-heads" in two vertical rows. In the lower :
(1) to r.; (2) narrow panel with quatrefoil ornament runntng to r.
M 616.


; (3) dog

FRAG~IENT, similar, with part of rim. 2l x 3} in. Similarly acquired. Two piec'es joined ; design very indistinct. Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel.

On 1., part of panel with two gladiators confronted ; both have oblong shields; the one on the I. is perhaps Dechelette's type 620. On the r., panel with draped figure to the front, wearing high boots.
M 617.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3! in. Diam. 6i in. Found in !';orthumberland Alley, London, Dec. 1851. Price Sale, r853. Good glaze. Panels with chain-borders ending in rosettes ; above, egg-and-tassel ; below, a wreath of leaves (type 24).

( 1) Gladiator to r., partly obliterated (Dechelette, type 607 ?), wearing loincloth, and holding up smtum in I. hand ; he has struck down another who is fallen on his knees to r., and holds up I. hand in supplication (Dechelette, 6o8) ; the latter has crested helmet, loin-cloth, and scutum ; this figure also is partly obliterated. In the lower r. angle of the panel is a triangle formed by rows of small leaves. (2) Panel filled with leaves as in last. (3) Gladiator to front, wearing Join-cloth and helmet, in r. hand a sica, on the r., another to front, similar, with small oval shield held up in I. ; both are very indistinct. Next is ( 1) repeated, the first gladiatot complete, with crested helmet and greaves ; of the other, only the crested helmet remains.

M 618.

FRAGI\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 1~ x 21 in. Froni the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W .. Tite, Esq., M.P., I86-t. Dull glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; below, straight wreath (type 16).

On the 1., part of "cruciform" pattern (type g, as M 541) with zigzag diagonals and buds and leaves on stalks ; on the r., lower part of dancing figure (Pan?) to r.

M 619.


FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 3 in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. design indistinct. Panels as last ; above, egg-and-tassel and chain-pattern.

Dull glaze;

( 1) On the 1., part of a "cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals. (2) Large panel irregularly divided into three compartments .- - - - - : (a) in the upper, lion bounding to r. (Dechelette, 747); below, --~ a tuft of grass ; the lion attacks a bestiarius who has short chiton j_ -- __ - and spear. In the two lower, (b) a rabbit or hare to r. (Dechelette, 941) ; (c) two tufts of grass one above the other.

M 620.

FRAG:'IIENT, similar. 2} x J} in. Similarly acquired. design, straight wreath (type 25).

Panels as before ; below the

( 1) Large panel with two gladiators confronted : the one on the l. has loin-cloth, sica in r. hand, and scutum on l. arm (head wanting) ; the other, crested helmet, loin-cloth, arm-guard on r. arm, sword, and small scttlum on I. arm. (2) Part of a double panel ; in the lower compartment, oblique zigzag lines and rows of lozenges.
M 621.
FRAG:'I-IENT, similar. before. Length 2i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Panels as

( 1) Legs of nude figure to r., and 1. leg of another ; below, a tuft of grass ; (2) legs of Pan to r., and plant as before; (3) lower part of draped woman to r.
M 622.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 41 in. Length 6} in. Found in Seething Lane, London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 24, fig. 7; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 34, No. 162. Two pieces joined, with part of rim. Panels divided by twisted columns with row of beads each side ; above, eggand-tassd and row of beads ; below, row of beads and straight wreath.

( 1) Artemis with deer (cf. Dechelette, types 63, 63a ; lower part of Artemis tor., with long chiton, boots, and bow in l. hand; deer complete). (2) Double panel divided by row of beads : Above, dog to r. pursuing hare ( Dcchelette. 921 ), with a plant (Dechelette, I I 5 I) between ; below, lioness or panther springing




M 524.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 4! in. Length 7l- in. Found in London, 1837. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 25, fig. 8; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 35, No. 168. Three pieces joined ; designs indistinct. Panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line and band of pattern as M 44

(I) Panel with three compartments, two above and one below : Of the two upper, the one on the I. is wanting; in the other, a dog(?) to l. (Dechelette, 938 ?) ; in the lower, biga driven to r. (indistinct ; driver wanting). (2) Bacchus to front with drapery over l. arm and sceptre or thyrsos in l. hand, giving drink to a panther (Fig. 142a= Dechelette, type 302). (3) Eros tor., dancing, with floating drapery and thyrsos over l. shoulder (Dechelette, 353 ; cf. M 23, 474) ; below

Fie. '""

= M 524 (pc~rt).

Fie. 14>1 = M 524 (part).

(2) and (3) is a row of feathery leaves. (4) Seilenos to r., wearing loin-cloth,. playing flutes (Dechelette, 310); below him, a branch. (S) Triple panel as (I) ; above, on the 1., dog or bear to r. ; on the r., dog(?) as in ( 1 ), mostly wanting ; below (Fig. 142b), biga as in (I), but more complete, though very indistinct; the driver wears long chiton and appears to be a woman ; behind is a man with extended r. hand. (6) Part of a panel, probably = (2) repeated.

M 525.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). If x 3 in. Found in Lothbury, London, 13 May, 1835. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads ending in rosettes.

(1) Part of panel with leaves(?) down the side. (2) Double panel; upper compartment wanting ; in the lower, the wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (Dechelette, type 494 ; cf. M 499). (3) All wanting except tendril at angle ending in leaf. Below, wreath as types I 1, 19.

M 526.


similar. 3 x 3A in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

Part of two panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles : On the 1., panel with three rows of leaves(?); on the r., hind-part of quadruped to r.; below, band of pattern as M 44, and zigzag line.

M 527.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 4! in. Similarly acquired. Design indistinct. Panels with zigzag borders ending in rosettes; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads ; below, zigzag line and straight wreath formed of a triple row of buds (type 2).

(I) Artemis to r., with bow and long girt chiton, holding a deer by the forepaws (Dechelette, type 63. slightly varied). (2) Double panel: Above, deer to 1.
Cf. M 497 ; B.1Jf. Ctrl. t!/ :'\o. 5, ii. p. 119.

)) 526; Reinach, IUfrrltirc dr /11 Staluairr, i. p. JSI,




(Dechelette, 865), followed by another quadruped (head and fore-paws only visible); below, dog springing tor.
M 528.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. as last. r! x 3! in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. Panels

(I) On the 1., above, part of panel with. quadruped ; below, " cruciform " pattern (cf. M 351 =type 2) with diagonals of beads, flowers in upper and lower spaces, and at the sides tendrils ending in pointed leaves. Next (2), Artemis to r. with deer (Dechelette, type 63a ?) ; (3) Part of "cruciform" pattern, with tendril ending in bud.
M 529.
FRAGMENT, similar. borders and rosettes at angles.

x 3 in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Panels with chain-

On the I., a triple panel : (a) lioness(?) running to r. ; (b) part of panel with oblique zigzag lines and rows of triangular objects ; (c) wanting. On the r., part of panel with Zeus as in M 523 (Dechelette, type 6).
M 530.
FRAGMENT, similar. 1} x 2i in. Similarly acquired. zigzag borders and rosettes and tendrils at angles. Good glaze. Panels with

On the 1., Zeus as last (head and r. hand wanting) ; on the r., parts of panel as (b) on last and of another panel.
M 531.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4 in. Similarly acquired. Cat. Lo11d. A11"1. p. 35, No. 169. Dull glaze ; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and chain ; below, straight wreath (cf. type 10).

Artemis to r. with deer, wearing long chiton, bow in r. (Dcchelette, type 63a ; mostly obliterated) ; confronting her is Victory wearing long chiton with apoptygma, holding wreath in extended r. hand and palm-branch in l. ( Dechelette, 48 I) ; below her a plant. On the r., part of a "cruciform " pattern.
M 532.
FRAG:'IlE!'iT, similar. 2~ x 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Panels with zigzag borders ; above, egg-and-tassel. Figures roughly stamped.



M 534.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze, worn ; bad Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles ; below, zigzag line.

Double panel : In the upper compartment, besliarius advancing to r., attacking with spear a quadruped which advances towards him ; in the fidd below, two rows of beads. In the lower, the wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (Dechelette, 494 ; cf. M 499) ; in the field, a leaf. M 535.
FRAG~l ENT, similar, with part of rim. 3i x 2} in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze; design very coarst: and indistinct. Panels divided by beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

On the 1., part of" cruciform" pattern; on the r., retiarius (Dcchelette, 622) confronted by two gladiators, as on M 496 ; below, two ~~~~~~=. rows of beads.
M 536.
FRAGME:\T of similar. bowl. acquired. Cood glaze. Length



Archer to r., kneeling on r. knee and drawing bow (Dechelette, type 168, as M 308), very indistinct ; on either side of him, a plant as M 429.
M 537.
FRAG:\IENT, similar. 3 x :!~in. Similarly acquired. design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, row of beads. Good glaze. Above the

(I} Part of double panel with tendril ending in bud at upper angle ; in the lower compartment, "arrow-heads." (2) Combat of two gladiators: On the 1., a Tltrax (Dcchelette. type 588) with crested helmet to which a floating piece of stuff is attached, loin-cloth, greaves, sica, and clipms ; on the r.. a Sl'CIIIflr with body to the front, looking to 1. ; he has helmet with plumes, loin-cloth, armguard on r. arm, and dagger in r. hand.

M 538.

FRAG;>.IENT, similar. 2! x 2! in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze on interior. Panels with zigzag borders; bel(lw the design, straight wreath (type 19). (I) Double panel (lower compartment only, with oblique zigzag lines and "arrow-heads"). (2) Gladiator ( Tltrax) to r., fighting, with cuirass, loin-cloth, arm-guard on r. arm, guard on 1. thigh. and greaves (?), large sica in r. hand (Dechelette, type 6o6; head wanting); on the r. is seen the leg of his adversary fleeing, sica in hand ; below is his smlum fallen on the ground, its edges bent in.

M 539.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Glaze somewhat dull. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angle~ ; below the design, straight wreath (type 26). (1) Double panel: Above, "cruciform" pattern (cf. type 9 = M 54I ; zigzag diagonals and central rosette, tendrils ending in leaves at upper angles, stalks with buds in upper and lower spaces, tendrils ending in heart-shaped leaves at sides). Below, dog running to r. (Dcchelette, 920 or 92I) confronted by small hare (Dcchelette, 947 reversed); on either side of this panel is a band of pattern as M 44- (2) Within an arch formed by wreath, Gladiator charging to r., wearing loin-cloth (incomplete; probably retiarius with trident, Dcchelette, 622).

M 540.


FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 4 in. zigzag line and band of chevrons.

Similarly acquired.

Design indistinct ; below it,

(I) " Cruciform " pattern with zigzag borders and diagonals, central rosette. flower in lower space, and tendrils at sides ending in trefoil leaves. (2) Three gladiators: On 1., Tlzrax (Dechelette, type 588), with short chiton, greaves, and clipeus; on r., secutor in Samnite armour (Dechelette, 589). with high-crested helmet to which is attached a piece of floating stuff, cuirass and short chiton, sword in I. hand, and scutum on r. arm ; head of former and 1. leg and arm of latter wanting. Between them is a third to front looking to 1., with sica in each hand (?); below them, double row of leaves.

M 541.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3i x 3i in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line and band of chevrons.

(I) On I. part of gladiator (loin-cloth, greave, ar'ffi-guard on l. arm) running to I. (2) "Cruciform" pattern .(type 9). (3) Gladiator ( T!trax, Dechelette, type 6o3) charging to r., with crested helmet, loincloth, greaves, arm-guard on r. arm, sica, and scutum ; below (enclosed in this panel) a small panel with two rows of arrow-heads.

M 542.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2}in. Found at Lancaster, 1849. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 3 Dull glaze, worn ; design indistinct.

Panel with chain,-border : Athena or Aphrodite armed, seated to r., with long chiton, himation over lower limbs, spear in raised I. hand and r. resting on shield (see Dechelette, type 83).
M 543.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length borders and rosettes at angles.

Fig. 145


= :\I 54


Good glaze.

Designs in panels with zigzag




(4) Medallion with Leda and swan (Dckhelette, type 9 ; see L 39. and Dechelette, ii. p. 6, for other reff.) ; below, an altar. These four occur each twice.
M 545.

It in. x 2~ in. On the 1., part of a medallion ; on the r., double panel with borders of zigzag lines, and at the angles, rosettes and tendrils ending in heart-shaped leaves ; in the upper compartment a quadruped to I. (mostly wanting) ; in the lower, zigzag lines and "arrow-heads " as M 308.
FRAGMENT OF :tlOWL (Form 37). FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Ii in.

M 546.

On the r., part of medallion; on the 1., double panel, the lower compartment as the last. Below, a band of pattern as M 44
M 547.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. straight wreath (type 16). 5 in.

4 in.

Dull glaze.

Below the design;

In the centre is a medallion with Eros walking to r. (cf. Dechelette, types 243-249), in the field a ring. On the 1. is a double panel with zigzag borders, at the angles rosettes and tendrils ending in pointed leaves ; the upper part is wanting; in the lower is a hare(?) lying down to I. (Dechelette, 951). Beyond on the 1. is part of a medallion. On the r. is a "cruciform " pattern with zigzag borders and diagonals, floral ornaments as M 469 in upper and lower spaces, and leaves on tendrils at sides ; beyond, the medallion is repeated.
J4 548.
FRAG:'rtENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 4! in. Found in London, 1866. Cato Coli., 1871. Below the design, straight wreath (type 27).


Two friezes with panels : of the upper, only part of a medallion remains, on the r. of which are a ring and two rosettes. In the lower: ( 1) Quad riga galloping to r. and small figure to 1. falling backwards (indistinct). (2} Gryphon crouching to 1. (Dcchelette, type 502); below, row of beads ending in rosettes and row of leaves. (3) Gaulish horseman to 1., looking back, with oblong Gaulish shield (Dechelette, type 167). Next is (2} repeated(?), mostly wanting.
M 549.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of foot. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Botolph Lane, London, 11 July, 1845. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Below the design, zigzag line and straight wreath (type :z8).

Panels and medallions alternating : ( 1) Part of "cruciform " pattern with zigzag diagonals and tendrils at angles ending in leaves, in the side-spaces tendrils with large spikes of blossom ; (2) Medallion with dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1049); (I) repeated.
M 560.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). It x z,i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Fine glaze. Panels with chainborders and rosettes at angles.

(1) Medallion with archer kneeling on r. knee, drawing bow (Fig. 146 = Dechelette, type 168); in the angles, tendrils ending in buds. (2) Double panel: above, oblique rows of beads and part of leaf ; below, long serrated leaf.

Fig. 146 = lll

sso (pan).


M 651.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x It in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; below, straight wreath (type 3).

Panels with

(I) Above, part of panel with oblique zigzag lines and " arrow-heads" ; below, Eros seated to r., with bow (cf. M 358 and Dechelette, type 274). (2) Medallion with encircling wreath, in which is part of Eros(?) to 1., holding tendril in r. hand ; below, dog to r. confronting another quadruped (fore-paws only visible) and rosette in field.
M 662.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2iin. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Panels as last.

(I) Double panel: above, festoon formed by wreath, in which is a scroll ending in a small triangular leaf; below the festoon, row of flowers ; below, hare running tor. (2) Lower part of Bermea walking to 1., with winged shoes, purse in r. hand, and caduceus in I. (Dechelette, type 299).
M 653.
1892. FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x ri in. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and chain. Durden Coli.,

Panels and medallions : (I) Part of double panel with chain-borders and tendrils at angles ending in leaves; (2) medallion with Eros walking to r., r. hand extended ; (3) part of "cruciform" pattern with chain-borders and diagonals, tendrils as before at angles and in side spaces. M 554.
FRAGMENT of lower part of bowl (Form 37), with foot. Length din. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coll., 1856. D~chelette, i. p. 268, No.3; C. I. L. vii. 1337, 25a; Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 24, fig. 8, p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ant., p. 42; Archaeologia, xxvii. p. 146; Saull, Noli/. Brit. p. 37

Parts of three medallions visible, with a quadruped to 1. in the third ;

between them are plants

, and below the first two, a dog (Dechelette,




quadruped in r. hand and something else in l. (Dtkhelette, type 280 ; cf. M 433, 436). (3) "Cruciform" pattern (cf. M 352 =type 3) with diagonals of zigzag lines ; above and below, flowers ; on each side, tendril ending in leaf; at the angles, tendrils as in (I). (4) Eros tor. (cf. Dechelette, types 243, 244). Next is (5) panel as (I), but in place of the Gryphon a lioness(?) rushing to r. (head wanting). Next, (2), (I), and (4) repeated; a panel (3) obliterated ; (2) repeated; (1) or (5) repeated, and (2) or (4) repeated, but these two last are nearly all obliterated.
M 556.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. It in. Dull glaze.

Above, arch on twisted columns, in which is Eros moving to 1. with r. hand raised, holding some object in each hand (probably Dechelette, type 280) ; below, body of dog ( ?) running to r.
l4 557. FRAGMENT, similar. 2i x 3t in. Found in Seething Lane, London. Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Roach Smith

Panel with two arches formed by wreaths, united by a bar resting on a twisted column with base ; between the arches a plant, and on either side of the column a stalk ending in a round bud. Under the arches are (1) Artemis to r. with deer, as in M 527 (Dechelette, type 63); (2) man to 1. with girt chiton (eE(J)p.i-;) and boots, holding a roll (?) in both hands (Dechelette, 510; cf. M 523). On either side of the panel, a narrow column forming a division.

Fig. 47

M 557

[Cf. Knorr, Ver11iertm Terra-sig.-Gejiisse von Kongen-Grinario, pl. 15, fig. 5.)
FRIEZE DECORATION (.11[558-599).

1111 558.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. M in. From Ewell. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., 1848. A rcllaeologia, xxxii. pl. 21, p. 452 Made up from numerous fragments ; nearly complete. Shallow form ; cf. M 462. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Designs in two friezes ': In the upper, panels with borders of zigzag lines and rosettes at angles: (1) dog to r. (Dechelette, 9I6 bis) pursuing (2) hare (Dechelette, 943 or 945), in each case separated by a panel (3) in which is a double

fteur-de-lys or thunderbolt!.

The lower frieze has stags lying down

L 2


alternately to r. and to I. (Dechelette, 845 and 862), with trees between ; in the field, rosettes.
M 559.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. S! in. Length 6! in. Found in Maiden Lane (now Gresham St.), London, Oct. 1844. Price Sale, 1853. Four pieces joined, with part of rim. Above the designs, egg-and-tassel pattern; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 16).

Two friezes : In the upper, on L a plant (Dechelette, 1151) ; next, lion to r. (Dechelette, 747) pursuing deer, which looks back (Dechelette, 859); in the field above and below, plants. In the lower, scrolls with large pointed leaves as M 293, with bird (Dechelette, IOI7, reversed) between; in the lower, hare to l. and tuft of grass.
M 560.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x 4! in. Found at the Royal Exchange, London, April, 1841. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Below the design, straight wreath (type 3) between zigzag lines.

Two friezes divided by zigzag line: In the upper, scrolls with tendrils and buds (type 20) ; in the lower, boar to 1. (Dechelette, 837) between two plants (cf. Dechelette, I 151) ; below the boar, grass is indicated.
M 561.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3} in. Length 4~ in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. Below the design, zigzag line and wreath as last. Roach Smith

Two friezes divided by a band of leaves between zigzag lines ; in the upper, scrolls as last with tendrils ending in rosettes ; in the lower, hare running to r. (Dechelette, 942), and dog to r. (mostly wanting); between them, plants as Dechelette, 1 I 5 1. M 562.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3! in. Similarly acquired. Design indistinct.

Two friezes divided by zigzag line : In the upper, panel of flowers and part of a medallion or scroll ; in the lower, dog running to r. (Dcchelette, 916 ?) to attack a boar (Dechelette, 837) ; on the r., a large plant.
M 563.
FRAGMENT, similar.

It x 2A .in. Found at St. Mary-at-Hill, London, 26 June, 1845.


3 7.


M 565.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Dimensions, 3 x 4} in. and 2 x 1~ in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondscy, London, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Five fragments, of which four join. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Upper frieze of festoons (cf. M 569), in which are volutes ending in rosettes ; below, wreath of leaves between two cable-patterns ; lower frieze with plant, spike of blossom (incomplete ; cf. the following). and lion running to r. (Dechelette, 747 ; head wanting) ; above the lion, a tendril ending in a leaf and rosette ; below, a tuft of grass.
M 566.
FRAG!\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1870. Length 3:! in. From Colchester.
Pollex fen

Upper frieze of festoons (cf. type 3) in which are scrolls, with plants between : mostly wanting ; below, chain pattern. In lower frieze: lion springing to r. (Dechelette, 743 ?), and bear springing to I. (Dechelette, 818 bis); between them a plant with spiky leaves (Fig. 148), and below each a tuft of grass. Below, a chain and a straight wreath like a spray of heather (cf. types 4 and 10).
M 667.

Fig. 148
:\1 s66 !part).

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3} in. Found in St. :\1artin's-le-Grand, London, 1824. Price Sale, 1853. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Two friezes: In the upper, dog to r. (Dechelette, 916) pursuing another quadruped, of which only the hind-quarters remain ; between them is a plant (Dechelette, 1152). In the lower, festoons formed by wreaths, with buds on stalks between, in which are birds alternately to r. and to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 1009 and I035 or 1036).
M 568.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4~ in. Found in Lothbury, London, July, 1847. Price Sale, Two pieces joined : good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel (nearly obliterated) and row of beads; below, row of beads and wreath (type 16).

Two friezes : In the upper, dog or fox running to r., above which are a tendril with rosette and spike of blossom, and below, a plant ; next, a plant of the type of Dechelette, I I 51 (Fig. 149) ; dog running to r., above and below which ornaments as before; beyond, part of plant as before. In Fig. 149 = ~I s<>a (part' . the lower, festoons with ornaments between, ending above in a row of beads (cf. types 4 and 6) ; within the festoons arc tendrils ending in leaves (cf. M 308, 367).

M 669.

FRAG"IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3l x 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Below the design, zigzag line and thick straight wreath (cf. type 6).

Two friezes divided by a wreath of leaves (type 29) between zigzag lines; in the upper, festoons as M 308 (type 4) in which are tendrils ending in triangular leaves ; between the arches, long leaves on twisted stems. In the lower frieze, a dog running to r. and plant (Dechelette, 1151) ; above the dog, a tendril ending in a leaf.


M 570.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2i in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined; good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and straight wreath (cf. type I 9) between rows of beads:.

Two friezes divided by a row of beads : In the upper, acanthus plant and dog(?) running to r. (head wanting) ; in the lower, festoons, of which only a small fragment is visible.
M 571.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 4t in. Similarly acqu1red. Four pieces joined ; good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, band of pattern as M 44, between zigzag lines.

Two friezes divided by a zigzag line : In the upper, festoons in which are small pointed leaves or scrolls, alternately pointing to r. and to 1. (cf. M 308); between the festoons, buds on twisted stalks. In the lower : Lion to r. (Dckhelette, 747 or 748) and boar (Dechelette, 835 ?) confronted; between them a plant ( Dechelette, II 5 I) ; on the r., part of a panel with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, in which are rows of " arrow-heads."
M 572.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4; in. Length 7~ in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 6. Five pieces joined ; good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 16).

Two friezes as last: In the upper, hind walking looking back at a lioness(?) advancing to l. with tail them and on r. are trees ; beyond, boar to r. and tree. in which arc alternately birds to r. and l. (cf. Dechelette,
M 573.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3i in. egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Similarly acquired.

to l. (Dechelette, 881), between legs ; between In the lower, festoons, 1031 and 1033).

Good glaze. Above the design,

Two friezes as before : In the upper, festoons in which are tendrils, with large buds between ; of the lower, only a plant (Dechelette, I I 51) is visible.
M 574.
FRAGMENT, similar.


in. Similarly acquired.

Two friezes divided by a straight wreath between zigzag lines: In the upper, of two festoons with stem between in the lower




3 7.

M 577.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4~ in. Diam. 9 in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 25, fig. 7; Cat. Lo11d. A~tl. p. 31, No. 133. Eight fragments joined ; more than half wanting. Above the designs, egg-and-tassel pattern.

Two friezes as before : In the upper, "cruciform " pattern (Fig. I 5 I) of two opposed palmettes from which diverge four tendrils ending in leaves, alternating with stags alternately to 1. (Dechelette, 865) and to r. Below, a hare(?) to I. pursued by a dog (Dechelette, 928), and a plant resembling Dechelette, I I 5 I ; the same, repeated.
[For the palmette-and-tendril pattern cf. M 457; the stag to I. is given by D~chelette as a type common to Graufcsenque, Montans and Banassac (i. p. 243).]

s = M 577 ;part).

M 578.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 3! in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondsey, London, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Four pieces, of which three join. Good dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 3).

Two friezes divided by a wreath of leaves between zigzag lines: In the upper, panels with" cruciform" patterns (type IO) and medallions alternating; the former pattern resembles type 2 = M 35I. In the medallions, which have cable-borders, are birds alternately to l. and tor. looking back (Dechelette, 1035 and I009; cf. M 487-488). In the lower frieze, dog(?) running to r. between plants (very rough and indistinct).
M 579.
FRAG;'v!ENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 3 x in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.


Two friezes between cable-borders: In the upper, panels : (I) conventional plant with _concentric circles above and below (Fig. 152 ; cf. M 488); (2) inverted arch in which is a bird to l. looking back (Dechelette, IOO<)). In the lower, hind-part of hare running to l. (Dechelette, 952 ?) and plant as Dechelette I I 5 I ; below the hare, a plant.
M 580.
FRAG ;\I ENT of similar bowl. egg-and-tassel and cable-border.

Hg. J 52

= M 579 (part).

Length 2k in. Similarly acquired.

Above the design,

Narrow frieze with iion to r. (Dechelette, 748) attacking a bestiaritts who has short loose chiton and lance in both hands (mostly wanting); below, row of beads, and part of panel with oblique zigzag lines.
1'4 581.
FRAGME:'>IT OF HOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 5 x Lane, London, 1 July, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. and-tassel and zigzag line.

in. Found in Botolph Above the design, egg-

Two friezes divided by zigzag line : In the upper, panels divided by zigzag lines: ( 1) lion to l. (Dcchelette, 752); below him, four rows of tufts of grass and


hind-part of quadruped lying on back ; (2) combat of Thrax and secutor (Dechelette, types 588-589) : the Thrax has high-crested helmet with floating piece of stuff attached, loin-doth, greaves, small clipeus, the edge of which seems to be ornamented with a toothed pattern, and dagger; the secutor (figure incomplete), a similar helmet, and smtum ; below are two plants, and in the upper angle a tendril and leaf. In the lower frieze, deer (?) running to 1., pursued by dog (Dechelette, 874 and 928).
M 582.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3} in. Diam. 8~ in. Found at Great Chesterford, Essex, 1856. Cato Coli., 1871. Walters, Ancimt Pottery, ii. pl. 68, fig. 1. Made up from fragments; nearly complete. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line aud straight wreath (type 31 ).

Design consisting of five types repeated three times: (r) Deer to r. (Dcchelette, 845) ; (2) tree (nearly as Dechelette, I I 34) at the .foot of which are two birds confronted; (3) hind walking to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 881); above it a branch ; (4) quadruped resembling Dechelette's 966; (S) tree as (2), but smaller ; on the ground-line are occasional leaves.
1'4 583.
BOWL (Form 37, shallower than usual). Ht. 21 in. Diam. 6! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. L01zd. pl. 24, fig. 9 Five fragments joined; about one third wanting. Dull glaze. Above the design, bad egg-and-tassel pattern ; below, a straight wreath (cf. type 19) all round.

Stag to r. (Dechelette, type 859 ?) ; tree; lion to r. (Dechelette, 747 ?) ; tree ; the same repeated ; stag and tree repeated ; the rest- i.e., another lion and tree-wanting.
M 584.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 4: in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Two pieces joined. Below the design, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 16).

Tree (Dc!chelette, I r 36); deer to I. (Dechelette, 865), with plant below ; tree repeated ; part of indistinct figure or animal.




M 588.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 1! in. Above the design, _.-.,.,.;~1!10~~~~~~ egg-and-tassel and row of beads ; below, wreath.

Narrow frieze with dog running to I. (Dechelette, 934) ; behind him a plant ; in the field above, a diminutive hare running to r.
M 589.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Length 3&- in. Royal Exchange, London(?). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dc!chelette, i. p. 297, No. 7; Schuermans, 2716. Fine glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Fig. 153 =



In a frieze: tree of the same type as Dechelette, 1 134-1136 ; lion rushing to 1. (Dechelette, 77 1 }, with several tufts of grass below ; on r., part of a tree; above, incised on a raised tablet, of beads and wreath (type 32).

u.!IID. /.

Sabini (?); below, row

FRAGMENT, similar. 3} x zi in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Style late and more like. Lezoux, but the type is Rutcnian.

Frieze with fishing-scene(?}, as Dechelette, types 557-559, 561: Man or Triton tor. with arms extended ; before him is a fish (Dechelette, 1062} ; in the field, leaves and other objects. On the r., uncertain design (Sphinx or Siren on rock?).
M 591.
FRAG:\lENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with flat bottom and small horizontal loop-shaped handle on rim. Length 5 in. Found in London Street, Fenchurch Street, London ; acquired 1854. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-pattern and zigzag line.

Frieze with hunting-scene interspersed with trees: On the!., a tree; dog running to l. ; in the middle, a tree ; on the r., quadruped with erect mane running to r. ; beyond, a tree.


FRAGMENT, similar, but with a spout like a dcvcr.rorium, and no handle. 3~ x 2~ in Found in Haydon Street, Minories, London; acquired 1854. Above the design, egg-and-tassel between zigzag lines.

Part of panel with "cruciform" pattern (zigzag borders and diagonals) ; in the upper space, a bird ; at the angles, tendrils ending in leaves.
(4) 1't1 593.
VASES AND FRAGMENTS OF FORM 67 (M 593-604). Shape as Dc!chelette, i. pl. 4, No. 67. Ht. 3 in. From Colchester.

JAR OR OLLA. Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Round the lower part, a frieze of alternate panels with figures, and groups of vertical zigzag lines : ( 1) Nude grotesque man to r., carrying a large club U)



(perhaps a besti'arius with hunting-spear, as Dechelette, types 627-630) ; (2) group of four zigzag lines, the two outer ending in volutes ; (3) Eros moving to 1., holding something in each hand (cf. M 436 and Dechelette, type 280) ; (2) and (1) repeated; (4) zigzag lines as (2), but only one volute; then (3), (2), (1), (4}, (3); followed by (S) group of seven zigzag lines, the two outer ending in volutes.
M 594.
JAR (Form 67). Ht. 3 in. Found at the Spa, Gloucester, 1859; acquired 1863. Glaze poor.

Round the body, a frieze of panels: (1) Deer running to r., looking back (type as Dechelette, 859) ; below, two rows of "arrow-heads"; (2) panel of vertical zigzag lines ; (3) dog running to r. (Dechelette, type 916 ?), with two rows of" arrow-heads" below; (2) repeated.
M 595.
FRAGMENT of similar jar. Ht. Dull glaze.

ti in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Round the body, an effective pattern of scrolls with long feathery leaves ; in the field, small crosses and rosettes of six dots ; below, zigzag line and band of rings.
M 596.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze somewhat dull. Ht. :!} in. Found in Southwark. Roach

Round the lower part of the vase are a wreath (type 16), a zigzag line, and festoons in which are geese (Dechelette, 1017) alternately to r. and to I. ; between the festoons are zigzag lines ending in buds.
M 597.
M 598.
FRAGMENT, similar.

ti x


in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

Round the body,' nine vertical zigzag lines between two rosettes.
FRAGMENT, similar. 1 i x 2~ in. Found in Love Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Above the design, row of pointed leaves and zigzag line.

Part of panel with borders of zigzag lines, in which are concentric rings placed close together.




M 602.

FRAGMENT, similar. li x li in. Above the design, zigzag line.

Similarly acquired.

Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 28, fig. 11.

On the 1., four vertical rows of small square knobs ; on the r., two similar rows; between them Eroa running to 1. (Dechelette, type 253), with a rosette on either side.
M 603.
FRAGMENT, similar. 1} x IZ in. Similarly acqqired. Ill. Rom. Lo1td. pl. 28, fig. 2; Cal. Lo1td. A ?~I. p. 37, No. 188. Good glaze. Above the design, a row of beads (?).

Round the body, panels divided by zigzag lines ; on the I., a narrow one in which is a twig (?) ; on the r., an oblong one with Pan advancing tor. (Dechelette, type 423), and a plant.
M 604.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2 in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze.

Dog to r. (Dechelette, 916 bis ?), between groups of vertical zigzag lines.



EARLIER FORMS (M 606-613).

M 606.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 3 ?), with part of foot. Diam. 4~ in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 26 Oct., 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 671a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cat. l.o11d. A111. p. 44; Schuermans, Siglu jigulines, 3397 Dull glaze; roll-moulding round interior.
I oo 1o,

In the centre is the stamp (MSC:VMf1, Masettlus f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1299, and M 4o6.

M 606.

BOWL (Form 3). Ht. 2fin. Diam. 10! in. Found in Cheapside, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 72og; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Cal. Lo11d. A ttl. p. 28, No. 116, p. 44; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Coli. Atzl. i. p. 153; Romur jaltrb. xcix. p. 113; Schuermans, 3649. Fine glaze ; part of rim and body restored.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp Modesti; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 1369.
M 607.


Of (jicitza)

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 8, nearly). Ht. Ii in. Diam. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Good glaze.

zi in.

Found in London.

In the centre is the stamp

M 608.


Of(.ftcina) N(i)gr(i) ; cf. M 355

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 16), with part of rim and Coot. Ht. Ii in. Diam. 5-}in. Found in Southwark, 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336,489; Bomttr jaltrb. xcix. P93

In the centre is the stamp 963.

..CE RMNID, Germanif

(ecit) (sic) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii.

M 609.

BOWL (Form 17). Ht. It in. Diam. 6j in. From Faversham, Kent. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Arch. Cattlinna, xvii. p. 1 55 Complete, but rim slightly chipped; roll-moulding round interior at base of rim. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Casttts fe(cit) ; cf. M 372.


M 610.

BOWL, similar. Diam. 6 in. Found in Clement's Lane(?), London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.l. vii. 1336, 4020; Coli. Alii. i. p. 152 ; Gt1ttlema11's Jfag. 1844, ii., p. 38 (=Gmt. Jfag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. ii. p. ;58). Good gla:ze.

In the centre is the stamp t)MoNvn, Damo11us ; cf. M So, M 638, and C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 743
M 611.
BOWL, similar. Diam. 6k in. From Gloucester. Presented by S. Lysons, Esq., 1811 . C.!.L. vii. 1336, 671<1; Arcltacologia, xviii. p. 122. Part restored.

In the centre is the stamp (M${VLVM>, Masculusf(ecit); cf. M 6o5.

M 612.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim and foot. Ht. If in. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 78; ; ///. Rom. Lo~td, p. 105; Cat. Lo11tl. A 111. p. 44 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 153. Roll-moulding at base of rim. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 613.

ok!ilf\1,., OJ(ficina) Passieni;

cf. M 385-387.

BOWL (Form 17). Diam. 6t in. From Easthall, Murston, near Sittingbourne, Kent, Complete, but rim damaged. Glaze good but worn. Centre convex, with roll-moulding round edge.

In the centre is the stamp v 1 R T v s , Virtus; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

( 2)


FoRM 18 (1'4 614-774).

Diarn. 5 in. Dull

M 614.


forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with part offoot.



In the centre is the stamp


Of(ficitza) Abiti; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

13Diam. 6~ in. Repaired and restored ; part of rim wanting.

M 615.

BOWL (Form 18, nearly). (;laze poor.

Stamp as last, but the top stroke of the T is worn away.




THREE FRAGMENTS of similar bowls. Diam. 6 in., Si in., 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, :u8a; Ill. Rom. Lmd. p. 103; Cal. Lo11d. A11t. p. 42 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. I 51 ; Bomur jalerb. xcix. p. 67 ; Schuermans, 1010. Foot in one case complete, but chipped. Dull glaze.

In the centre of each is the stamp OF CALVI, Oj(ficilla) Calvi; cf. Cf.L. xii.
M 623.
10010, 412.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Good glaze.

Diam. 5} in.

Foot nearly complete.

Stamp as before.
M 624.
FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 218c. Good glaze.

I! in. Found in London. Roach

Stamped OF CALV, Oj(ficina) Calv(i).

M 625.
FRAG:\IENT as last. glaze. Diam.


Similarly acquired.

C.l.L. vii. 1336, 2176. Good

Stamped .. CALVI, O.fficitza] Calvi.

M 626.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with partoffoot. Diam. 4 in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 218t. Good glaze.


In the centre is the stamp OF CA ..., Of (ficina) Ca(lvt ?) ; cf. CI.L. xiii. 379
Similarly acquired.

M 627.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 1! in. vii. 1336, 257 (?); Cat. Lollfl. A111. p. 42 (CASSIVS).


Stamped~ Cas(s)tu(s); cf. M 372.

M 628.
FRAGME~T forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with part offoot. in London; acquired 1865. Good glaze.





:M 629.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 536, and M 305.



Cms(s)or frx(il); cf. CI.L.

:\lantell Coil., 1853.


Diam. 4i in.

Probably from Sussex.

C.I.L vii. 1336, 286a; Bon1ur jaltrb. xcix. p. 73 Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF

M 630.

Oj(ficina) Cetr(soris) ; cf. M 305.

FRAGMENT, similar. L>iam. 5i in. Lower Halstow, Kent, 1883. Arch. Ca1lli<ma, p. 106. Foot nearly complete. Dull glaze.

Stamp as last.
. 631- 632.



in. and 5 in.

Foot of each complete. Good glaze.

Stamp in each case as before.

M 633.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4i in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 7 April, 1838. vii. 1336, 286d; Bottner Jalub. xcix. p. 72 Foot complete. Dull glaze.


In the centre is the stamp OF


Oj(ficina) Ce11(J'oris).


M 634.

FRAGMENT, similar(?), with part offoot. Diam. 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 355; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103::Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42 (COLLO); Col/. Ani. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1524. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 635.

\!OtYOD, Co(e)/(i) of(ficina) ?

(Cf. for this potter M 4 and C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 6o7.] FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with halfoffoot. Diam. 4t in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 371a; Botmer jal1r!J. xcix. p. 82.

In the centre is the stamp OF 10010, 698 ; also M 33 and M 2310.

M 636.


Of(jicina) Cresti; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half offoot. Diam. 5 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 3686; Ar&ltMologia, xxvii. p. 152; Bon11er jaltr!J. xcix. p. 82. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp .. CRESTI, Officina] Cresti. incised VIII.


Underneath is


FRAGMENT as last, with two-thirds offoot. Diam. 3t in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 365a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. A11l. p. 42; Coli, Ani. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1710. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF CRES, Of(ficina) Cres(tt).

M 638.
FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Length :z~ in. Found in London (Clement's Lane?). Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 402a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Coli. Ani. i. p. 152; Gentlematl's Mal{. 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gmt. Mag. Li!Jr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. ii., p. 558); Schuermans, 1853. Good glaze.

Stamped tW\oNv;r), Damonus; cf. M

M 639.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with foot. Diam. 5 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 436a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Schucrmans, 2025. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Draucus f(ecit); cf. C.l.L. xiii.



M 644.

FOOT OF BOWL (Form 18). JJiam. 5! in. Similarly acquired. C/.L. vii. 1336, 452a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Ln11d. A11l. p. 43; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Arcluuolog'ia. xxvii. p. 152 Glaze poor ; surface discoloured.

In the centre is the stamp (QW ICI$>, Of(jidlla) F(el)i'cis; cf. M 37 5,


Underneath is incised

1\"NJ/ l't M A~It\ f \ \

Diam. 4! in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 1837.

A ttnen . . .Man . . es ( ?).

M 645.
Wall, FRAGMENT of bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. 2 July, 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 4520. Good glaze. London

In the centre is the stamp ()ffEJUS), Of(jici'lta) Felicis.

M 646.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 31 in.

In the centre is the stamp

M 647.
FRAGMENT, similar. Fine glaze.

C>FIEICJS>, Of(jicina) Felicis.

Cannon Street, London, 1854. C.l.L.vii.I336,450.

Diam.4! in.

In the centre is the stamp FELIXS FEe, Felix S(everi !) or S(exti !) fee( it) ;
cf. C.I.L. xiii. Iooxo, 889.
[Or possibly the s in Fdixs is redundant.)

M 648.

BOWL (Form 18). Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 6! in. From Fa\ersham, Kent. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Arclt. Cantia11a, xvii. p. 156. Complete; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 649.

COf &NJNj), O(fficilta) Fnmlini; cf. M -289.

Diam. 5i in.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with half of foot. Probably from Sussex. :\fantell Coil., 1853. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 650.


Of(jicina) (F)routi11(i).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4! in. Found in Wood Street, London, Dec. 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 469 ; Ill. Nom. Loml. p. 104 ; Bonner Janrb. xcix. p. 89 ; Schuermans, 2315. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OFRONTI, O(fficina) Fronti(m).

M 651.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part ofrim and foot. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 5 in. From Colchester. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 488a; Bonner Janrb. xcix. p. 92. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 652.

CCERMND, Gcrma11i ; cf. M 6o8.

FRAGMENT from bottom of similar bowl, with half of foot. Diam. 4! in. Found in New Street, Bishopsgate (?), London, 3 Feb., 1836. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 488a. Fine glaze.

Stamp as last.



M 663.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Length It in. Found in London Wall, June, 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 516. Dark red glaze.

i. p. 83.


/ngenui; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 1032,

and Dechelette,

M 664.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with half offoot. Diam. in Eastcheap, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 516.



In the centre is the stamp

M 655.
FRAGMENT, similar.


Ingen(uz). Yul(z) Prim(i)?

Diam. 4 in.

London, 1853. Glaze worn.


In the centre is the stamp .. IVL

M 656.

(Cf. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 528, and xii. 1001o, 1073.] FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 3!- in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. yii. 1336, 557; cf. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF

M 657.


Of(ficina) Licini; cf. M 378.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104, and Cat. Lo11d, A11f. p. 43 (wrongly); cf. ArcltMologia, xxvii. p. 152 ; Schuermans, 29. Good glaze.

Stamped @.I I filM>, Of(ficina) Licini(a)na ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, I142.

(This interpretation seems the most satisfactory, but the . formula is quite unique in Gaulish pottery.]

M 668.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with half of foot. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, s66a. Good glaze.

Diam. 4! in.

In the centre is the stamp Dcchelette, i. p. 284.

M 659.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Diam. 5~- in. Found at Grocers' Hall, London, 1836; acquired 1838. Two pieces joined, with part of rim and foot ; fine glaze.



1"4 663.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. :!} in. From Eastcheap, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 577<r; 11/. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Ctrt. J.o11d. Ant p. 44; CtJ/1. A11t. i. p. 152; Arclt.rcologia, xxvii. p. 152; Schuermans, 3042. Good glaze.

Stamp as last ; underneath is incised X.

1"4 664.
FRAG~lENT from bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 3~ in. Royal Exchange, London, Nov., 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 599; 111. Rom Lo11d. p. 104; Ctrl. Lo11d. A111. p. 43; Coli. A11t. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3154. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 0ACR I$, .Macri ma(me) ; cf. M C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 1 2o6.
1"4 666.



FRAG:\1 ENT forming Cl.!ntrc of similar bowl, with part of foot. Length 3} in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.!.L. vii. 1336. 6o6!J; Bolllter jallr!J. xcix. p. 102. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 1214.

(MI\CRit'!!J, Jl.lacritli <{f!ici11a) ; cf. C.f.L . xiii.


T\VO FRAGME~TS, each from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. of one, 3:! in.; length of the other, 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 669a. Good glaze ; one has part of foot.

In the centre of each is the stamp MSCVLVS, ;l/asculus, as M 6os.

M 668.
FRAGME:-\T of similar bowl, with foot and part of rim. Diam. 6 in. Found in Clement's Lane, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6710; Gmtleman'.l /'.fag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gmt. Jfag-. Libr., Rom.-Brit. Rnn. ii. p. 558. Fine glaze; roll-moulding at base of rim.

In the centre is the stamp

0\1\SCVtvm . .Jlasmlusj(t'dt).

1'4 669.

FRAG~IENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18 ?), with two-thirds of foot. IJiam. 3i in. Found in Abchurch Lane, London, 1 Sept., 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 668. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp and C./.L. xiii. 10010, 129i

OPMSCO, Of(ficina)

Masc(u)li; cf. M 4o6,

1'4 670.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form IS !, Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 683; ill. Nom. Lond. p. 105, and Cal. Lond. Ani. p. ~4 (OF MATE). Dark red glalc. Montans fabric (?).

M 671.

In the centre is the stamp Clf MtVC}, Oj(jid11a) M(a)tug(mi) ; cf. C.I.L. 10010, 1314, and Dcchelette, i. p. 136; also M 39
Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. l'rict Sale, 1853.

FRAGMENT, similar. 1336, 717.


In the centre is the stamp OF neath is incised f:'l. M 672.


Oj(fici1la) 1r/(a)luge(11i).


FRAG:\lENT of similar bowl. Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L . vii. 1336, 691a; 111. Rom. Lolld. p. 105; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 43; Coli. Attl. i. Jl 153; Homtcr jahr!J. xcix. p. IIO, Two pieces joined, with part offoot. (iood glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 1340.


Memoris m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.



M 673.

BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 7 in. From Faversbam (?), Kent. Arch. Cant. xvii. p. 157 (?). Complete. Glaze worn on interior.

Gibbs Bequest, 1870.

In the centre is the stamp

M 674.


Of(ficina) Modest(i) ; cf. M 6o6.

FRAGMENT of bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Eastcheap, London, 1 March, 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 72od; B01mer jaltr!J. xcix. p. 113. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 675.

dFM6DSiJ, Of(ficina) Modesti.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3 in. Found in London. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 72od; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 676.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam.


Stamp as before. M 677.

FRAGMENT from foot of bowl (Form 18). Diam. Smith Coil., 1856. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 72o!J. Fine glaze.

2f in. Found in London. Roach

OJ(ficina) Mode(sli) ; under-

In the interior is the stamp


neath i incised,' in the centre "-.\ \

fA /I ( \ J\1 I \J,

3t in.

v;vas ; round the edge,

Similarly acquired.
C.!.L. vii.

M 678.

1336, 72oa; Bonner jallr!J. xcix. p. 113.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part ot foot. Diam. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~, Of(ficina) Mod(estt).

M 679.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18). Diam.

in. Found in King William


1111 682.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with two-thirds of foot. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 7410 (?). Glaze good, but worn.

Diam. 3i in.

Stamp as last.
1111 683.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 2~ in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, Sept., 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336,756. Good glaze.

Stamped (NuroAno, Nestor jec(it); cf. C.l.L. xiii.

1111 684.

10010, 1422.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with half of foot. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 763e(?); Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. 117. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp QINICD, Of(ftcina) Nig(ri); cf. M 355, M 6o7.
[Hubner in C.l.L. vii., loc. cit., reads 0F NIGR.]

M 686.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. Complete all but rim. Fine glaze, but discoloured by fire.



C.I.L. vii. 1336, 763b (?).

In the centre is the stamp

1111 686.

Of'NGRD, Of(ftcina) N(i)gri;

cf. M 838.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Length 2i in. Found in Cornhill, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 777; Bon11er ja/Jr6. xcix. p. 119; Gentleman's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gent. Mag. Li6r., Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 558). Good glaze.

1111 687.


cf. M 210, etc.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x 1} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 777; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Cat. Lo11d. A111. p. 43; Coli. A111. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 4121. Dull glaze.

Stamp as last.
TWO FRAGMENTS of bowls (Form 18), each with part of foot. Diam. 4i in. and

H in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 776; Bo1mer Jallrb. xcix. p. 119. Good glaze. In the centre is the stamp PASSEN, Passen().
1111 690.
FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Length 1! in. Found in Cornhill, London.

Stamped ..
1111 691.



FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 6 in. London Wall, 1838. C.l.L. \ii. 1336, 78o; Bo1111er ]tzltrb. xcix. p. 119. Foot complete, but chipped. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp <tlbSSENM), Passen(i) ma(nu).

1111 692.
FRAG:\IENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 780; Archaeo/ogia, xxvii. p. 152. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
1111 693.
FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. 2} x If in. 1336, 781a; Bo11ner jahrb. xcix. p. 118. Dull glaze. Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. vii.



Oj(jicina) Passe(11i).
M 2


M 694.



FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18). C.I.L. vii. 1336, 7836. Dull glaze.

If x 2 in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 10 Jan.,

cf. M 385, etc.

In the centre is the stamp

M 696.


FRAGMENT of similar bowl. 2 x 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 7836; Cal. Lond. A11t. p. 44; Coli, Ant. i. p. '53 Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 696.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with half offoot. Diam. 4~ in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 8o6a; Bmmer Jahr6. xcix. p. 122. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 697.


cf. M 32, and C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 151 1.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 81oa or 81o6; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 45; Col/. Ant. i. p. 154; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 122; Arcllaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Schuermans, 4204. Fine glaze.

M 698.


Oj(jicina) Patrici.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 41 in. Found in Shoe Lane, London, 7 Oct., 1843. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 809; Gmtleman's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( Gmt. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Brtl. Rem. ii. p. 559); Romur jaltr!J. xcix. p. 122. Foot complete, but chipped. Dark red glaze.

In the .centre is the stamp

M 699.


Oj(jicina) Patrici.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 6 in. Jallrb. xcix. p. 122. Foot complete.

London, 1838. Sec C.I.L. vii. 1336, 810 = Romur

In the centre is the stamp oFrAift), Oj(jici11a) Pntric(i); cf. M 955 M 700.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18). Foot mostly wanting. Good glaze. Diam.

in. Billiter Street, London, Oct., 1838.

In the centre is the stamp

FRAGMENT, similar.

tpJmlt), O]f(ficina)

Roach Smith

Diam. H in.

Found in Rood Lane, London.


M 705.

FRAGMENT, similar.

Lent,'th It in. Similarly acquired.

C.l.L. vii. 1336, 836.


Stamp nearly as last:

M 706.

<QfPOVII U, Of(ficina) Ponte.

Diam. 3~ in.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with part of foot. 1336, 836& (?). Good glaze.

C.I.L vii.

Stamp as last but one.

M 707.
PART OF BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 5} in. Foot complete. Good glaze. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp (in bold letters) : OJ(ficina) Ponti(z') ; cf. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 837, xiii. 10010. 1545.
M 708.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 838; Bo111ur jahrb. xcix. p. 127. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 709.

4t\P00f D, O]f(ficina) Pontz"i.

Diam. 3} in. From Colchester.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part offoot. Pollexfcn Coli., 1870. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp preceding.

M 710.
1837. FRA<;MEI\'T as last. Diam. 5 in. C.I.L. ,.ii. 1336, 835. Dull g-laze.

APR i) ,

probably Officina P]ontiz~ as the

Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark, Nov., 1836 or

In the centre is the stamp


Pon(ti11s) f(ccit).

M 711.

FRAG~tENT, similar. Diam. 3! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 859; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103. Foot nearly complete. r.ood glaze.


In the centre is the stamp 156<). and M 15, 27, 288.


Primus fe(cit) : cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 712.

FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam 3! in. From the site of the India House, Lcadcnhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. C.I.L ,ii. 1336, 865a ; Bc~~m.:r jallr/1. xcix. p. 1::!9. Glaze poor.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp


Of(ficina) Primi.

M 713.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Coli., 1870. Good glaze.

Length :!i in.

From Colchester.

Stamp as last.

M 714.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length ti in. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 865a. Good glaze.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

1111 715.


Of(ficina) Primi (as the preceding, but in larger letters).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. ::!~in. Found in Clement's Lane, London. Price Sale. 1853. C.l.L "ii. 1336, 865d; Gmtlema11's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gmt. Mag. Libr., Rom.Rrit. Rem. ii. p. 558). Glaze worn.



Of(ficina) Prim(i).



Diam. 7 in. Lime Street, London, 1838.

M 716.

FRAGMENT of s1milar bowl, with half of foot. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 86Sf(?). Good glaze.

Within a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp PRIMI, (Officina) Primi.

M 717.
BOWL (Form 18). Ht. It in. Diam. 7 in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 886a. Rim damaged.

In the centre is the stamp C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1598.

M 718.



f(ecit) ; cf. M 388, and

FRAGMENT forming centre ot similar bowl. Diam. Sf in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 886a (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. A11t. p. 45; Coli. Ani. i. p. 154; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Schuermans, 4563. Foot complete; roll-moulding round edge inside ; fine glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 719.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Si in. London, 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 941 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Bonner Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 135; Schuermans, 4791. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~, R(u)fus fe(cit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1662.

M 720.

BOWL (Form 18). Ht. 1-} in: Diam. 6} in. From Faversham. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Arclt. Canliana, xvii. p. 159. Complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF RVFI, Oj(jicina) Rufi.

M 721.
PART OF BOWL (Form 18), with foot and part of rim. Ht. Ii in. Diam. 6 in. Found near London Bridge, 1836. Price Sale, 1853 C./.L. vii. 1336, 938; Bonner }llllr!J. xcix. p. 134 (wrongly read?). Good glaze.
10010, 1670,

In the centre is the stamp (Q5RVENIJ, Oj(jicina) Ruteni; cf. C.I.L. xiii. and M 877; also Walters, Ancie1t1 Pottery, ii. p. 510.
PART OF BOWL as last. Ht. Jj in. Diam. 6f in. Found in London. Roach Smith

M 722.


M 728.

18 Sept., 1837.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 958; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104.



St. Saviour's, Southwark.

Stamped OSOSABINI, O(jftcina) Sabini.

LThe first two letters OS have been accidentally repeated.]

M 727.

BOWL (Foml 18). Diam. 12! in. Found in Cheapside, London; acquired 1861. Thirteen fragments joined ; parts wanting. Fine. glaze, but burnt to a deep brown.

lG$ALNtb\Ptl , G.

Round the centre, a ring of raised ribbed pattern, within which is the stamp Salari A r(verni !').

[The reading AR (11t.rmts) for AP is not certain; but cf. an example from Graufesenque in the Rodez Museum (C.l.L. xiii. IOOio, 1704). There is also a bowl in the Guildhall Museum (Cal. 510) with stamp SA AP F. Dechclcttc ghes Salarius as a Rutenian potter (i. p. 81).]

M 728.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 21 in. Found in Cannon Street, London, 1851. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1010; Emmer jal1rb. xcix. p. 143 Fine glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp fe(cit) ; cf. M 394

M 729.
1336, 1010.



FRAGMENT, similar. Dark glaze.




From Colchester.

Price Sale, 1853- C.l.L. vii.

Stamp as last.
M 730.
FRAGMENT forming half of bowl (Form 18), with two-thirds of foot. Ht. Ii m. Diam. 6~ in. C.l.L. Yii. 1336, 997; Bo11ner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 141. Two pieces joined. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp as on M 725.


Smm(dus) f(rcit) ; underneath is incised


M 731.

FRAGME:\T from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Smith Coli., 18;6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 997 Foot mostly wanting. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
X 732.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3 in. Found in Gracechurch Street, London, 1837. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, roq.a; Bomu:r jakrb. xcix. p. 142. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp Sectmdi.

M 733.

<Qf$EC\N)IJ, Of(jicina)

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 3} in. Lower Halstow, Kent, Arch. Cmtlia11a, xv. p. 1o6, xvii. p. 159. Foot mostly wanting. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Of( .fieina) Secun(di).

M 734.

PART OF BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 9 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1031 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. ro6; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 45; (.ol/. Ant. i. 154; Schucrmans, 5117. Foot complete, but rim mostly wanting. Fine glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1789.


Smtms fe(cit) ;

M 736.




FRAG!\-IENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with half offoot. Diam. J-i in. :5imilarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1052a; Ill. Ro111. Lond. pp. 90, 101 ; Cat. Lond. A ttl. p. 46; A rclta~ologia, xxvii. p. 152 ; Bon11er Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 14S Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 1800.


Of(ficina) Severi; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

Fine glaze.

M 736.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. S} in. Crofton Croker Sale, J8S4

Stamp as last.
M 737.
FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1052!J; Bomur Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 144; Ill. Rom. Lond. pp. 90, 101 . Dull glaze.

M 738.

f<DSEY' , Of(ficina) Sev(eri).

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part offoot. Diam. 4! in. Eastcheap, London, 10 Oct., 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, IOSia; Ill. Rom. Lottd. p. 1o6; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Bo11ner Jahr!J. xcix. p. 144; Schuermans, s167. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 739.


Of(ficina) Seven.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 1~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I8S6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, JOSS ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 104; B(lnner Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 144. Good glaze.

Stamped rolEVERD, O(fficina) Se11eri.

M 740.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam.


Similarly acquired.

Fine glaze.

M 741.


BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 6 in. Found at Exeter. Esq., 186o. About one-third wanting, chiefly from the rim.

Presented by Josiah Goodwin,

In the centre is the stamp OIEVERD. O(.ffici11a) Severi; underneath is


lll 745.

FRAG:\lENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 11 in. Found in Broad Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L . vii. 1336, 1072; Gmtleman's llfag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gent. llfag. LiPr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 559). Good glaze.

Stamp as before.
lll 746.
FRAGMENT of bottom of bowl (Fonn 18), with half of foot. Diam. 5!- in. Found in King William Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1o69a; Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 149. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

lll 747.


FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Length London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good dark red glaze.


Found in Cannon Street,

Stamp as last.
lll 748.
FRAGMENT of bottom of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 3~ in. Found in London(?). Price Sale, 1853. C.lL. vii. 1336, H>79 or 1o8oa. Foot mostly wanting; good glaze.

J1 749.

(J'fLVIMJICI), Sihi Patrici; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1818.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 3' in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1079 or 1o8oa; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. ro6: Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. 154; Schuermans, 5259. Good glaze.

Stamp as the last.

M 750.
PART OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of foot and rim. Ht. 1g in. Diam. 5} in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1093; Ill. Rom. Lolld. p. ro6; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Coli. Ani. i. 155; Bonner Ja!trb. xcix. p. 150; Arcluuologi~, xxvii. p. 152. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Sulpici; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


10010, 1854.

M 751.

FRAGMENT as last, with two-thirds offoot. Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1093. Dull glaze.


Found in London(?). Price

Stamp as last.
M 752.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 3A in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1116; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 46 ; Col/. A nl. i. 155 : Arc!Jacolor:ia, xx\'ii. p. 152. Foot mostly wanting; fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. C.I.L . xiii.

10010, 1902.

M 753.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 4i in. From Colchester. Price Sale, C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1118a ; Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 152. Dull glaze.

Within a ring of hatching is the stamp

rr EAr IM ) . Terti ma(f~t~).

M 754.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Length 2} in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1118a; Colt. Ani. i. 155 ; Ill. Ro111. Lond. p. 1o6. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 755.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Ii in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1124. Good glaze. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856.
10010, 1908.

Stamped 'ftfV#K), T]ettusj(ecit) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.


M 758.

PART OF BOWL (Form r8), with two-thirds offoot. Diam. 71 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 11840. Fine glaze.

Within a ring or finely-hatched lines is the stamp Virili(s) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 2055
Jll 757.



FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot and rim. Ht. 11 in. Diam. Si in. Found in Fenchurch Street, London, Jan., 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 11840. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

J11 758.


Of (fici11a) Virili(s).

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 2{ in. Found near St. Swithin's Church, London, 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1184fl. Foot wanting; fine glaze.

J11 759.


as the preceding.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part offoot. Diam. 3i in. Found in Bishopsgate, London, Aug., 1843. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. t336, 1184d; Gentleman's llfag. 1843, ii. p. 416 ( = Gent. Mag. Li6r., Rom. Brit. Rem. i. p. 201).

Stamp as last.
J11 760.
FRAGMENT of bottom of bowl (Form 18), with two-thirds offeot. Diam. 4~ in. Found in Philpot Lane, London. Roach Smith CoU., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 11846; Bonner jalttb. xcix. p. 158. Glaze worn ; roll-moulding inside.

In the centre is the stamp OF

Jll 781.


Of(fici,za) Viril(is).

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18 ?). Diam. 4} in. King William Street, London, 7 April, 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1190(?); Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 107; Bomur ja/rrb. xcix. p. 159; Schuermans, 582o. Foot mostly wanting; flat centre. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp Q!IR"tv~FECf], Vir thus fecit; cf. M 613.
J11 782.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 2 in. Found in Wood Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1195a. Glaze discoloured.


M 767.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. vii. 1336, 1204& (?). Dull glaze.



in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L.

In the centre is the stamp . .. ALIS

M 768.


as before.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18 ?), with part of foot. Diam. 3t in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 12048; Gmtltmatt's Mag., 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gmt. Mag. Li6r., Rom.-Rril. R(m. ii. p. 559). Good glaze. Exterior of rim moulded as in Form 17.

2o62 ;

In the centre is the stamp (vtALifY, Vita/is m(am1) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii. or perhaps as the preceding.


X 769.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form r8), with two-thirds of foot. Diam. 4~ in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 14 Dec., 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 121oa; Bomttr jalzr6. xcix. p. 161 . Glaze somewhat dull.

In the centre is the stamp

X 770.


Of(fici1la) Vitali(s) ; cf. M 29, 398.

Found in London. Roach

FRAGMENT of centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2l in. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 12106. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp .. VITALI, OJ](jicina) Vitali(s).

M 771.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of foot and rim. Diam. 4i in. Moorgate Street, London, 12 Oct., 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1209a; Botmtr jaltr6. xcix. p. 16o. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 772.


Of(ficina) Vital(is).

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 31 in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., l\LP., 1864. C.f.L. vii. 1336, 1209fl. Foot mostly wanting; good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 773.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part offoot. Diam. Coli., 1856.

in. Found in London. Roach Smith

In the centre is the stamp

M 774.


Of( Vital(is).

FRAGMENT, as last. Diam. 4} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 12o6a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 107; Cat. Lo11d. All/. p. 46; Col/. A 111. i. 155 ; Schuermans, 5837. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Of(ficiua) Vita(lis).

(3) FORM 24 (M 775-776).

M 776.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 24), with part of rim. Ht. 1 ~ in. Diam. 2 in. Found in Cannon Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 783a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. All/. p. 45 (PASSIF); Schuermans, 4128. Foot complete. Round the rim, finely-hatched patterns.

In the centre is the stamp


Passie(ni); cf. M 385.


M 778.

BOWL (Form 24). Ht. 1t in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Monkwell Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cat. Lmtd. A11t. p. 27, No. 108 and P45; Coli. A111. i. p. 154 (?). Repaired ; lip restored ; good glaze. Rim as last. Montans fabric(?) ; cf. M 40.

In the centre is the stamp and M 40.


Salve(tz); cf. C.!.L. xiii.

10010, I707,

(4) FORM
:M 777.

27 (M 777-909).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with half of foot. Diam. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 74a.

in. Found in London.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 778.
FRAGMENT, similar. vii. 1336, 7 Ht.


cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 140.

in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L.

In the centre is the stamp F APRI, O]j(jicina) Apri.

:M 779.
FRAGMENT as before. Diam. 2~ in. C.:.l.L. vii. 1336, 71,/J. Bright red glaze. Found in Lime Street, London, 12 june, 1838.

In the centre is the stamp . APRI, Oj](jicina) Apri.

:M 780.
FRAGMENT as before. Diam. 3 in. Found in London(?). Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 78; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102. Glaze worn. Montans fabric.
1oo I o, 1 5 I,

In the centre is the stamp OF APRO, Oj(jiciua) Apro(nt) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. and Dcchelette, i. pp. 1 36, 2 51.

:M 781'.

FOOT OF BOWL (Form 27). Diam. I} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coll., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 83a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102 ; Cal. Lo11d. A111. p. 41 ; Coli. A11t. i. p. 150; Archaeoloxz"a, xxvii. p. 151; Schuermans, 437

In the centre is the stamp

M 782.
by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o.


Aquit(ani) ; cf. M



FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with half offoot. Bright red glaze.

in. From Exeter.


M 788.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Diam. 3l- in. Found in Water Lane, Tower Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 135; Genllema,l's Mag. 1843, ii. p. 416, and 1844, ii. p. 38 (==Gtnl. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. i. p. 201, ii. p. 558); Bonfler jaltrb. xcix. p. 64. Foot complete. Good glaze.

M 787.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 276.


Oj(ficina) Bassi; cf. M 4, and C.I.L.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. I! in. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. Foot complete; good glaze.

Stamp as last.
X 788.

BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 2j in. Diam. 4! in. Coli. Ani. i. p. 150. Good glaze.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli.,

In the centre is the stamp

OF BASSI, Of(fici~ta)

Found in London.

[The reading is not absolutely certain.]

M 789.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 1} in. Diam. 3i in. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 134. Foot complete. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 790.


FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. 14 Oct., 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 134. Good glaze.

Diam. 2! in.

Eastcheap, London,

Stamp as last.

M 791.

FRAGMENT as the last. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 134; ///. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; La/. Lond. Alii. p. 41 ; Col/. Afll. i. p. 150 : Schuermans, 472.

Stamp as last.

M 792.

FRAGMENT, similar. nearly complete.

Diam. 3k in.

Found in London.

Price Sale, 1853.


In the centre is the stamp l[lo t E I ) , Bio je(cit) ; cf. C./.L. vii. 1 336, 15 3, xiii. 100IO, 302 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102.
M 793.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2 in. Found in St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. '1336, 217a ; Bomttr jaltrb. xcix. p. 67 ; Gmllcman's Mag. 1844, ii; p. 38 (=Gmt. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 558). Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. M 62off.

M 794.

FRAG:\lENT of similar bowl. Diam. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 218a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lo11d. A111. p. 42; Coli. Ant. t. p. 151 : Bomrer jahrb. xcix. p. 67. Dull glaze.

In the ct:ntre is the stamp

M 796.


Oj(jicina) C'!lvi; cf. M


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 273; ///.Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. A11l. p. 42; Schuermans, 1210. Foot complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


probably Oj(ficina) Ce(11soris), as M 628ff.

1111 796.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 21 in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. A11l. p. 42; Coil. Ant. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1525. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

1111 797.


o BJ, Colon(z)?
Ht. 1} in. Diam. 3 in

[Cf. M 373 and C.I.L. vii. 1336, 337.] FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with half of foot. London, 1853. C./.1.. vii. 1336, 364. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp CRIIS, Cres(ti ?) ; cf. M 635ff.

Jl 798.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 21 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 365a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. Ani. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151. Foot complete.~

In the centre is the stamp OF CREST, Oj(foina) Crest(i) ; cf. M 635ff.

1111 799.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. IZ in. Coli., 1892. Foot complete ; dull glaze. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset. Durden

In the centre is the stamp (DMQN! I, Damoni; cf. M So, 610.

Jl 800.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl. Diam. 2t in. Haydon Square, Minories, London, 1854. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is .the stamp QAI\ONV ), D]amonu[s.

Jl 801.
FRAGMENT of foot of bowl (Form 27). Smith Coll., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 452c. Diam.


Found in London.


In the centre is the stamp OFFELIC, Oj(.ficina) Felic(is) ; cf. M 644J1 BOa.
BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 2i- in. Diam. 4t in. 453a (stamp wrongly read). Repaired. Similarly acquired.

C.l.L. vii. 1336,

In the centre is the stamp

M 803.


Felix Severi ; cf. M 647.

Diam. 2 in. London, 1837.
C I.!..

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. . F ot collnpJ,ete.



1111 807.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27 ?). Diam. 3 in. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset. Durden Coli., 1892. Foot nearly complete. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 808.


Ingenui; cf. M 653.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of foot. Ht. tl in. Diam. 2~ in. Found in the Thames, Feb., 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C./.L. vii. 1336, 512a; Bo1mtr jaltr!J. xcix. p. 94

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 1002.

1111 809.


]anuari o(jficina) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Diam. 21 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.l.. vii. 1336, 512c; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 43; C'o/1. A11t. i. p. 152; Bonntr Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 94 Foot complete. Glaze dull.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 1002.

1111 810.


Januari oj(jicina) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

From Colchester. Pollexfen

PART OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. Coli., 1870. Foot complete. Good glaze.


Diam. 3i in.

In the centre is the stamp QJI(yv\l, ]ucun(dus) ; cf. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 519, xiii. 10010, 1001. On the exterior is incised XXX.
1tf 811.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl, with two-thirds of foot. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, ssoa. Dull glaze. Diam. 3 in.

In the centre is the stamp

1tf 812.
FRAGMENT, similar. complete. Good glaze.


Of(ficina) Labio(nis) ; cf. M 300.


Diam. 2f in.

Blomfield Street, London, 19 Aug., 1838.

In the centre is the stamp MAND, Mand(vili ?) ; cf. M 942, Dechelette, i. p. 284, and C.I.L. xiii.10010, 1254M 813.
FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Roach Smith Coll., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 674. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. Bright red glaze.

3t in.

Found in London.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 1259

1tf 814.


Ma(n)sueti o(.ffici11a) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 27 ?). Length It in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 661 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 44 Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp xiii. 10010, 1286.

M 815.




Martius m(ame) (sic) ; cf. C.I.L.

Diam. 3 in. Similarly

FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl, with halt of root. acquired. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

ltf 816.


Marti m(a11u).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). C.I.L. vii. 1336, 67oa. Foot complete.


1; in. Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired.

of. M 6os, etc.

In the centre is the stamp

@scvrn, Masculi;


M 817.

FRAGMENT forming centre of sinailar bowl. Diam. 1i in. London Wall, 13 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 667. Foot complete. Dull glaze.


In the centre is the stamp ~SCLYS), Masclus; cf. M 4o6,

M 818.

in. Good glaze.

of similar bowl, with bali of foot. Ht. 1i in.




In the centre is the stamp

M 819.

Of(ficina) Masc(!i).

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 1i in. Found in London Wall, January, 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 666 (wrongly). Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp C'\SCLt4fl, M]asc!i Ba!(bi) m(anu); cf. C.I.L.


M 820.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2f in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 6<)16; Ill. Rom. Lo1zd. p. 105; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 44; Col/. A11t. i. p. 153; Bonner Ja"rb. xcix. p. I 11 ; Schuermans, 3516. Foot nearly complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp @j~ORUM, Memoris m(anu); cf. M 672.

M 821.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3 in. Similarly acquired. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp

M 822.

<&fNiOil9, Memoris.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 27 ?), with part of foot. Diam. 2 in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 18 Sept., 1837. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 720c. The foot is not of the usual form, but has a low flat ring.

In the centre is the stamp OF MODES, Oj(jicina) llfodes(ti) ; cf. M 6o6, etc.
M 823.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 2~ in. Leadenhall Street, London, 21 Sept., 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 72oj; Bomur Jaltr6. xcix. p. 113. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OFMPW, Oj(jicina) Modes(ti).

M 824.



M 828.

BOWL (Form 27). Ht. ::~in. Diam. 5 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., C.I.L. vii. 1336, 647 (wrongly). Repaired and restored. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 829.


Of(.ficina) Mom(monis) ; cf. M 68o.

London, 1853.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2j- in. vii. 1336, 725? (wrongly read). Foot complete. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp 830.

0 MOM,

O(.fficina) Mom(monis)

FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 722a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105 ; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 44; Coil. Ant. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3665. Foot complete, but chipped. Good glaze.

Stamp as last. M 831.

BOTTOM OF BOWL (Form 27 ?). Diam. 3i in. Found in London Street, Fenchurch Street, London; acquired 1854- C.l.L. vii. 1336, 728. Foot complete. Glaze worn.
10010, 1352,

In the centre is the stamp and M 96.


Monlanus; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 27), each with part of foot. Ht. rj and 1} in. Diam. 3i and 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18)6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 733a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 44; Coil. Ani. i. p. 153.

In the centre of each is the stamp CifN\()Nt], Oj(.ficitza) Mont(i)c(t) or Jltlont(onis); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1377. Underneath M 832 is incised X.
M 834.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1} in. Diam. 31- in. Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 733" Foot complete. Good glaze.

Stamp as before.
M 836.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27 ?), with half of foot. Diam. 28 in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 19 Sept., 1837 C.I.L. vii. 1336, 739; Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. I I 5 Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp @149, il'lur(r)all(t); cf. M 383. neath is incised H. M 836.


FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl. Uiam. 3 in. From Colchester. l'ollexfen Coil., 1870. Foot nearly complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 837.


Oj(.ficina) Jllurra(11i).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3 in. Found in St. Swithin's Lane, London, 1836; acquired 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 763a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Bomur jakrb. xcix. p. 117. Foot complete. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp M 838.


Of(.ficina) Nigri; cf. M 355, etc.

Diam 2i in.

FRAG:\1ENT, similar, with two-thirds offoot.

C.l.L. vii. 1336, 763b (?).

In the centre is the stamp


Oj(ftcina) Nigri; cf. M 685.



M 839.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of foot. Ht. 1} in. Diam. 2~ in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 19 Sept. 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 762; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 117. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF NGI, Of(ficina) N(i)g(r)i.

M 840.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 3:! in. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 762. Foot complete. Dull glaze.

Eastcheap, London,


Stamp as last
M 841-842.
TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 27). Ht. of one, 1} in. Diam. of the other, in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.L. vii. 1336, 762. One has part of rim ; both have foot complete.

In the centre of each is the stamp OF NGI, Oj(ficitla) N(z)g(r)i.

M 843.
FRAGMENT, similar, with foot and part of rim. vii. 1336, 762 (OF NGI). Good glaze. Ht.

in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L.

In the centre is the stamp OF NGI M, Of( ficit~a) N(z)g(r)i t1t(amt) (sic).
M 844.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2} in. Found in Eastcheap, London, 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 761d (?). Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 846.

C!J:ffQ) , Of(ficina) Ni(grz).

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. Ii in. Found in Eastcheap, 29 Aug., Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 761d(?); Coli. Ani. i. p. '53 Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 846.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 1~ m. t'rom Bitterne Manor, Hants. Mrs. Stuart Macnall'bten, 1851. Foot complete. Dull glaze. Presented by

Stamp as before.
M 847.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of rim and three-fourths of foot.



X 851.

FRAGMENT of bowl (Form 27), with half of foot. Diam. 2} in. Abchurch Lane, London, 3 Oct., 1838. C.f.L. vii. 1336, 782; Btmn~r Jahr!J. xcix. p. 119. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp lDINI\\M9, O(jftci11a) Passeni(i): cf. M

X 852.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105 ; Cat. Land. Ant. p. 44 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 153. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp COPASII> , O(jftcina) Pas(s)em; cf. CI.L. vii. and xiii. 10010, 1492.


M 853.

FRAGMENT, similar. complete.





From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.


In the centre is the stamp



O(jftcina) Pas(s)e(ni) ; cf. CI.L. vii.


M 854.

FRAGMENT, similar. Foot complete.






St. Saviour's, Southwark, 18 Sept.,

In the centre is the stamp M 855.


(f>A\\0, Passi(eni);

cf. M 385,


FRAG:\IENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27).

Diam. 2g in.

Foot complete. Glaze

In the centre is the stamp M 696.


Of(fici1Za) Patric(1) ; cf. M 32 and

Lower Halstow,

1'4 856.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with foot and part of rim. Ht. Ii in. Kent, 1883. Ardt. Cantiana, xv. 106, xvii. p. 158 (OF PARO). Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp ~, Oj(jici11.a) Palr(i)c(i).

M 857.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of foot. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 2l in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 818a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105 ; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 44; Bomur Jaltrb. xcix. p. 12~ ; Schuermans, 4232. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp



Paulli m(anu) ; cf. CI.L. xiii.


M 858.

FRAGMENT with foot as M 8:!.:!. 2 x l in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 1838. vii. 1336, 817b ; B01mtr Jahrb. xcix. p. 12~. Good glaze.


In the centre is the stamp U2JtV$b, P]aullus f(ecit). M 859.

BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., C.I.L. vii. 1336, 839; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105: Cat. Lolld. A Ill. p. 45; Col/. .r/111. i. p. 15~ ; Bo1111t:r Jalzrb. xcix. p. 127. Repaired and restored. (;ood glaze.

In the interior is the stamp

10010, I 545


Ponti(i) ojftc(ina) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


(Possibly Bohn is right in reading this stamp as OONTI (see C.J.L. xiii. in all cases the first letter is somewhat indistinct.)

813); but



M 860.

FKAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Diam. 2! in. Lime Street, London, 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 839; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Botmtr Jahrb. xcix. p. 127. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp oqNfOIJJO, Po11ti(i) or Do11ti(i) oj(f)ic(ina).

M 861.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in Sweetapple Street, Bishopsgate, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 839; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 45; Schuermans, 4377 Foot complete, but chipped.

Stamp as last.
M 862-864.
THREE FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 27), each with part offoot. Diam. 2i in.,

2!l in., :!if in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 839.

Stamp in each case as before.

M 865.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 28 in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

M 866.


Of(ficina) Ponti(i) (cf. M 707ff.), very indistinct.


FRAGMENT, similar.


From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

In the centre is the stamp

M 867.


OJ(ficina) Primi; cf. M 27, etc.

C.l.L. vii. 1336,

FRAGMENT as before. Dull glaze.

Ht. 1i in.

St. Saviour's, Southwark, 1838.

In the centre is the stamp 0'\ABMFJ, Quartusj(ecit) ; cf. M 388, 717

M 868-869.
TWO FRAG:\IENTS of similar bowls, each with part of foot. Ht. of one, ~~in. Diam. of the other, Ii in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 892a; Bon11er Jalzrb. xcix. p. 131. On one are remains of an ancient rivet.

In the centre of each is the stamp

M 870.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1607.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 1~ in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 942; llomter Jaltrb. xcix. p. 135. Foot complete.

Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp RVFEI M, Rujei m(anu) ; but the reading is somewhat doubtful, and possibly RVFFI (as in M 925) may be intended.



M 874.

FRAGMENT as the last. Diam. 1} in. vii. 1336, 934JZ, etc. (as last). Foot complete.

Found in London.

Price Sale, 1853

Stamp as last.
M 875.
BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 1~ in. fire ; glaze turned to black. Diam. 3k in. Acquired 1838. Complete, but injured by

In the centre is the stamp


Oj(ficilza) Ruj(t), as the preceding.


FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part offoot.


In the centre is the stamp

1111 877.


Oj(jici11a) Rufi; cf. M 735


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Good glaze.


London, 1838.

Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp and M 72 1-723.

1111 878.


Ruta<!ll(i) ; cf. CI.L . xiii.


FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. C.J.L_. vii. 1336, 953 (?). Foot complete. Good glaze.

Price Sale,

In the centre is the stamp

1111 879.


Sabim1s f(ecit) ; cf. M 267, etc.


FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. 1336, 956a. Foot complete. Good glaze.


London, 1837.

C.I.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp

M 880.


Oj(ficina) Sabi(ni).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. J~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.1.. vii. 1336, 949; Iii. Ram. Lo11d. p. 1o6; Cat. Lo1rd. Ant. p. 45; llomur jallrb. xcix. p. 136; Schuermans, 4816. Foot complett:.

In the centre is the stamp

M 881.


Ojf(ici11a) Sab(ini).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. J in. Found in London Wall, June, 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, g8o. Foot complett:, but chipped. Brownish-red glaze. Montans fabric.
I 709.

In the centre is the stamp OF SALVI, Oj(ficina) Sah'i; cf. C.J.L. xiii. and Dechelette, i. p. 298 ; also M 40. M 776.
Diam. 2! in. Found in London.


M 882.

FRAG:\IENT, similar. Foot complete. Cood glaze.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

In the centre is the stamp (SECVI'j)B, 5)ectmd(i) m(amt) ; cf. C.I.L. \"ii. 1336, 998-999, and M 728ff.
M 883.
FRAG:\IENT, similar, with two-thirds offoot. London. Price Sale, 1853. c;ood glaze. I>iam.


Found in Cannon Street,

Stamp as last.
M 884.
FRAGME:-\T OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 1! in. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.1. ,ii. 1336, 998: Bomur ja/ir/1. xcix. p. J.p. Foot nearly complete. Cood glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OOvN)M), Secund(i) m(mm).


M 885.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim and foot. Ht. i in. Diam. 3 in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1016; Bonner Jalrr/J. xcix. p. 143. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp tHCWPtOfJ, Semndi of(jicina).

M 886.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27), with half of foot. Ht. 1! in. Diam. Found in London (Queen St. or Great St. Helen's?). Price Sale, 1853. C./.L. vii. 1336, 1022; Gmlltmatz's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gmt. .Mag. Li/Jr., Rom.-Brit. Rtm. ii. p. 559). Good glaze.
2} in.

In the centre is the stamp the foot is incised twice v.

M 887.


(cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1773) ;


FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. lk m. Diam. 3} in. Lothbury, London, 23 May, 1838. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1025a; ///. Rom. Lo11d. p. 1o6. Foot nearly all broken away. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 888.


(cf. M 395) ; underneath is incised


FRAGMENT as last, with part offoot. Ht. 1 ~ in. Found in Copt Hall Court, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1025a; ///. Rom. L01id. p. 1o6; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 45 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 154. Good glaze.

M 889.

Stamp as last.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27), with two-thirds of foot. London, 1838. Good glaze. Diam.:! in.

In the centre is the stamp

M 890.


Severi; cf. M 735ff.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl. Diam. 1! in. Abchurch Lane, London, C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1037; Bonner jallr/J. xcix. p. 144. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1891.



FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2! in. Abchurch Lane, London, 20 Oct., 1838. C.I.L. ,ii. 1336, 1053a. Foot complete, but chipped.


:M 896.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1} in. Diam. 2j- in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 19 Sept., C.l.L. vii.1336, 1051a (?). Foot mostly wanting. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 897.


Oj(fichta) Sever(i).
From Sea .Mills, ncar

FRAGMENT, similar, with two-thirds of foot. Diam. 2~ in. Bristol. Presented by W. McPherson, Esq., 1906. Dull glaze, worn.

In the centre is the stamp is incised X.

:M 898.


(cf. C.I.L. xiii.


1813) ; underneath

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1o67t; Ill. Rom. Lolld. p. 1o6; Ctrl. Lond. Ant. p. 46; IIOJmtr jaltrb. xcix. p. 147. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 899.



FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27). Foot complete. Dull glaze.


Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp 1815.

:M 900.


Of(ficina) Sih'i; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 27 ?). Diam. 1~ in. London, 1853. C.I.L. ,ji. 1336, 1077 ; Bo1111tr Jahrb. xcix. p. 149. Foot broken away. Dull glaze.

M 901.


Of(ficina) Sih,i.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1078a; Ill. Rom. Lolld. p. 1o6 ; Cat. Lo11d. A11t. p. 46; (.(J/1. Ant. i. p. 154; Ro1mer jahrb. xcix. p. 149 Foot complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 902.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. vii. 1336, 1o78a. Foot complete.


Silvi of(ficitla).
From Colchester. Price Sale, 18;).





Stamp as last.
:M 903.
FRA(;~lENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27), with three-fourths of foot. Diam. in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1186 ; Ill. R om. Loml. p. 107; Cat. L o11d. A11t. p. 46; Col/. A11t. i. p. 155 ; 1/omterjtlhrb. xcix. p. 158. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF VIRILLI, Oj(ficilla) Vliilli; cf. M

:M 904.
BOWL (Form 27). Repaired and restored. Ht. 2} in. Diam. 4! in.


Similarly acquired. C.I.I.. \ii. 133(,, 1193.

In the interior is the stamp v 1 R T v s, Virtus ; cf. .l\1 613, i6I.

:M 905.
PART OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht.
1 ~in .

Diam. 3~ in. Found at Ewell, Surrey. Presented

by H. W. Diamond, Esq., :\I. D., 1848. Arcltacologia, xxxii. p. 451 ; C.I.L. vii. 1336, r 198a (r2oo

wrongly); Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 16o. Two pieces joined, with foot complete and most of rim.

In the centre is the stamp


Vita(lis) ; cf. M 29, 398, etc.


M 906.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 3i in. Found near St. Saviour's Church, Southwark, 1836; acquired 1838. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 1202; Bonner Jallr!J. xcix. p. 162. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 907.


Vita/is f(ecit); underneath is incised



FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl, with part of foot. vii. 1336, 1211. Dark red glaze.

2! in. C.J.L.

In the centre is the stamp OF VITALI, Oj(jicina) Vitali(s).

M 908.
FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. 16 Oct., 1838. Fine glaze. Diam.



Blomfield Street, London,

In the centre is the stamp OF

M 909.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3i in. Eastcheap, London, 1838. C.l.l. \'ii. 1336, 1207 or 1208; Ill. Rom. umd. p. 107; Bonner jakr!J. xcix. p. 16o. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ([)01\ J, Of(jicina) Vita(lis).

:M 910.
BOWL (Form 31). Repaired.

FORM 31 (M 910-926). Diam. 7i in.


Ht. 1i in.

From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

In the centre is the stamp and xiii. 10010, 203.

Attici m(anu); cf. CI.L. vii. 1336,

:M 911.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. II in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856, C.l.L. vii. 1336, 123; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lo11d. A11t. p. 41 ; Bomur jaltr!J. xcix. p. 63. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 912.




Avi[t]u.s j(ecit) ; cf. M 785.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Diam. 2i in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. \'ii. 1336, 126; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Coli. A ttl. i. p. 150; B01mer jallr!J. xcix. p. 63: Schuermans, 687. Good glaze.



M 916.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31 ?), with half of foot. Diam. 48- in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 135; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 150; Bonner jallro. xcix. p. 64: Schuennans, 745

In the centre is the stamp

111 917.

(OF BA:SS \, Of(ficina) Bassi; cf. M 4. 786ff.

From Ipswich. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3} in. vii. 1336, 135. Good dark red glaze.


Stamp as last, but in smaller letters ; underneath is incised

:M 918.


FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl. Diam. 4} in. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 55oa; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 43; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152 ; Schuermans, ::r882. Foot complete. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched patterns is the stamp Labium's ; cf. M 306.

M 919.


Oct., 1838.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Diam. 6i in. Found in the Thames, C.l.L. vii. 1336, 584; Bonner jallro. xcix. p. 101. Foot complete. Good glaze.


Within a ring of hatched patterns is the stamp

cf. C.l.l.. xiii. 10010, I 181.


Lupus fe(cit);

M 920.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 4! in. Foot complete. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 921.
FRAGMENT, similar. Glaze worn.


Ma(n)sueti o(jjicina); cf. M 813.

Foot complete.

Diam. 4k in.

Crofton Croker Sale, 1854.

Within a ring of hatched patterns is the stamp m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1270.
:M 922.

(]Y\1 :JBA MJ,


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 3} in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. CI.L. vii. 1336, 662a; Bomur jallrb. xcix. p. 107. Good glaze.

Roach Smith

In the centre is the stamp

111 923.


Marti m(anu) ; cf. M 814.

Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 8o7b;

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3} in. Bomur jallrb. xcix. p. 122, Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched patterns is the stamp PATRICIMA, Patrici ma(nu) ; cf. M 6ff.
M 924.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. 1336, 878a ; Bonner jaltrb. xcix. p. 131. Good glaze. Price Sale, 1853 C.J.L. vii.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp ( ma(nu); cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 1591.
M 925.

PYG NI M}, Pugni

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim a nd foot. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 6 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.lL. vii. 1336, 94 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6 ; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 45; Coli. A Itt. i. p. 154 ; Schuermans, 4761. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp xiii.

10010, 1657.


Ruffi ma(tzu) ; cf. M 870 and C.I.L.

M 926.


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4} in. Found in Old Change, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1007; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 1o6; Cal. Lund. Ani. p. 45; Arcltaeolo_l[l"a, xxvii. p. 152; 1/omur jakrb. xcix. p. 143. Foot mostly wanting. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp . M 394, etc.

M 927.


S]ecm1dus; cf.

FORM 33 (M 927-977).

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33 ?), with part of foot. Dia1t1. 2~ in. Found m London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102 ; Lirl. Lon d. A 111. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 20. Bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 928.


Abi(t)i m(anu) ; cf. M 614.

PART OF BOWL (Form 33). Ht. ti in. Diam. 4! in. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 56; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 102; Schuermans, :252. About half remaining. Bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp wWW!QgJ, A mand(i) o(.ffici11a) ; cf. C.lL.

M 929.
10010, 100.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Found in Water Lane, Tower Street, London. Price Sale, 185J. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 135; Gen//mza1l's Mag. 1843, ii. p. 416, and 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gent. Mag. Lillr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. i. p. 201, ii. p. 558) ; Bon11tr jahrb. xcix. p. 64. Good glaze ; foot complete ; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp 0F

M 930.


Of(ficina) Bassi: cf. M 4, M 786.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33 ?). Diam. 2! in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 218a; 1/omur jaltrb. xcix. p. 67. Foot complete, but chipped; comex centre. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 931.


Of(ficina) Catz,i; cf. M 620.

Diam .

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot.


Found in Eastcheap, London,


M 986.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 585 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 44; Loll. A11t. i. p. 152; Bonner jalrriJ. xcix. p. 101 ; Schuermans, 3086. Foot much chipped. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp (LV JU/ffl), Lupi m(anu); cf. M 919.
[Hiibner in C.I.L. \'ii. reads LVPI M\B, LujJi mmtiiJ(tu).]

II 987.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 3! in. From the Steelyard, Thames Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 598; Romur Jahrb. xcix. p. 102. Foot complete. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

II 988.


Macer f(ecit) ; cf. M 664.

From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli.,

CENTRE OF BOWL (Form 33). Foot complete. Light red glaze.

Diam. 2i in.

In the centre is the stamp

( 989-940.


cf. M 665.

TWO FRAGMENTS, each forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2 in. and 1~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6oa, b; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104, Col/. A111. i. p. 153, and Cat. L01td. Ant. p. 44 (MACRINVI); Bonner jalrrb. xcix. p. 102; Schuermans, 3161. Foot in each case nearly complete. One has dark red glaze; the other is burnt to brown and black.

In the centre of each is the stamp

[HUbner in C.J.L., /oc.


Macrinu(s) f(ecit).

reads MACRINVF.)

11 941.

25 Oct., 1838.

FRAGMENT, similar, with two-thirds of foot. Diam. 2~ in. Lime Street, London, C.I.L. vii. 1336, 6o6a; Bon1ter jakrb. xcix. p. 102. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

II 942.

Macrini of(ficina).

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6o7; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104 = Gzt. L01zd. Ant. p. 44 (?).

In the centre is the stamp

C"OMI)Iii@, Jfcmdvi/i (?)


[HUbner in C.l.L. reads MAGNIO (cf. C./.1.. xiii. 10010, 1226); more probably MANDVILI is intended; cf. M !112, Dcchelette, i.p. 284, Schuermans, 253, and C./.1.. xiii. 10010, 1254.)

II 943.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 673a. Foot mostly broken away ; convex centre; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

11 944.


1 Ua(n)sueti; cf. M 8rj.

Price Sale, 1853.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2j in. Found in London. vii. 1336, 673tl or b. Foot complete ; raised centre.


In the centre is the stamp

M 946-946.



TWO FRAGMENTS, similar. Diam. of each, 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 673b. Feet complete; light red glaze; convex centres.

Stamp as last in each case.

M 947.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 638a ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. Jot; Cat. Lond. At~l. p. 44; Coil. Ant. i. p. 153; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 105; Schuermans, 3286. Foot nearly complete ; light red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~ACJ,

M 948 -949.

AN.i), Marci tna(ntt); cf. M 921.


TWO FRAGMENTS, similar. Diam. of each case complete (one chipped); glaze worn.

in. Similarly acquired.

Foot in each

In the centre of each is the stamp

M 950.


Marti m(anu) ; cf. M 814.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2! in. Similarly acquired. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 653a ; Ill Rom. Lond. p. 105 ; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 44; Coil. Ant. i. p. 153, Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


1l1artii o(J!ici11a).

M 961.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. ti in. From the Steelyard, Thames Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 663. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 952.


Marti of(ficina).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. London Wall, 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 72ta. Foot mostly wanting ; dark red glaze, discoloured by fire.

In the centre is the stamp

M 953.


Mom(monis) ; cf. M 68o.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl. Diam. 3~ in. Found at Bayford, Kent ; acquired 1883. Arc/J. Canliana, xvi. p. 5 and xvii. p. 157 ; cf. Payne, Coli. Canliat~a, p. 53 Foot complete ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 964.


Of(ficina) Mommo(nis).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33). Diam. 2i in. London, 1837. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 8o7a ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105 ; Bonner jakr6. xcix. p. 122. Foot complete ; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 955.
FRAGMENT, similar.


Patrici tn(anu) ; cf. M 6, etc.

Diam. 2! in.

Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Foot


11 960.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (F\lrm 33). Diam. 2~ in. Found in the Thames, London, 25 Oct., 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 893a; Bonner jaltro. xcix. p. 131. Foot complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

11 961.


Quinti m(anu); cf. M 868.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 2! in. Found in White Hart Yard, Bishopsgate Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8934. Foot complete.

Stamp as last.
II 962.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. !- in. Diam. 3! in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 893c. Foot complete; light red glaze. Roach Smith

In the centre is the stamp

II 968.


Qt1inti m(anu).

FRAGME:-.;T, similar. Diam. 2iin. Stmilarlyacquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 893a(wrongly). Foot complete ; dark brown glaze (discoloured).

Stamp as last.
M 964.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). Diam. in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1012a; Ill, Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 45; Coli. A11l. i. p. 154; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Schuermans, 5015. Foot complete; glaze worn.


In the centre is the stamp

II 965.
FRAGME:\T rom centre Foot mostly wanting.

Lf(hNDJWJ, Smmdi m(anu) ; cf. M 728ff. of bowl (Form 33). Diam. a in. C.l.L. vii. 1336,


In the centre is the stamp

11 966.

SC"verusj(ecit); cf. M 735ff.

FRA(;;\) E:\T of similar bowl, with two-thirds of foot. Ht. 2/r in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 18 Sept., i837. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1054. Dull glaze ; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp

II 967-968.


Of(.ficina) Severi.

TWO FRAC;:\JENTS forming centres of bowls (Form 33). Diam. 2! in. and 2* in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1050; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 1o6; Cat. Loud. A 11/. p. 46; C'o/1. A 111. i. p. 154 ; Romur jaltro. xcix. p. 1.~6. Foot in each case complete, but one chipped; glaze worn.

In the centre of each is the stamp Underneath one i's incised x.

II 969.
1336, FRAG;\IENT, similar. 1050, Glaze worn. Diam.


Severz' m(ame) ; cf. M 307.

!'rice Sale, 1853.


Found in London.

C.l.L. vii.

Stamp as before.
II 970.
FRAG:\IE.NT from centre ofbowl (Form 33). Diam. vii. 1336, 1o67a. Foot much broken; glaze worn.


Similarly acquired. C.l.L

M 971.


cf. M 897.

FRAG:\IE.NT formin!{ centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.1.. vii. 1336, 1o67a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 1o6; Cat. l.oml. Ant. p. 46; Schuermans, 5231. Foot complete ; good glaze.

Stamp as last.




M 972.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of rim and foot. Ht. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1075 ; Bonner jallrb. xcix. p. 149; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152 Glaze discoloured.

In the centre is the stamp

M 973.


Silvini m(anu) ; cf. M 743

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2! in. Found in Wood Street, London, Aug., 1847. Price Sale, 1853- C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1078a; Bonner jallrb. xcix. p. 149. Foot nearly all wanting; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp IBIS.


Silvi of(ficina) ; c( C.I.L. xiii.

M 974.

BOWL (Form 33). Ht. 2l in. Diam. 4i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.L. vii. 1336, 1182; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 107 ; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 25, No. 10o, p. 46; Coli. A 111. i. p. 155 ; Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. 158. Repaired and restored ; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 975.


Viri/is f(ecit) ; cf. M 7 56ff.

FRAGMENT forming bottom ot bowl (Form 33), with two-thirds offoot. Diam. 2~ in. From the site of the India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 186,J. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1184C. Good glaze ; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp OF

M 976.


Of(ficina) Viri(lis).

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 11840 ; Bon11er jakrb. xcix. p. 158. Foot mostly wanting ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF

M 977.


Of(fici1ta) Viril(is).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33). Ht. t! in. Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 12o6a; Ill. Rom. Lvnd. p. 107; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 46; Colt. A11l. i. p. 155; Romur jaltrb. xcix. p. 159 Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp OF


OJ(ficina) VittZ(lis) ; cf. M 763 ff.


II 981.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl. Length 1 in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 19 Sept., C.I.L. vii. 1336, 81 5 Good glaze ; form uncertain.

II 982.


cf. M 857.

FRAGMENT from bottom of bowl (form uncertain; concave section), with foot. Diam. 3k in. From the site of the India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W . Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. C.l.l. vii. 1336, 893d ; 1/omur jaltrb. xcix. p. 131. Light red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

II 983.


Quinti m(anu); cf. M 868.

BOWL (Form 17). Diam. 12 ~ in. Found in the Thames, London; acquired 1837-38. L'.I.L. vii. 1336, 650. Much restored ; several fragments found at different times and joined.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp

10010, I 280.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.

Diam. 3 in.

II 984.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with small part of foot. C.I.L. vii. I 336, 35

In the centre is the stamp

M 985.


Albi(ni ?) ; cf. C l.L.


~iii. 10010,


FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 3496.


Found in London.

M 986.


Cosi Ruti11(i).

[Hubner in C.I.L., loc. cit., reads RVFIN ; cf. .M 991.] FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.l. vii. 1336, 348 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Coli. A ttl. i. p. 1 51. Foot mostly wanting.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp the last.

II 987.


Cosi R(utini), as


OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4~ in. Found in P rice Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 352 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp [QSJR21, C. Ost(ilii) Ru(fi)?; but possibly is intended, as on the preceding; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 655.

M 988.

FRA(;.MENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27), with foot. Diam. 3 in. Found in London. Roach !:imith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. ,ii. 1336, 346/J; Ill. Rom. L ond. p. 103; Coli. A11l. i. p. 151 ; IIOJmer jahrb. xcix. p. 158 ; Schuermans, 2626. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp . F L cos V, O]j(jici11a) L. Cos(i) V(irilis).

(Cf. C.l.L. xiii. JOoJO, 656-657, and Walters, Ancie111 Pottery, ii. p. 509.]

M 989.
18 38.

FRAG:.\IENT, similar. Ht. It in. Diam. 3i in. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 45<)tl Good glaze.

Abchurch Lane, London, 16 Oct.,


In the centre is the stamp

:M 990.


Firmo (fecit) ; cf. C.I.L . xiii.


FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Ht. li in. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 459/J. Dull glaze ; in bad condition.

Diam. 3! in.


Stamp as last.


M 991.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 3 in. From the Steelyard, Thames Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp cSili:N(!I

M 992.
BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 1-i in. Repaired ; practically complete.


Of(ficina) Marsi , cf. M 983.

From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Diam. 3i in.

In the centre is the stamp MOM, Mom(mo) ; cf. M 28, 680.

M 993.
BOWL, similar. Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 4i in. Price Sale, 1853. Repaired; good glaze. Found in Suffolk Lane, London, Oct. 1843.

In the centre is the stamp OF SEC, Of(ficina) Sec(tmdi); cf. M 394. 728.
M 994.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. It in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Ill. Rom. Loll{/. p. 107; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 46. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp 007\ ), Of(ficina) Vita(lis) ; cf. M 763 ff.
M 996.
BOWL (Form 27). fine glaze. Ht.


Diam. :zt in.

Similarly acquired.

Rim mostly wanting ;

In the centre-is the stamp OFMN (?).

M 996.
l'RAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Fom1 31), with part of foot. Diam. 4~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 37a; Arcltaeologi'a, xxvii. p. 151; Bonn~r Jaltrb. xcix. p. 8. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp neath is incised L.

M 997.


(cf. M 984); under-

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4! in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.l.. vii. 1336, 34ga; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151.

In the centre is the stamp 654, and M 985.

(COSIRif'IJ, Cosi Rufin(i) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.








M 1001-1766.

ORNAMENTED WARES (111:1001-1804).


FOR:\l I I (M 1001).


FRAGMENT OF KRATER (Form 11). Ht. 2} in. LengthS!: in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870, Fine glaze. Early Lezoux fabric; see Decbelette, i. p. 150, fig. 99

Round the upper part of the body are flutings ; cf. M I02J.




FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 29). Found in London. Eight fragments, of which five join ; rim wanting.

Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

Round the body, two friezes divided by moulding between two rows of beads: In the upper, a broad straight wreath with alternate buds and leaves

Fig. 15M

= Ill


'. part'.

each side (Fig. 156a) ; the lower consists of an elaborate scroll with large leaves, concentric rings in the upper spaces, and in the lower, large rosettes of thirteen rays with pairs of flowers on stalks (Fig. 1566).
M 1003.
glaze. FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht.





Similarly acquired.


Lower frieze with two straight wreaths divided by zigzag line, the lower wreath as on last, the upper type 33 ; above, moulding between two rows of beads.
M 1004.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2:! in. Length 3i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Moulded rim with hatched patterns and row of beads.

Upper frieze with straight wreath as Dechelettc, i. p. 97, fig. 66; below, moulding between two rows of beads.



= M 004 \pan;.

M 1005.


FRA(;MENT, similar. 2i x 3~ in. Found in York Street, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Rim as last.

Upper frieze with straight wreath starting on either side from a floral ornament ; above and below, concentric rings ; below the frieze, moulding between two rows of beads.
M 1006.
FRAG!\1ENT, similar. Good glaze. Rim as before.

x 3~ in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Upper frieze with triple wreath of scallop-like leaves; below, row of beads.

~ig. '59= M '"""

~ig .


= M 1007 (part),

M 1007.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3l in. Diam. 6 in, Similarly acquired. Three pieces joined. Good glaze. On the rim, several rows of hatched pattern.

Upper frieze with pattern of leaves forming crosses, with rosettes at the c;cntre and concentric rings between the arms (Fig. 16o); below, moulding between two rows of beads, and elongated tongue-pattern.
M 1008.
FRAl;ME!IIT as last. Ht. 1~ in. Length interior. Abo\'e the design. row of beads.


Burnt black on exterior, brown on

Upper frieze with network-pattern of leaves and rosettes. as the last.





I'RAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Rim as before.

Upper frieze with pattern of floral ornaments alternating with rosettes; below, moulding between beads, and fragment of lower frieze with ornaments.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length zi in. acquired. Good glaze : rim as last but one. Similarly

Narrow upper frieze of floral ornaments (horizontally placed) ; below, moulding between two rows of beads.
M 1013.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length Ji in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853 Dull glaze. Rim as before.

~ig. r6~

=!\1 rou.

Upper frieze with patterns of floral ornaments united by zigzag line, with pairs of concentric rings between.
M 1014.
FRAGME~TS of similar bowl. Ht. 4~ in. Length of largest fragment, in. Found in Lombard Street, London, 5 December, 1865. Cato Coil., 1871. Three pieces joined in two. Good glaze. Rim as before.


U ppcr frieze of scrolls and buds on stalks alternating ; below, two rows of beads ; lower frieze of plants in four rows ; below, straight wreath between zigzag lines. See Fig. 166.
M 1015.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim. Ht. 2~ in. Length 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

Fig. 166 =



Upper frieze with band of intersecting circles interspersed with rosettes (Fig. 167) ; below, moulding between two rows of beads and part of straight wreath(?).
M 1016.
FRAGMENT as last. design, row of beads. Length 3 in. Surface burnt to a deep brown. Above the

Upper frieze with design as last.

0 2


M 1017.

FRAGMENT, as before. Ht. tt in. Length 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Fine glaze.

Upper frieze with panels divided by chainpatterns, one on the I. semi with beads, one on the r. with a row of plants, of which four are visible.
M 1018.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4i in. Partly burnt black. On the rim, hatched patterns and row of beads.

Upper frieze with panels alternately containing plants and semis with beads, as in the preceding.
M 1019.
FRAGMENT as before. Ht. 3~ in. Length 3! in. A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Burnt black. Rim as last.



= :II

1 017.

Found in London.

Presented by

Upper frieze with scrolls and tendrils, as type 2 3 or 26, but with scale-pattern (as on M 328) in lower spaces; below, moulding between rows of beads and tongue-pattern.
FRAGMENT as before. Ht. 2i in. Burnt black. Rim as before.

Upper frieze of festoons formed by wreaths ending in rosettes (Fig. 169); within them are scrolls ending in rosettes; between the arches are patterns of wreaths and rosettes; below, moulding between rows of beads and a band of pattern as M 472.
FRAGMENT of similar (possibly the same) bowl.

x 3 in.

Burnt black.

Lower frieze with pattern as last ; below, row of beads and straight wreath (type 3).




mostly wanting. The ducks are apparently to be regarded as fighting in pairs. Below, moulding between beads.
FRAGMENT, as last.



Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Rim as last.

Two ducks, as on last, confronted, each with one end of a tendril(?) in its beak (cf. M I I78) ; of the one on the I. only the head remains ; in the field, rosettes. Below, moulding between two rows of beads.
M 1025.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl.



Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Lower frieze with row of beads above: Rude arches formed of wreaths, with twisted columns but no proper capitals ; between the arches arc plants with chain below ending in a rosette. In the arch on the I. is a small part of a figure remaining ; in that on the r. is a very indistinct figure to r., confronted by another (mostly wanting) ; between them is an altar with a fire burning.
:M 1026.
FRA<;!\IENT, similar. Ht. 2! in. Similarly acquired.
Ctll. Lo11d. A11t., p. J6, No. 178.

Lower frieze with moulding between zigzag lines above : Arches formed by twisted bands resting on capitals in the form of reel-ornaments (Dechelette, I I I I) ; shafts formed of vertical bands of chevrons with a zigzag line each side ; at the bottom, two rosettes. Two arches arc visible, with a bird to I. looking back (Dechelcttc, I035) between ; in one is Eros to I. with hands raised (Dechclette, 2 54) ; in the other, a warrior to front with r. hand raised, wearing short chiton and cuirass (Dechclette, 102 ; mostly obliterated).
BOWLS .\:SD FRAGMENTS OF FORMS 30 AND 78 (M 1027-1078).


:M 1027.

FRAG:\IE:ST OF BOWL (Form 30), with two-thirds of foot. Ht. 3! in. Diam. 5 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rt~m. Dmd. pl. 27, fig. 5 (restored). Two pieces joined. Dark red glaze.

Round the body a pattern of flutings, with pairs of dots at the bottom ; below. another row of short flutings; cf. :\1 1001.
:M 1028.
fig. 4 FRAG:\IENT of similar bowl. Length 4 in. Three pieces joined. Dark red glaze. Similarly acquired.

Ill. Rom. Lt111d. pl. 27,

Round the body, plain straight ribs, ending below in buds.

:M 1029.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Above the design, egg-pattern (no tassels). Ht. 2! in. Similarly acquired. Dull glazt::.

Of the design only a network pattern of zigzag lines with studs at the angles remains.
:M 1030.
FRACMENT, similar. Ht. J~ in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Dull glaze.

Plant with numerous tendrils and spikes of blossom all over the field.


M 1031.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3~ x 3 in. Found in Chcapside, London, 1850. Coil., 1856. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Roach Smith

On the 1., large panel with border of beads : in the upper part a festoon, in which is a lioness running to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 793 ?) ; above, four leaves ; below, two floral ornaments ; below the festoon, a ring, a rosette, and two sycamore leaves, one large, the other small, with part of a third. On the r. is part of an arch resting on twisted columns surmounted by crosses ; in the arch, the r. leg o a man to I. Down the side is inscribed in raised letters IICCI, Do]ecci; cf. M 1 ISS. M 167s. and C.I.L. xiii. 1001 I, 194.
M 1032.


'7' = M


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim and foot. Ht. ~~ in. Found in London. Price SaiL, 1853. Dull glaze. Panels with chain-borders and rosettes at angles (except at the top).
( 1) Double panel divided by a zigzag line : above, festoon ending in reelornaments, as M 1026, in which is a quadruped running to r. (only partially visible in each case where it appears) ; in the angles below, a small cross ;

below the line, a paUem

~ and a mall plant.~ .


Young Satyr, nude, resting r. elbow on a dppt~ (Dechelette, 325 ; the type seems to be a reminiscence of Praxiteles) ; in the field, a thunderbolt and a




M 1085.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x zi in. egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze. Above the design,

On the 1., panel with Pan to r. looking back (Dechelette, 419) ; on either side, vertical row of beads ; on the r., festoon containing a fig leaf(?), placed horizontally.
M 1086.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. z} in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze.

On the 1., double panel with chain-borders : in the upper, festoon in which is a goat(?) walking to r. (Dechelette, 889) ; in the lower, the arm of a figure, otherwise wanting. On the r., medallion in which part of a floral ornament, as M 1032, is visible ; in the angle, a ring.
M 1087.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x egg-and-tassel; below, zigzag line.


Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze. Above the design,

Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, in two rows: In the upper, festoons with outer cable-moulding, in which are (1) bird to 1., (2) bird to r. and reel-ornament. In the lower panels are pairs of lozenges (cf. Dechelette, I 179).
M 1088.
BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 6 in. Diam. 7 in. Found at Castor, ~orthants ; purchased at Sotheby's Sale, 16 Nov. 18p. Walters, A~tciml Pollery, ii. pl. 68, fig. 2; Birch, A11ciml Pollery2 , p. 561; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; D~chelette, i. p. 269, No. 67,3; C.l.L. vii. 1337, ::!7t7; Botmer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 85. Made up from fragments ; about one-third wanting. Glaze worn. Designs in panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Four subjects, each occurring four times, the greater part of one series wanting: (1) Seilenos running tor., looking back and carrying a dish of fruit on his head supported with r. hand, in 1. a kantharos, round his loins a cloth (Dechelette, 322) ; below is a small plant. In the field is inscribed i11 raised letters

lQ)llWIT~ ~

, Divix(tus) j(ecit).

(2) Cruciform

pattern (Fig. 17 3). (3) Artemis to r., with hair knotted up, long chiton and upper garment girt at the waist, bow in I. hand, holding with r. the I. fore-leg of a hind (of disproportionate size) which Fi11. 173 stands facing her with head turned backwards (Dechelettc, 64) ; = M 1o3s panJ. in the field. a zigzag line. (4) Caryatid on a plinth, composed of a terminal figure rising from an acanthus plant, holding a small piece of rolled-up drapery in 1. hand over the head, r. hand on 1. thigh (Dechelette, 65;). The signature occurs twice, once on each side.
M 1039.
FRA<;MEKT OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 2~ in. Length 2! in. Found in Philpot Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. Design in panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel.


( 1) Hind-part of quadruped running to I. ; in the field, a ring and leaves on (2) Narrow panel with vertical wreath (type 35). (3) Athena. to front,



with spear in r. hand, wearing long chiton, peplos, and aegis (incomplete ; cf. Dechelette, 77-78) ; in the angle, tendril and leaf as in ( 1).
M 1040.
FRAGMENT, forming lower part of similar bowl. wtth borders of beads and large rosettes at intervals.

x 2A in.

Burnt black.


(1) Lower part of nude man to front with drapery over I. arm (? Dechelette, 338); below, mask of Medusa; (2) fore-legs of two horses running or galloping to I. ; in the field, a rosette.

M 1041.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). 2~ x 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Panels divided by chain-patterns; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

( 1) Woman to front, looking to r., with I. hand extended, wearing long chiton with apopiJ'gma; a small Eros (Dechelette, 252 or 257) flies towards her on r. ; above, a ring. (2) Narrow panel with female dancer to front looking to I. (Dechelette, 210); she wears long chiton with apopiJ'gma and a belt under the breasts, and has held up a tambourine in both hands over her head. (3) Part of an uncertain figure.

M 1042.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. It io. Design indistinct ; above, egg-and-tassel.

Length 2! in.

Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Panels divided by chains : part of one remains, in which are the upper parts of a warrior to 1. with r. hand raised and a dancing girl holding scarf in an arch over her head (Dechelettc, 103 and 212).
M 1043.
FRAGMENT, as M 1040. Length

zt in.

Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Panels with zigzag borders: on the 1., pair of volutes; on the r., above, pigmy(?) to I. (Dechelette, 440) ; below, bird to I. (Dechclettc, 1035), looking back ; beyond, part of a panel of which only a reel-ornament in the angle remains.




On the 1., part of panel with " cruciform " pattern (zigzag borders and diagonals ; at the angle, tendril ending in leaf) ; on the r., upper part of Artemis as last.
M 1047.
FRAGMENT of lower part of similar bowl, with part of toot. Ht. 2! in. Diam. 4~ in. Found in London. Presented by A. W. 1.6'1~~~~ Franks, Esq., 1865. Good glaze. 't

In the centre is a seat with legs in the form of pillars, joined by diagonal dotted lines (Fig. 174) ; above is the r. foot of a figure to r. ; on the 1., a leg of another seat ; on the r., the feet of a draped figure to r.
M 1048.
1856. FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Length 2! in. Designs imperfectly stamped. lrood glaze.

Fig. , 74

M , 047 (partJ.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli.,

On the 1., part of a stool with moulded legs : on the r., woman to I. with I. hand extended, wearing long chiton.
FRAGMENT, similar.

2 x 2! in. Similarly acquired.

Panels with zigzag borders ; on the 1., lower part of woman to front walking to 1., holding vase(?) in I. hand (cf. Dechelette, 545) : she has long floating draperies. On the r., part of a "cruciform'' pattern.
M 1050.
BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 8 in. Diam. 8~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cat. Lo11d. A11tiq., p. 34, No. 157, pl. 8, fig. 2; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 100. Very fragmentary. Designs in panels with borders of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.


Two panels alternating all round: (I) Above, a medallion containing a leaf I 167- 68) ; below, two medallions with scallop shells (Dechelette, 1107) ; in the upper corners, reel-ornament (Dechelette, 1111): between the medallions, four crosses as M 1031- (2) Above, a heron to r. (Dechelette, 1001) in a festoon with outer row of bead-moulding; in the field, groups of four dots ; below, on I. mask of Pan to I. (Dechelette, 67 5) and double leaf (op. cit. 1161) ; on r., athlete in kneeling attitude to r., with loin cloth (op. cit. 394 ; cf. 377 and 653), probably jumping.
(cf. Dechelette, 1144,

M 1051.


FRAGMENT forming lower part of bowl (Form 30), with foot. Ht. 3 in. Length 5~ in. i. p. 266, No. 132; C.I.L. vii. 1337, 15e; Bo1111er }t~lrrb. xcix. p. 76. Deep red glaze. Designs in panels divided by vertical zigzag lines.

( 1) Part of medallion in which is a foliage-pattern with scrolls or tendrils ; below are the hind part of a dog running to I. (Dechelette, 934), a reel-ornament and a twisted roll (Dechelette, I 11 I and 1109a). (2) Oblong panel, the upper part of which is wanting ; in the middle is an acanthus plant (Dechelette, I 100), and below, a Aoral pattern, as M 1032. (3) Lower part of Artemis seated on a rock to r. (Dechelette, 68), wearing high boots and short chiton; in the field is a raised plnel on which is incised Fkf 8, CiJmtami; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1001 I, I8o; M 1127, etc. Next is (I) repeated, with the same two objects in the left-hand corner : the medallion is almost entirely wanting.



M 1062.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4x in. Diam. 4! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Panels with borders of beads alternating with medallions; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Large medallion in which is Aphrodite to the front looking to 1., with r. hand extended as if addressing some one and I. arm resting on a cippus (Dechclette, -184; cf. M 1129, M 1512); a scarf is twisted round her hips and I. arm, the end held up in 1. hand. On the r. is a diminutive gladiator to the front, with helmet, loin-cloth, short sword in r. hand, and oblong shield on I. arm (Dechelette, 614) ; on the I. is a twisted branch (cf. Dechelette, I 110); in the upper angle on the r. is a ring. (2) Panel with Athena to r., in long chiton and peplos, with aegis, and oval shield on I. arm, r. arm by her side (Dechelette, 77).

M 1063.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3} in. Found in Foster Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze good; design somewhat indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and bead-and-reel pattern.

Medallion with Aphrodite as on last. On the I. of this is a stand for a tripod, consisting of two dolphins head downwards on an octagonal base (Dechelette, Io6ga) ; on the r. is a diminutive warrior(?) to the front, with sword in r. hand and shield on raised 1. arm. On the l. of the medallion a vertical chain of beads and lozenge . . .
M 1064.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3! in. York, 1853. C.l.L. ,ii. 1337, 29d: Dcchelette, i. p. 271, No. 37 Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Medallion with conventional leaf. (2) Panel with vertical row of beads on either side, in which is Aphrodite to front (Dc.!chelette, 185), looking to I. ; she is fastening the cestus or fascia pectoralis round her breast with both hands. Down the side of the panel is inscribed in raised letters OIICCI, D]oecci; cf. M 1031.



M 1067.

FRAGMENT, similar. egg-and-tassel.

Ht. 2i in. Similarly acquired. Burnt black. Above the design,

In a panel with chain-borders, medallion as last, with mask of Pan to l. (Dechelette, 672).
M 1068.
FRAGMENT forming lower part of similar bowl, with half of foot. Ht. ri in. Diam. 4} in. Found in a sewer in Fenchurch Street, London (probably in r8JJ). Good glaze. Triple panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles, alternating with medallions.

The panels are composed of pairs of narrow "cruciform" patterns of the usual type, with zigzag diagonals; in the lower spaces, twisted columns; between each pair i:; a narrow panel with mask of Medusa whicli has supported a Caryatid (cf. Dechelette, 656). Parts of two medallions are visible, with the legs of a draped figure, within a cable-border.
M 1069.
FRAGMENT as last. Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 6~ in. Found in Botolph Lane, London, 19 July, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., r856. Two pieces joined; glaze poor. Coarse work.

(I) Medallion with figure kneeling on r. knee to r. (perhaps as Dechelette, 377). (2) Oblong panel with chain-borders, in which is an ornament resembling Dechelette's II I3-ll 18. (3) Double panel : above, part of figure with staff; below, lion (?) to 1., indistinct. (4) Panel with medallion, nearly all wanting ; in the angle, a disc.

J1 1060.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 4 in. Diam. Si in. Found in the Minories, London, r844. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom, Lllnd. pl. 27, fig. 1. Two pieces joined. Abo\'e the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Medallions divided by triple rows of beads, above which are leaves, and below, a floral motive; see Fig. 175. In the medallions are two varieties of leaves alternating; in the angles above, rings; below, rosettes.

M 1061.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., r856. Glaze worn ; design indistinct. Designs in panels divided by chains, with horizontal zigzag borders.

(I) Double panel: In the upper compartment, medallion; in the lower, panther to r. (Dechelctte, 799). (2) Narrow panel with circular wreath and two kanthari. (3) Double panel : above, medallion with hare running to I. (Dtkhelette, 95oa) ; below, lion lying down to I. (Dechelette, 753 ?).


M 1062.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and large rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel.

On the l., above, oblong panel with lion lying down to I. (probably Dechelette, 7 54) ; behind it, reel-ornament. Below, "cruciform " pattern with double diagonals of zigzags ; in the spaces arc fleurs-de-lys. On the r., part of a medallion.
M 1063.
2} in.

FRAGMENT from lower part of similar bowl. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze.

Ii x

On . the 1., part of a medallion in which is seen the base of a column or altar; in the angle, a ring. On the r., narrow panel with chain-borders, in which are, above, two twisted stems (cf. Dechelette, indistinct mask ; below, a wreath.
M 1064.
FRAGMENT from lower part of similar bowl. acquired. Good glaze, but style inferior. Ht. 2} in.

Fig. 16 = M 100

11 I 3a)

enclosing an

Length Ji in.


Part of medallion in which is a youth at an altar, only his legs from the knees and the base of the altar being visible ; on the I. is a vertical chain of beads ending in a ring, beyond which is a lozenge-shaped ornament (cf. M 1053); on the r., a mask of Pan to I. (Dechelette, 675).
M 1065.
FRA(;MENT of similar bowl. Ht.

in. Similarly acquired.

Burnt black.

In a medallion a girl dancing to 1., kicking up r. leg, with a narrow ocarf held in I. hand and forming an arch over her head (Dechclcttc. 214 ; only I. arm, r. leg, and I. knee visible).





FRAGMENT, similar. Glaze worn.

Ht. 21 in.

Length 3 in. Similarly acquired.

Design indistinct.

Hind-quarters of large quadruped running to I. ; on the r., above, fore-part ot stag running to I. (Dechelette, 868) ; below, quadruped running to I. (Dechelette 969 ?) ; in the field, stones(?). Below, row of beads. 11111069.
FRAGMENT from upper part of bowl (Form 30). Ht. 2~ in. Length 21 in. !-'rom Bitterne Manor, Hants. Presented by Mrs. Stuart Macnaghten, 185 1. Fine glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads ; moulded rim.

Fore-part of lion to I. (Dcchelette, 766) ; in the background, a tree. 11111070.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl (lower part). Ii x Ii in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. .

Sea-horse to r. (Dechelette, 3) ; above, the hind-leg of another animal to I. 11111071.

FRAGMENT forming lowl'r part of similar bowl. Dull glaze ; design indistinct. Length

in. Similarly acquired.

Dog running to I. (Dcchelette, 934), closely pursued by bear (ibid., 820). 11111072.
FRAG:\lENT as last.
. .. WINI, ... .



Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. vii. 1337,


Dog with collar running to r. ; underneath is inscribed in raised letters : i11i m(anu) ?


FRAta.tENT OF BOWL (Form 78). A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Bright red glaze.



Found in London.

Presented by

Vertical panels divided by lines of dots, of which parts of three are visible :
(I) Above, a pigmy (Dechelcttc, 439) charging to 1., with spear held in both

hands ; below, a similar figure running to r., with helmet and shield, and an uncertain object, perhaps a bird to r. looking back. (2) Above, a pigmy or warrior to front, with short sword in r. hand (head and I. arm wanting) ; below, two scroll-patterns. {3) Part of a figure charging to r. 11111074.
I'ART OF BOWL, similar. Ht. 2} in. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cat. Loud. .-Jul. p. 40, No. 204; Ill. Rom. Loud. pl. 27, fig. 10. Three pieces joined, forming nearly half the bowl, with foot ; moulded rim. Rough work ; glaze poor.

(I) Within a circular wreath a Satyr to 1. (? Dechelette, 352), with I. hand raised and r. extended behind ; below him the ground is indicated, and



in the field are two rosettes. (2) Ornament like four fir-cones superimposed, followed by two arches formed of wreaths, on moulded columns ; in the spandrel between is a bearded Satyric mask, and a similar one forms the capital of the left hand column. A double zigzag line crosses each arch from capital to capital, and above these are two heads of lions confronted (Dechelette, 781) ; below them, in the space on I., a dog to r. ; in the other, a rabbit or hare to r. (3) Pine-cones repeated, followed by part of another medallion in which is seen the leg of Pan (?). M 1076.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 78), with part of foot. acquired. Glaze poor. Length 2i in. Similarly

Parts of two medallions, the one on the r. containing a lozenge; in the field, tendrils and vertical rows of chevrons ; below the medallion on the r. are two birds to l. (Dechelette, IOIJ).
M 1076.
FRAGMENT, similar.
pl. ,., fig. l

Ht. lk in.

Length 2A in.

Similarly acquired.


Ill. Rom. Lond.

Round the body a mw of conventional trees

M 1077.

PART OF BOWL (Form 78). Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 4~ in. Similarly acquired. Cl.zt. Pun XJ! Lo11d. Ant. p. 33, No. 146; Dechelette, i. p. 258, No. 35 Made up from seven fragments forming about half (with foot). Moulded rim and base ; above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Round the body a frieze of figures in " free " style : ( 1) Sheep to l. (head wanting; Dechelette, 895) ; (2) lioness leaping to r. (Dechelette, 794. reversed) ; below this, (3) sea-horse to r. (Dechelette, 3) ; (4) tree (nearly as Dechelette, 1141) ; (5) two palm branches or leaves; below, (6) horse leaping tor. (Dechelette, 902) ; and (7) roebuck to r. (Dechelette, 86o). Next: (8) tree (Dechelette, and (1 Probabl Nos. 2-8 were also on the


(M 1079-1696).








FRAl;MENT forming lower part of bowl (Form 37), with foot. Colchester. Pollcxfcn Coli., 1870.

4 x 6 m.


Round the body a pattern of scrolls and large sycamore leaves (Fig. 179 ; cf. Dechelette, i. pl. 1 1, No. 1) ; along the lower edge of the design are rings ; below, in raised letters an unintelligible inscription, apparently in cursive characters.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. acquired. Good glaze.

x 3 in.


Scrolls as last ; in the field, two rings.

X 1081.
FRAG:\fENT, similar. Length 5 in. From Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Three pieces joined ; glaze worn.
Fig. '79

=- M '"79 '"""'

Large scrolls with large sycamore leaves in upper and lower spaces ; below, a ring and a rosette of eight petals.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3k in. From Albury, Surrey. Presented by H. Drummond, Esq., M.P., 1853. Glaze worn.

Scrolls as last, with sycamore leaves and two rings in lower spaces.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Length 6 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., t8;6. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 24, fig. 2. Two pieces joined, with part of rim. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Broad band of scrolls with tendrils ending in vine-leaves and occasional buds ; in the field above and below, rings.
rim. FRAGMENT, similar. 3i x 3t in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined, with part of Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Scrolls w;th large leave'

, ., Deehelette, 1172, ;n upper and

lower spaces, and tendrils ending in rosettes.

M 1086.
FRAGMENT. similar. 2} x 2j in. Found in Coleman Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

Frieze of scrolls with tendrils ending in fleurs-de-lys and ivy-berries (cf. M 21); above, row of rosettes of dots between rows of beads ; below, row of beads.



M 1086.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze discoloured.

Scrolls with tendrils ending in sprays ; above, row of minute beads and part of an upper frieze of acanthus-leaves.
M 1087.
FRAGMENT from lower part of similar bowl. Ht. 2! in. Length 3~ in. Upchurch, Kent, 1883. Glaze worn.
Fig. 181

= M 1o86.

Scrolls with leaves; in the lower spaces, large vine-leaves pointing clownwards, and pairs of rings.
M 1088.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Dull glaze. 3 x 4! in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Frieze of spiral scrolls in two rows; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (cf. types 22, 36).
M 1089.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3! in. Found near Moorgate Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. 1/1. Rom. Lofld. pl. 24, fig. 4 Two pieces joined, with part of rim and half of foot. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel ; below, row of beads.




Band of vine pattern, formed of tendrils in scrolls, enclosing large leaves and bunches of grapes; three leaves are visible, and in each scroll is a bird (alternately above and below the leaf} pecking at the grapes.
[Cf. for the vine pattern

i. pl. 5, No. 70.) Ht. 2} in. Length Si in. Fine glaze. Above

M 1093.

FRAGMENT of rim of bowl (Form 37). the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Part of large vine wreath with scrolls enclosing large vine leaves and bunches of grapes, as on last ; twisted tendrils are attached to the stalks.
J1 1094.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 'k Y. 2! in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Roach Smith

Scrolls as last, with vine-tendrils forming circles and enclosing large vine leaves and bunches of grapes.
:M 1096.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2i in. Similarly acquired.

Part of similar design, with bird to I. in field, pecking at the grapes.

M 1096.
FRAGMENT, similar. zi x egg-pattern and row of beads.

in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze. Above the design,

Part of scroll with large cyclamen leaf; in the field, bird to r. looking back (Dechelette, 1009).
Jl 1097.
FRAGMENT, similar.


in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Part of scroll as the preceding, with large cyclamen leaf and pointed feathery leaf in upper space.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 41 in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

Wreaths forming scrolls, enclosing large cyclamen leaves on tendrils ; between the wreaths, spikes of blossom.
M 1099.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. zi in. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Moulded rim; good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and row of pattern as on M 469, between zigzag lines.

Part of frieze of scrolls with tendrils ending in pointed feathery leaves and sprays.



M 1100.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. An example of" transitional" style (D~chelette, i. pp. p, 182), the ornamentation being derived from that of the bowls of form 29.

Upper frieze of elongated leaves, with zigzag line above and row of beads below ; lower frieze of scrolls with large deeply-cut leaves and buds on tendrils ; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 19).
M 1101.
f"RAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Found in Great St. Thomas Apostle, London, 25 Sept. 1844- Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze somewhat dull

Part of lower frieze of scrolls ; in the lower space, a double fleur-de-lys ornament, from the middle of which spring tendrils ending in buds.
M l102.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part offoot. Diam. Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

s! in. Found in London. Roach Smith

Scrolls formed by arches alternately upright and inverted (cf. M 1125), the outer edges scalloped, with tendrils ending in leaves and flowers; in the upper spaces, ornaments composed of acanthus leaves with reel-ornament in the middle and a cornucopia(?) on each side; in the lower, the same inverted, and hares running alternately to l. and to r., with a jar between. Below, zigzag line and wreath (type
[Cf. Jfillluil.



Fund~;, H~dti~rnluim,

iv. pl.




3 7.


each space is a '!>ird perched on a tendril: in the upper, a goose tor. (Dechelette, 1017), in the lower a bird to 1. (Dt':chelette, 1041, reversed); in the lower spaces below, groups of three rosettes.

1111 1106.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 4 in. Length 6 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Four pieces joined; good glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel and zigzag line.

Large scrolls with tendrils ending in cyclamen and parsley leaves; in the lower spaces, panels of "arrow-heads"; below these in one case a tendril ending in a bud.


BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 31 in. Diam. 8~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. 111. Rom. Lond. pl. 25, fig. 2; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 32, No. 136. Made up from numerous fragments ; nearly complete. Moulded rim ; above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Round the body a scroll-pattern of vine leaves and tendrils, the leaves pointing upwards; in the lower spaces are other designs: (I) Semicircular panel with (a) four rows of flowers (cf. M 345), (b) a lion or dog running tor.; between them a zigzag line and a tendril ending in a bud. (2) (a) Plant with tendrils, (b) lion(?) running to 1. ; between them, zigzag line. (3) Above as (2), below as (I); (4) above as (I), below as (2); followed by (3) and (2) repeated. In the field along the lower edges are rosettes.

M 1108.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 3} in. Length 4t in. Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark, 19 Sept. 1837. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 11 ; Cat. Lond. A1lt. p. 32, No. 142. About one-third preserved; good glaze. Above the design, band of rosettes of eight petals and zigzag line.

Frieze with large scrolls, with tendrils ending in vine leaves, flowers, and cyclamen leaves in the upper spaces ; in the field, rosettes of dots ; in the lower spaces, rosette and panther to r. (Dechelette, 799), with zigzag line below ; underneath in alternate spaces a wreath, as M I 102, and a rosette and acanthus plant (Dechelette, 1 I6o). Below, row of beads and small plants.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

It x 21 in. Found in Paternoster Row, London.

Large scrolls with tendrils in upper spaces ending in flowers and spikes of blossom; in the lower (I) fore-part of lion to r. with I. fore-paw advanced; (2) hare running to I. (c( Dechelette, 952). Below, zigzag line and straight wreath (cf. types 13, 35).
::M 1110.
FRAGMENT, similar. zl x 21 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn ; design coarse and indistinct.

Part of large scroll with tendrils ; in the lower space, rows of leaves and band of beads above; below, lion running tor. (Dcchelette, 748). 1111111.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

in. Anstice Sale, 1846. Glaze worn. Above the design,

Large scrolls, in the upper spaces of which a bird to r. and a ring are alone visible; in the lower are a panther to r. (Dechelette, 799) and a hare running to I. (Dechelette, 952), divided by a horizontal line of beads ending in rosettes.
p 2

212 .


M 1112.

FRAGMENT forming part of foot of bowl (Form 37). Ht. 41 in. Diam. 6t in. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Round the body a broad frieze of vine tendrils forming circles which enclose large vine leaves and bunches of grapes (cf. M 1089ff.) ; in one is a bird to 1. pecking at the grapes; below are (1) a small Eros to r. (Dechelette, 246); (2} small quadruped tor.; (3) Eros to I. (Dechelette, 252) ; (4) goat to r. (Dechelette, 889} ; then (2)- (4) repeated in reversed order.
M 1113.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2i x 2i in. . April, 1839.

l'ound in Paternoster Row, London,

Vine as on last; below, small Eros to l. (Dckhelette, 252 ?) ; sheep(?) to r. part of Eros to r. (probably Dechelette, 246}.
M 1114.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length Ii in. Found m Lad Lane (now Gresham Street), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn.

Part of scroll with tendrils and vine leaves as last; below, small Eros to r. (Dechelette, 246) ; behind him a sort of caduceus ornament.
M 1116.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct ; dull glaze. Above the design, pattern as M 56 and row of beads.

Eros to front with r. hand extended (apparently Dechelette, 278, where he holds out a cup) ; on either side, vine with large leaves and bunches of grapes.
M 1116.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3t last and row of beads.

3i in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, pattern as

Large scrolls with tendrils ending in spikes of blossom, parsley leaves and cyclamen leaves (cf. M 11o6); in the field above, a bird to l. looking back; in the lower spaces a nude man moving tor. (only part visible in each case).




space, woman to r. with hair knotted up, long chiton with apoptygma, I. hand extended ; on either side a cornucopia.
M 1120.
FRAGMENT as last. 2f x 3~ in. Found in St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Roach

On the 1., part of scroll with tendrils and two cornucopias, as on last ; in upper space, upper part of woman dancing, holding tambourine above her head (Dechelette, 210; cf. M 1041); on the r., part of a ring(?).
::M 1121.
FRAGMENT as before. 3i x 4k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Scrolls with tendrils and large feathery leaves in the upper spaces; in the lower, female head to I. with buds or plants on either side.
M 1122.
worn. FRAGMENT as before. Ht. 4 in. Length 4k in. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. Glaze Remains of ancient rivets. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Large scrolls with narrow feathery leaves (cf. M 1105) and spikes of blossom in upper spaces ; in each lower space a head to r. (somewhat grotesque, but indistinct), below which are a zigzag line and three double rings, and on either side a bird to I. (Dcchelette, 1033 ?).
111 1123.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). of ancient rivets. Ht.

in. London, 1837. Good glaze; remains

Two friezes : In the upper, scrolls with tendrils ending in ivy leaves ; in the lower spaces a gladiator running to I. (small scutum, head wanting, details indistinct). In the lower, scrolls with conventionalised acanthus plants (cf. Dechelette, I 16o) on stalks.
M 1124.
FRAGMENT, similar. and-tassel and zigzag line. Ht. 2i in. Length 3! in. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-

Round the body, scrolls with pairs of fig (?) leaves (cf. M 1084) in upper spaces ; in the lower spaces, bird to 1., with zigzag line ending in rosettes below, beneath which is the upper part of a man or Satyr to r., nude and bearded, with r. hand raised, very indistinct. The bird is obscured by something having been stamped over it.
::M 1126.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4 in. Diam. 71 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli, 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 25, fig. 3; Cttl. Lond. Ant. p. 31 , No. 129. Five fragments joined; nearly complete. Design very indistinct ; glaze dull and poor. Above the design, inferior egg-andtassel pattern.

The design consists of a system of interlacing curves or arches in three rows as M 1 102, with figures in the spaces as follows: In the upper spaces: ( l) Eros walking to r. (cf. Dechelette, 252), (2) warrior to front with sword, shield, and helmet, and (3) cyclamen-leaf. In the middle spaces: (I) Sphinx to r. (Dechelette, 496); (2) Sphinx to 1., looking back; (3) hare to I. (Dechelette, 95oa) ; (4) panther or lioness lying down to r.; (5) similar quadruped to I. (cf. Dechelette, 805);



these are repeated, except that (3) has a hare to right. Above each of these is a female head to r., very indistinct. In the lower spaces are rosettes all round. See Fig. 185.


8s = llin~s (p:art

:M uge.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3~ in. Length 51 in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 24, fig. 6; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 33, No. 148. Dull glaze, discoloured and brownish. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads; below, wreath (cf. types 3, 16) bt-tween rows of beads.

Scrolls as last formed by arched wreaths, alternately upright and inverted, with pairs of the ornament Dechelette I I I I at the junctions; in the lower spaces, vine-leaves enclosed in tendrils, with bunches of grapes; in the upper, a nude man to front turning to 1., with r. hand raised (Dechelette, 378); in the field, tendrils ending in spikes of blossom.
M ug7,
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 7!- in. Found at the Royal Exchange, London, November, 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1337, 15; Cal. Lond. Attf. p. 34, No. 155; D6chelette, i. p. 266, Nos. 134-135; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 76. Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern, and row of beads.

Large vine-wreath enclosing alternately medallions (parts of two visible, but the subjects cannot be made out), and large vine-leaves ; underneath each medallion are a dog running to I. (Dechelette, 934), and two small rings ; above one of the large vine-leaves is a pigeon to r. (Dechelette, 1038 ?), and in the next space is the stamp in well-formed raised letters, twice




holding up the end of a scarf which passes round her body and floats over the l. arm which rests on a cippus (Dechelctte, 184; cf. M 1052) ; in the field, a sash (?) and owl to the front (Dckhelette, 1020) ; below, a conventional

FRAGMENT 01' BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze.

2t in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

Part of large scroll with leaf on tendril ; in the lower space, medallion in which is Scylla to front, looking down to r. and brandishing an oar behind her head (Dechelette, 16, wrongly as Triton; cf. M 1409; r. leg wanting); she has scales round her thighs and two serpentine tails ; in the angle, a leaf.
(b) FESTOON DECORATION (l!tt 1181-1147).


PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3 in. Diam. about 6 in. Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. About half preserved, with small part of foot. Above the design, a band of ornament (see Fig. 185). "Transitional" style as M 1100.

Two friezes, with rows of beads above, between, and below: In the upper, festoons in which are acanthus-plants (Dechelette, I 16o) on stems; between them, a helmeted bust (Athena?) to I. Below, scrolls with volutes ending in rosettes of dots. See Fig. 186.

Fig. 186

11 .~


PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. about 3.i in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 1844- About one-third preserved; dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Very similar to the last throughout.

Three friezes with borders of beads : (I) Festoons in which arc acanthusplants (J?echelette,
1 16o)



ornament (cf. Dechelette,

I 1 I 3-1 1 16)

below; between them, lower part of a lamp-stand with bead-and-reel stem and base in the form of a basin with three curved legs. (2) Scrolls with leavt"s and rosettes of dots on tendrils (as on last) ; similar rosettes in the field. (3) Scrolls as M I 135 (Fig. 187).
FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 3i x 4~ in. Found in Coleman Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

( 1) Part of festoon with zigzag line down the side and reel-ornament above, in which is a tendril. (2) Medallion in which is a crossjleuriecomposed of leaves



(Dechelette, I I78), from the top of which spring scrolls with tendrils ending in spikes of blossom and large feathery leaves as M I 1o6.
:M 1134.
FRAGMENT OF HOWL (Form 37). 3t x 4!- in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 33, No. 148. Good glaze. "Transitional " style.

Two friezes divided by zigzag lines : In the upper, large scrolls : in the upper spaces, tendrils, some terminating in large feathery leaves ; in the lower, tendrils ending in buds, and a woman tor. in long chiton (upper part wanting}, confronting Aphrodite, who is nude, with mirror in 1. hand and small object in r. (Dechelette, 203). In the lower, panels: (1) narrow panel with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, in which is a vertical wreath (type 3) ; at the angles on 1., tendrils ending in buds. (2) "Cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals (cf. type 2 = M 357); in the upper spaces, plant with spikes of blossom ; in the lower, plant ; at the sides tendrils ending in spikes.
:M 1136.
PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with foot and part of rim. Ht. 4! in. Diam. S! in. Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 3; Cat. Lond, A111. p. 31, No. 132. Three pieces joined; dull glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

Two friezes divided by a row of beads : In the upper, effective scroll of foliage, of unusual type (cf. Dechelette, I 1 57). In the lower: hind part of quadruped to 1. ; floral ornament ; deer to I. pursued by dog (DecheIette, 930?) ; ornament repeated ; hind part of quadruped tor.; in the field above, rings ; below,




Festoons between which are columns of beads ending in reel-ornament (Dechelette, I 1 I 1) ; only one remains, in which are a cock to 1. and a plant (Dechelette, I025, 1161).


FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x 2f in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, row of concentric rings.

Frieze of festoons formed by wreaths, ending above in reel-ornament as on last ; in the festoons, tendrils with vine-leaves and bunches of grapes.


FRAGMENT, similar. If x 2 in. From Bitterne Manor, Hampshire. Presented by Mrs. S. Macnaghten, 1851. Glaze worn . Above the design, rows of rosettes and beads.

Festoons formed by wreaths ending in reelornament as before ; in the festoons, medallions enclosing rosettes ; in the field, rings.

111 1141.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4! in. Diam. 9} in. Found in Skinner Street, Bishopsgate, 17 Sept., 1852. Price Sale, 1853. Made up from seven fragments; parts restored. Above the design, moulding, egg-and-tassel, and zigzag line; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 22). "Transitional" style, as M 1100.

Designs in two friezes divided by a zigzag line, the upper consisting of festoons (cf. Dechelette, i pl. 7, no. 24, and pl. 8, no. 1); within the festoons are spiral tendrils ending in sprays, and in the spaces below them are leaves. In the lower frieze are four quadrupeds with a tree repeated between each two all round, in the following order: 1 (tree), 2, 1, 3, 1, 4. I, 5, I, 2, I, 3. 1, 4. 1, S The quadrupeds are: (2) a lioness couchant to 1. (Dechelette, 792) ; (3) a bear (?) to r. ; (4) a goat lying on its back (but intended to be on its hind-legs ; Dechelette, 893); (S) panther to I. with fore-paw above head (cf. M 1464). See Fig. 188.


FRAGl\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). .z~ x :z} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct, but good glaze.

Two friezes : In the upper, part of hunter on horse to r., with chlamys floating behind ; he is attacked from behind by a quadruped of which only the r. fore-paw remains; below, rocky ground



is indicated. [For a similar group complete see Dechelette, 636, but with a different quadruped.] In the lower: part of festoon formed by wreath, within which are two tendrils ending in spikes of blossom ; on the r. a twisted stem.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3! x 4! in. Found in Aldermanbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Festoons, between which are pairs of the ornament Dechelette, 1111, united by chains; in them are nude warriors advancing alternately to I. and r., with r. hand raised ; the one to 1. has shield on l. arm, the other a floating chlamys. Below, a hare to 1. and reindeer(?) running to I. (Dechelette, 950 and 873).
M 1144.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 3} in. Length 4 in. Found in Bow Lane(?), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Abo\e the design, border of scrolls (cf. D~chelette, 1157) alternating with acanthus-plant (D<!chelette, 116ol, and zigzag line.

Two friezes divided by a row of beads : In the upper, festoons with cablepattern round the edges, in which are rosettes ; between them, small Erotea alternately to l. and to r. (Dechelette, 247, 257) ; below, rosettes of dots in pairs alternating with dotted discs or rings below the festoons. Lower frieze wanting.
Ill 1146.
FRAGMENT of lower part of bowl (Form 37). W. Long, Esq., 1844. Dull glaze; coarse style. Ht. 3 in. From Bath. Presented by

Frieze with festoons in which are tendrils ending in pointed leaves; between the festoons, rude twisted columns ; below, frieze with dog to r. (Dechelette, 916 bis) pursuing hare of which hind-quarters only remain. Below, row of beads and straight wreath (cf. type 17).
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Esq., 1844. Dull glaze.

2! x 4in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long,

Two friezes divided by a row of beads : in the upper, festoons with rosettes




Design in panels, of which every alternate one is the same: (I) Between vertical "bead-and-reel " patterns a vertical zigzag line terminating in "crown-" ornaments (cf. M so), to which are attached two bows and quivers (Dechelette, 1 104) and three other objects. The alternating panels are arranged in the following order: (2) incomplete; within border of zigzag lines, with buds on stalks at comers, a figure, of which the head only is visible. (3) " Cruciform " pattern with borders of zigzag lines and rosettes at corners ; between diagonals of zigzag lines, on each side, tendrils ending in large leaves; above, plant and tendrils ending in similar leaves ; below, flower and buds on zigzag stems. (4) In a panel with borders of zigzag lines, with spikes of blossom on stalks at the corners, Artemis to r. (Dechelette, 63a; cf. M 531); she stands on an altar or angular pedestal resting on an acanthus plant with a scroll each side, and holds up a hind(?) by the fore-legs ; in her I. hand is her bow ; her hair is knotted up, and she wears a long girt chiton. (S) Oblong panel with zigzag borders: in upper compartment, two festoons formed by wreaths, within which are (a) a bird to r. (Dechelette, 1041), (b) a youthful mask facing; below, a band of chevrons and zigzag line ; in lower compartment, two quadrupeds to 1., mostly wanting. (2) repeated, with figure to I. on pedestal as in (4), only the legs visible. (3) and (4) repeated. (6) Oblong panel, upper part as (S) ; below, man and quadruped moving to I., apparently Beraklea attacking some beast from behind ; in the field, flowers. Below, wreath all round (type 22).
:M 1149.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 1} x 2} in. Found in St. Thomas' Street, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dt!chelette, i. p. 253, No. 10; C.I.L. vii. 1337, 6c; R01mer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 64. Dark red glaze.

Designs in panels divided by zigzag lines : ( 1) Lower part of draped figure to r., with I. leg crossed over r. ; (2) lower part of draped figure to I. ; between them, across the dividing line, is a reel-ornament. Down the r. side of the first panel is inscribed in raised letters (vertically placed) : ~, A]ustri of(ficina) ; cf. C.lL. xiii. 10011, 39. I 58.


M 1160.

FRAGMENT, similar. 4 x 2} in. Found in Threadneedle Street, 9 Sept. 1836. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dt!chelette, i. p. 266, No. 124; C.I.L. vii. 1337, 14; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 35, l'o. 166; R01mer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 75 Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Designs in panels divided by chains ending in rings: (I} Apollo seated in chair to r. (Dechelette, 52), nude, with r. hand raised to his head and I. holding lyre on his knee. (2) Between two branches is inscribed, in raised letters, placed vertically, lette,

ij M ~\l;l) lt?1} ~ J),


(3) Part of tree or plant (Deche-

1 141 ).

[For the type of Apollo, cf. Reinach, Repertoire de Ia Staluaire, i. p. 244. No. 924-]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
See on this type Dt!chelette, ii. p. 17, and Hauser, Ntu-allisdu Rdieft, pl. 1, fig. 9



3i x 2i in. Found in London. Price

:M 1161.

FRAGMENT forming foot of bowl (Form 37). Sale, r8)3

Part of two panels: (1) Foot of draped woman; in the field below, the ornament Dechelette, in raised letters. M 1162.
11 I I ;

down the side,


Pater]ni (cf. M 43, M 67),

(2) Right leg and end of chlamys of man to l.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl.

rt x


Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 18)6.

On the r., eagle to front, looking to r. (Dechelette, 981 ?) ; on the 1., in raised letters vertically placed,
:M 1163.


Length 2! in. Similarly acquired.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). '337. 28.

C.J.L. vii.

Panels with borders of zigzag lines and chain-pattern. (I) Double panel: above, part of a fish(?); below, lion tor.(? Dechelette, 749); (2) mostly wanting; uncertain design. Below, in raised but indistinct letters, IVIX F, D]h,z'x(tus) f(ecit) ; cf. M 1038.
:M 1164.
FRAGMENT as last.


in. Similarly acquired.

C.l.L. vii. 1337, 27c.

Lower part of three panels, in two of which legs are visible, in the middle one an altar or pedestal(?) ; below, in raised letters, DIVI X, Divz'x(tus) [fecit.
M 1155.
FRAGMENT offoot of bowl (Form 37). Length 4} in. Similarly acquired. i. p. 271, No. 38; C.I.L. vii. 1337, 29(?). Glaze worn on interior.

Panels divided by twisted columns ending in studs ; m the base of the alternate panels vine leaves (Dechelette, 1172) are visible; in one is inscribed in raised letters Od)~, Doecci ; cf. M 1031.




1111 1168.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1337, 66. Dark red glaze. Abo\'e the design, egg-and-tassel.

Design in panels: (I) part of festoon; (2) Hermes with caduceus as Dechelette, :;9()a (only part remaining); down the l. side is inscribed in raised letters, placed vertically, ... TVS F, ... tus f(ecit).
ltf 1169.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 3 in. Found in Lothbury, London. 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, rows of rings and beads. Roach Smith Coli.,

Panel with border of beads ending in rosette of dots : Part of lion to 1. (Dechelette, 766) ; in the field, a ring.
II 1160. FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3i x 5k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Design in panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel.

(I) Triple panel : (a) bear(?) running to I.; (b) row of four rings; (c) nearly all wanting. (2) "Cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads, the side tendrils ending in leave~ as M 1018; in the upper angle a bunch of leaves.

ltf 1161.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). 3! x 5 in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 24, fig. 3 Dull glaze ; poor style. Panels with zigzag borders and leaves at angles ; above, eggand-tassel.

(I) Quadruple panel: In the two upper compartments, festoons, in each of which is a lion or panther to r. (Dechelette, 749 or 799); in the two lower, quadruped to I. looking back (Dechelette, 971) ?. (2) Warrior in cuirass and short chiton moving to r., looking back, with r. hand raised and l. extended

IDichelettc, 103); below, small panel

with~ pattern.
~ ~

(3) Double

panel : (a) part of festoon ; (b) fore-paws of quadruped ; probably this is part of (I) repeated.
ltf 1162.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim. Ht. 3A in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze. Designs in panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel.

( 1) Part of panel with fragment of drapery visible ; (2) lion rushing to l. (Dechelette, 766) ; in the field, two oblong objects.

ltf 1163.

FRAG;\IENT, similar. and-tassel and zigzag line.

Ht. 3:i in. Similarly acquired.

Designs as last; above, egg-

(I) Double panel (lower part wanting): Hind part of lion seated to I. (Dechelette, 752 ?), with grass indicated below; (2) part of" cruciform" pattern.

M 1164.

FRAG;\lENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2} x 3i in. Found in Coleman Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Surface encrusted. Design in panels with chain-borders.

(1) Boar(?) to 1., on the back of which leaps a lion (Dechelette, 778; cf. M 1474 and Tudot, Figurines d'argile, pl. 6g; head wanting); in the field, leaves; (2) part of narrow panel with tripod as Dechelette, ro6g (?).



:M 1166.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 2} x 2!- in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Dull glaze; design indistinct. Panels with zigzag borders; above, egg-and-tassel.

(1) Part of double panel with rosettes and tendrils ending in leaves at angles; in the lower compartment, oblique zigzag lines. (2) Panther to I. with head upturned (Dechelette, 802) ; in background a vine-leaf, but no bunches of grapes.
:M 1166.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl.

x 3i in. Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Panel with border of fine hatched lines : Above, panther to r. ; below, lion to r. with I. fore-paw advanced (cf. M 1108) ; on r., hind-legs of quadruped and hind-part of dog or hare (Dechelette, 942), both running to r. ; in the field, leaves


Above has been a frieze of scrolls(?) ; below, between lines

of fine beads, is a wreath (type 36).

:M 1167.
FRAGMENT, similar. indistinct.



Similarly acquired.

Dark red glaze; design

Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles: (1) Narrow panel with vertical wreath (type 3). (2) Double panel : In upper compartment, arch with a ring on either side, in which is a dog or hare lying down to r. ; in the lower, fore-part of lion to 1., with head bent down (Dechelettc, 76o).
:M 1168.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2i X 3! in. Similarly acquired. zigzag borders ; above, egg-and-tassel. Dark red glaze. Panels with

(I) Aphrodite to front, nude, with I. hand raised, the r. holding her drapery on her thigh (indistinct ; Dechelette, 179a). (2) Festoon (the inner line a cablepattern), in which is a dog with collar crouching to I. (Dechelette, 969 ter) ; below, head of deer to I. (Dechelette, 876 ?).




visible ; the lion seizes his 1. thigh (type probably Dechelette, 624); in the field, part of a rosette.
111172. FRAGMENT, similar. Ht.


Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Panel with similar subject: Man to 1., with head bent down, hands tied behind him, and loin-cloth round waist, attacked by a lion or other beast, of which only the legs are visible ; in the field, two flowers ; on the r., spike of blossom between chains ending in rosettes.
111173. FRAGMENT, similar. Coli., 1856. Burnt black.


Found in St. Swithin's Lane, London. Roach Smith

Bestiarius to l., with lance in both hands (probably Dechelette, 633) ; in the field, a ring ; above, zigzag line (border of panel).
1111174. FRAG!\1ENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Found at the Royal Exchange, London. Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Roach

Bestiaritts to r., with short chiton over 1. shoulder, and lance (cf. Dechelette, 630), attacking a lion which rushes towards him (fore-legs only visible) ; below, ground indicated, below which are a zigzag line with rosette in the middle and panel of" arrow-heads."
1111176. FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. Si in. London, 3 April, 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Found in Paternoster Row,
I I I I :

Panels with zigzag borders, at the angles the ornament Dechelette,

(I) Double panel, the upper part wanting; in the lower a diminutive nude figure

to front, with r. arm raised to head, attacked by a dog(?), of which only the muzzle and fore-legs are visible. (2) Large panel with horse(?) galloping to I. and dog running to I. (Dechelette, 937). Beyond, (I) is repeated, slightly more complete, with a plain oblong I I below it , next, (2) repeated, the fore-part of the dog being visible.
1111176. FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Ht. :!} in. Found in London. Roach Smith

Panels with double borders of beads and rosettes at angles: (1) Head of Gryphon to r. ; (2) dog(?) to I. M 1177.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length :!tin. Similariy acquired.

Part of panel with dog running to 1. (Dechelette, 916, reversed); in the field, star and plant; on r., part of floral pattern (seeM 1204).
1111178. PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 34- x 6} in. Found in Cable Street, Stepney, London, 1847. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 8. Three pieces joined ; dull glaze. Designs in panels divided by zigzag lines ; above, egg-and-tassel. Transitional style, as .M 1100, etc.

(1) Three rows of leaves, with rosettes in the angles; (2) two ducks fighting, with a cord between their beaks (cf. M 1024 and Dechelette, 101 5-1016); these



two alternate all round. See Fig. 189. Below, rows of rosettes and of pattern, as M 44, and straight wreath (cf. M I004).

ltt 1179,

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length Ji in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Designs in panels.

Found in Bishopsgate (?),London.

(I) Part of large panel, in which is the lower part of a nude man to front dancing (Dechelette, 384 ?) ; on the l, feet of a figure to r., arid below the first figure a plant. (2) Double panel with borders of beads and rosettes at angles: Upper compartment wanting; in the lower a cock tor. (Dechelette, 1025). ltt 1180.
FRAGMENT, similar, with two-thirds of foot. Diam. S:l in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Designs in panels with borders of beads. Found in London.

(I) Only scrolls in lower comer remaining. (2) Narrow panel with lower part of vine-wreathed column on quadrangular plinth (Dechelette, 1092); below, a scroll. (3) Double panel (upper part wanting) ; in lower compartment a cock tor. (Dechelettc, I025); in the field, four plants. Beyond, (2) repeated.

M 1181.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim. 2j X 2} in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 1. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Panel with two cocks confronted (Dcchelette, I025) ; between them a plant,




M 1184.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 4 in. Length 5~ in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined. Glaze worn and discoloured ; design indistinct. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(I) " Cruciform " pattern with zigzag diagonals (cf. M 499 = type 6) ; in upper and lower spaces, plants (the upper with buds) ; at the sides, tendrils ending in long pointed leaves. ( 2) Bull-fight ( Tauromachia) : Bull to r. confronting bestiarius in short chiton, who brandishes a weapon in each hand (Dechelette, 637 = 897 ; cf. ibid. ii. pp. I05, 136 for analogous scenes ; also M 434). (3) Part of panel with oblique zigzag lines in angle. Below, straight wreath (cf. type 13).

:M 1186.

FRAGMENT, similar. x 3} in. Found in Thames Street, London. CoU., 1856. Good dark red glaze. Designs as last; above, egg-and-tassel.


Roach Smith

(I) Part of panel with draped man in back view? (indistinct). (2) Bull-fight as on last: The bull, which has a band round its belly (Dechelette, 898), leaps to l. on the bestiarius, who has an axe in r. hand, and short chiton and shield like a gladiator's ; in the lower r. corner of the panel is a small panel with rows of leaves.

M 1186.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 1} x r1 in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Roach Smith

Part of bull to l. with band round body, as on last:

M 1187.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 2t x 4 in. Similarly acquired. Design indistinct ; dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels with borders of zigzag lines and the ornament Dechelette, I II 1, at angles: (I) Part of gladiator(?) with shield. (2) Double panel: above, two ichneumons (?) confronted ; below, head and r. arm of man to front and rosette.
:M 1188.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3i in. Diam. S~ in. Similarly acquired. Six pieces joined, with two-thirds of foot and part of rim ; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels divided by zigzag lines ending below in " crown " ornaments : (I) Part of panel with captive lying on the ground with head to r. and hands tied behind back (cf. Dechclette, 643); in the field a tendril. (2) Floral pattern of leaves like myrtle(?) arranged in "cruciform" fashion with a rosette in the centre (cf. Dechelette, i. p. 185, fig. 115). (3) Lioness running to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 793); below, a captive as in (I), but with head to I. and face downwards; in the field above the lioness is a tendril. Next is (2) repeated.
M 1189.
FRAG:VIENT of similar bowl (possibly from the same vase). acquired. :Vloulded rim ; bright red glaze. Length 4i in. Similarly

Parts of two panels as last, the lioness being here more complete.
M 1190.
FRAG:\fENT, similar.


in. Similarly acquired.

