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QUESTION BANK Branch & Semester Faculty Name Subject Name Sl.No.

1 2 3 4 UNIT 1 Give the fundamentals torque equation for motor load system. State essential parts of electrical drives. What are the functions of a power modulator. Explain with example multiquadrant operation of electric drive. Explain what are the equivalent values of drive parameters. Derive the equation for rotational motion & Translational motion. A motor drive has two load. One has rotational motion. It is coupled to the motor through a reduction gear with a= 0.1 & efficiency of 90%. The load has a moment of inertia of 10Kgm2 & a torque of 10 N-m. other load has translational motion and consist of 1000kg weight to b lifted up at an uniform speed of 1.5 m/s. coupling between this load and the motor has an efficiency of 85%. motor has an inertia of 2 0.2Kg-m & runs at a constant speed of 1420 rpm. determine equivalent inertia reffered to the motor shaft & power developed by the motor. What are the components of load Torques? Explain whatdo you understand by Steady State Stability? What is the main assumption. A drive has following parameters; J = 10kg-m 2, T = 100-0.1N-m, Passive load Torque Tl = 0.05N, N-m, Where N is the speed in rpm. Initially the drive is operating in steady- state. Now it is to be reversed. For this motor charecteristic is changed to T = -100 - 0.1N-m. Calculate the time reversal.

Electrical/ VIII sem Mr. M. Biswal Utilization of Electrical Energy Difficulty Question Level Type Marks E E M M T T T D 2 7 7 7

Time Reqd. 4M 15M 15M 15M

6 7



7 2 7

15M 4M 15M



A motor equipped with flywheel is to supply aload torque of 1000 N-m for 10sec followed by a light load period of 200 N-m enough for the flywheel to regain its steady- state speed. It is desired to limit the motor torque to 700N-m. What should be the moment of inertia of the flywheel? Motor has an inertia of 10 kg-m 2. its no load speed is 500 rpm and the slip at a torque of 500 N-m is 50%. assume speed - torque charecteristic of motor to be a straight line in the region of interest. A drive has the following parameters: T= 150 - 0.1N, Nm where N is the speed in rpm. Load torque Tl = 100, N-m Initially the drive is operating in steady state. the charecteristics of the load torque are changed to T l = -100N-m. Calculate initial and final equilibirium speeds. A motor is is used to drive a hoist. Motor charecteristics are given by Quadrants I, II and IV: T = 200 - 0.2N, N-m Quadrants II, III & IV; T = -200 - 0.2N, N-m where N is the speed in rpm. When hoist is loaded, the net load torque Tl = 100, N-m & when it is unloaded, net load torque Tl = -80, N-m. obtain the equilibirium speeds for operation in all the four quadrants.






A motor drives four loads, two have rotational motion & two translational motion. Moment of inertia of the motor is 1.2kg-m2. motor runs at a speed of 1000 rpm. Following are the details about the four loads: Loads Types of motion Speed Inertia/mass Torque/force I 2 Rotational 200rpm 7 Kg-m 10 N-m II Rotational 2 200rpm 5 Kg-m 6 N-m III Translational 10 M/s 10 Kg 20 N IV Translational 10 M/s 20 Kg 30 N Calculate the equivalent inertia of the system reffered to the motor shaft & power rating of the motor, assuming the negligible loss in the transmission system.



A weight of 500 Kg is being at a uniform speed of 1.5M/s by a winch driven by motor running at a speed of 1000 rpm. The moments of inertia of the motor & winch are 0.5 2 & 0.3 Kg-m respectively. Calculate the motor torque and the equivalent moment of inertia reffered to the motor shaft. In the absence of weight, motor develops a torque of 100-N-m when running at 1000 rpm. A motor load system has followin details: Quadrants I & II, T = 400-0.4N, N-m; where N is the speed in rpm. Motor is coupled to an active load torque Tl = + 200, Nm. calculate the motor speeds for motoring and braking operations in the forward direction. when operating in quadrans III & IV, T = -40 - 0.4N, N-m. calculate the equilibrium speed in quadrant III Calculate the starting time of a drive with following parameters: T = 15 + 0.5m & Tl = 5 + 0.6m J = 10 Kg-m ,





