Science Grade 11 CAPS Teachers Guide
Science Grade 11 CAPS Teachers Guide
Science Grade 11 CAPS Teachers Guide
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When we look outside at everything in nature, look around us at everything manufactured or look up at everything in space we cannot but be struck by the incredible diversity and complexity of life; so many things, that look so different, operating in such unique ways. The physical universe really contains incredible complexity. Yet, what is even more remarkable than this seeming complexity is the fact that things in the physical universe are knowable. We can investigate them, analyse them and understand them. It is this ability to understand the physical universe that allows us to transform elements and make technological progress possible. If we look back at some of the things that developed over the last century space travel, advances in medicine, wireless communication (from television to mobile phones) and materials a thousand times stronger than steel we see they are not the consequence of magic or some inexplicable phenomena. They were all developed through the study and systematic application of the physical sciences. So as we look forward at the 21st century and some of the problems of poverty, disease and pollution that face us, it is partly to the physical sciences we need to turn. For however great these challenges seem, we know that the physical universe is knowable and that the dedicated study thereof can lead to the most remarkable advances. There can hardly be a more exciting challenge than laying bare the seeming complexity of the physical universe and working with the incredible diversity therein to develop products and services that add real quality to peoples lives. Physical sciences is far more wonderful, exciting and beautiful than magic! It is everywhere.
1 Physical Sciences - Teachers guide 1.1 On the Web, Everyone can be a Scientist . . . 1.2 Blog posts and other interesting online content 1.3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Curriculum overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Physical Sciences content (Grade 11) . . . . . 1.6 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vectors in two dimensions 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Resultant of perpendicular vectors 1.3 Components of vectors . . . . . . 1.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . 2 Newtons laws 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . 2.2 Force . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Newtons laws . . . . . 2.4 Forces between masses 2.5 Chapter summary . . . 3 Atomic combinations 3.1 Chemical bonds . 3.2 Molecular shape 3.3 Electronegativity . 3.5 Chapter summary 4 4 6 9 9 18 22 34 34 35 60 65 90 90 91 96 109 118 146 147 153 155 157 164 166 168 169 174 175 180 183 189 193
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4 Intermolecular forces 4.1 Intermolecular and interatomic forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 The chemistry of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Geometrical optics 5.3 Properties of light: revision . . . . . . . . 5.5 Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Snells Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Critical angles and total internal reection 5.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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6 2D and 3D wavefronts 200 6.5 Diffraction through a single slit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 6.6 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 7 Ideal gases 206 7.1 Motion of particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 7.2 Ideal gas laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
7.3 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 8 Quantitative aspects of chemical change 8.1 Gases and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Stoichiometric calculations . . . . . . . . 8.3 Volume relationships in gaseous reactions 8.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Electrostatics 9.1 Introduction . . . 9.2 Coulombs law . 9.3 Electric eld . . . 9.4 Chapter summary 230 231 235 243 244 256 256 256 263 265 270 270 270 272 276
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10 Electromagnetism 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Magnetic eld associated with a current . . 10.3 Faradays law of electromagnetic induction 10.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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11 Electric circuits 282 11.2 Ohms Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 11.3 Power and energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 11.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 12 Energy and chemical change 12.1 Energy changes in chemical reactions . . . . 12.2 Exothermic and endothermic reactions . . . 12.3 Activation energy and the activated complex 12.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Types of reactions 13.1 Acids and bases . . 13.2 Acid-base reactions 13.3 Redox reactions . . 13.4 Chapter summary . 318 319 320 323 324 330 331 334 335 343
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14 The lithosphere 352 14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 14.3 Mining and mineral processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 14.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
On the Web, Everyone can be a Scientist Blog posts and other interesting online content Overview Curriculum overview Physical Sciences content (Grade 11) Assessment
4 6 9 9 18 22
Did you know that you can fold protein molecules, hunt for new planets around distant suns or simulate how malaria spreads in Africa, all from an ordinary PC or laptop connected to the Internet? And you dont need to be a certied scientist to do this. In fact some of the most talented contributors are teenagers. The reason this is possible is that scientists are learning how to turn simple scientic tasks into competitive online games. This is the story of how a simple idea of sharing scientic challenges on the Web turned into a global trend, called citizen cyberscience. And how you can be a scientist on the Web, too.
be willing to help with by using the spare time on their computers. So he set about building a software platform that would allow many other scientists to set up similar projects. You can read more about this platform, called BOINC, and the many different kinds of volunteer computing projects it supports today, at http://boinc.berkeley. edu/. Theres something for everyone, from searching for new prime numbers (PrimeGrid) to simulating the future of the Earths climate ( One of the projects,, involved researchers from the University of Cape Town as well as from universities in Mali and Senegal. The other neat feature of BOINC is that it lets people who share a common interest in a scientic topic share their passion, and learn from each other. BOINC even supports teams groups of people who put their computer power together, in a virtual way on the Web, to get a higher score than their rivals. So BOINC is a bit like Facebook and World of Warcraft combined part social network, part online multiplayer game. Heres a thought: spend some time searching around BOINC for a project youd like to participate in, or tell your class about.
pinpoint new planets circling distant stars. The game FoldIt invites people to compete in folding protein molecules via a simple mouse-driven interface. By nding the most likely way a protein will fold, volunteers can help understand illnesses like Alzheimers disease, that depend on how proteins fold. Volunteer thinking is exciting. But perhaps even more ambitious is the emerging idea of volunteer sensing: using your laptop or even your mobile phone to collect data sounds, images, text you type in from any point on the planet, helping scientists to create global networks of sensors that can pick up the rst signs of an outbreak of a new disease (EpiCollect), or the initial tremors associated with an earthquake (, or the noise levels around a new airport (NoiseTube). There are about a billion PCs and laptops on the planet, but already 5 billion mobile phones. The rapid advance of computing technology, where the power of a ten-year old PC can easily be packed into a smart phone today, means that citizen cyberscience has a bright future in mobile phones. And this means that more and more of the worlds population can be part of citizen cyberscience projects. Today there are probably a few million participants in a few hundred citizen cyberscience initiatives. But there are more than seven billion brains on the planet. That is a lot of potential citizen cyberscientists.
You can explore much more about citizen cyberscience on the Web. Theres a great list of all sorts of projects, with brief summaries of their objectives, at http://distributedcomputing. info/. BBC Radio 4 produced a short series on citizen science uk/radio4/science/citizensciences.html and you can subscribe to a newsletter about the latest trends in this eld at . The Citizen Cyberscience Centre, which is sponsored by the South African Shuttleworth Foundation, is promoting citizen cyberscience in Africa and other developing regions.
Arthur is currently the headmaster of a growing independent school in Worcester, in the Western Cape province of South Africa. His approach to primary education is progressive and is leading the school through an era of new development and change. Reections of a Science Teacher - Scientist, Educator, Life-Long Learner (http: // blog by Sandra McCarron After 18 years as an Environmental Consultant, I began teaching high school science and love it. My writings here reect some of my thoughts about teaching, as they occur. I look forward to conversations with other thoughtful teachers. Ren e Toerien Resources for science teachers ( blog by Ren e Toerien I am the coordinator of the UCT Chemical Engineering Schools Project. We develop resource materials for the South African Physical Sciences curriculum. The Naked Scientists - Science Radio and Naked Science Podcasts (http://www. The Naked Scientists are a media-savvy group of physicians and researchers from Cambridge University who use radio, live lectures, and the Internet to strip science down to its bare essentials, and promote it to the general public. Their award winning BBC weekly radio programme, The Naked Scientists, reaches a potential audience of 6 million listeners across the east of England, and also has an international following on the web. Wired Science - News for your neurons ( Blog posts and interesting pictures about science as it happens.
Chemistry World Blog ( This blog provides a forum for news, opinions and discussion about the chemical sciences. Chemistry World is the monthly magazine of the UKs Royal Society of Chemistry. Chemistry Blog ( A brand new site for chemists and the home of the international chemistry societies electronic network. The site provides interesting features and useful services for the chemistry community. The information you nd has been made available by various national chemistry societies for dissemination on a single site. Currently around 30 such societies are providing varying levels of information. Chemistry ( This website is full of great chemistry information, including Chem 101, science projects, elements, plus many interesting articles, including a daily This Day in Science History
Dear educator, welcome to the force of educators that make a difference by unlocking the marvels of the Physical Sciences to learners. What a privilege you have to guide the learners in becoming critical thinkers! To improve curriculum implementation and to meet the vision for our nation, the National Curriculum Statement Grades R - 12 (NCS) was revised, changed and is replaced by a national policy document developed for each subject. All Physical Sciences educators in the country have to use the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical Sciences. This policy document replaces all old Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines in Grades R - 12. These changed curriculum and assessment requirements come into effect in January 2012. As a Physical Sciences educator for Grade 11, you need to have a sound understanding of the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical Sciences. This teachers guide is divided into two main parts:
Part 1 deals with the policy document; and Part 2 with the learners textbook.
Part 1 The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical Sciences has four sections: Section 1: Curriculum overview Section 2: Physical Sciences Section 3: Physical Sciences Content (Grades 10 - 12) Section 4: Assessment This part will assist you in getting to grips with the objectives and requirements laid down for the Physical Sciences at national level, and how to implement the prescribed policy document. Part 2 Each chapter in the textbook addresses prescribed content, concepts and skills. The range of activities includes practical activities, experiments, and informal and formal assessment tasks.
Curriculum overview
From the beginning of January 2012, all learning and teaching in public and independent schools in South Africa is laid down in the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (January 2012) (CAPS) document. National Curriculum and As-
sessment Policy Statements were developed for each subject and replace all previous policy statements including:
1. National Senior Certicate: a qualication at Level 4 on the National Qualications Framework (NQF); 2. An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certicate: a qualication at Level 4 on the National Qualications Framework (NQF), regarding learners with special needs, published in the Government Gazette, No. 29466 of 11 December 2006; 3. The Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines for Grades R - 9 and Grades 10 - 12.
The following sections in this document set out the expected norms and standards and minimum outcomes, as well as processes and procedures for the assessment of learner achievement in public and independent schools. The national agenda and how the curriculum can serve this agenda:
1. The knowledge, skills and values worth learning for learners in South Africa are clearly set out in the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical Sciences. The content links to the environment of the learners and is presented within local context, with awareness of global trends. 2. The National Curriculum Statement Grades R - 12 undertakes to: equip all learners, irrespective of their socio-economic background, race, gender, physical ability or intellectual ability, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fullment to participate meaningfully in society as citizens of a free country; provide access to higher education; facilitate the transition of learners from education institutions to the workplace; and provide employers with a sufcient prole of a learners competencies. 3. The key principles (fuller described in the document) of the National Curriculum Statement for Grades R - 12 are: social transformation: making sure that the educational differences of the past are put right, by providing equal educational opportunities to all; active and critical learning: encouraging an active and critical approach to learning, not only rote learning of given facts; high knowledge and high skills: specied minimum standards of knowledge and skills are set to be achieved at each grade; progression: content and context of each grade shows progression from simple to complex; human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice: being sensitive to issues such as poverty, inequality, race, gender, language, age, disability and other factors; valuing indigenous knowledge systems: acknowledging the rich history and heritage of this country; and
credibility, quality and efciency: providing an education that is comparable in quality, breadth and depth to those of other countries. 4. The aims as listed in the National Curriculum Statement Grades R - 12 interpret the kind of citizen the education systems tries to develop. It aims to produce learners that are able to: identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking; work effectively as individuals and with others as members of a team; organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively; collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information; communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes; use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others; and demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem solving contexts do not exist in isolation. 5. Inclusivity is one of the key principles of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R - 12 and should become a central part of the organisation, planning and teaching at each school. Educators need to: have a sound understanding of how to recognise and address barriers to learning; know how to plan for diversity; address barriers in the classroom; use various curriculum differentiation strategies; (Consult the Department of Basic Educations Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (2010)) address barriers to learning using the support structures within the community; District-Based Support Teams, Institutional-Level Support Teams, parents and Special Schools as Resource Centres.
Physical Sciences
As economic growth is stimulated by innovation and research which is embedded in the Physical Sciences, this subject plays an increasingly important role to meet the countrys needs. The nature of the Physical Sciences and the needs of the country are reected in the curriculum. The specic aims direct the classroom activities that intend to develop higher order cognitive skills of learners, needed for higher education. The nature of the Physical Sciences is to: investigate physical and chemical phenomena through scientic inquiry, application of scientic models, theories and laws in order to explain and predict events in the physical environment; deal with societys need to understand how the physical environment works in order to benet from it and responsibly care for it; use all scientic and technological knowledge, including Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) to address challenges facing society.
The specic aims of Physical Sciences The specic aims provide guidelines on how to prepare learners to meet the challenges of society and the future during teaching, learning and assessment. The Specic Aims of the Physical Sciences (CAPS document, stated below) are aligned to the three Learning Outcomes (NCS document) with which you are familiar. Developing language skills as such is not a specic aim for the Physical Sciences, but we know that cognitive skills are rooted in language; therefore language support is crucial for success in this subject. The specic aims for the Physical Sciences are: to promote knowledge and skills in scientic inquiry and problem solving; the construction and application of scientic and technological knowledge; an understanding of the nature of science and its relationships to technology, society and the environment. to equip learners with investigating skills relating to physical and chemical phenomena. These skills are: classifying, communicating, measuring, designing an investigation, drawing and evaluating conclusions, formulating models, hypothesising, identifying and controlling variables, inferring, observing and comparing, interpreting, predicting, problem solving and reective skills. to prepare learners for future learning (including academic courses in Higher Education), specialist learning, employment, citizenship, holistic development, socio-economic development, and environmental management. Learners choosing Physical Sciences as a subject in Grades 10 - 12, including those with barriers to learning, can have improved access to professional career paths related to applied science courses and vocational career paths. Within each of these aims, specic skills or competences have been identied. It is not advisable to try to assess each of the skills separately, nor is it possible to report on individual skills separately. However, well designed assessments must show evidence that, by the end of the year, all of the skills have been assessed at a grade-appropriate level. Study the next section that deals with assessment.
Developing language skills: reading and writing As a Physical Sciences educator you need to engage in the teaching of language. This is particularly important for learners for whom the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) is not their home language. It is important to provide learners with opportunities to develop and improve their language skills in the context of learning Physical Sciences. It will therefore be critical to afford learners opportunities to read scientic texts, to write reports, paragraphs and short essays as part of the assessment, especially (but not only) in the informal assessments for learning. Six main knowledge areas inform the Physical Sciences. These are: Matter and Materials Chemical Systems Chemical Change
Time Allocation of the Physical Sciences in the Curriculum The teaching time for Physical Sciences is 4 hours per week, with 40 weeks in total per grade. The time allocated for the teaching of content, concepts and skills includes the practical work. These are an integral part of the teaching and learning process.
Grade 10 11 12
Formal assessment 10 10 12
Topics and Content to be Dealt with in Grade 11 (Consult the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical Sciences for an overview of Grades 10 - 12)
Topic Mechanics
Content Vectors in two dimensions (resultant of perpendicular vectors, resolution of a vector into its parallel and perpendicular components), Newtons Laws and Application of Newtons Laws (Newtons rst, second and third laws and Newtons law of universal gravitation, different kinds of forces: weight, normal force, frictional force, applied (push, pull), tension (strings or cables), force diagrams, free body diagrams and application of Newtons laws(equilibrium and non-equilibrium)) 27 hours Geometrical Optics (Refraction, Snells Law, Critical angles and total internal reection), 2D and 3D Wave fronts (Diffraction) 13 hours Electrostatics (Coulombs Law, Electric eld), Electromagnetism (Magnetic eld associated with currentcarrying wires, Faradays Law), Electric circuits (Energy, Power) 20 hours Molecular structure (a chemical bond; molecular shape; electronegativity and bond polarity; bond energy and bond length) Intermolecular forces (chemical bonds revised; types of intermolecular forces; states of matter; density; kinetic energy; temperature; three phases of water (macroscopic properties related to sub-microscopic structure)), Ideal gases (motion and kinetic theory of gases; gas laws; relationship between T and P) 23 hours Lithosphere (mining; energy resources) 8 hours Stoichiometry (molar volume of gases; concentration; limiting reagents; volume relationships in gaseous reactions) Energy and chemical change (energy changes related to bond energy; exothermic and endothermic reactions; activation energy), Types of reactions(acid-base; redox reactions; oxidation numbers) 28 hours
An overview of practical work Educators now have clarity regarding the role and assessment of practical work. This document species that practical work must be integrated with theory to strengthen the concepts being taught. Practical work can be: simple practical demonstrations; an experiment or practical investigation. In Section 3 practical activities are outlined alongside the content, concepts and skills column. The table below lists prescribed practical activities for formal assessment as well as recommended practical activities for informal assessment in Grade 11.
Term Term 1
Prescribed activities for Formal Assessment Experiment (Physics): Investigate the relationship between force and acceleration (Newton 2)
Term 2
Experiment (Chemistry): The effects of intermolecular forces: boiling points, melting points; surface tension, solubility, capilarity
Term 3
Project (Chemistry): Exothermic and endothermic reactions (examples and applications) or Project (Physics): Snells law
Term 4
Prescribed activities for Informal Assessment Practical demonstration (Physics): Investigate the relationship between normal force and static friction. Investigate the effect of different surfaces on maximum static friction by keeping the object the same. or Experiment (Chemistry): Investigate the physical properties of water (density, BP, MP, effective as solvent) Experiment (Physics): Determine the critical angle of a rectangular glass (clear) block or Experiment (Chemistry): Boyles law OR prepartion of PbO2 from Pb(NO3 )2 Experiment (Physics): Obtain current and voltage data for a resistor and a light bulb and determine which one obeys Ohms law or Experiment (Chemistry): Investigate natural indicators for acids and bases Experiment (Chemistry): Redox reactions: one synthesis, one decomposition and one displacement reaction
The assessment rubric below could be used for the above project (poster), as adapted from the UCT Chemical Engineering Mining and Mineral Processing Resource Pack.
Research (individual) (30 marks) Use of available resources Accuracy and interpretation of information Coverage of the topic Quality of writing Research (group) (25 marks) The research question was thoroughly addressed and expressed on the poster Content is coherent and reads and is presented well Group members worked together to produce the poster Creative approach to topic, write-up and/or overall presentation of poster. Project stands out from the rest
Project - poster Moderate Adequate Not achieved (30% (50% (0% - 29%) 49%) 69%) 0 01 0 0 1 23 1 1 2 45 2 2 Moderate (30% 49%) 3 3 3 4 678 4 4 Adequate (50% 69%) 5
9 10 5 5
The poster (10 marks) The format of the poster is correct according to the instructions given Poster is well presented, on suitably sized piece of paper Poster has appropriate illustrations Poster ows in a logical fashion and presents information in an eye catching manner Reference list is included and shows a variety of sources
Not achieved 0 0 0 0 0
Acceptable 1 1 1 1 1 Total
Good 2 2 2 2 2 65
The assessment rubric below could be used for the above project (presentation), as taken from the UCT Chemical Engineering Mining and Mineral Processing Resource Pack.
Class presentation (group mark) The content was presented in a logical and wellorganised way. The most important and relevant content was presented. The visual aids were effective, appropriate and supported the presentation. The sociopolitical issues were addressed by the group and own opinions were presented. Appropriate conclusions were drawn. A highly enthusiastic learner; the presentation is interesting, capturing the attention. Accurate information was presented. It is clear that the learner has mastered the content. The learner is able to answer questions knowledgeably. The learner is able to converse in a scientic language.
2 Total
3 30
Mechanics Waves, Sound and Light Electricity and Magnetism Matter and Materials Chemical Change Chemical Systems Teaching time (theory and practical work) Time for examinations and control tests
Time 27 hours 13 hours 20 hours 24 hours 28 hours 8 hours 120 hours 40 hours
Total time = 40 hours per term 4 terms = 160 hours per year
This section of the CAPS document provides a complete plan for: time, topics, content, concepts and skills, practical activities, resource material and guidelines for educators. You need to consult this section of the document regularly to check whether your classroom activities fall within the requirements and objectives of the prescribed curriculum. Use the condensed work schedule below which is aligned with Section 3 and the learners book as a pacesetter to check your progress. Term 1: 43 hours or 11 weeks Physics (Mechanics) Topics Practical activities Vectors in 2 dimensions Recommended experResultant of perpendicu- iment for informal lar vectors assessment Resolution of a vector into Determine the resultant its parallel and perpendic- of three non-linear force ular components vectors Newtons laws Recommended investigaDifferent kinds of forces: tion for informal assessweight, normal forces, ment frictional force, applies 1. Investigate the rela(push, pull), tension tionship between normal (strings or cables). (5 h) force and maximum static Force diagrams, free body friction. diagrams (3 h) Investigate the effect of different surfaces on maximum static friction by keeping the object the same. and/or 2. Investigate the relationship between normal force and force of dynamic friction.
Weeks Week 1 (4 h)
Week 2 and 3 (8 h)
Assessment Recommended Formal Assessment: 1. Control Test 2. Prescribed experiment in Physics on Newtons second law Recommended Informal Assessment: 1. At least two problem-solving exercises as homework and/or class work (every day, if possible cover all cognitive levels) 2. One practical activity per term. 3. At least one informal test per term.
Recommended experiment for formal assessment Investigate the relationship between force and acceleration (Verication of Newtons second law).
Week 7 (4 h)
Week 8 (4 h)
Week 9 (2 h)
Week 11 (4 h)
Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Chemistry (Matter and Materials) Atomic combinations A chemical bond (is seen as the net electrostatic force two atoms sharing electrons exert on each other (2 h) Molecular shape as predicted using the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory. (2 h) Electronegativity of atoms to explain the polarity of bonds. (1 h) Bond energy and length (1 h) Intermolecular forces Recommended exIntermolecular and inter- periment for formal atomic forces (chemical assessment bonds). Investigate and explain inPhysical state and den- termolecular forces and sity explained in terms of the effects of intermolecthese forces. ular forces on evaporaParticle kinetic energy tion, surface tension, soland temperature. ubility, boiling points and capilarity. The chemistry of water. Recommended exper(Macroscopic properties iment for informal of the three phases of wa- assessment ter related to their sub- Investigate the physical microscopic structure.) properties of water (density, BP, MP, effectivity as a solvent, etc.)
Newtons rst, second and third laws are given 11 hours in CAPS. However to avoid starting a new topic at the end of a week the extra hour can be used for further teaching, experiments or assessment.
Week 3 contd. (2 h)
Term 2: 33 hours or 9 weeks Physics (Waves, Sound and Light) Topics Practical activities Geometrical Optics Recommended project Refraction (3 h) for formal assessment Snells Law (4 h) Verifying Snells Law and Critical angles and to- determine the refractive tal internal reection index of an unknown (3 h) solid transparent material using Snells Law. Recommended experiment for informal assessment Determine the critical angle of a rectangular glass (clear) block. 2D and 3D wavefronts Diffraction (3 h)
Assessment Recommended Formal Assessment: 1. Control Test 2. Prescribed experiment in Chemistry on Intermolecular forces Recommended Informal Assessment: 1. At least two problem-solving exercises as homework and/or class work (every day, if possible cover all cognitive levels) 2. One practical activity per term. 3. At least one informal test per term.
Weeks 4 and 5 (8 h)
Chemistry (Matter and Materials) Ideal gases Recommended experMotion of particles; iment for informal kinetic theory of assessment gases. (1 h) Verify Boyles law. Ideal gas law (6 h) Temperature and heating, pressure (1 h) Chemistry (Chemical change) Quantitative aspects Recommended experof chemical change iment for informal Molar volume of assessment gases, concentration Determine the mass of of solutions (3 h) PbO prepared from a cerMore complex sto- tain mass of Pb(NO3 )2 . ichiometric calcula- (In the learners book this tions (6 h) has been changed). Volume relationships in gaseous reactions. (3 h) Mid year examination.
The topic of diffraction has 3 hours assigned in CAPS. However, this topic is given only 2 hours in this table. You can use the rst part of week 4 to nish diffraction, before starting on the chemistry content. This will use some of week 9 before the mid-year examination begins.
Electromagnetism Magnetic eld associated with current carrying wires (3 h) Faradays Law (3 h)
Weeks 4 and 5 (8 h)
Weeks 6 (4 h)
Recommended experiment for informal assessment Obtain current and voltage data for a resistor and light bulb and determine which one obeys Ohms Law. Chemistry (Chemical change) Energy and chemical Recommended project for change formal assessment Energy changes in 1. Investigate endothermic rereactions related actions as for example ammoto bond energy nium nitrate and water, potaschanges. (2 h) sium nitrate and water and Exothermic and en- magnesium sulfate and water. dothermic reactions AND (1 h) 2. Investigate exothermic reActivation energy (1 actions as for example calh) cium chloride and water, dry copper(II) sulfate and water and lithium and water. (Identify and explain the applications of exothermic and endothermic reactions in everyday life and industry.) Types of reactions Recommended experiment Acids and bases. (6 for informal assessment h) Discover your own effective Acid and base reac- natural acid-base indicator by tions. (6 h) using coloured plants. Do experiments using natural indicators (dont use only red cabbage, investigate with different coloured plants to nd new indicators that might be useful and compare their usefulness as acid-base indicators.) Electric circuits Ohms Law (4 h) Power, Energy (4 h)
Assessment Recommended Formal Assessment: 1. Control Test 2. Prescribed experiment in Chemistry on exothermic and endothermic reactions (examples of each type of reaction). Recommended Informal Assessment: 1. At least two problem-solving exercises as homework and/or class work (every day, if possible cover all cognitive levels) 2. One practical activity per term. 3. At least one informal test per term.
Term 4: 14 hours or 4 weeks Chemistry (Chemical change) Topics Practical activities Types of reactions Recommended experOxidation number of iment for informal atoms in molecules assessment to explain their rela- Do redox reactions that tive richness in elec- include synthesis reactrons. (1 h) tions, decomposition reRedox reactions (5 h) actions and displacement reactions (for informal assessment do at least ONE synthesis, ONE decomposition and ONE displacement reactions.)
Assessment Formal Assessment: Final examinations. Recommended Informal Assessment: 1. At least two problem-solving exercises as homework and/or class work (every day, if possible cover all cognitive levels) 2. One practical activity per term. 3. At least one informal test per term.
Weeks 4 and 5 (8 h)
Chemistry (Chemical systems) The lithosphere Mining and mineral processing. The choices are the following: Gold, iron, phosphate, coal, diamond, copper, platinum, zinc, chrome, asbestos and manganese mining industries. Revision and formal assessment.
Dear Educator, as the Programme of Assessment (PoA) is the driving force of teaching and learning in the classroom, you need to familiarise yourself with the requirements specied in the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical Sciences (CAPS) document. It is important that you take notice of the signicant role of practical work in the Physical Sciences. Assessment is a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the performance of learners, using various forms of assessment It involves four steps:
generating and collecting evidence of achievement; evaluating this evidence; recording the ndings; and
1.6. Assessment
using this information to understand and assist the learners development to improve the process of learning and teaching. Assessment should be both informal (Assessment for Learning) and formal (Assessment of Learning). To enhance the learning experience, learners need regular feedback from both informal and formal assessment. Assessment is a process that measures individual learners attainment of knowledge (content, concepts and skills) in a subject by collecting, analysing and interpreting the data and information obtained from this process to: enable the educator to make reliable judgements about a learners progress; inform learners about their strengths, weaknesses and progress; assist educators, parents and other stakeholders in making decisions about the learning process and the progress of the learners. Assessment should be mapped against the content, concepts and skills and the aims specied for Physical Sciences and in both informal and formal assessments. It is important to ensure that in the course of a school year: all of the subject content is covered; the full range of skills is included; a variety of different forms of assessment are used.
Learners or educators can mark these assessment tasks. Self-assessment and peer assessment actively involves learners in assessment. This is important as it allows learners to learn from and reect on their own performance. The results of the informal daily assessment tasks are not formally recorded unless the educator wishes to do so. The results of daily assessment tasks are not taken into account for promotion and certication purposes. Informal, on-going assessments should be used to structure the gaining of knowledge and skills, and should precede formal tasks in the Programme of Assessment.
Formal assessment
Formal assessment tasks form part of a year-long formal Programme of Assessment in each grade and subject. Examples of formal assessments include tests, examinations, practical tasks, projects, oral presentations, demonstrations, performances, etc. Formal assessment tasks are marked and formally recorded by the educator for progression and certication purposes. All Formal Assessment tasks are subject to moderation for the purpose of quality assurance and to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained. Formal assessment provides educators with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners are progressing in a grade and in a particular subject.
Control Tests and Examinations Control tests and examinations are written under controlled conditions within a specied period of time. Questions in tests and examinations should assess performance at different cognitive levels with an emphasis on process skills, critical thinking, scientic reasoning and strategies to investigate and solve problems in a variety of scientic, technological, environmental and everyday contexts. The table below shows recommended weighting of cognitive levels for formal assessment.
Cognitive level 1 2 3 4
The recommended weighting of cognitive levels for examinations and control tests in the Physical Sciences in Grades 10 - 12. See Appendix 1 of the CAPS document for a detailed description of the cognitive levels.
Practical Investigations and Experiments Practical investigations and experiments should focus on the practical aspects and the process skills required for scientic inquiry and problem solving. Assessment activities should be designed so that learners are assessed on their use of scientic inquiry
1.6. Assessment
skills, like planning, observing and gathering information, comprehending, synthesising, generalising, hypothesising and communicating results and conclusions. Practical investigations should assess performance at different cognitive levels and focus on process skills, critical thinking, scientic reasoning and strategies to investigate and solve problems in a variety of scientic, technological, environmental and everyday contexts. The CAPS document distinguishes between a practical investigation and an experiment: an experiment is conducted to verify or test a known theory; an investigation is an experiment that is conducted to test a hypothesis i.e. the result or outcome is not known beforehand. Requirements for grade 11 practical work Two prescribed experiments for formal assessment (one Chemistry and one Physics experiment) and one project on either Physics or Chemistry. This gives a total of three formal assessments in practical work in Physical Sciences. It is recommended that Grade 11 learners also do four experiments for informal assessment (two Chemistry and two Physics experiments). A summary to use as a checklist for practical work in Grade 11:
Practical work Prescribed experiments (Formal assessment) Experiments (Informal assessment) Project (Formal assessment) Total
Term 2 1, 2, 3 or 4 3
Mark (x)
Physics 1 2
Term 1 1, 2 or 3
Mark (x)
7 practical activities
Projects As taken from CAPS, a project is an integrated assessment task that focuses on process skills, critical thinking and scientic reasoning as well as strategies to investigate and solve problems in a variety of scientic, technological, environmental and everyday contexts. This requires a learner to follow the scientic method to produce either a poster, a device, a model or to conduct a practical investigation. A project will entail only one of the following:
Making of a scientic poster Construction of a device e.g. electric motor Building a physical model in order to solve a challenge you have identied using concepts in the FET Physical Sciences curriculum Practical investigation
Note: The assessment tools used, specifying the assessment criteria for each task, will be dictated by the nature of the task and the focus of assessment.
Assessment Tools
You use an assessment tool to record information during an assessment. Assessment tools can be:
Check lists Assessment grids/sheets Rubrics Observation books or notebooks Completed tasks, assignments of worksheets Conferencing or interviews Self or Peer Assessment Sheets Recordings, photographs, written descriptions Portfolios
When he/she is to be assessed When he/she is to be assessed How she/he will be assessed The consequences of the assessment The expected mode for response (written, spoken, practical)
After using the tool, the educator needs to answer the following question:
Were the criteria used adequate to assess the outcome, and were the levels appropriate? Is appropriate feedback given to learners? Are learning difculties identied and action planned? What happens to the product? What feedback follow-up action is needed? Has the integrating function been addressed? What learner appeal process exists? How will assessment inform further teaching/learning?
1.6. Assessment
Rubrics A rubric is an assessment tool which denes different levels of performance. It can be used for assessing concepts and process skills during informal and formal assessment, and for practical work. Rubrics aim to make assessment more objective and consistent. Some of the advantages of using rubrics are: Learners become aware of the expectations of educators Educators become aware of learners progress and potential Enhance greater learner involvement Learners are more focused and self-directed Examples of rubrics: Assessment of Practical Work Planning and organising experimental investigations to test hypotheses
Criteria Plan should reect process of identication of variables, control of variables, range of conditions, ways in which the experiment could be improved, awareness of inaccuracies, offering of a conclusion.
High (3) Able to plan independently an experiment in which all variables are identied and controlled as necessary. Able to suggest ways in which the experiment could be improved.
Medium (2) Able to plan independently an experiment to test a hypothesis in which most of the variables are identied and controlled as necessary.
Criteria Accurately following a sequence of written/verbal instructions. Selecting/using the appropriate apparatus.
High (3) Following a sequence of instructions including branched instructions. Select in advance all the apparatus needed to execute a particular experiment and be able to use it. Able to use all apparatus and material correctly and safely.
Medium (2) Can complete an experiment by following a sequence of instructions. Able to select/use most of the apparatus necessary; some more specialized equipment may still be needed. Use most of the apparatus and material safely.
Low (1) Able to follow a single written, diagrammatic or verbal instruction. Able to select/use only the most basic apparatus.
Manipulative skills include correct and safe handling of apparatus and material.
Making accurate observations and measurements, being aware of possible sources of error.
High (3) Able to make a complete sequence of observations in a given situation and is aware of a number of sources of error.
Medium (2) Able to make a range of observations in a given situation and is able to suggest one possible source of error.
Low (1) Able to make a single observation and more if prompted, e.g.: What did you observe regarding colour and smell or temperature in test tube? Able to read scales within one numbered scale division.
Criteria for check lists could be more differentiated when directed towards specic experiments in Chemistry or Physics. Regarding the scope of observations properties, similarities and differences taking place in colour, hardness, mass, relative speed, size, smell, sound, state, temperature, texture, volume, voltages could be listed. The performance of measuring which might be used for assessment could be listed as:
1. Is the instrument capable of measuring the correct amount? 2. Was the correct range of the instrument selected? 3. Were the necessary precautions taken to ensure that the measurements will be valid? 4. Are measurements repeated or checked? 5. Are readings made with due regard for parallax? 6. Is the scale reading translated to the correct magnitude and are the correct units assigned?
1.6. Assessment
Criteria All the observations are described accurately and completely. Appropriate methods (written, tables, diagrams) used to record observations and measurements.
High (3) Able to draw fully labelled diagrams to record observations. Able to record results in neat tables with appropriate headings and units, with all measurements recorded as well as derived quantities.
Medium (2) Data recorded as an ordered set of statements, or in a table some data and units omitted.
Low (1) Information recorded as a prose account, as a sequence of statements. Able to record data in a preprepared table.
Criteria Acceptable scale. X-axis correctly labelled. Units on X-axis. Y-axis correctly labelled. Units on Y-axis. Points correctly marked. Points correctly linked. Contradictory results normalised. Appropriate subtitle.
Low (1) Graphs could only be drawn with preprepared axes, with a lot of assistance.
High (3) Able to identify patterns or relationships and explain fundamental principles, verbal or in mathematical terms.
Medium (2) Able to identify a pattern, simple or trend in the relationship between two variables. Perform simple calculations of a derived quantity.
Low (1) Classications of observations and recognition of similarities and differences. Able to explain a simple observation.
EndofYear Examinations: Grade 11 (Internal) The end-of-year examination papers in Grade 11 will be set, marked and moderated internally, unless otherwise instructed by provincial departments of education. The examination will consist of two papers. The table below shows the weighting of questions across cognitive levels and the specication and suggested weighting of the content.
Grade 11 Paper Content Marks Total marks per paper 150 Duration Weighting of questions across cognitive levels (hours) Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4 3 15% 35% 40% 10%
Paper 1: Mechanics 68 Waves, 32 Physics Sound focus and Light Electricity 50 and Magnetism Paper 2: Matter 70 Chemand Mateistry rials focus Chemical 20 systems Chemical 60 change
Weighting of questions across cognitive levels, the specication and suggested weighting of the content for the Grade 11 end-of-year examination: Assessment plan and weighting of tasks in the programme of assessment for Grade 11:
Term 1 Prescribed experiment: (20% of year mark) or 20 marks. Control test: (10% of year mark) or 10 marks. Total: 30 marks
Term 2 Prescribed experiment: (20% of year mark) or 20 marks. Mid Year Examination: (20% of year mark) or 20 marks. Total: 40 marks Assessment Tasks: (25% of nal mark). Total: 100 marks
Term 3 Project: Any one of poster/construction of device/building a model/practical investigation 20 marks. Control test: 10 marks. Total: 30 marks Final mark: (100%) 400 marks
Term 4 Final examination: Paper 1 150 marks. Paper 2 150 marks. Total: 300 marks End-of-Year Assessment: (75% of nal mark) 300 marks
1.6. Assessment
Rating Code 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Description of Competence Outstanding Achievement Meritorius Achievement Substantial Achievement Adequate Achievement Moderate Achievement Elementary Achievement Not Achieved
Percentage 80% - 100% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 50% - 59% 40% - 49% 30% - 39% 0% - 29%
Schools are required to provide quarterly feedback to parents on the Programme of Assessment using a formal reporting tool such as a report card. The schedule and the report card should indicate the overall level of performance of a learner.
34 35 60 65
In this chapter learners will explore vectors in two dimensions. In grade 10 learners were introduced to the concept of vectors and scalars and learnt techniques for calculating the resultant of several vectors in a straight line (or one dimension). This chapter will use force vectors as examples and serves as a sound introduction to the next chapter on forces, as well as much of physics. The following topics are covered in this chapter.
How to sketch vectors and how to sketch vectors on the Cartesian plane. In this topic learners will refresh how to sketch vectors from grade 10 and will then apply these skills to sketching the vectors on the Cartesian plane. They will learn about vectors that are perpendicular to an axis and parallel to an axis. In addition the different ways of specifying direction are given with an emphasis on the angle the vector makes with the positive x-axis. How to determine the resultant of several vectors in two dimensions using graphical and algebraic techniques. In grade 10 learners learnt about the resultant of vectors in one-dimension and different techniques of determining this. This work is now extended to nding the resultant of vectors in two dimensions. The same techniques from grade 10 are used and expanded on for determining the resultant. Using trigonometry to determine the direction of the resultant In grade 10 the direction was simply given as positive or negative. Now that learners are moving into two dimensions, new ways of specifying the direction are needed. We use the angle that the vector makes with the positive x-axis as the main way to specify direction. Learners will need to be familiar with sine, cosine and tangent from trigonometry and how to calculate these ratios for right-angled triangles. How to break vectors up into components and carry out simple calculations using components Vectors can be broken up into x and y components. This skill will be very useful for the next chapter on Newtons laws. In this section learners learn how to resolve vectors into components and then to calculate the resultant using components.
An experiment for informal assessment on using force boards to determine the resultant of vectors is included. In this experiment learners will use a force board to determine the resultant of three non-linear vectors. You will need blank paper, force board, 4 spring balances, an assortment of weights, gut or string and four pulleys per group. This experiment provides learners with the opportunity for them to see an abstract mathematical idea in action. Learners can use graphical techniques such as the tail-tohead method to nd the resultant of three of the four measured forces. The questions at the end of the experiment guide learners in thinking about the results they have obtained.
