IOCL MAthura

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SUPERVISOR: Mr. Pramod Kumar SPM, IOCL Mathura

By: Bhardwaj Uday Umakant


1. Acknowledgement 2. Synopsis 3. Brief Overview of IOCL 4. Overview of Mathura Refinery 5. Fire Risk Management Philosophy 6. Once-through Hydro Cracking Unit 7. New Hydrogen Generation Unit (NHGU) 8. Diesel Hydro Desulfurization Unit (DHDS) 9. Diesel Hydro-Treatment Unit (DHDT) 10. Jindal Coating Unit Report 11. References

We feel immense pleasure and privilege to express our deep sense of gratitude, indebtedness and thankfulness towards MR. PRAMOD KUMAR & MR. SUSHANT ACHARYA who generously helped us color the mosaic of this training with their knowledge, expertise and memories. We shall remain ever grateful to all the persons of I.O.C.L, who have helped, inspired and encouraged us and above all made us an ever more experienced person. For their invaluable guidance, kind cooperation, inspiration and encouragement during all the stages of our training, we would like to thank MR. GAURAV BAJAJ who has been of immense help during our training period and thousands of other I.O.C.L employees whose name we could not mention just for the lack of space. Last but not least, we would like to convey our hearty and blossom thanks to my friends and fellow mates who have directly or indirectly helped me in the compilation of this report. After the completion of the training program, we found it to be of immense help, not only in supplementing the theoretical knowledge, but also by gaining highly practical knowledge regarding the actual work carried out in a Refinery Plant. At the end, we again express our gratitude to all those who helped us in any way to complete our project work successfully.

June 2013 I.O.C.L. Mathura

Overview of Indian Oil

Indian Oil Company Limited, a wholly owned Government company was incorporated on 30 June, 1959 to undertake marketing functions of petroleum products. Later, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOC) was set up on 1 st September, 1964 by amalgamating the Indian Refineries Limited (started in August, 1958) with the Indian Oil Company Ltd., for better coordination between refineries and marketing.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited or IOC is Indias largest commercial enterprise and the only Indian company to be among the worlds top 200 corporations according to Fortune magazine. It is also among the 20 largest petroleum companies in the world. It was established in 1959 as Indian Oil Company Limited which was merged with Indian Refineries Limited in 1964 to form IOC as it is today. Indian Oil Corporation has four divisions: Marketing Division with Headquarters at Bombay; Refineries and Pipelines Division with Headquarters at New Delhi; Assam Oil Division with Headquarters at Digboi; and Research and Development Centre at Faridabad.

The Assam Oil Division was established on 14th October, 1981 on taking over the refining and marketing operations of Assam Oil Company Limited. The Company wholly owns a subsidiary Company viz. Indian Oil Blending Limited, which is engaged in the manufacture of lubricants and greases. The products of the subsidiary Company are also marketed by the Company.

The objectives of the Company as approved (June, 1984) by Government are as follows: To serve the national interests in the oil and related sectors in accordance and consistent with Government policies. To ensure and maintain continuous and smooth supplies of petroleum products by way of crude refining, transportation and marketing activities and to provide appropriate assistance to the consumer to conserve and use petroleum products most efficiently. To earn a reasonable rate of return on investment. To work towards the achievement of self-sufficiency in the field of oil refining, by setting up adequate domestic capacity and to build up expertise for pipe laying for crude/petroleum products. To create a strong research and development base in the field of oil refining and stimulate the development of new petroleum products formulations with a view to eliminate their imports, if any and To make use of the existing facilities in order to improve efficiency and increase productivity. 5

Decentralisation of Imports And Exports

Earlier, import of crude oil and import as well as export of almost all petroleum products were done through the Company. In the wake of economic liberalisation, the Government has decentralised a number of petroleum products starting from July, 1991. The Govt. of India amended (July, 1994) Export and Import Policy 1992 -1997, thereby enabling the users to import ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel) against special import licence. The Company assisted (October, 1994) the airlines in importing the ATF. But with imposition (March, 1995) of a cost and freight surcharge by Government with retrospective effect, the Company stopped such imports as these were no longer beneficial. By September, 1995 as many as 9 products, including LPG and Kerosene, which are being marketed in parallel by joint as well as private sector, have been decentralised and custom duties on them have also been successively reduced. A chronology of major events in the decentralisation of marketing of petroleum products is given at Annexure-I. However, the Company continues to import LPG and Kerosene for meeting the countrys demand and for sale through public distribution system at administered and centralized prices.

Organizational Set-Up and Network of Marketing Division

The Marketing Division, with its headquarters at Bombay and headed by Director (Marketing), has four regional offices located at Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta and Madras. All regional offices are headed by either Executive Directors or General Managers. There are 44 Divisional Offices, including two of the Assam Oil Division. As on 31 March, 1995, the Company had 39 bulk storage installations (including 3 of AOD) and 117 storage depots, which fed 5995 retail outlets. In addition, there were 2898 kerosene/light diesel oil dealers who also move these products from the depots to 4379 consumer outlets for sale. The Company had a total product tankage of 3.93 million kilo liters at its installations and depots. Being the major producer and distributor of LPG to various types of consumers in India, the Company has 32 area offices to deal with LPG marketing. As on 31 March, 1995, the Company had 33 LPG bottling plants with a total bottling capacity of 11.92 lakh tones per annum. Indane cooking gas (LPG) is distributed to 12 million households. Indian Oil markets nearly 66.8 percent of the countrys aviation fuel (68.2% in 1992-93), meeting the needs of 59 international airlines besides the domestic carriers and the defence services. Of the 117 aviation fuel stations in the country, Indian Oil operates 93.

Auto LPG Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) Bitumen High Speed Fuel Industrial Fuels Liquefied Petroleum Gas Lubricants and Greases Marine Fuels MS/Gasoline Petrochemicals

Refining Pipelines Marketing Training Research & Development

Location of various I.O.C Refineries

IOC Refineries - Overview

Refinery Year of Commissioning
1901 1961 1964 1965

Initial Capacity TMTPA

28 750 2000 2000

Capacity, TMTPA As on 01.04.06

650 1000 6000 13700

Digboi Guwahati Barauni Gujarat

Mathura Panipat IOC's Total IOC Associates IOC+Associates Total Industry % Share (IOC)

1982 1998

6000 6000

8000 6000 41350 12850 54200 132470 41%

IOCL Refineries
KBPL Conversion Panipat: 6.0 SMPL

Oil India Crude Pipeline BRPL:2.35 Digboi 0.65

Mathura: 8.0 Chaksu Barauni : 6.0 Koyali :13.7 HBCPL

Haldia : 6.0 Paradip : 15.0

Sidhpur Mundra

Viramgam Kandla Salaya

Guwahati 1.0

IOC Refineries
CPCL-M :9.5

IOC Associates IOCs Proposed Refinery New Crude PL

CBR : 1.0

Refinery Capacity in MMTPA

Mathura Refinery: An Overview

Mathura refinery was commissioned in 1982 as the sixth refinery in the fold of IndianOil and with an original capacity of 6.0 MMTPA. Located strategically between the historic cities of Delhi and Agra, the Refinery at Mathura is situated in the mythical and mystical land of Lord Krishna. Later the capacity of Mathura refinery was increased to 7.5 MMTPA by systematically debottlenecking and revamping. With its Fluid Catalytic Cracking Units (FCCU), the refinery mainly produces middle distillates for Northern India supplied though a 760km long product pipeline to Jalandhar in Punjab via Delhi (MJPL) and 100km long Mathura Tundla Pipeline (MTPL). A Vis-breaking unit was commissioned in 1982 and Soaker drum technology was implemented in VBU in the year 1993. The two-stage desalter was commissioned in 1998 in order to improve the on-stream availability of the crude distillation unit. In the same year new Continuous Catalytic Reformer Unit (CCRU) for production of unleaded gasoline was added.

