Outlook On 21st Century Education For Nigeria (E-Learning)

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OUTLOOK ON 21st CENTURY EDUCATION FOR NIGERIA (E-LEARNING) Education and learning frankly speaking directs or engineers best

practices toward national development. Social constructivism relevantly identifies roles for the media as learner and actor in the social interaction of technology and development. Conversely, digitalization has provided right platform for educational convergence and social re-engineering. The Nigeria education scene is blurred by foggy issues of inefficiency in human and environmental resources, dwindling funds, misplaced curriculum and disillusioned learners community. The consumerism culture characterizing the Nigerian curriculum and the general educational system has only culminated into pedagogical complexities for the learning generation. These have had opinions in the tabloids but not satisfactorily to proffer constructive window for stakeholders. Interestingly, the frontiers for seeking artifacts have been found in e-learning or what is ascribed as open and distance learning. The optimistic perspective to e-learning is its potentials to displace horizontal inequality within and outside the boundaries of governance, societal disorientation to provide magnanimous results. A perspective from India and Malaysia, a model of Third World nations realizing the potentials for development is the smart school projects. E-learning as complex as it seem, has been simplified in its technicality to provide learning management system. With many offered as Open Source Software e.g. Moodle, Microsoft LMS, Blackboard, etc, and even the content laying fallow as creative commons contents needing educationists to facilitate their learners to harness them. While Nigeria is still striving to come to terms with e-learning which has characterized us as digital migrants, the next development in learning is mobile learning. This combines internet technology with mobile communication technology to provide learning platforms for 21st century learners. The perspective which demands policy direction, stakeholders sensitization, and media discuss is the tremendous advantage embedded inside 21st century learning characterized by combined design and delivery of 21st century student outcomes (a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century.i

Culled from http://www.p21.org/overview/skills-framework

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