7 7

10M 10M



A drive has the following parameters: J = 10 Kg-m 2, T = 15 + 0.5N, N-m & Tl = 5 + 0.6N, N-m, whera N is the speed in rpm. Initially the drive is working in steady state. Now the drive is braked by electrical braking. torque of the motor in braking is given by T = -10 - 0.04N, N-m. calculate the time taken by the drive to stop. A drive has the following parameters: J = 1 Kg-m , T = 15 - 0.01N, N-m & Passive load torque Tl = 0.005N, N-m; where N is the speed in rpm Initially the drive is working in steady state. Nowit si to be reversed . for this motor charecteristic is altered such that T =-15-0.01N, N-m for positiv eas well as negative value of N. calculate the reversal time. What are the reason for using load equalisation in an electrical drive. A 6 pole, 50Hz, 3-phase wound rotor induction motor has a flywheel coupled to its shaft. The total moment of inertia of motor load of flywheel is 1000 Kg-m 2. load torque is 1000N-m of 10 sec duration followed by a no load period which is long enough for the drive to reach its no load speed. motor has a slip of 3% at a torque of 500N-m. Calculate i) Maximum torque developed by the motor. ii) Speed at the end of deceleration period.






7 7

15M 15M






A motor equipped with a flywheel has to supply a load torque of 600N-m of 10sec followed bay a no load period enough for the flywheel to regain its full speed. It is desired to limit the motor torque to 45N-m. What should be the moment of inertia of the flywheel? The no load speed of the motor is 600 rpm and it has a slip of 8% at torque 400N-m. Assume the motor speed torque charecteristic to be straight line in the range of operation.Motor has an inertia of 10 Kg-m2 How does active torque differ from passive torque A 6 pole, 50Hz, 3-phase induction motor has a flywheel coupled to its shaft. The total moment of inertia is 900kg-m2. Load torque is 900Nm for ten seconds followed by a no load period long enough for the motor to reach at no load speed .motor has a slip of 5% at a torque of 450 Nm. Calculate maximum torque developed by motor and speed at the end of deceleration period UNIT 2 What do you undertstand by constant drive and constant power drive. What type of Close - Loop Speed Control Schemes are used in mullimotor drives. How does a Phase - Locked Loop (PLL) Speed Control Scheme operate? Where do you use it? Explain the operation of Closed - Loop Speed Control Scheme with Inner Current Control Loop. What are various functions of Inner Current Control Loop Why Current Sensing is required in Electrical drives? Wat are the common methods of current sensing? Enlist the classes of motor Duty & explain each class in brief.



7 2

18 2

Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

D N Difficulty Question Level Type E E E M M E T T T T T T

7 Marks 2 7 7 7 7 7

18 Time Reqd. 4 15 15 15 15 15

A rolling mill driven dry thrystor converter - fed dc motor operates on a speed reversing duty cycle. Motor feld current is maintained constant at the rated value. Moment of inertia reffered to the motor shaft is 10,000 kg-m2. Duty cycle consists of the following intervals: 1) Rolling at full speed (200rpm) and at a constant torque of 25,5000 N-m for 10 sec. 2) No load operation for 1 sec at full speed. 3) Speed reversal from 200 to -200 rpm in 5 sec. 4) No load operation for 1 sec at full speed. 5) Rolling at full speed & at a torque of 20,000 N-m for 15sec. 6) No load operation at full speed for 1 sec . 7) Speed reversal from -200 to 200 rpm in 5sec. 8) No load operation at full speed for 1 sec . Determine the torque & power ratings of the motor. A constant speed drive has the following duty cycle: 1) Load rising from 0 to 400 kW : 5 min 2) Unifrom load of 500 kW : 5 min 3) Regenerative power of 400 kW returned to the supply : 4 min 4) Remains idle for : 2 min State & explain the disadvantages of using a motor of wronk rating. A motor has a heating time constant of 60 min & cooling time constant of 90 min. When run continously on full load of 20kW, the final temperature rise is 40 C. 1) What load motor can deliver for 10 min if this is followed by shunt down period long enough for it to cool? 2) I it is on an interminnent load of 10 min followed by 10 min shut down, what is the maximum value of load it can supply during the on load period? Half hour rating of a motor is 100kW, Heating time constant is 80 min and the maximum efficiency occurs at 70% full load.Determine the continous rating of the motor. A thyristor converter fed dc motor has following specifications: Rated armature current = 500A, armature resistance = 0.01 ohm. The drive operates on following duty by cycle: 1) Acceleation at twice the rated armature current for 10 sec. 2) Running at full load for 10 sec. 3) Deceleration at twice the rated armature current for 10 sec. 4) Idling interval. Draw the Heating & Cooling Curves of a motor & give the meaning of heating & cooling time constant. What is heating time Constant? Explain how the rating of a motor is affected by the temperature rise. What is meant by rating of motors? Discuss how the type & size of motors for intermittent load is determines. Define (1) Continous rating (2) Short time rating of machine. Explain how temperature rise is one of the chief feature in fixing the size of a motor for a given purpose. A motor works on 2 minutes Load cycle Constituted as follows: 0 to 15 sec - - - - - Load rising from 0 to 1260 HP. 15 to 8 sec - - - - - constant load of 720 HP. 85 to 95 sec- - - - Regenerative braking with the HP returned falling . uniformly from 240 to 0 HP. 95 to 120 sec - -- -Motor is at rest. A DC machine has a final temperature of 80 C on continous rating and a thermal time constant of 45minutes. 1) What is the temperature rise after one hour at this load. 2) If the temperature rise on one hour rating is 80C, find the maximum steady temperature at this rating.




