Epcusa 05 05 2013 Update

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Eastminster Update

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see

Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org

Volume 37 Number 17

May 5, 2013

Dear Eastminster Family, Thank you to all of you who were involved with and attended the Toward 2020 lunch yesterday after worship. The enthusiasm and good spirit were evident, and I am encouraged by the initial commitments some of you have made to update and upgrade Eastminsters facilities. This church is uniquely positioned to touch lives literally from cradle to grave, and I hope you will join me in praying that we will pull together as a church family to step boldly into the future to which God is calling us. Noticing the rain yesterday, as we made our way from the sanctuary to lunch in the Christian Life Center, I was thinking how nice it will be that, upon completion of this work, people using wheelchairs and walkers will no longer be forced to weather the elements to get from our sanctuary to other buildings on campus. Similarly, people will no longer have to navigate the gauntlet of steps to get from one building to another, or to use the restroom. Looking back, I am struck by the selflessness of the elders of this church (both ruling elders and elders in age), who put others before themselves, building a Christian Life Center used by future generations, when they could have opted to address some of these accessibility issues years ago. Today, you and I have the opportunity to make Eastminster more welcoming for these people, even as our efforts will also positively impact future generations. To be sure, the construction process will include some inconveniences. Our choirs will be temporarily relocated away from their homes in the sanctuary basement; alternate gyms will be needed to accommodate basketball season; and, of course, sanctuary worship will have to take place in the gym. As with generations past, we have the choice of grumbling at temporary inconveniences, or like some of the men and women that have gone before us at Eastminster, we can act selflessly for the greater good. Thank you for choosing the latter. There is no better investment of resources than in the work of Jesus Christ, and I encourage you to participate in this exciting effort. If you were not able to be here Sunday, or even if you were here but want to see the video again, visit www.eastminsterpres.org and click on the Toward 2020 video link. Oh, and to see a glimpse of the future, be sure to join us this Sunday as our Middle School students lead us in worship. In Christs joy,

your old men will dream

ACTS 2:17

Dr. Bradley D. Smith Pastor Dr. Mark E. Durrett Associate Pastor Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire Associate Pastor Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith Associate Pastor Dr. James I. St. John Parish Associate Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner Associate Pastor Mr. Croskeys Royall Director of Childrens Ministries Mrs. Fredna Lee Director of Music Ministries Mr. William L. Collins, Jr. Business Administrator
Our Missionaries: Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska Sarah Snapp - Bolivia Rev. John McCall - Taiwan Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US George & Anne Harper - Philippines


9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Jubilee Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith Witness of the Light John 1:1-16, Matthew 5:13-16

Sunday, may 5

SUNDAY, may 5
8:00 9:00 10:00 10:05 11:15 4:00 5:30 Celebration Choir Rehearsal Worship & Childrens Church Sunday School Jubilee Band Practice Eastminster First Step Chancel Choir Rehearsal Worship & Childrens Church Jubilee Worship Blue & Gold Banquet Youth Band Practice Senior High Youth

Monday, may 6

7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast 9:00 Count Team Fifty Plus Exercise Class 10:00 Senior Fitness 2:00 Pastors Mtg. 2:30 Program Staff Mtg. 5:30 Yoga Fellowship Committee 7:00 Sr. High Guys Bible Study

Calling all rising 4K - 6 graders! Join us June 17-June 20 from 9:00 a.m. - noon to retrace the journey of the Apostle Paul through Asia Minor and Europe. You can register with a paper registration or on our website www.eastminsterpres.org, but please note that we need your registration payment by the morning of June 6 to finalize your registration. For $17.00 your child is registered and will receive a T-Shirt. Remember, if you want to volunteer, but have children younger than the ages for VBS, we will have our Drop-In Nursery open for you that week to take care of volunteer children. Our VBS volunteer caf will be open Mon.-Wed. of that week; the VBS closing event will be on Thursday evening, giving all parents and grandparents an opportunity to attend; information about the off-site actvities for the rising 5th and rising 6th graders coming soon. Registration deadline iS June 5!!! After this date, you are not guaranteed a T-Shirt or a slot in VBS. EDS has added an additional classroom for the four-year-old class and school-age children for this summer. If you are interested in enrolling your child at EDS during the summer, please stop by the Day School or call us at 771-1512. Summer registration packets are outside of the Day School office on the table.

Vacation Bible School June 17 - 20, 2013!!

