SAR.F12 - Checklist GRH

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IOSA Checklist

GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS (GRH) Applicability Section 6 addresses functions within the scope of ground handling operations and is applicable to an operator that conducts passenger, cargo and/or combi (combined cargo and passenger) aircraft operations. Individual provisions or sub-specifications within a provision that: - Begin with a conditional phrase ("If the Operator...") are applicable if the operator meets the condition(s) stated in the phrase. - Do not begin with a conditional phrase are applicable unless determined otherwise by the Auditor. Functions within the scope of ground handling operations include: - Passenger handling; - Baggage handling; - Aircraft handling and loading; - Load control - Aircraft fuelling; - Aircraft de-/anti-icing. In this section, non-revenue cargo and mail are addressed in the same way as revenue cargo for the purposes of handling, loading, securing and transporting. COMAT is non-revenue cargo. Where an operator outsources the performance of functions within the scope of ground handling operations to external service providers, the operator retains overall responsibility for such functions, and must demonstrate processes for monitoring the applicable external service providers in accordance with GRH 1.10.2. Security specifications applicable to functions within the scope of ground handling operations are located in Section 8 of this manual. Definitions of technical terms used in this ISM Section 6, as well as the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms, are found in the IATA Reference Manual for Audit Programs (IRM).

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IOSA Checklist

Management and Control

GRH 1.1.1 The Operator shall have a management system that ensures control of ground handling operations and the management of safety and security outcomes. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definitions of Ground Handling, Operations and Operator. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.1.1 located in ISM Section 1.

GRH 1.1.2 The Operator shall have a manager for ground handling operations that: i) Has the authority and is responsible for the management and supervision of functions and activities within the scope of ground handling operations; ii) Is accountable to senior management for ensuring the safety and security of ground handling operations. < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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IOSA Checklist
GRH 1.2.1 The Operator shall ensure the management system defines the authorities and responsibilities of management and non-management personnel that perform functions relevant to the safety or security of ground handling operations. The management system shall also specify: i) The levels of management with the authority to make decisions that affect the safety and/or security of ground handling operations; ii) Responsibilities for ensuring ground handling operations are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and standards of the Operator. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.3.1 located in ISM Section 1.

GRH 1.2.2 The Operator shall have a process for the delegation of duties within the management system for ground handling operations that ensures managerial continuity is maintained when operational managers are absent from the workplace. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.3.2 located in ISM Section 1.

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IOSA Checklist
GRH 1.3.1 The Operator shall have a communication system that enables an effective exchange of information relevant to the conduct of ground handling operations throughout the management system for ground handling operations and in areas where ground handling operations are conducted. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.4.1 located in ISM Section 1. Specific means of communication between management and operational ground handling personnel might include: Email, Internet; Safety or operational reporting system; Communiqus (letters, memos, bulletins); Publications (newsletters, magazines). If email is used as an official medium for communication with ground handling operational personnel, the process is typically formalized by the operator to ensure control and effectiveness.

GRH 1.4.1 The Operator shall ensure the existence of the necessary facilities, workspace, equipment and supporting services, as well as work environment, to satisfy ground handling operational safety and security requirements. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Conformity with GRH 1.4.1 does not require specifications to be documented by an operator. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.6.1 located in ISM Section 1.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.4.2 The Operator shall ensure operational positions within the scope of ground handling operations are filled by personnel on the basis of knowledge, skills, training and experience appropriate for the position. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.6.2 located in ISM Section 1. To ensure the inclusion of all ground handling operations, an operator would typically have a process that ensures specifications in this provision are applied to external ground handling service providers. A corporate personnel selection policy that applies to all operational areas of the company serves to satisfy specifications in this provision.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.5.1 The Operator shall have a system for the management and control of documentation and/or data used directly in the conduct or support of ground handling operations. Such system shall include elements as specified in ORG 2.1.1. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of Documentation and Electronic Documentation. An operator might utilize the documents and/or data of another operator (usually a parent or subsidiary) in the conduct or support of its own ground operations. In such cases, in order to maintain the currency of information contained in documents (and/or data) as specified in iii), an operator would typically have a process to provide operational input to the operator that produces the documents (and/or data) that are utilized in ground handling operations. Refer to IGOM Chapters 1 and 5 for guidance that addresses management and control of ground operations documentation and data. Refer to ORG 2.1.1 and associated Guidance, and Table 1.1, located in ISM Section 1.

GRH 1.5.2 Intentionally open Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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GRH 1.5.3 The Operator shall ensure documentation used in the conduct or support of ground handling operations: i) Contains legible and accurate information; ii) Is presented in a format that is appropriate for use by ground handling personnel; iii) If applicable, is accepted or approved by the Authority. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to IGOM Chapters 1 and 5 for guidance that addresses management and control of ground operations documentation and data.