1.1. Introduction
1. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane originating at the origin: F1 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 2 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N:1 cm. Now we sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane (we can place the vectors anywhere on the Cartesian plane, we will place them starting at the origin):
y 2 F2 1 F1 2 1 1 2 1 2 x
2. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane: F1 = 3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N:1 cm. Now we sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane (we can place the vectors anywhere on the Cartesian plane):
y 3 2 F3 1 F1
1 1 F2 2
3. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane: F1 = 3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction F4 = 3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N:1 cm. Now we sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane (we can place the vectors anywhere on the Cartesian plane):
y 3 2 F4 1 F1
1 1 F3 2
1 F2
4. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane: F1 = 2 N in the positive y -direction
F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 2,5 N in the negative x-direction F4 = 3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N:1 cm. Now we sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane (we can place the vectors anywhere on the Cartesian plane):
y 3 2 F3 1 F4 F1 x
1 1 2
1 F2
1. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N: 1 cm and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. We will start with drawing the vector F1 = 1,5 N pointing in the positive direction. Using our scale of 1 N : 1 cm, the length of the arrow must be 1,5 cm pointing to the right.
y 1 0 0
F1 = 1,5 N
The next vector is F2 = 1,5 N in the same direction as F1 . Using the scale, the arrow should be 1,5 cm long and pointing to the right. y 1 0 0
F1 = 1,5 N
F2 = 1.5 N
The next vector is F3 = 2 N in the opposite direction. Using the scale, this arrow should be 2 cm long and point to the left. Note: We are working in one dimension so this arrow would be drawn on top of the rst vectors to the left. This will get confusing so well draw it next to the actual line as well to show you what it looks like. y 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 = 1,5 N F2 = 1.5 N F3 = 2 N x
We have now drawn all the force vectors that are given. The resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector. y FR = 1 N 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 = 1,5 N F2 = 1.5 N F3 = 2 N x
The resultant vector measures 1 cm which, using our scale is equivalent to 1 N and points to the right (or the positive direction). This is Rx . For this set of vectors we have no vectors pointing in the y -direction and so we do not need to nd Ry . 2. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 2 N in the positive y -direction F4 = 3 N in the negative y -direction
Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N: 1 cm and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. Before we draw the vectors we note the lengths of the vectors using our scale:
F1 = positive x-direction F2 = negative x-direction F3 = positive y -direction F4 = negative y -direction We now look at the two vectors in the x-direction to nd Rx : y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 F2
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the x-direction. To nd Rx we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction. y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 Rx x F2
We note that Rx is 1,3 cm or 1,3 N in the positive x-direction. We now look at the two vectors in the y -direction to nd Ry :
y 3 2 1 F4 0 0 1 2 x F3
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the y -direction. To nd Ry we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction. y 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 F3
F4 x
We note that Ry is 1 cm or 1 N in the negative y -direction. Rx = 1,3 N and points in the positive x-direction. Ry = 1 N and points in the negative y -direction. 3. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction F4 = 3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N: 1 cm and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. Before we draw the vectors we note the lengths of the vectors using our scale:
F1 = positive x-direction F2 = positive x-direction F3 = negative x-direction F4 = positive y -direction We now look at the three vectors in the x-direction to nd Rx : y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 F2 F3 x
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the x-direction. To nd Rx we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction. y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 Rx F2 F3 x
We note that Rx is 2 cm or 2 N in the positive x-direction. We now look at the vectors in the y -direction to nd Ry . We notice that we only have one vector in this direction and so that vector is the resultant. y 3 2 1 0 0 1 2
F4 or Ry x
We note that Ry is 3 cm or 3 N in the positive y -direction. Rx = 2 N and points in the positive x-direction. Ry = 3 N and points in the positive y -direction. 4. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 2 N in the positive y -direction
F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 2,5 N in the negative x-direction F4 = 3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 cm: 1 N and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. Before we draw the vectors we note the lengths of the vectors using our scale:
F1 = 2 cm F2 = 1,5 cm F3 = 2,5 cm F4 = 3 cm We also note the direction the vectors are in:
F1 = positive y -direction F2 = negative y -direction F3 = negative x-direction F4 = positive y -direction We look at the vectors in the x-direction to nd Rx . We notice that we only have one vector in this direction and so that vector is the resultant. y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 F3 or Rx
We note that Rx is 2,5 cm or 2,5 N in the negative x-direction. We now look at the three vectors in the y -direction to nd Ry : y 3 2 1 F4 0 0 1 2 x F1 F2
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the y -direction. To nd Ry we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction. y Ry 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 F1 F4 x F2
We note that Ry is 3,5 cm or 3,5 N in the positive y -direction. Rx = 2,5 N and points in the negative x-direction. Ry = 3,5 N and points in the positive y -direction. 5. Find a force in the x-direction, Fx , and y -direction, Fy , that you can add to the following forces to make the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry zero: F1 = 2,4 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 0,7 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 2,8 N in the negative x-direction F4 = 3,3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: To solve this problem we will draw the vectors on the Cartesian plane and then look at what the resultant vector is. Then we determine what force vector to add so that the resultant vector is 0. We choose a scale of 1 cm: 1 N and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. Before we draw the vectors we note the lengths of the vectors using our scale: F1 = 2,4 cm F2 = 0,7 cm F3 = 2,8 cm F4 = 3,3 cm We also note the direction the vectors are in:
F1 = positive y -direction F2 = negative y -direction F3 = negative x-direction F4 = positive y -direction We look at the vectors in the x-direction to nd Rx . We notice that we only have one vector in this direction and so that vector is the resultant.
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 F3 or Rx
We note that Rx is 2,8 cm or 2,8 N in the negative x-direction. So if we add a force of 2,8 N in the positive x-direction the resultant will be 0:
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 x
y 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 x F1 F2 F4
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the y -direction. To nd Ry we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction.
y 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 x Ry F1 F2 F4
We note that Ry is 5 cm or 5 N in the positive y -direction. So if we add a force of 5 N in the negative y -direction the resultant will be 0: y 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 x
We must add a force of 2,8 N in the positive x-direction and a force of 5 N in the negative y -direction.
1. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method: F1 = 2,1 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 1,5 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We rst draw a Cartesian plane with the rst vector originating at the origin:
y 3 2 F1 1 x
The next step is to take the second vector and draw it from the head of the rst vector: y 3 F2 2 F1 1 x
The resultant, R, is the vector connecting the tail of the rst vector drawn to the head of the last vector drawn: y 3 F2 2 F1 1 R 3 2 1 x
2. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method: F1 = 12 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 10 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 5 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 5 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We rst sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane. We choose a scale of 1 cm = 2 N. Remember to sketch F2 starting at the head of F1 , F3 starting at the head of F2 and F4 starting at the head of F3 .
y 6 5 F3 4 F1 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x F4 F2
The resultant, R, is the vector connecting the tail of the rst vector drawn to the head of the last vector drawn: y 6 5 F3 4 F1 3 R 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x F4 F2
3. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions: F1 = 2 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 1,3 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 1 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We rst determine Rx Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction:
y 2 1 x
1 F4 1 2
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction: y 2 F3 F1 1 x 1 F2 Ry 1 2
You can check this answer by using the tail-to-head method without rst determining the resultant in the x-direction and the y -direction. 4. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions:
F1 = 6 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 3,5 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 8,7 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 3 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 cm : 2 N. We rst determine Rx Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction: y 3 2 1 F2 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 x
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction: y 3 2 F3 1 x F1
1 F4 1 2 Ry 3
y 3 2 1 Rx 4 Ry 3 2 R 2 3 1 1 x
You can check this answer by using the tail-to-head method without rst determining the resultant in the x-direction and the y -direction.
Exercise 1 4:
1. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method: F1 = 2,1 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 1,5 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We rst draw a Cartesian plane with the rst vector originating at the origin: y 2 F1 1 x
Then we add the second vector but also originating from the origin so that the vectors are drawn tail-to-tail:
y 2 F1 1 F2 3 2 1 x
Where the two lines intersect is the head of the resultant vector which will originate at the origin so: y 2 R 1 F2 3 2 1 x F1
2. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions: F1 = 2 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 1,3 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 1 N in the negative x-direction
Solution: We need to determine Rx and Ry and then use these to nd the resultant. Determine Rx . Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction: y 2 1 x
1 F4 1 2
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction: y 2 F3 F1 1 x 1 F2 Ry 1 2
Now we can draw the lines to show us where the head of the resultant must be:
y 2 1 Rx 1 1 2 Ry x
y 2 1 Rx 1 1 2 Ry x
3. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions: F1 = 6 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 3,5 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 8,7 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 3 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 cm = 2 N. We rst determine Rx Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction:
y 3 2 1 F2 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 x
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction:
y 3 2 F3 1 x F1
1 F4 1 2 Ry 3
y 3 2 1 Rx 4 3 2 1 1 Ry 2 3 x
Now we can draw the lines to show us where the head of the resultant must be:
y 3 2 1 Rx 4 3 2 1 1 Ry 2 3 x
y 3 2 1 Rx 4 3 2 1 1 Ry 2 3 x
Algebraic methods
Exercise 1 5: Algebraic addition of vectors
1. A force of 17 N in the positive x-direction acts simultaneously (at the same time) to a force of 23 N in the positive y -direction. Calculate the resultant force. Solution: We draw a rough sketch:
lt a su
nt 23 N
17 N Now we determine the length of the resultant.s We note that the triangle formed by the two force vectors and the resultant vector is a right-angle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of Pythagoras to determine the length of the resultant. Let R represent the length of the resultant vector. Then:
2 2 Fx + Fy = R2 Pythagoras theorem
To determine the direction of the resultant force, we calculate the angle between the resultant force vector and the positive x-axis, by using simple trigonometry: opposite side adjacent side 23 tan = 17 = tan1 (1,353) tan = = 53,53 The resultant force is then 28,6 N at 53,53 to the positive x-axis. 2. A force of 23,7 N in the negative x-direction acts simultaneously to a force of 9 N in the positive y -direction. Calculate the resultant force. Solution: We draw a rough sketch:
R 9N 23,7 N Now we determine the length of the resultant. We note that the triangle formed by the two force vectors and the resultant vector is a right-angle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of Pythagoras to determine the length of the resultant. Let R represent the length of the resultant vector. Then:
2 2 Fx + Fy = R2 Pythagoras theorem
(23,7)2 + (9)2 = R2 R = 25,4 N To determine the direction of the resultant force, we calculate the angle between the resultant force vector and the positive x-axis, by using simple trigonometry: opposite side adjacent side 9 tan = 23,7 = tan1 (0,3797) tan = = 20,79 The resultant force is then 25,4 N at 20,79 to the x-axis. However we actually give this as 159,21 (i.e. 180 minus 20,79 ) to keep with the convention we have dened of giving vector directions. 3. Four forces act simultaneously at a point, nd the resultant if the forces are:
F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 4 N in the positive y -direction F3 = 3,3 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 2,1 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We note that we have more than two vectors so we must rst nd the resultant in the x-direction and the resultant in the y -direction. In the x-direction we only have one vector and so this is the resultant. In the y -direction we have three vectors. We can add these algebraically to nd Ry :
F1 + F2 + F3 = (4) + (3,3) + (2,1) = 1,4 Now we use Rx and Ry to nd the resultant. We note that the triangle formed by Rx , Ry and the resultant vector is a rightangle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of Pythagoras to determine the length of the resultant. Let R represent the length of the resultant vector. Then:
2 2 Fx + Fy = R2 Pythagoras theorem
(2,3)2 + (1,4)2 = R2 R = 2,69 N To determine the direction of the resultant force, we calculate the angle between the resultant force vector and the positive x-axis, by using simple trigonometry: opposite side adjacent side 1,4 tan = 2,3 = tan1 (0,6087) tan = = 31,33 The resultant force is then 2,69 N at 31,33 to the x-axis. However we actually give this as 328,67 to keep with the convention we have dened of giving vector directions. 4. The following forces act simultaneously on a pole, if the pole suddenly snaps in which direction will it be pushed:
F1 = 2,3 N in the negative x-direction F2 = 11,7 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 6,9 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 1,9 N in the negative y -direction Solution: To determine the answer we need to nd the magnitude and direction of the resultant. This is then the direction in which the pole will be pushed. We note that we have more than two vectors so we must rst nd the resultant in the x-direction and the resultant in the y -direction. In the x-direction we only have one vector and so this is the resultant. In the y -direction we have three vectors. We can add these algebraically to nd Ry :
F1 + F2 + F3 = (11,7) + (6,9) + (1,9) = 20,5 Now we use Rx and Ry to nd the resultant. We note that the triangle formed by Rx , Ry and the resultant vector is a rightangle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of Pythagoras to determine the length of the resultant. Let R represent the length of the resultant vector. Then:
2 2 Fx + Fy = R2 Pythagoras theorem
(2,3)2 + (20,5)2 = R2 R = 20,63 N A rough sketch will help to determine the direction.
To determine the direction of the resultant force, we calculate the angle between the resultant force vector and the positive x-axis, by using simple trigonometry: opposite side adjacent side 2,3 tan = 20,5 = tan1 (0,112) tan = = 6,40 The resultant force acts in a direction of 6,40 to the x-axis. However we actually give this as 186,4 to keep with the convention we have dened of giving vector directions.
Components of vectors
Exercise 1 6:
1. Resolve each of the following vectors into components: F1 =5 N at 45 to the positive x-axis. F2 =15 N at 63 to the positive x-axis. F3 =11,3 N at 127 to the positive x-axis. F4 =125 N at 245 to the positive x-axis. Solution: Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 1 N : 1 cm) 4 y 3 2 F 1 3 x 4
1 1
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 5 cos(45 ) = 3,54 N Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 5 N : 1 cm) 20 y 15 10 F 5 15 x 20
5 5
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 15 cos(63 ) = 6,81 N Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 4 N : 1 cm) 16 y 12 8 F 4 4 x 4
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 11,3 cos(127 ) = 6,80 N Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 1 cm = 50 N) y 50 x
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 125 cos(245 ) = 52,83 N 2. Resolve each of the following vectors into components: F1 =11 104 N at 33 to the positive x-axis. F2 =15 GN at 28 to the positive x-axis. F3 =11,3 kN at 193 to the positive x-axis. F4 =125 105 N at 317 to the positive x-axis. Solution:
Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 1 104 N : 1 cm) 15 10 5 F x 5 5 Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. We do not need to convert to N but we must remember to keep the same units throughout. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 11 104 sin(33 ) = 5,99 104 N and Fx = 11 104 cos(33 ) = 9,22 104 N Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 1 GN : 1 cm) 15 10 F 5 x 5 5 Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. We do not need to convert to N but we must remember to keep the same units throughout. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 15 sin(28 ) = 7,04 GN and 5 10 15 y 5 10 15 y
Fx = 15 cos(28 ) = 13,2 GN Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 1 kN : 1 cm) 15 10 F 5 x y
5 5
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 11,3 sin(103 ) = 11,01 kN and Fx = 11,3 cos(103 ) = 2,54 kN Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 50 105 N : 1 cm) y 50 x 150
50 50 100 150
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 125 105 sin(317 ) = 8,52 106 N
Chapter summary
Exercise 1 7:
1. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane originating at the origin: F1 = 3,7 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 4,9 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N : 1 cm.
5 4
F2 3 2 1 F1 1 2 3 x
2. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane: F1 = 4,3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1,7 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 8,3 N in the positive y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N : 1 cm.
y 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 F2 1 1 x F3
2 F1
3. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N: 1 cm and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. We note that there are no vectors in the y -direction and so Ry = 0. We now nd Rx :
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 F1 F3 F2
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the x-direction. To nd Rx we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction.
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 Rx F1 F3 F2
We note that Rx is 1 cm or 1 N in the positive x-direction. Rx = 1 N and points in the positive x-direction. Ry = 0 N. 4. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 4,8 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 3,2 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 1,9 N in the positive y -direction F4 = 2,1 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N: 1 cm and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. We nd Rx :
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F2 F1
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the x-direction. To nd Rx we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction.
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rx F1 F2 x
y F1 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 x 5 F2
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the x-direction. To nd Rx we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction.
y F1 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 Rx x 5 F2
We note that Ry is 0,2 cm or 0,2 N in the negative y -direction. Rx = 1,6 N and points in the positive x-direction. Ry = 0,2 N and points in the negative y -direction. 5. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y -direction, Ry for the following forces: F1 = 2,7 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 1,4 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 2,7 N in the negative x-direction F4 = 1,7 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N : 1 cm and for our diagram we will dene the positive direction as to the right. We nd Rx :
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 F1 F3 F2
We have now drawn all the force vectors that act in the x-direction. To nd Rx we note that the resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the rst vector and ends at the head of the last drawn vector in that direction.
y 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rx F1 F3 F2
We note that Rx is 1,4 cm or 1,4 N in the positive x-direction. There is only one vector in the y -direction and so this is Ry . Rx = 1,4 N and points in the positive x-direction. Ry = 1,7 N and points in the negative y -direction. 6. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method: F1 = 4,8 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 3,3 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We rst sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane. We choose a scale of 1 N : 1 cm. Remember to sketch F2 starting at the head of F1 .
y 5 F2 4 F1 3 2 1 x
The resultant, R, is the vector connecting the tail of the rst vector drawn to the head of the last vector drawn:
y 5 F2 4 F1 3 R 2 1 x
7. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method: F1 = 0,7 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 6 N in the positive x-direction F3 = 3,8 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 11,9 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We rst sketch the vectors on the Cartesian plane. We choose a scale of 1 N : 1 cm. Remember to sketch F2 starting at the head of F1 .
y 1 F1 1 1 2 3 F4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 x F2
The resultant, R, is the vector connecting the tail of the rst vector drawn to the head of the last vector drawn:
y 1 F1 1 1 R 2 3 F4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 x F2
8. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions: F1 = 5,2 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 7,5 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 4,8 N in the positive y -direction F4 = 6,3 N in the negative x-direction
Solution: We choose a scale of 2 N : 1 cm. We rst determine Rx Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction:
y 2 1 x
2 F41 1 2
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction:
y 3 2 F2 F1 1 Ry 1F3 1 2 x
y 3 2 R Ry 3 2 Rx1 1 2 x 1
9. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions: F1 = 6,7 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 4,2 N in the negative x-direction F3 = 9,9 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 3,4 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We choose a scale of 1 N : 1 cm. We rst determine Rx Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction:
y 2 1 x
2 F21 1 2
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction:
y 6 5 4 3 2 F3 F1 1 x
1 1 Ry 2 3 F4 4 5 6
y 6 5 4 3 2 1 x
4 Ry
2 Rx1 1 2 3 4 5 6
10. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method:
Solution: We rst draw a Cartesian plane with the two vectors: (we use a scale of 1 N : 1 cm)
y 6 5 4 3 2 F1 1 F2 5 4 3 2 1 x
Now we draw a line parallel to F1 from the head of F2 and we draw a line parallel to F2 from the head of F1 :
y 6 5 4 3 2 F1 1 F2 5 4 3 2 1 x
Where the two lines intersect is the head of the resultant vector which will originate at the origin so:
y 6 5 R 4 3 2 F1 1 F2 5 4 3 2 1 x
11. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method by rst determining the resultant in the x- and y -directions: F1 = 2,3 N in the positive y -direction F2 = 11,8 N in the negative y -direction F3 = 7,9 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 3,2 N in the negative x-direction Solution: We need to determine Rx and Ry and then use these to nd the resultant. Determine Rx . We choose a scale of 2 N : 1 cm. Draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the x-direction:
y 2 1 x
1 F2 1 2
This is Rx since it is the only vector in the x-direction. Secondly determine Ry Next we draw the Cartesian plane with the vectors in the y -direction:
y 2 F2 F1 1 x 1 F3 Ry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rx1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Now we can draw the lines to show us where the head of the resultant must be:
y 2 1 Ry x
Rx1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 2 1 Ry x
Rx1 1 2 3 4 R 5 6 7 8
12. Four forces act simultaneously at a point, nd the resultant if the forces are: F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction F2 = 4,9 N in the positive y -direction F3 = 4,3 N in the negative y -direction F4 = 3,1 N in the negative y -direction Solution: We note that we have more than two vectors so we must rst nd the resultant in the x-direction and the resultant in the y -direction. In the x-direction we only have one vector and so this is the resultant. In the y -direction we have three vectors. We can add these algebraically to nd Ry :
Now we use Rx and Ry to nd the resultant. We note that the triangle formed by Rx , Ry and the resultant vector is a rightangle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of Pythagoras to determine the length of the resultant. Let R represent the length of the resultant vector. Then:
2 2 Fx + Fy = R2 Pythagoras theorem
(2,3)2 + (2,3)2 = R2 R = 3,25 N To determine the direction of the resultant force, we calculate the angle between the resultant force vector and the positive x-axis, by using simple trigonometry: opposite side adjacent side 2,3 tan = 2,3 = tan1 (1) tan = = 45 The resultant force is then 3,25 N at 45 to the x-axis. 13. Resolve each of the following vectors into components: a) F1 =105 N at 23,5 to the positive x-axis. b) F2 =27 N at 58,9 to the positive x-axis. c) F3 =11,3 N at 323 to the positive x-axis. d) F4 =149 N at 245 to the positive x-axis. e) F5 =15 N at 375 to the positive x-axis. f) F6 =14,9 N at 75,6 to the positive x-axis. g) F7 =11,3 N at 123,4 to the positive x-axis. h) F8 =169 N at 144 to the positive x-axis. Solution: a) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 50 N : 1 cm)
150 100 F 50 x 150 y
50 50 100
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 105 cos(23,5 ) = 96,29 N Fx = 96,29 N and Fy = 41,87 N b) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 10 N : 1 cm)
30 20 10 x 30 y
10 10 20
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 27 cos(58,9 ) = 13,95 N Fx = 13,95 N and Fy = 23,12 N c) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 5 N : 1 cm)
y 5 x 15
5 5 10 15
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 11,3 sin(323 ) = 6,8 N and Fx = 11,3 cos(323 ) = 9,02 N Fx = 9,02 N and Fy = 6,8 N d) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 5 N : 1 cm) y 50
x 50
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 149 sin(245 ) = 135,04 N and Fx = 149 cos(245 ) = 62,97 N Fx = 62,97 N and Fy = 135,04 N
e) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 5 N : 1 cm)
15 10 5 F x 5 5 5 10 15 20 y
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 15 sin(375 ) = 3,89 N and Fx = 15 cos(375 ) = 14,49 N Note that we would get the same result if we used 15 as 375 360 = 15 . Fx = 3,89 N and Fy = 14,49 N f) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 2 N : 1 cm)
y 8 6 4 2 x 2 2 2 4 6 8 F
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 14,9 sin(75,6 ) = 14,43 N
and Fx = 14,9 cos(75,6 ) = 3,71 N Fx = 14,43 N and Fy = 3,71 N g) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 5 N : 1 cm)
15 F 10 5 x y
15 10
5 5
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force: Fy = 11,3 sin(123,4 ) = 9,43 N and Fx = 11,3 cos(123,4 ) = 6,22 N Fx = 6,22 N and Fy = 9,43 N h) Draw a rough sketch of the original vector (we use a scale of 50 N : 1 cm)
150 F 100 50 x 50 y
150 100 50 50
Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions are perpendicular to one another, the components form a rightangled triangle with the original force as its hypotenuse. Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the original force:
Fx = 169 cos(144 ) = 136,72 N Fx = 136,72 N and Fy = 99,34 N 14. A point is acted on by two forces and the resultant is zero. The forces a) have equal magnitudes and directions. b) have equal magnitudes but opposite directions. c) act perpendicular to each other. d) act in the same direction. Solution: have equal magnitudes but opposite directions. 15. A point in equilibrium is acted on by three forces. Force F1 has components 15 N due south and 13 N due west. What are the components of force F2 ? a) 13 N due north and 20 N due west b) 13 N due north and 13 N due west c) 15 N due north and 7 N due west d) 15 N due north and 13 N due east
N F2
W F1 S
20 N
Solution: 15 N due north and 7 N due west 16. Two vectors act on the same point. What should the angle between them be so that a maximum resultant is obtained? a) 0 b) 90 c) 180 d) cannot tell
Solution: 0 17. Two forces, 4 N and 11 N, act on a point. Which one of the following cannot be the magnitude of a resultant? a) 4 N b) 7 N c) 11 N d) 15 N Solution: 4N 18. An object of weight W is supported by two cables attached to the ceiling and wall as shown. The tensions in the two cables are T1 and T2 respectively. Tension T1 = 1200 N. Determine the tension T2 by accurate construction and measurement or by calculation.
45 T1 70 T2 W
Solution: We will use the x-component of T2 the fact that T1x = T2x to nd T2 :
T2x = T1x T2 cos(20 ) = T1 cos(45 ) T2 cos(20 ) = (1200)(cos(45 )) T2 cos(20 ) = 848,53 T2 = 902,98 N 19. An object X is supported by two strings, A and B, attached to the ceiling as shown in the sketch. Each of these strings can withstand a maximum force of 700 N. The weight of X is increased gradually.
30 A 45 B
a) Draw a rough sketch of the triangle of forces, and use it to explain which string will break rst. b) Determine the maximum weight of X which can be supported. Solution: a) We draw a rough sketch:
We note that TA cos(30 ) = TB cos(45 ). Therefore: cos(45 ) TA = TB cos(30 ) 1 3 = 2 2 TA <1 TB TA < TB The tension in B is greater and hence it will break rst. b) Since B will break rst, the maximum weight that can be supported is when B is at a tension of 700 N. TA cos(45 ) = TB cos(30 ) cos(45 ) TA = 700 cos(30 ) TA = 572 N W = TA sin(30 ) + TB sin(45 ) = 781 N
Newtons laws
90 91 96 109 118
Newtons laws
In this chapter learners will explore Newtons three laws of motion and Newtons law of universal gravitation. Learners will also learn more about forces and the different kinds of forces. The following provides a summary of the topics covered in this chapter.
Different kinds of forces. The types of forces covered are: normal force, frictional force, applied force and tension. Force diagrams and free body diagrams. In this section learners will see how to take a problem and draw diagrams to show all the forces acting on a body. They will learn what a force diagram is and what a free body diagram is. Newtons three laws. Newtons three laws of motion are discussed in this section. Each law is covered in detail and practical applications such as rockets, lifts and seat belts are covered. Newtons law of universal gravitation. This topic explores gravity and Newtons law of universal gravitation. Learners are introduced to the ideas of weight and mass as well as the acceleration due to gravity.
A recommended practical for informal assessment on normal forces and friction is included. In this experiment learners investigate the relationship between the normal force and the maximum static friction. Learners should use different surfaces to see the effect of static friction. If time allows learners can also investigate dynamic friction. You will need spring balances; several blocks, of the same material, with hooks attached to one end; several rough and smooth surfaces; and bricks or blocks to incline the surfaces. A recommended experiment for formal assessment on Newtons second law of motion is also included in this chapter. In this experiment learners will investigate the relationship between force and acceleration (Newtons second law). You will need trolleys, different masses, inclined plane, rubber bands, meter ruler, ticker tape apparatus, ticker timer, graph paper.
2.1. Introduction
1. A box is placed on a rough surface. It has a normal force of magnitude 120 N. A force of 20 N applied to the right cannot move the box. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the friction forces. Solution: The normal force is given (120 N) and we know that the block does not move when an applied force of 20 N is used. We are asked to nd the magnitude and direction of the friction forces. Since the box is stationary and the applied force is insufcient to move the box, we know that the kinetic friction force is 0 N. The frictional force is dened as the the force that opposes the motion of an object in contact with a surface and it acts parallel to the surface the object is in contact with. Therefore the static frictional force is 20 N to the left to give a resultant of zero. 2. A block rests on a horizontal surface. The normal force is 20 N. The coefcient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0,40 and the coefcient of dynamic friction is 0,20. a) What is the magnitude of the frictional force exerted on the block while the block is at rest? b) What will the magnitude of the frictional force be if a horizontal force of magnitude 5 N is exerted on the block? c) What is the minimum force required to start the block moving? d) What is the minimum force required to keep the block in motion once it has been started? e) If the horizontal force is 10 N, determine the frictional force. Solution: a) The block is not moving and so there is no kinetic frictional force acting on the block. There is also no force applied to the block and so the static frictional force is also zero. b) The block is not moving and so there is no kinetic frictional force acting on the block. The frictional force is dened as the the force that opposes the motion of an object in contact with a surface and it acts parallel to the surface the object is in contact with. Therefore the static frictional force is 5 N in the opposite direction to the applied force. c) To nd the minimum force required to start the block moving we need to calculate the maximum static friction force:
max Fs = s N
= (0,40)(20) =8N So we must apply a force of magnitude greater than 8 N to start the box moving. d) To nd the minimum force required to keep the block in motion we need to calculate the magnitude of the force of kinetic friction:
Fk = k N = (0,20)(20) =4N So we must apply a force of 4 N to keep the box in motion. e) This force is greater than the force required to start the block moving. So the static frictional force is 0 N. For kinetic friction the value of the frictional force remains the same regardless of the magnitude of the applied force. So the kinetic frictional force is 4 N. 3. A lady injured her back when she slipped and fell in a supermarket. She holds the owner of the supermarket accountable for her medical expenses. The owner claims that the oor covering was not wet and meets the accepted standards. He therefore cannot accept responsibility. The matter eventually ends up in court. Before passing judgement, the judge approaches you, a science student, to determine whether the coefcient of static friction of the oor is a minimum of 0,5 as required. He provides you with a tile from the oor, as well as one of the shoes the lady was wearing on the day of the incident. a) Write down an expression for the coefcient of static friction. b) Plan an investigation that you will perform to assist the judge in his judgement. Follow the steps outlined below to ensure that your plan meets the requirements. i. Formulate an investigation question. ii. Apparatus: List all the other apparatus, except the tile and the shoe, that you will need. iii. A stepwise method: How will you perform the investigation? Include a relevant, labelled diagram. iv. Results: What will you record? v. Conclusion: How will you interpret the results to draw a conclusion? Solution: a) Fs s N b) The following provides a guideline to what learners should do. This experiment is very similar to the experiment on normal forces and friction given above. Investigation question: What is the co-efcient of static friction for the tiles in the supermarket for different shoes and weights of people?
2.2. Force
Apparatus: Spring balance, several blocks, of the same material, with hooks attached to one end, several rough and smooth surfaces, bricks or blocks to incline the surfaces (and the tile and shoe) Method: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Measure the frictional force for a minimum mass Measure the frictional force for a maximum mass Measure the frictional force for an average mass Repeat each of the above measurements and take the average Determine the average co-efcient of friction
Results: You should record the results for each step described above Conclusion: If the co-efcient of static friction is less than the minimum required than the supermarket owner is incorrect. If the co-efcient of static friction is greater than the minimum required than the lady is incorrect. If the co-efcient of static friction is the same as the minimum then other factors must be considered.
1. A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 456 N straight down. If the slope is inclined at 67,8 to the horizontal, what is the component of the force due to gravity perpendicular and parallel to the slope? Solution: We know that for a block on a slope we can resolve the force due to gravity, Fg into components parallel and perpendicular to the slope. Fgx = Fg sin() Fgy = Fg cos() The slope is inclined at an angle of 67,8 . This is the same angle we need to use to calculate the components, therefore:
Fgx = Fg sin() = (456) sin(67,8 ) = 422,20 N Fgy = Fg cos() = (456) cos(67,8 ) = 172,30 N The component of Fg that is perpendicular to the slope is Fgy =172,30 N in the negative y -direction. The component of Fg that is perpendicular to the slope is Fgx =422,20 N in the negative x-direction.
2. A block on an inclined plane is subjected to a force due to gravity, Fg of 456 N straight down. If the component of the gravitational force parallel to the slope is Fgx =308,7 N in the negative x-direction (down the slope), what is the incline of the slope? Solution: We know that for a block on a slope we can resolve the force due to gravity, Fg into components parallel and perpendicular to the slope. Fgx = Fg sin() Fgy = Fg cos() We are given the horizontal component of gravity and the force due to gravity. We can use these to nd the incline of the slope:
Fgx = Fg sin() 308,7 = (456) sin sin = 0,6769 . . . = 42,61 The slope is at an incline of 42,61 .
1. A boy pushes a shopping trolley (weight due to gravity of 150 N) with a constant force of 75 N. A constant frictional force of 20 N is present. a) Draw a labelled force diagram to identify all the forces acting on the shopping trolley. b) Draw a free body diagram of all the forces acting on the trolley. c) Determine the resultant force on the trolley. Solution:
trolley Ff = 20 N
Fg = 150 N N= 150 N
FA = 75 N
a) Where:
2.2. Force
Ff = 20 N
Fg = 150 N
FA = 75 N
b) Where:
Ff frictional force FA applied force Fg gravitational force N normal force c) The normal force and the gravitational force are balanced and produced no net force on the trolley. We need to determine the resultant force using the force of friction and the applied force. We choose to the right as positive and assume that the applied force is applied to the right, while the frictional force acts to the left.
FR = Ff + FA = 20 + 75 = 55 N to the right 2. A donkey (experiencing a gravitational force of 2500 N) is trying to pull a cart (force due to gravity of 800 N) with a force of 400 N. The rope between the donkey and the cart makes an angle of 30 with the cart. The cart does not move. a) Draw a free body diagram of all the forces acting on the donkey. b) Draw a force diagram of all the forces acting on the cart. c) Find the magnitude and direction of the frictional force preventing the cart from moving. Solution:
N : Upward force of ground on donkey (2500 N)
F2 Ff Fg N
b) Where:
Ff frictional force F2 force of cart on donkey Fg gravitational force N normal force c) The cart is not moving so this is static friction only. We note that the frictional force acts in the x-direction only and will be equal to the x component of the force applied by the donkey. The direction will be in the opposite direction that the donkey is pulling. The frictional force is:
Ff = FA cos = 400 cos(30) = 346,41 N in the opposite direction to the applied force
Newtons laws
1. If a passenger is sitting in a car and the car turns round a bend to the right, what happens to the passenger? What happens if the car turns to the left? Solution: Before the car starts turning both the passenger and the car are travelling at the same velocity. As the car turns to the right a force acts on the car but not the passengers, hence (by Newtons rst law) the passenger continues moving with the same original velocity. (In other words the car turns, but the passenger does not). The net result of this is that the passenger is pulled to the left as the car turns right. If the car instead turned to the left the passenger would be pulled to the right.
2. Helium is less dense than the air we breathe. Discuss why a helium balloon in a car driving around a corner appears to violate Newtons rst law and moves towards the inside of the turn not the outside like a passenger. Solution: As the car goes around the corner all the air keeps moving forward (it acts in the same way that a passenger acts). This causes the air pressure on the one side of the car to increase (this will be on the opposite side to the direction the car is turning). This slight increase in the air pressure pushes the helium balloon to the other side of the car. Because of this it appears that the helium balloon does not obey Newtons rst law.
1. A tug is capable of pulling a ship with a force of 100 kN. If two such tugs are pulling on one ship, they can produce any force ranging from a minimum of 0 kN to a maximum of 200 kN. Give a detailed explanation of how this is possible. Use diagrams to support your result. Solution: We start off with the two tug boats pulling in opposite directions:
The resultant force is 0 kN since the tug boats are pulling with equal forces in opposite directions. If the two tugboats pull in the same direction then we get:
The resultant force is 200 kN since the tug boats are pulling with equal forces in the same direction. To get any force between these two extremes, one tugboat will have to be pulling on the ship at a different angle to the second tugboat, for example:
R Ship
Note that the resultant force in this situation is less than 200 kN (You can check this by using any of the vector addition techniques). 2. A car of mass 850 kg accelerates at 2 ms2 . Calculate the magnitude of the resultant force that is causing the acceleration. Solution:
F = ma = (850)(2) = 1700 N 3. Find the force needed to accelerate a 3 kg object at 4 ms2 . Solution:
F = ma = (3)(4) = 12 N 4. Calculate the acceleration of an object of mass 1000 kg accelerated by a force of magnitude 100 N. Solution:
F = ma F a= m 100 = 1000 = 0,1 ms2 5. An object of mass 7 kg is accelerating at 2,5 ms2 . What resultant force acts on it? Solution:
F = ma = (7)(2,5) = 17,5 N 6. Find the mass of an object if a force of 40 N gives it an acceleration of 2 ms2 .
F = ma F m= a 40 = 2 = 20 kg 7. Find the acceleration of a body of mass 1000 kg that has a force with a magnitude of 150 N acting on it. Solution:
F = ma F a= m 150 = 1000 = 0,15 ms2 8. Find the mass of an object which is accelerated at 3 ms2 by a force of magnitude 25 N. Solution:
F = ma F m= a 25 = 3 = 8,33 kg 9. Determine the acceleration of a mass of 24 kg when a force of magnitude 6 N acts on it. What is the acceleration if the force were doubled and the mass was halved? Solution: We rst nd the acceleration:
F = ma F a= m 6 = 24 = 0,25 ms2 If the force is doubled and the mass is halved then the acceleration will be four times this amount: 1 ms2 . You can check this by doubling the force and halving the mass.
10. A mass of 8 kg is accelerating at 5 ms2 . a) Determine the resultant force that is causing the acceleration. b) What acceleration would be produced if we doubled the force and reduced the mass by half? Solution: a) F = ma = (8)(5) = 40 N b) If we doubled the force and halved the mass we would get four times the acceleration or 20 ms2 . You can check this by carrying out the calculation using double the force and half the mass. 11. A motorcycle of mass 100 kg is accelerated by a resultant force of 500 N. If the motorcycle starts from rest: a) What is its acceleration? b) How fast will it be travelling after 20 s? c) How long will it take to reach a speed of 35 ms1 ? d) How far will it travel from its starting point in 15 s? Solution: a) F = ma F a= m 500 = 100 = 5 ms2 b) We can use the equations of motion (recall from grade 10: motion in one dimension) to determine how fast it will be travelling:
vf = vi + at = 0 + (5)(20) = 100 ms1 c) Again, we can use the equations of motion (recall from grade 10: motion in one dimension) to determine how long it takes to reach the given speed:
vf = vi + at 35 = 0 + (5)t 35 t= 5 =7s
d) Again, we can use the equations of motion (recall from grade 10: motion in one dimension) to determine how far it travels: 1 x = vi t + at2 2 1 35 = (0)(15) + (5)(15)2 2 = 562,5 m 12. A force of 200 N, acting at 60 to the horizontal, accelerates a block of mass 50 kg along a horizontal plane as shown.
200 N 50 kg
a) Calculate the component of the 200 N force that accelerates the block horizontally. b) If the acceleration of the block is 1,5 ms2 , calculate the magnitude of the frictional force on the block. c) Calculate the vertical force exerted by the block on the plane. Solution: a) Fx = F cos = (200) cos(60) = 100 N b) FR = ma Fx + Ff = ma 100 + Ff = (50)(1,5) Ff = 75 100 = 25 N c) Fy = F sin = (200) sin(60) = 173,2 N 13. A toy rocket experiences a force due to gravity of magnitude 4,5 N is supported vertically by placing it in a bottle. The rocket is then ignited. Calculate the force that is required to accelerate the rocket vertically upwards at 8 ms2 .
FR = ma F1 + Fg = ma F1 + 4,5 = (0,5)(8) F1 = 4 + 4,5 = 8,5 N 14. A constant force of magnitude 70 N is applied vertically to a block as shown. The block experiences a force due to gravity of 49 N. Calculate the acceleration of the block.
