Market Basket Analysis New

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The key takeaways are that market basket analysis uses association rule mining and the Apriori algorithm to analyze customer purchasing patterns and identify related products. The results can then be extended in OLAP for additional analysis.

Market basket analysis is a technique used to analyze customer purchasing behaviors to identify related products that are frequently bought together. It can help increase sales and optimize inventory management. The analysis focuses on point-of-sale transaction data.

The Apriori algorithm is the most common algorithm used for market basket analysis. It works by scanning transaction data to identify frequent itemsets that satisfy a minimum support threshold. It then generates association rules from these frequent itemsets.

Market Basket


By Sowjanya Alaparthi

Topics to be discussed
Introduction to Market basket analysis Apriori Algorithm Demo-1 ( Using self created table) Demo-2 ( Using Oracle sample schema) Demo-3 ( Using OLAP analytic workspace)

Introduction to Market Basket Analysis

Def: Market Basket Analysis (Association Analysis) is a mathematical modeling technique based upon the theory that if you buy a certain group of items, you are likely to buy another group of items. It is used to analyze the customer purchasing behavior and helps in increasing the sales and maintain inventory by focusing on the point of sale transaction data. Given a dataset, the Apriori Algorithm trains and identifies product baskets and product association rules

Definitions and Terminology

Transaction is a set of items (Itemset). Confidence : It is the measure of uncertainty or trust worthiness associated with each discovered pattern. Support : It is the measure of how often the collection of items in an association occur together as percentage of all transactions Frequent itemset : If an itemset satisfies minimum support,then it is a frequent itemset. Strong Association rules: Rules that satisfy both a minimum support threshold and a minimum confidence threshold In Association rule mining, we first find all frequent itemsets and then generate strong association rules from the frequent itemsets

Definitions and Terminology- Continued

Apriori algorithm is the most established algorithm for finding frequent item sets mining. The basic principle of Apriori is Any subset of a frequent itemset must be frequent. We use these frequent itemsets to generate association rules.

Apriori Algorithm
Ck: Candidate itemset of size k Lk: Frequent itemset of size k L1={frequent items}; For (k=1; Lk!=0; k++) do begin Ck+1= Candidates generated from Lk; For each transaction t in the database do Increment the count of all candidates in Ck+1 that are contained in t Lk+1=candidates in Ck+1 with min_support End Return UkLk;

Pictorial representation of Apriori algorithm

Step 1 Scan the transaction database to get the support S of each 1-itemsets, compare S with min _sup, and get a set of frequent 1itemsets,L1 Step 3 Scan the transaction database to get the support S of each candidate k-itemset in the final set, compare S with min_sup, and get a set of frequent k-itemsets,Lk

Step 2 Use Lk-1 join Lk-1 to generate a candidate k-itemsets. And use appiori propersty to prune the unfrequented k-itemssets from this set.


Step 4 The candidate set = null


Step 6 For every non empty subset s of 1, output the rule s =>(1-s) if confidence C of the rule s=> (1-s)(=support S of 1/support S of s )3

Step 5 For each frequent itemset 1, generate all non empty subsets of 1

Installations Oracle 10g enterprise edition SQL Plus Oracle Data Miner Client

Demo 1 - Data Preparation

Download the sample data, which is in excel sheet. write macro to convert data in excel sheet to insert queries Create a table and execute these insert queries in SQLplus As we are connected to Oracle server, this table is then found in Oracle database

Demo-1 Connections
Connect Oracle Data Miner Client to Oracle Database Make sure the oracle listener is listening Database instance ora478 is started. The port used is 1521 Give the hostname as

Perform the activity, after installations and connections are made.

Demo-2 ( using oracle sample schema)

Download Oracle 10g on your system and install it Select the sample schema option during the custom installation Launch Oracle Data Miner Client In order to use this sample scheme for our activity, we should have the system administrator privileges. The username is SH and password is password

Demo -2
Administrator should perform some grants in sqlplusw to build this activity. They are alter user sh account unlock; alter user sh identified by password; grant create table to sh; grant create sequence to sh; grant create session to sh; grant create view to sh; grant create procedure to sh; grant create job to sh; grant create type to sh; grant create synonym to sh; grant execute on ctxsys.ctx_ddl to sh;

The points to be noted before starting the activity are: Make sure the oracle listener is started Database instance ORCL is started. The port used is 1521 Give the hostname as, which is a general hostname.

Finally, the results from the model are published to a table, and this table forms the raw source for the new OLAP product dimension. At this point there is no information relating to revenue, costs or quantity. So, we need to extend the activity beyond association analysis to OLAP.

We have to correctly format the results obtained from Association analysis for dimension mapping in OLAP. This can be done using OLAP DML or PL/SQL. In our activity we create a separate dimension that can hold the results from algorithm. For each dimension we can create Levels, hierarchies, attributes and mappings.

OLAP- Analytic workspace

Launch Analytic workspace and give the login details as Username- sh Connection information127.0.0.1:1521:orcl This connects to Oracle sample schema SH on 1521 port and local host and orcl database instance.

Demo 3- OLAP Analytic Workspace

Perform the activity and show the mappings

We have shown how Market basket analysis using association rules works in determining the customer buying patterns. This can be further extended using OLAP Analytic workspace as shown in demo-3, to add dimensions and cube to identify other measures like costs, revenue and quantity.

Books: [1] Michael J. A. Berry, Gordon Linoff.Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support (Paperback). [2] J.Han,M. Kamber(2001) Data Mining, Morgan Kaufmann publishers, San Francisco,CA Links: [3]. [4]. [5]. [6] [7] 0/sld053.htm [8]


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