Parts of two panels as the preceding.




M 1191.

FRAGMENT as before, with part of rim. 2{ x 3 in. Similarly acquired. Burnt to a dark brown. Panels divided by zigzag lines ending in rosettes ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(I) Part offestoon ending in rosettes. (2) Nude man in back view, looking to 1., with hands tied behind him (Dechelette, 643 ; cf. M u88). (3) Floral pattern of long serrated leaves as M I I 88.

M 1192.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2w x 2i in.

Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Part of panel with borders of beads and rosettes at angles, in which is a

, with an ornament

between ; on the

M 1193.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Ht. 3} in. Similarly acquired.

Burnt black.

Festoon in which is a ma.ak of Pa.n to l. (Dechelette, 675) ; in the field, two leaves on stalks; below, acanthus ornament (Dechelette, I 16o), with scroll below ; in the field, rings. On the r., narrow panel with borders of beads ending in rosettes, in which is a nude man to front looking to r.
M 1194.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 4 in. Found in Philpot Lane, London, 1 July, 1845 Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Burnt black. Panels with borders of beads.

(I) Large double panel: (a) in upper compartment, two festoons formed by wreaths ; in each a small nude figure, the legs only of one remaining ; the other is to 1., with arms extended. (b) In the lower, a large five-petalled flower; on the 1., a bird to r., looking up (Dechelette, 1009 or IOI9 ?) ; on the r., a bird to l. about to fly (Dechelette, 1038 reversed ?) ; in the field, Dechelette, 1111, thrice repeated. (2) Captive woman to front, nude, with hands tied behind her back

3 7.



storks confronted, and a terminal floral ornament); (2) a sort of flower or palmette.
:M 1197.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 41 in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

Round the body a series of panels with "cruciform" patterns (zigzag borders and diagonals, acanthus-plants as Dechelette, 1161, at sides).

:M 1198.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 2;. x ::!} in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Part of panel with "cruciform" pattern as last (acanthus-plant as Dcchelette, 116o, with Dechelette, IIII, as stem); at the angles, rosettes.

:M 1199.

FRAGMENT, similar. as last.

Length 1} in.

Similarly acquired.

Perhaps from same vase

Design as last.
:M 1200.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 3i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Design in panels divided by chains ending in rosettes.

(1) Ornament composed of four large spirals with a leaf on each side (Fig. 190); (2) narrow panel with straight wreath (type 3) ; beyond on either side is part of another panel.

Fig. 190 = M '""" (part.' .

:M 1201.

FRAGMENT, similar.

1 X 2

in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Part of two panels as last : ( 1) small sycamore ( ?) leaf; ( 2) heart-shaped leaf with serrated edge.

:M 1202.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4 in. Diam. 8} in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 24, fig. 1. Five fragments joined, forming barely half the vase ; anciently repaired, but rivets now wanting. Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and a row of beads.

Round the body, panels with borders of beads : ( 1) In a festoon formed by a wreath and ending in double reel-ornaments is a bird to r. confronted by a Pigmy in fighting attitude ; below are a row of four rings between rows of beads, a greyhound running to I. (Dcchelette, 932) and a reel as above. (2) Tripod with cylindrical base on which is the omphalos (see Dechelette, 1o68); on it is a bowl ornamented with rosettes. (3) Oblong panel with festoon as in (I) ending in single reels ; below, rings between Fi&. 191 = 1\1 1202 (part'. 1. beads as ( 1) ; in the lower compartment a nude man to front moving away to I. with r. hand raised as if to strike at some one; very indistinct; on r., a vine-leaf(?). (4) Hera.kles and the Nemea.n lion (Fig. 191): Hcrakles tor., with 1. leg bent, holds the lion's head

Q 2



under his I. arm ; the lion to 1. seizes his I. thigh in its fore-paws ; in the field above are four wing-like objects, and below, three similar. (5) Incomplete panel, above as (3) ; below, nude man to front moving to r. with 1. knee bent and looking back (Dechelette, 403). Next, (3) and (4) repeated; (5) complete, showing within the wreath a reel as before. (6) Dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1050) ; below, a cruciform pattern, mostly wanting.
M 1203.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 4t x 5~ in. Found in Bread Street, London. Roach Smith Coli:, 18;6. Panels as last; above, egg-and-tassel.

( 1) Double panel with row of rings across the middle : (a) in the upper compartment, a festoon formed by a wreath, in which is a crane to r. attacking a Pigmy ; in the field a reel-ornament, occurring twice, and again at the tops of the festoons; (b) in the lower, dog running to 1. (Dechelette, 934) ; in the field, two reel-ornaments. (2) Oblong panel in which is the Delphic tripod on a cylindrical base with ottephalos (Dechelette, 1o68) ; round the middle of the legs a ring ; the upper rim supports a basin ornamented with rosettes. (3) Double panel with rings across the middle as last: (a) in the upper compartment a festoon as before, but with leaves on outer edge only ; within it is a reel-ornament, the festoon ending in similar ornaments; (b) in the lower, nude man to front moving to 1., carrying some object ; in the field,

wing-like objects as on last

(4) Large panel, incomplete, in which

is the lowe,r part of a nude man to the front dancing (probably Dechelette, 384); in the field, wing-like objects.
M 1204.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 7!- in. Found in London. Smith Coli., 1856. Design in panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles. Roach

(1} Parts of two panels, the design almost entirely wanting. (2) Below these, a long panel, in which is a dog to 1. (cf. Dcchelette, 916) confronting another quadruped, now wanting; between them, a floral ornament. (3) Hera.kles




Hesperides, and brandishing his club in r. (Dechelette, 467); the lion's skin hangs from his l. arm; the serpent has ram's horns (a Gaulish type, see Dechelette, ii. p. 78). :M 1206.
FRAG~1ENT, similar. 3~ x 3} in. Similarly acquired. No. 100. Two pieces joined ; dull glaze. Panels as last.

Cal. Lond. A Ill. p. 34,

(I) Narrow panel with tripod round which a serpent is twisted (cf. Dcchelette, 1o67). (2) Large panel with four figures: (a) Herakles or Satyr seated to r., holding something in each hand (head wanting) ; (b) Artemis seated on rock with l. foot drawn back, wearing short girt chiton and high boots (Dcchelette, 68; head and hands wanting); (,) Nude man to front moving to l., holding branch (?) over head in r. hand and jug in l. ; between his feet the "crown " ornament ; (d) nearly all wanting. (3) Below (repeated twice underneath the last), oblong "cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads and Fig. t9 = M t206. acanthus- plant (Dechelette, 116o; cf. ibid. p. 184, fig. 113) in upper space, in the others, plants. Below, a straight wreath composed of motives as on M 1132, repeated.

:M 1207.

FRAGME:'\T, similar. Good glaze.


in. Similarly acquired.

Cal. Loml. Alll. p. 34, No. 100.

Panel with Herakles to front with I. hand extended, wearing lion's skin over head, the paws tied in front (somewhat indistinct ; r. hand and leg wanting) ; above are two flowers or stars of eight points; on the r. a sheep(?) to r. (head wanting). On the I., vertical border of beads. M 1208.
FRAG:\1 ENT, similar.

1 kin.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze; design indistinct.

Part of panel with borders of beads, in which is Artemis to r. with hind (Dcchclctte, 64; cf. M 1038) ; in the field, rosette and "crown" ornament; on the r., small part of panel with nude figure to front moving to I.
:M 1209.
FRAG:\1 E:'\T of similar bowl, with one-third of foot. Bright glaze. Length

41 in. Similarly acquired.

Part of panel with Artemis as last ; on the r., part of " cruciform " pattern with borders and diagonals of beads ; in the lower space, a leaf.



M 1210.

-!- in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn. Part of panel with zigzag borders, in which is Artemis to r. (Dt':chelette, 63 ; indistinct) ; on the r., part of a double panel.
1} x

M 1211.

FRAGMENT, similar.

1} x 1l in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Artemis to r., as last ; on the r., part of a column with base, below which is part of a festoon ending in reel-ornament (Dechelette, I I I I).
M 1212.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Diam. 6! in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Dull glaze.

(I) Part of a panel, probably the same as (3) below. (2) Large festoon with border of beads each side, ending above in the ornament Dechelette, I I I I, within which is a boar running to I. (Dechelette, 834). (3) Part of panel with upper part of nude bearded man to r. (r. hand raised) and helmeted head of warrior; in the field, wings? (cf. M 1203). M 1213.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 4i x 5~- in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined. Good glaze ; figures indistinct. Panels divided by rows of minute beads ending in rosettes of dots ; above, egg-and-tassel and similar beads.

(r) Part of panel with nude figure to front with drapery over 1. arm (head, r. arm, and legs wanting). (2) Large "cruciform" pattern with diagonals of minute beads ; in the upper and lower spaces, large leaves ; at the sides, tendrils ending in leaves like parsley (c( M r Io6). (3) Nude man to front turning tor., with r. hand raised and staff or spear in 1. ; confronting him is a woman to the front dancing, looking to 1., wearing short girt chiton with apoptygma, and holding tambourine in both hands over her head (Dechelette, 210; cf. M 1041). (4) Part of scroll as M I I35

M 1214.

FRAGMENT, similar.


t in.

Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Two panels divided by vertical row of rosettes or stars of nine points


Similarly acquired.



FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). panels with borders of beads.

x 2~ in.

Designs in

(1) Part of double panel, of which the upper compartment is wanting all but the leg of a quadruped; in the lower, Pigmy to I. and crane. (2) Narrow panel in which is a circular base surmounted by supports in the form of dolphins, above which are two storks confronted and a floral ornament (Dechelette, 1 114). (3) Part of draped figure running to r. and acanthus plant (Dechelette, u6o).
1'tt 1218.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. Panels divided by columns ; above, egg-and-tassel.


Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

On the 1. of a tall twisted column is a Pigmy to front (upper part wanting); below, pella on column with lattice pattern ; on the r. of the column, above and below, Pigmies to front (indistinct). 1111219.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ant. p. 35, No. 170. Design indistinct. Length

in. Similarly acquired.

Cat. Lond.

On the 1., part of festoon with leaf on r., and of panel with oblique zigzag lines below; on the r., woman(?) driving biga tor. (cf. M 524); plant below. 1111220.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3! x Ji in. Found in Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze; design indistinct. Panels divided by rows of beads; above, egg-and-tassel.

(I) Tree (?oak; cf. Dechelette, 1135) with plant below. (2) Athena to front, looking to r., with long chiton, peplos, and shield (Dechelette, 77; cf. M 1380) ; (I) repeated.


FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 3 in. Found in Copthall Avenue, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panels divided by rows of beads ending in rosettes; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Athena as on last (lower part wanting) ; in the field, a rosette and a

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

ring. M 1222.

(2) Narrow panel with upper part of tripod as Dechelette, 1o68.

FRAGMENT, similar. 1} x i in. Found in London. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Panel with chain-borders and rosettes at angles, in which is the upper part of a goddess seated to 1., wearing a high crown, and holding a lotos-crowned sceptre in I. hand and some object in her extended r. ; in the field a tendril ending in a bud. M 1223.
FRAGMENT, similar.

in. Similarly acquired.

Perhaps from same vase as last.

Panels as last: On the 1., part of wreath forming festoon, within which is a leaf on a tendril, as type 6 ; above, legs of a quadruped; on the r., part of figure as in last, with 1. hand resting on knee and r. holding an object like a bag ; in the field, tendril with bud.



M 1224.

FRAGMENT, similar. 4 x 3} in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined; design indistinct. Glaze worn. Panels with zigzag borders ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(I) Narrow panel with two vine(?) leaves; cf. M I2IJ. (2) Seilenos dancing to r., with legs crossed and hands raised, wearing loin-cloth (cf. Dechelette, 374). Next, (1) repeated, and (3) part of double panel, with festoon formed by wreath in upper compartment. M 1225.
worn. FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 4f x 3f in. Similarly acquired. Panels with borders of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel. Good glaze,

(I) Festoon in which is a branch. (2) Beardless man to r., with r. hand raised and l. held out as if declaiming, drapery twisted round l. wrist (Dechelette, 344). (3) Part of uncertain objecl

M 1226.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2! x 2t in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

(I) Panel with man to front (drapery over I. arm). (2) Double panel with borders of beads: in the upper compartment, festoon ending in reel-ornaments, within which is a hare to I. (Dechelette, 95oa) ; in the lower, part of a nude man to front.
:M 1227.
FRAGMENT, similar. of beads.

in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Panels with borders

( 1) Double panel : in the upper compartment, festoon formed by wreath (incomplete), with ring in angle; in the lower, part of long-eared homed quadruped to I. ; in the field, an uncertain object. (2) Narrow panel with Caryatid figure (Dechelette, 656), with 1. hand on r. thigh and r. holding drapery over head, rising out of an acanthus plant; below, a mask (Medusa, as Dechelette, 68o ?). (3) Part of medallion in which the leg of a figure is visible ; in the angles, uncertain objects.


3 7.


(1) Narrow panel with part of nude woman to front holding oval object over her head in 1. hand. (2) Apollo to 1., nude, with r. foot drawn back, and laurel branch in r. hand (Dechelette, 55); in the field, three rings. Next, (1) repeated.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3 x 2i in. Coli., 1856. Panels as last (beads very minute).

Found in London.

Roach Smith.

( 1) Athena. and Perseus ( ?) : lower part of woman to front in long chiton with apoptygma and of nude man to front (Perseus ?) ; at his side a shield on which is the head of Medusa; below, a leaf as M 469, and between them a palmbranch with rosette below ; in the lower r. corner, a small panel with three lozenges. (2) Narrow panel in which has been a figure standing on a base, with a leaf below as in ( 1). Below, straight wreath (type 36).-

:M 1231.

FRAGMENT, similar. interior. Panels as last.


in. Similarly acquired.

Good glaze on

(1) Double panel: in the upper compartment, Perseus to front, wearing cuirass or short chiton (head and r. arm wanting ; cf. the last) ; at his foot is his oval shield with head of Medusa ; in the lower, row of rings. (2) Narrow panel with tripod (Dechelette, 1070) on a hexagonal base, supported on crossed curved feet (Fig. 193). (3) Double panel: above, part of man to front with chlamys over r. arm ; below, band of chevrons. Below, a straight wreath (type 13).

ig. 193 = M 1231 (part~ .


FRAGMENT, similar. 2t x 3 in. Found in Budge Row(?), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes of dots at angles.

(I) Triple panel: (a) upper compartment wanting; (b) wreath (type 3); (c) Pan (?) to front, and the hand of another figure holding out something. (2) Lower part of narrow panel with nude figure walking to I. (3) Candelabrum (Dcchelette, 1095), and lower part of nude figure to front (cf. M 1429, M 1437).

M 1233.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2t x 3} in. Found in London. Glaze worn. Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

(I) Part of "cruciform" pattern (?). (2) Narrow panel with acanthus plant ( = base of Caryatid figure as Dechelette, 655 ; see the following). (3) Double

panel : above, ''cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads and double leaves in the spaces forming a cross fieurie (cf. M 90) ; below, lion running to r. (4) Part of panel with nude man to front, r. hand raised (head wanting).
FRAGMENT, similar.



Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Panels as last: (I) lower part of man as last (head and r. arm wanting); in the field, a ring. (2) Caryatid figure as on last with acanthus below (head and arms wanting). (3) Lower part of man bending over to 1. ; in the field, three rings. On the r., (2) repeated.

M 1235.


Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Panels with

FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 3~ in. z1gzag borders and rosettes at angles.

(I) Part of lion running to r. (Dechelette, 742 ?). (2) Narrow panel with lower part of man to r., with drapery round loins ; at the side, a tendril ending in a bud. (3) "Cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads; in the lower space a bunch of leaves ; at the sides a: tendril ending in a leaf. Below, a row of pattern as M 44-

M 1236.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2t X 4i in. Similarly acquired. with borders of minute beads and rosettes at angles.

Dull glaze, worn.


(I) Double panel with legs of woman to front in long chiton above ; lower part wanting. (2) On the 1., vertical scrollpattern of leaves and buds (cf. M 1135 and Dechelette, 11 57) ; on the r., above, nude man to front with hands extended and chlamys on I. arm ; at his I. side a terminal figure(?) on a plinth, on which is some object ; below, a row of incomplete circles. (3) Narrow panel with scrolls as in (2). (3) Panel nearly all wanting. Below, a row of beads. M 1237.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x rows of beads ending in rosettes.

Fig, 194

= M 1136.

zk in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. Panels divided


( 1) Nude figure to front dancing (head, r. arm, and r. leg wanting).

(2) Narrow panel with ornament as Dechelette, 1 I 16, on a cylindrical base ending

in a ring, with leaves and flowers attached in pairs each side. uncertain object; in the field, a spike of blossom (?).
:M 1238.
FRAGMENT, similar.
1} x 2t in.

(3) Part of
Panels divided

Similarly acquired.

Glaze worn.


Glaze worn.

Panels as

1111 1241.

FRAGMENT, similar. before, with rosettes at angles.




Similarly acquired.

Two similar panels with part of a third, in each of which arc: On 1., warrior(?) to front with drapery round loins (upper part wanting) ; on r., nude figure (upper part wanting) standing stiffiy to front with hands by sides and feet together ; in the field below, reel-ornament.

M 1242.

FRAGMENT, similar.


in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn; panels as last.

(I) Lower part of nude figure to front on an ornamental base ; in the field each side, rosettes of dots. (2) Dog to r. (cf. Dechelette, 924) ; above, hind-legs of another quadruped tor. Below, wreath (type I2) between two rows of beads.

1111 1243.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length zJr in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. Panels with borders of zigzag lines ending in rosettes ; above, row of rosettes within double circles.

(I) Part of panel in which is a double ring; (2) nude man moving tor., looking back, with hands extended ; in the field, a ring.

1111 1244.

FRAG:\IENT, similar. Ht. egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.


in. Similarly acquired.

Good glaze. Above the design,

Upper part of man tor., wearing petastts and holding up drapery in r. hand.

1111 1245.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length

2! in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn: design indis-

On the 1. draped figure to front carrying SO!Jtething in 1. hand ; on the r., Zeus seated to 1., with r. hand raised and thunderbolt in 1., drapery over lower limbs (Dechelette, 4) ; between them, a tendril and a "crown " ornament, and on the r. a border of beads.


FRAGMENT forming lower part of similar bowl. Good glaze. Design in panels divided by rows of beads.



in. Similarly acquired.

( 1) Half-medallion with zigzag line as outer border, in which is a leaf of three lobes; (2) lion leaping to 1. (mostly wanting); (3) between two columns, of which the lower part is fluted, the upper spirally twisted, is a draped man to 1., holding something in 1. hand (upper part wanting). Below is a border

M 1247.

FRAG:\fENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2! x 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze, Panels with borders of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of worn ; design indistinct. beads.

(I) Double panel: in the upper compartment a pattern formed by rows of beads; ~~ in the lower, upper part of Eros to 1. holding a ~ curved object in 1. hand and a nude man dancing to r. with I. leg raised (Dechelcttc, 37 5); (2) nearly all wanting.


M 1248.

FRAGMENT, similar.


zi in. Similarly acquired. Panels divided by zigzag

(1) Aphrodite to front, nude (head and arms wanting; Dechelette, 173 or 174) ; in the field, two rosettes. (2) Narrow panel with vertical row of large rosettes, from which acanthus-leaves spring, extending into the next panel.

M 1249.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x zi in. Similarly acquired. borders of beads and rosettes of dots at angles.

Glaze worn.

Panels with

(I) Narrow panel (incomplete), with 1. leg of figure to r., below which is part of a vase (?) ; across the border a reel-ornament. and another object ; the arm of the figure seems to extend into the next panel. (2) Double panel: In the upper compartment, female dancer to r., nude, holding up scarf in both hands (Dechelette, 219); on the r., a small figure running to r. (indistinct) ; in the field, two reel-ornaments ; in the lower two spirals and reel-ornament ; below, a panel or band with rosettes. Beyond, ( 1) repeated, incomplete.

M 1250.

FRAGMENT forming lower part of similar bowl. 2-/r x Dull glaze. Panels divided by zigzag lines with rosettes at angles.



Similarly acquired.

(1) Left leg of a diminutive figure and lower part or another (nude, running to 1.). (2) Woman to front with 1. hand extended, wearing long chiton and apoptygma (head wanting). (3) Small panel with Eros kneeling on 1. knee to 1., arms extended (Dechelette, 255). (4) Right foot of Poseidon(?) raised on plinth with part of 1. leg (cf. Dcchelette, 12).

M 1251.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Panels with borders of beads.

z! x zi- in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

(1) Eros to front flying tor. towards a fluted column with echinus-shaped cap (cf. Dechelettc, 236). (2) Nude figure to front with r. hand raised and 1. on hip. (3) Part of double panel (designs wanting).





of another figure (?) ; in the lower, Eros riding on sea-horse to r. (Dechelette, 28, reversed ; cf. M I 394. M I 5 I 3). (4) Part of uncertain design.

M 1264.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Diam. 7 in. Found in Aldgate, London. Roach Smith Coli., t86. Foot complete; design indistinct. Abo,e the design, egg-and-tassel.

Two friezes: In the upper, reindet!r (?)tor. (cf. Dechelette, 85I); Eros(?) to front, very indistinct (wings spread ; wrapped in himation ?) ; floral ornament ; deer lying down to I. In the lower, panels: (I) Part of " cruciform ,, pattern with zigzag 1 diagonals and rosettes at angles ; in the spaces, floral ornaments. (2) Panel with treestems each side, in which are: a lion (?) to ~r. (Dechelette, 749 ?), with a quadruped lying down to r. below ; a bestiarius (?) to 1., with club in 1. hand (very indistinct) ; a lion to I. (cf. Dcchelette, 762, 764) ; in the field a fleur-de-lys ornament. (3) " Cruciform " pattern (Fig. I95) with chain-borders and diagonals and rosettes at angles ; in the upper and lower spaces, floral ornaments. Underneath the foot is incised MA.


14 1266.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. Si in. Diam. 7~ in. Found in Bread Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 24, fig. 5 Bright red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Panels divided by columns of beads with acanthus ornament (Dcchelette,

I 16o) as capital and moulded bases; across the middle of the columns is a reel ornament, doubled: (I) Vertical row of spirals. (2) Eros walking to l. with r. hand raised (Dcchelette, 251 ; indistinct). (I) repeated. (3) Apollo

to front, nude, with r. hand on head and I. placed on his lyre which rests on the ground (Dcchelette, 45); drapery is visible by his l. leg. Below,


between beads.


FRAG:\lEiiOT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces join(.-d. Good glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads; above, eggand-tassel and row of beads. ( 1) Eros moving to 1., looking back, with l. hand extended (cf. Dechelette, 275); in the field, a small oblong object. (2) Eros moving to 1., with r. hand raised ( Dcchclette, 2 5 I). (3) Part of medallion ; in the field, a ring.


* Sec ibid. ii. p. 13 for a ~tamp of the potter (iranius on which the drapery occurs; it is absent on the example figured by Dcchclette as type 45


M 1267.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3~ in. the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined.


(1) Figure to front in short chiton, with r. hand in front of thigh, holding something in I.; between his legs a rosette of dots. (2) Narrow panel with borders of beads and rosettes of dots at angles, in which is a pattern composed of pairs of dolphins, a "crown " ornament, and a small laver ; across the borders arc two reel-ornaments and a pair of "crown" ornaments. (3} Eros to r. with arms extended (Dechelette, 234).

M 1268.

FRAGMENT; similar, with part of rim. It x 1} in. Found in Benet's Hill(?), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Panels with zigzag borders.

(1) Incomplete; rosette of dots, branch or wreath, and another object. (2) Double panel : above, two small Erotes with hands joined (Dechelette, 247 and 257; cf. M 1 144); between them a rosette; below, row of small oblong objects.

M 1269.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2~- in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct. Dull glaze. Design in panels; above, egg-and-tassel.

(I) Part of deer lying down. (2) Below (1), Eros kneeling to r., holding an uncertain object (cf. Dechelette, 274. but not a bow here). (3) Woman to I. in long chiton and apoptygma, with r. hand extended ; below, a stalk and tuft of grass. Below, straight wreath (fragmentary).

M 1260.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 2! X 1,!- in. Similarly acquired. Design indistinct. Panels with borders of beads and large rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel. (I) Incomplete; leaf in field. very indistinct.

(2) Eros seated to r. with I. hand raised,

Desib'll indistinct. Glaze worn.

M 1261.

FRAGMENT as last. Ht. 2k in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Panels divided by rows of beads, across which is the ornament Dechelette,




in the upper compartment, festoon formt:d by wreath ending above in reelornaments, in which is the hind part of a dog to r. ; in the lower, a pattern as M 1204111 1264.
FRAGMENT forming lower part of similar bowl, with two-thirds offoot. Diam. 7} in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads ending in rings.

(1) Panel as (4) below, incomplete. (2) Lower part of man moving to r. with l. knee drawn up (Dechelette, 403). (3) Hexagonal base with dolphins and ring above (Dechelette, 1o69a). (4) Caryatid figure with mask below (Dechelette, 656) ; lower part of Athena to front (Dechelette, 77), with krater (Dechelette, 1079) below; Caryatid as before, but supporting with the hands a fluted column or altar; Pan moving tor. (Dechelette, 419; head wanting); below him a square with hatched border and rosette in centre (cf. M 1398).

:M 1266.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3~ x 2j in. Abme the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze,

Panels divided by rows of beads ending above in reel-ornaments :

(I) Festoon formed by wreath, with a ring in the angle; below, a band of

rings. (2) Two dancing Satyrs(?) to r., with hands raised (Dechelette, 381); below, narrow band of rings. Beyond, (2) is apparently repeated, but nearly all is wanting. :M 1266.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Design in panels (all incomplete) divided by rows of beads with rosettes at top and bottom.
(I) Part of a richly-ornamented scat (cf. Dechelette, 6). (2) Lower part of nude man to front with club in r. hand (Dechelettc, 319), and of Satyr marching to r. playing flutes (Dechclette, 312); below them, three rings. (3) Club and part of another object.

:M 1267.

FRAGMENT, similar. and rosettes at angles.

2j x 3~ in.

Similarly acquired.

Panels with borders of beads

(I) Double panel: in the upper compartment, part of draped figure seated to r., and of Hephaestos to 1., with r. foot raised on a block, r. hand on thigh, and pincers in 1., wearing short chiton exomis (Dechclette, 39 ; cf. M 1353, M 1375 ; head wanting) ; in the lower, lioness(?) lying down to I. (Dechelette, 792 ?). (2) Double panel : above, Pan to front playing pipes, with shepherd's crook behind back (Dcchelette, 412 ; head partly wanting); on the r., smaller figure of Pan to the front (head and I. leg wanting ; Dechelette, 424 ?) ; below, part of medallion in which is a mask(?).

:M 1268.



x 3 in.

Similarly acquired.

Dark red glaze.

Panels with

zigzag borders.

(1) Double panel : in the upper compartment, hind part of dog(?) to I. ; below, festoon formed by wreath, in which is a bird to r. looking back (Dcchelettc, 1009). (2) Large panel with upper part of Satyr to front (1. hand raised, thyrsos in r.) ; in the field, a tendril ending in a spike of blossom.


M 1269.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 41 in. indistinct. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles.

Similarly acquired.


(1) Lower part of Seilenos to 1., carrying a quadruped in r. hand (Dechelette, 324). (2) Two boxers(?) ; very indistinct. (3) Seilenos (?) walking to r., with loin-cloth, and bunch of grapes in r. hand (Dechelette, 323 ?). Next are (2) and (1) repeated. The second panel has been a double one, b~t the upper compartment is wanting.
M 1270.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). joined. Dull glaze. Panels as last. Length 5 in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces

(1) Double panel: in the upper compartment, lower part of female dancer to r. (Dcchelette, 216 or 217); in the lower, reel-ornament. (2) Double panel: above, part of lion or other quadruped to r. ; behind it, reel-ornament; in the lower, plant and three reel-ornaments in field. (3) Double panel : above, lower part of Athena(?) to front in long chiton (probably Dechelette, 77) ; below, as in ( 1 ). (4) Scrolls as M 1135, vertically placed.

M 1271.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3} x 5! in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Part of panel with border of beads: Female dancer to 1., nude, holding narrow scarf in both hands, the end falling over her 1. thigh (Dcchelctte, 214, reduced; cf. M 1o64) ; in the field on either side are leaves. M 1272.
FRAGMENT as last. 3~ x 3i in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels divided by zigzag lines ending above in reel-ornaments : ( 1) Medallion with indistinct bearded mask tor. (2) Part of female dancer to r., holding up the ends of her himation (Dechelette, 217). M 1273.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Panels divided by rows of beads. Length 3I in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.



{I) Pattern composed of tendril ending in ivy leaf and four radiating spikes ending in buds(?). {2) Gryphon tor. with wings and lion's body (head wanting); in the field, a rosette formed of wavy rays ; below, band of three similar rosettes. Below all round, wreath (type 22).

M 1275.

FRAGMENT, similar. :z x 2!- in. Similarly acquired. and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel.

Panels with borders of beads

(I) Part of uncertain design. (2) Double panel: in the upper compartment two Centauresses confronted (Fig. I97; the one on the r. = Dechclette, g co o 436) ; between them an ornament ; in the lower, head C/ t::' :.g and raised right hand of a youth to r. ; his action is ~Oococcoooo~ that of throwing a stone. Fig. 197 = M n1s (part).


M 1276.

FRAGMENT forming lower part of bowl (Form 37), with part of foot. Diam. 4}in. Found in Thames Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads.

{I) Feet of youth leaning against column or ci'ppus; (2) lower part of youth to front with r. foot crossed over 1., drapery hanging from 1. arm, and spear or staff in r. hand (Dechelette, 33I); (3) dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1050) ; (I) and (2) repeated.

M 1277.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim. 2! x 3! in. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels divided by zigzag lines ending above in "crown" ornaments: (I) "Cruciform" pattern with long serrated leaves as diagonals (cf. M II88); above is a column surmounted by a jar(?) ; at the side, a leaf. (2) Candelabrum elaborately moulded (cf. Dechelette, I095). (3) Festoon, in which is fore-part of sea-cow to I. (Dechclette, 29 ?) ; below, part of uncertain object.

M 1278.

FRAGMENT as last. 3~ x 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Above the design, pattern as M 1115 and zigzag line.

Panel with border of beads, in which is upper part of Aphrodite(?) to front looking to 1., with hair knotted up, holding up end of drapery(?) in I. hand; on the r., sea-horse to I. (Dechelette, 31 ).

M 1279.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3 in. Found in Paternoster Row, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Panels with borders of beads.

(I) Double panel: in the upper compartment, fore-part of boar(?) tor.; in the lower, flcur-de-lys ornament. (2) Large panel with Pan to front, I. leg crossed over r., and cup(?) in r. hand (upper part wanting ; cf. Dcchelette, 4II) ; below him, a mask to front (Dechclette, 68o (?) ; cf. ibid. 655, 656) ; on the r., part of dolphin to r. (Dcchelette, I048 ?) and of another animal.


M 1280.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2 X 3 in. Found in London. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good

(1) Double panel: (a) in the upper compartment, Scylla. to front with arms extended and double serpentine tail in coils each side, ending like a fish's (Dcchclette, 1 5) ; in the field, a lozenge (cf. Dechclette, 1179) ; (b) in the lower, a nude figure lying full length on the ground 'with feet tor. (head wanting; indistinct ; cf. Dechclctte, 126). (2) Part of panel in which the feet of a figure arc visible.

M 1281.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 2{ in. Found in Lothbury, London, 13 May, 1835. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panels divided by zigzag lines.

(1) Part of uncertain figure; (2) three vertical rows of chevrons; (3) Anubis to 1. (Dechelctte, 300), a human figure with jackal's head and short chiton, holding ankk in r. hand and palm-branch in 1. ; (2) repeated. Below, a wreath (type 3).
M 1282.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3~ x 2~ in. Found in London, 18.p. Roach Smith CoiL, 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 8. Bright red glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads crossed by two scrolls ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Horses of a biga to r., and part of driver ; the nearer horse has one fore-leg too many ; in the field, a diminutive nude woman (Aphrodite ?) to front with r. hand on head, holding something in 1. ; ground indicated below. (2) In one corner is the woman repeated ; below, part of an uncertain figure.
M 1283.


<JS = :o.r ..s

FRAGMENT, simiL u. 2i x 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Panels with borders of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(1) Double panel: in the upper compartment, tail of dolphin or sea-monster to I. ; in the lower, "cruciform " pattern with diagonals of beads ; at the side, leaf-pattern. (2) Narrow panel, in which is a tripod on a cylindrical base with




:M 1286.

FRAGMENT, similar. with zigzag borders.

Ht. liin. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Panels

(I) Narrow panel with bird to l. looking back (DI!chelette, 1036 ?), standing on a trophy (Dckhelette, I I I7, incomplete), consisting of a shield horizontally placed, with helmet and two daggers crossed with belts attached below ; below these has been a cuirass, now wanting. (2) Part of panel with tendril(?).

:M 1286.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x 4 in. Similarly acquired. Cal. Lond.Anl.p. 39, No. 197 (?). Glaze worn.

(I) Large festoon ending above in pairs of buds, in which is a panther to r. (Dcchclette, 798) ; in the field, the "crown " ornament and a rosette of dots ; above, a triangle(?) of beads with rosettes at the angles. (2) Samnite gladiator to l. (Dechclette, 583), with helmet, cuirass (?), short chiton, and scutum with lozenge pattern ; between his legs, a "crown " ornament ; beyond is visible the leg of his adversary. (3) Above, a panel of" arrow-heads" (type 1 I) with border of beads; below, combat of Thrax and Samnite (Dechelette, 582 and 583), both as in (2) ; the Thra.r has also a sica and greave on r. leg; in the field below, four "crown " ornaments. Below, straight wreath composed of ornaments, as in M 1 I 32, between rows of beads.
M 1287.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3! x 4}in. Found in London, 1853. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Panels with borders of beads; above, eggand-tassel.

(I) Left leg and part of r. leg of figure moving to r. ; in the field, four rosettes of dots. (2) Eros moving to r., with hands extended (Dcchelette, 234 ?) ; he holds the end of a string attached to a wreath in festoon in the adjoining panel (3). Within the wreath, a pair of gladiators (cf. M 1526) : One with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greave on r. leg, arm-guard on r. arm, and smltmz, flees to 1., looking back at a Thra.r with conical helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, and small clipeus (DI!chelette, 6I I) who pursues him ; in the field, three rosettes as above. Below the wreath, acanthus (Dcchelette, I 160 ?) and another ornament;

across the border is an ornament

:M 1288.


as on M



OF BOWL (Form 37).


Found in London. Roach Smith

Coli., 18;6.

(I) Panel with lower part of two gladiators as on M I 286 : the one on the I. is turned to the front, and wears greaves ; the other advances towards him ; he has loin-cloth, greaves, cuirass, arm-guard on r. arm, and sica in r. hand ; in the field, two "crown " ornaments, and below, a row of rosettes of dots ; behind on the r., a volute. (2) Narrow panel with borders of beads and rosettes at angles: tripod (as Dcchelette, 1067 but without base), round which a serpent is twined; across the border on 1., a " crown " ornament. Below, wreath between rows of beads, as on M 1286.
R 2

M 1289.


FRAGMENT, similar. 3t x 4 in. Desigl) indistinct. From St. Saviour's, Southwark.. Roach Smith Coli.,

Panels with borders of beads, across which is the ornament Dechelette, I I I I : Only part of one remains, in which is a gladiator to r. with crested helmet, cuirass, loin-cloth, greaves, arm-guard on r. arm, sica in r. hand, and oblong shield (Dechelette, 596, otherwise described, without shield) ; on the r., lower part of gladiator as on last, facing the first, with arm-guard on r. arm, greaves, and sica, between them, a mask to the front. Below, straight wreath (type 22).
M 1290.
FRAGMENT, similar. :zj x 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, straight wreath (type 19).

(I) Part of "cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals; (2) Combat of two gladiators (Dechelette, 6o;-6o8) : On the l. is a Tltrax (crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, arm-guard on r. arm, sica in r. hand, small scutum in 1.); the other is fallen to r., with r. hand raised as if supplicating for mercy (crested helmet, loin-cloth, scutum) ; the former is complete except the feet ; of the other, only the head, r. arm, shield, and part of body remain.

M 1291.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2i x 2t in. Similarly acquired. apd rosettes of dots at angles.

Panels with borders of beads

(I) Gladiator to I. with l. hand raised as if supplicating for mercy (Dechelette, 594) ; he has loin-cloth, crested helmet, greaves, and sica in r. hand ; above is his scutum ,- below, a scroll ; rosettes of dots all over the field ; on the 1., part of an uncertain object. (2) Narrow panel with ornament as Dechelctte's 1 I I4, composed of pairs of dolphins, "crown " ornaments, etc.,- cf. M I I 32. (3) Panel nearly all wanting, in which is a rosette of dots and an uncertain object.
[The type 594 D6chelette assigns to the fabric of Nouitre (i. p. 244).)

M 1292.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3i x 2t in. Similarly acquired. zigzag borders ; above, eggand-tassel and zigzag line.

Glaze worn.

Panels with

(I) Hind-part of lion(?) walking to l.; in the field, a ring.

(2) Double




111 1295.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 3i in. and rosettes of dots at angles.

Similarly acquired.

Panels with borders of beads

(I) Large panel with foot of one gladiator and lower part of another to r. (loin-cloth, greaves, sica in r. hand; Dechelette, 596); between them a large rosette. (2) Double panel: upper part wanting ; in lower, hind-part of lion (?) running to r. (Dechelette, 746 ?).
1111296. FRAGMENT, similar.


Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Panel with borders of beads : Warrior to front, looking to 1., with r. arm extended; he has curly hair, and wears short chiton and cuirass with flaps; on his I. arm is an oval shield from which hangs drapery. The type is probably Dechelette, 92, but there the head is wanting ; cf. also M I455 ; here the feet and part of r. arm are wanting.
1111297. FRAGMENT, similar. Length 5} in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. Two pieces joined in one; glaze worn. Designs in panels with borders of beads and rosettes at the angles ; above, egg-and-tassel pattern.

(I) Long narrow panel with warrior to the front (Dechelctte, 106), with r. hand extended, small circular shield in I. (?), short chiton, and cuirass ; below him, a tripod with serpent twined round it (Dechelette, Io67). Next is a double panel; in the upper compartment, combat of gladiators (Dechelette, 582-583; cf. M 1286) : on the r., Tlzrax with sica and small scutum, attacking a Sam11ite or semtor; both have short chitons, and the latter an arm-guard on r. arm ; their heads are wanting. On the I. is a quiver or other object. In the lower, quadruped tor.; in the field, a rosette and a tendril. No. (I) is then repeated, followed by two incomplete panels ; in the upper (4) are seen the hind-legs of quadruped to r.; in the lower (5) is a combat of gladiators, very indistinct. The one on the 1. has visored helmet and scutum (?) on r. arm; the other (Dechelette, 6I I) is a Thrax, and has conical helmet with grilled visor, short chiton, and small circular shield on I. arm. Across the vertical borders are ornaments as on M I28j.
M 1298.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), very similar to the last. 3 x 4i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Three pieces joined together; glaze worn. Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles; above, egg-and-tassel ; below, row of rosettes (D~chelette, 1182).

(1) In the centre is a long narrow panel, in which are, (a) above, a dancing woman to the front (Dcchelette, 212), nude, with hands raised, holding a scarf over her head ; (b) below, a tripod round which snakes are twined, as on last. On the extreme I. the lower part of a similar panel is visible ; between these two arc two panels, in the upper of which (2) is a panther (Dcchelette, 798 ?) walking to r. ; in the lower (3), a combat of gladiators, very indistinct, the types being, on the I. Dechelettc, No. 587 (Tierax moving away to 1., looking back, with crested helmet, sica, scutum, arm-guard, greaves, and a garment covering his loins), on the r., Dcchelette, No. 6II, as on last; below them is a scroll. On the r. arc two incomplete panels ; in the upper (4), the lower part of a gladiator with smtum advancing to r. ; in the lower, the panther (2) repeated.


M 1299.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). z x 3} in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes of dots at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

On the l., above, festoon in which is a two-handled vase with fluted body (Dcchelettc, I075 ?) ; below, wreath (type I2). On the r., narrow panel with woman(?) to 1., with hands tied behind her back (indistinct ; cf. Dcchelette, 644, and M 1 188); beyond, part of another panel.
M 1300.
FRAGMENT, similar. rosettes at angles. Ht.

in. Similarly acquired.

Panels with chain-borders and

Above, part of festoon with column adjoining ; below, part of panel with hind-quarters of quadruped to l. ; below, a plant ; above, a tendril ; on r., part of panel with oblique lines of beads.
M 1301.
similar. Ht. 5 in. Similarly acquired. Bright glaze, worn; coarse style. Panels with zigzag borders; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, straight wreath (type 34; cf. M 483).

(I) Double panel: in the upper compartment lion running to I. (Dechelette, 766 ?) ; in the lower, a panel of six rows of " arrow-heads" with oblique zigzag lines (cf. type 2). (2) Base of terminal figure (?) resting on the ornament Dcchelettc, I 11 I, below which is a zigzag line across which arc a bow and quiver (Dcchelctte, 1 104) and a lyre (? Dechelctte, I 100); at the base, a fleurde-lys. On the r., vertical wreath supporting an arch. See Fig. 199.




M 1304.

FRAG:\lENT OF ROWL (Form 37). zk x 3! in. Found in Cock Lane(?), London. Price Sale, 1853. Four pieces joined; dull glaze. Panels with borders of beads and rosettes of dots at angles.

On the l., part of panel with dog or panther running to r. ; next, panel with mounted warrior galloping to r., with r. hand raised and shield on I. arm ; in the field, two tendrils ending in fleurs-de-lys (as M I30I); on the r., part of panel with hind-legs of quadruped.

M 1305.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 41 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Coarse style. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles; above, egg-and-tassel.

Parts of two panels, one above the other : In the upper, lion running to r. (Dcchclctte, 748 ?) ; in the lower, two Victories walking to 1., draped, but with legs bare, each with wreath in 1. hand. Below, straight wreath (type 33). 1111306.
FRAG:\lENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3} in. Found in Wood Street(?), London. Price Sale, 1853. Panels with borders of beads; abo,e, egg-and-tassel and bead-and-reel patterns.

(I) Part of double panel, in the upper compartment of which is a wreath in festoon with ring in angle. (2) Panel with Victory to the front looking to 1., holding out wreath in r. hand (Dechelette, 475); 1. arm and leg wanting; on the l. of her arc fasces, and below the panel a ring is visible.

M 1307.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 2j- in. Found in Coleman Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. Dull glaze. Panels divided by chains ending in rosettes; above, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

(I) Head and r. arm of man to r., and two rings; (2) raised r. arm and knees of seated figure to 1. 1111308.
FRAG:\-IENT as last. 21 x 3! in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Dull glaze. On the rim, a roughly-modelled piece attached for a handle (cf. M 1352); above the design, egg-and tassel and row of beads.

Part of panel with head of deer (?) to r. and of another with tendril at angle. M 1309.

FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2! x 3! in. Found in Monkwell Street, London, Price Sale, 1853. Vull glaze. Panels divided by bead-and-reel borders.

(I) Double panel, the upper compartment wanting; in the lower, bird to I. with wings addorsed, head wanting. (2) Narrow panel with lower part of Pan on a base (Dechelette, 41 I); legs crossed, drapery hanging from r. hand; below, a mask of Medusa. (3) Double panel, upper part wanting; in the 10\ver, Eros kneeling on r. knee to front (Dcchclctte, 264) ; legs wanting.

M 1310.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 2~ in. Found in Thr.eadneedlc Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. Glaze worn. Panels with borders of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. (I) Narrow panel in which is a long object, perhaps the club of Herakles;

(2) "cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads, leaves in upper space, and


tendrils at sides ; U) part of narrow panel with female or Caryatid figure with hands held over head (probably Dechelette, 656). M 1311.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2 x 3t in. Found in Wood Street(?), London. Price Sale, 1853. Good glaze. Panels with borders of beads.

(I) Double panel, the lower part wanting; in the upper, lower part of woman to front moving away to 1., with floating drapery. (2) Narrow panel, in which is mask of Medusa resting on a circular base, below which are two dolphins on a hexagonal base (Dechelette, 1o6ga). (3) Double panel: in upper compartment, lower part of woman with floating drapery moving to r. ; in the lower, part of large rosette in circle.

M 1312.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 2} in. Found in Billingsgate, London. Glaze good on interior. Panels with zigzag borders.

Price Sale, 1853.

(1) Narrow panel: above, a basket on supports (probably as Dechelette, type 1069); below, head of Medusa as on last, with similar base and dolphins below. (2) Large pattern of long serrated leaves in bunches, meeting in a rosette in the centre (cf. M u88).

M 1313.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2i- in. Found in London. style ; dull glaze. Panels with borders of beads.

Price Sale, 1853. Coarse

(I) Feet of figure tor. and star of six points; (2) narrow panel with head of Medusa on dolphins as before.

M 1314.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2i x 3! in. Found in Drapers' Buildings, London Wall, April, 1844. Price: Sale, 1853. Surface burnt to a dark red. Panels as last.

Long panel with Athena (?) to front, in long chiton and peplos, with shield on 1. arm, head wanting ; below, a plant. On either side, part of a panel with leaf on tendril springing from the upper angle ; in the lower part of the one on




111 1317.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 4 in. Length Sf in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze ; design very indistinct. Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Youth to front, nude, with feet crossed; below, a tuft of grass. (2) Double panel : above, bird to r. (Dechelette, 1034 ?) ; below, Eros to r. (probably Dechelette, 243), and a tuft of grass. (3) Two draped men conversing, the one on the r. with himation round lower limbs and l. hand raised to mouth (Dechelette, 5I2); next is (2) repeated. (4) Man to front with drapery round loins; below, a plant. Below all round, wreath (cf. type I). 111 1318.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Panels as last. Ht. 3i in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

(1) Part of panel with hind-legs of dog running. (2) Narrow panel with draped man to front (Dechelette, 523; head wanting); below, two rings. (3) Above, panel with wreath or medallion; (4) below, panel with polygonal leaf (as M 257). 111 1319.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3 x 3~- in. Similarly acquired. rough work. Panels as before ; above, egg-and-tassel and beads. Glaze worn;

(1) Narrow panel in which is a


(2) Double

panel: in upper compartment, deer galloping to. r. (Dechelette, 854); in the lower, a sort of "cruciform" floral pattern. Beyond, these two repeated, the upper part of (2) wanting.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). joined. Dull glaze. 3 x 4i in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces

Panels divided by zigzag lines ending in reels. (I) Narrow panel, in the lower part of which is a medallion containing an uncertain design. (2) Above, part of draped figure ; below, quadruped to r. (indistinct). (3) Amazon galloping on horse to r., turning round ; short chiton, high boots, and pella in l. hand (cf. Dechelette, I 53). (4) Part of nude man moving to r.
:M 1321;
FRAGMENT, similar. rosettes at angles.
I{ x I{ in.

Similarly acquired.

Panels with zigzag borders and

(I) Combat of gladiators: Of the one on the 1. only the r.leg remains; the other has a loin-cloth and shield on r. arm ; very indistinct. (2) Double panel, upper part wanting; in the lower, Pan dancing to r. (cf. Dechelette, 423 and M 448, etc.). M 1322.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3} x 4 in. Found in Basinghall Street, London, Dec. 1843. Price Sale, t85J. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Panel with border of beads and rosette of beads at angle : Above, two dolphins confronted (Dechclette, 1050-105 I); below, Scylla to front with arms extended, body ending in two long serpentine fish-tails in symmetrical coils each side (Dechelette, IS).

'M 1323.


FRAGMENT, similar.



Found in London.

Price Sale, 1853. Good glaze.

Two panels divided by chain of beads: (I) Warrior galloping to r. and turning round as if to hurl a spear (Dechclette, I 59; cf. M I527; head and I. arm wanting) ; below, acanthus ornament and other varieties of leaves. (2) Fore-part of dog running to I. ; in the field, leaves.
'M 1324.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3 in. glaze. Above the design, row of beads, Similarly acquired. Two fragments joined. Dull

Artemis to r., with long chiton, and bow in l. hand, holding with r. the fore-paws of a hind which looks back (Dechelette, 63 or 63a) ; on the r., Aphrodite(?) to r., with drapery over her extended 1. arm; in the field, an oblong object, and below, a row of beads.
'M 1325.
PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Diam. 8 in. London, 1837. About three-eighths preserved, with rim but no foot; design indistinct. Panels with borders of beads ending in rosettes ; above, egg-and-tassel between rows of beads.

(I) Double panel: (a) Gryphon to I. with eagle's beak, lion's body, and wings addorsed (cf. Dechelette, 501); in the field, reel-ornament; (b) hindlegs of bear to 1. (Dechelette, 8I8 bis; see below). (2) Large panel: On the 1., Artemis to r., with long girt chiton, high boots, and bow in I. hand, holding by the fore-paws a hind which stands erect, looking back (Dechelette, 64; cf. M 1038); on the r., Satyr seated to 1. on part of a wall (Dcchclctte, 362), holding up a drinking-horn in r. hand, from which he is about to drink, in his I. a wine-skin(?) ; in the field, three ornaments (Dcchelette, I I I I). (3) Double panel : in the upper compartment, Gryphon to r. (probably Dcchelettc, 501 ; see above); in the field, two reel-ornaments; in the lower, bear as in (I), complete. Beyond is ( 2) repeated.
'M 1326.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 3} x 4! in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of \Vorks, 1864. Designs in festoons alternating with narrow panels; above, coarse eggandtasscl.



( 1) Lower part of panel in which arc the lower part of a lamp-stand and of a nude figure to I. with r. foot drawn back and I. hand behind back (sex uncertain). (2) Narrow panel with straight wreath (cf. type 24), somewhat indistinct. (3) Double panel with bear to I. (Dechelette, 8I 5) above, and oblique zigzag lines with" arrow-heads" below. Below, straight wreath as type 36, but much simpler.

:M 1329.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.




Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Panels with chain-borders ; part of one remaining, in which is the upper part of a female dancer to r., holding out in each hand the end of a scarf or mantle (Dechelette, 2I6).
:M 1330.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. It in. Similarly acquired.

Panel with border of beads, in which is Zeus seated to 1., with drapery over thighs, thunderbolt in I. hand, and r. raised as if holding sceptre (Dechelette, 14).

M 1331.

FRAGMENT, similar. indistinct.

Ht. 1!- in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze; design very

Parts of two panels with borders of beads ; on the 1., " cruciform " pattern ; at the angle, tendril ending in bud ; on the r., gladiator charging to r. (details very vague).
:M 1332.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2!- in. Dull glaze. Panels with chain-borders. Similarly acquired.

On the L, large panel in which are rows of plantmotives ; below, panel with festoon in which is a bird to r., looking back (Dechelette, 1009 ?) ; on the r. of the festoon, two stalks ending below in leaves ; the further one springs from a rosette. On the r., part of a panel with "cruciform " pattern. Below is a straight wreath.
:M 1333.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ik x egg-and-tassel and row of beads.





zf in. London, 1865. Good glaze. Above the design,

Narrow panel with borders of beads and rosettes at angles, in which is visible the upper part of Apollo to front, nude, with I. hand resting on head and quiver at back (Dechclette, 54) ; on the r., part of a festoon formed by a wreath ending in reel-ornaments.
:M 1334.
FRAG;\IENT, similar, with part of foot. Length 5 in. Street, London. Cato Coli., 1871. Glaze worn. From the Steelyard, Thames

Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles, irregularly arranged. (I) On the 1., large panel with three horizontal divisions: (a) fore-part of quadruped tor. (perhaps a dog as Dechelette, 9 I 5); (b) straight wreath (type 3); (c) elaborate


"cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads (cf. M 12o6). (2) Large panel with narrow panels below and on r. side, and a small square one in the lower r. angle : (a) two gladiators to r. ; the first has visored helmet, arm-guard on r. arm, loincloth, greave on 1. leg, large scutum, and sica in r. hand; the other is similar (two



= M '334

greaves, no scutt~m. head wanting) ; in the field, three scuta and five "crowns" (b) on r., ornament composed of pairs of scrolls and "crowns" ; (c) below, five rosettes of dots ; (d) in the angle, a scutum. (3) On the r., hind-legs of a quadruped (lion ?) walking to r. Below, a wreath as on M 1 286.

M 1336.



21 in. Found in Princes Street, London,


3 7.



PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3 in. Found at Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. About one-third preserved, with part of rim; poor glaze, worn ; in the rim, a hole for a rivet. Panels divided by rows of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel (the upper part cut off) and row of beads.

(I) Warrior advancing tor., with chlamys tied round neck, about to draw his sword (cf. Dechelette, 11 I). (2) Satyr seated on rock to 1., holding up a drinking-hom in r. hand, in I. a wine-skin (cf. Dechelette, 36I-362 and M I 325). (3) Twisted column, on the top of which is a bird to I. between two ornaments (Dechelette, I II I). Beyond, (1) repeated twice. 1111338.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 4t x 3! in. borders of zigzag lines and rosettes at angles. Murston, Kent, 1883. Panels with

(I) Lower part of Satyr (Dechelette, 3 I o or 3 I 2 ), with loin-cloth round waist, walking to r. (2) Panel with three compartments: in the upper, dog running to l.; below, straight wreath (cf. type 32); in the lower, dog running to r. (Dechclette, 920 ?) ; on either side of the panel, a tendril. (3) Bacchus to the front giving drink from a cup held in r. hand to a panther at his feet looking up at him (Dechelette, jo2 ; cf. M 524); he has thyrsos or sceptre in 1. hand, and chlamys hanging over I. shoulder. (4) Triple panel as (2); upper part wanting; in the middle, wreath (fragmentary); in the lower part, dog running to r. (Dechelette, 919 ?}.


FRAGMENT, similar. 3 in. x 3 in. Probably from Worthing, Sussex. Mantell Coll., Design very indistinct; glaze much worn. Panels with borders of beads.

(I) Double panel: (a) above, festoon, in which is a hare running to r.; (b) below, base of tripod with two dolphins erect (Dechelctte, 1069a) and mask of Pan to I. (Dcchelette, 675). (2) Large panel, in which is Apollo seated on a rock to r., with face to front, r. hand placed on head, and laurel-branch in I. (Dcchelctte, 57). M 1340.
1844. FRAG l\I E NT, similar. Jl in. x 3! in. From Bath. Dull glaze. Panels with borders of beads. Presented by W. Long, Esq.,

(1) Lower part of narrow panel in which is a baluster shi,tft on a square plinth, wreathed with vine-leaves and tendrils (Dechelette, IQ92). (2) Apollo seated on chair to r., nude, with r. hand raised to head and lyre in 1. resting on knee, l. foot drawn back (Dechelette, 52 ; cf. M I 150) ; in the field, rings. Below is a small panel with a ring between two scrolls. On the r. is part of (I} repeated.

M 1341.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4tin. Diam. 8tin. From Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o. Seven pieces joined in two and restored, with rim, but no foot. Above the design, row of rosettes, as M 1298, and zigzag line.

(r) Nude female dancer walking tor., holding up scarf in r. hand (Dechelette, 372 bis). (2) Between two stems ending above in a female mask to r. (Dechclette, 707) and a flower respectively, and below in rosettes, arc three





rosettes (as on rim) vertically placed ; across the stems are buds. (3) Festoon, in which is a lioness to r. (Dcchelette, 783?; tail and hind legs not indicated) ; below, rabbit to 1. (Dcchclettc, 950a) between two leaves or spikes of blossom ; in the field, bud as in (2). (4) Ornaments as in (2), the mask on the r. and the flower on the 1. ; on either side a bud as before, and across the right.:.hand stem a spike of blossom. Beyond, {I) and (4) are repeated. (5) Festoon, in which are the fore-paws of a quadruped to I.; below, spike of blossom as in (3); beyond is (4) repeated. On the smaller fragment are parts of (3) and (4).
'M 1342.
FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2t x 2t in. Lincoln, 1866. Panels divided by bead-and-reel pattern ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Nude man running to I. with hands raised; (2) leaves in field (the rest wanting).
'M 1343.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 2} in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Bright glaze. Panels with. zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, eggand-tassel.

(I) Nude bearded man(?) seated to r., holding some weapon(?) in r. hand across his chest (very indistinct) ; in the field, reelornament (2) Scylla to front with double fish-tail (Dechelette, 20), holding oar in I. hand, r. hand placed on tail ; below the figure is a column with lattice patterns, surmounted by a voluted capital (Fig. 203). (3} Head and fore-paw of lion(?) rushing to 1. (Dcchelette, 767 ?).

M 1344.

FRAG:\IENT, similar, with part of foot. Glaze worn.

Diam. 7! in.

Similarly acquired.

Fig. 203 = l\1 1 :J43 \part!.

(I) Panel with borders of beads, in which arc two fig-ures moving tor. with arms extended; in the field, a rosette; below, a straight wreath (type as M I328). (2) Large wreath in festoon within which arc seen the lower part of one gladiator




(Dechelette, 86o); below, boar tor. (cf. Dechelette, 829). (3) Nude man to front with drapery hanging from 1. arm, holding something in each hand ; indistinct. (4) Apollo to 1., nude, with r. foot drawn back, 1. hand on hip, and large laurelbranch in r. hand (Dcchclette, 55); beyond, (I) and (2) repeated. 1111347.
FRAG~fENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht.J in. Diam.6 in. worn. Above the desibrn, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Two pieces joined; glaze

Panels divided by zigzag lines, in two rows : In the upper, three remain, each containing a wreath in festoon in which is a cock alternately to 1. and to r (the latter = Dcchelette, 1025); in the field, leaves; across the borders of the panels are leaves(?) and at the intersCftions are sashes tied in bows (l). In the lower panels (part of four remaining) are alternately a hare running to 1. and a dog pursuing it. M 1348.
FRAGMENT, similar. z} in. x


Glaze worn.

Panels divided by twisted columns with bases bordered by zigzag lines ; the lower parts of two are visible, in one of which are seen the feet of Artemis to r., wearing high boots (cf. Dechelette, 67), in the other, the legs of Pan or hind-legs of a quadruped, to r.
M 1349.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2! x 2~ in. :Cark red glaze. rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Panels with zigzag borders and

(I) Draped man running to 1., with arms clasped on breast, wearing chiton and himation. (2) On the r., double panel: in the upper compartment, festoon within which is a cczrchesion; in the lower, part of a leaf or other object visible.

M 1350.

FRA(;;\lENT, similar. z~ x 3! in. Found in Friday Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. jaum. Hrit. Arc/1. Asso,. iv. p. 12. Glaze worn ; in bad condition; design indistinct. l'cculiar style, possibly German fabric.

Two friezes, the upper consisting of egg- pattern within semicircles, with pdtac between ; in the lower, panels divided by rows of beads: ( 1) Of this only a pdta in the upper angle remains. (2) Narrow panel with vertical cable-pattern. (3) Man kneeling on r. knee to r. with r. hand raised, looking up to 1. (c.Jancing ?) ; a scarf passes round his body and floats over r. arm ; ig.- = 111 , 35o. in the field, two peltae and on the r. a cable-pattern. (4) Narrow panel with four peltae. (5) Quadriga galloping to I. (cf. Dcchelette, 646, and Ludowici, Stempelbilder, p. 187, No. M. 37); on the 1., cable-pattern ; below, cable and row of peltae. Below, cable~pattern all round.


M 1351.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2 x 3~ in. Found in Lad Lane (now Gresham Street), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn and surface discoloured.

Narrow panels divided by chains with row of beads above: (I) Vertical band of rosettes; (2) scrolls ; (I) repeated ; (3) vertical straight wreath ; (I) repeated.
Fig. 205

=M 35'

(d) "METOPE AND MEDALLION" STYLE (M 1869--143i).

M 1352.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. d in. Diam. 9 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., PLAn: X: 1856. Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 34, No. 158, pl. 8, fig. 1; Ill. Rom. L01zd. p. 93 Five fragments joined; nearly half wanting. Has had scroll-shaped handles (cf. M 1308); part of one remaining. Design in panels divided by zigzag lines ; above, egg-and-tassel.

(I) Incomplete (see below): fore-feet of dog to r. (Dechelette, 920 ?) ; (2) two medallions divided by a stem ending in buds (cf. M I390); in each a star of five points formed by buds, the upper one wanting. (3) Oblong panel : in the upper compartment, the lower part of a female figure tor. in long chiton and the legs of Pan to r. (Dechelette, 4I9) are visible; in the lower, an ornament formed of two bunches of leaves. (4) Oblong panel: in the upper compartment, two festoons formed by wreaths, inside which are birds to I. looking back (Dechelette, I036) ; below them, a ring, and a row of "arrow-heads" between zigzag lines; in the lower, Beraklea to the front, looking to r. (Dechelette, 443), with club in r. hand, bow in 1., and lion's skin over 1. arm, and Dionysos (?) to the front, looking to r., with kantharos in r. hand and drapery over 1. arm; below them, two reel-ornaments (Dechelette, I I I I). (5) Dionysos (?) to front, looking to r., on a larger scale than the preceding ; 1. hand raised with




M 1353.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4i in. Diam. 9 in. Found at York; acquired 1853. Seven fragments joined; about one-third wanting. Designs in panels divided by cable-patterns; above, rough egg-and-tassel pattern.

(I) Panel with man to front, with drapery round 1. arm (as Dechelette, 327, but nothing in r. hand). (2) Double panel: Above, festoon in which is a sea-horse to 1. ; in the angles below, two reel-ornaments (Dechelette, I 11 I) ; below, a dog running to r. (cf. Dechelette, 9I4--<)I6). (3) Medallion with Eros seated to 1. (Dechelette, 26I ?) ; in the angles, reel-ornament ; below, a pattern as M I335; the medallion is surrounded by a cable-moulding. Next is (I) repeated ; then (4) a panel like (2) except that the sea-horse is to right; below, a quadruped running to r. (Dechelette, 968) ; in the field, reel-ornament. This panel is incomplete, and there is a break on the r. Next are (5) a medallion resembling (3), with Eros kneeling to front on r. knee (Dechelette, 264), and (I) repeated; both arc incomplete. Next are (2), (3), (I), (4), repeated, the last being incomplete in the lower part, and part of (S) is also visible.
M 1354.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 5} in. Diam. 1o;l- in. Lincoln, 1866. Walters, A11cient Pottery, ii. pl. 68, fig. 3 ; Dechclette, i. p. 266, No. I 30 ; C.I.L. vii. I 337I 1 Bolmer J akr/J. xcix. p. 76. Made up from fragments ; nearly complete. Designs in panels with borders of beads and knobs at the angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

sa ;

(I) Oblong panel: above, terminal figure of youthful Pan to front playing on Pan-pipes held in 1. hand, in r. a shepherd's crook (Dechelettc, 4I3); below, base of tripod, with two dolphins on a circular ba'ie (Dechelette, Io69a ; cf. M 1053, etc.); down the l. side of the panel is inscribed in raised letters IMAI.11.110, Cinnami; cf. M 105I, etc. (2) In a medallion, Aphrodite to front, with l. foot drawn back looking round to 1., fastening ajascia pectoralis round her bosom (Dechelette, 185; cf. M 1054); her hair is fringed over the forehead and drawn back in parallel bands into a small coil at the back; on either side is a tendril ending in a vine-leaf; in the four corners are rings, and below, a dog running to 1. (Dechelette, 934). (3) Oblong panel : above, Perseus to front, looking to r., holding up head of Medusa in r. hand, in 1. a short sword (Dechelette, I46); his l. foot is advanced, and a chlamys is twisted round his 1. arm ; below, a mask of Pan to 1., bearded (Dcchelette, 675; cf. M 1050, etc.). (4) Oblong panel : above, within a festoon, a pigeon to r., about to fly (Dcchelette, 1038) ; below, Hephaistos to I. with r. foot raised on a base, r. arm across thigh, in I. hand his pincers (Dechelette, 39; cf. M I267) ; he wears a conical cap and chiton exomis. These four panels occur each four times. M 1355.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2A x 1-} in. Found in Duke's Place, Houndsditch, London, February 1837. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Of the design only a medallion and part of a panel remain : in the former Aphrodite to 1. (Dckhelette, 184; cf. M 1052), with scarf floating over l. arm (r. arm and body from waist wanting); her l. arm rests on a cippus, beyond


which is a bunch of grapes ; in the angle is a ring. In the panel is a bearded man to the front, with drapery round lower limbs, very fragmentary ; down the left side of this panel is a raised tablet incised w.J;htu, Cinnam[i, as M 105 I, etc.
M 1356.
FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3! x 2i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Dechclctte, i. p. 267, No. 138. Designs in panels divided by chains; above, egg-andtassel and double zigzag line.

(1) Medallion with lozenges in angles; within it a sea-horse(?) to r. (Dcchclette, 36), with head resembling that of a dog; above is a fish to r. (cf. Dcchelette, 1062, to left). (2) Vertical row of small leaves, and in raised letters,

vertically placed,
M 1357.

.JJ.\VJ\\!fiJ , Cin]nam[i.
x 2l in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

FRAGMENT, similar. Lower part only remaining.

(I) Panel with chain-border, in which are (a) a hexagonal base on which are two dolphins intended for the support of a tripod (Dechelette, 1069a) ; (b) pattern of leaves as on M IOS I (middle panel). (2) Medallion with reelornament in lower left angle; in it is the hind-part of a lion(?) to r. (Dechelette, 736 ?) ; below, in raised letters, IMAVI, Cin]ttami.

M 1358.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 2! in. Found in London Wall, June 1837. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panels divided by chains ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On the I. only a ring in the corner is visible ; on the r., between two acanthus-leaves, is inscribed vertically in raised letters IMA, Ci1zn ]ami.
M 1359.





Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

Part of medallion with thick ring round ; panel with hind-legs of dog running to r. ; down the side of the latter is inscribed in raised letters

\\AH ~ ~





Above is a frieze with fore-part of dog to r., plant (cf. Dechelette, I I 5I), and hind-part of running quadruped ; below, in raised letters, ~ Crumro. Below, panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles: (I) panel of oblique zigzag lines and "arrow-heads"; (2) in a medallion with cable-border, a bird to r. looking back (Dcchelette, 1009 ?) ; (I) repeated; at the angles of the panels, surrounding the medallion, are leaves on tendrils.
[For this potter, cf. l\1 170; and C.I.L. xiii. 10011, 189.}


FRAGMENT, similar. 6i x 61 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. C.I.L. vii. 1338, 33; Dcchclcttc, i. p. z68, No. 6o (3); Ill. Rom. Lo1rd. p. 10; ; Jou,.,,. Brit. Arch. Assoc. h. p. 20.

( 1) Part of a medallion with border of beads, below which is a bird to r. (Dcchelette, 1009): (2) Lower part of Caryatid figure as Dechelette, 656. with mask of Medusa below, between two chains of beads ending in rosettes. (3) Double panel : in m!~--~~~~~OOIXIIXXIGIXQli!IXQ:6 the upper compartment the hind-legs of a quadruped to 1. are visible; in the lower is a floral pattern (Fig. 2o6) ; beyond is (2) repeated. (4) Part of a medallion in which is seen the lower part of a nude dancing figure to the front (Dcchelette, 384 ?) ; below the medallion, two birds confronted (Dcchclette, 100<)); beyond, (2) repeated. Below the design

is inscribed

hl"[f 11-:>,

Criciro, the inscription being produced by incising


in the mould; cf. C.J.L. xiii.

M 1364.


FRAG:\1ENT, similar. 2~ x 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dcchclcttc, i. p. 271, No. 39 ; C.l.L. 1337, 29 (?). Dark red glaze, worn. ( 1) Part of medallion ; (2) panel with borders of beads, within which is Eros walking to I. with r. hand raised (Dcchclette, 251; upper part wanting); below, a leaf like that of the cyclamen (Dcchelette, 1171); (3) part of a medallion. Down the r. side of the panel is inscribed 0011, D(Je[cci.

M 1366.

FRAG:\IENT, similar. Length 7} in. Found at Water Newton, Huntingdonshire, Lucas Coli., 1873. Dcchelctte, i. p. 28o, No. 18.
( 1)

Part of medallion, with the ornament Dcchelette,


in the angles.

(2) Between bead-and-reel borders, a medallion with deer lying down to 1. ( Dcchclette, 879). (3) ( 1) repeated, complete: Eros to front, holding up two

torches (Dcchelctte, 265; head and torches not preserved); he has small wings behind his head and drapery over l. arm floating each side ; on either side is a ring. In the field on either side is a reel-ornament, and on the r. an acanthusleaf; on the l., on a raised tablet is incised tffi91D, La]xtucis(sa) j[ecit; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10011, So. (2) repeated, with wreath in festoon and two leaves as



before above. Next is (I) repeated, but no rings and no signature; on the I. above is a double ring.
M 1366.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL, with part of foot (Form 37). 1853 Dark red glaze. Length 2iin. Price Sale,

Part of medallion ; on the r, a ring, and r. leg of male figure ; below the design, in raised letters,
M 1367.

Q ~\Qc;.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL, with part ofrim (Form 37). 2~ x 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and straight wreath (type 21) between zigzag lines.

Medallion with lion to r. (Dechelette, 743 or 7 5 I) between "cruciform " patterns with zigzag borders and diagonals, and tendrils and rosettes at angles ; of the one on the 1. only a tendril is visible.
M 1368.
FRAGMENT, similar. egg-and-tassel.


in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze. Above the design,

Panels with borders of beads : On the 1., medallion with bird to r., looking back: on the r., part of lion (?) to r. ; in the field, leaves.
M 1369.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2z x 2,i in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

(I) On the 1., medallion with goat or deer lying down to r. (Dechelette, 847 ?) ; in the angle, a flower and long spike of blossom (?). (2) Narrow panel with lower part of terminal figure of Pan (Dechelette, 413) ; on either side, reel-ornament ; below, a cup with ribbed body on which is a conical cake (Dechelctte, 1088). (3) Fore-part of boar running to 1. (Dechelette, 834; there seems to be a warrior below, as in the example given by him).

M 1370.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. borders of beads; above, egg-and-tassel.



in. Similarly acquired.

Panels with



on the r., two ring~; below, (d) plant between two scrolls. (2) "Cruciform" pattern without diagonals ; above and below, stalks ending in spikes of blossom ; at the sides, pairs of tendrils ending in buds or spikes of blossom.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3' x Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

3i in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Medallion containing a square with concave sides, in which is a rosette within a cable-border (cf. M 1398); from it radiate four long pointed leaves (as M I 105) alternating with smaller bunches of leaves.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. zigzag lines.

ri x 2i in.

Similarly acquired.

Panels divided by

(I) Medallion containing beardless mask tor. (indistinct), from which radiate leaves as in last. (2) Narrow panel in which is a leaf on a stem.

M 1375.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.


3i in. Similarly acquired. Above the

Medallion with Hephaistos to front moving to I. (Dechelette, 39; cf. M I 267) ; he wears pileus and chiton exomis, and has pincers in l. hand and r. arm placed on his thigh, the r. foot being raised on a plinth ;. details indistinct ; in the field, two rosettes of dots and the "crown " ornament ; in the angle is a similar rosette.
M 1376.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Diam. 6~ in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined, with two-thirds of foot ; much encrusted inside. Dull glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads (varying in size).

(I) Narrow panel with figure in shrine on small plinth(?); above is the 1. foot of a Satyr (see below). (2) Lower part of Artemis to r. (Dechelette, 64 ?),

with long chiton and high boots, and one leg of the deer ;


Next is (I) repeated(?). (3) Part of medallion with toothed border; in the field below, three rings. Next is (I) repeated, more complete: Satyr dancing to r. with cup in l. hand (Dcchelette, 322 (?); head and arms wanting). Beyond is (2) repeated.
M 1377.
FRAGMENT, similar. 4 x 4 in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London, 9 Sept., 1836. Roach Smith Coli., r856. Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 35, No. r66. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Panels with borders of beads and rosettes at angles : ( 1) Part of double panel with medallion in upper compartment. (2) Long panel with Apollo to 1. looking down, with r. leg crossed over 1. and laurel-branch in r. hand (Dechelette, 56; details indistinct) ; drapery bangs from I. wrist ; in the field, two rings. (3) Double panel: In the upper compartment, festoon in which is a bear to I. (Dechelette, 814); in the angles, two rings; in the lower, Apollo seated to r. in


a chair with high back, with r. hand on head and lyre on knee (cf. M I2I5 and Dechelette, 52), and nude man moving to r., looking back and holding something out in I. hand (Dcchelette, 403).
:M 1378.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. 2i x Ji in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn; design indistinct. Panels divided by double rows of beads.

(1) Part of double panel: In the lower compartment, swan tor. (Dechelette, (2) Narrow panel in which is twisted column with base. (3) Double panel: In the upper compartment, part of medallion with chain-border; in the lower, Pigmy with lance advancing to I. (Dechclette, 439). Beyond, (3) repeated.
M 1379.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 3} in. and 2} in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces which do not join, with remains of ancient rivet. Glaze worn. L'ancls with borders of beads.

(1) On one fragment, (a) part of figure on 1. and dolphin (Dechclettc, 1057) below; (b) Amazon to 1., with short chiton, r. hand raised, pella in I. (Dechelettc, 154); (c) part of medallion with quadruped(?). (2) On the other, part of medallion as before, below which is part of a dog running to I. ; on the r., (a) and (b) repeated.
M 1380.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part or rim. 4 x 4l in. Found in Cock Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels divided by zigzag lines surmounted by the ornament Dcchclette,

1 I 1 I: (I) Large medallion with border of loops, in which is a lion tor. with I.

fore-paw raised (cf. Dechelette, 736); in the field, on the r., four long pointed leaves as M 1373 on stalks. (2) Athena to front, looking tor., with long chiton, peplos, aegis, and shield on 1. arm (Dechelette, 77); beyond, leaf as before.
M 1381.
FRAGMENT as last. Ht. 3 in. Length 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Glaze discoloured. Panels divided by rows of beads ending in rings ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. (1) Part of wreath forming festoon; probably as (4) below. (2) l\lcdallion


3 7.

M 1383.

FRAGMENT, similar. 3~ x 4 in. Found at the General Post Office, London. Sm1th Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, eggandtassel and row of beads.

(I) Medallion with Poseidon to r. (Dechelette, I4), with r. hand raised, I. foot raised on a plinth, and drapery over I. thigh ; in the field, three rosettes of dots and a" crown" ornament; above, two rosettes. (2) Warrior to front with cuirass and short chiton, r. hand raised and 1. by side (Dechelette, 102) ; beyond, part of a festoon formed by wreath ending in reel-ornaments, within which is a rosette of dots.

M 1384.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2j x 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panels with borders of beads and rings at angles. (1) Part of medallion in which is the leg of a figure. (2) Narrow panel with

lower part of man in himation to front (Dechelette, 523). (3) Nude man moving tor. and looking back (Dechelette, 403); above has been a medallion of which little remains.

M 1385.

FRAGMENT, similar. tassel and row of beads.

2t x 3t in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-

(I) Double panel with borders of beads and rings at angles: in the upper compartment, festoon ending in reel-ornaments, in which is a bird tor. (Dechelette, 1034). (2) Medallion with man advancing(?) to r., with 1. hand raised (Dechelette, 394).
[According to

the man is about to kneel; his r. leg is here wanting.]

M 1386.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2! x 2t in. Found in Bread Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Panels with borders of beads and rings at angles; above, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

(I) Part of medallion with ring in angle. (2) Man to front looking tor., with r. hand raised, drapery over 1. arm, and staff or club(?) in 1. hand (perhaps Herakles; cf. M I232; face obliterated; r. leg wanting). (3) Double panel: in the upper compartment, festoon ending in reel-ornaments, within which is a lioness running to 1. (cf. Dechelette, 805) ; in the lower, upper part of Eros to front looking to I.

M 1387.

LOWER PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with oot complete. in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.





Panels with borders of beads, repeated round the vase: (I) Medallion with figure to front (incomplete in each case); in the angles, reel-ornaments. (2) Nude figure to front as on last ; below, a lozenge. (3) Double panel : in the upper compartment, medallion, with ring in angle ; in the lower, horse running to I. (Dechelettc, 908) ; in the medallion has been a quadruped running to I. The medallion (I) occurs three times ; the other designs twice.

M 1388.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of foot. acquired. Dull glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads.





(1) Part of medallion with lozenge and two rings below. (2) Design obliterated. (3) Lower part of nude figure to front (probably as on the last) ;

below, three leaves. medallion.
M 1389.


Next is (I) repeated, with an acanthus-plant in the

FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 5 in. Found in Seething Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Burnt nearly black. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(1) Part of medallion with cross fleurie (Dechelette, 1178) ; in the angle, a spiral. (2) Narrow panel with lower part of nude figure to front (drapery over 1. arm) ; below, caduceus ornament. (3) Double panel ; above, festoon ending in the ornament Dechelette, I 111, in which is a pair of spirals ; below, animal to 1. (4) Narrow panel with Dionysos holding cup (as Dechelctte, 302, and M 4o6, but no panther) ; he is to front, looking to 1., and has drapery hanging from his raised 1. arm. (S) Part of medallion with spiral below.

M 1390.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). 4 x 4f in. and :z~- x zl in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two fragments, not joining. Good glaze. Panels divided by rows of beads with rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On the larger fragment: (1) Small part of panel as (3) below. (2) Medallion with hare to r. (Dechelette, 95oa, reversed); below, floral ornament ending in fleurs-de-lys (cf. M 1352, 14o6). (3) Aphrodite to front, looking up to r., with 1. hand raised and r. holding up drapery which is twisted round her thighs (DecheIette, 179'1) ; she seems to stand on a plinth with an indistinct bearded mask (mostly wanting). (4) "Cruciform" pattern with diagonals of beads; in the spaces, long leaves and spikes of blossom. On the smaller: (3) repeated ; on the r., medallion with uncertain design, below which is an ornament as in (2) above.
M 1391.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2 x 3} in. Similarly acquired. Design indistinct. Panels divided by rows of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(1) Part of design as (3) below. (2) Krater or kantharos (Dechclette, 1074) on a moulded pedestal. (3) Aphrodite to front, nude, with hands raised to wring out her hair (Dechelctte, I73). (4} Medallion with two dolphins, one to


3 7.

wearing long sleeveless chiton with breast bared (Dechelette, 223) ; she looks to 1., and holds a narrow scarf in both hands in front of her. (3) Double panel, the upper compartment wanting ; in the lower, nude man to front moving to r. (Dechelette 402).


