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Numerical Modelling of Subcritical Open Channel Flow Using The K-E Turbulence Model and The Penalty Function Finite Element Technique

This study develops a numerical model to simulate subcritical open channel flow using the k-e turbulence model and penalty function finite element technique. The model solves the full elliptic forms of the depth-averaged equations of motion and turbulence transport equations, allowing it to calculate recirculating flows. The model is evaluated by comparing predictions to experimental data for strongly curved subcritical open channel flow. The results show that the depth-averaged k-e turbulence model yields excellent agreement with observations, and that modifications to the model or use of momentum dispersion models do not significantly improve predictions. Overall predictions are as good as a more complex 3D model.

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Numerical Modelling of Subcritical Open Channel Flow Using The K-E Turbulence Model and The Penalty Function Finite Element Technique

This study develops a numerical model to simulate subcritical open channel flow using the k-e turbulence model and penalty function finite element technique. The model solves the full elliptic forms of the depth-averaged equations of motion and turbulence transport equations, allowing it to calculate recirculating flows. The model is evaluated by comparing predictions to experimental data for strongly curved subcritical open channel flow. The results show that the depth-averaged k-e turbulence model yields excellent agreement with observations, and that modifications to the model or use of momentum dispersion models do not significantly improve predictions. Overall predictions are as good as a more complex 3D model.

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Numerical modelling of subcritical open channel flow using the K-E turbulence model and the penalty function

finite element technique

A. N. Puri and Chin Y. Kuo
Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA (Received September 1983) Institute and State University,

A numerical model has been developed that employs the penalty function finite element technique to solve the vertically averaged hydrodynamic and turbulence model equations for a water body using isoparametric elements. The full elliptic forms of the equations are solved, thereby allowing recirculating flows to be calculated. Alternative momentum dispersion and turbulence closure models are proposed and evaluated by comparing model predictions with experimental data for strongly curved subcritical open channel flow. The results of these simulations indicate that the depth-averaged two-equation k-e turbulence model yields excellent agreement with experimental observations. In addition, it appears that neither tne streamline curvature modification of the depth-averaged k-e model, nor the momentum dispersion models based on the assumption of helicoidal flow in a curved channel, yield significant improvement in the present model predictions. Overall model predictions are found to be as good as those of a more complex and restricted three-dimensional model. Key words: mathematical model, curved channel, turbulence, flow, finite element, penalty function subcritical

Colnputational hydraulics usually involves the prediction of turbulent flows, which, due to their complexity and inherent three-dimensional nature, are extremely difficult to predict theoretically. Predictions made with experimental models are certainly useful, but they often do not provide a detailed description of the flow field, lack flexibility, and are expensive and time consuming. Consequently, it is not surprising that numerical models, with their inherent flexibility and relatively low cost, are in great demand as a predictive tool in the field of hydraulics. For example, computational models have been successfully used to predict a wide range of engineering problems associated with a free surface. It is important to note that much of this success is due to the introduction of the depth-averaged equations of motion. These equations are obtained by averaging the threedimensional, time-averaged equations of motion over the water depth, thereby reducing the problem to that of

solving for two depth-averaged horizontal component velocities and water depth. However, the averaging process creates additional unknown terms, namely the bottom, wind and effective stresses, and adequate closure expressions for these terms are required. The effective stresses were defined by Kuipers and Vreugdenhil to consist of the depth-averaged viscous and turbulent stresses, and additional stresses which result from the depth-averaging of the nonlinear convective acceleration terms present in the original three-dimensional equations. These stresses are often called momentum dispersion terms2 In an earlier paper by Puri and Kuo,~ a free surface steady-state hydrodynamic model based upon the penalty function finite element method and utilizing a simplified one-equation turbulence closure was presented. The goal of the present study is to extend that model to include an advanced two-equation turbulence model, and also examine different momentum dispersion closure schemes. These


