Advancement of The Solar Air Conditioning System
Advancement of The Solar Air Conditioning System
Advancement of The Solar Air Conditioning System
Submitted By: Prajwal Deep Rai Sec: OE190 Reg. No 11007782. Date Of Submission: 15th Nov12. Roll No: A45
This term paper is done as a semester project, as a part of course titled Non Conventional Energy Resources. I are really thankful to our course instructor Mr. Arjun Chopra, Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, for his invaluable guidance and assistance, without which the accomplishment of the task would have never been possible. We also thank him for giving this opportunity to explore into the real world and realize the interrelation of Environment and Non Conventional Energy Resources, without which a society can never progress. In my present term paper I have chosen the topic- Advancement Of The Solar Air Conditioning System. It covers the application of solar energy in the field of air cooling, dehumidification, desiccation, etc. I am also really thankful to my fellow colleagues, the Lovely Faculty for the support and first class facilities provided without which the term paper would have never seen completion.
-Prajwal Deep Rai -Reg No 11007782 -Sec : OE190 Roll No: A45 .
SNo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solar Energy Applications Of Solar Energy Advantages/Disadvantages of Solar Energy Solar Air Conditioning Advantages Advancement of Solar Air Conditioning Systems I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. 6. 7. Photovoltaics Absorption: NH3/H2O or Ammonia/Water Absorption: Water/Lithium Bromide Absorption: Water/Lithium Chloride Adsorption: Water/Silica Gel Adsorption: Activated Carbon/Methanol Desiccant Cooling Systems Rankine Thermal Heat Pump, Heat Engine Hybrid or Solar Assisted Air Conditioning Thermo Electric Air Conditioning TOPIC Pg.No. 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 9 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 19 20
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar energy technologies include solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture, which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most urgent problems the world now faces. Solar Energy is energy radiated from the sun, mainly in the form of heat and light. It is required for photosynthesis and is also harnessed as a renewable energy source, e.g. in photovoltaics (PV) to provide electricity or as solar thermal energy for heating and cooling systems. Solar energy can be used in homes, businesses, and industry as well as in distributed generation applications, such as street lighting or for back-up electicity generation. On a bright, sunny day, the sun provides approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planets surface, and if we could collect all of that energy we could easily power our homes and offices for free. Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air. ENERGY FROM THE SUN : The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere. Approximately 30% is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses. The spectrum of solar light at the Earth's surface is mostly spread across the visible and near-infrared ranges with a small part in the nearultraviolet. Earth's land surface, oceans and atmosphere absorb solar radiation, and this raises their temperature. Warm air containing evaporated water from the oceans rises, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air reaches a high altitude, where the temperature is low, water vapor condenses into clouds, which rain onto the Earth's surface, completing the water cycle. The latent heat of water condensation amplifies convection, producing atmospheric phenomena such as wind, cyclones and anticyclones. Sunlight absorbed by the oceans and land masses keeps the surface at an average temperature of 14 C. By photosynthesis green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy, which produces food, wood and the biomass from which fossil fuels are derived. The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exa joules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year. Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined. Solar energy can be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator.
2.1 Architecture and urban planning 2.2 Agriculture and horticulture 2.3 Solar lighting 2.4 Solar thermal
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2.4.1 Water heating. 2.4.2 Heating, cooling and ventilation. 2.4.3 Water treatment. 2.4.4 Cooking. 2.4.5 Process heat.
