Lesson 9 Follow Series of Directions or Instructions Listened To

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Lesson 9 (Listening) Follow series of direction or instructions listened to I.

Learning Objective Follow series of direction or instructions listened to Follow directions in the use of household gadgets/equipment Determine or tell the purpose of the writer author in writing the selection


Subject Matter A. Topic: Following Series of Directions or Instructions Listened to Following Direction in the Use of Household Gadgets/Equipment Determining/Telling the Purpose of the Author/Writer in Writing the Selection BEC A.2 p. 23, C 10.10.2 p. 25 PELC 2001 BEC Handbook in Eng. p. 23-25 Growing in Eng. VI (Reading) p. 103 108 Manual p. 93, 96, 97, Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI Chart, word bank, real electric fan, steps following directions

B. References:

C. Materials:

Value Focus: Persistence and patience in following directions produce positive result listening fully and attentively to a person shows respect and courtesy


Procedure A. Pre-reading activities 1. Drill The words and phrases that follow are action words. Prove that you understand what they mean by acting them out. a. Huddle to keep out the cold b. Nuzzle and grunt (like an angry dog) c. Slam the door. d. Snap at the heels of (like an angry dog) e. Stop and look closer at f. Listen to the bells. g. Pass the paw over the ear. (like a cat washing its face) h. Spring out with a grow i. Duck the head j. Jump over a puddle

2. Review Follow this five-step direction below. Get your drawing paper, pencil and crayon. Do what I say. a. Draw a nipa hut in the middle of the paper. b. Color it brown. c. At the left side of the nipa hut, draw a bench. d. Under he bench, draw a cat. e. At the right side of the nipa hut, draw a tree. 3. Motivation Have you tried putting parts together to form a figure or something? Was it easy? How fast did you finish it? 4. Unlocking Difficulties Analyze each word in the word bank below. Then read each sentence carefully to find clues to the right word to use. switch clockwise motor assembly shaft mount

counter clockwise a. If you turn ______, you will be following the movement of the clocks hands. b. Most bancas now are using _______ instead of paddles. c. My father asked Mang Nestor to _________ the picture in a metal frame. d. Dont hold the ____ of your heater with your wet hand. e. If you turn around __________ you are moving exactly in the opposite of the clocks movement f. Cecilias bike broke down and he had to buy a new pedal ______ for it. g. The arrow hit a piece of metal and broke its _________. 5. Motive Question Can you assemble an electric fan by following instructions in the selection on p. 103 104? (see Growing in English Reading VI Textbook)

B. During Listening/Reading Activities Call on individual pupils to read each step orally. (See p. 103-104 of GIE Reading VI) C. Post-Listening/Reading Activities 1. Comprehension Check: Answer the motive question. Can you assemble an electric fan by following the instruction? NOTE: Let pupils work in pairs or small groups. One will read the instructions and another will demonstrate how to assemble the electric fan. a. What are the parts of the electric fan? b. What parts were first put together? c. What part was the last one to be assembled? d. What step was the most complicated? e. How long did it take Nanding to assemble the electric fan? f. Do you think you can assemble the same in a shorter time or a longer time? 2. Following directions on the use of household gadgets (See p. 106 107 of GIE w/Reading) 3. Telling the purpose of the writer What is the purpose of the writer in this selection? to instruct? to inform? or to entertain? 4. Practice Exercises Answer Exercise #2 page 114 (Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI) D. Generalization Why should we learn how to follow directions and instructions? So that we can use household gadgets/equipment properly. What may be the purpose of a writer in writing a selection? (to instruct, to inform or to entertain) E. Application A. Read the Exercise VIII (p. 120 of Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI) Then follow the directions.

B. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the selection? Explain your answer orally. F. Fixing Skills A. Read the poem (Exercise IX of Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI p. 121. Then follow the series of directions stated. B. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the poem? a. to instruct b. to inform c. to entertain

G. Values Integration Were you able to answer our exercises correctly? Why? What traits should you possess in order to follow directions correctly? (patience, listening attentively, perseverance, courtesy) What will happen if you listen patiently and attentively to instructions given to you? (Listening attentively to instructions produces positive or good results.)


Evaluation A. Listen to the selection entitled Fish and other Animals that Live in the Sea on p. 124 (Reading Comprehension Exercises in Eng. VI) which will be read by the teacher. Then follow the series of directions that follow. B. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the selection? Choose the letter of the correct answer. a. to instruct b. to inform c. to entertain



1. Learning how to ride a bicycle is not difficult. Imagine yourself teaching your younger brother or sister how to ride a bicycle. 2. Draw a series of six pictures showing how this can be done. Then write the directions for each step. Write a title for your pictures. do this in your notebook.

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