The First hydrogen generation unit (HGU-I) commissioned in 1999 along with first Diesel Hydro-desulfurisation unit (DHDS) for production of HSD with a low Sulfur content of 0.25% wt (max). A once through Hydro-cracker unit was commissioned in July 2000 for increased middle distillates production. For supplying EURO-III grade auto fuels, viz, EURO-III HSD and EURO-III MS to National Capital Territory (NCT) and National Capital Region (NCR), a Diesel Hydrotreating unit (DHDT) and MS quality up gradation unit consists of NHDT and PENEX along with FCCU Gasoline splitter and 2nd Hydrogen generation unit (HGU-II) commissioned in 2005. The present capacity of the refinery is 8.0 MMTPA and regularly receives crude oil through the 1870 km long Salaya Mathura Pipeline (SMPL). Over the years Mathura Refinery has systematically synchronized technology with ecology with constant care for the surrounding environment. Its close proximity to the magnificent wonder TajMahal adds to the responsibility towards a cleaner Environment.

Salient Features :1. The Refinery processes low sulphur crudes from Bombay High, Nigeria, and high sulphur crudes from Middle East Countries. The process configuration of the Refinery employs the state-of-the-art technologies with minimal impact on the environment. Various steps have been taken by Mathura Refinery to monitor and control the emission of Sulphur Dioxide. Mathura Refinery is the only refinery in the country to have set up the concern of community and archeological 9

sites. These Ambient Air Monitoring Stations were commissioned before commissioning of the Refinery in 1981 and being continuously operated thereafter. 2. Mathura Refinery has taken many initiatives to produce more and more clean fuels in stages in the interest of environment, public health and preservation of national monuments around. Its noteworthy efforts are stagewise implementation of various projects like Catalytic Reforming Unit, Diesel Hydro-desulphurisation Unit and Hydrocracker for quality upgradation of automobile fuels. 3. The Refinery has full-fledged ETP comprising of physical, chemical and biological treatment facilities. The treated effluent from the Refinery fully meets the MINAS(Minimal National Standards), the prescribes effluent discharge standards 4. For the protection of the land environment, Mathura Refinery has initiated biodegradation of oily sludge through "Oilivorous-S", an oily sludge degrading bacterial consortium developed by IOCL(R&D) in collaboration with Tata Energy Research Institute. 5. The Refinery has full-fledged ETP comprising of physical, chemical and biological treatment facilities. The treated effluent from the Refinery fully meets the MINAS(Minimal National Standards), the prescribes effluent discharge standards 6. A beautiful ecological park has been developed in an area of 4.45 acres. During the recent survey, the experts from the BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) have identified 96 species of birds of which 30 migratory ones in the park giving a testimony of richness of life in the ecosystem. 7. Mathura Refinery has done extensive tree plantation in and around Refinery. The Refinery has also taken extraordinary initiatives to provide green cover to the archeological heritage sites especially the TajMahal by planting 1,15,000 trees in the Taj region.



Mathura Refinery received the prestigious Oil Industry Safety Award 2008-09 for Best Overall Safety Performance among Refineries. Shri J.P. Guharay, ED Mathura Refinery received the award from Shri Murli Deora, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas at a glittering function held in Oct 09 at Delhi.

Mathura Refinery received Gold Award in Petroleum Refinery sector from Greentech Foundation, New Delhi, for outstanding achievement in Safety Management in 2008. The award was presented by Shri R.K. Srivastava, Director General, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi on 4th May 2009 at Goa.

Received British Safety Council Award08 in May09 for excellence in Health, Safety and Environment Management.

Received Safety Innovation Commendation-2009 award from Institution of Engineers in Sep09 for innovation in Safety for 2008-09.


Received Best Corporate Security Trophy (Refinery Category) for two consecutive years i.e. 2008 & 2009.

Energy Conservation:

Mathura Refinery received First Prize of 'Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight -2009' for lowest Steam Consumption Performance amongst Refineries having steam consumption <= 0.5 MT/MT and same was received by ED, MR during 15th RTM at Mahabalipuram on 5th Nov.09.

Received 'Jawharlal Nehru Centenary Award 2008-09' - second prize for Specific Energy Consumption Performance amongst all refineries in the public sector. ED, MR received coveted award during 15th RTM held at Mahabalipuram on 5th Nov-09.


Received Gold Award-2009 from Greentech Foundation for outstanding achievement in Environment Management in Oct09.



Received the SammaanPatra for the year 2009-10 in the category of Large Scale Units, by Central Excise Deptt, Lucknow Circle in recognition of the highest levels of compliance with regard to Indirect Taxes apart from contribution to the exchequer. The trophy was received by GM(F)-MR at Lucknow on 24th February, 2010.


Mathura Refinery TPM health checkup was carried out by CII on 23rd December09 thereby approving the nomination of Mathura Refinery for final audit on Excellency Certification in TPM activities by JIPM.

Propylene bulk truck loading facility completely shifted to new location outside refinery premises at Marketing Terminal in Oct09.

In land matters, the search certificates as well as Non-encumbrance Certificates for 1199.49 acres of land of Mathura Refinery received from District Revenue Officer. The UP Govt has also provided the NOC for 1199.49 acres of land enabling appropriate mortgage with State Bank of India. 70 cases with Customs were settled and refund of Rs 55.12 crores received from Customs Department in Mar10. Various PFIs of Business Improvement Program with M/s Shell Global were successfully implemented.

Major facilities commissioned:

PRIME-G unit: PRIME-G unit for FCC gasoline desulphurization was successfully commissioned on 20th Feb 2010.

BBU Revamp: Biturox Technology was implemented in BBU in Oct 09. The capacity of the Bitumen unit was increased from 0.5 MMTPA to 0.75 MMTPA.

ATF Tank: New 10000 KL capacity ATF tank was mechanically completed and commissioned in March. This additional tank will facilitate supplying higher ATF parcel size and will help in tapping additional ATF production potential.

NG as HGU Feed: Facilities (2.4 Km 10 line, Knock out Drum, LP steam heater, associated control valve and piping) for use of high pressure Natural Gas feed to HGUs were completed at refinery end.

Simultaneous pumping of HSD in MJPL & MTPL: A dedicated header for simultaneous pumping BS-III HSD in MTPL and BS-IV HSD in MJPL was commissioned in Mar10. 12

Additional DM plant chain: Fourth chain of DM plant was mechanically completed. Commissioning of additional chain will ensure sustainable and reliable operation of DM plant.

Process Schemes for Euro-IV preparedness: Six nos of process schemes were implemented to ensure availability of Euro-IV products as per schedule.

