Weingart's Dictionary and Manual of Fireworks and Pyrotechny - G. Weingart
Weingart's Dictionary and Manual of Fireworks and Pyrotechny - G. Weingart
Weingart's Dictionary and Manual of Fireworks and Pyrotechny - G. Weingart
file of In following a complete pyrotechny work record up the object has been of the developements time. to place of the on art of in
to the present
may be considered the have been punctuated Chertier, 1893 have 1225 1854 in in French; Italian.
on the authentic
as to
be in German, written museum curiosities. Since ized but the articles nothing way of In the in public the the have appeared
of a general or comprehensive a working manual. interim used great Arides of have the articles been in
made, general
in for
materials mass
as well
as in
celebrations. Powdered aluminum is extensively reduced the both has added many beautiful effects;
used and potassium perchlorate danger from spontaneous comyellow and amorphous operations is largehave manual
ly used and machines been devised in many The in actual formulars use and
herein will
which they are indicated. are those in use in the ped factories.
The the
Firecrackers article
ed description English
might not be amiss. Never hold in the hand while it is burning. because sometimes the and cause painful injury. into spark the mortar might have after in A Also muzzle
Make this rule without exception most unexpected explosions occur If firing the shell shell has be sure been never inserted.
to look
some manner gotten inside. or hand to come over the sections the one distance always of bare match should lighting in case enough
never allow the arm of the mortar. Long on shells so that time to reach a safe of the gun. There is all unnecessary risk. memobefore with pleaa-
be used
seem trivials are sometimes fraught The object of fireworks is to give compound it with tragedy. I might add that in this work
art. but
out the results of imagination is just plain tedious, patient and often hard work. Consequently, if we have the methods artistic January at hand ideas. 30th. 1937. it will be easier to bring to life the
To those contemplating the making of fireworks, either professionally or as an amusement it is desirable to understand the principles which govern the operations of the various devices as well as the compositions of the chemicals entering into their production. The principle 1st. reasonable of colored lights is based that will an intense of on: burn heat, at a
a mixture generating
2nd. Adding thereto the salts in the spectrum of which, predominate sired colors. Heat generating compounds consist
Potassium chlorate, Potassium per-chlorate, Potassium nitrate, Sodium chlorate, Barium nitrate, Strontium nitrate.
Charcoal, Shellac, Fossil gums, Resins, Asphalturn, Dextrine, Stearine, Sugar of milk, Corn flour etc. In addition to the above there are some substances which when added to colored fire compositions increase the affinity of the several constituents for one another thereby improving the colors, viz: Sulphur Picric acid and in the in9tance of blue and green fires essential to add an easily volatilized chloride get sufficient depth of color. Calomel viz: Sal Ammoniac. it is almost in order to
The exact function of these la& named substances is not entirely clear but it appears that the best spectrums are yielded by the chlorides of the elements. However most chlorides are deliquescent and therefore unsuited to fireworks making. By adding a substance that yields chlorine freely at the moment of decomposition the necessary conditions are produced for obtaining the best results. The following substances are producing pyrotechnical colors. most generally used
Strontium and Copper compounds.
Strontium and Sodium salts.
Consist almost
or Plain
entirely of:
or IampLlack.
Calcium Calcium Calcium carbonate, sulphate, oxalate.
Barium nitrate, Barium chlorate, Boric acid, and rarely Thalium
Strontium nitrate, Strontium carbonate, and rarely Lithium
Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper carbonate, arsenate, sulphate, black oxid, & Ammonium oxalate, & Ammonium
sulphate, chloride.
Sodium Sodium Sodium oxalate, bicarbonate, metantimoniate.
The intensly bright white sparks are produced by At one time Magnesium was used a1uminu.m powder. for this purpose but it has been entirely discontinued.
This most important ingredient is produced in New York state of so high a quality that it is needless to The most suitable for pyrotechnical look for better. purposes generally is the double refined, powdered which can be obtained at from 5c to 15~ lb. in barrels of 350 lbs. the price varying according to market conFor some large work granulated saltpeter is used, ditions. burning slower and being cheaper at the same time. The most suitable is DuPont #2. Specifications for saltpeter to be used in fireworks making call for a salt that is clean, white and should be ground fine enough to pass through a sieve of 80 to IO0 mesh. It should contain less than I % of sodium, calcium and magnesium salts combined.
This very necessary chemical is now also being prepared in this country, near Niagara Falls, of an excellent quality. The price varies considerably though it usually declines somewhat after July 4th. The powdered ranges from 9c to 16c lb. in kegs of I 12 lbs. For pyrotechnical it should be white, odorless and contain not purposes over g of 1% of sodium, calcium and bromine combined. It should be of the same fineness as saltpeter.
This recently produced substance forms another valuable addition to the pyrotechnists art. Containing even more oxygen than the chlorate it is less liable to decomposition due to the fact that it is a salt of perchloric acid which is a much more stable acid than chloric from which the chlorate is derived. It can be substituted for the chlorate in moSt mixings and can be safely used in connection with sulphur. The price is slightly higher than the chlorate and its specifications are practically the same
The flour of sulphur which is used almost exclusively is made of good quality in New York state from the product of the Louisiana mines and is sold at 2c to 3c lb. in barrels of 250 lbs. Italian washed sulphur is recomended by some of the older English pyrotechnitis for use with chlorate of potash but the writer never uses formulas containing the two substances, if possible. It is almost white and comes in bags of 50 lbs. Flowers of sulphur is also sometimes used as well as coarsely ground sulphur which burns somewhat slower than the first two varieties. Specifications call for less than I/ IO of 1% of impurities and the finely ground should pans through a sieve of 120 mesh.
Willow coal is the best for fireworks purposes through coal made from any soft wood is suitable. Pine coal is not very desirable. Excellent charcoal is made near Rochester, N. Y. and can be had finely powdered, granulated or mixed @ IS@ lb. in barrels or sacks. Charcoal that has a brown tint indicates incomplete carbonization and should be avoided. Also it should contain a minimum of grit. Shaking a sanple in a bottle of water and de-
canting of sand
several etc.
Germantown lampblack is very popular with pyrotechnitis though there are a number of good brands on the market. To make a good bright star it should be free from oil or other impurities and it is sometimes necessary to bake it as will be explained later, in order to get rid of volatile impurities which impair its brihancy in burning. It can be bought in barrels of 1 lb. packages @ 3C lb.
ever, it is entirely
Syrian Asphaltun
ir the
Green no more
Cum value
is merely
in pyrotechny
Flour, dextrine, sugar of milk etc. are also frequently as sources of carbon. Another article of this character is
In produces making blue fire effect, it has been found with paris that stearine and a better especially green
other copper salts, than most carbons. It is mostly obtained to a servicnble upsidedown the blade oorrdition by over a box so as to shave
any of the other hydroin cakes and is reduced setting a carpenters plane the cakes against as tine as possible. ingredients it will
This article is made principally in England. Its chief source is cele&te which is also shipped to Germany and this country for conversion into the nitrate. It is put up in kegs of I 10 lbs. and casks of 600 lbs. in a sufficiently pure condition for use as received, costing here from 6c to 8c lb. It is probably the molSt useful color producing chemical used in fireworks making, as the deep red light which it gives is the most marked effect which the pyrotechnist has achieved. Owing to its deliquescent properties, however, a number of methods have been devised to overcome this tendency one of which is to melt in an iron pot over a fire some shellac and stir in the nitrate Another plan is to of Strontia, cooling and pulverizing. use carbonate of Strontia but at the cost of considerable depth of color. Strontium nitrate is used in a somewhat coarser powder than the potassium salts but should be a clean white and contain not over 115 of 1% moisture and ti of 1% sodium salts.
this In damp strontium
but to use work as a
piece of lancework made with nitrate of Strontium, if exposed for one hour to a damp atmosphere, will hardly burn. Precipitated carbonate of strontium is the only kind which should be used and may be purchased for about 16~ lb. or can be easily made by adding carbonate of ,ammonia to a solution of strontium nitrate, thoroughly washing and drying the precipitate. If sodium carbonate is used as a precipitant it is almost impossible to remove every trace of it from the carbonate of Strontium and causing an orange tint to the red light.
Like strontium this chemical also comes to us mainly from England and Germany in similar packings and ce&s usually from 5c to 7c lb. on this side. As a color producer it is far inferior to strontium though it does not attract moisture. If used without calomel its color is so pale as to be almost indirstinguishablc from white. Specifications for fireworks making are practically the same as for strontium nitrate. A better salt for making green fire is
This salt give a very beautiful emerald color but its high co&, viz: about 3Oc lb. makes it little used except in exhibition work. Some recipies have been given for green fire using boracic acid, thalium salts etc. but if used at all it is to a very limited extent. All barium salts are very poisonous.
It is common
a Strange fact that while yellow is the rnoa color of fires in general its practical production
in pyrotechny is accompanied with some difficulty from the fact that there is practically only one insoluble salt of sodium while all the others are more or less hygroscopic. The nitrate and bicarbonate give deep yellow lights but the lea& dampness will render them incombutiible and even the oxalate, will in damp weather, attract moisture. The exception is Sodium met-antimoniate but as this salt co&s $4.00 lb. and at best gives a pale color, it is not much used. Oxalate of soda cotis about 20~ lb. or can be easily made by adding bicarbonate of soda to a hot concentrated solution of oxalic acid. A copius precipitate falls which however cannot be washed but must be dried on a filter. An excess of oxalic acid should be maintained in this operation.
(Paris green)
This article is made in in this country and can lb. from dealers in painters made by adding a solution acid, washing and drying It is used in making blue paint is entirely satisfactory New York state and elsewhere be bought for from 1 Oc to 1 SC supplies. It can also be easily of blue-&one to one of arsenius the resultant bulky precipitate. fire. The kind used for green for fireworks making.
This substance is also used for making blue fires but better effects are obtained by the use of other copper with less trouble. The native carbonate is compounds, almost useless for fireworks purposes but the precipitated is easily obtained from dealers in pyrotechnical chemicals or can be made by adding carbonate of ammonia to a solution of blue-stone. Chertiers Copper is made by carefully adding aqua ammonia to a solution of blue-stone, evaporating and chrystalising. Black sulphuret of copper, black oxide of copper and various other copper compounds are occasionally used. The author has obtained the best results
with sary
and calomel
is unneces-
For most purposes where a good blue was required for exhibition purposes the older pyrotechni9ts used this salt but owing to its being a sulphate great care mu& be used in mixing it with chlorate of potash and a separate sieve should be used for mixtures of these substances, which should not be employed in any other work. It colfts usually I Oc to I 5c lb. Mixtures containing it mu& not be gtored but used promptly after making. Exposure to moia air oxidizes this and releases sulphuric acid. This can be obviated by using potassium perchlorate but the resulting mixtures are much more difficult to ignite in the form of stars etc.
Metalic or Reglus antimony, when finely powdered in an iron mortar is used in making white fire. It may be had from machinery dealers at 6c to 7c lb.
SULPHURET. (tdack)
This may be obtained from drug dealers and co&s 6c to 8c lb. but is often so impure as to be entirely If 70% pure it is still servicable for pyrotechniuseless. cal purposes and is used for making white fire, maroons and smoke effects. Red and orange sulphurets are also sometimes used. The compounds are poisonous.
kegs of several hundred pounds and range in price from 6c to 9c lb. for the powdered. They are useful in making white. stars, especially as these take fire far more easily than those made from antimony. Arsenic compounds are also used for making yellow smoke in day fireworks.
When, about 50 years ago, it was found that a star of unusual brilianoy could be produced by the use of magnesium this metal suddenly came into considerable d.emand in spite of its then cost of $75.00 lb. About the time that its price was reduced to $5.00 lb. it was found that aluminum was in every way better and co& little more than ,$I .OO lb. in fine powder. It can now b e gotten from mo& paint dealers, in I lb. cans or papers at 6Oc lb. Aluminum powder should be 95% pure. It may contain 2% fatty meterial and 1% silicon. The fine should pass through a 100 mesh sieve and the flake, through a 50 mesh sieve.
This is used to deepen the color of fires when they are not sufficiently deep without its use. It has been found that the chlorides of metals give the best spectrum but chlorides are not usually practical for fireworks making so the addition of an easily decomposed chloride to fireworks compositions is to produce a chloride at the moment of combustion, thereby acquiring the desired result. Finely divided metals also take fire spontanously in chlorine gas and the great heat thereby produced probally causes the increased depth of color. Calomel is made in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and costs 65~ to 7Oc lb. but this price has recently been advanced.
In all the old works on pyrotechny, either a solution of shellac in alcohol or gum arabic in water is used to bind compositions for making Stars and other similar purposes, but at present, in moti cases the necessary amount of dextrine is added at once to the mixture and then nothing but water is needed to form it into the desired objetis. Dextrine also improves the color of some fires and it may be advantageously used in place of glue for light work. Potato dextrine usually comes in sacks of about 200# and coas from 2%~ to 5c lb. When used for gumming rocket nicks, tabs etc. it is simply inixed with water to the desired consitiency. The light brown # 152 is most suitable for pyrotechny.
Several forms of glue For attaching lances to carriage glue is best. For the cases cheap carpenters shell fuses and securing good liquid glue is rnoa arc used in fireworks making. frame work a good grade of attaching mine bottoms etc. to glue will suffice. For placing the ends of cannon crackers, convienent.
Star composiIt is also used
In powdered form this is used in some tions, especially for making Japanese Stars. composition. in Son of a Gun
tube of twisted paper, at one end of which is a composit.ion which when lighted produces a glowing bead of molten flux. The balance .of the tube contains Steel filings, which when reached by the fused bead, burst -into feather like flashes. In other countries &eel filings are added to gerbs, fountains and driving cases with resulting brilliancy. A beautiful waterfall effect is produced by charging from 50 to 200 cases 2 inches in diameter and 12 inches long with a composition containing ca,Q iron borings. Th ese are fastened to scantlings at intervals of about 15 inches, each scantling holding about lb gerbs. These are matched and hoisted to a wire cable some When burned the effect is 50 feet above the ground. rnoa realistic as the arc of the suspended wire gives jua the right curve to cause the appearance of perspective while the roar of the burning gerbs is also characterigtic of Niagara Falls as the fire from the iron borings drops to the ground. The best steel filings for gerbs is known as needle
sewing needles but is really or planing operation. The shops are quite and good providfiling not the particles
are the
thrown off by emery wheels, which are useless for pyrotechnical purposes. When &eel filings are added to gerb compositions, the saltpeter quickly attacks them, frequently causing the gerb to become quite hot. The &eel is rusted and this a&on practically de9troys its usefulness. To prevent this the &eel must be coated in some way that the saltpeter cannot attack it which may be accomplished a8 follows: In an agateware saucepan place a piece of paraffin and carefully melt it, heating as much as possible without permitting it to smoke. To this add clean tieel filings, as much as the paraffin will thoroughly coat. There should be no surplus of paraffin but justt enough to completely cover each filing. Shake the pan and stir frequentI8
ly while cooling to prevent the filings from caking. Steel filings are also used for rftars in rockets and shells.
This is used for closing the ends of moSt cases as well as choking them when they are not crimped. Most any kind of clay will do. It must be thoroughly dried, pulverized and sifted. Before using, it may be slightly dampened. For convienence where a large quantity is required, powdered fire-clay in barrels may be used as this saves the rather tedious job of drying and powdering.
This is used in all grades from DuPont FFF Rifle to the coarse grains as large as cracked corn, for shells. A slow burning powder is preferable for a driving charge as it reduces the liability of shells burtiing in the mortar
This article is used considerably in display work for gerbs etc. and in shells and rockets as a blowing charge. It is generally supplied in 25 lb. wooden kegs but is sometimes difficult to obtain. In that case some pyrotechnists make a fairly good article themselves, as follows: Mount a 50 gallon wood barrel on two uprights so that it will revolve freely on centers fastened to the heads. On one center attach a crank and cut a hole (closed by a suitable plug) into side of barrel for putting in and Place in the barrel removing the necessary ingredients. 300 to 500 lead balls about one inch in diameter. When it is desired to make meal powder put into the barrel a thoroughly mixed composition as follows: Saltpeter, double Willow charcoal Sulphur flour refined 15 lbs. 3 I 2
The barrel is now revolved for about 500 turns. The longer it is turned, the stronger the powder will become Great care must be exercised to see that no foreign matter such as nails, gravel etc. find their way into the barrel as this might result in an explosion.
New Ingredients.
