Lesson Plan New One
Lesson Plan New One
Lesson Plan New One
Essential Questions: Can you make any personal connections with this scene/picture? What would you hear? Smell? Taste? Touch? Smell? How do you know? Who do I want to write about in this picture? Why? What are they Hearing? Smelling? Tasting? Touching? Why are they doing what they are doing? Demonstrate by creative descriptive writing, dont just tell me. How can I utilize similes, metaphors, and verbs to show what the scene is rather than just telling the audience?
Students will have the opportunity to transform visual prompts, to written expression, and then integrate technology and aural components. Exploration of thoughts and feelings will be explored using figurative language and sensory descriptors in their writing Previous experiences or connections will be utilized for reference point in students writing Creative voice and individuality will be expressed via the students online VoiceThread
General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. Students must respond critically to visual prompt in order to describe to the reader what the picture is showing Students can critically evaluate his or her writing, as well as their peers, to provide feedback and a higher level of descriptive writing Representation via VoiceThread of final project will be a cohesive final project to demonstrate knowledge and understanding General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. Students will have to learn to manage and transform ideas from visual, to written, as well as integrate a technological component General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. The initial mini lesson should provide clarity for any terms of figurative language as well as what writing descriptively looks like, and why it is important for enhanced writing The ability for students to be creative with their written expression, taking it in whatever direction they see fit. The technology component allows students to add expansion of understanding via aural expression and/or supplementing the piece with additional pictures. The transformation from visual, to written, and then online, will allow a variety of learning styles into
Students will know....... and be able to............. Students will be able to know how to display an understanding for descriptive writing utilizing sensory details and figurative language in their writing Students will be able to describe and transform a visual prompts into at least two paragraphs, using their knowledge of descriptive writing from the mini lesson. Students will be able to show, not tell, the audience about a scene and a character within the scene. Students will furthermore be able to put their work into an online VoiceThread, allowing them to integrate technology into their work. The final piece will be displayed on an online classroom thread, encouraging children to take ownership and pride in their writing. Making Connections & Expanding Knowledge: Potential to insert a science component and utilize the sensory component into a science inquiry project to expand on their knowledge from the lesson The integration of technology & the facilitation of a variety of learning styles into the lesson should benefit all students in some aspect, allowing them to make personal connections and expand on previous knowledge in a variety of ways Pre-assessment: Materials: This lesson will be used once students seem Writing Journals to have a grasp of basic paragraph writing. Writing tools By frequently observing their journals, I can Picture prompts, two for every student gauge when students are ready to write more Paper bags expressively and detailed. Laptops/computers Working with students prior to lesson on figurative language so that I know they have an understanding of what I am looking for in their writing. Lesson Opening: I will explain to the students we have been exploring figurative language, and why it is important to use it in our writing to create more exciting and descriptive writing Utilize this video as an opener, to really emphasize what you want from the students http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UaKYOEc5h8 Answer any questions about the video, and then explain the parameters of the project, learning objectives, and show an example of what the final project will look like. I will have already started the VoiceThread with my example to get the kids excited about being able to display their writing using technology. Participatory Learning & Procedure: Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Resources
Day 1 20 min.
Opening Instruction: Introduce project, objectives, show example of final project & show videos as an introduction. 1)Talk about the video, and the difference between writing to show not tell 2)Mini PowerPoint lesson to recap figurative language & how to use the senses as entry points to descriptive writing 3) Introduce picture prompts, open discussion and have students use their senses to describe 3 different prompts
Students may ask questions, review notes & add to the notes from the video
40 min.
1)Student may take notes to clarify or remind themselves of examples to help them generate ideas when doing their own 2) Engage in groups to discuss the 3 prompts. Groups will generate ideas, utilizing the 5 senses and figurative language to describe the pictures 3)Groups will pick their best prompt to share to the class the next day 2) Groups share their prompts
Day 2 30 min.
1)Recap last days class, summary of notes, & have groups share their best prompt 1)Use this to re-introduce the project & have students select two picture prompts (unseen) out of a paper bag 2) Have students brainstorm ideas independently 1)Help students to ensure they are on the right path providing feedback for ideas, editing, comments, etc. 2)Students will have their work checked and marked, any comments or work needed to be done can be taken home
30 min.
2) Students select prompts, brainstorm 1)Picture Prompts figurative and sensory 2)Paper bags descriptive language. This will be help students write their narrative
1)Students will pick one of their prompts they choose to write on based on their brainstorming. 2)Students will use this time to develop their descriptive writing narrative using their selected prompt 3)Students will share,
provide feedback for each other, and help edit each others work Day 6 60 min
Hand students back any edits made & those who have not finished, work with them in a pod to ensure they complete the task so they can submit their piece online
2) Students will be utilizing the laptops from the laptop cart to insert there voice thread & picture. a) find picture prompt from class folder containing all pictures b) insert picture & writing into voice thread, which will already be set up for them c) add voice, quotes, or other components if so desired
1)Edited work 2)Laptops from laptop cart or classroom computers 3)Any additional resources students want to add to VoiceThread (ie, additional pictures, music, etc.)
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their ability to utilize a picture prompt while integrating figurative language into a writing piece. Furthermore, how they integrate the technology component to display their work. Students will be formatively marked throughout the learning task to see who is struggling, who needs extra scaffolding for figurative language terms, written expression, & creativity. Notes will be taken to keep track of where students are in the descriptive writing process, and what needs work The summative assessment will be based on the final piece in the VoiceThread, and also my notes and observations throughout the lesson. Students will be marked on their ability to transform picture, into written expression, and then integrate a technology component. Also, I will be marking for evidence of figurative language and/sensory descriptors, written expression, & creativity.
Differentiation: For those students who have a tough time with written expression, they will be given the opportunity to express their understanding of descriptive language by orally narrating or expanding on their written work, via Voice Thread Although all students must show written expression, for those students who struggle with writing, they have the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of key concepts Also gives students who need a variety of different creative outlets to play to their strengths whether it be through visuals, written expression, or technology
Lesson Summary/Reflection: This lesson should be intended as a workshop to get kids thinking, and writing more descriptively and creatively. The mini lesson, project description, and group prompt discussions should facilitate learning so that students know exactly what is expected of them in their writing compositions By showing students you can show not tell in a piece of writing, students should be able to think critically about their writing, and reflect upon this notion in their written expression. Students will learn to transform visuals, to written, and then integrate technology and aural components.