Units :

S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Name of Processing Units

Atmospheric & Vacuum Distillation Unit(AVU ) Visbreaker Unit (VBU) Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) Continuous Catalytic Reforming Unit (CCRU) Propylene Recovery Unit (PRU) Hydrogen Generation Unit ( HGU ) Once Through Hydrocracker Unit (OHCU) Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) Bitumen Blowing Unit (BBU) Diesel Hydro Desulphurization Unit (DHDS) Merox (Mercaptan Oxidation)

The refinery runs on a large number of predominantly Middle East crude. For refinery producing lube oil base stacks, it is highly unusual to run so large number of crude because the operation of the lube oil process is highly crude specific. It is more usual for a lube refinery to operate on a handful of selected feed stacks and to operate the lube units based upon the known processing characteristics and response of the crude oil. This is not possible at MATHURA


refinery due to the large number of crudes handled and on the constraints on the size of the crude percels that can be handled through the port.

Finished products from this refinery cover both fuel oil products as well as lube oil base stocks. 1. Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) 2. Fuel Oil Products: Future: With Indian oils achievement of a high degree self-reliance defining technology, Mathura refinery is poised for a bright future. All out action have taken for capacity augmentation, increase in distillate production, value addition, cost reduction for obtaining higher margins and improving productivity. All environmental friendly products with latest technology is being incorporated to meet the challenge of change. Mathura refinery will continue to play a significant role in meeting the vital needs of petroleum products in the country. 14 Motor Spirit (MS) Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO) Superior Kerosene (SK) Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) Russian Turbine Fuel (RTF) High Speed Diesel (HSD) Jute Batching Oil (JBO) Furnace Oil (FO) Naphtha Gasoline

3. Lube Oil Products: Inter Neutral, Heavy Neutral & Bright Neutral HVI Grades

4. Other Products: Slack Wax Carbon Black Feed Stock Bitumen Sulphur

Fire Risk Management Philosophy

Petroleum refinery which stores and handles large quantity of flammable materials pose threat to the surrounding in addition to its own safety. It therefore, necessitates the introduction of inbuilt fire prevention & fire protection facilities. It is impractical and prohibitively costly to design fire protection facilities to control all catastrophic fires. Usual requirement of a good system is to prevent emergencies from developing into major threat to the installations and surroundings.

Fire is a rapid, self-sustained oxidation process accompanied by the release of energy in the form of heat and light of varying intensity. Fire results from the combination of fuel, heat and oxygen. When a substance is heated to a certain temperature called the ignition temperature the material will ignite and continue to burn as long as there is fuel, the proper temperatur e and a supply of oxygen (air).

Fire Triangle
Three elements are necessary for initiation of fire: 1. Fuel in the form of vapour, liquid or solid. 2. A source of ignition sufficient to initiate & propagate the fire. 3. Oxygen in sufficient proportion to form a combustible mixture. Combustion process is observed in two modes. For flaming combustion to occur, solid or liquid fuel must be converted into a vapor, which then mixes air and reacts with oxygen. Smoldering combustion, on the other hand, involves a reaction between oxygen and the surface of the fuel: this is a complex process and in general occurs with solid fuels which char on heating.






Classification of Fire
An Indian standard IS: 2190 classifies the fire in four categories according to the type of material burning. Class A: Fires involving ordinary combustible material like wood, paper, textiles etc. where the cooling effect of water is essential for extinguishments of fire. Extinguishing media- water Class B: Fires in flammable liquids like oils, solvents, petroleum products, paints etc. where a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire. Extinguishing media- foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder. 16

Class C: Fires involving gases or liquefied gases in the form of a liquid spillage, or a liquid or gas leak. Here it is necessary to dilute the burning gas at a very fast rate with an inert gas or powder. Extinguishing media - carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder. The best way to extinguish such fires is by stopping the flow of fuel gas to fire. Container is kept cool with water spray. Class D: Fires involving metals like magnesium, aluminum, zinc, potassium etc. Where the burning metal is reactive to water and which require special extinguishing media. Extinguishing media- Special dry powder. Electrical fire : Electrical fires are not treated as a class of their own, since any fire involving, or started by, electrical equipment must, in fact, fall into one of the other categories. The normal procedure for dealing with an electrical fire is to cut off electricity and use an extinguishing media appropriate to what is burning.

Classification of Petroleum Products

Class A: Class B: Class C: Liquid which have flash point below 23oC. Liquids which have flash point of 23oC and above but below 65oC Liquid which have flash point of 65oC and above but below 93oC

Excluded Petroleum: Liquid which have flash point of 93oC and above. Note: LPG do not fall under this classification but form separate category.

Hazard: Situation with a potential for damage to men, machines and environment. Ex : Fire / explosion in LPG storage

: Toxicity in chlorine storage Risk : Combination of hazard consequence and its probability of occurrence. Ex : likely death of two persons in 100 years due to loading hose failure. 17

Flash point: The flash point of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which sufficient vapour given off to flash on the application of flame in the presence of air. Auto ignition: The lowest temperature to which a solid, liquid or gas requires to be raised to cause self-sustained combustion without initiation by a spark or flame. Explosive limits: Explosive limits are those concentrations of a vapor or gas in air below or above which propagation of a flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition. The lower explosive limit is the minimum concentration below which the vapor air mixture is too lean to burn or explode. The upper explosive limit is the maximum concentration above which the vapor air mixture is too rich to burn or explode. Methods of Extinguishments of Fire 1. Starvation 2. Smothering 3. Cooling : : : Elimination of fuel Limiting of oxygen

Limiting temperature

Starvation: Starvation is accomplished by removing combustibles from the neighbourhood of the fire or by removing fire form the mass of combustible materials. It is also achieved by subdividing burning materials to small isolated pockets of fire. Smothering: Smothering is accomplished by eliminating or diluting the available oxygen with inert gas or covering the fuel surface by a smothering agent like foam. Cooling: If the rate at which heat is generated by combustion is less than the rate at which it is getting dissipated then the combustion cannot persist. Application of water jet or spray to a fire results in its extinguishments by this fundamental principle





Fire involving ordinary Water combustible materials like wood, paper, textiles, etc. Where the cooling effect of water is essential for the extinction of fires

934-1976 940-1976 6234-1971

Fire inflammable liquids like oils, solvents, petroleum products, varnishes, paints etc. where a blanketing effect is essential

Foam * carbon dioxide dry 933-1976 chemical powder. Not suitable for alcohol and other water 2878-1976 miscible flammable liquids 2171-1976 (4308)-1982

Fires involving gaseous substances under pressure where it is necessary to dilute the burning gas at a very fast rate with an inert gas or powder.

Carbon dioxide dry chemical 2878-1976 powder. The best way to extinguish such fires is by 2171-1976 stopping the flow of fuel gas to (4308)-1982 the fire. Container is kept cool with water spray

Fires involving metals like Special dry powder magnesium, aluminum, zinc, potassium etc. where the burning metal is reactive to water and which require special extinguisher media.

2171-1976 (4861) 1968


Source of Ignition
It is necessary to understand the sources of ignition and to eliminate them to prevent fires/explosions in the refinery. SOURCES OF IGNITION EXAMPLE PREVENTIVE MEASURES

Electrical equipment

Sparks from motors, switches, 1. Use of approved equipment lamps, hot elements and 2. Follow nation electrical electrical defects codes 3. Proper maintenance.


Hot bearings, misaligned or Preventive maintenance broken M/C parts, chocking, jamming of material, poor and proper lubrication adjustment

Open flames

Cutting and welding torches Strict compliance of precautions stipulated in the gas & oil burners fire permit for hot jobs.

