Envi CHAPTER 1 Notes

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following best describes the areas of study that are important in the discipline of environmental science? a. Biology. b. Chemistry and geology c. Economics and biology d. Economics and chemistry e. Biology, chemistry, geology and economics ANS: E 2. Which of the following is a goal of environmental science? a. Learn how life on earth has thrived and survived.. b. Understand how we interact with the environment. c. Live more sustainably and find ways to deal with environmental problems. d. Learn how life on earth has thrived and survived and understand how we interact with the environment. e. Learn how life on earth has thrived and survived, understand how we interact with the environment, and live more sustainably and find ways to deal with environmental problems. ANS: E 3. Which of the following is a social movement dedicated to the protection of the Earth's natural capital? a. Ecology b. environmental science c. Environmentalism d. natural science e. Sustainability ANS: C 4. Which of the following terms encompasses all of the others? a. natural capital b. natural resources c. natural services d. renewable resources e. nonrenewable resources ANS: A 5. Which of the following is a form of natural capital gained directly or indirectly as a result of solar energy? a. Forests b. flowing water and wind energy c. wind energy only d. coal and oil e. forests, flowing water, wind energy, coal and oil. 1


6. One of the reasons biodiversity is such an important aspect of sustainability is the fact that a. cycling chemicals maintains a ready supply of new materials for water, soil and food b. it is the ultimate source of energy for plants c. interactions among species provide population controls that limits ultimate population sizes of many species d. it provides water purification and topsoil renewable e. two of these answers are correct ANS: E 7. Which of the following is best categorized as an example of a natural service? a. renewable energy b. nonrenewable energy c. water purification d. Oil e. Soil ANS: C 8. When we speak of protecting the environment, we are referring to a. all living things on the planet b. all non-living things such as air, fresh water, and energy c. all living and non-living things d. humans and the living and non-living things that affect them only e. humans and the living things that affect them only ANS: C 9. A group of organisms with a unique set of characteristics that distinguishes them from other organisms, is called a a. Species b. Ecosystem c. sustainable society d. natural resource e. Population ANS: A 10. The three principles of sustainability are: a. solar energy, biodiversity and perpetual energy b. use of natural capital to support human economies c. use of renewable resources, but no use of nonrenewable resources d. solar energy, biodiversity and chemical cycling e. biodiversity, use of perpetual resources and widespread reduction of use ANS: D 11. Which of the following would best be categorized as a perpetual resource? a. oil reserves b. Fisheries 2

c. solar energy d. Forests e. coal reserves ANS: C 12. What is an essential characteristic that indicates whether a resource should be categorized as a renewable resource? a. It must be an energy resource. b. It must be a biological resource. c. It must be recyclable. d. It must have the capacity to be replenished within days to several hundred years. e. It must have the capacity to be utilized for immediate economic benefit. ANS: D 13. Select the choice that correctly states the best priority for use of non-renewable resources, such as metals and plastics, from the environmentally sustainable perspective. a. recycle, reuse, reduce b. reuse, reduce, recycle c. reduce, reuse, recycle d. reduce, recycle, refuse e. repurpose, recycle, remake ANS: C 14. Which of the following is an example of recycling? a. collecting and remelting aluminum beer cans and making them into new cans b. cleaning and refilling soft-drink bottles c. selling used clothing at a garage sale d. saving leftovers in a peanut butter jar e. using household water to water a garden ANS: A 15. Developed countries a. are high-income b. are low-income c. use about 88% of the worlds resources d. make up about 80% of the world's population e. Are high-income and use about 88% of the worlds resources ANS: E 16. Which of the following statements about developing countries is true? a. They are highly industrialized. b. They have high-average per capita income. c. They include the United States, Germany, and Japan. d. They are classified as middle-income or low-income. e. They have about 85% of the world's wealth and income. ANS: D 17. About ____ of the world's human population lives in the developing countries. a. 20% 3

b. c. d. e.

40% 60% 80% 90%

ANS: D 18. All of the following are potentially renewable resources except a. Groundwater b. trees in a forest c. fertile soil d. Oil e. fish populations ANS: D 19. You generally buy and eat microwave dinners. After dinner, cardboard tops and plastic trays remain. The least effective way to deal with this type of solid waste problem is to a. Store leftovers in the plastic trays. b. Put all of the solid waste in the household trash to be taken to the landfill. c. Donate the plastic containers to the local nursery schools to use with preschoolers. d. Recycle the components. e. Save the containers in a stash in your garage for future use. ANS: B 20. Nonrenewable resources include a. Oil b. Minerals c. salt and sand d. Coal e. oil, minerals, salt, sand and coal ANS: E 21. Sustainable yield is the highest rate at which we can use a(n) _____________without reducing its available supply. a. renewable resource b. perpetual resource c. energy resource d. mineral resource e. nonrenewable resource ANS: A 22. The tragedy of the commons refers to a. overuse of privately held resources b. overuse of shared common resources c. human deaths from polluted shared resources such as air or water d. government over-regulation of fresh water use e. a Shakespeare play ANS: B 23. Evidence that we are living unsustainably includes which of the following? 4

a. b. c. d. e.