7 7

15 15







13 14 15 16









21 22 Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

In a certain m/c the temperature rise is 25 C after one hour & 37.5C after two hours starting from cold conditions. Calculate its final steady temperature rise & the heating time constant. If the machine temperature fall from the final steady value to 40 C in 15 hour when disconnected calculate its cooling time constant. The ambient temperature is 30C. A motor ha sa thermaltime constant of 45minutes when the motor runs continously on full load its final temperature rise is 80C. 1) What is the temperature rise after 1 hour, if the motor runs continously on full load. 2) If the temperature on one hour rating is 80C, find the maximum steady state temperature at this rate. Define heating and cooling time constant of electrial machine What do you mean by constant torque and constant power drive. UNIT 3 List the starting methods of 3 phase IM. Explain any two method in brief. Describe various methods of electric braking of IM. Compare their advantages & disdvantages. What do you understand by soft start? State & explain the soft start methods employed for I.M. When plugging operation of a wound rotor I.M usually a external resistance inserted into the rotor circuits. why? Explain static Rotor -resistance Control of 3 phase I.M. Explain stator voltage Control of 3 phase I.M. Explain Voltage source Inverter (VSI) control of 3 phase I.M. Explain CSI control of 3 phase I.M. Explain cyclone converter control 3 phase I.M. Explain static Kramer drives. Explain static Scherbius drives. What do you mean by Slip power recovery. How it is achieved? A 2.8 kW, 400 V, 50Hz, 4 pole, 1370 rpm, deltaconnected squirrel cage induction motor has following parameter reffered to the stator: R s = 2, R'r =5 , Xs = X'r = 5 , Xm = 80. Motor speed is controlled by stator voltage control. When drivng a fan load it runs at rated speed at rated voltage. Calculate (i) motor terminal voltage, current & torque at 1200 rpm & (ii) motor speed, current & torque for the terminal voltage of 300V. Give the comparison between CSI & VSI drives.


M N E T M T Difficulty Question Level Type M T M M E E E M E E E E E T T T T T T T T T T T

7 2 2 Marks 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2

15 4 4 Time Reqd. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 4





7 7

15 15



A Y - connectedsquirrel - cage induction motor has following ratings & parameters: 400V, 50Hz, 4-pole, 1370rpm, Rs = 2, R'r = 3, Xs =X'r = 3.5, Xm = 55. It is controlled by current source inverter at a constant flux. Calculate 1) Motor torque, speed stator current when operating at 30 Hz & rated slip speed. 2) Inverter frequency & stator current for rated motor torque & motor speed of 1200 rpm. Assuming motor speed torque curves to be parallel straight lines in the region of interest, calculate motor speed when operating at 3) 30 Hz & half the rated motor torque. 4) 45 Hz & braking torque equal to rated motor torque. Variate frequency of IM is more affiicient than stator Voltage Control. Why? A 500 kW, 3 phase , 3.3 kV, 50 Hz, 0.8 (lagging) power factor, 4 pole, starconnected synchronous motor has the following parameters: Xs 15, Rs = 0. Rated field current is 10 A. Calculate. 1) Armature current & power factor at half the rated torque & rated field current. 2) Field current to get unity power factor at the rated torque. 3) Torque for unity power factor operation at field current of 12.5 A.