70 N
FR = ma F1 + Fg = ma 70 49 = 5a 21 = 5a a = 4,2 ms2 15. A student experiences a gravitational force of magnitude 686 N investigates the motion of a lift. While he stands in the lift on a bathroom scale (calibrated in newton), he notes three stages of his journey. a) For 2 s immediately after the lift starts, the scale reads 574 N. b) For a further 6 s it reads 686 N. c) For the nal 2 s it reads 854 N. Answer the following questions: a) Is the motion of the lift upward or downward? Give a reason for your answer. b) Write down the magnitude and the direction of the resultant force acting on the student for each of the stages 1, 2 and 3. Solution:
a) Stage 1: Downwards. The scale reads less than the gravitational force that he experiences. Stage 2: Stationary. The scale reads the same as the gravitational force that he experiences. Stage 3: Upwards. The scale reads more than the gravitational force that he experiences. b) Stage 1: 574 N downwards Stage 2: The resultant force on the student is zero. Stage 3: 854 N upwards 16. A car of mass 800 kg accelerates along a level road at 4 ms2 . A frictional force of 700 N opposes its motion. What force is produced by the cars engine? Solution:
FR = ma Ff + FE = ma 700 + FE = (800)(4) FE = 3200 700 = 2500 N 17. Two objects, with masses of 1 kg and 2 kg respectively, are placed on a smooth surface and connected with a piece of string. A horizontal force of 6 N is applied with the help of a spring balance to the 1 kg object. Ignoring friction, what will the force acting on the 2 kg mass, as measured by a second spring balance, be?
6N ? 1 kg 2 kg
Solution: The force acting on the 2 kg block is 6 N. Since the surface is assumed to be frictionless, the applied force on the 1 kg block is equal to the force experienced by the 2 kg block. 18. A rocket of mass 200 kg has a resultant force of 4000 N upwards on it. a) What is its acceleration on the Earth, where it experiences a gravitational force of 1960 N? b) What driving force does the rocket engine need to exert on the back of the rocket on the Earth? Solution: a) The force on the rocket is in the upwards direction, while the force due to gravity is in the downwards direction. Taking upwards as positive:
FR = ma Fg + Frocket = ma 1960 + 4000 = ma 2040 a= 200 = 10,2 ms2 b) On Earth the rocket engines need to overcome the gravitational force and so need to exert a force of 1960 N or greater. 19. A car going at 20 ms1 accelerates uniformly and comes to a stop in a distance of 20 m. a) What is its acceleration? b) If the car is 1000 kg how much force do the brakes exert? Solution: a) We can use the equations of motion to nd the acceleration:
2 2 = vi + 2 ax vf
0 = (20)2 + 2(20)a 40a = 400 a = 10 ms2 b) F = ma = (1000)(10) = 10 000 N 20. A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 300 N straight down. If the slope is inclined at 67,8 to the horizontal, what is the component of the force due to gravity perpendicular and parallel to the slope? At what angle would the perpendicular and parallel components of the force due to gravity be equal? Solution: The component parallel to the slope is:
Fgx = F sin = (300) sin(67,8) = 277,76 N The component perpendicular to the slope is:
Fgy = F cos = (300) cos(67,8) = 113,35 N For the two components to be equal the angle must be 45 . (sin(45) = cos(45)).
21. A block on an inclined plane is subjected to a force due to gravity, Fg of 287 N straight down. If the component of the gravitational force parallel to the slope is Fgx =123,7 N in the negative x-direction (down the slope), what is the incline of the slope? Solution:
Fgx = F sin 123,7 = (287) sin sin = 0,431 . . . = 25,53 22. A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 98 N straight down. If the slope is inclined at an unknown angle to the horizontal but we are told that the ratio of the components of the force due to gravity perpendicular and parallel to the slope is 7:4. What is the angle the incline makes with the horizontal? Solution: We rst write down the equations for the parallel and perpendicular components:
Fgx = F sin = (98) sin Fgy = F cos = (98) cos Now we note the following:
7Fgx = 4Fgy 7(98) sin = 4(98) cos Now we need to solve for theta: 392 cos 686 = 0,5714 cos
sin =
sin = 0,5714 cos tan = 0,5714 = 25,53 Recall from trigonometry that
sin cos
= tan .
23. Two crates, 30 kg and 50 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope according to the diagram. A force, to the right, of 1500 N is applied. The boxes move with an acceleration of 7 ms2 to the right. The ratio of the frictional forces on the two crates is the same as the ratio of their masses. Calculate:
a = 2 m s2 1500 N 30 kg
50 kg
a) the magnitude and direction of the total frictional force present. b) the magnitude of the tension in the rope at T. Solution: a) Let the 50 kg crate be crate 1 and the 30 kg crate be crate 2. To nd the frictional force we will apply Newtons second law. We are given the mass (30 + 50 kg) and the acceleration (2 ms2 ). Choose the direction of motion to be the positive direction (to the right is positive).
FR = ma T + Ff = (30)(2) T + 502,5 = 60 T = 562,5 N 24. Two crates, 30 kg and 50 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope according to the diagram. If they are dragged up an incline such that the ratio of the parallel and perpendicular components of the gravitational force on each block are 3 : 5. The boxes move with an acceleration of 7 ms2 up the slope. The ratio of the frictional forces on the two crates is the same as the ratio of their masses. The magnitude of the force due to gravity on the 30 kg crate is 294 N and on the 50 kg crate is 490 N. Calculate:
a = 7 m s2 500 N 50 kg
30 kg
a) the magnitude and direction of the total frictional force present. b) the magnitude of the tension in the rope at T. Solution: a) Let crate 1 be the 50 kg crate and crate 2 be the 30 kg crate. We will choose up the slope as positive. We need to nd all the forces that act parallel to the slope on each box in turn and use this to solve simultaneously for the frictional force. We draw free body diagrams for each crate: First we nd the gravitational force parallel to the slope for each box: 3 Fgx1 = Fgy1 5 2 2 2 Fg = F 1 gx1 + Fgy 1 9 2 2 = Fgx F 1+ 25 gx1 34 2 = Fgx 1 25 34 2 (490)2 = Fgx 1 25 2 Fgx 1 = 176 533,1176 Fgx1 = 420,17 N 3 Fgx2 = Fgy2 5 2 2 2 Fg2 = Fgx 2 + Fgy 2 9 2 2 = Fgx F 2+ 25 gx2 34 2 = Fgx 2 25 34 2 (294)2 = Fgx 2 25 2 Fgx 2 = 63 555,88 Fgx1 = 252,10 N Now we can write an expression for the resultant force on each crate:
FR = ma T Fgx2 Ff = ma T 252,10 Ff = (30)(7) T = 462,1 + Ff And solve simultaneously for the frictional force:
T + T = 420,17 + Ff + 462,1 + Ff 0 = 882,27 + 2Ff Ff = 441,14 N b) We can use either of the two expressions above to nd the tension. We will use the expression for crate 1:
1. A y hits the front windscreen of a moving car. Compared to the magnitude of the force the y exerts on the windscreen, the magnitude of the force the windscreen exerts on the y during the collision, is: a) zero. b) smaller, but not zero. c) bigger. d) the same. Solution: the same 2. Which of the following pairs of forces correctly illustrates Newtons third law?
A book pushed against a wall
Force of book on wall
Weight of the bird The weight of the bird = force of Earth on bird frictional force exerted by the oor
Solution: A or B
1. When the planet Jupiter is closest to Earth it is 6,28 108 km away. If Jupiter has a mass of 1,9 1027 kg, what is the magnitude of the gravitational force between Jupiter and the Earth? Solution: The mass of the Earth is: 5,98 1024 kg. The magnitude of the gravitational force is: m1 m2 d2 (5,98 1024 )(1,9 1027 ) (6,28 1011 )2
F =G
2. When the planet Jupiter is furthest from the Earth it is 9,28 108 km away. If Jupiter has a mass of 1,9 1027 kg, what is the magnitude of the gravitational force between Jupiter and the Earth? Solution:
The mass of the Earth is: 5,98 1024 kg. The magnitude of the gravitational force is: m1 m2 d2 (5,98 1024 )(1,9 1027 ) (9,28 1011 )2
F =G
3. What distance must a satellite with a mass of 80 kg be away from the Earth to feel a force of 1000 N? How far from Jupiter to feel the same force? Solution: The mass of the Earth is: 5,98 1024 kg and the mass of Jupiter is 1,9 1027 kg. We rst nd how far the satellite must be from Earth: m1 m2 d2 (5,98 1024 )(80) (d)2
F =G
1000 = 6,67 10-11 1000 = 3,19 1016 (d)2 d2 = 3,19 1013 d = 5,65 106 m
Next we nd how far the satellite must be from Jupiter: m1 m2 d2 (1,9 1027 )(80) (d)2
F =G
1000 = 6,67 10-11 1000 = 1,01 1019 (d)2 2 d = 1,01 1016 d = 1,00 108 m
4. The radius of Jupiter is 71,5 103 km and the radius of the moon is 1,7 103 km, if the moon has a mass of 7,35 1022 kg work out the gravitational acceleration on Jupiter and on the moon. Solution: We work out the gravitational acceleration on Jupiter (remember to convert the distance to m): MJupiter d2 Jupiter 1,9 1027 (71,5 106 )2
ao = G
We work out the gravitational acceleration on the moon (remember to convert the distance to m): MMoon d2 Moon 7,35 1022 (1,7 106 )2
ao = G
5. Astrology, NOT astronomy, makes much of the position of the planets at the moment of ones birth. The only known force a planet exerts on Earth is gravitational. Calculate: a) the gravitational force exerted on a 4,20 kg baby by a 100 kg father 0,200 m away at birth b) the force on the baby due to Jupiter if it is at its closest distance to Earth, some 6,29 1011 m away. c) How does the force of Jupiter on the baby compare to the force of the father on the baby? Solution: a) F =G m1 m2 d2 (4,20)(100) (0,200)2
c) The force of the father on the baby is 0,52 times the force of Jupiter on the Ffather ) baby. (We calculate this using: F Jupiter 6. The existence of the dwarf planet Pluto was proposed based on irregularities in Neptunes orbit. Pluto was subsequently discovered near its predicted position. But it now appears that the discovery was fortuitous, because Pluto is small and the irregularities in Neptunes orbit were not well known. To illustrate that Pluto has a minor effect on the orbit of Neptune compared with the closest planet to Neptune: a) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at Neptune due to Pluto when they are 4,50 1012 m apart, as they are at present. The mass of Pluto is 1,4 1022 kg and the mass of Neptune is: 1,02 1026 kg. b) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at Neptune due to Uranus, presently about 2,50 1012 m apart, and compare it with that due to Pluto. The mass of Uranus is 8,62 1025 kg.
1. Jojo has a mass of 87,5 kg, what is his weight on the following planets: a) Mercury (radius of 2,440 103 km and mass of 3,3 1023 kg) b) Mars (radius of 3,39 103 km and mass of 6,42 1023 kg) c) Neptune (radius of 24,76 103 km and mass of 1,03 1026 kg)? Solution: a) We rst nd the gravitational acceleration: MMercury d2 Mercury 3,3 1023 (2,440 106 )2
ao = G
ao = G
Fg = mao = (87,5)(3,73) = 326,04 N c) We rst nd the gravitational acceleration: MNeptune d2 Neptune 1,03 1026 (24,76 106 )2
ao = G
Fg = mao = (87,5)(11,21) = 980,88 N 2. If object 1 has a weight of 1,78 103 N on Neptune and object 2 has a weight of 3,63 105 N on Mars, which has the greater mass? Solution: We begin by calculating the gravitational acceleration for each planet:
ao = G
ao = G
= 6,67 10-11 = 3,73 ms2 Now we can calculate each objects mass:
Fg = m1 ao 1,78 103 = 11,21m1 m1 = 158,79 kg Fg = m1 ao 3,63 105 = 3,73m2 m2 = 9,73 104 kg Object 2 has the greater mass.
Comparative problems
Exercise 2 9:
1. Two objects of mass 2X and 3X respectively, where X is an unknown quantity, exert a force F on each other when they are a certain distance apart. What will be the force between two objects situated the same distance apart but having a mass of 5X and 6X respectively? a) b) c) d) 0,2 F 1,2 F 2,2 F 5F
Solution: 5 F. We can write an expression for the force in each case in terms of the distance: m1 m2 d2 G(2X )(3X ) d2 = F1 m1 m2 F2 = G 2 d G (6 X )(5X ) d2 = F2 F1 = G Since the distance is equal, the square of the distance is also equal and so we can equate these two and nd the force. G(2X )(3X ) G(6X )(5X ) = F1 F2 6X 2 30X 2 = F1 F2 F2 = 5F1
2. As the distance of an object above the surface of the Earth is greatly increased, the weight of the object would a) increase b) decrease c) increase and then suddenly decrease d) remain the same Solution: decrease The distance is inversely proportional to the weight (or force of gravity) and so as the distance increases the weight decreases. 3. A satellite circles around the Earth at a height where the gravitational force is a factor 4 less than at the surface of the Earth. If the Earths radius is R, then the height of the satellite above the surface is: a) R b) 2 R c) 4 R d) 16 R Solution: The gravitational force on the satellite on the Earths surface is: MEarth m R2
Fsurf ace = G
Forbit = G
We know that the force from the Earth when the satellite is in orbit is a factor 4 less, therefore: 1 Forbit = Fsurf ace 4 MEarth m 1 MEarth m G = G r2 4 R2 r = 2R The question asks for the distance above the Earths surface so the answer is r R = 2R R = R. 4. A satellite experiences a force F when at the surface of the Earth. What will be the force on the satellite if it orbits at a height equal to the diameter of the Earth: a) b)
1 F 1 2
c) d)
1 3 1 9
Solution: The diameter of the Earth is twice the radius. This means that the distance to the satellite would be the radius of the Earth plus twice the radius of the Earth, a factor 3 increase so 1 9. 5. The weight of a rock lying on surface of the Moon is W. The radius of the Moon is R. On planet Alpha, the same rock has weight 8W. If the radius of planet Alpha is half that of the Moon, and the mass of the Moon is M, then the mass, in kg, of planet Alpha is: a) M 2 b) M 4 c) 2 M d) 4 M Solution: 2M 6. Consider the symbols of the two physical quantities g and G used in Physics. a) Name the physical quantities represented by g and G. b) Derive a formula for calculating g near the Earths surface using Newtons law of universal gravitation. M and R represent the mass and radius of the Earth respectively. Solution: a) g is the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth and G is the universal gravitational constant. b) We note the following two formulae: m1 m2 d2 mo M F =G 2 R F ao = mo Rearranging the second equation to get mo gives: F1 = G F ao Now we substitute this into the rst equation and solve for ao : mo =
F M F = G ao 2 R F F R2 = G M ao 2 ao F R = F GM GM ao = 2 R Which has been mentioned earlier in this chapter.
7. Two spheres of mass 800 g and 500 g respectively are situated so that their centres are 200 cm apart. Calculate the gravitational force between them. Solution: m1 m2 d2 (800 10-3 )(500 10-3 ) (200 10-2 )2
F =G
8. Two spheres of mass 2 kg and 3 kg respectively are situated so that the gravitational force between them is 2,5 10-8 N. Calculate the distance between them. Solution: m1 m2 d2 (2)(3) d2
F =G
2,5 10-8 = 6,67 10-11 d2 = 4,002 10-10 2,5 10-8 = 1,6 10-2
d = 0,13 m 9. Two identical spheres are placed 10 cm apart. A force of 1,6675 10-9 N exists between them. Find the masses of the spheres. Solution: m1 m2 d2 m2 (10 10-2 )2
F =G
10. Halleys comet, of approximate mass 1 1015 kg was 1,3 108 km from the Earth, at its point of closest approach during its last sighting in 1986. a) Name the force through which the Earth and the comet interact. b) Is the magnitude of the force experienced by the comet the same, greater than or less than the force experienced by the Earth? Explain. c) Does the acceleration of the comet increase, decrease or remain the same as it moves closer to the Earth? Explain. d) If the mass of the Earth is 6 1024 kg, calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by the Earth on Halleys comet at its point of closest approach. Solution:
a) Newtons law of universal gravitation b) It is the same, Newtons third law. c) The force the comet experiences increases because it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The mass of the comet remains constant F and we know that F = ma; a = so the acceleration increases. m d) F =G m1 m2 d2 (6 1024 )(1 1015 ) (1,3 1011 )2
Chapter summary
1. A force acts on an object. Name three effects that the force can have on the object. Solution: A force can change the shape of the object. A force can change the direction in which the object is moving. A force can accelerate or stop a body. 2. Identify each of the following forces as contact or non-contact forces. a) The force between the north pole of a magnet and a paper clip. b) The force required to open the door of a taxi. c) The force required to stop a soccer ball. d) The force causing a ball, dropped from a height of 2 m, to fall to the oor. Solution: a) non-contact b) contact c) contact d) non-contact 3. A book of mass 2 kg is lying on a table. Draw a labelled force diagram indicating all the forces on the book. Solution:
N Fg
Where Fg is the force due to gravity and N is the normal force. 4. A constant, resultant force acts on a body which can move freely in a straight line. Which physical quantity will remain constant? a) acceleration b) velocity c) momentum d) kinetic energy [SC 2003/11] Solution: acceleration 5. Two forces, 10 N and 15 N, act at an angle at the same point.
15 N 10 N
Which of the following cannot be the resultant of these two forces? a) 2 N b) 5 N c) 8 N d) 20 N [SC 2005/11 SG1] Solution: 2N 6. A concrete block weighing 250 N is at rest on an inclined surface at an angle of 20 . The magnitude of the normal force, in newtons, is a) 250 b) 250 cos 20 c) 250 sin 20 d) 2500 cos 20 Solution: 250 7. A 30 kg box sits on a at frictionless surface. Two forces of 200 N each are applied to the box as shown in the diagram. Which statement best describes the motion of the box? a) The box is lifted off the surface. b) The box moves to the right.
c) The box does not move. d) The box moves to the left.
200N 30
Solution: The box moves to the left. 8. A concrete block weighing 200 N is at rest on an inclined surface at an angle of 20 . The normal force, in newtons, is a) 200 b) 200 cos 20 c) 200 sin 20 d) 2000 cos 20 Solution: 200 9. A box, mass m, is at rest on a rough horizontal surface. A force of constant magnitude F is then applied on the box at an angle of 60 to the horizontal, as shown.
B m
rough surface
If the box has a uniform horizontal acceleration of magnitude, a, the frictional force acting on the box is... a) F cos60 ma in the direction of A b) F cos60 ma in the direction of B c) F sin60 ma in the direction of A d) F sin60 ma in the direction of B [SC 2003/11] Solution: F cos60 ma in the direction of A
10. Thabo stands in a train carriage which is moving eastwards. The train suddenly brakes. Thabo continues to move eastwards due to the effect of: a) his inertia. b) the inertia of the train. c) the braking force on him. d) a resultant force acting on him. [SC 2002/11 SG] Solution: his inertia 11. A 100 kg crate is placed on a slope that makes an angle of 45 with the horizontal. The gravitational force on the box is 98 N. The box does not slide down the slope. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the frictional force and the normal force present in this situation. Solution: Since the box does not move the frictional force acting on the box is equal to the component of the gravitational force parallel to the plane.
Ff = Fgx = F cos = (98) cos(45) = 69,3 N This force acts at an an angle of 45 with the horizontal. The normal force acts in the opposite direction to the gravitational force and has a magnitude of 98 N at an angle of 45 with the horizontal. 12. A body moving at a CONSTANT VELOCITY on a horizontal plane, has a number of unequal forces acting on it. Which one of the following statements is TRUE? a) At least two of the forces must be acting in the same direction. b) The resultant of the forces is zero. c) Friction between the body and the plane causes a resultant force. d) The vector sum of the forces causes a resultant force which acts in the direction of motion. [SC 2002/11 HG1] Solution: The resultant of the forces is zero. 13. Two masses of m and 2m respectively are connected by an elastic band on a frictionless surface. The masses are pulled in opposite directions by two forces each of magnitude F , stretching the elastic band and holding the masses stationary.
elastic band
Which of the following gives the magnitude of the tension in the elastic band? a) zero b)
1 2F
c) F d) 2F [IEB 2005/11 HG] Solution: F 14. A rocket takes off from its launching pad, accelerating up into the air.
tail nozzle W
The rocket accelerates because the magnitude of the upward force, F is greater than the magnitude of the rockets weight, W. Which of the following statements best describes how force F arises? a) F is the force of the air acting on the base of the rocket. b) F is the force of the rockets gas jet pushing down on the air. c) F is the force of the rockets gas jet pushing down on the ground. d) F is the reaction to the force that the rocket exerts on the gases which escape out through the tail nozzle. [IEB 2005/11 HG] Solution: F is the reaction to the force that the rocket exerts on the gases which escape out through the tail nozzle. 15. A box of mass 20 kg rests on a smooth horizontal surface. What will happen to the box if two forces each of magnitude 200 N are applied simultaneously to the box as shown in the diagram.
200 N 200 N 20 kg 30
a) be lifted off the surface. b) move to the left. c) move to the right. d) remain at rest. [SC 2001/11 HG1] Solution: move to the left 16. A 2 kg mass is suspended from spring balance X, while a 3 kg mass is suspended from spring balance Y. Balance X is in turn suspended from the 3 kg mass. Ignore the weights of the two spring balances.
Y 3 kg X 2 kg
The readings (in N) on balances X and Y are as follows: X 19,6 19,6 24,5 49 Y 29,4 49 24,5 49
17. P and Q are two forces of equal magnitude applied simultaneously to a body at X.
As the angle between the forces is decreased from 180 to 0 , the magnitude of the resultant of the two forces will a) initially increase and then decrease. b) initially decrease and then increase. c) increase only.
d) decrease only. [SC 2002/03 HG1] Solution: increase only 18. The graph below shows the velocity-time graph for a moving object:
v t
Which of the following graphs could best represent the relationship between the resultant force applied to the object and time?
F t F t F t F t
19. Two blocks each of mass 8 kg are in contact with each other and are accelerated along a frictionless surface by a force of 80 N as shown in the diagram. The force which block Q will exert on block P is equal to ...
Q 80 N P
8 kg 8 kg
a) 0 N b) 40 N c) 60 N d) 80 N [SC 2002/03 HG1] Solution: 40 N 20. A 12 kg box is placed on a rough surface. A force of 20 N applied at an angle of 30 to the horizontal cannot move the box. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the normal and friction forces.
N = mg = (12)(9,8) = 117,6 N This force points straight up from the surface. The friction force is:
Ff = Fapp cos 30 = (20) cos(30 ) = 17,3 N The frictional force points in the opposite direction to the applied force. 21. Three 1 kg mass pieces are placed on top of a 2 kg trolley. When a force of magnitude F is applied to the trolley, it experiences an acceleration a.
1 kg 1 kg 1 kg 2 kg F
If one of the 1 kg mass pieces falls off while F is still being applied, the trolley will accelerate at ... a) b) c)
1 5a 4 5a 5 4a
22. A car moves along a horizontal road at constant velocity. Which of the following statements is true? a) The car is not in equilibrium. b) There are no forces acting on the car. c) There is zero resultant force. d) There is no frictional force. [IEB 2004/11 HG1] Solution: There is zero resultant force.
23. A crane lifts a load vertically upwards at constant speed. The upward force exerted on the load is F. Which of the following statements is correct? a) The acceleration of the load is 9,8 ms1 downwards. b) The resultant force on the load is F. c) The load has a weight equal in magnitude to F. d) The forces of the crane on the load, and the weight of the load, are an example of a Newtons third law action-reaction pair. [IEB 2004/11 HG1] Solution: The load has a weight equal in magnitude to F. 24. A body of mass M is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface with two forces applied to it as in the diagram below. Force F1 is equal to M g . The force F1 is applied to the right at an angle to the horizontal, and a force of F2 is applied horizontally to the left.
F1 =Mg M F2
How is the body affected when the angle is increased? a) It remains at rest. b) It lifts up off the surface, and accelerates towards the right. c) It lifts up off the surface, and accelerates towards the left. d) It accelerates to the left, moving along the smooth horizontal surface. [IEB 2004/11 HG1] Solution: It accelerates to the left, moving along the smooth horizontal surface. 25. Which of the following statements correctly explains why a passenger in a car, who is not restrained by the seat belt, continues to move forward when the brakes are applied suddenly? a) The braking force applied to the car exerts an equal and opposite force on the passenger. b) A forward force (called inertia) acts on the passenger. c) A resultant forward force acts on the passenger. d) A zero resultant force acts on the passenger. [IEB 2003/11 HG1] Solution: A zero resultant force acts on the passenger.
26. A rocket (mass 20 000 kg) accelerates from rest to 40 ms1 in the rst 1,6 seconds of its journey upwards into space. The rockets propulsion system consists of exhaust gases, which are pushed out of an outlet at its base. a) Explain, with reference to the appropriate law of Newton, how the escaping exhaust gases exert an upwards force (thrust) on the rocket. b) What is the magnitude of the total thrust exerted on the rocket during the rst 1,6 s? c) An astronaut of mass 80 kg is carried in the space capsule. Determine the resultant force acting on him during the rst 1,6 s. d) Explain why the astronaut, seated in his chair, feels heavier while the rocket is launched. [IEB 2004/11 HG1] Solution: a) Newtons third law states that if body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a force of equal magnitude on body A, but in the opposite direction. The exhaust gases exert a force on the rocket. This means that the rocket also exerts a force on the exhaust gases. Since the direction of the force from the exhaust is downwards the direction of the force from the rocket must be upwards. This is what propels the rocket upwards. b) We rst need to nd the acceleration. We can do this by using the equations of motion:
T = W + ma = (20 000)(9,8) + (20 000)(25) = 696 000 N c) T = W + ma = (80)(9,8) + (80)(25) = 2784 N d) Weight is measured through normal forces. When the rocket accelerates upwards he feels a greater normal force acting on him as the force required to accelerate him upwards in addition to balancing out the gravitational force. 27. a) State Newtons second law of Motion.
b) A sports car (mass 1000 kg) is able to accelerate uniformly from rest to 30 ms1 in a minimum time of 6 s. i. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the car. ii. What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the car during these 6 s? c) The magnitude of the force that the wheels of the vehicle exert on the road surface as it accelerates is 7500 N. What is the magnitude of the retarding forces acting on this car? d) By reference to a suitable Law of Motion, explain why a headrest is important in a car with such a rapid acceleration. [IEB 2003/11 HG1 - Sports Car] Solution: a) If a resultant force acts on a body, it will cause the body to accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. The acceleration of the body will be directly proportional to the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The mathematical representation is: Fnet = ma b) i. a= v t 30 = 6 = 5 ms2
ii. F = ma = (1000)(5) = 5000 N c) The retarding force is the force that the cars wheels exert minus the resultant force:
F = Fapp Fres = 7500 5000 = 2500 N d) Newtons rst law states that an object continues in a state of rest or uniform motion (motion with a constant velocity) unless it is acted on by an unbalanced (net or resultant) force. There is a resultant force on the persons head and as the car accelerates their head is pulled back. The headrest stops the persons head from being pulled to far back and prevents whiplash. 28. A child (mass 18 kg) is strapped in his car seat as the car moves to the right at constant velocity along a straight level road. A tool box rests on the seat beside him.
tool box
The driver brakes suddenly, bringing the car rapidly to a halt. There is negligible friction between the car seat and the box. a) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the child during the time that the car is being braked. b) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the box during the time that the car is being braked. c) Modern cars are designed with safety features (besides seat belts) to protect drivers and passengers during collisions e.g. the crumple zones on the cars body. Rather than remaining rigid during a collision, the crumple zones allow the cars body to collapse steadily. State Newtons second law of motion. [IEB 2005/11 HG1] Solution:
N Seat belt
b) c) If a resultant force acts on a body, it will cause the body to accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. The acceleration of the body will be directly proportional to the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The mathematical representation is: Fnet = ma 29. The total mass of a lift together with its load is 1200 kg. It is moving downwards at a constant velocity of 9 ms1 .
9 m s1 1 200 kg
a) What will be the magnitude of the force exerted by the cable on the lift while it is moving downwards at constant velocity? Give an explanation for your answer. b) The lift is now uniformly brought to rest over a distance of 18 m. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the lift. c) Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by the cable while the lift is being brought to rest. [SC 2003/11 HG1] Solution: a) We take upwards as the positive direction. The acceleration is 0 since the lift is moving at constant velocity.
0 = (9)2 + 2a(18) 36a = 81 81 a= 36 = 2,25 ms2 c) T W = ma T = ma + mg = (1200)(2,25) + (9,8)(1200) = 9060 N 30. A driving force of 800 N acts on a car of mass 600 kg. a) Calculate the cars acceleration. b) Calculate the cars speed after 20 s. c) Calculate the new acceleration if a frictional force of 50 N starts to act on the car after 20 s.
d) Calculate the speed of the car after another 20 s (i.e. a total of 40 s after the start). Solution: a) F = ma F a= m 800 = 600 = 1,33 ms2 b) vf = vi + at vf = 0 + (20)(1,33) = 26,7 ms1 c) a2 = a1 Ff m
50 600 = 1,25 ms2 = 1,33 d) vf 2 = a1 t + a2 t vf 2 = (20)(1,33) + (20)(1,25) = 51,6 ms1 31. A stationary block of mass 3 kg is on top of a plane inclined at 35 to the horizontal.
3kg 35
a) Draw a force diagram (not to scale). Include the weight of the block as well as the components of the weight that are perpendicular and parallel to the inclined plane. b) Determine the values of the weights perpendicular and parallel components. Solution:
W W W||
W|| = F cos() = mg cos() = (3)(9.8) cos(35) = 24,01 N 32. A crate on an inclined plane Elephants are being moved from the Kruger National Park to the Eastern Cape. They are loaded into crates that are pulled up a ramp (an inclined plane) on frictionless rollers. The diagram shows a crate being held stationary on the ramp by means of a rope parallel to the ramp. The tension in the rope is 5000 N.
N 5000
Elephants 15
a) Explain how one can deduce the following: The forces acting on the crate are in equilibrium. b) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the elephant. (Regard the crate and elephant as one object, and represent them as a dot. Also show the relevant angles between the forces.) c) The crate has a mass of 800 kg. Determine the mass of the elephant. d) The crate is now pulled up the ramp at a constant speed. How does the crate being pulled up the ramp at a constant speed affect the forces acting on the crate and elephant? Justify your answer, mentioning any law or principle that applies to this situation. [IEB 2002/11 HG1] Solution: a) The sum of the forces is equal to the mass times the acceleration. Since the acceleration is 0, the sum of the forces is 0. This means that the forces acting on the crate are in equilibrium. N
c) WE || = W sin 5000 = W sin(15) 5000 W = sin(15) = 19 318,52 N W mcrate g 19 318,52 800 = 9,8 = 1171,28 kg
mE =
d) There will be no changes to the forces since the acceleration is 0. 33. Car in Tow Car A is towing Car B with a light tow rope. The cars move along a straight, horizontal road. a) Write down a statement of Newtons second law of Motion (in words). b) As they start off, Car A exerts a forwards force of 600 N at its end of the tow rope. The force of friction on Car B when it starts to move is 200 N. The mass of Car B is 1200 kg. Calculate the acceleration of Car B. c) After a while, the cars travel at constant velocity. The force exerted on the tow rope is now 300 N while the force of friction on Car B increases. What is the magnitude and direction of the force of friction on Car B now? d) Towing with a rope is very dangerous. A solid bar should be used in preference to a tow rope. This is especially true should Car A suddenly apply brakes. What would be the advantage of the solid bar over the tow rope in such a situation? e) The mass of Car A is also 1200 kg. Car A and Car B are now joined by a solid tow bar and the total braking force is 9600 N. Over what distance could the cars stop from a velocity of 20 ms1 ? [IEB 2002/11 HG1] Solution: a) If a resultant force acts on a body, it will cause the body to accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. The acceleration of the body will be directly proportional to the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. b) The total force on car B is 600 N 200 N = 400 N.
F = ma 400 a= 1200 = 0,33 ms2 c) The frictional force is equal to the force exerted on the tow rope but in the opposite direction. Ff = 300 N.
d) Newtons rst law states that an object will keep on moving in a straight line unless acted on by a force. A solid bar will stop car B from moving if car A breaks while a rope will not. e) The acceleration is: F = ma 9600 a= 2(1200) =4 So the stopping distance is:
2 2 vf = vi + 2ax
0 = (20)2 + 2(4)x 8x = 400 x = 50 m 34. Testing the Brakes of a Car A braking test is carried out on a car travelling at 20 ms1 . A braking distance of 30 m is measured when a braking force of 6000 N is applied to stop the car. a) Calculate the acceleration of the car when a braking force of 6000 N is applied. b) Show that the mass of this car is 900 kg. c) How long (in s) does it take for this car to stop from 20 ms1 under the braking action described above? d) A trailer of mass 600 kg is attached to the car and the braking test is repeated from 20 ms1 using the same braking force of 6000 N. How much longer will it take to stop the car with the trailer in tow? [IEB 2001/11 HG1] Solution: a)
2 2 vf = vi + 2ax
0 = (20)2 + 2(30)a 60a = 400 a = 6,67 ms2 b) F = ma 6000 = (6,67)m m = 900 kg c) vf = vi + at 0 = 20 + (6,67)t 6,67t = 20 t = 3,0 s
It will take 2 s longer. 35. A box is held stationary on a smooth plane that is inclined at angle to the horizontal.
F is the force exerted by a rope on the box. w is the weight of the box and N is the normal force of the plane on the box. Which of the following statements is correct? a) tan = b) c) d)
F w F tan = N cos = F w N sin = w
36. As a result of three forces F1 , F2 and F3 acting on it, an object at point P is in equilibrium.
F1 F2
Which of the following statements is not true with reference to the three forces? a) The resultant of forces F1 , F2 and F3 is zero. b) Force F1 , F2 and F3 lie in the same plane. c) Force F3 is the resultant of forces F1 and F2 . d) The sum of the components of all the forces in any chosen direction is zero.
[SC 2001/11 HG1] Solution: Force F3 is the resultant of forces F1 and F2 . 37. A block of mass M is held stationary by a rope of negligible mass. The block rests on a frictionless plane which is inclined at 30 to the horizontal.
M 30
a) Draw a labelled force diagram which shows all the forces acting on the block. b) Resolve the force due to gravity into components that are parallel and perpendicular to the plane. c) Calculate the weight of the block when the force in the rope is 8 N. Solution:
a) b)
W = Mg W|| = M g sin W = M g cos c) W|| = M g sin 8 = M (9,8) sin(30) M = 1,63 N 38. A heavy box, mass m, is lifted by means of a rope R which passes over a pulley xed to a pole. A second rope S, tied to rope R at point P, exerts a horizontal force and pulls the box to the right. After lifting the box to a certain height, the box is held stationary as shown in the sketch below. Ignore the masses of the ropes. The tension in rope R is 5850 N.
rope R 70 P rope S
strut box
a) Draw a diagram (with labels) of all the forces acting at the point P, when P is in equilibrium. b) By resolving the force exerted by rope R into components, calculate the... i. magnitude of the force exerted by rope S. ii. mass, m, of the box. [SC 2003/11] Solution:
a) b) i.
S = R cos = (5850) cos(20) = 5497,2 N ii. mg = R sin 9,8m = (5850) sin(20) m = 204,17 kg 39. A tow truck attempts to tow a broken down car of mass 400 kg. The coefcient of static friction is 0,60 and the coefcient of kinetic (dynamic) friction is 0,4. A rope connects the tow truck to the car. Calculate the force required: a) to just move the car if the rope is parallel to the road. b) to keep the car moving at constant speed if the rope is parallel to the road. c) to just move the car if the rope makes an angle of 30 to the road. d) to keep the car moving at constant speed if the rope makes an angle of 30 to the road. Solution: a) F s = s F Fs = s mg = (0,6)(400)(9,8) Fs = 2352 N b) Ff = k F = k mg = (0,4)(400)(9,8) = 1568 N
1. An object attracts another with a gravitational force F. If the distance between the centres of the two objects is now decreased to a third ( 1 3 ) of the original distance, the force of attraction that the one object would exert on the other would become... a) b)
1 9F 1 3F
c) 3F d) 9F [SC 2003/11] Solution: 9F 2. An object is dropped from a height of 1 km above the Earth. If air resistance is ignored, the acceleration of the object is dependent on the... a) mass of the object b) radius of the earth c) mass of the earth d) weight of the object [SC 2003/11] Solution: weight of the object 3. A man has a mass of 70 kg on Earth. He is walking on a new planet that has a mass four times that of the Earth and the radius is the same as that of the Earth ( ME = 6 1024 kg, rE = 6 106 m ) a) Calculate the force between the man and the Earth.
b) What is the mans weight on the new planet? c) Would his weight be bigger or smaller on the new planet? Explain how you arrived at your answer. Solution: a) FE = Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(70)(6 1024 ) = (6 106 )2 = 778,2 N
b) The mass of the new planet is four times the mass of the Earth so we get: Gm1 4m2 d2 = 4FE
Fplanet =
= (778,2)(4) = 3112,8 N c) His weight is bigger on the new planet. The new planet has the same radius as the Earth, but a larger mass. Since the mass of the planet is proportional to the force of gravity (or the weight) the mans weight must be larger. 4. Calculate the distance between two objects, 5000 kg and 6 1012 kg respectively, if the magnitude of the force between them is 3 108 N Solution:
Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(5000)(6 1012 ) 3 108 = d2 8 2 6 3 10 d = 2,001 10 F = d2 = 6,67 10-3 = 8,2 10-2 m 5. An astronaut in a satellite 1600 km above the Earth experiences a gravitational force of magnitude 700 N on Earth. The Earths radius is 6400 km. Calculate: a) The magnitude of the gravitational force which the astronaut experiences in the satellite. b) The magnitude of the gravitational force on an object in the satellite which weighs 300 N on Earth. Solution: a) We rst work out the mass of the astronaut:
Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(6 1024 )mA 700 = (6400 103 )2 9,77mA = 700 F = mA = 71,6 kg Now we can work out the gravitational force in the satellite: Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(6 1024 )(71,6) = (6400 103 + 1600 103 )2 = 448 N
FS =
b) We rst work out the mass of the object: Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(6 1024 )mO 300 = (6400 103 )2 9,77mO = 300 F = mO = 30,7 kg Now we can work out the gravitational force in the satellite: Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(6 1024 )(30,7) = (6400 103 + 1600 103 )2 = 192 N
FS =
6. An astronaut of mass 70 kg on Earth lands on a planet which has half the Earths radius and twice its mass. Calculate the magnitude of the force of gravity which is exerted on him on the planet. Solution: The gravitational force on Earth is: FE = GmE mA 2 rE
On the planet we have twice the Earths mass and half the Earths radius: GmP mA 2 rP 2GmE mA
2 rE 4
FP = =
7. Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force of attraction between two spheres of lead with a mass of 10 kg and 6 kg respectively if they are placed 50 mm apart. Solution:
F =
8. The gravitational force between two objects is 1200 N. What is the gravitational force between the objects if the mass of each is doubled and the distance between them halved? Solution: The gravitational force is: F1 = Gm1 m2 d2
If we double each mass and halve the distance between them we now have:
F2 =
So the force will be 16 times as much. 9. Calculate the gravitational force between the Sun with a mass of 2 1030 kg and the Earth with a mass of 6 1024 kg if the distance between them is 1,4 108 km. Solution:
F =
Gm1 m2 d2 (6,67 10-11 )(2 1030 )(6 1024 ) = (1,4 1011 )2 = 4,1 1022 N
10. How does the gravitational force of attraction between two objects change when a) the mass of each object is doubled. b) the distance between the centres of the objects is doubled. c) the mass of one object is halved, and the distance between the centres of the objects is halved. Solution:
a) The gravitational force will be four times as much. b) The gravitational force will be one fourth as much or four times smaller. c) The gravitational force will be twice as much. 11. Read each of the following statements and say whether you agree or not. Give reasons for your answer and rewrite the statement if necessary: a) The gravitational acceleration g is constant. b) The weight of an object is independent of its mass. c) G is dependent on the mass of the object that is being accelerated. Solution: a) Agree b) Disagree. Weight is related to mass via the gravitational acceleration c) Disagree. G is a universal constant 12. An astronaut weighs 750 N on the surface of the Earth. a) What will his weight be on the surface of Saturn, which has a mass 100 times greater than the Earth, and a radius 5 times greater than the Earth? b) What is his mass on Saturn? Solution: a) On Earth we have: aE = G ME 2 RE
On Saturn we note that MS = 100ME and RS = 5RE . So the gravitational acceleration on Saturn is:
aS = G
MS 2 RS 100ME =G 2 25RE ME = 4G 2 RE
aE = mgE aE m= gE 750 = 9,8 = 76,53 kg His mass on Saturn is the same as his mass on Earth, it is only his weight that is different. 13. Your mass is 60 kg in Paris at ground level. How much less would you weigh after taking a lift to the top of the Eiffel Tower, which is 405 m high? Assume the Earths mass is 6,0 1024 kg and the Earths radius is 6400 km. Solution: We start with your weight on the surface of the Earth. The gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth is 9,8 ms2 and so your weight is:
Fg = mg = (60)(9,8) = 588 N At the top of the Eiffel Tower the gravitational acceleration is:
ao = G
MEarth d2 (6,67 10-11 )(6,0 1024 ) = (6400 103 + 405)2 = 9,77 ms2
Fg = mg = (60)(9,77) = 586,2 N So you would weigh 1,8 N less. 14. a) State Newtons law of universal gravitation. b) Use Newtons law of universal gravitation to determine the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon. The mass of the Moon is 7,4 1022 kg. The radius of the Moon is 1,74 106 m. c) Will an astronaut, kitted out in his space suit, jump higher on the Moon or on the Earth? Give a reason for your answer. Solution:
a) Every body in the universe exerts a force on every other body. The force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. b) g= F mo mo G mmoon r2 = m2 mmoon =G r2 (6,67 10-11 )(7,4 1022 ) = (1,74 106 )2 = 1,63
c) He will be able to jump higher on the moon. The acceleration due to gravity is lower on the moon than on the Earth and so there is less gravitational force pulling him down on the moon.