Renewable forests are shrinking. Topsoil is eroding, and the lower atmosphere is warming. Deserts are expanding. Deserts are shrinking. Deserts are expanding, renewable forests are shrinking, topsoil is eroding and the lower atmosphere is warming.

ANS: E 24. Which of the following best describes what is meant by an ecological footprint? a. It is the average size of the lot on which a family home is built. b. It is the number of acres necessary to grow enough food to support a family. c. It is the geographic area in which a person travels during the course of their average daily activities. d. It is the amount of biologically-productive land and water needed to supply the people in a particular country or area with the resources they need. e. It is the amount of tillable agricultural land necessary to supply the food requirements of a nation. ANS: D 25. If a countrys ecological footprint is larger than its biological capacity to replenish its renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste and pollution: a. It is said to have an ecological deficit. b. It should be supported by other countries with smaller footprints. c. It is said to be a sustainable society. d. It is most likely a developing country. e. More than one of these answers is correct. ANS: A 26. The IPAT model states that the key factor in environmental impact in a. developing countries is resource use b. developing countries is population size c. developed countries is resource use d. developed countries is population size e. more than one of these answers ANS: E 27. Point sources of pollution a. enter ecosystems from dispersed and often hard-to-identify sources b. include runoff of fertilizers and pesticides from farmlands and suburban lawns c. are cheaper and easier to identify than nonpoint sources d. are more difficult to control than nonpoint sources e. are always found in rural areas ANS: C 28. Nonpoint sources of pollution a. enter ecosystems from single identifiable sources b. are more difficult to control than point sources c. include smokestacks and automobile exhaust pipes d. are cheaper and easier to identify than point sources e. are always found in rural areas 5

ANS: B 29. The total ecological footprint for humanity is expected to be a. twice the planets ecological capacity by the year 2015 b. 30% higher than the planets ecological capacity by the year 2035 c. 60% higher than the planets ecological capacity by the year 2035 d. 30% higher than the planets ecological capacity by the year 2015 e. twice the planets ecological capacity by the year 2035 ANS: E 30. Pollution cleanup efforts can be ineffective because a. They often transfer pollutants from one part of the environment to another. b. Once pollutants are dispersed, it costs too much to reduce them to acceptable levels. c. They can be overwhelmed by growth in population and consumption. d. They often transfer pollutants from part of the environment to another, once they are dispersed it costs too much to reduce them to acceptable levels, and they can be overwhelmed by growth in population and consumption. e. There are not enough people with the necessary technical training to deal with the problems. ANS: D 31. China currently a. has the second largest economy on the planet b. is the worlds largest producer of wind turbines, and is projected to soon be the largest producer of solar cells c. is the second largest economy on the planet and is the worlds largest producer and consumer of cars. d. is the worlds largest producer and consumer of cars, and is the largest producer of solar cells. e. is the second largest economy on the planet, is the worlds largest producer of wind turbines and cars, and is is projected to soon be the worlds largest producer of solar cells. ANS: E 32. Root causes of unsustainability include all of the following except a. wasteful use of resources b. Poverty c. rapid population growth d. inclusion of environmental and social costs in market prices e. widespread recycling programs ANS: D 33. Which of the following is an environmental benefit of affluence and wealth? a. Increasing wealth allows for an increased capacity for resource consumption. b. Increased wealth provides resources to apply toward the creation of environmentally beneficial technologies. c. Increasing affluence often leads to a desire to travel widely and frequently in order to see the world. d. The affluence of developed nations is highly desirable and sought after by citizens of developing nations. e. The typical consumption patterns of affluent nations leads to beneficial environmental 6

conservation practices. ANS: B 34. Which of the following is a major factor contributing to the degradation of natural capital associated with the pricing of consumable goods? a. They are priced in such a way that they do not reflect the environmental damage caused by their production. b. They are priced in such a way as to allow even those in poverty in developing nations to acquire them. c. They are priced in such a way that only the most affluent purchaser is able to acquire them. d. Consumers are typically aware of the kinds of environmental damage resulting from the production of the item. e. It is fashionable in some local cultures to purchase items that are expensive because of the social status it brings. ANS: A 35. A worldview that holds that we can and should manage the Earth for our own benefit but that we also have an ethical responsibility to be caring stewards is called the a. planetary management worldview b. stewardship worldview c. environmental wisdom worldview d. socialist worldview e. monarchy worldview ANS: B 36. In 2009, the world population is about a. 6.0 billion people b. 2.0 billion people c. 9.0 billion people d. 8.0 million people e. 7.0 billion people ANS: E 37. Every day, approximately _____ new people are added to the global population. a. 53 million b. 100 million c. 83 million d. 153 million e. 250,000 (a quarter of a million) ANS: C 38. Billions of poverty-stricken people do not have access to basic necessities of life. The lack of which one of the following basic necessities affects the largest number of people? a. enough fuel for heating and cooking b. adequate sanitation facilities c. clean drinking water d. adequate housing e. enough food for good health 7

