STA630 Research Methods MCQs VUABID

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The key takeaways are that a literature review requires planning, clear writing, and rewriting. It is based on prior knowledge and helps establish relationships between variables. Research proposals present a plan for a project and show the researcher's ability to conduct the proposed research.

The main components of a research proposal are presenting the problem statement, objectives, theoretical framework, methodology, work plan and budget. It should also demonstrate the researcher's capability to conduct the proposed research project.

Common methods for collecting primary data include surveys, experiments, interviews and observations. Surveys are the most common method for generating primary data through questionnaires or interviews.

1- Hypothesis refers to

A. The outcome of an experiment

B. A conclusion drawn from an experiment

C. A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter

D. A tentative statement about the relationship

2- Statistics is used by researchers to

A. Analyze the empirical data collected in a study

B. Make their findings sound better

C. Operationally define their variables

D. Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

3- A literature review requires

A. Planning

B. Good & clear writing

C. Lot of rewriting

D. All of the above

4- A literature review is based on the assumption that

A. Copy from the work of others

B. Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others

C. Knowledge disaccumulates

D. None of the above option

5- A theoretical framework

A. Elaborates the r/s among the variables

B. Explains the logic underlying these r/s

C. Describes the nature and direction of the r/s

D. All of the above

6- Which of the following statement is not true?

A. A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project

B. A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting

the proposed research project

C. A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project

D. A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research

7- Preliminary data collection is a part of the

A. Descriptive research

B. Exploratory research

C. Applied research

D. Explanatory research

8- Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating

A. Primary data

B. Secondary data

C. Qualitative data

D. None of the above

9- After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in theoretical
framework, the next step in the research process is

A. To conduct surveys

B. To generate the hypothesis

C. To focus group discussions

D. To use experiments in an investigation

10- The appropriate analytical technique is determined by

A. The research design

B. Nature of the data collected

C. Nature of the hypothesis

D. Both A & B

E. Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are known as:

1. Mall interviews
2. Mall intercept interviews
3. Brief interviews
4. None of the given options

B. WATS lines provided by long distance telephone service at fixed rates. In this
regard, WATS is the abbreviation of:

1. West Africa Theological Seminary

2. Washtenaw Area Transportation Study
3. Wide Area Telecommunications Service
4. World Air Transport Statistics

C. A list of questions which is handed over to the respondent, who reads the
questions and records the answers himself is known as the:

1. Interview schedule
2. Questionnaire
3. Interview guide
4. All of the given options

D. One of the most critical stages in the survey research process is:

1. Research design
2. Questionnaire design
3. Interview design
4. Survey design

E. Question that consists of two or more questions joined together is called a:

1. Double barreled question

2. General question
3. Accurate question
4. Confusing question

F. The number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the total

number of eligible people who were contacted or asked to participate in the
survey is called the:

1. Response rate
2. Participation rate
3. Inflation rate
4. None of the given options

G. To obtain the freest opinion of the respondent, when we ask general question
before a specific question then this procedure is called as the:

1. Research technique
2. Qualitative technique
3. Funnel technique
4. Quantitative technique

H. A small scale trial run of a particular component is known as:

1. Pilot testing
2. Pre-testing
3. Lab experiments
4. Both A & B

I. Field testing of the questionnaire shows that:

1. Respondents are willing to co-operate

2. Respondents are not willing to co-operate
3. Respondents do not like any participation
4. All of the given options

J. Service evaluation of hotels and restaurants can be done by the:

1. Self-administered questionnaires
2. Office assistant
3. Manager
4. None of the given options

1. The ___________analysis is a technique for gathering and analyzing the

content of a text:
A. Content analysis
B. Graphical analysis
C. Field analysis
D. Mathematical analysis

2. __________is the strength or power of a message in a direction:

A. Intensity
B. Frequency
C. Direction
D. Space

3. __________data refers to information gathered by someone other than the

researcher conducting the present study:

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Qualitative data
D. Quantitative data

4. ___________research produces soft data:

A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Descriptive research
D. Applied research

5. ____________research produces hard data:

A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Descriptive research
D. Applied research

6. ___________research is based on naturalism:

A. Field research
B. Descriptive research
C. Basic research
D. Applied research
7. _________interview is always with one respondent alone:

A. Survey interview
B. Field interview
C. Telephone interview
D. Electronic interview

8. Historiography is the method of doing _________research or of gathering &

analyzing historical evidence:

A. Historical research
B. Basic research
C. Applied research
D. Action research

9. Historical comparative researches often use _________sources or different

data types in combination:

A. Primary sources
B. Secondary sources
C. Internal sources
D. External sources

10. _________is a comprehensive description and analysis of a single situation

in a number of specific situations or cases:

A. Case study
B. Content analysis
C. Field research
D. None of the given options
1. Which one of the following sets is the measure of central tendency?
a. Mean, standard deviation, mode
b. Mean, median, standard deviation
c. Arithmetic mean, median, mode
d. Standard deviation, internal validity, mode