Some years ago powdered magnesium was added to the ingredients used in pyrotechny and very fine bright efFedts were produced with it. Just when its high price and its affinity for oxygen, causing it to decompose the chemicals with which it was mixed, made pyrotechnists look at it askance aluminum came on the scene. Added to Stars and torches it greatly increases their brilliancy and beauty. Exquisite water fall effects are produced with it as well as comets, tailed Stars and intensly bright flares. Large quantities of finely divided aluminum (pyro aluminum) are used in the new flash crackers and the Besides same composition is used in maroon shells. increasing the report it gives a Startlingly bright flash to the explosion. Being unaffected by water it is likewise much safer than magnesium but care should be used in handling it because as, before mentioned all finely divided metals are liable to explosion when in contact with oxygen producing chemicals. Rubbing into it a small amount of Vaseline seems to reduce the danger of accident.
in fireworks
making. When added in small quantities to colors it deepens them and increase their brilliancy without making them burn much fa4ter. Also beautiful colors can be produced with it, almoe free from smoke. But it
muSt always
be kept in mind
that picric
acid (tri-nitro-
phenol) is a fir& cousin to T N T the plosive force of which is only too well reason it cannot be used in shells as it will detonate when confined, instead other effect for which large quantities of used until some years ago when a fatal
tremendous exknown. For this aars made with of burning. Anpicric acid were
accident occured
in a factory employed almost exclusively in making them are the amusing whistling fireworks. Picrate of potash has the peculiar property of emiting a shrill whistling sound when rammed tightly and burned in a small tube. If made in small quantities and carefully handled it seems to be reasonably safe but the result of a barrel of it accidently detonated can be readily imagined. Still another substance prod.ucing a mo& beautiful ef!fect when fired from specially prepared rockets, as will be explained later in detail, is phosphorus. It is with this that the so called liquid fire rockets are made and a more beautiful display than these does not exi.st. They consist of an intensly yellow flame melting as it falls through the air, breaking into myriads of incandescent particles with a heavy background of white smoke. Obviously, the greatest care mufi be exercised in its use as phosphorus burns, even when very small are mo.4t painful, but when properly handled it is no more dangerous than many other articles. Considerable quantities of phosphorus are also used in the manufacture of the article variously known as spit devil son of a gun, devil on the walk etc. but deaths of children by poisoning on account of mistaking these tablet looking contrivances for candy and eating them has caused their restriction in some states. Amorphous phosphorus is the base of most of the toy torpedoes in use. Fulminate of silver was used almost exclusively for this purpose 40 years ago but only a small amount is used now owing to its very sensitive However, its method of use and preparation will nature. be given later as a matter of record. Zinc powder is used to some extent for making what is known as Electric Spreader Stars. These produce an original effect, breaking up while burning into many These, being propelled with small bluish-green particles. considerable force give the appearance of electrical dis-
charges, hence the name. On account of the explosive nature of zinc dust the making of this &tar must be done with caution and reserve, until it is well understood. An effeh that is always beautiful, is easily produced, is perfectly safe under all circumstances and is susceptible of an infinite variety of uses is the Japanese or lampblack star. The well known Willow Tree rockets and shells are made with it and it may be used as garniture for colored rockets, mines etc. An unusual fullness is given to any article to which a small quantity of Jap. star is added.
The handling of explosives, naturally, is never entirely free of danger. No more so is electricity, gasoline and many other things in daily use yet many persons have devoted long lives to the making of fireworks without having an accident. Even with the greatest care, however, accidents will occur to both those employed in making fireworks as well as those burning them. It is here endeavored to point out the most fruitful sources of accident though obviously it is impossible to foresee every instance in which some carelessness or unknown factor may bring on disaster. First, always keep separate places, a considerable distance apart to be used for making so-called plain mixings as rockets, romancandle and gerb composition containing sulphur, and the colored mixings containing chlorate of potash. Separate sieves and utensils of every description must be employed and those working in the plain se&ions of the factory mu& not go into the rooms of those in the colored se&ions. Second, keep in mind that very slight friction will sometimes start the burning of mixtures of finely divided chemicals. Star composition has been known to explode while being sifted, by scratching the brass wire sieve bottom with the finger nail, while rockets have taken fire from the brass solid rammer Striking the top of the spindle while ramming. Third, finely divided metals, when in contact potaasrium sometimes take fire suddenly. 23 with While
chlorate of
fortunately this is seldom the case it mua not be lost sight of. Even &eel filings and iron borings frequently become quite warm when mixed with saltpeter etc. and rammed into gerbs. Fire is said to have occured from this action. The prevention of this has been explained under Steel Filings. Employes in the mixing and ramming rooms of factories should be reyuired to wear rubber shoes while at work and a contiant source of danger is the carrying of matches. This cannot even be controlled by requiring the employes to change their clothes in the facttory before going to work and having them wear garments without pockets as they will sometimes slip out for a smoke during re& hours and have matches secreted somewhere about their persons. Small buildings should be supplied, about 12 feet square and not less than 50 feet apart for all those engaged in mixing and ramming operations as well ,as for those making Stars and as much as possible have one person to a room. Doors should be placed at both ends of work rooms and should always open to the outside with no fatienings on the inner side but held closed, if desired, by spring hinges. Fire buckets, inspedted daily should be on each building, supplemented by fire hose convienently placed for emergency. The moSt: successful method of reducing the liability of serious accidents to a minimum is to keep at all times the IeaSt possible amount of composition on hand in the work rooms and to remove to Storage or finishing rooms all rammed articles as quickly as they accumulate. Long experience has shown the following list of mixtures used in pyrotechny to exhibit the chara&eri&cs following each and are to be handled accordingly. SALTPETER, BLACK seem SULPHUR, CHARCOAL to be the safest combinations and LAMP-
we have to deal, accidents with these accur only when a spark has been struck in some manner and brought in contact with mixtures of them. BARIUM are not NITRATE reported with sulphur, saltpeter and alumito have caused any accidents.
BARIUM and STRONTIUM NITRATES, ALUMINUM and similar substances in combination with POTASSIUM PER-CHLORATE have been found to be among the safe mixtures even when mixed with sulphur and gums, Barium nitrate and Strontium nitrate when in combination with potassium chlorate and shellac or other gums form a sensitive mixture and this condition is largely increased when powdered charcoal is added. Care is therefore urged to avoid all unneccessary friction when handling same. BARIUM CHLORATE so it is to be handled containing shellac and ALUMINUM powder barium nitrate and classed as hazardous. of potassium chlorate with are to be avoided at all be mixed with ammonium is said to be Marshall on liable to Explosives. sulphur, times. salts spontaneous sulphates Chlorates as this comyields its oxygen quite readily with great care in compounds other hydrocarbons. in mixtures with shellac or other potassium chlocarbon sources
rate, are
Potassium bichromate and permanganate handled with care, especially in combination divided metals. Mixtures of for ordinary picric use. acid and chlorates See Marshall on
are with
to be finely
Compositions of potassium chlorate and phosphorus must never be mixed except under water. Phosphorus alone must never be removed from water for more than a few moments at a time, and then handled so as to avoid all friction. FULMINATES be handled of by MERCURY experts. and SILVER should
When care is urged in the foregoing does not refer to small amounts used ordinary judgement but more specifically IO to 100 pounds when thoughtlessly much sand or cement.
When experimenting with new substances use the smallest possible amounts of the component chemicals until the entire safety of the mixture is assured. Before using considerable quantities of new mixtures they should be subjected to exhaustive tests as friction, percussion, detonation and moisture with subsequent drying. Also their flash point should if possible be ascertained with suitable apparatus for this purpose.
The f&t operation in fireworks making and I may say the mo& important is mixing. Chemicals are so well made now and can be so easily obtained in a powdered state that long articles on purifying, powdering etc. are unnecessary. All chemicals should, of coarse, be obtained of the be& quality procurable at a reasonable price and as finely powdered (as a general thing) as possible but chemically pure drugs are not necessary. For mixing on a small scale, round brass wire sieves are the best. For lances and the more particular work #22 to K26 mesh may be used while for plain making # 16 to #I 18 mesh is suitable. If 25 lbs. or more of com-
position is to be mixed ordinary painted wash tubs are most convienent and the sieves should be made so as to jus? fit inside the upper edge of same while for mixings of from 100 lbs. up troughs are often used. For these, the sieves are made square and fit just inside the troughs, same as with tubs. Mixing machines are sometimes used for bright work or mixings containing no chlorate of potash but they are too dangerous for colors. With the plain mixings, the coal is weighed first and put into the bottom of the tub; then the sieve put in place and the sulphur, saltpeter etc. pushed through it. When everything is sifted, bare the arms and mix well in every direction. Place the sieve on another empty tub of same size and sift from the first tub into the second one, a scoopful at a time. When all has passed through for the second time repeat once more into the first tub, mixing between siftings and after last sifting. For ordinary compositions this is sufficient but some mixtures are passed four or five times through the sieves. In colored mixings more care must be observed and each ingredient sifted separately the first time, except the shellac, coal etc. which can be put right into the bottom of the tub. Never throw the chlorate of potash on the sieve at the same time with dextrine or other hydrocarbons but sift the potash first and add other salts one by one. Great care should be taken never to let the fingernails strike the sieve while sifting as it is very easy to Strike firefrom such causes, with disastrous effect as sharp star compositions in a loose state are almost as explosive as meal powder. Special mixings will be described when we come to the compositions requiring them.
This is the next most important operation of the business and the one requiring probably the most mechanical skill judging from the time required to learn it and the comparatively small number of really good case rollera to be found in m&t faCtoxieo.
AI1 kinds of fireworks require a case of some kind except tableau fires. A good case must be tightly rolled and almost as hard as iron. The best: arrangement for case rolhng is a sort of large desk made of tongue and grooved flooring tightly joined and firmly nailed to sills of about 2 inches thickness and tapering from 2 inches in front to 6 or 7 inches in the back so as to form a gentle rise from front to rear. According to the work to be .done the rolling Loard may be made from two to four feet wide. See Fig. 1. A marble slab also is good for rolling rocket cases.
Most cases are rolled from strawboard, featheredged, The best is made in Elbridge, N. Y. and comes in sheets 26 x 38 with weights varying from 40 to I50 sheets to bundle of 50 lbs. For rockets, two or three turns of hardware or cartridge paper are used first, backed up by five or six turns of strawboard. The cartridge paper being waterproof swells and contracts but little in rolling while the strawboard, being absorbent swells considerably; therefore when the Strawboard is rolled on the outside of the case, it contracts in drying and is shrunk on making a very firm case. Heavy manilla and so called cotton sampling paper also make good rocket cases if carefully rolled but as these shrink considerably in drying, the ramming tools are liable to stick unless specially adapted to this kind of paper. The recently produced Kraft paper should make an excellent case though I have never used it. There is also a greyish rag paper which is extensively used for candles.
The lightest cases used in fireworks making are lance cases. Some pyrote&&ts use poster paper of different colors, corresponding to the color of the composition to be rammed into them, while others use linen paper. Colored paper has the advantage of making lances easily diStinguishable in case the boxes containing them Lecome mixed. On the other hand it requires keeping a larger stock of empty cases continually on hand which is sometimes inconvienent. Linen paper is much Stronger and only one kind is required, the different colors of lances being kept separated by having boxes for them with the colors marked on the outside. Lances are made from M to W in diameter and from 2% to 4 long. Generally speaking, the greater the diameter, the less need be the length. I generally use a lance ?@ diameter made of ribbed linen paper 17 x 22 about 16 lbs. to the ream, cut in four, the smallest way or across the ribs and six times the long way or with the ribs. This makes 24 cuts from each sheet 3% x 4%. Now procure a brass or copper tube with an Take a outside diameter of X and some good paste. little bunch of say one or two dozen sheets and lay them squarely before you on the rolling board so that the 3% sides are at top and bottom and holding them down tightly with the left hand, rub them gently toward you with the thumb nail of the right h.and so that each one will slide about % below and to the left of the one under it. Apply paste to these edges, lay the tube now on the top sheet about X from the bottom of same and j/ from left or pasted edge. With the ends of the fingers of the right hand bend the lower edge around the tube, laying over about 1% and roll to upper pasted end. Then with a turn of the fingers twist the LotI should not be made too solid and if tom. in. The bottoms even a little hole is left in them it will be easier after-
wards to &tick them on the pins. Sometimes when an exhibition is made on the grounds and not subject to much handling, the lances are rnade without any bottoms. They may now be thrown lightly in a basket or sieve to dry. These operations while very simple are quite hard to describe and a few moments of practical demon&ration will go farther than several pages of description. Pin wheel cases and match pipes are rolled in a general way the same as lances, except that no bottoms are made to them and brass or steel rods are used instead of tubes. The most convienent size for match pipes is one yard in length and W diameter. Use a good quality of manilla or kraft paper 24 x 36. 20 lbs. to ream. The quire is cut the longeti way of the sheet, into Strips 4 to 5 wide. A Aeel rod four feet long is the best for rolling them. Pin wheel pipes are usually made 12 long and 3116 diameter. Somet.imes one end is made slightly funnel shaped by pasting a gtrip of paper 6 long and 2 wide at one end tapering to % at the other, rolled around the end of the rod. Rolling match pipes properly is one of the most dificult operations to master, in the business. It is therefore advisable to begin on shorter pipes until practice is acquired.
These are also somewhat difficult to roll. It is almoSt essential to have feather edged boards for this work and preferably strawboard. The sheets for one to four ball candles are pasted entirely over with rather thin paste. From six ball up, only about 4 on each end of the sheet should be paSted on both sides. The manner of proceeding is to lay a sheet on the rolling board, pretty well up near the top, and upside down. Then with a 4 flat paint brush apply thin paste quite heavily on about 4 of the top of the sheet and about the same amount on the bottom. Now place another sheet on top of this but about one inch lower down, so that an inch of the firgt one extends beyond the next on top of it. 30
Paste as before and repeat the operation until a dozen or more sheets are in the pile. Now reverse the entire lot at once so that the former bottom one will be on top. Paste over the bottom and top edges of pile now exposed and rub off surplus pa&e with a scrape of the rod and you are ready to begin rolling. (Fig. 2).
Lay the rod across the pile about 3 from the bottom. Lift bottom edge of first sheet, lay it over rod, draw rod with paper around it back, until edge of strip is on top of rod and by sliding the fingers along the rod and edge of sheet until same sticks firmly to it, for its entire length. Now roll firmly along, one hand following the other until the whole sheet is rolled up, care being taken that the case does not run to one side. By a quick backward twist of the rod it may now be removed from the former and placed on rack for drying. The diameters and lengths of roman candles has been changed and reduced so often of late years that no aandard of sizes can be given but the following will be found to be as useful as any for the average work Special sizes may be and may be used comparatively. easily adapted to the required circumstances. When cutting paper for candles and other cases as well care should be taken to always cut so the case rolls with the grain of the paper and with the feather edge at the top of the sheet. 31
1 ball
2 3 4 6 8 IO 12 15 20 25 30
( L( u
5%" 6%" 8% 12" 15" 17" 19" 22" 26" 32" 36"
s/16" I
7116" W" I
4%" x 6" 5%" x 7" 6%" x 8" 8Wx 10" 12"x 13" 15" x lb" 17" x 20" 19" x 20" 22" x 26" 26" x 26" 32"x26" 36" x 26"
Cases for rockets, gerbs, fountains, tourbillions, saxons etc. and the small paper guns used for mines, floral shells etc. require considerable skill and strength for rolling, especially the larger sizes. After seeing a great many case rollers at work and employing at different times their various methods, I have come to the conclusion that the following is not only the easiest but makes the be& case. Procure a small hair scrubbing brush of good quality and long stiff hair. Have the paste somewhat stiffer than for candles. Lay the sheet of strawboard on the rolling board, (in the case of rockets, with the sheet of cartridge paper on top of it.) Now, with the scrubbing brush rub some paste evenly over the cartridge paper, (not as much as for candles) and immediately roll up as tightly as possible, except the last two inches or so. Now paste the sheet of Strawboard over as you did the cartridge paper and place the partly rolled case on top of it about 2 or 3 from the end nearest you, seeing that the edges Raise the end of the Strawboard proof both are even. jetting behind the already partly rolled case and bend it around so it will lay between the part of the cartridge paper left unrolled, and continue rolling, pressing meanwhile the case firmly to the rolling board or marble slab until the case is completed. This leaves a case that is
already half dry and when completely so, should be firm enough that it cannot be bent in on the ends with the fingers. The advantages of this method of rolling heavy cases is that the paper, especially the tirawboard has not the time to become softened and swelled up as when a number of sheets are pasted down at once, and a tighter, cleaner and more easily and quickly dried case results. If too much paste is used, when the case dries the water from the paste evaporates, leaving the case spongy. The sizes of rockets vary as much as those of candles consequently the following Ii& can only be used approximately:
Sk. Length Bet* Length Sheet Strawboard No. SW. Brd. Hdw. Paper
10 13
20 13 18 20 26 26 52*
12 17 25 50* 5on*
Mine Cases.
NO. Height Diameter No. Strawboard No. Pieces
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 4% 5M 7 8% 10
1 llll6 2 lIl6 2% 2% 2%
1 1 1 2 3 4
I 2 3 4
9 I I 13 15
3 4 4 5
Length Dlamater N
9 11 13 15
15 Niagara Falls
1 IW
These, though not being rolled (except the canidter shell cases) properly come under this division aa they are part of the case rollers business, to make and are composed of paper and pa&e. There are two wayr of making them. One, roughly speaking, con&s of papering the inaide of a hole; the other, papering the outside of a ball. We will take a aix inch diameter shell as an example to work on as it is the most popular size and same method is employed for all. Fir& procure a perfectly round ball of wood or some other subetance, five inchae in diameter. WC then cut gtrips of &rawboard and tagboard or heavy paper of most any kind, about % wide and 4% long and paste them on a board, one on top of another, with so much paste between them that they will not stick together but will become soft and pulpy. I have used a sort of red building paper sold in rolls, which made a better case than any other kind I ever used. The rftrawboard and other paper should not be paSted in the same pile but two piles made, one pile of each kind.