FRAGMENT, similar. Ii x I!in. From Blackfriars Bridge, London. Coli., 1856. Cat. Lcmd. A11t. p. 36, No. J7S Design indistinct; dull glaze.

Roach Smith

Medallion surrounded by thick wreath tied round at one point, within which is Eros riding to 1. on a sea-cow, with face to its tail and 1. hand raised to his head (Dcchelette, 28); below, border of beads.

M 1395.

FRAGMENT, similar. Dull glaze.




Found in London.

Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

Medallion with Eros to r., with hands extended, drapery hanging behind him (Dcchclette, 242) ; on the r., bird to 1. (Dechelette, 1045 ?), and caduceusornament (Dcchclette, I I 15), consisting of a twisted stem on a cylindrical base, with symmetrically-disposed leaves and buds. M 1396.
FRAGMENT, similar. tassel and zigzag line.


in. Similarly acquired.

Above the design, egg-and-

Medallion with upper part of Eros to r., looking back, holding up lyre (Dechelette, 266) ; on the 1., a rosette or star.

M 1397.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 1! in. Diam. S~in. Similarly acquired. Three pieces joined ; foot complete ; dull glaze. Double panels with chain-borders, alternating with medallions ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

( 1) Double panel with festoon formed by wreath, in which are a five-lobed leaf and rosettes, in upper compartment, and an oblong pattern in lower (Fig. 208); (2) medallion with Eros kneeling on r. knee to front with 1. hand raised (Dcchclette, 264); (1) repeated; (3} medallion with Eros seated to 1. with hands extended (Dcchelette, 26o). These arc repeated in the same order, but only the medallion (2) and part of the adjoining panel on the r. are preserved.

~ig. oo8

= Ill 1397 (part),

Fig. 209

= M 1391! (part).

M 1398.

FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with small part of foot. 3} x 4i in. acquired. " Transitional" style as M 1 178, etc.


Two friezes divided by wreath between two rows of beads: In the upper, medallions formed of wreaths, the interior designs all wanting ; between them,



two small nude figures running in opposite directions (probably Erotes as Dechelette, 246 and 252), and two rosettes. In the lower, panels divided by rows of beads ending in rosettes of dots : ( 1) Medallion with quadruped to r.; (2) pattern as Fig. 209; (3) :Medallion with small figure of Eros walking to r. (Dechelette, 247); (2) repeated. Below, a row of beads.
M 1399.
FRAG~1ENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part ofrim. 3~ x z!in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, cgg-andtasscl.

( 1) Medallion with pattern of five spokes or rays ending in trefoil buds ; in the angle, a ring, and below, part of floral ornament as M 1390. (2) Eros(?) moving to r., with drapery floating behind him.

M 1400.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). z~ x 3i in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn; design indistinct. Panels with borders of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(1) Pan to front holding shepherd's crook(?) in 1. hand (feet wanting); (2) part of medallion with chain-border, in which is a sea-horse to r. (Deche-

lette, 3 ?) ; in the angle, a rosette.

M 1401.
FRAGMENT. similar, with part of rim. 3i X 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze; design indistinct. Panels divided by rows of beads, with rosettes at the top ; above, egg-andtassel and bead-and-reel pattern.

On the 1., part of a medallion(?); on the r., upper part of Eros to 1. with r. hand raised (Dechelette, 2 51).
M 1402.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 3! in. Similarly acquired. Panels with chain-borders and rosettes at angles. Dull glaze.

(1) Medallion containing leaf of five feathery lobes; (2) double panel: in the upper compartment (incomplete), part of quadruped to r. ; in the lower, Siren to r. playing flutes (Dechelette, 499), and Herakles to the front with r. hand behind back, club and lion's skin on 1. arm (Dechelettc, 455); between them, a column on a high plinth.



M 1405.

FRAGMENT, similar. divided by beads.

x 3iin. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panels

(1) Medallion with Gryphon(?) crouching to 1. (head wanting; cf. Dechelette, 502) ; below, a leaf, and the ornament Dechelette, I 1 I I, between two rings. (2) Lower part of Athena to front (Dechelette, 77); below, reel-ornament, and beyond, a mask to front (cf. Dechelette, 656).
M 1406.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3 in. Length 5~ in. Similarly acquired. ///. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 9 Three pieces joined, forming about one-third of the whole ; foot wanting. Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(1) Large panel enclosing a smaller one in which is a dolphin to I. (DecheJette, 1051); above this, two festoons formed by wreaths, in each of which is a caduceus ornament as M I3I9; on either side is a column with ringed shaft. (2) Medallion in which is a goat to r. (Dechelette, 889) ; above, a bar ending in two fleurs-de-lys, with a cross-bar in the middle (cf. M 1390). Next, (1) repeated, but with dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1050).

M 1407.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 3t in. and 3i in. Ht. of larger, zt in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces not joining ; glaze worn. Panels divided by zigzag lines.

On one fragment: (1) Part of medallion with border of beads; on the r., vertical zigzag line between two rows of beads, crossed by two ornaments (Dechelette, 111 I). (2) Double panel: in the upper compartment, festoon formed by wreath, in which is a cock to l. (Dechelette, 1025); in the lower, seahorse to 1. (Dechelette, 30). On the other: Part of wreath anl sea-horse as in (2); on the r., zigzag line between rows of beads.
M 1408.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 5 x 4in. Found at Waterloo Bridge, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze ; design indistinct. Panels divided by bead-and-reel pattern ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(I) Part of medallion with fore-leg of animal and double fleur-de-lys ornament as M 1376. (2) Scylla to front, with oar in I. hand, r. hand holding one end of her double tail which is coiled each side (Dechelette, 20) ; below, a column with lattice pattern (cf. M 1343). (3) Double panel; in the upper compartment, festoon ending in reel-ornaments, in which is the forepart of a lion bounding to I. (Dechelette, 769); in the lower, a drunken Seilenos supported by Pan and a Maenad (Dechelette, 307b ; very indistinct) ; the Maenad wears long chiton. Beyond, (2) repeated, and (4) part of medallion, with ring in angle.
M 1409.
.FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2 x 3~in. Found in ,London. Coil., 1856. Glaze worn. Panels divided by bead-and-reel pattern. Roach Smith

(I) Double panel : in the upper compartment, tail of dolphin to 1. (Dechelette, 1053) ; in the lower, dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1050); between them, pattern as on M 1397 (2) Medallion with Scylla to front, looking down tor.
S~e t>j. cit. ii. p. 55; Atm. ddl' but. 1870, pl. I, p. 205; Rcinach, JUpt. No. 5 ; W<Jfdmtsclu Zdtscllr. 1882, pl. 7, p. 489.
d~ Ia Statuair~,

ii. p. IJI



and brandishing an oar behind her head (Dechelette, 16; cf. M 1 I 30) ; round her loins a row of scales(?); two serpentine tails; below her is a reel-ornament M 1410.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 5 in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze; design indistinct. Panels divided by rows of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Medallion with cable-border, within which is Scylla as on last ; (2) lower part of tree ; (3) medallion with leaf; below, a leaf like that of a rose ; on the r. is (I) repeated.

M 1411.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2i x 2f in. Found near St. Saviour's, Southwark. Smith Coli., 1856. Burnt nearly black. Panels with borders of beads.


Medallion with Scylla as before, but reduced in size ; below, fish to I. (Dechelette, 1062) ; in the angle, a ring with cable-pattern and part of another object. M 1412.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 2}in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Panel with bead-and-reel border ; above, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Medallion with Scylla as before, but looking down to 1., and holding oar on opposite side of head (Dechelette, 17). M 1413.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x If in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn; design indistinct. Above and below the design, row of beads.

Medallion with small grotesque figure seated to I., confronted by a serpent ; on the 1., row of beads ending above in reel-ornaments. M 1414.
FRAGMENT, similar.

x rf in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Part of medallion with dolphin to 1. (Dechelette, 1057) ; below, floral ornament as on M I363. M 1415.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2 in. Similarly acquired. Glaz~ worn; design indistinct.

Part of a medallion with warrior charging to r., with chlamys fastened



Ill 1418.

FRAGMENT, similar. Coil., 1839.

I I ' 2 x 34 m.

Probably from Worthing, Sussex.

Part of panel with borders of beads, in which is a male terminal figure to the front, with r. hand on 1. hip, and 1. arm over his head, holding a loop of drapery ; the figure terminates in an acanthus-plant, below which is a plinth or altar. On the r. is part of a medallion with a kneeling figure to r. (upper part wanting) ; in the angle, a ring.
[For the terminal figure see Dc!chelette, 655 and 657.]

M 1419.

FRAGMENT of lower part of bowl (Form 37). W. Long, Esq., 1844. Glaze worn.

2 X

3i in.

From Bath.

Presented by

Parts of two large medallions : in the one on the 1., a plant ; in the other, r. foot of man moving tor.; between them, a goat tor. (Dechelette, 889); below, two parallel raised lines.

M 1420.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 4~ in. Length 6t in. Found in Cullum Street, London, August, 1845. Price Sale, 1853. Two fragments joined. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Double panel with chain-borders and rosettes at angles ; in the upper compartment, festoon in which is a sea-horse to I. (Dechelette, 33) ; the lower wanting. (2) Part of medallion with leaves in upper angles ; within it is a male dancer, nude, turning to 1. and holding up in I. hand a scarf which passes over thighs and behind him over l. shoulder (Dechelette, 372). (3) Part of panel with upper part of Eros to l. (Dechelette, 25I).

M 1421.

FRAGMENT from lower part of bowl (Form 37). Length 4i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Surface discoloured (dark red glaze). Panels with chain-borders.

(I). Part of medallion with a lozenge in the angle ; next, a narrow panel in which is a terminal figure of Pe.n to the front (Dechelette, 4I3) with shepherd's crook in r. hand and pipes in 1.; lower part only preserved. (2) Double panel : in the upper compartment a medallion or festoon ; in the lower, fore-part of lion ( ?) to l. ( De~helctte, 753 or 7 54 ?).

M 1422.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3 x



Similarly acquired. Glaze worn.

(I) Panel with fore-part of small quadruped to r., hind-part of a larger one to 1., and two sprays. (2) Narrow panel with borders of beads ending in rosettes, in which is a plant(?) on a plinth. (3) Part of medallion with border of beads ; in the angle a bird to 1., looking back, very roughly executed.

M 1423.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On the 1., double panel with borders of beads ; in the upper compartment, festoon formed of cable-pattern ; in the lower, hind-quarters of lioness (Dechelettc, 793 ?) running to I. ; in the field, a leaf and some other ornament. On


the r., medallion with a chain of beads crossing it ; above, fore-part of animal to 1. ; below, nude man to front moving to r., placed horizontally (Dechelette, 402 ; head wanting).

M 1424.

FRAGMENT, similar.

2t x 2t in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

(1) Medallion with sea-horse to 1. (Dcchelette, 33) ; in the upper angle a ring ; in the lower, reel-ornament. (2) Panel with chain-border, in which is Apollo Daphnephoros to 1., nude, with r. foot drawn back, holding a laurelbranch in r. hand (Dechelette, 55) ; head wanting; in the field, two rings.

M 1425.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length r} in. S,imilarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Part of medallion with warrior in short chiton and cuirass running to 1. (cf. Dcchelette, 103) ; in the angle, reel-ornament.

M 1426.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Five pieces joined in three, with part of foot and rim. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Panels and medallions alternating: (1) Medallion with Eros to r. (cr. Dcchelette, 243). (2) Double panel with chain-border and roc;ettes at angles, from which spring tendrils filling the spaces round the medallions ; in the upper compartment, dog or hare running to l. ; in the lower, a "cruciform" pattern with zigzag diagonals, the arms ending in trefoil buds. Below, narrow straight wreath of pairs of leaves.

M 1427.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with two-thirds of foot. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Dull glaze.

Diam. 6!- in.

Found in London.

(a) ( 1) Medallion with boar's head to r. ( 2) Narrow panel with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles, in which are a pair of scrolls, a patera or rosette, and a rosette. (3) Arch resting on vertical chain of beads with reel-ornament as capital, in which is Polyxena kneeling to r., with drapery over lower limbs, N who stands to front with



525), and (4) woman to r. with long chiton leaving r. shoulder bare, and scarf round hips and hanging over her raised r. arm. These four occur in the order indicated (1, 3. 2, 4), four times.
M 1430. FRAGMENT forming lower part of bowl (Form 37). Length 4! in. From Carlisle. Presented by I. Cartmell, Esq., 1859. C.l.L. vii. 1338, 34; cf. Ill. Rom. Lolld. p. 108, and joum. Brit. Arck. Assoc. iv. p. 20, Good glaze.

or the design are visible only the edge of a medallion, part of an acanthusplant, and three rings ; the scheme seems to be a series of medallions, with acanthus-plants between, at the base of which are pairs of rings. On the foot is
an in~cri~tion incised in the mould to Vtten

\\~ ~\t ~,-read by


Hi.ibner as equivalent

M 1431.

FRAGMENT as last. Length 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Deep red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Medallions alternating with rosettes, three of the former being visible : in the first and third is a cock to r. (Dcchelette, 1023) with rosette below ; the design in the second is wanting.

M 1432.

PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2 in. Diam. 4l in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 24, fig. 10. Two pieces joined, with two-thirds of foot. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel (very indistinct).

Medallions divided by chains ending above and below in rosettes or leaves; in each is a subject too indistinct to be made out, but one seems to be a rabbit to I.


M 1433.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 5} in. Diam. 8~ in. Found in White Hart Court, Bishopsgate, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Coli. Antiq. i. p. 165; Cat. Lond. Attl. p. 36, No. 181 ; Ill. Rom. Lottd. p. 92. Four fragments joined; about one-third wanting. Design in panels divided by chains of beads ; above, egg-and-tassel and double zigzag line.

( 1) Above, a hare or rabbit to I. (Dechelette, 950a) within a festoon ; below, an amphora or krater with ribbed body (Dcchelette, 1073); on either side, a ring. (2) Within an arch with floriated capitals and spirally-twisted columns, Seilenos (Dechelette, 322) walking to r., looking back; he is bald and wears a loin-cloth, and holds a basket of fruit on his head and a kantharos in 1. hand ; on the r., a vine-leaf on a long stem. These two panels are repeated all round.

M 1434.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. Ii in. Cal. Lclld. Ant. p. 32, No. 144. Fine glaze.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Two friezes, the upper mostly wanting: In the upper, which apparently consists of semicircular arches (without columns), the feet of a bird to r. and a ring are visible ; in the lower, panels : ( 1) ape to r. and part of three other quadrupeds, very indistinct; (2) part of uncertain quadruped (rabbit, Dechelette, 954 ?).


M 1435.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Panels divided by rows of beadand-reel ; above, egg-and-tassel and bead-and-reel pattern.

(I) "Cruciform " pattern with zigzag diagonals and central twisted column from which spring an ornament as M I363 (Fig. 2o6), and tendrils ending in buds. (2) Arch supported on a sort of caduceus-pattern with reel-ornament, as abacus of capital (mostly wanting).

M 1436.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2t x 2~ in. Found in Coleman Street, London. Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Roach Smith

Panels divided by zigzag lines surmounted by moulded capitals; (I) Moulded candelabrum as Dechelette, 1095, but taller ; (2) Arch resting on two similar candelabra, in which is a nude youth to front with r. hand extended and drapery wrapped round 1. arm (a Praxitelean type?).
M 1437.
FRAGMENT, similar. It x 2t in. Found in London. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Panels as last : (I) Small figure to front holding up mask (probably Dechelette, 673). (2) Arch resting on two moulded candelabra (Dechelette, 1095), in which is a figure of Herakles (?) to front, looking to r., with r. hand raised and club in 1. (cf. M 1232, M 1386).
M 1438.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2t in. Found in Lothbury, London. Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Panels divided by rows of beads. Roach Smith

( 1) Arch supported by two nude Caryatid figures, within which is Aphrodite to front looking to 1., nude, fastening a fascia pectoralis round her (Dechelette, I85 ; cf. M 1054, M 1354; indistinct; legs wanting). (2) Upper part of nude man to front turning to r. (head wanting ; probably a Caryatid figure as Dechelette, 655 or 657).




M 1441.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x 4i in. Found in Maiden Lane (now Gresham Street), London, 28 March, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of minute beads.

(I) On the 1., two panels with "cruciform" pattern, with borders and diagonals of minute beads and rosettes at angles, only one being at all complete; in the right-hand one is a crossfleurie as Dcchelette, I I78; in the other the arms

end in acanthus plants. (2) Arch with ornamented capitals and square columns with lattice~pattern, in which is a nude warrior to front with I. knee drawn up, looking to r. (sword in r. hand, oval shield in I.) ; in the field, leaves. (3) Similar warrior awaiting the other's attack, looking to 1., with body to front ; in the field, leaves. (4) Part of" cruciform" pattern as before. Below, a wreath (type 36). M 144!a.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2i x 5 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853." Surface burnt to a dark reddish-brown. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Panels divided by zigzag lines, ending above and below in "crown "-ornaments : (I) Bearded man wrapped in himation leaving shoulders bare (Dechelette, 523); (2) the same repeated, but under an arch, the columns of which are formed by elaborately-moulded candelabra (cf. M I436 and Dechelette, I095); (3) Herakles (?) to front, with r. hand extended, club in I. hand, and drapery over I. arm; (4) narrow panel with design as on M I3I 1-1313 (basket, head of Medusa, and dolphins). M 1443.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 4 in. London, 1843. Good glaze; edge of rim broken. Designs in panels combined with arches ; above, egg-and-tassel and chain pattern.

(1) On the I. a large panel with border of beads, containing (a) above, two festoons with sprays between (cf. M 35I), in which are cocks confronted (Dechelette, 1025) with row of beads and three spirals below; (b) an arch



resting on squat fluted columns, the capitals and bases of which are formed by reel-ornaments (Dechelette, I I I I); within the arch is a warrior(?) charging tor., with shield on extended I. arm (details indistinct) ; (c) on the r., two ornaments like the top of a candelabrum, on either side of each of which are rings. (2) On the r., a large panel, on the I. side of which are (a) a diminutive nude figure (Aphrodite?) to front, with r. hand raised to her head, (b) a lyre (Dechelettc, I 101), (c) part of a candelabrum (?); on the r. side of the panel, a nude man seen in back view with face to l. and hands tied behind him (Dechelette, 643 ; cf. M I 188).
M 1444.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 4 in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Diam.


in. Good dark glaze.

Panels divided by zigzag lines surmounted by "crown " ornaments, which two remain: (I) Within an arch resting on candelabrum columns M 1442 is a man(?) in chiton and himation moving to l., with arms clasped breast (cf. M 1174) ; (2) Narrow panel with Pan on circular plinth holding mask of elderly man (cf. Dechelette, 42 5).
M 1445.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 1~ x If in. Coli., 1856. Dechelette, i. p. 267, No. 137. Thin glaze. Found in London.

of as on up

Roach Smith

Within an arch with capitals formed by reel-ornament (Dechelette, 1111 ), Poseidon(?) to r. (Dechelette, 14; cf. M 1228), nude, with r. hand raised (no trident) and l. extended; over his I. knee is drapery; behind him on a raised tablet is incised ~. Cill]nam(i). On the l., part of an arch visible, in which is a draped figure,
M 1446.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length

2t in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

On the I., vine or other leaf pointing downwards. On the r., under an arch with twisted columns and Ionic(?) capitals, Herakles to front, turning to r., with club in r. hand and skin over 1. arm (Dechelette, 446 ; head wanting) ; he appears to hold some object in I. hand.


3 j.


to 1., wearing long flmting chiton with apoptygma (Dechelette, 474); she holds a palm-branch in I. hand and has held out a crown in r. Below is a straight wreath (type 22). M 1449.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2i x 3i in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze, discoloured. (1) Part of man in short chiton, moving to I.; behind him hangs drapery.

(2) Arch as on last, resting on columns with lattice-pattern (acanthus capitals and square plinths), in which is Athena as in M 1220, M I380 (Dechelette, 77); in the field, a "crown " ornament. (3) Legs of man to front. Below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 36).

l4 1460.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). of the other, 2~ in. Similarly acquired.

Dimensions of one,


in.; length

( 1) Within an arch resting on columns with lattice pattern (capitals formed by the ornament Dechelette, 1 I I 1) is Athena to front as in the last (Dechelette, 77, reduced ; indistinct ; legs from knees wanting) ; on the r., zigzag line. (2) Part of similar figure of Athena, with the column on the r.; on the r., zigzag line and part of vertical straight wreath (type 36).

M 1461.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.



Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Part of double arch resting on reel-ornament, as capital, within which is Dionysos with I. hand raised and drapery hanging from I. shoulder (Dechelette, 302); his I. has held a sceptre and his r. a cup to give drink to a panther, which is wanting.

M 1452.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3 in. Length 3f in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and cable-pattern.

Two arches with convex twisted columns : (I) Aphrodite to front, nude, raising her hands to wring out her hair (indistinct) ; at her feet, an uncertain object. (2) Krater with volute-handles and moulded body, on a plinth (Dechelette, 1073). Between the arches are indistinct masks. M 1463.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2f x 2j in. Found at St. Mary-le-Bow Church(?), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cat. Lo11d. Ani. p. 36, No. 178.

Two arches with twisted columns, on either side of which are zigzag lines and the ornament Dechelette, 1 I I 1, for capitals, with a spike of blossom above : (1) In the first, Eros to I. (Dechelette, 252 ?) ; (2) in the second, Eros to front holding some object in each hand (that in the r. looks like a caduceus). M 1464.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2f x Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

2i in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze.

Two arches, each capital formed by two ornaments (Dechelette, I 1 I 1), the shafts by double zigzag lines with an object like a club between ; in the arch on the I. is a female dancer tor. holding up the ends of her himation (Dechelette, 217; cf. M 1272).
T 2


M 1456.

FRAGMENT, similar. tassel and zigzag line.


2t in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-

Part of warrior to front (Dcchelette, 92?; cf. M 1296), wearing short chiton and cuirass with flaps, with oval shield on 1. arm, from which hangs drapery; on the r., arch with ornamented capitals and square columns with lattice-pattern ; within it is the r. arm of a figure (the rest wanting).
M 1456.
TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 2t in. and 1! in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. The fragments do not join. Above the design, border of scrolls (? conventionalised dolphins).

Arch with capitals and columns of beadand-reel pattern (as Dechelette, I I I 1 ), and floral ornament on either side ; within it a warrior to the front looking to 1., with r. hand raised, crested helmet, cuirass, short chiton, and circular shield.
M 1457.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. It in.

~ig. 211

Ill 1456.

London, 1865. Good glaze.

Within an arch, female dancer to front, looking to 1. and holding out himation with both hands in front of her legs (Dechelette, 21 8) ; she is nude, and her hair is knotted up.
M 1458.
FRAGMENT, as last. Ht. 2} in. Glaze good on interior, dull on exterior. Above the design, border of pattern as on M 1456; possibly this is part of the same vase.

Within an arch resting on capitals .and columns formed of bead-and-reel pattern is Dionysos (?) seated to I. in a throne with arms ; he looks round, and has r. hand placed on his knee and a thyrsos in 1. ; design very indistinct. On either side of the arch above are floral patterns as on M 1456.


3 7.

M 1461.

FRAGMENT, similar. 1! X 2jl in. Found in Lad Lane (now Gresham Street), London. Dull glaze.

Seilenos to r., wearing loin-cloth (Dechelette, 31 2 ; head and arms wanting) ; below, rosette (Dechclette, I I82); on the r., part of column with lattice-pattern and moulded base, and foot of figure to I.
M 1462.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3t in. Diam. 7} in. Found in St. Botolph's Lane, London, 19 July, 1845. Roach-Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 4; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 35, No. 171. About half preserved. Design in the form of arcading, with festoons between columns alternating with arched scrolls supported on columns ; below, all round, row of beads and rings enclosing leaves.

The columns arc formed by parallel lines of beads with capitals, bases, and bands across the middle; in each of the festoons is a floral pattern with two

rosettes above ; below the festoon, two rosettes. The scrolls are of the usual type, with leaves as M 2 I 5, 240, etc., the middle part of each forming an arch above the columns. In each of the two arches remaining is a woman to r. with I. hand raised, wearing long chiton and himation round lower limbs ; on either side of the columns a tendril with two volutes. See Fig. 2 I 2.
(/) "FREE" STYLE (JI 1463-1668),

M 1463.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 5! in. Diam. 10 in. Found at Wingham, Kent, 1845; acquired Pu'l'B XXXI. Dcchelette, i. p. 293, No. 112. Intact. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Design in a frieze, the figures being irregularly arranged in vertical groups as follows: (t) Horseman in cuirass and short chiton with sword brandished over his head turning back to strike at a quadruped behind him (see No. 8 below): the horse also turns its head ; round its neck are trappings (Dechelette, I 57) ; (2) hound running to I. (Dechelette, 932); (3) horse galloping to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 90(5). (4) Dog running to 1., very small ; the same repeated below ; (S) bear walking to r. (Dcchelette, 807); (6) dog running to r. (Dcchelette, 91 5) ; (7) boar to I. (8) Nondescript quadruped combining the characteristics of a wolf, boar, and bear, running tor. (Dechelette, 810); (9) dog or pig to 1. ; ( 10) uncertain quadruped running to r. (Dechelette, 968) ; (4) re-


peated. (I), (2), (3) repeated, with (11) roebuck galloping tor. (D-chelette, 86o) above. (5), (6), (7) repeated, with (11) below. (4) repeated twice, followed by (8) and ( 10). (I), (2), (3) repeated ; (5), (6), (7) repeated ; between them, (I I) above and (4) below (bis). (8), (I I), and (10) repeated; (I), (2), (3) repeated followed by (I I) and (4) (5), (6), (7) repeated, with (I I) below; (8), (4), (Io) repeated. In the field throughout are long oval leaves. Above the design is inscribed in raised letters cf. M 43, M 67, etc.
M 1464.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. H in. Diam. 9~ in. Lincoln, 1866. About ten fragments (forming two-thirds of bowl) made up and restored. Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and a row of beads.


probably meant for Patenzi ;

Round the body: (I) Bear to I. on hind-legs ; before him is visible (2) the hind-leg of a panther to I. ; above is (3) a diminutive warrior to the front, with sword in r. hand, very indistinct (cf. Dechelette, I 39). Next are seen (4) the legs of a boar galloping to 1., and between them (3) repeated; below, (5) a stag running to 1. Next, (6) the lower part of a warrior to the front with I. knee drawn up, wearing cuirass and short chiton (cf. Dechelette, I24) ; below, (2) repeated, with r. fore-paw raised above the head (cf. M II4I), and (I) repeated; above, (7) warrior tor., with short chiton, holding up a small shield. Before him are: above, (3) ; below, (8) a Centauress to 1. (Dechelette, 435). Next, above, (4) repeated, below, (3) and (S) repeated. On the r. of these, above, (9) hare (?) running to r.; below, (8) repeated. Next, (6) repeated, more complete; the warrior looks to r., and has an oval shield on 1. arm ; r. arm wanting. Beyond him are repeated: above, (8); below, (2) and (I); beyond, (7). The next group consists of: above, (4) ; below, (8) and (5). Next are: above, (8) repeated?; below, (10) gladiator armed as a Samnite, with helmet, short chiton, armguard on r. arm, and oblong shield (Dechelette, 583); below him, (8). On the




M 1466.

BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 4i in. . Diam. 9t in. Found on the site of St. Mildred's Church, Poultry, London, 1866. Presented by Rev. W. Sparrow Simpson, 1868. Made up from fragments ; several parts missing. Some of the stamps are admirably executed, especially (3) and (11). Above the design, egg-and-tassel, and zigzag line; below, thick wreath (cf. type 11).

Round the body, a frieze of quadrupeds: (I) Boar to I. (Dcchclette, 839) ; below, (2) stag to I. (Dcchelette, 87 2) ; next, (3) lion to r., below which are (4 and 5) two dogs at full speed to I. (Dcchelette, 932 and 934), and (6) a tree (upper part wanting). Next, (7) stag to I. (nearly as Dechelette, 86;), and below it (8) a dog(?) to I. with head upturned; (9) tree nearly as Dechelette, II36); (10) lion to I. (Dechelette, 766), and below, (II) bear to 1. (Dechelette, 8IS). Next is (I2) a man advancing to r., beardless, with chlamys, high boots, and short sword in r., attacking a boar as ( 1 ). Below him is another man ( r 3) crouching down to 1., nude and beardless, holding a staff in both hands over r. shoulder (Dechelette, 358); below (I) is (2) as before. Next arc Nos. 3- 7 repeated; above (7) is visible the fore-part of a bear as (I I), and beyond it, (10) repeated. Below, (I4) a lion rushing to r. (cf. Dcchelettc, 740 and 745); (6) repeated ; (IS) female quadruped to 1., with head raised. Next, above, ( I6) bear(?) to 1., partly obliterated; below, tree as before, and (I7) quadruped to 1., something like a goat, with a serpent on its back; above, the group of ( I2) and (I) repeated, the legs only of the man being visible. In the field, leaves scattered about.
M 1467.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. S:l- in. Diam. 9l in. Found in Cateaton Street (now Gresham Street), London. Price Sale, 1853. Gmllemmz's 11/agazilee, 1843, i. p. 22 = Gent. JI.Iag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. i. p. 197. Made up from about ten fragments ; about one-fourth wanting. Glaze brighter than usual ; somewhat roughly executed. Above the design, inferior egg-andtassel pattern.

Round the body, frieze of quadrupeds: (I) and (2) two lionesses running tor. (Dcchelette, 785), one above the other; they are attacking (3) a quadruped to r. (head obliterated). Next are (4) a tree (cf. Dechelette, II 36) and (5 and 6) two dogs (? as Dechelcttc, 927) running to 1., one above the other; (4) repeated. Next, (7) boar to I. (Dechelette, 838 or 839) ; (4-6) repeated ; (8) man to r., very indistinct ; (7), (S and 6), and (4) repeated. In the field, three small crosses +.

M 1468.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 8 in. and 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cal. Lond. Attl, p. 37, No. r86; /11. Rom. Lottd. p. 9-l Five pieces joined in two ; both from same bowl, but from opposite sides ; the figures are the same on each, and one can be completed from the other.

(a) Upper part (with rim) ; above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern, and zigzag line. Of the design four figures are visible: On the I. {I) upper part of Pan to front, turning to 1., holding a torch in either hand, both being extended to his I. ; he has goat's horns and a rough beard. Next is (2) a Seilenos to front with arms raised (cf. Dechelette, 374), the 1. holding a drinking-horn by the larger end ; before him, (3) a diminutive figure of a boy (?) to 1., wearing petasos, extending his hands to the Seilenos. (4) Young Satyr dancing to l.



with knees bent, holding up r. hand and in the 1. a wine-skin (?) (Dechelette, 361). The legs of Nos. 2-4 are wanting. (b) Lower part of same frieze: Of (1) only the ends of the torches are seen; (2) is complete except the hands ; (3) and (4) are also complete, the former here kneeling on I. khee. On the r. is (S) a Satyr (Dechelette, 301) to front holding kantharos in r. hand. In the field between (4) and (S) is a "crown" ornament ; below the design is a straight wreath (type 22).
M 1469.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3! in. Length 6f in. Similarly acquired. i. p. 250, No. 51; C.l.L. vii. 1337, 4b. Fine glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

Nude man running to r., looking back (Dechelette, 377; upper part only remaining) ; on the 1., an uncertain object ; on the r., above, in raised letters :

.A.LJ' Alb[uci; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10011, 146.


M 1470.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3i in. London, 1855 Dckhelette, i. p. 250, No. 52; C.I.L. 1337, Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Horse galloping to 1., looking back (Dechelette, go6) ; in the field, leaves; above the design, in raised letters.
M 1471.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 3 in. Found in the Thames, July 1851. Price Sale, 1853. i. p. 253, No. 9 Bright red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Head of lioness (?), looking back (Dechelette, 793 ?), and hinder part of dog running to r. ; in the field on a raised label is inscribed STRI OF, Au]stri of[jicina; cf. M 1 149.
M 147!a.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. Length 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Surface scraped inside. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Panther to r.

rt of hare or




boar (?) to I. (cf. Dechelettc, 835a) ; above the last, another quadruped to 1., very indistinct. Below is inscribed in low relief (obtained by incising in the



W \,

F/avio (?).

M 1475.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length zi in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dechelette, i. p. 279, No. 17; C.l.L. vii. 1337, 43 Bright red glaze.

Sea-horse to r. (Dechelette, 34) and part of two other animals ; in the field on 1., parts of two lozenges with borders of dots ; below, in raised letters,

{N.f$irlM 't,justi m(anu); cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10011, 217.

M 1476.

FRAGMENT of lower part of bowl (Form 37). 3 in. X 5 in. Southwark, December, 1847. Price Sale, 1853. Inferior glaze.

Found in Long Lane,

On the 1., hind-parts of two quadrupeds running to I. ; a serpent on a rock (Dechelette, 96o bis); quadruped running to 1. (Dechelette, 969 ?) ; serpent repeated ; fore-leg of quadruped running to r. and fore-p3ws of another to 1. ; below, part of another quadruped (?). Below the design is inscribed in raised letters 11.
M 1477.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 2~ x zt in. Found in Goodman's Fields, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel and zigzag line, part of which is stamped twice.

Part of tree and bear (probably Dechelette, 8o8) rushing to r. ; below, zigzag line.
M 1478.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. 1856. Dull glaze.


2t in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coil.,

On I., hind-part of quadruped to 1. ; below, fore-part of bear to r. (Dechelette, 8o8) ; on r., a tree.
M 1479.
FRAGMENT, similar.


4f in.

Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Hind-legs of quadruped, and lion (Dechelette, 766; head wanting), both running to 1. ; in the field, two trees and several plants. Below, straight wreath (type 22) between rows of beads. M 1480.
FRAGMENT, similar.

It x zi in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze; design indistinct.

Deer to r. and lion lying down to 1., confronted ; below, row of leaves. Below the design, band of rosettes between rows of beads.
1'4 1481.

3i in. Similarly acquired. Dull glaze. On the 1., indistinct quadruped running to 1. ; below, pantheress running to 1. (Dechelette, 793 ; head wanting), and hind-legs of another quadruped; on the r., a tree (cf. Dechelette, I 134) and fore-legs of quadruped; in the field, plants, and a double row of leaves or stones.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2j- x



FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4Z in. Similarly acquired.

M 1482.

Hind-quarters of lion (?) to l. ; lion or dog running to r. ; fore-part of boar to I. (Dechelette, 835 ?) ; in the field, leaves.
M 1483.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.
2} x 2i in.

Similarly acquired.

Above the

Diminutive warrior to 1., with circular shield, brandishing sword in r. hand ; below him, the head and fore-paws of a panther to r. ; on the r., similar warrior to front brandishing shield and sword (Dechelette, I39); in the field, a leaf.
M 1484.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3} x 3! in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Horseman galloping to r., with floating chlamys, cuirass, and lance in r. hand (Dechelette, I 58) ; the horse has a collar ; in the field, leaves.
M 1485.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. 3 x 5 in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

On 1., lion walking to I. (Dechelette, 7 58 ? ) ; on r., Amazon riding to r., with short chiton, short sword in r. hand, and pella in raised I. (indistinct) ; below, hare running to l. ; in the field, rosettes, and grass indicated.
M 1486.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3i x 4l in. design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Similarly acquired. Good glaze. Above the

In the centre, Amazon on horse to r., looking back with r. hand raised, short chiton, and pella in I. hand (cf. Dechelette, I 53, I 59) ; on the 1., legs of quadruped to r. ; below, hind-quarters of lion to I. (Dechelette, 766) and serpent coiled on a rock (Dechelette, obis). Below the Amazon is a lion to r. ; on the r., serpent on rock as before, and man to front, moving to r. (head and 1. arm wanting ; Dechelette, 384 reversed ?) ; below, serpent as before.
M 1487.
FRAGMENT, similar.

Iz x 3i in.

Similarly acquired.

Glaze worn.



M 1490.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Smith Coli., 1856.

1! x 3 in.

Found in Philpot Lane, London. Roach

Man as in last (upper part wanting) ; on the 1., serpent on rock and part of two quadrupeds ; on the r., fore-legs of quadruped ; below the man, serpent on rock.
M 1491.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3i in. Diam. 7 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 26, fig. 5 Three pieces joined; foot nearly complete. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On the 1., lion rushing tor. (Dechelette, 749 or 750), and warrior or bestiarius on horseback to r. looking back, with spear(?) held up in r. hand, small shield, and short chiton ; below is a lion as before. Next are a lion (Dechelette, 750), and below, a lioness to r. (Dechelette, 782) ; on the r., fore-part of bear to I. (Dechelette, 820), acanthus-plant, and fore-legs of a quadruped ; in the field is the ornament
M 149!a.

~several times repeated.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 5 in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces ' ioined ; good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and bead-and-reel patterns.

Fore-part of lioness running to r. (Dechelette, 790) pursuing a deer on a larger scale ; below, fore-part of dog pursuing deer to r. (Dechelette, 915 and 852) ; on the r., fore-part of hind (?) to 1. (Dtkhelette, 883) ; in the field, leaves.
M 1493.

Sl in. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn. On the 1., hind-legs of lion and of another quadruped ; next, goat (Dechelette, 892), and deer (?), head wanting, both running- to 1. ; on the r., lion(?). to 1., on a smaller scale ; in the field, leaves.

M 1494.

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. 2! x 3! in. and 3l x 2~ in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces, not joining ; remains of ancient rivets. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On one fragment are parts of the back of two quadrupeds and three trees; on the other, a stag (Dechelette, 867) on its back, with the head of a lion seizing its hind-quarters ; on the r., fore-part of another quadruped ; ground indicated by stones.
M 1495.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Length of one, Similarly acquired. Three pieces joined in two ; good glaze.

3i in. ; the other is 2t x 2! in.

(I) Hind-part of quadruped to I.; base of tree; deer(?) springing to r. (Dechelette, 856? ; head wanting) ; plant with two sprays. (2) Deer running to I. (Dechelette, 871), and plant as before.

M 1496,

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of moulded rim. 2~ x 4l in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads,

Part of boar to I. (Dechelette, 832) and fore-part of dog running to 1. (Dechelette, 930).


M 1497.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Lion rushing to r. ; below, dog (Dechelette, 932) running to 1., pursuing a quadruped of which the hind-legs only are visible ; on the r., hind-legs of quadruped ; below, fore-part of goat(?) seated to 1. ; in the field, leaves.
M 1498.

x 3i in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

On 1., fore-part of dog to r., attacking boar (Dechelette, 835 ; fore-part only) ; above the boar, small dog to 1., and dog to r. (Dechelette, 915 ; head wanting) ; on the r., fore-part of dog and another quadruped rushing to 1.; in the field, leaves.
M 1499.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4 in. Similarly acquired. Light red glaze ; very thin.

Lower part of frieze : Part of two quadrupeds confronted ; below them, dog to 1. ; on the r., fore-part of larger quadruped to 1~ (head broken away) ; in the field, flowers .
M 1600.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4!- in. Found in New Street, Bishopsgate, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Three pieces joined; dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

Stag to 1., with antlers (Dechelette, 867) and hind to 1., looking back, attacked by a lion (Dechelette, 766) ; between them, a tree ; in the field, plants.
M 1501.
1856. FRAGMENT, similar. Dull glaze.

41 in.

Found in Ivy Lime, London.

Roach Smith Coil.,

Two dogs(?) running tor. (Dechelette, 968); between them, long serrated leaves; below one, a twisted stem or bar (cf. Dechelette, 1 109) ; on r., an uncertain object.
'M 1502.
FRAGMENT, similar.



Found near the Tower of London.

Roach Smith


3 7.
Glaze worn; design indistinct.

l'4 1605.

FRAGMENT, similar.

x 3i in. Similarly acquired.

On the 1., tendrils and a floral ornament ; next, a large four-petalled flower. On the r., an eagle to 1. (Dechelette: 978), looking back at a smaller eagle (Dcchelette, 987) which flies towards it.
l'4 1606.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Length 4 in. Found in Love Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cal. Lond. A111. p. 33, No. 145. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On the 1., hind-legs of lion running to 1. (Dechelette, 77 5) ; next, a stag to r. (incomplete ; perhaps Dechelette, 844, which is lying down) ; in the field, four large fleurs-de-lys.
l'4 1607.
FRAGMENT, similar. 1} x :zi in. Found in Paternoster Row, London. Coli., 1856. Cal. Lo11d. Atlf. p. 33, No. 145. Bright glaze. Roach Smith

Fore-leg and hoof of boar to I. (Dechelette, 834 ?), below which is a quadruped to I. (lioness as Dechelette, 8os ?) ; in the field, plant as on last ; on the r., serpent on rock (Dechelette, g6o bis).
l'4 1608.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2~ x 3~ in. Found in Paternoster Row, London, April, 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze. Above the design, row of double scrolls, as M 1456, and of beads.

Fore-part of lion or bear to r. ; lioness running to r. (Dcchelette, 787) and part of rosette ; below, part of uncertain object.
l'4 1609.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3.! in. Similarly acquired (found glaze ; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

zo March, 1839). DuJl

Lion (?) rushing to r. (Dechelette, 740 or 741 ?) ; in the field, leaves and lozenges.
l'4 1610.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3t X 3~ in. Found in Bread Street, London. Coli., 1856. Above the design, row of rosettes, as M 1504, and of beads. Roach Smith

Part of serpent to r., and mounted warrior turning back with r. hand raised (Dechelette, I 59 ; no weapon).
l'4 1511.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 6l in. Found in London. Coli., 1856. Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 35, No. 165. Two pieces joined. Dull glaze. Roach Smith

( 1) Vine with large leaves springing from an acanthus-plant (Dechelette, 116o). (2) Lower part of female dancer to r., with drapery round lower limbs (Dechelette, 217); below, Dechelette, 116o; beyond, (1) is repeated. (3) Dionysos or young Satyr to the front, turning to 1., with 1. hand raised and kantharos in r. ; he has curly hair and high boots, and drapery hangs from his 1. shoulder; beyond, (I) repeated. Below is a straight wreath (cf. type 22) between rows of beads.

M 1512.



FRAGMENT, similar. Coli., 1856.


Found in London, 16 July, 1841. Roach Smith

Two rows of figures : In the upper, Apollo seated to r., with I. foot drawn back and lyre on I. knee (Dechelette, 52 ; mostly wanting) ; on the r., Aphrodite to front looking to 1., with r. hand extended and 1. holding up edge of scarf which passes round body and floats over I. arm which rests on a cippus (Dechelette, 184; cf. M 1052); between them a mask, and beyond on the r., part of another figure. Below, Eros moving to r. (Dechelette, 236), and the legs of a figure seated to I. with r. foot drawn back; between them, two leaves(?).
M 1513.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3} x 4!- in. Found in Lothbury, London, August, 1837. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cal. Lo11d. A11l. p. 36, No. 175. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and chain.

Eros riding to 1. on sea-cow, with face to its tail and 1. hand raised to his head (Dechelette, 28; cf. M 1253, M 1394) ;' in the field, branches, a bird to r., and other objects, all indistinct. M 1514.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3~ x 41 in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 29, fig. 12. Two pieces joined. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 2::!).


3 7.

323) ; below him, an oval object . iS} ; along the lower edge of the frieze, a row of loops. Below, zigzag line and straight wreath (cf. type 26).

M 1616.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 4~ x 4 in. Found in Rood Lane, London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Female dancer to r., holding up in both hands the end of the himation which covers her lower limbs (Dechelette, 216); on the r., young Satyr to front with I. hand on breast and shepherd's crook(?) in r. (Dechelette, 356) ; in the field, two objects like flutes.

M 1617.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3l in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cal. Lund. Ani. p. 37, No. 186. Above the deslgn, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line; below, zigzag line and straight wreath (type 36).

(I) Pan to front with hands behind him, looking to I. (Dcchelette, 40<)). (2) Eros to I. with hands raised (Dechelette, 254). (3) Warrior to front (Dcchelette, 92 ?) with short chiton and cuirass, r. hand raised (has held spear ?).

M 1618.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2t x 2~ in. Found in Old Fish Street Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cal. Lund. Ani. p. 37, No. 186. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

(I) Upper part of nude youth to l. (perhaps a runner as Dechelette, 383). (2) Seilenoa dancing, turned tor., with hands raised (upper part only remaining; cf. M I468 and Dechelette, 374). (3) Upper part of woman dancing to the front, holding scarf in a semicircle above her head (Dechelette, 2 I I).

M 1619.

FRAGMENT, similar. 2;i- x 2~ in. Found in Cock Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., Dull glaze, worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

On the 1., krater with ribbed body and thick square base (Dechelette, 1072) ; on the r., Gryphon to l., with r. fore-paw raised ; below, the coiled tail of a seamonster to r. (perhaps a dolphin as Dechelette, I048).

M 1620.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of moulded rim. 2! x 34 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Sea-horse to r., confronted by sea-cow (Dechelette, 34 and 29) ; below, wing of Gryphon(?} to l.; in the field, three small jars(?).

M 1621.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). design indistinct.

Ht. Ii in.

Similarly acquired.

Glaze worn;

Quad riga galloping to r. ; the driver has fasciae round his waist, and extends r. arm; below, a rosette of six petals and another object.

M 1622.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3-i in. indistinct. Above the design, row of beads.

Similarly acquired.

Burnt black; design

Biga galloping to r., the driver nearly complete, with drapery floating behind him (cf. M I282); on the r., head and fore-paws of lion dashing to l. (Dechelette, 766).


M 1523.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Length 3 in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 4- Design indistinct ; above the design, eggand-tassel and row of beads.

On the 1., Scylla to front turning to r. with hands extended (serpentine tails as Dechelette, 16-17); on the r., galley with rowers, steering-oar, and nude man in stem, with r. arm raised adjusting the sail(?) (cf. Dechelette, 574); the ship has an acroFig. 2,. = M J;,SJ stolion in the form of a swan's head and neck (cf. the coins of Commodus, A.D. 186, Torr, Ancient Sltips, pl. 6, No. 28). In the field, a ring. Possibly the ship of Odysseus is intended.
:M 1524.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. I~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Part of galley as on last, with ornament like an acrostotion on the prow.

:M 1526.
TWO FRAGMENTS of bowl (Form 37). 2t x 3t in. and 2 x 3i in. Similarly acquired. The fragments do not join. Light red glaze, worn. Above the design, egg-andtassel and zigzag line.

( 1) On 1., head of dog (?) to r. ; female head to r. (Dechelette, 698 or 702 ?) ; tree with five large leaves (Dechelette, 1141); on r. large leaf of seven lobes and back of quadruped running tor. (2) Lioness bounding to r. (Dechelette, 785) ; below, acanthus-plant; female mask to r. (Dechelette, 696 or 697 ?) ; below, Centaureaa to 1. (Dechelette, 436); tree as before, and fore-legs of quadruped to 1.
:M 1626.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Fonn 37), with part of rim. 3i x 4Z in. Similarly acquired. Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 39, No. 198. Burnt black. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads ; below, rosettes of dots between rows of beads.



M 1628.

FRAGMENT, similar. t! x 2i in. Found at St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, London, 31 May, 1841. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct. Above the design, row of beads.

Warrior charging to !., with battle-axe brandisl)ed in r. hand, short chiton, cuirass with flaps, and oval shield on !. arm ; on the 1., the legs of a warrior fleeing to I. ; below, a prostrate warrior with l)ead to r. and r. hand raised (incomplete) ; in the field, leaves or stones.
M 1629.
FRAGMENT, similar. Dull glaze, worn.



Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Subject as last: lower l)alf of warrior charging to I. ; below, a figure running to r., placed horizontally as on M 1423 (cf. Dechelette, 103) ; on r., a pair of pincers.
M 1630.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 ~ in. Similarly acquired. ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 29, fig. 7. Glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Two warriors (incomplete) charging to 1., with oval shields ricl)ly ornamented ; the second has crested helmet and r. hand raised as if hurling a spear (not indicated); this one is Dcchelette's type 123, the other has a shield like Dechelette's 122, but is not the same.
[Cf. for the warriors, M 6<).]

M 1631.

FRAGMENT, similar. on exterior.


2t in.

Similarly acquired.

Good glaze on interior, worn

Two friezes. divided by a row of beads: In the upper, Scylla to the front (probably Dechelette, I 5 ; arms and most of double tail wanting) ; in the lower, horseman to r., with r. hand raised and I. extended (head of horse wanting).
M 1632.
FRAGMENT, similar. Price Sale, 1853. Dull glaze.
2} x 3 in. Found in Water Lane, Tower Street, London. Row of beads above design.

On 1. above, hind-legs of quadruped running to I. ; below, fore-part of dog to r. (Dechelette, 9I 5) ; next, above, dog running to 1.; below, roe-buck running to r. (Dechelette, 86o) and dog to r. (Dechelette, 91 5). On the r., fore-part of horse galloping to I., looking round (Dechelettc, go6) ; in the field, stones.
M 1633.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 3 in. design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. Above the

On the 1., trophy (Dcchelette, I 1 17). at the base of which is a cuirass with flaps round the lower edge ; above, two daggers crossed, with belts attached, and a helmet; the top part is wanting. On the r. is a warrior (Dechelette, 124 ?) or gladiator to 1., looking back, with cuirass, short chiton, and short sword in r. hand. Below are a diminutive figure to 1., with r. hand raised, and head of quadruped to I.


M 1534.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3 in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line.

Similarly acquired.

Good glaze.

Nude warrior galloping tor., turning round as if to hurl a spear (Dechelette, 159 ; cf. M I 323) ; in his extended I. hand a small round shield ; above him, an ornament <~""III'IOiiin(p.
M 1535.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 2i in. Similarly acquired.

Warrior on horseback to r.. looking back and striking with sword brandished .. part of in r. hand (Dechelette, I 57) ; trappings of horse indicated. On the 1 quadruped, with a spray in the field ; below the warrior, deer to r. (Dechelette, 86o).
M 1636.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 2! x 3i in. discoloured. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and. zigzag line. Similarly acquin.>d. Glaze

Upper parts of three figures: (1) Man to front with staff(?) in one hand and a stone(?) in the other, drapery round 1. arm (Dcchelette, 338 ?) ; (2} nude man to front, looking to 1., with hands clasped on waist or tied behind him (cf. Dechelette, 643, and M I I88 ff.); (3) apparently= (r) repeated.
M 1637. FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). :z~ x 4 in. Found in Half Moon Street, Bishopsgate, London, 22 June, 1843. Price Sale, 1853. Dull glaze.

Scylla to front with double fish-tail coiled each side, brandishing an oar (Dcchelette, I6 reversed); on the r., warrior galloping to r., brandishing spear (Dechelette, I 56); he wears cuirass, and chlamys floating behind; below, two crosses.
M 1538.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. :z{ in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. Two pieces joined. Above the design, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

Part of lion to I. (probably Dechelette, 768) ; in the field a tendril ending


Similarly acquired. Dull glaze.

M 1641.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 2j in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

On 1., a tree ; on r., fore-part of quadruped to 1., looking back (perhaps a lioness as Dechelette, 793). M 1642.
FRAGMENT as last. 2j x 3t m. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Dull glaze; design indistinct.

On the 1., galley with rowers and sails set (Dechelette, 574); four rowers and six oars are visible ; at the stern is a man to I. (cf. M I 523) with r. hand raised as if to adjust the sails. On the r., Scylla with r. hand extended and double serpent-tail (Dechelette, 18) ; beyond, uncertain objects. M 1643.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Dull glaze. Diam. Sf in. Similarly acquired.

Hare running to I. (Dechelette; 942, reversed ; head wanting) ; on either side a plant as M 366; on the r., fore-paws of dog pursuing(?). M 1644.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3-i x 2i in. Found in Lothbury, London. Presented by A. W. Frank~, Esq., 1864. Good glaze; design carefully executed. Above the design, egg-and-tassel between rows of beads ; below, straight wreath (fragmentary).

Combat of gladiators: The one on the l. is turned to the front and advances towards the other; he has a loin-cloth, greaves(?), and oblong smtum on r. arm ; face obliterated and r. arm wanting ; the other has visored crested helmet, arm-guard on r. arm, sica in r. hand, scutum with patterns on I. arm, loin-cloth, and greaves. In the field, rosettes, two reel-ornaments (Dechelette, 1 I 1 1), and two ornaments as on M 1456 (rim) ; on the r., part of a tree and a chain ending in rosettes ; below, an obtuse-angled triangle of beads containing two "crown " ornaments, and an object like the head of a goat to l.
M 1646.
1865. FRAGMENT, similar. 2 x 2 in. Found in London. Deep red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq.,

Tltrar advancing to r., with crested helmet, loin-cloth, greaves, sim in r. hand, and scutum in raised l. (Dechelette, 6o7); on the r., forepaws of a quadruped.
M 1646.
FI~AGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 5 in. Length 64 in. Found in the Aldgate extension of the Metropolitan Railway, London. Presented by the Directors of the Railway, 1882. Two pieces joined; apparently distorted out of shape in the kiln, the lip being twisted over. Designs indistinct.

Above, between zigzag lines, a row of rings or rosettes; below, an undulating dotted line (?representing a ground-line). On the 1. above, a boar to I. (Dechelette, 834) ; below, a nude man to the front, with drapery over I. arm, holding something in r. hand (Qcchelette, 342) ; next, a man to the front, looking to 1., with l. hand raised, and cup (?) in r., drapery over 1. arm. On the r. above, a lion walking to r. (Dechelette, 735); below, a column wreathed with ivy (cf.


Dechelette, 1092). Beyond on the r. are, above, a horseman galloping to r. (Dechelette, 1 58) : below, a boar running to r. (Dechelette, 826). In the field throughout are large and small rosettes as in the upper border, and s-shaped scrolls.

Fig. 215

M 1546.

[The type 342 is assigned by Dechclctte to the fabric of Nouitre; but the general style is that of Lezoux. The piece being what is technically known as a "waster," it is curious that it should have been exported, unless as the result of carelessness or commercial dishonesty ; there can hardly be a question of local-i.e., British-manufacture.]

M 1547.

FRAGMENT, similar. zi x 3t in. Found in Barge Yard, London, 1879; acquired, Bright red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line; below, zigzag line.

A figure in a two-horse chariot advancing to the front, brandishing his whip in r. hand, very indistinct ; in the field, various objects : two birds, one to 1., the other to r. ; an ox-skull ; a rosette ; and a dog to 1. looking back.




On the larger fragment : On l., tail of lion, and bear running to l. (Dechclette, 820 ?). On r., warrior in cuirass and short chiton running to r., looking back, with r. hand raised (Dechelette, 103) ; below, a diminutive tigure of a warrior with helmet, sword, and shield, running to r. ; beyond, r. arm and leg of nude figure on larger scale. On the extreme r., head of lion (Dechelette, 756 or 757 ?) to r., bear as before, and tail of animal below. In the field, stones. On the smaller fragment: R. leg and 1. foot of man in boots dancing (?) to r. ; below him, diminutive warrior as before ; on r., lion (head wanting) and bear as before.
:M 1660.
PART of similar bowl. Ht. 4} in. Diam. 8} in. From Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H . W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Remains of ancient rivets; in bad condition. Made up with plaster into a complete vase ; nine fragments remaining, forming about one-third.

On 1., (I) head of bear tor. (Dechelette, 8o8); next, above, (2) serpent coiled on a rock (Dechelette, g6o bis) ; below, (3) hind(?) running to r., looking back, the head resembling a horse's (Dechelette, 878) ; (3) repeated. Next, (2) repeated three times ; (4) lioness running to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 793), with (2) above and below; below these, (5) dog(?) running to I. (Dechelette, 970). On the r.: (I) complete, with (2) above and below; (3) bis; (2) bis; and fore-paws of lioness (4).
:M 1661.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2! in. Found at Bitterne Manor, Hants. !'resented by Mrs. Stuart Macnaghten, 1851. D~chelette, i. p. 266, No. 127; C.l.L. vii. 1337, 12 ; Bt~~mcr jahrb. xcix. p. 75 Bright red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Lioness running to 1., looking back (Dechelette, 793) ; in the field above, drapery(?) ; below, in raised letters,
:M 1662.

IJM\,\\lfll\1lil, Ci]mtami.

FRAGMENT, similar. 21 x 2i in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 1844. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of small beads.

Lion springing to I. (Dcchclette, 766) ; in the field, part of a tree.

:M 1663.
FRAGMENT, similar.

It x Ii in. Similarly acquired . Glaze much worn.

Lion as last ; apparently not from same vase.

:M 1664.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot and rim. Ht. 3~ in. Found at Chester, 1891. Loftus Brock Coli. Presented by Sir A. W . Franks, K.C.B., 18'}6. Two pieces joined. Fine glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Very similar toM 1463.

On the :., hind-quarters of lion or lioness running to 1. ; below, smaller lion running to I. (Dcchelette, 77 5) ; behind it, a plant. On the r., above, a serpent on a rock (Dcchelett.!, g6J bis) ; below, hinder part of horseman to r. (probably Dcchclette, I 57); below again, hind-quarters of dog(?) running to r.
For the Roman remains at Biltcme see /fampshin Rq~osiltrry, ii. p. 2g8, and Vittorio Cou11ty His/. Englefield, IValk through .Soutlzamp/MI (18o5), p. 119, gives some potters' stamps from this site, but nouc appear to be in this coJiection.

of /Innis, i. p. 334-

M 1556.


PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with foot and part of rim. Ht. 3} in. Diam. 5} in. From Carlisie. Presented by A. Barnes Moss, Esq., 1906. Two pieces joined. Good glaze; remains of ancient rivets. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

(I) Fore-legs of horse (see No.5 below). (2) Bear running tor. (Dechelette, 8o8) ; above it, (3) lioness on smaller scale crouching to I. (Dechelette, 805) ; below it, (4) deer lying do~n tor. (cf. Dechelette, 847). (5) Horseman galloping to r., with r. hand raised brandishing a weapon (cf. Dechelette, I 56, 157) ; wears short chiton, cuirass, and chlamys floating behind ; head and I. arm wanting, as are the head and fore-feet of the horse. Beyond, (2) is repeated ; above it, (3) but to r. as Dechelette, 799; below it, (4) repeated ; beyond again, (S) is repeated. In the field, leaves and stones.
M 1556.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 3~ in. York, 1853 Glaze burnt to a dark brown ; design indistinct.

On the 1., a dolphin to r. (Dechelette, 1050) and parts of two other marine animals ; on the r., a galley to r., with steering-oar, in which are visible two warriors to r. with shields and helmets.
M 1567.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length

Fig. 6 = M


21 in. Lincoln, 1866. Dull glaze.

Bestiaritts (?) to 1., with short girt chiton, leggings, and chlamys floating behind, holding a spear(?) in both hands ; below is a serpent on a rock (Dcchelctte, a bis) ; on the r., fore-leg of bear to r. (probably Dechelette, 8I 5).
M 1668.
1870. FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37 ?). It x 3! in. Good glaze. From Colchester. l'ollexfen Coli.,

Deer galloping to 1. (Dechelette, 868 ?) ; on the r., a tree with spreading branches and fore-paws of dog pursuing the deer in the field above, part



3 7.


M 1661.

FRAGMENT, similar.


3f in. Thin dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

On the 1., part of a gladiator to I. ; next, above. a large ring; below, pan of an uncertain object. On the r., combat of gladiators: the one on the I. has greave on I. leg, sica in r. hand, and oblong shield (scutum) on I. arm ; the other has arm-guard on r. arm and wears a loin-cloth ; both are somewhat indistinct.

M 1662.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Glaze as last, worn.

4 x 2} in.

Found in London.

Ro3ch Smith

Boar tor. (type as Dechelette, No. 823 ?) ; above, hind-leg of animal to I.; in the field, various plants. Below is a cursive inscription, the letters formed by incising in the mould.

M 1663.

FRAGMENT as last, from base of bowl. indistinct.

21 x 16 in.

C.I.L. vii. 1338, 35


Quadruped to 1., perhaps a boar as on M 1474; below, a cursive inscription:





FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 3~ x 2t in. Found in Princes Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1337, 15a (?); D~chelettc, i. p. 266, No. 134 or 135. Upper part only remaining; glaze discoloured by fire. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Part of an acanthus-pattern ; along the top of the design is inscribed, in raised letters,

R~/A /!> q~ ~ ~ )). Cinnami.

Roach Smith

M 1566.

FRA<;MENT of foot of similar bowl. Ht. 5} in. Found in London Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1337, 13c(?); D6chelette, i. p. 266, No. 125.

Hind-legs of quadruped to I. ; below, in raised letters, 1::>, Ci[11nami.

M 1666.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Ht. 2j in. Similarly acquired.

Fore-part of lion to r. (probably Dechelette, 748).

M 1567.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. egg-and-tassel.

Length 2i in.

Similarly ac1.1.uired.

Above the design,

On 1., three flowers and hind-part of quadruped ; on r., pantheress to I. (c( Dechelette, 793).

M 1568.

I! x ti in. Similarly acquired. Two pieces joined; dull glaze. Bear to I. (Dechelette, 816 or 817); in the field, plants.
FRAGMENT, similar. FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. 2i x 2t in. on interior. Possibly Banassac ware. Similarly acquired. Good glaze

.M 1669.

Gryphon leaping to r. ; below, tuft of grass ; on either side a plant between two stems as M 566.


M 1570.


z x zl in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Herakles in the Garden of the Hesperides (to front ; lower part only ; Dechelette, 469) ; part of the tree and of the lion's skin visible ; in the field, a rosette; below, straight wreath (cf. type 19) between rows of beads.
M 1571.
FRAGMENT, similar.

z x z} in. Similarly acquired. Dark red glaze, good in interior.

(1) L. leg of figure; (2) nude man to I. leaning with I. hand on a cippus (moulded top and base, lattice-pattern on shaft) ; head and r. arm wanting. (3) Part of nude figure to front holding r. hand over an altar on which a fire burns. Below, zigzag line and wreath (type 36).
M 1572.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht.

2T in.

Similarly acquired.

Sea-deity driving in a car to front drawn by two sea-horses, the one on the I. looking round to r. ; his r. arm is raised, but most of the figure is wanting ; on the 1., a spiral.
M 1573.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ii X zT in. design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Similarly acquired. Glaze worn. Above the

Fore-part of sea-cow(?) erect tor., and fore-feet of another confronting.

M 1574.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. zj x zi in. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

On the 1., plant with long serrated leaves as M 1188; bunch of grapes from a scroll of vine-leaves ; part of plant or leaf. M 1575.
FRAGMENT, similar. z! x z in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Above, band of bearded masks (probably Dcchelette, 694) to r. ; below, zigzag line.
M 1576.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Zk in. Found in Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.




M 1579.

FRAGMENT, similar.



in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze on interior.

Warrior to front (Dechelette, 102}, with r. hand raised and fringed cuirass ; on either side a vertical wreath (type 3); on the r., legs of man moving to r. and rosette of dots ; beyond, wreath repeated. M 1580.
FRAGMENT, similar. design indistinct.



Similarly acquired.

Bright glaze, much worn;

Horseman galloping tor., turning round to strike with sword (Dechelette, 157) ; the horse also turns its head round. In the field, various ornaments ; on the r., part of a scroll or medallion. M 1581.
FRAGMENT, similar. Design very indistinct.

x 21 in. Similarly acquired. Cal. Lo11d. A11t. p. 35, No. 170.

Biga to r.; above, a pair of ivy-leaves.

M 1582.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. " free " style.


in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.


Hind-legs of bear to I. (Dechelette, 815); on r., serpent(? cf. M 1316) and fore-part of horse to 1. (probably with a rider, now lost) ; below, head of stag to r. (probably Dechelette, 854).
111 1583.
FRAGMENT as last. 2i x 2k in. Similarly acquired. design, row ofrosettes as on M 1504, and beads. Glaze poor. Above the

Three serpents (?) ; below, fore-part of quadruped to l.

111 1584.

FRAGMENT, similar. 1 i x If in. From Carlisle. Presented by A. Barnes Moss, Esq., Dull glaze; design indistinct.

Within an arch (or stem of a scroll-pattern) is a deer lying down to r. ; on either side a rosette ; below, a zigzag line.
111 1585.
FRAGMENT, similar. 3 x 5} in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Es<(., 1844. Two pieces joined ; dull glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Probably "scroll" decoration as M 1079 ff.

On the extreme 1., hare seated to r., and bird to I. perched on tendril (Dechelette, 1042 ?) ; next, vine-leaf and bunch of grapes alternating with bird to 1., looking back (each repeated twice) ; on the r., bird as the first.
111 1586.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2-} in. Similarly acquired. same vase as last. Dull glaze. Possibly from the

On the 1., hind-part of hare (?) to I. ; on the r., vine with leaves and grapes. Below, straight wreath (cf. type 13) between rows of beads.
111 1587.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Ji- in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze; design indistinct. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Nude man to front, bending over to I. and looking up tor.


M 1588.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. 3} x zi in. Similarly acquired. but worn in parts. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Good glaze,

Bird to l., looking back (Dechelette, 1030 or 1036) ; on the 1., a large pointed leaf.
M 1589.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3 in. Coarse style; dark red glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Possibly German ware.

On the 1., a spear (?) and two scallop-shells or palmette-like leaves; on the r., part of two hares (?) running to r. (Dechelette, 942) ; on the extreme 1. is part of an uncertain design.
M 1690.
FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Four pieces, two of which join ; good glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and zigzag line ; below, straight wreath (type 34).

~'ig. 217tr

= M 590

Fig. 2176

=M '59"

Lattice pattern of zigzag lines with rosettes at angles ; in the upper spaces, circular scrolls with leaves (cf. Dcchelette, 1 1 57) ; in the middle spaces, lozenges; in the lower, plants.
M 1691.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 4 in. Found in Cock Lane, London.. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze dull and worn. Moulded rim; above the design, egg-and-


3 7. 2t in.
Found in London.



FRAGMENT of lower part of similar bowl. Sale, 1853. Rutenian ware(?).


Above, part of a straight wreath ; below, row of beads, and panels of rings surrounded by stars, divided by groups of four or five vertical rows of beads.
M 1594.
PART OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3~ in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 1844. About one-third preserved, w:th two-thirds of foot; good orange-red glaze, somewhat worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads.

Band of rosettes of eight petals (Dechelette, 1 180) ; in the field above are leaves ; below, a frieze of animals alternating with scrolls with leaves attached : (1) horse to 1., looking back (Dtkhelette, 909 ?) ; (2) quadruped walking to l.; (3) cock tor. (Dechelette, 1023). See Fig. 219.
M 1595.
FRAGMENT of rim of bowl (Form 37). Ht. 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1338, 3; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o8; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 47 Above the design (of which nothing intelligible remains), egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Dark red glaze.

On the dm i ind<ed

1\ ~

p ;


M 1596.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), or dev~rsorium with spout; cf. M 592. Ht. 2~ in. Length 5~ in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 2. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern and a straight narrow wreath (type 21).

Panels divided by lines with rosettes at angles, in which are " cruciform " patterns.
(5) MISC.ELLANEOUS FORMS (:M 1597-1604).

Jl 1597.

JAR (Form 64). Ht. 3~ in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. especially on the figures ; a piece chipped out of the rim.

Glaze worn,

Frieze of two figures repeated alternately, each four times: (1) Artemis to I. (Dechelette, 63a; cf. M I 148), with hair knotted up, long chiton, and bow in I. hand, holding in r. the fore-feet of a hind (?) which stands on its legs looking back ; (2) draped man seated to 1., with r. elbow resting on. l. arm. In the field above between the figures are e-ight bearded masks to 1. (Dechelette, 712 or 71 3 ?).

M 1698.

CATALOGUE OF ROMAN POTTERY. Ht. 3 in. Found in London.

FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 64), with part of rim. Price Sale, .1853 Above the design, astragalus pattern.

On 1., flower and female bust to r. ; below, two flowers and an uncertain object ; on the r., a nude man to the front looking to 1., holding a long staff in r. hand ; beyond him, Eros to 1., playing the double flute (Dechelette, 267). and an uncertain object. In the field, down the side of the staff, is inscribed in slightly-raised letters vcso., Laxt]ucisa ; cf. M I 365.
M 1599.
FRAGMENT of similar jar. Ht. 1~ in. Similarly acquired.

On the 1., leaf; Seilenos to r., wearing loin-cloth, playing flutes (Dechelcttc, 3 I 1) ; female head to front ; small male figure moving to r. ; part of Aphrodite (?) to front, nude, with arms raised (or perhaps a woman dancing, as Dechelette, 21 2).
M 1600.
FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 64?). very indistinct. Ht.


Similarly acquired.

Glaze worn;

Patterns of leaves and wreaths ; on the r., plant with bird to I. looking back above it; in the middle, a pattern of feathery leaves; on the I. a wreath and rosettes ; above the middle pattern are a bird to r. and rosette of dots ; on the extreme r., a zigzag line indicating the border of a panel. M 1601.
LOWER PART OF JAR. Form as Dcchelette, i. pl. iv. No. 64 or 65. Ht. 3! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 27, fig. 9; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 40, No. 202. One !>ide of jar only remaining. Poor style; design indistinct; glaze worn.

Panel with zigzag borders with ornaments at intervals and parts of two adjoining: In the centre panel, a man seated to front (very indistinct) ; on the r. a gladiator advancing to r., wearing chlamys and caligae, in r. hand a short sword, in I. a small shield (?) ; above, three rosettes ; below, a zigzag line and a flower. In the panel on the 1., part of a similar gladiator(?) moving to r. and holding up something in I. hand ; below, a patera. In that on the r., the seated



1'4 1603.

FRAGMENT, forming lower part of jar as last. red-brown glaze, worn.

Ht. It in.

London(?), 1865. Thin

Lower part of man to front, wearing chlamys ; below his feet, an uncertain object; next, a lyre attached to a twisted stem (?) between two columns orna~ mented with lattice pattern.
1'4 1604.
FRAGMENT(? part of handle). Dimensions, 2! x x ! in. Found in the City .of London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1866. Dcchelctte, i. p. 266, No. 129; C.l.L. vii. 1337, 18. A thick oblong piece of terra, perhaps from the handle of a vessel ; fine red glaze.

On the top or front is a band of figures : an acanthus-leaf (Dechelettc, 1 160); a reel;,. = 1111~. ornament ; a basket of fruit on a tripod (Dcchelette, Io6<} ; cf. M 160I) ; and a mask of Medusa (Dechelette, 683). Parallel with this is an oblong stamp in good raised letters: CJNNAMI OF, Citznami of(ficina) ; cf. M I 36o-61.



(1) FORM 18 (M 1606-1626).

1'4 1606.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 6 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 45a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Schuermans, Siglesjigulbus, 201. Foot nearly complete; surface much scratched.

In the centre is the stamp

1'4 1606.


Albuci ,- cf. C.I.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT of similar(?) bowl. Diam. 41 in. From St. Mary-at-Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii.1336, 1016; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; Cat. Loml. Ani. p. 41; Schuermans, 564. Foot mostly wanting; glaze worn. Perhaps Form 31.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp IAfltiANOJ, Atiliani oj(ficina); cf. C.lL. xiii. 10010, 194M 1607.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl as last. Diam. 5! in. Foot complete; glaze worn.
BVT . o F,

Within a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp f(ecit); cf. M 62, M 1077, and C.lL. xiii. 10010, 372.
1'4 1608.


FRAGMENT of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 3i in. From London Bridge. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 235; Ill Rom. Lond. p. 103; Schuermans, 1070. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp <C:MANifl, Caranti(us) j(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 45 I.



M 1609.

FRAGMENT from similar bowl. Length 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 232; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 4:!; Schuermans, 107 1. Good glaze.

M 1610.

LG98ANTI, Carmzt(iz).

BOWL (Form r8). Diam. 6i in. Found in Skinner Street, Bishopsgate, London, 17 Sept., 1852. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 244 (wrongly read). Nearly half of rim wanting.

In the centre is the stamp CARNTrM, Caranti m((mu).

M 1611.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with half of foot. Diam. 4i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 239'J , Bonner ]t1!trb. xcix. p. 6<).

In the centre is the stamp CARATILLI; cf. Cl.L. xiii. 10010, 453 neath is incised X.
M 1612.


FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 3 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 288; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. 151; Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 73; Schuermans,. 1; 55 Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF CENSO, Oj(foiua) Censo(rini ?) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 535 Underneath is incised A.
M 1613.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim and foot. Diam. Si m. Leadenhall Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Found in

In the centre is the stamp ~. Of(ficina) Co(bnerti ?) , cf. M 1473, M 1704, and C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 592.
[There appear to have been two potters of this name, one at Lezoux, who only made plain wares, and one at Rheinzabem, who made ornamented vases (see C.I.L. xiii. roorr, 57 and 182).]

M 1614.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Length Ii in. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 3776. Good glaze.

Found in London.


Stamped .. CVROF, f Co]curo j(ecit); cf. M



I 8.


M 1618.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 3~ in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London. Roach Smith Col!., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 399 Bright red glaze.

Stamp as last, but with the

M 1619.


imperfectly impressed.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with two-thirds of foot. Diam. 5} in. Found in Long Lane, Southwark, Dec., 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 398 =Bo1111'r jaltrb. xcix. p. 84 (wrongly given as from Bartlow). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp @IGoi\W>J, Dagomarus.

M 1620.
FRAGMENT from centre ofbowl (Form 18?). Length 2 in Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 477tl. Centre moulded underneath.

M 1621.


G]emini m(antt); cf. Cl.L. xiii.

Length 2} in. Similarly acquired.



FRAGMENT, similar.

C.I.L. vii. 1336, 53oc.

Stamped OYLLIKD, Jullini; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 1622.

10010, 1083.

BOWL (Form 18). Ht. 1} in. Diam. 6} in. Found in St. Clement's Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 853; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105 ; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 45; CtJ/1. Ani. i. p. 152; Arcluuologia, xxvii. p. 152; Bonner Jakrb. xcix. p. 129; Froehner, htscr. terr. cocl. 4l>9; Schuermans, 4452. Repaired ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ([tRlM/I.D. Primuli; cf. C.l.L. xiii. On the exterior is incised TITVUV, and underneath, x.
M 1623.

10010, I


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl. (Form 18). Diam. 5~ in. From Colchester. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 852a ; Bomzer Jalzrb. xcix. p. 129. Foot complete, but chipped ; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1624.


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 851/JJ Bomur Jakrb. xcix. p. 129. Cut into circular form; cf. L 133, M 81.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1626.



FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 5 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 850 (wrongly). Good glaze ; cut into circular form as last.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1626.

<IW'" .....,..._, Primuli.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4! in. Found Lane, London. Price Sale, 1853 C.I.L. vii. 1336, ''54 Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp lVtRE 0\!0?), Verecu(mli) l See M

(2) FORM 27 (M 1627 -1639).


M 1627.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27), with part offoot. Diam. 2} in. Found in Broad Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, ~J Ill. RtJm. Lo11d. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41; Col/. A11/. i. p. 150; Schuermans, 476. Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp ARICIM, Arici m(anu) i cf. Cl.L. xiii. and Dechelette, i. .p. 251, No. 18 (Ariccus).

10010, 169,


M 1628.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 1i in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 178; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Col/. A111. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 871. Foot complete. Glaze worn; in bad condition.

In the centre is the stamp



Bricc(i) m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


M 1629.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2t in. Similarly acquired. C.J.L . vii. 1336,233; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cal. Lond. A111. p. 42; Coli. A111. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1075. Foot mostly wanting.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 450.


Carantini m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 1630.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with half of foot. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 3i in. Found in Bow Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.IL. vii. 1336, 2Jt; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 42; Coli. A111. i. p. 151 ; Bo1111trjallrb. xcix. p. 6<); Schuermans, 1o68.

In the centre is the stamp OF CARAN, Oj(.ficina) Caran(tini ?), or perhaps Caran(tt) or Caran(t); cf. M 16o8 ff. ; and for Caramts, M 1950.
M 1631.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 396; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41; Col/. A11t. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 1838. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp DAGO, Dago(marus); cf. M 1615ff.

TWO FRAGMENTS, each forming bottom of similar bowls, with part of foot. M 1632M 1633. Diam. 3~ in. and 2~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 555 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104 ;

Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Col/. Ani. i. p. 15:1; Arcllaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Froehner, lnscr. Ierr.

cocl. 1322 ; Schuermans, 2958.

In the centre of each is the stamp also M 82, M 105.

M 1634.


cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 1 137;

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of foot. Ht. Ii in. Diam. 3t in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 133~, 679D; Bonner fahr6. xcix. p. 1o8. Dull glaze. Nearly one-half preserved.

In the centre is the stamp IDI ERNJ, Ma(t)erni, cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 1307.


3 I.

M 1639.

FRAGMENT fonning bottom of similar bowl, with half of foot. Diam. 2i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1157a (wrongly given as from Lincoln). Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp xiii,

10010, 2010.


Vert'Ctt(udi); cf. M


and C.I.L.

(3) FORM 3 I (1'4 1640-1673).

M 1640.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31). Lenb>th 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18s6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 16a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Aut. p. 41 ; Col/. Ant. i. p. 1so; Bolllter Jakrb. xcix. p. 57; Schucrmans, ;6. Fine dark glaze.


Stamped czqWuC!Sr!ll, 10010, 43


f1j(jici11a) ; partly obliterated ; cf. C.l.L.

l4 1641THREE BOWLS (Form 31). Ht. 2 to 2} in. Diam. 7 to 7~ in. Found on Pudding M 1643. Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Townelcy Coli. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 43e (gives only two);
Schuermans, 2o6. All have the foot broken away; glaze good except on the exterior of one.

In the centre of each is the stamp

10010, 84-


Albuciani , cf. C.l.L. xiii.

M 1644.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with part of foot. Viam. 4} in. Found in Aldersgate Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18s6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 45a; Ill. RQm, Lo11d. p. 10~; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41; Coli. Ant. i. p. ISO; Schuermans, 201. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp, in large letters: M 16o5.



l4 1645.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4{ in. From Southwark Bridge, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18s6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1o1b; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102 ; Cot. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp of(ficina) ; cf. M 16o6.

fAT I UAN(jJ, Atiltimi

l4 1646.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31 ?). Length 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18s6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 118a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 41; Col/. A11t. i. p. ISO; Schuermans, 641.



Aventini m(anu) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 227.

M 1647.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Fonn 31 or 18?), with part offoot. Diam. 4} ir.. Found in Paternoster Row, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18s6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 171 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102 ; Cat. Lond. A nl. p. 42 ; Col!. Ant. i. p. 151 ; Schuermans, R46. Good glaze, but partly discoloured bj fire.

In the centre is the stamp (in good neat letters) offic(ina) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 341.



M 1648.