Appl. Math. Modelling,

1985, Vol. 9, April

0 1985 Butterworth & Co. (Publishers)



open channel flow:

N. Puri and C. Y. Kuo

different closure schemes will be evaluated by comparing model predictions with experimental data for strongly curved subcritical open channel flow.

where * = ($ + fi2)12 Cf = g/c2 = 1ICff (5) (6)

Depth-averaged model
The governing steady-state motion are: l-3 Conservation a&h p=o ax, Conservation a(&& ax, where: g m, n
vm Xm rbm frnn

In equation (6) cf and cff are empirical friction factors, and C is Chezys roughness coefficient. depth-averaged equations of Depth-averaged Reynolds stress closure

of mass (1)

Combining the Boussinesq eddy viscosity hypothesis with the depth-averaging procedure, the depth-averaged turbulent Reynolds stresss tensor may be written as:2 i;ln a(Gnh) + a(&$) = fi, ax, ax, 1 (7)

of momentum h) tga(h212) ax, +gh ax,



aF -!E=O ax,

where : li depth-averaged kinetic energy per unit mass =:a Kronecker delta depth-averaged turbulent eddy viscosity

acceleration due to gravity 1, 2 and repeated indices imply a summation two-dimensional depth-averaged velocity vector (& 5) coordinate directions (x, 7) components of bottom shear stress per unit mass components of depth-averaged effective stress tensor per unit mass indicates a depth-averaged quantity

6 mn Vt The turbulence model that has found the widest application for a variety of two-dimensional flows is the socalled k-e turbulence model, which characterizes the local state of turbulence by two parameters: the turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass, k, and the rate of its dissipation, E. A detailed description of this model and its applications may be found in the literature.2>6-g The semiempirical transport equations for the transport of the depthaveraged quantities k and c may be given by:2?g1o

a(kh) + a(zj,lih)

The depth-averaged effective stress tensor per unit mass, as defined by Kuipers and Vreugdenhilr and Flokstra,4 may be written as:



a(ih) + a(zjmeh)


dz (3)


ax, +P, (9)

-(urn - timm)(u, - i$J where:


V zb

horizontal turbulent velocity fluctuation fluid viscosity elevation of channel bottom above an arbitrary datum water depth

where: p h


a(&$) a(c,h)
ax, I



For the present study, it is assumed that the viscous stresses are small compared to the turbulence effects, and are consequently neglected.

fit = cp-



Closure models
The closure problem associated with the depth-averaged equations of motion requires the parameterization, in terms of known or inferred quantities, of: (1) the bottom shear stress, (2) the depth-averaged turbulent Reynolds stresses, and (3) the momentum dispersion terms. Bottom shear stress closure The bottom shear stress per unit mass may be parameterized by:2Y3$5 rbm = cf crnq (4)

and ci, c2, Sk,u, and cP are empirical constants. Their values, adopted from Launder and SpaMing are: cr = 1.43, c2 = 1.92, cP = 0.09, ok = 1 .O, (3, = 1.3. The source terms Pk and P, account for the production mechanism resulting from the presence of a vertical boundary layer. Rastogi and Rodi related these vertical production terms to the bottom shear stress, and obtained: Pk = cku; P, = c&/h (12) (13)

where u, is the shear or friction velocity, and ck and cE are empirical constants. Using Laufers measured turbulent viscosity as empirical input, Ratogi and Rodi obtained: 1 ck = ~






Vol. 9, April



open channel

flow: N. Puri and C. Y. Kuo

c E =pq Curvature modification

(15) of k-e



Since it is well known that streamline curvature strongly influences turbulent transport in shear layers, Leschiziner and Rodi presented a curvature modification of the standard k-e model. Using a simplified version of the (two-dimensional) algebr-sic stress model of Gibson, l2 they obtained the curvature modification of the coefficient cc1 as:
c,, = - k,k,

