Water Chiller

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Daikin water chillers are self-contained units assembled and charged with refrigerant at the factory, requiring only external wiring and plumbing for installation. They can be used with Daikin air handling and fan coil units.

Daikin water chillers are designed for easy installation and to suit diverse applications. They are available in a broad range of air-cooled and water-cooled models.

Cautions include not installing in areas with corrosive gases and avoiding direct sea exposure if installed near the coast. Warnings advise using only authorized parts and qualified installation to avoid hazards.

Daikin chilling units employ advanced technology that provides highly accurate temperature control to within 0.5 .

They are widely used in applications ranging from air conditioning to industrial equipment. Recent changes have introduced new models with substantially increased capacities of up to 480 H P and various model series, including advanced inverter type units, year-round cooling type units, and units with brine-resistant specifications. By providing a full lineup of heat source series choices, Daikin offers an even more flexible array of solutions for a wide range of heat source applications.

H ig h -pe r fo r m a n c e D a ik in W a t e r C h ille r s a r e A v a ila ble in a B r o a d R a n g e o f M o d e ls t o S u it D iv e r s e A pplic a t io n s . Air Cooled Water Chillers

: UWAP S eries / UWAXP S eries : UWA S eries / ( For High Outdoor Temperature
Use )

Dedicated water chillers are able to operate year round because they can accommodate a wide range of outdoor temperatures. The high-performance models with capacities of over 40 HP can deliver between 10% (12% ) and 100% of their capacities. They are able to withstand the demanding conditions typical of industrial applications.

Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

: UWY P S eries : UWY S eries

Air cooled heat pump system units are an ideal way to provide a reliable supply of hot and cold water. Of compact size because no cooling tower is required, they are also suitable for office building air conditioning. These high-end models provide an answer to a variety of air conditioning requirements.

Water Cooled Water Chillers

: UWP S eries : UWD S eries ZUW S eries

Water cooled units provide a s table s upply of chilled water year round and are unaffected by changes in the outdoor temperature. In addition to air conditioning applications , they are als o a highly reliable indus trial proces s cooling s olution thanks to their s tability and wide temperature control range.

Lis t of Daikin Water C hiller Models 50Hz

Air Cooled Water Chillers
Standard Unit Year - Round Cooling Only Unit Brine Cooling Unit Inverter Cooling Unit Standard Unit For High Outdoor Temperature Use
108.4 319.2 12.5 75 UWAXP-AY1 106 1260 UWA-AY1 68 808 6.7 67 UWAP-AY3 106 106 1260 1260 UWAP-BY1 UWAP-BY1K

C apacity R ange (kW)

Air Cooled Water Chillers Water Cooled Water Chillers Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
P age

9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 17


UWA-JAY1 351.6 791


Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

Standard Unit Standard Unit
11.2 67 UWYP-AY3 106 106 1260 1260 UWYP-BY1 UWY-AY1

21 21 22 23

Water Cooled Water Chillers

Standard Unit Standard Unit Brine Cooling Unit
8 80 UWP-AY3 118 355 UWD-DY1 367 190 715 ZUW-AY1Z 1450 ZUW-AY1

27 27 28 29

Air Cooled Water Chillers
Standard Unit Year - Round Cooling Only Unit Brine Cooling Unit Standard Unit For High Outdoor Temperature Use

C apacity R ange (kW)

20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
P age



UWAP-AY3 118 118 79 242 118 79 370 355 355 UWAP-BYB UWAP-BYBK

9 10 12 13 15 18



Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

Standard Unit Standard Unit
12.5 75 UWYP-AY3 118 118 355 355 UWYP-BYB UWY-AYB

21 22 24

Water Cooled Water Chillers

Standard Unit Standard Unit Brine Cooling Unit
233 555 9 90 UWP-AY3 441 ZUW-AYBZ 1040 ZUW-AYB

27 28 29

E quipped with an E fficient, Durable S emi-hermetically S ealed S crew C ompres s or.


2 1 4

Sales volume
1 2 3

7 9 11
C as ing S crew rotor S lide valve B all bearing Motor G ate rotor High efficient oil s eparator High-low pres s ure differential lubricating mechanis m B earing lubricating oil for models us ing new refrigerant R efrigerant inlet R efrigerant outlet

5 8

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

E quipped with a Newly Developed, Highly E ffic ient C ompac t C ompres s or.
Optimization of the unit enhances efficient operation. A newly developed denture mold enabled the production of a compact model with reduced volume and weight.

L ow Vibration and S ound L evels .

Daikin water chillers us e gate rotors made of highperformance engineering plas tic for s mooth mes hing with the s crew rotor, thereby reducing s hock and vibration. while maintaining s table operation. The gate rotors are well balanced to equalize pres s ure, which reduces nois e and

High Operational E ffic ienc y R educ es E nergy Los s .

In addition to effic ient operation afforded by a 12compres s ion s ingle cycle, the s ingle s crew cons truction eliminates blow-by from high to low pres s ure s ections to reduce energy los s . Daikin water chillers are equipped with a tightly s ealed gate rotor to reduce refrigerant los s from leakage. Our compres s ors are des igned for efficient operation

L ightweight C ompac t Des ign S ave S pac e.

In addition to the s imple s ingle rotor cons truction, the compact, lightweight des ign eliminates the need for an oil cooler while incorporating the oil s eparator into a s ingle part to reduce the s pace required for s etup.

High Ac c urac y and High Durability.

C areful cons truction features gate rotors pos itioned to the right and left of the s crew to eliminate eccentric load produced by pres s ure differential. The orthogonal rotor s haft us es high-precis ion ball and roller bearings , which extends its life compared to conventional types . In addition, power trans mis s ion between rotors is reduced, thus eliminating friction wear and maintaining s table operating performance over an extended period of time.
Gate Rotor Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure

Durable C ons truc tion Inc reas es Ins pec tion Intervals thereby Dec reas ing Maintenanc e.
Durability of the equipment increas es the maintenance interval to approximately 40,000 hours (or about s even years ). The s implified lubrication s ys tem, including a high/low pres s ure differential lubrication s ys tem and ball and roller bearings , reduces the factors that can contribute to problems . Along with increas ing the maintenance and ins pection interval, the careful cons truction of Daikin water chillers enhances reliability.

Screw Rotor

Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure

High Function Microcomputer C ontrol P anel and Multifunctional R emote C ontroller R ealis e E fficient Operation C ontrol.

*Applies to all models , with the exc eption of thos e lis ted below. UWA37 109J AY 1, UWA120 270J Y 1, UWA27 122J ATJ , UWP 90 900AY 3

Mic roc omputer C ontrol P anel Makes Operation C ontrol E as y.

*For details , refer to the Operation Manual of each model.

A Multifunc tional L iquid C rys tal R emote C ontroller for E ffec tive G roup C ontrol.
B R C 307

S imple key operation dis plays required operating and s ettings data. Dis plays a complete of operating data for eas y comprehens ion.

Outdoor temp. Discharge gas temp. Water temp. setting Inlet/outlet water temp.

H/L pressure of refrigerant Centralized control Malfunction code display

Function for Equal Control using Microcomputer Control Panel

Dis plays operating data for eas y c omprehens ion of s ys tem s tatus .
Outdoor temperature Inlet/Outlet temperature Dis c harge gas temperature High and low pres s ure Water temperature s etting Malfunc tion c ode

Remote Control by Remote Command

E nables different types of remote control, s uch as control by commands from the hos t computer, the Daikin B uilding Air-C onditioning C ontrol S ys tem (D-B AC S ), or the multifunctional remote controller.

E nables different types of remote c ontrol.

On/Off c ontrol Water temperature s etting S witc hing of operating mode Defros t c yc le s etting*
*Applies to heat-pump type only.

On/Off remote c ontrol R emote s etting of water temperature S etting for heat s torage operation
Y ou can s witch s ettings from normal operation to either temperature s etting for heat s torage or control by the external

L ow nois e operation during nighttime F orc ed fan operation Demand c ontrol*

*Demand with control is

not available

Heat s torage operation

L ower nois e operation for during nighttime

Y ou can reduce the operating nois e by s topping half the fan. Note that the capacity control of the chiller s hould be limited to les s than 70% .

R otation c ontrol Ins pec tion/Tes t operation

F orc ed fan operation c ontrol*

Y ou can force fan operation even when the unit is s topped, which is convenient for removing the s now collected on the fan. *This function is des igned for in areas where s now rarely falls . An optional s now hood s hould be us ed in areas prone to s now.

Controls Multiple Units Effectively

Up to eight units can be group controlled by a s ingle remote controller. E quipped with s imultaneous defros t prevention c ontrol for avoiding radic al water temperature c hange when operating multiple units .
*S imultaneous defros t can be carried out for up to two units when five or more units are connected.

Demand c ontrol
(1) Y ou can have Three demand controls are pos s ible thermos tat

Off, les s than 40% or les s than 70% . (Factory s et:70% ) (2) Demand control may als o be achieved by s etting the operating current of the compres s or. *Demand control is available on all models , with the exception of thos e lis ted below. UWAP 75 750AY 3, UWAXP 125 750AY 1, UWA37 109J AY 1, UWA120 270J Y 1, UWA27 122J ATJ , UWY P 125 750AY 3, UWP 90 900AY 3

R otation c ontrol Memorizes the number of s tops for each unit (therefore not effective for s ys tems in continuous operation), and s mooths operation by s tarting in order from the unit with the leas t number of s tarts and s tops to increas e the life time of all apparatus in the s ys tem.
Note : C us tom orders may take more time for delivery.

Daikin's C ontrol S ys tem for C entral Air C onditioning S ys tem Offers Appropriate C ontrol for Us e and S ize of B uilding.
Daikin's Control System for Central Air Conditioning.
Daikin introduces its "C ontrol S ys tem for C entral Air C onditioning" The s ys tem lets you freely combine a number of optional controllers for centralized control to cons truct the air conditioning control s ys tem that is appropriate for your needs . The s ys tem executes total central control of chillers and air conditioners , to s ave management labour while realizing ideal central air conditioning performance.

System configuration
Unified ON/OFF controller

Air handling unit Chilling unit

Air handling unit

Fan coil unit

Possible wireless remote controller

Enables individual control from chillers to air conditioners by using a single line.

Enables group control by remote controllers of both chillers and air conditioners.

Possible to link with host computer

Lets you develop a system that doesn't use individual remote controllers.(Central remote controller required)

SkyAir series VRV system

Schedule timer

Enables control of other air conditioning systems such as VRV, SkyAir or HRV. Central remote controller
Note:The system shown above is applicable only to Series UWAJ-G, UWYJ-B, UWAP-G and UWYP-G. Note:Air handling and Fan coil units can be connected by custom orders.

Possible to have a forced shut-down input

Different C ontrol Apparatus C ombinations E nable a Multipurpos e S ys tem.

Daikin offers a lineup of c entral controllers equipped with a variety of functions . The unified ON/OFF controller lets you turn equipment on and off individually or in groups . The s chedule timer lets you program the time for connected equipment to be turned on and off for eac h week. C ontrol apparatus with different functions can be freely combined, and up to 64 groups can be centrally controlled. *Number of units that c an be

C entral remote controller

Unified ON/OFF controller

S chedule timer

Daikin's intelligent control s olution for the whole airconditioning s ys tem.