Now smear the ball or mold well with paate so it will be wet enough to keep the paper from drying and sticking to it before shell case can be finished. Then take strips of paper from either pile first and lay them on the mold, beginning on top and running half way down the side. Lay the second strip so it will lap over the first one about % at the lower end and almost over it on top but i/z lower down. The third strip should Start still a half inch further down from the top while the fourth Strip again starts at the top. This will prevent the shell case from becoming egg shaped. Continue this until the entire upper half of the ball has been covered with paper. Each strip must be firmly pressed down and all surplus paste squeezed out with the fingers. Now repeat the operation as before but using the other paper. The object is to make it easier to see where one layer has begun and the other ended as each layer is put on. Another way is to cut the strips a foot long and after softening with paste as above, lay them on the mold from the top to the middle, tearing off the strip at the required point and letting second and third pieces start half an inch below the other so as not to get the top too thick as explained above. After the third layer has been put on one should be laid on crosswise, crossing as much as possible the fir& layers. This process is continued, pressing each strip as firmly as possible until the case is about 34 thick at the edges where it is usually thineti, and not over 74 on top. If the work has been properly done the half shell can now be slipped off and allowed to dry. When dry the lower edge should be trimmed off with a sharp knife at a point that will make two halves, when put together show a fair sphere. The other method is to have a wooden block hollowed out so as to have a hole in it 5% in diameter Or a mold may be made by and a perfect semi-sphere. taking a ball of this diameter, oiling it well and setting it halfway of its diameter into a box of wet plaster of 35
pario. Now then, proceed as before, except pasting the strips inside the hollow in.Qead of on the outside of the ball. This will make a better looking shell and 1 believe, a Stronger one when properly done. The paper may be cut into strips a foot or more long and torn off as they reach the edge of the hollow. In this way all was%@ is avoided and the rough edge made more even and regular. The Strips should be pressed very firmly as the quality of the shell clepends on this. If tlrc prcssure agains? the fingers, in rubbing out the paae, makes them sore, a piece of wood about 3 lang and I % wide, rounded and slightly curved on the edge, may be used as a sort of squeezer. If the work has been well done, the case should be as firm as wood when dried. To assist in removing the wet shell case from the mold, first place in the bottom of it two strips of cloth at right angles with the ends protruding over the sides, long enough to permit pulling the case out by them when it is completed. When the halves have been evenly trimmed place two together so as to form a sphere and secure joint with a strip of canvas smeared with glue. Then put on one or two more layers of paper. After again drying, bore hole for fuse through one end or better still bore hole through one half, from inside, with a wood bit, before joining the halves. In addition to these methods very good shells can be easily and quickly made where hollow balls of zinc, tin or wood can be obtained. The wood half balls need only to be well glued together and they are ready for use. Those of zinc and tin require to be papered just as directed for shell making with round mold except that entire ball is papered until it is about % thick for 6 shell and % for 10 shells. Others in proportion. The cases for cylindrical detailed description as they heavy case. A former of or canister shells need no are made just like any other the required size is procured 36
and the case rolled thereon just as for a mine, of strawboard or other paper. When thoroughly dry the wooden heads or plugs are fitted, nailed in with I iron brads, or well glued if made with a flange and carefully sealed all around with several thicknesses of good manilla paper.
For all cases more than 6 long, racks are mo.st convienent for drying them. These are made of strips of zn x 2 cypress or other light wood, suitable for supporting them. The longer the cases, the farther apart the strips should be. Wl ren filled with cases they should be moved to a well ventilated room or covered platform. If placed in the sun they will be badly warped when dry. (Fig. 3) Center and end strips are N x 3.
may be thrown into sieves 2 feet wide made of 1 material, 4 deep and the with galvanized hardware cloth of ?P
Stored away care should be taken roaches and mice as these are at-
All paper cases are rolled on formers of one kind or another. For rockets, gerbs etc. these may consist of hard wood sticks but better formers are made of light brass tubing with an outside diameter equal to the inside diameter of the case desired. They should be one to two inches longer than the intended case and fitted with wooden handles to enable them to be easily removed when case is rolled. (Fig. 4)
Mines etc. of which are hand. Roman while match brass or steel
are rolled on wooden formers, the ends turned down to convienent size to fit the candles are rolled on rods of machine steel pipes and pin wheels are rolled on thin rods. Lances, on small brass tubing.
Without this simple article, I doubt if any mount of modern fireworks could be produced, in almost constant demand in every department factory. Ready made pa&e is now tained that few persons care but for those not so fortunately a standard method: so easily to bother situated great aas it is of the
obit is
Mix 4 ozs. wheat flour with 8 ozs. water and *A oz. powd. alum, rubbing until free of lumps. Pour this slowly and with con&ant stirring into: 38
16 ozs. boiling water to which been added, 5 drops carbolic acid, 5 drops oil of cloves, 2 grains corrosive sublimate. When cold it should be ready for
Another method which I am about to describe, I think, not only the bes(t and simplest but requires nothing for preserving and if properly made, will keep for a month in winter. The process consists mainly in allowing the batter to sour before cooking; and cooking by adding boiling water instead of placing directly on the fire where it is likely to get lumpy or overcooked. The following details are for making paste in lots of three or four buckets per day. Procure two deep wooden tubs of about 20 gallons Buy a barrel of the cheapest grade of flour capacity. you can get. S am pl es or sour and wormy flour will do if it is not adulterated. Put 2 or 3 bucketfuls of flour into one of the tubs and add water, stirring meanwhile with a paddle until well mixed and about as thick as is convienent to handle. It does not matter if it is lumpy as these all come out in thu souring. When the tub has been filled not more than one third full allow it to rest in a warm place (about 90F) for two or three days by which time fermentation will have set in. When the fermentation is complete the flour will have settled as a heavy batter in the bottom of the tub with a sour brownish liquid over it. Pour this off and fill several buckets about one third full of this batter. Now have a water boiler of about ten gallons capacity with faucet in bottom, on a gasoline Stove or furnace and when this is filled with boiling water place one of the buckets of batter Open it and while the water is rununder the faucet. The contents of the bucket will ning in stir it briskly. at first become as thin as milk but as it begins to fill it will gradually thicken until it can hardly be stirred if .3Q
all the details have been correctly followed, and a bucket of clear, clean and very sticky paste, free from all lumps will be the result. The other tub may be used alternately with the fir& for souring batter while that in the first is being used for paste making. This paste, having been soured before cooking cannot sour again and will not become watery. Glue and dextrine are sometimes added to make paste bind better and alum, blue&one, salicylic acid etc. to preserve it but these are all unnecessary if made as above.
duce Sometimes gerbs, etc. are choked the opening, in place of using or crimped clay. This to reis done
by taking a turn of strong tiring or piano wire around the case while still wet, about % from the end and drawing tightly while turning the case slightly so as to make a neat job. One end of the string should be tied to a wall or some unyielding objecT while the other is passed around the body (a) (Fig. 5). A nipple with a short point slightly smaller than the desired opening to be left in the end of the case, should be inserted about W before drawing the string so that the end of the case will be kept open and crimping neatly done (b). A mechanical device made by a Cincinnati machine works does the work very neatly and much quicker than the string process, (c) (Fig. 5).
As each only this operation will be described in detail under of the articles to be rammed as we come to them, a few general directions will be given. All ram-
ming should be done in small sheds as far removed from the balance of the factory as practicable and with one side open toward which the operator should always have
his back while at work. A Stout wood block, either resting on the ground or over a foundation should be used for ramming on. For heavy ramming the best mallets are those made of raw-hide. These are round and range in weight from % lb. to 10 lbs. About 2 lbs. is a good weight for the average work. (Fig. 6). Ramming tools should be made also the nipples, while the spindles made of steel. of brass or gun-metal for rockets mu.ti be
Scoops for taking up the desired amount of composition at a time, can be made of tin or any light metal and should be provided in different sizes from about x in diameter and 1 long to I in diameter and 3 long, with about six intermediate sizes as some compositions work better when rammed in small quantities than others with the same caliber of cases.
For all small work such as serpents, saucissons etc. make a funnel about 4 high, 3 inch diameter on top and 5/l 6 at the bottom, without a spout, (Fig. 7) (a).
Procure a rod M diameter and 12 to 18 long according A wooden knob may be fastened to work to be done. to top of same for convienence in rammmg (c). In use, a case is slipped on a nipple (d). The funnel, half full of composition, has its small end inserted in top of case
and with the rod moved up and down, Striking the bottom firmly each time, the composition becomes rammed with sufficient solidity. When case has been rammed to within 55 of top, funnel is removed and a charge of clay is added to stop end, by striking clay a few blows with a light mallet and suitable drift or rammer. The arrangement for lances is somewhat lighter. The funnel (b) is very efficient. It is 2% diameter on top and 2% high with a N shoulder on bottom and a spout $6 outside diameter projecting from bottom for V. This, when removed from lance leaves just the proper amount of case empty for priming.
This is the term used to designate that function of pyrotechny which cons&s of bringing fire to the various parts of devices as they are burned. In most of the individual articles a short piece of match is twisted in the nosing of the wrapper or fastened otherwise. In set pieces this operation takes on an importance second to none in the art. Starting at a leader at which a set piece and which must be long enough to reach device when erected, to a convienent distance ground so the operator can reach it, the match to every part of the piece.
is lighted
from the from the mu& lead
The matching of lance work is fully described under heading. In the case of set pieces consisting of gerbs, wheels etc. the gerb is first primed by smearing a little priming on inside of choked end of case. A nosing is put on, consisting of 2 or 3 turns of &out paper rolled around end of case so as to project 2 inches beyond end. About half an inch of the piping is removed from a length of quickmatch. This is bent back, inserted into the nosing and secured by tying tightly with two half hitches. The match is now brought over to the next that
this point it is bent back again onto itself and at point of first bend, again at right angles so as to lead to the next gerb. (Fig. 8). At the bottom of this bend the piping is cut off, bearing match, with a sharp knife, and this portion pushed into nosing of second gerb and secured by tying as before. See (Fig. 8). Candles, wheel cases etc. are treated in the same manner.
If a gerb has been properly for the match to enter choke priming. primed as fire it is not necessary will reach it from
It is a good plan to have the leader from which a piece of fireworks is ignited, to run to each section of same, irrespective of the fact that said sections are already connected to one another in the process of matching it, as sometimes a length of match will go out in the center of the pipe, owing to some defect not observed in making it. It is therefore advisable to have the match joined wherever it crosses, as for instance, on top of a lance guarding as much as possible against all chance for one or the other section to fail. If it is desired to have one part of a piece to burn after the other has been burning a-while, as when candles or gerbs are used in connection with lance work, these gerbs etc. are matched to a separate leader which may be fired by hand after the lances are half consumed, or they may be connected to several lances about half way down 80 that when they have burned to this point the
balance will be lighted automatically. This is done because, lances burning so much longer than candles or gerbs, if all are fired at once, the gerbs etc. would be finished before the lances were well under way, while it is bcs~ for the fines% effedt to come at the end.
In order to insure lighting, especially in exhibition work, all gerbs, wheel cases, lances etc. are primed which consists of smearing a little moigt gunpowder about the mouth of the case. Priming is made by adding water to grain powder in a suitable receptacle until the powder becomes patiy. A little alcohol and dextrine can be advantageously added.
In faCtories, where sock or shelf goods are made this is quite an important department, All kinds of fireworks are covered with some kind of colored paper and often Stripes and borders are added. Candles, rockets, serpents, small mines and triangles are covered with different colored poser. Flower Pots are usually covered with calico paper while fancy rockets, large mines saucissons, floral shells and fountains are covered with glazed paper, &ripes being added where desired. The size of cuts as given here are for use with candles and rockets of the size shown in this work. They are usually 2 longer than the article to be papered if it has to be matched at one end and tucked in at the other; I longer where matching only is done and the same length where only the case is covered as in mines etc. 1 oz. 2 3 ( 4 < Sky ( c6 Rockets ( I 3 3 4 4 x x x x 5 6 6% 6%
6 8 2
" (*
I lb.
c 45
x x x x
1 ball
2 3 4 6 8 IO 12 I5 20 25 30
* s ( ((
2" 2" 3" 3" 4n 4" 5" 5" 6" 6w 6" 6"
x x x x x x x x x x x x
6" 7" 8" IO" 14V" . 17" 19" 21" 24" 28" 34" 38"
To about other make a good neat, tight and strong bundle is as important and I may say difficult to learn as any part of the fireworks business.
Roman Candles from 1 to 4 ball are packed 3 dozen in a bundle. From 6 ball up, I dozen in a package. The packages of 1 dozen are made in two forms, viz: four sided and six sided, (Fig: 9) (b) and (a) respectively.
To make the four sided package of 1 dozen 8 ball candles lay 5 on the bench in front of you so the candles run paralel with the bench. Mark the space they cover and fit into top of bench four wood pins about one inch
of which project above, two on each long side of the space occupied by the 5 candles, so same may be easily laid between them. See dots, (Fig. 9) (b). Now cut a sheet of manilla paper 19 long and 1 4n wide and lay this between the pins just as the candles laid before, and replace the five candles, now on top of the paper between the pins. On top of these five place four more and on top of them three. This makes twelve. Draw the paper tightly over them and fold it like a druggirft makes a bundle. Now close the ends as follows: with two fingers press the top of the folded paper over the end of three top candles; then, holding same down with both thumbs, fold in the two sides of package with the first and second fingers of each hand at the same time; then holding these folds with the left hand, lift the opposite end of the bundle with the right which will cause the bottom to fold itself over the other folds. Now, with a brush dipped in thick paste give the end a daub on the laa fold and while the bundle is still standing on this end fold the top end the same way. Before folding the Ia& fold give it a daub of pa&e as you did the other end, Lean against the wall and place a paper weight or tile on top of end to hold it in place until dry. After a quantity are packed like this and dried the labels are uffixed. To make the six sided bundle a person mudt fir&t learn to form the candles in the hand. Count out one dozen candles and encircle the bunch at one end with both hands. Now work them about (this is hard to describe on paper) until they form a triangular bunch (a) with three candles on each side of the triangle. When this has been accomplished, lay them on the wrapping sheet (cut as described above, though preferably wider) holding them lightly so they retain the triangular form. To get the paper around them without having them to fall in a heap is stili harder to describe and equally hard to master though easy enough when learned. Once the bundle has been gotten to the wrapping sheet one hand is sufficient to maintain its form so with the other lift the 47
side of the sheet nearest you and bend it partly around the package so you can hold it while the other hand is released long enough to enable it to take the paper on that side. Straighten and flatton it well on over the candles and begin rolling up the bundle until the other edge of the paper is reached. Pas~te this edge and lap it on the bundle and you are ready for the corners. If the bundle has been properly made, when it lays on one of the faces of the triangle, the top row must be composed of 2 candles; the second row, 3 the third row 4 and the bottom row 3. Now bend t:he paper down from the top first, then bend in the two upper sides, then the two lower sides and finally, by lifting the bundle, from opposite end, the bottom folds over all the others. A little paste secures it as described above. The bundles of smaller en former, hollowed out dozen (c) and when it number they are secured wrapping. candles are formed in a woodto the size of a bundle of 3 is packed with the required with a string perparatory to
Short stick sky rockets are nearly always packed in paper boxes. Long sticks are packed as follows: Cut some pieces of # 18 iron wire 6 inches long. Then take half or a dozen rockets with the heads all even and work them in the hands until they form as square a bundle as possible and bend one of the pieces of wire around the sticks just below the matches. This should be done with one hand while the other holds the bundle in shape. Now pass another wire around the sticks about a foot from the bottom. Cut some pieces of &rawboard as wide as the bundle of rockets on the wide sides and long enough to go completely over the heads and down the other side nearly to the matches. Cut some wrapping paper six inches wider than the rocket head bunch and long enough to go twice around it. Paste the far edge for about one inch and lay the bundle of rockets with the Strawboard around it, on the sheet and wrap it up as tightly as possible. Fold in the upper 48
end; secure with a little paste and set aside, heads downward, to dry. Later, the other end may be gathered in and secured with another piece of wire. Wheels, tourbillions etc. are made into most any kind of a package desired, while mines, fountains etc. are given one or two turns of paper over the finishing to keep them clean. Serpents; Bower pots and torches are packed like roman candles. Blue lights, the same. Fancy rockets are packed heads and gticks separately, the heads in boxes and the sticks loose.