GRH 1.6.1 The Operator shall have an Operations Manual, which may be issued in separate parts, that contains the operational policies, processes, procedures and other information necessary for ground handling personnel to perform their duties and be in compliance with applicable regulations, laws, rules and standards of the Operator. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)

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N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of Operations Manual (OM). An operations manual typically includes guidance that addresses areas generic to all functions within the scope of ground handling operations, as well as parts of the manual that are specific to individual operational functions. Because the scope of ground handling operations is broad and varies by operator, rather than publishing one OM just for ground handling, a smaller operator might choose to incorporate the relevant information into a larger, comprehensive OM. An operator could also choose to issue the information in separate documents that are each specific to the various ground handling operational functions (e.g. passenger handling, baggage handling, aircraft handling). Each individual document would typically contain generic guidance that is applicable to all ground handling operational functions (e.g., organizational policies, general definitions), as well as guidance that is specific to the particular ground handling function or office location (e.g., process descriptions, standard operating procedures, references to the appropriate regulations and IATA manuals). The IGOM contains a core set of operations procedures that may be used by operators in the conduct of ground handling operations. If an operator has external organizations conduct ground handling operations functions, such operator would then be expected to have a monitoring and control process to ensure each external organization either uses the OM of the operator or has its own published OM that fulfills operational safety, security and quality requirements of the operator.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.6.2 The Operator shall ensure the current edition of the Operations Manual is available in a usable format at each location where ground handling operations are conducted. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: To achieve system-wide standardization, an operator would normally have a control process that ensures external service providers have operationally relevant parts of the OM available at applicable locations.

GRH 1.6.3 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure a current edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Technical Instructions), or equivalent documentation is accessible at each location where ground handling operations involving the acceptance or loading of dangerous goods as cargo are conducted. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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Most dangerous goods are typically transported as cargo. However, certain types of dangerous goods are permitted for transport in passenger or crew baggage. The specifications in this provision are applicable to an operator that transports dangerous goods as cargo. Acceptable equivalent documentation would typically contain information derived from the DGR or Technical Instructions, as well as the dangerous goods policies and procedures specific to the type(s) of operations being conducted at the location.

GRH 1.6.4 if the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure the OM or an equivalent operational manual contains information that will permit ground handling personnel to carry out duties and responsibilities with respect to dangerous goods. Such information shall include, as a minimum: i) ii) Action to be taken in the event of emergencies involving dangerous goods; Details of the location and identification of cargo holds;

iii) The maximum quantity of dry ice permitted in each compartment; iv) If radioactive material is transported, instructions for the loading of such dangerous goods in accordance with applicable requirements. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to IGOM Chapter 6 for guidance that addresses response to dangerous goods events. Guidance may be found in DGR 9.5.

GRH 1.6.5 If the Operator does not transport dangerous goods, the Operator shall ensure the OM contains the policies and associated guidance necessary to prevent dangerous goods from being inadvertently carried or loaded onto the aircraft. (GM)

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Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: For a dangerous goods "No-carry" operator, guidance in the OM typically addresses vigilance with respect to hidden or inconspicuous dangerous goods, and includes an indicative list of items that could contain dangerous goods. GRH 1.6.6 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator shall ensure a current edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Technical Instructions), or equivalent documentation is accessible at locations where passenger check-in and/or boarding operations are conducted. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Most dangerous goods are typically transported as cargo. However, certain types of dangerous goods are permitted for transport in passenger or crew baggage. Acceptable equivalent documentation would typically contain information derived from the DGR or Technical Instructions, as well as the dangerous goods policies and procedures specific to the type(s) of operations being conducted at the location. For example, at the passenger check-in and aircraft boarding areas, appropriate company documentation might describe dangerous goods permitted in passenger and crew baggage. Documentation may also include actions required by passenger agents with respect to items specifically not permitted in passenger baggage, and contain examples of dangerous goods hazard labels and procedures for addressing spills and/or leaks of unidentified substances. Refer to DGR 2.3, which addresses dangerous goods permitted in passenger and crew checked and cabin baggage. To ensure system-wide standardization, an operator would normally have a control process to ensure external service providers have the DGR or equivalent documentation available at applicable locations.

GRH 1.6.7 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator shall ensure the OM or an equivalent operational manual contains information that will permit ground handling personnel to carry out duties and responsibilities with respect to dangerous goods. As a minimum, such information shall include procedures for passenger handling personnel to alert passengers that certain items of dangerous goods:

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i) ii) Are specifically prohibited in hold baggage (e.g. spare lithium batteries); Must be removed from cabin baggage when cabin baggage cannot be accommodated in the passenger cabin.

Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 1.6.8 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator should ensure the OM or an equivalent operational manual contains information with respect to dangerous goods permitted in passenger and crew baggage. (GM)

Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Certain items of dangerous goods are permitted in passenger or crew baggage if approved by the operator. Information contained in the operations manual (or equivalent) should address the following:

Approval process

It is recommended that a single company policy be set out that identifies the items that have been approved and the person(s) or department(s) responsible for determining how dangerous goods in passenger baggage may be approved.


It is recommended that the operator define how approvals for dangerous goods requiring operator approval are communicated to the airport(s) of departure. It is recommended that operators consider a process where such approval is included in the passenger electronic record.


The operator manuals should specify any limitations or procedural requirements that may apply to particular commodities (e.g. inspection at check-in by passenger service agents and/or

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Where the operator has interline agreements with code share and/or alliance partners the operator should identify what the procedure is for obtaining the approval of the other airline(s) involved (e.g. by advising the passenger that they must obtain approval from the other operator).


The operator should ensure that all staff who have an interaction with passengers, (i.e. reservations agents, passenger service agents, cabin crew and flight crew) are made aware of the process employed to ensure that the operator approval process remains effective. Refer to IGOM Chapter 2 for guidance that addresses the carriage of dangerous goods by passengers.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.7.1 The Operator shall have a system for the management and control of ground handling records to ensure the content and retention of such records is in accordance with requirements of the Authority, as applicable, and to ensure operational records are subjected to standardized processes for: i) Identification; ii) Legibility; iii) Maintenance; iv) Retrieval; v) Protection and security; vi) Disposal or deletion (electronic records). < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 2.2.1 located in ISM Section 1.

GRH 1.7.2 If the Operator utilizes an electronic system for the management and control of operational ground handling records, the Operator shall ensure the system provides for a scheduled generation of back-up record files. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 2.2.2 located in ISM Section 1.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.9.1 The Operator shall have a quality assurance program that provides for the auditing and evaluation of the management system and operational functions within the scope of ground handling operations at planned intervals to ensure the Operator is: i) Complying with applicable regulations and standards of the Operator; ii) Satisfying stated operational needs; iii) Identifying undesirable conditions and areas requiring improvement; iv) Identifying hazards to operations. [SMS] (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of Quality Assurance. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.4.1 located in ISM Section 1 for typical audit program requirements. Ideally, the specifications of this provision would also apply to external service providers that conduct outsourced operational functions. A corporate quality assurance program that is applied to all operational areas of the company, including all functions within the scope of ground handling operations, satisfies this requirement. Refer to the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) 60 and 612, which contain guidance that addresses auditing of ground handling functions.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.9.2 The Operator shall have a process for addressing findings resulting from audits of functions within ground handling operations, which ensures: i) Identification of root cause; ii) Development of corrective action, as appropriate, to address finding(s); iii) Implementation of corrective action in appropriate operational areas; iv) Evaluation of corrective action to determine effectiveness. < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 1.9.3 The Operator shall have a process to ensure significant issues arising from audits of functions within the scope of ground handling operations are subject to management review in accordance with ORG 1.5.1 and, as applicable, ORG 1.5.2. [SMS] (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.4.4 located in ISM Section 1.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 1.10.1 If the Operator has external service providers conduct outsourced operational functions within the scope of ground handling operations, the Operator shall have a process to ensure a contract or agreement is executed with such external service providers. Contracts or agreements shall identify measurable specifications that can be monitored by the Operator to ensure requirements that affect the safety and/or security of ground handling operations are being fulfilled by the service provider. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.5.1 located in ISM Section 1. The requirement for a contract or agreement applies to outsourced functions within the scope of ground handling operations that affect the safety and security of operations, including special functions such as aircraft fueling and de-/anti-icing. If a ground handling function is expected to be accomplished in accordance with specific industry standards, the agreement identifies and specifies the standards by exact name (e.g., aircraft fuel shall be delivered in accordance with the published standards of the IATA Fuel Quality Pool). The AHM contains detailed guidance and examples of a standard ground handling agreement and a service level agreement. Additionally, IATA publishes a standard contract for the delivery of aircraft fuel.