PART of similar bowl. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 6i in. Found at Melbourne, Cambridgeshire ; acquired 1853. Foot complete and part ofside and rim preserved.

In the centre is the stamp


Borilli o./l{icina).


M 1649.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4 in. Found at St. Mary-atHill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 289; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Col/. Ant. i. p. 151; Bonner Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 73 ; Schuermans, 1256. Three pieces joined, with part of foot ; dark red glaze.

Within a ring of finely-hatched lines is the stamp (gil'bRJJ. Cmsori(11i);

cf. M 1612.

M 1650.

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2t in. Diam. 9~ in. Found on Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 31;a; Bonner Janr!J. xcix. p. 77 Foot damaged.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp Cintus(sae) m(anu) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 57 3. 574


Cintusm(i) or

TWO FRAGMENTS, each forming centre of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 4 in. M 1651M 1652. and 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.f.L. vii. 1336, 318a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Col/. Ani. i: p. 151 ; Bonner jaltr!J. xcix. p. 76 ; Schuermans, 1404.

In the centre of each (on 1651 within a ring of hatchings) is the stamp Cintusmi m(anu); see the last.

M 1653.

. FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 318d, 111. Rom, Lond. p. IOJ; Bonner Jaltr!J. xcix. p. 77; Schuermans, 1405. Foot complete; glaze poor. In the centre is the stamp

Cintusmi ... ., or Cintus(sae) Mix ...

Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Foot

M 1654.

FRAGMENT, similar. complete ; dull glaze.

Diam. 4 in.

From Colchester.

Stamp as last. M 1655.

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 1{ in. Diam. 7 in. Sittingbourne(?), Kent, 1883. Canliana, xvii. p. 154 (CRACIRO OF, from Elmley Marshes). Complete; dull glaze. Arc/e.


3 I.

M 1668.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31), with half offoot. Diam. 4i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 485a, Ill. Rom, Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 43; Coli. A111. i. p. 152; Bonner Jahr!J. xcix. p. 91.

\Vithin a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp f(ecit); cf. CI.L. xiii. 10010, 960.
M 1669.
BOWL (Form 31). Repaired ; glaze worn. Ht.



2t in.

Diam. 7i in.

From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

In the centre is the stamp and xiii. 10010, 1020.

M 1660.

11/iomar(z); cf. C.lL. vii. 1336, 514

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2{- in. Diam. 7i in. From Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. Foot damaged ; glaze worn, especially on exterior.

In the centre is the stamp @11\Jylt.ul"'), Maioris ma(nu) ; cf. C.lL. vii. I 336, 614-615 and xiii. 10010, 1242.
M 1661.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 615a or 615b, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104 ; Cal. l.ond. A 111. p. 44 ; Coli. A nl. i. p. 153 ; Bomur Jallrb. xcix. p. 10~. Foot complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1662.


Jl:laJori(s) m(anu).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with part of rim and foot. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 4} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 736; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 44 ; Col/. A 111. i. p. 153 ; Bo11ner jahrb. xcix. p. 115 ; Schuermans, 3718.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1663.


cf. C.I.L. xiii. IOOIO, 1391.

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. tl in. Diam. 7! in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 799a , Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; (at. Lond. Ant. p. 45; Coli. A11l. i. p. 153; Bo1111tr jaltrb. xcix. p. 120. Four fragments joined; incomplete.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1664.


cf. M 67, M 1635.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with half of foot. Diam. Croker Sale, 11!54 Good glaze.

Si in. Crofton

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp

M 1666.


Paterni m(amt).

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31 ). Length 2j in. Found in Fish Street Hill, London, 10 July, 1844. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 798. Bright red glaze.

Stamped CfATEINil'5l, Patemus, or perhaps Paternttl(lus), as read by Hubner in C.lL. loc. cit.
M 1666.
FRAGMENT forming bottom ofbowl (Form 31 ?) with halfoffoot. Diam. 4{- in. Found. in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 855a, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105 ; Cat. Lon d. A nl. p. 45 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 154; Schuermans, 4451 . Fine glaze.

Within a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp <PRlM\IPAtER>, Primuli Pater(11i ?) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1567.
X 2

M 1667.


FRAGMENT, similar.

Diam. 5 in.

Similarly acquired.

C./.L. vii. 1336, 8556. Good


Within hatched pattern as last Pate(r11i f), as the last.

M 1668.

the stamp


BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2 ~in. Diam. 7 in. From Preston, near Wingham, Kent. Presented by Mr. Goodson, 1854. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 868; Archaeologia, xxxvi. p. 181. Bowl ~omplete ; unusually deep; glaze much worn.

In the centre is the stamp

1572 ; on the exterior ;, inched

S\' ffV N ~ S"'"""


Pris[ci]ani; cf. C.!.L. xiii.


TWO BOWLS (Form 31 ). Ht. 3i in. Dia m. 10} and 10j in. From Pudding Pan M 1669M 1670. Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 9goa; Arckaeologia, v. p. 290; Bo1111er jakrb. xcix. p. 139; Frochner, 1888; Schuermans, 4965. One is marked "given by Mr D. Rhudde." Foot of one broken away; the other has good glaze, but much worn on exterior

Within a ring of hatched pattern, in each case, is the stamp C.!.L. xiii, IOoio, 1736.
M 1671-



TWO BOWLS, similar. Ht. 2i in. Diam. 9w in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, <J90C(?); Bomcer jalzrb. xcix. p. 139. Glaze worn ; exterior scraped and in bad condition. M 1672.

Within a ring of hatched pattern, in each case, is the stamp Sa(tur)nitti.

SA ... NINI,

M 1673.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 31).

Diam. 5i in.

Upchurch, Kent, 1883.

A rclz. Ca111iana, xvii. p. 159 Foot complete ; glaze worn.

[n the centre is the stamp


Saturn(t)ni o(fficit~a).

(4) FoRM 32 (M 1674-1677).



111 1677.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl as last. Diam. 6~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 8o1a; Bonmr jaltrb. xcix. p. 121. Foot complete; dark red glaze, worn.

In the centre is the stamp


Paternus fe(cit); cf. M 1635.

(5) FORM 33 (111 1678-1746).

M 1678.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Foot complete, but chipped.

Diam. 2t in.

From Colchester.

In the centre is the stamp and M 1641.

111 1679.


Albuciani; cf. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 43d,

Diam. 2 in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, Oct.,

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. 1837. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1680.



FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2~- in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 88; Bonner jaltrb. xcix. p. 6o. Foot complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp ARC OF ; probably intended for Arc(ani) of(jicina) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 164 and Dechelette, i. p. 251.
M 1681.
BOWL (Form 33). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. si in. Found on Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1ooa; Arcltaeologia, v. pp. 289, 290, and see vi. p. 392; Froehner, 187. Glaze worn away on exterior and on rim inside; foot broken away.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1682.


Atiliani m(mm) ; cf. M 16o6.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with foot. Diam. 1~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, tooa; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Ctll. Lond. A111. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 566. Glaze poor.

Stamp as last, with

M 1683.




FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of foot. Pollcxfen Coli., 1870. Dull glaze.

Diam. 2 in.

From Colchester.

In the centre is a rosette of eight points, round which is a band with the

incdption in neat letter.; :

M 1684.


A tiliani of(ficina).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, lOla; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 102 ; Cat. L011d. A11/. p. 41. Foot complete ; glaze worn. Cut into circular form ; cf. ;\<I 1624.

In the centre is the stamp Clfn;tJ\NBJ, Ati{ia11i oj(jicina).

M 1685.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 130; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lo11d. A111. p. 41; Col/. A11l. i. p. 150; Bon11er Jaltrb. xcix. p. 64; Schuermans, 713. Foot complete; g~ze worn.



In the centre is the stamp mvt1tM1, Aus'tri m(anu) ; cf. M 1464. C.I.L. 258, and Walters, Ancient Pottery, ii. p. 440.



1YI 1686.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2t in. Found in Kent Road, South London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1:n6, 118a , !II. Not. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 150. Foot complete; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1687.


Aventini m(antt); cf. M 1646.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 171; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151. Foot complete; glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp M 1688.


Borilli offic(ina); cf. M 1647.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33, or more probably So). Diam. 4 in. Found in Saddler's Place, London Wall. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 170; Gcnllcmat~'s Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gent. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. ii. p. 558). Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1689.


as the last.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of foot and side. Ht. It in. Diam. 3~ in. From Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 169. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (in good letters)

M 1690.


Boril/i of(ficina).

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. Ii in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 13~6, 169; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Arcltacologia, xxvii. p. 151; Coli. A11l. i. p. 151; Froehner, 427; Schuermans, 845. Glaze worn.

Stamp as last (no stop after 1).

M 1691.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part offoot. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Diam. It in. From Colchester.

In the centre is the stamp


Briccus j(ecit) ; cf. M 1628.

TWO FRAGMENTS forming centres of similar bowls, each w1th part of foot. Diam~ 2~ M 1692 M 1693. and 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 177a; Ill. Rom. Lrmti. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 4Z; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 872.

In the centre of each is the stamp





M 1698.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33), with part of foot. Diam. 2t in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 263; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1153 Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1699.


Catianus , cf. C.I.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33?). Diam. 3t in. Found in Gutter Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 290a>" Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. 151; Bonn" jaltrb. xcix. p. 73; Schuermans, 1258. Foot complete; glaze worn. Possibly the form is 79 or 8o.

In the centre is the stamp :M 1700.


cf. M


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Fonn 33). Diam. 1} in. Fot,Jnd in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 2900/ Ill. Rom. Lomi. p. 103. Dull glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 1701.
FRAGMENT, as M 16<}9, with part of foot. Diam. 3} in. Similarly acquired. vii. 1336, 313a/ B01wer jaltrb. xcix. p. 75. Dark glaze, discoloured.


In the centre is the stamp

(For Cinnamus seeM


Cimtami m(atm).

etc., and C.l.L. xiii. 100101 567.] Diam.

M 1702.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). C.l.L. vii. 1336, 315a. Foot complete ; dark glaze.



Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp cf. M 1650. :M 1708.


Cinlus(mi) or Ci11tus(sae) m(amt) ;

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 2! in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L, vii. 1336, 311; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 42; Coli. Anlr'r{. i. p. 151 ; Scbuermans, 1409 Good glaze. Two pieces joined.

M 1704.


Cintussa; cf. C.l.L . xiii.



FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33), with part of foot. Diam. 2} in. Found in Fenchurch Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 325a, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. A111. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1483. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1705.


Cobnerti (manu); cf. M


FRAGMENT as last, with foot. Diam. 2l in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.l.. vii. 1336, 375; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 42; Bomur jaltrb. xcix. p. 83. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp CRVCVR, Crucur(o); cf. M 1363 (on an ornamented vase), also C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 713, and Dechelette, i. p. 217.
M 1706.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 2t in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 399; Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. 84. Interior moulded, with convex centre ; fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (partly obliterated) f(ecit); cf. M 1615.





M 1707.

BOWL (Form 33). Ht. z in. Diam. 4 in. Found on Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 4o6a. Glaze much worn.

In the centre is the stamp (j) E C M [M), Dec(i)mi ma(nu) : cf. C.I.L. xiii.
M 1708.


FRAGMENT of centre of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 2! in. Found in Old Fish Street Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 4o6a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lo11d. Alii. p. 42; Schuermans, 1879. Glaze much worn; cut into circular form.

Starn p as last.
M 1709.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2} in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London, 9 Sept., 1~3o(?). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 435d. Glaze worn in parts ; cut circular as last.

In the centre is the stamp DOIICCVS F F, Doeccus f(f)(ecit) : cf. M 1657.

M 1710.
1856. FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. If in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., C.l.L. vii. 1336, 477c, Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 43 Foot complete, but chipped.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1711-


cf. M


TWO FRAGMENTS, similar, each with part offoot. Diam.

in. and

in. Similarly

M 1712. acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 477a , Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104 ; Cal. Lond. A 111. p. 43 ; Coli. A nl.
i. p. 152; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Froehner, 632; Schuermans, 2386. Glaze worn away.

In the centre of each is the stamp

M 1713.


Gemini m(amt).

FRAGMENT formirlg centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2} in. Similarly acquired. C.f.L. vii. 1336, 485a, 111. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 43; Bonner jaltr6. xcix. p. 91 ; Schuermans, 2395 Foot nearly complete; glaze worn. Cut into circular form.

In the centre is the stamp G E N 1 T OR F, Genitor f(ecit); cf. M 1658.

M 1714.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 4S5b, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 43; Colt. A11l. i. p. 152. Foot complete; good glaze. Cut circular as last.



M 1718.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~- in. From St. Mary-at-Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., r8;6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 5300. Foot nearly complete ; dark red glaze. Circular as last.

In the centre is the stamp IVLLINIM, jullini m(anu) ; cf. M 1621.

M 1719.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., r8;6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 536 or 538<r, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 43; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Bonner jal1r/J. xcix. p. 98; Schuermans, 2855. Foot wanting ; glaze worn. Circular as before.

In the centre is the stamp IVSTI MA, Justi ma(nu) ; cf. M 1676.
THREE BOWLS (Form 33). Ht. :z;l- to 2} in. Diam. 4 to 4! in. Found on M 1720M 1722. Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 679Q, Bomur jaltro. xcix. p. 1o8; Schuermans, 3414 Foot of one broken; glaze on two much worn.

In the interior of each is the stamp MATERN! ; !=f. M 1634M 1723TWO BOWLS, similar. Ht. 2 in. and I t in. Diam. 3i in. and 4 in. From the same M 1724. site. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Schuermans, 3418. See Arck. Canltana, xvii. p. 157 (MAIORINI MA).
Glaze worn on interior ; surface corrodt:d on exterior.

In the centre of each is the stamp (MAIER)'IIJ\111\j, Matemia11i (!).

M 1725.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). London. Price Sale, 1853. Foot nearly complete. Ht.

11- in.

Diam. :,i in.

Found in

In the centre is the stamp <MIfbAI'IO, Materliani (?).

M 1726.
FRAGMENT, similar. Cut into circular form. Diam. 1} in. London, 1837. Foot complete; glaze much worn.

In the centre is the stamp Matertiani. M 1727.

probably intended for Materniani or

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. ri in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 7 35a , Ill. Rom. Lmtd. p. 105 ; Cat. Lond. A nl. p. 44; Coli. A nl. i. p. 153 ; Schuermans, 3712. Foot complete; dark red glaze. -

In the centre is the stamp MOSSI M, Mossi m(anu) ; cf. C.f.L. xiii. 10010,
1391, also M 1662 (MOXIVS).

M 1728.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33), with half of foot. Colchester. Price Sale, 1853 C.I.L. vii. 1336, 746a. Dark red glaze.

Diam. 2k in.


In the centre is the stamp INAMI LlANo, Namiliani , cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1405.
M 1729.
FRAGMENT, similar. complete ; dark red glaze. Diam.


From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Foot

Stamp as last.
M 1730.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with foot and part of rim. Ht. r~ in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London, 3 Sept., 1836. Roach Smith Coli., r8;6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 746e; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 44; Col/. Ant. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3798. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp INMIL!AND, Namilim1i.


M 1731.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part offoot. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 2-i in. in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 802. Good glaze.


In the centre is the stamp

M 1732.


Patemi m(anu) ; cf. M

Ht. It in.


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim and foot.

Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1733.


(Officina'!) Pater(ni ? ).

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, Spa; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 45; Arduuologia, xxvii. p. 152; Col/. Ant. i. p. 154; Bonner Janr!J. xcix. p. 129. Foot nearly complete ; glaze discoloured.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1734.


cf. M


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i- in. Found in Thames Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 852a. Burnt black; cut into circular form.

Stamp as last. M 1735.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33, or more probably 18), with part offoot. Diam. 3! in. Found in Cock Lane, London, 3 May, 1844. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 852t; Bonner Ja!lr!J. xcix. p. 129. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp lrRIMO, Primuli.

M 1736.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 13:;6, 869; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Schuermans, 4472. Foot complete; glaze worn. Cut into circular form.

In the centre is the stamp



Priscini m(antt) ; cf. C.T.L. xiii.


M 1737TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 33). Diam. of each, 3~ in. From Pudding M 1738. Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. C.l.l. vii. 1336, 893a; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 131. Glaze
much worn ; foot in one case wanting, in the other complete.



M 1742.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 992; Cal. Lmd. Ani. p. 45; Bo1mer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 139; Schuermans, 4971. Foot complete; dark red glaze. Cut into circular form.

In the centre is the stamp fA1VKNSI&. Saturnini o(.fficina).

M 1743.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 2! in. From Colchester. Price Sale, 1853. 1336, 1o!l 3a , Bonner/altrb. xcix. p. 150. Cut into circular form.

C.I.L. vii.

1'4 1744.

Iil the centre is the stamp SOLLEMNI OF, Sollemni(s) of(jicina); cf. C.l.L. 10010, 1830; underneath is incised 1~.
From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Glaze

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Ii in. much worn ; cut circular as last.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1745.


So/lem(m)ni(s) manu.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. li in. Found in the Thames, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1149; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Col/. A11l. i. p. 15 5 ; Schuermans, 5599 Glaze worn; circular as before.

In the centre is the stamp 1991.

M 1746.


Vegtti m(anu); cf. C:l.L. xiii.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1155; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cal. Lond. A11t. p. 46; Coli. A111. i. p. 155; B01mer jalzrb. xcix. p. 154; Schuermans, 5635. Foot chipped. Glaze much worn.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. M 1639.

(6) M 1747.


(M 1747-1756).

PART OF BOWL (Form 44). Ht. 3 in. Diam. 5} in. From the Royal Exchange, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8186, Ill. Rom. l.oml. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. A11t. p. 26, No. 105, and p. 44; Bonner jallrb. xcix. p. 124; Schuermans, 4230 or 4232; cf. Proc. .Soc. A nligs. xxi. p. 288. About half remaining. Good glaze.

In the interior is the stamp

(fAY ~~'M' Paulli m(anu).

[This Paullus must be distinguished from the Rutenian potter; cf. M 716.]

M 1748.

PART OF BOWL (Form 8o). Ht. 1i in. Diam. 4} in. Found in Coleman Street, London, Oct. 1837. Roach Smith Coli., tl!j6. C.I.L vii. 1336, 16a, Ill. Rom. Loud. p. 102; Cat. Lond. A1tl. p. 41; Coli. Ani. i. p. 150; Bomur Jalzrb. xcix. p. 57 Foot complete, but much chipped. Glaze poor. Fl.;tt centre and thick rim ; shape not given by Dragendorff.

In the centre is the stamp M 1749.


a=, Ad'l'ocisi of(jicina) ; cf. M 1640.


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Ht. li in. Diam. Roach Smith Coli., I 856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 42. Good glaze.


Found in London.

In the centre is the stamp


Allm(ci) ; cf. M 1005.

M 1750.


BOWL (Form as before). Ht. 1 ~ in. Diam. Jt in. Found on Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 263; Archaeologia, v. p. 290 (misread); Proc. Soc. Anlt"tJS. xxi. (1907), 271, 284. Glaze much worn on exterior.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1751.


Catiam1s; cf. M 1698.

BOWL (Form as before). Ht. 1! in. Diam. 4 in. Found in 1849 at Hoo St. Werburgh, Kent. Presented by W. H. Nicholson, Esq., 1852. Arch. Canliana, x. p. 76, with plate; Arch.Journ. x. p. 7; Proc. Soc. Anlr"rjs. xxi. (1907), p. 274- Glaze worn and rim chipped; part of foot wanting.

In the centre is the stamp


~ l?j), Cinn(ami ?).

[The bowl belongs to the latter part of the second century, and it is doubtful if it can be the work of the well-known potter Cinnamus ; but this is the most probable reading ol the name.]

M 1752THREE BOWLS (Form 79). Diam. 7 to 7~ in. From Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne M 1754. Bay, Kent. Towneley Coli. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1ooa; Arcltaeologia, v. p. 289. Foot chipped in
two cases; glaze much worn in all. The form is a larger version of M 1748-51.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1755.


Atili'a11i m(anu); cf. M 16o6.

BOWL (Form as last). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 7~ in. Similarly acquired. Towneley Coli. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 238. Foot complete. Glaze good on interior, worn away on exterior.

In the centre is the stamp ~A

M 1611 and C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 453
Ht. i in.

R ?\TID~,

Carati/(/)i m(anu) ; cf.

M 1756.

BOWL as before.

Diam. 7! in.

Similarly acquired. Glaze much worn.

In the centre is the stamp


(1.1<.\ V\LID, Pau//i (?);

cf. M 1747.




:M 1759.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 346 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ar~l. p. 41; Coli. Ant. i. p. 150; Bomur jaltrb. xcix. p. 58; Schuermans, 177.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 77
:M 1760.


A/bani m(amt) ;

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18 (?)),with foot and part of rim. a Rutenian fabric.

li in. Diam.

6t in. Roll-moulding inside; rim moulded outside like Form 17. Dark red glaze. Probably

In the centre is the stamp tfMM, Sex(ti) Albmt(i) ?. incised A.

:M 1761.

Underneath is

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Length 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 75; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Ctzt. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 150 ; Schuermans, 412. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 1762.


perhaps for Of(ficina) Apri(li)s.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. Si in. Found in Abchurch Lane, London, 29 Oct., 18.)8. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 112. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ATTISO (?), Attis(si) o(fficina)?; cf. C.I.L. xiii. :w8 (a stamp found only in North-east France).

:M 1763.

FRAGMENT as last, with part of foot. Diam. 4i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 131a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 726. Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp 267.


Balbinus f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii.

:M 1764.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18 or 79). Diam. 6 in. Found in Thames Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.1.. vii. 1336, 138; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Coli. A11t. i. p. 150; Schuermans, 767. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 1765.


Belinicci; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 281.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with half offoot. Croker Sale, 1854. C:/.L. vii. 1336, 2o8a. Good glaze.

Diam. 5 in. Crofton

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 401.


Calava f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

:M 1766.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 6t in. From Gloucester. Presented by S. Lysons, Esq., 1811. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 241c; Arcluuologia, xviii. p. 122; Schuermans, 1081. Dull glaze, worn.

Within a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp ma(nu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 455
:M 1767-



TWO FRAGMENTS, similar. Diam. 3 in. and 4} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 241a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 42; M 1768. Coli. A nl. i. p. 151 ; Bonner jal1rb. xcix. p. 6<}.

On each, stamp as last, that on M 1767, within a ring of hatched pattern.


M 1769.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. Ii in. Found in Friday Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 241a. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 1770.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with halfoffoot. Diam. 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L vii. 1336, 247 (wrongly?) ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103 (wrongly) ; Schuermans, 1040 (?). Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp

M 1771.



FRAGMENT from centre ofbowl (Form 18). Diam. Ii in. Found at London Bridge, 1830. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 192; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Coli. Attl. i. p. 151 ; Schuermans, 1230. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1772.

L c CELSI o,

L. C. Celsi o(fficina}.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. f._:J.L. vii. 1336, 285 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151 ; Schuermans, 1239. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1773.


Celta Sec(tmdt) f

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii 1336, 341a; 111. Rom. L()IJd, pp. 103, 104 ; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 43 (GONDI); Schuermans, 2446. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp CONOI M, Condi m(anu); cf. C.l.L. xiii.
M 1774.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of foot. London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 408. Good glaze.



Diam. 3} in.

Found in

In the centre is the stamp




cf. C.l.L. xiii.


M 1775.

PART OF BOWL (Form 18). Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 6!. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 18 56. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 409. About half preserved ; glaze somewhat worn.


M 1779.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Length ::!tin. Found in Birchin Lane, London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 544; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 104; Cat. Lund. Ant. p. 43; Arcluleologia, xxvii. p. I:!; Schuermans, 2758. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 1093


j(u)venalis ma(nu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

14 1780.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 5-i in. Abchurch Lane, London, 16 Oct., 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 564- Fine glaze ; roll-moulding round interior.

In the centre is the stamp ILoBHu, Lori(us) j(ecit)?

[Hiibner in C.I.L. reads LOBI R; neither name is given in C.I.L. xiii.]

M 1781.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18). Diam. H in. Found in Rood Lane, London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Good glaze; cut in circular form, as M 1624, etc.
10010, 1247,

In the centre is the stamp II JA IIlXIJ, Mall(t)a(cz) '! and M 2123 below. The reading is very doubtful.

Cf. C.I.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp e jJc(LIN , M arcelli(11i f) ; cf. M C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 126414 178314 1784.

2 12 5


TWO FRAGMENTS, similar. Diam Si in. and 3i in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. 1336, 689 ; Ill. Rom. Lund. pp. 90, 101, 105 ; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 44; Coli. A 111. i. p. 153 ; Schuermans, 3484. Part of rim on larger fragment. Good glaze.

In the centre of each is the stamp (&\hrrtMl. Medeti m(anu) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.
10010, I 327.

M 1785.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4t in. From the Steelyard, London. A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 689. Fine glaze.

Presented by

Stamp as before. M 1786.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with part offoot. Diam. 4i in. Found in London(?). Loftus-Brock Coll. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 18. Burnt black ; cut in circular form.

Stamp as before
14 1787. FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18 ?), with part of foot. Diam. 3l in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 705. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp xiii.

M 1788.
10010, 135o-1 35 I.

(Mni'1L probably Mett(i) as

1881 ;

cf. C.lL.

FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 2i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853- C.l.L. vii. 1336, 758a ; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 105; Coli. Ani. i. p. 153; Bon11er jahriJ. xcix. p. 117; Schuermans, 31!65. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp



Nicepkor(us) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.




M 1789.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

Diam. r} in.

Found in London.


In the centre is the stamp NILVS F, N ilus f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1432.
[The reading is somewhat doubtful.]

M 1790.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form r8), with half of foot. Diam. 4~- in. Found in Cheapside, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 794J/(?). Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp .... LOSFE, Paterc]los fe(cit) ; see the following.
M 1791.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with half of foot. Diam. 4fin. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 794a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. p. 45; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Froehner, 312 ; Schuermans, 4159.

ros ;

Found in London. Cat. Lond. A111.

In the centre is the stamp PATERCLOS FE,

10010, J 503.


fe(cit) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

M 1792.

PART OF BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 6~ in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 794a Two pieces joined: nearly complete. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 1793.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with half of foot. Oct. 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 79 Fine glaze. Diam. 3i in. St. Saviour's, Southwark,

In the centre is the stamp ATERCLOS F, P]atercios f(ecit).

M 1794.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18). Diam. 3i in. Found in Cateaton (now Gresham) Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 793; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105 ; Schuermans, 416o; Gentleman's 1J1ag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gent.Mag. Li!Jr. Rom.-Bril. Rem. ii. p. 559). Dull dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp PATERCLVS F, Paterclus f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.
10010, I503-Q4

M 1795.

BOWL (Form 18). Ht. ri in. Diam. 7 in. East Hall, Murston, ncar Sittingbourne, Kent, 1883. Complete. Glaze much worn.


I 8.


1'4 1799.

FRAGMENT, similar.

Diam. Si in.

Foot complete.

Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

1'4 1800.

CPR EC: RM, as the last.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 5} in. Found in New Church Street, Be1mondsey, 1845 Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 832. Foot nearly complete ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

1'4 1801.


M. Pisse ... (?)

Diam. Ii- in. Found in London. Roach

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

Stamped IMPJh,.., M. Piss ... , as the last.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 18), one with part of rim. Diam. 5~- in. and 1'4 18021'4 1803. 5 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 834; Ill. f.'om. Lond. p. 10; ; Cat. Lond. A11l. p. 45;

Coli. Ani. i. p. 1;4(?); Donner Jahrb. xcix. p. 126; .schuermans, 4355


In the centre of each is the stamp C.I.L. xiii. 10010, I 540.

1'4 1804.

Oj(jicina) Polio(nis) ; cf.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18 or 79). Diam. 3i in. Found in Cannon Street, London, 22 Oct., 1836. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 841a; Ill. Rom. Lomi. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 45; Coli. Ant. i. p. IH; Arckaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Froehner, 435 ; Schuermans, 4397 Good glaze.
10010, I55I,

In the centre is the stamp and M 1991.


Potiti(a}ni m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

Eastcheap, London, 1838.

1'4 1805.

FRAGMENT as last, with part of foot. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 866. Fine glaze.
100 10, I 57 I.

Diam. zj- in.

In the centre is the stamp UiM!ID. Primi Sc(otti) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.
1'4 1806.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Length Ii in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, London, 18 Sept., 1837. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 877; Ill. Rom. L011d. p. 105,

M 1807.


Of(ficina) Pude(ntis) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, I 590

FRAGMENT as last. Length 2~ in. Found in Addle Street, Wood Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, R79; 111. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Coli. Ant. i. p. 154; Schucrmans, 4534; Gml/ema11's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gmt. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. ii. p. 559). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

1'4 1808.



FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18), with part of foot. Diam. 4f in. Found in Cock Lane, London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 917a; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 45; Col/. A11t. i. p. IH; Schuermans, 4645. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, I62I.


Reguli m(anu) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii.




M 1809.

FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 5} in. Found in London (Royal Exchange?). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 93Jtz, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cczl. Lond. Ant. p. 45 (ROFFVS) ; Col/. A nl. i. p. 1 H and Schuermans, 4711 (do.). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp QlotrvWi:l, Rottus fec(it).

M 1810.
FRAGMENT as before, with half of foot. Diam. 5} in. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 952c. Good glaze. Found in London. Roach

In the centre is the stamp



[Perhaps intended for S. A /bin us; cf. also C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 17oS (Salvinus).]

M 1811.

FRAGME~T forming centre of bowl (Form 18 or i9?), with part of foot. Diam. 4i in. Lime Street, London, June, 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 106o.~, Bo1111er jaltrb. xcix. p. 146. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1812.

SEXTVS ; cf.

C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1807.

FRAG!\IENT from centre of bowl as last. Diam. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 106; Cal. Lo11d. A ttl. p. 46; Schuermans, 5244 Good glaze.

M 1813.


C. Sihi(us); cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 1816.

BOWL (Form 18). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 61 . in. Found at Oarc, ncar Faversham, Kent, 1838. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Arch. Ca11tiana, xvii. p. 159; Reliquary, xiii. p. 143; Arcltaeologia, xxix. p. 221 ; Froehner, bzscr. terr. cocl. 1923. Complete; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (t:Jl-S [ CVNI, L. Ter(ti) Secun(di) or L. Ter(mti) Secun(di); cf. C.J.L. vii. r336, 1113 and xiii. 10010, 1900, also Mitteil. iiber riim. Fmrde i11 Heddernheim, iv. p. 153. No. 63.
[This stamp is chiefly found in Germany ; but the bowl apparently dates from the first century, and looks like Rutenian ware.]

M 1814.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with half of foot.

Diam. 5 in. Found




M 1817.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

Diam. 3 in.

Found in London. Roach Smith

In the centre is the stamp

M 1818.

VID .. ,


FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with part offoot. Diam. 5i in. Found in Blackfriars, London, Dec., 1843. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 384; Gmtleman's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (==Gent.1/ag. Libr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 558). Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1819.


Cunas (?) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 722.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim and foot. Ht. 1i in. Diam. 3k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1236. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ....

M 1820.


ci oj(j)ic(ina).
1i in.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Dark red glaze.


Similarly acquired.

Stamped 0\NIN:.tS', . . . ani11(us)j(ecit)?

M 1821.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. 1336, 1311(?). Good glaze. Diam.


Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1822.
BOWL (Form 18).


Ht. It in. Diam. 6i in.


From Colchester.

Pollcxfcn Coli., 1870.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1823.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of foot. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 18~4. Good glaze.







Within a ring of finely-hatched patterns is the stamp Cl2I22D, ... ii m(a11u) ?

M 1824.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with half of foot. London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. Good glaze. Diam. 4} in. Fou.nd in

In the centre is the stamp ./YR!\, .... pus fe(cit).

M 1826.
Arclr. Ca1zliatza, xv. p. 104.

FRAGMENT as last, with part of foot. Dull glaze.




Lower Halstow, Kent, 1883.

In the centre is the stamp f!JJ), ... uti.

M 1826.
FRAC;MENT from centre of bowl (Form r8). Length 6i in. Found in Lombard Street, London, June, 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1338, 2; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 108; Schuermans, 619. Good glaze. ',_""

Underneath is incised
M 1827.

1'\ I rv1

Roach Smith Coil.,

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Length Ji in. Found in London. C.I.L. vii. 1338, 20; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 1o8; Schuermans, 4238.

Underneath is incised

fAY\ 1,'\J S, Paul/us,

M 1828.


FRAGMENT, similar.

Diam. :!i in.


Good glaze.

Round the centre is incised

M 1829.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Ht. Ij. in. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.I.L. vii. IJJ8, 9; Ill. Rom. Lomi. p. 108; Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 47; Schucrmans, 2400. Dull glaze.

On the exterior is incised ,({

M 18~0.

f ~.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form I8). Length 3 in. Similarly acquired. I338, 28tr, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 108; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 47 Good glaze.

On the exte.ior is indsed

VI w;

C.l.L. vii.

cf. M



FRAGMENTS OF FORM 24- (M 1831-1834).

M 1831.

PART OF BOWL (Form 24). Ht. li in. Diam. 3 in. Found in Eastcheap, London, 27 Aug., I8J6. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.l.L. vii. IJ36, I I46; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 106; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 46; Coil. Ani. i. p. I 55(?); Schuermans, 5579 About two-thirds preserved; fine glaze. Round the rim, hatched pattern.

In the centre is the stamp smJ, Vassili; cf. C.I.L . xiii.

M 1832.

10010, 1982.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 24), with part of rim and foot. Diam. 2} in. l"ound in London. Saulls Coil., I86J. C.l.L. vii. 1336, u3I. Glaze poor; no hatchings round rim.

In the centre: is the stamp

M 1833.


underneath the foot is incised


BOWL (Form 24). Ht. If in. Diam. 3 in. Found in Abchurch Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1232 (?). About one-fourth restored. Goor\ glaze. Fine but fair.t hatchings round rim.

In the centre is the stamp



X 1837.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 21g; /1/, Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41 ; Bon11er Jahrb. xcix. p. 57 Glaze poor; surface of interior much damaged.

In the centre is the stamp


A (e)sth(i); cf. C.I.L. xiii.



X 1838.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of foot. Ht. 1 ~ in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in St. Swithin's Lane, London, 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 25a (inaccurately). Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 59. and M 2238 below.


Agedillus f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii.

X 1839.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 1! in. Diam. 3 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C./.1.. \ii. 1336, 33a; Romur ja/1rb. xcix. p. 58. Foot complete. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp rofAJ!AII), Of(ficilla) A/bani; cf. M 1759

X 1840.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L; vii. 1336, 33'' ; Ill. Rom. Loml. p. 102 ; Cat. Loml. Ant. p. 41 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 1s:>; Schuermans, 179. Foot not complete.

Stamp as last.

X 1841.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 2} in. Similarly acquired. C./.L. vii. 1336, 33c; Ill. A'flm. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 174. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp incised Fl.


Oj(jicina) Alban(t); underneath is

X 1842.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 1! in. Diam. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Schuermans, 222. Foot nearly complete.

31 in.

Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp


A !ius f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. vii.


X 1843.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Fine glaze.

Ht. 1} in. Diam. 3l in. Similarly acquired.

10010, 132.

In the centre is the stamp


Annia(ni) ; cf. C.I.L . xiii.

X 1844.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. I{ in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Bishopsgate Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 104 (?) ; Gmllmmn's Mag. 1843, ii. p. 416 (=Gmt. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. i. p. 201). Foot nearly complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp



X 1845.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 1~ in. From St. Clement's Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336,140; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41; Schuermans, no. Foot complete. Good glaze.
10010, 281

In the centre is the stamp and M 1764.


Belenicms j(ecit) ; cf. C./.1.. xiii.

Found in the

M 1846.

FRAGMENT similar, with part of foot. Ht. i in. Diam. 3i in. Thames, Oct. 1845. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 141a, Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp


Belinicci m(anu); cf. M 1764-


M 1847.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1i" in. Diam. 2! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 141a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o:z; Coli. Ant. i. p. I 5 I ; Cat. Lond. Ant. p.p; Arcllaeologia, xxvii. p. lSI and Froehner, 4I4 (wrongly). Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 1848.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3i in. Cheapside, London, 10 Oct., 1838. Fine glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (!!!J.!!UYV, Belinicci.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 27), one with half offoot. Diam. J} in. and M 1849M1850. :lin. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 151; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. I02; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 81 I. part of rim. Fine glaze on larger fragment, which has

M 1851.

In the centre of each is the stamp ([f)ILCij), Billic(us) j(ecit); cf. C.I.L. 10010, 299, 30r.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27 ?). Diam. Ii in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 155; Coli. Ant. i. p. 166 (?). Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp


Biragilli; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 305.

(Cf. Dt!chelette, i. p. 118, note 3, and Knorr, Verzierten Terra-sig.-Gefiisse vott Camzstadt u. Ko11gen-Grinario, p. 7, pl. 9.)

M 1852.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL {Form 27). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 165 ; Bonner Ja!lr!J. xcix. p. 65. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp QONoxvot0, j(ecit); cf. ClL. xiii.. 339

M 1853.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 165; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. I02; Cat. Lo11tl. Ant. p. 42; Arc!laeologia, xxvii. p. I 51 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 15 I ; Froehner, 420; Schuermans, 843. Foot complete. Glaze poor.

Stamp as last.
M 1854.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam.


Found in the Thames,


M 1858.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Il in. Uiam. 3 in. Found in the Thames. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, J04tl; Ill. Rom. Lo1zd. p. 103; Cal. Lund. A1ll. p. 42; Schuermans, 1322. Foot complete ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (on an eared tablet as M C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 548 (Cettus).
:M 1859.

2072) CETI,

Ceti; cf.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1! in. Diam. J! in. Found in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, Scpt. 1843 Price Sale, I8SJ C.I.L. vii. IJJ6, J20; Ill. Rom. L o11d. p. !OJ; Col/. filii. i. p. 151 ; Schuermans, 1424 ; Bomlt'r Jalzrb. xcix. p. 77 ; Gaztkmrm's ,lfag. 1843, ii. p. 5J2, 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gc111. ,!Jag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. i, p. :!OJ, ii. p. 558). Foot complete ; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 1860.


Cirrus fec(it); cf. Cl.L xiii.


PART OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 3! in. Found in .1\loor Lane, London, 14 June, 1844. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 332; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. IoJ; Schuermans, 1507; Botmer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 78; Coli. Alii. i. p. 151 (COCVRNV F). About half preserved, with two-thirds of foot ; glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp 002.


Cowrus j(tcit) ; cf. C.I.L xiii.

:M 1861.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 3 in. Found in Clement's Lane, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, J54; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 103 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1666; Gtllllemmz's Afag. 1844, ii. p. J8 (=Gent. i~fag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rn11. ii. p. 558). Foot nearly complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Cotto f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii.



M 1862.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Ht. Ij in. Diam. zi in. Found in London . Roach Smith Coli., r8;6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 378a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103 ; Cal. Lo11d. Alii. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1791. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 716.

FRAGMENT as last.


Cucali (?) m(amt) ; c:f. C.I.L xiii.

C.l.L. vii. 1336, 433c.

M 1863.

Diam. 3l in.

Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp QONSIAIG."J, Domzaucus j(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii.
10010, 812.

M 1864.

FRAGMENT, forming centre of similar bowl. Uiam. 2 in. Sale, 1853 C.I.L. vii. 1336, 4J3d. Foot complete; glaze worn.

Found in London.


In the centre is the stamp OOHSIAICO,

:M 1865:
FRAG.MENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 43Jb. Foot complete.


or Dom1auc(z1.
Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Found in London.

In the centre is the stamp



TWO FRAGMENTS of similar bowls. Diam. 2~ in. and 2~ in. Found in London. M 1866:M 1867. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 13J6, 433a; cf. Gl'lltlema11's Mag. 1844. ii. p. 38 = Gtlll. ,lft~l{ Libr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 558 (DOMINICI, from Artillery Lane). Foot of one complete.

In the centre of each is the stamp <QOHiNCD, Dounauci.


M 1868.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3~ in. vii. 1336, 433a. Foot complete; fine glaze.

St. Saviour's, Southwark, 24 Oct., 1837


Stamp as before, partly obliterated.

M 1869.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Found on the site of St. Bartholomew-by-theExchange, London, 25 March, 1840. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 4330. Foot complete.

Stamp as before.
M 1870.
BOWL (Form 27). Ht. 2j in. Diam. 4t in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 433d; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103 ; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 43 ; Schuermans, 2008. Part of rim restored.

In the centre is the stamp CJON51M'), D]onnauc(i).

M 1871.

FRAGMENT forming centre o( similar bowl. Franks, Esq., 188o. Burnt to a dark brown.


2! in.

Presented by A. W .

In the centre is the stamp (thrice repeated)

~' Domtauc(t).
Diam. 2i in. London, 1853

M 1872.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with part of foot. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 433t'; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp



M 1873.

FRAGMENT forming boLtom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 2! in. Found in Eastcheap, London, 1 Sept., 1837 ; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 4416 (wrongly) ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Attt. p. 43; Schuermans, 2104. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. C.lL xiii.



M 1874.

FOOT OF BOWL (Form_27,ormoreprobably, 33). Diam.Ii in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 1844. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the . stamp 891.


Of( jici11a} Fer( ocis?) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


M 1878.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Fonn 27). Ht. ~~ in. Diam. 3! in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 618; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Cat. Lond. A11l. p. 44; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3216. Foot complete, but chipped; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (MtWROFJ, .Malluro f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.
10010, I 249

M 1879.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 27). Diam. I~ in. Found in King William Street, London, 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 63.. Two-thirds of foot preserved; dark brown glaze.

In the centre is the stamp !MK< WN7, Marc(e)lli m(mtu) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 1266.

M 1880.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 2~ in. Found ncar St. Swithin's Church, London, 1836; acquired 18)8. C.l.L. vii. 1336,633a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Romur Jaltrb. xcix. p. 104. Part of foot prcs~.:rvcd; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp .. RCELLI M, Ma ]rcelli m(anu). M 1881.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 7o6t1; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Ca(. Lond. Atzl. p. 44; Coli. A11t. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3561. Foot complete; dull red brown glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 1350; also M 1787. M 1882.


Metti m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xlii.


FRAGMENT OF flOWL (Form 27), with part of toot. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 3 in. St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, Lonrlon, 26 March, 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 707a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 44; Col/. Ant. i. p. 153; Ro11ner jallrb. xcix. p. 111 ; Schuermans, 3577 Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp M 1883.


Miccio(11is ?) ; cf. C.!.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1} in. Diam. 3! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 7o8a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. All/. p. 44; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153; Bomur Jalzrb. xcix. p. 112; Schuermans, 3581. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (twice impressed)


JJ.ficcionis m(amt).

TWO FRAG:'YIENTS, each fom1ing bottom of similar bowl. Lliam. of one, 2~ in.; M 1884-M 1885. height of the other, 1! in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 7 5 ; see Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102, and Cat. Loml. Ant. p. 41; Schuermans, 3846. Foot in one case complete, in the other mostly wanting.
XIII. 10010,

In the centre of each is the stamp QKlvRF\, Nequrttts) f(ecit)? ; cf. C.I.L. 1418.

M 1886.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 2~ in. Found in Lad Lane (now Gresham Street), London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 75.. Dull glaze.

Stamp as last. M 1887.

FRAGMENT, similar. Good glaze. Diam. 2 in. London Street, London, 1854.

C.I.L. vii. 1336,

In the centre is the stamp tma, Neqttr(tts .?).

M 1888.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in St. Swithin's Lane, London, March, 1844. Price Sale, Ill 53 Gentl~man's 11-Iag., 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = G~nl. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Brit. R~m. ii. p. 558). Foot nearly complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (Mfl\t 6), Nertv) m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L . xiii.
10010, 1421.

M 1889.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1103; Botm~r jaltrb. xcix. p. 151; Gmtl~man's Mag., 1844, ii. p. 38 = G~nl. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Bril. R~m. ii. p. 558? (PASTO from Cat eaton St.). Foot complete, but chipped ; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp \!6Slb ; the name is otherwise unknown and the P is doubtful, but perhaps TASCI = Tas(g}i(lli) should be read; cf. M 1899, etc.
M 1890.
BOWL. (Form 27). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 4t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 793 or 794; Ill. Rom. Ltmd. p. 105 ; Cal. Lond. A111. p. 45 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. I 53 Repaired ; rim restored.

In the centre is the stamp


Paterclu.sfe(cit) ; cf. M



M 1891.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8o56 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 45 (?) ; Schuermans, 4182. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In thecentreisthestamp PATNA
M 1892.


Patnafe(cit); cf. C.l.L. xiii.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3 in. Found in King William Street, London, June, 1837 Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 829; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105 ; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 45; Coil. Ant. i. p. 154; Schuermans, 42. Foot complete; poor glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, I 527.


Perrus f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


M 1893.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). complete ; dull glaze.



2! in. Foot




Gmlleman's Mag., 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gmt.Jtag. Libr., J((lm,-Bril. Rem. ii. p. 559). discoloured.

In the centre is the stamp 1778.

K 1897.


Senila (?) f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl(?). Diam. 3 in. Found at Colchester, 1849. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1030a. Foot complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

K 1898.

U HII 1\>B), Senila(e) m(anu)?

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27). Diam. 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1()()6; Ill. R(lm, Lmtd. p. 1o6; Cal. Lmtd. A nl. p. 46; Schuermans, 5348 (?). Foot wanting. Glaze worn on inside.

In the ct!ntre is the stamp

K 1899.


foot ;, ;ndsed

A .ft.


Suobni[lli; cf. CI.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT of centre of bowl (Form 27), with part of foot. Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L.vii.1336, 11076 ; III.Rom.L(Ind.p.1o2; Cat. Lond.Ant. p.1o2; Arcltaeologia, xx\ii. p. 1p ; Froehner, 157 ; Schuermans, 503. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp C:ILLH\il), T]asgilli m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L . xiii. 1885.

K 1900.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 11056; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cat. Lmzd. A nl. p. 46; Schuermans, 5381 (?). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp c911 IH AT), Tas(g)il(l)u(s)?

FRAGMENT as before. Diam. 2} in. Clement's Lane, London, 1865. Good glaze.

Stamp as last; the v is incomplete.

M 1902.
FRAGMENT as before. (;)azc worn. Diam. 2! in.

From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.


In the centre is the stamp

M 1903.

Tauriani; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 27), with two-thirds of foot. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. \'ii. 1336, 1115 ; <.t11. Lond . .-1111. p. 46. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp liMO'[ f), Terliol(us ?) ; cf. CI.L. xiii.


TWO FRAGMENTS, similar. Diam. 4~ in. and 2} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. :M 1904:M 1906. vii. 1336, 1123; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cat. Lmtd. Ani. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. 155; Schuermans, 5434 Feet complete, but one chipped.

In the centre of each is the stamp (!Ttvl(l. Tet111r or Tetlurus; cf. C!.L. xiii.
JO:::>IO, 19o6-07.

M 1906.


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (F.orm 27). Diam. 2! in. Found in Kent Street, Southwark, Dec. 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1147a. Foot complete. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1907.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.


10010, 1986.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 11470.


Found in London.

Price Sale,

Stamp as last.
M 1908.
FRAGMENT, similar. Dull glaze. Ht. Ii in. Diam.


London, 1853- C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1147b.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1909.

VAX ..,


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 21 in. Founc.l in London; acquired, 1837. Foot complete. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp <DiD, Of(ficina) Ve ......

M 1910.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part oHoot. Diam. 2! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 11410; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 45; Coli. A11t. i. p. I 54 Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp Q v c; cf. C.lL. xiii.

M 1911.

10010, 195 I.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. I-!- in. Diam. :i in. Billiter Street, London, C.I.L. \'ii. 1336, 1141a. Foot mostly wanting. Good glaze.


Stamp as last.
M 1912.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 3! in. Found in London, Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 1246. Foot complete. Good dark red glaze.
13 Dec., 1855.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1913.
BOWL (Form 27).


cf. C.J.L. xiii.

10010, 885.

Ht. Ii in.

Diam. 3i in.

Found in Mansell Street, London.



M 1917.

BOWL (Form 27). ljt. 1! in. Diam. 3 in. but repaired and lip damaged. Good glaze.

Broad Street, London, 1865. Complete,

In the centre is the stamp NAIIV, Naev(t) ?

:M 1918.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Ht. 1-i in. Diam. 3 in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1919.

cp o vYCJJ ?

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1 in. Diam. vii. 1336, 587. Foot complete. Good glaze.

in. Aldgate, London, Oct., 1838. C.I.L.

In the centre is the stamp OF M, Of(ficina) Ma ....

:M 1920.
FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 2z in. Found in Noble Street, near the General Post Office, London, 13 Sept., 1837; acquired, 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1237. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp . . . . ISJDlVl'A, . inicius f(ecit) ; perhaps Bel(iniccus) as M I 764. but if the fifth letter is not 1, it is more likely L than c.
M 1921.
FRAGMENT, similar. complete. Dull glaze. Diam. li in.

Found in London.

Price Sale, 1853.


In the centre is the stamp M 1922.

FRAGMENT, similar.

F/oi (?).
London, 1853.

Diam. 2} in.

In the centre ~s the stamp M 1923.

FRAGMENT, similar.

00, A tim. . . ?
London, 1853. Good glaze.

Diam. IZ in.

In the centre is the

M 1924.

perhaps Varti, as M 1908.


PART OF BOWL (Form :::7), with part of rim and foot. London, 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1232 (?). Good glaze.





In the centre is the stamp M 1925.

Cl\11 Nl.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. li in.

Diam. 4 in.

Foot complete.

Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp M 1926.


possibly (B)as[si.
Diam. Ji in. Good glaze.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part offoot.

In the centre is the M 1927.


(perhaps a mere imitation).


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27), with part of foot. Dull glaze.



In the centre is the stamp

M 1928.
FRAGMENT, similar.


Diam. 3i in. Good glaze; much chipped.

In the centre is the stamp 4?f/\TVU.

M 1929.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam.


Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1930.
BOWL (Form 27). Glaze poor. Ht. Ii in.


Eucas (?).
From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Diam. 3i- in.


In the centre is the stamp

M 1931.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form l7), with half offoot. Diam. 2i in. From Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o. C.lL. vii. 1336, 1303(?). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp aTOt.nrqm.

M 1932.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Coli., 1892. Foot complete; dull glaze. From Hod Hill, Blandford, Dorset. Durden

In the centre is the stamp CO'


(4) FORM 3 I (M 1933-2018).

M 1933.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 3 in. Found in Broad Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 6; II!. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Coil. Ant. i. p. ISO; Schuermans, 29; Gentlema11'1 Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (=Gmt. Mal(. Lior., Rom.-Brlt. Rem. ii. p. S58).

In the centre is the stamp

J4 1934.


Accil(t)nus j(ecit).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4~ in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8; 1//. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Col/. Ant. i. p. ISO; Schuermans, 33 Good glaze.

Within a ring ofhatched pattern is the stamp A c E R o, Acero; cf. C.J.L .




From Colchester(?). Price Sale,


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31). Diam. 4} in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1I. Dark red glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp (in large letters)





M 1939.

FRAGMENT, forming centre of similar bowl, with part of foot. Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 73; l/1. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Schuermans, 389. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp !D$li\Vtt10, Apolaustr(i) ; c( C.J.L. xiii.

M 1940.

10010, 143.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 6} in. Similarly acquired. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 92a_- Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 4I; Coli. Ant. i. p. ISO; Botmer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 61 ; Schuermans, 494 Foot complete ; glaze worn.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp 171.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 1941.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 5~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, I46; Ill. Rom. Lottd. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Col/. Ant. i. p. I 5 I ; Bonner jaltrb. xcix. p. 64 ; Schuermans, 799 Fine g-laze.

Within a broad ring of hatched pattern is the stamp cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 294
M 1942.
FRAGMENT, similar. Coli., 187 3 Diam. 3f in.


Biga fcc(it) ;

From Water Newton, Huntingdonshire.

In the centre is the stamp 159 and xiii. 10010, 324.

M 1943.


Biturix f(ecit) ; cf. C.f.L. vii.

BOWL (Form 18 or 31). Ht. I! in. Diam. 7 in. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 2o8a. Glaze worn.

Found in the Medway, Kent, 1848.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1944.


Calava j(edt) ; cf. M 1765.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with half of foot. Dia~. 5} in. Found in Wood Street, London, Aug., I847. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 22I ; Ill. Rom. LoNi. p. I03; Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 69; Schuermans, 1021. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 414.
M 1945.


Cambus j(ecit); cf.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4~ in. Found at St. Saviour's, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Foot complete, but chipped; glaze much worn.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 449


Caranus j(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

[Probably the same as CARANI F, Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103 = Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 42 =Coli. Ant. i. p. 151.]

M 1946.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 3~ in. From Colchester(?). Price Sale, C.f. L. vii. 1336, 245 ; Coli. Ant. ii. p. 40 (?). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OCARO, O(fficina) Caro(1lis? ), or perhaps Caro(mari) ; cf. C./.L. xiii. 10010, 1450.
M 1947.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 5~ in. Found in Lombard Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 26I ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Coli. A nl. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1I43 Foot complete ; bright red glaze. Cut into circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 479


Casuritts f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.




M 1948.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. 10 Oct., 1837. C.!.l. vii. 1336, 261.

Diam. 2i in.

Coleman Street, London,

Stamp as last.
:M 1949.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 6 in. Found in Princes Street, London. Roach Smith Coil., 18;6. C.!.l. vii. 1336, 284; Bonn~r jakr!J. xcix. p. 72. Foot complete; good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp OF CELSI, Of(.ficina) Celsi; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 523.
M 1960.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam. H in. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 3o8a. Good glaze. Found in Abchurch Lane, London, 20 Oct., 1838.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 1961.


C(k)roiro(nis) oj(.ficiua ?).

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 3k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.l. vii. 1336,314; Ill. Rom. lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 4l; Coli. Ant. i. p. 15 r; Schuermans, 1394- Fine glaze.

M 1962.


Cintugeni; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 571.

Similarly acquired.
C.l.l. vii. 1336, 3!1;

FRAGMENT as last. Length 1} in. Bonner fallr!J, xcix. p. 7i Dark red glaze.

Stamped CIRRVS F, Cirrusj(ecit); cf. M 1859.

M 1963.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4!- in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 323; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. lond. Ant. p. 42. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp CLEMENS, Clemens ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 588.
M 1964.
BOWL (Form 31). Diam. 9t in. From Melbourne, Cambridgeshire; acquired 1ll53. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 341a. Five fragments joined and restored; foot and half of rim remaining. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp CONal M, Condi ma(nu); cf.


3 I.


:M 1957.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl, with half of foot. Diam. 5 in. Found in Lad Lane or Cateaton Street (now Gresham Street), London, May, 1843. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 359; Coli. A11t. i. p. 154; Bomeer jaltr6. xcix. p. 81 ; Gentleman's Mag. 1844 ii. p. 38 ( = Gent. Mag. Libr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 559). Two pieces joined.

In the centre is the stamp 689.

RAeVNA F, C]racuna

j(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

:M 1958.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 4 in . Found in Cateaton (Gresham) Street, London, 28 April, 1843. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 3806 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. A11l. p. 42; Colt. Ani. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1795

In the centre is the stamp e vee 1 L LIM, Cuccilli m(anu) ; cf. C.f.L. xiii.. 717.

:M 1959.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. st in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 38oc. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp e veeiLLI M, Cuccilli m(anu).

:M 1960.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31). Diam. 6 in. Found in Moor Lane, London, 14 June, 1844. Price Sal..-, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 407a. Foot complete.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp miVMNIN\l, Decumini m(anu) ; cf. M 1774:M 1961.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 3t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 407a or c; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 43; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152 i Coli. Ani. i. p. 152; Fro~hner, 932; Schuermans, 1886. Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
41 5 FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4t in. London Wall, 2 June, 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, Glaze worn on inside ; surface encrusted underneath.


In the centre is the stamp o. Vlei\TIM, D(z)vicati m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 788.

:M 1963.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L.vii. 1336,423a ; III. Rom.Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. A111. p.43; Coli. A11l. i. p. 152 ; Schuermans, 14. Foot complete ; good glaze.

Within a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp U!Y(CIVI'i'J, Doccius j(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 795
:M 1964.
FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Ht. I~ in. Diam. 5 in. Found in Cheapside, London, 12 June, 1836; acquired 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 442a. Good glaze.

Within a ring of pattern as last is the stamp CJY"( ViiMJ, Esc(u)si m(antt) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 865.
:M 1965.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 454; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Bo11ner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 88; Schuermans, 2223. Foot complete, but chipped ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp FESTVS F, Festus j(ecit) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii. 892.


M 1966.

BOWL (Form 31). chipped; glaze worn.



2t in.

Diam. 3i in. Bayford, Kent, 1883. Complete, but rim

In the centre is the stamp (nearly obliterated and somewhat doubtful): Ojf(icina) Gemmati; cf. M 2102.
C.l.L. vii. 1336,

M 1967.

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2j- in. Diam. 7fr in. Southfleet, Kent, 1836. 495 (?). Bright glaze ; surface encrusted.

In the centre is the stamp M 1968.


Graniani; cf. C.J.L. xiii.


FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. Ht. :.!} in. Diam. 9 in. Found in . Southwark (on the site of St. Thomas's Hospital?). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.f.L. vii. 1336, 494t'; ///.Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 43; Schuermans, 2461. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp

M 1969.


C.l.l.. vii. 1336,

BOWL (Form 31). Diam. 7 in. Melbourne, Cambridgeshire, 1853. About half of rim wanting ; glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 982.


Habilis f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 1970.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 505; 111. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Cal. Lo11d. A nl. p. 43 ; Schuermans, 2502. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1971.


FRAGMENT from bottom of bowl (Form 31), with part offoot. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Water Lane, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 524; 111. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; Gmtlmzan's Jfag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gent. Mag. Li6r., Rom. Brit.-Rem. ii. p. 558). Dark red glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp Jul(t). M 1972.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 6} in.

OF Gill IVL,

Oj(jicina) Gai(i)

From the site of the old India House, Leadenhall


3 I.


M 1975.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 3t in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 574; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. A ttl. p. 44; Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 100; Coli. Ani. i. p. 152; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Schuermans, 3036. Light red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~CAN~, Lucanu(s) ; cf. CI.L. xiii. 1164.
M 1976.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4! in. Found in Thames Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 58oa; Ill. Rom. Loud. p. 104; Cat. Lo11t/. Ant. p. 44; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 3o87. Foot complete; dark red glaze.
10010, I

In the centre is the stamp 179


Lupini m(anu) ; cf. CI.L. xiii.


M 1977.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 580tz. Dull glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 1978.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 4} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Cull., 1856. C.lL. vii. 1336, 62o; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Cat. Lomi. A nl. p. 44 ; Coli. A1ll. i. p. 153; Schucrmans, 3208. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp C.I.L. xiii. 10010, I 248.
M 1979.


Malli m(amt) ; cf.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 4 in. Similarly acquired. CJ.L. vii. 1336, 656a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. to;; Cat. Lt111d. A11t. p. 44; Bomzer Jaltrb. xcix. p. 107; Schuermans, 336o. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1980.


Martinu[s; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 1283.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 5 in. Found in Rood Lane, London, 1837. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336,659; 111. Rom. Lotzd. p. 105; Col/. Ant. i. p. 153; Cat. Lomi. A11/. p. 44; Bonner Jal1rb. xcix. p. 107; Schuermans, 3359 Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1981.

MARTINI M, Alarti11i


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. Ji in. Found in Lad Lane (now Gresham Street), London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336,715; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153; Bon11er Jakrb. xcix. p. 112 ; Schuermans, 3611 (?); Gentleman's ,Jfag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (= Rom.-Brit. Rem. ii. p. 558). Foot wanting; glaze worn.

Within several rings of hatched pattern is the stamp (indistinct) llli11ut(z)us f(ecit) ; cf. CI.L. xiii. 10010, I 364.
M 1982.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 765a, 111. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cat. Lomi. Ant. p. 44; Schuermans, 3914. Foot complete ; dull glaze. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1983.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.



FRAGMENT, similar, with half of centre and foot. Price Sale, 1853. C.1.L. vii. 1336, 765a. Glaze worn.

Diam. 3i in.

Found in London.

Stamp as last.

M 1984.


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 3} in. Found m London. Roach Smith Coll., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 768aJ Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105 ; Cal. Ltmd. A11l. p. 44 Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp t&5lJ'4fSIM, Numidi ma(nu).

M 1985.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with foot and part of rim. Ht. 1i in. Diam. Si in. Upchurch, Kent, 1883. Arclt. Canlia11a, xvii. p. I 57 Good glaze; roll-moulding in interior.

In the centre is the stamp



Osbimanus; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

147 5

M 1986.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31). Length 2j in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 791 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. tos; Bomur jal1rb. xcix. p. 120.

M 1987.


P]aterclini qj(jicina) ; see the following.

Diam. 7} in. Found at Margate, Kent, 1868. Cato

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2} in. Coli., 1871. Cf. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 791.

In the centre is the stamp xiii.

M 1988.
10010, 1502.


Paterclini oj(jicina) ; cf. C.l.L.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with half of foot. Length 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8o5b; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. A11t. p. 45 (?). Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 1989.


Patna je(cit) ; cf. M


PART OF BOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2 in. Diam. 7~ in. Melbourne, Cambridgeshire, 1853. C.f.L. vii. 1336,814. Foot complete, and most of rim; dark red glaze.

M 1990.

In the centre is the stamp t'tiL...:fA!'lJM), Patt[ll]iani m(anu) ; cf. C.!.L. 10010, 1518, and Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. 123.

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 5 in. Found in Shoe Lane, London, 7 Oct., 1843. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8240; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Schuermans, ii. == Gt!ll. Libr Rom.


3 I.


M 1993.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4 in. Found in London Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 883; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 45; Coli. Ani. i, P: 154; Schuermans, 4551. Foot complete but chipped.

In the centre is the stamp xiii. 10010, I594


Quadrati (manu) ; cf. L 46 and C.I.L.

:M 1994.

FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 51 in. Found in St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, 1846. C./.1. vii. 1336, 897a, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. ro6; Schuermans, 400g. Foot complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 1614.


Reburri of(ficin,l) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

:M 1995.

BOWL (Form 31). Ht. r~ in. Diam. 7 in. Found at Melbourne, Cambridgeshire; acquired 1853- C.I.L. vii. 1336, 899. Four fragments joined; part of rim wanting.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 1615.


Rediti m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

:M 1996.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31 ). Diam. 2} in. Found in Long Lane, Southwark, Dec., 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336,902, Dark red glaze.



Rega/isf(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1616.

M 1997.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. ~~in. Found in St. Swithin's Lane, London, 1836; acquired 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 923a (wrongly); Ill. Rom. l.ond. p. 106; Schuermans, 4679. Foot complete; dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, I 640.


Ri(t)ogeui m(atm} ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 1998.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 31), with half offoot. Diam. 4i in. Found in the Minories, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106 = Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 45 (?) ; Schuermans, 4733 (?). Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp ROPPVS ..., Roppus (fecit) ; cf. C.I.L. vii. 1336,930, 931, xiii. 10010, 1651, and Bonnn- jal1rb. xcix. p. 133.
[Possibly a Rutenian stamp; found at Hofheim.]

M 1999.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31), with part of rim and foot. Ht. l i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii, 1336, 7. Good glaze.

Diam. 6 in.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 1685.


Sacn-o(nis ?) m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2000.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31), with half of foot. Diam. 4 in. Billiter Street, London, 6 August, 1838. C./.L. vii. 1336, 1303 (wrongly). Glaze worn; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp xiii. 10010, 1719h.


Santiani oj(fi)c(ina); cf. C.J.L.

M 2001.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 31). Diam. S} in. Found in Lothbuiy, London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 987; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. ro6 ;'Col/. Ani. i. p. 154 ;



Schuermans, 4935; Genll~man's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (Gent. Mag. Libr., Rom.-B1it. R~m. ii. p. 559). Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2002.


Sarenti m(anu).
Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 5~ in. Found in London. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1041 ; Romur Jaltrb. xcix. p. 144. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~~ S everimt . . us f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1798.

letter is perhaps a redundant A or N ; cf. C.l.L., loc. cit., i and k .] From

M 2003.

FRAGMENT of centre of howl (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 3k in. Carlisle. Presented by A. Barnes Moss, Esq., 1go6. Two pieces joined; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2004.


Severianus f(ecit) .

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31), with part of foot. Diam. 3~ in. Found at the Excise Office, Old Broad Street, London, 12 July, 1855. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1043; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 106 ; Bonmr jaltrb. xcix. p. 144; Schuermans, 5177. Good glaze ; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp cf. Cl.L. xiii. 10010, 1799.

M 2005.


Severimts or Severi(a)mts je(cit) ;

Price Sale, 1853.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4k in. 1336, 1043. Foot complete ; good glaze.

Found in London.

C.I.L. vii.

Stamp as last.
TWO FRAGMENTS, each forming bottom of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4} in. and 4 in. M 20062007. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1091 a>' Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6;

Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Coli. Ani. i. p. 155; Schuermans, 5339 one cut in circular form.

Feet complete ; glaze worn ;

In the centre of each is the stamp ClY tlCifjp, Sulpiciani , cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1853.
M 2008.
FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 5i in. Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. vii.


3 2.


1\11 2011.

FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl. Diam. Ii in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I8S6. C.I.L. vii. I336, I I6S; Ill. Rom. Lotld. p. Io6; Cat. Lo11d. A11l. p. 46; Coli. All/, i. p. ISS; Schuermans, 5672. Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 2021.
111 2012.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 3I). Foot complete; glaze poor.


Vespo f(ecit) ; cf.



in. Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp

1\11 2013.

ANARM ....

? (mostly obliterated).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 3I) with half offoot. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 7} in. From the site of the India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., .M.P., I86~. Fine glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp .. mHYIVSfl, . .. . bim1/us j(ecit).

(Perhaps Albinulus; but no such name is given in C.l.L. xiii.]

Jill 2014.

BOWL (Form 3I). Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 7 in. Found at Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Nearly complete; three pieces joined, with foot complete, but part of rim wanting ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

Jill 2015.


perhaps B]anui m(amt) ; cf. M 42.

llOWL (Form 31). Ht. 2t in. Diam. 7 in. Found at Dymchurch, Kent, 1844. Bateman Coli., 1893. Complete, but rim chipped; orange-red glaze, much worn.

Jill 2016.

In the centre is the stamp J ft\LB Pacalus (?) f(ecit). as C.IL . 10010, 1485, or else C]racmtaf(ecil as M 1957.
Diam. 3 in. Found

(f1\ (

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 3I ), with part of foot. in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp .... 1LiyIP1, .. Iitts f(ecit) .

M 2017. 1111 2018.
FRAGI\IENT, similar. Diam.


Upchurch, Kent, I883.

Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp .. . . CD f!I/Q$>, .... ippi m(anu).

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Coli., 187 3 Good glaze. Length


Found at Water Newton, Hunts.


In the centre is the stamp .... III!J', .... ti11i.

FORM 32 (M 2019-2027).

1\11 2019.

FRAGMENT forming centre of flat bowl (Form 32 or 79?), with part of foot. Di,am. 4 in. Found in London Price Sale, 1853- C.I.L. vii. 1336, 193; 'ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Schuermans, 1920 (wrongly). Good glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp (0@01.

(Hiibner in C.I.L. reads 0. LC. G~ATO, O(jficina) L. C. Gtlalo(nt's); Roach Smith wrongly DIOGNATO. Cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10o10, 1463.)

M 2020.


FRAGMENT forming centre of large shallow bowl (Form 32 ?). Diam. 3i !n. Southwick, Sussex. Mantell Coli., 1839. Foot complete but chipped ; dull glaze.


In the centre is the stamp I c"REIIMJ), Chresimi ; cf. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 306 b, and xiii. 10010, 550. M 2021.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 32 ?). Pollcxfen Coli., 1870. Foot complete; glaze worn.
I l l I,

Diam. 4 in.

From Colchester.

In the centre is the stamp LALLIMA, Lalli ma(ntt) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, vii. 1336, 551a.

M 2022.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 32 ?). Diam. 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Cull., 1856. C.f.L. vii. 1335, 575aJ Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lo11d. Ani. p. 44 ; Coli. A11t. i. p. 152 ; Domter Jakrb. xcix. p. 100; Scbuermans, 3037. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp LVCANVSF, Lucanusf(ecit); cf. M 1975. M 2023.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 32). Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 790; Ill. Rom. LC'mi. p. 105; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 45; Coli. At~l. i. p. 154. Black glaze ; grey clay.

In the centre is the stamp fAlR(fi?UfDr, Pat(c)rclini; cf. M 1987. The object in the middle of the stamp is a phallus (cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1502a).
M 2024.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 3 in. Found in Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 813a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Bon11er jallr6. xcix. p. 123; Schuermans, 4226. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

WfiAN/AD. Pauliani

m(atm), or Paul(l)iani

m(anu) ; cf. M 1989.

M 2025.
FRAGMENT of bowl (Form 32), with part of foot. Diam. 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 889; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 1o6; Cal. Lo11d. Alii.




(6) M 2028.

FORM 33 (M 2028-2220).

FOOT OF BOWL (Form 33). Diam. 2t in. Found in the City of London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1314, xiii. 10021, 231 ( = Esplrandieu, Signac. Medic. ocular. p. 137) ; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 47, No. 2o8; Rroue Arclrlol. xxiv. (1894), p. 57; Birch, Ancient Polttry'~~, p. 613; Walters, Ancient Pollery, ii. p. 510; Korber, Inscltr. d. Mainzer ,1111stums (4 Nachtrag), p. 65, No. <)0; Arclt. fourn. xlv. 225; P. C. Robert, Ml/a,ge.; d'Arclt. (1875), p. 9 ; Castillo y Quartiellers, Augenlteilkunde in der Romtrzeil, p. 66, No. 13 (reads Q. IVLI SEN IS); jaltrb. fiir Pltilol. 1858, p. 589; Heidelberg. jaltrb. 1858, p. 850; Grotefend in Philo/. 1859, p. 629, 75 ; M., Stempel, p. 73, 51. Good glaze.

Across the centre of the bowl is placed, instead of a potter's stamp, the impression of an oculist's, with the . . LIVL SENIS CR L T I ~ mscnptiOn : OCOD AD ASPR . .tU (z, Senis crocod(es) ad aspr(itudinem), "saffron ointment for granulation of the eyelids."
[A similar one given by Caylus, Recueil, vii. pl. 74, fig. 4, p. 261, and there is another Fig. = M 2011s. at Mainz. See also on these stamps generally, Mont/tty Journ. of Mtd._ Science, xii. (1851), pp. 39, 235, 338 (=Simpson, Arch. Essays, ii. p. 229 ff.) ; C.I.L. xiii. pt. 3, p. 559 ff. = Esperandieu, Sij;nac. Medic. ocular. (Paris, Leroux, 1<)04).]

M 2029.

PART OF BOWL (Form 33). Ht. 1j- in. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 2; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 9 About half remaining ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp mli'IAW, Abalanis , cf. C.I.L. xiii. M 2030.


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 1} in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 12; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lend. Ant. p. 41; Coli. Ant. i. p. 150; Schuermans, so. Foot nearly complete ; dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ACVRIO F, Acurio f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 30.

:M 2031.

FRAGMENT as last, with part of foot. Diam. 2;i in. From the Tower of London. Roach Smith Coil., 1~56. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 21 aJ Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ant. ~ 41 ; Coli. A11t. i. p. 1;o; Schuermans, 106. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp AESTIVIM, Aestivi m(atzu) ; cf. M 1837.

:M 2032.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. zi in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 21 b ,- Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat, Lo11d, Ani. p. 41; Coil. Ani. i. p. 150; . Bonntrjaltrb. xcix. p. 57; Schuermans, 107. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp AIISTIVIM, Aestivi m(anu).


M 2033.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of side and foot. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 21 k, Bomur jakrb. xcix. p. 57

Diam. 33 in.

Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2034.


Aestivi m(antt).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part ofside and foot. Ht.1~ in. Diam. 3I in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 2311 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Schuermans, 111. Bright red glaze, but coarse ware.

In the centre is the stamp lfil\)IIQU!UJ, Aeterni m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


M 2036.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 1} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 36a, 111. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 41; Coli. Ani. i. p. 150; Bo1mer jaltrb. xcix. p. 58 ; Schucrmans, 184. Foot complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp



Albilli m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L . xiii.

C.I.L. ,ii. 1336, 36c.

Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired.

M 2036.


FRAGMENT, similar. grey clay.

In the centre is the stamp IM!J J 18 J AJ, Albilli m(a11u).

M 2037.
FRAGMENT, similar, with half offoot. Diam. 2} in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6o; Ill. Rom. Lfllld, p. 102; Coli. A11l. i. p. 150; Bomur Jakrb. xcix. p. 6o; Schuermans, 282. Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp



Ammius f(ecit) ; cf. Cl.L. xiii.

M 2038.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of side and foot. Ht. 1} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 69; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 102; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41 ; Schuermans, 344

In the centre is the stamp QiiSINAo11f4, A11nios f(ecit); cf. C.l.L. xiii.




M 2042.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. It in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 116; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41 ; Col/. Ant. i. p. 150. Foot complete; dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Aucel(l)a f(ecit).

[Cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 214, where Augelia is also suggested; but the name is certainly AVCELLA on bowls of this form found at Arlesey and Astwick, Bedfordshire (cf. Trans. Herls Nat. Hill. Soc. iv. pl. 3), now in the possession of Mr. W. Ransom, of Hitchin.]

FOUR FRAGMENTS, each as last. Diam. It in. to 2~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. 2043vii. 1336, 133; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lo11d. Ani. p. 41; Coli. A,l. i. p. 150; Schuermans, 2046. 729. Foot complete in each case ; one has dark red glaze, the other three are burnt black.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2047.


Banolucci; cf. C.I.L. xiii.


10010, 27 I.

[Hubner in C.I.L. vii. reads BANOLVCCI in three instances.] FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 33), with part of foot. Wall, 2 July, 1838. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 141a. Glaze poor and worn. in. London

In the centre is the stamp

M 2048.


Belinicci m(amt); cf. M



FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim and foot. Fenchurch Street, London, 1833. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 141a. Good glaze.

21 in.

Found in

Stamp as last. M 2049.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam 2~ in. Found in the Thames (near Fresh Wharf), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1,pc; Ill. Nom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 41; Coli. A1zl. i, p. 151. Foot complete; glaze worn and stamp indistinct.

In the centre is the stamp fiS!li:Z'21Nt118J, Belinicci m(anu).

M 2050.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 141d; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lo11d. A111. p. 41. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp (MIJIVIU'ili, Belinic(c)i m(mm).

M 2051.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. red glaze; foot broken away.


Similarly acquired.

C.!.!. vii. 1336, 141c.


Stamp as last. M 2052.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Ii in. Found in the Thames, 1846. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1:36, 146. Thin glaze; foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp M 2053.


Biga fee( it) ; cf. M


FRAGMENT as last. Diam. in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 161; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Col/. Ant. i. p. 151; Schucrmans, 833. Good glaze.


In the centre is the stamp (!!alt!!), Blaesi; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2054.

10010, 326.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 183; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 42; Col/. Ant. i. p. rsr; Bonner Jallrb. xcix. p. 66; Schuermans, 903 Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp {ay;NoJ!J, Burdo f(ecit) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii.

10010, 367.


M 2055.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 4 Oct. 1838. 1336, 184. Foot nearly complete; glaze worn. ~

C.l.L. vii.

Stamp as last ; underneath is inched

M 2056.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Wood Street, London, Dec. 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 185a; Gentleman's JJfag. 1843, ii., p. 81, 1844, ii., p. 38 = Gent. !>fag. I.ibr., Rom.-Brit. Rem. i. p. 200, ii. p. 558 (given as from Cateaton Street). Foot nearly complete; glaze worn.

M 2057.

In the centre is the stamp IOOIO, 368.


Burdoni(s) of(jicina) ; cf. C.l.L.

BOWL (Form 33). Ht. 2 in. Diam. 4~ in. Found at Harpenden, Herts., 1829. Presented by H. Packe, Esq., M.P., 1843. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 189 (wrongly); Arch. Jourtzal, ii. (1846), p. 254. Complete; good glaze; foot slightly chipped.

In the centre is the stamp M 2058.


Butturri; cf. C.I.L. xiii.



BOWL, similar. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 41- in. Similarly acquired. Ardz.joum. ii. (1846), p. 254. Complete; good glaze.

C.I.L. vii. 1336, 190;

In the .centre is the stamp

M 2059.


Bu[tt]z1rri, as last.
Found in London.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 1! in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 181. Foot nearly complete.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2060.


Diam. li in. Similarly acquired.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. 1336, 188.


C.f.L. vii.

Diam. 2 in. Found in Lothbury, London. Price Sale, 1853.

M 2061.

FRAGMENT, similar.




M 2064.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. I! in. Found in London.. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 225 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103 ; Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. 151 ; Schuermans, 1032. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp



Canai m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2065.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2J in. Found in London Wall, 19 Sept. 1837. C.lL. vii. 1336, 236a. Foot complete but chipped; dark red glaze, discoloured.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2066.



FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 2t in. Found in Moorgatc Street, London, 14 Aug., 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 240; Ill. Nom. Lond. p. toj. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 454


Carati m(anu) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

M 2067.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of rim. Ht. 2 in. Found on the SouthEastern Railway, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 251 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. A111. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. 151 ; Schuermans, 1119. Foot nearly complete.

In the centre is the stamp

ltf 2068.


Carussa; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 466.


FRAGMENT of centre of similar bowl, with half of foot. Diam. Thames. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 251. Dull glaze.


Found in the

Stamp as last.
ltf 2069.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 251. Foot complete; dull glaze. Roach

In the centre is the stamp

M 2070.



FRAGMENT as la~t, with part of foot. Coli., 1870. Convex centre.


21 in. From Colchester.


In the centre is the stamp

M 2071.


FRAGl\IE!IIT, similar. Diam. I} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 252b; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103 =Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 42 (?); Coli. Alii. i. p. 151; Bomter Jakrb. xcix. p. 70. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp

ltf 2072.


Cassia(nz) o(.fficina) ; cf. M 1856.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 262; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. A11/. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151; Arckaeologia, XX\"ii. p. 152: Froehner, 585 ; Schuermans, 1146 (wrongly). Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp ~ CATASEXTVC C.J.L. xiii. 10010, 483.

ltf 2073.

F ~

Catasextus f(ecit); cf.

Price Sale, 1853.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2} in. Found in the Thames, 1846. C.!.L. vii. 1336, 278 (wrongly). Foot wanting; dark red glaze, worn.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 520.


Ce!sian(us) .f(ecit) ; cf.


:M 2074.


FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. I336. 278; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. I03; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. I 51 ; Schuermans, I233 Good glaze.