Smoking as ignition

Smoking booths in area where 1. Smoking only in areas permitted. combustible are used 2. Use of prescribed receptacles for cigarette butts

Spontaneous ignition

Pyrophoric leakage



oil Keep pyrophoric iron wet at the time when it is taken out.

Hot surfaces

Contact of combustible Provide proper insulation and material without surfaces, air circulation. heated lines


Spark from engine exhaust

POL trucks / DG set

Spark arrestor on exhaust

Static electricity

During splash loading and 1. Proper earthing of equipment. loading at high velocities 2. Loading velocity should be controlled


Thunderstorm cloud burst

Proper lighting arrestor and earth continuity.

Fire Risk Management

Fire risk is the chance / possibility of loss due to fire. Three aspects to deal with fire risk management are: Fire prevention Fire protection Fire fighting

Fire Prevention Objective: To eliminate the occurrence of fire Regulations for the prevention of fire Fire & explosion contribute a serious hazard to hydrocarbon processing industry like a petroleum refinery. The following regulations should be strictly followed for prevention of fire. Regulation 1: Fire or naked light, matches, petrol or other lighters, cellular phone or any apparatus which is capable of causing ignition is not permitted to be taken within the battery area by any person. Regulation 2 No fires shall be lit and no matches ignited in any part of the battery area unless a valid hot work permit has been obtained from the authorised fire permit signatories of the area and registered at the fire station 21

Regulation-3 Smoking is prohibited in all parts of the battery area except in the smoking booths/locations duly approved for this purpose. Regulation 4 Cycle lamps, other than dynamo operated, are not allowed in the refinery battery limits. The cyclist will switch off even the dynamo as soon as he enters the plant area. Ordinary torches will not be used within the battery area. Flame proof torches/lamps of approved manufacturers as supplied by the refinery, shall only be used. Regulation-5 All vehicles entering / transporting petroleum products from the refinery must be fitted only with approved type of spark arrestors. Regulation-6 Persons entering the refinery battery limit shall deposit match boxes, lighters, mobiles etc with the security at the main entrance gate of the refinery.

Fire Protection
Objective: To contain the spread of fire Fire protection philosophy: Fire protection philosophy is based on loss prevention & control. Because of the inherent hazard a refinery carries. No plant is absolutely safe. A fire in one part/section of a plant can endanger other sections of plant as well. Types: Active Fire Protection System Passive Fire Protection System

Following fire protection facilities shall be provided depending on the nature of the installation and risk involved: Fire Water System Foam System 22

Clean Agent System CO2 System DCP Extinguishing System Detection And Alarm System Communication System

Fire Fighting
Objective: To extinguish the fire with minimum loss It is the last line of the defense. It comes into force when there is actual fire. Main purpose is to extinguish the fire with suitable equipment and materials with an aim to reduce damage due to fire Portable fire fighting equipment Mobile fire fighting equipment Fixed fire fighting system

Mobile Fire Fighting Equipment DCP tenders Foam nurser Trailer fire pump Trolley mounted monitors Fire fighting hose & other accessories like foam branch, nozzles etc. Fire fighting chemicals like foam compound, dry chemical powder etc.








Safety Aspects
Safety, Health & Environment (S, H&E) Policy Indian Oil Corporation is committed to conduct business with strong environment conscience ensuring sustainable development, safe workplaces and enrichment of quality of life of employees, customers and the community. We at Indian Oil believe that good safety, health & environment performance is integral part of efficient andprofitable business management. We shall: Establish and maintain good standards for safety of the people, the processes and the assets. Comply with all rules and regulations on safety, occupational health and environment protection. Plan, design, operate and maintain all facilities, processes and procedures to secure sustained safety, health and environmental protection. Remain trained, equipped and ready for effective and prompt response to accidents and emergencies. Welcome audit of our safety, health & environment conduct by external body, so that stakeholder confidence is safeguarded. Adopt and promote industry best practices to avert accidents and improve our safety, health & environment performance. Remain committed to be a leader in safety, occupational health and environment protection through continuing improvement. Make efforts to preserve ecological balance and heritage.

General Loss Control Rules No match box/ lighter / mobile is allowed in refinery. No smoking is allowed in refinery except at designated places. No vehicle is allowed inside battery area without spark arrestor. No body is allowed to enter the refinery without shoes. No outsider is allowed inside any operational plant / unit area without permission No debris/obstacles allowed on roads. No photography / videography is allowed without permission. No maintenance work should be started without valid permit & clearance. Never enter work area without helmet with chin strap in place. 24 of area in charge.

No climbing/working allowed without safety belt above 2 metre height. Do not walk on pipelines or false ceilings. Do not stand under suspended loads. Do not tamper with fire fighting equipment or fire hydrants. Do not exceed speed limit of 25 kmph within the refinery premises. Report all accidents/incidents to area incharge and fire & safety.


Once-through Hydro Cracking Unit

Basic Details Design capacity Turn down capacity Licensor 1.2 MMTPA 50% of design CHEVRON Research and Technology

Purpose of Unit:MR from its inception in 1981 has been proceeding the crude oil which are classified primarily in two categories. i. ii. Low sulphur crude oil High sulphur crude oil

Residue up gradation into middle distillates and light distillates is currently being done in MR primarily by employing FCC process, and visbreaking. Visbreaking is adopted to reduce the viscosity of residues thereby making it marketable. Viscosity of products obtained from FCC and Visbreaker are relatively poor in quality w.r.t. stability, and sulphur have to be blended with other straight run product to be able market them. Hydrocracker Technology:It is an extremely versatile catalytic process in which feed ranging from naphtha to vacuum residue can be processed in presence of H2 and catalyst to produce desire products lighter than the feed. Thus if the feed is naphtha it can be converted to LPG. In MR VGO (vacuum gas oil) is feed and products are LPG, naphtha, ATF, diesel and FCCU feed. Feed to the unit consists of VGO from AVU (Atmospheric Vacuum distillation Unit) containing 70% high sulphur and 30% low sulphur. Hydrocracker unit consists of four following section Make up H2 compression section Reaction section Fractionation section Light end recovery section

Primary products from OHCU: LPG: - It is separated from light naphtha from stabilizer located in the light end section of the unit. LPG is treated with caustic to remove H2S and free water to meet sales specifications. 26

Stabilized light naphtha:- It is the bottom product of stabilizer with nominal true boiling point(TBP) cut point range for light naphtha used in this design is C5-1080C, stabilized light naphtha sent to tankage after cooling. Heavy naphtha:-It is recovered as the first side cut of atmospheric fractionator. This draw is sent to heavy naphtha side cut stripper. The nominal TBP cut point range for heavy naphtha is 108-1270C. After leaving the side cut stripper heavy naphtha is sent to either tankage off plot or blended into diesel product upto 38 0C in diesel flash point specification. ATF/Superior Kerosene: - It is recovered as the second side cut of atmospheric fractionator. This draw is sent to kerosene side cut stripper. The nominal TBP cut point range of Kerosene is 127-2570C. After leaving the side cut stripper kerosene is cooled and may either sent to tankage or blended into diesel products. High speed diesel (HSD):-It is recovered as the third draw of product fractionator. This draw is split between pump around liquid and feed to diesel side stripper. The diesel pump around stream provides rebioling for heavy naphtha and kerosene side stripper and the de-ethaniser and stabilizer. The nominal TBP is 257-3000C. The diesel product from side cut stripper is first cooled and blended with heavy naphtha and kerosene to meet product requirement. FCC feed:-It is the bottom product of atmospheric fractionator. In reactor section feed is combined with H2 at high T & P and this is catalytically converted into Higher transportation feed. The makeup H2 compression section provides H2 to reactor section. The reaction products are separated and cooled in the H2 rich recycle gas is scrubbed using DEA in H2S absorber to remove H2S. HCU operates under two different catalytic conditions:i. ii. Start of Run(SOR) End of Run(EOR)