Control heat resources system by using I-Manager

System Structure(VRV+central conditioning)

E themet D -NE T

Features of I-Manager
1. C entral air-c onditioning s ys tem c an be c ontrolled together with VR V. 2. Operating interfac e is bas ed on the windows interfac e, whic h is eas y to us e. 3. 1024 units (groups ) of indoor unit or water c ooled c hiller c an be c onnec ted. 4. Power dis tribution in proportions , c alc ulation the power rate and other AC -related c os ts of us er. 5. C an be c onnec ted with Air C onditioning Network S ervic e S ys tem 6. Ordinary 2-c ore c able is us ed for wiring, the field wiring work is very s imple.


iPU (R es erved for VR V) New Version

R emote monitor c enter

VR V(4 ports ) 256 indoor units

D -NE T wiring adaptor Water c ooled c hiller (1 port) Air-c ooling 240HP 2 units Water-c ooling 400US R T 1 unit

iPU (R eserved for central air-conditioning system) R emote c ontroller (units No. c ontrol)

Dio Unit
C ool/warm water pump 3

Dio Unit
C ool/warm water pump C ooling tower 1 1

E quipment~pump of other c ompany, c ooling tower(1 port) Pump 4 units

Max. 4 iPUs are

Wiring adaptor is required for c onnec ting Dio unit to Airnet

Note: It is not pos s ible to c onnec t a high outdoor temperature s pec ific ation unit and the UWAP75 750.

* Please contact Daikin for detailed data for connection of Fan coil and AC(terminal products)

Control Function List of I-Manager

Func tion Model I-Manager option S top-running c ommand C ooling/heating mode setting Temp. s etting S c hedule func tion Interloc k s etting Power proportion limitation S top-running C ooling/heating mode Temperature s et R oom temp. (s uc tion inlet) Water temp. (inlet/outlet) Abnormal Abnormal s ignal Filter s ignal C ontinuous running period Temp. upper/lower limit
AIR NE T ( realis ed func tion irres pec tive item only data information, c an't be ac hieved up till now) Note1: C an realize partial func tion of Air C onditioning Network S ervic e S ys tem.

Air-c ooling Unit

UWAP,UWYP,UWA,UWY S tandard c onnec tion

Water-c ooling Unit

ZUW D adaptor

C ommodity from other c ompanies Pump, R efrigerating Unit, C ooling Tower


C ontrolling func tion

Monitoring func tion


Air Cooled Water Chillers

: UWAP S eries : UWA S eries
Air Cooled Water Chillers

UWAXP S eries


UWAP 120B Y 1K

UWAP 180B Y 1

Model Lineup
Refrigerant 50/60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 50Hz 60Hz Units series Standard Unit R-407C Year - Round Cooling Only Unit Brine Cooling Unit Inverter Cooling Unit R-22 Standard Unit Model No. UWAPAY3* UWAPBY1 UWAPBYB UWAPBY1K UWAPBYBK UWAPBY1Z UWAPBYBZ UWAXPAY1 UWAAY1 UWAAYB Capacity (kW) 6.7/7.5 11.2/12.5 125 75 125 17/19 22.4/25 33.5/37.5 45/50 190 250 375 500 190 250 375 500 56/63 630 630 67/75 750 750 106 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 132 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 160 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 212 80 80 80 80 265 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 page 9 9, 10 10 11 12 12, 13 13 14 14, 15 15

Note: Capacity figures are provided for reference and assume a power supply frequency of 60 Hz. Refrigerant 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz Units series Standard Unit Year - Round Cooling R-407C Only Unit Brine Cooling Unit R-22 Standard Unit Model No. UWAPBY1 UWAPBYB UWAPBY1K UWAPBYBK UWAPBY1Z UWAPBYBZ UWAAY1 UWAAYB Capacity (kW) 315 370 120 140 120 120 140 120 120 140 120 120 140 120 page 9, 10 10 11 12 12, 13 13 14, 15 15

420 160 160 160 160

480 180 180 180 180

530 200 200 200 200

580 220 220 220 220

630 240 240 240 240

740 280 280 280 280

840 320 320 320 320

960 360 360 360 360

1060 400 400 400 400

1160 440 440 440 440

1260 480 480 480 480

New Refrigerant
UWAP 75 750AY 3 UWAXP 125 750AY 1 UWAP 40 480B Y 1 (K )(Z ) UWAP 40 120B Y B (K )(Z )
E mploys the new refrigerant R -407C .

Efficient and Reliable Compressors

Applies to All Models
To improve their operational reliability, 5 -- 30HP models employ s croll compres s ors , while 40 -- 480HP models are equipped with s emi-hermetic s ingle s crew compres s ors .

R efrigerant inlet R efrigerant outlet

S emi-hermetic s ingle s crew compres s or

UWAP 40 160B Y 1 (K )(Z ) UWAP 40 120B Y B (K )(Z )

C ontinuous capacity control with a range from 10% to 100% helps to reduce energy was tage during low-load

UWAP 40 160B Y 1 (K )(Z ) UWAP 40 120B Y B (K )(Z )

UWA40 160AY 1 UWA40 120AY B

The us er can s elect to give priority to either precis ion or reduced power cons umption.
High-P rec is ion Mode L ow-P ower Mode

High Precision
UWAXP 125 750AY 1
Inverter control with high load compliance achieves highly accurate outflow water temperature control to within 0.5

UWAP 40 160B Y 1 (K )(Z ) UWAP 40 120B Y B (K )(Z )

UWA40 160AY 1 UWA40 120AY B

This mode can be used to reduce power cons umption if highly precise water temperature control is not necessary during low-load periods. It shuts down the compressor when the load drops below 40% . Note: Switching between the above modes is accomplished using a control on
the outdoor unit.

C ontinues operation to levels as low as 10(12)% of total capacity to provide s table water temperature c ontrol even during low-load periods .

The outlet water temperature is precis ely controlled to within 0.5 (with a s table load) through the us e of electric expans ion E xample of Outlet Water Temperature C ontrol
Water Temp. ( ) 10 9
Upper Limit S ignal If outlet water temperature ris es above the upper limit s ignal, the load s tarts to increas e in 10% increments

UWAP 40 480B Y 1 UWA40 480AY 1

A choice of three control s ys tem is available.
Outflow water temperature control Provides precise control of the water temprerature. (UWAP40 160BY1, UWA40 160AY1) Compressor count control Controls the number of compressors operating depending on the load. (UWAP40 480BY1, UWA40 480AY1) In flow water temperature control Performs duty cycling control. (UWAP40 480BY1, UWA40 480AY1)

Value S et

As the temperature falls below the upper limit s ignal, the load increas e increments are reduced to 5% . As the temperature falls below the s et value, the load increas e increments remain at 5% . When changes in outlet water temperature become 1 or les s , the thermos tat is turned off.

Easy Installation
UWAXP 125 750AY 1
High load compliance and highly efficient inverter control provide highly precise adjustment of the water temperature, making it possible to reduce the size of the peripheral equipment.

Note: In systems with one compressor installed and where the load factor is 30% or more, and in systems with two or more compressors installed and where the load factor is 30% or more, control to within 0.5 is possible.

Wide Water Temperature Control Range

Applies to All Models
T he wide water temperature c ontrol range provides compatibility with a variety of heat s ource requirements . A variety of brine-res is tant s pecification models are available that provide s table cooling operation at brine outflow temperatures down to -10 .
C apacity 3 30 40 480 Water Temperature C ontrol R ange Models E mploying R -407C 5 to 16 4 to 25 -10 to 0 (Inver C ooling Unit) 4 to 25 (B rine C ooling Unit) Models E mploying R -22 4 to 16

UWAP 40 480B Y 1 (K )(Z ) UWAP 40 120B Y B (K )(Z )

UWA40 480AY 1 UWAP 40 120AY B

The compact des ign of thes e units s ignificantly reduces the s pace required for ins tallation.
In the outdoor unit, component parts of a small size have been used wherever possible to reduced its size and correspondingly reduce how much space it requires. Furthermore, replacing the 2-way refrigerant inlets with 4-way inlets has reduced the amount of space the outdoor unit needs even further.

UWAP 125AY 3 750AY 3

The horizontal linkup des ign increas es ins tallation flexibility.
This design provides the installation does not protrude so far, making it possible to install water chillers along a wall or under a roof overhang. Note: Water supply piping must be purchased separately. (UWAP375AY3 750AY3)

Wide Operation Range

Applies to All Models
The wide outdoor air temperature range ens ures a s table s upply of chilled water year round. A variety of year-round cooling type models are available that provide s table operation at outdoor temperatures down
C apacity 3 30 Outdoor Air Temperature R ange where C ooling P os s ible Models E mploying R -407C -15 to 43 -5 to 43 40 480 -15 to 43 ( Y ear-R ound C ooling Only Unit ) 0 to 43 ( B rine C ooling Unit ) -5 Models E mploying R -22 to 43

Applies to All Models
S tainles s s teel heat exchanger plates prevent rus t, thereby improving their durability and the s ys tem's opRefrigerant Refrigerant Outlet Inlet Water Outlet Water Inlet

UWAP 40 480B Y 1 (Z ) UWAP 40 120B Y B (Z ) UWA40 480AY 1 UWA40 120AY B

Heat Exchanger with Stainless Steel Plates

C ompres s or duty cycling control together with emergency operation and power-interruption auto-res tart functions provide enhanced air conditioning s ys tem reliability.

Air Cooled Water Chillers

Reduced Energy Wastage

Multiple Operating Modes

Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

UWAP 75 750AY 3
6.7/7.5 67/75kW clas s

Standard Unit

S pecifications
Model (5 ) (3 ) (8 ) (10 ) 11.2/12.5 22.4/25.0 kW 6.7/7.5 17.0/19.0 Cooling capacity *1 38,200/42,700 76,500/85,400 Btu/h 22,900/25,600 58,000/64,900 (50/60 Hz) 3.19/3.55 6.37/7.11 USRT 1.91/2.13 4.83/5.40 Power supply 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system Chilled water flow rate 32/36 64/72 /min 19/22 49/54 (50/60 Hz) Capacity steps % 100-0 Type Hermetically sealed scroll type Compressor 3.75 1 7.5 1 Motor output kW 2.2 1 5.5 1 Evaporator type Brazed plate heat exchanger Condenser type Cross fin coil Type Propeller Drive Direct drive Condenser 3 90/95 175/185 Air flow rate m /min 75/85 140/160 fan 3,180/3,350 6,180/6,530 (50/60 Hz) cfm 2,650/3,000 4,940/5,650 0.20 1 0.215+0.22 Motor output kW 0.14 1 0.215+0.14 Refrigerant R-407C Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm Weight kg Operating weight kg Operation range 1B Flange (JIS10K)(25A) 2 1,450 635 (839) 690 140 136 142 138 -15 to 43 1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 2 1,450 248 253 1,280 690 260 264 (15 ) 33.5/37.5 114,000/128,000 9.53/10.7 96/108 100-67-34-0 7.5+3.75 (20 ) 45.0/50.0 154,000/171,000 12.8/14.2 129/143 100-50-0 7.5 2 (25 ) 56.0/63.0 191,000/215,000 15.9/17.9 161/181 (30 ) 67.0/75.0 229,000/256,000 19.1/21.3 192/215

100-80-60-40-20-0 100-67-34-0 7.5 2+3.75 7.5 3

265/280 9,350/9,880 (0.215+0.22)+0.2 1B Flange (JIS10K) (25A) 2+1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 2 1,500 1,925 690 400 407

350/370 12,400/13,100 (0.215+0.22) 2 1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 4

525/555 440/465 18,500/19,600 15,500/16,400 (0.215+0.22) 2+0.2 (0.215+0.22) 3 1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 6 1,550 3,870 758 800 820

1B Flange (JIS10K) (25A) 2+1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 4 1,500 2,570 690 1,550 3,230 758 515 680 525 695

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure switch. Reverse-phase protector. Fusible plug. Freeze up thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressor and fan motor. Overheat protection for discharge gas. fan thermal protector. *3 This product is manufactured in Japan.

