Lit1015 1019

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Devin Ayers Week of: 10/15 10/19 Common Core/ NM Content Standards: SL11-12.1 SL11-12.3; W11-12.1 W11-12.5 Essential Question(s): What unique stylistic, linguistic and grammatical choices does Cormac McCarthy use to create a unique reading experience? Using incredibly sparse prose, how does McCarthy create a vital and engaging emotional environment for the reader? How do you think you would respond if you found yourself in postapocalyptic world like the one described in The Road? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who require it will receive extended deadlines for writing assignments and/or shortened reading. Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students will reflect on their own lives and imagine themselves in the engaging but terrifying world of The Road. Course/Grade: Grade 12 AP Literature and Composition Unit Name: The Road

Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: The Road Art supplies

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: writing/direct observation This Week: writing/direct observation/artistic project Unit: writing/direct observation/artistic project

Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents will learn about the unconventional use of grammar, syntax and writing style to create mood in literature. Students will develop their skills in writing, including spelling, grammar, style and literary analysis. They will demonstrate their learning through a week-long group project involving multiple writing assignments and an

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) Due-

artistic project. The following work will be undertaken in groups of no more than four and no fewer than two. We will work on this project in class, but inevitably you will need to do some of the work at home. Each group member is expected to contribute to every aspect of the project (in other words, you cant make one person do all the writing while someone else does the art work). You will be expected to assign duties to your group members and monitor your own progress. All work will be due Friday, 10/18. The assignments are as follows: 1. The Boys Diary: Based on actual scenes from the book, you will complete five entries in an imaginary diary from the boys perspective. What is he feeling? What is he thinking? What are his aspirations? His hopes? How does he feel about his father? How does he feel about what is going on around him? Each diary entry should be at least one paragraph in length. Feel free to be artistic with this (writing on a dirty, wrinkled piece of paper, as he might have to, for instance). 2. The Mans Diary: Do the same as above, but for the man. 3. Your Diary: Imagine yourselves (your group) transported to the world of The Road. Generate a diary similar to the ones described above, but chronicling the events, adventures, mishaps and cannibalistic encounters your group undergoes in the fear-ridden, postapocalyptic world of The Road. 4. Poster: Generate a poster/art piece that depicts the most relevant themes and events in the book so far. The format and medium are up to you. Just make them beautiful (as much as you can make events from this book beautiful) so I can hang them up in the classroom with pride. 5. Style Analysis: You will generate a written analysis of the writing style employed in The Road. McCarthy uses (and abuses) the

rules of grammar in very interesting ways. Describe the way he manipulates syntax, quotation marks (lack of them), apostrophes (sometimes a lack of them) and other literary conventions to create a particular mood. Be as detailed and specific as possible. This aspect of the assignment should be a minimum of five paragraphs, but could certainly be more.

TUESDAY Learning Target-

Assignment(s) Due-

WEDNESDAY Learning Target-

Assignment(s) DueReading: Through page 151

THURSDAY Learning Target-

Assignment(s) Due-

FRIDAY Learning Target-

Assignment(s) DueReading: Through page 200 Socratic dialogue Group Projects

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