7 7

15 15



18 19 20 21 Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Explain self - controlled synchronous motor. Drive employing Load comutated thyristor Inverter. Why current source inverter fed induction motor drive is operated at constant rated flux Why stator voltage control is inefficient for speed control of three phase induction motor What is a cycloconverter UNIT 4 List the advantage of electric heating over other forms of heating. Write Sephan's Law of rate of heat radiation. Give the classification of Elecric heatingmethods. Enlist the requirements of Electrical heating element material. Write the names of materials used for heating element. What is infra red heating? What are its applications? Why small size induction furnances requires high frequency supply and large size induction furnance requires low frequency supply Why the melting chamber of direct electric arc furnance is made as nearly spherical as practicable. What is the difference between electric arc welding and resistance welding. What is the difference between main line trains and suburban trains. Why the traction drive should have large torque at low speeds and just being started. Why the torque required during the running is lower than the torque required during starting. Recent trend is to make seperately excited motors instead of series motors in traction drive. Why? Why ac series motors used for traction services are designed to operate at low frequency i.e 25 Hz or 16(2/3) Hz. Describe the nature of traction load. Explain duty cycle of traction drive. What are the important feature of traction drive. What motors are employed for traction drive and how are they controlled. Describe the conventional control used for dc traction drives. Describe the conventional control used for ac traction drives. Describe 25 kv traction using semiconductor convertor controlled at dc motors. State and explain the advantage of chopper control over resistance control in a dc traction Describe 25 kv traction using semiconductor convertor controlled polyphase ac motors. What is resistance oven. Discuss themethods of temperature control of resistane oven. Explain the method of induction heating. Name the various types of induction furnances in use with their application. Describe theconstrution and operation of coreless induction furnance. How source of high frequency current is obtained. Explain factors governing choice of frequency. What is dielectric heating. Explain the factors which decide the frequency and voltage of diaelectric heating. Derive an expression for heat produced in dielectric material. Explain working principle of arc furnance. Decribe the construction and working of any type of arc furnance. State advantage of electric ac furnance for steel making over other methods. Derive the condition for maximum output for an electric arc furnance. What is fundamental difference between electric arc welding and resistance welding. What are various types of resistance and arc welding. Explain why drooping charecteristic of supply voltage is essential for maintaining a steady arc in electric arc welding. Explain how this is obtained in case of 1) dc source 2) ac source.



7 2 2 2 Marks 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 14

15 4 4 4 Time Reqd. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30

M T E T Difficulty Question Level Type E T E T E T E T E T E T E E E E E E E M M M M E E M M M E M M T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T

26 27 28 29



14 7 7 7

30 15 15 15





Describe the equipments used in resistance welding. A 20 kw 3phase 400v resistoroven is star connected . The temperature of the element o o is 1000 C and that of charge 500 C calculate the diameter and length of wire requoired required . The resistivity is 105 micro ohms- cms, radiating efficiency = 0.6 & emmissivity= 0.9 (Ans. l = 17.7m, d = 1.725mm) Calculate the section of nickel chrome strip 0.3045 mm thick to be used in a 40 kw resistance oven. The supply being 400 V, 3 phase , 50Hz. The heating elements are star connected. The temperature of wire is to be1050 o C & that of charge = 650o C. -6 assume e = 0.9 & radiant efficiency = 0.6, e = 1 x 10 ohmm. (Ans. l= 10.58m/phase width w = 8.65mm) A three phase arc furnance 7500 A when the arc voltage is 75 V.The circuit comprising the transformer and electrode excluding the arc has reactance of 0/003 & o resistance of 0.002. The steel has a specific heat of 278 J/kg/ C, the latent heat of o fusion 37000 J/kg & melting point 1370 C. Assume furnance overall efficiency as 50% & initial temperature of steel as 15o C. Determine 1) The time taken to melt 5 tons of steel 2) The KVA taken from supply and 3) Electrical efficiency. (Ans 2040 sec, 2088KVA, 83.3%) An insulating slab 2cm thick and 150cm in area is to beheated by diaelectric heating. The power required is 300mHz. The material has relative permittivity of 5 & p.f. of 0.05. Determine the voltage necessary & current that will flow through material. If the voltage is limited to 600V, determine frequency for same loss. (Ans. 980 V, 6.12A, 80MHz)