GRH 1.10.2 If the Operator has external service providers conduct outsourced operational functions within the scope of ground handling operations, the Operator shall have processes to monitor such external service providers to ensure ground handling safety and security requirements are being fulfilled. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.5.2 located in ISM Section 1. An external service provider that is on the ISAGO (IATA Safety Audit of Ground Operations) Registry for a particular station indicates such provider has been audited and is in conformity with ISAGO standards. The use of the ISAGO program is an acceptable method for some of the monitoring process for an external ground handling provider at a given station. GRH 1.10.3 If the Operator has external service providers conduct outsourced operational functions within the scope of ground handling operations, the Operator should include auditing as a process for the monitoring of external service providers in accordance with GRH 1.10.2. < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation)

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N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 1.10.4 The Operator should have a process to ensure products purchased or otherwise acquired from an external vendor or supplier, which directly affect operational safety or security, meet the product technical requirements specified by the Operator prior to being used in the conduct of ground handling operations. (GM) < Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.6.1 located in ISM Section 1.

GRH 1.11.1A include:

a) b)

The Operator should have processes in the ground handling operations organization, to

A combination of reactive and proactive methods for safety data collection; Processes for safety data analysis that identify existing hazards and predict future hazards to aircraft operations. [SMS] (GM) Note: Effective 1 September 2015, this recommended practice will be upgraded to a standard and superseded by GRH 1.11.1B. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definitions of Hazard (Aircraft Operations) and Safety Risk. Hazard identification is an element of the Safety Risk Management component of the SMS framework. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.1.1A located in ISM Section 1. GRH 1.11.1B The Operator shall have processes in the ground handling operations organization, to include: a) A combination of reactive and proactive methods for safety data collection; b) Processes for safety data analysis that identify existing hazards and predict future hazards to aircraft operations. [SMS] (GM) Note: Effective 1 September 2015, this standard supersedes GRH 1.11.1A. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation)

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Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 1.11.2A The Operator should have a safety risk assessment and mitigation program in the ground handling operations organization that specifies processes to ensure: i) Hazards are analyzed to determine the existing and potential safety risks to aircraft operations; ii) Safety risks are assessed to determine the requirement for risk control action(s); iii) When required, risk mitigation actions are developed and implemented in ground handling operations. [SMS] (GM) Note: Effective 1 September 2015, this recommended practice will be upgraded to a standard and superseded by GRH 1.11.2B. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Risk assessment and mitigation is an element of the Safety Risk Management component of the SMS framework. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.1.2A located in ISM Section 1. GRH 1.11.2B The Operator should have a safety risk assessment and mitigation program in the ground handling operations organization that specifies processes to ensure: i) Hazards are analyzed to determine the existing and potential safety risks to aircraft operations; ii) Safety risks are assessed to determine the requirement for risk control action(s); iii) When required, risk mitigation actions are developed and implemented in ground handling operations. [SMS] (GM) Note: Effective 1 September 2015, this standard supersedes GRH 1.11.2A. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 1.11.3 The Operator shall have an operational reporting system in the ground handling operations organization that:

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Encourages and facilitates ground operations personnel to submit reports that identify safety hazards, expose safety deficiencies and raise safety concerns; ii) Requires reporting of events that result in aircraft ground damage; iii) Includes analysis and ground operations management action to address operational deficiencies, hazards, incidents and concerns identified through the reporting system. [SMS] (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Operational reporting is considered a proactive hazard identification activity in an SMS. To enhance industry data usability, it is recommended that ground damage events are reported in accordance with a formal reporting structure (see GRH 1.11.6). Refer to IGOM Chapter 6 for guidance that addresses aircraft damage reporting. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.1.3 located in ISM Section 1. i)

GRH 1.11.4 The Operator should have a confidential safety reporting system in the ground handling operations organization that encourages and facilitates the reporting of events, hazards and/or concerns resulting from or associated with human performance in operations. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.1.4 located in ISM Section 1.

GRH 1.11.5A The Operator should have processes in the ground handling operations organization for setting performance measures as a means to monitor the safety performance of the organization and to validate the effectiveness of risk controls. [SMS] (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

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Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of Safety Assurance. Setting measurable safety objectives is an element of the Safety Assurance component of the SMS framework. By setting performance measures, an operator is able to track and compare its operational performance against a target (i.e. the performance objective, typically expressed as a rate or number reduction) over a period of time (e.g. one year). Achievement of the target (or objective) would represent an improvement in the operational performance. The use of performance measures is an effective method to determine if desired safety outcomes are being achieved, and to focus attention on the performance of the organization in managing operational risks and maintaining compliance with relevant regulatory requirements. Performance measures in ground handling operations might address, for example, different types of aircraft ground damage. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 3.2.1A located in ISM Section 1. Note: Effective 1 September 2016, this recommended practice will be upgraded to a standard and superseded by GRH 1.11.5B. GRH 1.11.5B The Operator shall have processes in the ground handling operations organization for setting performance measures as a means to monitor the safety performance of the organization and to validate the effectiveness of risk controls. [SMS] Note: Effective 1 September 2016, this standard supersedes GRH 1.11.5A. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 1.11.6 The Operator should have a process to ensure aircraft ground damages are reported to IATA for inclusion in the Ground Damage Database (GDDB). Such reports should be submitted in accordance with the formal IATA ground damage reporting structure. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of IATA Ground Damage Database (GDDB). The IATA GDDB has been established as a quality source of defensible data that will support a performance-based approach to the management of ground operations. Data submitted to IATA for the GDDB is assembled and integrated in a manner that permits, through statistical analysis, the identification