For molft purposes annealed iron wire from 18 guage to 20 guage is the most servicable. The easiest and quickest way to use it for wiring rockets, triangles etc. is to cut it in lengths of from 4 to 6 according to the size of the work to be done. A large quantity can be cut at once by using a bench shear and cutting several hundred at one time. Rockets can be quite securely fastened with one wire if a GUM BOARD (Fig. 10) is used. Else two wires are necessary. A gum board is made by taking a piece of W board 6 long and nailing pieces of rocket stick around it on three sides on top and one side on the bottom. Put into this about 1 oz. of dextrine mixed with water to the consistency of jelly and it is ready to commence wiring. I
Fs. IO
Put a pile of rockets and wire of sticks and the gum board to your left and to your right. a bundle Rub one
side of the end of a stick againa the bottom of the gum board so a little gum will adhere to it. Lay it with the gummed side again& the rocket about three quarters of the way to the cone. Hold it in this way in the left hand and with the right, bend a wire around it about the middle giving one turn on the side of stick. Now, with a pair of nippers give about three more turns cutting the wire with the last turn. If no gum is used two wire3 are necessary:
In doing exhibition work &ring plays a very important part and the be& and moSt convienent knot for all purposes is the sailors two half hitches. (Fig. 1 I).
This is somewhat difficult for moSt persons to learn. The best way is to practice on a stick. Pass String under gtick bringing free end over left of loop; bring it over same again passing end again to left of second loop but between second and first, An ordinary tie of the free ends now secures it permanently. This knot will be found invaluable in matching.
This very easy operation tiay be still further simplified if done in the right way. Take a board about a foot square. Smear it well on top with thin pa&e and lay a label on it, face down. Cover this well with pa&e and place another label on top of it repeating the patiing and putting down of labels until several dozen are on the board. This will soften them so that when taken up and pressed with the fingers or the pa&e brush again& the bundle to be labeled they will adhere firmly and lay flat. 50
When it is desired to produce in fireworks a portrait, a picture of a building, monument etc. or a line of lettering this is first drawn on the floor with a piece of chalk fixed into the end of a stick so that the designer may walk about sketching his picture from the miniature plan as he goes along. The floor is first laid off with a chalk line into squares one foot each way and in multiples of 50 square feet five feet wide and IO feet long. For instance, if a picture 10 feet high and 20 feet l.ong is desired it is composed of 4 sections 5 x IO or two high and two wide. The sketch is now taken and marked off with rule and dividers into 200 equal squares, 10 high and 20 wide corresponding to the full sized squares on the floor. These are numbered along the edge of sketch on top and on one side. The squares on the floor are numbered in the same way. With the chalk now draw into each square on the floor, the same lines as appear in corresponding square of sketch. When this is done, an exact reproduction of small picture will be ready to be placed on frames. For lettering or lines of wording this is not as design can usually be drawn directly onto with free hand, of the desired size and without ment. necessary the floor enlarge-
French System
Secure two pieces of 1 x 3 lumber and into one edge of each drive a number of 8d nails for half their length, about one inch apart. Set these pieces up horizontally, with the nail edges uppermo&, about 3 feet above the ground, one at each end of a dry shed some 30 feet long. Wicking or cotton cord of the proper thickness can be secured already in balls, as desired. Now get some cotton cord or wicking not less than 24 mesh and fatien the end to the nail nearest the wall, on one of the above pieces of 1 x 3. With the ball of cord walk to the other end of the shed and, drawing it rather tightly, fasten it to the corresponding nail in the other 92
In an agate pan mix 3 lbs. rifle powder thoroughly with 4 ozs. dextrine and add ,water, airring with the fingers until all the grains are wet. Allow to Stand a few minutes until a small lump pressed between the fingers feels perfetitly smooth and contains no more grains. Stir in some more water and a little alcohol until the mixture is about the consitency of mush. Holding the pan in the left hand, under the firti length of cord take up a handful of the powder mixture and work it well into the cotton while holding the pan so as to catch the drippings, and walk backwards to other end of shed. When this is reached go back to the begining of the arand, take some of the powder in the right hand, pass the cord over the first joint of the first finger, place thumb on top of it and again walk backwards toward other end of shed but without working any more powder into the cord, simply allowing it to run through the finger and thumb for the purpose of rubbing oft: rough uneven places and leaving a smooth well finished surface. Now take up the ball of cord again and, passing it around the third or fourth nail to the right, stretch a second length to the point of begining, faStening it here also several nails away from the first arand. This is for the purpose of not touching the finished arand while working the powder into the second one. Proceed as with first length and when finished move it to second nail, Stretching it tightly into place. Repeat with the following Strand until all the powder is used up. If the weather is dry match will be ready for piping in a day or two. In d ry climates gum arabic makes a better match than dextrine but where there is much moisture in the air dextrine is safer. When the match is dry 53
and stiff it may be cut down and the pipes threaded on. Match pipes are made of 20 lb. manilla or kraft paper 24 x 36, cut into Strips 4 wide and 36 long, rolled on a % steel rod, only the edge of the sheet being When piping match crease pasted for about one inch. or gather the end of fir& pipe when in place so next pipe may be slipped over it for about I inch. A simple and clean method of making tion match, and one, which to the best knowledge is original, is as follows: Make at bottom a cup of brass, about and 2% high as shown perfect of the exhihiauthors
At its bottom attach a spout pointing upward and terminating in an opening % diameter. A small dish pan, a 2 quart pudding pan and a match frame 4 x 6 complete the requirements of apparatus. Then prepare the following mixtures; No. Dextrine Gunpowder I 3 ozs. 2 lbs. 2 pts. No. Dextrine Gunpowder 2
1% 02s.
I lb.
12 02s.
4 ozs. 54
Into the dish pan place mixture No. I, mixing the gunpowder thoroughly with the dextrine before adding water. When powder has completely melted add alcohol, and stir well. Unwind into this about 2 lbs. of good cotton twine of not less than 24 mesh, and with a stick press it well into the powder mixture. Into the pudding pan place mixture No. 2 proceeding as for No. 1. This however, should be thicker; (about like soft putty). Now take the end of the cord and pass it through the spout of brass can, from the inside; fill the cup with mixture No. 2 and pull through spout enough cord so end may be attached to match frame. Hold the cup in the left hand and revolve the frame with the right, placing dishpan so cord will feed out, over notch in back of top rim of cup and through powder mixture into frame separating each Strand by about N. If spout of cup fits cord snugly a perfectly round, smooth match will result and if surgeons rubber gloves are worn the hands will not be soiled. Be cure to keep the small cup always full.
English System
Make a light frame looking glass (Fig. 12) of wood like the frame six feet long and four feet of a wide
and hang it in an upright tiand so that it can revolve j&t like the mirror in a dresser. Then get a quantity of cot-
ton wicking, 24 mesh and unwind it into a thin pan about a foot in diameter and six inches deep. In another similar pan put 2% lbs. rifle powder mixed with 2% ozs. dextrine and cover it with 2% pints water, Stirring occasionally until powder is melted; then add 2% 02s. alcohol and mix well. Pour this over the lamp wicking in the f&t pan taking care to leave the end of wick hanging over edge of pan so it can be easily found. Begining with this end now run all the wicking into the empty pan, taking care that every part of it is well soaked with the wet powder, a little of which should remain after the cotton is passed for the fira time and this may now be poured over the pile of wet wick, pressing or kneading same so as to thoroughly soak every part, when it can be returned to the first pan as before. It is now ready for the frame. Tie the end of wick to one side of end of frame and while someone turns it slowly feed match into it with the tirands about N apart. When all of it is on the frame remove from the Stand to a part of the floor covered by large sheets of paper and support it over these on four blocks about 3 high, one at each corner of frame. Now take a small sieve of meal powder and dust it carefully over so as to cover it evenly with a layer of powder. The frame of match may now be placed in the sun or elsewhere to dry. Match made by this process is all of one length, viz: 2 yards, and is very round in appearance. It burns fiercely but will not Stand as severe usage as that previously described. It also takes longer to make. Match piping serves the double purpose of protedting the match from injury and making it burn infinitely fa&er. A piece 20 feet long will flash from one end to the other in less than a second.
Match made is too expensive
on the market
so a simpler
devised described
It is essentially
the last
16 5
Soak in this, cotton wick of about 5 Strands until nearly all the composition is absorbed but about one half inch which should still cover the cotton in the tub. Work it in well and run it on a frame as directed in preceeding description but the frame may be smaller for convienence of handling by one person, as long lengths are not required. Neither does it need to be dusted with meal powder. If well made, however, it will burn freely and serve its purpose completely. When dry it is tied in bunches, I to 2 inches in diameter and cut into the desired lengths with a tobacco cutter or large sharp knife.
FUSE. (Blasting)
This is used in fireworks making, in the production of cannon crackers and to a lesser degree in small bombshells. It consists essentially of a cotton pipe containing meal powder and burns at a rate of approximately I inch in 3 seconds. It can be had in sizes varying from %J to % in diameter and from the cheapeSt painted cotton kind to one heavily coated with gutta percha for under-water work. It is made by a very ingenious a cotton fabric around a small withdrawn its place is taken by is forced in through the opening machine which weaves tube. As this tube is the meal powder which in the tube. The largest
art: in Simmsboro,
Corm, s57
This is about the simplest form of fireworks at present in use. It is made by mixing thoroughly the necessary ingredients to produce the desired color and heaping it on an iron plate or board, in a pile, so it may be easily lighted. Or it may be put up in tin cans for the trade. Good tableau fire should burn brightly without sputtering and smoke as little as possible. It should take fire easily but never be liable to spontaneous combustion. Lithographed cans may be used as containers, designating by their color the color of the fire they contain and with firing directions printed on them. A small piece of match placed in each can facilitates lighting it.
Saltpeter Sulphur Metalic Antimony Realgar
3 1 1 I 12 2 1 1 8 2 7 2
antimony sulphide
Potassium perchlorate Potassium chlorate Paris green Shellac Stearine Barium nitrate Calomel Sal ammoniac Copper ammon. chloride Asphaltum La&ose In the green
24 6 4 I 4 12 I 4 6 6 I 16 8 6 34 I 7 I
above color it should be bourn in mind that is very poisonous and a handkerchief shouId
Strontium nitrate Potassium chlorate Shellac Red or Kauri gum Asphaltum Charcoal Dextrine Fine saw dust Rosin lampblack
20 12
10 4 3
16 8 3
14 4
3 1
12 1 I
If it is desired to make tableau fines more bulky one or two parts of fine sawdust may be added to any of the above recipies without materially affecting the color. If the sawduti will not pass freely through the sieve it may be added after the other ingredients are sifted and mixed and rubbed in with the hands.
the above but inferior
A fire somewhat cheaper than color may be made as follows: Nitrate of Saltpeter Sulphur Charcoal Red gum Dextrine Strontia
48 12 5 4
16 4 2 1% 3
18 7 2 2
This should not co& over 7 cents per pound while the other formulas cost about 9% cents per pound. A pink light may also be made by substituting lime or chalk for Strontia but more chlorate of potash is required and the smoke is greater.
Nitrate Oxalate Sulphur of baryta of soda
36 6 3 5
Red gum
Nitrate of baryta Chlorate of potash Shellac Red gum Dextrine Fine saw dugt: Sal ammoniac 1 have never found therefore give only
8 4 2 l/16 ?4 1 9 3 I 4 2 1%
better recipe.
or as
For theatrical or indoor use colored fires are very objeaionablc on account of the choking smoke they give off. The following mixings give a fire producing very little smoke which quickly dissipates after fire is burned.
Nitrate of arontia Picric acid Charcoal Shellac 8 5 2
Nitrate of baryta Picric acid Charcoal Disolve baryta; stir 4 2 1
picric acid in boiling water; add Strontia or until cold and dry on filter or piece of cloth.
It should be observed that in all mixings, the formulas cannot be considered absolute as the purity and general chara&eri&cs of chemicals differ so much that all mixings mu& be teaed and regulated to the exiaing con-
ditions of materials, climate etc. If tableau fire burns too slowly more potass; or coal should be added; if too fast, more strontia, baryta etc. In rocket, candle or gerb corn+ positions, saltpeter or meal powder will increase the combutiion while coal and sulphur will retard it.
These may be clasified according to the purpose for which they are intended. Military torches have but one requirement which is that they produce the maximum illumination of the deepest hue of color desired. As these are fully described in special works issued by the government and really form no part of commercial pyrotechnics it will be unnecessary to devote further space to them here. Railway torches or fusees, on the other hand, are the cheapest form of pink light, as anything capable of attracting the attention of the engineer is all that is required. They are usually % diameter and 8 to 12 long exclusive of the handle and burn from 5 to 20 minutes. The following compositions are adequate:
Potassium perchlorate 48 18 16 Strontium nitrate 12 7 4 Saltpeter 5 2 5 Sulphur 4 I Fine charcoal ?4 10 2 Red gum Dextrine f/ Sawdust moisten with Kerosene before ramming Fusees for igniting paper onto
are provided with a slip cap which is used them. The end of the torch is capped with which is painted a mixture of Potass; chlorate Antimony s&id Glue 6
the end
with 8 IO 3
a pa&e
When the cap is pulled off and atruck again& the end of the fusee it takes fire like a safty mat.&. With some compositions it is necessary to have a little Warting fire at top of torch just under the capping or priming under the cap which will suffice to cause easy ignition. (Fig. 13)
Parade torches for campaign purposes, where a cheap grade of fire suffices and where competition urges the manufacturers to produce the largest article at the smalle8 price, one of the methods is to add 50% of fine sawdust to the mixing, This does not greatly affect the burning of the torch and makes it look twice as large at practically no extra cost. The following is a good formula:
Nitrate btrontia, Potass; chlorate Red gum Saw-dust may be usually K diameter the above mixing, added ad libitum. and 12 long and 8 to 10 minutes. 30
7 The should torches are burn, with
to A very moisten
of ramming with dilute 62
these torches is dextrine solution
until it is damp enough to hold together when a handful is tightly squeezed. A dozen torch cases are tied in a bundle and pressed into a pile of damp composition on a slab. It is then moved to a clear part of the slab and jolted firmly againdt it by lifting the bundle a few inches and jarring it downwards. More composition is shaken in from the top when the jarring is repeated and this continued until torches are full when they are set aside to dry. By this manner a dozen torches may be rammed in one minute. The handles may be attached by a .strip of gummed paper 2 inches wide, half of which encircles the torch and the other, the end of the torch handle. The other end of torch is nosed and matched in the regular way, (Fig. 14).
A Tie block
is as follows:
them. Then pass a suitable rod through on block also. Now, with a scoop, fill 63
composition and, steadying same with the left hand, grasp the rod firmly with the right and raising it about six inches, drive it with a firm stroke up and down as the composition runs into the case. Continue this operation until case is filled. When funuel is removed the space occupied by the spout will serve for inserting the handle which is done by applying to it a little gum or glue.
requirement5 and of more than 30 some exceptional some most beautibe used for box
These present the most exacting the following formulas are the result years of experimenting during which mixings have been developed as well as ful colors which, in modified form, may stars in shells etc.
Carnival Parade Torches must be of deep color, give burn slowly and clean, not be maximum illumination, prohibitive in coti and give off as little smoke as possible. They should burn not less than 15 minute5 with a length of about 18 exclusive of handle and a diameter of %. The Standard formula of 40 years ago was: for
Nitrate Potass: Shellac, however, pensive. strontia chlorate fircely 16 8 3 and 14 4 3 is rather ex-
this burns somewhat A better mixing is! Nitrate Potass: Ground gtrontia chlorate asphaltum or Strontium Potassium Red gum, nitrate chlorate
40 8 7%
Now take a piece of wood, say 1 thick and 4 wide by 18 long. Notch out a piece as shown in Fig. 40 1% wide and 6 deep and procure a dozen pieces of stiff wire 4 long. Lay the lower ends of a half dozen of the damp pipes across the bottom of the notched
board which has been fastened in an upright position to a bench. On top of these and against one side of the board lay a wire and bend the pipes across over it until Lay another they now point in the opposite direction. wire as before but on opposite side and repeat the operation until the entire length of the pipes have been folded up, Then take a bar of wood shaped as shown in sketch and, holding one end in each hand press the folded pipes down as hard as possible so as to have the turns well Now lift out the folded bunch, wires and all. formed. Remove wires, fold bended pipes, one by one in the hand and with linen shoemakers thread secure them by wrapping half a dozen turns around the folded pipe and finally pass a few turns between the folds. Strip off one end so the powder is exposed and prime it with a little wet powder or match it; or the end may be twisted up with touch paper, made by coating unglazed paper with a solution of saltpeter, before folding. When dry crackers are finished. In this country a cruder form of cracker is made by taking suitable lengths of covered match, damping and folding it like the crackers described, tying and leaving a short piece of match protruding for lighting it. 97
For making these proceed jua as described for English Crackers except using the following composition instead of gunpowder for loading them: Mea! powder Fine grain powder Aluminum Saltpeter Steel filings Sulphur Charcoal 8 10 5 8 8 3 2
14 6 4 3
4 6 1 I
16 3 8
I 1
When they are dampened and rolled out punch out a lot of round pieces of K60 strawboard, with a hole through their center. Then get a piece of brass, the same size as the cardboard centers and fagten it to the work table. Lay one of the centers on this brass plate and taking a filled p inwheel tube press the smallest flat end against its edge and twisting it around disc with the right hand while left hand feeds the tube as it is being wound on, continue until all the tube is rolled around the center. The brass plate should be half as thick as the finished pin wheel so the cardboard center will be held jugt about in the middle of the pinwheel while it is being twisted. Now have some boards prepared with &ripe of wood % square, nailed on them, the same diStance apart as the width of a pinwheel when it is lying down. When the wet pinwheel is twi&ed up as above, lift it off the brass plate and set it between two of these &rips on the board so as to keep it from untwisting and with a brush put a drop of glue across the pipes and onto the center disc, at four equidistant points. When they have dried.
removed 41).
