Introduction To Manufacturing Systems

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Introduction to Manufacturing Systems

T. Gutowski 2.810

Systems Topics
1. History and Reoccurring Problems 2. Toyota Production System 3. Time and Variation 4. Quality and Variation

Historical Development of Major Manufacturing Systems from ~1800 to 2000

System of Interchangeable Parts
1800 1850

Mass Production At Ford


Toyota Production System

1950 2000

1819 Hall signs contract to manufacture 1000 breechloading rifles of his design

1827 Halls rifles are certified interchange-able by U.S. Commission

1914 Moving chassis assembly line achieves 8:1 reduction in assembly time

1961 Andon installed at Motomachi plant

Springfield and Harpers Ferry (1830s) Ford, Models T & A (1920s) WWII Aircraft (1940s) Transfer Lines (1950s) Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) (1960s) Toyota Production System (TPS) (1980s)

Reoccurring Problems
Standardization Vs Flexibility Benefits and Costs of Inventory Just in Time Delivery, Supply Chain Dock to Dock Flow Time Pull Vs Push Inspection Techniques

David A. Hounshell, From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932, The John Hopkins University Press, 1984. Introduction, Chapters 1, 6 and 7 David A. Hounshell, Automation, Transfer Machinery, and Mass Production in the US Automobile Industry in the post WWII Era, appeared in The Society for the History of Technology, August 1996. optional

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Proverb

Development of the System of Interchangeable Parts at the U.S. Armories

Harpers Ferry Armory, where John Hall first demonstrated interchangeablility on his breech loading rifle in 1827
Refs: 1. Merritt Roe Smith, Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology, Cornell University Press, 1977. 2. David A. Hounshell, From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932, The John Hopkins University Press, 1984.

U.S. Model 1816 Musket produced at the Springfield and Harpers Ferry Armories by craft method

See Video

Technology development in early America

Earliest known milling Machine in America circa 1816 by Simeon North Ref Smith

Machine for boring gun Barrels with various Augers from 1814 U.S. patent application

Rendering of early drop press used at Philadelphia lamp Factory in 1833 and Thomas Blanchards eccentric lathe for turning gun stocks circa 1819

Blanchards reply to Roswell Lees letter of Jan 1819 requesting a demonstration of his new process at the National Armory
Yours of the 21 ultame. come safe to hand you wished me to wright you respecting macenory I conclude you meen a machine I have recently invented for turning gun stocks and cuting in the locks and mounting. Doubtless you have heard concerning it But I would inform you that I have got a moddle built for turning stocks and cuting in the locks and mounting. I can cut a lock in by water in one minute and a half, as smooth as can be done by hand. The turning stocks is very simple in its operation and will completely imatate a stock made in proper shape. I shal bring the moddle to Springfield in the course of three weeks I shal want your opinion of its utility. (ref. Hounshell)

Springfield MA & Harpers Ferry VA US Armories

Roswell Lee Scarcity of trained gunsmiths Very good transportation Puritan ethics Good schools Rapid adoption of new technology James Stubblefield Whos who of gunsmiths Paternalistic society Poor transportation Poor public schools Poor adoption of new technology

Ref Merritt Roe Smith

Historical Developments for System of Interchangeable Parts

Springfield Armory established Roswell appt. superintendent at Springfield Armory, 1815 Hall signs contract to make 1000 breech loading rifles of his design 1819 Halls rifles are certified interchangeable by US Commission

1785 1765 1794

1798 1815 1819

1822 1827 1834

le systeme Gribeauval

First demo Honore Blanc using hand tools 1785

Harpers Ferry Armory established 1798

Earliest known milling machine in North America Simeon North 1816

Blanchards lathe 1822

Simeon Norths rifles interchange with Halls

John Halls Breech loading rifle, produced at Harpers Ferry from 1823 to 1841

Invented in 1811, certified interchangeable in 1827 by military commission

Fixturing of Parts as described by John H. Hall to the Secretary of War in 1840

In making a part of an arm like a prescribed model, the difficulty is exactly the same, as that which occurs in making a piece of Iron exactly square. In such a case, a man would Square the 2d. side by the 1st, the 3d. by the 2d. and the 4th by the 3d., but on comparing the 4th side with the 1st, it will be found that they are not square; the cause is that in squaring each side by the preceding side, there is a slight but imperceptible variation and the comparison of the 4th with the 1st gives the sum of the variations of each side from a true square. And so in manufacturing a limb of a gun so as to conform to a model, by shifting the points, as convenience requires, from which the work is gauged & executed, the slight variations are added to each other in the progress of the work, so as to prevent uniformity. The course which I have adopted to avoid this difficulty, was to perform & gauge every operation on a limb, from one point called a bearing so that the variation in any operation could only the single one from that point.


Merritt Roe Smith Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology, U. Cornell Press, 1977, p. 227.