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity Power Supply Chilled Water Flow Rate Capacity Steps Type Compressor Motor output Evaporetor type Comdenser type Type Drive Condenser fan Air flow rate Motor output Refrigerant Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W

UWAP 40 180B Y 1
106 480kW clas s
(60 ) (40 ) (50 ) 160 kW 106 132 546,000 Btu/h 362,000 450,000 46 USRT 30 38 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system 459 /min 304 378 % 100~10-0 Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type 45 1 kW 30 1 37 1 Brazing Plate type Cross fin coil Propeller Direct drive m3/min 780 860 cfm 27,534 30,358 kW 0.5 4 1.0 4 R-407C 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,690 1,723 0 to 43 1,810 1,846 1,870 1,910 2,456 2,650 2,000 2,375 2,422

Standard Unit


(80 210 717,000 60 602 ) (100 265 904,000 75 760 ) (120 ) 320 1,092,000 91 917 (140 ) 370 1,263,000 105 1,061 (160 ) 420 1,433,000 119 1,204 (180 ) 480 1,638,000 137 1,376

60 1

37 2

45 2


60 2

45 3

1,290 45,537 1.0 6

1,600 56,480 1.0 8

1,720 60,716

2,150 75,895 1.0 10

2,580 91,074 1.0 12 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) 2,456 6,600 2,000 5,500 5,691

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,500 3,551 3,605 3,662 2,456 4,850 2,000 4,125 4,196 2,456 5,300 2,000 4,590 4,661

D) mm kg kg

Weight Operation weight Operation range

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity Power Supply Chilled Water Flow Rate Capacity Steps Type Compressor Motor output Evaporetor type Comdenser type Type Drive Condenser fan Air flow rate Motor output Refrigerant Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W

UWAP 200 480B Y 1

530 1,260kW clas s
(240 ) (200 ) (220 ) 630 kW 530 580 2,150,000 Btu/h 1,809,000 1,979,000 179 USRT 151 165 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system 1,806 /min 1,519 1,663 % 100~10-0 Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type 60 3 kW 45 2+60 45+60 2 Brazing Plate type Cross fin coil Propeller Direct drive 3,870 m3/min 3,010 3,440 136,611 cfm 106,253 121,432 1.0 18 kW 1.0 14 1.0 16 R-407C 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) 2,456 7,050 2,000 6,000 6,198 0 to 43 2,456 7,500 2,000 6,500 6,719 2,456 7,950 2,000 7,005 7,245

Standard Unit


(280 ) 740 2,525,000 210 2,121 (320 ) 840 2,867,000 239 2,408 (360 ) 960 3,276,000 273 2,752 (400 ) 1,060 3,617,000 301 3,039 (440 ) 1,160 3,959,000 330 3,325 (460 ) 1,260 4,300,000 358 3,612

(45+60) 2

(60 2) 2

(45 3) 2

(45 2+60) 2

(45+60 2) 2

(60 3) 2

4,300 151,790 (1.0 10) 2

5,160 182,148 (1.0 12) 2

6,020 212,506 (1.0 14) 2 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) (2,456 6,600 2,000) 2 5,500 2 5,691 2 (2,456 7,050 2,000) 2 6,000 2 6,198 2

6,880 242,864 (1.0 16) 2

7,740 273,222 (1.0 18) 2

D) mm kg kg

Weight Operation weight Operation range

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) (2,456 4,850 (2,456 5,300 2,000) 2 2,000) 2 4,125 2 4,590 2 4,196 2 4,661 2

(2,456 7,500 2,000) 2 6,500 2 6,719 2

(2,456 7,950 2,000) 2 7,005 2 7,245 2

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications

UWAP 40 120B Y B
118 355kW clas s
(40 )

Standard Unit

(50 )

180 614,000 51 516 (60 )

(100 ) 300 1,024,000 85 860

355 1,212,000 101 1,018 (120 )

150 118 kW 512,000 Btu/h 403,000 Cooling capacity 43 USRT 34 3 phase, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 4 wires system Power supply 430 /min 338 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 37 1 30 1 Motor output kW Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 1,010 m3/min 810 Air flow rate fan 35,653 cfm 28,593 1.0 4 0.5 4 Motor output kW R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,810 1,690 kg Weight 1,846 1,723 kg Operating weight 0 to 43 Operation range

45 1

37 2

45 2

2,020 71,306 1.0 8 4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 1,870 1,910 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,500 3,551 3,605 3,662

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.


Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

UWAP 40 180B Y 1K
106 480kW clas s
(80 ) 210 717,000 60 602 (100 265 904,000 75 760 ) (120 ) 320 1,092,000 91 917 (140 ) 370 1,263,000 105 1,061 (160 ) 420 1,433,000 119 1,204 (180 ) 480 1,638,000 137 1,376

Year - Round Cooling Only Unit

S pecifications
Model (40 ) (50 ) (60 ) 160 106 132 kW 546,000 450,000 Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h 362,000 46 38 USRT 30 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 459 378 /min 304 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 45 1 37 1 30 1 Motor output kW Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 860 m3/min 780 Air flow rate fan 30,358 cfm 27,534 1.0 4 0.5 4 Motor output kW R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm kg kg 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,715 1,748 -15 to 43 1.835 1.871 1,895 1,935

60 1

37 2

45 2


60 2

45 3

1,290 45,537 1.0 6

1,600 56,480 1.0 8

1,720 60,716

2,150 75,895 1.0 10

2,580 91,074 1.0 12 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) 2,456 6,600 2,000 5,575 5,766

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,456 2,650 2,000 2,410 2,457 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,550 3,601 3,655 3,712 2,456 4,850 2,000 4,185 4,256 2,456 5,300 2,000 4,660 4,731

Weight Operating weight Operation range

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications

UWAP 200 480B Y 1K

530 1,260kW clas s
(280 ) 740 2,525,000 210 2,121 (320 ) 840 2,867,000 239 2,408 (360 ) 960 3,276,000 273 2,752 (400 ) 1,060 3,617,000 301 3,039 (440 ) 1,160 3,959,000 330 3,325 (480 ) 1,260 4,300,000 358 3,612

Year - Round Cooling Only Unit

(200 ) (220 ) (240 ) 530 630 kW 580 2,150,000 1,979,000 Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h 1,809,000 179 USRT 151 165 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 1,806 /min 1,519 1,663 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 40 2+60 60 3 Motor output kW 45+60 2 Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 3,870 m3/min 3,010 3,440 Air flow rate fan 136,611 cfm 106,253 121,432 1.0 14 1.0 18 Motor output kW 1.0 16 R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet 2,456 7,050 2,456 7,950 2,456 7,500 Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,085 7,110 kg 6,595 Weight 6,283 7,350 kg Operating weight 6,814 -15 to 43 Operation range

(45+60) 2

(60 2) 2

(45 3) 2

(45 2+60) 2

(45+60 2) 2

(60 3) 2

4,300 151,790 (1.0 10) 2

5,160 182,148 (1.0 12) 2

6,020 212,506 (1.0 14) 2 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) (2,456 6,600 2,000) 2 5,575 2 5,766 2 (2,456 7,050 2,000) 2 6,085 2 6,283 2

6,880 242,864 (1.0 16) 2

7,740 273,222 (1.0 18) 2

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) (2,450 4,850 2,000) 2 4,185 2 4,256 2 (2,456 5,300 2,000) 2 4,660 2 4,731 2

(2,456 7,500 2,000) 2 6,595 2 6,814 2

(2,456 7,950 2,000) 2 7,110 2 7,350 2

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.


S pecifications

UWAP 40 120B Y B K
118 355kW clas s
(40 )

Year - Round Cooling Only Unit

(50 )

180 614,000 51 516 (60 )

300 1,024,000 85 860 (100 )

355 1,212,000 101 1,018 (120 )

150 kW 118 512,000 Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h 403,000 43 USRT 34 3 phase, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 4 wires system Power supply 430 /min 338 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 37 1 Motor output kW 30 1 Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 1,010 m3/min 810 Air flow rate fan 35,653 cfm 28,593 1.0 4 Motor output kW 0.5 4 R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W Weight Operating weight Operation range D) mm kg kg 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,715 1,748 -15 to 43

45 1

37 2

45 2

2,020 71,306 1.0 8

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,550 3,601

1,835 1,871

1,895 1,935

3,655 3,712

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications

UWAP 40 180B Y 1Z
68 303kW clas s
(80 135 460,000 38 848 ) (100 166 567,000 47 1,044 ) (120 205 700,000 58 1,290 ) (140 236 804,000 67 1,483 ) (160 269 918,000 77 1,693 ) (180 ) 303 1,034,000 86 1,906

Brine Cooling Unit

(40 ) (50 ) (60 ) 68 101 83 kW 345,000 283,000 Btu/h 232,000 Cooling capacity 29 24 USRT 19 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 635 522 /min 428 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 45 1 30 1 37 1 Motor output kW Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 860 m3/min 780 Air flow rate fan 30,358 cfm 27,534 0.5 4 1.0 4 Motor output kW R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm kg kg 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,690 1,870 1,810 1,723 1,910 1,846 ambient temp. 0 to 43, Brine temp. -10 to 16

60 1

37 2

45 2


60 2

45 3

1,290 45,537 1.0 6

1,600 56,480 1.0 8

1,720 60,716

2,150 75,895 1.0 10

2,580 91,074 1.0 12 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) 2,456 6,600 2,000 5,500 5,691

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,456 2,650 2,000 2,375 2,422 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,500 3,551 3,605 3,662 2,456 4,850 2,000 4,125 4,196 2,456 5,300 2,000 4,590 4,661

Weight Operating weight Operation range

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.-5 (23.0 F), entering chilled water temp.-2 (28.4 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

DB(95 FDB). Reverse-phase


Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

UWAP 200 480B Y 1Z

337 808kW clas s
(280 ) 472 1,611,000 134 2,970 (320 ) 538 1,836,000 153 3,385 (360 ) 606 2,068,000 172 3,813 (400 ) 674 2,300,000 192 4,241 (440 ) 740 2,525,000 210 4,656 (480 ) 808 2,757,000 230 5,084

Brine Cooling Unit

S pecifications
Model (200 ) (220 ) (240 ) 370 404 kW 337 1,263,000 1,379,000 Btu/h 1,149,000 Cooling capacity 105 115 USRT 96 3 phase,50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 2,328 2,542 /min 2,119 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 45+60 2 60 3 Motor output kW 45 2+60 Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 3,440 3,870 m3/min 3,010 Air flow rate Fans 136,611 121,432 cfm 106,253 1.0 18 1.0 16 Motor output kW 1.0 14 R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet 2,456 7,500 2,456 7,950 2,456 7,050 Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,500 7,005 6,000 kg Weight 6,719 7,245 6,198 kg Operating weight ambient temp. 0 to 43, Brine temp. -10 to 16 Operation range

(45+60) 2

(60 2) 2

(45 3) 2

(45 2+60) 2

(45+60 2) 2

(60 3) 2

4,300 151,790 (1.0 10) 2

5,160 182,148 (1.0 12) 2

6,020 212,506 (1.0 14) 2 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) (2,456 6,600 2,000) 2 5,500 2 5,691 2 (2,456 7,050 2,000) 2 6,000 2 6,198 2

6,880 242,864 (1.0 16) 2

7,740 273,222 (1.0 18) 2

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) (2,456 4,850 2,000) 2 4,125 2 4,196 2 (2,456 5,300 2,000) 2 4,590 2 4,661 2

(2,456 7,500 2,000) 2 6,500 2 6,719 2

(2,456 7,950 2,000) 2 7,005 2 7,245 2

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.-5 (23.0 F), entering chilled water temp.-2 (28.4 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

DB(95 FDB). Reverse-phase

S pecifications

UWAP 40 120B Y B Z
79 242kW clas s
(40 )

Brine Cooling Unit

(50 )

121 413,000 34 761 (60 )

188 642,000 53 1,183 (100 )

242 826,000 69 1,523 (120 )

79 94 kW 321,000 Btu/h 270,000 Cooling capacity 27 USRT 22 3 phase,60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system Power supply 591 /min 497 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 30 1 37 1 Motor output kW Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 1,010 m3/min 810 Air flow rate Fans 35,653 cfm 28,593 0.5 4 1.0 4 Motor output kW R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections water 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,690 1,810 kg Weight 1,723 1,846 kg Operating weight ambient temp. 0 to 43, Brine temp. -10 to 16 Operation range

45 1

37 2

45 2

2,020 71,306 1.0 8 4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 1,870 1,910 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,500 3,551 3,605 3,662

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.-5 (23.0 F), entering chilled water temp.-2 (28.4 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 This product is manufactured in China.

