Syllabus-Math 2013

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Math Guidelines for 2013 - 2014

Im looking forward to a challenging and productive year and hope that you are too. Listed below are the general guidelines that we will follow this year. Classroom Procedures: Come to class prepared. Heres what you need to bring to class every day: 5th graders: Students will receive a Singapore Math textbook and workbook that they should bring to class every day. Additionally, they should bring paper and a pencil. Other materials such as calculators, rulers, graph paper, and protractors will be provided in class. 6th graders: Workbook, paper, and a pencil. A set of 6th grade math textbooks will be maintained in the classroom for students to use during class or to take home. Other materials such as calculators, rulers, graph paper, and protractors will be provided. 8th grade Algebra students: Paper, calculator, and a pencil. A set of textbooks will be kept in the classroom for students to use. Classroom participation is very important, and I encourage all students to get involved. Students should raise their hand before answering questions. In order to ensure that all students understand the lesson, I also make it a habit of randomly calling on students. The class will include many group activities where students get a chance to interact with their classmates. Students will also make maximum use of the Smartboard to do warm-up exercises, view supplemental material, and work through math problems during class.

Homework: Homework will be assigned roughly two times per week and each assignment will be written on the board at the beginning of class. The assignment will also be available for parents to check on the homework page. At the beginning of class, Ill check each students homework to be sure that its completed and will spend time going over problems on the board. I am more concerned that each student makes an honest effort to do the homework problems, than how many problems they get correct. The policy for assigning a grade for late assignments will be discussed in class. Advanced work: Math is a subject that requires students to be comfortable with basic foundation topics which help them master more difficult concepts later on. When students have mastered the basic concepts, Ill frequently have advanced work available for students who are ahead of their classmates and need more challenging work to do. Additionally, optional

Math Counts problems (along with the answer key) will be available on the table in the back of the room for students to work on during their free time. Math Counts is a club for 7th and 8th graders and features a wide variety of challenging word problems for advanced math students. As a general rule, each set of 20 Math Counts problems contains some problems that 5th and 6th graders will be able to solve. Grading: The following criteria will be used to determine a students grade. Tests 35% Quizzes 30% Homework 15% Class Participation / Project ** 20% ** Note: There will be one or two projects during the year. Absences from class: Please contact the teacher or a classmate to determine what was missed Due dates for missed homework assignments will be discussed with the student upon his or her return to school Students should set up a time to meet with me to make up missed tests or quizzes when they return. If a student misses a test or quiz review session, or multiple days of class, I will work with the student to ensure that they understand the material before they take the test or quiz.

My teaching philosophy: As a teacher, I consider myself to be each students partner in learning. Outside of class, Im available to help students before school (normally after 7:15 a.m.), during recess/lunch, 9th period study hall, and after school. If a student plans to stop by outside of normal school hours, please contact me beforehand as I may have another commitment. Im looking forward to working with you to make this an enjoyable and successful year. Mr. Pete Kirchoffer 5th 6th grade Math 8th Grade Algebra

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