2. In lab experiment the effect of Variables is controlled to evaluate the causal

a. Extraneous
b. Moderate
c. Intervening
d. All of the above

3. Internal validity refers to .

a. Researcher’s degree of confidence.
b. Generalizability
c. Operationalization
d. All of the above

4. Which of the following is the weakest experimental design?

a. One group pretest-posttest design
b. Quasi- experimental design
c. Two group posttest only design
d. Ex post facto design

5. How many times the students appear in the research class is the example of
a. Intensity
b. Space
c. Frequency
d. Direction

6. Disadvantage of content analysis is .

a. Researcher can increase the sample size
b. Provides access on the subjects to which researcher does have physical access.
c. Sometime documents provide incomplete account to the researcher
d. Spontaneous feelings can be recorded when they occurred

7. Which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to “An experimental

design is a set of procedures specifying:”
a. How the test units (subjects) are to be divided into homogenous sub samples.
b. What independent variables or treatments are to be measured?
c. What dependent variables are to be measured?
d. How the extraneous variables are to be controlled?

8. Time consumed in mall intercept interview is .

a. High
b. Moderate
c. Low
d. Nil

9. “Teacher should create a friendly environment in the classroom” this is the type of
a. Leading question
b. Loaded question
c. Double Barreled
d. Burdensome question

10. Departmental stores selected to test a new merchandising display system is the
example of .
a. Quota sampling
b. Convenience sampling
c. Judgmental sampling
d. Purposive sampling
1. Discrete variable is also called……….

A. Categorical variable
B. Discontinuous variable
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

2. “Officers in my organization have higher than average level of commitment”

Such a hypothesis is an example of……….

A. Descriptive Hypothesis
B. Directional Hypothesis
C. Relational Hypothesis
D. All of the above
3. ‘Science’ refers to……….

A. A system for producing knowledge

B. The knowledge produced by a system
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

4. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method?

A. Deterministic
B. Rationalism
C. Empirical
D. Abstraction

5. The theoretical framework discusses the interrelationships among the……….

A. Variables
B. Hypothesis
C. Concept
D. Theory

1. ………research is based on naturalism.

A. Field research
B. Descriptive research
C. Basic research
D. Applied research

2. Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are known as………

A. Mall interviews
B. Mall intercept interviews
C. Brief interviews
D. None of the given options

3. ……… is used to obtain the freest opinion of the respondent, by asking general
question before a specific question.

A. Research technique
B. Qualitative technique
C. Funnel technique
D. Quantitative technique

4. In, ……… the interviewer and members jointly control the pace and direction of the

A. Field interview
B. Telephonic interview
C. Both A and B
D. None of the given options

5. Randomization of test units is a part of ………

A. Pretest
B. Posttest
C. Matching
D. Experiment
The independent variable is;
The variable manipulated in order to observe its effects
The variable that is measured
The free spirited variable
A confounding variable
If a researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the "multiple
intelligences" of his students, he is likely to be conducting which type of research?
Grounded theory
Research may differ along a series of dimensions. Which of the following may be applied to this
The type of data collected.
The data-collection technique.
The level of manipulation used to elicit data collection.
Which of the following is least likely to occur as an ethical problem with e-research?
People are not likely to be able to stop once they have begun participating.
Informed consent cannot be completely monitored.
Debriefing could be avoided.
Privacy could be invaded.
All of the given options

Which of the following is the least obtrusive and most accurate method for recording data in an
Note taking
Audio taping
Writing notes after the interview

The most critical areas of an article to read is;

Results section
Quantitative social researchers rarely claim to have established causality because:
They are more concerned with publishing the results of their reliability tests. They do not believe
that this is an appropriate goal to be striving for.
They keep forgetting which of the variables they have manipulated.
They tend to use cross-sectional designs, which produce only correlations.

Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an article?

If a nominal scale is used, it is permissible to calculate which of the following statistics?
One of the preoccupations of quantitative researchers is with generalization, which is a sign of:
External validity
Internal reliability
External reliability
Internal validity
Which of the following is the least appropriate research problem?
Does studying Latin improve the standardized vocabulary test scores of seventh grade
Does a drilling fifth grade student with multiplication facts improve their standardized test
What is the relationship between students' math attitudes and math achievement? Should
students have access to controversial novels in school?
The following journal article would be an example of _______ research; "The benefits of
florescent lighting on production in a factory setting."
The purpose of a literature review is to:
Help you find out what is already known about this area.
Identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the literature.
Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context in which the current study can be located.
Find what is already known, identify gaps demonstrate awareness.
Quantitative research has been criticized because:
The measurement process suggests a spurious and artificial sense of accuracy.
The reliance on instruments and procedures makes it high in ecological validity. It
underestimates the similarities between objects in the natural and social worlds. It has no
The ________ is only useful if the concepts, ideas, questions, etc. to be investigated are both
testable and falsifiable.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Experimental Method
Scientific Method
A ________ scale only assigns numbers to objects to classify the objects according to the
characteristic of interest.
12. Which of the following true about the relationship between theory building and data
When studies come out as expected, inductive support for the theory is gained.
If an experiment fails, discarding the experiment is an example of affirming the consequent.
When a hypothesis is not supported, virtually nothing has been learned about the theory.
A good theory will be inclusive enough to explain every possible research outcome.
Ms. Laiba has decided to use the test at the end of the textbook to measure the achievement
levels of the students in her study. Which of the following BEST describes the chapter test?
Definition Construct Variable Operationalized variable
What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or reviews in the initial
stages of identifying a research topic?
They are readily available.
They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.
They are primary sources.
They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results more easily.
What type of process research is?
A process to discover the truth
A process to invent the machines
A process to make new medicines
A process to create theories
Which one of the following is not an assumption of science?
There are reoccurring patterns in the world.
Events happen because of preceding causes.
We can discover solutions to problems of interest.
Theoretical explanations must agree with common sense.