DB(95 FDB). Reverse-phase


S pecifications

UWAXP 125 750AY 1

12.5 75kW clas s
(5 )

Inverter Cooling Unit

(8 )

(10 )

(15 ) 37.5 128,000 10.7 108

(20 ) 50.0 171,000 14.2 143

63.0 215,000 17.9 181 (25 )

25.0 12.5 19.0 kW 85,400 Cooling capacity 64,900 *1 Btu/h 42,700 7.11 5.40 USRT 3.55 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 72 Chilled water flow rate 54 /min 36 100~35 Capacity steps 100~20 % Hermetically sealed scroll type Type Compressor (3.5+3.75) 1 3.5 1 Motor output kW (3.5+2.2) 1 Blazing plate heat exchangers Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive (Inverter system) Drive Condenser 170 150 m3/min 80 fan Air flow rate 6,180 4,940 cfm 3,180 (0.20+0.18) 1 0.20 1 Motor output kW (0.20+0.14) 1 R-407C Refrigerant 1B Flange Pipe connections water 1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(25A) (JIS10K)(25A) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,450 835 690 1,450 1,280 690 260 150 Weight 250 kg 263 152 Operating weight 252 kg -15 to 43 Operation range

(30 75.0 256,000 21.3 215


(5.5+5.5) 1

(5.5+7.5) 1

(3.5+3.75)+(5.5+5.5) (3.5+3.75)+(5.5+7.5)

265 9,350 0.20 3

340 12,400 (0.14+0.20) 2

170+265 6,180+9,350 (0.20+0.18)+0.20 3

170+340 6,180+12,400 (0.20+0.18)+(0.14 2+0.20 2)

2B Flange (JIS10K)(50A) 1,500 1,925 690 440 446 1,500 2,570 690 510 517

2 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(65A) 1,550 3,230 758 715 730 1,550 3,870 758 790 820

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Entering water temp.12 (53.6 F), Ieaving chilled water temp.7 *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High / pressure switch. Reverse-phase protector. compressor and fan motor. Overheat protection for discharge gas. Fan thermal protector. *3 This product is manufactured in Japan.

(44.5 F), and outdoor temp. 35 DB (95 FDB). Fusible plug. Freeze-up thermostat. Overcurrent relay for

S pecifications

UWA40 180AY 1
106 480kW clas s
(40 )

Standard Unit

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 Standard for the max. chilled water pressure is 0.7MPa, but1.6MPa is available if required. *4 Installation/operating weight includes the weight of refrigerant and refrigerant oil(charged before delivery).

(60 ) 132 160 106 kW 450,000 546,000 Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h 362,000 38 46 USRT 30 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 378 459 /min 304 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 (continuous capacity control) % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 37 1 45 1 30 1 Motor output kW Blazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 710 840 m3/min 700 Air flow rate fan 25,063 29,652 cfm 24,710 0.8 4 1.2 4 0.5 4 Motor output kW R-22 Refrigerant Pipe connections water 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,395 2,200 2,000 1,650 1,750 1,500 kg Weight 1,670 1,773 1,517 kg Operating weight -5 to 43 Operation range (50 )



(80 210 717,000 60 602 ) (100 ) (120 ) (140 ) (160 ) (180 ) 265 904,000 75 760 320 1,092,000 91 917 370 1,263,000 105 1,061 420 1,433,000 119 1,204 480 1,638,000 137 1,376

60 1

37 2

45 2


60 2

45 3

940 33,182

1,420 50,126 0.8 8

1,680 59,304 1.2 8

1,780 62,834

1,880 66,364

2,520 88,956 1.2 12 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) 2,460 6,600 2,000 5,605 5,670

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 1,820 1,852 2,395 4,400 2,000 3,500 3,300 3,542 3,336 3,620 3,684 3,640 3,704


Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers

UWA200 480AY 1
530 1,260kW clas s
UWA200AY1 UWA220AY1 UWA240AY1 UWA280AY1 UWA320AY1 UWA360AY1 UWA400AY1 UWA440AY1 UWA480AY1 (240 ) (440 ) (480 ) (360 ) (400 ) (200 ) (220 ) (320 ) (280 )
740 2,525,000 210 2,121 840 2,867,000 239 2,408 960 3,276,000 273 2,752 1,060 3,617,000 301 3,039 1,160 3,959,000 330 3,325 1,260 4,300,000 358 3,612

Standard Unit

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity 580 630 530 kW 1,979,000 2,150,000 *1 Btu/h 1,809,000 165 179 USRT 151 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 1,663 1,806 /min 1,519 Chilled water flow rate 100~10-0 (continuous capacity control) % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 45+60 2 60 3 45 2+60 Motor output kW Blazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 2,720 2,820 m3/min 2,620 Air flow rate fan 96,016 99,546 cfm 92,486 1.2 12 Motor output kW R-22 Refrigerant Pipe connections water 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,460 6,600 2,000 5,660 5,737 -5 to 43 5,695 5,782 5,750 5,850

(45+60) 2

(60 2) 2

(45 3) 2

(45 2+60) 2

(45+60 2) 2

(60 3) 2

3,560 125,668 (1.2 8) 2

3.760 132,728

5,040 177,912 (1.2 12) 2

5,240 184,972

5,440 192,032

5,640 199,092

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) (2,395 4,400 2,000) 2

5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) (2,460 6,600 2,000) 2

5,605 2 5,750 2 3,640 2 5,660 2 5,695 2 kg 3,620 2 Weight 5,670 2 5,850 2 3,704 2 5,737 2 5,782 2 kg 3,684 2 Operating weight Operation range Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 Standard for the max. chilled water pressure is 0.7MPa, but1.6MPa is available if required. *4 Installation/operating weight includes the weight of refrigerant and refrigerant oil(charged before delivery).

S pecifications

UWA40 120AY B
118 355kW clas s
(40 )

Standard Unit

(50 )

(60 ) 180 614,000 51 516

(100 ) 300 1,024,000 85 860

(120 ) 355 1,212,000 101 1,018

kW 118 150 Cooling capacity 512,000 *1 Btu/h 403,000 USRT 34 43 Power supply 3 phase, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 4 wires system /min 338 Chilled water flow rate 430 % Capacity steps 100~10-0 (continuous capacity control) Type Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Compressor Motor output kW 30 1 37 1 Evaporator type Blazing Plate type Condenser type Cross fin coil Type Propeller Drive Direct drive Condenser m3/min 800 810 Air flow rate fan cfm 28,240 28,593 Motor output kW 0.5 4 0.8 4 Refrigerant R-22 Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W Weight Operating weight Operation range D) mm kg kg 3B Flange (80A) 2,395 2,200 2,000 1,500 1,517 -5 to 43

45 1

37 2

45 2

940 33,182 1.2 4

1,620 57,186 0.8 8

1,880 66,364 1.2 8

4B Flange (100A) 2,395 4,400 2,000 3,300 3,336

1,650 1,670

1,750 1,773

3,500 3,542

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *3 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *4 The limited length of wire represents its max. length when the pressure is lower than 2%. *5 This product is manufactured in China.


Option L is t
Model Remote controller Chilling water supply interrupting relay Water high pressure (1.6 MPa) upgrader IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer Model Remote controller Chilling water supply interrupting relay Water high pressure (1.6 MPa) upgrader IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer Model

BRC307D503 GWEL-UWYP40B GWP-UWYP40B DAM602A5 DEC102A DAM101A DMS504B51 DMS502A51 DCS302CA61 DCS301BA61 DST301BA61










*1 BRC307C50 Remote controller Communication I/F P.C. board BRP66B3 1 Not required (S.Box installed) Communication I/F P.C. B storage box BRP66A97 1(external) BRP66A100 1(internal) BER66A5 1 Transmission wire BER66A7 1 *1 DCS302CA61 Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller *1 DCS301BA61 *1 DST301BA61 Schedule timer Notes: *1 Communication I/F P.C. board, Communication I/F P.C. B storage box and Transmission wire are also required. Model






BRP66B3 2 BRP66A96 BER66A8


Remote controller *1 BRC307C50 Communication I/F P.C. board BRP66B3 1 Communication I/F P.C. B storage box BPR66A97 BER66A7 Transmission wire BER66A6 BER66A5 Notes: *1 Communication I/F P.C. board, Communication I/F P.C. B storage box and Transmission waire are also required. Model Remote controller Chilling water supply interrupting relay Water high pressure (1.6 MPa) upgrader IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer Model Remote controller Chilling water supply interrupting relay Water high pressure (1.6 MPa) upgrader IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer

BRC307D503 GWEL-UWY40A GWP-UWY40A DAM602A5 DEC102A DAM101A DMS504B51 DMS502A51 DCS302CA61 DCS301BA61 DST301BA61










Air Cooled Water Chillers



Air Cooled Water Chillers

: UWA S eries
Air Cooled Water Chillers


UWA138J Y 1


P rovides a s table s upply of chilled water even when the outdoor temperature is high as 49 .
Wide Operating Range
Temperature range by model.
UWA37J AY 1 UWA120J Y 1 U W A27J AT J UWA43J ATJ 109J AY 1 270J Y 1 / 32J AT J , 70J AT J 122J AT J 62J ATJ 5 5 15 5 to to to to 52 49 49 49

Wide Capacity Range

UWA37J AY 1 109J AY 1 UWA43J ATJ 122J ATJ UWA120J Y 1 270J Y 1
C apacity can be controlled in multiple steps of between 3 and 7 for efficient energy use.

Full Lineup Includes Models with Capacities Ranging from 79 791kW. Equipped with a Compact and Powerful Semi-hermetically Sealed Reciprocating Compressor.

Two Independent Refrigerant Circuits

UWA63 J AY 1 10 9J AY 1 UWA70J ATJ 122 J ATJ UWA120J Y 1 270 J Y 1
A selector switch makes it possible to operate only one refrigerant circuit while the other is under repair.