These at one end enough to in the air Strawboard, while still
NIGGER (Squibs)
are light strong cases, 3 to 5 long, crimped and charged with a sharp composition, strong cause them to run around on the ground or while burning. They may be made from # 140 heavy manilla or rag paper and crimped wet. (Fig. 42).
Fiq. x7
They may be rammed singly with rod and funnel in batches of 72 at a time with the hand combination v. Alternate compositions are: rammer, q. Meal powder Saltpeter Sulphur Mixed coal FFF grain powder 3 2 I I% 4 3 5 1 34 3
These are very similar to serpents but somewhat larger and always end with a report. The usual length is 3% with a diameter of 96 to f/z, rolled and crimped like serpents though with a heavier case. Ram with, Meal powder Saltpeter Fine coal Sulphur 4 2 1% I
For exhibitions, about three dozen of these are put in a paper bag with three onces of blowing charge composed of half meal powder and half grain powder. A piece of match a yard long, bared for an inch or two is stuck into the mouth of the bag and tightly secured 99
it is loaded
SOUClO#lr, Fiq.+)
For Stock work a paper mortar is made by rolling six or eight thicknesses of heavy strawboard 12 wide around a former 2% diameter A wooden bottom is fitted and a mine bag made as described under MINIS. The saucissons are placed in same with blowing charge, around a IO ball roman candle from which the bottom clay has been omitted. This is placed in the paper mortar with a daub of glue on bottom of bag. A top is fitted as for mines and when papered and Striped, is ready for the market.
These are small paper guns from 1 to 3 in diameter in the bottoms of which are placed small bags of stars powder etc. which are fired by a mine fuse or roman candle in which the charge of clay has been omitted and replaced by one of candle composition. The bottoms are turned out of wood. The tubes are made by tightly rolling six to twelve thicknesses of strawboard, around a suitable former. Following are approximate sizes:
2 3 4 5 6
4 4% 5% 7
I ?4
I sheet
2 2% 2% 2% a 1 ball mine fuse;
I 2 3 4
10 NO. 1 mines
take etc.
No. 2 n$nes
2 ball
The mine bags are made by boring a number of holes into a thick board; (for ii I mines, If/ diameter Th en make a punch with rounded and 1% deep). edges: (for # I mines, I diameter) and over this press a piece of &out paper (about 4 square) closely around end of punch and shove it into one of the holes in the board; remove punch; insert a mine fuse and around it put a half once of Stars and a teaspoonful of blowing charge. Squeeze loose ends of bag around fuse and secure with a piece of String or wire. Now daub the bottom of bag with a little dextrine or glue and insert it in one of the paper guns into which a bottom has been previously glued. A top is now necessary. This is made by adjuSting an ordinary washer cutter to the requisite size so as to cut a piece of Strawboard with the outside diameter of the gun and center hole of the size of the mine fuse When this is slipped into place over the fuse it is secured by a square piece of paper, an inch or two larger than the top of mine and with a hole punched in the midPa&e and dle with a wad cutter, to fit over mine fuse. press closely about the top of mine and when clry same is ready for use. For Stock work they mu&, of course, be papered and Striped, packed and labeled. Mines of saucissons are made by subaituting saucissons for the ears. (Fig. 44).
These and filling
are made by taking a large short mine case the bag with tailed fiars, serpents and English
crackers. Besides the central candle for firing it, four more candles, one at each corner on the outside of gun are fastened and connected so as to burn at same time. (Fig. 45).
These consist of a #6 mine case containing a bag filled with colored Stars and Japanese or Willow Tree stars. Electric Spreader stars with crackers also make a handsome mine. The various effects are almost unlimited and the genius of the artificer will suggest other combinations
Fountains, Flower
These are all modifications of the same principle which is a paper tube or case varying from % diameter to 2 diameter rammed solid with one of the compositions to be given later.
Are usually from 1 with a wooden point in the in the ground for firing. is sometimes placed after and before the clay, both to have them finish with to I l/2 diameter and 12 long lower end so they can be stuck A quarter ounce of rifle powder the last charge of composition in fountains and gerbs so as a report or bounce.
Besides the regular composition with which fountains are charged, if the calibre permits, small colored stars cut to about W cubes and placed between the charges when ramming, greatly increase their beauty and they 102
are then called FLORAL FOUNTAINS or PRlSMATIC FOUNTAINS. There is however, some danger in ramming stars containing chlorate of potash with compositions containing free sulphur and this may be avoided by using compositions free from chlorate, such as granite stars, copper borings etc. or perchlorate compounds. Cascade cases are used for water falls and such designs where the fire is required to fall considerable distances to the ground. They are usually from 1f/ to 2 diameter and 12 long. Where this piece is to be often repeated as at Fairs, iron tubes 2 inside diameter are sometimes used as these are stronger and can be cleaned with kerosene after using for repetition. Where Niagara Falls is shown this form of case is in general use as it saves the rolling of 200 to 300 large cases for each display.
Small cases, choked, W, 94 and 56 diameter and from 5 to IO long with a wooden handle in end provide a pretty piece of fireworks for use by ladies and children. When properly made they are perfedtly safe to fire from the hand but this fadt should be assured by first firing a few by sticking them in the ground, to see that the charge is not sufficiently Strong to burst the case. The lampblack in these produces a peculiar effeCt not entirely understood. It might be well to mention that when ramming gerbs etc. it is advisable to begin with one charge of Starting fire especially where the composition contains Steel, as they not only sometimes miss fire but there is also the likelihood of Striking fire by ramming Steel filings against a metal nipple.
These are used for all set pieces They or jets of fire are desired. IQ3 where should brilliant effe&s be about J/4
diameter and 9 long. When steel filings are used steel should be first protected q. v. as the saltpeter rodes the filings which affecTs their brilliancy. They
the corare
rammed spindle.
but on following
Meal powder Saltpeter Sulphur Charcoal
4 2 I 1
Meal powder Saltpeter Sulphur Charcoal Steel filings 6 2 I I 1
Meal powder Granulated saltpeter Sulphur Coarse charcoal FF rifle powder 5 3 1 1 34
Saltpeter Sulphur Lampblack FFF rifle
10 6
3 6
1% case
Granulated saltpeter Mixed charcoal Sulphur Iran borings
18 4 3
2" case 16 4 3
This contrivance a very effective and safe method of de9troying the nest of wasps, hornets etc. The sketch illustrates the method of using same and the following composition is satisfac?tory. Saltpeter Sulphur Charcoal 9
1% 5
Where it is not practical to attach the light as shown, a long pole may be used. Tied to the end of a fishing rod and brought in contact with a nest it will destroy it without danger to the operator as the burning composition completely demoralizes the insects who make no effort to sting. The rammed case should on a nipple be about K like a gerb. diameter and (Fig. 49). 5 long
ing of a small six sided three of its edges into faetened, either by glue, ing of a triangular block is fa9tened. The serpents
block with concaved groves on which small choked cases are wire or nailed; and (b) cone&on each side of which a serpent must be rammed full and primed
at both ends, except the last one. A piece of paper is pasted over the joints where the two ends meet, of second and third cases and first one is matched with a small piece of match for lighting. The blocks have a hole through their center for the nail on which they revolve. In making the larger triangles (a) take 3 small choked cases 3/2 diameter. Ram two of them with triangle composition to within N of the end; then .4top ends with 3/2 of same composition moistened with dextrine water and ram tight with solid rammer. The third case should be closed with clay. Now cut papering 2 longer than the case and cover in the regular way. Into the choked end after priming, twist a piece of match 1W long, except the first one where a shorter piece will suffice. Faaen them to block as described above, fira the one with clayed end, then one with both ends open and finally the one with short match. Insert match of third case into nosing of second one and match of second case into the first and secure the joints with pafled tissue paper.
Made by fastening 4 to 8 driving cases to a wooden wheel made for this purpose. The cases are usually fh to Xn in inside diameter, either choked or rammed on a nipple with clay. They are papered and matched the
same as for triangles except that the connecting matches should be papered as the distance between cases is greater than in the triangles. A little gum on the side of case
Fs, 51.
where it touches the rim securely than wire alone. may be obtained in North of wheel will hold it The wood wheels for Weare, N. H. more these
Ram two cases W to K inside diameter with a strong composition, closing both ends with clay and gluing them to a block as shown. Holes are bored % diameter and just through case, as near to clayed ends as possible and at right angles with the nail hole in center of block on which saxon will revolve. These holes must, of course be on oposite sides. A piece of match is fitted into one of these holes and secured with pasted paper while another hole is bored into bottom of case but on side opposite to that of first hole. From this hole a piece of match is led to hole in second case; fastened with a tack and well secured with pasted strip. (Fig. 52) Colored pots are attached to wheels and Saxons greatly enhancing their beauty, by ramming light cases 34 diameter and 2 long, with torch composition. They are fastened to the piece as shown and usually matched to the second case. Also, on larger vertical wheels the
composition of the various drivers is varied so as to increase their effect as burning proceeds. The firtit case is charged with plain driving composition; the second with steel filings added; the third with granite stars etc.
Saltpeter Sulphur Mixed charcoal Rifle powder FFF
18 2 5 12 12 8 5 12
1 1
$5 lib.
1 1
Meal powder Sulphur Saltpeter Mixed charcoal 4 2 2 1
This subject covers probably the most comprehensive division of the art of fireworks making. Besides the endless variety of colors, effects etc. we have the cut star, box star, pumped star, candle star etc. Nearly all stars are made by dampening the composition with water (if composition contains dextrine) or alcohol (if it contains shellac) and pressing the caked mass into little cubes, cylinders etc. by the various devices to be described.
. ecure These are the simple& form of stars in use. S some oak wood strips 1 wide and N thick, dressed, and from these make a frame about 12 wide, 18 long
and 36 high inside measurements, when lying down. The corners should be secured by halved joints, glued and fadtened with small wire nails, clinched. Also provide a rolling pin about 2 diameter and 15 long. Now take any one of the formulas given for cut or pumped ears and mois?en it rather more than for use with pump. The moSt convienent way to nioi&en any composition is to have a large dish pan or small wooden tub into which the composition is put while water is added little by little, working it in by rubbing the dampened portions between the hands until it is evenly moiStened and a handful, firmly squeezed retains its shape. Lay a piece of &ff cardboard on a marble slab, dust it with dry composition and lay on it the above mentioned wood frame. Fill frame heapingly with the dampened compositibn and press it down firmly with the rolling pin, leveling it oG with a sliding motion so it is flush with the top of frame. Now, with a ruler and a table knife score the composition in each dire&on at a distance of 36 apart, so as to cut it into cubes. This is facilitated if the frame has been previously marked at % intervals. Make a cut around the inside edge of the frame so as to loosen the atars and carefully remove it. The batch may now be placed in the sun to dry. When throroughly dry the cubes may be broken apart for use. On account of the ease with which these atars ignite, owing to their sharp corners, they are particularly adapted to rockets, small shells etc. where smooth tiars are liable to miss fire. If larger sized Stars are desired a frame of W material or thicker may be used.
Thib beautiful effedt is made somewhat similar to the above. The great difference between the bulky lampblack and the cornpa& potash makes it quite difficult to mix them thoiotighly and this is particularly necessary to, obtain good results. Furthermore it is hard to get lampblack to take q$ tiatek., It is therefore necessary f&t to moiaen it with alcohol when it will take the watef
which #I
I have
12 ozs.
8 I 18 I
#2 6 ozs. 4 9
4 1
% I
Mix the dextrine and saltpeter (formula 1) well together and add sufficient water to make a gummy liquid. Boil the balance of the water and add the chlorate of potassium to it. Put the lampblack in a large pan and pour the alcohol over it working it in as well as possible. Now add the chlorate of potassium disolved in the hot water and stir with a stick until cool enough for the hands. Lastly add the dextrine and saltpeter. Remember that you cannot mix it too well and the effee will be in proportion to the evenness with which this has been done. Take some pieces of light canvas or ticking about 18 square and put one or two handsfull of composition onto it; spread it about an inch thick in center of cloth, folding same over it, and place under a Strong press of some kind. Fold up another cloth of composition in a similar manner and place on top of first. Repeat until 4 or 5 cloths are under press and screw up as tightly as possible and until surplus water runs out freely. Open press, remove cakes from cloths, dry for about two weeks and break into pieces about f/ square. It is important that the lampblack is perfectly dry and free from oil to get the best results and it is sometimes necessary to pack a jar or crucible with it and heat in a bright fire until all volatile impurities are expelled. You will then have one of the most- beautiful effects of the entire fireworks art. In together recipe #2 the several times; potass and add alcohol; lampblack then water are sifted in which
and proceed
as in recipe
# 1~
Where the best and handsome& effects are required this form of star is undoubtedly the mo4t adaptable to the purpose. First, they burn much longer than others; second, they are less liable to go blind and furthermore they will stand more blowing from a shell than any other form of ear. (Fig. 54). Make some light cases of about four thicknesses of stout manilla paper 6 to 12 long on a 1% former. Cut with a scissors into N lengths. Cut some thin match into lengths of an inch or a little over. Pass a piece of match through one of the little pieces of case or pill box, bend the ends slightly around the edges as shown in illustration and dip it into a pan of composition preThen with the viously dampened as described before. first and second fingers of the right hand press the composition into it as firmly as possible until it will hold no more. Dry in the sun for two or three days.
These are used more than any other form of star on account of their regularity and the ease and speed with which they can be made, being even more quickly made than cut ears where the proper appliances are at hand. Where only a few are required, a hand pump (Fig. 53) will do very good work. All that is necessary is to draw up the plunger, press the pump into damp composition until filled and by pressing the plunger while holding the tube, a &ar is ejected. When they are required
are necessary. in large quantities, however, star plates With these 200 or 300 stars are made almost as quickly A good idea may be obtained as .one by hand pump. by reference to (Fig. 55). The standard sizes of stars are about as follows: #1 M diam. j/s long #2 51 I 6 diam. 7/l 6 long #3 % diam. W long #4 7/ 16 diam. 9116 long
plate for making a # 1 Star must be The others, holes M diameter (a). The plungers on plunger plate (e) smaller in diameter and slightly longer
than the holes in star plate so they force the stars completely out. The
and 5%
x 7% square. Trays for holding the (d) should h ave the bottoms made of so as to permit free circulation of air enabling them to dry in a few hours. as well as the sides of the tray on top so as to hold the Btar plate while stars
tiars while drying brass wire netting through the aars, lhe center Strip should be rabbeted are being pumped.
In order to make Stars with a aal- plate, moi&en a batch of composition in a dish pan with water as heretofore-described, and empty same on a rather high work table previously covered with a square yard of rubber cloth. Press the plate (a) into same until the composition comes up through the holes. I-hen with the scraper knife (b) work more com.position down into the holes until they appear full. Scrape off all surplus composition and remove to the iron bed plate (c) putting down the side previously up and press more composition in with the When all the holes are well filled scrape off scraper. surplus thoroughly, place in rabbet of tray and with plunger Care must be taken to have plate pump out the aars. right side of the plate up when pumping or plungers will not fit holes. If the plate begins to work badly on account of the composition drying on plungers same mu& be washed before using again. The proper dampness for composition can only be ascertained by prac%ce. If too dry aars will crumble. If too wet they will not ignite freely. The holes in the tiar plate as well as the plungers may be much closer together than shown in cut.
Saltpeter Sulphur Red arsenic Dextrine Black antimony Red lead Shellac
1 113
6 1 2 6 w I $5 24 3 4 4
Chlorate potassium Shellac or red gum Fine charcoal Carbonate strontia Nitrate s~rontia Dextrine
Chlorate potassium Paris green Nitrate Uaryta Shellac Dextrine
24 9 8 5 1%
Chlorate potassium Nitrate Baryta Fine charcoal Shellac or KD gum Dextrine Calomel ad lib.
6 6 2
A w
Chlorate potassium Shellac or red gum Fine charcoal Nitrate Baryta Oxalate soda Dextrine
16 3 4 6 1 1% 16 3 1 7 1
Barium chlorate Potassium chlorate Calomel Shellac Picric acid Lampblack Dextrine
(for hand pump; not suitable for Shells). 8 4 1% 1% I % Nitrate arontia Chlorate potassium Picric acid Shellac Fine charcoal Dcxtrine Strontium carbonate
1% w I N
Potassium chlorate Calomel Black oxide copper Asphaltum Dextrine Paris green Stearine Copper ammonium chloride Ladtose * moitien with shellac
16 12
Strontium nitrate Potassium chlorate Shellac Dcxtrinc
3 3 1
Barium nitrate Potassium chlorate Shellac Dextrine Barium chlorate
3 41
Paris green Potassium chlorate Potassium perchlorate Copper Sulphate Copper ammonium chloride Shellac Stearine Asphaltum Dextrine Calomel
25 50 24
3 6 2 2 1 34 2 8 5
In first recipe, mix thsroughly the copper sulphate, shellac, calomel and dextrine; then add chlorate potash, Th IS st ar is only suitable where previously sifted alone. it is to be used within a few weeks. In second formula rub up the Qearine with the copper ammonium chloride in a mortar before adding other ingredients.
