Lateral Entrants Messge
Lateral Entrants Messge
Lateral Entrants Messge
(AMENITIES....) Many have been written and said about the qualities of a good leader, but, these qualities could be sum up with three words only, these are Discipline, Competence and Profesionalism. From these three words stemmed out all of the other qualities that a leader should possess, these three words must come in the following order, meaning, one should possess discipline first, this is the ability to conduct oneself within what is required of him as a leader in terms of values, work performance and on how he relates with others. Once there is discipline, Competence will follow, a leader should appear capable and reliable in the eyes of his men for no man will hesitate to follow a leader even to the bloodiest war knowing that he can get his men out of such predicaments alive. This unlearned. Today, you will be embarking on the new phase of your training as a Police Commissioned Officer. discipline and competence should be coupled with
These are the qualities that the organization are expecting from you, for this is the only way that you can earn the respect, trust and confidence of your men. We have to remember that respect, trust and confidence does not come with our rank, our patches on the shoulders does not automatically carry with it these qualities. Respect, Trust and Confidence are earned not freely given while, Discipline, Competence and Professionalism must be developed. In order to lead, we should be always on top of things, let our men know that we are capable of what we are requiring from them, that we know how to developed an effective and sound plan. We cannot afford to appear incapable in front of our men with the job that is entrusted to us, this is an insult to our partches and our badges. We chose to become a leader, thus, we have to stand by it, live with it, not only through the insignia that we wear but most of all through our overall performance--- this is the challenge that every leader must face... a challenge that you have to face. Good luck to your Field Training Program, we are counting on your contribution for an efficient and effective policing.