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity

UWA37 109J AY 1
108.4 319.2kW clas s
UWA37JAY1 (40 ) UWA47JAY1 (50 ) UWA55JAY1 (60 )

For High Outdoor Temperature Use

kW 108.4 137.2 161.3 468,200 550,400 *1 Btu/h 369,800 USRT 30.8 39.0 45.8 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 358 282 420 Chilled water flow rate kW 97.4 124.8 149.9 425,800 511,500 *2 Btu/h 332,500 Cooling capacity USRT 27.7 35.4 42.6 325 279 391 Chilled water flow rate % 100-75-50-25-0 100-66-33-0 Capacity steps Semi-hermetically sealed reciprocating Type Compressor 37 45 Motor output kW 30 Evaporator type Dry expansion shell and Hi-X tube Condenser type Cross fin coil (Waffle louver fins and Hi-X tubes) Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 3 m /min 860 1,000 1,240 fan Air flow rate cfm 30,370 35,310 43,790 1.5ea. 4 Motor output kW 0.9ea. 4 R-22 Refrigerant Pipe connections water FPT2 1/2 (65A) FPT3 (80A) inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,720 2,005 2,000 1,890 2,005 2,000 kg 1,420 1,230 1,520 Weight kg 1,490 1,300 1,610 Operating weight 5 to 52 Operation range

186.0 634,900 52.9

UWA63JAY1 (70 )

219.1 747,600 62.3 571 197.1 672,600 56.0 514

UWA75JAY1 (80 )

250.6 855,100 71.2

UWA80JAY1 (90 )

272.7 930,500 77.5

UWA93JAY1 (100 )

319.2 1,089,200 90.7 832 290.5 991,200 82.6 757

UWA109JAY1 (120 )

485 167.4 571,400 47.6 436 100-83-66-50-33-0

653 711 225.5 250.8 769,400 855,900 64.1 71.3 588 654 100-88-75-63-50-25-0 37 2

30 2

45 2

1,720 60,730 0.9ea. 8

2,000 70,620

2,480 87,580 1.5ea. 8 5B Flange (JIS16K)(125A) 3,050 3,210

4B Flange (JIS16K)(100A) 1,745 2,005 4,000 2,600 2,500 2,730 2,600 1,915 2,005 4,000 2,850 2,870 2,980 3,000


Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.6.7 (44 F), entering chilled water temp.12.2 (54 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.6.7 (44 F), entering chilled water temp.12.2 (54 F), and outdoor air temp. 46 DB(115 FDB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Oil pressure control switch. Compressor thermal protector. Recycling guard timer. Crankcase heater. 3-element overcurrent relay for compressors and fan motors. Freeze-up prorection thermostat. Fusible plug. Safety valve(for UWA47, 55, 93, 109JAY1). *4 This product is manufactured in Japan.

F or High Outdoor Temperature Us e

S pecifications

UWA120 270J Y 1
351.6 791kW clas s

For High Outdoor Temperature Use


474.7 1,620,600 135.0

562.8 1,921,500 160.0 100-88-75-63-50-25-0

667.9 2,280,400 189.9

791.0 2,700,800 224.7 100-83-67-50-33-17-0

404.4 kW 351.6 Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h 1,201,500 1,380,800 115.0 USRT 99.9 Power supply 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Chilled water flow rate 100-83-67-50-33-17-0 Type Semi-hermetic sealed reciprocating Compressor Motor output kW 30 3 37 3

45 3

37 4

45 4


Evaporator type Condenser type Type Drive Condenser m3/min Air flow rate fan cfm Motor output kW Refrigerant Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm Weight kg Operation range

Dry expansion shell and Hi-X tubes Cross fin coil (Waffle louver fins and Hi-X tubes) Propeller Direct drive 3,000 2,580 105,900 91,100 0.9ea. 12 R-22 5B Flange (JIS16K)(125A) 2,095 2,005 5,700 4,470 4,360 5 to 49

Dry expansion shell and corrugated tubes

37 6 Dry expansion shell and Hi-X tubes

3,720 131,400 1.5ea. 12

4,000 141,300 0.9ea. 16

4,960 175,200 1.5ea. 16

6,000 211,900 0.9ea. 24


2,075 2,005 8,000 6,110


2,095 2,005 11,400 8,940

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.6.7 (44 F), entering chilled water temp.12.2 (54 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure switch. Low pressure switch. Oil pressure control switch. Compressor thermal protector. Recycling guard timer. Crankcase heater. 3-element overcurrent relay (Compressor, Fan motors). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Fusible plug. Safety valve (except for UWA120JY1). *3 This product is manufactured in Japan.

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity

UWA27 122J ATJ

79 370kW clas s

For High Outdoor Temperature Use

94.3 162.0 324.0 274.0 185.0 kW 212.0 79.0 125.0 253.0 370.0 320,600 553,500 1,107,000 936,400 632,100 722,200 426,600 865,000 1,262,000 *1 Btu/h 269,800 26.7 46.1 92.2 78.0 52.6 USRT 22.4 60.0 35.5 72.0 105.0 Power supply 3 phase, 60 Hz, 208/230 V, 3 wires system 245 423 845 Chilled water flow rate 715 483 552 206 326 661 964 82.0 145.0 285.0 248.0 171.0 kW 191.0 71.0 111.0 219.0 335.0 280,900 494,000 972,200 Cooling capacity 845,200 584,100 653,100 378,900 746,400 1,145,000 *2 Btu/h 242,000 23.4 41.0 81.0 70.4 48.6 USRT 20.1 54.2 31.5 62.1 95.3 215 377 742 Chilled water flow rate 645 466 497 185 289 570 873 100-66-33-0 100-75-50-25-0 Capacity steps 100-88-75-63-50-25-0 % 100-83-66-50-33-0 100-50-0 Semi-hermetically sealed reciprocating Type Compressor 37 37 2 45 22 26 2 30 30 2 45 2 Motor output kW Evaporator type Dry expansion shell and Hi-X tube Condenser type Cross fin coil (Waffle louver fins and Hi-X tubes) Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 480 2,320 1,400 m3/min 580 1,920 1,160 2,800 fan Air flow rate 16,950 81,920 49,430 cfm 20,480 67,800 40,960 98,870 1.0ea. 2 1.7ea. 4 1.7ea. 8 2.5ea. 4 1.0ea. 8 1.7ea. 2 1.0ea. 4 2.5ea. 8 Motor output kW Refrigerant R-22 Pipe connections water inlet/outlet FPT2 (50A) 5B Flange (JIS16K)(125A) FPT3 (80A) 4B Flange (JIS16K)(100A) FPT2 1/2 (65A) 1,745 2,005 1,765 2,025 1,915 2,025 1,890 2,005 2,000 Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,915 2,005 4,000 1,065 4,000 1,065 900 1,540 2,870 2,850 1,610 kg 2,500 750 1,300 2,600 3,050 Weight 970 1,630 3,000 2,980 1,700 kg 2,600 790 1,370 2,730 3,210 Operating weight 15 to 49 15 to 49 5 to 49 Operation range Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.6.7 (44 F), entering chilled water temp.12.2 (54 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.6.7 (44 F), entering chilled water temp.12.2 (54 F), and outdoor air temp. 46 DB(115 FDB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Oil pressure control switch. Compressor thermal protector. Recycling guard timer. Crankcase heater. 3-element overcurrent relay for compressors and fan motors. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Fusible plug. Safety valve(for UWA53, 62, 90, 108, 122JATJ). *4 This product is manufactured in Japan.

UWA27JATJ UWA32JATJ UWA43JATJ UWA53JATJ UWA62JATJ UWA70JATJ UWA80JATJ UWA90JATJ UWA108JATJ UWA122JATJ (100 ) (30 ) (40 ) (80 ) (90 ) (25 ) (120 ) (70 ) (50 ) (60 )


Air Cooled Water Chillers

Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat PumpType

: UW Y P S eries : UW Y S eries

Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

UWY P 750AY 3

UWY P 120B Y 1

UWY P 180B Y 1

Model Lineup
Refrigerant 50/60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz R-407C R-22 Units series Standard Unit Standard Unit Model No. UWYPAY3 UWYPBY1 UWYPBYB UWYAY1 UWYAYB Model No. UWYPBY1 UWYPBYB UWYAY1 UWYAYB Capacity (kW) 6.7/7.5 11.2/12.5 17/19 125 190 Capacity (kW) 315 370 120 140 120 120 140 120 22.4/25 33.5/37.5 45/50 375 500 250 56/63 630 67/75 750 106 40 40 40 40 132 50 50 50 50 160 60 60 60 60 212 80 80 80 265 100 100 100 100 page 21 21, 22 22 23 24 page 21, 22 22 23 24

Refrigerant 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz R-407C R-22

Units series Standard Unit Standard Unit

420 160 160

480 180 180

530 200 200

580 220 220

630 240 240

740 280 280

840 320 320

960 360 360

1060 400 400

1160 440 440

1260 480 480

New Refrigerant
UWY P 125 750AY 3 UWY P 40 480B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B
E mploys the new refrigerant R -407C .

Low Power Consumption

UWY P 40 160B Y 1 UWY 40 120AY 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B UWY 40 120AY B

C ontinuous capacity control with a range from 10(12)% to 100% helps to reduce energy was tage during low-load

Efficient and Reliable Compressors

Applies to All Models
To improve their operational reliability, 40 -- 480HP models are equipped with s emi-hermetic s ingle s crew compres s ors .

High Precision
UWY P 40 160B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B UWA40 160AY 1 UWA40 120AY B

The outlet water temperature is precis ely controlled to within 0.5 (with a s table load) through the us e of electric expans ion E xample of Outlet Water Temperature C ontrol
Water Temp. ( ) 10
If outlet water temperature ris es above the upper limit s ignal, the load s tarts to increas e in 10% increments

R efrigerant inlet

R efrigerant outlet
Upper Limit S ignal

9 8
Value S et

S emi-hermetic s ingle s crew compres s or

As the temperature As the temperature falls below the upper falls below the s et limit s ignal, the load value, the load increas e increments increas e increments are reduced to 5% . remain at 5% . When changes in outlet water temperature become 1 or les s , the thermos tat is turned off.


Wide Operation Range

UWY P 40 480B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B UWY 40 120AY 1 UWY 40 120AY B
A new defros ting s ys tem makes pos s ible heating operation even when the outdoor temperature is as low as -15 .
Note: Measures to protect against drain water freezing are necessary in cold regions where the highest temperature stays below 0 on several consecutive days.
C apacity 5 30 40 480 Outdoor Air Temperature R ange where C ooling P os s ible Models E mploying R -407C -15 to 43 -5 to 43 Models E mploying R -22 -5 to 43

Easy Installation
UWY P 40 480B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B UWY 40 480AY 1 UWY 40 120AY B
The compact des ign of thes e units s ignificantly reduces the s pace required for ins tallation.
In the outdoor unit, component parts of a small size have been used wherever possible to reduced its size and correspondingly reduce how much space it requires. Furthermore, replacing the 2-way refrigerant inlets with 4-way inlets has reduced the amount of space the outdoor unit needs even further.

UWY P 125 750AY 3

The horizontal linkup des ign increas es ins tallation flexibility.
Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type This design ensures the installation does not protrude so far, making it possible to install water chillers along a wall or under a roof overhang. Note: Water supply piping must be purchased separately. (UWYP375AY3 750AY3)

Multiple Operating Modes

UWY P 40 160B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B UWY 40 160AY 1 UWY 40 120AY B
Us ers can s elect the operating mode that bes t matches the heat s ource application.

Applies to All Models
S tainles s s teel heat exchanger plates prevent rus t, thereby improving their durability and the s ys tem's operational reliability.
Refrigerant Refrigerant Outlet Inlet Water Outlet

Capacity Control Mode

The us er can s elect to give priority to either precis ion or reduced power cons umption.
High-P rec is ion Mode L ow-P ower Mode

C ontinues operation to levels as low as 12% of total capacity to provide s table water temperature control even during low-load periods .

This mode can be used to reduce power consumption if highly precise water temperature control is not necessary during low- load periods . It shuts down the compressor when the load drops below Note: Switching between the above modes is accomplished using a control on 40% .
the outdoor unit.

Heat Exchanger with Stainless Steel Plates

Applies to All Models

Air heat exchangers s uperior durability. employ fins with acrylic coating for

UWY P 40 480B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B

UWY 40 480AY 1 UWY 40 120AY B

Demand Mode
C urrent Demand F unc tion

Defros ting is performed under computer control as part of continuous capacity control, res ulting in s table heating performance.
The system detects ice formation by constantly monitoring the outdoor temperature, the pressures of the high- and low-pressure components, and the timers. In addition, continuous capacity control allows smooth control of capacity even after a rise in the pressure of the high-pressure components. Remaining ice is melted a little at a time, and stable heating performance is maintained.

The maximum current level of the compres s or can be s pecified in order to control demand for power. S ince this function allows s etting of the upper limit current value, comfortable operation is maintained while effectively controlling demand. In contras t to conventional capacity control s tep limit s ys tems , maximum capacity is maintained at the des ired demand value.

