0.5 - Installing An Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

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5 Installing an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

1. As mentioned in the previous section, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) contains all of the things you need to develop, compile, link, and debug your programs. 2. During the course of these tutorials, we will be showing you some of the nice features of your IDE, such as how to do integrated debugging. All of our examples will be done using both Microsofts Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, and Code::Blocks. 3. The concepts we show you will work for any IDE however, different IDEs use different keymappings and different setups, and you may have to do a bit of searching to find the equivalent of what we show you. 4. If you are developing on a Windows machine (as most of you are), then we highly recommend Microsofts free Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition. The installer that you download off of Microsofts web page is actually a downloader. When you run it, it will download the actual IDE from Microsoft.

5. If you are developing on Linux (or you are developing on Windows but want to write programs that you can easily port to Linux), we recommend Code::Blocks. Code::Blocks is a free, open source, cross-platform IDE that will run on both Linux and Windows. Windows users, make sure to get the version with MinGW bundled. Alternately, some people prefer to use Bloodsheds Dev-C++, which also runs on both Windows and Linux.

6. Mac users can use Xcode if it is available to you, or Eclipse. Eclipse is not set up to
use C++ by default, and you will need to install the optional C++ components.

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