When the catalyst is new or freshly regenerated, it is start of run condition. The catalyst gets deactivated due to coke deposition and requires regeneration to operate under design stipulations. The operating condition just before the regeneration is called EOR operation. Catalyst type:The lead and the main reactor contains ICR 126, a highly active and stable catalyst at high conversion levels. ICR 126 is an amorphous catalyst with a small % of zeolite.(middle distillate yield is not overly sacrificed) ICR 114L is loaded in the bottom bed of the main reactor for merceptane control. With cracking catalysts, there is equilibrium between intermediaries in the cracking reaction on H2S to form merceptanes. It is relatively inactive for conversion, it only desulphurises. Thus ICR 114L shifts merceptanes formed by cracking catalyst to desulphurise HC and H2S. ICR 114ZF is used in the bottom of each bed of both reactors. It is not cracking catalyst and much larger in size than the cracking catalysts.


Effect of condition:S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Variable Feed Rate Conversion H2 partial pressure Make up gas purity Reactor pressure Recycle gas rate Recycle gas purity Change Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Effect on catalyst life Decrease Decrease Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase

Process Description:In hydrocracker, the VGO feed is subjected to cracking in a reactor over catalyst bed in presence of H 2 at pressure of 185 kg/cm2 and temperature ranging from 365-445 0C. Cracks products are separated in fractionator. Light ends are recovered in de-butaniser column. The process removes almost all sulphur and nitrogen from feed by converting into H2S and NH3 except from mild caustic wash for LPG, post treatment is not required for other products. The unit consists of four sections Hydrocracker is made up of four sections:i. Reactor section:- Feed stoke is mixed with H2 at high temperature and pressure in the presence of catalyst, converted to lighter transportation fuel. It consists of two reactors in series, lead reactor (3 catalyst bed, pressure 189 kg/cm2) and main reactor (2 catalyst bed), due to high weight of catalyst (400MT). The hydro treating and hydro cracking reaction taking place in reaction stage at high T & P. The high partial pressure of H2 taken to prevent coking of catalyst and excess H2 is recirculated in reactor top for cooling and to promote hydro cracking reaction. In the lead and the main reactor fresh feed is partially converted to mild distillates and lighter products. S & N are almost completely removed or aromatic content is reduced. The reaction section contains additional equipment for separation of H2 rich gas from reactor effluents which is compressed and recycles back to the high pressure reactor loop. The recycle gas contains H2 by product generated from hydro cracking reaction, H2S and NH3. Nearly all ammonia and some of the H2S are removed in form of ammonium bi sulphite by water that is injected upstream of the cold high pressure separator. H 2S is removed from reactor section in liquid form. ii. Make Hydrogen compression section:-Provides H2 to reactor section. The H2 rich recycle gas is scrubbed with Di Ethyl Amine (DEA) in H2S absorber to remove H2S. It consists of three parallel compressor trains each with 3 stage compression. Normally two train compressors are used to compress H2 form PSA to reactor section. They 28

are also used to compress the mixture of N2 and air during catalyst regeneration. The compressed make up H2 is combined with H2 recycle gas in the reactor section to form reactor feed gas. iii. Fractionation section:-The purpose of this section is to separate the reactor section products into sour gas, unstabilised liquid naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosene and diesel. Bottoms containing and converted products are fed to FCC unit. The sour gas and unstabilised naphtha sent to light end section to make flue gas, LPG, light naphtha. Light end recovery section:-Liquid naphtha from fractionation section is sent to de-ethaniser, where H2S is absorbed in amine and the H2S free fuel gas is sent to fuel gas system. The rich amine is sent to ARU (Amine Regeneration Unit) in Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) block. The de-ethaniser bottom is sent to de-butaniser for recovery of LPG. LPG is taken out from the top of de-butaniser and sent to treating section where it is washed with caustic for removal of H2S. The three main functions of this section are: Remove light ends and H2O from light naphtha Separate LPG and treat LPG to desired specification Sweeten the sour gas for further uses as fuel gas



New Hydrogen Generation Unit (NHGU)

TECHNOLOGY : CAPACITY : Technip,France 65000 MTPA

INTRODUCTION : A New Hydrogen Generation Unit of 65000 metric tones per annum of Hydrogen producing is recently included in the secondary processing facilities. The primary objective of the Hydrogen Generation Unit is to produce hydrogen to meet the entire hydrogen requirement of Hydrocracker,Diesel Hydro Desulphurization Unit,Diesel Hydrotreatment Unit & the new upcoming project Motor Spirit Quality Upgradation Unit.

PROCESS DESCRIPTION : 1. FEED PRE-DESULPHURIZATION : The feed contains unsaturated components as well as high amount of organic sulphur. Sulphur would act as a poison for the downstream process catalysts and needs to be removed. The bulk of the sulphur can be removed by conversion (hydrogenation) of the organic sulphur components to H2S and subsequent stripping.The feed to the unit is the straight run naptha which is passed through filters & collected in the sour naptha feed surge drum.The feed is mixed with hydrogen recycled from PSA & fed into the furnace through a series of heat exchangers.The temperature of the mixture is raised to 310-330 oC so the naptha gets vaporized.The superheated sour naphtha / H2 mixture is fed to the hydrogenation reactor which consists of two layers of catalysts, with the top layer consisting of Nickel Molybdenum and the bottom layer consisting of Cobalt Molybdenum catalyst. In this reactor, the olefinic compounds in the feed naphtha get saturated and the sulphur in the naphtha gets converted to H2S. The chlorine present in the feed gets converted to HCI.The mixture coming from the reactor is cooled in heat exchangers & water coolers & sent to a separator having a pressure of 19 kg/cm2.The liquid naptha from the separator drum contains dissolved H2S is heated to 125 oC & sent in the stripper where the H2S is stripped off & naptha is taken as the bottom product.