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Disadvantages: i.) One of the main disadvantages is the initial cost of the equipment used to harness the suns energy. Solar energy technologies still remain a costly alternative to the use of readily available fossil fuel technologies. As the price of solar panels decreases, we are likely to see an increase in the use of solar cells to generate electricity. A solar energy installation requires a large area for the system to be efficient in providing a source of electricity. This may be a disadvantage in areas where space is short, or expensive (such as inner cities). Pollution can be a disadvantage to solar panels, as pollution can degrade the efficiency of photovoltaic cells. Clouds also provide the same effect, as they can reduce the energy of the suns rays. This certain disadvantage is more of an issue with older solar components, as newer designs integrate technologies to overcome the worst of these effects. Solar energy is only useful when the sun is shining. During the night, your expensive solar equipment will be useless, however the use of solar battery chargers can help to reduce the effects of this disadvantage. The location of solar panels can affect performance, due to possible obstructions from the surrounding buildings or landscape.
research and development of solar energy through 2012. Solar irradiation must first be converted into a secondary energy in order to be useful for cooling purposes. The two choices are to electricity by photovoltaic modules or to heat by solar thermal collectors.
ammonia gas. As the ammonia from evaporator enters the absorber, it is readily absorbed by water and the strong solution of ammonia-water is formed. During the process of absorption heat is liberated which can reduce the ammonia absorption capacity of water; hence the absorber is cooled by the cooling water. Due to absorption of ammonia, strong solution of ammonia-water is formed in the absorber. 3) PUMP: The strong solution of ammonia and water is pumped by the pump at high pressure to the generator. 4) GENERATOR: The strong solution of ammonia refrigerant and water absorbent are heated by the external source of heat such as steam or hot water. It can also be heated by other sources like natural gas, electric heater, waste exhaust heat etc. Due to heating the refrigerant ammonia gets vaporized and it leaves the generator. However, since water has strong affinity for ammonia and its vaporization point is quite low some water particles also get carried away with ammonia refrigerant, so it is important to pass this refrigerant through analyzer. 5) ANALYZER: One of the major disadvantages of the ammonia-water vapor absorption refrigeration system is that the water in the solution has quite low vaporizing temperature, hence when ammonia refrigerant gets vaporized in the generator some water also gets vaporized. Thus the ammonia refrigerant leaving the generator carries appreciable amount of water vapor. If this water vapor is allowed to be carried to the evaporator, the capacity of the refrigeration system would reduce. The water vapor from ammonia refrigerant is removed by analyzer and the rectifier. The analyzer is a sort of the distillation column that is located at the top of the generator. The analyzer consists of number of plates positioned horizontally. When the ammonia refrigerant along with the water vapor particles enters the analyzer, the solution is cooled. Since water has higher saturation temperature, water vapor gets condensed into the water particles that drip down into the generator. The ammonia refrigerant in the gaseous state continues to rise up and it moves to the rectifier. 6) RECTIFIER OR THE REFLEX CONDENSER: The rectifier is a sort of the heat exchanger cooled by the water, which is also used for cooling the condenser. Due to cooling the remaining water vapor mixed with the ammonia refrigerant also gets condensed along with some particles of ammonia. This weak solution of water and ammonia drains down to the generator. 7) CONDENSER AND EXPANSION VALVE: The pure ammonia refrigerant in the vapor state and at high pressure then enters the condenser where it is cooled by air or water. The refrigerant ammonia gets converted into the liquid state and it then passes through the expansion valve where its temperature and pressure falls down suddenly. Ammonia refrigerant finally enters the evaporator, where it produces the cooling effect. This cycle keeps on repeating continuously. Meanwhile, when ammonia gets vaporized in the generator, weak solution of ammonia and water is left in it. This solution is expanded in the expansion valve and passed back to the absorber and its cycle repeats. Some examples of NH3/H2O are SolarNextChillii PSC12.
ABSORPTION: WATER/LITHIUM BROMIDE First tested in the 1940's with the water-lithium bromide absorption refrigeration system, water is used as the refrigerant while lithium bromide (Li Br) is used as the absorbent. Parts of a Typical Lithium Bromide/Water Absorption Cooler: 1) EVAPORATOR: Water as the refrigerant enters the evaporator at very low pressure and temperature. Since very low pressure is maintained inside the evaporator the water exists in the partial liquid state and partial vapor state. This water refrigerant absorbs the heat from the substance to be chilled and gets fully evaporated. It then enters the absorber. 2) ABSORBER: In the absorber concentrated solution of lithium bromide is already available. Since water is highly soluble in lithium bromide, solution of water-lithium bromide is formed. This solution is pumped by the pump to the generator.