Atomic combinations
Atomic combinations
In this chapter learners will explore the concept of a covalent bond in greater detail. In grade ten learners learnt about the three types of chemical bond (ionic, covalent and metallic). A great video to introduce this topic is: Veritasium chemical bonding song. In this chapter the focus is on the covalent bond. A short breakdown of the topics in this chapter follows.
Electron structure and Lewis diagrams (from grade 10) As revision you can ask learners to draw Lewis diagrams for the rst 20 elements and give the electronic structure (this was covered in grade 10). This then leads into thinking how the elements can share electrons in a bond. Learners should recognise that there are unpaired electrons in atoms that can be shared to form the bonds. It is important to note that when drawing Lewis diagrams, we rst place single electrons around the central atom and only once four electrons have been placed, do we pair electrons up. This will avoid the need to explain hybridisation. It is also important for learners to realise that the placement of electrons is arbitrary and the electrons can be placed anywhere around the atom. Why hydrogen is a diatomic molecule but helium is a monatomic molecule This part of the chapter is interleaved with electron structure and Lewis diagrams as these two concepts play a key role in understanding why hydrogen is diatomic and helium is monatomic. In this part learners are introduced to the idea that when two atoms come close together there is a change in the potential energy. This forms a strong foundation for explaining the energy changes that occur in chemical reactions and will be seen again in chapter 12 (energy changes in chemical reactions). Deducing simple rules about bond formation (and drawing Lewis diagrams for these molecules) Four cases are looked at to try to understand why bonds form. This is all about the covalent bond, so all the examples you use must be of covalent molecules (and you must also only pick examples of covalent molecular structures as covalent network structures are more like ionic networks and do not form simple molecular units). It is also important to help learners realise that a lone pair of electrons is very much dependant on the molecule that they are looking at. Lone pairs of electrons can be used under special circumstances to form dative (or coordinate) covalent bonds. The basic principles of VSEPR and predicting molecular shape You can build the different molecular shapes before starting to teach VSEPR from large polystyrene balls and kebab sticks or you can give your learners jellytots or marshmallows and toothpicks and get them to build the molecular shapes. Remember that the shapes with lone pairs need more space for the lone pairs and so it is not as simple as just removing the toothpick for the lone pair. This topic covers the shapes that molecules have. This is only the shapes of covalent molecular compounds, covalent network structures, ionic compounds and metals have very different three dimensional forms. This topic is important to help learners determine polarity of molecules. Two approaches are used to determine the shape of a molecule. The rst one looks at molecules matching
up to a general formula while the second one considers how many electron pairs are around a central atom. These two approaches can be used together to help learners fully understand this topic. Electronegativity and polarity of bonds It is important to note that CAPs does not give a denitive source for electronegativity values. You should use the ones found on the periodic table in the matric exams (these are the same values as the ones on the periodic table at the front of this book). Learners should be aware that they may see different values on other periodic tables. Learners must not think of the different types of bonding as being exactly dened. Also, the values for where the types of bonding transition are not exact and different sources quote different cut-off points. The simplest examples of polarity are the ideal shapes with all the end atoms the same and so you should stick to this in your explanation. You can explain this for trigonal planar molecules by using your learners. Get three girls or three boys to link hands (they all put their right hand into the centre and hold the other two learners right hands). Then they try to pull away (all learners pull equally). This is the even sharing of electrons. Now replace a girl with a boy (or vice versa) and tell the new learner to pull a bit less. This shows the uneven sharing of electrons. Bond length and bond energy In this nal part of the chapter we return to our energy diagram and add two pieces of information: bond energy and bond length. The bond length is the distance between the two atoms when they are at their minimum energy, while the bond energy is this minimum energy. The bond energy comes up again in chapter 12 (energy and chemical change) when the topic of exothermic and endothermic reactions is covered.
Coloured text has been used as a tool to highlight different parts of Lewis diagrams. Ensure that learners understand that the coloured text does not mean there is anything special about that part of the diagram, this is simply a teaching tool to help them identify the important aspects of the diagram, in particular the unpaired electrons.
Chemical bonds
3. chlorine Solution: [Ne]3s2 3p5
Exercise 3 2: Represent the following molecules using Lewis diagram: 1. chlorine (Cl2 ) Solution:
Cl Cl
2. formaldehyde (CH2 O) Solution:
1. Represent each of the following atoms using Lewis diagrams: a) calcium b) lithium c) phosphorous d) potassium e) silicon f) sulfur Solution: a) b) c) d) e)
2. Represent each of the following molecules using Lewis diagrams: a) bromine (Br2 ) b) carbon dioxide (CO2 ) c) nitrogen (N2 ) d) hydronium ion (H3 O+ ) e) sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) Solution:
Br Br
d) e)
3. Two chemical reactions are described below. nitrogen and hydrogen react to form NH3 carbon and hydrogen bond to form CH4 For each reaction, give: a) the number of valence electrons for each of the atoms involved in the reaction b) the Lewis diagram of the product that is formed c) the name of the product Solution: a) Nitrogen: 5, hydrogen: 1 Carbon: 4, hydrogen: 1 b) NH3
c) NH3 : ammonia CH4 : methane 4. A chemical compound has the following Lewis diagram:
a) How many valence electrons does element Y have? b) How many valence electrons does element X have? c) How many covalent bonds are in the molecule? d) Suggest a name for the elements X and Y. Solution:
a) 6. There are 6 dots around element Y and from our knowledge of Lewis diagrams we know that these represent the valence electrons. b) 1. X contributes one electron (represented by a cross) to the bond and X has no other electrons. c) 2 single bonds. From our knowledge of Lewis diagrams we look at how many cross and dot pairs there are in the molecule and that gives us the number of covalent bonds. These are single bonds since there is only one dot and cross pair between adjacent atoms. d) The most likely atoms are: Y: oxygen and X: hydrogen. Note that Y could also be sulfur and X hydrogen and the molecule would then be hydrogen sulde (sulfur dihydride). 5. Complete the following table: Compound Lewis diagram Total number of bonding pairs Total number of non-bonding pairs Single, double or triple bonds Solution: Compound CO2 CF4
C2 H2
Lewis diagram Total number of bonding pairs Total number of non-bonding pairs Single, double or triple bonds
4 4
4 12
Two bonds
Four bonds
C2 H2
Lewis diagram Total number of bonding pairs Total number of non-bonding pairs Single, double or triple bonds
1 3
5 0
Molecular shape
1. BeCl2 Solution: The central atom is beryllium (draw the molecules Lewis structure to see this). There are two electron pairs around beryllium and no lone pairs. There are two bonding electron pairs and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX2 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is linear.
3. PCl5 Solution: The central atom is phosphorous. There are ve electron pairs around phosphorous and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX5 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is trigonal pyramidal.
4. SF6
Solution: The central atom is sulfur. There are six electron pairs around phosphorous and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX6 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is octahedral.
5. CO2 Solution: The central atom is carbon. (Draw the molecules Lewis diagram to see this.) There are four electron pairs around carbon. These form two double bonds. There are no lone pairs around carbon. The molecule has the general formula AX2 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is linear.
6. CH4 Solution: The central atom is carbon. (Draw the molecules Lewis diagram to see this). There are four electron pairs around carbon and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX4 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is tetrahedral.
7. H2 O Solution: The central atom is oxygen (you can see this by drawing the molecules Lewis diagram). There are two electron pairs around oxygen and two lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX2 E2 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is bent or angular.
8. COH2 Solution: The central atom is carbon. There are four electron pairs around carbon, two of which form a double bond to the oxygen atom. There are no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX3 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is trigonal planar.
Exercise 3 7:
1. Calculate the electronegativity difference between: Be and C, H and C, Li and F, Al and Na, C and O. Solution: Be and C: 2,5 1,5 = 1,0. H and C: 2,5 2,1 = 0,4. Li and F: 4,0 1,0 = 3,0. Al and Na: 1,5 0,9 = 0,6. C and O: 3,5 2,5 = 1,0.
Polar molecules
Exercise 3 8: Electronegativity
1. In a molecule of beryllium chloride (BeCl2 ): a) What is the electronegativity of beryllium? b) What is the electronegativity of chlorine? c) Which atom will have a slightly positive charge and which will have a slightly negative charge in the molecule? Represent this on a sketch of the molecule using partial charges. d) Is the bond a non-polar or polar covalent bond? e) Is the molecule polar or non-polar? Solution: a) 2,1 b) 3,0 c) Hydrogen will have a slightly positive charge and chlorine will have a slightly negative charge.
Cl + Be Cl
d) Polar covalent bond. The electronegativity difference is: 3,0 2,1 = 0,9. The bond is weakly polar. e) Hydrogen chloride is linear and therefore is a polar molecule. 2. Complete the table below:
Polar/non-polar molecule
3.3. Electronegativity
H2 O
Polar/non-polar molecule Polar molecule. Water has a bent or angular shape. Polar molecule. Hydrogen bromide is linear. Non-polar molecule. Non-polar molecule. Methane is tetrahedral. Non-polar molecule. Phosphorous pentauoride is trigonal bypramidal and symmetrical. Non-polar molecule. Beryllium chloride is linear and symmetrical. Polar molecule. Carbon monoxide is linear, but not symmetrical. Non-polar molecule. Acetylene is linear and symmetrical. Polar molecule. Sulfur dioxide is bent or angular and is not symmetrical. Non-polar molecule. Boron triuoride is trigonal pyramidal and not symmetrical.
F2 CH4
C2 H2
Chapter summary
Exercise 3 9:
1. Give one word/term for each of the following descriptions. a) The distance between two adjacent atoms in a molecule. b) A type of chemical bond that involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms.
c) A measure of an atoms ability to attract electrons to itself in a chemical bond. Solution: a) Bond length b) Covalent bond c) Electronegativity 2. Which ONE of the following best describes the bond formed between an H+ ion and the NH3 molecule? a) Covalent bond b) Dative covalent (co-ordinate covalent) bond c) Ionic Bond d) Hydrogen Bond Solution: Dative covalent (co-ordinate covalent) bond 3. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms: a) valence electrons b) bond energy c) covalent bond Solution: a) The number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom that are available for use in bonding either by sharing, donating or accepting. b) The amount of energy needed for a bond to break. c) A type of bond that occurs between two atoms with a difference in electronegativity between 0 and 2,1. 4. Which of the following reactions will not take place? Explain your answer. a) H + H H2 b) Ne + Ne Ne2 c) Cl + Cl Cl2 Solution: Ne + Ne Ne2 will not take place as neon does not have electrons available for bonding. Neon is a noble gas and has a full outer shell of electrons. 5. Draw the Lewis diagrams for each of the following: a) An atom of strontium (Sr). (Hint: Which group is it in? It will have an identical Lewis diagram to other elements in that group). b) An atom of iodine. c) A molecule of hydrogen bromide (HBr). d) A molecule of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ). (Hint: There will be a single unpaired electron).
Solution: a)
Sr I
b) c) d)
6. Given the following Lewis diagram, where X and Y each represent a different element:
a) How many valence electrons does X have? b) How many valence electrons does Y have? c) Which elements could X and Y represent? Solution: a) 1 b) 5 c) X could be hydrogen and Y could be nitrogen. 7. Determine the shape of the following molecules: a) O2 b) MgI2 c) BCl3 d) CS2 e) CCl4 f) CH3 Cl g) Br2 h) SCl5 F Solution: a) This is a diatomic molecule and so the molecular shape is linear. b) The central atom is magnesium (draw the molecules Lewis structure to see this). There are two electron pairs around magnesium and no lone pairs. There are two bonding electron pairs and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX2 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is linear.
c) The central atom is boron (draw the molecules Lewis structure to see this). There are three electron pairs around boron and no lone pairs. There are three bonding electron pairs and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX3 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is trigonal planar. d) The central atom is carbon (draw the molecules Lewis structure to see this). There are four electron pairs around carbon forming two double bonds. There are no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX2 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is linear. e) The central atom is carbon (draw the molecules Lewis structure to see this). There are four bonding electron pairs and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX4 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is tetrahedral. f) The central atom is carbon (draw the molecules Lewis structure to see this). There are four bonding electron pairs and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX4 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is tetrahedral. g) This is a diatomic molecule and so the molecular shape is linear. h) The central atom is sulfur There are six electron pairs around beryllium and no lone pairs. The molecule has the general formula AX6 . Using this information and Table ?? we nd that the molecular shape is octahedral. 8. Complete the following table. Element pair Hydrogen and lithium Hydrogen and boron Hydrogen and oxygen Hydrogen and sulfur Magnesium and nitrogen Magnesium and chlorine Boron and uorine Sodium and uorine Oxygen and nitrogen Oxygen and carbon Solution: Element pair Hydrogen and lithium Hydrogen and boron Hydrogen and oxygen Hydrogen and sulfur Magnesium and nitrogen Magnesium and chlorine Electronegativity difference 1,22 0,16 1,24 0,38 1,73 1,73 Type of form Strong bond Weak bond Strong bond Weak bond Strong bond Strong bond Strong bond bond that could polar polar polar polar polar polar polar covalent covalent covalent covalent covalent covalent covalent Electronegativity difference Type of bond that could form
9. Are the following molecules polar or non-polar? a) O2 b) MgBr2 c) BF3 d) CH2 O Solution: a) The molecule is linear. There are two bonding pairs forming a double bond and two lone pairs on each oxygen atom. There is one bond. The electronegativity difference between oxygen and oxygen is 0. The bond is non-polar. The molecule is symmetrical and is non-polar. b) The molecule is linear. There are two bonding pairs forming two single bonds and three lone pairs on each bromine atom. There are two bonds, both of which are between magnesium and bromine. The electronegativity difference between magnesium and bromine is 1,6. The bonds are polar. The molecule is symmetrical and is non-polar. c) The molecule is trigonal planar. There are three bonding pairs forming three single bonds and three lone pairs on each uorine atom. There are three bonds, all of which are between boron and uorine. The electronegativity difference between boron and uorine is 2,0. The bonds are polar. The molecule is symmetrical and is non-polar. d) The molecule is trigonal planar. There are four bonding pairs forming two single bonds and one double bond. There are two lone pairs on the oxygen atom. There are three bonds, two of which are between carbon and hydrogen. The electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen is 0,4. The other bond is between carbon and oxygen. The electronegativity difference between carbon and oxygen is 1,0. All the bonds are polar. The molecule is not symmetrical and is polar. 10. Given the following graph for hydrogen:
a) The bond length for hydrogen is 74 pm. Indicate this value on the graph. (Remember that pm is a picometer and means 74 10-12 m). The bond energy for hydrogen is 436 kJmol1 . Indicate this value on the graph. b) What is important about point X? Solution:
74 pm 0 436 kJmol1
a) b) At point X the attractive and repulsive forces acting on the two hydrogen atoms are balanced. The energy is at a minimum. 11. Hydrogen chloride has a bond length of 127 pm and a bond energy of 432 kJmol1 . Draw a graph of energy versus distance and indicate these values on your graph. The graph does not have to be accurate, a rough sketch graph will do. Solution:
Intermolecular forces
Intermolecular forces
If there were no intermolecular forces than all matter would exist as gases and we would not be here. This chapter introduces learners to a new concept called an intermolecular force. It is easy for learners to become confused as to whether they are talking about bonds or about intermolecular forces, particularly when the intermolecular forces in the noble gases are discussed. For this reason you should try and use the word bond or bonding to refer to the interatomic forces (the things holding the atoms together) and intermolecular forces for the things holding the molecules together. Getting learners to label the bonds and intermolecular forces on diagrams of molecules will help them to come to grips with the terminology. This topic comes right after learners have learnt about electronegativity and polarity so this is a good chapter to reinforce those concepts and help learners see the use of electronegativity and polarity. Learners need to be very comfortable with determining the polarity and shape of molecules as this will help them determine the kinds of intermolecular forces that occur. A brief overview of the topics covered in this chapter follows.
What are intermolecular and how do they differ from bonds (interatomic forces). This topic introduces learners to the concept of intermolecular forces. The ve different types of intermolecular forces are introduced. Intermolecular forces are one of the main reason that matter exists in different states (solids, liquids and gases). Gases have no intermolecular forces between particles. For this reason you should either choose examples that are all in the liquid or solid state at room temperature (this temperature is the most familiar to learner) or remind learners that although the examples may be gases, we can consider the intermolecular forces between gases when they are cooled down and become liquids. It is also important to take care if you use the noble gases to explain induced dipole forces since technically these forces are not between molecules and so may confuse learners. Physical state and density. Although this is listed as a separate point in CAPs, in this book it has been worked into the explanation of intermolecular forces. Solids have the strongest intermolecular forces between molecules and it is these forces which hold the molecules in a rigid shape. In a liquid the intermolecular forces are continuously breaking and reforming as the molecules move and slide over each other. Particle kinetic energy and temperature. This topic is also listed as a separate point in CAPs and is worked into the explanation of intermolecular forces. This topic links back to grade 10 (states of matter and the kinetic molecular theory) and also links to chapter 7 (ideal gases). The chemistry of water. The second half of this chapter is devoted to understanding more about water. Water is a unique liquid in many aspects. Some of these properties of water are explained in this part of the text. It is important to link this into intermolecular forces and in particular the strong hydrogen bonds that are found between water molecules.
The worked examples on intermolecular forces condense a lot of information into the rst step. You may need to remind learners how to determine molecular polarity. To do this, you can use the worked examples in atomic combinations as a quick refresher of the topic. In tests and exams learners need to be able to quickly identify a polar or non-polar molecule and so need to be very comfortable with this skill. A formal experiment on the effects of intermolecular forces is included in this chapter. In this experiment learners will investigate how intermolecular forces affect evaporation, surface tension, solubility, boiling points and capillarity. Some of the substances that are used (nail polish remover (mainly acetone if you use the non acetone free variety), methylated spirits (a mixture of methanol and ethanol), oil (a mostly nonpolar hydrocarbon), glycerin (a fairly complex organic molecule)) are quite complex substances and learners may not have the skills needed to determine the types of intermolecular forces at work here. You should guide learners in this and tell them the intermolecular forces for these substances. You can help learners work out the strength of the intermolecular forces by telling them that larger molecules have stronger intermolecular forces than smaller molecules. This is often a big factor in determining which substance has the strongest intermolecular forces. This experiment is split into ve experiments. Each experiment focuses on a different property and sees how that property relates to intermolecular forces. It will often not be easy for learners to see the small differences between some of the molecules chosen and so they need to use a combination of experimental results and knowledge about the strength of the intermolecular force to try and predict what may happen. Each experiment ends with a conclusion about what should be found to guide learners. It is very important to work in a well ventilated room (one with lots of air ow) particularly when working with methanol and ethanol. Many of the substances used (particularly nail polish remover, ethanol and methylated spirits) are highly ammable and so care must be taken when heating these substances. It is recommended that learners use a hot plate rather than a Bunsen burner to heat these substances as this reduces the risk of re. When doing chemistry experiments it is also extra important to ensure that your learners do not run around, do not try to drink the chemicals, do not eat and drink in the lab, do not throw chemicals on the other learners and in general do act in a responsible and safe way. The guidelines for safe experimental work can be found in the science skills chapter from grade 10. An experiment for informal assessment is included in this chapter. This experiment is very similar to the one on intermolecular forces. In this experiment learners focus on the properties of water. This is a good experiment to do to guide learners in understanding the properties of water. When working with Bunsen burners learners should ensure that loose clothing is tucked away and long hair is tied back. As always with chemistry experiments you should open all the windows to ensure a well ventilated room. At the end of the experiment check that all Bunsen burners are turned off. If learners leave the beaker of water on the Bunsen burner for to long and the water starts to boil or steam is observed, then make sure the learners do not touch the beaker as they will be burn themselves.
Types of intermolecular forces The difference between intermolecular and interatomic forces
Exercise 4 1: Which intermolecular forces are found in:
1. hydrogen uoride (HF) Solution: Hydrogen uoride is a polar covalent molecule. (It is linear and not symmetrical.) So the type of intermolecular force is dipole-dipole forces. 2. methane (CH4 ) Solution: Methane is a non-polar covalent molecule. (It is tetrahedral and symmetrical.) So the type of intermolecular force is induced dipole forces. 3. potassium chloride in ammonia (KCl in NH3 ) Solution: Potassium chloride is an ionic compound. Ammonia is a polar covalent molecule. (It is trigonal pyramidal and not symmetrical.) So the type of intermolecular force is ion-dipole forces. 4. krypton (Kr) Solution: Krypton is a noble gas. So the type of intermolecular force is induced dipole forces.
a) Name the molecule and circle it on the diagram b) Label the interatomic forces (covalent bonds) c) Label the intermolecular forces
interatomic force
2. Given the following molecules and solutions: HCl, CO2 , I2 , H2 O, KI(aq), NH3 , NaCl(aq), HF, MgCl2 in CCl4 , NO, Ar, SiO2 Complete the table below by placing each molecule next to the correct type of intermolecular force. Ion-dipole Ion-induced-dipole Dipole-dipole (no hydrogen bonding) Dipole-dipole (hydrogen bonding) Induced dipole Dipole-induced-dipole In which one of the substances listed above are the intermolecular forces: a) strongest b) weakest Solution: Ion-dipole Ion-induced-dipole Dipole-dipole (no hydrogen bonding) Dipole-dipole (hydrogen bonding) Induced dipole Dipole-induced-dipole KI(aq), NaCl(aq), HF(aq) MgCl2 in CCl4 HCl, NO H2 O, NH3 CO2 , I2 , Ar SiO2 in water
Water or ammonia are likely to have the strongest forces, while argon, iodine and carbon dioxide are likely to have the weakest forces. Induced dipole forces are the weakest intermolecular forces and hydrogen bonding is the strongest. 3. Use your knowledge of different types of intermolecular forces to explain the following statements: a) The boiling point of F2 is much lower than the boiling point of NH3 b) Water evaporates slower than carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ). c) Sodium chloride is likely to dissolve in methanol (CH3 OH) . Solution: a) NH3 has hydrogen bonds which are much stronger than the induced dipole forces in F2 . In order for a liquid to boil the intermolecular forces must be broken and if the intermolecular forces are very strong then it will take a lot of energy to overcome these forces and so the boiling point will be higher.
b) Water has strong intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds) while carbon tetrachloride only has weaker induced dipole forces. (Carbon tetrachloride is non-polar). Substances with stronger intermolecular forces take longer to evaporate than substances with weaker intermolecular forces. c) Sodium chloride is ionic. Methanol is polar. The type of intermolecular force that can exist when sodium chloride dissolves in methanol is iondipole forces. The formation of these forces helps to disrupt the ionic bonds in sodium chloride and so sodium chloride can dissolve in methanol. 4. Tumi and Jason are helping their dad tile the bathroom oor. Their dad tells them to leave small gaps between the tiles. Why do they need to leave these small gaps? Solution: Materials (such as tiles) expand on heating and so small gaps need to be left between the tiles to allow for this expansion. If Tumi and Jason did not leave these gaps between the tiles, the tiles would soon lift up.
1. Hope returns home from school on a hot day and pours herself a glass of water. She adds ice cubes to the water and notices that they oat on the water. a) What property of ice cubes allows them to oat in the water? b) Briey describe how this property affects the survival of aquatic life during winter. Solution: a) Ice cubes are less dense than liquid water. Water has a less dense solid phase than solid water. b) If the ice did not oat on top of the water then all bodies of water would freeze from the bottom up. This would mean that aquatic life would not be able to survive through the cold winters as there would be no habitat for them. 2. Which properties of water allow it to remain in its liquid phase over a large temperature range? Explain why this is important for life on earth. Solution: High boiling point and low melting point. Water has strong hydrogen bonds between molecules. These bonds require a lot of energy before they will break. This leads to water having a higher boiling point than if there were only weaker dipole-dipole forces. Water also has a high specic heat. If water did not have
such a large range in which it is a liquid, bodies of water would freeze over faster, destroying the life in them. Also if the boiling point of water was lower, then all the water could evaporate on a hot day, which would cause all life to die. 3. Which property of water allows the oceans to act as heat reservoirs? What effect does this have on the Earths climate? Solution: Water is able to absorb infrared radiation (heat) from the sun. This heat energy is stored in the oceans. Without this effect, the heat from the sun would cause the daytime temperatures on the Earth to become unbearably hot.
Chapter summary
Exercise 4 4:
1. Give one word or term for each of the following descriptions: a) The attractive force that exists between molecules. b) A molecule that has an unequal distribution of charge. c) The amount of heat energy that is needed to increase the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree. Solution: a) Intermolecular force b) Polar molecule c) Specic heat 2. Refer to the list of substances below: HCl, Cl2 , H2 O, NH3 , N2 , HF Select the true statement from the list below: a) NH3 is a non-polar molecule b) The melting point of NH3 will be higher than for Cl2 c) Ion-dipole forces exist between molecules of HF d) At room temperature N2 is usually a liquid Solution: The melting point of NH3 will be higher than for Cl2 3. The following table gives the melting points of various hydrides: Hydride HI NH3 H2 S CH4 Melting point ( C) 34 33 60 164
a) In which of these hydrides does hydrogen bonding occur? i. ii. iii. iv. HI only NH3 only HI and NH3 only HI, NH3 and H2 S
b) Draw a graph to show the melting points of the hydrides. c) Explain the shape of the graph. (IEB Paper 2, 2003) Solution: a) HI and NH3 only b) Hydrides are numbered as: HI is 4, NH3 is 3, H2 S is 2 and CH4 is 1.
c) There is a decrease in the temperature from the rst hydride (number 4 on the graph) to the last one (number 1 on the graph). The shape of the graph shows the decreasing intermolecular forces between the molecules in the compounds. 4. The respective boiling points for four chemical substances are given below: Hydrogen sulphide Ammonia Hydrogen uoride Water 60 C 33 C 20 C 100 C
a) Which one of the substances exhibits the strongest forces of attraction between its molecules in the liquid state? b) Give the name of the force responsible for the relatively high boiling points of hydrogen uoride and water and explain how this force originates. c) The shapes of the molecules of hydrogen sulde and water are similar, yet their boiling points differ. Explain. (IEB Paper 2, 2002) Solution: a) Water
b) Hydrogen bonding. This force occurs between the hydrogen atoms of one molecule and a high electronegativity atom of another molecule. The relatively positive hydrogen atom is attracted to the relatively negative atom (e.g. oxygen, nitrogen, uorine). c) Hydrogen sulde does not have hydrogen bonding since sulfur has a low electronegativity. This reduces the boiling point of hydrogen sulde since it is easier to break the intermolecular forces between molecules of hydrogen sulde. 5. Susan states that van der Waals forces include ion-dipole forces, dipole-dipole forces and induced dipole forces. Simphiwe states that van der Waals forces include ion-dipole forces, ion-induced dipole forces and induced dipole forces. Thembile states that van der Waals forces include dipole-induced dipole forces, dipole-dipole forces and induced dipole forces. Who is correct and why? Solution: Thembile is correct. Van der Waals forces are the only forces that can exist with covalent molecules and so including either ion-dipole or ion-induced dipole forces is not correct. 6. Jason and Bongani are arguing about which molecules have which intermolecular forces. They have drawn up the following table: Compound Potassium iodide in water (KI(aq)) Hydrogen sulde (H2 S) Helium (He) Methane (CH4 ) Type of force dipole-induced dipole forces induced dipole forces ion-induced dipole forces induced dipole forces
a) Jason says that hydrogen sulde (H2 S) is non-polar and so has induced dipole forces. Bongani says hydrogen sulde is polar and has dipole-dipole forces. Who is correct and why? b) Bongani says that helium (He) is an ion and so has ion-induced dipole forces. Jason says helium is non-polar and has induced dipole forces. Who is correct and why? c) They both agree on the rest of the table. However, they have not got the correct force for potassium iodide in water (KI(aq)). What type of force actually exists in this compound? Solution: a) Bongani is correct. NH3 is polar. It has one lone pair of electrons and so is trigonal pyramidal. The three polar bonds do not cancel each other out, since the molecule is not symmetrical. This makes ammonia a dipole molecule. So the type of intermolecular force that exists is dipole-dipole forces. b) Jason is correct. Helium is a noble gas and so exists as single atoms, not as a compound. Helium is non-polar and so has induced-dipole forces. c) KI(aq) has potassium and iodine ions in water. Water is a polar molecule. So the type of force must be ion-dipole.
7. Khetang is looking at power lines around him for a school project. He notices that they sag slightly between the pylons. Why do power lines need to sag slightly? Solution: Materials expand on heating and contract on cooling. If the power lines were strung tightly and did not sag then every time the weather got cold the power lines would contract and break. 8. Briey describe how the properties of water make it a good liquid for life on Earth. Solution: Water has a high heat of vaporisation which means that it has to be heated to a high temperature before it will evaporate. This helps to ensure that all the water in our bodies does not evaporate on a warm day. This also keeps the oceans and other water bodies liquid. Water has a high specic heat which means that it takes a long time for the temperature of the water to increase by one degree. Water is also able to absorb infrared radiation from the sun. These two properties help to regulate the climate of the Earth. Without these properties of water, the Earth would be much hotter. Water also has a less dense solid phase. This means that when water freezes only the top layer freezes. If this did not happen then the Earth would freeze over. This property also ensures that life can exist beneath the ice surface during cold winters.
Geometrical optics
Properties of light: revision Refraction Snells Law Critical angles and total internal reection Summary
Geometrical optics
This chapter introduces the concepts of geometrical optics. In earlier grades learners were introduced to reection and the laws of reection. This work and the concept of a light ray are revised in this chapter. Learners will also learn about the speed of light and how to sketch ray diagrams. Snells law and how total internal reection arises are covered. The topics covered in this chapter are briey summarised below.
Reection and the law of reection The concept of a light ray is rst introduced. This imaginary construct is a useful tool to help learners understand how light reects and refracts. The concepts of reection and the law of reection are revised from earlier grades. Although this topic is included under refraction in CAPs it is treated separately in this book. The speed of light Light has a set speed in different mediums. The maximum speed of light occurs for light travelling in a vacuum. In all other media light travels slightly slower. This changing of the speed of light is what gives rise to refraction. Refraction and refractive index Refraction is the bending of light as it moves from one medium to another. It is best seen when looking at a straw in water. Each medium has a refractive index associated with it and this is a measure of how much light will refract when entering that medium. The refractive index is closely linked to the optical density (or optical absorbance) of a medium. Sketching ray diagrams for the path of light through different media This topic teaches learners how to sketch the path of light as it moves through different media and helps to consolidate the concept of refractive indices. Learners need to understand that light bends to different degrees and the direction in which it bends depends on the refractive index of the medium. Snells law This topic shows learners how to calculate a precise angle for the degree of bending of light, as well as how to calculate the refractive index of a medium. Snells law relates the refractive index of one medium to the refractive index of another medium using the sine of the angle of incidence and the sine of the angle of refraction. Total internal reection Snells law leads into the idea of a critical angle for light travelling from a more optically dense to a less optically dense medium. This concept is then expanded on to total internal reection. Total internal reection is important in communications and medicine, among other elds.
A recommended experiment for informal assessment is also included. This investigates the propagation of light from one medium into another. Learners will need glass blocks of various shapes, a transparent container, water, plain paper, a pencil, a ruler,
a protractor and a ray box. The questions for discussion at the end of the experiment get learners thinking about what they found in the experiment. A recommended project for formal assessment on verifying Snells laws and determining the refractive index of an unknown transparent solid should be done. Learners will need a glass block, ray box, 0-360 protractor, a glass block, a transparent block of an unknown material and A4 paper. This project is given as two formal experiments, which learners can complete and then write up as a project. The project should include some background information on Snells law, all the steps taken in the experiments, key experimental results and a conclusion about the experiment (including identication of the unknown solid from the refractive index). A recommended experiment for informal assessment is also included. This covers determining the critical angle for light travelling through a rectangular glass block. Learners will need a rectangular glass block, a 360 protractor, pencil, paper, ruler and a ray box. Learners should all get similar results at the end of the experiment.
Exercise 5 1: Rays and Reection
1. Are light rays real? Explain. Solution: Light rays are not real. In physics we use the idea of a light ray to indicate the direction in which light travels. In geometrical optics, we represent light rays with straight arrows to show how light propagates. Light rays are not an exact description of the light; rather they show the direction in which the light wavefronts are travelling. 2. The diagram shows a curved surface. Draw normals to the surface at the marked points.
a) normal b) angle of incidence c) angle of reection d) incident ray e) reected ray Solution: a) E b) C c) D d) B e) A 4. State the Law of Reection. Draw a diagram, label the appropriate angles and write a mathematical expression for the Law of Reection. Solution: The law of reection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reection and the incident ray, reected ray, and the normal, all lie in the same plane.
incident ray
i r
reected ray
We can write this mathematically as: i = r . 5. Draw a ray diagram to show the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reection. Solution:
incident ray
i r
reected ray
6. The diagram shows an incident ray I . Which of the other 5 rays (A, B, C, D, E) best represents the reected ray of I ?
I C normal B A
Solution: Ray B looks like it is reected at the same angle as the incident ray. 7. A ray of light strikes a surface at 15 to the normal to the surface. Draw a ray diagram showing the incident ray, reected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of incidence and reection and ll them in on your diagram. Solution: We are told that the ray of light strikes the surface at 15 to the normal to the surface, so the angle of incidence is 15 . Since the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reection, the angle of reection is also 15 . Putting this onto a ray diagram (not to scale!):
incident ray
15 15
reected ray
8. A ray of light leaves a surface at 45 to the normal to the surface. Draw a ray diagram showing the incident ray, reected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of incidence and reection and ll them in on your diagram.
Solution: We are told that the ray of light leaves the surface at 45 to the normal to the surface, so the angle of reection is 45 . Since the angle of reection is equal to the angle of incidence, the angle of incidence is also 15 . Putting this onto a ray diagram (not to scale!):
incident ray
45 45
reected ray
9. A ray of light strikes a surface at 25 to the surface. Draw a ray diagram showing the incident ray, reected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of incidence and reection and ll them in on your diagram. Solution: We are told that the ray of light strikes the surface at 25 to the surface. To nd the angle of incidence we note that the normal is drawn at 90 to the surface. So the angle of incidence is 90 25 = 65 . Since the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reection, the angle of reection is also 65 . Putting this onto a ray diagram (not to scale!):
incident ray
65 65
reected ray
10. A ray of light leaves a surface at 65 to the surface. Draw a ray diagram showing the incident ray, reected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of incidence and reection and ll them in on your diagram. Solution: We are told that the ray of light leaves the surface at 65 to the surface. To nd the angle of reection we note that the normal is drawn at 90 to the surface. So the angle of reection is 90 65 = 25 . Since the angle of reection is equal to the angle of incidence, the angle of incidence is also 25 . Putting this onto a ray diagram (not to scale!):
incident ray
25 25
reected ray
11. A beam of light (for example from a torch) is generally not visible at night, as it travels through air. Try this for yourself. However, if you shine the torch through dust, the beam is visible. Explain why this happens. Solution: To see the beam from a torch the light rays emitted by the torch need to be reected off something for our eye to see it. At night the light rays are not being reected off anything and so we do not see the beam of the torch. If we shine the torch through dust, then we can see the beam as the light rays reect off the dust particles. 12. If a torch beam is shone across a classroom, only students in the direct line of the beam would be able to see that the torch is shining. However, if the beam strikes a wall, the entire class will be able to see the spot made by the beam on the wall. Explain why this happens. Solution: To see the beam from a torch the light rays emitted by the torch need to be reected off something for our eye to see it. So only the students in the direct path of the light will see that the torch is shining. However as soon as the torch beam is reected off the wall, the learners are all able to see the spot where the beam reects. 13. A scientist looking into a at mirror hung perpendicular to the oor cannot see her feet but she can see the hem of her lab coat. Draw a ray diagram to help explain the answers to the following questions: a) Will she be able to see her feet if she backs away from the mirror? b) What if she moves towards the mirror? Solution: a) She will not be able to see her feet. Your eye sights along a line to see your feet. This line must intersect the mirror. The solid lines show the path of light from her labcoat hem to her eyes, while the dotted line shows the path that light would have to take to reach her eyes from her feet. As she moves further away the only thing that changes is the angles of incidence and reection.
labcoat feet
labcoat feet
b) She still will not be able to see her feet. Your eye sights along a line to see your feet. This line must intersect the mirror. The solid lines show the path of light from her labcoat hem to her eyes, while the dotted line shows the path that light would have to take to reach her eyes from her feet. As she moves closer the only thing that changes is the angles of incidence and reection.
head mirror head mirror
labcoat feet
labcoat feet
Refractive index
Exercise 5 2: Refractive index
1. Use the values given in Table ??, and the denition of refractive index to calculate the speed of light in water (ice). Solution: We look in Table ?? and nd that the refractive index of water (ice) is 1,31. So the speed of light in ice is: c n 3 108 ms1 = 1,31 = 2,29 108 ms1
2. Calculate the refractive index of an unknown substance where the speed of light through the substance is 1,974 108 ms1 . Round off your answer to 2 decimal places. Using Table ??, identify what the unknown substance is.