1 + Rk;k2,+&




__ (Y

(17) (18)

k, = $( 1 - CY - /3)/a

and R, = local radius of curvature of the streamline, v, and v, are the velocities in the streamline and normal to the streamline directions respectively, and 1yand /3 are constants having values 1.5 and 0.6 respectively.13 The curvature modification of the depth-averaged k-e model was then accomplished by replacing the twodimensional quantities u, u, k, e-in equation (16) with the depth-averaged quantities li, ir, k. 6.
Momentum dispersion closure

The computational method employed to obtain approximate numerical solutions of the depth-averaged model equations is the penalty function finite element technique described by Reddy. 14,15Further details of the method and its application to depth-averaged open channel flows may be found in Puriand Kuo3and Puri.g The hydrodynamic model described by Puri and Kuo3 was extended in the present study to incorporate the depth-averaged k-e turbulence model by means of a staggered finite element mesh scheme. The necessity for a staggered grid stems from the need to decouple the solution of the mean flow equations from the solution of the turbulence equations, and to assist in proper implementation of the boundary conditions. This decoupling then allows the mean flow equation set and the turbulence equation set to be solved alternately rather than simultaneously, with control being transferred between the two sets until overall convergence is achieved. This procedure was found to greatly reduce the possibility of non-convergence of the equations.16 The staggered grid structure is shown in Figure 1. The velocity components at a wall were specified to be zero in accordance with a no-slip condition, while the wall boundary conditions for the turbulence quantities k and E were imposed using a modification of the wall function method of Launder and Spalding.6 Consequently, for the near-wall turbulence grid nodes, the following relations were imposed:
%J =
ff, = pkk %JI~CppkklfimY2 (26)

Previous attempts at formulating closure schemes for the momentum dispersion terms have been based on the assumption of a simple secondary flow field which allows the depth variation of the horizontal velocity components to be modelled by known theoretical velocity distributions. Flokstra4 substituted power law velocity profiles into the third term of equation (3) to derive a closed set of prediction equations. However, he failed to present numerical values for the coefficients in his equations, nor did he present computational results to support the general use of his model. The closure expressions derived by Flokstra4 are: I,, = cweti- 2arfizi + CQfi (19) rxv=1Li2+((Y~-(11*)~ii,-cyl~2 ryy = a21iZ + 2arfifi + a(# (20)


where the subscript w denotes a near-wall value. For the flow cases considered in the present study, the gradients of all the primary unknowns normal to the outflow boundary were specified to be zero. Implementation of the inflow boundary conditions on the velocity field was achieved by assigning uniform inflow velocities from the known system discharge rate. Inflow boundary conditions for the turbulence quantities were obtained by following the approach specified by Rastogi and Rodi.

(21) in which rXX, PYYand rX,, are the momentum dispersion components of the (depth-averaged) effective stress tensor per unit mass. The coefficients, (Y~, i = 0, 1, 2 were evaluated in the present study as: a0 = 0.02 CX~ = 0.34(/z/R) 01~= 7.2(h/R) (22) where R is the radius of the curvature of the main streamline. This model is here referred to as momentum dispersion model MDl. An additional, simplified, model for the momentum dispersion terms may be obtained by neglecting the normal component of the three-dimensional velocity field. Following Flokstras4 approach, it is easy to show that:




I ---4c



--A-- __

rxx= o.02ti2 rxy= 0.02afi rvr= 0.02 fi2

This model is referred to as a momentum MD2.

(23) (24) (25) dispersion model

Figure 7 Staggered mesh configurations velocity and turbulence grids

showing interlocking






Vol. 9, April


open channel


N. Puri and C. Y. Kuo

Consequently, the following inflow boundary may be imposed:


6 5 -Model ExperImental 1 data

u:ii ii =h
ki = (0.0765~1*h~~/C~)~


4 3 2 1 0 -1 L? 0 F= -2 -3 Outer bank

where i denotes an inflow value. It is worth noting at this point that the governing model equations presented in this study are fully elliptic, not parabolic, as the model equations of Leschziner and Rodi are. Consequently, it is possible to use the present model to predict important flow phenomena such as flow separation and recirculation.