UWY P 100 480B Y 1 UWY P 100 120B Y B

Duty cycling control

UWY 100 480AY 1 UWY 100 120AY B

the operating time of the


UWY P 40 160B Y 1 UWY P 40 120B Y B

UWY 40 160AY 1 UWY 40 480AY B

A choice of three control s ys tems is available.

Outflow water temperature control Provides precise control of the water temperature. Compressor count control Controls the number of compressors operating depending on the load. Inflow water temperature control Performs duty cycling control.


Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat PumpType

S pecifications
Model kW *1 Btu/h USRT Chilled water flow rate (50/60 Hz) /min kW Heating capacity *2 Btu/h (50/60 Hz) USRT Power supply Hot water flow rate (50/60 Hz) /min Capacity steps % Type Compressor Motor output kW Evaporator type Condenser type Type Drive Fan Air flow rate m3/min (50/60 Hz) cfm Motor output kW Refrigerant Cooling capacity (50/60 Hz) Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm Weight kg Operating weight kg Operation range (8 ) (5 ) (10 ) 11.2/12.5 17.0/19.0 22.4/25.0 38,200/42,700 58,000/64,900 76,500/85,400 3.19/3.55 4.83/5.40 6.37/7.11 32/36 49/54 64/72 13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 25.0/28.0 45,100/51,200 68,300/76,500 85,400/95,600 3.75/4.27 5.69/6.37 7.11/7.96 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system 38/43 57/64 72/80 100-0 Hermetically sealed scroll type 3.75 1 5.5 1 7.5 1 Brazed plate heat exchanger Cross fin coil Propeller Direct drive 90/95 140/160 175/185 3,180/3,350 4,940/5,650 6,180/6,530 0.20 0.22+0.14 0.22 2 R-407C 1B Flange (JIS10K)(25A) 2 1 1/2B Fiange(JIS10K)(40A) 2

UWY P 125 750AY 3

11.2 / 12.5 67 / 75 kW clas s
(15 ) 33.5/37.5 114,000/128,000 9.53/10.7 96/108 37.5/42.5 128,000/145,000 10.7/12.1 108/122 100-67-34-0 7.5+3.75

Standard Unit

(20 ) 45.0/50.0 154,000/171,000 12.8/14.2 129/143 50.0/56.0 171,000/191,000 14.2/15.9 143/161 100-50-0 7.5 2

(25 ) 56.0/63.0 191,000/215,000 15.9/17.9 161/181 63.0/71.0 215,000/242,000 17.9/20.2 181/204 100-80-60-40-20-0 7.5 2+3.75

(30 ) 67.0/75.0 229,000/256,000 19.1/21.3 192/215 75.0/85.0 256,000/290,000 21.3/24.2 215/244 100-67-34-0 7.5 3

Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

265/280 9,350/9,880 0.22 2+0.20 1B Flange (JIS10K) (25A) 2+1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 2 1,500 1,925 690 420 427

350/370 12,400/13,100 0.22 4 1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 4 1,500 2,570 690 525 535

440/465 15,500/16,400 0.22 4+0.20 1B Flange (JIS10K) (25A) 2+1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 4 1,550 3,230 758 700 715

525/555 18,500/19,600 0.22 6 1 1/2B Flange (JIS10K)(40A) 6 1,550 3,870 758 820 840

1,450 635 (839) 690 1,450 1,280 690 150 258 152 261 -15 to 43 in cooling, -15 to 21 in heating

260 264

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heating capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp. 40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB), and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure switch. Reverse-phase protector. Fusible plug. Freeze up thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressor and fan motor. Overheat protection for discharge gas. fan thermal protector. *4 This product is manufactured in Japan.

S pecifications

UWY P 40 180B Y 1
106 480kW clas s
(80 ) 210 717,000 60 602 230 785,000 65 659 (100 265 904,000 75 760 280 956,000 80 803 ) (120 ) 315 1,075,000 90 903 340 1,160,000 97 975 (140 ) (160 ) 370 1,263,000 105 1,061 400 1,365,000 114 1,147 420 1,433,000 119 1,204 460 1,570,000 131 1,319 (180 ) 480 1,638,000 137 1,376 510 1,740,000 145 1,462

Standard Unit

(60 ) (40 ) (50 ) 106 132 160 362,000 450,000 Cooling capacity 546,000 30 38 46 304 378 Chilled water flow rate 459 112 140 170 382,000 478,000 Heating capacity 580,000 32 40 48 3 phase,50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4wires system Power supply 401 /min 321 Hot water flow rate 487 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 37 1 Motor output kW 30 1 45 1 Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 860 m3/min 780 Air flow rate Fans 30,358 cfm 27,534 1.0 4 Motor output kW 0.5 4 R-407C Refrigerant kW Btu/h USRT /min kW Btu/h USRT Pipe connections Water inlet/outlet water inlet/outlet Drain outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm Weight kg Operating weight kg Operation range 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) RP1 1/4 Female screw (32A) 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,930 1,800 1,966 1,833

60 1

37 2

45 2


60 2

45 3

1,290 45,537 1.0 6

1,600 56,480 1.0 8

1,720 60,716

2,150 75,895 1.0 10

2,580 91,074 1.0 12 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97)

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,456 2,650 2,000 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,995 2,640 3,740 4,052 2,687 3,791


cooling -5 to 43, heating -20 to 21 Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heating capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp.40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB),and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *4 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *5 The limited length of wire represents its max. length when the pressure is lower than 2%. *6 This product is manufactured in China.

1,990 2,030

2,456 4,850 2,000 2,456 5,300 2,000 2,456 6,600 2,000 6,265 5,110 4,553 6,456 5,181 4,624

S pecifications
Model kW Btu/h USRT /min kW Btu/h USRT

UWY P 200 480B Y 1

530 1,260kW clas s

Standard Unit

(240 ) (440 ) (480 ) (360 ) (400 ) (200 ) (220 ) (320 ) (280 ) 740 1,060 630 1,260 840 960 1,160 530 580 2,525,000 3,617,000 2,150,000 4,300,000 3,276,000 3,959,000 2,867,000 1,809,000 1,979,000 Cooling capacity 210 301 179 358 273 330 239 151 165 2,121 3,039 1,806 3,612 2,752 3,325 2,408 1,519 1,663 Chilled water flow rate 800 1,140 690 1,380 1,020 1,260 920 570 630 2,730,000 3,890,000 2,355,000 4,710,000 3,481,000 4,300,000 3,140,000 1,945,000 2,150,000 Heating capacity 228 324 196 392 290 358 262 162 179 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system Power supply 2,293 3,268 1,978 3,956 2,924 3,612 2,637 /min 1,634 1,806 Hot water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor (45+60) 2 (45 2+60) 2 (45+60 2) 2 60 3 (60 3) 2 (45 3) 2 (60 2) 2 Motor output kW 45 2+60 45+60 2 Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 4,300 6,020 3,870 7,740 6,880 5,160 m3/min 3,010 3,440 Air flow rate Fans 151,790 212,506 136,611 273,222 242,864 182,148 cfm 106,253 121,432 (1.0 10) 2 (1.0 14) 2 1.0 18 (1.0 18) 2 (1.0 16) 2 (1.0 12) 2 Motor output kW 1.0 14 1.0 16 R-407C Refrigerant 4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) Water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) Pipe RP1 1/4 Female screw (32A) connections Drain outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,456 7,050 2,000 2,456 7,500 2,000 2,456 7,950 2,000 (2,456 4,850 2,000) 2 (2,456 5,300 2,000) 2 (2,456 6,600 2,000) 2 (2,456 7,050 2,000) 2 (2,456 7,500 2,000) 2 (2,456 7,950 2,000) 2 4,553 2 6,820 2 7,885 7,885 2 6,265 2 7,500 2 6,820 5,110 2 kg Weight 7,500 4,624 2 7,018 2 8,125 8,125 2 6,456 2 7,719 2 7,018 5,181 2 kg Operating weight 7,719 cooling -5 to 43, heating -20 to 21 Operation range Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heating capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp.40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB),and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *4 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *5 The limited length of wire represents its max. length when the pressure is lower than 2%. *6 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications
Model kW Btu/h USRT /min kW Btu/h USRT

UWY P 40 120B Y B
118 355kW clas s
(40 )

Standard Unit

(50 )

180 614,000 51 516 200 683,000 57 573 (60 )

(100 ) 300 1,024,000 85 860 335 1,143,000 95 960

(120 ) 355 1,212,000 101 1,018 400 1,365,000 114 1,147

cooling -5 to 43, heating -20 to 21 Operation range Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heating capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp.40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB),and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve.

150 118 512,000 403,000 Cooling capacity 43 34 430 338 Chilled water flow rate 170 132 580,000 450,000 Heating capacity 48 38 3 phase,60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system Power supply 487 /min 378 Hot water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Type Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Compressor 37 1 Motor output kW 30 1 Brazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Type Propeller Drive Direct drive Condenser 3 1,010 m /min 810 Air flow rate Fans 35,653 cfm 28,593 1.0 4 Motor output kW 0.5 4 R-407C Refrigerant Pipe connections Water inlet/outlet 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) RP1 1/4 Female screw (32A) water inlet/outlet Drain outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,456 2,200 2,000 1,810 1,690 kg Weight 1,846 1,723 kg Operating weight

45 1

37 2

45 2

2,020 71,306 1.0 8 4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,456 4,400 2,000 3,500 3,551

1,870 1,910

3,605 3,662


Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat PumpType

S pecifications
Model kW Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h USRT /min Chilled water flow rate kW Heating capacity *2 Btu/h USRT Power supply /min Hot water flow rate % Capacity steps Type Compressor Motor output kW Evaporator type Condenser type Type Drive Condenser m3/min Air flow rate fan cfm Motor output kW Refrigerant Pipe connections water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm (60 ) 132 160 106 450,000 546,000 362,000 38 46 30 378 459 304 150 180 118 512,000 614,000 403,000 43 51 34 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system 430 516 338 100~10-0 (continuous capacity control) Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type 37 1 45 1 30 1 Brazed plate type Cross fin coil Propeller Direct drive 710 840 700 25,063 29,652 24,710 0.8 4 1.2 4 0.5 4 R-22 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) (40 ) (50 ) 2,395 2,200 2,000

UWY 40 180AY 1
106 480kW clas s
(80 210 717,000 60 602 240 819,000 68 688 ) (100 ) (120 ) (140 ) (160 ) (180 ) 265 904,000 75 760 300 1,024,000 85 860 320 1,092,000 91 917 355 1,212,000 101 1,018 370 1,263,000 105 1,061 420 1,433,000 119 1,204 420 1,433,000 119 1,204 480 1,638,000 137 1,376 480 1,638,000 137 1,376 540 1,843,000 154 1,548

Standard Unit

60 1

37 2

45 2


60 2

45 3

Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

940 33,182

1,420 50,126 0.8 8

1,680 59,304 1.2 8

1,780 62,834

1,880 66,364

2,520 88,956 1.2 12 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) 2,460 6,600 2,000 6,205 6,270

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) 2,395 4,400 2,000

1,800 1,950 1,700 2,020 3,900 4,020 4,040 kg Weight 3,600 1,820 1,973 1,717 2,052 3,942 4,084 4,104 kg Operating weight 3,636 cooling -5 to 43, heating -20 to 21 Operation range Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heatinging capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp.40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB),and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *4 Standard for the max. chilled water pressure is 0.7MPa, but1.6MPa is available if required. *5 Installation/operating weight includes the weight of refrigerant and refrigerant oil (charged before delivery). *6 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications
Model kW Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h USRT /min Chilled water flow rate kW Heating capacity *2 Btu/h USRT Power supply /min Hot water flow rate % Capacity steps Type Compressor Motor output kW Evaporator type Condenser type Type Drive Condenser m3/min Air flow rate fan cfm Motor output kW Refrigerant Pipe connections Water inlet/outlet Dimensions (H W D) mm kg kg