5.5. Refraction
Solution: We are told that the speed of light in the unknown substance is: 1,974 108 ms1 . We use this to nd the refractive index of the substance: c n c n= v v= 3 108 ms1 1,974 108 ms1 = 1,52 = We look on Table ?? for the substance that has this refractive index and nd that the substance is crown glass.
1. Explain refraction in terms of a change of wave speed in different media. Solution: Refraction occurs at the boundary of two media when light travels from one medium into the other and its speed changes but its frequency remains the same. If the light ray hits the boundary at an angle which is not perpendicular to or parallel to the surface, then it will change direction and appear to bend. We can also say that refraction is the bending of light caused by a change in the speed of light as it moves from medium to another. 2. In the diagram, label the following: a) b) c) d) e) angle of incidence angle of refraction incident ray refracted ray normal
Medium 1 Medium 2 C B
normal incident ray
Medium 1 Medium 2 r
refracted ray
3. What is the angle of refraction? Solution: The angle of refraction is the angle dened between the normal to a surface and the refracted light ray. 4. Describe what is meant by the refractive index of a medium. Solution: The refractive index (symbol n) of a material is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in the material and gives an indication of how difcult it is for light to get through the material. 5. In the diagram, a ray of light strikes the interface between two media.
Medium 1 Medium 2
Draw what the refracted ray would look like if: a) medium 1 had a higher refractive index than medium 2. b) medium 1 had a lower refractive index than medium 2. Solution:
Medium 1 Medium 2
5.5. Refraction
Medium 1 Medium 2
b) 6. Challenge question: What values of n are physically impossible to achieve? Explain your answer. The values provide the limits of possible refractive indices. Solution: A refractive index of less than 1 is impossible. This would mean that light in this medium was travelling at a speed faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. However scientists have produced materials with negative refractive indices. So the values of n that are impossible to achieve physically would be: 0 n < 1. 7. Challenge question: You have been given a glass beaker full of an unknown liquid. How would you identify what the liquid is? You have the following pieces of equipment available for the experiment: a laser or ray box, a protractor, a ruler, a pencil, and a reference guide containing optical properties of various liquids. Solution: The answer to this question is covered in the experiment on using Snells law to determine the refractive index of an unknown liquid.
Snells Law
1. State Snells Law. Solution: Snells law states that the angle of incidence times the refractive index of medium 1 is equal to the angle of refraction times the refractive index of medium 2. Mathematically this is: n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 2. Light travels from a region of glass into a region of glycerine, making an angle of incidence of 40 .
a) Draw the incident and refracted light rays on the diagram and label the angles of incidence and refraction. b) Calculate the angle of refraction. Solution:
air incident ray glycerine
40 r reected ray
a) b) The refractive index of air is 1 and the refractive index of glycerine is 1,4729.
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 40 = 1,4729 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,436 2 = 25,88 3. A ray of light travels from silicon to water. If the ray of light in the water makes an angle of 69 to the normal to the surface, what is the angle of incidence in the silicon? Solution: The refractive index of silicon is 4,01 and the refractive index of water is 1,333.
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1,333 sin 69 = 4,01 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,310 2 = 18,08 4. Light travels from a medium with n = 1,25 into a medium of n = 1,34, at an angle of 27 from the normal. a) What happens to the speed of the light? Does it increase, decrease, or remain the same? b) What happens to the wavelength of the light? Does it increase, decrease, or remain the same?
c) Does the light bend towards the normal, away from the normal, or not at all? Solution: a) The speed of light decreases as it enters the second medium. b) The wavelength of the light remains the same. Wavelength is related to frequency and the frequency of light does not change as it moves from one medium to another. c) Towards the normal. 5. Light travels from a medium with n = 1,63 into a medium of n = 1,42. a) What happens to the speed of the light? Does it increase, decrease, or remain the same? b) What happens to the wavelength of the light? Does it increase, decrease, or remain the same? c) Does the light bend towards the normal, away from the normal, or not at all? Solution: a) The speed of light increases as it enters the second medium. b) The wavelength of the light remains the same. Wavelength is related to frequency and the frequency of light does not change as it moves from one medium to another. c) Away from the normal 6. Light is incident on a rectangular glass prism. The prism is surrounded by air. The angle of incidence is 23 . Calculate the angle of reection and the angle of refraction. Solution: The angle of reection is the same as the angle of incidence: 23 . To nd the angle of refraction we need the indices of refraction for glass and air. The index of refraction for air is 1 and for the prism it is 1,5 - 1,9 (we assume that the prism is made of typical glass). Since typical glass has a range of refractive indices we will calculate the maximum and minimum possible angles of refraction. The maximum possible angle of refraction is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 23 = 1,5 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,2604 2 = 15,10 The minimum possible angle of refraction is:
7. Light is refracted at the interface between air and an unknown medium. If the angle of incidence is 53 and the angle of refraction is 37 , calculate the refractive index of the unknown, second medium. Solution: The index of refraction for air is 1. The refractive index of the unknown medium is: n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 53 = n2 sin 37 n2 = 1,327 8. Light is refracted at the interface between a medium of refractive index 1,5 and a second medium of refractive index 2,1. If the angle of incidence is 45 , calculate the angle of refraction. Solution: The angle of refraction is: n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1,5 sin 45 = 2,1 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,5051 2 = 30,34 9. A ray of light strikes the interface between air and diamond. If the incident ray makes an angle of 30 with the interface, calculate the angle made by the refracted ray with the interface. Solution: The refractive index of air is 1 and the refractive index of diamond is 2,419. The angle of refraction is: n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 30 = 2,419 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,20669 2 = 11,93 This is the angle between the normal and the refracted ray. The question actually wants the angle between the refracted ray and the interface. This angle is: 90 11,93 = 78,07 10. The angles of incidence and refraction were measured in ve unknown media and recorded in the table below. Use your knowledge about Snells Law to identify each of the unknown media AE. Use Table ?? to help you. Medium 1 Air Air Vacuum Air Vacuum n1 1,0002926 1,0002926 1 1,0002926 1 1 38 65 44 15 20 2 27 38,4 16,7 6,9 13,3 n2 ? ? ? ? ? Unknown Medium A B C D E
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1,0002926 sin 38 = n2 sin 27 n2 = 1,36 Substance A is acetone. For substance B, the refractive index is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1,0002926 sin 65 = n2 sin 38,4 n2 = 1,459 Substance B is fused quartz. For substance C, the refractive index is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 44 = n2 sin 16,7 n2 = 2,419 Substance C is diamond. For substance D, the refractive index is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1,0002926 sin 15 = n2 sin 6,9 n2 = 2,15 Substance D is cubic zirconia. For substance E, the refractive index is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 20 = n2 sin 13,3 n2 = 1,49 Substance E is an 80% sugar solution. 11. Zingi and Tumi performed an investigation to identify an unknown liquid. They shone a ray of light into the unknown liquid, varying the angle of incidence and recording the angle of refraction. Their results are recorded in the following table:
Angle of incidence 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 45,0 50,0 55,0 60,0 65,0 70,0 75,0 80,0 85,0
Angle of refraction 0,00 3,76 7,50 11,2 14,9 18,5 22,1 25,5 28,9 32,1 35,2 38,0 40,6 43,0 ? ? ? ?
a) Write down an aim for the investigation. b) Make a list of all the apparatus they used. c) Identify the unknown liquid. Solution: a) To use refractive indices and Snells law to determine an unknown substance. b) Protractor, ruler, ray box, paper, pencils, beakers. c) We can use any of the pairs of data to nd the refractive index of the unknown substance. We will use the second pair of readings.
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 5 = n2 sin 3,76 n2 = 1,329 The substance is water. 12. Predict what the angle of refraction will be for 70 , 75 , 80 and 85 . Solution: The angle of refraction at 70 is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 70 = 1,329 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,707 n2 = 45,0 The angle of refraction at 75 is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 75 = 1,329 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,7268 n2 = 46,6 The angle of refraction at 80 is:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1 sin 80 = 1,329 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,741 n2 = 47,8 The angle of refraction at 85 is:
1. Describe total internal reection by using a diagram and referring to the conditions that must be satised for total internal reection to occur. Solution: If the angle of incidence is bigger than the critical angle, the refracted ray will not emerge from the medium, but will be reected back into the medium. This is called total internal reection. The critical angle occurs when the angle of incidence where the angle of refraction is 90 . The light must travel from an optically more dense medium to an optically less dense medium. The conditions for total internal reection are the the light is travelling from an optically denser medium (higher refractive index) to an optically less dense medium (lower refractive index) and that the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. Representing this on a diagram gives:
2. Dene what is meant by the critical angle when referring to total internal reection. Include a ray diagram to explain the concept. Solution: The critical angle occurs when the angle of incidence where the angle of refraction is 90 . The light must travel from an optically more dense medium to an optically less dense medium.
3. Will light travelling from diamond to silicon ever undergo total internal reection? Solution: Diamond (index of refraction is about 3) is less optically dense than silicon (index of refraction is about 4) and so total internal reection cannot occur. 4. Will light travelling from sapphire to diamond undergo total internal reection? Solution: Sapphire (index of refraction is 1,77) is less optically dense than diamond (index of refraction is about 3) and so total internal reection cannot occur. 5. What is the critical angle for light travelling from air to acetone? Solution: The critical angle is:
6. Light travelling from diamond to water strikes the interface with an angle of incidence of 86 as shown in the picture. Calculate the critical angle to determine whether the light be totally internally reected and so be trapped within the diamond.
water diamond
n1 sin c = n2 sin 90 c = sin1 = sin1 = 33,35 The angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle and so the light will be trapped within the diamond. 7. Which of the following interfaces will have the largest critical angle? a) a glass to water interface b) a diamond to water interface c) a diamond to glass interface Solution: a glass to water interface 8. If a bre optic strand is made from glass, determine the critical angle of the light ray so that the ray stays within the bre optic strand. Solution: The critical angle is: n2 n1 1,33 2,419
9. A glass slab is inserted in a tank of water. If the refractive index of water is 1,33 and that of glass is 1,5, nd the critical angle. Solution: The critical angle is: n1 sin c = n2 sin 90 c = sin1 = sin1 = 62,46 Note that the light must be travelling from the glass into the water for total internal reection to occur. 10. A diamond ring is placed in a container full of glycerin. If the critical angle is found to be 37,4 and the refractive index of glycerin is given to be 1,47, nd the refractive index of diamond. Solution: The refractive index is: n1 sin c = n2 sin 90 n1 n1 = sin c 1,47 = sin 37,4 = 2,42 11. An optical bre is made up of a core of refractive index 1,9, while the refractive index of the cladding is 1,5. Calculate the maximum angle which a light pulse can make with the wall of the core. NOTE: The question does not ask for the angle of incidence but for the angle made by the ray with the wall of the core, which will be equal to 90 angle of incidence.
n = 1, 5
n2 n1 1,33 1,5
n = 1, 9
Solution: The critical angle is: n1 sin c = n2 sin 90 c = sin1 = sin1 = 52,14 n2 n1 1,5 1,9
1. Give one word for each of the following descriptions: a) The perpendicular line that is drawn at right angles to a reecting surface at the point of incidence. b) The bending of light as it travels from one medium to another. c) The bouncing of light off a surface. Solution: a) normal b) refraction c) reection 2. State whether the following statements are true or false. If they are false, rewrite the statement correcting it. a) The refractive index of a medium is an indication of how fast light will travel through the medium. b) Total internal refraction takes place when the incident angle is larger than the critical angle. c) The speed of light in a vacuum is about 3 108 ms1 . Solution: a) False. The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in the material and gives an indication of how difcult it is for light to get through the material. b) True c) True 3. Complete the following ray diagrams to show the path of light.
water glass 40
air glass 50
glass air 30
air water 42
water air 55
f) Solution:
water glass 40
air glass 50
5.8. Summary
glass air 30
air water 42
water air 55
f) 4. A ray of light strikes a surface at 35 to the normal to the surface. Draw a ray diagram showing the incident ray, reected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of incidence and reection and ll them in on your diagram. Solution:
in ci ra den y t
ed ct ay e r re
35 35 surface
The angle of incidence equals the angle of reection. This angle is 35 . 5. Light travels from glass (n = 1,5) to acetone (n = 1,36). The angle of incidence is 25 .
a) Describe the path of light as it moves into the acetone. b) Calculate the angle of refraction. c) What happens to the speed of the light as it moves from the glass to the acetone? d) What happens to the wavelength of the light as it moves into the acetone? Solution: a) The light bends towards the normal. b) n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 1,5 sin 25 = 1,36 sin 2 sin 2 = 0,466 2 = 27,78 c) The speed of light increases. d) The wavelength of the light stays the same. 6. Light strikes the interface between diamond and an unknown medium with an incident angle of 32 . The angle of refraction is measured to be 46 . Calculate the refractive index of the medium and identify the medium. Solution:
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 2,419 sin 32 = n2 sin 46 n2 = 1,78 The substance is sapphire. 7. Explain what total internal reection is and how it is used in medicine and telecommunications. Why is this technology much better to use? Solution: Total internal reection takes place when light travels from one medium to another of lower optical density. If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle for the medium, the light will be reected back into the medium. No refraction takes place. Optical bres are most common in telecommunications, because information can be transported over long distances, with minimal loss of data. This gives optical bres an advantage over conventional cables. Signals are transmitted from one end of the bre to another in the form of laser pulses. A single strand of bre optic cable is capable of handling over 3000 transmissions at the same time which is a huge improvement over the conventional co-axial cables. Multiple signal transmission is achieved by sending individual light pulses at slightly different angles. The transmitted signal is received almost instantaneously at the other end of the cable since the information coded onto the laser travels at the speed of light! During transmission over long distances repeater stations are used to amplify the signal which has weakened by the time it reaches the station. The amplied signals are then relayed towards their destination and may encounter several other repeater stations on the way.
5.8. Summary
Optic bres are used in medicine in endoscopes. The main part of an endoscope is the optical bre. Light is shone down the optical bre and a medical doctor can use the endoscope to look inside the body of a patient. Endoscopes can be used to examine the inside of a patients stomach, by inserting the endoscope down the patients throat. Endoscopes also allow minimally invasive surgery. This means that a person can be diagnosed and treated through a small incision (cut). This has advantages over open surgery because endoscopy is quicker and cheaper and the patient recovers more quickly. The alternative is open surgery which is expensive, requires more time and is more traumatic for the patient.
2D and 3D wavefronts
6.5 6.6
201 202
2D and 3D wavefronts
This chapter looks at different kinds of wavefronts. Learners should recall electromagnetic radiation from grade 10 as well as different wave properties from transverse waves and longitudinal waves. The following provides a summary of the topics covered in this chapter.
Denition of a wavefront. Wavefronts are imaginary lines joining waves that are in phase. A short activity in which learners join up the points in phase helps them to come to grips with what a wavefront is. Huygens principle. Every point of a wave front serves as a point source of spherical, secondary waves. After a time t, the new position of the wave front will be that of a surface tangent to the secondary waves. This principle describes how waves propagate and how waves interfere with other waves. Denition of diffraction. Diffraction is the ability of a wave to spread out in wavefronts as the wave passes through a small aperture or around a sharp edge. This is most easily seen with water waves in a ripple tank. As the water waves reach the slit or barrier they spread out into the calm area beyond the slit or barrier. Sketching the diffraction pattern for a slit. In this topic learners are shown how to make simple sketches of diffraction patterns as well as learning about how waves interfere to form crests and troughs. The degree of diffraction and calculating this. The degree of diffraction is proportional to the wavelength and inversely proportional to the width of the slit. The degree of diffraction is explored in more detail and some simple calculations of this are given. Diffraction of light and how this relates to the wave nature of light. All the above concepts are applied to how light diffracts when moving through a single slit. Light shone through a diffraction grating emphasises the wave nature of light.
It is important to note that this chapter contains a section on calculating the maxima and minima of diffraction. This topic is not in CAPs and is included for learners enrichment only. This topic should not be included in tests and exams.
1. As the width of the slit producing a single-slit diffraction pattern is reduced, how will the diffraction pattern produced change? Solution: More diffraction is observed as the slit width is reduced. 2. A water break at the entrance to a harbour consists of a rock barrier with a 50 m wide opening. Ocean waves of 20 m wavelength approach the opening straight on. Light with a wavelength of 500 10-9 m strikes a single slit of width 30 10-9 m. Which waves are diffracted to a greater extent? Solution: We need to calculate the diffraction for each type of wave. We start by calculating the diffraction of the water waves: w 20 m 50 m 0,4
The diffraction of the light waves is: w 500 10-9 m 30 10-9 m 16,67
The light waves are diffracted more. 3. For the diffraction pattern below, sketch what you expect to change if:
a) the wavelength gets larger b) the wavelength gets smaller c) the slit width gets larger d) the slit width gets smaller e) the frequency of the wave gets smaller f) the frequency of the wave gets larger Solution:
e) Frequency is inversely related to wavelength. So the wavelength gets longer and more diffraction would occur. The resulting diffraction pattern is wider:
f) Frequency is inversely related to wavelength. The wavelength gets shorter and less diffraction would occur. The resulting diffraction pattern is narrower:
Chapter summary
Exercise 6 2:
1. In the diagram below the peaks of wavefronts are shown by black lines and the troughs by grey lines. Mark all the points where constructive interference between two waves is taking place and where destructive interference is taking place. Also note whether the interference results in a peak or a trough.
Solution: The solid diamonds represent constructive interference (crests) and the open diamonds represent destructive interference (troughts).
2. For a slit of width 1300 nm, order the following EM waves from least to most diffracted: a) green at 510 nm b) blue at 475 nm c) red at 650 nm d) yellow at 570 nm Solution: blue, green, yellow, red 3. For light of wavelength 540 nm, determine which of the following slits widths results in the maximum and which results in the minimum amount of diffraction a) 323 10-9 m b) 12,47 nm c) 21,1 pm Solution: We know that narrower slits give more diffraction. So we need to determine which is the narrowest slit and which is the widest. 21,1 pm is the narrowest slit (A pm is 10-12 m). The widest slit is 323 10-9 m (this is the same as 323 nm). So the slit with the maximum diffraction is 21,1 pm. The slit with the minimum diffraction is 323 nm. 4. For light of wavelength 635 nm, determine what the width of the slit needs to be to have the diffraction be less than the angle of diffraction in each of these cases: a) Water waves at the entrance to a harbour which has a rock barrier with a 3 m wide opening. The waves have a wavelength of 16 m wavelength approach the opening straight on. b) Light with a wavelength of 786 10-9 m strikes a single slit of width 30 10-7 m. Solution:
a) The angle of diffraction for the water waves is: m w 3m = 16 m sin = 0,1875 sin = = 10,81 We need to nd a slit width that will give a smaller angle of diffraction for light of 635 nm: m w 635 10-9 m 0,1875 = w 635 10-9 m w= 0,1875 = 3,4 10-6 m sin = The slit must be less than 3,4 10-6 m. b) The angle of diffraction is: m w 786 10-9 m = 30 10-7 m sin = 0,262 = 15,18 We need to nd a slit width that will give a smaller angle of diffraction for light of 635 nm: m w 635 10-9 m 0,262 = w 635 10-9 m w= 0,262 = 2,4 10-6 m sin = The slit must be less than 2,4 10-6 m.
sin =
Ideal gases
Ideal gases
In this chapter learners are introduced to the concept of ideal gases. They will explore the different gas laws and learn about the motion of gas particles. The following list provides a summary of the topics covered in this chapter.
The motion of particles In grade 10 learners were introduced to the kinetic molecular theory and the idea that all particles in a substance are constantly moving. In this chapter the motion of particles is applied to gases and is used to help distinguish between real gases and ideal gases. Real gases and ideal gases A real gas is very similar to an ideal gas except at high pressures and low temperatures. The main distinguishing characteristics of a real gas are that the particles have volume, the particles in the gas have an average speed (since each particle is moving at a different speed) and that forces of attraction exist between particles. The kinetic theory of gases The kinetic theory of gases is similar to the kinetic theory of matter that learners learnt about in grade 10 (states of matter and the kinetic molecular theory). The kinetic theory of gases helps to explain all the gas laws and learners are encouraged to think about what the different laws mean rather than just learning the laws. Boyles law, Charles law, the pressure-temperature relation (Gay-Lussacs or Amontons law), the general gas equation and the ideal gas equation In this book we talk about the pressure-temperature relation. CAPs refers to this as Gay-Lussacs law, while other sources call it Amontons law. At the time when this law was discovered many scientists were working on the same problems and often it is hard now to say who actually discovered what. Learners should know that different names for the gas laws exist and they should be aware of the other names that exist. Boyles law, Charles law and the pressure-temperature relation all require very specic conditions to be true. These laws are then expanded into the general gas equation and nally the ideal gas equation is introduced. All the gas laws except the ideal gas law compare a sample of gas at two different sets of readings (e.g. two different sets of pressure and temperature readings, while the volume and amount of gas remains the same). Temperature and pressure Although temperature and pressure are given last in CAPs, in this book they are placed with the kinetic theory of gases and the explanation of real and ideal gases since temperature and pressure are key to understanding these topics. The pressure is a result of the motion of particles in the gas and is a measure of how many times the particles in the gas collide with each other and with the walls of the container. Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy that the particles have.
An informal experiment is included here. This is to verify Boyles law and to verify Charles law. This experiment is split into two parts and each part is given at the relevant section of the book. For the experiment on Boyles law you will need a pressure gauge, 10 ml syringe, 3 cm silicon tubing and water bowl or Boyles law apparatus. Learners will plot a graph of their results and use these to determine if Boyles law has been veried. They should get a curved line for plotting pressure (xaxis) vs. volume (y -axis) and a straight line when they plot pressure against the inverse 1 of volume ( V ). An informal experiment is included here. This is to verify Boyles law and to verify Charles law (see notes under Boyles law). In this second part of the experiment learners will verify Charles law. You will need glass bottles, balloons, beakers or pots, water, hot plates. Learners place a balloon over the mouth of the bottle and then place it in a beaker or pot of water and see what happens. They can also place a bottle with a balloon into a freezer and see what happens.
Motion of particles
1. Summarise the difference between a real gas and an ideal gas in the following table: Property Size of particles Attractive forces Speed of molecules Solution: Ideal gas Real gas
Ideal gas No volume and can be ignored No attractive forces All molecules at the same speed.
Real gas Non-negligible volume Attractive forces Molecules move at different speeds and we use the average speed.
1. An unknown gas has an initial pressure of 150 kPa and a volume of 1 L. If the volume is increased to 1,5 L, what will the pressure be now? Solution:
p2 V2 = p1 V1 1,5 Lp2 = (150 kPa)(1 L) 150 p2 = 1,5 = 100 kPa 2. A bicycle pump contains 250 cm3 of air at a pressure of 90 kPa. If the air is compressed, the volume is reduced to 200 cm3 . What is the pressure of the air inside the pump? Solution:
p2 V2 = p1 V1 200 cm3 p2 = (90 kPa)(250 cm3 ) 200 cm3 p2 = 22 500 kPa 22 500 p2 = 200 = 112,5 kPa 3. The air inside a syringe occupies a volume of 10 cm3 and exerts a pressure of 100 kPa. If the end of the syringe is sealed and the plunger is pushed down, the pressure increases to 120 kPa. What is the volume of the air in the syringe? Solution:
p2 V2 = p1 V1 120 kPaV2 = (100 kPa)(10 cm3 ) 1000 V2 = 120 = 8,33 cm3 4. During an investigation to nd the relationship between the pressure and volume of an enclosed gas at constant temperature, the following results were obtained. Volume (dm3 ) Pressure (kPa) 12 400 16 300 20 240 24 200 28 171 32 150 36 133 40 120
a) Plot a graph of pressure (p) against volume (V). Volume will be on the x-axis and pressure on the y-axis. Describe the relationship that you see. 1 b) Plot a graph of p against . Describe the relationship that you see. V c) Do your results support Boyles Law? Explain your answer. Solution:
b) The graph is a straight line. This straight line shows the inverse relation between pressure and volume.
1 c) The graph of p against V gives a straight line which shows that pressure is inversely proportional to volume. This is the expected result from Boyles law.
5. Masoabi and Justine are experimenting with Boyles law. They both used the same amount of gas. Their data is given in the table below: Masoabi Initial Final 325 350 1 3 650 233 Justine Initial Final 325 325 1 3 650 217
a) Calculate the nal pressure that would be expected using the initial pressure and volume and the nal volume. b) Who correctly followed Boyles law and why? Solution: a) p2 V2 = p1 V1 (3)p2 = (650)(1) 3p2 = 650 p2 = 217 Pa b) From the above calculation we see that Justine has the correct pressure as predicted by Boyles law. Masoabi did not get the expected reading. Justine kept the temperature constant and so has correctly repeated Boyles law. Masoabi changed the temperature for the second part of the experiment and so did not repeat Boyles law (she actually repeated another gas law).
1. The table below gives the temperature (in C) of helium gas under different volumes at a constant pressure. Volume (L) 1,0 1,5 2 2,5 3,0 3,5 Temperature ( C) 161,9 106,7 50,8 4,8 60,3 115,9
a) Draw a graph to show the relationship between temperature and volume. b) Describe the relationship you observe. c) If you extrapolate the graph (in other words, extend the graph line even though you may not have the exact data points), at what temperature does it intersect the x-axis? d) What is signicant about this temperature? e) What conclusions can you draw? Use Charles law to help you. Solution:
c) The graph intersects the x-axis at 273 C d) This point corresponds to absolute zero. At absolute zero all gases have no volume. This is the lowest temperature that it is possible to achieve. e) We can conclude that volume and temperature are directly proportional. 2. A sample of nitrogen monoxide (NO) gas is at a temperature of 8 C and occupies a volume of 4,4 dm3 . What volume will the sample of gas have if the temperature is increased to 25 C? Solution: First convert the temperature to Kelvin: T1 = 8 + 273 = 281 T2 = 25 + 273 = 298
V2 V1 = T2 T1 4,4 V2 = 298 281 V2 = 0,01565 . . . 298 = 4,67 dm3 3. A sample of oxygen (O2 ) gas is at a temperature of 340 K and occupies a volume of 1,2 dm3 . What temperature will the sample of gas be at if the volume is decreased to 200 cm3 ? Solution: Note that the two volumes are not in the same units. So we convert the second volume to dm3 . 200 V2 = = 0,2 dm3 1000
V1 V2 = T1 T2 1,2 0,2 = 340 T2 0,2 0,003529 . . . = T2 (0,003529 . . .)T2 = 0,2 = 56,67 K 4. Explain what would happen if you were verifying Charles law and you let some of the gas escape. Solution: If some of the gas escaped, the volume of the gas would decrease. This would lead to an decrease in the temperature. So the nal temperature that you read would be lower than it should be. This will lead to the incorrect conclusion that Charles law is not correct.
Pressure-temperature relation
Exercise 7 4: Pressure-temperature relation
1. The table below gives the temperature (in C) of helium under different pressures at a constant volume. Pressure (atm) 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 Temperature ( C) 20 78,6 137,2 195,8 254,4 313 Temperature (K)
a) Convert all the temperature data to Kelvin. b) Draw a graph to show the relationship between temperature and pressure. c) Describe the relationship you observe. Solution: Pressure (atm) 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 Temperature ( C) 20 78,6 137,2 195,8 254,4 313 Temperature (K) 293 351,6 410,2 468,8 527,4 586
b) c) There is a linear relationship. Pressure and temperature are directly proportional. The graph is a straight line. 2. A cylinder that contains methane gas is kept at a temperature of 15 C and exerts a pressure of 7 atm. If the temperature of the cylinder increases to 25 C, what pressure does the gas now exert? Solution: We need to convert the given temperatures to Kelvin temperature.
T1 = 15 + 273 = 288 K T2 = 25 + 273 = 298 K p2 T2 p2 298 p2 298 p2 The pressure will be 7,24 atm. 3. A cylinder of propane gas at a temperature of 20 C exerts a pressure of 8 atm. When a cylinder has been placed in sunlight, its temperature increases to 25 C. What is the pressure of the gas inside the cylinder at this temperature? Solution: We rst convert the temperature to Kelvin: T1 = 20 + 273 = 293 K T2 = 25 + 273 = 298 K And then we can nd the pressure: p2 T2 p2 298 p2 298 p2 p1 T1 8 = 293 = 0,0273 . . . = = 8,14 atm p1 T1 7 = 288 = 0,024 . . . = = 7,24 atm
4. A hairspray can is a can that contains a gas under high pressures. The can has the following warning written on it: Do not place near open ame. Do not dispose of in a re. Keep away from heat. Use what you know about the pressure and temperature of gases to explain why it is dangerous to not follow this warning. Solution: The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature at a xed volume. Since the volume of gas in an aerosol can does not change, this relation holds. If the temperature of the can is increased by placing near an open ame or in a hot place, the pressure will increase. This may lead to the can exploding. The same is true if you dispose of in a re. 5. A cylinder of acetylene gas is kept at a temperature of 291 K. The pressure in the cylinder is 5 atm. This cylinder can withstand a pressure of 8 atm before it explodes. What is the maximum temperature that the cylinder can safely be stored at? Solution: p1 p2 = T1 T2 8 5 = 291 T2 8 0,017 . . . = T2 (0,017 . . .)T2 = 8 T2 = 465,6 K
1. A closed gas system initially has a volume of 8 L and a temperature of 100 C. The pressure of the gas is unknown. If the temperature of the gas decreases to 50 C, the gas occupies a volume of 5 L and the pressure of the gas is 1,2 atm. What was the initial pressure of the gas? Solution: We rst convert the temperature to Kelvin:
T1 = 100 + 273 = 373 K T2 = 50 + 273 = 323 K Now we can use the gas equation:
p2 V2 p1 V1 = T1 T2 (p1 )(8) (1,2)(5) = 373 323 (p1 )(8) = 0,0185 . . . 373 (p1 )(8) = 6,928 . . . p1 = 0,87 atm 2. A balloon is lled with helium gas at 27 C and a pressure of 1,0 atm. As the balloon rises, the volume of the balloon increases by a factor of 1,6 and the temperature decreases to 15 C. What is the nal pressure of the gas (assuming none has escaped)? Solution: We rst convert the temperature to Kelvin: T1 = 27 + 273 = 300 K T2 = 15 + 273 = 288 K Let the initial volume be V1 and the nal volume be 1,6V1 Now we can use the gas equation: p1 V1 p2 V2 = T2 T1 p2 (1,6V1 ) (1)V1 = 288 300 480V1 p2 = 288V1 p2 = 0,6 atm 3. 25 cm3 of gas at 1 atm has a temperature of 25 C. When the gas is compressed to 20 cm3 , the temperature of the gas increases to 28 C. Calculate the nal pressure of the gas. Solution: We rst convert the temperature to Kelvin: T1 = 25 + 273 = 298 K T2 = 28 + 273 = 301 K Now we can use the gas equation: p2 V2 p1 V1 = T2 T1 (p2 )(20) (1)(25) = 301 298 (p2 )(20) = 0,08389 . . . 301 (p2 )(20) = 25,516 . . . p1 = 1,26 atm
1. An unknown gas has a pressure of 0,9 atm, a temperature of 120 C and the number of moles is 0,28 mol. What is the volume of the sample? Solution: First convert all units to SI units:
T = 273 + 120 = 393 K V =? 101 325 p= = 112 583,33 Pa 0,9 Now we can use the ideal gas equation to nd the volume of gas:
pV = nRT (112 583,33)V = (0,28)(8,314)(393) 112 583,33V = 895,7256 V = 0,008 m3 V = 8 dm3 2. 6 g of chlorine (Cl2 ) occupies a volume of 0,002 m3 at a temperature of 26 C. What is the pressure of the gas under these conditions? Solution: First nd the number of moles of chlorine gas: m M 6 = 70 = 0,0857 mol
Next convert all units to SI units: T = 273 + 26 = 299 K Now we can use the ideal gas equation to nd the pressure:
3. An average pair of human lungs contains about 3,5 L of air after inhalation and about 3,0 L after exhalation. Assuming that air in your lungs is at 37 C and 1,0 atm, determine the number of moles of air in a typical breath. Solution: One breath has a volume of:
T = 273 + 37 = 310 K p = 101 325 Pa Now we can use the ideal gas equation to nd the number of moles:
pV = nRT (101 325)(0,0005) = (n)(8,314)(310) 50,6625 = (n)(2577,34) = 0,02 mol 4. A learner is asked to calculate the answer to the problem below: Calculate the pressure exerted by 1,5 moles of nitrogen gas in a container with a volume of 20 dm3 at a temperature of 37 C. The learner writes the solution as follows: V = 20 dm3 n = 1,5 mol R = 8,314 JK1 mol1 T = 37 + 273 = 310 K pT = nRV p(310) = (1,5)(8,314)(20) p(310) = (249,42) = 0,8 kPa
a) Identify 2 mistakes the learner has made in the calculation. b) Are the units of the nal answer correct? c) Rewrite the solution, correcting the mistakes to arrive at the right answer. Solution: a) The learner has not used the correct equation. The ideal gas equation is pV = nRT . The learner did not convert the volume to SI units.
b) The pressure should be given in pascals (Pa) rst and then converted to kiloPascals (kPa). c) V = 0,02 m3 n = 1,5 mol R = 8,314 JK1 mol1 T = 37 + 273 = 310 K pV = nRT p(0,020 m3 ) = (1,5 mol)(8,314 JK1 mol1 )(310 K) p(0,020 m3 ) = 3866,01 J p = 193 300,5 Pa = 193,3 kPa 5. Most modern cars are equipped with airbags for both the driver and the passenger. An airbag will completely inate in 0,05 s. This is important because a typical car collision lasts about 0,125 s. The following reaction of sodium azide (a compound found in airbags) is activated by an electrical signal: 2NaN3 (s) 2Na (s) + 3N2 (g) a) Calculate the mass of N2 (g) needed to inate a sample airbag to a volume of 65 dm3 at 25 C and 99,3 kPa. Assume the gas temperature remains constant during the reaction. b) The above reaction produces heat, which raises the temperature in the airbag. Describe, in terms of the kinetic theory of gases, how the pressure in the sample airbag will change, if at all, as the gas temperature returns to 25 C. Solution: a) We rst convert all units to SI units: P = 99,3 1000 = 99 300 Pa 65 V = = 0,065 m3 1000 T = 25 + 273 = 298 K pV = nRT (99 300)(0,065) = n(8,314)(298) 6464,5 = n(2477,572) n = 2,61 mol Next we convert the number of moles to grams: m M m 2,61 = 28 m = 73,1 g n= b) When the temperature decreases the intensity of collisions with the walls of the airbag and between particles decreases. Therefore pressure decreases.
Chapter summary
Exercise 7 7:
1. Give one word or term for each of the following denitions. a) A gas is that has identical particles of zero volume, with no intermolecular forces between the particles. b) The law that states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas, provided that the pressure and the amount of the gas remain constant. c) A measure of the average kinetic energy of gas particles. Solution: a) Ideal gas b) Charles law c) Temperature 2. Which one of the following properties of a xed quantity of a gas must be kept constant during an investigation of Boyles law? a) density b) pressure c) temperature d) volume (IEB 2003 Paper 2) Solution: Temperature must be kept constant. 3. Three containers of equal volume are lled with equal masses of helium, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas respectively. The gases in the three containers are all at the same temperature. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the pressure of the gases? a) All three gases will be at the same pressure b) The helium will be at the greatest pressure c) The nitrogen will be at the greatest pressure d) The carbon dioxide will be at the greatest pressure (IEB 2004 Paper 2) Solution: The sample of helium gas will be at the greatest pressure. 4. The ideal gas equation is given by pV = nRT. Which one of the following conditions is true according to Avogadros hypothesis?
a b c d
1 p V V T V n pT
(DoE Exemplar paper 2, 2007) Solution: V n, with p, T constant. 5. Complete the following table by stating whether or not the property is constant or variable for the given gas law. Law Boyles law Charles law Gay-Lussacs law General gas equation Ideal gas equation Solution: Law Boyles law Charles law Gay-Lussacs law General gas equation Ideal gas equation Pressure (p) variable constant variable variable variable Volume (V) variable variable constant variable variable Temperature (T) constant variable variable variable variable Moles (n) constant constant constant constant variable Pressure (p) Volume (V) Temperature (T) Moles (n)
6. Use your knowledge of the gas laws to explain the following statements. a) It is dangerous to put an aerosol can near heat. b) A pressure vessel that is poorly designed and made can be a serious safety hazard (a pressure vessel is a closed, rigid container that is used to hold gases at a pressure that is higher than the normal air pressure). c) The volume of a car tyre increases after a trip on a hot road. Solution: a) As the temperature of a gas increases the pressure also increases (provided the volume stays constant). Since the volume of an aerosol can stays constant, the pressure will increase and cause the can to explode.
b) As the temperature of a gas increases the pressure also increases (provided the volume stays constant). Since the volume of a pressure vessel stays constant, the pressure will increase if the temperature increases and cause the vessel to explode. Also since the vessel keeps the gas at a higher pressure than normal, the gas is more likely to burst out of the container. c) Volume is proportional to temperature at a xed pressure. The pressure of a car tyre is xed. After a long trip, the temperature of the tyre increases which leads to an increase in the volume. 7. Copy the following set of labelled axes and answer the questions that follow:
Volume (m3 ) 0
Temperature (K)
a) On the axes, using a solid line, draw the graph that would be obtained for a xed mass of an ideal gas if the pressure is kept constant. b) If the gradient of the above graph is measured to be 0,008 m3 K1 , calculate the pressure that 0,3 mol of this gas would exert. (IEB 2002 Paper 2) Solution:
(m3 ) Volume 0
Temperature (K)
b) The equation of a straight line graph is y = mx + x. Since the above graph intersects the y-axis at 0, c = 0. We are told that the gradient is 0,008. So the equation for the above graph is y = 0,008x. The ideal gas equation is pV = nRT . Since the above graph plots temperature on the x-axis and volume on the y-axis, we rearrange the ideal gas equation to nd: V = nR p T. Therefore, the gradient of the graph is equal to
nR p .
