Rural Market For FMCG: Around 6,00,000 Villages. Rural India Offers Tremendous Growth

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Overview The burgeoning middle class Indian population, as well as the rural sector, present a huge potential for

this sector. The FMCG sector in India is at present, the fourth largest sector with a total market size in excess of USD 13 billion as of 2012. This sector is expected to grow to a USD 33 billion industry by 2015 and to a whooping USD 100 billion by the year 2025. This sector is characterized by strong MNC presence and a wellestablished distribution network. In India the easy availability of raw materials as well as cheap labour makes it an ideal destination for this sector. There is also intense competition between the organised and unorganised segments and the fight to keep operational costs low.

Rural Market for FMCG

Rural FMCG Market of India - Overview The Rural FMCG Market of India is still unexplored and it provides tremendous growth opportunities. The loan waiver announced in the Union Budget 2008, would certainly facilitate further growth of the India agriculture sector. The Rural FMCG Market of India is on the verge of registering substantial expansion across the country. The Indian Rural FMCG market is mostly unorganized and it is generally dominated by small time retailers. The organized FMCG market is only confined to the urban areas of India. Rural India mostly depends on agriculture, directly or indirectly for livelihood. Further, almost 70% of Indian population lives in rural India in around 6,00,000 villages. Rural India offers tremendous growth prospects for the FMCG industry. Facilitation of better rural infrastructure like roads, telecommunication, electricity, supply chain, and transportation would propel the growth of Rural FMCG Market of India. Further, very low per capita consumption of FMCG products also provide

tremendous opportunity for the growth of Rural FMCG markets in India. The FMCG sector, which offers tremendous growth prospects are Food and beverage sector, health care and personal care. Presently, rural India accounts for 34% of total FMCG consumption, but it accounts for more than 40% consumption in major FMCG categories like as personal care, hot beverages, and fabric care. The government of India new road map for the development of Indian agricultural sector will facilitate growth of rural FMCG industry. The Government of India's latest decision to waive-off loan (Union Budget 2008- 2009) to the tune of ` 60,000 crores would help better crop production in India, which in turn would definitely help the Indian Rural FMCG market grow to new heights. Tapping the Rural Market
Many companies having marketing expertise are focusing on rural markets as there are opportunities to market brands, various different products and services as rural markets are lucrative than urban areas. Rural markets are growing faster and form the target group for various consumer goods. Intensive competition in urban markets has resulted in increase in costs but not high market share and profits. Traditionally farmers have treated agriculture as a way of living and they produce just enough quantities to meet their family requirements. Many progressive farmers have increased the yields of crops by following modern agricultural practices. Even small farmers will be encouraged to increase production. Increase in rural income and savings has led to green house cultivation of flowers and vegetables, mushroom cultivation, development of

industries such as cotton ginning and spinning mills, paddy processing units etc. Diversification of Agriculture, development of village level industries and marketing of modern goods and services, provide employment opportunities. With a very large consumer base rural markets have tremendous potential. The rural markets are highly scattered over a wide geographical area and therefore that marketers have huge potential markets for promoting products and services.


This segment comprises of the food processing industry, health beverage industry, bread and biscuits, chocolates & confectionery, Mineral Water and ice creams. The three largest consumed categories of packaged foods are packed tea, biscuits and soft drinks. Indian hot beverage market is a tea dominant market. The major share of tea market is dominated by unorganized players. Leading branded tea players are HUL and Tata Tea. Major players in food segment are HUL, ITC, Godrej, Nestle and Amul.

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