3) GENERATOR: The heat is supplied to the refrigerant water and absorbent lithium bromide solution in the generator from the steam or hot water. Due to heating water gets vaporized and it moves to the condenser, where it gets cooled. As water refrigerant moves further in the refrigeration piping and though nozzles, it pressure reduces and so also the temperature. This water refrigerant then enters the evaporator where it produces the cooling effect. This cycle is repeated continuously. Lithium bromide on the other hand,leaves the generator and reenters the absorber for absorbing water refrigerant.
Water & Lithium Bromide Absorption Cooler: The first solar LiBr based air conditioning system was installed in an experimental solar house in University of Queensland, Australia in 1966.
-Advantages of H2O/LiBr over Ammonia/water absorptionLiBr is a salt (normally solid) and non-volatile compared to NH3. Simpler mechanical systems, do not require rectifiers or condensate pre-coolers. Higher COP than ammonia-water. Water is an excellent refrigerant due to its high latent heat. -Disadvantages- LiBr/H2O is restricted to applications in which cooling requirements are above its freezing point (0C). Solar Collector Rule of Thumb Sizing: 3 square meters of absorber are per kW of cooling capacity or,114 ft square feet per 12,000 Btu = 1 ton of refrigeration Equivalent to 48 6 foot vacuum tubes Some examples of LiBr/H2O solar absorption chillers are Yazaki WRC-SC5, EAW Wegracal SE15, Sonnenklima Suninverse 10 and Rotartica Solar 045.
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ABSORPTION: WATER/LITHIUM CHLORIDE This machine does not need the temperature or flow rate controlled, but will charge with different power depending on the temperature and flow. Examples: ClimateWell 10, by Climatewell Sweden ClimateWell 10 is a modular absorption machine that differs from the standard Lithium Bromide type absorption machines in three main aspects: It has internal storage in each of the two accumulators. This allows the machine to store chemical energy with a very high density. This energy can subsequently be used both for cooling and heating. It is important to emphasize that this is chemical energy, not thermal energy that is stored. 2. It works intermittently with two parallel accumulators. 3. It is designed to use relatively low temperatures and is hence optimized for usage with solar thermal collectors. ClimateWell 10 is made up of two barrels each consisting of a reactor and condenser/evaporator. The two barrels can operate in parallel.
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ADSORPTION CHILLER: WATER/SILICA GEL OR WATER/ZEOLITE This adsorption chiller is a closed system. The Silica Gel/Water chiller uses water as its cooling agent. Water evaporates in a vacuum at room temperature and thereby extracts heat from its surroundings (evaporation energy). Through this process, a cooling takes place in the circuit. Compared to open systems, the evaporated water is not released as steam into the surroundings, but recondensed within the machine. The direct and quick condensation of the evaporated water is thermodynamically difficult, requiring large heat removal and steady pressure. Therefore, the water is first adsorbed by a solid carrier material. This material consists of silica-gel, a material related to quartz or sand. In refrigeration engineering the principle of adsorption " the collection of water vapour in the air by a hydroscopic material (silica-gel, zeolithe)" is commonly used to dehumidify the air. Utilizing the warm waste air in such systems, the material used is constantly regenerated (disc wheels or etc). The same process takes place in the packaged chiller. With the use of hot water, the adsorbed water on the carrier material (silica-gel) is again evaporated and thereby the carrier material is regenerated. Condensation of the secondary evaporated water (off the carrier material) is, opposed to the primary evaporated water (out of the cooling circuit), now easy. The following factors are essential for the process: Silica-gel can easily take up water (adsorb), without causing a structural change or volume expansion. Silica-gel can easily release the stored water through a temperature increase. --This process is reversible and unlimitedly repeatable.-The evaporation process is temperature and pressure dependent. Under normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg), water evaporates at 100C. If the surrounding pressure drops, the evaporating temperature of the water also decreases. With the achievement of a high enough vacuum, the water evaporates at a lower temperature.