0,008 =
(0,3)(8,314) p p = 311,775 Pa
8. Two gas cylinders, A and B, have a volume of 0,15 m3 and 0,20 m3 respectively. Cylinder A contains 35 mol He gas at pressure p and cylinder B contains 40 mol He gas at 5 atm. The ratio of the Kelvin temperatures A:B is 1,80:1,00. Calculate the pressure of the gas (in kPa) in cylinder A. (IEB 2002 Paper 2)
Solution: Let the temperature of gas B be TB and the temperature of gas A is then 1,8TB . We convert the pressure of gas B to SI units:
pV = nRT (506 625)(0,2) = (40)(8,314)(TB ) 101 325 = (332,56)(TB ) TB = 304,68 K So the temperature of gas A is:
pV = nRT p(0,15) = (35)(8,314)(548,43) p(0,15) = (159 586,875) p = 106 391,25 Pa p = 106,39 kPa 9. A learner investigates the relationship between the Celsius temperature and the pressure of a xed amount of helium gas in a 500 cm3 closed container. From the results of the investigation, she draws the graph below:
20 temperature (0 C)
a) Under the conditions of this investigation, helium gas behaves like an ideal gas. Explain briey why this is so.
b) From the shape of the graph, the learner concludes that the pressure of the helium gas is directly proportional to the Celsius temperature. Is her conclusion correct? Briey explain your answer. c) Calculate the pressure of the helium gas at 0 C. d) Calculate the mass of helium gas in the container. (IEB 2003 Paper 2) Solution: a) The pressure is not high enough to cause molecular volume to start taking effect. The temperature range is well above heliums boiling point to prevent helium becoming a liquid. b) No. The pressure is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature. The conversion between Kelvin and Celsius relies on addition and subtraction. This conversion affects the proportionality constant differently depending on whether Celsius or Kelvin is used. If the conversion used multiplication or division then the learners conclusion would be correct. c) At 20 C the pressure is 300 kPa. Using the relationship between pressure and temperature we nd the pressure: p2 p1 = T2 T1 p2 (300 103 ) = (273) (293) p2 = 87 900 000 (273) p2 = 321 978,022 Pa = 322,0 kPa d) We can use either of the temperature-pressure readings. The number of moles is:
pV = nRT (300 103 )(500 10-3 ) = n(8,314)(293) 150 000 = (2436,002)n n = 61,58 mol And the mass is:
m = nM = (61,58)(4) = 246,31 g 10. One of the cylinders of a motor car engine, before compression contains 450 cm3 of a mixture of air and petrol in the gaseous phase, at a temperature of 30 C and a pressure of 100 kPa. If the volume of the cylinder after compression decreases to one tenth of the original volume, and the temperature of the gas mixture rises to 140 C, calculate the pressure now exerted by the gas mixture.
T1 = 30 + 273 = 303 K T2 = 140 + 273 = 413 K 450 = 0,450 m3 V1 = 1000 1 V2 = V1 = 0,0450 m3 10 Now we can nd the pressure: p2 V2 p1 V1 = T2 T1 p2 (0,045) (100 000)(0,450) = 413 303 p2 (0,045) = 148,52 413 p2 (0,045) = 61 336,6 p2 = 1 363 036,3 Pa = 1363,0 kPa 11. A gas of unknown volume has a temperature of 14 C. When the temperature of the gas is increased to 100 C, the volume is found to be 5,5 L. What was the initial volume of the gas? Solution: First convert the temperature to Kelvin:
T1 = 14 + 273 = 287 K T2 = 100 + 273 = 373 K Next we an nd the initial volume: V1 T1 V1 287 V1 287 V1 V2 T2 5,5 = 373 = = 0,020 . . . = 5,78 L
12. A gas has an initial volume of 2600 mL and a temperature of 350 K. a) If the volume is reduced to 1500 mL, what will the temperature of the gas be in Kelvin? b) Has the temperature increased or decreased? c) Explain this change, using the kinetic theory of gases.
Solution: a) V2 V1 = T1 T2 2,6 1,5 = 350 T2 1,5 0,007428 . . . = T2 (0,007428 . . .)T2 = 1,5 T2 = 201,9 K b) Decreased. c) When the temperature of a gas decreases, so does the average speed of its molecules. The molecules collide with the walls of the container less often and with lesser impact. These collisions will not push back the walls, so that the gas occupies a lesser volume than it did at the start. 13. In an experiment to determine the relationship between pressure and temperature of a xed mass of gas, a group of learners obtained the following results: Pressure (kPa) Temperature ( C) Total gas volume (cm3 ) 101 0 250 120 50 250 130,5 80 250 138 100 250
a) Draw a straight-line graph of pressure (on the dependent, y-axis) versus temperature (on the independent, x-axis) on a piece of graph paper. Plot the points. Give your graph a suitable heading. b) A straight-line graph passing through the origin is essential to obtain a mathematical relationship between pressure and temperature.. Extrapolate (extend) your graph and determine the temperature (in C) at which the graph will pass through the temperature axis. c) Write down, in words, the relationship between pressure and Kelvin temperature. d) From your graph, determine the pressure (in kPa) at 173 K. Indicate on your graph how you obtained this value. e) How would the gradient of the graph be affected (if at all) if a larger mass of the gas is used? Write down ONLY increases, decreases or stays the same. (DoE Exemplar Paper 2, 2007) Solution:
b) See above. c) The pressure for a xed mass of gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature. d) 173 K is 100 C. So we draw a line from 100 C to the graph and then draw a line across to the y-axis. (See graph above). This gives a pressure of about 64 kPa (you can check this by calculation). e) Increases.
Gases and solutions Stoichiometric calculations Volume relationships in gaseous reactions Chapter summary
This topic builds on the gr10 chapter of the same title. A quick revision (no more than 15 minutes) of the gr10 work would greatly help learners to recall how to calculate molar masses, number of moles and concentration. In this chapter learners will learn about molar volumes of gases, concentration of solutions, more on stoichiometry and volume relationships in gaseous reactions. Topics covered in this chapter are: 1 mole of gas occupies 22,4 dm3 and expansion to any number of moles of gas In grade 10 learners learnt about the molar volume of gases. This concept is refreshed here and then expanded on to cover any number of moles of gases. This is a very important result that is used in stoichiometric calculations to go from volume of a gas to number of moles and from there via the balanced equation to the desired quantity of one of the products or reactants in that reaction. Interpretation of chemical equations Learners should be able to understand that chemical equations can be interpreted in words or in symbols (as seen in grade 10) or in terms of the quantities of the substances involved in the reaction. This second interpretation is a valuable skill for stoichiometric calculations. Calculation of molar concentration of solutions and expanding this to titration calculations CAPs lists an activity on titration calculations which is worked into the text with concentration calculations. In grade 10 learners learnt about calculating concentration, in this chapter concentration calculations are expanded to cover titrations. Limiting reagents In grade 10 learners saw how to use the balanced chemical equation to move from products to reactants and vice versa. This is now expanded on to include information about both reactants where learners have to determine which reactant is limiting and which is in excess before calculating the amount of product formed. Percent yield In this section learners are introduced to percent yield. Care must be taken in this section to ensure that learners do not mix up theoretical yield and percent yield. The percent yield can only be determined from experiment, while the theoretical yield comes from stoichiometric calculations. Empirical and molecular formula This is revision from grade 10. Learners are reminded how to calculate the empirical and molecular formula of a substance and are reminded about percent composition. Percent purity The concept of percent purity is the last concept that is covered. This looks at how pure a sample of a compound is. It is important to note that CAPs refers to percent purity as being interchangeable with percent composition which is not strictly true. Percent composition deals with how much of a particular element is in a substance while percent purity deals with how much of a compound is in a sample or how pure your nal product in a reaction is.
Calculations involving gases, liquids and solids CAPs also lists an activity on precipitation calculations which can be included in the nal topic. At the end of the chapter learners bring together all the concepts that they have learnt into this topic. Learners are introduced to the idea that the balanced chemical equation can be used to calculate any quantity of a substance from any of the other products or reactions in that reaction. This is particularly important as reactions do not occur in just one state but occur in multiple states and being able to move freely between, for example, calculating moles of a gas to calculating mass of a substance, is an important skill.
This chapter includes a recommended experiment for informal assessment. It is recommended that you do this experiment as a demonstration for your class. In this experiment you will show your learners what happens when a small sample (about 0,5 g) of lead(II) nitrate is heated. You must work outside or in a well ventilated space and remember that lead(II) nitrate makes a crackling sound on heating. A second experiment to determine the percent yield of magnesium carbonate from magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) and sodium carbonate (washing soda) has also been included. You will need magnesium sulfate, sodium carbonate, mass meter, hot plate or Bunsen burner, small heat resistant beakers, funnel and lter paper. If time and space permits, learners can write their names on their pieces of lter paper before ltering and leave these in an undisturbed place (such as a back room) overnight to dry before weighing them. If this cannot be done remind learners that due to their samples containing some water the sample may not be completely dry when weighing. This makes it slightly harder to take a mass reading and may lead to a percent yield of greater than 100%. When working with a Bunsen burner you must ensure that the room is well ventilated by opening all windows. Also ensure that learners tie long hair up and tuck in any loose clothing.
1. Methane burns in oxygen, forming water and carbon dioxide according to the following equation: CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) 2H2 O(g) + CO2 (g) If 4 dm3 of methane is used, what volume of water is produced?
VA = V H2 O
Exercise 8 2: Gases and solutions
2C2 H2 (g) + 5O2 (g) 4CO2 (g) + 2H2 O (g) If 3,5 dm3 of acetylene gas is burnt, what volume of carbon dioxide will be produced? Solution: a VB b 4 = (3,5) 2 = 7 dm3
2. 130 g of magnesium chloride (MgCl2 ) is dissolved in 300 mL of water. a) Calculate the concentration of the solution. b) What mass of magnesium chloride would need to be added for the concentration to become 6,7 moldm3 ? Solution: a) The number of moles of magnesium chloride is: n= m M 130 = 95 = 1,37 mol
To convert from mL to dm3 we divide by 1000 (1000 mL = 1 L = 1 dm3 ): 300 mL = 0,3 dm3 1000
b) We rst work out what mass of magnesium chloride is needed to make a solution with a concentration of 6,7 moldm3 . The volume will still be 0,3 dm3 . n = CV = (6,7)(0,3) = 2,01 mol This gives a mass of: m = nM = (2,01)(95) = 190,95 g To get from a concentration of 4,56 moldm3 to a concentration of 6,7 moldm3 we must add: 190,95 130 = 60,95 g of magnesium chloride. 3. Given the equation: KOH (aq) + HNO3 (aq) KNO3 (aq) + H2 O (l) 20 cm3 of a 1,3 moldm3 potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution was pipetted into a conical ask and titrated with nitric acid (HNO3 ). It was found that 17 cm3 of the nitric acid was needed to neutralise the base. Calculate the concentration of the nitric acid. Solution: Write down all the information you know about the reaction, and make sure that the equation is balanced. KOH: V = 20 cm3 ; C = 1,3 moldm3 HNO3 : V = 17 cm3 The equation is already balanced. Next convert the volumes to dm3 20 1000 = 0,020 dm3 17 1000 = 0,017 dm3
And now we can work out the concentration of the nitric acid: C1 V1 C2 V 2 = n1 n2 (CHNO3 )(0,020) (1,3)(0,017) = 1 2 0,0221 = (0,020)CHNO3 CHNO3 = 1,105 moldm3 4. Given the equation: 3Ca(OH)2 (aq) + 2H3 PO4 (aq) Ca3 (PO4 )2 (aq) + 6H2 O (l) 10 cm3 of a 0,4 moldm3 calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 ) solution was pipetted into a conical ask and titrated with phosphoric acid (H3 PO4 ). It was found that 11 cm3 of the phosphoric acid was needed to neutralise the base. Calculate the concentration of the phosphoric acid. Solution: Write down all the information you know about the reaction, and make sure that the equation is balanced. Ca(OH)2 : V = 10 cm3 ; C = 0,4 moldm3 H3 PO4 : V = 11 cm3 The equation is already balanced. Next convert the volumes to dm3 10 1000 = 0,010 dm3
VCa(OH)2 =
VH3 PO4 =
And now we can work out the concentration of the nitric acid: C1 V 1 C2 V 2 = n1 n2 (0,4)(0,010) (CH3 PO4 )(0,011) = 3 2 0,001333 = (0,0055)CH3 PO4 CH3 PO4 = 0,24 moldm3 5. A 3,7 g sample of an antacid (which contains mostly calcium carbonate) is dissolved in water. The nal solution has a volume of 500 mL. 25 mL of this solution is then pipetted into a conical ask and titrated with hydrochloric acid. It is found that 20 mL of the hydrochloric acid completely neutralises the antacid solution. What is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid? The equation for this reaction is: CaCO3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) CaCl2 (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g)
Solution: First convert the volume into dm3 : V = 500 = 0,5 L 1000 = 0,5 dm3
Then calculate the number of moles of calcium carbonate: n= m M 3,7 = 100 = 0,037 mol
Now we can calculate the concentration of the calcium carbonate: C= n V 0,037 = 0,5 = 0,074 moldm3
Now calculate the concentration of the hydrochloric acid. Remember that only 25 mL or 0,025 dm3 of the calcium carbonate solution is used.
Stoichiometric calculations
Limiting reagents
Exercise 8 3:
1. When an electrical current is passed through a sodium chloride solution, sodium hydroxide can be produced according to the following equation: 2NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l) Cl2 (g) + H2 (g) + 2NaOH (aq) What is the maximum mass of sodium hydroxide that can be obtained from 4,0 kg of sodium chloride and 3,0 kg of water? Solution:
Now we look at the number of moles of product that each reactant can form. The mole ratio of H2 O to NaOH is 1 : 2. So the number of moles of NaOH that can be produced from water is: nNaOH = nH2 O stoichiometric coecient NaOH stoichiometric coecient H2 O 1 molNaOH = 166,67 mol H2 O 2 mol H2 O = 83,33 molNaOH
The mole ratio of NaCl to NaOH is 2 : 2 (or 1 : 1). So the number of moles of NaOH that can be produced from sodium chloride is: nNaOH = nNaCl stoichiometric coecient NaOH stoichiometric coecient NaCl 2 molNaOH = 68,49 molNaCl 2 mol NaCl = 68,49 molNaOH
Since NaCl produces less NaOH than is produced from H2 O, the sodium chloride is the limiting reagent. We have 68,49 mol of NaOH. The maximum mass of sodium hydroxide that can be produced is calculated as follows:
m = nM = (68,49)(40) = 2739,6 g = 2,7396 kg The maximum amount of sodium hydroxide that can be produced is 2,74 kg.
Percent yield
Exercise 8 4:
1. When an electrical current is passed through a sodium chloride solution, sodium hydroxide can be produced according to the following equation: 2NaCl + H2 O Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH A chemist carries out the above reaction using 4,0 kg of sodium chloride and 3,0 kg of water. The chemist nds that they get 1,8 kg of sodium hydroxide. What is the percentage yield? Solution: We rst nd the limiting reagent. Moles of sodium chloride: n= m M 4000 = 58,4 = 68,49 mol
Now we look at the number of moles of product that each reactant can form. The mole ratio of H2 O to NaOH is 1 : 2. So the number of moles of NaOH that can be produced from water is: nNaOH = nH2 O stoichiometric coecient NaOH stoichiometric coecient H2 O 1 molNaOH = 166,67 mol H2 O 2 mol H2 O = 83,33 mol NaOH
The mole ratio of NaCl to NaOH is 2 : 2 (or 1 : 1). So the number of moles of NaOH that can be produced from sodium chloride is: nNaOH = nNaCl stoichiometric coecient NaOH stoichiometric coecient NaCl 2 molNaOH = 68,49 molNaCl 2 mol NaCl = 68,49 mol NaOH
Since NaCl produces less NaOH than is produced from H2 O, the sodium chloride is the limiting reagent. We have 68,49 mol of NaOH.
The maximum mass of sodium hydroxide that can be produced is calculated as follows:
m = nM = (68,49)(40) = 2739,6 g = 2,7396 kg The maximum amount (theoretical yield) of sodium hydroxide that can be produced is 2,74 kg. The percent yield is:
%yield =
1. A sample of oxalic acid has the following percentage composition: 26,7% carbon, 2,2% hydrogen and 71,1% oxygen. Determine the molecular formula of oxalic acid if the molar mass of oxalic acid is 90 gmol1 . Solution: In 100 g of oxalic acid, there is: 26,7 g C, 2,2 g H and 71,1 g O. n=
m M
26,7 = 2,225 mol 12 2,2 nH = = 2,18 mol 1,01 71,1 nO = = 4,44 mol 16 nC = To nd the empirical formula we rst note how many moles of each element we have. Then we divide by the smallest number to get the ratios of each element. This ratio is rounded off to the nearest whole number. C 2,225 2,225 2,18 1 H 2,18 2,18 2,18 1 O 4,44 4,44 2,18 2
The empirical formula is CHO2 . The molar mass of oxalic acid using the empirical formula is 45 gmol1 . However the question gives the molar mass as 90 gmol1 . Therefore the actual number of moles of each element must be double what it is in the empirical 90 formula ( = 2). The molecular formula is therefore C2 H2 O4 . 45
Percent purity
Exercise 8 6:
1. Hematite contains iron oxide (Fe2 O3 ) as well as other compounds. Thembile wants to know how much iron oxide is in a sample of hematite. He nds that the sample of hematite weighs 6,2 g. After performing some experiments he nds that the mass of iron oxide and the crucible (a container that is used to heat compounds in) is 4,8 g. The mass of the crucible is 0,5 g. How much iron oxide is in the sample of hematite? Solution: Percent purity is given by: %purity = mass of compound 100 mass of sample
We are given the mass of the product and the mass of the crucible. We need to subtract the mass of the crucible from this to obtain just the mass of the product.
Mass product = 4,8 g 0,5 g = 4,3 g Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives:
%purity =
Exercise 8 7: Stoichiometry
3Fe2 O3 (s) + CO (g) 2Fe2 O4 (s) + CO2 (g) If 2,3 kg of Fe2 O3 and 1,7 kg of CO is used, what is the maximum mass of Fe2 O4 that can be produced? Solution: Moles of Fe2 O3 (the molar mass of iron is 56 gmol1 ): n= m M 2300 = 160 = 14,375 mol
Now we look at the number of moles of product that each reactant can form. The mole ratio of Fe2 O3 to Fe2 O4 is 3 : 2. So the number of moles of Fe2 O4 that can be produced from Fe2 O3 is: nFe2 O4 = nFe2 O4 stoichiometric coecient Fe2 O4 stoichiometric coecient Fe2 O4 2 molFe2 O4 = 14,375 mol Fe2 O3 3 mol Fe2 O3 = 9,58 molFe2 O4
The mole ratio of CO to Fe2 O4 is or 1 : 2. So the number of moles of Fe2 O3 that can be produced from carbon monoxide is: nFe2 O4 = nCO stoichiometric coecient Fe2 O stoichiometric coecient CO 2 molFe2 O4 = 60,71 molCO 1 mol CO = 121,42 molFe2 O4
Since Fe2 O3 produces less Fe2 O4 than is produced from CO, the Fe2 O3 is the limiting reagent. We have 9,58 mol of Fe2 O4 . The maximum mass of Fe2 O4 that can be produced is calculated as follows:
m = nM = (9,58)(176) = 1686,08 g = 1,686 kg The maximum amount (theoretical yield) of Fe2 O4 that can be produced is 1,69 kg.
2. Sodium nitrate decomposes on heating to produce sodium nitrite and oxygen according to the following equation: 2NaNO3 (s) 2NaNO2 (s) + O2 (g) Nombusa carries out the above reaction using 50 g of sodium nitrate. Nombusa nds that they get 36 g of sodium nitrite. What is the percentage yield? Solution: There is only one reactant and so we do not need to nd the limiting reagent. We nd the number of moles of sodium nitrate: m n= M 50 = 85 = 0,588 mol Now we nd the number of moles of sodium nitrite. The mole ratio of NaNO3 to NaNO2 is 2 : 2 (or 1 : 1). So the number of moles of NaNO2 is also 0,588 mol. The maximum mass of sodium nitrite that can be produced is:
m = nM = (0,588)(69) = 40,588 g The maximum amount (theoretical yield) of sodium nitrite that can be produced is 40,588 g. The percent yield is: actual yield 100 theoretical yield 36 = (100) 40,588 = 88,69%
%yield =
3. Benzene has the following percentage composition: 92,31% carbon and 7,69% hydrogen Determine the molecular formula of benzene if the molar mass of benzene is 78 gmol1 . Solution: In 100 g of benzene, there is: 92,31 g C and 7,69 g H. n=
m M
We note that the two values are approximately equal. The empirical formula is CH. The molar mass of benzene using the empirical formula is 13 gmol1 . However the question gives the molar mass as 78 gmol1 . We divide the given molar mass by the calculated molar mass to nd the molecular formula: 78 13 = 6. Therefore the molecular formula is: C6 H6 . 4. Cuprite is a minor ore of copper. Cuprite is mainly composed of copper(I) oxide (Cu2 O). Jennifer wants to know how much copper oxide is in a sample of cuprite. She has a sample of cuprite that weighs 7,7 g. She performs some experiments and nds that the mass of iron oxide and crucible (a container that is used to heat compounds in) is 7,4 g. The mass of the crucible is 0,2 g. What is the percent purity of the sample of cuprite? Solution: Percent purity is given by: %purity = mass of compound 100 mass of sample
We are given the mass of the product and the mass of the crucible. We need to subtract the mass of the crucible from this to obtain just the mass of the product.
Mass product = 7,4 g 0,2 g = 7,2 g Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives:
%purity =
5. A sample containing tin dioxide (SnO2 ) is to be tested to see how much tin dioxide it contains. The sample weighs 6,2 g. Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) is added to the sample and tin sulfate (Sn(SO4 )2 ) forms. The equation for this reaction is: SnO2 (s) + 2H2 SO4 (aq) Sn(SO4 )2 (s) + 2H2 O(l) If the mass of tin sulfate produced is 4,7 g, what is the percent purity of the sample? Solution: The number of moles of tin sulfate is (the molar mass of tin is (119 gmol1 )): n= m M 6,2 = 311 = 0,0199 mol
The molar ratio of tin sulfate to tin dioxide is 1:1. Therefore the number of moles of tin dioxide is 0,0199 mol. The mass of tin dioxide is: m = nM = (0,0199)(151) = 3,01 g Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives: %purity = mass of compound 100 mass of sample 3,01 (100) = 6,2 = 48,6%
Exercise 8 8: Gases 2
1. What volume of oxygen is needed for the complete combustion of 5 g of magnesium to form magnesium oxide? Solution: The balanced equation for this reaction is: 2Mg (s) + O2 (g) 2MgO (s) The number of moles of magnesium used is: m M 5 = 24 = 0,2083 mol
The mole ratio of Mg to O2 is 2 : 1. So the number of moles of O2 is: stoichiometric coecient O2 stoichiometric coecient Mg 1 molO2 = 0,2083 molMg 2 mol Mg = 0,1042 molO2
nO2 = nMg
V = (22,4)n = (22,4)(0,1042) = 2,33 dm3 2. Annalize is making a mini volcano for her science project. She mixes baking soda (mostly NaHCO3 ) and vinegar (mostly CH3 COOH) together to make her volcano erupt. The reaction for this equation is: NaHCO3 (s) + CH3 COOH (aq) CH3 COONa (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g) What volume of carbon dioxide is produced if Annalize uses 50 ml of 0,2 moldm3 acetic acid? Solution: The number of moles of acetic acid used is: n V
C= 0,2 moldm3 =
The mole ratio of CH3 COOH to CO2 is 1 : 1. So the number of moles of CO2 is 0,01 mol.
Chapter summary
Exercise 8 9:
1. Write only the word/term for each of the following descriptions: a) A reagent that is completely used up in a chemical reaction. b) The simplest formula of a compound. c) The amount of product that is calculated for a reaction using stoichiometric methods. d) A technique for determining the concentration of an unknown solution. Solution: a) Limiting reagent
b) Empirical formula c) Theoretical yield d) Titration 2. What is the volume of 3 mol of N2 gas at STP? a) 67,2 dm3 b) 22,4 dm3 c) 33,6 dm3 d) 63,2 dm3 Solution: 67,2 dm3 3. Given the following reaction: 3NO2 (g) + H2 O (g) 2HNO3 (g) + NO (g) If 2,7 dm3 of NO2 is used, what volume of HNO3 is produced? a) 4,1 dm3 b) 2,7 dm3 c) 1,8 dm3 d) 3,4 dm3 Solution: 1,8 dm3 a VB b 2 = VNO2 3 2 = (2,7) 3 = 1,8 dm3
4. If 4,2 g of magnesium sulfate is dissolved in 350 cm3 of water, what is the concentration of the solution? a) 0,1 moldm3 b) 0,05 moldm3 c) 0,003 moldm3 d) 0,0001 moldm3 Solution: The concentration is: 0,1 moldm3 The number of moles of magnesium sulfate is: m n= M 4,2 = 120 = 0,035 mol
To convert from cm3 to dm3 we divide by 1000: 350 cm3 = 0,35 dm3 1000 The concentration is: C= n V 0,035 = 0,35 = 0,1 moldm3
5. Gold is occasionally found as the mineral calaverite. Calaverite contains a telluride of gold (AuTe2 ). Phumza wants to know how much calaverite is in a sample of rock. She nds that the rock sample weighs 3,6 g. After performing some experiments she nds that the mass of calaverite and the crucible is 2,4 g. The mass of the crucible is 0,3 g. What is the percent purity of calaverite in the sample? a) 63% b) 54% c) 58% d) 67% Solution: The percent purity is 58%. Percent purity is given by: %purity = mass of compound 100 mass of sample
We are given the mass of the product and the mass of the crucible. We need to subtract the mass of the crucible from this to obtain just the mass of the product.
Mass product = 2,4 g 0,3 g = 2,1 g Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives:
%purity =
6. 300 cm3 of a 0,1 moldm3 solution of sulfuric acid is added to 200 cm3 of a 0,5 moldm3 solution of sodium hydroxide. a) Write down a balanced equation for the reaction which takes place when these two solutions are mixed.
b) Calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid which were added to the sodium hydroxide solution. c) Is the number of moles of sulfuric acid enough to fully neutralise the sodium hydroxide solution? Support your answer by showing all relevant calculations. (IEB Paper 2 2004) Solution: a) 2NaOH + H2 SO4 Na2 SO4 + 2H2 O b) n V n 0,1 = 0,3 n = 0,03 mol C= We need 0,03 mol. c) We calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide that are added n V n 0,5 = 0,2 n = 0,1 mol C= From the molar ratio of sulfuric acid to sodium hydroxide we nd that we can neutralise stoichiometric coecient NaOH stoichiometric coecient H2 SO4 2 molNaOH = 0,03 molH2 SO4 1 mol H2 SO4 = 0,015 mol
of sodium hydroxide. We have 0,01 mol of sodium hydroxide and so the sodium hydroxide will be fully neutralised. The sulfuric acid is slightly in excess. 7. Given the equation: 2NaOH (aq) + H2 SO4 (aq) Na2 SO4 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) 25 cm3 of a 0,7 moldm3 sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) solution was pipetted into a conical ask and titrated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). It was found that 23 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide was needed to neutralise the acid. Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide. Solution: Write down all the information you know about the reaction, and make sure that the equation is balanced. H2 SO4 : V = 25 cm3 ; C = 0,7 moldm3 NaOH: V = 23 cm3
The equation is already balanced. Next convert the volumes to dm3 25 1000 = 0,025 dm3
VH2 SO4 =
And now we can work out the concentration of the sodium hydroxide: C1 V 1 C2 V 2 = n1 n2 (CNaOH )(0,023) (0,7)(0,025) = 1 2 0,0175 = (0,0115)CNaOH CNaOH = 1,52 moldm3 8. Ozone (O3 ) reacts with nitrogen monoxide gas (NO) to produce NO2 gas. The NO gas forms largely as a result of emissions from the exhausts of motor vehicles and from certain jet planes. The NO2 gas also contributes to the brown smog (smoke and fog), which is seen over most urban areas. This gas is also harmful to humans, as it causes breathing (respiratory) problems. The following equation indicates the reaction between ozone and nitrogen monoxide: O3 (g) + NO (g) O2 (g) + NO2 (g) In one such reaction 0,74 g of O3 reacts with 0,67 g NO. a) Calculate the number of moles of O3 and of NO present at the start of the reaction. b) Identify the limiting reagent in the reaction and justify your answer. c) Calculate the mass of NO2 produced from the reaction. (DoE Exemplar Paper 2, 2007) Solution: a) Moles of O3 : n= m M 0,74 = 48 = 0,0154 mol
b) Now we look at the number of moles of product that each reactant can form. The mole ratio of O3 to NO2 is 1 : 1. So the number of moles of O3 that can be produced from O3 is 0,0154 mol The mole ratio of NO to NO2 is 1 : 1. So the number of moles of Fe2 O3 that can be produced from carbon monoxide is 0,0223 mol Since O3 produces less NO2 than is produced from NO, the O3 is the limiting reagent. c) We have 0,0154 mol of NO2 . The maximum mass of NO2 that can be produced is calculated as follows:
m = nM = (0,0154)(46) = 0,71 g The maximum amount (theoretical yield) of NO2 that can be produced is 0,71 g. 9. Calcium carbonate decomposes on heating to produce calcium oxide and oxygen according to the following equation: CaCO3 (s) CaO (s) + O2 (g) Thabang carries out the above reaction using 127 g of calcium carbonate. He nds that he gets 68,2 g of calcium oxide. What is the percentage yield? Solution: There is only one reactant and so we do not need to nd the limiting reagent. We nd the number of moles of calcium carbonate: n= m M 127 = 100 = 1,27 mol
Now we nd the number of moles of calcium oxide. The mole ratio of CaCO3 to CaO is 1 : 1. So the number of moles of CaO is also 1,27 mol. The maximum mass of calcium oxide that can be produced is:
m = nM = (1,27)(56) = 71,12 g The maximum amount (theoretical yield) of calcium oxide that can be produced is 71,12 g. The percent yield is:
%yield =
10. Some airbags contain a mixture of sodium azide (NaN3 ) and potassium nitrate (KNO3 ). When a car crash is detected by the signalling system, the sodium azide is heated until it decomposes to form nitrogen gas and sodium metal: 2NaN3 (s) 2Na (s) + 3N2 (g) The potassium nitrate then reacts with the sodium metal forming more nitrogen: 10Na (s) + 2KNO3 (s) K2 O (s) + 5Na2 O (s) + N2 (g) A typical passenger side airbag contains 250 g of sodium azide. a) What mass of sodium metal is formed in the rst reaction? b) What is the total volume of nitrogen gas formed from both reactions? c) How much potassium nitrate (in g) is needed for all the sodium to be used up in the second reaction? Solution: a) To nd the amount of sodium metal we rst calculate how many moles of sodium azide is in the airbag: 250 65 = 3,846 mol
Next we nd the number of moles of sodium. The molar ratio of sodium azide to sodium is 2 : 2 (or 1 : 1) so the number of moles of sodium is: 3,846 mol And the mass of sodium metal is:
m = (3,846)(23) = 88,461 g b) To nd the total volume of nitrogen produced we need to calculate the volume of nitrogen produced in each reaction and then add these two numbers together. For the rst reaction we have 3,846 mol of sodium azide. The mole ratio of sodium azide to nitrogen is 2 : 3, so the number of moles of nitrogen is: stoichiometric coecient N2 stoichiometric coecient NaN3 2 molN2 = 3,846 molNaN3 3 mol NaN3 = 2,564 molN2
nN2 = nNaN3
Now we nd the volume: V = 22,4n = (22,4)(2,564) = 57,436 dm3 For the second reaction we have 3,846 mol of sodium (the sodium from the rst reaction is used up in the second reaction). The mole ratio of sodium to nitrogen is 10 : 1, so the number of moles of nitrogen is: stoichiometric coecient N2 stoichiometric coecient Na 1 molN2 = 3,846 molNa 10 mol Na = 0,385 molN2
nN2 = nNa
Now we nd the volume: V = 22,4n = (22,4)(0,385) = 8,615 dm3 And the total volume of nitrogen is: VT = V1 + V2 = 57,436 + 8,615 = 66,051 dm3 c) The number of moles of sodium is: 3,846 mol. The molar ratio of sodium to potassium nitrate is: 10 : 2 or 5 : 1. So the number of moles of potassium nitrate is: stoichiometric coecient KNO3 stoichiometric coecient Na 1 molKNO3 = 3,846 molNa 5 mol Na = 0,7692 mol
nKNO3 = nNa
And the mass of potassium nitrate needed is: m = (0,7692)(101) = 77,69 g To ensure a complete reaction we could use 78 g of potassium nitrate. 11. Chlorouorocarbons (CFCs) are a class of compounds that have a long history of use in refrigerators. CFCs are slowly being phased out as they deplete the amount of ozone in the ozone layer. Jabu has a sample of a CFC that has the following percentage composition: 14,05% carbon, 41,48% chlorine and 44,46% uorine. Determine the molecular formula of this CFC if the molar mass is 171 gmol1 .
Solution: In 100 g of the CFC, there is: 14,05 g C, 41,48 g Cl, and 44,46 g F. n=
m M
14,05 = 1,17 mol 12 41,48 nCl = = 1,19 mol 35 44,46 = 2,34 mol nF = 19 nC = To nd the empirical formula we rst note how many moles of each element we have. Then we divide by the smallest number to get the ratios of each element. This ratio is rounded off to the nearest whole number. C 1,17 1,17 1,17 1 The empirical formula is CClF2 . The molar mass of the CFC using the empirical formula is 85 gmol1 . However the question gives the molar mass as 171 gmol1 . We divide the given molar mass by the calculated molar mass to nd the molecular formula: 171 85 = 2. Therefore the molecular formula is: C2 Cl2 F4 . 12. A sample containing tin dioxide (SnO2 ) is to be tested to see how much tin dioxide it contains. The sample weighs 6,2 g. Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) is added to the sample and tin sulfate (Sn(SO4 )2 ) forms. The equation for this reaction is: SnO2 (s) + 2H2 SO4 (aq) Sn(SO4 )2 (s) + 2H2 O (l) If the mass of tin sulfate produced is 4,7 g, what is the percent purity of the sample? Solution: The number of moles of tin sulfate is (the molar mass of tin is (119 gmol1 )): n= m M 6,2 = 311 = 0,0199 mol Cl 1,19 1,19 1,17 1 F 2,34 2,34 1,17 2
The molar ratio of tin sulfate to tin dioxide is 1:1. Therefore the number of moles of tin dioxide is 0,0199 mol. The mass of tin dioxide is: m = nM = (0,0199)(151) = 3,01 g
Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives: %purity = mass of compound 100 mass of sample 3,01 = (100) 6,2 = 48,6%
13. Syngas (synthesis gas) is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Syngas can be produced from methane using: CH4 (g) + H2 O (g) CO (g) + 3H2 (g) Neels wants to make a mixture of syngas that has three times the volume of hydrogen gas. a) If the volume of methane used is 4 dm3 , what volume of carbon monoxide and hydrogen will be produced? b) Will this amount of methane produce the correct mixture? Solution: a) The volume of carbon monoxide produced is: a VCH4 b 1 = (4) 1 = 4 dm3
VCO2 =
VH2 =
b) Yes. Since the two gases have a ratio of 1 : 3 we will always have three times as much carbon monoxide as hydrogen gas.
This chapter builds on the work covered in electrostatics in grade 10. Learners should be familiar with the two types of charges and with simple calculations of amount of charge. The following list summarises the topics covered in this chapter.
Coulombs law In this part of the topic learners are introduced to Coulombs law. This is an inverse square law and has a similar form to Newtons law of Universal Gravitation. Electric elds The concept of an electric eld is introduced in this part of the chapter. Learners will see how to draw the electric eld lines for different congurations of charges and will learn how to determine the magnitude of the electric eld. Learners will also learn how to calculate the electric eld at a point due to a number of point charges.
Coulombs law
1. Calculate the electrostatic force between two charges of +6 nC and +1 nC if they are separated by a distance of 2 mm. Solution:
Fe =
kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(6 10-9 )(1 10-9 ) = (2 10-3 )2 = 1,35 10-2 N
This force is repulsive since it is between two like charges. 2. What is the magnitude of the repulsive force between two pith balls (a pith ball is a small, light ball that can easily be charged) that are 8 cm apart and have equal charges of 30 nC? Solution:
9.1. Introduction
Fe =
kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(30 10-9 )(30 10-9 ) = (8 10-2 )2 = 1,27 10-3 N
This force is repulsive since it is between two like charges. 3. How strong is the attractive force between a glass rod with a 0,7 C charge and a silk cloth with a 0,6 C charge, which are 12 cm apart, using the approximation that they act like point charges? Solution: kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(0,6 10-6 )(0,7 10-6 ) = (12 10-2 )2 = 0,26 N
Fe =
This force is attractive since it is between two unlike charges. 4. Two point charges exert a 5 N force on each other. What will the resulting force be if the distance between them is increased by a factor of three? Solution: Let the charges be Q1 and Q2 . For the rst situation we have: Fe1 = kQ1 Q2 r2
Now we increase the distance by a factor of three so we get: Fe2 = We now note the following: (Fe1 )(r2 ) = kQ1 Q2 and: (Fe2 )(9r2 ) = kQ1 Q2 Therefore: kQ1 Q2 9r 2
(Fe1 )(r2 ) = (Fe2 )(9r2 ) Fe1 = (Fe2 )(9) Fe2 = 0,56 N 5. Two point charges are brought closer together, increasing the force between them by a factor of 25. By what factor was their separation decreased?