UWY 200 480AY 1

530 1,260kW clas s
(240 ) (200 ) (220 ) 580 630 530 1,979,000 2,150,000 1,809,000 165 179 151 1,663 1,806 1,519 660 720 600 2,252,000 2,457,000 2,048,000 188 205 171 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 4 wires system 1,892 2,064 1,720 100~10-0 (continuous capacity control) Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type 45+60 2 60 3 45 2+60 Blazing plate type Cross fin coil Propeller Direct drive 2,720 2,820 2,620 96,016 99,546 92,486 1.2 12 R-22 5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) (2,460 6,600 2,000) 2 6,295 6,350 6,260 6,382 6,450 6,337 cooling -5 to 43, heating -20 to 21

Standard Unit


(280 ) 740 2,525,000 210 2,121 840 2,867,000 239 2,408 (320 ) (360 ) (400 ) (420 ) (480 ) 840 2,867,000 239 2,408 960 3,276,000 273 2,752 960 3,276,000 273 2,752 1,080 3,686,000 307 3,096 1,060 3,617,000 301 3,039 1,200 4,095,000 341 3,440 1,160 3,959,000 330 3,325 1,320 4,505,000 375 3,784 1,260 4,300,000 358 3,612 1,440 4,914,000 410 4,128

(45+60) 2

(60 2) 2

(45 3) 2

(45 2+60) 2

(45+60 2) 2

(60 3) 2

3,560 125,668 (1.2 8) 2

3,760 132,728

5,040 177,912 (1.2 12) 2

5,240 184,972

5,440 192,032

5,640 199,092

4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) (2,395 4,400 2,000) 2 4,020 2 4,084 2 4,040 2 4,104 2

5B Flange (125A HG20593-97) (2,460 6,600 2,000) 2 6,205 2 6,270 2 6,260 2 6,337 2 6,295 2 6,382 2 6,350 2 6,450 2

Weight Operating weight Operation range


Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heating capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp.40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB),and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *4 Standard for the max. chilled water pressure is 0.7MPa, but1.6MPa is available if required. *5 Installation/operating weight includes the weight of refrigerant and refrigerant oil(charged before delivery).

S pecifications

UWY 40 120AY B
118 355kW clas s
(40 )

Standard Unit

(120 ) 180 300 355 150 kW 118 614,000 1,024,000 1,212,000 512,000 Cooling capacity *1 Btu/h 403,000 51 85 101 43 USRT 34 516 860 1,018 430 /min 338 Chilled water flow rate 200 335 400 170 kW 132 683,000 1,143,000 1,365,000 580,000 Heating capacity *2 Btu/h 450,000 57 95 114 48 USRT 38 3 phase, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system Power supply 573 960 1,147 487 /min 378 Hot water flow rate 100~10-0 % Capacity steps Semi-hermetic sealed single-screw type Type Compressor 45 1 37 2 45 2 37 1 Motor output kW 30 1 Blazing Plate type Evaporator type Cross fin coil Condenser type Propeller Type Direct drive Drive Condenser 940 1,620 1,880 810 m3/min 800 Air flow rate fan 33,182 57,186 66,364 28,593 cfm 28,240 1.2 4 0.8 8 1.2 8 0.8 4 Motor output kW 0.5 4 R-22 Refrigerant Pipe connections 3B Flange (80A HG20593-97) 4B Flange (100A HG20593-97) water inlet/outlet 2,395 4,400 2,000 Dimensions (H W D) mm 2,395 2,200 2,000 1,700 1,950 3,600 3,900 1,800 kg Weight 1,717 3,636 1,973 3,942 1,820 kg Operating weight cooling -5 to 43, heating -20 to 21 Operation range Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), and outdoor air temp. 35 DB(95 FDB). *2 Heating capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving hot water temp.45 (113 F), entering hot water temp.40 (104 F), and outdoor air temp. 7 DB(44.5 FDB),and 6 WB(43 FWB). *3 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High pressure protector. Low pressure protector. Compressor thermal protector. Fusible plug. Reverse-phase protector. Overheat protection of discharge gas. Overcurrent relay(compressor). Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay(fan). Safety valve. *4 The unit is equipped with standard water filter. *5 The limited length of wire represents its max. length when the pressure is lower than 2%. *6 This product is manufactured in China. (50 ) (60 )



(100 )


Option L is t


BRC307D503 GWEL-UWYP40B GWP-UWYP40B DAM602A5 DEC102A DAM101A DMS504B51 DMS502A51 DCS302CA61 DCS301BA61 DST301BA61


Remote controller Chilling water supply interrupting relay Water high pressure (1.6 MPa) upgrader IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer Model Remote controller *1 Communication I/F P.C. board Communication I/F P.C. B storage box Transmission wire










BRC307C50 BRP66B3 BPR66A97 BER66A5

BPR66A100 BER66A7






Notes: *1 Communication I/F P.C. board, Communication I/F P.C. B storage box and Transmission waire are also required.

Model Remote controller Chilling water supply interrupting relay Water high pressure (1.6 MPa) upgrader IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer


BRC307D503 GWEL-UWYP40B GWP-UWYP40B DAM602A5 DEC102A DAM101A DMS504B51 DMS502A51 DCS302CA61 DCS301BA61 DST301BA61












Air Cooled Water Chillers - Heat Pump Type

Water Cooled Water Chillers

: UWP S eries : UWD S eries ZUW S eries

UWP 900AY 3

UWD1320DY 1

ZUW175AY 1

Water Cooled Water Chillers

Model Lineup
Refrigerant 50/60Hz R-407C R-134a 50Hz Refrigerant 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz Units series Standard Unit Standard Unit Units series Standard Unit Brine Cooling Unit Model No. UWPAY3 UWDDY1 Model No. ZUWAY1 ZUWAYB ZUWAY1Z ZUWAYBZ Capacity (kW) 8/9 13.2/15 20/22.4 26.5/30 40/45 224 300 90 150 450 53/60 600 67/75 750 80/90 900 118 1320 150 1700 180 2000 page 28 28 29 29 236 2650 300 3350 355 4000 page 27 27


Capacity 100RT 120RT 150RT 175RT 200RT 240RT 280RT 300RT 350RT 400RT 240 200 280 300 350 400 175 120 150 100 240 200 280 175 120 150 240 200 280 300 350 400 175 120 150 100 240 200 300 175 120 150

New Refrigerant
UWP 90 900AY 3 UWD1320 40000DY 1 ZUW100 400AY (1)(B ) ZUW100 400AY (1)(B ) Z
E mploys the new refrigerants R -407C and R -134a.

Efficient and Reliable Compressors

Applies to All Models
To improve their operational reliability, 5 -- 30HP models employ s croll compres s ors , while 40 -- 120HP models are equipped with s emi-hermetic s ingle s crew compres s ors .

R efrigerant inlet R efrigerant outlet

S emi-hermetic s ingle s crew compres s or


Year Round Cooling Operation

Applies to All Models
P rovides a s table s upply of chilled water throughout the
Since the heat exchanger employs water, operation of the unit is not affected by changes in the outdoor temperature. A stable water temperature is maintained year round.

Efficient Performance
P erformance characteris tics under partial load are efficient.

Power consumption ratio (%)

Wide Water Temperature Control Range Range UWP 90AY 3 900AY 3

The water temperature s etting can be s et to any value between 4 and 25 .

2 compressors


1 compressor is operating

Simple Operation and Control

UWD1320DY 1 4000DY 1
A s ingle built-in control box s implifies operation and control.
All controls and indicators are centralized in a single control box, making it possible to control the system using fewer personnel. Installation is simplified by integration of the control box with the main unit.

Increased characteristic under partial load

0 25 50 100

Cooling capacity ratio (%)

Well Appointed
All models are fitted with a pres s ure gauge as s tandard.
Water Cooled Water Chillers

Easy Installation
UWP 90AY 3 900AY 3
The 10 HP model has s quare meters . a footprint meas uring only 0.32
8 to 30 H P models have a modular design that enables units with different capacities to be used together in a single system and simplifies increasing system capacity later on 3 5 H P models have a similar configuration and are designed for compactness.

UWD1320DY 1 4000DY 1
The s tarter panel is built into the control panel, s implifying

UWP 90AY 3 900AY 3
The double-pipe heat exchanger and an individual error indication function help reduce the manpower required for
The new double-pipe heat exchanger design reduces clogging, significantly increasing resistance to dirty cooling water.


Water Cooled Water Chillers

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity (50/60 Hz) *1 kW 8.0/9.0 13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 26.5/30.0 Btu/h 27,300/30,700 45,100/51,200 68,300/76,500 90,500/102,000 USRT 2.28/2.56 3.75/4.27 5.69/6.37 7.54/8.53 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system /min 23/26 % 38/43 57/64 76/86

UWP 90 900AY 3
8 / 9 80 / 90kW clas s
UWP90AY3 (3 ) UWP150AY3 (5 ) UWP224AY3 (8 ) UWP300AY3 (10 ) UWP450AY3 (15 ) UWP600AY3 (20 ) UWP750AY3 (25 ) UWP900AY3 (30 )

Standard Unit

Power supply Chilled water flow rate (50/60 Hz) Capacity steps

40.0/45.0 137,000/154,000 11.4/12.8 115/129 100-50-0

53.0/60.0 181,000/205,000 15.1/17.1 152/172

67.0/75.0 229,000/256,000 19.1/21.3 192/215 100-60-0

80.0/90.0 273,000/307,000 22.8/25.6 229/258 100-67-0 7.5 3

100-0 Type Hermetically sealed scroll type Compressor Motor output kW 3.0 1 3.75 1 Evaporator type Brazed plate heat exchanger Condenser type Double pipe condenser Refrigerant R-407C Condenser water inlet/outlet FPT1 (25A) Pipe Chilled water inlet/outlet FPT1 (25A) connections Drain outlet FPT3/4 (20A) Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,280 405 690 kg Weight 100 110 kg Operating weight 102 112

5.5 1

7.5 1

5.5 2

7.5 2

7.5+5.5 2

FPT1 1/2 (40A) FPT1 1/2 (40A) 1,280 150 154 405 790

FPT1 1/2 FPT1 1/2 1,280 305 313

2 (40A) 2 (40A) 790 325 335

FPT1 1/2 FPT1 1/2

3 (40A) 3 (40A)

160 165


1,280 1,211 790 465 485 478 500

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), leaving condenser water temp. 35 (95 F), entering condenser water temp. 30 (86 F). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressors. Reverse-phase protector. Discharge gas overheat protector. Fusible plug. Safety valve. *3 This product is manufactured in Japan.