Fixturing Principles from John Hall;

Principle: Fixture Part from a single reference or bearing Once fixtured, perform as many operations as possible.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Locate and Load Tool(s) Clean Machine Bed Locate and Mount Fixture(s) Fixture Part Locate (Reference) Tool to Part

Interchangeable Parts at U.S. Armories circa 1800-1860

Key points:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Military need and financing Enabled by machine tool industry developments in the U.S. Division of labor and piece rate accounting Transition from master model of part to engineering drawing of part disrupts social structure in shop. Maintenance of tolerance requires gauging and gauge blocks, this also disrupts social structure. Cultural and leadership differences at Springfield and Harpers Ferry Armories greatly affect rate of new technology adoption. John Hall designs and builds breech loading rifle - first demonstration of interchangeable parts. Cost effectiveness of new system in doubt for decades, slow and painful transistion to commercial products e.g. sewing machines, harvesting machines and bicycles

The Ford Motor Co. and Mass Production

Finally after the Models A, B, C, F, K, N, R, and S came the Model T in 1908. Here are Henry and Edsel Ford in the last Model T produced in 1927.
Refs: David A. Hounshell, From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932, The John Hopkins University, Press, 1984. Karl Williams, Colin Haslam and John Williams, Ford versus Fordism, The Beginning of Mass Production? appeared in Work, Employment and Society, December 1992.

Fords early production was increasing as fast as he could build cars

Ford Production 1909 - 1916
800,000 C a r s S h ip p e d 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1908 1910 1912 Year 1914 1916 1918

Fords response
Ford's continuous improvement
Labor hours per car 500 400 300 200 100 0 1908 1910 1912 Year 1914 1916 1918

Fords continuous improvement 1909-1916

Cars Shipped (i) 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 13,941 20,738 53,800 82,500 199,100 249,700 368,599 585,400 Number of employees (ii) 1,655 2,773 3,976 6,867 14,366 12,880 18,892 32,702 Cars per man year (iii) 8.4 7.5 13.5 12.0 13.9 18.8 19.5 17.9 Labor hours per car (iv) 357 400 222 250 216 127 123 134

70% reduction

Historical Development of Mass Production at Ford.

First announcement about Model T Ford purchases John R. Kein Co. Moving chassis assembly achieves 8:1 reduction in assembly time. Ford needs 963 to do work of 100 $5/day adopted Peak model T production 2M cars and trucks Ford market share 30% Chevrolet changes over from 4 to 6 cyl. in 3 weeks

1906 1908 1911 1913 1914

1921 1923 1927


Walter Flanders yankee mechanic redesigns Ford production

Highland Park Plant Opens

Moving assembly line instituted for magnetos

Ford market share 55%

Last model T. 6 mo close down to change over to model A

Punch Press operations, Highland Park plant 1913 Much of Fords punch press machinery came from John R. Keim Company from Buffalo, which Ford purchased in 1911 and moved to Detroit. Ref. Hounshell

Fords Highland Park Plant where the moving assembly line was first developed for automobiles in 1913

Multiple spindle drilling of the crankcase, notice the quick-change fixturing.

Ford Crankshaft Grinding Machines 1915

Multi-spindle drilling and reaming of engine blocks

Westinghouse Foundry in 1890 Machine made molds are moved past pourer on conveyor system. A similar system was used at Ford



Static Assembly of the Model N At the Piquette Avenue Factory 1906

General view of the line Highland Park 1914 This is the assembly line that assembled a car in 93 minutes

However, Fords turnover rate increased dramatically. In 1914 Ford needed To hire 963 people To fill 100 jobs

Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times

Crowd wanting to apply for $5/day jobs at Ford 1914

Fords River Rouge Plant; 27 miles of conveyor, the epitome of vertical integration.

1927 change over to model A. 1949 strike. Now the site of Bill Fords Heritage program.

Lowering the body onto the Model A.

Those curved lines contributed to manufacturing problems which delayed the changeover

Ford Service men in action May 26, 1937

photographer Scotty Kilpatrick, Detroit News

Labor leaders Walter Reuther and Richard Frankensteen after beatings by Harry Bennetts service men at the battle of the overpass. May 26, 1937 at the Ford River Rouge Plant.

photographer Scotty Kilpatrick, Detroit News

The photos taken by the Detroit News photographer Scotty Kilpatrick on the overpass did not qualify for a Pulitizer Prize because there was no such category at the time. But they caused the Pulitzer committee to institute a prize for photography and in 1942 Detroit News photographer Milton (Pete) Brooks won a Pulitzer for this of a beating on a Ford picket line. Ironically, it shows picketers beating a Ford Motor Co. security man.