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For the purpose used in the adsorption chiller, a vacuum in the area of 10-20 mm Hg, is sufficient. If water is sprayed or injected into a vessel under vacuum, it evaporates spontaneously and extracts energy from its surroundings. The adsorption chiller utilizes the following properties: a) the reversible adsorption and desorption process of water on silica-gel b) the spontaneous evaporation of water on silica-gel c) the easy condensation -Advantages- There is no danger of crystallization and thus no limitation in temperatures. There is no internal solution pump and electricity consumption is reduced to a minimum. Examples of H20/Silica gel are SorTech ACS 08, SorTech ACS 15, SJTU SWAC-10 Example of H2O/Zeolith are InvenSor HTC 10.
Silica Gel Solar Air Conditioning SWAC-10: Powered by 55-85C hot water. Suitable to be driven by solar water heater or waste heat from other sources? Small mass production 10 kW, 20kW,50kW,100kW,200kW
ADSORPTION: ACTIVATED CARBON/METHANOL In the mid 1980s Pons and Guilleminot developed a prototype solar powered activated carbonmethanol ice maker. This machine produced almost 6 kg of ice per m2 of solar panel when the insolation was about 20 MJ day-1, with a solar COP of 0.12. This rate of ice production remains one of the highest obtained by a solar powered icemaker.
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Activated Carbon/Methanol Solar Air Conditioning: An adsorption Activated Carbon/Methanol air conditioning system was developed by Wang in 2001 to be powered by heat sources with temperatures close to 100 C. Evacuated tube collectors could be used to supply hot water at this level of temperature. The system, had two adsorbers with 26 kg of carbon inside each one and used methanol as refrigerant. The COP and the SCP of this system were significantly influenced by the cycle time. The operation of the system with a cycle time of 30 minutes leads to a COP of 0.15 and a cooling power of 3.84 kW while operation with a cycle time of 60 minutes leads to a COP of 0.21 and cooling power of 3.03 kW. In both situations, the evaporation temperature was close to 6 C. To improve the performance of the system, the authors changed the adsorbers, keeping the same charge of carbon, and used a tube and plate heat exchanger being the carbon placed outside the tubes, between the plates. With this new design, the COP obtained was 0.4 and the cooling power was 3.80 kW. The experimental conditions in this case were: a heat source temperature of 100 C, an evaporation temperature of 10 C, a condensing temperature of 24 C and a cycle time of 50 minutes.
DESICCANT COOLING SYSTEMS Desiccant cooling systems are basically open cycle systems, using water as refrigerant in direct contact with air. The thermally driven cooling cycle is a combination of evaporative cooling with air dehumidification by a desiccant, i.e. a hygroscopic material. For this purpose, liquid or solid materials can be employed. The term open is used to indicate that the refrigerant is discarded from the system after providing the cooling effect and new refrigerant is supplied in its place in an open-ended loop. Therefore only water is possible as refrigerant with direct contact to the surrounding air. The common technology applied today uses rotating desiccant wheels, equipped either with silica gel or lithium-chloride as sorption material.