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of trends and contributing factors associated with aircraft ground damages. Participants that submit data for the GDDB benefit from having access to the analytical results. Additionally, such results are used by IATA and the various working groups and task forces associated with the ISAGO program as the basis for the development of damage prevention strategies and success measurement metrics. The assurance of data quality and overall database integrity requires that data is submitted by participants in a uniform and consistent manner. Therefore, the GDDB includes strict reporting protocols, as well as associated definitions and assumptions. Reporting guidelines and other information can be found online at the IATA Global Safety Information Center (GSIC) (

Training and Qualification

GRH 2.1.1 The Operator shall have a process to ensure personnel who perform operational duties in functions within the scope of ground handling operations for the Operator, to include personnel of external service providers, complete: i) Initial training prior to being assigned to perform such operational duties; ii) Recurrent training, except recurrent training in dangerous goods as specified in GRH 2.2.1 or GRH 2.2.2, on a frequency in accordance with requirements of the regulatory authority, but not less than once

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during every 36-month period. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Requirements for initial and recurrent training apply to all operational ground handling personnel who perform duties within the scope of ground handling operations.

GRH 2.1.2 The Operator shall have a process to ensure the content of training completed by ground handling operations personnel in accordance with GRH 2.1.1 is reviewed and updated to remain relevant, and provides the knowledge necessary to perform duties, execute procedures and operate equipment associated with specific ground handling functions and responsibilities, to include: i) Familiarization training on applicable regulations; ii) In-depth training on requirements, including policies, procedures and operating practices; iii) Training in human factors principles; iv) Safety training on associated operational hazards. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

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Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of Human Factors Principles. The AHM contains guidance for the training of ground handling personnel. Refer to AHM 590, 591 and DGR 1.5, which address training for personnel that perform load control functions. Refer to AHM 611, which addresses training for personnel that: - Perform aircraft handling functions, to include aircraft loading; - Operate a vehicle in the performance of duties in airside operations.

GRH 2.1.3 The Operator shall have a process to ensure training for personnel who perform operational duties in functions within the scope of ground handling operations for the Operator includes testing or evaluation by written, oral or practical means, as applicable, to satisfy the requirement for operational personnel to demonstrate adequate knowledge, competency or proficiency to perform duties, execute procedures or operate equipment. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 2.1.4 the Operator shall ensure completion of required training by personnel who perform operational duties in functions within the scope of ground handling operations for the Operator is recorded and such records are retained in accordance with GRH 1.7.1. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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GRH 2.2.1 If the Operator transports dangerous goods, the Operator shall have a process to ensure ground handling personnel receive dangerous goods training, to include initial training and recurrent training, on a frequency in accordance with requirements of the regulatory authority, but not less than once within 24 months of previous training in dangerous goods. Such training shall be completed by personnel that perform operational duties in the following functions within the scope of ground handling operations: i) Passenger handling; ii) Baggage handling; iii) Aircraft loading; iv) Load control. (GM)

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Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Recurrent training in dangerous goods is completed within a validity period that expires 24 months from the previous training to ensure knowledge is current, unless a shorter period is defined by a competent authority. However, when such recurrent training is completed within the final 3 months of the 24-month validity period, the new validity period may extend from the month on which the recurrent training was completed until 24 months from the expiry month of the current validity period. If such recurrent training is completed prior to the final three months of the validity period, the new validity period would extend 24 months from the month the recurrent training was completed. The curriculum for dangerous goods training for ground handling personnel will vary depending on specific responsibilities and duty function(s), but will typically address: General philosophy; Limitations; List of dangerous goods; Labeling and marking; Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; Storage and loading procedures; Flight crew notification; Provisions for passengers and crew; Emergency procedures. Refer to DGR 1.5 (Table 1.5.A, Minimum Requirements for Training Curricula) for detailed guidance that addresses dangerous goods training and subjects applicable to specific ground handling functions.