Model simulations
Although there exists a large body of experimental data for curved channel flows, suitable and detailed data for rectangular cross-sectioned channels having a strong curvature (mean radius to width ratio of order 3 and below17) are relatively scarce. Of the available experimental studies, Rozovskiis18 data was found to be suitable for model verification purposes, and his experimental results have been used by other authors7Yg for the purpose of evaluating their respective computational models. Consequently, various variants of the proposed model were used to simulate Rozovskiis experimental flow conditions so as to evaluate the different Reynolds stress and momentum dispersion closure schemes. The channel consisted of a 180 bend, having a mean radius to width ratio, Ro/B, of 1 .O and straight inlet and outlet reaches of length L/B = 3.75. The inlet depth to width ratio, hi/B, was 0.075 and the Reynolds number, Re had the value 15 600 associated with an inlet Froude number F = Uinlet/(ghi)12 = 0.03376, where Uinret is the inlet velocity. The friction coefficient was specified to be the experimental value of cff = 366, and the finite element mesh consisted of 10 elements in the transverse direction, 10 elements in the longitudinal or main flow direction along the straight reaches, and 17 elements in the circumferential direction along the curved reach. This finite element mesh was used for all the simulations described in the present study. The simulations made with the depth-averaged hydrodynamic-turbulence model are summarized in Table I. In addition, Model 5 was utilized to conduct a parametric study of some of the parameters governing flow in a curved channel, including Ro/B, L/B, cff, and finite element mesh configuration. To allow comparison of the results, the inlet depth to width ratio, system discharge, and inlet Froude number were kept constant for this group of simulations.

-4 -5 -6 -7 -6 -E )_) 0


Figure 2 Comparison between predicted (Model I) and experimental water depths along channel inner and outer banks (SIB = normalized distance along centreline; n% =normalized water depth)

Results and discussion

A comparison of experimental observations of normalized water depths along the channels inner and outer banks with the predictions of Models, 1, 2,3 and 4 is shown in Figures 2,3,4 and 5 respectively. It is clear that the standard hydrodynamic turbulence model (Model 1) results in excellent agreement with the experimental data (Figure 2), and is associated with a maximum error of 2.5%. It also appears that model predictions are not significantly altered by the curvature tnodification of Leschziner and Rodi17 incorporated in Model 2, as may be seen from Figure 3. In addition, Figure 4 shows that momentum dispersion model MD1 degrades the overall predictive capability of Model 3, and is associated with a maximum error of 4.5%. However, the simplified momentum dispersion model MD2 incorporated in Model 4 clearly results in improved model predictions when compared to Model 3. The failure of the curvature modifications may be due to the following two reasons: (1) the modification was derived for two-dimensional and axisymmetric flows, and may not be directly applicable to depth-averaged computations, and (2) while the tnodification proved to be of some significance when simulating the strongly recirculating flows examined by Leschziner and Rodi,17 its significance may be diminished when applied to subcritical curved channel flows that do not exhibit separation. A possible explanation for the failure of momentum dispersion model MD1 may lie in the fact that the closure expressions utilized in the model were derived assuming helicoidal flow in a long gentle channel bend. Consequently, the normal velocity profile of van Bendegom may not be strictly applicable to the strongly curved channel flow present in Rozovskiis* experimental


Model simulations CP value 0.09 Equation 0.09 0.09 Equation Momentum Neglected Neglected Model MD1 Model MD2 Model MD3 dispersion

Model 1 Model Model Model Model Model 1 2 3 4 5







Vol. 9, April


Subcritical 6
5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -z 0 F -2 -3 -4 -5

open channel


N. Puri and C. Y. Kuo



ment in the predictive capability of Model 4 over Model 3, as may be seen, from Figures 4 and 5. Model 5 was found to result in an overall minimum discrepancy between model predictions and experimental data, and Figure 6 shows a comparison of Model 5 predic-