Day School Summer Registration

TUESDAY, may 7

9:00 Drop-In Nursery 9:30 Staff Meeting 10:00 Senior Fitness EPW Coordinating Team Savvy Seniors Planning Team 11:45 Tuesday Lunch 12:30 Visitation 4:00 CHAMPS Tutoring 5:00 Tai Chi Girls Volleyball 5:30 Zumba 6:00 Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 Zumba Fitness Scottish Country Dance 9:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 6:15 7:15

On Sunday, May 12, churches across South Carolina will participate in the Mothers Day Offering for Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina. This special offering supports seniors who outlive their resources and depend on the generosity of others for their care. Thanks to the support of Presbyterian congregations and generous individuals, over $1.1 million in charitable care was provided last year by PCSC. Please consider participating in the special offering and making a difference in the lives of older adults who are counting on us! Please use your separate pledge envelopes marked Presbyterian Communities or write this offering name on the memo line of your check. We have reserved 20 spots with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for the week of September 29-October 5, 2013, to help with Hurricane Sandy rebuilding. Mark Rosenberg will be the trip leader. We will be housed at First Church in Elizabeth, NJ, where we will be helping with cleanup of homes, home sites, local churches and with general home repairs and rebuilding. Cost is $180 plus helping with the gas for the round trip. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A CHANGE FROM THE AMOUNT GIVEN BEFORE. Contact Julie, ([email protected]) with questions. On Wednesday, May 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the Shred 360 truck will be in the CLC parking lot accepting up to 5 boxes or bags of paper to be shredded. This event is open to the community and is a food drive for Harvest Hope Food Bank. When you come to shred, bring canned food to donate! For families with kindergartners and younger (older siblings welcome too!) Join us at the church (Courtyard yard or Thompson Hall if it rains) on May 3 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. for a family movie night. The feature film is Wreck-It Ralph Pizza, popcorn, and juice boxes served. Event is free but please bring a couple of new or gently used childrens books for our book drive. Questions? Please email Courtney at [email protected].

Mothers Day Offering


Fifty Plus Exercise Class Drop In Nursery Prayer Shawl Ministry EDS Chapel Shred 360 Event Crossroads Career Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Work Trip to Elizabeth, NJ


9:00 Drop-In Nursery 10:00 Senior Fitness 4:00 CHAMPS Tutoring 5:00 Yoga Girls Volleyball 5:30 Zumba 6:00 Scotland Rehearsals 7:00 Zumba Fitness HS Girls Bible Study 7:30 Jubilee Band Practice

Shred 360 at Eastminster

Pre-K Movie Night and Book Drive Coming!

FRIDAY, may 10
9:00 11:00 6:00

Fifty Plus Exercise Class Mothers Day Tea Support Staff Mtg. Jesus Rocks Almost Lock-In

SATURDAY, may 11

Eastminsters officers retreat was concluded on the night prior to the South Carolina-Georgia football game on Saturday. Senior Pastor, Brad Smith, a Georgia graduate and Bulldog supporter, asked someone to read the closing scripture, Philippians chapter 3, It read, Beware of the dogs . . .


EPC Prayer List Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith is to be in prayer for one another. Contact the church office at 256-1654 to be included on this Prayer List. EPC Special Concerns Walker Pearce, Boots Fuller, Remer Waguestack, Dr. Mary Tobin, those serving in our military, Stephen Ministers & their care receivers and all those in need of Gods special care. Births Congratulations and love to:

May 26 - August 11, 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary & Jubilee 9:00 a.m. - Sunday School (8:45 A. M. Gathering Fellowship)
Eastminsters pastors will rotate teaching a combined Summer Sunday Class from 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. in the Adult Reception Hall from May 26 - August 11. It will be a Theology 101 class using the book Faith Seeking Understanding by Daniel L. Migliore as the basis for the lessons. This mode was introduced as early as Augustine (354-430) the phrase from Augustine, Faith seeks understanding. I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand has been articulated throughout the history of the church. Christian philosophers have traditionally sought to think Christianly by thinking in the mode of faith seeking understanding. Pizza! Games! Bible Study Blast! Movies! Popcorn! Midnight Basketball! Bring $3.00 for pizza and wear sneakers. Parents, we need help in shifts for this night. If you can help for the 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. shift or the 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. shift, please email Susie Horger at [email protected]. The church buildings and CLC will close at noon on Friday, May 17, so the Personnel Committee can recognize the staff with a luncheon in Thompson Hall and a well-deserved afternoon off! Please keep this in mind as you plan your meetings or errands to the church. Thank you for your cooperation. (Eastminster Day School will remain open. Parents may pick up their children using the CE building entrances.) Circle #1 - Monday, May 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the parlor. Circle #2 - Monday, May 13 at 10:30 a.m. 1659 Rosyln Dr., Laura Taylor. Circle #3 - Monday, May 13 at 10:00 a.m. 16 Heathwood Circle, Faye Jeffcoat. Circle #6 - Sunday, May 19 at 5:00 p.m. in C-265. Circle #8 - Tuesday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the parlor.