GRH 2.2.2 If the Operator does not transport dangerous goods, the Operator shall have a process to ensure ground handling personnel receive dangerous goods training, to include initial training and recurrent training on a frequency as specified in GRH 2.2.1. Such training shall be completed by personnel that perform operational duties in the following functions within the scope of ground handling operations: i) Passenger handling; ii) Baggage handling; iii) Aircraft loading; iv) Load control. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

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Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: When an operator does not transport dangerous goods (i.e. a "no-carry" operator), dangerous goods training is still required for ground handling personnel to ensure prohibited dangerous goods are recognized and are not loaded onto an aircraft. Dangerous goods training would be structured to provide the requisite knowledge to permit ground handling personnel to recognize prohibited dangerous goods (whether labeled or not labeled), ensure such dangerous goods are not inadvertently loaded on an aircraft and apply emergency action in the event of contamination or a spill. The curriculum for dangerous goods training for ground handling personnel will typically address: - General philosophy; - Limitations; - Labeling and marking; - Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods; - Provisions for passengers and crew; - Emergency procedures. Refer to DGR 1.5 (Table 1.5.B, Minimum Requirements for Training Curricula for "No-carry" Operators), for detailed guidance that addresses dangerous goods training and subjects applicable to specific ground handling functions.

GRH 2.2.3 The Operator shall have a process to ensure ground handling personnel assigned to perform ground handling duties in airside operations for the Operator, to include the operation of ground support equipment, complete initial and recurrent airside safety training in accordance with GRH 2.1.1. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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Refer to the IRM for the definition of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Refer to AHM 611, which addresses training applicable to airside operations and safety.

GRH 2.2.4 The Operator shall have a process to ensure ground handling personnel assigned to perform aircraft fueling operations for the Operator complete initial and recurrent training in accordance with GRH 2.1.1. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 2.2.5 The Operator shall have a process to ensure personnel assigned to perform aircraft ground de/anti-icing operations complete initial and recurrent training in accordance with GRH 2.1.1. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to ICAO Doc 9640-AN/940, Chapter 13, which addresses training for personnel that conduct aircraft de-/anti-icing operations. GRH 2.3.1A The Operator should have a program that ensures personnel that perform functions within the scope of ground handling operations are trained and competent to perform SMS duties. The scope of such training should be appropriate to each individuals involvement in the SMS. [SMS] (GM) Note: Effective 1 September 2015, this recommended practice will be upgraded to a standard and superseded by GRH 2.3.1B. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A

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Auditor Comments: SMS training is an element of the Safety Promotion component of the SMS framework. Refer to Guidance associated with ORG 1.6.5A located in ISM Section 1. GRH 2.3.1B The Operator shall have a program that ensures personnel that perform functions within the scope of ground handling operations are trained and competent to perform SMS duties. The scope of such training shall be appropriate to each individuals involvement in the SMS. [SMS] Note: Effective 1 September 2015, this standard supersedes GRH 2.3.1A. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Ground Handling Operations

GRH 3.1.1 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator shall ensure notices are displayed that warn passengers of the type of dangerous goods forbidden for transport aboard an aircraft. Such notices shall include visual examples and be displayed: i) Prominently and in sufficient number at each of the places at an airport where passengers are processed, to include ticket issue, passenger check-in and aircraft boarding areas; ii) Clearly at any other location where passengers are checked in. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Dangerous goods notices, sufficient in number, are typically also prominently displayed where passenger check-in is permitted at non-airport locations (e.g. hotel lobby/reception areas, railway stations). Notices, sufficient in number, would be prominently displayed at places at an airport where passengers are processed, such as: Ticketing areas; Check-in areas; Boarding areas; Baggage claim areas (recommended only). Additionally, if passenger ticketing or check-in is accomplished using electronic means, dangerous goods information is presented in the appropriate electronic medium. Guidance may be found in DGR 9.5.

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GRH 3.1.2 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator shall ensure a process is in place that requires, when dangerous goods not permitted for carriage on board the aircraft are discovered on the person of or in the baggage of a passenger, a report is made to the appropriate authority of the state of occurrence. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Specifications of this provision are applicable to operators that do and do not transport dangerous goods. Guidance may be found in DGR 2.3 and 9.6.

GRH 3.1.3 If the Operator conducts passenger flights and provides a capability for the passenger check-in process to be completed remotely (e.g. via the Internet), the Operator shall ensure passengers are provided information that: i) Describes the types of dangerous goods that are forbidden for transport aboard an aircraft; Is presented in a manner that does not allow completion of the check-in process until the passenger, or a person acting on behalf of the passenger, has acknowledged that they understand the restrictions on dangerous goods in baggage. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Dangerous goods information in pictorial form is the preferred method of presentation to passengers. Guidance may be found in DGR 1.4.3.