ExperImental 4




-1 -E -7 -E -2 S/B Figure 3 Comparison between predicted (Model 2) and experimental water depths along inner and outer banks -4 -5-2 0


St-5_-Model 432lQ-1 -2-

ExperImental 3





Figure 5 Comparison between predicted (Model 4) and experimental water depths along inner and outer banks Outer bank

ExperImental data 2- D model (model 3-D model

---6 t

-3 4 0 F -4 -5-6-7 -8-9-lO-11 -12 -131

Outer Inner bank


-14h ,
0 1



6 5 S/B


Comparison between predicted (Model 3) and experiFigure4 mental water depths along inner and outer banks

-8-9-1oj , 0 1 , 2 \_

flume. Consequently, it may be advisable to entirely eliminate this inappropriate normal velocity profile from the closure model when simulating strongly curved flow. This observation is borne out by the significant improve-

I 3

I 4

I 5 S/B

I 6

I 7

I 8

I 9

I 10 model

Figure6 Comparison between and exoerimental data

Model 5, three-dimensional







9, April


open channel


N. Puri and C. Y. Kuo

tions, experimental data, and predictions made with the parabolized three-dimensional model of Leschziner and Rodi.17 It is clearly evident that the predictions of the depth-averaged model are certainly as good as the predictions made with the more expensive, complex and restricted parabolic three-dimensional model. In addition, it is impar-tant to note that the depth-averaged model is far more economical in computer storage and execution time than the three-dimensional model, despite the parabolic nature of the latter. Space limitations preclude presentation of all the results obtained from the parametric study, but the effect of the friction coefficient and the radius of curvature on the flow may be seen from Figures 7 and 8 respectively. Figure 7 clearly indicates that increased roughness (a smaller cff value) results in a lower water surface elevation along the inner bank of the curved channel segment. Also, as expected, the increased roughness results in increased frictional losses so that the water surface elevation at the channel outlet is lower than the outlet elevation corresponding to smaller roughness values. Figure 8 shows the water surface profile at the point of maximum curvature in the channel curve (at 0 = 90). The figure shows that a smaller R,/B ratio results in a more convex water surface profile, and also results in larger superelevation differences between the channel inner and outer bank at 6 = 90.



0.96 -

0920.91 0.90 0 890.88 -

Based on the results of simulations ing conclusions may be made: conducted. the follow.

:.::I ,,,
0 01 02 0.3 Figure 8 Normalized R,lB values


0.5 R/B






water depth profiles at 0 = 90 for different

The curvature modification adopted for the present model appears to have little effect on the computation of strongly curved subcritical open channel flows that do not exhibit separation. Momentum dispersion closure schemes computed using a three-dimensional normal velocity profile based upon helicoidal flow in a wide, gentle, channel bend are not significant for the prediction of strongly curved open channel flows that do not exhibit separation. The optimal computational model (Model 5) results in excellent agreement between model predictions and experimental data. The maximum discrepancy between the predicted and observed normalized water depth profiles is approximately 2.5%, and the predicted and observed velocity fields also appear to be in good agreement. Overall model predictions are as good as those made with a more expensive and restricted threedimensional model. The simulation model is capable of predicting separation in subcritical strongly curved open channel flow due to the elliptic nature of the governing equations. However, care must be taken to avoid simulating flows in which the local Froude number exceeds unity (as may happen along the inner bank of the channel curveg,21). In this case, cross waves will form along the channel and the present model cannot be applied. The above conclusions indicate that the model is superior to the previous computational models reported in the literature, and the results of the parametric study are useful in the design of optimal channel bend configurations. In conclusion, the following extensions and/or modifications of the existing model should be useful: (a) incorporation of pollutant transport module, (b) extension of