RSH + H2 RCI + H2 R=R + H2



2. FEED DESULPHURIZATION : The sweet naphtha, collected in the sweet naphtha surge drum. This naphtha is pumped by the sweet naphtha feed pumps to a pressure of approximately 39 kg/cm2g.The feedstock is mixed with hydrogen under ratio control and preheated to about 120C in the heat recovery section.This feed is vapourized by HT shift effluent in the feed naphtha vaporizer and is superheated to about 380 C to 400 C in the convection coil. This is now fed to the hydrogenation reactor to convert any residual organic sulphur to H2S.This reactor contains 4.5 m3 of CoMOx or any other equivalent catalyst.The recycle hydrogen is mixed to provide a mole ratio of 0.25 to provide the necessary amount of hydrogen for conversion of sulphur in the hydrogenation reactor.The hydrogenated feedstock is then passed through the feed desulphurizers A/B containing the chlorine guard and zinc oxide catalyst.Reactor A consists of a bed of 4.1 m3 of Chlorine guard Al2O3 followed by reactor B having 2.2 m3 of ZnO.H2S & HCl are absorbed according to the reactions given below. Hydrogenation reactor :

Reactor A :

RSH + H2

RH + H2S

Reactor B :

Al2O3 + 6HCI

2AlCl3 + 3H2O

ZnO + H2S ZnS + H2O

3. PREREFORMER : The desulphurized feed is mixed with a controlled quantity of steam based on the calculated hydrocarbon weight flow and the required steam to feed ratio. There are two prereformers, one in operation and the second on standby. Each reformer is designed for a life of 12 months operation and consists of 5.9 m3 of Katalco 65-3R (Ni based catalyst). After heating to required temperature of 460C in the pre-reformer preheat coil 3, the gas is passed through the prereformer A/B which is operated adiabatically and will convert the naphtha to methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen.This results in a feed, which can be further preheated to minimize the reformer duty. The steam to feed ratio varies from 3.0 to 2.4 to enable additional temperature control for inlet to the prereformer.The feed in the presence of steam reacts to a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen over a nickel based catalyst. These reactions take place in both the pre-reformer as well as the reformer. The principle reactions are:


CnHm + nH2O CO + H2O

nCO + (m + n) H2

- Heat

CO2 + H2 + Heat

The CO formed from these higher hydrocarbons will be partly converted to methane. For n=1 and m=4; this reaction is referred to as the steam methane reforming reaction, the reverse reaction is generally referred to as methanation reaction. The reversible conversion of methane with steam to CO and hydrogen is strongly favoured by a high temperature, low pressure and high steam quantity which is maintained in the reformer. 4. REFORMER : In order to achieve a higher hydrogen yield from the feedstock, after the prereformer the methane is further converted in the reformer, which operates at a higher temperature.The reaction in the reformer is strongly endothermic so burners are provided in the reformer.Before superheating in the mixed preheat coil , additional steam is added to meet the required steam to carbon for the steam methane reformer which consists of 204 tubes, 12.2 m heated length arranged in 6 lanes each of 34 tubes. Each tube is filled with Katalco 25-4 and Katalco 57-4(Ni based catalyst) in the ratio of 40% : 60% of the heated tube length.The reformer is designed to operate at a steam to carbon of 2.75 mol/mol, which is achieved, by an overall steam to feed of 3.25 kg/kg.The steam to carbon ratio will be increased at lower capacities.The normal reformer inlet temperature is around 650 - 665 at 10. The gas is distributed over the reformer tubes where the reforming reactions take place and an outlet temperature of 880 - 885C is reached.Coking is prevented using excess of steam. 5. SHIFT REACTOR : The gas mixture, which leaves the reformer, is essentially at equilibrium of the shift reaction. Since the equilibrium of the reaction shifts with the temperature, shift conversion will be applied at comparatively lower temperatures to further convert carbon monoxide to hydrogen. There are two temperature levels at which the reactors are operated. The first stage reactor is the High Temperature Shift Reactor and the other, Low Temperature Shift Reactor. The principle reaction is

CO + H2 CO2 + H2

Reactor inlet temperature of 327C fo. In order to increase the hydrogen content in the syngas from the reformer, the bulk of the carbon monoxide is converted by steam to hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the high temperature shift reactor 302-R-14 filled with 25.6 m3 of Katalco 71-5 catalyst. The reformer effluent is cooled to the required inlet temperature for the high temperature shift reactor in the process gas boiler.The effluent from the HT Shift Reactor is at a high temperature. After sufficient heat recovery the effluent is sent to the 2nd shift reactor for more hydrogen recovery. The effluent is cooled in series of heat exchangers,water cooler & air cooler & sent for hydrogen purification.


6. HYDROGEN PURIFICATION : In the Pressure Swing Adsorbtion Unit, the hydrogen is hydrogen leaving with a purity of more than 99.99 vol% and the rest of the process gas is purge gas and serves as primary fuel for the reformer. PSA technology is used to remove the impurities from the reformed gas. This is achieved by molecular sieves, which adsorb the contaminants at high pressure and allow the hydrogen to pass. To regenerate the molecular sieves the adsorber is depressurized. This releases the contaminants and after pressurization the adsorber is ready for reuse. The contaminants, which are released at low pressure, are collected in the purge gas drum and are used to meet part of the heat demand of the reformer. There are 12 vessels containing the adsorbent, out of which three are used for adsorbtion, others are used for desorption & maintaining the pressure. This is a automatic process each vessel having a cycle of 60 seconds.


Diesel Hydro Desulfurization Unit (DHDS):

DHDS (Diesel hydro desulphurization unit) is set up for the following purposes: A step towards pollution control To produce low sulphur diesel (0.25 w/w %) as per govt. directive w.e.f. Oct. 1999. Feed consists of different proportion of straight run LGO, HGO, LVGO and TCO. Mainly two proportions are used: 74% SR LGO, 21% SR HGO, 5% SR LVGO 48% SR LGO, 24% SR HGO, 8% SR LVGO, 20% TCO The DHDS unit treats different gas oils from various origins, straight run or cracked products. The feed is a mixture of products containing unsaturated components (diolefins, olefins), Aromatics, Sulfur compounds and Nitrogen compounds. Sulfur and nitrogen contents are dependent upon the crude. The purpose of DHDS Unit is to hydro-treat a blend of straight run gas oil and cracked gas oil (TCO) for production of HSD of sulfur content less than 500 ppm wt. The Hydrodesulphurization reaction releases H2S in gaseous hydrocarbon effluents. This H2S removal is achieved by means of a continuous absorption process using a 25% wt. DEA solution. In addition to the desulphurization, the diolefins and olefins will be saturated and a denitrification will occur. Denitrification improves the product stability. The hydrogen is supplied from the hydrogen unit. Lean amine for absorption operation is available from Amine Regeneration Unit (ARU). Rich Amine containing absorbed H2S is sent to ARU for amine regeneration. CATALYSTS Catalysts used for this process are HR-945 and HR-348/448.The HR-945 is a mixture of nickel and molybdenum oxides on a special support. Nickel has been selected because it boosts the hydrogenating activity. The HR-348 and HR-448 are desulphurization catalysts; it consists of cobalt and molybdenum oxides dispersed on an active alumna. Its fine granulometry and large surface area allow a deep desulphurization rate. Different catalysts based on Nickel and Molybdenum Oxide are used to enhance the rate of reactions. Products Yields: Sl. No. 1 2 3 Products Off-Gas Wild-naptha Diesel wt% 1.36 1.04 97.1


Diesel Hydro-Treatment Unit (DHDT):

Objective : To meet the EURO-III/IV diesel quality requirement (<350/50 ppmS) Feed : Straight run diesel / FCC diesel component/ Coker and Visbreaker diesel components. Catalyst : Ni-Mo oxides Products Yields: Sl. No. 1 2 3 Products Off-Gas wild-naphtha Diesel wt% 2.65 2.8 96.1

Wild naphtha feed from existing DHDS unit is processed along with DHDT wild naphtha in a stabilizer located inside DHDT battery limits for producing single naphtha product. Processes in DHDT: Refining & hydrogenation: Removal of heteroatom (S, N2, O2) Saturation of olefins and dioelfins. Hydrodesulfurization: Hydrodesulfurization reactions are fast and take place in single step. Mercaptans: Sulfides: Hydrogenation: Aromatic saturation & denitrification of heterocyclic compounds. Hydrocracking: Hydroisomerisation & then cracking into lighter isoparaffins. Metal removal Coking R-SH + H2 R-S-R + 2H2 R-H + H2S 2R-H + H2S