Chapter 9. Electrostatics
Solution: Let the charges be Q1 and Q2 . For the rst situation we have: Fe1 = kQ1 Q2 r2
Now we decrease by an unknown factor, x, the distance and we get: Fe2 = We now note the following: and: (Fe2 ) = 25 Therefore: kQ1 Q2 kQ1 Q2 )= r2 (xr)2 1 25 = 2 x x = 0,2 kQ1 Q2 r2 kQ1 Q2 (xr)2
6. If two equal charges each of 1 C each are separated in air by a distance of 1 km, what is the magnitude of the force acting between them? Solution: kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(1)(1) = (1 103 )2 = 9000 N
Fe =
This force is repulsive since it is between two like charges. You should notice that even at a distance as large as 1 km, the repulsive force is substantial because 1 C is a very signicant amount of charge. 7. Calculate the distance between two charges of +4 nC and 3 nC if the electrostatic force between them is 0,005 N. Solution: kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(4 10-9 )(3 10-9 ) 0,005 = (d)2 0,005d2 = 1,07 10-9 Fe = d2 = 2,1576 10-5 = 4,6 10-3 m
8. For the charge conguration shown, calculate the resultant force on Q2 if: Q1 =2,3 10-7 C Q2 =4 10-6 C Q3 =3,3 10-7 C r1 =2,5 10-1 m r2 =3,7 10-2 m
r1 Q1 Q3 r2 Q2
Solution: We rst calculate the force on Q2 from Q3 : kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(2,3 10-7 )(4 10-6 ) = (3,7 10-2 + 2,5 10-1 )2 = 1,00 10-1 N
Fe1 =
And then we calculate the force of Q1 on Q2 . Note that for this force we must add r1 and r2 . kQ2 Q3 r2 (9,0 109 )(4 10-6 )(3,3 10-7 ) = (2,5 10-1 + 3,7 10-2 )2 = 8,67 N
Fe2 =
Next we note that the force of Q3 on Q2 is repulsive and the force of Q1 on Q2 is also repulsive. So these two forces act in the same direction (towards the right). The resultant force is:
FeR = Fe1 + Fe2 = 8,67 N + 0,1 N = 8,77 N to the right. 9. For the charge conguration shown, calculate the charge on Q3 if the resultant force on Q2 is 6,3 10-1 N to the right and: Q1 =4,36 10-6 C Q2 =7 10-7 C r1 =1,85 10-1 m r2 =4,7 10-2 m
r1 Q1 Q3 r2 Q2
Chapter 9. Electrostatics
Solution: We are told that the resultant force is 6,3 10-5 N to the right. Since the force of Q1 on Q2 is attractive, the force of Q3 on Q2 must be repulsive to cause a resultant force to the right (if it was also attractive, the resultant force would be to the left). So we know that Q3 must be negative. We rst calculate the force on Q2 from Q1 : kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(4,36 10-6 )(7 10-7 ) = (1,85 10-1 + 4,7 10-2 )2 = 0,51 N
Fe1 =
Next we use this and the resultant force to nd the force on Q2 from Q3
FeR = Fe1 + Fe2 Fe2 = 6,3 10-1 N 0,51 N = 0,12 N And then we calculate the charge on Q3 : kQ2 Q3 r2 (9,0 109 )(7 10-7 )(Q3 ) 0,12 = (4,7 10-2 )2 2,6 10-4 = (6,293 103 )(Q3 ) Fe2 = Q3 = 4,2 10-8 C 10. Calculate the resultant force on Q1 given this charge conguration:
Q3 = +3 nC
0,04 m Q2 = +1 nC 0,07 m
Q1 = +2 nC
Solution: We rst calculate the force on Q1 from Q2 : kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(1 10-9 )(2 10-9 ) = (0,07)2 = 3,7 10-6 N
Fe =
And then we calculate the force of Q3 on Q1 : kQ1 Q3 r2 (9,0 109 )(3 10-9 )(2 10-9 ) = (0,04)2 = 3,4 10-5 N
Fe =
The magnitude of the resultant force acting on Q1 can be calculated from the forces using Pythagoras theorem because there are only two forces and they act in the x- and y -directions:
2 2 2 FR = Fx + Fy
FR =
= 3,42 10-5 N We can nd the angle using trigonometry: y -component x-component 3,42 10-5 = 3,7 10-6 = 9,2432 . . .
tan R =
R = 83,8 The nal resultant force acting on Q1 is 3,42 10-5 N acting at an angle of 83,8 to the negative x-axis. 11. Calculate the resultant force on Q1 given this charge conguration:
Q3 = -3 nC
0,4 m Q2 = +1 nC 0,65 m
Q1 = -9 nC
Solution: We rst calculate the force on Q1 from Q2 : kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(1 10-9 )(9 10-9 ) = (0,65)2 = 1,92 10-7 N
Fe =
Chapter 9. Electrostatics
And then we calculate the force of Q3 on Q1 : kQ1 Q3 r2 (9,0 109 )(3 10-9 )(9 10-9 ) = (0,4)2 = 1,52 10-6 N
Fe =
The magnitude of the resultant force acting on Q1 can be calculated from the forces using Pythagoras theorem because there are only two forces and they act in the x- and y -directions:
2 2 2 FR = Fx + Fy
FR =
= 1,52 10-6 N We can nd the angle using trigonometry: y -component x-component 1,52 10-6 = 1,92 10-7 = 7,91666 . . .
tan R =
R = 82,80 The nal resultant force acting on Q1 is 1,52 10-6 N acting at an angle of 82,80 to the positive x-axis. 12. Calculate the resultant force on Q2 given this charge conguration:
Q1 = +8 nC 0,05 m Q2 = +3 nC
0,03 m
Q3 = -2 nC
Solution: We rst calculate the force on Q2 from Q1 : kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(8 10-9 )(3 10-9 ) = (0,05)2 = 8,63 10-5 N
Fe =
And then we calculate the force of Q3 on Q2 : kQ1 Q3 r2 (9,0 109 )(3 10-9 )(2 10-9 ) = (0,03)2 = 5,99 10-5 N
Fe =
The magnitude of the resultant force acting on Q2 can be calculated from the forces using Pythagoras theorem because there are only two forces and they act in the x- and y -directions:
2 2 2 FR = Fx + Fy
FR =
= 1,05 10-4 N We can nd the angle using trigonometry: y -component x-component 5,99 10-5 = 8,63 10-5 = 0,694 . . .
tan R =
R = 34,76 The nal resultant force acting on Q1 is 1,05 10-4 N acting at an angle of 34,76 to the positive x-axis.
Electric eld
20 m
Chapter 9. Electrostatics
We need to calculate the electric eld a distance from a given charge. We are given the magnitude of the charge and the distance from the charge. We will Q use the equation: E = k r 2. kQ r2 (9,0 109 )(7 10-9 ) = 202 1 = 0,15 NC
2. Two charges of Q1 = 6 pC and Q2 = 8 pC are separated by a distance of 3 km. What is the electric eld strength at a point that is 2 km from Q1 and 1 km from Q2 ? The point lies between Q1 and Q2 .
-8 pC x -6 pC
1 km
2 km
Solution: We need to calculate the electric eld a distance from two given charges. We are given the magnitude of the charges and the distances from the charges.
Q We will use the equation: E = k r 2.
We need to calculate the electric eld for each charge separately and then add them to determine the resultant eld. We rst solve for Q1 : E= kQ r2 (9,0 109 )(6 10-12 ) = (2 103 )2 = 1,3 10-8 NC1
Then for Q2 : E= kQ r2 (9,0 109 )(8 10-12 ) = (1 103 )2 = 7,1 10-8 NC1
We need to subtract the two electric elds because they are in opposite directions. The electric elds due to each charge will be towards the charge causing it. Therefore, Etotal = 1,3 10-8 7,1 10-8 = 5,8 10-8 NC1 in the direction of the 8 pC charge.
Chapter summary
Exercise 9 3:
1. Two charges of +3 nC and 5 nC are separated by a distance of 40 cm. What is the electrostatic force between the two charges? Solution:
F =
kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(3 10-9 )(5 10-9 ) = (40 10-2 )2 = 8,44 10-7 NC1
2. Two conducting metal spheres carrying charges of +6 nC and 10 nC are separated by a distance of 20 mm. a) What is the electrostatic force between the spheres? b) The two spheres are touched and then separated by a distance of 60 mm. What are the new charges on the spheres? c) What is new electrostatic force between the spheres at this distance? Solution: a) F = kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(6 10-9 )(10 10-9 ) = (20 10-3 )2 = 1,35 10-3 NC1 towards the other sphere.
b) The spheres are conducting and so when they touch the charge is spread equally across the two spheres. So the new charge on each sphere is: Q1 + Q2 6 + (10) = = 2 nC 2 2 c) F = kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(2 10-9 )(2 10-9 ) = (60 10-3 )2 = 1,00 10-5 NC1 towards the other sphere.
3. The electrostatic force between two charged spheres of +3 nC and +4 nC respectively is 0,4 N. What is the distance between the spheres?
Chapter 9. Electrostatics
kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(4 10-9 )(3 10-9 ) 0,4 = (d)2 0,4d2 = 1,07 10-9 Fe = d2 = 1,07 10-7 = 3,3 10-4 m 4. Draw the electric eld pattern lines between: a) two equal positive point charges. b) two equal negative point charges. Solution:
b) 5. Two small identical metal spheres, on insulated stands, carry charges q and +3q respectively. When the centres of the spheres are separated by a distance d the one exerts an electrostatic force of magnitude F on the other.
The spheres are now made to touch each other and are then brought back to the same distance d apart. What will be the magnitude of the electrostatic force which one sphere now exerts on the other? a) b) c)
1 4F 1 3F 1 2F
6. Three point charges of magnitude +1 C, +1 C and 1 C respectively are placed on the three corners of an equilateral triangle as shown.
+1 C +1 C
-1 C
Which vector best represents the direction of the resultant force acting on the 1 C charge as a result of the forces exerted by the other two charges?
a) Write a statement of Coulombs law. b) Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by a point charge of +2 nC on another point charge of 3 nC separated by a distance of 60 mm. c) Sketch the electric eld between two point charges of +2 nC and 3 nC, respectively, placed 60 mm apart from each other. [IEB 2003/11 HG1 - Force Fields]
Chapter 9. Electrostatics
Solution: a) The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. b) F = kQ1 Q2 r2 (9,0 109 )(2 10-9 )(3 10-9 ) = (60 10-3 )2 = 1,5 10-5 NC1
-3 nC
+2 nC
c) 8. The electric eld strength at a distance x from a point charge is E. What is the magnitude of the electric eld strength at a distance 2x away from the point charge? a) b)
1 4E 1 2E
Introduction Magnetic eld associated with a current Faradays law of electromagnetic induction Chapter summary
This chapter takes the ideas of magnetism and the ideas of electricity and combines them into one. Learners should know about magnetism from grade 10. The following list summarises the topics covered in this chapter.
Magnetic elds are associated with current carrying wires The idea that magnetism and electricity are linked is introduced. The concept of a magnetic eld around a current carrying wire is explored and a simple method to determine the direction of the magnetic eld is explained. Faradays law Faradays law relates the emf produced to the magnetic ux around a loop of conductor. The concept of electromagnetic induction is introduced and some simple calculations using Faradays law are shown.
1. Give evidence for the existence of a magnetic eld near a current carrying wire. Solution: If you hold a compass near a wire through which current is owing, the needle on the compass will be deected. Since compasses work by pointing along magnetic eld lines, this means that there must be a magnetic eld near the wire through which the current is owing. If the current stops owing the compass returns to its original direction. If the current starts to ow again then the deection happens again. 2. Describe how you would use your right hand to determine the direction of a magnetic eld around a current carrying conductor. Solution: We use the right hand rule which says that the magnetic eld lines produced by a current-carrying wire will be oriented in the same direction as the curled ngers of a persons right hand (in the hitchhiking position), with the thumb pointing in the direction of the current ow:
10.1. Introduction
3. Use the Right Hand Rule to determine the direction of the magnetic eld for the following situations:
current ow
current ow
b) Solution: a) Out of the page b) into the page 4. Use the Right Hand Rule to nd the direction of the magnetic elds at each of the points labelled A - H in the following diagrams.
1. State Faradays Law of electromagnetic induction in words and write down a mathematical relationship. Solution: The emf, E , produced around a loop of conductor is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic ux, , through the area, A, of the loop. This can be stated mathematically as: E = N t
where = B A and B is the strength of the magnetic eld. N is the number of circuit loops. A magnetic eld is measured in units of teslas (T). The minus sign indicates direction and that the induced emf tends to oppose the change in the magnetic ux. The minus sign can be ignored when calculating magnitudes. 2. Describe what happens when a bar magnet is pushed into or pulled out of a solenoid connected to an ammeter. Draw pictures to support your description.
Solution: In the case where a north pole is brought towards the solenoid the current will ow so that a north pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the approaching magnet to repel it (verify using the Right Hand Rule):
In the case where a north pole is moving away from the solenoid the current will ow so that a south pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the receding magnet to attract it:
In the case where a south pole is moving away from the solenoid the current will ow so that a north pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the receding magnet to attract it:
In the case where a south pole is brought towards the solenoid the current will ow so that a south pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the approaching magnet to repel it:
3. Explain how it is possible for the magnetic ux to be zero when the magnetic eld is not zero.
Solution: The ux is related to the magnetic eld: = BA cos If cos is 0, then the magnetic ux will be 0 even if there is a magnetic eld. In this case the magnetic eld is parallel to the surface and does not pass through it. 4. Use the Right Hand Rule to determine the direction of the induced current in the solenoid below.
Solution: A south pole of a magnet is approaching the solenoid. Lenzs law tells us that the current will ow so as to oppose the change. A south pole at the end of the solenoid would oppose the approaching south pole. The current will circulate into the page at the top of the coil so that the thumb on a right hand points to the left. 5. Consider a circular coil of 5 turns with radius 1,73 m. The coil is subjected to a varying magnetic eld that changes uniformly from 2,18 T to 12,7 T in an interval of 3 minutes. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 27 to the magnetic eld. Find the induced emf. Solution: We know that the magnetic eld is at an angle to the surface normal. This means we must account for the angle that the eld makes with the normal and = BA cos(). The starting or initial magnetic eld, Bi , is given as is the nal eld magnitude, Bf . We want to determine the magnitude of the emf so we can ignore the minus sign. The area, A, will be r2 .
E =N
6. Consider a solenoid coil of 11 turns with radius 13,8 10-2 m. The solenoid is subjected to a varying magnetic eld that changes uniformly from 5,34 T to 2,7 T in an interval of 12 s. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 13 to the magnetic eld. a) Find the induced emf. b) If the angle is changed to 67,4 , what would the radius need to be for the emf to remain the same? Solution: a) E =N t f i =N t Bf A cos Bi A cos =N t A cos (Bf Bi ) =N t (13,8 10-2 )2 cos(13)(2,7 5,34) = 11 12 = 0,14 V
b) t f i =N t Bf A cos Bi A cos =N t A cos (Bf Bi ) =N t 2 (r) cos(67,4)(2,7 5,34) 0,14 = 11 12 E =N 1,68 = 35,06(r)2 r2 = 0,0479 r = 0,22 m
7. Consider a solenoid with 5 turns and a radius of 11 10-2 m. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 23 to the magnetic eld. a) Find the change in ux if the emf is 12 V over a period of 12 s. b) If the angle is changed to 45 , what would the time interval need to change to for the induced emf to remain the same? Solution: a) t 12 = 5 12 = 28,8 Wb E =N b) E =N t f i =N t Bf A cos Bi A cos =N t Bf A Bi A = cos N t
All the values remain the same between the two situations described except for the angle and the time. We can equate the equations for the two scenarios:
E1 = E2 Bf A Bi A Bf A Bi A cos 1 N = cos 2 N t1 t 2 1 1 cos 1 = cos 2 t1 t2 t1 cos 2 t 2 = cos 1 (12 cos(45 t 2 = cos(23) t2 = 9,22 s
Chapter summary
Exercise 10 3:
1. What did Hans Oersted discover about the relationship between electricity and
magnetism? Solution: He discovered that electricity and magnetism were related to one another. By passing an electric current through a metal wire suspended above a magnetic compass, Oersted was able to produce a denite motion of the compass needle in response to the current. 2. List two uses of electromagnetism. Solution: cellular telephones, microwave ovens, radios, televisions, etc. 3. a) A uniform magnetic eld of 0,35 T in the vertical direction exists. A piece of cardboard, of surface area 0,35 m2 is placed at on a horizontal surface inside the eld. What is the magnetic ux through the cardboard? b) The one edge is then lifted so that the cardboard is now inclined at 17 to the positive x-direction. What is the magnetic ux through the cardboard? What will the induced emf be if the eld drops to zero in the space of 3 s? Why? Solution: a) = BA cos = (0,35)(0,35) = 0,1225 Wb b) When the piece of cardboard is inclined the ux is:
= BA cos = (0,35)(0,35) cos(17) = 0,117 The change in ux is 0,117 Wb and the induced emf will be zero because the cardboard is not a conductor. 4. A uniform magnetic eld of 5 T in the vertical direction exists. What is the magnetic ux through a horizontal surface of area 0,68 m2 ? What is the ux if the magnetic eld changes to being in the positive x-direction? Solution: For the rst case:
= BA cos = (5)(0,68) = 3,4 Wb If the ux is in the x-direction the ux will be 0. 3,4 Wb and 0 Wb
5. A uniform magnetic eld of 5 T in the vertical direction exists. What is the magnetic ux through a horizontal circle of radius 0,68 m? Solution:
= BA cos = (5) (0,68)2 = 7,26 Wb 6. Consider a square coil of 3 turns with a side length of 1,56 m. The coil is subjected to a varying magnetic eld that changes uniformly from 4,38 T to 0,35 T in an interval of 3 minutes. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 197 to the magnetic eld. Find the induced emf. Solution:
E =N
7. Consider a solenoid coil of 13 turns with radius 6,8 10-2 m. The solenoid is subjected to a varying magnetic eld that changes uniformly from 5 T to 1,8 T in an interval of 18 s. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 88 to the magnetic eld. a) Find the induced emf. b) If the angle is changed to 39 , what would the radius need to be for the emf to remain the same? Solution: a) E =N t f i =N t Bf A cos Bi A cos =N t A cos (Bf Bi ) =N t (6,8 10-2 )2 cos(88)(1,8 (5)) = 13 18 = 0,00249 V
b) t f i =N t Bf A cos Bi A cos =N t A cos (Bf Bi ) =N t (r)2 cos(39)(1,8 (5)) 0,00249 = 13 18 E =N 0,04482 = 215,83(r)2 r2 = 0,00002077 r = 0,014 m 8. Consider a solenoid with 5 turns and a radius of 4,3 10-1 mm. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 11 to the magnetic eld. Find the change in ux if the emf is 0,12 V over a period of 0,5 s. Solution:
t 0,12 = 5 0,5 = 0,012 Wb E =N 9. Consider a rectangular coil of area 1,73 m2 . The coil is subjected to a varying magnetic eld that changes uniformly from 2 T to 10 T in an interval of 3 ms. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 55 to the magnetic eld. Find the induced emf. Solution:
E =N
Electric circuits
Electric circuits
In grade 10 learners learnt about current, voltage and resistance. In this chapter they will learn about Ohms law and power and energy. They will see how to apply the concepts learnt in grade 10 and series and parallel circuits to more complex circuit problems. The following list provides a summary of the concepts covered in this chapter.
Ohms law In grade 10 learners learnt about parallel and series circuits, as well as the concepts of voltage, current and resistance. These concepts are now brought together in Ohms law. Ohms law relates voltage, current and resistance. Ohms law only applies to Ohmic resistors (such as most resistors) and does not apply to non Ohmic resistors (such as light bulbs). Ohms law is introduced and then learners get to see it in action in various circuits. The rst circuits covered are simple series or simple parallel circuits. Once learners are comfortable handling calculations for these circuits, series and parallel networks are introduced. In these circuits learners need to carefully work their way through the circuit calculating the equivalent resistances for each separate part of the circuit. It is advised for learners to circle the different parts of the circuit to help them in calculations. In the rst example that they do they can redraw the circuit after each simplication replacing the part of the circuit with a resistor of the calculated equivalent resistance as the part of the circuit. Electrical power The concept of electrical power is introduced. A source of energy is required to drive current round a complete circuit. This is provided by batteries in the circuits you have been looking at. The batteries convert chemical potential energy into electrical energy. The energy is used to do work on the electrons in the circuit. Power is a measure of how rapidly work is done. Power is the rate at which the work is done, work done per unit time. Work is measured in joules (J) and time in seconds (s) so power will be J s which we call a watt (W). Electrical energy The nal part of this chapter deals with electrical energy. This has real world applications in teaching learners about how much electricity various appliances use around their home. Learners should be encouraged to make a list of as many appliances as possible that they use and nd the power rating for the appliance. This is usually given on the back of the appliances. This part of the chapter helps learners understand some of the power saving tips that they are always told and helps to rationalise these tips. For example, learners can calculate how much it costs to leave a 100 W bulb burning all night compared to leaving it on for just an hour.
A recommended experiment for informal assessment is included. In this experiment learners will obtain current and voltage data for a resistor and light bulb and determine which obeys Ohms law. You will need light bulbs, resistors, connecting wires, power source, ammeter and voltmeter. Learners should nd that the resistor obeys Ohms law, while the light bulb does not.
Ohms Law
1. Use the data in the table below to answer the following questions. Voltage, V (V) 3,0 6,0 9,0 12,0 Current, I (A) 0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6
a) Plot a graph of voltage (on the x-axis) and current (on the y-axis). b) What type of graph do you obtain (straight-line, parabola, other curve) c) Calculate the gradient of the graph. d) Do your experimental results verify Ohms Law? Explain. e) How would you go about nding the resistance of an unknown resistor using only a power supply, a voltmeter and a known resistor R0 ? Solution:
a) b) straight-line c) The gradient of the graph (m) is the change in the current divided by the change in the voltage: I V (1,6) (0,4) = (12) (3) = 0,13
d) Yes. A straight line graph is obtained when we plot a graph of voltage vs. current.
e) You start by connecting the known resistor in a circuit with the power supply. Now you read the voltage of the power supply and note this down. Next you connect the two resistors in series. You can now take the voltage measurements for each of resistors. So we can nd the voltages for the two resistors. Now we note that: V = IR So using this and the fact that for resistors in series, the current is the same everywhere in the circuit we can nd the unknown resistance.
V0 = IR0 V0 I= R0 VU = IRU VU I= RU VU V0 = RU R0 VU R0 RU = V0
1. Calculate the resistance of a resistor that has a potential difference of 8 V across it when a current of 2 A ows through it. Draw the circuit diagram before doing the calculation. Solution:
V I 8 = 2 =4
2. What current will ow through a resistor of 6 when there is a potential difference of 18 V across its ends? Draw the circuit diagram before doing the calculation. Solution:
V R 18 = 6 =3A
3. What is the voltage across a 10 resistor when a current of 1,5 A ows though it? Draw the circuit diagram before doing the calculation. Solution:
V =I R = (1,5)(10) = 15 V
1. Two 10 k resistors are connected in series. Calculate the equivalent resistance. Solution: Since the resistors are in series we can use: Rs = R1 + R2 The equivalent resistance is: Rs = R1 + R2 = 10 k + 10 k = 20 k 2. Two resistors are connected in series. The equivalent resistance is 100 . If one resistor is 10 , calculate the value of the second resistor. Solution: Since the resistors are in series we can use: Rs = R1 + R2 The equivalent resistance is: Rs = R1 + R2 R2 = Rs R1 = 100 10 = 90 3. Two 10 k resistors are connected in parallel. Calculate the equivalent resistance. Solution: Since the resistors are in parallel we can use: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 The equivalent resistance is: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 = + 100 10 1 + 10 = 100 11 = 100 Rp = 9,09 k
4. Two resistors are connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance is 3,75 . If one resistor has a resistance of 10 , what is the resistance of the second resistor? Solution: Since the resistors are in parallel we can use: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 The equivalent resistance is: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 1 = R2 Rp R1 1 1 = 3,75 10 10 3,75 = 37,5 6,25 = 37,5 R2 = 6 5. Calculate the equivalent resistance in each of the following circuits:
a) b)
R1 =2 R1 =3 R2 =2 R2 =3 R3 =4 R4 =1
R2 =2
R1 =2
R1 =3
R2 =3
R3 =4
R4 =1
The equivalent resistance is: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 = + 3 2 2+3 = 6 5 = 6 R = 1,2 b) The resistors are in parallel and so we use: 1 1 1 1 1 = + + + Rp R1 R2 R3 R4 The equivalent resistance is: 1 1 1 1 1 = + + + Rp R1 R2 R3 R4 1 1 1 1 = + + + 2 3 4 1 6 + 4 + 3 + 12 = 12 25 = 12 R = 0,48 c) The resistors are in series and so we use: Rs = R1 + R2 The equivalent resistance is:
Rs = R1 + R2 =2+3 =5 d) The resistors are in series and so we use: Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 The equivalent resistance is:
Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 =2+3+4+1 = 10
R3 =1 R2 =3 R4 =?
V =9 V
R1 =3
I =1 A
Solution: We rst use Ohms law to calculate the total series resistance:
V I 9 = 1 =9
R2 =2,5 R3 =1,5 V =9 V R1 =1
I =?
V R 9 = 5 = 1,8 A
3. Three resistors with resistance 1 , 5 and 10 respectively, are connected in series with a 12 V battery. Calculate the value of the current in the circuit. Solution: We draw the circuit diagram:
R2 =5 R3 =10 V =12 V R1 =1
I =?
V R 12 = 16 = 0,75 A
4. Calculate the current through the cell if the resistors are both ohmic in nature.
R1 =1
R2 =3
V =9 V
V R 9 = 0,75 = 12 A
R3 =60
R2 =40
R1 =120
V =24 V
I=2 A
V I 24 = 2 = 12
1 1 1 1 1 = + + + Rp R1 R2 R3 R4 1 1 1 1 1 = R4 Rp R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 1 = 12 120 40 60 10 1 3 2 = 120 4 = 120 = 30 6. Three resistors with resistance 1 , 5 and 10 respectively, are connected in parallel with a 20 V battery. All the resistors are ohmic in nature. Calculate: a) the value of the current through the battery b) the value of the current in each of the three resistors. Solution: a) We draw a circuit diagram:
R3 =10
R2 =5
R1 =1
V =20 V
I=2 A
To calculate the value of the current through the battery we rst need to calculate the equivalent resistance:
1 1 1 1 = + + Rp R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 = + + 1 5 10 10 + 2 + 1 = 10 13 = 10 = 0,77 Now we can calculate the current through the battery: V R 20 = 0,77 = 26 A
b) For a parallel circuit the voltage across cell is the same as the voltage across each of the resistors. For this circuit: V = V1 = V2 = V3 = 20 V Now we can calculate the current through each resistor. We will start with R1 : V R 20 = 1 = 20 A
4 2 2
2 4
c) Solution: a) We start by determining the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 = + 4 2 3 = 4 Rp = 1,33 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance: Rs = R3 + Rp = 2 + 1,33 = 3,33
b) We start by determining the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 = + 1 2 3 = 2 Rp = 0,67 Now we have a circuit with three resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
Rs = R3 + R4 + Rp = 4 + 6 + 0,67 = 10,67 c) We start by determining the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 1 = + + Rp R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 = + + 3 5 1 23 = 15 Rp = 0,652 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
a) the current I through the cell. b) the current through the 5 resistor. Solution: a) To nd the current I we rst need to nd the equivalent resistance. We start by calculating the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 1 = + + Rp R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 = + + 3 5 1 23 = 15 Rp = 0,652 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
Rs = R4 + Rp = 2 + 0,652 = 2,652 So the current through the cell is: V R 12 = 2,652 = 4,52 A
b) The current through the parallel combination of resistors is 4,52 A. (The current is the same through series combinations of resistors and we can consider the entire parallel set of resistors as one series resistor.) Using this we can nd the voltage through the parallel combination of resistors (remember to use the equivalent parallel resistance and not the equivalent resistance of the circuit): V =I R = (4,52)(0,652) = 2,95 V Since the voltage across each resistor in the parallel combination is the same, this is also the voltage across the 5 resistor. So now we can calculate the current through the resistor: V R 2,95 = 5 = 0,59 A
3. If current owing through the cell is 2 A, and all the resistors are ohmic, calculate the voltage across the cell and each of the resistors, R1 , R2 , and R3 respectively.
R3 = 4 R1 = 4,66 R2 = 2
Solution: To nd the voltage we rst need to nd the equivalent resistance. We start by calculating the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 = + Rp R2 R3 1 1 = + 2 4 3 = 4 Rp = 1,33 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
V =I R = (2)(5,99) = 12 V The current through the parallel combination of resistors is 2 A. (The current is the same through series combinations of resistors and we can consider the entire parallel set of resistors as one series resistor.) Using this we can nd the voltage through the each of the resistors. We start by nding the voltage across R1 :
V =I R = (2)(1,33) = 2,66 V Since the voltage across each resistor in the parallel combination is the same, this is also the voltage across resistors R2 and R3 . 4. For the following circuit, calculate:
V = 10 V R4 = 1, 5 R1 = 2
R2 = 1
R3 = 1
a) the current through the cell b) the voltage drop across R4 c) the current through R2 Solution: a) To nd the current we rst need to nd the equivalent resistance. We start by calculating the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 = + Rp R2 R3 1 1 = + 1 1 =2 Rp = 0,5 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
b) The current through all the resistors is 2,5 A. (The current is the same through series combinations of resistors and we can consider the entire parallel set of resistors as one series resistor.) Using this we can nd the voltage through R4 :
V =I R = (2,5)(1,5) = 3,75 V c) The current through all the resistors is 2,5 A. (The current is the same through series combinations of resistors and we can consider the entire parallel set of resistors as one series resistor.) Using this we can nd the current through R2 . We rst need to nd the voltage across the parallel combination:
V =I R = (2,5)(0,5) = 1,25 V Now we can nd the current through R2 using the fact that the voltage is the same across each resistor in the parallel combination: V R 1,25 = 1 = 1,25 A
Electrical power
Exercise 11 6:
1. What is the power of a 1,00108 V lightning bolt having a current of 2,00104 A? Solution:
2. How many watts does a torch that has 6,00 102 C pass through it in 0,50 h use if its voltage is 3,00 V? Solution: We rst need to nd the current. Recall from grade 10 that current is charge divided by total time (in seconds):
P =VI = (3,00)(0,333) = 0,99 W 3. Find the power dissipated in each of these extension cords: a) an extension cord having a 0,06 resistance and through which 5,00 A is owing b) a cheaper cord utilising (using) thinner wire and with a resistance of 0,30 , through which 5,00 A is owing Solution: a) P = I 2R = (5,00)2 (0,06) = 1,5 W b) P = I 2R = (5,00)2 (0,30) = 7,5 W 4. Determine the power dissipated by each the resistors in the following circuits, if the batteries are 6 V:
4 2 2
2 4
b) c) Also determine the value of the unknown resistor if the total power dissipated is 9,8 W
Solution: a) We start by determining the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 = + 4 2 3 = 4 Rp = 1,33 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
Rs = R3 + Rp = 2 + 1,33 = 3,33 Now we can calculate the total current: V R 6 = 3,33 = 1,8 A
This is the current in the 2 resistor and through the entire parallel connection. Using this we can nd the power dissipated in the 2 resistor:
P = I 2R = (1,8)2 (2) = 6,48 W Next we nd the voltage across this resistor and use this to nd the voltage across the parallel combination:
V = IR = (1,8)(2) = 3,6 V VT = V1 + V2 V2 = VT V1 = 6 3,6 = 2,4 V This is the voltage across each of the parallel resistors. So we can nd the power dissipated by each of these resistors: V2 R (2,4)2 = 4 = 1,44 W V2 R (2,4)2 = 2 = 2,88 W
P =
P =
b) We start by determining the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination: 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 = + 1 2 3 = 2 Rp = 0,67 Now we have a circuit with three resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
Rs = R3 + R4 + Rp = 4 + 6 + 0,67 = 10,67
I= =
6 10,67 = 0,56 A This is the current in the two series resistor and through the entire parallel connection. Using this we can nd the power dissipated in the two series resistors: P = I 2R = (0,56)2 (6) = 1,88 W P = I 2R = (0,56)2 (4) = 1,25 W Next we nd the voltage across each of these resistors and use this to nd the voltage across the parallel combination: V = IR = (0,56)(6) = 3,36 V V = IR = (0,56)(4) = 2,24 V VT = V1 + V2 + Vp Vp = VT V1 V2 = 6 3,36 2,24 = 0,4 V This is the voltage across each of the parallel resistors. So we can nd the power dissipated by each of these resistors: V2 R (0,4)2 = 1 = 0,16 W V2 R (0,4)2 = 2 = 0,32 W
P =
P =
c) We start by calculating the equivalent resistance of the resistors. We know the total power and the total voltage, so we use that to nd the total resistance. V2 RT V2 RT = P 62 = 9,8 = 3,67 P = We can now nd the unknown resistance by rst calculating the equivalent parallel resistance: 1 1 1 1 = + + Rp R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 = + + 1 5 3 23 = 15 Rp = 0,65 Rs = R4 + Rp R4 = Rs Rp = 3,67 0,65 = 3,02 Now we can calculate the total current: V R 6 = 3,67 = 1,63 A
This is the current in the series resistor and through the entire parallel connection. Using this we can nd the power dissipated in the series resistor: P = I 2R = (1,63)2 (3,02) = 0,89 W Next we nd the voltage across this resistors and use this to nd the voltage across the parallel combination:
V = IR = (1,63)(3,02) = 4,92 V
VT = V1 + Vp Vp = VT V1 = 6 4,92 = 1,08 V This is the voltage across each of the parallel resistors. So we can nd the power dissipated by each of these resistors: V2 R (1,08)2 = 1 = 1,17 W V2 R (1,08)2 = 5 = 5,83 W V2 R (1,08)2 = 3 = 3,5 W
P =
P =
P =
If the potential difference across the cell is 7 V, calculate: a) the current I through the cell. b) the current through the 5 resistor c) the power dissipated in the 5 resistor Solution: a) We can nd the equivalent parallel resistance:
Rs = R4 + Rp = 2 + 0,65 = 2,65 Now we can calculate the total current: V R 7 = 2,65 = 2,64 A
b) For a series circuit the total current is equal to the current in each of the resistors. Since we can consider the total parallel combination as one series connection the total current through the connection is 2,64 A. Using this and the total parallel resistance we can calculate the voltage across each resistor:
V = IR = (2,64)(0,65) = 1,72 V Now we can calculate the current through the 5 resistor: V R 1,72 = 5 = 0,34 A
c) We know the resistance, the voltage and the current for this resistor so we can use any two of these to nd the power. We will use the resistance and the current:
P = I 2R = (0,34)(5) = 1,7 W
6. If current owing through the cell is 2 A, and all the resistors are ohmic, calculate the power dissipated in each of the resistors, R1 , R2 , and R3 respectively.
R3 = 4 R1 = 4,66 R2 = 2
1 1 1 = + Rp R2 R3 1 1 = + 4 2 3 = 4 Rp = 1,33 Now we have a circuit with two resistors in series so we can calculate the equivalent resistance:
Rs = R1 + Rp = 4,66 + 1,33 = 5,99 We are given the total current and this is the current in the series resistor and through the entire parallel connection. Using this we can nd the power dissipated in the series resistor:
V = IR = (2)(4,66) = 9,32 V And we use the total resistance and the total current to nd the total voltage:
V = IR = (2)(5,99) = 12 V Now we can nd the voltage across the parallel combination of resistors:
VT = V1 + Vp Vp = VT V1 = 12 9,32 = 2,68 V This is the voltage across each of the parallel resistors. So we can nd the power dissipated by each of these resistors: V2 R (2,68)2 = 4 = 10,72 W V2 R (2,68)2 = 2 = 5,36 W
P =
P =
Chapter summary
Exercise 11 7:
1. Give one word or term for each of the following denitions: a) The amount of energy per unit charge needed to move that charge between two points in a circuit. b) The rate at which electrical energy is converted in an electric circuit. c) A law that states that the amount of current through a conductor, at constant temperature, is proportional to the voltage across the resistor. Solution: a) Voltage b) Electrical power
c) Ohms law 2. A 10 has a voltage of 5 V across it. What is the current through the resistor? a) 50 A b) 5 A c) 0,5 A d) 7 A Solution: 0,5 A 3. Three resistors are connected in series. The resistances of the three resistors are: 10 , 4 and 3 . What is the equivalent series resistance? a) 1,5 b) 17 c) 0,68 d) 8 Solution: 17 4. Three resistors are connected in parallel. The resistances of the three resistors are: 5 , 4 and 2 . What is the equivalent parallel resistance? a) 1,05 b) 11 c) 0,95 d) 3 Solution: 1,05 5. A circuit consists of a 6 resistor. The voltage across the resistor is 12 V. How much power is dissipated in the circuit? a) 864 W b) 3 W c) 2 W d) 24 W Solution: 24 W 6. Calculate the current in the following circuit and then use the current to calculate the voltage drops across each resistor.
R1 3 9V 10 5 R3 R2
V R 9 = 18 = 0,5 A
Now we can use the fact that this is a series circuit and that the current is the same everywhere in the circuit to nd the voltage drops across each resistor:
V = IR = (0,5)(3) = 1,5 V
V = IR = (0,5)(10) =5V
V = IR = (0,5)(5) = 2,5 V 7. A battery is connected to this arrangement of resistors. The power dissipated in the 100 resistor is 0,81 W. The resistances of voltmeters V1 and V2 are so high that they do not affect the current in the circuit.
50 25
a) Calculate the current in the 100 resistor. b) Calculate the reading on voltmeter V2 . c) Calculate the reading on voltmeter V1 . Solution: a) P = I 2R P I2 = R 0,81 = 100 = 0,0081 I = 0,09 A b) This voltmeter is reading the voltage across the one 50 resistor so we need to determine what this voltage is. We know that the current through the parallel combination of resistors is 0,09 A. We need to calculate the equivalent parallel resistance and then use this with the current to nd the voltage across the parallel combination. 1 1 1 = + Rp R1 R2 1 1 + = 50 50 2 = 50 Rp = 25 V = IR = (0,09)(25) = 2,25 V This is the reading on V2 since the voltage across a parallel combination of resistors is equal to the voltage across each resistor. c) We need to calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit rst. We already know the equivalent resistance across the parallel combination. So the equivalent resistance is:
R = R1 + R2 + Rp = 100 + 25 + 25 = 150 Now we can use Ohms law to calculate the voltage, since we know the current in the circuit:
V = IR = (0,09)(150) = 13,5 V 8. A kettle is marked 240 V; 1500 W. a) Calculate the resistance of the kettle when operating according to the above specications. b) If the kettle takes 3 minutes to boil some water, calculate the amount of electrical energy transferred to the kettle. [SC 2003/11] Solution: a) P = V2 R V2 R= P 2402 = 1500 = 38,4
b) We rst convert the time to seconds: (3)(60) = 180 s And now we calculate the energy:
E = Pt = (1500)(180) = 270 000 J = 270 kJ 9. Electric Eels Electric eels have a series of cells from head to tail. When the cells are activated by a nerve impulse, a potential difference is created from head to tail. A healthy electric eel can produce a potential difference of 600 V. a) What is meant by a potential difference of 600 V? b) How much energy is transferred when an electron is moved through a potential difference of 600 V?
[IEB 2001/11 HG1] Solution: a) Potential difference or voltage, V , is the amount of energy per unit charge needed to move that charge between two points in a circuit. In the example of the electric eel this is the amount of energy per unit charge needed to move that charge from the head to the tail. b) An electron has a charge of 1,69 10-19 C. So we can nd the amount of energy needed to move this charge through the potential difference: E C
V = 600 =
Energy changes in chemical reactions Exothermic and endothermic reactions Activation energy and the activated complex Chapter summary
In grade 10 learners learnt about physical and chemical changes. In this chapter learners will learn about the energy changes that occur in chemical reactions. The concepts of exothermic and endothermic reactions are introduced. Learners will also learn about activation energy. The following list summarises the concepts covered in this chapter. Bond energy and how it leads to the energy changes in reactions. In chapter 3 (atomic combinations) the concept of bond energy and graphs of potential energy versus atomic distance were covered. These two concepts form the cornerstone to understanding the energy changes in chemical reactions. In this topic the fact that bond forming requires energy and bond breaking releases energy is introduced. These two concepts are linked to the potential energy graph for bonding. Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Two classes of chemical reaction exist: exothermic and endothermic. It is important to note that these are not different types of reactions. For example an acid-base reaction can be exothermic or endothermic. All chemical reactions will either be exothermic or endothermic and this is determined by the energy of bond formation and bond breaking. Energy diagrams for reactions with and without activation energy. We can draw energy diagrams to show how a reaction proceeds. These diagrams give the reactants energy and the products energy. These diagrams show the energy of the system as a whole and are not concerned with just one reactant or one product. It is important for learners to draw these diagrams as a curve linking the reactants energy to the product energy as this shows the activation energy of the reaction. Learners rst draw these curves without knowing about activation energy and then towards the end of the chapter they start adding the activation energy. Activation energy. A practical demonstration that can be done is to burn magnesium ribbon in air and in oxygen to investigate the concept of activation energy. All reactions (even the exothermic ones) need something to get them going. This may be very small or may be very large. At the maximum energy of the reaction the transition state or activated complex occurs. This is the point at which the reaction is somewhere between forming the products and breaking apart the reactants. A recommended project for formal assessment is included. In this experiment learners will investigate an exothermic reaction and an endothermic reaction. This experiment is split into two parts. The rst part looks at an endothermic reaction, while the second part looks at an exothermic reaction. You will need polystyrene or cardboard cups, plastic lids, thermometers, vinegar, steel wool, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate and stirring rods. There is also a further investigation on exothermic and endothermic reactions that learners can complete. All these experiments can be combined into one project in which learners investigate several different reactions and classify these reactions as exothermic or endothermic.