GRH 3.1.4 If the Operator conducts passenger flights and provides a capability for the passenger check-in process to be completed at the airport by the passenger, but without the involvement of any other person (e.g. automated check-in facility), the Operator shall ensure passengers are provided information that: i) Describes the types of dangerous goods that are forbidden for transport aboard an aircraft; ii) Is presented in a manner that does not allow completion of the check-in process until the passenger has acknowledged that they understand the restrictions on dangerous goods in

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baggage. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Dangerous goods information in pictorial form is the preferred method of presentation to passengers. Guidance may be found in DGR 1.4.3.

GRH 3.2.1 The Operator shall ensure processes are in place that assure responsibility is assigned for the supervision of all airside operational activities. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.2.2 The Operator shall ensure safety procedures are implemented during the conduct of all airside operational activities. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Safety procedures typically address: The use of internationally recognized marshalling signals for communication among ground personnel for the movement of ground support equipment; If applicable, protection of passengers moving between the aircraft and the terminal building where the apron is utilized for passenger embarkation and disembarkation; Foreign object damage (FOD) prevention for apron areas that have aircraft parking or movement operations; Airside fire safety; The spillage of fluids and other materials in airside areas; An airside severe weather plan. Refer to the IGOM for guidance that addresses safety procedures used in ground operations. Additional

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guidance may be found in AHM 630, 631 and 635.

GRH 3.2.3 The Operator shall ensure safety procedures are implemented during arrival and departure aircraft ground movement operations. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Aircraft ground movement safety procedures typically address: Signals used between ground personnel and the flight crew; Verbal phraseology used between ground personnel and the flight crew; Standard operating procedures in accordance with recommendations of the aircraft manufacturer(s) for aircraft pushback, power back, power out and/or tow-out, as applicable, for departure from the parking position, and for aircraft power-in and/or tow-in, as applicable, for arrival into the parking position. Refer to IGOM Chapter 4 for safety procedures used in aircraft ground movement operations. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 631.

GRH 3.2.4 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for an inspection of the aircraft exterior and adjacent airside areas as appropriate prior to aircraft arrival and departure ground movement operations. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Inspection procedures typically ensure: Surface condition of the apron is adequate to conduct aircraft movement operations; The apron is clear of items that might cause aircraft FOD; Aircraft servicing doors and panels are closed and secure (departure); Power cables and loading bridge are detached (departure); Equipment and vehicles are positioned clear of the aircraft movement path; Adequate clearance exists between the aircraft and facilities or fixed obstacles along the aircraft movement path; Chocks are removed from all wheels (departure). Refer to IGOM Chapter 4 for aircraft ground inspection procedures. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 631.

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GRH 3.2.5 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for an inspection of the aircraft immediately prior to departure for the purpose of identifying, documenting and, as applicable, reporting external aircraft damage. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: To enhance the possibility of identifying all aircraft ground damage, such inspection typically takes place after most ground handling activities have been completed and at a point just prior to the time aircraft movement will commence for departure. External damage deemed to have the potential to compromise the airworthiness of an aircraft would be reported to appropriately qualified maintenance personnel for evaluation and action, as appropriate. Refer to IGOM Chapter 4 for aircraft pre-departure ground inspection procedures.

GRH 3.2.6 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for securing an aircraft prior to and during overnight or layover parking. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Securing procedures typically ensure aircraft: - Are searched prior to parking to ensure no persons are onboard; - Are parked only in secure areas within an airport operating area; - Are parked under conditions that permit maximum security and protection; - Doors are closed and locked and steps are removed while parked. Guidance that addresses aircraft security may be found in AHM 051. GRH 3.3.1 The Operator shall ensure a Load Control system is in place that provides for: i) Aircraft weight and balance conditions that are correct and within limits; ii) Aircraft loaded in accordance with applicable regulations and specific loading instructions for the flight; iii) Dissemination of dangerous goods and other special load information applicable to each flight; iv) Information, to include last minute changes, that is in agreement with the actual load on the aircraft and presented on a final loadsheet. (GM)

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Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definitions of Load, Load Control, Special Load and Weight and Balance Manual (W&BM). Load planning is important for ensuring accurate aircraft weight and balance. Such process entails, as a minimum: Assemblage of all data relating to the aircraft load (originating and en route stations); Planning of the load for ready accessibility; Planning of special loads according to restrictions, maximum quantities, separation and segregation requirements Consideration of center of gravity parameters affecting aircraft fuel consumption. Guidance may be found in AHM 590.

GRH 3.3.2 The Operator shall have a process to ensure weight and balance calculations: i) Are based on current aircraft weight and balance data; ii) Take into account limitations of the manufacturer and Operator. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Guidance may be found in AHM 590. GRH 3.3.3 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator should ensure procedures are in place within the Load Control system to identify and address passenger loads that do not comply with conventional aircraft loading weight allowances. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A

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Auditor Comments: Certain passenger groups may fall outside weight allowances (e.g., sports teams, children) normally applied for weight and balance calculation. Adequate procedures within the system identify and account for such load situations to ensure accuracy in aircraft load calculations. Refer to IGOM Chapter 1 for guidance that addresses non-standard passenger loads. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 510 and 514.