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Solid Desiccant Cooling The main components of a solar assisted desiccant cooling system are shown in the figure on the right. The basic process in providing conditioned air may be described as follows. Warm and humid air enters the slowly rotating desiccant wheel and is dehumidified by adsorption of water (1-2). Since the air is heated up by the adsorption heat, a heat recovery wheel is passed (2-3), resulting in a significant pre-cooling of the supply air stream. Subsequently, the air is humidified and thus further cooled by a controlled humidifier (3-4) according to the setvalues of supply air temperature and humidity. The exhaust air stream of the rooms is humidified (6-7) close to the saturation point to exploit the full cooling potential in order to allow an effective heat recovery (7-8). Finally, the sorption wheel has to be regenerated (9-10) by applying heat in a comparatively low temperature range from 50 C-75 C and to allow a continuous operation of the dehumidification process. Solid desiccant systems can also be used to provide heating for periods with low heating demand. Flat-plate solar thermal collectors are normally applied as heating system in solar assisted desiccant cooling systems. The solar system may consist of collectors using water as fluid and a water storage, which will increase the utilisation of the solar system. This configuration however requires an additional water/air heat exchanger, to connect the solar system to the air system. Special design of the desiccant cycle is needed in case of extreme outdoor conditions such as e.g. coastal areas of the Mediterranean region. Due to the high humidity of ambient air, a standard configuration of the desiccant cooling cycle is not able to reduce the humidity down to a level that is low enough to employ direct evaporative cooling. More complex designs of the desiccant air handling unit employing for instance another enthalpy wheel or additional air coolers supplied by chilled water can overcome this problem. A novel approach is the dehumidification and simultaneously cooling of the supply air in an air-to-air heat exchanger, in which the supply air is dehumidified through sorptive coatings at the heat exchanger wall, and cooled by the returned air, which was humidified close to saturation in order to lower the return air temperature before entering the heat exchanger. The simultaneously dehumidification and cooling improves the efficiency of the system. As a consequence, the supply air humidification may be avoided in moderate climates. Since the sorption material in the supply side of the heat exchanger will be saturated after some time, a periodic operation with two heat exchangers of which one is regenerated, is required. A pilot project in Germany for testing this new concept is currently in the design phase.
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Liquid Desiccant Cooling A new technology, close to market introduction, are desiccant cooling systems using a liquid water-lithium chloride solution as sorption material. This type of systems shows several advantages like higher air dehumidification at the same driving temperature range of solid desiccant cooling systems, and the possibility of high energy storage by storing the concentrated solution. This technology is a promising option for a further increase in exploitation of solar thermal systems for air conditioning. Currently, a few systems of this type are installed in Germany in pilot and demonstration applications, driven either with solar thermal heat or from other heat sources.
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RANKINE & STIRLING THERMAL HEAT PUMP, HEAT ENGINE In the heat engine driven system the heat from the solar collectors is first transformed into mechanical work. This mechanical work can either be used directly to power a mechanical heat pump or be converted into electricity. The electricity is then used to power a electrically driven heat pump. It can also be used to power a decentralized system. Excess electricity can just as in the PV cell air-conditioning system, be feed to the grid. An electric generator/motor can be connected to the power cycle, the refrigeration cycle, or both by means of clutches. In this way excess power can be taken out to be feed to the grid and auxiliary power can be feed to the refrigeration cycle. Solar Rankine systems were investigated in the 1970s and 1980s. Prigmore and Barber (1975) designed a water-cooled organic Rankine cycle based on R-113 to produce turbine shaft work from 101.7C water from solar collectors. Stirling engines can operate at a very high temperature at which a Rankine engine cannot. In order for a solar thermo-mechanical refrigeration system to be competitive, the combination of a solar collector and a heat engine should be at least comparable to a solar electric panel in terms of price.