A good qualitative problem statement:

Defines the independent and dependent variables
Conveys a sense of emerging design
Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested
Specifies the relationship between variables that the researcher expects to find.

Why do you need to review the existing literature?

, To give your dissertation a proper academic appearance, with lots of references

, Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
, To find out what is already known about your area of interest
, To help in your general studying

If a researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the "multiple
intelligences" of his students, he is likely to be conducting which type of research?
Grounded theory
Ms. Roshi has been coordinating the Annual Festival at her school for the last several years. She
wants to be sure the students and parents enjoy the festival again this year. On which source is
she LEAST likely to rely when making decisions about what to do?
Select correct option:

Personal experience
Expert opinion
A review that only demonstrates familiarity with an area is rarely published but it often is part of
an educational program is which type of review?

Integrative reviews
Theoretical reviews
Self-study reviews
Historical reviews
A researcher developed a measure of shyness and is now asking whether this measure does in
fact measure a person's true state of shyness. This is a question of:

Construct validity
Content validity
When you are confident that the experimental manipulation produced the changes you measured
in the dependent variable, your study probably has good ________ validity.

If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to ascertain their merit and
worth, he is likely conducting which type of research?
Select correct option:

When doing research involving deception with human subjects, researchers have an obligation to
do which of the following?

Tell subjects the truth about the study’s purpose and methods after the study is completed
Prevent mental and physical harm to subjects
Let subjects withdraw from the study at any time if they don’t want to keep participating
All of the given options
A literature review requires;
clear writing
good writing
All of the given option
A measure has high internal consistency reliability when:

Multiple observers make the same ratings using the measure.

Participants score at the high end of the scale every time they complete the measure.
Multiple observers obtain the same score every time they use the measure.
Each of the items correlates with other items on the measure.
Which of the following is not a function of clearly identified research questions?
They guide your literature search.
They keep you focused throughout the data collection period.
They make the scope of your research as wide as possible.
They are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument.

Procedures determining what two issues are rarely used in quantitative research?
Objectivity and subjectivity
Reliability and validity
Accessibility and replicability
Quality and quantity
Which of the following true about the relationship between theory building and data collection?
When studies come out as expected, inductive support for the theory is gained.
If an experiment fails, discarding the experiment is an example of affirming the
When a hypothesis is not supported, virtually nothing has been learned about the theory.
A good theory will be inclusive enough to explain every possible research outcome.
Temperature is measured from which scale?
• Nominal
• Ordinal
• Interval
• All the given options.

Which of the following is a threat to internal validity of an experimental design?

1. Maturation
2. Interaction of setting and treatment
3. Interaction effects of pre-testing
4. reactive effects of experimental design
Which of the following statements is correct about validity and reliability?
1. When internal validity is high, external validity is low
2. When internal validity is high, there is no change in external validity
3. When internal validity is high, external validity is also high
4. All of the given option

Which of the following effect in internal validity occurs when test units with extreme scores
move closer to the average score during the course of the experiment?
1. Statistical Regression
2. Selection bias
3. Maturation
4. Instrumentation

Interval scale measures which of the following?

1. The distance between each participant’s individual score
2. An individual’s score from zero upwards
3. more or less of some underlying assumptions
4. Absolute Zero
Which of the following best describes an assessment that examines students ability to conduct a
chemistry experiment in the lab?
1. Aptitude
2. interest inventory
3. Performance Assessment
4. Standardized test

Which of the following are legitimate frameworks for setting out a literature review?
(1)Constructing interextual coherence (2) Deconstruction of textual coherence
(3) Problematizing the situation (4) Resolving the discovered problems?

• 1 &2
• 2&3
• 1&3
• 2&4

If researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the “multiple
intelligence” of his students, he is likely to be conducting which of the following type of
1. Basic
2. Evaluation
3. Applied
4. Ground theory

Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an article?

1. Methods
2. Introduction
3. Figures
4. reference

One of the preoccupations of quantitative researchers is with generalization, which is a sign of

1. External validity
2. Internal Reliability
3. External Reliability
4. Internal validity

Which of the following is likely to reduce the validity of a test?

1. Unclear test directions
2. Ambiguous test items
3. Unclear, ambiguous and untaught items
4. Untaught items

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