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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

1. By the morning brightness.

2. And the night when it

covers with darkness.
3. Your Lord has not
forsaken you, nor is He
4. And indeed the Hereafter
is better for you than the
present (life of this world).
5. And your Lord shall soon
give you (much), so you shall
be well pleased.
6. Did He not find you an
orphan, then He sheltered you.
7. And He found you lost of
the Way, then He guided (you).
8. And He found you poor,
then He enriched you.
9. So as for the orphan, do
not be harsh.
10. And as for the beggar, do
not repel.
11. And as for the bounty of
your lord, do proclaim.

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