Potassium perchlorate PIaSter Paris Shellac 16 4
Potassium. chlorate Sodium oxalatc Shellac Dextrine 4
2 1
Saltpeter Sulphur Powdered Dextrine Potassium Blk. oxid Calomel Strontium Dextrine metal antimony
7 2 1% 1% 18 I 6 1 w
chlorate copper nitrate
Meal powder Lampblack Black antimony Dextrine
7 3 I M for one week
Moisten with water: press into cakes, dry and break into pieces about K square.
Saltpeter Sulphur Red arsenic Charcoal Dextrine Black antimony Lampblack Moisten with water.
6 59 6 1
15 10 3
Saltpeter Oxalate sodium Sulphur Charcoal Dextrine Shellac Lampblack Black antimony
8 4 2 % 8 25
Saltpeter *Steel filings Meal powder Charcoal Dextrine (+treated Moisten with water.
8 2 1 1
?4 with parafine)
Potassium Lampblack Stearine Saltpeter Moisten with alcohol
chlorate 8 12
1 and shellac. Pump with hand pump.
The effect of these pellet, no larger than a 15 feet when lighted. stars requires considerable ening too much or too iveness. Zinc dust Potassium Granulated Potassium Dextrine
Wars is quite suprising. A small pea will spatter over an area of To make good electric spreader care and judgement as damplittle greatly reduces their effect36 7% 6 6 I until with the
Mix thoroughly all but the charcoal and dampen quite wet. Then add coal and mix again and pump hand pump. Coal must be all coarse from which fine has been sifted.
Saltpeter Zinc dust Fine charcoal Sulphur Dextrine
I4 40 7 251 1
For shells and rockets, this makes a very good substitute for electric spreader stars while being cheaper and safer to handle. It is moistened until quite wet, pressed into cakes ,% thick, cut into squares ;V, each
and broken
Meal powder Saltpeter Sulphur Fine charcoal Lampblack Red arsenic Shellac Dextrine Lead nitrate Moigttn with water and
(cut stars)
4 1
10 4
2 1 1 I
1 I
Potassium Potassium Aluminum Shellac Lycopodium K
chlorate perchlorate powd. medium
Saltpeter Magnesium powder
5 2 cost and replaced
Moigten with linseed oil, Owing to <its high unStability magnesium has been almo& entirely by aluminum.
These are large Stars about 1% diameter fired from small mortars of paper. in their simple& form they are just large pumped Btars. If the gun is 10 long a piece of quickmatch I 6 long is bared at one end about 1 and at the other 5. Lay it along side the comet dtar so the 1 bared end can be bent over the bottom. Then pa4te a tirip of paper 4 wide and IO long and roll this around the Aar over the match with the same amount When dry gather the upper projedt.ing on each side. 119
extension around the match with a string and into the lower projection or bag put a half teaspoonful of coarse grain powder and secure with a string also. Now drop this in the gun and it is ready for use. Handsome effects are obtained by making half of the Star of red star composition and the other half of streamer composition. A l%g, the more ambitious form of comet 56. This is rammed into a case half, separated from the of clay with small stars and blowing stars are discharged connecting charge. with fine is illustrated in as shown, while portion by a orifice, is filled At the end of its effect.
These are made by placing a comet star at the bottom of a short gun with blowing charge but no match. Over the star is placed 2 of candle composition and over this I of bengal fire.
6 6 5 3 3 I 1
This is a division of pyrotechny which cons&s of reproducing with colored lights various designs, portraits, lettering etc. after the design is sketched on the Hoor as described under Designing.
A number of frames are made, 5 wide and IO long, of light lumber ?4 x 2 for the outside Strips and 9 x 1 for the center ones, spaced 1 foot apart each way with a brace in the two corners as shown in (Fig. 57). These are laid over the design on the floor and secured so they do not shift until completed and the pikture etc. transfered to the frames with bamboo for the curves and light &rips of wood for the tiraight lines a and b Fig. 58. When numbered, frame and ting them burned. This this has begining numbering in their been completed frames should be at left hand upper corner of first each consecutively to as&t in getproper places when ereding to be ready for attaching the lances. a 1tin wire nail to a depth of
Fis. 58
half an inch, (b) at intervals 4 on straight lines all over that there is always a nail lines interse&. Now with a the nails, holding the nipper so that the place where the have a sharp point instead of of 2% in curves and 3 to the design. Be sure to see at every point where two nipper cut off the heads of at an angle with the nail head has been cut off will being cut off square across.
The frames are now ready for the lances. When it has been decided what colors are to be used for the various parts of the design, take a handful of lances of the desired color and dip their bottoms into glue to a depth of about 56 and press one onto each of the nails until they are attached firmly to the cane or Sticks forming design, (c) (Fig;. 58). When glue has hardened frame is ready for matching. Take a length of quickmatch and, begining at the upper end of frame pin it from one lance to another until entire frame is covered, following the outline of design as much as possible, (f) (Fig. 58). When the end of a length of match is reached splice another ta it by
baring about 3 of the new length and slipping this bare end into the pipe of the preceeding length; securing by tying and paSting joint. Leave the lower connected an end of match about 2 long projecting from right hand corner of each frame so it can be to the one next to it when erecting. Also on
b 59
one of the bottom frames leave a leader 10 to 20 feet long, of match, to light piece by when it has been erected. Now with a three cornered awl make a hole f/z deep through the match pipe and into the priming of each of the lances on the frame, (d) (Fig. 58). Then take strips of tissue paper !/2 wide and 3 long; paste a number of them onto a light board and working along from lance to lance secure the match to top as shown at Fig. 58. Sometimes where it is desired to rush a job to be burned same day at point where it is made, the lances are secured by simply bending a pasted strip an inch wide over top of lance as shown at a, b, Fig. 59. The completed frames may now of four, with ?P x 4 strips arranged for convienence in transportation. be crated into lots to hold them apart,
These are small paper tubes from M to %; diameter 2 to 3% long filled with composition burning different colors with a duration of one minute and used for producing the different designs used in fireworks exhibitions, 123
Some lance compositions are so light as to be difiicult to ram. These should be slightly dampened firti. Blue lances made with paris green and white ones using realgar are frequently used without priming as they ignite very easily. A good lance should burn clear for one minute, without flaring or clogging up. All colors should burn of about the same duration. If a lance burns to one side it is often because the composition is not well mixed or because there is more paper on one side than on the other. They should have about three turns of paper all around.
Potassium Strontium Strontium Shellac Lampblack
Green Lances.
Potassium chlorate Barium nitrate Barium chlorate Shellac Calomel Lampblack Picric acid 7 7 2 16 4 4 3 ?4
White Lances.
Saltpeter Sulphur Antimony sulphide Antimony metalic Meal powder Red arsenic 9 I 2
14 4 3
5 2 1 1
8 2
I 124
Blue Lance.
Potassium chlorate Potassium perchlorate Paris green *Copper sulphatc Copper ammonium sulphatc Copper ammonium chloride Shellac Stearine Calomel Dextrine Asphalturn *See dire&ions under box 20
16 5
12 24
3 6
4 4
I 1% 3 % 3 1 2
stars for using this.
Yellow Lances.
Potassium chlorate Sodium exalate Shellac Charcoal Barium nitrate For amber and purple TORCHES may be used
16 2 3
4 2 I
4 2 1
These represent the highest developement of the pyrotechnical art and require great patience and skill for their successful produdtion. The mogt wonderful e#eAs are produced by the Japanese while the fine& color effeCts are made by the Europeans and Americans. Shells are made in several forms though round is the most popular. Cylindrical or canister shells however contain more stars etc. and in the more complicated effedts it is sometimes necessary to attach a caniaer to the round shell to contain the parachute etc. (Fig. 64). Shells are all fired from mortars, the smaller ones made of paper, up to about 3 diameter and the larger ones of wood, copper and iron. The smallest shells with which we have to deal are the
Diameter Height #I 2416
K2 2-7116 1 I #3 3-31 I 6q
The shells are made of hollow wooden balls which can be turned out by any wood turner. They are made in halves, usually with a rabbet to insure a close fit. Through one half, drill a hole just the size to snugly fit a piece of ordinary blasting fuse, 1% long. Clue the fuse on the inside as well as on the outside of the shell case. Now fill each half with stars to which add a teaspoonful of shell blowing powder, glue the edges of each half, clap them together and when dry paste a strip of paper around where the two halves join. Prime the ends of the fuse which should project through the shell about %, bend a piece of naked match, about tY
long, around the shell so that the middle of it passes over the fuse, tacking the ends to other half of shell, so that they will stick over about 2. Set it now on the floral shell bottom a5 shown at Fig. 60 into which has been previously put an even teaspoonful (for the # I, larger sizes in proportion) of F grain powder, and secure with a &rip of pasted paper. When dry, slip over the paper mortar, having previously well glued the bottom. Measure distance from top of mortar to top of shell inside and mark same on outside. Punch hole through same at this point; fit on a top and secure. Now take .a roman candle a little longer than the mortar; punch a hole in its side near the bottom star; fit in a short piece of piped match bare the other end; slip into hole in mortar, fasten candle to side with wire and floral shell is completed.
These are made somewhat differently; % lb. to % lb. tin cans being subbqituted for wood shells. They are filled with stars, colored and Japanese and burtiing powder in the same manner as described above. A hole is punched through lid into which fuse is glued. A strip of paper about 3 wider than the length of can and long enough to roll around it six times is pa&ted al! over, the filled
can placed on it and rolled up something like a case is rolled. The 1% projeeing over each end is now caref u 11 y pressed around the fuse on one side and the can bottom at the other. The shell is allowed to dry for a week before using. The end of fuse is trimmed and primed; a piece of piped match bared at each end is laid again8 its side, extending I beyond fuse at bottom of shell. A nosing 3 wide which secures the match in place is attached to shell and this when dry serves to contain the driving charge of a level teaspoonful of grain powder, after which it is gathered together and tied with twine. A dab of glue on bottom of bag s&ices to hold it in bottom of mortar and it is ready for use. (Fig. 61)
The principal sizes of shells used for thie purpose are 4l, 6 and IO diameter. For round shells, after the cases have been made as described under CASES the upper halves are bored for the fuses. This may be done with a carpenters brace bit W, boring from the inside. Fit the two halves accurately together; bind with a Strip of glued cloth and over this two or three layers of paper &rips laid on longitudinally; each strip overlapping the one beof a differfore it by about W. If each layer is made ent length a better finish will be obtained.
When cases have been thoroughly dried fill them with the desired Stars through the fuse hole. When they will hold no more add blowing charge. The fuse should now be accurately fitted by cutting around it with a knife % from the top and peeling off a layer or two of paper until it will just enter the hole which has been made in top of shell for it. Glue lower portion well and push into place until shoulder rest squarely against shell case. Attach a cloth nosing to fuse; a length of match and attach to # 1 tack; lead match up to fuse permit of entry into nosing; cut entry and secure with strong cord. also serves for lowering shell into Larger shells must have a heavy them for this purpose. The necessary a paper cone this same is completed. bare 1 at the end of bottom of shell by a bend at right angles to the piping at point of The remaining match mort.ar, up to 6 sizes. cord passed around . been placed in of shell when
The making of canister shells is so similar that their construction can be readily understood from the sketches (Fig. 62). The h ea d s and bottoms are made of 34 wood. Another method of matching shells is to start at the fuse by baring a half inch at the end of a match pipe and pushing this into nosing. Bend match at right angles $5 above nosing and pass under and entirely around shell, coming back again to nosing. Bend once more at right angles and insert bend alongside of where start was made first cutting through match pipe at point of insertion. Cathcr nosing closely around match and tie tightly as possible. This method gives a somewhat better support to shell when lowering it into mortar. Where the match 128
crosses to cut
bottom piping
of shell and enters driving charge be sure away for about half an inch, (Fig. 63).
Two and three break shells are made by lightly faaening together the desired number of short can&er shells The first with fuses not over M long between them. shell has regular length fuse. The details can be Letter underStood from drawings than from a description. See Fig. 65.
b.cht& Shell. Fig. 64 129
3 Break
These are best made of hardware paper. Take a rod 36 diameter (for a 6 shell) and a sheet of papcr 6 wide. Iaste it with thick paste all over one side and at once roll it up as tightly as possible until it has a11 of sheet required is outside diameter of %. The length dependeut on the thickness of the paper. When a number of these cases are rolled they must be dried in the shade until they are as hard as wood and rattle when struck together. Take a rammer fuse composition 7/l 6 diameter a light made as follows: 4 2 I mallet and
Sift and mix three times. Rest a fuse case on a firm block, scoop in a little composition and tap it about ten light blows. Add more composition and ram again, repeating until fuse is filled. The composition in fuse muclt: be as hard as possible when finished, otherwise it will blow through when used in a shell. The fuse may now be cut into the required lengths with a fine toothed hack saw. (Fig. 66). Length of fusce. 4 shell 1M 6 Bhell 1W 10 shell I M
In some cases a hole is drilled of the fuse on the end in the shell, from same is thrown into the shell this case allowance mu& be made of fuse. 130
made I I 3 I% I
The follows:
The driving charge should be coarse grain powder; An endless variety can be procannon powder is best. duced with shells some of which follow while the ingenuity of the pyrotechnist will suggest others as he progresses.
Solid color shells Varigated shells Gold rain shells Japanese or willow Streamer shells Aluminum shells *Conch shells Chain shells Repeating shells Maroon or Salute Day shells. *The Conch Shell packed with three ball consists roman
for this purpose. The cases of the candles are made of very strong paper so that they can be thin and no empty portion is left at top and bottom. In addition to the little roman candles, colored stars are added. This makes a very effe&ve shell.
driving charge)
These are made by cutting out a round piece of good Kraft paper six to twelve inches diameter according to size of shell f or which cone is intended. With a scissors make a cut from the edge to the center and twist it around so as to make a bag or cone of two thicknesses, pasting the edges where they meet. Put the driving charge into this and with a little paste attach it to the bottom of shell having previously cut the match piping where it crosses the bottom, so that fire will tirike driving charge when shell is lighted.
ny to an
Japanese have developed this form of pyrotechalmodt incredible degree of beauty and origiSome of their shells are marvels of patience, and skill.
DAY SHELLS con&t of two kinds. First, those containing large figures of birds, animals etc. made of light tissue paper sewed together like a bag and open at the bottom with a row of small weights around the rim of the bottom. The figure is folded into a small compact pile and packed into a cylindrical shell case, somewhat as parachutes are placed in rockets. When they are fired to a height of about 1000 feet the figure is expelled with a light charge and as it falls, the weights cause the bottom to unfold and the inrushing air inflates it. One of their day shells contains about a dozen paper parasols which, of course. are folded when inside the shell case but which by an ingenious construction, open
and The
The second variety of day shells consists of colosal spiders made of smoke and varicolored clouds which must be seen to be appreciated. They are made by filling
a round shell with a canister containing smoke shells and smoke dragon.
smoke stars, on top of which is set a number of 1 W diameter colored a parachute from which hangs a
The night shells embrace some 50 or 75 different effects. Up to 40 years ago colors in night shells seem to have been unknown to the Japanese and all their devices consisted of endless varieties of tailed stars, gold and silver rain, willow trees and bright work, each one, more entrancing than the other. Among some of their very unusual effects is a night shell which upon reaching the height of its fright throws out five red paper lan133
terns with a light burning inside each one. The lanterns when inflated are about two feet in diameter and four feet high. When folded inside the shell they occupy a space about five inches diameter and nine inches long. Another of their original shells breaks with their very round effect but only one half of the circle is filled out with stars while the periphery only, of the other half is outlined with stars as shown below. (Fig. 66d). To secure this effect a wing or tail is attached to the shell which holds it in the required position, relative to the observers at the moment of explosion.
Fig. 66d. The arrangement of the contents of these shells is shown in the accompanying sketch, (Fig. 67). The inside of the round shell case is scored as shown at (a) and (b) by cutting half way through the paper with a knife in order to cause shell to burst evenly and throw the tiars equally in all directions.
I -l 0A
Smoke Btars are pill boxes 134
-.......-.-I_ L!J b
HR diameter
and W long,
closed at one end and over the other end are bent two strips of thin metal (copper or tin) which are secured by a paper fastening so as to reStriot the opening to about one third its original size. The Stars are charged with the composition shown under Smoke Stars, the end being well primed over the metal strips. They are then arranged in the round part of shell as shown in Fig. 67, The little smoke shells and parachute are placed in upper or canister portion.
