Multiplication Games For Children

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Multiplication Games for Children

What Are Some Fun Multiplication Games For Children?

When children are learning multiplication facts, they have to rely on a lot of memorization and often have to complete a lot of worksheets with practice problems. Playing games can also help children learn multiplication and are a lot more fun. Try out the following multiplication games for children with your students. Draw Arrays: Have students draw arrays to show a multiplication problem. Memory Game: Create a multiplication memory game. Write multiplication problems on one note card and the answer on another note card. Create several sets of cards and spread all the cards out face down. Kids turn over two cards at a time. If they have a match, they get to keep the cards. If not, they have to turn them back over and remember their location for later. Board Game: Create a multiplication board game. Make a basic game board on cardboard and make game cards that have the answers to multiplication problems. Kids have to name two factors that go into that answer. They can then move the number of squares as the factor. For example, if 56 is on a card, kids have to name eight and seven. They then get to move eight squares. War: Before you start, write on the board, Ace = 1, J = 0, Q = 11, K = 12 Players pair up and shuffle their cards. They deal the cards out evenly and stack them face down in front of them. Both players turn over their top card at the same time. They multiply the 2 cards and shout the answer. The winner puts the cards in his/her/ winning pile. It a tie occurs, keep turning cards until someone wins the pile. When all of the original stack has been played, they count their winnings. The winner gets a point, token, skittle, etc. They then switch partners. MATERIALS: 1 deck of cards for each team of 2 players, chalk/white board or overhead projector Slap Happy: Each player draws 7 cards. At each player's turn, the player looks for a matching problem and product. When they have a match, they slap their hand on the Slap-O-Matic. The other players also slap their hand. The player's hand that is last to go down loses a card to the player who had the match. If the player does not have a match when it is their turn, they must draw a card but can still slap the Slap-O-Matic. The player with the most matches when time is called, is the winner. MATERIALS: Slap-O-Matic from a Hands Down Game, playing cards (1/2 with multiplication problems and 1/2 with the answers) Dots: Ask a child to join you at the board to model the game of Dots. Do each step yourself and then have the partner do the step. Roll the die and announce the number you rolled. Then, draw that number of big circles on the board. (e.g. You rolled a 2, so you draw six dots in each circle.) Roll the die again and announce that number. Draw that number of dots in each of your circles. (e.g. You rolled a 6, so you draw six dots in each circle.) Write a multiplication equation to match your drawing. (e.g. You wrote the multiplication problem 2 x 6 = 12 (Two groups of 6 equals 12)). Record the total number of dots in your drawing. 12 is your score for this round. Continue with your partner for four more rounds of play. After five rounds total all the dots. The player with the most dots wins. MATERIALS: Dice Seeing Doubles: Learning multiplication facts with 2 as a factor can be fun and easy with dominos. Use domino doubles to demonstrate that multiplying by two is the same as adding doubles: 5+5=2x5, 6+6=2x6, and so on. Have your child make both addition and multiplication

fact statements for the various dominoes. MATERIALS: Dominos

Flip Up: This game is played by two students with a deck of cards. Remove the jokers and face cards. Students shuffle the deck and deal the cards face down. Each player flips over a card from his or her pile. The first player to call out the correct answer gets to collect the flipped over cards. If a player calls out the wrong answer the other player gets the cards. Players continue until all the cards have been flipped over. The winner is the player with the most cards at the end. MATERIALS: decks of cards Multiplication Uno: In regular Uno, players can discard only those cards that match either the color or the number of the card most recently placed on the discard pile. You can modify this to teach multiplication and factoring. You can make it a rule that the only cards that can be discarded are those that are whole-number multiples or factors of the last card discarded. Kids can often really get into this when they're playing against people they really want to beat!

What are some helpful websites for multiplication?

Multiplication Training, Sushi Monster, My Math App, Champions, Multiplication, Grade 3 Math, + Bubbles x, Rocket Math ($.99), and Grand Prix ($.99)

Websites: l

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