Stamp as last.
M 2076.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33).. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 5i in. Abchurch Lane, London, 30 Oct., I838. Foot complete; dull glaze, worn. The vase is exceptionally large.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 2076.


Celtici o(jficina).
Found in London.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. II in. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.l.L. vii. I336, 302. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 545

:M 2077 2078.


Cerot(z)ci m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

TWO FRAGMENTS, each as last. Diam. 2~ in. and I! in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. I336, 3o6a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 42 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151 ; Arcllaeologia, xxvii. p. I 52; Schuermans, 1334. Foot in each case damaged; glaze poor.

In the centre of each is the stamp (.SIIIM>, Clzresim(i) ; cf. M

M 2079.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.l. vii. I336, 322; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lond. Ant, p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. I5I; Bo11ncr jaltrb. xcix. p. 77; Schucrmans, 1420. Foot complete but chipped; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 2080.


Cirri m(anu); cf. M 1859.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 3 in. Found in London. Price Sale, I85J. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 328a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Bonmr jaltrb. xcix. p. 78; SLhucrmans, 1499. Black glaze.

In the centre is the stamp 598.


Cocdlli m(anu) ; cf. C.l.L. xm.

:M 2081.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 28 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 326; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. IO.'l; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151; Bonner jallrb. xcix. p. 78; Schuermans, 1497. Foot complete.




Ill 2086.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3! in. Found in London(?). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 33<)ll; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Cofl. Ani. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1558 (?). Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp COMPRINNI M, Comprinni m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

Ill 2086.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. CI.L. vii. 1336, 341a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lond. A11l. p. 42; Coli. A111. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1574. Dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp CONal M, Cottdi m(anu); cf. M 1773.

Ill 2087. FRAGI\1 ENT, similar, with half of foot. Ht. 1 t in. Diam. 2! in. Found at St. Maryat-Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 347; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Loud. A11t. p. 42; Coli. Ani. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1629. Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp COSAXTIS F, Cosaxtis(us) f(ecit); cf. C.l.L. xiii. 651.

111 2088.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in Liverpool Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C./.L. vii. 1336, 1356; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. A11t. p. 42; Coli. A1zl. i. p. 151; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 81; Schuermans, 168o. Foot complete but chipped ; glaze worn ; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp CRACISA F, Cracisa f(ecit) ; cf. M 1956.

M 2089.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2A in. From Colchester. Price Sale, 1853- C.I.L. vii. 1336, 358a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Bon11er jahrb. xcix. p. 81; Schuermans, 1686. Foot nearly complete.

In the centre is the stamp CRACVNA F, Cracrma f(ecit) ; cf. M 1957.

M 2090.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. CI.L. vii. 1336, 358a. Glaze worn.

Found in the Thames, Sept., 1847.

Price Sale,

Stamp as last.

M 2091.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. 1336, 389. Foot complete but chipped ; glaze worn.

Price Sale, 1853.

C.I.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp CVRCI MA, Curci m(mm) ; cf. C.!.L. xiii. 728.

M 2092.

FRAG:\IENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of foot. June, 1838. C.I.L. 1336, 414<1, Glaze worn.


London Wall,

In the centre is the stamp [OJY!CA'tv.$), Dhicat11s; cf. M


M 2093.

FRAGMENT, si Jar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in Philpot Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 414a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; C'al. Lond. Ant. p. 43; Arckaeologia, xxvii. p. 152; Col/, Ant. i. p. 152; Froehner, 98o; Schuermans, 1936. Foot complete; good glaze.

Stamp as last.

M 2094.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 1& in. Found in London Wall, Dec., 1835. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 414a. Good glaze.


Stamp as before.

M 2095.


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in the Thames, Sept. 1847. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 415. Foot complete; glaze worn.

Price Sale,

In the centre is the stamp

M 2096.


Divicati m(anu).

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 416. Foot nearly complete.


Found in London.

Price Sale, 1853.


In the centre is the stamp neath is incised M.

M 2097.


Divici m(mm) ; cf. M


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 427; ///. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 43; Col/. Ant. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 1977. Foot complete; convex centre; good glaze.
10010, 804;

In the centre is the stamp mMEtdtfl Dometos f(edt); cf. C.I.L. xiii. also M 1777 (Domitus).

M 2098.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. 1336, 433 b. Good glaze.


Similarly acquired.

C.l.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2099.
FRAGMENT, similar. Foot complete; glaze worn.
10010, 829.


Donnauci; cf. M


Diam. li in.

Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. \'ii. 1336, 437a.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2100.


Duppius f(ecit) ; cf. CI.L. xiii.

Price Sale,

FRAGMENT, similar, with part offoot. Diam. 2 in. From Colchester(?). C.I.L. vii. 1336, 438. Glaze worn; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2101.



FRAGMENT, similar (Form So?). Diam. 3i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 4390; Ill. Rom. Lond, p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 43; Col/, Ant. i. p. 152 ; Schuermans, 2o68. Foot much chipped ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 843.




ltf 2105.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. :!~ in. Found in London. Loftus Brock Coli. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.B., 1896. Foot complete; burnt black.

ltf 2106.

In the centre is the stamp ("'))Qm. @"(j, I11derc[i!J!us j(ecit); cf. C.I.L. IOOIO, 1030; also Dechelette, i. p. I 36 (Dercillus).

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 517; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 43; Coli. Ani. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 2667. Foot complete; grey clay with black glaze; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp INPRITVF, f(m)pritu(s) f(ecit)?

[Cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1001o, 1027, Imprilo f.]

ltf 2107.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. If in. Similarly acquired. Rom. Lond. p. 104. Foot complete ; dull black glaze.

C.l.L. vii. 1336, 517; Ill.

Stainp as last. M 2108.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 21 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 548a, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 43 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 2872. Foot complete ; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp KAL ENDIO, Kalendi o(fficina); cf. C.I.L. xiii. I097

M 2109.

PART OF BOWL (Form 33). Ht. 2!- in. Diam. 5 in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London, 12 Sept. 1836. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 553a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 43; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Archaeologia; xxvii. p. 152; Froehncr, 1304; Schucrmans, 2913. Four pieces joined; foot complete and part of rim preserved; good glaze ; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp LATINVS ; cf. C.J.L. xiii.

ltf 2110.

10010, I I I9.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Ht. lin. Diam. 31 in. Found in Londoo. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 553a. Foot complete; convex centre; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp LATINVS, Latitzus.

M 2111.
FRAGMENT, similar. Foot nearly complete. Ht. ri in. Diam. 3J in. London, 1853.

C.J.L. vii. 1336, 553a.

Stamp as last. M 2112.

1853. FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 3 in. From 'colchester. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 563a; Col/. A111. ii. p. 40. Convex centre; glaze worn. Price Sale,

In the centre is the stamp LITVGENVS F, Litugenus f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.
10010, I I 5I.

M 2113.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with foot and part of rim. Ht. 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 565 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond, A 111. p. 43 ; Schuermans, 3009 Light red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp LOCCO F, Locco f(ecit).

2 A

M 2114.


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2A in. Found in Princes Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 582a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 44; Archaeologia, xxvii. pp. 146, 152; Coil. Ant. i. p. 152; Saull, Notit. Brit. p. 36; Froehner, 1385 ; Schuermans, 3089. Foot complete ; dark red glaze. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp LVPPA; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, I r8o.

M 2115.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of foot. 1336, 582c. Bright red glaze.

Ht. 2l in.

Diam. 2} in.

C.I.L. vii.

Stamp as last.
M 2116.
FRAGMENT as last, with part ofrim and foot. Ht. 21 in. Found-in London. Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 583b; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104. Good glaze. Roach

In the centre is the stamp .. PPA F, Lu]ppa f(ecit).

M 2117.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 3 in. Similarly-acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 589; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 44 Foot complete: glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp MACCALVS F,

10010, r 195. [Stamp found chiefly in Northern France.)


f(ecit) ; cf. CI L. xiii.

M 2118.

FRAG:\IENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). worn ; convex centre. 10010, 1207.

Diam. 21 in.

Foot complete; glaze

In the centre is the stamp MACERATI ; cf. C.I.L. vii. I 336, 597 and xm.
M 2119.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 6o2a. Dull glaze.


Found in London.

Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

In the centre is the stamp IMCBIAH 1>, lriacriani;

M 2120.

ct: C!.L. xiii. 1.0010, 1213.


FRAGMENT from centre of similar bowl(?). Diam. 2 in. From Colchester. Coli., 1870. Foot wanting; glaze worn. Form doubtful; may be 79 or So.



Diam. 3 in. Similarly

M 2124.

FRAGMENT of bottom of bowl (Form 33), with half of foot. acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 6JI)ll. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2126.


Malluru(s); cf. M


FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl, with part of foot. red-brown glaze.

Diam. 31 in.

In the centre is the stamp MARCELLI~! F, Marcellin(tts) f(ecit); cf. M and C.!.L. vii. 1336, 628, 629, xiii. 10010, 1264
M 2126.

FRAGMENT as last. Diam 21 in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London, 10 Sept., 1836. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 631; Bomur jakrb. xcix. p. 104. Foot nearly complete ; good glaze. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2127.


cf. M


FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 21 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 633d; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153 ; Schuermans, 3262. Foot nearly complete; glaze worn; burnt black underneath. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2128.


Marcelli m(am4).

FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with foot and part of side. Ht. 2~ in. Found at the Royal Exchange, London, Nov., 1840. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 634a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lo11d, Ant. p. 44; Schuermans, 3263.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2129.


Marcelli m(anu).

FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2! in. From the Steelyard, Thames Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 633tZ, Foot complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2130.


Marcel(lz) m(amt).

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 2! in. Found in London. Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 686; Cat. Lo11d. Ani. p. 44. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 2131.


Max(e)mini; cf. C.J.L. xiii.

10010, 1318.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. complete but chipped ; glaze worn.

Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. 'ii. 1336, 686.


Stamp as last.
:M 2132.
FRAGI\IENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam.


Glaze worn ; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp OSZ\6XIWI121), Max(i)min(i), as before.

M 2133.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in the Thames. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. Yii. 1336, 687a; Ill. Rnm. Lo11d. p. 105; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 44; (.o/1. Ant. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3449 Foot complete ; dull glaze. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2134.

!MXIMD, .Maximi;

cf. C.l.L. xiii.

10010, 1319.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 688; Ill. Rom. Lond, p. 105; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 44; Coli. Ani. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3461 (?). Foot complete but chipped ; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp f&Aijl\i!IV\), Max(i)mi ma(nu)?

2 A 2

M 2136.

CATALOGUE OF ROMAN POTTERY. Diam. 2f in. Found in Noble Street, London,

FRACl\lENT, similar, with part offoot. 13 Sept., 1837 ; acquired 1838.

In the centre is the stamp as M 1783 ff.

M 2136.

CfiiBlVW, probably intended

for Medeti m(anu)

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2-i in. Found in Bush Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 7o6a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; c:at. Lo11d. Ant. p. 44; Coli. ..-1111. i. p. 153. Foot complete; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp METTI M, Metti m(antt) ; c( M 1787, M 1881.

M 2137.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1317<l; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 44; Schuermans, 36o6. Light red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp MINV80 (C.l.L., /oc. cit. MINVSO); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1363, and a bowl in Mr. Hilton Price's collection (unpublished).

M 2138.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. ~! in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 743; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105 ; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 44 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153 ; Schuermans, 3775 Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp MVXTVLIM, 11-fuxtul(l)i 10010, 1398.

M 2139.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i- in. much worn. Cut in circular form. Similarly acquired.


; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

Foot broken away; glaze

In the centre is the stamp .AVXTV ... , .M]uxtu[lli.

M 2140.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. It in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 758b; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105.; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 44; Coli. Ani. i. p. 153; Schuem1ans, 3866. Foot complete ; dark red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp NICEPHOR F, Nicepkor(us) f(ecit); cf. M 1788.

M 2141.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 2 in. Found in Bread Street Hill, London, Sept. 1844. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 768a; Coli. Ant. i. p. 153; Schuennans,




In the centre is the stamp f(ecit).


cr llJ'l, Patt(i ?)

oj(jicitla), or possibly Patto

[The stamp does not seem to occur elsewhere, but the reading here is quite clear. Ludowici, Stempd11ame11, p. 63, gives the stamp PATTOSVS FE on a bowl of Form 32 at Rheinzabern, and in the Speyer Museum is a clay tablet (cf. M 16o4) with PATTVSA FIICIT, which, however, Bohn in C.I.L. xiii. 10011, 24, reads as P ATTVSA. Compare also PAT FE, M 2225. Possibly the name given above is really P. Alii or P. Allid.] TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 33). Diam. 2} in. and 31- in. Found in M 2145London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 823a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. 2146.
A nl. p. 45 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 154; Bo111ur Jahrb. xcix. p. 125 ; Schuermans, 4265. complete ; glaze worn.

Foot of one

In the centre of each is the stamp t!E<.YDA!U5fl, Peculiaris f(ecit) ; c( M 1990.

M 2147.
FRAGMENT, similar. circular form. Diam. 1j in. London, 1837.
C.J.L. vii. 1336, 823a.

Cut in

Stanip as last.
M 2148.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. li- in. complete; glaze worn. Cut in circular form. London Wall, 17 Sept., 1838. Foot nearly

In the centre is the stamp (icy

M 2149.

JED, Pecu(li)ar(is) f(ecit).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 21 in. Found at Blackfriars Bridge, London, Aug. 1845. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 8.:pa; J/1. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Schuermans, 43. Foot complete ; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp !POT!TIANMI, Potitiani m(anu); cf. M 1804.

M 2150.
BOWL (Form 33). Ht. 2 in. Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 844; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cat. Lond. At~l. p. 45; C'o/1. A111. i. p. 154; Schuermans, 4393 Glaze worn ; rim chipped.

In the centre is the stamp I!OTIACII, Pottaci (?).

[Cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1552. name does not occur elsewhere.) But possibly POII'ITIACI should be read, although that

M 2151.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2~ in. From Bath. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 1844. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 845 ; Ro11ner fahrb. xcix. p. 128. Foot nearly complete.

In the centre is the stamp


Pridian(i)i ; cf. CIL. xiii.

1001 o,

M 2152.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2t in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 846; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105 ; Schuermans, 4414. Foot nearly complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, I


Prid(ia11us) fec(it) ; cf. CI.L. xiii.

Price Sale,

Found in Foster Lane, London.

M 2153.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2t in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 846. Foot complete.

Stamp as last.


M 2154.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. It in. Found in Basinghall Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. CI.L. vii. 1336, 847a, Bonner Jakrb. xcix. p. 128; Gmlleman's ilfag. 1844, ii. p. 38 ( = Gmt. Ma,t[. Libr., Rom.-Bril. Rem. ii. p. 558). Foot complete ; glaze much worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2156. M 2156.
FRAGMENT, similar.


cf. M


Diam. 2j in.

Glaze much worn.

Stamp as last.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 1! in. Abchurch Lane, London, 1 Nov. 1838. vii. 1336, 87oa ; Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. 130. Foot nearly complete; convex centre.


In the centre is the stamp

M 2167.


cf. C.J.L. xiii. 10010, 1576.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. :zi in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 872a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 105; Cal. Lond. A11/. p. 45; Bonner jakrb. xcix. p. 130 ; Schuermans, 4482. Foot complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp (pi\lyATI8, Privati ma(ntt); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, I 579
M 2158.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Ii in. Found in Sutton Lane(?), London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 895; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lond. A11/. p. 45; Coli. A111. i. p. 154; Scbuermans, 4613. Foot complete but chipped; convex centre.

In the centre is the stamp cUYJ!SlJ:8, Reburrus f(ecit) ; cf. M 1994M 2159.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 3 in. Found at Chichester. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 898 a orb; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lo11d. Ani. p. 45 Foot wanting; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp fi8vBmBD, Reburri(s) of(fici11a).

M 2160.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Ii in. Diam. 3f in. Found in Lad Lane (now Gresham Street), London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, B97a : Genlltmall's Mag. 1844, ii. p. 38 (= Gent. Mal{. Libr., Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. p. 559). Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the






M 2164.

FRAGMENT, similar(?). Diam. 3 in. From St. Mary-at-Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.I.L. vii. I336, 916. Foot complete; dark red glaze. Form perhaps 79.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2165.


Regulus j(ecit) ; cf. M 1808.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 9I9. Convex centre; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2166.


Regussi (or Recrtssi ?).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with half of foot. Ht. I! in. Diam. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. I336, 970 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cat. Lo11d. A111. p. 45 ; Coli. A11l. i. p. I 54; Schuermans, 4855. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp SACIANTR, Sacianlr(us ?) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1686 (and references there given).
M 2167.


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, IOJ8; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 106; Col/. Ant. i. p. 154; Archaeologia, xxvii. p. 152 ; Froehner, I989. Foot complete ; gtaze discoloured. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, I 768.


Sedatia11i m(mm); cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2168.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2! in. Found in Coleman Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, IOI9; Ill. Rom. Lottd. p. 106; Cat. Lo11d. A11t. p. 45; Coli. A11l. i. p. 154; Schuermans, 5o65. Thin glaze ; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 2169.


Sedatus f(ecit) ; cf. M 1895.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 103oa; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 45; Coli. Ani. i. p. I 54; Schuermans, 5084. Foot broken away ; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

:M 2170.


Se11i[l]a(e) m(amt) ; cf. M 1896.

Price Sale, 1853.
C.I.L. vii.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. I! in. From Colchester. I336, 1030a. Foot complete; glaze worn. Circular, as before.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2171.


as the last.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1027a; ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lottd. Ani. p. 45; Coli. A11l. i. p. I 54; Schuermans, 510I. Foot nearly complete; glaze worn. Circular, as before.


In the centre is the stamp 1785.


Se11nius f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

[Cf. for this name the maker of the Lillebonne mosaic (Ga3. Arc/1. 1885, pl. 13-14, p. 99).]

M 2172.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 3! in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. I336, 1035; Schuermans, 5I38; Ill. Rom. L011d. p. 1o6 = Cat. Lo11d. A11l. p. 46? (Servilis). Foot nearly complete; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp I 2P!IJJ1m, Servius (fecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 1795


M 2173.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2 in. From Colchester. Price Sale, 1S53. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1o6oa; Bonner jaltrb. xcix. p. 147. Foot nearly complete; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp SEXTVS FE, Sextus fe(cit) ; cf. M I 8 I 1.

M 2174.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1S56. C.I.L. vii. 1336, rc6oa; Arckatologia, xxvii. p. 152; Froehner, 1985. Foot complete; dull glaze. Cut in circular form.

Stamp as last.
M 2176.
FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl. Diam. 2~ in. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1063a; Ronntr jakrb. xcix. p. 147. Foot complete. Similarly acquired.

In the centre is the stamp 1:5E><'f I@), Sexti man(u).

M 2176.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Pollexfen Coil., 1870. Foot complete. Diam. 3 in. From Colchester.

Stamp as last.
M 2177.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. zi in. Found at the Steelyard, Thames Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1S63. C.I.L. vii. 1336, roSS (wrongly). Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2178.


Sosim(i)i m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. ii. 3295.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33 or So), with part of foot. Diam. 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1097. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp ayoaNIYII, Sttolmiili; cf. M I 898.

M 2179.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 21 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1098; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 1o6; Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 46; Coli. A nl. i. p. 155 ; Schuermans, 5356. Foot complete ; gbze worn.

In the centre is the stamp




M 2183.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. It in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., I8S6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1109; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 100; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. ISS ; Schuermans, S390 Foot complete; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2184.


Taurianus ; cf. M


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33), with part of foot. Diam. 2! in. Found in High Street, Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., t86o. C.I.L. vii. 1336, lilia. Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2185.



PART of similar bowl, with part of rim and foot. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 3k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., I8S6. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1110; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 100; Cat. Lo11d, Ant. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. ISS

In the centre is the stamp

M 2186.


Tauricus f(ecit) ; cf. M


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2 in. Found in Bush Lane, London. Roach Smith Coil., r8s6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1127 =Ill. Rom. Lond. p. roo (wrongly?). Foot complete but chipped ; glaze worn. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2187.


o, Tittici o(.fficina).

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 3~ in. Found in the Thames, London. Roach Smith Coil., r8s6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1128; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 106; Cat. Lo11d, Ant. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. ISS; Schuermans, S476. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2188.


cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1914.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., t8s6. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1131a; Ill. Ro11t. Lo11d. p. too; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 46 ; Cnll. A nl. i. p. ISs. Foot nearly complete ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp letters.


Tituronis; as M


but larger

[An example of Form So, with stamp TITVRONIS OF, was found in Duke Street, Aldgate, London, March, 1<)08.]

M 2189.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam . . It in. Eastcheap, London, 1 Nov. 1838. 1336, 1133 Foot complete but chipped; bright red glaze.

C.I.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp TITVRONIS

M 2190.


Tituronis ofi.ficina).

FRAGMENT, similar.. Diam. 2~ in, Found in Wood Street, London, Dec. 1847. Price Sale, 1853 C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1133 Foot complete; glaze worn,

Stamp as last.
M 2191.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. London, 1837. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 491; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42 (CIVPPI M); see Schuermans, 2439, 2842. Cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp GL . VPPI M, Gluppi C/(audii) Uppi m(ant~).


or perhaps for


M 2192.

FRAGMENT, similar. Glaze poor.

Diam. It in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

10010, 1957,

In the centre is the stamp and sec M 2010.

M 2193.


Vagirus; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 2i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1159; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. 155; Bomur jahrb. xcix. p. 155; Schucrmans, 5662. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 2017.


Vertecisa f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2194.

PART OF BOWL (Form 33), with foot and part of rim. Ht. 2! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1166; Ill. Rom. Lond.'p. 1o6; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 46; Schuermans, 5673. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2195.


Vesponi(s); cf. M

201 1.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. 1~ in. York, 1853. 1336, 1164b. Foot complete but chipped; cut in circular form.

C.I.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp



Vest(i) m(anu)?; cf. C.l.L. xiii.

M 2196.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. ti- in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1164a; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. to6; Cat. Lond. A111. p. 46; Coli. A11t. i. p. 155; Scbuermans, 5674. Foot complete ; black glazed ware; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2197.


as the last.

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot. Diam. 2t in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1178a; ///. Rom. Lo11d. p. 107; Cat. Lond, A11l. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. 155; B01mer jallrb. xcix. p. 157; Schuermans, 5739 Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

VI DVCOS F, Vidt~cos f(ecit)

; cf. M




M 2201.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1188a. Foot complete; glaze worn; convex centre.

Stamp as last.
M 2202.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. 1336, 1188a (wrongly). Glaze worn; convex centre; cut in circular form.

C.I.L. vii.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2203.


Vinmt" oj(ficina).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2~ in. Found at St. Mary-at-Hill, London. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 11886. Glaze worn.

Stamp as last.
M 2204.
PART of similar bowl, with part offoot and rim. Ht. 3 in. Diam. 5~ in. Found in London. Presented by the M ctropolitan Board of Works, 1864. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1188c. Good glaze.

Stamp as M 2200 ; on the exterior is incised

M 2205.

IVLIV, ju(iu(s).

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 33). Diam. z! in. Found at Bayford, Kent, 1881 ; acquired 1883. Arc/1. Ca11liana, xvi. p. 5, xvii. p. 16o; Payne, Coli. Canliana, p. 53 Foot nearly complete ; dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 2079-


Vogm(us ?) j(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2206.

FRAGMENT as last. DiaD. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 1220; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. 155 ; Schuermans, 5912. Foot complete ; glaze discoloured; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 2085.


Vosect1nnus , cf. C.I.L. xiii.

M 2207.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1141fl; Ill. Rom. Lond. pp. xo6, 107; Coli. A11l. i. p. 154. Foot complete but chipped ; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2208.


c, as M


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Fonn 33), with two-thirds of foot. Diam. 11 in. Found in Cheapside, London, 18 Oct., 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1294. Good glaze.

Iu the centre is the stamp (in good letters) ... VNVSF{:l

M 2209.

, ..

unus j(ecit).

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Ii in. Found in Billiter Street, London, 22 Oct., 1838. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1312 (wrongly). Foot complete; glaze worn; cut in circular form.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2210.
FRAGMENT as last. glaze worn.

<.\'Micum, A inicesi (?).

From the same site, I Nov., 1838. Foot chipped;

Diam. 2i in.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2211.

FRAGMENT as before, with halfoffoot. Diam. Glaze worn; cut in circular form.

2t in.

St. Saviour's, Southwark, 3 Oct.,

In the centre is the stamp


(perhaps a mere imitation).


M 2212.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 2! in. From the Steelyard, Thames Street, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. Foot complete; centre slightly convex; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp QOCI OfC"J ?

M 2213.
FRAGMENT as before. Diam. 2} in. Found in Newgate Street, London. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1230. Glaze worn. Roach

In the centre is the stamp 41iMA), .... ti ma(tm).

M 2214.
FRAGMENT, similar. Good glaze. Diam. Ii in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2216.
FRAGMENT, similar. dull glaze.

J]ulii (?).
Similarly acquired. Foot mostly wanting;

Diam. Ii in.

In the centre is the stamp ...

M 2216.

... ma(nu).

FRAGMENT, similar, with half of foot.



Similarly acquired.

Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp .. PEC. M 2217.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of similar bowl, with half of foot. much chipped ; glaze worn. Diam.



In the centre is the stamp

M 2218.


probably Pem]liar(is fecit), as M


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33). 2t x 3~ in. Found in Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1338, 8; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 108; Schuerll'ans, 2202. Good glaze.

On the exterior is indsed

M 2219.

~u. (V \/: Felicula.

Found m London. Roach

FRAGMENT from foot of similar bowl. Diam. 2} in. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1338, 21. Glaze worn.

Underneath is incised
M 2220.

. t,J JTP"' A/, Petro11(ius).


FRAGMENT of rim of similar bowl.





From Colchester.


14 2224.

BOWL (Form 44). Ht. 3 in. Diam. 7 in. London(?), 1865. Two fragments joined ; nearly complete. Fine glaze.

C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1201.


In the interior is the stamp I A cf. M 781 ff. (probably not the same potter). 14 2225.

ev r

' 'M'

Vilali(s) m(anu) or f(ecit)

BOWL (Form 81). Ht. 2~ in. Diam. Si in. From Carlisle. Presented by A. Barnes Moss, Esq., 1()06. Repaired and about oncthird restored, including most of rim ; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp PAT FE, Pat(ua) fd.cit) ; cf. M 189r, and see Proc. Soc. Antiqs. xxi. (1907), p. 286. 14 2226.

BOWL (Form 8o). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 5~ in. From Worthing, Sussex. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1234 (?). Complete; glaze worn.

l\fantell Coli.,

In the centre is the stamp M ... I CF, M . ... i of(ficimz).

M 2227.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 8o), with part of rim and foot. Diam. 4i in. in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 133~, 1107C. Good glaze.


In the centre is the stamp ... CILLI M 1899 ff., 2o8o. 14 2228.
3:i- in.


Coc]cilli, or Tas](g)illi, m(anu); cf.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 8o), with part of rim and foot. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870, Glaze worn.

Ht. 1} in.


In the centre is the stamp MABC:14JH!n, J}farcellin(us) f(ecit) ; cf.


14 2229.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 81). Ht. 1} in. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Foot complete but chipped; burnt to a dark red in the interior and black on the exterior.

In the centre is the stamp 14 2230.


Marcelli11i; cf. M


FRAGMENT of bowl of Form 79 or 8o. Diam. 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli, 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 401 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 43; Coli .-1111. i. p. 152; S.:huermans, 1849. Foot nearly complete.

In the centre is the stamp 10010, 742. 14 2231.


Dami11i m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii . .

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 27 or 33 ?). Diam. 1 in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 444; Ill. Rom. Lottd. p. 104; Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 43; Arcltaeologia, xxvii. p. 152 ; Bon11er Jtrltrb. xcix. p. 87; Froehner, 1159; Schuermans, 2537.

Stamped WYlJ, (F) ab(i)us f(ecit) ?

(Cf. also C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 9g6 (IABVS) and 1102 (LABEO).)
FRAG~IENT forming centre of fiat bowl. Diam. 2t in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 753; Ill. Rom. Lontl. p. 105; C111. Lo11d. Ani. p. 44; Schuermans, 3843. Foot complete.

14 2232.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. C.I.L. xiii.

10010, 1416.


M 2233.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 79 ?). Diam. if in. From the Steelyard, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 1003. Good glaze.

Stamped rUOffiPIUJg, Secundilli m(anu).

M 2234.
FRAGMENT, similar (?Form 79). Diam. 2j in. Found in Southwark, 22 April, 1842. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, to62a, Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 1o6: Cat. Lond. A11t. p. 46; Coli. Ant. i. p. 154; Bo11ner jahro. xcix. p. 147; Schuermans, 52o6. Dark red glaze.

the centre is the stamp


Sexti ma(ntt); cf. M



M 2235.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL, with foot. Coli., 1856.



Found in London.

Roach Smith

In the centre is the stamp ... INVS

M 2236.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl.

F, . . .

inus f(ecit) ; cf. M

Similarly acquired.


Diam. If in.

M 2237.

M PI/LI (?).

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 32 or So), with two-thirds of foot. Similariy acquired. Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 47. Good glaze.

Underneath the foot is incised

M 2238.


Diam. 4i in.


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 45 or 81). 2j x 2 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1337, 3; Coli. Ant. i. p. 150. Dull glaze.

On the exterior is the stamp

M 2239.
FRAGMENT, similar. 1337, 8. Bright red glaze.


Agedilli; cf. M

tf x 2 in. Similarly acquired (found 28 Nov. 1853). C.I.L. vii.

On the exterior is the stamp CCALEijVSji:t), Calentll' j(ecit); cf. C.l.L. vii.
1336, 2<>g.

M 2240.


Ii x 2i- in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336,


M 2243.

FRAGMENT as before (Form 8I ?). Good glaze.

Ht. 2~ in.

Length 3i in.

Similarly acquired.

On the exterior is the stamp SECVN>M, Sectmd(i) m(anu) ; cf. M 728ff. and

C.l.L. vii. 1336. 998.

M 2244FOUR FRAGMENTS, similar. Found in London (one in the Thames). Roach Smith 2247. Coli., 1856. Lions' heads, with open mouth forming spout, attached to the rim of each. M 2248.
:M 2249.
FRAGMENT of morlarium. Length din. Similarly acquired. Good red glaze.

Part of spout remaining.

FRAGMENT of flat bowl of rough red-glazed ware. 3Z x 3 in. Found in Cumberland. Presented by A. W. Franks, E~q., 188o. Glaze much worn. Probably local fabric.

Inscribed in faint raised letters


M 2250.

FRAGMENT of rim of plain bowl. Coli., 856.




Found in London.

Roach Smith

Incised :

\7 ?-. 4 WA

II 1\/J' "'"'

GERMAN FABRICS (M 2261-2362).



M 2251.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 27, fig. 8; Lat. Lmtd. Ani. p. 32, No. I38. Light red glaze, worn. Very coarse work. Designs in panels divided by double lines of small squares, with large rosettes above and below; above, egg-and-tassel.

( 1) Gladiator to 1., wearing short chiton and holding spear or trident in both hands (indistinct); (2) two boars tor., one above the other; (1) repeated.

M 2252.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 30). 4 x 3i in. and It x 2 in. Similarly acquired. The fragments do not join ; glaze dull. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

On the larger fragment, within an arch resting on columns of chain-pattern is Aphrodite to front with hands on pubes, nude, with thick curly hair; the figure is twice repeated, with three quadrupeds between ; the upper one is wanting, the others arc a sea-horse and a dog(?) both to 1. (Dcchelette, types 33, 965). On the other fragment there only remain the Aphrodite down to the knees and the column each side.
[The Aphrodite seems to be a reminiscence of the early hieratic quasi-Oriental type found in early Asiatic terracotta statuettes ; cf. also the Gaulish terracottas, in which the type frequently occurs (Walters, A"cienl Pollery, li. p. 3&5).]

M 2253.

FRAG.MENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Glaze worn.

It' 2j in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

Scroll with bunches of berries on stalks ; in upper space, spiral tendril ; in lower, Eros seated to r., with r. hand extended (cf. Ludowici, Stempelbilder, p. 192, No. M. 91).



M 2254.

FRAGMENT, similar. :zk x 3~ in. the design, egg-and-tassel.

Similarly acquired.

Light red glaze, worn. Above

Festoons (cf. Ludowici, Stempelbilder, pp. 218-220), of which one only remains, containing a female bust to r.
M 2256.
FRAGMENT, similar. the design, egg-and-tassel.

2! x 4 in. Similarly acquired. Dull yellowish glaze. Above

Festoons with cable-pattern, in each of which is a diminutive figure to r., indistinct; below, band of rosettes.
M 2266.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 5t in. Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Glaze worn; coarse work.

Festoons in which are rosettes (Ludowici, Stempelbilder, p. 213, No. 0. 101); between them, a flower between two spirals (op. cit. p. 2 I I, 0. 65).
!4 2267.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4} in. Found in Budge Row, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull orange-coloured glaze; design indistinct. Above the design, large egg-andtassel pattern and zigzag line.

Panel bordered on either side by a column with lattice-pattern between zigzag lines : Tree and scroll on I. ; bird to I. on plant ; two birds to 1., one above


compartment; a large festoon in which are a volute and a bird to r. looking back (feathers indicated by stippling) ; in the lower, a hare (?) running to r., with ears erect.
[Cf. for the medallion Dechelette, type 1178, with four leaves forming a cross.)

M 2259.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Good glaze. Above the design, row of rings and dentils.

3:!- x

2t in.

Similarly acquired.

Panels divided by broad feathered leaves (palm ?), one with a rosette on the top ; on the 1., nude figure to I., indistinct ; on the r., Eros to front, moving to I., carrying some object on head? (indistinct; see Ludowici, p. 192, No. M. 90 and cf. M 2286).
M 2260.
FRAGMENT as last. 3i x 31- in. Similarly acquired. egg-and-tassel and row of beads. Dull glaze. Above the design,

Panel with border of beads and rosettes at angles, in which is a Gryphon to I. with r. fore-paw raised (Ludowici, p. I99, No. T. 44).
111 2261.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2i x 31- in. Found in London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Dull glaze. Above the design, egg-pattern; below, wreath of the usual German type (cf. M 2265 and Ludowici, p. 217, R. 36).

Panels divided by javelins: (1) part of uncertain object and rosette; (2) bird to r. (perhaps a heron as Dechelette, IO<>I ; cf. M 3050), and two rosettes.
:M 2262.
FRAGMENT, similar. rf x 2i- in. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Dull

Panels with zigzag borders and rosettes at angles : On 1., part of panel with leaf in field and tail of quadruped to I. ; on the r., medallion with small nude figure moving to I. with r. hand raised.
111 2263.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3f in. Found in London. Soft sandy clay ; glaze worn ; style very coarse. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

On the 1., medallion with dog to l. (Ludowici, p. 201, T. 82); on the r., narrow panel with ornament of caduceus type (cf. Dechelette, I I I 3, I I I 3a, and Ludowici, p. 2I2, No. 0. 75); at the bottom of the panel, two acanthus-plants (cf. Dechelette, I I6I).
111 2264.
FRAGMENT, similar. zi- x. 2t in. Similarly acquired. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel. Two pieces joined; dark red

Festoon formed by wreath, in which is a hare running to 1. (Ludowici, p. 202, No. T . 97); on the r., medallion formed of two concentric rings, below which is a dog running to I. (Ludowici, p. 20I, No. T. 75). Below the festoon are three pairs of leaves vertically placed ; below the dog, part of a wreath forming an arch or medallion in which part of a pattern of leaves(?) is visible.
2 B

M 2265.


FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. Ht. 4! in. Length 8!- in. and Si in. Similarly acquired. Three pieces joined in two ; dull glaze ; discoloured. Above the design, eggand-tassel.

Above, festoons formed by wreaths (cf. Ludowici, p. 218, B. 7, B. 9), in which are Erotea running to l. ; below, series of medallions with indistinct head facing to front within a wreath, and wreath of leaves (Ludowici, p. 217,-No. R. 36).
M 2266. FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37).

2! x
Fig. 22.4 = M 6s (part'.

3k in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Panel with chain-borders, within which is a medallion containing a draped figure to r. (?), the lower part only visible on either side in the angle is a leaf (Ludowici, p. 207, No. P. 17).
M 2267.
FRAGMENT similar.


in. Similarly acquired.

Dull glaze.

Narrow panel with ornament of caduceus type (Ludowici, p. 212, No. 0. 74; cf. Dechelcttc 1113-1116); at the bottom of the borders of the panel are pairs of acanthus leaves ; on the r., part of medallion with quadruped walking to I.
M 2268.
BOWL. Form 37 Ht. 4~ in. Diam. 81 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil. r856. IJI. Rom. Ltmd. pl. 26, fig. t ; Cal. Lo11d. A 111. p. 33, No. 53 Eight fragments joined ; nearly half wanting. Peculiar deep rt!d (not orange) glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern.

Round the body, (r) medallions enclosing a curious rectangular pattern (Ludowici, Stempelbi/der, p. 213, 0. 11 2). alternating with (2) a pine tr c (Ludowici, op. cit., p. 207, P. 9 ; cf. Dechelette,



[ 2271.

FRAGMENT forming lower part of bowl (Form 37). Light red glaze, good on interior.

x 3:l- in.

Similarly acquired.

Medallions within wreaths, parts of three of which are visible ; in the middle one a bird to I.(? Ludowici, p. 205, No. T. 132); between them, rings. Below, a wreath (Ludowici, p. 217, No. R. 36).


FRAGMENT of similar bowl.



Similarly acquired.

Glaze worn.

Medallion with toothed border, in which is a deer to r. (cf. Ludowici, p. 204. Nos. T. 118, 120); in the angle a rosette.


FRAGMENT, similar. design, egg-and-tassel.


Ji in.

Similarly acquired.

Gla;u: worn. Above the

Panels divided by bars, in which are medallions with wreath-borders, one containing a small bird to I. ; below, a row of rings.


FRAGMENT, similar. tasscl.


Ji in. Similarly acquired. Above the design,


Medallions divided by bars, with outer toothed borders and inner of cablepattern ; in the centre an uncertain object.


FRAGMENT, similar. Coli., 1856. Good glaze.


4i in.

Found in Lothbury, London.

Roach Smith

Medallion with toothed border, in which is the upper part of a nude figure to the front holding something in lap ; on the r., bird to I. looking back (cf. Dechelette 1035}, upper part of figure to I. with hands extended, and bird repeated. Above the design a row of vandyke pattern (Ludowici, p. 215, No. R.3).

Coarse style, but

[ 2276.

FRAG:\tENT, similar. Ht. Ji in. Length st in. Lincoln, 1866. glaze fairly good. Above the design, egg-and-tassel pattern.

The design consists of figures of Scylla. between conventional trees, alternating with medallions in which are patterns ; only one Scylla is visible, to the front, looking round to her r. and brandishing a club(?} in both hands behind her head ; her body terminates below in two twisted fish-tails.
[Cf. M 1130 and D~chelette, type 16 (wrongly as Triton) ; the type is borrowed from Lezoux.]

Uu~U~U~U~U~ ~D~


Fig. 226

= M 2276.

[ 2277.

FRAGMENT, similar.

21- x



Lincoln, 1866. Glaze worn.

On the 1., part of medallion with double cable-border ; next, small ithyphallic figure to I. with r. hand extended and sword(?) in I. (Ludowici, p. 194,
2 B 2



No. M. 131); next, a man to front with loin-cloth and boots, club or staff in I. hand (Ludowici, p. 191, No. M. 79); beyond, the first man repeated.
M 2278.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length Si in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. Coarse work; glaze worn. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Medallions alternating with conventionalised treeq, the stems of which are formed by chains ending below in rosettes ; parts of three medallions are visible. of which the one on the L contains part of a draped figure seated tor., the middle one a nude figure kneeling to I. with arms raised as if in supplication.
M 2279.
FRAGMENT, "similar, with part of foot. 3t x 3B in. Found in Cannon Street, London, 1 Nov., 1836. Saull'i Coli., 1836. Glaze worn.

Medallion containing a leaf-ornament, fo~ which cf. Ludowici, p. 21 I , No. 0. 26; on the r. a rosette; on the I. is inscribed in raised letters 'R. Below, a border of pattern as M 1246.
M 2280.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim. rough egg-and-tassel pattern.

Fia. 227

= M 2279.

Ht. 3t in. Above the design1

Medallion with ornamented border as Ludowici, p. 221, B. 37, in which is a youth to r. (bestiarius ?) with I. foot advanced, wearing loin-cloth. On the r. a youthful warrior to the front (perhaps Ares), nude, with staff or spear held up in r. hand and 1. placed on a sword at his side.
M 2281.
FRAGMENT from lower part of bowl (Form 37). Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

x 3i in.

Found in London.

Part of medallion and of tree or plant ; below, a raised tablet on which is incised ':!81.JAITIMOO, Comitialis f(ecit); cf. M 2293.



111 2284.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 3~ in. Found in the Thames, London, 4 March, 1848 Price Sale, 1853. Light red glaze; coarse work.

On the 1., a tree with large pointed leaves, and a ring ; on the r., a rude arch with stunted columns and large heavy capitals, within which is a nude woman (Aphrodite?) to front (head wanting), holding up a flower(?) in r. hand.

:M 2285.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. Ji in. From the site of the India House, Leaden hall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Within an arch resting on large rosettes is a sea-monster or dolphin to r. (head wanting; cf. ~udowici, Stempelbi/der, p. 199, No. T. 47); on the 1., two rosettes as before, and leaf; below the dolphin, two rectangular objects
111 2286.

f ___ ~

FRAGMENTS OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. of largest fragment, 5 in. Found in Friday Street, London, 31 July, 1844. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 16. Six pieces, of which four join. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and chain-pattern.

Scrolls formed of arches alternately erect and inverted (cf. M 1 12 5) with pairs of leaves, as on M 2264. at the junctions, from which spring small leaves

Fig, 029 = M 2086 (rutDred].

above and large sycamore leaves below. In the upper spaces arc alternately a nude figure to r. with I. knee bent up and hands raised, and Eros to front moving to 1., holding some object on head with r. hand (Ludowici, p. 192, No. M. 90; c( M 2259). Above the sycamore leaves is a bird to r. with wings addorsed.

M 2287.


PART OF BOWL (Form 37), with part of rim --:::::;;;;;:~~~~~57i~~~:::;::~and half of foot. Ht. 3t in. Found in London. ""i:ttJ'5l\,,l'l Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 26, fig. 10. Two pieces joined and restored ; orange-red glaze. Above the design egg-and-tassel inverted.

Frieze of semicircles in two rows, the upper inverted and interlacing, with plants in each ; below, chain-pattern. lYI 2288.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Length 3} in. Found near London Bridge. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze.

Fig. Jo

= M 81 ;part'.

Hind-legs of large quadruped to r., lion to r. (head wanting), and hind-legs of another quadruped ; below the first, a small dog to r. Below, wreath. M 2289.
FRAGMENT, similar, with part of rim. Ht. 3} in. Length 5 in. Found in Botolph Lane, London, 18 July, 1845. Two pieces joined; dull glaze. Above the design, egg-andtassel and row of beads.

Narrow frieze : Between two trees, Apollo to r., draped, playing lyre, confronted by Artemis(?) in short girt chiton with r. hand raised ; on the r., column surmounted by acanthus between two scrolls ; tree as before ; and figure of Apollo repeated Below, a band of rosettes. M 2290.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 3i in. Found in Tokenhouse Yard, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

(1) Small figure of Eros to 1., with ~lub (?) in I. hand (Ludowici, p. 192, M. Io6). (2) Larger figure of Eros(?) to I., with I. hand on head, uncertain object in r., and floating drapery. (3) Column formed by a thick vertical wreath of flowers confined by a twisted band, from which spring tendrils each side.

M 2291.

FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2} in. Found in London. glaze. Above the design, egg-and-tassel.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull


Found in Budge Row,

M 2294.

FRAGMENT from lower part ofbo~l (Form 37). London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Design indistinct.


in. x


On the body, three dolphins head downwards; below, inverted, on a raised tablet, is incised '=!81 AAITIMOO Comitialis f[ecil. M 2295.
C.I.L. vii. 1337,

FRAGMENT, similar. 220 (?).




Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

On the body are visible a ring and a raised tablet on which is incised Co]miti(a)lis f[ecit.
Similarly acquired. Above the design, egg-

M 2296.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. 2i x 3 in. pattern with cabled edging.

On a raised tablet is incised M. 2297.

pWM, .... nius fe(cil) .


FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37, somewhat shallow). Ht. Two pieces joined. Above the design, egg-and-tassel and cable-pattern.


Length, 4 in.

Frieze with four bands of rosettes or flowers. M 2298.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Coli., 1856. Dull, dark red glaze.
2l x 3 in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

Moulded column between two palm-leaves ; on the r., moulded candelabrum like Dechelette's types IOC)S-9(5, scroll .,., and concentric ring ; below, wreath (cf. types 12 and 27). II 2299.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 21- in. Length 4~ in. Found in Bell Alley (Copthall Avenue), London. Price Sale, 1853. Dark red glaze; style somewhat coarse. Above the design, rude egg:and-tongue pattern.

Two rosettes and part of interlacing bands of network (cf. Ludowici, Stempelbilder, p. 221, B. 37, and M 2280).



(II 2300-2362). M 2300.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18), with part of rim and foot. London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze poor. Ht. lk in. Found in

In the centre is the stamp



Cerial(is) ; cf. M 99 and Cl.L. xiii.


II 2301.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 18 or 31), with part of foot. Diam. 5 in. Found on London Wall, Aug., 1837. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 429tJ; Ill. Rom. Ll'lll. p. 103; Cat. Lo11d. An/, p. 43: Bonner Jaltrb. xcix. p. 86; Coli. A,/, i. p. 152; Schuermans, Siglesfigulitus, 1'}96. Good glaze.

Within a triple ring of hatched pattern is the stamp d&Sf\6111MQID, Domiliamts f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 8o6, and Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 29.


M 2302.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 18). Diam. Ii in. Found in London. Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 61 3a , Bo1mer Jakrb. xcix.p. 103. Good glaze.


Stamped MAIANVS FE, Maianus fe(cit) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. Stempelnamen, p. 50; Stempelbilder, p. 48.
M 2303.

10010, 1228;


FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 2i in. From the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street, London. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 655a , Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 105; Bon1ur Jakrb. xcix. p. 107. Fine glaze.
10010, 1282,

In the centre is the stamp OMBI'IAIOO&), Martialis f(ecit) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. and Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 52. Underneath is incised X.

M 2304.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 18). Diam. 6 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 676a/ Ill. Rom. Lond, p. 105; Cal. Lond. A11l. p. 44; Coli. A111. i. p. 153 ; Schuermans, 3416. Foot nearly complete; good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp (MA'1;RNINVD, Materninus; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 13o6, and Ludowici, Stempel11ame1t, p. 54
FRAGMENT as last, with part of foot. Diam. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 6c)6a , Ill. Rom. Lon d. p. 105.

M 2305.


Found in London.

Price Sale,

In the centre is the stamp MERCATO, Mercato(r); cf. C.I.L. xiii. and Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 55
M 2306.
Bath. FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18), with part offoot. Presented by W. Long, Esq., 1844. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 910, Diam.





In the centre is the stamp REGINVS F, Reginus f(ecit) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 1618; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 68; Stempelbi!der, p. 61. M 2307.
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. S! in. From Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 909a; Shortt, Sylva a111igua, p. 114, 137. Bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp


Regi11i (ma1111).



M 2312.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 27). Diam. 1} in. From Sea Mills, near Bristol. Presented by W. Macpherson, Esq., 1<)06. Foot complete: dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp OF FLOR, Oj(ficina) F/or(enti11i) ; cf. C.J.L. xiii. 914; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 38; Stempelbilder, p. 31.

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 27). Ht. 1} in. and 1! in. Found in M 2313London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. I336, 481 ; Ill. Rom. L(lnd. p. I04; Cat. Lond. 2314.

Ant. p. 43 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152 ; Schuermans, 2398. deep brown.

Foot of one complete ; glaze of the other,

In the centre of each is the stamp

M 2315.


Gmia(lis) ; cf. M 2337.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Ht. I! in. Diam. 3i in. Found in the Thames, London, Feb., 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 654a. Light red glaze, worn.

In the centre is the stamp ARTIALIS, M]artialis; cf. M 2303.

M 2316.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. I} in. Diam. 3t in. Found in London Wall, June, 1847. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. vii. I336, 9I2a; B01mer jahrb. xcix. p. 132. Foot complete, but chipped ; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2317.


Regini ma(nu) ; cf. M 23o6.

FRAGMENT, similar, with haif of foot. Ht. Ker.t, 1883. Arch. Ca11tiana, xv. p. 1o6; xvii. p. 159.

li in. Diam. 2;! in. Lower Halstow,

Dull glaze.
10010, 1763;

In the centre is the stamp SECVNDINI; cf. C.I.L. xiii. Stempelnamen, p. 72; Stempelbi/der, p. 66.
M 2318.


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, II9 ; Ill. Nom. Lolld. p. Io2; Cat. Lond. A 111. p. 41 ; A rcltaeologia, xxvii. pp. 147, 151 ; Sr.huermans, 657 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 150; Gentleman's Afag. 1844, i. p. 256 ( = Gmt. Mag. Libr., Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. p. 547). Foot complete ; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp AVGVSTALIS, Augusta/is; cf. C.l.L. xiii. Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 9; Stempe!bilder, p. 12.
M 2319.

10010, 232;

FRAGMENT, similar, with patt of foot. Diam. 4i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 120; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 102; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 41 ; Coli. Ant. i. p. 150; Bonner jaltrb. xcix. p. 63; Schuermans, 661.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp AVGVSTINVS, Auguslimts; cf. C /.L. xiii. 10010, 233 ; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 10; 5)tempdbi/der, p. 13.
M 2320.
BOWL (Form 31). Diam. 7f in. Excavated at Bayford, Kent, 1877-79; acquired 1883. A nlz. <-anlitma, xvi. p. 4, xvii. p. 154. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp BOVDVS F, Boudus j(ecit); cf. M 94; also Jacobi, Saalburg, p. 318, no. 20; Holder, Alt-celtischer Spraclzsatz, i. p. 498.
M 2321.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 4~- in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 231 ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. I03; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. lSI (?j; Schuermans, 1o63. Foot complete but chipped; good glaze; cut smooth round.

Within a broad ring of hatched pattern is the stamp @P 1\At!1 "fl, Caprmius j(ecit) ; cf. C.l.L. xiii. 10010, 446.


M 2322.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 5~ in. Similarly acquired. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 298a (wrongly); Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. A11l. .p. 42; Coli. Ant. i. p. 151; Schuermans, 1292. Two pieces joined ; foot very thick and heavy ; dull glaze.

Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp

cf. M 2300.



M 2323.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. Sl in. Similarly acquired. Lond. A11l. p. 42. Foot complete; bright red glaze.

C.I.L. vii. 1336, 299; Cal.

In the centre is the stamp

10010, 544 M 2324.


Ceria/( is) f(ecit) ; cf. C.I.L. xiii.

FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 2~ in. Found in Thames Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336,412; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 43; Coli. Ani. i. p. 152; Botmtr Jahr6. xcix. p. 84; Schuermans, 1913. Good glaze.

Within a quadruple ring of finely-hatched patterns is the stamp DlGNVS, in rough large letters; cf. C.IL. xiii. 10010, 778.
M 2325.
FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Foot complete; glaze worn. Diam.


Found in London.

In the centre is the stamp FIRM I M, Firmi m(anu) ; cf. C.I.L. vii. I 336, 4;8, .xiii. 10010, 901 ; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 88; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 37; Stempelbilder, p. 30.
M 2326.
FRAGMENT from centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam. 2l in. Found in Bow Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 504; 111. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 43 ; Coli. Ani. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 2492. Foot wanting; bright red glazt", worn away underneath.

In the centre is the stamp HELE. VSFIIC, Hele[ni]usfec(il); cf. C.I.L. xiii.
10010, 985.

M 2327.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 31), with half of foot.

Diam. 4 in.



C.I.L. vii,

M 2330.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4! in. From Colchester. Price Sale, 1853. 1336, 915a; Bonner jahrb. xcix. p. 133 Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp RE. VLINVS, Re(g")ulinus; cf. C.lL. xiii. 10010, 1620; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 69; Stempelbilder, p. 63.

M 2331.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 31, or more probably 33). Ht. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 920. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp RESTVTVS, Rest(it)utus; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1630; Ludowici, Stempetnamen, p. 70; Stempelbilder, p. 63.

M 2332.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 31). Diam, 3i in. Similarly acquired, C.I.L. vii, 1336, 96oa. Foot complete; glaze worn; cut smooth round.

In the centre is the stamp SABINIAN!; c( C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1681 ; Ludowici, Stempelname11, p. 71 ; Stempelbilder, p. 64.

M 2333.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 4i in. St. Saviour's, Southwark, 15 Nov., 1837. VIi, 1336, 986 (wrongly). Foot mostly wanting; glaze worn.


Within a ring of hatched pattern is the stamp m(a11u).



M 2334.

FRAGMENT, similar. Diam, 3~ in. Found in London, Roach Smith Col!., 1856. C.I.L. vii, 1336, 1005 ; Ill. Rom, Lond. p. 1o6 ; Col/, A nl. i. p. 154 ; Cal. Lond. An/, p. 45 ; A rchaeologia, xxvii, p. 152 ; Bonner jahrb, xcix. p. 140; Froehner, Inscr. /err. coc/, 1926 ; Schuermans, 5050. Foot complete; glaze worn; cut smooth round.

In the centre is the stamp (!gvHOINO, Secundini; cf. M 2317.

M 2335.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 3r), with part of foot, Diam. 4i in. Found in Botolph Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. ,ii. 1336, 1152 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 107? (VICARVS F); Schuermans, 5714.

Within a ring of finely-hatched pattern is the stamp .. N ICARVS F, Ve]tticarus f(ecit); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 2002; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 78; Stempelbilder, p. 74-

M 2336.

FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 32 ?). Diam. 5! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 57; Ill, Rom, Lond. p. 102; Col/, Ant. i, p. 150; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 41; Schuermans, 263. Foot complete; bright red glaze.

In the centre is the stamp AMATOR,.Amator; cf. C.lL. xiii. 10010, 103; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 4; Stempelbilder, p. 6.

M 2337.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 32), with part of foot. Diam. lA in, Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 483a, Ill. Rom, Lond. p. 104; Cat, Lond. A11t, p. 43; Schuermans, 2391.

In the centre is the stamp (in neat letters) . ENI/.\LIS ~ FECI, G]enialis feci(t) ; cf. M 2313 and C.lL. xiii. 10010, 959; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 40; Stempelbi/der, p. 34-


:M 2338.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 32). Diam. 3! in. Found in Londo'' Price Sale, 1853. CI.L. vii. 1336, 1253; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 104; Schuermans, 2984. Fot t complete ; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2339.

(LI LTAN I MJ. Lilta11i m(anu).

Diam. 4 in. St.

FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 32), with half of foot. Saviour's, Southwark, 2.J Sept. 1837. Dull glaze.

In the centre is the stamp~. probably intended for llfammiliani (cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1250, and Ludowici, Stempelnamen, pp. v., so.)
(Possibly Namicilt'tmi, but that name is not found elsewhere. Cf. Namilianus, M 1728.]

TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWLS (Form 32). Diam. 2 in. and 4!- in. Found in 23402341. London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 6cJ8; Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 105; Cat. Lund. Ant. p. 44; Coli. A11l. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3539 Good glaze. The smaller is from the centre (foot wanting) ; the larger has part of foot remaining.

In the centre of each is the stamp (in neat letters) llfcrcatoris m(amt) ; cf. M 2305.
M 2342.


FRAGMENT forming bottom of bowl (Form 32). Diam. 6i in. Found at Southwark Bridge, London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. C.J.L. vii. 1336, 1 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 106; Schuermans, 4832. Foot complete; dark red glaze, worn on exterior.

In the centre is the stamp

M 2343.


Sabinianus f(ccit) ; cf. M 2332.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 32). Diam. 4i in. Found in Princes Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 1174; Ill. Rom. L(>nd. p. 107; Cal. Lund. A111. p. 46; Coli. A11t. i. p. 155; ArcnaeoloKia, xxvii. p. 152 ; Bon1ur Janr!J. xcix. p. 156; Froehner, Jnscr. terr. cocl. 2125. Foot broken away; light red glaze, worn.

In the centre is the stamp VICTORINV, Victorinu[s; cf. C.I.L. xiii. 2037 ; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 83 ; Stempelbilder, p. 79 ff.
M 2344.


FRAGMENT forming centre of bowl (Form 18 or 32). Diam. 2k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C:I.L. vii. 1336, 1255. Foot mostly wanting; dull glaze.


lYI 2347.

FRAGMENT, similar(? Form 32). Diam. 2! in. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853. C.l.L. 'ii. 1336, 343a ; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103 ; Bomur jahrb. xcix. p. 8o; Schuerman~>, 1583. Foot complete; glaze worn; cut smooth round.

In the centre is the stamp CONSTANS F, Conslatts j(ecit); cf. C.f.L xiii. 637; Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 23.

lYI 2348.

PART of similar bowl, with foot and part of rim. Ht. 2! in. Diam. Sk in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1865. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 34; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 103; Cat. Lond. A 111. p. 42 ; Schuermans, 1585 (?). Good glaze.

In the centre is the stamp

lYI 2349.



FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 33), with part of foot. Length 2i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 397 ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 103 ; Cal. Lond. A 111. p. 43 ; Coli. A 111. i. p. 152 ; Bomur jahrb. xcix. p. 84 ; A rckaeo/ogia, xxvii. p. 152 ; Froehner, 902 ; Schuermans, 1840. Glaze poor.

In the centre is the stamp



Dag.,dubnusj(ecit); cf. C./.1.. xiii.


lYI 2350.

FRAGMENT, similar, with part of foot. Diam. 2 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 395; Ill. Nom. Lo11d. p. 103; Cat. Lond. Attl. p. 43; Coli. Ant. i. p. 152; Schuermans, 1832. Centre slightly convex; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp QMGOIIYIH1lm, Da(g)o(dub)nus, as the last (Roach Smith and Hubner in C.I.L. read Dacoimnus).
lYI 2351.
FRAGMENT forming centre of similar bowl. Diam. 2} in. Found in Tower Street, London. Price Sale, 1853. (.J.L. vii. 1336, 464. Foot complete; glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp (f@EijJl&1{2F), Floretltintts f(ccit) ; cf. M 2312 and C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 914
lYI 2352.
FRAGMENT as last. Diam. 2j in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1336, 513; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 43; Schuermans, 2569. Foot complete; glaze worn away.

In the centre is the stamp IASSOF, lasso f(ecit} or lass(i) ofificina); cf. Ludowici, Stempelnamen, p. 42 and C.I.L. xiii. 10010, 1008.
lYI 2353.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl, with part of rim. Ht. 3 in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 586c_- Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 104; Cat. Lond .1/nt. p. 44; Coli. Atll. i. p. 153; Schuermans, 3108. Foot complete.

In the centre is the stamp

lYI 2354.


Lutaeus fec(it) ; cf. M 2345.

FRAGMENT as last. Ht. 2j in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 612; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 104; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 44; Col/. Alii, i. p. 153; Bo11ner jahrb, xcix, p. 103. Glaze worn.

In the centre is the stamp


cf. M 2302.


over lower limbs; lower half only preserved. For the type of (1) see Dechelette ii. p. I97, No. 20d; for (4), ibid. p. 218, No. 90 In the field are vine-plants en /J.(lrbotine with moulded leaves (ibid. p. 234, type I 57), and a bird with wings addorsed perched thereon (ibid. type IOI I, p. 233. No. I 54). Below, a band of tendrils en barbotine, with moulded leaves, alternating with bird to I. (both as above). The modelling throughout is very fine, especially in the figure (I).
M 2366.
OLLA. Form 72. Ht. 8;i in. From Felixstowe, Suffolk. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1881. Walters, Ancimt Pollery, ii. pl. 69, p. 529. Nearly complete; made up from fragments. Dull red glaze and slip. Designs partly en bar!Joline, partly from a mould.

Round the body, a broad frieze with a hound pursuing a stag and a hind to I. (the stag is like Dechelette, ii. p. 23I, No. I42); between them are three vines with tendrils and leaves (for which cf. the preceding vase). The animals are all modelled in slip, like the Castor ware, while the leaves are reproduced from a mould.
M 2367.
1856. FRAGMENT of'similar olla. Ji x 2i in. Found in London. Cat. Lond. Ant., No. 127, pl. 7, fig. 2. Good glaze. Roach Smith Coli.,

Eros (chilrlish type) in high relief, running to 1., looking back, with hands extended ; drapery behind him and over r. shoulder ; in the field, tendrils e1z barboti11e.
M 2368.
FRAGMENT as last.

If x i in. Lincoln, 1866. Bright red glaze.

Upper part of Eros to front, looking down to his r., with wings spread ; hair in top-knot ; wears chlamys.
M 2369.
FRAGMENT as before. Ht. Ii in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. pl. 29, fig. 15. Burnt black; design roughly executed.

Upper part of Herakles (?) to front, with club in l. hand, lion's skin over


M 2372.


FRAGMENT as before. Length 2} in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 97; \Vright, Uriconium, p. 238.

Cat. Lo1d. A11l. p. 30

Slave(?) in high relief (head almost in round) bendin{! forward to r., hC! is bald, and wears a chiton exomis girt round the waist ; arms broken off and legs wanting. On the r. is part of a tendril ell barbotinc.
M 2373.
FRAGME~T a'i before. Length 2 in. Wright, Urico11ium, p. 238. Dark red glaze.

Similarly acquired.

Cat. Lo11d. ..!111. p. 30;

Bearded head to I. in very high relief; part of tendril M 2374.



FRAG:\lENT as before. 2 x 1 ~ in. Found in Tokenhousc Yard, London. Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze. Ill. Rom. Lond. pl. 29, fig. 11.

Woman seated to front, in high relief, turning partly to 1., with r. hand raised and I. by side ; drapery over knees and I. arm ; head and legs from below knees wanting. M 2375.

Cal. Lond. A11t.,

~o. 121.

as before. 2~ x 2~ in. Dark red glaze.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli, 1856.

Vine leaf in relief with stalk e1t barbotine (cf. M 2366), and part of another pattern, also en barbotine. M 2376.
FRAGMENT of rim of bowl. 2 in. x 1j in. Similarly acquin.-d. pl. 29, fig. 5 Surface damaged in parts ; good glaze ; \'cry thick.
Ill. Rom. Lontl.

Vine leaf with tendrils e11


as last.





M 2377.

PLATE (Form 19). Diam. 6i in. From Easthall, Murston, Kent; acquired 1883. Red unglazed ware. Part of lip broken and repaired ; surface in bad condition.

In the centre is an oblong stamp:


Asimzi , cf. C.J.L. xiii.

10010, 180:

[See on this fabric Dragendorff in Bomzer Jalzrb. xcvi. p. 87 ; he calls it ' hcllrothe Bdgische Vasen.' M 2839 represents another variety.] 2. M 2378. MARBLED VASES (FABRIC OF LA GRAUFJ.<:SENQUE). M 2378-2379.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 25). Length 3.( in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. See Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 29, No. 122. Dark purple-red clay, with good red marbling on yellow slip, inside and out. Round the rim, hatched pattern. Cf. M 125. FRAGMENT of bowl. Ht. 2t in. Length 4 in. From St. Mary-at-Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Sec Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 29, No. 12z. Red clay; interior unglazed ; exterior covered with a very fine polish or glaze giving the effect of marble, but cloudy rather than mottled, varying in colour from red to drab. Form somewhat shallow, with straight sides ; not given by Dragendorff. Perhaps a local imitation of the Gaul ish ware. 3 VASES OF RED WARE WITH INCISED DECORATION (FABRIC OF LEZOUX) (M 2380- 2396).

M 2379.

M 2380.

FRAGMENT of large ol/a (Form 7z). Ht. 6} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Fine red glaze. ive pieces joined.


series of vertical broad incisions imitating glass, forming a pattern of elongated lozenges.
:M 2382.
FRAG:\IENT as last, but from upper part. Ht. Ii- in. Length 3t in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lo!ld. p. 93 and D~chclette, ii. p. 314 (sec above). Fine glaze; lip moulded. Twu pieces joined ; possibly from the same vase as last.

Patterns as last.
:M 2383.
FRAGMENT as before. as preceding. Length

1 in. Similarly acquired. Possibly from same vase

Patterns as before.
:M 2384.
FRAGMENT as before. 1} x 1} in. Similarly acquired. Darker glaze.

Patterns as before.
:M 2385.
glaze. FRAG!\IENT as before.

2i in. Similarly acquired.

Coarser execution; inferior

Patterns as before.
:M 2386.
FRAGMENT as before (upper part of jar). red glaze, apparently discoloured.



Similarly acquired.


Patterns as before, but rather narrower.

:M 2387.
FOOT OF JAR as before. Ht. 1} in. Diam. 31- in. Similarly acquired. Good glaze.

Pattern of large stars and leaves as before ; a small portion only visible.
:M 2388.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. Length Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.


Found in Friday Stn:et, London, June 1844.

Pattern of curving leaves and large leaves, the markings of which are indicated by fine incisions.
M 2389.
FRAGMENT, similar. Two pieces joined. Dull glaze.
2 X 2


Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Two bands of pattern : curved leaves as on last and straight serrated leaves.
:M 2390.
FOOT OF JAR (Form 72 ?). Diam. 3~ in. Found in Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 93=D~chelette, ii. p. 314 (top left-hand fragment; wrongly joined to the following). Fine glaze.

M 2391.

Pattern of large stars formed of finely-cut incisions (cf. Dcchclctte, ii. pl. 5, 1, 3).

FRAGMENT OF JAR. 2~ x 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lo1td. p. 93 = D~chclette, ii. p. 314 (see above). Though it does not join on to the preceding it may form part of the same vase. Good glaze.

Stars as last, alternating with flowers of three petals (like lotos-flowers) on stalks.


M 2392.

FRAGMENT OF JAR (shape as Dechelette, ii. pl. 5, fig. 1 ; a squat variety of Form 72) . Ht. 2{- in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. L01td. p. 93 = Dechelette, ii. p. 314 (top right-hand fragment). Rim slightly curving over. Patterns somewhat roughly incised.

On !1houlder, incised pattern of chevrons and dots; on body, panels with diagonals of elongated loops or pointed leaves, with trees on either side; below, a band of similar loop-shaped marks.
M 2393.
FRAGMENT as last. 2~ x 1~ in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lund. p. 93 = Dechelette, ii. p. 314 (middle fragment on left). Rough incisions; mouldings above and below design.

Trees alternating with panels in which are four leaves or loops as last.
M 2394.
FRAGMENT as before. 2j- x l in. Found at High Rochester (Bremenium), North umberland, 1852. Presented by the Duke of Northumberland, 1853. Dull glaze.

On one side a band of broad shallow incisions; on the other, spiky leaves formed by five long incisions, and more broad shallow incisions.
M 2395.
FRAGMENT of jar. Length It in. Franks, Esq., 1864. Bright red glaze. Found in London (?). Presented by A. W.

Incised pattern resembling a fleur-de-lys, with part of stalk as on M 2388-89.

M 2396.
Kent. PART OF RIM OF DEVERSORIUM as M 2240 ff. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Bright red glaze.



From Lympne,

Patterns of leaves and tendrils incised on exterior.

M 2397.


(M 2397-2443).
BOWL (Form 35). Ht. 36 in. Diam. 10~ in. Found on north side of St. Saviour's Church, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., l856. Cat. Lond. A 11/. p. 27, No. 111. About half of rim and one side wanting ; three pieces joined and the rest made up in plaster. Fine glaze. On one side of the rim is a shallow spout like that of a dcversorium (cf. l\1 592, 1596).


:M 2402.

BOWL, t"imilar.

Ht. It in.

Diam. 6} in.

Similarly acquired.

Darker glaze than last.

Pattern as last, but only seven leaves.

:M 2403.
BOWL (Form 36). Ht. Ii in. Diam. 711 in. Towneley Coli. From Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Glaze good in interior; slip worn away on rim; foot wanting and exterior surface damaged by action of pebbles.

Round the rim, large leaves on stalks, en

:M 2404.


BOWL, similar. Ht.: in. Diam. 7~ in. From the same site. of rim wanting ; glaze and slip much worn ; foot complete.

Price Sale, I853.


Leaves as last.
:M 2405.

I! in. Diam. 7} in. Towneley Coli. Complete; light red glaze. Round the rim, small pointed leaves on stalks, en barbotine.
BOWL, similar. Ht. BOWL, similar. dark brown. Ht.

:M 2406.

Ii- in. Diam. 6i in. Acquired


Repaired; glaze burnt to a

Round the rim, leaves en barbotine.

:M 2407.
BOWL, similar. Ht. I! in. Diam. 6~ in. Repaired and restored ; burnt to a dark brown. Found in London. Price Sale, 1853.

Round the rim, patterns of leaves en barbotine.

:M 2408.
BOWL, similar. Ht. 1! in. Diam. 6i- in. Found in New Church Street, Bermondsey, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Repaired ; parts of rim restored.

Leaves as last.
M 2409.
BOWL, similar. Ht. Ik in. Diam. 8 in. Found at Fulston ncar Sittingbourne, Kent, 1865; acquired 1883. Payne, C'o/1. f_{mtialla, p. 22. Bright glaze, much worn.

Round the lip, elongated leaves en barboti11e; in the centre is the stamp Epulisci(t).

[For barbotine ware with potters' stamps, c( Bo11mr jal1rb. xcvi. p. 120.] TWO BOWLS (Form 36). Ht. r! and I} in. Diam. 6! and 6i in. Excavated at :M 24102411. Bayford near Sittingbourne, Kent, I877-79; acquired 1883. Arch. Ca11liana, xvi. p. 3 ; Payne,
Col/. Cant. p. 47, pl. 17, fig.

Both in somewhat bad condition, repaired and restored.

Round the rim in each case, small leaves on stalks, en barbotine.

:M 2412.
BOWL, similar. Ht. 1 ~ in. Diam. 6!- in. From Luton near Chatham, Kent. Wickham Coli., 1894 Arc/1. Ca11lia11a, ix. p. 175. Glaze worn.

Round the rim, eleven leaves as last.

:M 2413.

BOWL, similar. Diam. 71 in. From Wingham, Kent. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, Good glaze. Found with M 1463 (a bowl with ' free style' decoration).

Round the rim, five leaves en barbotine.

:M 2414.
BOWL, similar. Diam. 7~ in. Found at Dymchurch, Kent, I884. acquired 1893. Glaze worn round rim. Bateman Coli. ;

Round the rim, scroll-ornaments m barboti11e, partly broken away.

M 2415.


BOWL (Form 42). Found at Melbourne, Cambridgeshire; acquired 1853. Ht. 1~ in. Diam. 6} in. Flat shape with projecting rim of rectangular section and horizontal handles each side (one wanting). Part of rim restored ; good red glaze.

Round the rim, pattern of leaves en barbotine.

M 2416.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Length 4 in. Found in London. Presented by the Metropolitan Board of Works, 1864. Light red glaze. Flat rim with scroll-handles.

On the rim, leaves and tendrils.

M 2417.
JAR (Form 52). Ht. 6 in. Found at Canterbury, May 1890. Mayhew Coli., 1899 (Sotheby's Sale, Dec. 1898). Repaired and restored. Re_d ware with worn red glaze.

Round the body, scrolls and leaves en barbo#ne, as M 1 30 ; on the shoulder are remains of letters E s . , and a leaf-like ornament, all in purplish paint.
M 2418.
FRAGMENT OF JAR. Ht. 4~ in. chester. Price Sale, 1853. Deep red glaze. From Col-

Goose to 1. ; tendrils and ivy-leaf.

M 2419.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 1} in. Good glaze.

M 2420.
FRAGMENT OF VASE. Ht. 3~ in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze. Found in London.
Fig. :H

M 2 418.

Large leaf or flower from which spring two tendrils or stamens.

M 2421,
FRAGMENT, exactly similar probably from the arne vase, but does not join. 2~ x z;i in. Similarly acquired.



:M 2426.

FRAGMENT, similar. Brighter glaze than last.

Length r} in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coil., 1856.

Pattern of raised dots arranged in a triangle (six each way).

:M 2427. :M 2428.
FRAGMENT OF OLLA (?). Ht. Jk in. Lincoln, r866. Good glaze.

Ivy-leaves and tendrils; on 1., a spray.

2} x 2} in.

From Exeter.

Presented by Josiah Goodwin,

Stalks ending in pointed leaves.

:M 2429.
FRAG:\IENT OF JAR. Bright glaze. Ht. Ji in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

On the body patterns en bmbotine: a plant (?) consisting of six circular flowers or berries with raised centres, arranged o~ on a thick straight stem, 000 between two twisted stems.
:M 2430.
FRAGMENT OF JAR. Coli., 1856. Dark red glaze.

x rl in. Found in Botolph's Lane, London. Roach Smith

A large leaf on a stalk, with a circle in yellowish-white on each lobe, the centres raised and in white : on one side is a white tendril.
:M 2431.
FOOT OF JAR. Ht. 3 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Fine glaze.

Ornaments in white slip, a horizontal row of raised dots only being visible.



= .\{ 2~Jl.

Fig. 237

= !\f 243

:M 2432.

FRAG:\IENT OF RI:\1 OF PLATE(?). London : acquired 1854 Dark red glaze.



Found in St. l'aul's Churchyard,

On the flat edge, a row of short bars joined by chain-pattern in low relief ; on the l., tendrils.
M 2433.
FH.AGMENT from rim of vase. z! x 2! in. Found m Street, London ; acquired 1854 Dark red-brown glaze.

Street, Fenchurch

Tendrils and leaves.

:M 2434.
FH.AG:\IENT of upper part of jar. Smith Coli., 1856. Fine glaze. Length

in. Ht. r ~


Found in London. Roach

Of the design


barbotitze only two bits of tendrils are visible.

M 2436.


FRAGMENT of vase. Length r in. Similarly acquired. Bright glaze.

Leaf and a oort of ladde pattem

M 2436.


FRAGMENT from rim of vase. Ht. If in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Coarse ware; thin glaze. On the rim a projection. .

Ivy leaf. M 2437.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 30?). Ht. 3~ in. Found in St. Nicholas Olave Churchyard, Bread Street Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined. Dull glaze.

Panel with border of dots, in which is a stag leaping to 1. ; above and below, hatched patterns and rows of raised markings. M 2438.
TWO-HANDLED CUP (Form 9). Ht. zj in. Diam. 3} in. Found in the Sydney Gardens, Bath, 1828. Scarth, Aguae Solis, pl. 37; Victoria Cou11ty History of Somerset, i. p. 287 ; Proc. Soc. A11tifjs. xxi. (1907), p. 273. Black glaze, worn, with barboti11e decoration in dark-coloured slip.

Round the exterior, scrolls and leaves.

[A similar vase found on the Pan Rock off the coast of Kent ; probably a continental fabric, either from Gaul or Germany.]

39 = Ill 43S.

M 2439.



in. x



Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.





JAR (Form 55, without rim). Ht. 4 in. Found near Peterborough. Presented by Lady Charlotte Schreiber, 1889. Walters, A11ciml Pottery, ii. pl. 6<). About one-third restored in plaster. Dull ochreous-brown slip with patterns m barboli11e, fired very hard ; cf. M 136-138,

Round the body, scrolls between two rows of raised points, with incised line above.

lll 2444.

JAR (Form 30, nearly). Ht. 2t in. Diam. 3 in. From Twywell, Nortbants. Presented by Rev. H. Waller, 1882. /'r(1C, Sot. A11t. 2nd Ser. IX. p. 93; Viet. Cou11ty Hisl. Nortlumts, i. p. 221, fig. 36. Repaired. Thin red-brown slip, with barbotine decoration, tired very hard; cf. the preceding and M 137.

Round the body, alternate vertical rows of large raised conical points and small dots g,

M 2445.


(M 2445-2459; cf. M


Neck and foot mostly

JAR as M 141-145 Ht. 5j- in. Old Ford, How, London, 1886. restored ; black glaze, with designs in white paint (faded).

Round the body is inscribed in large white letters )A VITA .. , da vita(m)t; above, three lines of hatchings and a band of painted strokes ; below, scrolls and sprays alternating (both painted).
M 2446.
JAR as last. Ht. 5} in. Found at Great Chesterford, Essex, 1856. Presented by the Rev. \V. Sparrow Simpson, 1868. In bad condition; repaired and varnished all over, the top tilled in with some solid substance. Black glaze with opaque white patterns.

Round the body, between lines of hatched pattern, a raised scroll pattern in deep buff with groups of berries in threes, the centres raised.
M 2447.
JAR, similar. Ht. 5~ in. designs in thick white paint. Lincoln, 1866. Mouth broken away; thin black glaze, with

Round the body, scroll-patterns with berries, the centres raised ; above and below, double rows of faint hatched lines.
M 2448.
JAR, similar. Ht. 6 in. Sittingbourne, Kent, 1883. Arch. Calllia11a, xvi. p. 10. black slip with designs in white paint (faded in parts). Upper part of\ase restored. Dull

Round the body, scrolls with tendrils and berries, painted.

M 2449.
JAR as before. Ht. 4 in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 187o. Lip damaged. Thin black glaze, with patterns in thick yellowish white. c c c o o o c '-.:> 0 0 Q o c Q Q c o c

Round the body, plants with clusters of berries on stalks (raised centres), placed horizontally, with borders of strokes above and below.


M 2450.


FRAGMENT of large jar, as M 141-145 Ht. 3t in. Lincoln, 1866. Black polished ware with patterns en barbolim:, well executed.

Above is the letter E (probably part of the word BIBE; cf. M 141); below, between two bands of incised hatchings, a row of raised dots and large scrolls with bunches of berries on stalks ; the berries have raised centres. M 2451.
FRAGMENT OF JAR as the last. 2~- x 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. Black metallic glaze. Patterns painted in opaque white (barbotilu).

On a band, bordered by lines of short horizontal strokes, the letter E (cf. the last), followed by white markings ; below, scrolls en barbotine. M 2452.
glaze. FRAGMENT of large vase as before. Length 3 in.



M 4.50

Similarly acquired.

Good black

Above are visible parts of two painted letters, probably part of the word CiOPCO (cf. M 147 a.nd Walters, Ancient Pottery, ii. p. 538); below, a band of incised hatched lines, over which are painted a wreath with berries and a floral pattern, all in white. M 2453.
FRAGMENT OF JAR as before. St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, London, glazed ware.
2 2

x 2~ in. Found among the foundations of April, 1841. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Black

On the shoulder, a wreath en barbotine ; below, two bands of hatched lines, over which is painted in white \1 \1, perhaps for . V(i)v(e) or V(i)v(as). M 2454.
FRAGMENT, similar; probably from the same vase.