ANS: B 39. With respect to making a shift from unsustainable lifestyles to sustainable lifestyles, it is estimated that we have about _____________years to accomplish this, but that it takes about _______________per cent of the population to bring about such major social changes. a. 50 to 100; 50 to 100 b. 100 to 1,000; 5 to 10 c. 50 to 100; 5 to 10 d. 5 to 10; 50 to 100 e. 75; 75 ANS: C TRUE/FALSE 1. An environmentally sustainable society must be based only on policies that provide for economic growth and development. ANS: F 2. An important goal of environmental science is to learn how life on the earth has thrived and survived. ANS: T 3. Recycling nonrenewable metallic resources takes much less energy, water, and other resources and produces less pollution and environmental degradation than exploiting virgin metallic resources. ANS: T 4. Polluting chemicals enter the environment only through human activities. ANS: F 5. Natural resources are considered natural capital, but natural services are not.. ANS: F 6. The United States has the world's largest per capita ecological footprint. ANS: T 7. Government subsidies can actually encourage companies to conduct business in ways that result in environmental degradation. ANS: T 8. In an environmentally sustainable society, most affluent citizens work to decrease their consumption of products. ANS: T 9. Pollution cleanup is considered a short-term solution if population and consumption levels grow without corresponding improvement in pollution control technology. 8

ANS: T 10. Rapid population growth and associated poverty are primarily occurring in developing countries and have little impact on environmental degradation. ANS: F 11. In order for the social changes to occur that will produce sustainable economies, fully 50% of the population of a country must support the change. ANS: F 12. We can say that biodiversity is a factor in maintaining life on this planet. ANS: T 13. Perpetual resources exist in a fixed quantity or stock in the Earths crust. ANS: F 14. If industry managers ask the question How can my company avoid producing polluting air exhaust from my factory? they are seeking pollution prevent, which is preferable to pollution cleanup. ANS: T 15. The tragedy of the commons is a phenomenon that occurs only when the number of users is small. ANS: F 16. One of the ways we can slow population growth is to elevate the status of women. ANS: T 17. A massive cloud of air pollution largely generated in China affects only China, but causes serious respiratory problems there. ANS: F COMPLETION 1. A resource such as solar energy that is renewed continuously is a called a(n) ____________________. ANS: perpetual resource 2. The three principles of sustainability are chemical cycling, reliance on solar energy, and ____________________. ANS: biodiversity

3. A(n )____________________ is a set of organisms within a defined area or volume that interact with one another and with their environment of nonliving matter and energy. ANS: Ecosystem 4. ____________________ is the ability of the Earth's various natural systems and human cultural systems and economies to survive and adapt to changing environmental conditions indefinitely. ANS: Sustainability 5. ____________________ are materials and energy in nature that are essential or useful to humans. ANS: Natural resources 6. A(n) ________________is anything obtained from the environment to meet our needs and wants. ANS: resource 7. The action of processing plastic or aluminum cans into another usable product is called ____________________. ANS: recycling 8. ____________________ are functions of nature, such as purification of air and water, that support life and human economies. ANS: Natural services 9. The IPAT model of environmental impact takes into consideration population size, technology, and ____________________. ANS: affluence 10. ____________________ is the contamination of the environment by a chemical or other agent such as noise or heat to a level that is harmful to the health, survival or activities of humans of other organisms..

11. The highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used indefinitely without reducing its available supply is called its ____________________. ANS: sustainable yield 12. A single, identifiable source of pollution is called a(n) ____________________. 10

ANS: point source 13. Pollution ____________________ is cheaper and more effective than pollution ____________________. ANS: prevention, cleanup 14. Developing countries can be classified as moderately developed, middle-income, or as ____________________, least developed. ANS: low-income 15. Old drink bottles that are collected, washed, and refilled are an example of ____________________. ANS: reuse 16. Natural capital is comprised of natural resources and natural ____________________. ANS: services 17. When we exceed a renewable resource's natural replacement rate, the available supply begins to shrink through a process known as ____________________. ANS: environmental degradation 18. Pesticides blown from agricultural lands into the air is an example of ____________________ pollution. ANS: non-point source 19. It has been estimated that humanity's global ecological footprint exceeds the Earth's biological capacity by about ____________________. ANS: 30%

ESSAY 1. Clearly describe how wealth and affluence can have both harmful and beneficial environmental effects. 11

ANS: The typical lifestyles of the citizens of developed nations are built on high levels of consumption and unsustainable use of natural resources. This type of affluence has an enormously harmful environmental impact. On the other hand, affluence can lead people to become more educated, environmentally aware, and concerned. It also provides money for the development of improved technologies that can help to reduce pollution, resource waste, and environmental degradation. 2. Explain how poverty drives population growth. ANS: To many poor people, having more children is a matter of survival. Children are effectively the labor force for a poor family, helping with crop tending, gathering wood or fuel, hauling water and livestock tending. Additionally, the children become caretakers of their parents when the parents age. This is very important in poor countries that do not have social security, health care or retirement funds.

3. Explain how the IPAT model and the ecological footprint model emphasize different aspects of how natural resources are affected by unsustainable use. ANS: The IPAT model includes the per capita use of both renewable and nonrenewable resources, while the ecological footprint model emphasizes the use of renewable resources.


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