A low frequency induction furnance whose secondary voltage is 10V, takes 400kw at 0.6 pf. When hearth is full. Assuming the resistance of secondary circuit to vary inversely as height of charge & reactance remains constant. Determine the height upto which the hearth should be filled to obtain maximum heat. (Ans 3/4 ht of hearth) The power input to the charge in a 1/2 ton 960Hz induction furnance having 20 turns on primary winding is 325 Kw. The cylindrical crucible has an internal dia of 45 cm & depth of charge is 50 cm. Determine equivalent resistance of charge and current in primary winding. (Ans 258 x 10-6 , 1774 Amp.) A three phase arc furnance has to melt 10 tons of steel is2hrs. Determine the average Kw input to furnance if its overall efficiency is 50%. If the current input is 9000A with Kw input & resistance & reactance of furnace are 0.003 & 0.005 respectively, determine arc voltage & total KVA, taken from supply. assume latent heat of steel 0.12. (Ans. Arc Voltage 46.64V, KVA input = 2330 KVA) UNIT 5 Answer in brief Write the laws of Illumination. Explain difference between illumination and luminous intensity Write diffrence between maintenance factor and depriciation factor. Explain space height ratio. Why energy conservation is important in electrical drives. List the measures that could be taken to conserve energy in electrical drives. Define Luminous intensity I, brightness or luminous L and Illumination E. Drive the relationship amongst E, I & L. Explain basic nature of light. Derive expression for illumination on a surface (1) when its is normal (2) when it is inclined to axis of beam of incident light. What are requirements of good street lighting. What are general principles employed in design of street lighting. Explain. What is flood lighting. Explain how flood lighting is provided and design considerations involved Write note on factory lighting.






Sl.No. 1 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 2 3 4 5 6 7

Difficulty Question Level Type E E E E E E M E M E M E T T T T T T T T T T T T

Marks 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7

Time Reqd. 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 18 18 18 18 18

8 9 10 11

Why energy conservation is important in electrical drives. List the measures that could be taken to conserve energy in electrical drives. Explain how the use of efficient semi conductorconvertors conserve energy. Explain how the use of efficient motors conserve energy. Explain how the valuable speed drive allows saving of energy. It is required to provide an illumination of 100 lumens/m in a workshop hall 40m x 10m. Assume depreciation factor as 0.8, coefficient of utilisation 0.4 and efficiency of lamp 14 lumens/watt. Calculate the number and rating of lamps when seven trusses are provided at mutual distances of 5m. It is required to flood height the front of a building 30m x 20m to give brightness of 2 20 lumens.m coefficient of reflection of building surface 0.2. Lamps of 500W having lumens output of 8450 each are used. Take beam factor as 0.6, waste light factor as 1.2 and maintenance factro as 0.8. Calculate number of lamps required. Describe with a neat sketch the principle of electric discharge lamp state the advantage &disadvantages over the filament lamp & give their applications. With the help of circuit diagrams explain the working of following light sources. a) High pressure mercury vapour lamp. b) Flourecent tube. c) Carbon arc lamp. Two similar lamps having unifrom intensity of 500cp in all directions below the horizontal are mentioned at a height of 4 meters. What must be maximum spacing between the lamps so that the illumination on the ground between the lamps shall be at least one half the illumination directly underlamps.(Ans: d = 9.56m)



4 4 4 4

9 9 9 9






7 7

18 18






Sl.No. 1 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Answer in brief Write the laws of Illumination. Explain difference between illumination and luminous intensity Write diffrence between maintenance factor and depriciation factor. Explain space height ratio. List the measures that could be taken to conserve energy in electrical drives. Define Luminous intensity I, brightness or luminous L and Illumination E. Drive the relationship amongst E, I & L. Explain basic nature of light. Derive expression for illumination on a surface (1) when its is normal (2) when it is inclined to axis of beam of incident What arelight. requirements of good street lighting. What are general principles employed in design of street lighting. Explain.

Difficult Question Time y Level Type Marks Reqd. E E E E T T T T T T T T 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 18

Why energy conservation is important in electrical drives. E E M E



7 7

18 18

What is flood lighting. Explain how flood lighting is provided and design considerations involved M Write note on factory lighting. E Why energy conservation is important in electrical drives. List the measures that could be taken to conserve energy in electrical drives. E Explain how the use of efficient semi conductorconvertors conserve energy. E Explain how the use of efficient motors conserve energy. E Explain how the valuable speed drive allows saving of energy. E 2 It is required to provide an illumination of 100 lumens/m in a workshop hall 40m x 10m. Assume depreciation factor as 0.8, coefficient of utilisation 0.4 and efficiency of lamp 14 lumens/watt. Calculate the number and rating of lamps when seven trusses are provided at mutual distances of 5m.


7 7

18 18


4 4 4 4

9 9 9 9



It is required to flood height the front of a building 30m x 2 20m to give brightness of 20 lumens.m coefficient of reflection of building surface 50. 2 Lamps of 500W having lumens output of 8450 each are used. Take beam factor as 0.6, waste light factor as 1.2 and maintenance factro as 0.8. Calculate number of lamps required.

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