Ref Rear View Mirror Detroit News

Mass Production at Ford, 19071932

1. 2. 3. Keypoints: In mass production there are no fitters - Henry Ford. Stamping plays important role in providing low cost high precision parts. Constant improvement, division of labor, standard work, flat organization. Moving assembly line (1913) comes from other examples in industry. Work pace is increased and turnover rate increases. In late 1913, to add 100 workers Ford needed to hire 963 people. $5/day pay is instituted to address this problem. Vertical integration is taken to limits at River Rouge. End of previous cost cutting strategy, conveyor system limits flexibility, labor strike moves Ford to build new plants at other locations. Conversion from Model T to Model A is too late and extremely painful, occasions 6 month shut down and great upheaval. GM introduces yearly model change 1925-1932.


5. 6.

Common elements between Ford and lean

Elimination of Waste Equipment Placed in the Sequence of Operations Reduced Inventory Production to Demand not to Stock Continuous Improvement Flat Organization

High Volume Aircraft Production during WWII, 1939 - 1945

Aircraft Production 1939-45
120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 1938 1940 1942 Year
Refs: 1. Johnathan Zeitlin, Flexibility and Mass Production at War: Aircraft Manufacture in Britain, the United States and Germany, 1939-1945, published in The Society for the History of Technology. 2. Don Sherman, Willow Run, published in Air and Space, August/September 1992. 3. Joshua Stoff, Picture History of WWII American Aircraft Production, published by Dover Publications, 1993.

Number of Aircraft

UK US Germany



How did they do it?

year 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 UK 7904 15,049 20,094 23,672 26,263 26,461 12,070 US 5,859 12,864 26,277 47,836 85,898 96,318 49,761 Germany 8,295 10,247 11,776 15,049 24,809 39,807 7,540

16:1 !!!

Division of labor Redesign for mfg Interchangeable parts Pre-fabrication strategy Moving assembly line

B-24 Assembly line in Ft. Worth

C-47 (DC-3) line in Long Beach 1944

P-47 fuselage riveting

B-17 precompletes for Boeings multiline production

Vought F4U Corsair main spars for wing center sections

B-24 (skin riveting) assembly line in San Diego

Assembly of Pratt and Whitney R-2800 (2000hp, 2800 cu in) Engine at the Ford Dearborn Plant in 1944

Will it run?

High Volume Aircraft Production during WWII, 1939 - 1945





4. 5. 6.

Mass production techniques applied to military products including; division of labor, redesign for casting and forging, interchangeable parts, and moving assembly line. Fords Willow Run plant called will it run? due to long startup delay. Many of Fords tools not used, retrospective modification required at separate plant. Experience with automotive and aircraft companies with military aircraft production shows aircraft companies better suited to introduce new system in both U.S. and England. multiline production developed at Boeing. Continuous learning and the learning curve documented. Strategy to introduce change into the line; U.S. & U.K.

Transfer Lines, 1890 - 1955

Refs: David A. Hounshell, Automation, Transfer Machinery, and Mass Production in the US Automobile Industry in the post WWII Era, appeared in The Society for the History of Technology, August 1996. David A. Hounshell, Planning and Executing Automation at the Ford Motor Company, 1945-65: The Cleveland Engine Plant and Its Consequences, proceedings in Fordism Transformed, Editors, Haruhito Shiomi and Kazuo Wada, published by Oxford University Press in 1995.

Block Cradle at Fords Cleveland Engine Plant, 1952

Machine Tools developed at Waltham Watch Co. circa 1860

Automatic screw machine developed in 1871 by Charles van der Woerd. In production until 1981, capable of producing 800 finished screws per hour.

Automatic lathe controlled by cams, Levers and lead screw designed by Charles van der Woerd in 1866.

Transfer Lines, 1890 - 1955

Keypoints: 1. Early developments at Waltham Watch in 1890s and A.O. Smith in 1920s. Mechanical Marvel took 15 years to payback. 2. Large-scale adoption of transfer machines to build engine blocks at GM Buick Division plant in 1946. 3. Fords Cleveland Engine Plant motivated by River Rouge strike, was one gigantic transfer machine. 4. Transfer lines were adopted because of high production rate, however several shortcomings of the technology prompted redesign. 5. Downtime was significant. Tool changes, maintenance, chip removal,etc. could run up to 50%. Changes to machines involved tool changes, standardization, and buffers. 6. While direct labor was reduced, indirect rose.apparently no clear statement about cost reduction can be made. 7. Horsepower race of the 1950s clearly showed the lack of flexibility of the system. 8. Public and Congressional reaction to potential loss of jobs was significant.

Something between dedicated Mass Production and a Job Shop Goals: highly automated, can work on several part types at a time Group parts, automate toll changing, work handling Seen in the 1970s in Germany and the U.S., later in Japan

Elementary FMS System

Maxim FMS System

David A. Hounshell From the American system to mass production, 1800-1932 Ch 1, 6 & 7 Hounshell, David A. "Automation, Transfer Machinery, and Mass Production in the US Automobile Industry in the PostWorld War II Era," Enterprise & Society 1 (March 2000):100-138.

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