Introduction: Corrosion is a natural phenomenon which if left unattended can cause large economic losses. Many methods like paints, coatings of Zinc, Polymers and others are used for preventing corrosion. With pipelines becoming an integrated transportation mechanism for fluids as well as solids in some cases the protection of these pipes from corrosion is important to increase their life. This report deals with three important coating techniques and their laboratory quality inspection. Fusion Bonded Epoxy, Dual Fusion Bonded Epoxy, 3 LPE and 3LPP. The procedure of application of these coating involve similar steps. In FBE coating there is one layer of epoxy; in double FPE two layers; in 3LPE, one layer of epoxy, one layer of adhesive and one layer of Poly ethylene; in 3LPP, one layer of epoxy, one layer of adhesive and one layer of Poly propylene. Fusion Bonded Epoxy:Fusion bonded epoxies are thermosetting epoxy coatings designed as a corrosion prevention coating for use on underground pipelines. These coatings are capable of operating in ranges from -100 up to 230F depending on which grade is chosen, soil type, moisture content, thickness, temperature and other conditions. The values below are for a range of FBE types and specific product information should be obtained from the manufacturers technical data sheet. History Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) has been one of the premier coatings of choice on pipelines for many years due to its durability, corrosion protection properties and ease of application. Starting in the mid 1970s FBE was used on the girth weld area as a field joint coating and since that time millions of girth welds have been coated utilizing this product. In the mid 1980s FBEs were utilized to coat induction bends, flanges, valves, tees and other fittings used in a pipe line system allowing the owner companies to have a high quality corrosion protection coating from start to destination of their pipelines. Technological advances in the application techniques allow for a low cost, high production process for battling corrosion on the weld areas of pipelines. Definition Fusion bonded epoxies are a one part, heat curable, thermosetting epoxy utilized for corrosion protection. FBEs are applied to heated parts in a powder form that rapidly gels from liquid to a solid and have remarkable adhesion to the steel surface. FBEs are also are very resilient coatings that resist damage during handling. FBEs are environmentally friendly containing no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Societies for Protective Coatings (SSPC), NACE International (NACE), and the International Standards Organization (ISO) have developed standards for surface preparation and application of FBE Storage Temperature of Raw Epoxy : Below 27 C For sea submerged pipes Concrete Coating is done on the top of the Epoxy Coating to counter the buoyancy, so rough outer finishing of the epoxy coating required to grip the concrete to prevent the slippage of the concrete during installation of the pipes. The thickness of epoxy coating is 300 to 400 micron 37

Dual Fusion Bonded Epoxy:-

All conditions similar to FB Epoxy coating but two layers of FB Epoxy is applied to provide extra mechanical strength. Three Layered Poly Ethylene:-

4 3 2 1

1 Steel Pipe 2 Epoxy Layer (0.2 mm) 3 Adhesive (0.2 mm) 4 Poly Ethylene/ Poly Propylene Layer (2-5 mm)

1 Steel Pipe
The steel pipes are charged and the temperature of the pipe is increased. The coating is applied using electrostatic spray and due to positively charged surface and negatively charged particles the epoxy gets applied and due to the temperature the polymerization occurs and the coat is formed. After the application of the coat the pipe is kept for curing for some time. Curing of the coating after the application may be equally important as the application itself depending on the use. Curing means allowing for the solvent to evaporate and leave back the coating particles to coalesce and for a solid coating


2 Epoxy Layer
Above is the structure of the epoxy, the epoxy layer is hard and provides for excellent corrosion resistance. The epoxy application may in done in two ways, electrostatic spraying of powdered epoxy or application of liquid epoxy. I case of liquid epoxy the epoxy and the catalyst are mixed at the application site and the reaction occurs on spot to form the coating. Generally liquid epoxy is used in coating of internal surface as it is easier to apply using spray technology. But it is also used in external coating depending on the specifications from the client. . The suppliers of the powder epoxy are 3M, Vulspar, DuPont, BASF. The suppliers of the liquid Epoxy are 3M, Henspel, Exonovel.

3 Adhesive
The adhesive layer is used to create the necessary bond between the epoxy and the Poly ethylene/ Poly propylene layer. The adhesive has two end one polar and other non-polar. The Polyethylene has polar ends and the epoxy non polar ends. To bond these two layers the adhesive is required. The suppliers of the adhesive are DuPont, Borogue, Hyndai

4 Poly Ethylene
The poly ethylene layer or the poly propylene layer is added to increase the mechanical strength of the coating. Polyethylene is generally black in color due to presence of carbon black in it whereas polypropylene is white due to presence of Titanium oxide in it. . The suppliers of the Poly Ethylene are Bassel, Borogue, Hyndai


A. INLET INSPECTION The pipe is visually inspected for any transit defects and other manufacturing errors. It is also checked for oil and grease which may have got applied on the surface during transit. B. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION MONITIRING The environmental conditions are very important for preparation of the surface for coating. The surface must be moisture free. S.No. Pipe Temperature Ambience Relative Dew Point Temperature Humidity 1 28 C 27 C 70 % 23 C 2 27 C 28 C >85 % 27 C In case of 1 the pipe temperature is greater than the Dew point so the condensation of the moisture on the pipe surface is negligible. But if the moisture content is high in the environment generally above 85% the Dew point increases as in case 2. In this case the moisture condenses on the pipe surface creating problems during coating application. Thus to remove this moisture the pipe is generally heated to 65 C 85 C depending on the requirement of the client. 39

C. FIRST STAGE BLASTING The surface of the pipes generally have the deposits of rust, mill scales. The major part of the surface preparation includes blasting the surface of the pipes with the shots and grits of steel as shown in the figure. The surface if blasted creates roughness and increases the surface area available for bonding. The Anchor like structure created on the surface helps in holding the coating as shown. The steel shots have the radius of 0.85 mm and when due to the abrasion the radius falls below 0.3 mm the shots are discarded. The angular steel shots are used for creating roughness using the peen action. Initially 70% Grits and 30% shots are mixed but with time the grits get converted to spherical structures and thus in later stages only the angular grits are added to compensate the depletion of shots



The action of steel grits

The increased bond with the coating due to increased surface area due to blasting


Steel Shot : By contrast, the action of the steel shot is one of impact alone. Results are similar to striking the surface with ball peen hammer. Shot will peen and hammer the surface, which is an advantage when heavy brittle deposits (i.e. mill scale ) must be removed from the surface. The energy of the heavy metal hitting the surface effectively cracks and pops the heavy brittle rust and mill scale from the surface. It is not, however as efficient in removing surface residues since these may be pounded into the surface by the peening action. The peening action on the metal both compresses the surface and stretches the meta, so that care must be taken in shot blasting the sheet metal. The stretching of the metal surface can cause excessive deformation and warpage. Shot blasting is usually more effective on heavier steel plate and shapes as they can absorb the impact of the shot and the surface compression without excessive warpage. Steel Grits : In blasting action because of the sharp edges it creates a cutting action. The sharp edges cut into steel forming sharp peaks and valleys which increases the adhesion potential. D. PHOSPHORIC ACID WASH/ HIGH PRESSURE WATER WASH The usual cold phosphate pretreatment is combination of phosphoric acid to water soluble solvent such as butyl alcohol. Treatment with phosphoric acid can inhibit the rusting of the surface for a considerable period of time. The phosphate wash is followed by high pressure water wash. This is used to remove the chlorides, sulphides and dust on the surface which could cause problems in the coating. Properties of the Phosphoric Acid Wash H3PO4 + Organic Surfactant -> 80% Other additives -> 20% The above mixture is diluted 10 1% v/v The pH of the solution is around 1-2 The volumetric flow rate of the Phosphoric wash is 1 L/min Manufacturer- Chemital Rai (Germany ) Properties of the Water Wash De ionized water is used. Pressure > 1000 psi Flow Rate = 19 L/min pH = 6-8 E. SURFACE INSPECTION The surface of the pipe is checked for Slivers1, Lamination and other defects. F. SECOND STAGE BLASTING: Pre Heating at 60-85 C and then blasting operation as described in section C