Rankine Solar Thermal Heat Engine: The main equipments include: CPC collector array, heat storage facility, gas boiler, turbine generator unit, and condenser, water circulating pump, valves and pipelines. This paper designs a solar-heated generation system with 10kW of electricity generation. The steam temperature at the inlet of turbomachine is 250? with the inlet pressure is 2MPa. The analysis of four typical working processes under the different weather conditions is as follows: (1) When the weather is fine, the steam at the outlet of collector with high temperature can satisfy the request of steam admission. Then open the valve V1, V2, and parts of steam required enter the turbomachine for generating, while the other steam enter the heat storage facility and deposited. The boiler is out of work, and the valves V3, V4 are both closed. (2) When the weather is not good enough, the steam or water at the outlet of collector can not satisfy the request of steam admission of turbomachine. Now open the valve V2 and V4, and close the valve V1 and V3. The fluid at the collector outlet enters the heat storage facility directly, mixed with the original water in the container. The preheated water enters the gas boiler, for heating to the required steam of turbomachine for generating. (3) When the weather is bad or its at night, the CPC collector arrays are out of work nearly. Now close the valve V1, V2, and open the valve V3, V4. The circled water is delivered to the heat storage facility directly and is mixed with the original hot water, and then enters the gas boiler. This method can reduce the
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resistance loss when the water flows through the CPC collector array. (4) When the volume of saturated water in the heat storage facility reaches to the 90% of the designed and the temperature reaches to the saturation temperature, close the valve V2 and open the blow-off valve, emptying the redundant steam for protecting the heat storage facility. This kind of state is rare, it appears only in several hottest weeks every year. The electricity generation flow processes of this paper can ensure the system keeps generating steady under four typical work conditions above in conjunction with the switch of automatic valves IX. HYBRID SOLAR AIR CONDITIONING OR (SOLAR ASSISTED AIR CONDITIONING) A conventional air conditioning system uses the compressor (powered by electricity) to pressurize and heat the refrigerant gas up to about 170 degrees. It then travels into the outside condensing coils where it changes from a gas into a saturated gas (partial liquid). Typically this occurs in the final third of the condensing coil. From there the saturated gas passes through an expansion devise that allows the refrigerant to become a gas again. Once this happens it can absorb heat from the air passing through the inside coil of the air conditioner. From there the refrigerant goes back to the compressor where it starts the whole cycle again. A hybrid solar air conditioning system uses the same basic equipment as a conventional system with a specialized solar collector that is placed between the compressor and the condensing coils. The primary task of the compressor is to pressurize and heat the refrigerant. The hotter it gets the better. A hybrid solar air conditioning system uses a highly efficient vacuum tube collector filled with an organic liquid product. The collector heats the organic substance to over 350 degrees using the power of the sun to superheat the refrigerant above what the compressor would be able to heat it with electricity. The resulting efficiency derived from the solar collector allows for the refrigerant to work more efficiently with no additional moving parts or motors. This increases the ability of the gas to change back into a liquid much quicker and dramatically reduces the energy requirement of the compressor. The gas now condenses back into saturated gas in the first third of the condensing coil not the final third. Therefore by the time the refrigerant reaches the expansion devise in the inside coil, it is already almost a liquid. This allows the near liquid refrigerant to be more efficient at absorbing heat, making it 5-6 degrees cooler in the inside coil, delivering colder, drier air to the building. Refrigerant Type - 407c or 410.
THERMOELECTRIC SEEBECK EFFECT AIR CONDITIONING A full electrical heat to cold option without any mechanical work has such a low COP that at today's advances it is not practical. Two stages: The first stage, call it a thermoelectric generator, is the Seeback Effect where the heat from the solar collector is transferred into electrical energy. As with the thermoelectric coolers thermoelectric generators are currently very ineffective due to large leakage of heat through conduction from the hot to the cold side. This could as in the case with the thermoelectric coolers be prevented by a small vacuum gap between hot and cool side. Projected Carnot efficiency for a thermoelectric generator with a vacuum gap is according to Borealis exploration limited 70-80%, which is a very high efficiency. The second stage, is the Peltier Effect where electricity is changed directly into a temperature effect. Using the sun's energy through the Photovoltaics solar option instead of the first stage (using thermal solar to electric energy), then use thermoelectric cooling (Peltier) second stage has been experimented with more often and is more efficient than the combinations of Seebeck and Peltier. Advantages of the two stage thermoelectric is it would be a very compact system, no or few moving parts and can handle heavy vibrations.
Passive solar air conditioning is usually designed along with the house, as it is inbuilt. It is usually built as a solar chimney or a solar cooling tower. A solar chimney is generally built on the south face of a house. Its south facing side is glazed so that it can effectively absorb the sun's heat. This chimney is connected to the inside of the house with the help of a vent at a high point on one side and at a low point on the other. The vents at the low point are then connected to large underground pipes. When the air is heated up at chimney, it creates an upward draft which creates a vacuum. When this vacuum is created, air is drawn into the vent at the low point and as this air travels through the vent, the water pipes cool this air. Then the cool air is let in to the house for cooling. This cycle repeats itself providing a cool ambience.
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