Similarly acquired.

Part of a


with wreath above, and a leaf on r


Roach Smith

111 2469.

FRAGMENT of jar. Length Ji in. Coli., 1856. Two pieces joined.

Found in Botolph Lane, London.

Above, short horizontal strokes painted in white, and hatched lines; below, a plant with trefoil leaves or bunches of berries.

111 2460.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). 2} x 2i in. Presentt.-d by Sir Sibbald Scott, 1864. Thin light-red glaze.

Found in Lothbury, London.

Five rows of stamps in the form of concentric semi-circles in panels (cf. M 178).
111 2461.
FRAGMENT, similar. Light red glaze. Length 4{ in. Found in Wood Street, London; acquired 1854.

Five rows of patterns formed of small sunk squares (three lines in each row; cf. M 180).
111 2462.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 1g in. From Lympne, Kent. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Two rows of patterns: oblique hatchings, chevrons, and stars ; cf. M 178.
(7) LATE GAULISH STA:\tPED WARES (M 2463-2478).

M 2463.

FRAGMENT of upper part of bowl. 2 x acquired 1854- Red glaze, worn away; thick rim.



Found in Cannon Street, London;

Below the rim, a double-ribbed moulding ; between them, a band of stamped half-rosettes ; below the moulding part of a rosette is visible.

[On this w,tre, which is not earlier than the fifth century, and probably later, see ii. p. 327.]

111 2464.

FRAGMENT as last. l x 2} in. Found in London Street, Fenchurch Street; acquired 1854. Good glaze.

Stamped patterns, consisting of a rosette (partly visible), and two vertical wreaths (?), one surmounted by a rosette.
M 2466.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Smith Coli., 1856. Red glaze. Ht.


Found in London.


Three rows of pattern divided by mouldings ; on the upper, half-rosettes as on M 2463, but turned the other way; next, rosettes with cross in centre (only one visible) ; on the lower. rosettes as above.
' M 2466.
FRAG:\1ENT as last (upper part). Inferior ware to last ; thin glaze.

'k x

1} in.

Similarly acquired.

Above, two rosettes.


M 2467.

FRAGMENT as before.

i x



Similarly acquired.

Glaze better than last.

Two rosettes, one above the other.

M 2468.

Smith Coli., 1856.

of bowl as before. Red glaze.

A x



Found in Ivy Lane, London.


Patterns consisting of a rosette and a broad wreath formed of parts of rosettes.

M 2469.
FRAGMENT as last. Moulded rim.

x zl m.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Patterns as last.
M !2470.
FRAGMENT of upper part of bowl or jar. Ht. 2 in. Found in Philpot Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18;6. Thick overhanging rim, moulded below ; very rough work ; red glaze, discoloured on exterior.

Band of hatched pattern and deeply-sunk half-rosettes as M 2465. M 2471.

FRAGMENT as M 2463. Red glaze. 1~- x 1! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Row of rosettes above ; below, small half-rosettes. M 2472.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL as l\1 246;. Coli., 18;6. Red glaze.

2! in.

Similarly acquired.

Roach Smith

On the exterior, a large rosette, formed of concentric rings of hatchings. M 2473. M 2474.


in. Similarly acquired. Thin red glaze.

Roughly-executed rosettes with plain sunk centres.

FRAG::\IENT OF BOWL. Length 3l in. From Lympne, Kent. Light red glaze, worn. Two pieces joined. Roach Smith Coli.,

Of the design, a row of vertical lines, a rosette, and a spray, with a band of


Glaze worn away.

M 2478.

FRAGMENT, similar.

Length 3} in.

Similarly acquired.

Two stamped rosettes.





(M 2479-2536).

M 2479.

JAR with cylindrical body and high foot (Form 52, nearly). Ht. 6 in. Colchester, 18;7. PLATB XVI. Walters, A11cimt Pottay, ii. pl. 69. In bad condition; repaired and restored. Dark brown slip.

Round the body, frieze with chariot-race: Four quadrigae to r., the horses shewn one above the other in false perspective ; the drivers wear close helmets, sleeved upper garments, and trousers marked with parallel raised rings; each holds a whip in r. hand. Their attitudes vary, two leaning over the horses more than the others.

M 2480.

JAR (Form 55. nearly). Ht. 7k in. Lincoln, 1866. In bad condition; repaired and much restored in plaster. Dull dark brown slip, somewhat worn.

Frieze with man advancing to r., nude and bearded, holding something in r. hand behind his back (I. arm wanting) ; he is seen in back view, and is apparently attacking a quadruped with long tail which runs to I. (nearly all wanting). On the r. is a wolf or dog walking tor., shewing its teeth (only head and legs remaining) ; beyond, a plant with heart-shaped leaves ; between the figures rows of dots ~. Above and below the design, rows of raised dots. The figure of the man is very rudely modelled, especially the head.

M 2481.

JAR (Form as M 2-l79). Black slip or glaze.

Ht. Si in.

Gwilt Sale, 1875.

Repaired; in poor condition.

Frieze with dog, hare, hind, and stag. all running to 1., the field interspersed with leaves ; above and below are rows of short raised strokes ::: :. and round the lower part of the vase several rows of hatched lines.

M 2482.

JAK (Form as bt!fore). Ht. 41l in. Found in Leadenhall Street, London, 1839. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848. Kepaired, but incomplete. Black slip.

Round the body. hound with collar running to l., pursuing deer (head wanting) and hare (hind part wanting) ; in the field, rows of short raised strokes, and the same above and below the design.

M 2483.

FRAGMENT. Ht. 4~ in. Found in Lothbury, London, June 1865. Cato Coli., 1871. Castor ware ; apparently from a jar with indented sides ("thumb-markings"), as M 2734-36. Drab clay, with thin black slip turning to brown.

In the impressed part is a figure of a man to the front with I. leg crossed over r., holding a staff in r. hand ; a chlamys hangs over his r. shoulder and


drapery{?) over 1. arm. Feet badly modelled ; head and r. arm wanting. On either side is a vertical ornament, perhaps intended for a conventional tree-trunk.
:M 2484.
FRAGMENT. Ht. 2~in. Found in London Wall; acquired 1883. Red clay with thick layer of black slip, about half the thickness of the clay ; on this the design is laid on a raised background, all covered with black slip.

Head of young Faun, three-quarters to left, with curly hair.

:M 2485.





Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Ill. Rom.



lll 2488.

FRAGMENT OF JAR. Length 4-!- in. From Water Newton, Hunts; acquired 1882. Buff clay with yellow ochre slip on exterior and metallic lustre on interior. Two pieces joined.

Quadruped running to l. (head and feet wanting) ; in the field, scrolls and a row of raised dots.
M 2489.
FRAGMENT, similar. 2} x 3} in. brown slip. Two pieces joined. Similarly acquired. Buff clay with dull dark

Stag(?) galloping to I., and fore-legs of another.



FRAGMENT, similar. Three pieces joined.


x 4} in.

Similarly acquired.

Drab clay with black slip.

Hare running to r.
M 2491.
FRAGMENT, similar.



Similarly acquired.

Good black glaze.

Raised markings, vertical and horizontal, and head of dog to I.



FRAGMENT as before.

Length 3 in.

Similarly acquired.

Slip with metallic lustre.

Fore-part of dog running tor.

M 2493.



1 ~in.

Similarly acquired. Pale drab clay, with thin brown slip.

Part of dolphin to I.
[Cf.joum. Brit. Arclt. Assoc. i. p. 6, and Viet. C'ou11ty His/. of Norlhmets, i. p. 208.]

lll 2494.

FRAGMENT. to dark brown.

3t X

4 in.

Lincoln, 1866.

Pale drab clay with slip varying from yellow

Greyhound running to 1., in high relief; above and below, tendrils. the design a band of hatched patterns. M 2495.
FRAGMENT. Length 4i in. Lincoln, 1866. pinkish-brown polish. Two pieces joined.


Drab day with micaceous surface, and

Lion rushing to 1., well modelled.

Fig. 2~6

= l\1 '~'IS
Pale red clay witb red polish.

M 2496.



2i in.

Lincoln, 1866.

Panels with borders of raised markings enclosing pear-shaped markings.



M 2497.

FRAGMENT. 2 x 2;} in. Found at Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Pale drab clay; black slip.

Part of deer running to 1. ; above, a row of raised dots.

M 2498.
FRAGMENT. 2} x 3! in. From Exeter. Reddish clay with black slip. Bad work. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o.

Stag and hare galloping to l. ; below, a leaf and tendril (?).

M 2499.
FRAGMENT. 2 x 4 in. Found in Tokenhouse Yard, London; acquired 1882. Whitish clay with black slip ; figures badly modelled.

Quadruped to I. seizing hind-quarters of deer, which has its head twisted round.
M 2500.
FRAGMENT OF JAR (Fomt 52), with rim. Ht. 3 in. Found in Paternoster Row, London, June, 1843. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Drab clay; thin black glaze.

Hind part of dog ( ?) running to 1., and leaf; above, a raised line.
M 2501.
FRAGMENT. 2} x J-} in. Similarly acquired. Whitish clay; black glaze.

Part of quadruped running to 1. (head wanting) ; in the field, leaves and triangular markings.
M 2502.
FRAGMENT. Ht. 3.i in. Found in Philpot Lane, London. Dark grey clay with thin brown glaze. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Between two rows of hatched pattern, fore-part of dog or deer running to 1.

M 2503.


Similarly acquired.

Grey clay with black slip.

Fore-part of hare running to I.

M 2504.
FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 52). Ht. 3 in. Found in Fish Street Hill, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Drab clay with reddish-brown slip.

Fore-part of dog running to 1., open-mouthed ; above, row of short strokes.



111 2608.

FRAGMENT from upper part of jar (Form p), with part of rim. acquired. Drab clay with thin black slip.


Ik in. Similarly

Fore-part of hind (?) tor. and three raised strokes - - - .

111 2609.
FRAGMENT as last. roughly modelled. Ht.


Similarly acquired.

Greyish clay with black glaze;

Head of stag to 1.
111 2610.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. z} in. pieces joined, with part of rim. Similarly acquired. Drab clay with black slip. Three

Fore-part of stag running to 1. ; in field, rows of strokes.

M la611.

FRAGMENT, with part of rim. Ht. 1 ~ in. Length zi in. Similarly acttuired. Greyish-drab clay, grey inside, with thin metallic dark brown polish outside.

Head and neck of stag to 1., horizontal strokes - - -, and bud.

M 2612.
FRAG:\lENT forming upper part of jar (Form 52). Ht. 3! in. Similarly acquired. Reddish clay with thin black polish. ~larked in ink " LL," which may mean " Lad Lane" (now Gresham Street).

Part of panel with border of raised dots, in which is a dog(?) running to 1., badly modelled.
M 2613.
FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 52), with part of rim. Grey clay with black slip. Ht.

in. Similarly acquired.

Head and fore-leg of dog to 1. pursuing quadruped of which only the hind part remains ; between them a stalk ; above, a row of strokes.
M 2614.
FRAGi\1 ENT, similar. Ht.


Similarly acquired.

Slip not so lustrous.

Head of dog to I. ; on I. oblique line of raised strokes; above, double row of hatched pattern.
M 2616.
FRAGMENT OF JAR. slip wit.hout polish. Length Il in. Similarly acquired. Buff clay; inferior black

Part of a. dog running to I.

M 2616.

FRAG:\lENT, similar. more lustrous.


1} in.

Similarly acquired.

Grey clay; slip better and

Hind part of two quadrupeds running to I.

M !a517.

2! x 2! in. Similarly acquired. Fore-part of quadruped running to l.

FRAG:\1 ENT as before.
FRAG:\IE~T of lower part of jar (Form 54?). Ht. 2! in. Diam. 3~ in. Found in Saddlers' Place, London Wall, April, 184~. Grey clay with black slip. Foot wanting.

M 2618.

Scrolls with leaves ; below, row of raised strokes and broad band of hatched pattern.
2 D



M 2519.

FRAGMENT, similar. Coli., 1856.

Ht. 3l in.

Found in Botolph Lane, London.

Roach Smith

Scrolls as last, with several rows of hatched pattern below. M 2520.

FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 54), with part of rim. zt x 3~ in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Reddish clay; black slip with metallic lustre. Found in London.

Band of scrolls in red-brown slip, well executed, with band of hatched pattern above. M 2521.
FRAGMENT from rim of jar (Form 52). Ht. 1} in. 1847. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull dark brown slip. Found in Lothbury, London, July,

Scrolls as last, but not so good. M 2522.

FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 52), with part of rim. Ht. 3} in. London, 1849. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark reddish-brown slip. Found in the Minories,

Round the body, between two lines of short strokes, a band of broad scrolls in thick slip. [See M 2531 below.) M 2523.
JAR (Form 52), fragmentary. Ht. 6i in. Found at Water Newton, Hunts, 1870; Paradise Coli., 1882. Repaired; nearly all of rim and much of body wanting. Thin black slip ; reddish clay.

Design as last. M 2524.

LOWER PART OF JAR (Form 52 or H). Ht. 4t in. From Water Newton, Hunts; acquired 1882. Drab clay; dark brown slip with metallic lustre. Three pieces joined, with foot complete.

Round the body, scrolls of foliage, not continuous, between two lines of raised markings. M 2525.
FRAGMENT, probably from mouth of jar or bowl. Drab clay with brown slip. Length 2} in. Similarly acquired.

Band of scrolls.


lll 2530.

FRAGMENT as before. metallic lustre.


x 3 in. Similarly acquired.

Greenish-black slip with

Patterns as before.
M 2531.
JAR (Form 55, nearly). Ht. 5~ in. Found in the Thames, London, 17 Sept., 1847. Whincopp Sale, 1856. !fhin dark brown slip; decoration e11 barbotille, baked very hard, as M 2443, 2444 (possibly not Castor ware).

Round the body, scrolls between two rows of short raised strokes.
[Cf. Victoria Cotmly His!. of Nortlta11ls, i. fig. 32, p. 209, and Proc. A cad. Brit. 11)06, p. 200, fig. 9 ; also .l\1 2443.]

lll 2532.

JAR as last. Ht. 5 in. From Colchester. brown slip. Upper part broken away.

Pollexfen Coli., r87o.

Red clay with red-

Round the body, scrolls and leaves in buffcoloured batboti1Ze, much worn away. lll 2533.
JAR (variety of Form 54). Ht. 4} in. Found near St. George's Church, Southwark. Presented by i::. H. Read, Esq., 11)06. Foot chipped. Thin dark-brown ware; the centre of the jar moulded in a triple ring.

On the central moulded part, scroll-patterns in hard brown slip, as M 2531 ; both slip and paint worn in places. lll 2534.
TWO-HANDLED CUI' with moulded rim (Form 9, nearly). Ht. 2 in. Diam. Ji- in. Found at Wroxeter, Shropshire, 1858. Cato Coil., 1871. Thin dark red glaze, nearly all worn away, with red slip decoration.

On the body each side, leaves and stalks, with berries below.

Fig. 247



FRAGMENT of jar. Length 4i in. Thin black glaze. Two fragments joined.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Round the vase raised loop-patterns, apparently en barbotine.

M 2536.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht. 2 in. acquired 1854. Thin brownish glaze. Length


Found in Bear Lane, Southwark;

Patterns as last.

(M 2537-2596).

M 2537.

JAR (Form 52). Ht. 6 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Red clay with slip varying from red to dark brown.

Round the body, five shallow impressions produced with the thumb in the soft clay; between bands of hatched lines, double spirals ~ and discs with rings of dots alternating, in white paint (sec Fig. 248).

i& 248 = !It sz7 (P"' t).

2 D 2


M 2538.

JAR (Form 54). Ht. 5i in. Found in the Thames near Putney Bridge. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1863. Drab clay with black slip and patterns in opaque white pigment.

Round the body, a row of berries with raised centres, between two bands of oblique markings.
M 2539.
JAR as last. Ht. 7 in. London, 1854. Repaired; thin black glaze or slip; patttms as last.

Round the body, patterns of intersecting lines forming lattice-pattern, in which are conventionalised dolphins (?) ; above and below, double rows of hatched markings.
M 2540.
JAR (Form 54). Ht. 4 in. Found at Bow, London, May, 1868. Presented by Lord Tredegar, 1868. Neck damaged; glaze or slip thin and poor; patterns in thick white paint.

Round the body, row of leaves and scrolls enclosing discs.

M 2541.
JAR (Form 54). Ht. 3~ in. From the Arsenal, Woolwich, Kent. Master-General and Board of Ordnance, t841. Black slip. Presented by the

Round the body, scrolls in white paint, with a white line round the base of the neck.
M 2542.
JAR (Form 54). Ht. 3} in. From Water Newton, Hunts; acquired t88z. ochre-coloured ware, with brown glaze. Rim broken away. Yellow-

On the body, rows of oblique strokes painted in opaque white, much worn.
M 2543.
JAR (Form 54, nearly, but shorter neck), Pollex fen Coli., 1 R7o. Black glaze, worn.

Ht. 4 in.

From Colchesler.

Round the upper part of the body, scrolls between rows of leaves (?), in opaque white paint.
M 2544.
JAR. Ht. 6} in. Sittingbourne, Kent, t883. Lip restored. Black poli hed ware with designs in dull thin yellow paint round body ; moulding at base of neck; body very slim.

The patterns consist of a pair of pincers U; see Fig. 249) and


M 2547.

FRAGMENT forming foot of large shallow bowl, with part of interior. Found in London. Roach Smith CoiL, 1856. Dark red glaze.

Diam. 4i in.

In the interior, patterns painted in white: a wreath arranged in a circle with a straight wreath as diameter ; four sprays branch out round the circle.
111 2548. FRAGMENT OF JAR. Ht. 2} in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze or polish. On either side are circular indentations, either accidental or made with the thumb in the soft clay, as M 2537.

Above, hatched lines; below, a stem or column and a cross in a circle (see Fig. 250).

M 2549.

FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 54). 2~ x Ii in. Found in Lothbury, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Black polished ware.

On upper part of body, running pattern of scrolls and discs in yellowish white ; lower half covered with hatched patterns.
M 2550.
FRAGMENT, similar. It x t} in. Found in Trinity Square, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dull glaze ; patterns faded.

Scrolls painted in white.

l4 2551. FRAGMENT. Ht. 2} in. Found in Philpot Lane, London, 4 July, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Polished black ware.

s =



Pattern of intersecting pairs of lines with leaves between (see Fig. 251); above, two rows of hatched lines.
M 2552.
FRAGMENT. Ht. 2~ in. Found in Friday Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Thin dark-brown glaze.

s = M ss (J"l<t\

Patterns in dull light red (see Fig. 252) ; above, two rows of hatched lines. M 2553.
FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 52). Coli., 1856. Black polished ware. Ht. 3} in. Found in London. Roach Smith

Between rows of hatched lines, pattern of leaves painted in yellow.

M 2564.
FRAG:\fENT OF JAR (Form 54). black slip. Ht. 2} in. Similarly acquired. Red clay;

Above, row of leaves painted in whit~ ; below, between two rows of hatched lines, running pattern of scrolls and discs.
M 2555.
FRAGMENT, similar. Length 1} in. Similarly acquired.

Scrolls in very thin matt white.

M 2556.
M 2557.




Similarly acquired.

Dull black polish.

Above, hatched lines ; below, reticulated pattern in white paint.

FRAGMENT, similar. fire ; no glaze. Ht. 1i in. Similarly acquired. Reddish clay, discoloured by

Design as last. M 2558.

FRAGMENT OF JUG as M 146, with handle. Black polish.
2k x 2} in.

Similarly acquired.

Above, wreath painted in yellow ; then two rows of hatched lines ; below, pattern painted in white, of which little remains. M 2559.
FRAG:\IENT. Ht. 1~ in. with black glaze or slip. From Lympne, Kent. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Red clay

Row of hatched patterns, with scrolls in white above and below. M 2560. M 2561.
FRAGMENT, similar. Ht.


Similarly acquired.

Dark brown slip.

Patterns of foliage painted in opaque white.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 2:} in. From Albury, Surrey. mond, Esq., M.P., 1853. Buff clay with dull black slip. Presented by H. Drum-

Concentric circles and groups of berries with raised centres, painted in white. M 2562.
BOWL (Form 48, nearly). Ht. 2! in. Diam. Si in. Found in Cambridgeshire. sented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1872. Whitish clay with black slip turning to red. Pre-

On the exterior a double line of crescent-shaped markings painted in dull purple.

M 2663.

FRAGMENT of similar bowl Length in. Found in the Vicarage grounds, Great Chesterford, E5sex, 1867. Presented by Rev. W. Sparrow impson, 1868. Drab clay with black slip, turning to red.


111 2566.

JAR (Form 54). polished slip.

Ht. 4k in.

From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Red ware with

Round the body, rude scroll-patterns in thick white paint.

111 2567. JAR (Form as M 2544). Ht. 4-lr in. Lincoln, 1866. Red unglazed ware. Lip chipped.

On the upper part of the body, between mouldings, a row of scrolls in white paint (largely worn away) ; below, rows of wavy lines faintly incised.
111 2568. OLLA with spherical body. Ht. 3! in. Repaired. Buff clay without glaze or slip. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

On the body, three large spiral patterns painted in dull light red.

M 2569.

SHALLOW BOWL with recurved rim on exterior. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 6! in. Lincoln, 1866. Yellow unglazed ware, with slip or polish varying from pale red inside to deep yellow outside. Repaired; rim injured.

On the rim, strokes at intervals in crimson paint M 2570.

PART OF BOWL (Form 30). Ht. 3! in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Thin reddish ware with buff slip. Much repaired ; about half remaining.

Round the body are patterns in faded white, consisting of vertical stripes with rows of crosses above and below.
M 2571.
JUG with moulded neck, oval body, and flat handle. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Red ware with slip. Foot injured. Ht. 9 in. From Colchester.

Round the upper part of the body, scrolls in thick yellow paint ; below, rows of hatched patterns.
111 2572. JUG (Shape as M 2546). Ht. lok in. Sittingbourne, Kent, 1883. Unglazed red ware with designs in white paint on black slip, now nearly worn away ; double-ribbed lip and handle.

Round the upper part of the body, scrolls with berries and other details in white.
111 2573. FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 38). Length 3 in. Found in London. ~ Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Polished red . ware ; projecting rim halfway down.

On the projecting rim, scrolls and tooth-pattern (see Fig. 255) painted in white.
M 2574.


ss =

M 573 (part).

FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Length 6 in. Found on the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1864. Bright red glaze.

Patterns similar to last (scrolls alternating with vertical strokes ; cf. M 2576).

M 2575.

FRAGMENT of bowl (morlarium .'1) with recurved rim. London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Thin red glaze.

Length 2! in.

Found in

On edge of rim, incised tooth-pattern ; on the top, scrolls painted in white.


M 2576.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 4~ in. Found in Wood Street, London, August, 1845. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Thin brownish glaze.

On the top of the rim, scrolls as last

M 2577.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Length 7l in. Found on the site of the East India House, Leadenhall Street. Presented by W. Tite, Esq., M.P., 1863. Bright red glaze.

On top of rim, scrolls alternating with vertical strokes, as on M 2 57 3 (see Fig. 256).


s6 == !\1 2577 (part'.

M 2578.

FRAGMENT from rim of bowl as before. Length 5 in. From a Roman villa at Boxmoor, Herts. Presented by G. Davis, Esq., 1852. Arcltac.,fogia, xxxv. p. 65. Drab ware with remains of red slip on surface.

Scroll-patterns painted. in white, much faded.

M 2579.
FRAGMENT from rim of bowl (? dt:'ll~rsoriutn, Form 45). 2 x 1~ in. Warden, Northants. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Thin light red glaze. From Chipping

Pattern of leaves in matt white.

M. 2580.
FRAGMENT as last. 1856. Glaze worn.
2~ x 2~ in.

Found in Creed Lane, London.

Roach Smith Coil.,

Pattern of intersecting bands in white (the part remaining forms a W).

M 2581.
FRAGMENT from rim of bowl (Form 37 ?). Smith Coil., 1856. Bright red glaze.

x 3! in. Found in London. Roach

Under the rim, patterns of hatched lines; below, painted scrolls and large discs, in white.


M 2585.

FRAGME~T OF LARGE BOWL. Ht. 3~ in. Length 5 in. Found in Lombard Street, London, 31 May, 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Red polished ware.

On the body, between two bands of faint hatched lines, patterns in white paint (see Fig. 258).
M 2586.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. 3 in. Length 4~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., r8;6. Red clay with dull red polish.

Fig. sB

= M osss (part).

Round the body, vertical lines in white paint, somewhat worn.

M 2587.
FRAGMENT from rim of jar or bowl, with low neck. Length 3! in. London Bridg-e, 1832. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Red clav and glaze. Found at Old

Round the neck, hatched patterns ; on the body, row of small discs and scrolls, all in faded white paint.
M 2588.
FRAGMENT OF JAR. Ht. 2~ in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Thin glaze. Found in Lothbury. London, September 1843.

Two rows of hatched lines, and scroll-patterns with small discs attached along one side, in white.
M 2589.
FRA<-;MENT OF JAR. Thin brownish glaze. Ht.


Found m Lothbury.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Above, two rows of incised pattern ; below, scrolls with rows of discs, similar to the last.
M 2590.
FRAGMENT. 2l x 2~ in. Found in St. Nicholas Olave Churchyard, Bread Street Hill, London, 8 Dec. 1846. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Polished red ware.

Between bands of hatched or incised markings, two rows of painted patterns in white, flowers above, scrolls below.
M 2591.
FRAGI\IENT. Length 2l in. Found in Threadneedle Street, London, April 1844. Roach Smith Coli., r8;6. Dark red glaze, discoloured inside.

Parts of two broad scrolls in white.

M 2592.

in. Acquired 1852. Thin dark red glaze.

Spiral or scroll-patterns in black and white.

M 2593.
FRAGMENT of shallow bowl. Diam. 6 in. Found in a Roman villa at Boxmoor, Herts. :Presented by G. Da,is, Esq., 1852. Arcltaeologia, xxxv. p. 65. Grey clay with creamcoloured slip. Two pieces joined.

Patterns painted in red ; in the centre a star of six points with circle in centre, surrounded by a ring ; round the rim, scrolls.



:M 2594.

FRAGMENT. ware with white slip.




From Lympne, Kent.

Roach Smith Coli., 1856. White

Two horizontal bands of brown paint.

:M 2696.
FRAGMENTS OF JAR, five in number, but only two joining. Found in Paternoster Row, 1839. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Coarse red ware, unglazed on the interior, the exterior covered with a white slip, painted with rough ,ertical streaks of matt red, laid on with a partially-filled brush. FRAGMENT OF OLLA. Length 4i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Similar to last ; white ware polished and surface roughly "marbled" with red pigment.

:M 2696.

:M 2597.

NEW FOREST WARE (:M 2597-2640).

JAR (Form 54). Ht. d in. From the New Forest, Hants., 1858. Buff clay with black slip worn or injured by fire. Mouth and foot broken away.

Round the body four large circles, the centres composed of concentric raised rings, round which . is an outer band of crescents painted in white (Fig. 259; cf. Archaeologia, xxxv. pl. 3, No.4).
:M 2598.
FRAGMENT of similar vase. Ht. 3 in. From the New Forest. Presented by J. R. Wise, Esq., 1862. Dark grey ware with black slip.
Fig. 259

Circle of raised rings as on last, surrounded by a larger incised circle with edging of egg-pattern in white paint.
:M 2599.
JAR (Form 54). Ht. 3!- in. From the New Forest, Hants., 1858. brown clay with slightly metallic brown slip.

= Ill 2597 (p:ut\


Lip broken.

Round the shoulder, scroll-patterns in white (Fig. 26o).


4I I

M 2602.

JAR (Form 55). Ht. 3 in. ~ew Forest, Hants, 18)::!. Greyish-green clay with purple-brown metallic polish. Foot wanting.

Round the body, three rows of wavy lines between bands (Fig. 262), roughly incised.
M 2603.
JAR, similar. Ht. 4~ in. From the New ForC'st. Presented by J. R. Wise, Esq., t86::!. Wise, Ncw Fv,.,.st, p. ::!q. Clay and polish as iast. Repaired ; upper part wanting.

M t>n ipan'.

6 =

Round the body, three rows of indented markings made with a blunt tool in the soft clay.
M 2604.
JAR, similar. Ht. 4~ in. Similarly acquired. Wise, New FC1r,st, p. ::!::!5. pink polish, becoming metallic on foot. Injured by fire. Dark reddish

Round the body, triangular markings incised in the clay while soft.
M 2605.
JAR (Form ;;). Ht. 4 in. Found near Fordingbridge, Hants, 1Rp. clay, which may have had a black slip. Part of rim wanting. Un){lazcd drab

Round the body, wavy lines incised in the clay while soft. roughly executed.
M 2606.
JAR (Form 55 or)::!?). Ht. 4 in. Similarly acquired. Purplish-brown metallic polish.

Round the body, wavy line and row of circular markings, roughly incised.
M 2607.

JAR (Form

;4, nearly).


Ht. 5~ in. From Crockhill, !\cw Forest, Hants. Durden Coli., xxxv. pl. 3, !\o. 6. Lip injured. Reddish clay with black slip.

Round the body, six thumb-markings, and a double incised line.

M 2608. M 2609.
JAR, similar. Ht.


Similarly acquired.

Lip injured.

Design as last, with two double incised lines.

JAR as before. Ht. 3i in. Similariy acquired. Dark brown metallic poli~h. Design as last but one ; round the base a row of hatched lines. Foot broken away.

M 2610.

JAR as before. Ht. 4I in. From the New Forest, Hants, 18p. Dark red. brown slip turning to a lustrous metallic polish on foot.

Round the body, thumb-markings.

M 2611.
JAR as before. lit. 5 in. From the Xew Forest, Hants, 18p. Ardwc(Jlt!l{ia, xxxv. pl. 3, ~o. 10; An:h. jt,unt. xxx., pl. opp. p. 320. Lip chipped. Yellow clay with thin black slip.

Round the body, thumb-markings, between which are painted vertical feather-patterns in white t t.
M 2612.
JAR as before. Ht. 7~ in. From Crockhill, New Forest. Coli., 18<;:!. Repaired. Yellow ware with grey slip. Durden

Round the body, thumb-markings.

M 2613.
JAR as last. lit. 8~ in. Found near Fordingbridge, Hants, 185::!. Foot injured. Dark red-brown metallic polish.

Thumb-markings as last.





M 2614.

FRAGME~T OF JAR (Form p or 55). Ht. 2.{- in. From the New Forest, Hants. Presented by J. R. Wise, Esq., 1862. Dark grey clay with purple metallic polish.

Surface covered with incised spots in several rows, above and below which are incised bands of fine parallel wavy lines.
M 2615.
BOWL (Form 78).
Archaeolt(f{ia, xxxv. pl. 3, No.7.

Ht. 2~ in. Diam. 3~- in. Found near Fordingbridge, Hants, 18p. Dark red metallic polish. Repaired.

Round the body, two wavy lines incised in the clay while soft.
M 2616.
BOWL (Form 78). Ht. 2 in. Diam. 3! in. From the ~ew Forest, Hants. Presented by J. R. Wise, Esq., 1862. \Vise, Nnl! Forut, p. 214. Coarse grey ware with dark brownish metallic polish on exterior. Part of rim wanting.

Round the body, two rows of roughly-indented semi-circular markings made with the nail(?) or a blunt tool in the wet clay.
M 2617.
JUG. Ht. 7~ in. From Crockhill, New Forest, Hants. Durden Coli., 1892. Black slip. Trefoil lip (broken); ovoid body.

Round the body, rude egg-pattern in white paint between incised lines (Fig. 264).
M 2618.
UPPER PART OF JUG. Ht. 4 in. From the New Forest. Presented by J. R. Wise, Esq., 1862. Red clay with purple metallic polish. Plain moulded lip ; neck and handle complete.

On the body, vertkal P.'ttem

,;n wh;te pa;nt.

M 2619.

FLASK with globular body. Ht. 6 in. From the New Forest, Hants, t858. Neck wanting; foot damaged. Reddish clay with thin browni h lip.


Round the upper part of the body, pairs of vertical lines at intervals, painted white ; above and below, double incised lines.
M 2622.
FLASK as before, with handle. Ht:7 in. Similarly acquired. Neck and handle wanting. Thin dark brown metallic polish.

Round the upper part of the body, pairs of vertical lines at intervals, painted in white.
M 2623..
FLASK as before. lit. 3~ in. Found in the New Forest, Hants, 185:!. Yellowish clay with black slip (worn). Neck wanting.

Round the body, patterns of inters(:cting lines forming lozenges, in white paint.
M 2624.
FLASK (Form as before). Ht. 3~ in. From the New Forest, Hants. !'resented by J. R. \Vise, Esq., 1862. \Vise, Nc'il! F<rt:s/1 p. 225. Neck wanting. Dark red-brown metallic slip. The handle has two ribs.

Round the body, four vertical painted in white (cf. M 2611 ).

M 2625.


FLASK, similar. Ht. 6~ in. Similarly acquired. \Vise, Nc'Ou Fcwut, p. :!q. Intact; greenish-brown slip

Round the body, groups of vertical lines at intervals, in white.

M 2626.
U I' PER PART of flask as before, with neck and mouth. lit. 5 in. Similarly acquired. Wise, New .F(}resl, p. :n8. Pale red clay, polished.

(;rey clay with purple

On the body, lattice patterns in white paint.

M 2627.
C'PPER PART of similar flask. Ht. -l! in. Similarly acquired. metallic polish. ~Iouth, neck, and handle complete.

On the body, incised concentric circles on which arc painted patterns in white.
M 2628.
FLASK as before. Ht. 7} in. Found ncar Forrlingbridgc, Hants, 1852. Arclttuoltlgia, xxxv. pl. 3, l\o. 1 : Arc/1. journ. xxx. pl. opp. p. 322. Black slip turning to red. Lip broken away; upper part of neck moulded.

Round the body, chevron patterns painted in white ; two lines incised round shoulder.
M 2629.
FLASK as before. Ht. 6} in. Similarly acquired. damaged and incomplete. :\foullled neck, but no handle. Thin brownish-black slip. Much

Round the body, vertical lines painted in white, in alternate groups of two and four.




:M 2630.

FLASK as last, without handle. Ht. 5~ in. Similarly acquired. Ardtacologia, xxxv. pl. J, ~o. ;. Dark reddish-purple metallic polish, turning to black, 1\louth broken off; body more squat than the preceding.

On the shoulder, raised parallel lines anda row of intersecting rings (Fig. 267), painted in white.
:M 2631.
FLASK as before, but with cylindrical body. Ht. 5 in. From the New Forest, Hants., 1858. Archacologia, xxxv. pl. 3, ~o. 3; Arch.J(111nt. xxx. pl. opp. p. 322. Thin dark brown slip. Square shoulder and flat base.

Round the edge of the shoulder, a row of strokes; below, patterns of diagonal lines as in Fig. 268, all in white paint.
:M 2632.
FLASK as M 2619 ff., but with two handles. Ht. 4~ in. From the New Forest, Hants, 18;8. Neck wanting and one handle broken ; body indented in one place and a piece chipped out. Black slip, slightly metallic.

Round the shoulder, between shallow mouldings, a band of intersecting circles (Fig. 26<)), painted in white.
:M 2633.
FRAG:\1E~T. 2~ x 3~ in. From the ~ew Forest, Hants. Presented by J. R. Wise, Esq., 1862. Grey clay with brownish-purple metallic polish.

On the body, incised circles with outer band of pattern, enclosing a' pattern (Fig. 270), all in white paint.
:M 2634.
FRAGMENT, similar. quired.



Similarly acFig. 2~ = ~I 2632 {part).

Circle enclosing smaller circles, in white paint.


M 2638.

FRAG:\1 ENT. dark reddish slip.

::!l x



Similarly ac4uired.

Buff ware with

Circle enclosing small discs, in white paint.

M 2639.

FRAGMENT. 2 x 2k in. Similarly ac4uired. p. Z::!J. Red clay with dark brown slip.

Wise, Ntw For~st,

Bands ami scrolls in white paint.

M 2640.

PART OF FLASK as M z619. l-It. ~~ in. Diam. Si in. ncar Fordingbridge, Hants, 18p. Buff clay, with dark brown slip.


On the body, two vertical patterns composed of latticepattern between rows of rings (Fig. 271 ).

(M 2641-2700).

M 2641.

JAR (Form 5~. nearly). Ht. ~ in. Found in the Thames, London; acquired 186;. Dark clay with black glaze or polish, except on foot.

Round the body, parallel lines of raised dots forming oblong panels.

M 2642.

JAR, ~imilar, but with low foot. Ht. 4~ in. Found in Tokenhouse Yard, London, 1865. Cato Cqll., 1871. Dark grey clay with polished surface.

Round the body groups of pellets attached in three vertical rows.

M 2643.

JAR, as the last. Ht. 6! in. From Upchurch, Kent. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Coarse reddish-drab ware without slip. Rim broken and !>Urfacc much worn.

Round the body, parallel lines of raised dots forming panels, as on the last but one.


oooooo eotooooo 40oooo.ootoo oooooo .oooooOOIOOo

M 2644.

OI.LA (Form 68). lit. 6 in. From Upchurch, Kent. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Black " smother-kiln'' ware, finely polished.

............ ""'"0

o"'"''''O ooooo


Round the body, four oblong panels formed by nineteen rows of raised points as last, with twelve points in each row.

"'" ............
. . . . ..0. . . . . .


M 2645.

OLLA, similar. Ht. J! in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Dark grey ware with ~ilver-grey polish. Found with 1\t 266o and a lamp.

Round the body, panels of dots in dark brown paint, iour in each row.
:M 2646.
jars. OLLA, similar. Ht. 7~ in. Crcy ware, polished. Similarly acquired; found with l\1 2693 and two plain

Patterns as last (six in each row).


:M 2647.

JAR OR OLLA. Ht. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. Light red ware, with micaceous polish, much worn; spherical body. Repaired; parts made up in plaster.

Round the body, raised stuus or bosses within rings, in two rows.
:M 2648.
JAR, similar, but with very small rim. unglazed. Ht. 3i in. Similarly acquired. Red ware,

Round the body, panels of raised dots alternating with pairs of slightlyraised rings.
:M 2649.

_ JAR, as before. discoloured by fire.



Sim1larly acquired.

Rough unglazed reddish ware; surface

Patterns as last.
:M 2650.
JAR OR OLLA, as before. polished ware. Ht. ::!} in. Found near London Bridge, Sept., 1829. Black

Round the body, five circular wreaths formed of raised points.

:M 2651.
JAR (Form 55). incomplete. Ht.


Lincoln, 1866.

Drab ware with brown polish; very

On the body a pattern of intersecting pairs of raised lines, forming lattice patterns.
:M 2652.
1870. JAR (Form 55, nearly ; cf. 1\1 :2565). Ht. ;~ in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., Cylindrical body with spreading lip; dark grey unglazed ware. Foot damaged.

Round the body, raised discs alternating with groups of sunk circles ; above and below, sunk bands.
:M 2653.
TWO FRAG:\IENTS of bowl. Length of each, 3~ in. From Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., l\I.D., 1848. Drab ware, with dull grey slip. The fragments do not join.


M 2667.

JAR with s4.uat body and narrow neck. Drab ware, unglazed.




From Colchester.

l'ullexfen Coli.

Round the shoulder, between two rows of studs, arc alternately oval leaves and fruit or berries, all in relief.
(:!)\'.\SES WITH "SCORED'' l'ATTERNS CM9858-9869J.

M 2658,

OLLA. Ht. 7l in. Found in the :\lcdway ncar Upchurch, Kent, 1883. Coarse black ware, polished. Type as M :!66:! (Fig. 273) but larger rim.

Surface scored with patterns of intersecting lines forming lattice patterns.

M 2669.

OLLA, as last. lit. 3~ in. From Upchurch, Kent. grey ware with polish ; discoloured by tire.

Roach Smith Cull., 18;6.


Round the body, patterns as last.

M 2660.

JAR OR OLL\. Ht. 9~ in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli .. 1H7o. ware, unglazed and blackened by fire. Found with :\1 2645 and a lamp.

Coarse brown

Surface scored all over with intersecting lines forming lattice patterns.

M 2661.

JAR, similar. Ht. 3~ in. Similarly acquired. ware, polbhed on rim. Found with 26~6 and 2693.


Round the body,


as last.

M 2662.

JAR OR OLLA, as before. lit. acquired. Gn::y ware. Lip chipped.



Patterns as last.

M 2663.

OLLA as before. lit. Reddish ware with grey slip.



Colchester, 187:!.
Fig. 273

Round the body, patterns of scort:d intersecting lines forming network.

!If .00..

M 2664.

OLLA as before. Ht. 8 in. From Colchester. ware without glaze or slip; injured by fire.

Pollcxfcn Coli., 1l:l7o.

Coarse draiJ

Round the body, patterns as last.

M 2666.

OLLA with handle. Ht. ~~ in. Found in Fishmongers' Ground, Walworth Road, London. Presented' by A. W. Franks, Es4.., 1865. See Victoria County 1/isl. Lo11don, i. p. 137. Dark grey ware, unglazed.

Round the body, patterns of scored intersecting lines forming network pattern.

M 2666.

OLLA as last, but no handle. Ht. 61 in. Found in London. Dark grey clay, with polished surface (much worn). Lip damaged.

Roach Smith Coli., 18;6.

Scored patterns as last.

2 E


M 2667.

JAR (Form nearly as M 2642). Ht. 3t in. Found in Broad St., London, 1838. Dark grey or black polished ware (clay and slip of same colour). Moulded rings round shoulder.

Round the upper part of the body, patterns of scored lines, forming chevrons.
M 2668.
JAR OR OLLA. Ht. 12 in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Black ware, the upper part only polished. First-century type with nearly elliptical body and very short neck.

Round the body is scored a rough zigzag pattern.

M 2669.
FLASK OR JUG without handle. Ht. 7} in. Found in London. Reach Smith Coli., 1856. Black "smother-kiln" ware with black slip, highly polished above, but much worn below ; spherical body. Lip broken.

Round the shoulder, a band of scored lines.


M 2670.

BOWL (variety of Form 30). Ht. 4t in. Diam. 6 in. From Upchurch, Kent. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Roach Smith, Collect. Antt"q. vi. p. 178, pl. 36, No. 9; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 82; Cat. Lond. Anll"q. p.2o, No.3; Walters, A11cimt Pol/try, ii. pl. 69. Rim partly wanting; foot broken. Black polished ware ; moulded rim.

Round the body, incised patterns: concentric semicircles, below which arc groups of parallel lines, oblique and vertical.
M 2671.
BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2t in. Diam. 7t in. Jordan Hill, Weymouth, 1879. Black polished ware. Moulded rim. : Foot injured.

On the exterior, incised patterns all round : concentric semicircles, with parallel vertical lines below.
M 2672.
BOWL as last, but with spreading lip like Form I 1. Ht. 4 in. Diam. 6k in. Jordan Hill, Weymouth, 1887. Repaired. Fine dark grey polish. Moulded rim,

Round the body three rows of incised ornament: rows of short vertical



FRAGMENT of large jar. polished. Two pieces joined.




Similarly acquired.

Dark grey clay, slightly

Round the body, patterns of groups of vertical lines resting on concentric semicircles; between them above, concentric semicircles; below, two rows of hatchings, the upper triple.
2676. 2677.

in. Similarly acquired.

Grey clay and slip. Two pieces joined.

Patterns as last, with double row of hatchings below.

FRAGMENT. 2} x 2j- in. Similarly acquired. Grey clay and slip.

Above, double row of hatchings ; below, groups of vertical lines and concentric semicircles, alternating.
FRAG:\1 ENT OF BOWL. black clay and slip. Ht. 2i in. Similarly acquired. "Smother-kiln" ware;

Patterns of concentric semicircles and vertical lines, as on last but two.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 78 ?). black polish. Ht. 2} in. Diam. 3} in. Reddish clay with

Patterns as last.
2680. 2681.
FRAG:\1ENT. Ht. If in. Drab ware with black slip.

Pattern of finely-incised vertical lines resting on concentric semicircles.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Ht. Black ware and slip ; moulded rim.

2f in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Patterns of concentric semicircles resting each on a group of seven vertical lines.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37 ?). Ht.



3;- in.

Ware as last.

On the rim, several rows of hatchings ; below, patterns as on last.

FRAG:\IENT OF JAR (Form 52?). Ht. 2 in. Reddish clay; dull black slip.

On the rim, four rows of hatchings ; below, a concentric semicircle 1s visible.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37). Ht. 2} in. Length Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Grey clay with black polished slip.


Found in London.

Round the body, rows of parallel vertical incised lines.

FRAGMENT. and slip as last. Length, Si in. From Upchurch, Kent. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Clay

Baml of incised vandyke pattern.

FRAGMENT. ware, unglazed. Length,

2! in.

Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Grey

Incised patterns of semicircles and groups of lines.

2 E 2

M 2687.


BOWL, of squat form. Ht. 2t in. Diam. 4~ in. From Jordan Hill, Weymouth. }Jresented by A. W. Franks, Esq., C.B., 1891. Rough grey ware.

Round the body, three projecting vertical ribs with punctured lines each side and loops above.
M 2688. OLLA as M 2668. Ht. 3} in. Jordan Hill, Weymouth, 1879. black polish or slip. Repaired and restored. Coarse black ware with

Round the shoulder, incised pattern of intersecting lines forming lattice patterns.
M 2689. OLLA, similar, but with smaller mouth. Ht. 7~ in. with black slip (worn). Lip damaged and hole in side. Similarly acquired. Black ware

Round the upper part of the body, incised chevrons of double lines.
M 2690. JAR. Ht. 131 in. From Colchester. Pollexfcn Coli., 1870. Grey ware, partly polished. Oval body, with narrow neck and wide mouth.

Underneath the lip is a band of ''frilled" pattern as M 2750 ff., formed while the clay was soft, and at the base of the neck are moulded rings ; round the body, three bands of parallel wavy lines incised in the clay while soft.
M 2691. JAR as last. Ht. 6I in. Similarly acquired. Grey ware.

Round the base of the neck, a raised band with vertical incisions.
M 2692. JAR (Form as M 2647ff.). unglazed. Ht. 4 in. Similarly acquired. Dark greyish-black ware

Round the body, between grooves, two rows of punctured patterns.

M 2693.
JAR, similar (neck shorter). Ht. 3~ in. Similarly acquired; found with M 2646 and 2661. Grey polished ware.

Round the body, parallel oblique rows of dots punctured in the clay while soft.



M 2698.

JAR OR FLASK with spherical body and small mouth. Drab ware with grey slip. Lip chipped.

Ht. 6~ in.

Similarly acquired.

Round the shoulder, wreath inci~ed in the soft clay ; round the lower part of the body (which has no slip) arc scored wavy lines and straight lines made with a blunt point. M 2699TWO JARS. Ht. in. and Si in. From 2700. Upchurch, Kent. Mantell Coli., 1853. Black polish,
somewhat metallic. Lip damaged in each case.



Round the upper part of the body of each vase, a band of finely-hatched patterns.
[Cf. for the form, Col/. AnliiJ. vi. pl. 36, Nos. 1, 4, 11 ; this type of jar is not uncommon in Germany, and examples found at Trier can be assigned to the first century.]

Fig. 275 ::. M ~




1111 2701.

JUG (Form as M 131). Ht. 8~ in. From Colchester. Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Red ware polished. Lip broken and lower part repaired. Double-ribbed handle and moulded neck.

Round the middle, two bands of sunk circles with mouldiug between.
1111 2702.

sa in.

Lincoln, 1866. Grey clay.

Round the middle of the body, a band of vertical incisions between two parallel grooves.
1111 2703.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 41). Ht. 3 in. Length 6 in. glaze ; perhaps imitation of Gaul ish ware. About one-third remaining. London, 1855 Red

Round the upper part of the body, two rows of hatchings ; round the lower part, one broad band of the same.
1111 2704.
FRAGMENTS OF JAR (Form 78, ne;;rly). Found in pits at Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. \V. Diamond, Esq., 1848. Four fragments, but none join together. Unglazed reddish-grey clay, the exterior of a pale pinkish-red, slightly micaceous ; not Upchurch ware.

On the body, patterns incised in the clay while soft : double row of markings round rim ; on body, chevrons formed of parallel groups of lines ; round the base, incised hatched patterns as on rim.
1111 2705.
FRAGMENT of large jar. Length 41 in. Rough black ware (not Upchurch). Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Patterns deeply incised while the clay was soft, consisting of a band of parallel lines, on either side of which are squares of lozenges formed of short parallel lines.



M 2706THREE FRAGMENTS. Dimensions of each, about :z} x 3 in. Similarly acquired. 2708. Drab-brown ware, unglazed; not Upchurch ware. Two of these may be from the same vase. Surface stamped all over with concentric circles.
M 2709.
FRAGMENT, forming part of rim of jar. Ht. S~ in. Similarly acquired. Ware as last; three piece~ joined.

Incised patterns forming a tree with branches ending in large fruit (indicated by concentric circles).
M 2710.
JAR with globular body (cf. M 2698 above). Ht. S in. Found at Woolwich, Kent. Presented by the Master-General and Board of Ordnance, 1841. Plain red ware ; has had red glaze (?).

Round the shoulder, two double rows of hatched patterns.

M 2711.
JAR (Form 54, nearly). black slip. Ht. 5~ in. Similarly acquired. Reddish-drab ware with

Round the body, numerous rows of hatched lines. M 2712.

JAR (Form 4, nearly). Ht. 4i in. Found in building the Union House, Colchester, 1836. Whincopps Sale, 1856. Brown ware with brown slip.

Round the body, five rows of hatched patterns. M 2713.

JAR, similar. black slip. Ht.



From Colchester.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Red clay with

Round the body, rows of hatched patterns.



M 2718.

JAR (Form as last). Ht. 5i in. From Bow, LondQn. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq. 1879. Red ware with black polished slip. Lip injured.

Round the body, a raised ring and two rows of hatched patterns.
M 2719.
JAR (Form nearly as preceding, but more spherical body). H t. 3.i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark grey ware. Lip damaged.

Round the shoulder, a band of hatched pattern.

M 2720.
JAR (Form 54, nearly). Ht. 4k in. Towneley Coli. Brown slip. High small foot.

Round the shoulder, a raised moulding; round the body, rows of roughlyhatched lines.
M 2721.
JAR. Ht. 7~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coil., 1856. dark brown slip (red on foot). Neck, lip, and foot damaged. Yellowish clay with

On the shoulder and body, broad bands of finely-hatched lines.

M 2722.
JAR (Form 54, nearly). Part of neck wanting. Ht. 6 in. Lincoln, 1866. Light red ware with bright red slip.

Round the body, rough oblique flutings and rows of hatched lines, combined.
M 2723.
JAR. Ht. 8 in. Murston, Kent, 1883. repaired and restored. Light buff ware, unglazed. Much brokP.n,

Round the body, three

M 2724.
JAR (Form 54). Ht. 6-} in. slip, the latter slightly metallic.


bands of hatched patterns.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870. Brown ware and

From Colchester.

Round the body, above and below, double rows of hatchings.

M 2725.
JAR (Form as last, but angles of body sharper). Ht. ware with dark brown slip.

4i in. Similarly acquired. Red

Round shoulder and body, rows of fine hatchings, the lower series oblique.
M 2726.
JAR (Form 54. nearly). Dark grey polished ware. Ht. 4k in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856.

Round the upper part of the body, a band of hatchings.

M 2727.
JAR, as last, but more squat. Ht. zi in. Similarly acquired. and neck wanting. Red clay with black slip. Repaired; part of body

Round the body, two single bands of hatched pattern.

M 2728.
JAR with narrow neck and high foot. Ht. 7i in. " smother-kiln " ware, highly polished ; globular body. Gibbs Bequest, 1870. Black

Round the upper part of the body, two rows of hatched pattern.


M 2729.

BOWL. in. Diam.4} in. Bayford, Kent, 1883. Arch. Ctmlia1ra, xvi. p. 3; Payne, Col/. Calllia,a, pl. 16, fig. 2, p. 49 Fine white ware. Repaired on one side.

Round the exterior, rows of fine hatchings.

M 2730.
PART OF BOWL. Length 5 in. Found in Tokenhouse Yard, London. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1865. Thin grey ware, polished. Plain hemispherical shape.
Fig. 77 = 1\1 729

Round the body, a wide band of hatched pattern ; the rest of the surface stamped all over with discs punched in the soft clay.
M 2731.
FRAGMENT OF BOWL. 2i in. x 2} in. 1856. Metallic black ware, highly polished. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli.,

Two bands of hatched patterns incised.

M 2732.
PART OF COVER of large jar. Length 8! in. Lincoln, 1866. Red ware, polished.

The whole upper surface is covered with rows of very fine hatchings; cf.acompleteexample Fig. 78 = M 73 found at St. Albans (journ. Brit. Arch. Assoc. iii. p. 331), and another given by Artis, Durobri1ae, pl. 49. fig. 4
M 2733.
FRAGMENT from rim of bowl. 4 x 3~ in. From a Roman villa at Boxmoor, Herts. Presented by G. Davis, Esq., 1852. Arcltaeologia, xxxv. p. 64. Drab ware with brownish slip, black in interior and on upper edge.

The exterior is covered with hatched patterns as on last.



42 5

M 2736.

JAR (Form as before). Ht. ~! in. Found at Water Newton, Hunts, 1870; acquired Foot broken away. Dull grey unglazed ware, with slip of the same colour.

Round the body,large"thumb-marks,"between which areS-shaped scrolls en barbotine (Fig. 280).

M 2737.

JAR (Form 54). Ht. 5~ in. Found at Lincoln, 188o. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 1883. Drab clay with black slip. Lip damaged.

Round the body, four "thumb-markings" alternating with grooved lines ; above and below, bands of hatched pattern.

M 2738.

JAR (Form nearly as last). Ht. 3~ in. Lincoln, 1866. Much damaged and repaired. Light red ware, polished. Neck shorter than in preceding.

Round the body, "thumb-markings."

M 2739.

JAR (Form 54). Ht. 6} in. From Colchester. Black glaze (worn in parts), turning to brown and red.

Pollexfen Coli., 1870.

Fig. So = 111 2736 (p:ut).

Round the body, "thumb-markings," with narrow grooves between (four of each), as on the last but one.

M 2740.

JAR, similar. and on foot).

Ht. 10~ in.


Similarly acquired.

Reddish clay with black slip (red inside

Round the body, patterns.

"thumb-markings," and three rows of faint hatched

M 2741.

JAR, similar, but low neck (cf. M 2738). Ht. 3! in. Similarly acquired. Oull brown slip.

Round the body, seven "thumb-markings" ; surface covered with rough hard grains except on mouth.

M 2742.

JAR (Form as last).




Similarly acquired.

Red ware with dark brown slip.

" Thumb-markings" and granulations as last.

M 2743.

JAR, similar. thin walls.




Similarly acquired.

Red unglazed ware; fine clay, with

Round the body, eight "thumb-markings."

M 2744.

JAR (variety of Form 54).




Similarly acquired.

Dark brown glaze.

Round the body, six "thumb-markings."

M 2745.

JAR (Form 54). Ht. 3! in. From Strood, Kent. Wickham Coli., 1894. Auliq. i. p. 17, pis. 9, 10. Unglazed drab ware; traces of red slip or glaze(?).



Round the body, four "thumb-marks."

M 2746.

JAR, similar.

Ht. 7! in.

Similarly acquired.

Foot injured; clay as last.

Round the body, "thumb-marks," four broad and four narrow alternating.

M 2747. M 2748.
JAR, similar.


Ht. St in. Similarly acquired. Dull black ware.

Round the body, five thumb-markings."

JAR (Form 54). Ht. 3~ in. From Seaford, Sussex. Presented by F. G. Hilton Price, Esq., 190l}. Joum. Antltrop. I11sl. x. pl. 11, fig. 1, p. 134 Buff ware; good black glaze.

Round the body, six vertical " thumb-marks."

M 2749.
JAR of unusual form. Ht. SI in. From Strood, Kent. Wickham Coli., 1894. Reddish clay, drab on surface. Lip damaged. Wide mouth ; body wide at top and tapering much towards the bottom.

Round the body, four "thumb-marks."


M 2750.

BOWL with high foot. Ht. 4i in. Diam. 7} in. Found in Austin Friars, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Cat. Lo11d. A11t. p. 17, No. 56; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 83. Foot wanting. Unglazed drab ware.

Flat rim with double row of incisions round edge, below which is a wavy moulded pattern made with the finger in the moist clay; round the body (as far as the foot), seven rows of incisions.
M 2751.
BOWL as last, but body of different form. Ht. 3! in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Dark grey ware, unglazed. Diam. ;~ in. Found in London.

Round the edge of lip, lower edge of body, and foot, are rows of incised markings forming ''frilled " patterns, made in the soft clay.
M 2762.
BOWL as last. Ht. zt in. St Paul's Cburcl1yard, London, 1854. Drab ware, unglued. Lip chipped.

Patterns on body as on last.


(4) VASES WITH HUMAN HEADS (lilt 2767-2788). TWO JUGS OR FLASKS, each with neck modelled in M 27572758. form of female head. Ht. 6~ and 61 in. Found in Mansell Street, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 86; Cat. Lond. Alii. p. 19, No. 67. Red glazed ware. At the back of each is a handle of four ribs, not detached from the neck ; on the shoulder, mouldings.

On the front of the neck is a female head in low relief, with formal parted hair, like an archaic Greek terracotta mask : on either side is ornamentation produced by working the moist clay with the finger, and probably intended to indicate hair.
M 2759.
JUG with cylindrical mouth, on which is a female head in relief. Ht. 6i in. From Woolwich, Kent. Presented by the Master-General and Board of Ordnance, 1841. Red ware with red glaze, worn.

On the front of the mouth is a rudely-modelled female head, with rough fringe of hair over the foreFig. .s. =Mom. head, the eyes formed by pellets. On the shoulder of the vase is a ring or band in white paint, within which are vertical lines of white ; round the body, two rows of hatched lines.
M 2760.
FLASK OR JUG. Ht. 6i in. Sittingbourne, Kent, 1883. Form as the preceding, but with moulded ring round neck, which is cylindrical, spreading out at top. White clay with white slip, highly polished ; has been painted over in dark brown. At the back is a sort of flat looped handle, as on M 2757.

On the neck is modelled a female head in relief, of good style, the hair parted in parallel tresses ; round the body, remains of bands of brown.
M 2761.
JAR in form of head. Ht. 9t in. Lincoln, 1866. C.l.L. vii. r8r ; Walters, A11dml Pottery, ii. p. 549; Proc. Soc. Anli(js. 2nd ser. iii. (1867), p. 440; Sitz1111gsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1866, p. 787; Zeitsdzr. fiir Etlmot. xxii. (1890), p. 140. Much broken. Light buff ware, unglazed.

On the front of the vase is a face in relief, the eyeballs painted in black, the ears and hair not indicated ; the mouth, chin, and forehead are broken away, also part of the back. Round the base is painted in brown letters DOMIIRCURIO, D(e)o Mercurio.
[Cf. Artis, Durobrivae, pl. 49, fig. 1, and Gale, Anton. Iter Brit. p. 23, for an example at York. Hiibner reads Do Merc11rio, ' I give to Mercury,' and suggests that the vase was dedicated in a shrine of that god.]


M 2762.



of large jar. Ht. 3} in. Length 4f in. Found in St. 1\fartin-le-Grand, Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Coarse reddish-drab ware; thick rim.

Immediately below the rim is modelled a large human face, very rude.
(Cf. M 129. Vases of this type were made in the Rhine and :\-tosel districts of Germany in the first century after Christ ; cf. dateable examples in the museums of V.'iesbaden and Trier.)

M 2763.

OLLA. Ht. 6! in. Found at Lincoln, 1855 ; acquired 1866. C.I.L. vii. 1336, 220; Proc. Soc. Anlifjs. 2nd Ser. iii. (1867), p. 4~0; Arclt. jour11al, xiii. p. 173; Walters, Andml Pottery, ii. p. 546. Light red micaceous clay, unglazed.

Body covered with raised knobs ; on the foot is stamped in a semicircle Camaro j(ecit).

M 2764.

FRAGMENT of rim of mortarium. Length 5:! in. Coli., 1856. Reddish clay, black in centre.

Found in London.

Roach Smith

Stamped 0 Seep. 431.

M 2765.

i5W. Aeluc(ius ?)

(j)ec(i)t? or else Melus (j)ec(i)l, as M 2791

Length 10! in. Lincoln, 1866. Reddish-drab clay.

FRAGMENT of rim, with spout.

M 2766.

r~::=~~~~ I A esumlius fecit.

FRAGMENT of rim. Length 11 ~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1334, 4a; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. A11lifj. i. p. 149; Schuermans, Sigles figttlines, 194. Yellowish-drab clay; on the surface of the interior rough striations and fragments of pounded tile.

M 2767.


FRAGMENT, similar. Grey clay.

Length 5 in.

Similarly acquired.

C.I.I.. vii. 1334, 4, etc., as

Stamp as last.




MORTARIUM. Ht. 3 in. Diam. IOi in. Found in London. Roach Smith Cull., I8S6. Ill. Rom. Lond. pp. 81, 89; Cat. Lo11d. Ani. p. IS, No. 40, p. 16, No. 42; Col/. Anli!J. i. p. 149 ; Schuermans, 311 ; Wright, Cdt, Romau, and Sa.l-ott,~ p. 28o. Reddish unglazed ware ; repaired.

Stamped within borders: (a) Smith reads CANDID .. FECIT.)

1'4 2773.
FRAGMENT of rim and spout.


(b) ~IOIIA, Amli/ .. (f)ecit.

Similarly acquired.


Length 4 in.

p. 89; c..:at. Lo11d A 111. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. A11/t(f. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 4-03.

Ill. Nom. Lond. Grey clay.

1'4 2774.


MORTARIU.M. Ht. 31 in. Diam. 13~ m. Found at Ribchester, Lancashire, 1796. Towncley Cull. Walters, Auciml Pol/ery, ii. p. SSI, fig. 230; Whitaker, Hist. of Wltalley(1872 edn.), i., p. 31, pl. 2 ; C.I.L. vii. 1334, S Coarse drab ware.

On the rim is the stamp

1'4 2775.


Boriedici (?).

FKAGMEKT of rim and spout. Length 9} in. Found in London. Roat:h Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 16; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; Cal. Loud. A11l. p. 16, Ko. 42; Coil. Anliq. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 878. Drab clay.

Stamped parallel to rim :

1'4 2776.



FRAGMENT of rim. Length 2~ in. Similarly acl{Uired. C.I.L. vii. 1334, IIJ; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 8y; c..tu.Lo11d. Aut. p. 16, Ko.42; Col/. A11lilj. i. p. J4lJ; Schuermans, 1177. Crcyclay.

vsr= S tampe d ICATVL,



ji( .


FRAGME:-\T OF !\lORTARI UM. Grey day.

Length 7l


Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, IS.t8.

1'4 2778. 1'4 2779.


Ht. 4 in. Length 9 in. Similarly acquired. l..Jrab clay.

Fl{AG:\IENT, similar.

Stamp as last.
FRAG:\1 ENT, similar. l..Jiam.


Similarly acquired.

Pinkish-brown clay.



C'oe ; below, hatched lines.

M 2780.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 6 in. found in Love Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Reddish clay. See C.I.L. vii. 1334, 25 = Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89 = Cat. Lo11d. .-l11t. p. 16, No..p = Coli. Anliq. i. p. 149

Stamped (within a border of hatched lines)


Docciu(s); cf. M 1963.

M 2781.

FRAGl\IEKT OF 1\IORTARI!JM. Length 7~ in. Found in St. Thomas Street, Southwark. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Coli. A11tiq. i. pl. so, p. 149; cf. Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89 = Cat. Lo11d. All/. p. 16, No ..p; also Schuermans, ~997 Pinkish-drab clay.

Stamped Litugeni (seep. 431); cf. C.I.L. xiii. 10006,44 and M 2112.
1'4 2782.
FRAGMENT of rim, with part of spout. Length S~ in. Smith Coli., 1856. Reddish-grey clay. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 3(?). Found in London.


Stamped TVGEN, (Li)tugen(us), or (il1a)tuge11(11s) as M below, herring-bone pattern.

ff. ; above and

. M 2783.


FRAGMENT of rim of mortarium. Length 6i in. Found in Newgate St., London, 1 Oct., 1835. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1334, 32 ; Ill. Nom. Lo1td. p. 89; Cat. Lond. Ani. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. Antiq. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 3316; Gentleman's Ma,;. 1857, ii. p. 449; Lqndo1t and Middlesex Arch. Soc. Trans. i. (1857), p. 195. Dark reddish clay.

Stamped (within borders of hatched lines) Mft~~~~s, Marinus fecit. M 2784.

FRAGMENT, similar. Coli., 1856. Drab clay. Length 5 in. Found in London, Feb., 1844. Roach Smith

Stamped: .. ARINVS, M]arimts. M 2785.

FRAGMENT of mortarium. Length 7i in. From the South Downs, Sussex. Coli., 1839. Drab clay. Cf. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 31a and b. Mantell

Stamped M 2786.



FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Length 6;! in. London, 1837. Sec C.I.L. vii. 1334, 34d; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; tal. Loml. A11l. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. A11liq. i. p. 149 Drab clay ; interior covered with fragments of pounded tile.

Stamped M 2787.


.Matugenus (seep. 431) ; cf. M 670.

FRAGMENT of rim. Length 6~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 34d; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; Cal. Lo11d. Ant. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. Anliq. i. p. 149 (all three wrongly); Schuermans, 3432. Reddish-yellow clay.
u Stampe d MATVG ENVS, J.rLatugemts, as 1 ast. I. side, wavy line.

Above and below, hatched lines ; on

M 2788.

FRAGMENT of rim, with spout. Length 7 in. Similarly acquired. C/.L. vii. 1334, 34b; sec also Coli. Antiq. i. p. 149; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 16, No. 42. Drab clay ; rough horizontal striations on interior.



Matugemt(s), as before; above and below, hatchings.

M 2795

M o8o8.

'M 2792.


~imilarly acquired.

FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Ht. 4i in. Length 8l in. Reddish-drab clay, with fragments of tile as last but one.

Stamped v,~~~~, probably illelus feci(t), as last ; above, hatchings.

'M 2793.
FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Length interior covered with fragments of pounded tile.



Lincoln, 1866.

Light drab clay;

M 2794.


Ossius, or perhaps
Length 5~ in.


FRAGMENT of rim. showing traces of fire.

Sotheby's ~ale, I<J July, 18~8.

Dark drab clay,

M 2795.


Paulus f(ecit).

See p. 431.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length with fragments as last but one.

31 in. Similarly acquired. Red clay; surface covered

See p. 43 I.

M 2796.


Plineas (?).

FRAGMENT of rim with spout. Diam. 11 in. Found in London. Roach ~mith Cull., 1856. C./.L. vii. 1334, 40; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; Ct~l. Lond. Ani. p. 16, i\o. 4Z; Coli. Anli'q. i. pl. 50, p. 149; Schuermans, 4407. Greenishdrab clay.

Stamped ':!0 088AAq, Prasso(nis) of(jicimz) ; see p. 431. is an ornament, not a letter.

The mark after

M 2797.

FRAGMENT from rim of mortarium. Length 5 in. London, 1837. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 43<1; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; (at. Lond. Ani. p. 16, No. 4Z ; Col/. Anlitj. i. p. 149 (the three latter wrongly): Schuermans, 4~z. Drab clay.

lY1 2798.


above and below, herring-bone pattern.


FRAGMENT, similar.


London, 1837.

Drab clay.

Stamp probably as last, but only the last four letters

M 2799.

arc clear.

MORTARIUl\1. Ht. 3~ in. Diam. 1z} in. Found on the site of the General Post Onice, London; acquired 1848. Drab ware; rim broken and part of centre wanting.



lY1 2803.

FRAGMENT of rim and spout. Length 9i in. Similarly acquired. Colt. A ntiq. i. pl. so, p. 149 ; C.l.L. vii. 1334, 48; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; Cat. Lo11d. A11l. p. 16, No. 42; cf. Schuermans, 4970. Drab clay.



Saturnimts (seep. 431); cf. CI.L. xiii. Iooo6, 84.


FRAGMENT of rim. Length 2k in. Similarly acquired. Coli. A11Hq. i. pl. 51, p. 149; C.I.L. vii. 1334, SOli; and see Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89 = Gzt. Lo11d. A11l. p. 16, No. 42. Drab clay.

lY1 2805.
19 July, 1848.


Secmzdus f(ecit) ; see p. 431.

FRAGMENT of rim. Length 6} in. From Moorgate St., London. Sotbeby's Sale, C.I.L. vii. 1334, S4b; cf. Coli. Anliq. i. p. 149, Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89, and Cal. Lond. Ant. p. 16, No. 42. Dark grey clay.

M 2806.


Sol/us f(ecit).

Above and below, herring-bone pattern.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 8! in. Found in Love Lane, London. Roach Smith Coli., 18s6. C.I.L. vii. 1334. 57; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; Cat. Lomi. A11t. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. Allliq. i. p. 149 Reddish-drab clay.

M 2807.


Tra<u>us(ius) Valen(s)?

Seep. 431.

1\IORTARIUM. Ht. 3i in. Diam. 12 in. Found at Ewell, Surrey. Presented by H. W. Diamond, Esq., M.D., 1848. Arckaeologia, xxxii. p. 451. Rough greyish ware; rim damaged and centre broken away.

Stamped on rim : (a) l~g~~v~ Lugmlu(ni) factus.

M 2808.

; (b)


Urbamts Liber f(ecit) ;

MORTARIUM, part of. Diam. ui in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., I8S6. C.l.L. vii. 1334, 62; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; Col/. Antiq. i. pl. so, p. 149; Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 16, No. 42; Schucrmans, SS39 Drab ware, unglazed; surface of interior covered with grit. About half remaining, with spout.

On the rim is the stamp

M 2809.


Q. Va(leriz) Se ... . , seep. 431.

FRAGMENT of rim and spout of mortarium. Length 8i in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 62, etc., as last. Drab clay; on the interior rough horizontal striations.

Stamp as last, Q VA SE; no ornamental border.

lY1 2810. FRAGMENT of rim. Length 8i in. Found in Cock Lane, London. Roach Smith Col\., I8S6. C.J.L. vii. 1334, 6o; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; :at. Lond. A111. p. 16, No. 42; Col/. A11lifj. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 5549 Brick-red clay.

M 2811.


Sex(ti) Val(erii) C .. ..

FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Length Presented by W. C. Boyd, Esq., I9Ql. Drab clay.


Found in Bread Street, London.

Stampe d


Q. , r; 1 '(') a~en t

J. tmer~

2 :F

'M 2812.


FRAGMENT of rim, with spout. Diam. 11 ~ in. From Exeter. Presented by Josiah Goodwin, Esq., 186o. Cf. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 63; Shortt, Sylva Anliq. be. p. 138. Light red clay.


, Q. Valerius Veranius i cf. C.I.L .

xiii. 10006, 97

M 2813.

FRAGMENT, similar (spout incomplete). Length 8 in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1334, 63a; Loll. Anli'q. i. pl. 51, p. 149; cf. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89 = Cal. Lo11d. A111. p. 16, No. 42. Drab clay.

Stamp as last, indistinct.

M 2814.


FRAGMENT of rim, with spout. Greenish-drab clay.

Length 9i in.

Similarly acquired.

C/.L. vii. 1334,

Stamp as before, but mutilated, especially the top line.

'M 2816,
FRAGMENT, similar. Diam. 13 in. Similarly acquired. Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; Ctrl. Lo11d. Ant. p. 16, No. 42; Col/. A11liq. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 556o. Grey clay.

M 2816,


as before


FRAGMENT of rim. Duff clay.

st in.

Sotheby's Sale, 19 July, 1848.

C.I.L. vii. 133~,

Stamped Q
'M 2817.


Q. Valerius Vera(nius); seep. 431.

FRAGMENT of rim and spout. Length 6i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1334. 64; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; Cal. Lond. Ani. p. 16, No. 42; Coli. A11lt(j. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 5551. Greenish-drab clay.



lY1 2820.

FRAGMENT, similar. Length 7 in. Similarly acquired. C./.L. vii. 1334, 1/J; Ill. Rom. Lo11d. p. 89; Cat. Lo1ui. Ant. p. 16, No. 42; Col/. A11tig. i. p. 149; Schuermans, 3074. Dull red clay.

Stamped F LVGVDV,j(actus ?) Lugudu(ni), as last.

lY1 2821. FRAGMENT, similar, with spout. Length 8} in. Similarly acquired. C.I.L. vii. 1334, lb. Grey clay, with fragments of pounded tile and rough striations in interior.

Stamped F LVGVD't, as last.

lY1 2822. FRAGMENT as last. Length 10} in. Coli., 1863. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 1b. Yellow clay. F;ound in Old Dailey, Lonuon, 1845. Saulls

Stamp F LVGVD~, as before.

J4 2823.
FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Length 11 in. Found. in Liverpool Street, London, 1874. Loftus Brock Coli. Presented by Sir A. W. Franks, K.C.D., 18. Reddish-brown clay ; interior covered with fragments of pounded tile.

lY1 2824.


FRAGMENT of rim and_ spout. Length 6} in. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 78a. Reddish-brown clay.

Found in London.

Roach Smith .Coli.,

Stamp as last, but reversed (see p. 431 ).

lY1 2825. FRAGMENT, similar. Drab clay. Length 8} in. Similarly acquired. Coil. Antiq. i. pl.


p. 149

Stamp incomplete: FEC, fec(it) ; see p. 43 I.

lY1 2826. FRAGMENT ofrim ofmortarium. Length 4! in. London, 1854- C.I.L. vii. 1334, 37; 89; Coli. A11tig. i. p. 149; and Cat. Lo11d. Ant. p. 16, No. 41 (all wrongly); Schuermans, 4401. Grey clay.

Ill. Rom. Lond. p.

Stamped PPRI, P. Pr.L ... (or P . Pr. E ... ); seep. 431.

[Cf. the tiles with similar stamps,///. Rom. Lond. pp. I 14, II6; C.I.L. vii. 1235.)

M 2827.

FRAGMENT of rim and spout. Length 7 in. Sotheby's Sale, 19 July 1848. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 7 (wrongly); Ill. Rom. LotUI. p. 89"" Coli. Allti(j. i. p. 149 = Cat. Lo11d, A11l. p. 16, l'o. 42 (VIALLA); Schuermans, 5693. Drab clay. . .

Stamped MIM>..A ; see p. 431.

lY1 2828. FRAGMENT, similar. Length 7 in. Similarly acquired. Reddish-drab clay.

Stamped A>..>..A.
lY1 2829. FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Length 8i in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.I.L. vii. 1334, 74; Ill. Rom. Lond. p. 89; Coli. Antiq. i. p. 149; c.;'at. Lond. A11t. p. 16, No. 42; Schuermans, 1972. Dark grey clay.

Stamped ANIOC or (as read by Roach Smith and Hubner) DOINV, Doinu(s).
M 2830.
FRAGMENT of rim, with spout. as last. Drab clay. Length II in. Similarly acquired.

C.I.L. vii., etc.,

Stamp as last.
}o '

M 2831.


FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM. Ht. 6 in. Length 6 in. Found at Hayford, ncar Sittingbourne, Kent, 1881 ; acquired 1883. Drab clay, with pebbles stuck over the interior. Arch. Cantia11a, xvi. p. 5 ; Payne, Coli. Ca11tiana, p. 53

M 2832.


FRAGMENT of rim, with spout.


Similarly acquired.

Light red clay.

Stamp much worn: VCIE?

M 2833.
FRAGMENT OF MORTARIUM (half of rim, with spout). Diam.

in. Drab clay.

Stamped IJ.1/\J.1VE.
M 2834.
FRAGMENT of rim. Length 10 in. Light buff clay.

Stamped AIJ.1AVIVF.
M 2835.

7i in. Light red clay; pebbles stuck over

Stamped 0181.1.
M 2836.
FRAGMENT of large vase. 3! x 3in. Found at \Vater Newton, Huntingdonshire; acquired 1882. \Vhite ware, with drab-coloured slip on exterior.

Painted in mall black is the inscription:

M 2837.
FRAGMENT of bottom of jar. Ht. 2~ in. Found in the Thames, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. C.l.L. vii. 1338, 16; Ill. Nom. Lond. p. 108; Cat. Lond. Ant. p. 47. black slip. Probably New Forest ware.

Buff clay with dull

On the exterior is incised MOMVVL, Mom(m)ul(z)?; on the foot, an unintelligible mark.

M 2838.


x 3~ in. Found in the Thames at Amcrden, near Taplow,



M 2840-M 2844. M 2840.


BOWL (Form 35). Ht. :! in. Diam. 5/i in. Found in King William Street, London. Presented by the Trustees of the late H. Christy, Esq., 1865. Red glaze, worn.

On the rim, pattern of seven leaves and stalks, en barboti11e.

M 2841.
BOWL, similar. Ht. 1; in. Diam. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Repaired.


Found at the General Post Office, London.

On the rim, pattern of five leaves as last.

M 2842TWO BOWLS, similar. Ht. I~ io. and I lin. Diam. 2843. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Each has part ofrim restored. On the rim, pattern of six leaves as before. M 2844.

in. and 43 in. Found in London.

BOWL (Form 36). Diam. 9~ in. Townelcy Coli. From the Pudding Pan Rock, off Herne Bay, Kent. Foct wanting ; surface much scraped and glaze worn off exterior ; oystershell deposit on interior.

Round the rim a series of leaves on stalks, m barbotit1e.

M 2845. M 2845.


M 2641-M 2657).

OLLA. Ht. 6 in. Found in the Thames near Battersea. Presented by A. W. Franks, Estt., 1864. Polished black slip, nearly all worn away; hole pierced in side. High rim, nearly vertical.

Round the upper part of the body, lozenges formed of rows of raised points ; underneath is incised +.

M 2846-2861. M 2846.


FRAGMENT from upper part of bowl (Form 37). :z~- x Exchange, London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Good glaze.

1! in. Found at the Royal

Round the body, several rows of hatched patterns, mostly formed of short parallel vertical strokes.
M 2847.
LOWER PART of similar bowl. Good glaze on exterior ; foot complete. Diam. 5 in. Found in Paternoster Row, London.

Round the lower part of the body, double row of hatched patterns.
M 2848.
FRAGMENT of similar bowl. Ht. 2! in. Found in Philpot Lane, London. Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze worn on exterior, but good on interior. Roach

Two bands of hatched pattern divided by a shallow moulding.


M 2849.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 78?). Noach Smith Coli., 1856. Bright red glaze.