Mortars for firing pyrotechnical bombshells are made For shells up to 3 in in a variety of different ways. diameter a mortar 12 to 15 inches high, made of a number of turns of good stout paper will serve for perhaps a hundred shots, especially if lined on the inside If a bottom of with a piece of tin or galvanized iron. oak or other hardwood is fitted to it and the barrel tightly wound with marlin, it will be perfealy safe, light and cheap. For 4 diameter shells and upward mortars of copper tubes, shrunk, one over the other so that there are four thicknesses at the bottom, three for half the length two up to three-quarters of its barrel and one thickness for balance, with a ring at the top make an ideal mortar. Wrought iron tubes wound with galvanized wire and fitted with cati iron bottoms securely fastened in by machine bolts or. rivets make very servicable guns. The bottom should be conical on the inside to accomodate the powder bag of shell. (Fig. 68).
The Japanese used long wooden mortars reinforced with iron bands. These were soaked in water before being used, to swell and tighten them. On account of their length they would throw a shell to a great height with a small driving charge. They should always be buried for half their length in the ground when in use. With these mortars it was cutiomary to pour the driving charge for shells, loosely into the mortar, drop the shell over it and fire by shaking a little dross from a port fire into the mortar. This method is clangerous and is not to be recommended. Mortars with port holes on side of bottom, like ~-he old s?yle military mortars are sometimes used for day shells. The cartridge of shell is pierced with a priming rod and a piece of bare match inserted through port hole.
Secure some good tissue paper 20 x 30 (Foudrinier is best). Pa&e two sheets toge:her on the 20 ends making a sheet 20 x 60. Split this lengthwise and get a sheet IO x 60. Make twelve sheets of this size; lay one on top of another and double over the lot longitudinally so as to have pile 5 x 60. Now, with a scissors cut along the unfolded edge as shown in Fig. 69 (a), removing the part shown as shaded. The exati line to cut may be determined by pra&ce until the mo& satisf a&ory shape is found when an extra sheet of heavy paper should be cut and reserved as a pattern. Or, the pattern can be made according to inStru&ions given under &alloon Designing. Unfold sheets cut as above ancl lay one on the table before you. On top of this lay another but about %I nearer to you thus leaving an uncovered edge of the under sheet exposed (b). Apply patie lightly to this edge and lap it over onto the upper sheet in this manner joining the two for their entire length. Make six pairs of sheets like this and then repeat the process with the double sheets until you have three sets of four sheets. Join these as before making the final closing joint 136
If the top of balloon where the closed paste a small raund piece
When balloon or rattan for the inflator (c). For should be about more in height a the center of the added just before
has dried make a ring of wire, bamboo bottom with cross wires to hold the a balloon of the above size the ring 15 diameter. In balloons IO feet or wire basket is sometimes woven into ring so that an extra inflator may be releasing balloon when ready to rise.
These are made in several ways. One consists of a ball of cotton wool which is saturated with alcohol or kerosene oil when balloon is to be inflated. A more convienent inflator may be made by impregnating a ball of excelsior with parafine and fastening it on top of cross wires of balloon ring. This has the advantage of being cleaner and requires nothing further than lighting when balloon is to be raised.
A balloon five feet high when deflated can be made from twelve pieces of tissue paper cut out of sheets IO wide and 60 long. To get the proper shape for cutting these se&ions draw a plan of the desired shape of balloon when finished, somewhat as shown in Fig. I. Then make a ground plan as shown in Fig. 2. Qrarter the elevation plan by the two lines al and a2. The 137
on Qh
,. r-q? I.
lines al represent the balloon at its widest point in both plans, Line b in ground plan is obtained by measuring the length of line b in Fig. 1 from central line a2 to the edge of balloon and then taking the same distance from the center of Fig. 2 and making a circle with a pair of compasses at this point. Lines c, d and e are obtained in the same manner. Now, to make the pattern as shown in Fig. 3 draw a plan of one of the sheets from which the balloons is to be cut using same sc.ale as in Figures i and 2. Divide it by a line through its center lengthwise and then locate lines a 1, b 1, c 1, d 1 and e 1 by measuring di.tiance from bottom of balloon to each cross line on Fig. 1 along one edge from d2 to e. It now only remains to locate the points on Fig. 3 for getting proper shape of pattern. To do this take a pair of dividers and measure length on line b 1 from central perpendicular line in Fig. 2 to point where it intersects the next radial line to the right. Divide this distance equally to each side of central line of line bl in Fig. 3. Do the same with lines c, d and e. On a large plan this may be more accurately dane with a flexible rule but when using dividers as 138
above a slight allowance mu& be made #or the cufva* ture of the lines on Fig. 2. All that is necessary, now, is to draw an easy line from top to bottom of Fig. 3 as shown. The bottom of 5 balloon should be about 15 diameter. Dividing this by four will give approximately 3% for bottom of pattern.
for Balloons.
These make a very pretty addition to a balloon ascension and may be designed in numerous ways as to ingenuity of the pyrotechniti will suggebt. A typical attachment is shown in accompanying sketch (Fig. 71).
The lower portion of a gerb is filled with red fire which burns until the balloon reaches the height of several hundred feet; then the gold rain effedt of the gerb fun&ions until the heading of Stars, serpents etc. is discharged. A vertical wheel suspended from a wire and lighting when balloon is well up in the air makes a very intereeing display.
In this item of pyrotechny the hitiory of fireworks in general has been somewhat reversed. While many persons have lost limbs and life in the manufaeure of roman candles, rockets etc. on a large scale, comparatively few serious accidents have occured to those using them. On the other hand, though cannon crackers are one of the safeSt articles in the business to make, they have caused, during their short career the loss of more hands, arms etc. to those firing them than all other kinds of pyrotechnics combined. The is only reason explosive is simple. The when confined composition or after of the crackers cracker is
finished and the explosion of a finished cracker will not ignite others, as is the case with candles etc. where a spark will fire thousands at once. But when crackers are used by the inexperienced it is difficult to determine whether the fuse is lighted or not which often causes the cracker to explode in the hand with disastrous results. Its bloody record has caused a number of states to legislate against its sale in sizes larger than three to four inch. U n tl 1 a fuse is invented that will be consumed as it burns, this piece of fireworks will be dangerous to handle. The first available record of the manufacture of American Cannon Crackers on a commercial scale was about the year 1880 when Edmund S. I-iunt of Weymouth, Mass. devised a very ingenious machine into which was fed empty cases from a hopper while the composition and fuse was inserted and the ends crimped at one operation. Previously only Chinese crackers were used but the increased loudness of the report and the reduced cost of making them soon caused the American article to supplant the imported one in the larger sizes. With the advent of the Flash Cracker the Chinese again invaded the American market to a large extent.
The cases for crackers are rolled similar to rocket cases except that paste is used only on the last turn at farthest end of sheet, the body of the case being rolled dry. By this means the cracker is more easily blown into small fragments and the danger of being .struck by The fuse used a large piece of hard case is avoided. is the small red cotton untaped fuse made especially for this purpose though most any kind of blast-ing fuse may be used, A piece from 1 ?Q to 3 long is sufficient according to the length of the cracker. Various compositions are used, those containing Antithe loudest report while those made with mony giving sulphur only, produce less noise. The cases should be filled about one third full of composition to obtain the best results and composition must be loose, not rammed. The addition of charcoal will increase the lightness of 140
its tendency
to pack
The ends of crackers are stopped in various wa.ys. The best is by means of crimpers which pinch or mash the ends of the case around the fuse at one end and into a bunch or lump at the other. A dab of glue retains the cuds in place. Another method is to close the fuse end with clay and. the other with a cork. The low grade of corks used for this purpose can be bought for as cheaply as twelve cents per thousand in the small sizes which is less than the cob? of plugs of any ether sort.
To make crackers in this manner roll the cases .as directed. Make a brass nipple as shown Fig. 72, of the diameter of the cracker desired and about as high from top to shoulder. Drill a hole through the center somewhat larger than the fuse so it will pass easily into it. Also provide a rammer about 6 longer than the cracker and drill a hole into the lower end, somewhat larger than the fuse and ream or countersink it a little. After setting the nipple in a block put a piece of fuse in it, slip a case on, put in enough slightly dampened clay to occupy a half inch when rammed and with a few blows of a mallet set it firmly. You had best now remove the case and with a sharp knife split it open without breaking the clay and see if everything has been operating corre&y, that is, if the proper amount of clay has been 141
used and if the fuse projects sufficiently on the inside and has not been mashed into the clay as sometimes happens if the rammer has not been correctly made on the end which rams the clay while the fuse enters hole in same. Unless this has been well done the cracker will fail to explode. When these matters have been properly adjustecl proceed with ramming clay in another case and scoop in enough composition (any one from l&t to follow) to fill case aLout one third. Then take a cork that will fit pretty snuggly, dip the small end in liquid fish glue and force it in open end of cracker. It is now completed and may be removed from nipple. If too much composition is used the report is weakened; a full case will hardly explode at all, When crackers are made on a large scale, a block of six dozen nipples is used, six wide and twelve lengthwise, same as for reman candles. The clay and composition can be dropped into lot simultaneously by the use of shift.ing boards as shown under candle machine. Some manufacturers prefer to use a long nipple and short rammer, reversing the manner of rammiag as the cracker is rammed from the fuse end instead of. from the cork end. By this means the danger of mashing the fuse into the clay is avoided as the nipple on the inside protects it. But only the clay can be filled into them all at once by this method, as, the composition being loaded from the other end, they must be removed from the spindles before this can be accomplished. The Numbers following Length are the Bore eandard sizes. No. in box Boxes in case
1 Salutea
5116" 5116" 36" 7116" M" 74" K" N" 1" 134' 142
100 SO 15 30 20 10 5 3 2 25
20 25 100 20 20 20 20 20
in 2o cad.
60 23 5 6 3 6 2 1 1 12
rotass: chlorate Washed sulphur Sulplruret antimony Metalic amimony Charcoal Saltpet,er
If unwashed sulphur is used the report will be considerably louder but the danger is greater. Of the above mixings, the last is about the safest that can be made Ihe fir& gives the loudem report. Great care mua be csercised in mixing the composition for cannon crackers. Each ingredient must be sifted separately and then mixed in a tub with the fingers, preferably gloved, being careful not to scratch the bottom of tub with the nails.
The name is probably derived from the French word for chestnuts which burst when being roalfted, and covers what cons&s of a case of heavy paper containing an explosive charge which when ignited produces a loud report. Aerial Maroons are simply the same article arranged to explode in mid-air when fired like a shell.
This intereSting addition to pyrotechny is one of the results of the advent of aluminum. The following composition may be used both for flash crackers and maroon shells. $43 81 #i Potaee: perchlorate 50 30 Potaes: chlorate 6 Washed sulphur 3 25 30 Pyro aluminum 1 25 40 Charcoal I Mix thoroughly the sulphur, coal and aluminum; then add the chlorate potass; previously sifted by itself; mix143
a piece
Prepare a block c Fig. 73 by boring several holes as shown, 7116 diameter and 1 deep. Also a nipple W diameter fitted into a handle b and some pieces of strong light paper 2% square a. Take a piece of paper in one hand and with the nipple in the other, press the paper around it so as to form a little cup which is now inserted in the hole in block pressing down until the
flange of the nipple spreads the upper edges of the paper. Remove the nipple aud put into the paper cup formed, enough composition to half fill it. Insert a piece of match three inches long: draw the paper around the match and secure tightly with two half hitches of linen twine. Remove from block, smear a little gum on one side and push into a cracker case (d) W diameter and 3 long. It is not necessary to close the ends of flash 144
crackers open.
as the
is just
as loud
Composition #2 and #3 are much the safest and should be used by any but those very familiar with this class of work but the ends of the cracker must be tightly closed to secure a loud report as direncd for cannon crackers. Also the sulphur in these mixing8 should not be washed.
By this name is understood the toy torpedoes used by children, which detonate when thrown on the ground. I believe that these were first made by the French under the name of Pois fulminant (mad peas), but the so called Jap. or cap torpedoes, which constitute far the largest part of those used today, as nearly as I can find out are an American invention.
entire lot with terrific violence. A wooden spoon should be used for removing it from the filter and it should be handled as little as possible and in the smalles? practicable quantities. Procure a round paper box from a drug Store, one inch in diameter and three inches high. Make a small hole 1116 in diameter through the cover and fill it about half full of dry fulminate. Now take a board IO wide and 20 long, U thick and with a a bit bore 50 holes through it, (5 rows, 10 to a row>. This is the torpedo board. Then t a k e a similar board and with a M bit bore the same number of holes in the same position, into it but not quite through. This is the gravel board. A punch will now be required as shown in Fig. nipple being 5/R diameter and $2 long. 74. a, the Get some of the be& grade tissue paper and cut it in-
square. Take a bunch of them in Place one over each hole in the torpedo at the same time forcing it in the hole with the inches
puncher so as to make a little bag. When the board is filled with paper dip the gravel board into a box filled with gravel, tilting the board so the surplus will run off and the holes will be just filled. Then reverse the board
containing the papers and place it over the board of gravel. Hold tightly together and turn both boards together upside down and the rgravel will be emptied into the torpedo board all at once. Remove the now empty gravel board and with the fulminate box shake a little of the powder into each little bog of gravel just as you would shake salt from a salt seller. Only a very little is required. Now dip the tips of the thumb and forefinger into paste and with the finger tips of both hands gather up the edges of the paper, bunch them together and by giving a few twists the torpedo is finished. Care mu& be taken not to twiti too tightly as the torpedo is likely to explode in the fingers.
These, while considerably safer than the silver torpeto make and handle require to be struck with much force in order to cause them to explode. First we proceed to make the caps. (Fig. 75).
There are required a pan 2 deep, 8 wide and IO long, a number of pieces of blanket 12 square which mubt be well dampened before using, and a cap dropper made by driving 150 8 penny nails, for one inch of their length into a wooden block 7 x 9, 1% thick and fitted with a handle as shown in illustration. The heads of the nails should be well leveled up so that every one touches when dropper stands on a flat surface. Also cut a lot of pieces of poster paper 6 x 8 and place them in two piles on the work table. They are for dropping 147
cap ONE. 5 y; M
is made NUMBER
as follows: TWO.
pllosphorus 2 028.
Sift separately the ingredients of No. 1, mix thoroughly and moisten in a bowl with water to t.hc cons&tency In another bowl moisTen the two ounces of porridge. Amorphous Phosphorus, to the same consistency. Then stir the phosphorus into the bowl containing the other ingredients, with a spoon. When thoroughly mixed pour into the pan previously mentioned. Take the dropper by the handle and dip it into the pan of composition, remove it and print it lightly onto the top sheet of one of the pil.es of poster. With a wide brush paste the top sheet on the other pile, all over on one side with thin paste to which a little dextrine has been added and reverse it onto the sheet that has just had the caps dropped on it. Now remove the finished sheet of caps to one of the damp blankets and repeat operation, placing a piece of blanket between each sheet of caps until all the composition is used up after which place a light board on top of the pile of alternate caps and blankets, and on this, a weight allowing it to remain for about an hour, after which remove the blankets and place the pile of caps in a tight box where they cannot become dry. Now fill the torpedo board as before direaed only using a somewhat smaller gravel board. Take out a few sheets of caps and with a long pair of scissors cut between each row of caps each way so as to separate them. Place one squarely on top of the gravel in each torpedo and taking a handful of gravel, drop a little on top of each cap. They are now ready to be twitied as described for silver torpedoes. When a number have been finished they should be packed in sawdust or rice shells and removed from the workroom. Too many should
not Le allowed to accumulate in a pile, for when dry, the explosion of one will sometimes fire the entire lot and the flying Stones often cause serious injury. Be sure never to allow the caps to become dry while making the torpedoes, or in the storage box. In making caps, when a batch has been completed, be very careful to wipe up thoroughly every drop or speck that may be spilled, and wash well the pan and dropper etc. as well as the table, shears and brush used and throw away the washings where they will run off. Japanese torpedoes do not keep much over a year as the phosphorus decomposes and after awhile disappears entirely from the cap. Following are the principal sizes and packings of torpedoes:
Name Size paper
torpedo board No. in box Boxes in ca*e
Electric Giant
w 1
25 10
Am. Extras Japanese ::;:tzI Cat Scat Cannon 1% 3 3 5% 7
25 5
25 10
10 10
Fig. 74b.
These consist of a 1 OZ. tin ointment can containing a mixture similar to that used in paper caps, A strip of lead is soldered to bottom of box so it can be easily attached to rail by bending strip around top of rail, and fires when engine runs over it. (Fig, 74 b).