0 98



0.890.880.870.86 0.85L 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 R/B Figure 7 Normalized water depth profiles along channel inner bank for different cff values , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8





Vol. 9, April



open channel


N. Puri and C. Y. Kuo 8 Rodi, W. Turbulence models and their application in hydraulics: a state of the art review, presented by the IAHR -Section on Fundamentals of Division II Experimental and Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Delft, 1980 Puri, A. N. Numerical analysis of subcritical open channel flow using the penalty function finite element method, a Doctoral Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1983 McGuirk, J. J. and Rodi, W. A depth-averaged mathematical model for near field of side discharges into open channel flow. J. Fluid Mechanics 1978,86 (4) Leschziner, M. A. and Rodi, W. Calculation of annular and twin parallel jets using various discretization schemes and turbulence ~ model variations, Trans. ASME, J. Fluids Engng 1981, 103 Gibson, M. M. An algebraic stress and heat-flux model for turbulent shear flow with streamline curvature, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 1918, 21 Launder,B. E., Pridden, C. H. and Sharma, B. I. The calculation of turbulent boundary layers on spinning and curved surfaces. Trans. ASME, J. Fluids Ennnn 1977, 99 (1) Reddy, j. N. On penalty function methods in the finiteelement analysis of flow problems, J. Numerical Methods in Fluids 1982, 2 Reddy, J. N. Private communication, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1982 Schamber, D. R. and Larock, B. E. Numerical analysis of flow in sedimentation basins, J. Hvdraulics Div., ASCE 1981, 107 (HY5) Leschziner, M. A. and Rodi, W. Calculation of strongly curved open channel flow, J. Hyraulics Div., ASCE 1979, 105 (HY 10) iozovskii, I. L. Flow of water in bends of open channels, Academv of the Sciences of the Ukranian SSR, Kven, USSR (translation No. OTS 60-S 1133), Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C., 1957 de Vriend, H. J. A mathematical model of steady flow in curved open shallow channels, Report 76-1, Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics, Delft, Netherlands, 1976 van Bendegom, L. Some consideration on river morphology and river improvement, Delngerzieur 1940,.59 (B l-11) Soliman, M. M. and Tinney, E. R. Flow around 180 bends in open rectangular channels, J. Hydraulics Div., ASCE 1968, 94 (NY4)

the steady-state model to solve time dependent problems, and (c) improvement of the computational method by replacing the lower order four node finite element used in the present study with a higher order eight node element. This modification would remove the need for a fine finite element mesh since the higher order element is more accurate. These modifications will greatly increase the general applicability and usefulness of the model for flow predictions.



This research was supported by National Science Foundation, CME-8004364. Dr J. N. Reddy provided a computer program which was modified for inclusion as a part of the entire model.


Kuipers, J. and Vrengdenhil, C. B. Calculation of twodimensional horizontal flow, Report Sl63-1, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, Netherlands, 1973 Chapman, R. S. and Kuo, C. Y. Application of the twoequation k-c turbulence model to a two-dimensional, steady, free surface flow problem with separation, Proc. Symp. on Refined Model&g of Flows. Vol. 2, Paris, France, 1982 Puri, A. N. and Kuo, C. Y. Numerical modeling of fluid flow using the penalty function finite-element technique, Proc. ASeE Hydraulic Conf., Cambridge, MA, 1983 Flokstra. C. The closure problem for depth-averaged twodimensidnal flows, Paper_AIO6,17th IAHR Congress, Baden-Baden, Germany, 1977 Schlichting, H. Boundary layer theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955 Launder, B. E. and Spalding, D. B. The numerical calculation of turbulent flows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 3. 1914 Ratogi, A. and Rodi, W. Prediction of heat and mass transfer in open channels, J. Hydraulics Div., ASCE 1978, 104 (HY3)


15 16

17 18


20 21






Vol. 9, April

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