This series of experiments starts with an endothermic reaction between citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. The second experiment in the series looks at the exothermic reaction between steel and oxygen in the air. The nal part of the series is given as an investigation into various exothermic and endothermic reactions.
1. State whether energy is taken in or released in each of the following situations: a) The bond between hydrogen and chlorine in a molecule of hydrogen chloride breaks. b) A bond is formed between hydrogen and uorine to form a molecule of hydrogen uoride. c) A molecule of nitrogen (N2 ) is formed. d) A molecule of carbon monoxide breaks apart. Solution: a) This is bond breaking and so energy is taken in. b) This is bond forming and so energy is released. c) A bond is formed and so energy is released. d) A bond is broken and so energy is taken in. 2. State whether the following descriptions are used to describe an endothermic or an exothermic reaction: a) Reactants react to give products and energy. b) The energy that must be absorbed to break the bonds in the reactants is greater than the energy that is released when the products form. c) The energy of the products is found to be greater than the energy of the reactants for this type of reaction.
d) Heat or light must be absorbed from the surroundings before this type of reaction takes place. Solution: a) Exothermic b) Endothermic c) Exothermic d) Endothermic
1. In each of the following reactions, say whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic, and give a reason for your answer. Draw the resulting energy graph for each reaction. a) H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g) + 21 kJmol1 b) CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) CO2 (g) + 2H2 O (g) H = 802 kJmol1 c) The following reaction takes place in a ask: Ba(OH)2 .8H2 O (s) + 2NH4 NO3 (aq) Ba(NO3 )2 (aq) + 2NH3 (aq) + 10H2 O (l) Within a few minutes, the temperature of the ask drops by approximately 20 C. d) 2Na (aq) + Cl2 (aq) 2NaCl (aq) e) C (s) + O2 (g) CO2 (g) Solution: a) Exothermic. Heat is given off and this is represented by showing + energy on the right hand side of the equation. H = 411 kJmol1
Potential energy
H < 0
Potential energy
H < 0
c) Endothermic. The temperature of the reaction vessel decreases indicating that heat was needed for the reaction.
Potential energy
H > 0
d) Exothermic. H < 0
Potential energy
H < 0
e) Exothermic. This reaction is the combustion of wood or coal to form carbon dioxide and gives off heat.
Potential energy
H < 0
2. For each of the following descriptions, say whether the process is endothermic or exothermic and give a reason for your answer. a) evaporation b) the combustion reaction in a car engine c) bomb explosions d) melting ice e) digestion of food f) condensation Solution: a) Endothermic. Energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces. b) Exothermic. Energy is released. c) Exothermic. In an explosion a large amount of energy is released. d) Endothermic. Energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces. e) Exothermic. Digestion of food involves the release of energy that your body can then use. f) Exothermic. Energy is given off as the particles are going from a higher energy state to a lower energy state. 3. When you add water to acid the resulting solution splashes up. The beaker also gets very hot. Explain why. Solution: The reaction between acid and water is an exothermic reaction. This reaction produces a lot of heat and energy which causes the resulting solution to splash. Since the acid is usually more dense than the water adding water to the acid causes the reaction to happen in a small area and on the surface. This leads to a more vigorous (fast) reaction. If you add the acid to the water then there is a larger volume of water to absorb the heat of the reaction and so the reaction proceeds more slowly.
1. Carbon reacts with water according to the following equation: C (s) + H2 O (g) CO (g) + H2 (g) H > 0 Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic? Give a reason for your answer. Solution: Endothermic H > 0 2. Refer to the graph below and then answer the questions that follow:
25 kJ
Potential energy
0 kJ
15 kJ
a) What is the energy of the reactants? b) What is the energy of the products? c) Calculate H. d) What is the activation energy for this reaction? Solution: a) 15 kJ b) 0 kJ c) We nd H using:
H = energy of products energy of reactants = 0 kJ (15 kJ) = 15 kJ d) activation energy = energy of activated complex energy of reactants = 25 kJ (15 kJ) = 40 kJ
Chapter summary
Exercise 12 4:
1. For each of the following, give one word or term for the description. a) The minimum amount of energy that is needed for a reaction to proceed. b) A measure of the bond strength in a chemical bond. c) A type of reaction where H is less than zero. d) A type of reaction that requires heat or light to proceed. Solution: a) Activation energy b) Bond energy c) Exothermic reaction d) Endothermic reaction 2. For the following reaction: HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l) choose the correct statement from the list below. a) Energy is taken in when the new bonds in NaCl are formed. b) Energy is released when the bonds in HCl break. c) Energy is released when the bonds in H2 O form. d) Energy is released when the bonds in NaOH break. Solution: Energy is released when the bonds in H2 O form. 3. For the following reaction: A + B AB H = 129 kJmol1
choose the correct statement from the list below. a) The energy of the reactants is less than the energy of the product. b) The energy of the product is less than the energy of the reactants. c) The reaction needs energy to occur. d) The overall energy of the system increases during the reaction. Solution: The energy of the product is less than the energy of the reactants. This is an exothermic reaction (H > 0).
H < 0
Which one of the following graphs best represents the changes in potential energy that take place during the production of N2 O4 ?
Solution: The second graph (b) is correct. The reaction is exothermic (H > 0), so the energy of the reactants must be greater than the energy of the products. Graphs (c) and (d) are not valid energy graphs. 5. In each of the following reactions, say whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic, and give a reason for your answer. Draw the resulting energy graph for each reaction. a) Fe2 O3 (s) + 2Al (s) 2Fe (s) + Al2 O3 (s) + heat b) NH4 Cl (s) + heat NH3 (g) + HCl (g) Solution: a) Exothermic. Heat is given off and this is represented by showing + heat on the right hand side of the equation.
Potential energy
H < 0
b) Endothermic. Energy is needed (shown by + energy on the left hand side of the reaction equation) for the reaction to proceed.
Potential energy
H > 0
6. The cellular respiration reaction is catalysed by enzymes. The equation for the reaction is: C6 H12 O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) 6CO2 (g) + 6H2 O (l) The change in potential energy during this reaction is shown below:
activation energy
Potential energy
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
6CO2 + 6H2 O
a) Will the value of H be positive or negative? Give a reason for your answer. b) Explain what is meant by activation energy. c) Glucose is one of the reactants in cellular respiration. What important chemical reaction produces glucose? d) Is the reaction in your answer above an endothermic or an exothermic one? Explain your answer. e) Draw the energy graph for the reaction that produces glucose. Solution: a) Negative. The energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants. b) The activation energy is the minimum energy that must be overcome to enable the reaction to proceed. c) Photosynthesis d) Endothermic. Photosynthesis needs energy (light) to proceed.
Potential energy
H > 0
Types of reactions
Types of reactions
In this chapter learners will explore acid-base reactions and redox reactions. Redox reactions were briey introduced in gr10. The concepts of acids, bases, reduction, oxidation and oxidation numbers are all introduced here. The following list provides a summary of the topics covered in this chapter. Acids and bases. This chapter begins by revising all the concepts done on acids and bases up to this point. Learners are reminded what an acid and a base are (in particular the Bronsted-Lowry denition) and how the denition and concept have changed over time. Although the most recent denition of an acid and a base is the Lowry denition this is not covered at school level and the Bronsted-Lowry denition serves as a good working model for the acids and bases that learners encounter at school. The concept of a polyprotic acid is introduced although it is not in CAPS. This is done to help learners understand how to handle acids such as sulfuric acid in reactions. You should try to use polyprotic acids sparingly in your examples. Conjugate acids and bases and amphoteric (amphiprotic) substances. The concept of conjugate acids and bases requires learners to think about reactions going in reverse. By writing the equation in reverse, learners can see how the acid becomes a base. This base is said to be the conjugate base of the acid since it is conjugated (linked) to the acid. Acid-hydroxide, acid-oxide and acid-carbonate reactions. Three different types of bases are examined in detail to see how they react with acids. Several examples of each type are given and the general equation for the reaction is also given. Oxidation numbers for compounds. This topic is placed after redox reactions in CAPS but must be taught before redox reactions and so is placed before redox reactions in this book. This topic provides the tools needed to understand redox reactions. Balancing redox reactions. In grade 10 learners learnt how to balance chemical equations by inspection. In this topic they will learn how to balance redox reactions which often cannot be balanced by inspection. The simpler examples can be balanced by inspection and this can be used as a comparison for the two techniques. Learners need to be able to break a reaction up into two parts and follow different chemical species through an equation. This skill starts with conjugate acids and bases and carries over into this topic. Coloured text has been used as a tool to highlight different parts of reactions. Ensure that learners understand that the coloured text does not mean there is anything special about that part of the reaction, this is simply a teaching tool to help them identify the important parts of the reaction. It is also important to note that this chapter is split across term 3 and term 4. Acids and bases should be completed in term 3 and redox reactions are done in term 4.
A recommended experiment for informal assessment on discovering natural indicators is included. Learners can test a variety of colourful plants to see what happens to each plant when mixed with an acid or a base. The basic idea is for learners to extract the colour of the plant by boiling the plant matter and then draining the liquid. For substances such as the curry powder, learners can dissolve this in water and for the tea they can brew a cup of tea and then remove the teabag before testing. The resulting liquid can then be tested to see if it is an indicator. An alternative to mixing the acid or base into the liquid is to soak strips of paper in the liquid and then place a drop of the acid or base onto the paper. The experiment below also covers some other substances such as baking powder, vanilla essence and onions. Baking powder zzes in acids but not in bases. Onions and vanilla essence lose their characteristic smell when in a basic solution. It is important that learners do not place their faces or noses directly over or into the beaker when smelling the onions and vanilla essence. They must hold the beaker in one hand and use the other hand to waft (i.e. wave their hand back and forth) the smell towards their face. Acids and bases are corrosive and can cause serious burns so must be handled with care. A recommended experiment for informal assessment on redox reactions is also included. This experiment is split into three parts. Each part looks at a different type of redox reaction (displacement, synthesis and decomposition). Learners looked at the second two reactions in grade 10. When burning magnesium ribbon remind learners to not look directly at the ame. Also, since this experiment involves Bunsen burners, learners must work in a well ventilated room and take the usual care with loose scarves and long hair. Hydrogen peroxide can cause serious chemical burns. Learners must work carefully with this substance. If they spill any on themselves then they must rinse the affected area with plenty of water and call you. If necessary they may need to go to the bathroom to rinse affected clothing off. You or a learner should accompany them.
1. Identify the Bronsted-Lowry acid and the Bronsted-Lowry base in the following reactions:
+ a) HNO3 (aq) + NH3 (aq) NO 3 (aq) + NH4 (aq)
b) HBr (aq) + KOH (aq) KBr (aq) + H2 O (l) Solution: a) We break the reaction into two parts:
HNO3 (aq) NO 3 (aq) and + NH3 (aq) NH4 (aq) From this we see that the Bronsted-Lowry acid is HNO3 and the BronstedLowry base is NH3 . b) We break the reaction into two parts: HBr (aq) KBr (aq) and KOH (aq) H2 O (l) From this we see that the Bronsted-Lowry acid is HBr and the BronstedLowry base is KOH. 2. a) Write a reaction equation to show HCO 3 acting as an acid. b) Write a reaction equation to show HCO 3 acting as an base. c) Compounds such as HCO 3 are . . . Solution:
2 + a) HCO 3 (aq) CO3 (aq) + H (aq) + b) HCO 3 (aq) + H (aq) H2 CO3 (aq)
c) Amphoteric
1. In each of the following reactions, label the conjugate acid-base pairs. a) H2 SO4 (aq) + H2 O (l) H3 O+ (aq) + HSO 4 (aq)
b) NH+ 4 (aq) + F (aq) HF(aq) + NH3 (aq)
c) H2 O (l) + CH3 COO (aq) CH3 COOH (aq) + OH (aq) d) H2 SO4 (aq) + Cl (aq) HCl (aq) + HSO 4 (aq) Solution:
conjugate pair H2 SO4 + H2 O
acid 1 base 2
H3 O+ + HSO 4
acid 2 base 1
HF + NH3
acid 2 base 1
acid 1 base 2
conjugate pair
acid 2 base 1
HCl + HSO 4
acid 2 base 1
conjugate pair
a) Write down which reactant is the base and which is the acid. b) Label the conjugate acid-base pairs. c) In your own words explain what is meant by the term conjugate acid-base pair. Solution: a) We break the reaction into two parts: H2 O (aq) OH (aq) and NH3 (aq) NH+ 4 (aq) From this we see that the Bronsted-Lowry acid is H2 O and the BronstedLowry base is NH3 . conjugate pair
H2 O + NH3
acid 1 base 2
+ NH+ 4 + OH
acid 2
base 1
conjugate pair
c) A conjugate acid-base pair is a reactant and product pair that is transformed into each other through the loss or gain of a proton. So for example an acid loses a proton to form a base. The acid and the resulting base are said to be a conjugate acid-base pair.
Acid-base reactions
1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between HNO3 and KOH. Solution: HNO3 (aq) + KOH (aq) KNO3 (aq) + H2 O (l)
1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between HBr and K2 O. Solution: 2HBr (aq) + K2 O (aq) 2KBr (aq) + H2 O (l)
1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between HCl and K2 CO3 . Solution: 2HCl (aq) + K2 CO3 (aq) 2KCl (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g)
Exercise 13 6: Acids and bases For each of the following reactants state what type of acid-base reaction the pair of reactants undergoes and write the balanced reaction equation.
Solution: Acid and metal hydroxide 2HNO3 (aq) + Ca(OH)2 (aq) Ca(NO3 )2 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) 2. HCl and BeO Solution: Acid and metal oxide 2HCl (aq) + BeO (aq) BeCl2 (aq) + H2 O (l) 3. HI and K2 CO3 Solution: Acid and carbonate 2HI (aq) + K2 CO3 (aq) 2KI (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g) 4. H3 PO4 and KOH Solution: Acid and metal hydroxide H3 PO4 (aq) + 3KOH (aq) K3 P O4 (aq) + 3H2 O (l) 5. HCl and MgCO3 Solution: Acid and carbonate 2HCl (aq) + MgCO3 (aq) MgCl2 (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g) 6. HNO3 and Al2 O3 Solution: Acid and metal oxide 6HNO3 (aq) + Al2 O3 (aq) 2Al(NO3 )3 (aq) + 3H2 O (l)
Redox reactions
Oxidation numbers
Exercise 13 7: Oxidation numbers
1. Give the oxidation numbers for each element in the following chemical compounds: a) MgF2 b) CaCl2 c) CH4
d) MgSO4 Solution: a) In the compound MgF2 , the oxidation number of uorine is 1 (rule 7). Let the oxidation number of magnesium be x. We know that uorine has an oxidation number of 1 and since there are two uorine atoms in the compound, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these two uorine atoms is 2. Putting this together gives: x + (2) = 0 = +2 So the oxidation number of magnesium is +2. Magnesium has an oxidation number of +2 and uorine has an oxidation number of 1. b) This is an ionic compound composed of Ca2+ and Cl ions. Using rule 2 the oxidation number for the calcium ion is +2 and for the chlorine ion it is 1. This then gives us a sum of 0 for the compound. Calcium has an oxidation number of +2 and chlorine has an oxidation number of 1. c) In the compound CH4 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). Let the oxidation number of carbon be x. We know that hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 (this is not a metal hydride) and since there are four hydrogen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these four hydrogen atoms is +4. Putting this together gives: x + (+4) = 0 = 4 So the oxidation number of carbon is 4. Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 and carbon has an oxidation number of 4.
d) This is an ionic compound composed of Mg2+ and SO2 4 ions. Using rule 2 the oxidation number for the magnesium ion is +2. In the polyatomic SO2 4 ion, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 2 (rule 4). Let the oxidation number of sulfur be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (it is not in a peroxide) and since there are four oxygen atoms in the sulfate ion, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these four oxygen atoms is 8. Putting this together gives:
x + (8) = 2 x = 2 + 8 = +6 So the oxidation number of sulfur is +6. Putting all the information together we nd that magnesium has an oxidation number of +2, oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 and sulfur has an oxidation number of +6.
2. Compare the oxidation numbers of: a) nitrogen in: NO2 and NO b) carbon in: CO2 and CO c) chromium in: Cr2 O2 7 and CrO4 d) oxygen in: H2 O and H2 O2 e) hydrogen in: NaH and H2 O Solution: a) In the compound NO2 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). Let the oxidation number of nitrogen be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there are two oxygen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these two oxygen atoms is 4. Putting this together gives: x + (4) = 0 = +4 So the oxidation number of nitrogen is +4 in NO2 . In the compound NO, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there is only one oxygen atom in the molecule, then the nitrogen atom must have an oxidation number of +2. So the oxidation number of nitrogen is +2 in NO. Nitrogen has an oxidation number of +4 in NO2 and +2 in NO. b) In the compound CO2 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). Let the oxidation number of carbon be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there are two oxygen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these two oxygen atoms is 4. Putting this together gives: x + (4) = 0 = +4 So the oxidation number of carbon is +4 in CO2 . In the compound CO, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there is only one oxygen atom in the molecule, then the carbon atom must have an oxidation number of +2. So the oxidation number of carbon is +2 in CO. Carbon has an oxidation number of +4 in CO2 and +2 in CO.
c) In the compound Cr2 O2 7 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 2 (rule 4). Let the oxidation number of chromium be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there are seven oxygen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these seven oxygen atoms is 14. Putting this together gives:
2x + (14) = 2 2x = 2 + 14 x = +6
So the oxidation number of chromium is +6 in Cr2 O2 7 . In the compound CrO 4 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 1 (rule 4). Let the oxidation number of chromium be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there are four oxygen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these four oxygen atoms is 8. Putting this together gives:
x + (8) = 1 x = +7 So the oxidation number of chromium is +7 in CrO 4. 2 Chromium has an oxidation number of +6 in Cr2 O7 and +7 in CrO 4. d) In the compound H2 O, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). This compound is not a metal hydride, so the oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 (rule 6). This compound is also not a peroxide, so the oxidation number of oxygen is 2 (rule 5). We conrm that this gives us a sum of 0: 2(+1)+(2) = 0. So the oxidation number of oxygen is 2 in H2 O. In the compound H2 O2 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 4). Let the oxidation number of oxygen be x (this is a peroxide and so oxygen does not have an oxidation number of 2). We know that hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 (this is not a metal hydride) and since there are two hydrogen atoms in the molecule, the sum of the oxidation numbers of these two hydrogen atoms is +2. Putting this together gives: 2x + (+2) = 0 x = 1 So the oxidation number of oxygen is 1 in H2 O2 . (Note that this conrms what has been stated about peroxides (see rule 5).) Oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 in H2 O and 1 in H2 O2 . e) In the compound NaH, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). This compound is a metal hydride, so the oxidation number of hydrogen is 1 (rule 6). This compound is also an ionic compound with sodium ions and so sodium must have an oxidation number of +1 (rule 2).
We conrm that this gives us a sum of 0: +1 + (1) = 0 So the oxidation number of hydrogen is 1 in NaH. In the compound H2 O, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 4). This compound is not a metal hydride, so the oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 (rule 6). This compound is also not a peroxide, so the oxidation number of oxygen is 2 (rule 5). So the oxidation number of hydrogen is +2 in H2 O. Hydrogen has an oxidation number of 1 in NaH and +1 in H2 O. 3. Give the oxidation numbers for each of the elements in all the compounds. State if there is any difference between the oxidation number of the element in the reactant and the element in the product. a) C (s) + O2 (g) CO2 (g) b) N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g) Solution: a) In the compound C, the oxidation number of carbon is 0 (rule 1). In the compound O2 , the oxidation number of oxygen is 0 (rule 1). In the compound CO2 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). Let the oxidation number of carbon be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation number of 2 (this is not a peroxide) and since there are two oxygen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these two oxygen atoms is 4. Putting this together gives: x + (4) = 0 x = +4 So the oxidation number of carbon is +4. The oxidation number of carbon in the products is 0 and in the reactants it is +4 The oxidation number has increased (become more positive). The oxidation number of oxygen in the products is 0 and in the reactants it is 2 The oxidation number has decreased (become more negative). b) In the compound N2 , the oxidation number of nitrogen is 0 (rule 1). In the compound H2 , the oxidation number of hydrogen is 0 (rule 1). In the compound NH3 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). Let the oxidation number of nitrogen be x. We know that hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 (this is not a metal hydride) and since there are three hydrogen atoms in the molecule, then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these three hydrogen atoms is +3. Putting this together gives: x + (+3) = 0 x = 3 So the oxidation number of nitrogen is 3. The oxidation number of hydrogen in the products is 0 and in the reactants it is +1 The oxidation number has increased (become more positive). The oxidation number of nitrogen in the products is 0 and in the reactants it is 3 The oxidation number has decreased (become more negative).
Redox reactions
Exercise 13 8: Redox reactions
1. Consider the following chemical equations: Fe (s) Fe2+ (aq) + 2e 4H+ (aq) + O2 (g) + 4e 2H2 O (l) Which one of the following statements is correct? a) Fe is oxidised and H+ is reduced b) Fe is reduced and O2 is oxidised c) Fe is oxidised and O2 is reduced d) Fe is reduced and H+ is oxidised (DoE Grade 11 Paper 2, 2007) Solution: Fe is oxidised and O2 is reduced 2. Which one of the following reactions is a redox reaction? a) HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l) b) AgNO3 (aq) + NaI (aq) AgI (s) + NaNO3 (aq) c) 2FeCl3 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) + SO2 (aq) H2 SO4 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) + 2FeCl2 (aq) d) BaCl2 (aq) + MgSO4 (aq) MgCl2 (aq) + BaSO4 (s) Solution:
FeCl3 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) + SO2 (aq) H2 SO4 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) + 2FeCl2 (aq) 3. Balance the following redox reactions: a) Zn (s) + Ag+ (aq) Zn2+ (aq) + Ag (s) b) Cu2+ (aq) + Cl (aq) Cu (s) + Cl2 (g) c) Pb2+ (aq) + Br (aq) Pb (s) + Br2 (aq) d) HCl (aq) + MnO2 (s) Cl2 (g) + Mn2+ (aq) This reaction takes place in an acidic medium. Solution:
a) Write a reaction for each compound: Zn Zn2+ Ag+ Ag The atoms are balanced. Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. Zn Zn2+ + 2e Ag+ + e Ag We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for zinc has two electrons, while the reaction for silver has one electron. So we must multiply the reaction for silver by 2 to ensure that the charges balance. Zn Zn2+ + 2e 2Ag+ + 2e 2Ag We combine the two half-reactions: + Zn + 2Ag + 2e Zn + Ag+ + 2e Zn2+ + 2e 2Ag Zn2+ + 2Ag + 2e
Cancelling out the electrons gives: Zn (s) + 2Ag+ (aq) Zn2+ (aq) + 2Ag (s) b) Write a reaction for each compound: Cu2+ Cu Cl Cl2 Balance the atoms: Cu2+ Cu 2Cl Cl2 Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. Cu2+ + 2e Cu 2Cl Cl2 + 2e We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for copper has two electrons and the reaction for chlorine also has two electrons. So the charges balance. We combine the two half-reactions:
Cu Cl2 + 2e Cu + Cl2 + 2e
Cancelling out the electrons gives: Cu2+ (aq) + 2Cl (aq) Cu (s) + Cl2 (g) c) Write a reaction for each compound: Pb2+ Pb Br Br2 Balance the atoms: Pb2+ Pb 2Br Br2 Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. Pb2+ + 2e Pb 2Br Br2 + 2e We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for lead has two electrons and the reaction for bromine also has two electrons. So the charges balance. We combine the two half-reactions: + Pb2+ + 2e 2Br Pb2+ + 2Br + 2e Pb Br2 + 2e Pb + Br2 + 2e
Cancelling out the electrons gives: Pb2+ (aq) + 2Br (aq) Pb (s) + Br2 (g) d) Write a reaction for each compound: HCl Cl2 MnO2 Mn2+ Balance the atoms. In the rst reaction we have 1 chlorine atom on the left hand side and 2 chlorine atoms on the right hand side. So we multiply the left hand side by 2: 2HCl Cl2 Now we note that there are 2 hydrogen atoms on the left hand side and no hydrogen atoms on the right hand so we add 2 hydrogen ions to the right hand side:
2HCl Cl2 + 2H+ The equation is now balanced. For the second equation we need to add two water molecules to the right hand side: MnO2 Mn2+ + 2H2 O We now need to add four hydrogen ions to the left hand side to balance the hydrogens: MnO2 + 4H+ Mn2+ + 2H2 O This equation is now balanced. Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. 2HCl Cl2 + 2H+ + 2e MnO2 + 4H+ + 2e Mn2+ + 2H2 O We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for chlorine has two electrons and the reaction for manganese also has two electrons. So the charges balance. We combine the two half-reactions: 2HCl MnO2 + 4H+ + 2e 2HCl + MnO2 + 4H+ + 2e Cl2 + 2H+ + 2e Mn2+ + 2H2 O Cl2 + 2H+ + 2e + Mn2+ + 2H2 O
Cancelling out the electrons and hydrogen ions gives: 2HCl + MnO2 + 2H+ Cl2 + Mn2+ + 2H2 O
Chapter summary
Exercise 13 9:
1. Give one word/term for each of the following descriptions: a) A chemical reaction during which electrons are transferred. b) A substance that takes up protons and is said to be a proton acceptor. c) The loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion. d) A substance that can act as either an acid or as a base. Solution: a) Redox reaction
Which of the following statements is true? a) HNO3 accepts protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry base b) HNO3 accepts protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid c) NH3 donates protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid d) HNO3 donates protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid Solution: HNO3 donates protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid 3. When chlorine water (Cl2 dissolved in water) is added to a solution of potassium bromide, bromine is produced. Which one of the following statements concerning this reaction is correct? a) Br is oxidised b) Cl2 is oxidised c) Br is the oxidising agent d) Cl is the oxidising agent (IEB Paper 2, 2005) Solution: Br is the oxidising agent (chlorine is reduced in this reaction) 4. Given the following reaction: H2 SO3 (aq) + 2KOH (aq) K2 SO3 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) Which substance acts as the acid and which substance acts as the base? Solution: H2 SO3 is the Bronsted-Lowry acid and KOH is the Bronsted-Lowry base. 5. Use balanced chemical equations to explain why HSO 4 is amphoteric. Solution: HSO 4 accepts a proton to form sulfuric acid (in other words it acts as a BronstedLowry base):
+ HSO 4 + H H2 SO4
HSO 4 also donates a proton to form the sulfate ion (in other words it acts as a Bronsted-Lowry acid):
2 + HSO 4 SO4 + H
6. Milk of magnesia is an example of an antacid and is only slightly soluble in water. Milk of magnesia has the chemical formula Mg(OH)2 and is taken as a powder dissolved in water. Write a balanced chemical equation to show how the antacid reacts with hydrochloric acid (the main acid found in the stomach). Solution: 2HCl (aq) + Mg(OH)2 (aq) MgCl2 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) 7. In an experiment sodium carbonate was used to neutralise a solution of hydrochloric acid. Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. Solution: 2HCl (aq) + Na2 CO3 (aq) 2NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g) 8. Write a balanced chemical equation for phosphoric acid (H3 PO4 ) reacting with calcium oxide (CaO). Solution: 2H3 PO4 (aq) + 3CaO (s) Ca3 (PO4 )2 (aq) + 3H2 O (l) 9. Label the acid-base conjugate pairs in the following equation:
2 + HCO 3 (aq) + H2 O CO3 (aq) + H3 O (aq)
conjugate pair HCO 3 + H2 O
acid 1 base 2
H3 O+ + CO2 3
acid 2
base 1
conjugate pair
10. Look at the following reaction: 2H2 O2 (l) 2H2 O (l) + O2 (g)
a) What is the oxidation number of the oxygen atom in each of the following compounds? i. H2 O2 ii. H2 O iii. O2 b) Does the hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) act as an oxidising agent or a reducing agent or both, in the above reaction? Give a reason for your answer. Solution:
i. In the compound H2 O2 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 4). Let the oxidation number of oxygen be x (this is a peroxide and so oxygen does not have an oxidation number of 2). We know that hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 (this is not a metal hydride) and since there are two hydrogen atoms in the molecule, the sum of the oxidation numbers of these two hydrogen atoms is +2. Putting this together gives: 2x + (+2) = 0 x = 1 So the oxidation number of oxygen is 1 in H2 O2 . (Note that this conrms what has been stated about peroxides (see rule 5).) ii. In the compound H2 O, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3). This compound is not a metal hydride, so the oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 (rule 6). This compound is also not a peroxide, so the oxidation number of oxygen is 2 (rule 5). We conrm that this gives us a sum of 0: 2(+1) + (2) = 0. So the oxidation number of oxygen is 2 in H2 O. iii. In the compound O2 , the oxidation number of oxygen is 0.
b) Hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) acts as both an oxidising agent and a reducing agent in the above reaction. In this example there is only one reactant and this reactant decomposes into two parts. 11. Challenge question: Zinc reacts with aqueous copper sulfate (CuSO4 (aq)) to form zinc sulfate (ZnSO4 (aq)) and copper ions. What is the oxidation number for each element in the reaction? Solution: Start by writing the balanced equation: Zn (s) + CuSO4 (aq) ZnSO4 aq + Cu (s) Next we determine the oxidation number of each element in the reactants. Zinc is an element and so has oxidation number of 0 (rule 1). The copper sulfate consists of Cu2+ ions and SO4 ions. The copper ions will have an oxidation number of +2 (rule 3). Oxygen usually has an oxidation number of 2 (rule 6). In the polyatomic SO2 4 ion, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 2 (rule 4). Since there are four oxygen atoms in the ion, the total charge of the oxygen is 8. If the overall charge of the ion is 2, then the oxidation number of sulfur must be +6. (x + 4(2) = 2 therefore x 8 = 2). Next we determine the oxidation number of each element in the products. Copper is an element and so has oxidation number of 0 (rule 1). The zinc sulfate consists of Zn2+ ions and SO4 ions. The zinc ions will have an oxidation number of +2 (rule 3). Oxygen usually has an oxidation number of 2 (rule 6). In the polyatomic SO2 4 ion, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 2 (rule 4). Since there are four oxygen atoms in the ion, the total charge of the oxygen is 8. If the overall charge of the ion is 2, then the oxidation number of sulfur must be +6. (x + 4(2) = 2 therefore x 8 = 2).
Write the nal answer: Zn = 0 Cu2+ = +2 S6+ = +6 O2 = 2 Cu = 0 Zn2+ = +2 S6+ = +6 O2 = 2 12. Balance the following redox reactions: a) Pb (s) + Ag+ (aq) Pb2+ (aq) + Ag (s) b) Zn2+ (aq) + I (aq) Zn (s) + I2 (g) c) Fe3+ (aq) + NO2 (aq) Fe (s) + NO 3 (aq) This reaction takes place in an acidic medium. Solution: a) Write a reaction for each compound: Pb Pb2+ Ag+ Ag The atoms are balanced. Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. Pb Pb2+ + 2e Ag+ + e Ag We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for lead has two electrons, while the reaction for silver has one electron. So we must multiply the reaction for silver by 2 to ensure that the charges balance. Pb Pb2+ + 2e 2Ag+ + 2e 2Ag We combine the two half-reactions: + Pb 2Ag + 2e Pb + Ag+ + 2e
Cancelling out the electrons gives: Pb (s) + 2Ag+ (aq) Pb2+ (aq) + 2Ag (s)
b) Write a reaction for each compound: Zn2+ Zn I I2 Balance the atoms: Zn2+ Zn 2I I2 Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. Zn2+ + 2e Zn 2I I2 + 2e We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for copper has two electrons and the reaction for chlorine also has two electrons. So the charges balance. We combine the two half-reactions: + Zn2+ + 2e 2I 2+ Zn + 2I + 2e Zn I2 + 2e Zn + I2 + 2e
Cancelling out the electrons gives: Zn2+ (aq) + 2I (aq) Zn (s) + I2 (g) c) Write a reaction for each compound: Fe3+ Fe NO2 NO 3 Balance the atoms. The rst equation is balanced. For the second equation we need to add one water molecule to the left hand side: H2 O + NO2 NO 3 We now need to add two hydrogen ions to the right hand side to balance the hydrogens:
+ H2 O + NO2 NO 3 +H
This equation is now balanced. Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. Fe3+ + 3e Fe (s)
+ H2 O + NO2 NO 3 + 2H + e
We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for iron has two electrons and but the reaction for NO2 only has one. So we multiply the second equation by 3:
+ 3H2 O + 3NO2 3NO 3 + 6H + 3e
The number of electrons is now the same. We combine the two half-reactions: + Fe3+ + 3e 3H2 O + 3NO2 3+ Fe + 3e + 3H2 O + 3NO2 Fe (s) + 3NO 3 + 6H + 3e + Fe + 3NO3 + 6H + 3e
13. A nickel-cadmium battery is used in various portable devices such as calculators. This battery uses a redox reaction to work. The equation for the reaction is: Cd (s) + NiO(OH) (s) Cd(OH)2 (s) + Ni(OH)2 (s) This reaction takes place in a basic medium. Balance the equation. Solution: Write a reaction for each compound: Cd Cd(OH)2 NiO(OH) Ni(OH)2 Balance the atoms. In the rst reaction we have 0 oxygen atoms and 0 hydrogen atoms on the left hand side. On the right hand side we have 2 oxygen atoms and 0 hydrogen atoms (or two hydroxide ions). So we add two hydroxide ions to the left hand side (we dont add water as this would cause the number of hydrogen ions to be unbalanced): CdOH Cd(OH)2 The equation is now balanced. For the second equation we we have 2 oxygen atoms and 1 hydrogen atom on the left hand side (or one hydroxide ion and one oxygen atom). On the right hand side we have 2 oxygen atoms and 0 hydrogen atoms (or two hydroxide ions). So we add one hydroxide ion to the right hand side: NiO(OH) Ni(OH)2 + OH We now need to add one water molecule to the left hand side to balance the hydrogens and oxygens: NiO(OH) + H2 O Ni(OH)2 + OH
This equation is now balanced. Add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance. We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge. CdOH Cd(OH)2 + 2e NiO(OH) + H2 O + e Ni(OH)2 + OH We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same. The reaction for cadmium has two electrons, but the reaction for nickel only has one electron. So we multiply the reaction for nickel by 2: 2NiO(OH) + 2H2 O + 2e 2Ni(OH)2 + 2OH The charges are now balanced. We combine the two half-reactions:
Cancelling out the electrons gives: Cd (s) + 2NiO(OH) (s) + 2H2 O (l) Cd(OH)2 (s) + 2Ni(OH)2 (s) + 2OH (aq)
The lithosphere
The lithosphere
This chapter looks at the lithosphere and explores mining in more detail. Mining is very important in South Africa as a large part of the economy depends on gold, diamond and coal mining. This chapter looks at the history of mankind, what the lithosphere is, what is in the lithosphere and then goes on to look at mining. The general techniques used across all types of mining are looked at and then gold mining is explored in greater detail. Learners can do the mining section as a project (either in groups or individually) that they then present to the class. If learners do a project ensure that each mineral listed in CAPs (iron, phosphate, coal, diamond, copper, platinum, zinc, chrome, asbestos, manganese and gold) is covered by at least one learner in the class. This topic provides a great opportunity to look at social justice and economic concerns. The various class discussions and debates provided give learners the chance to think about some critical issues in South Africa.
1. In Mapungubwe (in the Limpopo Province) there is evidence of gold mining in South Africa as early as 1200. Today, South Africa is a world leader in the technology of gold mining. The following ow diagram illustrates some of the most important steps in the recovery of gold from its ore.
Gold bearing ore A NaAu(CN)2 B Gold precipitate C Pure gold
a) Name the process indicated by A. b) During process A, gold is removed from the ore. Is gold oxidised or reduced during this process? c) Use oxidation numbers to explain your answer to the question above. d) Name the chemical substance that is used in process B. e) During smelting (illustrated by C in the diagram), gold is sent to a large oven called a furnace. Why do you think this process is needed, and explain what happens to the gold during this process. Solution:
14.1. Introduction
a) Oxidation of gold by sodium cyanide solution. b) Gold is oxidised. c) The equation for the reaction is: 4Au + 8NaCN + O2 + 2H2 O 4NaAu(CN)2 + 4NaOH Refer to chapter 13, types of reactions to calculate oxidation numbers. In the reactants gold has an oxidation number of 0. In the products gold occurs as NaAu(CN)2 . The cyanide ion (CN ) has an oxidation number of 1. The sodium ion (Na+ ) has an oxidation number of +1. The overall compound must have a total oxidation number of 0. Let golds oxidation number be x. Then:
+1 + x + 2(1) = 0 x = +1 So gold has an oxidation number of +1 in the products. Since this is more positive (greater than) the oxidation number of gold in the reactants gold has lost electrons and so being oxidised. d) Zinc e) The high temperature used during smelting causes the gold to become a liquid. This can then be removed from the molten mixture.
Exercise 14 2:
1. Give one word/term for each of the following descriptions: a) The part of the Earth that includes the crust and in which all minerals are found. b) The process in which minerals are extracted from the ores. c) An age in which humans discovered the use of re to improve the properties of stone. Solution: a) Lithosphere b) Minerals processing or extraction c) Middle Stone Age 2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. More prots, more poisons Since the last three decades gold miners have made use of cyanidation to recover gold from the ore. Over 99% of gold from ore can be extracted in this way. It
allows miners to obtain gold akes too small for the eye to see. Gold can also be extracted from the waste of old operations which sometimes left as much as a third of the gold behind. The left-over cyanide can be re-used, but is more often stored in a pond behind a dam or even dumped directly into a local river. A teaspoonful of two-percent solution of cyanide can kill a human adult. Mining companies insist that cyanide breaks down when exposed to sunlight and oxygen which render it harmless. They also point to scientic studies that show that cyanide swallowed by sh will not bio-accumulate, which means it does not pose a risk to anyone who eats the sh. In practise, cyanide solution that seeps into the ground will not break down because of the absence of sunlight. If the cyanide solution is very acidic, it could turn into cyanide gas which is toxic to sh. On the other hand, if the solution is alkaline, the cyanide does not break down. There are no reported cases of human death from cyanide spills. If you dont see corpses, everything is okay. a) What is cyanidation? b) What type of chemical reaction takes place during this process: precipitation; acid-base; redox? c) Is the solution after cyanidation acidic, basic or neutral? d) How is the solid gold recovered from the solution? e) Refer to cyanidation and discuss the meaning of the heading of the extract: More prots, more poisons. DBE exemplar paper - Nov 2007 Solution: a) Cyanidation is the addition of cyanide to the gold ore. b) Redox reaction c) acidic d) By addition of zinc metal and then heating in a furnace. e) Cyanidation extracts over 99% of gold from the ore, this leads to more (i.e. process is very effective) prots. However, left over cyanide can end up in rivers and aquifers that can be (i.e. negative effect of process on environment) harmful to life.
14.5. Summary