The peculiar property of potassium picrate to whistle while burning has been known for a long time and has been made use of fnr producing the amusing whistling fireworks. To make this article: Disolve 1 lb. picric acid in the least possible quantity of boiling water, in a porcelain receptical; add % lb. potassium carbonate, little by little, stirring continuously, Then add. 1 lb. powdered saltpeter. Stir thoroughly; allow to stand for one hour and remove to a heavy piece of filter paper placed in a glass funnel where it can drain. When dry crush to fine powder with a wooden roller. Very small quantities should be handled at a time as an explosion will cause disastrous results. The dry powder may be rammed into tubes from % to N diameter and will produce the whistling sound when burned. Bamboo tubes are most effe&ve. Owing to the ease with which potass; picrate detonates whistles cannot be used in shells but small tubes K diameter and 2% long when charged with the above composition may be place in the heads of rockets or fastened to the outside and arranged to burn as the rocket is ascending. Attached to wheels they are quite amusing, but the most effedtive use for them is when a series of six or eight ranging in size from tin to g diameter are set side by side like a Pandaen Pipe and burned simultaneously.
disc about one inch or more in diameter which, when scratched on the pavement gives off a continuous series of little explosions, burning from one half to three quarters of a minute. On account of somewhat resembling candy iosenges a number of fatal accidents have occured by small children swallowing them. For this reason their sale has been forbidden in some se&ions. They are made as follows: (Fig. 76)
Secure a number of boards of N material and bore holes into them ?4 deep and I % diameter somewhat as shown at (a). Turn up a puncher like (b) which will work easily in the holes. Cut some red Foudrinier tissue paper into circular pieces 2% diameter. Lay them over the holes in board and punch in. Pour into these the composition given below and fold over the edges of the paper as in (c). Permit to set and when hardened they may be removed and thoroughly dried when they will be ready for use.
Mix five kilograms of powdered gum Arabic with five litres of water, adding water gradually with constant stirring. Then add I M kg. Magnesium carbonate. Place this in a water bath with a thermometer arranged so that temperature can be carefully observed and heat to 50C. after which add a mixture of one kg. white phosphorus and stir until entirely melted. Continue stirring while cooling to 25OC. after which add a mixture of 21/i kg. red ochre and 3 kg. potass; chlorate and stir until a perfeely smooth produd results after which it may be
poured into the paper molds as above. Great be used to prevent accidents in all mixtures phosphorus and chlorate of potass.
This remarkable subStance con&&s of small pellets of sulphocyanide of mercury which has the remarkable property of swelling 25 to 50 times its original size,when lighted, producing a long snake like ash. To prepare, make a concentrated solution of mercuric chloride and add little by little a solution of potassium sulphocyanide, Stirring cor&antly. A greyish precipitate will be formed and when the last: drop of sulphocyanide added no longer produces cloudiness permit the. mixture to settle. Drain off as much as possible of the clear supernant liquid, remove precipitate to a paper filter placed in a glass funnel and wash slightly. When thoroughly dry reduce to a fine powder. When ready to form the eggs moiaen very sparingly with a week solution of gum arabic to which may be added a pinch of saltpeter and form into cones with the appliance shown in Fig. 77.
This German snake, otherwise but in no ways
device produces an immense long black quite similar to the Pharaohs Serpents related chemically. 152
acid 2 7 3%
Reduce pitch to fine powder; add linseed oil and rub in well; add strongest fuming nitric acid, little at a time. Allow to cool for one hour. Wash several times with water, the last time allowing mass to &and in the water for several hours. Thoroughly dry; powder fine and add picric acid, rubbing it in well. Moisten with gum arabic water and form into pellets about the siza of a #4 star. The naptha. pitch can only be obtained in Germany and then with considerable difficulty. A fairly good article may be made by melting together equal parts of Syrian asphalturn and roofing pitch. To the final product add 5% stearine when forming into stars.
These preparation
consist which,
pile of serpent.
a Pharaohs
Cut some tinfoil into circles I f/z diameter. Cut these again from the periphery to the center as shown in Fig. 78. (a). Fold them around the former (b) so as to make little cones and insert into block (c) filling them with the following composition: Saltpeter Ammonium Dextrine
bichromate 2 I the block, press into powder. Fold over from block. To use,
When quite full up to the edge of center a pellet of Pharaohs Serpent the edges to the center and remove light at top of cone.
in of
These are made by disolving various substances alcohol. A copper can filled with cotton is impregnated with the alcoholic solution. It is lighted by a tuft from the opening. (Fig. 79). cotton left protruding
FlcJq79 For Green Red Yellow Blue Before over Flame use Boric acid Strontium or Lithum chloride Sodium chloride Copper sulfate or Caseium carbonate chemcan.
These cons&t of thin wooden 4ticks similar to applicators used by physicians for applying Iodine etc. to affetied parts. They are dipped for half their length into colored fire compositions in a more or less liquid &ate.
One method is to melt one part of gum shellac in an, iron pot. Stir in five parts of very finely powdered Strontium nitrate. To keep this sufficiently liquid it muti be kept quite hot by the use of a Steam kettle. This is for ted aticks. Another method is to disolve the shellac in alcohol and adding the &rontium. The proper consiatency of the mixture can be easily regulated by using more or less alcohol as required. When the sticks are dried they are ready for use. Green is not so successfully ing subtiituted for arontium. A the burning but detraCts from The &ticks are pushed green. as shown, Fig. 80 for drying. made, barium nitrate belittle lampblack improves the color, especially the into a grove in the bar
Shower Sticks.
are made composition: 6 in
2 1
Disolve shellac in alcohol and add other ingredients, Stir thoroughly to consiaency of previously well mixed. thick glue and dip &nicks previously arranged in holder so they may be placed in drying rack.
Aluminum powder Barium chlorate Shellac Alcohol q. 0. The Japanese make but this requires a great unattainable by western
These are made in a general way but in effe& they throw off a shower of There arc several varieties of sparkling sold under this name. The principal pieces of wire or thin twisted metal, covered with a composition containing like the above beautiful sparks. sticks which are one consists of part of which is steel filings.
Fine &eel filings Fine aluminum powder Potassium perchlorate Dextrine or gum arabic Water q. 9.
6 2
The steel mugt be proteded from corosion with parashould be made of the consistence of fi ne. The gum thoroughly and add gum mucilage. Mix th e ingredients solution until a mixture is obtained that will adhere to the wires when they are dipped into it. This varies in different se&ions and with different runs of ingredients. In pra&ce, bunches of wires are dipped at once and slowly withdrawn in a current of warm, dry air which causes the mixture to adhere evenly. A sparkler of great brilliance and which is very effedtive may be made as follows: Take 3 lbs. of dextrine and add to same, little at a time, 12 pints of water, ~irring continually so as to avoid lumps. Mix intimat.ely 10 lbs. potassium perchlorate with 7 lbs. pyro-aluminum or finely powdered aluminum and add this to the gum 156
water, stirring,.until a perfectly smooth mixture is obtained. Wood Ricks- may now be dipped into it to the desired depth while it is contained in a deep vessel, and placed in a suitable rack for drying, It may bc necessary to dip the sticks several times dependent on how much composition it is desired to have on them. In this case they should be dried with the composition end up, the f&t time- so that not to much composition accumulates on the end beyond the stick.
lows: These consist (Fig. 81). mainly
of five or six varieties as fol-
No. 1 Floating gerb or roman candle. A cone shaped piece of light wood is bored with hole of suitable size to take the gerb or candle as shown. In order to secure an upright position with roman candles it is sometimes necessary to place a charge of iron filings in the bottom of case. pot No. 2. Floating Tableau of suitable size placed Lights are merely on a board. a colored
No. 3. Diving Devils. A sharp gerb is fitted with a hollow head set at an angle with the case. Careful adjustment mua be made so as to insure floating of the gerb which will cause it to dive into and come up out of the water properly. This is perhaps the most amusing piece of water fireworks as well as the one calling 157
most careful work. The tip of float mu& be so as to cause it to dive and yet. be bouyant to make it rise again. Devil as they Wheel
No. 4. Fish arc made similar to the Diving except that not so much adjustment is necessary only run around on top of the water. set No. 5. Water Wheels are an ordinary on a board Boat as shown. Vertical
The Fish and Devils should be heavily coated with parafine when finished; even the nosing of the match should be protected in this manner and water proof fuse, properly primed, used for lighting. Water fireworks are only practical on quiet ponds and small lakes and are usually fired from a skiff. Great care should be used to protect the supply in boat from sparks of those burning, in order to prevent accidents to the operator. #6 is a Floating Mine.
These are used mostly in the large spectacular pyrotechnical pictures featuring volcanos etc. such as The la8t days of Pompeii Burning of Rome etc. They consist of short mine cases about 4 to 6 in diameter and 6 to 12 long. The compositions arc
Meal powder Fine charcoal Sawduet
2 1 I
While these are really no part of the pyrotechnical art they do come under the heading of Military Pyrotechnics. They cons&t of a fine stream of Titanium tetrachloride which is sprayed from an airplane at a suitable height and which in falling produc.es the dense smoke intended to screen what is behind it. The liquid is projected backward from the plane at the same: rate 158
the air
so that
the drop-
This branch of pyrotechny seems to have been somewhat overlooked though its possibilities for daylight enter tainment to supplement night displayti would appear to field for those with the necessary open an interesting imagination to develope it. There are as many colors and tints there are of flames and aerial combinations really beautiful effects The sinrpleti form of smoke used in the Smoke Pot used in the spectacles such of Pompei where it is desired to give of destruction by fire. A basic formular, ation is: Saltpeter Lampblack Charcoal Realgar Rosin A starting fire 8s given below 4 of smoke as produce some pyrotechny is as Last Days the impression subject to vari-
I 1 1 is also necessary.
A smoke pot developed by our War Department for making smoke screens cons&s of case 3% diameter 6 The composition high with a I opening in the top. con&&. of: 12 Saltpeter 8 Pitch 2% Borax Chalk 1% Sand I Sulphur 1 The pitch is melted and while still hot ingredients, previously well mixed, are &red the mixture cools and hardens it is pressed As it is difficult to ignite, a Starting fire of the other in. Before into case
6 1% I 1
is used. About M of this is placed on top of other cornposition before putting the top on case. This may consiti of a wooden disc with hole, fastened in place with small nails or a tin can may La used as container.
The really beautiful by the burning of mixtures For of the desired color. inch inside diameter and which are bored 4 or 5 line, at intervals as shown case may be closed with pack smoke compositions.
e&&s, however, are produced which produce a dense smoke this purpose a paper tube I 4 inch long is desirable, into holes M diameter on a spiral in Fig. 86. Both ends of the clay or wooden plugs. Do not Ram very lightly.
powd. 3 1 3
As this smoke is not injurious to the lungs it may be used in doors for theatrical work. Rub the potass: chlorate and lactose together thoroughly, then add sal ammoniac, finely powdered, mixing only once more. Ram lightly. Another very good white smoke may be made as follows: Sulphur flowers Saltpeter Fine charcoal This is for composition outdoor use only. for starting fire. Use a 16 12 1 little white star
24 6 2 4 6 starting, if found
Hexichloroethane Alpha naptha Anthracene Aluminum powder Roman candle composition Use necessary. white Star composition for
1 I 3
Potassium Lactose Auramine Chrysoidin
7 5 2 6
1 I 2 starting either of the
Potassium chlorate Lactose Paranitraniline yellow Use red above three. star composition for
1 I 1
Saltpeter Red arsenic Sulphur Antimony sulphide Meal powder No tiarting fire necessary.
Potassium chlorate Lactose Auramine Indigo (synthetic)
6 5 3 5
Potassium chlorate Lactose Indigo (synthetic) fire if needed. any patie the above
7 5 8
This ingenious piece of fireworks is believed to have been devised by the Brock Fireworks Co. of Surrey, England, and created quite a sensation at the Crystal Palace when first shown about forty years ago. It consists of a snake squirming around in the air after a butterfly which manages however to evade it. The framework consists of an endless chain of wood-
4 and
8 four by are
and a suitable is
on shown one
four in of snake
This is a very old, yet always attractive device. It consiSta of two wheels three feet in diameter, attached to opposite ends of an axle, arranged to revolve horizontally on a spindle as shown. The rockets pass through screw eyes along the rim of the wheel, and are matched to fire at intervals as the wheel revolves by being connected to successive drivers. On the top is a battery of roman candles. The top wheel is fitted with ordinary drivers containing &eel filings and matched to burn two 164
at a time, one each on opposite sides. is fitted with aluminum gerbs all to the last two drivers of the top wheel. at an angle with the axis of rotation wider spread of fire. The battery of second pair of drivers of top wheel.
The lower wheel burn at once with The latter are set so as to give a candles Starts with (Fig. 83).
This simple yet baffling and always interesting device is constructed as shown in Fig. 84. The frame may be secured in different sizes, all ready for lances etc. from manufac%urers of fireworks wheels in North Weare, N. 1-I. or it may be constructed by the pyrotechnist himself according to suggestions given in sketch. When the piece is burning, the globe revolving first in one, then in the other mo.9 amusing manner. appears direction to be in a
As far as is known to the writer there has never been given in English a detailed description of this interesting little article of pyrotechnics of which there are undoubtedly more made than of any other piece of freworks. The ingenuity of the Chinese in its production in the unbelievable large quantities that they are made is only equaled by the many other unusual things done by this most patient and painstaking race. The crackers among to eight yearly imports to this country amounts to three million dollars the various sizes, would amount billion crackers. of Chinese firewhich divided conservatively
The tubes or firecracker cases cases are I %/; long, $4 outside diameter and have a bore of 5132. They are rolled of a grade of paper unknown in this country; perhaps the lowest grade of paper made, unsized and quite irregular in character; a sort of coarse blotting paper. A small amount of gum water or rice pa&e is used as a binder and the case is finished with one turn of very They are rolled in thin red, green or yellow paper. lengths of one to two feet and then cut to the required
a block is prepared for gathering about 1000 tubes into a hexagon shaped bundle, as follows. of hard wood about I thick and cut into a each side of which is 5 wide is provided with
pointed wood or metal pins % long and 5132 diameter set into the wood base so that the above amount projects, and exactly M apart. They are also arranged in a hexagon with sides 4 wide. A tube is now slipped over each pin until the entire block is filled, having previously provided a wood frame the same size as the outside of the block one half inch thick and having an inside diameter slightly greater than the assembled tubes so as to be able to slip snugly around them. This is slipped up and down a few times to shape the bundle nicely and a string tied around it to further secure same. A piece of white paper is now pasted over the top of the bundle. When dry it is removed from the form and a piece of paper pasted on the other side when it is dried again. The under side is moistened at the edges When again and the surplus paper neatly rubbed off. dry the upper side is moistened all over and the paper over the top of each cracker is pierced with a punch or round pointed stick so that they may be charged Some operators with the necessary powder and clay. hold several sticks between their fingers at one time so as to be able to punch several holes simultaneously.
..*.... . . . . ..O. . ..*..-00 * .,.. *..o. . . . e,., ,e, .e. *.a, .a..* ..*..* . . . . . .* . . . .. . . . . . . , , .
. . . . . . . l e..r . . . , . , , , ..** .,.,. . . a,..,, . . . . . . . ph 4. .
A wooden board about one inch wider all around than the bundle of crackers and %I thick with ?4 holes bored through it, corresponding exaely in position with the crackers in the bundle, is now laid on a smooth board, covered with finely powdered cl\ay which is pressed into the holes in it, with the hand, until it is firm enough not to fall out when the piece is lifted. The surplus is brushed ofi and it is placed over the bundle of crackers so that the clay filled holes are exaely over the opcnA slight blow is usually sufficient to ings in the tubes. to cause the clay to fall into the crackers. Any not falling out is pushed out with a stick. The bundle is jarred slightly again& the table to make the clay settle. A similar operation is now performed with a thicker board 168
The top layer of paper is now moistened so that it it may be entirely removed and the clay which has become slightly moisTened as well, is gently pushed down with a suitable rammer. It is then dried in the sun. The bottom end is now carefully dipped into water, turned bottom up and the paper removed from this side also, the clay pushed down and pierced with an awl for the purpose of inserting the match or fuse. This is however not done until the crackers have been again dried in the sun. After the fuses are inserted the ends of the crackers are pinched around it, about ?@ from the end, by a crimper or two blunt knives hinged together at one end and having a V shaped notch cut out of the center of each blade, so that when two notches approach from . . opposite sides they pinch the cracker together and cause the fuse to be held in place. When they are now finally dried for the last time they are platted together so as to form the packs of commerce. The platting and wrapping of the packs is such a dextrous performance that it is useless to try to describe it as it is only acquired by many years of succeeding generations doing the same thing. The following composition used formulas Chinese are in crackers use for making the and flash crackers:
Saltpeter Sulphur Charcoal Chlorate Sand
50 25 25 45 18 25 8
Saltpeter Sulphur Aluminum Chlorate
50 30 20 25 25 50 30 40 30
powder potassium
A very important as well as extremely difficult part of the Chinese cracker is to make the fuse. Very tender and skilled fingers are required to produce this insignificant looking yet most requisite adjunct. A thin strip of the finest Chinese tissue paper, about K wide and 14 long is laid on a smooth damp board; a little stream of powder is poured down its center from a hollow bamboo stick and with the tips of soft skinned fingers which seem to have an attraction for the paper and placed against the right hand lower corner, a rolling motion in the general direction of the upper left hand corner causes the paper to roll up into a twine like fuse. The slightest touch of paste secures the end and prevents unrolling. When dry it is cut into the required lengths and is ready for use. NOTE. The information was written has been manager of the Kwong Hong Kong, China. upon which supplied by Man Loong the foregoing Mr. Ip Lan Fireworks article Chuen, Co. of