Ht. If in.

Length Ii in.

Found in London.

Two bands of hatched patterns divided by a moulding.

M 2850.
FRAGMENT OF JAR (Form 52?). 2~ x 2 in. Found in London ~treet, Fenchurch Street, London; acquired 1854 Good reddish-brown glaze; patterns sharplr cut.

Round the bodr, several rows of hatched patterns, mostly formed of parallel vertical lines.
M 2851.
1854FRAGMENT ofrim ofbowl. Length J!-in. Found in Cannon Street, London; acquired Rim deeply moulded; glaze worn on exterior.

In the hollow mouldings are pairs of inciserl vertical markings, producing a sort of fluted effect.

M 2862-2868.



M 2852.

FRAGMENT OF BOWL (Form 37 ?). Length 4 in. Found in Mincing Lane, London, 20 Nov., 1846, Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Glaze of an ochrous red, verging on salmon colour.

Round the body, a wide band of hatched patterns in several rows.

M 2863.
1856. FRAGMENT of rim of bowl. Length Rim projecting over all round.

31 in.

Found in London.

Roach Smith Coli.,

On the body, a band of hatched pattern in three rows.

M 2864.
glaze. FRAGMENT OF BOWL. z! x II in. Similarly acquired. Thin inferior red



M 2858.

FOOT OF JAR. Diam. 2~ in. Found in London. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Surface discoloured; dull brown glaze. Fabric as M 2732.

Round the body, parallel vertical rows of overlapping squares formed by shallow incisions.
M 2859.

JAR. Ht. 4f in. Found in Cheapside, London, May, 1879. Presented by A. W. Franks, Esq., 18<)6. Repaired. White clay; brown glaze; surface frosted all over like M 2742. JAR OR BOWL as M 2750-56. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 4} in. Roach Smith Coli., 1856. Drab clay; foot wanting. Found in the Thames, London.

M 2860.

Round the lower edge of the rim and lower part of the body, 'frilled ' patterns.




Arranged under the headings of Dechclctte's types (indicated by Clarendon numerals). For other types, see Index IV. [The letter M is omitted from the Catalogue numbers throughout.]

Zeus . Leda. and Swan Poseidon Scylla. Sea-monsters

Hepha.istos . Apollo . Artemis .

Athena. . Warrior.

Hector and Ajax Perseus . Trojan Hero Neoptolemos Ama.zon. Horseman Archer . Aphrodite


Eros .

(4) 1245, 1330, 1382 j (8) 49S 1 S23, 529, 530, 1266 (9) 544 (19) 12 50? j (14) I 228, 1383, 1445 (US) 128o, 1322, 1531?; (18) 1130, 14()()-11, 1523 ?, 1537, 2276; (17) 1412, '523? j (18) 1542 j (00) 1343, 1408 (98) 1253 ?, 1394. I 513 j (99) 1277 ?, 1392, 120 j (30) 1407 j (31) 1278; (33) 1420, 1424, 1429, 22S2; (84) 1429, 1475. 1520; (84a.) 10701 1077, 1400?; (38) 1356 (39) 1267, 1354. 137S (45) 1255; (49) 421 j (69) IISO, 1215, 1216, 1340, 1377. 1392, IS12 j (M) 1333; (M) 1229, 1346, 1424; (68) 1377; (67) 59, 1339 (83) 412 ?, 421, 522 ?, 527, SS7. I04S. 1046, 1210, 1211, 1324; (88a.) 522 ?, 528 ?, 531, II48, 1324, 1597 j (84) 412 ?, 1038, 12o8, 1209, 1325, 13i6? j (87) 1348 ?, 1352 j (88) 1051, lOSS, 1::o6 (77) 46, 1039?, 1052, 1220, 1221, 1264, 1270, 1352?, 1380, 1405, 1449, 1450 ; (78) 1039? (88) S42 (99) 121)6, 1455, I 517?; (lOS} 1026, 1383, 1579; (103) 1042, 1161, 1425?, 1529?, IS49i (108) 1297; (111) 1337; (113) 412; (117) 1415; (118) S09, 514,522; (194) 1464?, 1533?; (198) 128o?; (139) 47 ?, 1464 ?, 1483 (199---193) 69, IS30? (148) 1354 (149) 509 (160) 1427 (163) 1320 ?, 1486?; (1M) 1379 (168) 1537. IS39. 15S5?; (167) 1463, 1535. 1554?, ISSS ?, 1)8o; (168) 1484, 1546; (169) 1323, 1486?, 1510, 1534; (187) 548 (188) 308, 35 I ?, 536, S50; (170) 3Sl ? (83)452i (178) 1248?, 1391, 1392; (174) 1248?; (176} 1514; (178) 1392; (179a.) 1168, 1390; (181) 56; (184) 1052, 1053. 1129, 1355. 1512; (186) 1054. 1354. 1438; (903) 1134 (910) 1041, 1120, 1213; (911) 1518; (919) 1042, 1298, 1599?; (914) ro6s, 1271,1335; (918) 127o?, 1329, 1516; (917) 127o?, 1272, 14S4. 1511; (918) 1457; (919) 1249; (998) 1393; (879) 1420; (879bie) 1341; (876) 1247 (999) 1514; (930) 1514?; (984) 1257. 1287?; (986) 1251?, 1512; (949) 1395; (948) 55s?, 1317?, 1426?; (944) 55s?; (948) 1112, 1113 ?, 1114, 1398?; (947) 1144, 12S8, 1398 j (961) 125S. 1256, 1364, 1401, 1420; (969) 1041 ?, I 1121 1113 ?, 1125 ?, 1398 ?, 1453?;



(963) 6o2; (964) 1026, 1517; (SIM) 1250; (967) 1041?, 1136, 1144, 1258; (ge()) 1397; (261) 13S3?; (264) 1309, 13S3 ?, 1397; (265) 1365 j (266) 13; (267) 436?, IS98 j (970) 1261, 1262 j (974) 3S8, 551 ?, 1259; (9715) 12S6?; (978) IllS; (980) 433, 436, 532 ?, 55s, 556 ?, 593; (863) 23, 24. 474, 505, 5o6, 524, 533, 544 Hermes . (!a96a.) 1158 ; (999) 552 Anubis . (300) 1281 Dionysos (301) 1468; (309) 497, 2~, 1338, 1389?, 141 Seilenos . (307b) 1408; (310) 20?, 524, 1338?; (311) 1599; (312) 1266, 1338 ?, 1461, 1548; (8m1) 1038, 1273?, 1376,1433, 1439; (393) 509, 1269?, 1515; (394) 435,509.513,1269,1465 j (374) 1224, 1468?, 118?, 1548 Satyr . (316) 20? j (3!9) 1266 j (320) 1465?; (325) 1032; (869) 25, 1074? ; (3154) 1548? j (8158} 1516; (8158) 1466; (361) 1337 ?, 1468; (369) 1325, 1337 ? ; (881) 1265 Kan . . . . . (897) 1353?; (881) 1276; (884} 1240?; (888) 1040, 1536?; (842) 1546, 1002?; (844) 1225,1239. 1327?: (847) 1416; (377) 1059?, 1469; (378) 1126; (884) 1179?, 1203?, 1362?, 1486?, 1488--<)0; (894) 1050, 1385 j (409) 1393, 1423; (403) 1202, 1264, 1377. 1384 (888} 1518? Runner Pan . (409} 1517; (411) 1279?, 130~; (419) 1267 i (418) 1315?; 1354, 1369, 1421 ; (416} 494. 500 j t419) 1035, 1264, 1352. 1440; (400) 1346; (498) 448, 515,003, 1321?; (494) 1267?; (45\15) 1444? CentaureBB (486) 1464 j (48ft) 1275, I 525 Pigmy (489) 1073. 1378; (440) 1043 (448} 1352; (446) 1446; (41515) 1402 j (487) 1205 ; (488) 412 j (469) Heraklea 1570; (469a) 1204, 1214 Victory . (474) 1448; {4715} 13o6; (481) 531 Romulus and Remus (494) 24. 468, 499. 525, 534 Sphin::~: . (4915) 1404?; (486) 1125, 1404; (497} 1403, 1404 Siren . (499) 1402 Gryphon (1501) 1325?; (509} 284 ?, 287 ?, 333 ?, 361 ?, 430, 548, 1405?; (1503a.} 471, Sol, 555; (1504) 469 (1510) 43St 500, 523, 557, 1252 j (519) 1317 j (593) 1318, 1384, 1442; Man (5915) 1429; (1586) 274 (1589) 441, 442 ; (15415} 1049 ? Woman Fisher (15157) 414



Lion .

Lioness .

Panther . Bear . .

Boar .

Deer . .

Goat .
Sheep. Bull .

Dog .

Hare .

1525?; (898) 152;?; (70B) 1525?; (707) 1341; (712-713) 1371 ?, 1597? . (736) 1546 j (736) 1357 ?, 138o? j (740) 1466 ?, I 509? j (741) I q6 ?, 1509?; (742) 1235?; (743) 566?, 1367?; (745) 1466?; (746) 1295?; (747) 411, 426 ?, 51 9, 559, 565, 571 ?, ss3 ?, 585?; (748) 3o8, 333, 426 ?, 427 ?, 486 ?, 498 ?, 502 ?, 571 ?, s8o, s85 ?, 1110, 1305 ?, 1566 j (749) 333, 1153?, 1161 ?, 1254?, 1491?; (760) 363 ?, 1491; (71H) 1367?; (7~2) 581, 585, 1163?; (7~3) 1061 ?, 1421?; (764) 1c62?, 1421?; (758-57) 1549? (7~8) 1485?; (7~) 47; (780) 71 1 1167 j (762) 1254? ; (764) 333, 1254? j (766) 1o69, II 59, 1162, IJOI ?, 1466, 1479, 1486-88, 1500, 1522, 1552, 1553, 1559 j (767) 1343?; (768) 1473, 1538?; (789) 1408; (771) 589; (772) 1146; (775) 1500, 1554; (778) 1164, 1474; (781) 1074 (762) 1491; (783) 1341 ?, 1539?; (785) 1467, 1525; (787) 1508; (790) 1371, 1492; (792) 1128, 1141 1 1228, 1267?, 1327? (793) 1031 ?, 1188, 1423?. 1471 ?, 1481, 1541 ?, 1550, 1551, 1567?; (794) 1077; (796) 1327?; (805) 1125?, 1381, 1386?, 1507?, 1555 (798) 82, 1286, 1298?, 1472; (799) 1001, uo8, 1111, 1161 ?, 1555; (802) 350, 400, 1165 ; (808) 92, 438? (807) 146;; (808) 1146 ?, 14i7 ?, 1478, 155o, 1555 ; (810) 1463 ; (814) 1377; (BUS) IJ16?, 1328, 1466, 1504, 1557 ?, 1582; (816) 1568?; (817) 70, 83, 1568?; (818"bill) 566, 1325; (819) 400?; (890) 107J 1 1491, 1549? . (823) 162?; (828) 498?, 1546, 1559; (829) 1346?; (839) 14; (834) 1212, 1369, 1507?, 1546; (836) 571?, 1482?, 1498, 1500; (836a) 1474?; (837) 492, 503, soo, 62, 576, 586; (888) 249, 1467?; (839) so, 1466, 1467?; (842) 364 (844) 1500 ?, 1540?; <~> 485, 558, 582; (847) 1369 ?, ';55 ; (~1) 1254?; (~2) '49"1; (854) 1319, 1540?, 182; (858) '495?; (~) 3o8, 559, 583?, 594; (860) 47, 1077, 1157, 13~6, 1463, 1532, 1535; (861) 313?, 411 j (862) 26, 452, 485, 558 j (865) 527, 577 5~4 j (88'1) 1466?, 1494, 1500; (868) 1o68, 1558?; (871) 1495; (872) 1466; (873) 71, 1143; (874) 7''-, 58; (876) 1168?, 1473?; (878) 1550; (879) 47, 1365 ; (881) 572, 582 ; (888) 1492 (887) 352; (889) 1036, 1112, 1136, 1400, 1419 j (892) 1493 j (893) 1141 (895) 1077 (897) 434, 1184; (898) 1185, 1186 (909) 1077 j (~) 67?; (906) 1463, 1470, 1532; (908) 1387; (909) 1594? (914) 331?, 574?; (915) 67,348,349, 1334?, 1463, 1474, 1492, 1498, 1532, 1500? ; (916) 353 ?, 366, 368, 410 ?, 472, 509 ?, 510 ?, 562 ?, 564, 567, 587 ?, 594 ?, 1177, 1204?; (916 bis) 309, 558, 004 ?, 1145; (919) II 57?, 1338 ?, 1502 ?, I 503; (990) 313 ?, 462, 539 ?, 554. 1338 ?, 1352 ?, 1502?; (921) JOI ?, 3221 336 ?, 495 ?, :U, 539, 586 ; (928) 370?, 477; (924) 282, 3o8, 311,313.355, 479, 1241?; (926) 364; (927) 437 ?, 1467?; (928) 487, 509, 575, 577, 581 ; (930) 1135 ?, 14; (932) 67, 1202, 1463, 1466, 1497. 1503; (984) 67, 588, 1051, 1071,1127, 1203, 1283, 1326?, 1354, 1466; (937) 1175; (938) 524?; (989 ter) 1168 (940) 1472?; (941) 462, 463, 519; (942) 309. 358, 366, 439, 473, 48o, 491, 493. 61, 564. 1166, 1543. 1589; (948) 311, 340 ?, 558?; (944) 298, 300 ?, 331 ?, 413, 414, 475?; (~) 554, 558?; (946) 240, 323 ?, 364, 402, 409. 433, 439. 491 ?, 495 ; (947) 293. 295. Jo6 ?, 311, 440,





475 ?, S39; (949) 462, 463; (9W) 1143; (9Wa) 1o61, 1125, 1181, 1226, 1326 ?, 1341, 1370, 1390, 1392, 1433, 146o i (961) 464 ?, 470, 547; (961 bia) 409; (91551) so, 579 ?, 1109, '''' 1147?; (9154) 274, 285, 293, 295. 338, 400, 436, 47S. 495, 1434 Serpent . (960 bis) 1476, 1486, 1507, 1550, 1554. 1557 Quadruped (966) 2252; (966) 582; (967) 544; (968) 70, 13S3, 1463, ISO! ; (969) (uncertain) 1o68 ?, 1476 ?, 1503; (970) S09 ?, 1550 ; (971) n6t Eagle. (978) I SO i (981) 300 ?, II 52? i (9851) 293, 359, 36o?; (9815) 341 ; (986) 28o, 321, 329, 35S. 444, 450, 490; (987) sos (991) 1182? Crane (1001) 100, 2261 ? Heron Swan or Goose . (1008) 475. 49'; (1017) 268, 283, 302?, 303, 309. 312, 313, 329, 364, 436, 453. 463, 467, 474, 483, 491, 559. 596, 1023, 1075. 1105 Duck. (10115) 1023, 1024, I 178 ?, 1378 j (1018) 1023, 1024, 1178? (1090) 1129 Owl . Cock. (10!1) 357?; (10518) 56, 1431, 594; (10915) 1138, 1179-81, 1347, 1407, 1443 i (10518) I 591 ? Pigeon or Dove (1080) 188? j (1031) 20, S72? j (1038) I 1::!7 ?, 1194 ?, 1292, 1354 i (1041) I lOS, 1148 Sparrow. (10451) , 585?; (1043) 312; (1044) 273 ?, 27 9 ?, 28o; (1046) 225 ?, 245 ?, 1395?; (1048) 270 ?, 273 ?, 28o, 401, 491, s15 ?, 563 Bird (unoertain) (1005) 290 j (1009) 51, 2721 275 ?, 277, 27 9,310, 312, 3l9, 352,407,414, 436?, 447,451 ?, 453 ?, 467, 487-89, 491, 564, 567, 578, 579, I183, ll94 ?, rz68, 1332 ?, 1362 ?, 1363; (1019) 297, 447; (1018-14) 1074?; (1019) 411 ?, 1194?; (10351) 25 ?, 313 ?, 329, 428?; (1088) 572?, 1122j (1034)304?,313,447.466?,497, 1,317?, 1385; (10815) 275 ?, 279, 310, 312, 344, 413, 447, 467, 564. 567 ?, 578, 1026, 1043, 1252, 1591?, 2275?; (1038) 275?, 277, 289, 31l, 487-89, 567?, 1285 ?, 1352, 1588?; (1040) 278 Dolphin. (1048) 1279?, 1519?; (1049) 33~. 549 j (10150) 1202, 1276, 1322, '391, 14o6, 1409. 1556; (10151) 1322, 1391, 14o6; (101551) 52; (10158) 1409 j (1067) 1379. 1414; (10159) 1253? Fish . (10851) 67, 590. 1356 ?, 14Il (1087) 12o6, 1288?, 1297; (1088) 1202, 1203, 1221, 1::83; (1089) Tripod 1164?, 1312?, 16o2, 16o4; (1089a) 1os3, 11, 1264, 1311, 1339, 1354. 1357. 1370, 1381, 1404; (1070) 1231



Tree .
Wheatsheaf. Plant. Scroll Acanthus Sycamore-leaf . Cyclamen FernP Palm. Medallion Losenge . Rosette .

(1197) 413; (1184) 58l ?, 1481 ? ; (11315) 1220?; (1138) 26, 584, 1336 ?, 1466?, 1467?; (1189) 1077; (1141) 1077?, 1150, 1428, 1525. 1559; (1144) 1050? (11415) 15 (11151) 364 ?, 367 ?, 447 ?, 493, 494 ?, 498 ?, 522, 559, 56o ?, 561, 568 ?, 569, 571, 573, 574, 577 ?, 579, 585 ?, 1362? ;"(11159) 567 (11157) 1132?, 1135?, 1136, 1236?, 1270, 1590? (1160) 64), 1051 1 I 104, llo8, 1123 ?, IIJI, 1132, 1193, 1198, 1199, 12001 1217,1255, 1287?, IJ4~ 135?, 1511,1004; (1181) 71., 1050, 1138,

197, 2263?

(1187-88) 1050 (1171) 217, 1364 (1179) 239. 1155 (1174) 2268? (1178) 1133, 1389, 1441 (1179) 1037?, 1280 (1180) 85, 1594; (1189) 1461




36. M lo67, 1166, 1230, 1441, 1449. 1450, 1571

WREATHS. XXXIII.-1. M 14, 4741 1317 , . 2. M 24, 527 3 M 26, 430, 434, 459, 499, 504, 55 I, 555. 56o, 561,578, 1021, 1167, 1200, 1232, 1281, 1334, . 1 579 I 4 M 205 5 [217,321 6. 1 218, 324, .pg, 569 1 l\1 249 8. M 254 9 1 265 10. M 279,463, soo, 531, 1092 II. M 289 12. M 297, 321, 481, 487, 492, 12.p: IJ. l\1 297, 3241 1231 1 I )86 14- M 224. 298, 299, 326



16. 1 201 1 JOI 1 3021 322, 349, 471, so:z, 514,518,547,559, 568, 572, 576, 584, 596 17. M 301, 322, ''45 18. M 312 19. M 315, 364, 367, 464, 498, 538, 564, 57o, 583, 1too, 12<}0, 1336, 1)70

SCROLLS. XXXV.-t. M 4, 211, 213, 223, 230,233, 248, 285, 286 2. M 5, 284, 290 3 M 20 1, 21 4, 219, 220, 236, 2#, 2 79 4. M 203 5 M 204 6, M -05 1 M 2o6 8. M z.o7 9 l\1 208 XXXVl.-ro. M zrs, 216, 2 11. M 221, 247 12. M 222, 223 13. M 226, 246, 250, 45i 14. M 227, 248 IS. M 231 16, M 234 17. M 238, 276 18. M 228, 239, 242 IQ. M 229,240 _o, M 22.4?, 241, 56o, 561 XXXVll.--21. M 243 -2. M 245




XXXIX.-1 . M 3o8 2. M 308, 363, 48z, 498, 501, 504, 544, 545, IJOI 3 M 311 4- M 312 5 M 318 6. M 320 7 M 333 8. M 344 9 M 345 10. M 328, 329, 352, 412 II. M 332, 357, 1286

" CRUCIFORM" PATTERNS. XL.-1 . M 20 2. M 351, 356, 528, 1134 3 M 352, 555 4. M 412 5 M 418, 1044 6. M 411, 499, 1184 7 M 500 8. M 523 9 M 426, soB, 518, 540, 541 10. M 578

- - - -

- - - . - -- --



ALBURY, Surrey, 1\l 1082, 1657, 2~76, 2t77, 2561 ARCIS-SUR-AUBE, Dept. of Aube, France, ~I 169, 170 AREZZO, L 59-70, 9I 1 92?, 93-97,99-101 1 103, 105, 107-120, 134, 153 (Cincelli) ARLES, Bouches du-Rhone, France, K 38 ?, M 15, 121, 125-I27 ATTEBURG, (? Altenberg), Cologne, Germany, K 49 AUVERGNE, France, M 201 62, 63 llAALBEC, Syria, L 39 llATH, Somerset, M I 132, 1340, I4I91 1553. 1585-158S, I592, 1594, IS23, 2I5I, 2300, 243S 13AYFORD, Kent, M 953, I956, I966, 2320, 23991 2400, 2410, 241 I, 2729, 2S32 BEAUVOISIN, Drome, France, M 95 BENGHAZI, North Africa, K 15 llERMO!IIDSEY, St"e LONDON. BITTERNE, Hampshire, M S46, IoiJ9, 1551 BORD1GHERA, Italy, M I24 13ow, set LONDON. BOXMOOR, Hertfordshire, M 2475, 2593, CHESTERFORD, GREAT, E~sex, M 5S2, 2446, 2563 CHICHESTER, Sussex, M 2I59 CHIPPING W,\RD'EN, Northamptonshire, M 2579 CINCELLI, see AREZZO. CIVITA LAVINIA, Italy, K 20 CLERMONT-FERRAND, Puy-de-Dome, France, M 25, 34. 42, 43. 46, so, 51, 59. 6I, 67, 6S, 791 So, IOQ-I02 1 116 120 COLCHESTER, Essex, K 65, M 390, ~7S, 479 519-52I, 566, 593,651, 707, 709, 713, 717, 729, 753. SJO, SJ6, SSJ, S66, 902, 910, 938, 999, Iool, 1079, 108o, roSS, 1343, 1344, 1558, 1559. 1597. !623, I654. !659. I678, I68J, 1691, I72S, I729, I743,- 1744. IS22, IS97. I902, 19JO, 1935. 1936, I946, 202I, 20S2, 20S9, 2100, 2I I2, 2I2o, 2170, 2173. 2176, 2IS2, 2213, 222I , 222S, 2262, 2311, 23J01 24I8, 2~191 2449, 2479, 2532, 2543, zs66, 2568, 2571, 2645-2649. ~652, 2656, 2657, 266o-2664, 2668, 26go-21J98, 2701, 2712-2714, 272~ 2725, 2739-2744 COLOGNE, K 39?, M 64, I2il CONFLANS, Marne, France, l\1 27, 132, I33, I51, I6I, 164-16S, I75 COPTOS, Egypt, L I56-158 CORBEIL, Marne, France, M I7I, 181, 1821 187 CORFU, L 2-6 COURTHEZON,Vaucluse, France, M 30, 137, I89 CRETE, L I CROCKH1LL, New Forest, Hampshire, M 26o726Q9, 2612, 2617, 2621, 2622 CUMBERLAND, M 2249 ; and see CARLISLL DYMCHURCH, Kent, M 2015, 2414 EGYPT, K 8-I 11 I4; and see N AUK.RA'l'IS. EPHESUS, K 53 EPPELSHEIM, Hesse, M 51 401 97 COPTOS,

1552, IS74. 2205, 2S31,

I 140,


C:\LV1, Italy, L 121, I22 CA111HRIDGESH1RE, M 2562; and see MELBOURN. CANOSA, Italy, K 76 ?, K 77 CANTERBURY, Kent, M 2417 CAPUA, L 54 CARLISLE, Cumberland, M 1555, 15S4, 2003, :ZOIO, 2225 CASTOR, Northamptonshire, M 103S CHARTERHOUSE, Somerset, M 1797 CHATHAM ; ue LUTON. CHESTER, M 1554

2 G



LONDON -&0111imlld.

ERI'fH, Kent, M 2545 Eupu:s Pas de Calais, France, M 55 EWELL, Surrey, K 66, M z95, 558, 905, 1o81, 1337, 1465, 1550, 1973, 2or4. 2497, 2653, 2683, 2704. 28ol' 28o7 EXETER, I 228,382,3,741,782,1341,1689, 1931, 1955. "ll8.j., 2307 2.p8, 2498, 2812



Kent, M 673?

TOW, Suffolk M 2366 foRm coRIDGE, Hamp hire, M :~6os,


2613, 2615, 2628-2630, 2640 rut. -ToN, Kent, M 2409

GI,OUCESTER, M i9h 611._ 1766 GuuRGA <(ON, Aube, France, M 17:l

H LS w, Kent, M 63o, 733, 856, 1825, 2317 HAR PKN PEN, Hertfordsbire, 1 20-j.O, 2o.p, 2057. 2058 HEH.P , Cbarente, France, 1 69-72 Hoo Ht L, Dor et, M 2o8, 246, 2-1-7, 284-286, 553. 799, 8o7, 979, 1932 Hoo ST. "VERBURGH, Kent, M 1751



K .j.l

lN"ERMAN, Crimea;

L 1 1-q, t6, 17 Jr wtcH, Suffolk, M 917


K.\1, MNO


K RPATKO 1 L 22 K RTCH, Russia, L 7- 101 15 K toos, L 23- 34

LA BUJEY, Rhone Valley, France, M 81

Aldermanbury, M 1143, 1303, 1473 Aldersgate Street, I 1644 Aldgate, M 1254, 1546, 1919 Austin Friars, M 2750 Bank of England, M 652 Barge Yard, M 1547 Basingball Street, f 824, 1322, 2154 Bell Alley, see Coptball A\enue. Benet' Hill, f 1258 Bermondsey ew Church Street), M z:z6, Jot, 391, P 5, 457, 464, 496, +98. s6s, 578, 18oo, 2-408 Billingsgate, I 1312 Billiter Street, M 6r8, 700, 1911, :zcoo, 2209, 2210 Bircbin Lane, M 1779 Bisbopsgate treet, M 497, 759. 117 , '-BJ, 1537, 1610, 1844; and sec Skinner Street. Blackfriars1 1\1 1394. t8t8, 2149 Blomlie\d Street, M 397, 81 :z, 908 B~>tolph Lane, 1. 366, 549 581, 585, 661, 997, 1059. lo66, 1128 1134, 1455. 1474. 1514, 1523, 1684, 2289, 2335, 2430, -459, 2519 Bow, t 2540, 2718 Bow Lane, r 1144, 1371, 14)3, 1630, ::!326 Bread Street, 11203,1255,1386,1511,2811 Bread Street Hill, M 1416, 2141 ; and s~e St. Nichola Olavc Churchyard. Broad Street, Old, M 310 1627, 1917 1933, 2004 (Excise Office), 2667 Budge Row, M t232, 2257, 2294 Dush Lane, M 2tJ6, 2186 Butcher Hall Lane (King Edward

LON DON -contin11ed.


LoN DON-continued.

Copthall Court, M 888 Cornhill, M 686, 690, 2365 Creed Lane, M 258o Cullum Street, M I420 Eastcheap, M 221, 317, 654, 663, 674, 73S, 790, 840, 844, 84S, 847. CJ09, 93I' I<XX), 1362, Sos, I831, I8 73, 2189 Eldon Street, M 913, 1635 Excise Office, ue Broad Street. Fenchurch Street, M 207, 219, 757, 1058, I704, 2048, 2200 Fish Street Hill, Old, M 1518, 1708, 2S04 Fishmongers' Ground, .ue Walworth Road. Fleet Ditch, M 433 Foster Lane, M 46o, 502, 523, 1053, 1626, 2153 Friday Street, M I350, 1769, 2286, 238S, 2552 General Post Office, see St. Martin-leGrand. Goodman's Fields, Whitechapel, M I404, I477 Gracechurch Street, M 385, 662, 732, 783, 978 Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, M 1220 Gresham Street, see Cateaton Street, Lad Lane, Maiden Lane. Grocers' Hall, M 659 Gutter Lane, M 1699 Haydon Square, M 8oo Haydon Street, M 592 Houndsditch, M 1355, 2009; and see Gravel Lane. Ivy Lane, M I Sol, 2468 Kent Road, M 1686 King Edward Street, see Butcher Hall Lane. King William Street, M 394, 679, 746, 761, I 879, 1892, 2840 Lad Lan~, M 1114, I35I, 1461, 1616, 1886, 1974. 1981, 2J6o Laurence Pountney Lane, M 2583 Leadenhall Street, K 73, M 220, 294, 421, 466, 518, S44, 584, 63s, 68o, 712, 772, 823, 8721 9301 9751 982, 1318-1332, 1426, 154G-I543, 1613, 1918, 19721 2013, 2285, 2303, 2482, 2574, 2577 Lime Street, M 209, 386, 716, 7791 86o, 941, 1811 Liverpool Street, M 2088, 2823 Lombard Street, M 354, 416, 1014, 1826, 1947. 2198, 2585 London Bridge, M 435, 721, 16o8, 1771, 2288, 2)87, 2650

London Street, M 447, 484, 591, 831, 2464, 285o London Wall, M 617, 619, 645, 653, 691, 817, 819, 881, 952. 1182, 1314, 1358, 1429, 1875?, 1896, 1962, 1992, 2047, 2o65, 2084?, 2092, 2094, 2148, 2301, 2316, .2484 Lothbury, M 313, 474, 525, 555, 568, 887, 918, 1099. 1159. 1277, 1281, 1438, 1513, 1544, 1736, 1877, 2001, 2o61, 2275,2293. 246o, 2483,2521, 2s22, 2H9, 2588, 2S89 Love Lane, M 304, 598, so6, 278o, 28o6 Maiden Lane, M 559, 1.~41 Mansell Street, M 1876, 1913, 2715-1717, 2757. 2758 Mansion House, M 48o Mincing Lane, M 28S2 Minories, M 355, 1o6o, 1998, 2505 ; and su Haydon Square and Street. Monkwell Street, M 776, 1309 Moor Lane, M 186o, 196o Moorgate Street, M 500, 771, 1o89, 1715, 2o66, :z8o5 New Street, Bishopsgate Street, L 166, M 1500 New Street, Holborn, M 9S6 New Church Street, see Bermondsey. Newcastle Street, M 2855 Newgate Street, M 2214, 2783 Noble Street, M 1920, 2135 Northumberland Alley, M 5 17 Old Bailey, M 215, 2822 Old Change, M 9~6 Old Ford, M 2445 Paternoster Row, M 291, 448, 1109, 1113, 1175, 1279. 1507-1509. 2102,2500, 2501, 2595. 2847 Philpot Lane, M 292, 331, 439, 76o, 1039, 1194, 1490, 2093. 2328, 2470, 2502, 2S03, 2551, 2848 Post Office, see St. Martin-le-Grand. Poultry, M 1466 Princes Street, M 430, 492, 576, 1335, 1949, 2114 Pudding Lane, M 1284 Q11een Street, M 2584; and seeM 886 Rood Lane, M 701, 1516, 198o Royal Exchange, M 491, 56o, 589, 664, 1127, I 174, 1747, 2128, 2846 Saddlers' Place, M rooo, 1688, 2487, 2518 St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, site of, M 238, 1528, 1869, 1870, 1882,2453-2455 2 G 2




Lo DON-t:OIIfbwed. t. Helen' Great, suM 886 St. Martin-le-Grand and General Post Office, M 567, 1383, 2762, 2799, 2841 St. Mary-at-Hill, M 476, 477, 563, 16o6,16~9, '7 t8, 2087, 2103, 2164,2203, 2327, 2379 St. Mary-le-Bow, .M 1453 St. Nicholas Olave Churchyard, M 2~37, 2590 St. Paul's Churchyard, ~r 873, uzo, 1675, 1859. 2163, 2432, 27)2 St. Swithin's Church, Cannon Street, l\l 758, 871 t, Swilbin's Lane, M 837, rt73, 1838 1888, 1997. :!199 St. Thomas Apostle, Great, M 1101 Seething Lane, M 522, 557, 138y Shoe Lane, f 698, 1990 ' kinner Street, Bishopsgate, M 1 14 t Southwark, L 16o ?, L 162 ?, M 440, 575, 596, 597. 6o8, 1576, 2024-, 2007, 2219, 2234, 2390 Specified sites :Bear Lane, M 2536 High Street, M 333, 475 Kent Street (now Tabard Street), M 1906 Long Lane, M 1476, 1619, 2083, 2356 St. George's Church, M 2533 St. Margaret' Hill, High Street, M 199~ St. nviour's Church, M 2031 2o6, 388, 413, 424, 6os, 633, 646, 683, 694, 710, 723, 7'1.6, 822, 826, 834, 835, 839, 854. 858, 867, 8g6, 906. 932,6, 9~!J , !lOS, 1131, 1135, 1289, J.l.ll, t679, 1793, t8o6, 1855, t868, 1945. ::oss. :l:!ll, 2333,2339.2397

Thread needle Street, M 768, JJ so, 13 to, 1377, 14 1618, 17091 17301 :UQ91 ZI26, 2329, 2436, 2591 Tokenhou e Yard, K 74. M I rs6, I8I4, 22')0, 2374. 2499, 2582, 2642, 2730 Tower, M rsoz, I89S, 2031 Tower Royal, Cannon Street, M 279 Tower Street, M 2351,2458; and see Water Lan. e. Trinity Square, M 2550 Walbrook, 1\l 418 Walworth Road, M :z66S Waterloo Brirlge, M 1408 \Vater Lane, M 153:!1 1971 vVhite Hart Yard, Bi hopsgate Street, M 961 \Vood Street, I 65o, 762, 765, 973, 13o6, 131 t, 1944, 2056, ztgo, 2461, 2576 \ oolwich M 2541,2710, 27Jr, ~759 LORIOL Vaucluse, France, L 1:!~ 1 126, M 36, 38, 48, 53. 6o LUTON, Chatham, Kent, M 24-01, 2402, 2~12 Lv lPNE, Kent, M 23, 2462, 2474. 2564, 259-J
l\1,\LADREDll::, set: RHEI lS. MARCAT1 Kent, M 1987 JOW v (River), Kent, M 1943

M!!:tX-TIERCEI.tN, Mamc, France, M 148, ISJ, 158 176 MELBOURN1 Cambridge hire, M 9151 1648, 1944, 1969 1989, 199;. 2415 MELFORD, LONG, uffolk, l\1 1615 fER EBURC, Saxony, M 1')0 MILOENBALL1 Suffolk, M 2546 M u RSTON, Kent, M 402, 613, 1338, 1795, 2377,



' TANAGRA, K 1, 2? PAPHOS, Cyprus, K 6 T.-\PLow, Bucks, M 2838 PARIS, M 103, 106, 107 TARSUS, L 36-38 PETERBOROUGH, M 2443, 2734 THARROS, Sardinia, K 16, 17, L 44-52 P01x, Marne, France, M 66, 149, 150, 154, THERA, K 4 157, 159. 77 THURROCK, WEST, Essex, M 1741 PO~I PEII, K 57?, M 7-10 TORRE ANNUNZIATA, Italy, L 8o, 89, 135, Puzzuou, K 21, 56, 57?, 61, L 73-76

140, 144, 147, M 6, 17, 18

RHEIMS, Marne, France, M 32, 39, 94, 147, TwYWELL, Northamptonshire, M 2444 UPCHURCH, Kent, M 1087, 1417, 1549, 1673,

RHEINZABERN, Germany, l\1 104 RHINE, Germany, K 39, M 141-146 RIRCHESTER, Lancashire, M 2774 ROCHESTER, HIGH, Northumberland, M 2394 ROME, K 18, L 83-85 ?, L 148-152, M 82-83?, M III? RouFFV, Marne, France, M 174 ST. ROCHE, Somme, France, K 37 SAND\', Bedfordsbire, M 401 SEAFORD, Sussex, M 2748 SEA MILLS, Gloucestershire, M 897, 2312 SIEGEN, Transylvania, M 90. SI1TINGBOURNE, Kent, M 1655, 2448, 2544,

1985, 2017, 2643. 2644, ?.658, 2659. 2670

2~, 2700

VAISON, Vaucluse, France, L 170, M 33,41 VERPILLIERES, Aube, France, M 47 WATER NEWTON, Hunts, M 1365, 1942, 2018,

2572, 276o
SOUTHFLEET, Kent, M 17 SOUTHWARK, sec LONDON. SOUTHWICK, Sussex, M 2020 STOW, WEST, Suffolk, set MILIJENHALJ.. STROOD, Kent, M 2745-2747, 2749 SUSSEX:, M 629, 649, 1339, 1418, 2785; and set CHICHI\:STER, SEAFORD, SOUTHWICK, WORTHING.

2442, 2486, 2488-2493, 2523-2530, 2542, 2736, 2836 WEYMOUTH, Dorset, K 67, M 46z, 463, 2671, 2672, 2687-2689 WINGHAM, Kent, M 1463, 1668, 2413 WnTENHAM, LONG, Berkshire, M 2565
WOOLWICH, stt LONDON. WORTHING, SltS!;eX, M 2226 \VROXETER, Shropshire, M 2534 XANTEN, Germany, M 4 YORK, M 1054, 1353, 1556, 2195

; .






I 2029 614, 615 1 927 ACCIL1NUS1 M 1933 CF.R, M 1935 ACICR01 M 1934 CUR 101 M 2030 ACU IILLU , M 1757 ADjtJTOR I 1758 ADVOCISU ' 1 M 1640, 1748 AELIANUS, M 19361 1937 AEt.IU. L 147 A ELUCJUs{?), M 2764 AEMlLl S, M 1835 A TIVUS M 1837, 19381 203133 AF.SU~tLlU , M 2765 AE'rEJt. u 1 I 2034 AGKDILLU M 18381 2238 LHANUS1 M 17591 1839-41 - - -, Sex., M t76o ALBILLUS M 2035, 2036 A!.lliNULUS, M 2771 LlH o , M 984. 1}96, 1000 - - - -, (on mortarin1, M 2766-2770 ALIJ CIA'US, M 16.11 - 43, 1674 1678, 1679 ALIIUCIUS, M 1469, 1470, 1005, 16-14, 1749 At. IU I M 1842

CACA rus1 1 :lo6r CADDlRO, M 1854 CAETRONIUS VER 51 1 185 5 CAt.AVA, M 1765, 1943 CA LENU I M 2239 CALETUS, M tiJ9t, 161}5 ATILIANUS, M 16o6, 1645, CALUS1 M 2002 t681 -8~ 1752- 54 CALVUS, M 62o-626, 793, 79 h ATI'ALU I 1 1844 930 ATTIA."fU M 784 CAliiARO, M 2763 CMfBU , M 1944, 2003 A'l'TICU ' M 79 910 A'rnso, M 1762 CANA s, M 2004 CAPRASIOS, M 2321 ATIIU J L 43 AUCELLA, M 2042 C RANT! S, M 1629 AUG TALl 1 M 2318 CARA TIU , M 16o8-1o AUGUSTINU , 1 2319 CARA 'U , M 163o, 1945 CARA'liDO, M 2005 AUS1'FJI.I M 11491 1471, 1685 AVENTJNU 1 M 1646, r686 CARATILL S, M 1611, 16, AVILL!US, L., L 6 1 148 16<}7, 1755 AVITUS, M 6, 785,911-915 CARATIU ' M 2o66 CARBO, M 1766-6<} B LBINUS, 1 1763 CARILLUS, M 301 931 BALB s, M 619 CARISSO, oi 2839 BA NOLUCCU 1 M 2043-46 AR01 M 1946 BANUU~ M 42, 2014? CARUCATUS, M 1770 BASS , M 4, 786- 791, 916, CARUSSA1 M 2007- 70 CA IAN U., M 1856,18571 20 71 917, 929 BELENICCUS1 M 1764, 1845- CA T 1 M124 7 37i16o9,627,978 48, 19~0 ?1 20t7- 5 I C.\SURIU , M 1947, 1948 (ATA EK.TUS, M 20]2 BIGA, M 1941, 2052

ARD cus, M 783 ARtCI , M 1627 ARRO, M 1940 1 NIU. , M 2377 ATEIUS CN., L 123, 1.!4 TENAE S1 l\1 :!::>40 2041

H.-INDEX OF POTTERs' NAMES. CEROTICUS, M 2076 I DA!'.IINUS, M 2230 CETUS, M 1858 ! DA~IONUS, M 8o, 610, 638, CHRESiMUS, M 20201 2077, 799, Boo, 979 2078 DECIMUS, M 1707, 1708 CHROIRO, M 1950 DECUMINUS1 M 1774, 1775, CJNSAMUS, M 1051, 1127, lo, 1961 110, 112, 1354-1361, DIGNUS, M 2324 1472, ss1, 1564, s6s, 1 D1v1c.uus, M 1962, 2092-95 16o4, 17o, '75' D1v1cus, M 177u-2o96 . DIVIXTULLUS, M 1656 CJNTUGENUS, M 1951 CINTUSMUS, M 16o-52, 1702; . DIVIXTUS, M 1038, 1153, 1154 see also M 1653, 1654 Doccws, M 1963 CJNTUSSA, M 1703 - - - - (mortaria), M 278o CIRRUS, M 1859, 1952, 2079 DOECCUS, M 1031, 1054, 1155, 1364, 1657, 1675 CI.ADIUS, Sex. M., L 142-144 DOMITIANUS, M 2301 CLEMENS, M 1953 CORNERTUS,M 1473,1613,1704 DO!'.IlTUS, M 1777, 2097 (DoCOCCILLUS, M 2o8o, 2o81 metes) Coc.uRo, M 1614?, 2082-84 DoNNAucus, M 1863-72, 2098 COCURUS, M J86o DUPPIUS, M 2099 Cocus, M 31 COELIUS, M 4. 634 ELVILLUS1 M 2101 COLONUS, M 373, 796 ELVINUS, M 1778 COMITIAI.IS, M 2281, 2282, EPULISCUS(?), M 2409 2293-95 EQu~:sTER, M 2100 COMPRINNIUS, ;\{ 2o85 ERRIMUS, M 1873 CONDIUS, M 1773, 1954 EscUSIUS, M 196~ CoNGlUS, M 1955, 2o86 CONSTANS, M 2347, 2348 FAI!IUS (?), M 2231 CORNF.LIUS, P., L SS, S6, 94, FEI.ICIO, M 6 4 2, 6 43 J6o FELIX, M 375-377. 644~46, COS\XTJsus, M 2o87 8o1, 933, 934 CuSlUS RUFINUS, M 997 - - - SEVERUS(?), M 647, - - - RUTJNt.:S, M c;Ss, 986 8o2, 8o3 - - - VIRILIS, L., M 988, FEROX1 M 1874 998 FESTUS, M 1965 Corro, M 1861 - - - , SEx. M. , L 140, 1.p CRACIS.-\, M 1956, 2088 FIRMO, M 989, 990 CRACUSA, M 1957, 2o89, 2090 FIRMUS, M 2283, 2325 CRESTIO, M 209, 374 FLAVUS, M 1474 CRF.STUS, M 33. 554.635-637. FLORENTINUS, M 2312,2351 797, 798 FRONTINUS, M 289, 648-650, CRICIRO, M 1655 8o4. 935 CRJSPUS, c .. L 172 CRUCURO, M 1362,1363, 1614?, G .UUS, M 1875 GALBINUS (?), M 1876 1705 GALLINus; M 1877 CUCALUS, M 1862 GELLIUS, L., L 2, 150 CUCCILLUS, M 1958, 1959 CURCIUS, M 2091 GEMINUS, M 162o, 171o-I.Z, 2241 GEMMATus, M 1966, 2102 DAGODUBNUS, M 2349, 2350 DAGOMARUS, M 1615-19,1631, GENIALIS, M 2313, 2314, 2337 GENITOR, M 1658, 1713-15 1700


GERMANUS, M 6o8, 651, 652, Bos, 8o6 GSATO, L. C., M 2019 GRACCHUS, M 2103 GRANIANUS, M 1967, 1C)(i8 GRANIUS, M 1716 HAIHLIS, M 1969, 2104 H~:I.ENUS, M 2326 H ERACLIUS (?), L 40 HIBIUS (?), .M 1970 lASSO (or lAssus), M 2352 li.I.IOllfARUS, M 1659 1717 lMPRITUS, M 2100, 2107 ISACHUS, L 136 INDERCILLUS, 1\l 2105 INGENUUS, M 653, 654, 807 j I NTUS (?), M 98 jANUARIUs, M So8, 8o9 jANUS, M 456 jUCUNDUS, M 810 jULIUS, M 266 ~--- FIRMI.cus, C., L 13o, 131 - - - G., M 1971 I 1 ---PRIMUS, M 655 . jULLINUS, M 1621, 1718 jUSTUS, M 1475, 1676, 1719 jUVENALIS, M 1779 KALENDIUS, M 2108 LABIO, M 3o6, 811, 918 LALLIUS, M 2021 LATINUS, M 2109-1 I LAXTUCISA, M 1365, 1598 LEGITIMUS, M 95, 189 LIBERTUS, M 82, 105, 1632, 1633 ' LIRSt:S (?), M 5 LICINUS, M 378, 379, 656, 657 LILLUTIUS, M 93 LILTANUS, M 2338 LITTERA, M 1972, 1973 . LITUGENUS, M 2112 (mortaria), M 2781, II 2782? Locco, M 2113 LoGIRNus, M 658-661 LORIUS, M 178o LOTTIUS, M 1974

I -----


t r(EODILtU , M 201 1 308, 334, 3So-8:z, 400 l\l mETUS M 1783-86,2135 !\II':L s, M ~791, 279::; and suM 2764 Srt' M EM R 1 M 672 1 Bzo, 821 MF.RCATOR, M 2305 2341, 2342, 2356 MACCAt.U , I 2117 1ETTIUS, M 1787, t88r, 2136 MACSR, l\1 34, 664, 937 Ilceto M 1882, 1883 MACERATU I M 2118 MINU 0 1 M 2137 MACRIA U, M :!119 Ml UTIU , M 1981 1ACRINUS, M 665, 938-9 p MOD~'.STU ' M 6o6, 673-(j79 M u o , l\1 2302, 2354 822-827 MAJOR, M 166o, 1661 M tMo, M 28, 68o, 828-830, M l..LEDO, M 212o-22 952, 953. 99~ MAl.LIACIJ , M 1781 (?), 2123 Mo. TA u M g6, 831 MAI..LlO , M 1978 Mo TICU , M 832-834 MAt..LUI:tO, M 1878 Mo ru', M 1727 J\IALLURU , 1 2124 MOXIU', ~1 1662 MAMMILlA 'U , 1 2340 MUNATIUS1 Pfi1LMON1 L., f DVJLUS, M 8121 942 K 50 l\1 NNEIUS, L 134 MUAAAN1J , M 383, 68r, 682, MANSUETU. J M 813,920, 943835 836 l\1 UXTULLUS1 M 2138,2139 946 M R ELLINUS, M 1782, 2125, 2ZZ81 2Z29 N EVlU (?), :M 1917 RCELLU , M 1879, r88o, NAMILIA U, M 1728- 30 2 126-29 N 1' \LL M 2327 NEP , M 2232 MAR US, M 921, 947 M Rl. us, M 1913 Nt<:Q R s, M 1884-87 - - - - (morlaria), M 2783- NERTIU , M 1888 NESl.OR, M 683 85 M RlU (Arretine), L 152 NrcF;PHORU , M 1788, 2140 - - - (Rutcnian) ?, M 259 NICIAS 1 [ 41 l\L\RSU J M 983, 991, 999 Nt >R M 355, 356, 6o7 684, L c.niU , I, 1975, zozz L c '1CS, M 662, 663 L PIN S, M 1976, 1977 LL'PP.\ 1 M :!114-16 Lr.;rus l l9 936 LLTTAEU , I 2339, 2353; also M 2242

P ASSIENU , M 385-387, 6r2, 694, 695 n;. 8H PATER 1 .1Nu., t 1986, 1987, 2023,2223 PATERI,;LO, M 1790-95, 1890, 1987 PATERN1JS,M43,67, 8t,ll51, ''57, 1463, 1635, 1663-65, 1677, 1731, 1732 PATNA, M 1891, 1988,2225 PATRICUS,M 32,696-702,855. 856, 923, 954-956 PA1"l'U (?), M 2144 PAULUANU , M 198<) 2024 PAULI..US (Ruteniao), M 857, 858, 981 (Lczoux), M 1747. 1756 PAtrLu M 2794 PECULIA R! , M 1990>2 145-48, 2217? PENTILIU M 1796 1797 PEREGRINUS1 1 1798, 1799 P ER.EN IU M., L 58, 95, 99 tor, 102, 109 II i' PERRU f 1892 PISSIUS (?), M r8oo, 18o1 Pu EAS, M 2795 POLIO, M 18o2, 18o3 PON1'EJUS, M 703-7o6 Po '1'1U , M 707-7 10,859-865, 957 POTITIANU , ~ 1804, 1991 PoTT ACU. (?), M 21 50 PR 0, M 2796 PR!OI NU, M 2151-53


QUADRATUS, M 1993 QUARTUS, M 388, 717, 718, 867 QUIETUS, M 2357 QUINTINUS, M 2025 QUINTUS (Rutcnian), M 868, 869, 900-963, 982 - - - - (Lezoux), 1\1 1737, '738 RASINIUS, see 0PILIO. - - - - - PISANUS, L., L 138, 139 RERURRIUS, M 1994, 2158-6o REDITUS, M 199;, 2161, 2162 REGALIS, M 19, 216) REGINUS, M 23<XH:x}, 2316, 2328, 2329, 2358, 23S9 REGULINUS, M 2330 REGULUS, M 18o8, 2164 REGUSSIUS, M 2165 RESTITUTUS, M 233I RIPANUS, M 2797, 2798 RITOGENUS, M 1997 Rooo, L I I2 ROPPUS, M 1998 ROTTUS, M 1809 RUF~'US, M 870 ?, 925 RUFINUS, M 389-392, 87I, 872, M 719, 720, 873-876 RUTAENUS OR RUTENUS, M 721-723, 877 SABELI.US, M 1894 SARINIANUS, M 2332, 2333, 2343. 2300 SABINUS, M 267; 354, 393, 724-726, 878-8&>; and su S89 SACER VASILIUS, M 1637, 1638, 1739 SACERO, M 1999 SACIANTRUS, M 2166 SAI.ARIUS, M 727 SALRI:-!US, M 1810 SALVETUS, M 401 776 SAI.VIUS, M 88! SANTIANUS, M 2000 SANVILJ.IUS, M 7026 SARENTIUS, M 2001 SARIUS SURUS, L., M I SATTOS, M 236I SATUR!'IINUS, 174D-42



- - - - - (mortaria), M 2803 SF.CUNDILLUS, M 2223 SECUNDINUS, M 2317, 2334 Sr.cUNDUS (Arretinc), L 167 - - - - - - (Rutcnian), M 394,
728-733, 4, 993 882-885, 926,

TETTIVS CRIIO, L., L 129 TETTUR, M 1904, 1<)05 TIGRANES, L 109, II I TITTICUS, M 2186 TITTIUS, M 2187 TITURO, M 1814,2188--90 TITURUS, M 2009 TITUS, A., L 106 TRAUSIUS VALENS, M 28o6 UMBRICJUS, L 126, 1:!7 UPPIUS, CL., M 2191 URBANUS, M 28o7 VAGIRUS, M zoro, 2192 VALERIUS, M 397 - - - - - C . , SEX., M 2810 - - - - - - ESUNERTUS, M 28!8 - - - - SE., Q., M 28o8, 2809 - - - - - TUNKRIUS, M 2811 - - - - VERANIUS, Q., M 2812-16, 2817? VASSILIUS, M 1831 VAXTIUS, M I~8, 19:!3? VEGETIUS, M 1745 VENERANDUS, M ISIS VENICARUS, M 2335, 2362 VERECUNDUS, M 1626, 1639, 1746 VERTECISA, M 2193 VESPO, M 2011, 2194 VESTIUS, M 2195 VIIIJENUS, L 44, 110 VIBINUS, M 351 VICTORINUS, M 2344 Vmucus, M 1816, 1817,2197-

- - - - - (Lczoux ?), M 2243 - - - - - - (mortaria), M 28o4 SEDATIANUS, M 2167 SEDATUS, M 1895, 2168 SENECIO, M 886
s~:Nicw, M 39S. 887, 888 SENILA, M 18, 1897, 216g, 2170 SENNIUS, M 2171 SENTRUS, M 734 SERVIUS, M 2172 SEVERIANUS, M 2002 1 2003 SEV.ERINUS, M 200.j., 2027 SEVERUS, M 307,396,735-741, 88g-8, 965--9 - - - - PUDENS, M 742 SEXTIUS, P., L 132 SEXTUS, M 1811, 2173-76 SILVANUS, M 897,898,970,971 StLVINUS, M 743-747. 972 SILVIUS, M 899-902, 973 - - - , C., M 1812 -- -- , PATRICUS, M 748,


749 SOLLEMNIS, M 1743, I744 SOLLUS, M 2799-28o2, 28o5, M 2177 SULPICIANUS, M 2oo6, 2007 SuLPicms, M 75o, 7SI SUORNILLUS, M 1898, 2178 SURIUS, M 2179 T ANCONUS, M 218o TASGILLUS, M 1899-1901, 2181, 2182 TAURIANUS, M 1902, 2183 TAURICUS, M 2008,2184,2185 TELLIUS, C., L I 14 TERTIOLE., ?, M 1903 TERTIUS, M 752-754 - - , SECUNDUS, L., M I813 TETTIUS, M 755


99 VIRILIS, M 756-76o, 974-976 VIRILLIUS, M 17, 903 V!RONJUS, M 220D-04 VIRTUS, M 613, 761, 762, 904 VITALIS (Rutenian), M 29, 398, 399, 763-774, 90SSOt), 977, 994 - - - (Lezoux), M 2224 VOGENUS, M 220S VORUS, L I70 VOSECUNNt:S, M 2.zo'S XANTHUS, L 42, 16g, L 4S, 12S, 171



[Unintelligible inscriptil)ns are omitted.]

A dust ullortm nali tilt crtdas mti, M 121 'Ayu8ijr TVX'It 'Aptr"'ti'lt ,.,>..n&'Aqxw, K 77 A 1/Ullllium, M 179 Avnor p.v>..of/m (?), M 2838 Allui, M r826 A udax, M r ;95 A tmtn . . manu, M 644
Bnu&Aiwr DTO>..fp.nlnu ,.&A~>~ro,.npnr, K 76
Bi!Jt, M 36,

Kaku, L 38

L. jul. Stttis crocod. ad aspr., M 2028 Lugudu(m') facltt(s), M 2819

Mac .. , M 59 Mommuli, M 2837

P. Pr. 1., M 2827

Paul/us, M 1827 Ptlro11(ius), M 2219 RtjJit, M I 44 RtjJit copo da (vtizum), M 147 Rtslilula, M 741 Smuna,M1668 Sinr n . . ., M 2237

Cali, L 125 C)op[o; M 2452 Da vinum, M 142 Da vita(m), M 2445 D(t)o .Mtrcurt'o, M 2761 Dom ... . , M 1832 F(aclus) Lugudu(nt), M 2820-22 Ftcil, M 1912, 2823-25 Fdictda, M 2218 Ftlh:, M I 43




ACHILLES, K 31 I 148, 1200, 1208-11, 1324, 1325, 1348, ACROSTOLION, M 1523, 1524 1352,1376,1597. 2289? ACTOR, L 75? AsKos, K 1, 4, 15, 25-28,34, 39, 40 AJAX, M 6c} A THEN,\, M 46, I 21, 542 ?, 1039, 1052, 1220, AKTAEO~, M 64 12::!1 1 1230?, 1264, 1270?, 1314?, 1352, ALEXANDER THE GREAT, L 101 tJSo, 138t ?, 1405, 1449, 1450; bust of(?), ALEXANDRIA, f:\ience ware of, K 1 ; and see M 1131 p. xi ATHLETE, M 53?, 1050 ALTAR, K 76, L 93, 95, to:z, M 111,431 ?, ATHLETIC CONTF.STS, M Io8 543.1025, Jo64, 1148, 1154?, 1182?, 1418?, AUTUMN, L 54 AXE, L IDJ, M 1185, 1528 1504, 1571, 2363 AMAZON, M 99, 1320, IJ 79, 1485-8; 'A11a~vpl~r, M 2371 BACCHUS, set DfONVSOS. ANKH, M 1281 BALE of cloth?, L 105 ANUBIS, M 1281 BANASSAC, fabric of, M 36-38 ; and see p. xxxii BANQUET SCENE, L 109, M ss APE, M 1434 BARBOTINE technique, K 62, 63, L 15-17, APHRODITE, L 94, M 56, 103, 109, 542 ?, 1052-54. I 129, 1134. 1168, 1248, 1278?, 49-52, M t15, 127- 140, 2365-67, 2372, 1282?, 1324?, 1354. IJSS. IJI)0-92, 1438, 2373. 2375. 2376, 2397-2443. 284D-44 ; and set p. Iii 1443 ?, 1452, I 512, 1514, I 599?, 2252, 2284? APOLLO, M 59, III, 421, 1150, 121;, 1216, ' BASKET, L 54, M 1261, 1312, 1002, 1004; and see CALATHOS. 1229, 1255, 1284?, 1333, 1339, 1340, 13~6, BATTLEAXE, see AXE. 1377. 1392, 1424, 1512, 2289 APPI.ES from garden of Hesperides, M 1204, BEAR, M 70, 83, 88, 400, 487 ?, 5 I 5? 566, 107 I, I 141 ?, I 146? 1100 ?, 1316 ?, 1325, 1328, 1214 APPLIQUf: RELIEFS, K 29, M 115-120, 23651377. 1463, 1464, 1466, 1477. 1478, -1491, 76 ; and see p. xlvii 1504, rsoS?, 1549. I550, 1555. 1557. 1568, ARCH as decorative motive, L 55, 138, 155, 1582 BEE, K s M 20, so, 59, 91, 101, 241, 429, 439, 441BELGIC WARE, M 2377, 2839; and seep. xlviii 443, 539, 556, 557, 1025, 1026, IOJI 1 1o66, 1074, I 102, I 125, I 167, 1433-62, I 577 ?, BESTIARIUS, L I 57 ?, I 58, M 434 519, 534. I S84 ?, 2252, 2284-86 58o, 59 3 ?, 1171-74, 1184, 118 5, 1254 ?, 1491 ?, 1557 ?, 228o? ARCHER, M 3o8, 351,363 ?, 536, 550 ARCHITECTURE. See BUILDING, COLU!'.fN, BIG,'\, L So?, M 24. 365, 512, 524, 1219, 1282, SHRINE, TEMPLE, IJI5 1 1p2, 1547, 1581 ARES, M 12 I, 228o ? ; and set WARRIOR. BOAT, K 46 Bow, M 1148, 1301 ; and set ARTEMIS. ARIADNE, L 94 BoXERS, M to8, 126c}? AR~GUARD, L 34. M 57. 63, 122, 41 t, 424, BUILDING, M I 10; and Stl' SHRINE, TEMPU:. 425, 440, s?S, 5 to, 520, 537. 538, 541, BULL, K 34. M 52?, 434. I 184-86 1287-90. 1294. 1297. 1298, 1464, 1526, BuLL-FIGHT, M 434, 111!4, 1185 1544. 1561, 1576 ARRETINE WARE, L 1-172 ; and set p. xiii ff. ; BUST, male, M 1o66; female, M 38, 47, 1131, imitation of?, M 2363 2254 ARSINOE, K 76, 77 CADUCEUS-pattern, M 53, 1003, 1114, 1319, ARTEMIS, M 64, 365, 412, 421, 522, 527, 528, 531, 557. 1038, 1045. 1046, 1051, ross, 1389, 1395. 1435. 2263, 2267



CAKE, M 1369 CALATHOS, L 81 ; head-dress in fonn of, L 108; and su BASKET. CALIGAE, M 1601, 2370 CANDELABRUM, M 1204, 1232, 1261, 1277, CRUCIFORM PATTERNS, ~~

201 22 ?, So, 242592 and 1044-1596 passim.



1436, 1437, 14p, 1443 ?, 1444 Z'-198; and L IPSTAND. CAPRICORN, M 50 CAPTIVE, :1 n88--9r, 1194. 1~99, 1443, 1536 CARCHESION, 1 1349 CART, L 94. lOS CARYATID, M 59 1038, ro;S, 1227, 1233 1234 1253. 1264, 1:!79. 1310?, 1]6], 1405, 1418, 1438 CASTANETS, L 103 C TOR WAR, M 2479-2536 ; and su p. I. CE TAURES I 127), 1464, I 525 CF. T , see FA 'CIA PECTORALIS. CHAIR, M 115o, 1377, ::!J70; and see SEAT. CH RIOT, L 79. 90. 94. 105, M 1S47. 1572, 2479; and see HtGA, Q ADRICA ; model of, K 47 CHARI TEER1 L 90, M 1521 15471 :!479 CHARIOT-RACE, M 2479 CIHT N (, L 103, 104, M 435, 523, 557 1252 1267, 1354, 1375 2372 CJPPUS, M 1032, 1052, I 129, 1276, 1512 1514 1571 CLUB of Herakles, M 1310 COCK, M 56, to8, 357, H]S, 1179-81, 1347, 1407, 1431 1443. '59' '594 CocK-FlOHT, M 1o8 CoL rN, L 7, 54 55, 71, 1 r4, 138, r 55, 1 23, 24 59, 8&, 102,513, IOS8, to66, 1o67 1155 1 JI8o1 12041 1211 1 1218, 12)91

93, 153 217, 243, 253, 294, 403, 405, 407, 1096-<JS, uo6, 11o8 1116, 1125, 1364 Cy~nus (play), M 121 c MllAL, L 64, g6, 97,99


male, L 104, M. 1203, 1247, IJ)o?, 1420; female, K 13, L 103, 1o8, M 1041, 1042, 1o65, r 12o, 1213, 1249, 1'2.70- 72, 1298, 1329, 1335. '341, 1393. '454. '457, 151t, 15161 1518, 1599; doubtful, M 1237, 1363, 2291 j and .ue MAENAD.

DEER, see ARTEMI S. DEVERSORIUM1 I 2238- 47, 2397, 2579, 258o;

and see M 59z, 1596



Dro v o , L 94, 115 ?, M 497, 524, 1338,

1352, 1389, 14)1, 1458?, 1468, 1511? ; birth of, L 93; mask of, M 117? DIOTA, M to8 DRlNKINC-HORN, M IJ25 1337, 1468 DUCK, M 1023, 10::!4, 1178, 1378 ; Ya e in form or, K1
EA LE1 L 162, M 44, 28o, 293, 321, 329, 341,

355, 359, 36o, 411 ? 444, 450, 490, f I p, 1505; of Zeus, M 121 EARRING , gilt, K 7 ; modelled, M 129 EELr, M 89 EMBA 'V TO ACHILLES, K 32 ENA!IJEL- GLAZE seep. xi. ERo -, K 1, 8, 9, 1o?, 29, 30, L 7, 55, 94. no 161 M no?

FISHERMAN, M 59, 414, 590? FLEUR-DE-LYS ornament, M 1376, 1400, 14o8 FLUTES, L 62, 63, 94, 95, 103, 104, 138 ?, M 436, 1266, 1315, 1402, 1548, 1598, I599 FOOT-shapcrl stamp, L 2-4, 6, 43, 127, 13o132, 134. 139, J.P-147. I5o-12 Fox(?), M 56R FR!::E STYLE (Rutenian), M 366-370, 558-592; (Lezoux), M 1463-1563; and sec p. xxxiv. "FRILLED" VASES, M 275o-56, 2800; and s.:e p. !iii. FRUIT, .M 1038, 1002, Ioo~; and see APPLES. HARPOCRATES, L 155 HATCHED PATTERNS, l\1 155-172, 2674-2733, 2846-57 HECTOR, M 69 HELMET of Gladiator, K 49 HEPHAISTOS, M 1267, 1354, 1375 HERAKLES, K 18, 19, 51, L23 ?, 28?, 94, 159?, M 53?, 85 ?, 121, 412, 1148 ?, 1202, 12o4 o7, 1214, 1352, 1386 ?, 1402, 1437 ?, 1442 ?, 1446, 1570, 2369 ?, 2370? HERMES, M 552, 1158 HERON, M 1050, 2261? HESPERIDES, garden of, L 23 ?, l\1 412, 1204, 1205, 1214, 1570; apples from, M 1204, 1214 HIERODOULOS?, L 108 HORSE, M 67, 1040, 1077, 1387, 1463, 1470 1532, 1555, I 594 HORSEMAN, L 83, M 548, 1118, 1323, 1416, 1463, 1484, 1486, 1510, 1531, 1534, I5J5 1 1537, 1539, 1546, 1554, 1555, 158o HUMAN HEAD or face as decoration of vase, M 129, 2757--t,2 HUNTER, M I 10, I 142 HUNTING-SCENE, L 66, 101, M 621 591; and seeM 1463, 1464, 1466, 1467, 1546 ICHNEUMON?, M I 187 IMPRESSED decoration, M 155-172, 2734-2749 INCISED decoration, M 155-172, 2380"'96 267o-2733 JUDGMENT OF PARIS?, l\1 109 jULIUS SENEX, L. (oculist), .M 2028 jUMPER, M 100 KANTHAROS, K 6, L 57; L 77, M 1038, 1061, 1352, 1391 ?, 1468, 111, 1548 KID, L 54 KITHARA, L 73, 107 ; and see LYRE. KOTYLE, K 2, 3, 31-33, 36, L 15 KRATER, L 54. 15<)-161, M 1001 ; L 7 ?, 31, 32, 75, 97, 98, 107, r66, M 1264, 1284, 1299?, 1302,1391 ?, 1433?, 1452,1519 KRATEROS, L 101 KpowrCa, L 103, 104 Kvux, K 29, 30 LAGENA, M 131, 147 LAMP, K 49--t,1 LAMPSTAND, L 54, 73, M 432 ?, 1132, 1328; and see CANDELABRUM. LANX, L 123

GALLEY, 1\l 123, 124, 1542, 1556 GAULISH bowman, M 308; horseman, M 548; shield, l\1 548 GERMAN WARES, M 90-99, IO.J, 128-130, 141146, 2251-2362, 2445-59; and see pp. xxxv, xlix. GIANT(?), M 65 GLADIATOR, L 157, M 3, 47, 51,122,409,411, 423-425, 428, 445, 446, 507, 508, 516, 517, 20, 539-541, 1052, 1123, 1187 ?, 1216, 1286, 1291, 1292, 1294. 1331, 1334. 1344. 1345. 1403 ?, 1464, 1526, 1533 ?, 1545. 1561, 1576-7R, 1001, 2251, 2485; helmet of, K 49 ; and see RETIARlUS, SAMNITE, SECUTOR, THRAX. GLADIATORS, COMBAT OF, K 44, L 34, M 23, 2, 47. 57. 63, 100, 123, 411, 422, 434.440, 473. 4Q6, 497, 502, 510, 517, 535. 537. 538, 581, 1286-90, 1293, 1295, IZ97 1 1298,1321, 1526, 127, 1544. 161 GLASS used for ornamentation, K 62-64; technique, imitating, see p. xlviii. GOAT, M 17, 45 ?, 352, 1036?, 1112, 1136,1141, 1369 ?, 1400, 1419, 1466 ?, 1488 ?, 1493 1497?; head of, M 68 GOODESS, winged, L 73; unknown, M 1222 GoosE, M 44, 283 ?, 302 ?, 329 ?, 364 ?, 47 4, 483 ?, 559 ?, 5, 1023, 1075 ?, 1105, 2418; and see SWAN. GORGONEION, see MEDUSA. GRASSHOPPER?, M 313 GRAUFESENQUE, fabric of LA, M 4-35, 124127, 201-IOoo, 2378, 2379; and see pp. xxix ff., xlvii. GREYHOUND, M I202 GRYPHON, M 283, 284, 287, 333, 353, 361,430, 469, 471, 01, 548, 555. 1274. 1)02, 1325, 1405 ?, 1519, 1520?, 1569, 2lOO, 229:1 i head I of, L 65, M 1 176


LAUREL-BRA 'CH, M 1377, 1424 LAVER, M I :!57

LEBES L 92 1 M 108 LEDA, L 391 M 544

NER10, K 31 NEw-Arm; RELt F , set p. NEWF RESTWARE,M 2597-2640;

OAR, M 1130 1343, qo8-12, 1556 OcuLI T's STAMP, M 2018 Onv EU, K 31; ship of(?), M 1523, SP o~t'Xacrl"l (?), L 103 OLLA, K 18, 19,21 66, M 115, 127,2365,2366, 2568, 2644-50, 26;8-66, 2668, 2688, 268<}, 2714 0 IPHALOS M 1202, 1203, 1283 OwL, M 1129 Ox-sK LL M r 547
PAINTED VA ES, t r.p- 154, 2537-259() PAL I-BRA CH, f 1448 P.\N,

42-89, HX>-103, 1051 1o8-120, 1001-1756; and su pp.xxxiii .xlvii Lro , mask of, L 89 LtONE I L 79 ?, 84, M 47. 67 ?, 522 ?, 52 ?, sss?, 572?, 1031, ron, 1125 ?, 1128, rr41 1188-cp, 1::!28, 1267, 1327 ?, 1341, 1371 1 1381, 1386, 1423, 1467, 1471, q8r, 1491 1 I 492, 1 507 ?, 15o8, 152 5, I 539 ?, I 541 ?, 1550, ISSI, rsss, 1567 Lro -RUNT, L 66, 101 ; and see HUNTINGSCENES.

LEKYTHO I K 62, L 22 LEZOUX 1 fabric of, M

M 347 L NA, bust or, L 138 LUPI -LE\F? 1\1 64 LYRE, L 7. M 421, 1150, 1301, '372, 396 1443, 16o3 ; and see APOLLO, KtTHAR 1

K 42, L 18, 59, 6o, 6t? 9~ ?, 95 1 1}6, 121, Mus, r>8; rna k of, L 99 Mdya3u, L 103 'MARBL 0 1 VASES, M 124-127 2378, 2379; and su p. xlvii MA'IItNR animal, M 1556; and see RAMON ITER; deity, set 5.\ DEITY. 1A K, comic, K 551 L 24; tragic, L 86; atyric, K 36, 771 L 57, 99, M 1074; female, L 154t M 100, 1341, 1525; various, M 1003, I T48, 1272, 1279. 1289, 1371, 1374. 1405, 1416, 1437, 1444, 1512, '575, 1597. See also DtoNv os, MANAD, M

L 33, 94, M 47, 448 494, soo, 515, 518 ?, 521, 6o3, 1035. 1074 ?, 1232 ?, 1264, 1267, 1279, 13091 1315 ?, 1321 1 1346, 1348?, 1352, 135h 1369, 14C01 1408, 1421, 1440, 14441 1468, 1517; mask of, L 54, 111, l\1 58 117 ?, IOSO, 1056, 1057. 1004, 1193. 1339. 1354 l1 AN'. PIPES, L 33, 1 47, Jog, 1354. q2l Po\ THER, 182, 92?, 111 1 350,400,4971 522 ?, 524, lo61 1 llo81 1111 1 1125 ?1 I J,p 1161 ?1 1165 rt66, n86, 1291!, 1304 ?, 1338, 1464, 1472, 1555 PANTHERESS1 M 438?, q81, 1567 PEACOCK, M 66


L M so, 1218, 1320, 1350; 137 1485, 1486, 2293, 2365 PENTH !LELA, K 31


I' l'OLEMAIC I,!UEEN, K 7; and seeK 76, 77 PTOLEMY, Philadelphus, K 77; Philopator, K 76

QUADRIGA, M 512 ?, 548, 1350, 1521, 2479 llUADRUPED, peculiar, M 1119, 1147, 1463; devouring human leg, M 544 llUEEN, head of, K 7 QUIVER, M 1301 REINDEER?, M 1143, 1254 REMUS, M 24, 468, 499, 525, 534 RETIARIUS, M 25 ?, 411, 425, 434, 4, 502, 510, 535, 539 ?, I 527; and see GLADIATOR. RHEINZABERN, fabric of, M 9:H)9, 1041 22512362; and seep. xxxv. RHENISH WARE, M I41-146, 2445-59; and seep. xlix. ROEBUCK, M 308,433, 1077, 1157, 1463, 1532 ROLl, M 435, 500, 523, 557, 1252 RmruLus, M 24, 468, 499, 525, 534 RUNNER(?), M 1518 See GRAUFESENQUE1 RUl'ENIAN WARE. fabric of LA. SACRIFICE, L 931 IC.2 SAMNITE, M 23 1 25, 57, 540, 1286, 1293, 1297, 1464; and see GLADIATOR, SECUTOR. SATYR, L 58, 6o, 61 ?, 62, 64?, 74, 93, 94, 97, r.t 20 ?, 24 ?, 2 ?, 56?, 11 s, 448 ?, sr 5 ?, 10321 1074, 1124 ?, 1200 ?, 1265 ?, 1266, 1268, 1284?1 1325, 1337, 1338, 1376, 1459, 1466, 1468, 15 II ?, 1516, 1548; head of, L 114; mask of, see MASK ; and see SElLE NOS. SCABELLUM, L 103, 104 SCROLL, see ROLL. SCROLL-UECORATION, M 201-290, 293, 294, 296, 298-300, 304, 316, 327, 328, 330, 332, 333. 358, 364, 401-410, 447. 457-483, 49' 559-561, 595, 10021 1014, 1019, 10201 IO:z21 1079-1136, 225J1 2286 SCYLLA, M 1130, 128o, 13221 1343, qol!-12, 1523. 1531, 1537, I542, 2276 SEA-COW, M 1277, '392?, 1394, I513, I520, 1573 SEA-DEITY, unidentified, M IS72 SEA-HORSE, M 1070, 1077, 1253. I278, 1356?, 1400, 1407. 1420, 1424, I475. 2252 SEA-LION, M I429 SEA-MONSTER, M 428, 493 ?, 1283 ?, 1519, 2285 ? ; and see MARINE ANIMAL, SCYLLA. SEASONS, L 54

SEAT, M I047; and see CHAIR, CoucH, Sl'OOL, THRONE. SECUTOR, M 23, :!), 57, 434,440,537, 540,581, I293, I297i and see GLADIATOR, SAMNI1'E. SEILENOS, L 93, 98, I07, 12I ?, M 435, 509, 513, 524, 1038, 1224, I269, 1273, 14o8, 1433. 1439. 1461, 1465, 1468, 1515, 1518, 1548, 1599 SERPENT, L 25, M 62, II I91 I2oo, I297, 1298, 13I61 14I3, 1466, I5I01 1582?1 1583 j in garden of Hesperides, M 412, 1204, 1205 ; with ram's horns, M 1205 ; on rock, M 1476, 1486-88, 1490, 1507, I550, 1554, I557 SHEEP, M 1077, 1207? SHEPHERD'S CROOK, L 7, 54. M 64, IQ9, 110?, 1267, 1354. 1400?, I421, I5I6? SHIELD, GAULISH, M 548 SHIP, M1523, 1524. 1542, 1556 SHRINE, M I I I SICA, K 44, L 34, M 51, 57,422-424,434,440, 446, soB, 517, 520, 537, 538, 540, 541, 1216, 1286, 1288-1292, 1294. 1295. 1297. 1298, '334. '345. '544. 1545. I561, 1577 SiREN, M 590?, 1402 SLAVE, L 92, M 2372? SPHINX, M 590 ?, 1125, 1403, 1404 SPRING, L 54. 91 STAMP, L 91, 92, M 82, 83, 105-107; thrice repeated, M 1871 ; oculist's, M 2028 STA!>IPED PATTERNS, M 172-18o, 246o--78; and seep. xlix STEERSMAN, M 1523 STELE, M 110 STOOL, M I048 STORK, M 11, 1217, I240 SUMMER, L 54 SWAN, M 268, 281, 283 ?, 309 ?, 312 ?, 313, 364 ?, 436 ?, 453 ?, 463 ?, 467 ?, 475. 476, 49I, I378; with Leda, L 39, M 544; and see GoosE. SYCAMORE-LEAF, M 1031, I079-82, 1201 ?, 2286 SYRINX, see PAN'S PIPES. TAP.fBOURINE, M I 120, 1213, 1465; and see M 1041 TEMPLE, L 121 TERM1 M 1101 I 121 1038, 1301? THESEUS?, L 78 THETIS?, K 31, M 1382 THRAX, M 23, 25, 51, 571 422-424, 440, 446, 473 497. 537. 538, 540, 541, S8I, 1286,


1287, 121)0, 1293, 1297, 1298, 1526, 1545; WARRIOR, 1\1 47 ?, 61, 68, 99, 411 ?, 412, 509, 514,522,1026, 1o.p, 1053?, 1007, 1073?, 1125, 1143, 1161, 1241 ?, 1263?, 128o?, 121}6, 1297. 1304, 1323, 1337 1383, 1393. 1415, 1425, 1441, 1443 ?, 1455. 1456, 1464, 1483, 1491 ?, 1510, 1517, 1528-30, I53335. 1537, 1549, 1579, 2486; head of, M 1212 \VASHING CLOTHES?, 1\I 20 WINE-AMPHORA, M 2365 WINE-SKIN, M 1325, 1337. q68? WINGED GODDESS, L 73 WINGs, as ornament, M 1202, 1203, 121 2 WINTER, L 54 WOLF, suckling twins, 1\1 24, 468, 499, 525, 534 ; see also M 248o. WRESTLERS, M 1o8


THRONE, M 495, 523, 1458 THUNDERBOLT?, M 558, 1032 TORCH, M 23, 474. 533, 1468; and seeM 1365 TRAGEDY, scene from, M 121 TRAGIC MASK, see MASK. TRIDENT, M 25, 122, 411, .p5, 434, 496, 502, 510, 1527.2251? TRIPOD, M 1053, 1164, 11, 1202, 1203, 1200, 1221, 1231, 1264, 1283, !288, 1297. 1311, 1312, 1339. 1354. 1357. 1381, 1404, 1002, 1004 TROJAN HERO?, 1\1 509 TROPHY, M 1285, 1533 " UPCHURCH" WARE, M 26.j.1-2700, 2845 ; and

seep. li.
VENUS, see APHRODITE. VICTORY, K 31, 50, L 63, 71 ?, 100, 163 ?, M 1:1I,43I,432,44I, 531,1305,1300,1448

ZEus, 1\1 121, 495, 523, 529, 530, 1245, 1266, 1330, 1382

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