Slivers are elongated pieces of metal attached to the base metal at one end only. They normally have

been hot worked into the surface and are common to low strength grades which are easily torn, especially grades with high sulfur, lead and copper.- AISI Technical Committee on Rod and Bar Mills, Detection, Classification, and Elimination of Rod and Bar Surface Defects


G. QUALITY INSPECTION AFTER BLASTING a. Degree of cleanliness on the basis of the ISO 8501-1 standards b. Roughness Profile2 : Generally the specification of the roughness is about 40-100 Micrometer. The observed value during field visit was 54.66 micrometer.

c. Salt Contamination Level : Maximum Specified Value 2 microgram/cm2. The observed value during field visit was 0.4 microgram. 1.6 ml of distilled water is absorbed in a filter paper and is then placed on the pipe for some time, it absorbs the salt on the pipe surface and then it is kept in the instrument which works on the principle of conductivity and the salt concentration is determined. d. Residual Dust Level ISO 8502-3 The procedure include application of a special adhesive tape to the surface and on removal the dust particles get stuck to the surface of the tape and on comparison with the standard the level of contamination is determined and if above level 2 the surface is unacceptable. There are a maximum of 5 levels H. CHROMATE APPLICATION A thin layer of Cr2(SO4)3 is applied on the surface to make the surface more adhesive to the epoxy which will be applied in subsequent stages. The application of the chromate layer improvises the adhesive properties of the surface but if the Thickness of the layer > 2 micrometer then a brittle layer over the pipe undermines the surface properties. The inspection for proper application of the chromate layer involves visual inspection of the layer. The colour must be between light yellow and light brown. Manufacturer- Chemital Rai (Germany )


Rz: Rz is the arithmetic mean value of the single roughness depths of consecutive sampling lengths. Z is the sum of the height of the highest peaks and the lowest valley depth within a sampling length.



INDUCTION HEATING : Induction Heaters provide alternating current to an electric coil. The electric coil induces the current in the pipe and due to resistance and hysteresis losses the pipe gets heated.

The pipe is heated to S.No. 1 2 3 Type of Coating 3 LPE 3LPP FBE/DFBE Temperature Range 180-220 C 200 230 C 230 250 C



EPOXY POWDER SPRAY : Using the electrostatic spraying technique

The feed inlet is 2 Kg/ m2 and the particles of epoxy get negatively charged when they get in interaction with the nozzle and due to 70 KV voltage applications the surrounding region of the nozzle gets negatively charged and this region is called CORONA. The particle of epoxy gets attached to the positively charged pipe. The key parameters that V = 72 KV, Pressure : 6.00 Kg/cm2, % = 35 % The observed flow rate of epoxy is 30 kg/hr. control the thickness of epoxy coating are

FUSION BONDED EPOXY When the Epoxy powder is sprayed on the pipe the powder goes through five stages to form the coating a. Fusion of the particles : The epoxy particles get fused with each other due to high temperature of the pipe. b. Coalescence: The fused epoxy particles coalesce with each other to form big droplets. c. Flow : When the droplets are big enough they flow around the pipe. The above three processes generally take 10 seconds to get completed. 46

d. Film Formation : With increasing droplets the drops join together to form the film of epoxy e. Curing : The coating is given some time to get cured, after getting cured to about 30% to 70% it is quenched. The curing time is different for different coatings. In LPE, LPP due to application of a further hotter layer above the epoxy the epoxy layer gets cured faster as compared to a single layer epoxy coat.

Before the application of the second coat first coat must be between 30 70 % cured as it helps in proper bond formation if the curing is less than 70 %. If the layer gets more cured the bonding between the epoxy and the adhesive becomes weaker. The epoxy which doesnt adhere to the substrate falls down, it is recycled back. ADHESIVE: The adhesive is applied at 222 C POLYETHYLENE: The raw polyethylene is in granulated form, it is first hot air dried to remove the moisture which could cause the irregularities in the Polyethylene coat layer. It is then passed through an extruder and the polyethylene passed through a die to form a layer which gets applied to the top of the adhesive layer. The extruder is of screw type. The temperature of application of the polyethylene is around 234 C. K. QUENCHING After application of the coating the pipe is given a residual period of 3 minutes in case of FBE coating and 10 seconds in case of 3LPE coating for curing. The pipe is to be cooled after the curing is completed. The pipe is quenched with running water. The wash is done for 180-240 seconds.


Continuous flow of water should be maintained, if drop wise application occurs the surface becomes uneven resulting in bad quality.

L. THICKNESS, VISUAL :The thickness of the coating is immediately checked after quenching to avoid any production discrepancies in the subsequent coatings. The visual appearance is also checked for any defects. M. END CLEANING/ END BRUSHING When the pipes will be laid in the field it will be welded with other pipes. To enable this welding there is a provision of cut back of coating from 12510 mm from the ends. To avoid any corrosion to the pipes during the storage, a toe of epoxy coating measuring 10 mm is left. The bevel angle of the toe is generally 30-45 degree.

N. HOLIDAY DETECTION (NACE 0274) The pipe is passed through a ring surrounded by flexible conducting rubber which are in contact with the pipe. The speed of the pipe is 0.3 m/sec and so it takes around 40 seconds for a pipe to get checked. In this method the pipe is earthed and a voltage of 25,000 V is applied to the pipe using the below equipment and the above shown structure If the coating has any defects the circuit will get completed and it will give rise to a buzzer. If there is a major holiday defect the pipe is rejected, if small holiday defect is there it is sent for repairs. O. INLINE INSPECTION AND TESTS Visual, Thickness, Holiday, Cut Back Dimension, Repair are checked for if any they are sent for repairs. Also the Peel Test, Impact Test, Residual Magnetism test is done. Peel Test : The adhesion of the coating is tested using the peel test Impact Test: The impact test is done to check the resistance of the coating to small mechanical damages it can face during laying. Magnetism: Due to induction heating some residual magnetism may be present in the pipe, if the magnetism is above 3 mTesla, then the pipe is sent to demagnetizer.


P. STENCIL AND MARKING The stencil is used to mark the batch no. and other details on the pipe. Also special color codes are used to mark the diameters of the pipe which could make it easier to handle. Q. QUALITY TESTING LABORATORY The final product is sent to the quality testing laboratory to check for the features which will be described later in the report.




1. Manuals of :OHCU, NHGU, DHDS, DHDT, 2. Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coating by C.G. Munger 3. Notes obtained during training.


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