Sara & David Ellison, on the birth of their son, James David Ellison, April 24, 2013.
Deaths Congregational love and sympathy are extended to:

Jesus Rocks - May 10

Nelle Holcombe, on the death of her husband, Ross Holcombe, April 23, 2013. Charlie Weston & Ellen Moore, on the death of his brother, Robert Weston, April 24, 2013.
On weekends a minister is on call. If you have a crisis which one of the ministers needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and leave a message. A minister will return your call.

Friday, May 17 Church Closing at Noon!

Presbyterian Womens Circle Meeting

...Eastminster supports missionaries working in Alaska, Bolivia, Taiwan, and the Philippines. We support a couple working in the Washington DC area with Muslims in the US. In addition, we send funds to Amazon Mission Fellowship, Nile Theological Seminary, Good Shepherd Hospital in the Congo and Bethel Evangelical Secondary School in Ethiopia. Our financial assistance also goes to the Medical Benevolence Foundation which supports medical mission work in Africa, Haiti, Nicaragua and Southeast Asia. Your contributions help. Johnny Hudgens

Did you know . . .

Dont miss out! Send your information to share with the congregation to [email protected]. Please have your information in by Wednesday, May 8, to be shared in our next newsletter on May 19, 2013.

Deadline for UPDATE

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3200 Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29204

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Update for May 5, 2013

The 2013 Annual Sportsmans Banquet will be Thursday, May 16, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in gym. Guest speaker is baseball great and Sumter native, Bobby Richardson. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children (8 and under). If you have questions or need to purchase tickets, please contact Mary at 256-1654 / [email protected] or email [email protected]. We will have exhibits from several conservation groups and SCDNR with a portion of the proceeds going to Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry. Grand prize is an Oyster Cooker! Sumner Arbuckle, Caroline Besley, Robert Bradley, Coleman Bramlett, Schroder Carlton, Makayla Chandler, Jeff DeVega, Warren Derrick, Hunter Fant, Lizzie Francis, Hugh Gailey, Tyler Garvin, Spencer Green, Bennett Hall, Fred Hanna, Jay Hill, Haynes Hill, Jack Hudgens, Nancy Jenkins, Annie Kemper, Afton Kitchens, Mary Anne Kleitches, Cate Mabry, Cecilia McDonald, William McElveen, Harriet McGowan, Guthrie McQueen, Ellie Moore, John Orlandini, Will Parks, Grace Plowden, Caroline Price, Will Reiland, Joe Roddey, Breeden Shockley, Jake Skeppstrom, Cam Stuckey, Collin Trenery, Sam Ulmer, Alex Williams, Jordan Willis. Each summer volunteers help the churchs maintenance staff maintain the campus grounds during the spring and summer growing season. If you would be interested in helping with this Lawn Care ministry, contact Kit Pound at 5568746.

Sportsmans Banquet - May 16

Serving on Sunday May 5

OFFICERS PRAYER: Elder Steve Draffin DEACONS: Matthew Burns, Myles Burns Deacon Peggy Spann (Jubilee) Elder Madison Dye (Jubilee) ushers: Bill Coggins, Randy Liggitt GREETERS: (9:00) Kim Andrews, Sara Davis Drew Richardson, Beth McInnis John & Agnes Asman (11:15) Dina Boorda George & Phyllis Beighley Nicole Lucas Sam & Liz Agee INFANT ROOM - CLC 119 (9:00) Todd & Cecilia Powell (11:15) Emily & Tim Thornton TODDLER ROOM - CLC 117 (9:00) Patrick & Beth Moore (11:15) James & Julie Moss 2-K ROOM - CLC 115 (9:00) Joey & Nancy Derrick (11:15) Dean & Courtenay Givens CHILDRENS CHURCH 103 - 3K (9:00) Doug & Tracy Stursburg (11:15) Mark & Christina Richardson CHILDRENS CHURCH 105 - 4K (9:00) Tommy & Missy Boggs (11:15) Brad & Jennie Bradley CHILDRENS CHURCH 107 - 5K (9:00) Staff (11:15) Jennifer Davis

Congratulations to our Graduating High School Seniors

Would You Like Help with Lawn Care?

The UPDATE will become monthly for the summer after the May 28 issue. An issue will be published on June 23, July 21, and August 18 returning to weekly status. Deadline dates are as always, ten days before the publication date. We will remain in touch weekly over the summer with E-news. If we do not have your current e-mail address, please send it to the church to be included in our data base.

Weekly Newsletter Monthly During the Summer

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