Water Cooled Water Chillers

S pecifications
Model Cooling capacity Power supply

UWD1320 4000DY 1
118 355kW clas s
UWD1320DY1 (40 ) UWD1700DY1 (50 ) UWD2000DY1 (60 ) UWD2650DY1 (80 ) UWD3350DY1 (100 ) UWD4000DY1 (120 )

Standard Unit

150 kW 118 512,000 *1 Btu/h 403,000 42.7 USRT 33.6 3 phase, 50 Hz 380/400/415 V, 3 wires system /min 338 /min 420 430 534

180 615,000 51.2 516 640

236 806,000 67.1 677 837

300 1,020,000 85.3 860 1,068

355 1,210,000 101 1,018 1,263

Chilled water flow rate Condenser water flow rate

Type Semi-hermetic sealed single screw type 45 1 37 1 30 2 45 2 Compressor Motor output kW 30 1 37 2 100-70-40-20-0 Capacity control % 100-70-40-0 Evaporator type Shell and Hi-X tube type Condenser type Shell and cross fin tube type Refrigerant R-134a FPT4 (100A) FPT3 (80A) FPT4 (100A) Condenser water inlet/outlet FPT3 (80A) 4B Flange (JIS10K)(100A) 5B Flange (JIS10K)(125A) Pipe Chilled water inlet/outlet FPT3 (80A) FPT1 connections Chilled water drain outlet FPT3/4 Condenser water drain outlet FPT1/4 1,702 2,600 759 1,623 3,330 994 Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,600 2,320 759 1,745 3,338 1,050 1,280 1,250 kg 1,800 2,300 Weight (Approx.) 1,100 2,200 1,420 1,390 1,980 2,520 Operating weight (Approx.) kg 1,220 2,420 Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), leaving condenser water temp. 35 (95 F), entering condenser water temp. 30 (86 F). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressors. Compressor thermal protector. Reverse-phase protector. Discharge gas overheat protector. Fusible plug. Safety valve(for UWD2000DY1,UWD4000DY1). *3 This product is manufactured in Japan.


S pecifications

ZUW100 400AY 1
367 1,450kW clas s
(175 RT) 631 2,152,848 179 1,809 2,153 60 2 (200RT) 710 2,422,381 202 2,035 2,400 75 2 (240RT) 857 2,923,916 244 2,457 2,930 90 2 (280RT) 1,000 3,411,804 284 2,867 3,407 90+110 (300RT) 1,114 3,800,750 317 3,193 3,773 110 2 (350RT) 1,260 4,298,874 358 3,612 4,235 (400RT) 1,450 4,947,117 412 4,157 4,883

Standard Unit

(100RT) (120RT) (150RT) 508 454 kW 367 1,733,196 1,548,959 Cooling capacity Btu/h 1,252,132 144 129 USRT 104 Power supply 3 phase, 50 HZ 380/400/415 V, 3 wires system 1,456 1,301 Chilled water flow rate /min 1,052 1,727 1,545 Condenser water flow rate /min 1,253 single screw compress Type 45 2 Compressor Motor output kW 37 2 100 25-0 continuous capacity control Capacity control % Evaporator type shell and tube flooded type Condenser type shell and tube type Refrigerant R-134a Condenser water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) Pipe Chilled water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) connections Chilled water drain outlet NPT1 1/2 1 Condenser water drain outlet NPT1 1/2 1 Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,765 1,160 3,530 3,750 3,650 Weight (Approx.) kg 3,500 4,000 3,850 Operating weight (Approx.) kg 3,700

130 2 100 10-0 continuous capacity control

6B Flange (150A) 6B Flange (150A)

8B Flange (200A)

1,765 1,210 3,680 1,830 1,320 3,960 2,000 1,400 4,000 2,060 1,470 4,550 3,900 4,750 6,650 5,250 6,750 4,150 5,050 7,100 5,600 7,200

8B Flange (200A) NPT1 1/2 1, NPT1 1/4 2 NPT1 1/2 1, NPT1 1/4 2 2,270 1,830 4,250 8,450 8,300 9,150 8,900

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), leaving condenser water temp. 35 (95 F), entering condenser water temp. 30 (86 F). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressors. Compressor thermal protector. Reverse-phase protector. Discharge gas overheat protector. Fusible plug. Safety valve. *3 This product is manufactured in China.

S pecifications

ZUW120 300AY B
441 1,040kW clas s

Standard Unit

(300RT) 606 1,040 759 848 kW 441 542 2,067,554 3,548,277 2,589,560 2,893,211 Btu/h 1,504,606 Cooling capacity 1,849,198 172 296 216 241 USRT 125 154 3 phase, 60 Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system Power supply 1,737 2,981 2,175 2,430 /min 1,264 Chilled water flow rate 1,553 2,085 3,584 2,609 2,903 Condenser water flow rate /min 1,517 1,864 single screw compress Type 90 2 60 2 75 2 Compressor Motor output kW 37 2 45 2 100 25-0 continuous capacity control Capacity control % shell and tube flooded type Evaporator type shell and tube type Condenser type R-134a Refrigerant 8B Flange (200A) 6B Flange (150A) Condenser water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) 6B Flange (150A) Pipe Chilled water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) connections Chilled water drain outlet FPT1/2 4,450 Condenser water drain outlet FPT1/2 2,060 1,680 4,000 4,700 1,830 1,320 3,600 2,000 1,400 3,960 Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,765 1,160 3,400 6,350 5,100 5,850 3,800 kg Weight (Approx.) 4,150 6,800 5,400 6,200 4,000 Operating weight (Approx.) kg 4,400 Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.7 (44.5 F), entering chilled water temp.12 (53.6 F), leaving condenser water temp. 35 (95 F), entering condenser water temp. 30 (86 F). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressors. Compressor thermal protector. Reverse-phase protector. Discharge gas overheat protector. Fusible plug. Safety valve.







Water Cooled Water Chillers

Water Cooled Water Chillers

S pecifications
Model (100RT) (120RT) (150RT) 243 272 kW 190 829,069 928,011 Btu/h 648,243 Cooling capacity 69 77 USRT 54 3 phase, 50Hz 380/400/415V, 3 wires system Power supply 697 780 /min 545 Chilled water flow rate 920 1,032 Condenser water flow rate /min 730 single screw compress Type 45 2 Compressor Motor output kW 37 2 100 25-0 continuous capacity control Capacity control % shell and tube flooded type Evaporator type shell and tube type Condenser type R-134a Refrigerant Condenser water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) Pipe Chilled water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) connections Chilled water drain outlet NPT1 1/2 1 Condenser water drain outlet NPT1 1/2 1 Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,765 1,160 3,400 3,650 3,750 3,500 kg Weight (Approx.) 3,850 4,000 3,700 Operating weight (Approx.) kg

ZUW100 400AY 1Z
190 715kW clas s
(175RT) 338 1,153,190 96 969 1,287 60 2 (200RT) 382 1,303,309 109 1,095 1,458 75 2 (240RT) 459 1,566,018 131 1,316 1,758 90 2 (280RT) 534 1,821,904 152 1,531 2,049 90+110 (300RT) 599 2,043,671 170 1,717 2,282 110 2 (350RT) 628 2,142,613 179 1,800 2,379 (400RT) 715 2,439,440 203 2,050 2,723

Brine Cooling Unit

130 2 100 10-0 continuous capacity control

6B Flange (150A) 6B Flange (150A)

8B Flange (200A)

1,765 1,210 3,680 1,830 1,320 3,960 2,000 1,400 4,000 2,060 1,470 4,550 3,900 4,750 6,650 5,250 6,750 4,150 5,050 7,100 5,600 7,200

8B Flange (200A) NPT1 1/2 1, NPT1 1/4 NPT1 1/2 1, NPT1 1/4 2,270 1,830 4,250 8,450 8,300 9,150 8,900

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.-5 (23.0 F), entering chilled water temp.-2 (28.4 F), leaving condenser water temp. 35 (95 F), entering condenser water temp. 30 (86 F). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressors. Compressor thermal protector. Reverse-phase protector. Discharge gas overheat protector. Fusible plug. Safety valve.

Water Cooled Water Chillers

S pecifications

ZUW120 300AY B Z
233 555kW clas s

Brine Cooling Unit


320 1,091,778 91 1,706 1,238 (175RT)

400 1,364,722 114 2,132 1,542 60 2 (200RT)

460 1,569,430 131 2,452 1,783 75 2 (240RT)

290 233 kW 989,423 Btu/h 794,951 Cooling capacity 82 USRT 66 3 phase, 60Hz 400/440 V, 3 wires system Power supply 1,546 /min 1,242 Chilled water flow rate 1,118 Condenser water flow rate /min 909 single screw compress Type 45 2 37 2 Compressor Motor output kW 100 25-0 continuous capacity control Capacity control % shell and tube flooded type Evaporator type shell and tube type Condenser type R-134a Refrigerant Condenser water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) Pipe Chilled water inlet/outlet 5B Flange (125A) connections Chilled water drain outlet FPT1/2 Condenser water drain outlet FPT1/2 Dimensions (H W D) mm 1,765 1,160 3,400 4,150 3,800 kg Weight (Approx.) 4,400 4,000 Operating weight (Approx.) kg

(300RT) 555 1,893,552 158 2,958 2,159 90 2


6B Flange (150A) 6B Flange (150A)

8B Flange (200A)

4,450 4,700

1,830 1,320 3,600 5,100 5,400

2,000 1,400 3,960 5,850 6,200

2,060 1,680 4,000 6,350 6,800

Notes: *1 Cooling capacity is based on the following conditions : Leaving chilled water temp.-5 (23.0 F), entering chilled water temp.-2 (28.4 F), leaving condenser water temp. 35 (95 F), entering condenser water temp. 30 (86 F). *2 The following safety devices are equipped as standard. High/low pressure switch. Freeze-up protection thermostat. Overcurrent relay for compressors. Compressor thermal protector. Reverse-phase protector. Discharge gas overheat protector. Fusible plug. Safety valve.


Option L is t
Model IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer Upgrader adaptor

DAM602A5 DEC102A DAM101A DMS504B51 DMS502A51 DCS302CA61 DCS301BA61 DST301BA61 GD3-ZUW100A





Model IPU Dio unit D Air unit Interface for use in LONWORKS Interface for use in BACnet Central remote controller Unified ON/OFF controller Schedule timer Upgrader adaptor

DAM602A5 DEC102A DAM101A DMS504B51 DMS502A51 DCS302CA61 DCS301BA61 DST301BA61 GD3-ZUW100A






Water Cooled Water Chillers


Daikin Industries, Ltd.s products are manufactured for export to numerous countries throughout the world. Daikin Industries, Ltd. does not have control over which products are exported to and used in a particular country. Prior to purchase, please therefore confirm with your local authorised importer, distributor and/or retailer whether this product conforms to the applicable standards, and is suitable for use, in the region where the product will be used. This statement does not purport to exclude, restrict or modify the application of any local legislation. Ask a qualified installer or contractor to install this product. Do not try to install the product yourself. Improper installation can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion. Use only those parts and accessories supplied or specified by Daikin. Ask a qualified installer or contractor to install those parts and accessories. Use of unauthorised parts and accessories or improper installation of parts and accessories can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion. Read the User's Manual carefully before using this product. The User's Manual provides important safety instructions and warnings. Be sure to follow these instructions and warnings. If you have any enquiries, please contact your local importer, distributor and/or retailer.

Cautions on product corrosion

1. Air conditioners should not be installed in areas where corrosive gases, such as acid gas or alkaline gas, are produced. 2. If the outdoor unit is to be installed close to the sea shore, direct exposure to the sea breeze should be avoided and choose an outdoor unit with anti-corrosion treatment.

Daikin Water Chillers are of the self-contained type. This means that they are assembled, internally wired and charged with refrigerant at the factory for easy installation, only requiring external wiring and plumbing on site. They are compatible with Daikin's Air Handling and/or Fan Coil Units.

About ISO9001 ISO 9001 is a plant certification system defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) relating to quality assurance. ISO 9001 certification covers quality assurance aspects related to the design, development, manufacture, installation, and supplementary service of products manufactured at the plant.

About ISO 14001 ISO 14001 is the standard defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) relating to environmental management systems. Our group has been acknowledged by an internationally accredited compliance organisation as having an appropriate programme of environmental protection procedures and activities to meet the requirements of ISO 14001.


Head Office: Umeda Center Bldg., 2-4-12, Nakazaki-Nishi, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8323 Japan Tokyo Office: JR Shinagawa East Bldg., 2-18-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan

c All rights reserved Printed in Japan 11/06/005 SW.HP.AD

Specifications, designs and other content appearing in this brochure are current as of November 2006 but subject to change without notice.

Printed on 100% recycled paper with soy ink.

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