GRH 3.3.4 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure a process is in place to provide the pilot-in-command (PIC), as soon as practicable prior to departure of the aircraft, with accurate and legible written information pertaining to dangerous goods on board the aircraft to be transported as cargo. Such notification shall include the following: i) ii) If applicable, Air Waybill number. Proper shipping name and/or UN/ID number, and where required, technical name(s).

iii) Class or division, and subsidiary risk(s) corresponding to the label(s) applied, and for Class 1, the compatibility group. iv) Packing group. v) For non-radioactive material, number of packages, exact loading location and, as required, net quantity or, if applicable, gross weight of each package, except: a) For UN 1845: carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), UN number, proper shipping name, classification, total quantity in each aircraft hold and offload airport; b) For UN 3480 (Lithium ion batteries) and UN 3090 (lithium metal batteries), only the UN number, proper shipping name, class, total quantity at each loading location, and whether the package must be carried on a cargo only aircraft need be provided. UN 3480 (Lithium ion batteries) and UN 3090 (lithium metal batteries) carried under a State exemption must meet all of the requirements of iv) and v). vi) For radioactive material, number and category of packages, overpacks or freight containers, exact loading location and, as applicable, transport index for each package. vii) Any restriction for transport on cargo aircraft only. viii) Offload airport. ix) If applicable, dangerous goods transported under a state exemption. x) If applicable, ULD identification number(s); xi) An indication that aircraft loading personnel observed no evidence of damage to or leakage from packages, or leakage from ULDs, loaded onto the aircraft. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding)

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Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of NOTOC (Notification to Captain) Such information is typically presented to the PIC in a notification called the NOTOC (notification to the captain). The NOTOC contains the detailed information (as specified in this provision) relative to all dangerous goods loaded on the aircraft as cargo. The NOTOC also contains information: For use in emergency response to an accident or incident involving dangerous goods on board; To provide to air traffic services in the event of an in-flight emergency. In the event the NOTOC is of such a size as to make in-flight radiotelephony transmission impracticable in an emergency situation, a summary of the information is typically provided to the PIC (NOTOC Summary), which contains at least the quantities and classes or division of dangerous goods in each cargo compartment. Guidance may be found in DGR 9.5 and Table 9.5.A.

GRH 3.3.5 The Operator shall ensure weight and balance records are retained for a period in accordance with requirements of the regulatory authority, but no less than three months. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.3.6 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator should ensure procedures are in place for identification and communication to Load Control of: i) Hold baggage, individual or cumulative weights, that exceed normal allowances; ii) Gate delivery items, including individual or cumulative weights that exceed normal allowances; iii) Other non-normal items that must be considered in the load control process. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation)

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N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to IGOM Chapters 1 and 2 for guidance that addresses non-normal loads.

GRH 3.3.7 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall have a process to ensure a legible copy of the dangerous goods information provided to the PIC in accordance with GRH 3.3.4: i) Is retained on the ground; ii) Includes an indication that the PIC has received the information. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: The intent of item ii) is that either the NOTOC or all information that must be included in the NOTOC is readily accessible at the specified airports. An indication of receipt by the PIC is typically the PICs signature. Refer to IGOM Chapter 5 for guidance that addresses the notification to the PIC of on-board dangerous goods. Additional guidance may be found in DGR 9.5. GRH 3.3.8 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall have a process to ensure the dangerous goods information provided to the PIC in accordance with GRH 3.3.4 is also made readily available to FOO, FOA or other specifically identified operational control personnel until the aircraft transporting the dangerous goods has arrived at the destination airport. Operational control personnel that are provided with such information shall be specifically identified by job title or function. An operator may conform to DSP 3.7.4 through Active Implementation as long as the implementation Action Plan (IAP) projects conformance on or before 1 January 2014. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: As specified in DSP 3.7.3, designated operational control personnel provide information about onboard dangerous goods as a way to assist emergency services that respond to an accident or serious incident involving the operators aircraft. T he intent of this provision is to ensure operational control personnel have ready access to such information so it can be reported without delay in the event an accident or serious incident should occur. Operational control personnel that must have access to such dangerous goods information are typically identified in the appropriate manual by job position or function. Refer to DSP 3.7.3 and DSP 3.7.4 located in ISM Section 3.

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GRH 3.4.1 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place that provide for aircraft to be loaded: i) In accordance with written loading instructions; ii) In a manner that satisfies weight and balance requirements. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to IGOM Chapter 5 for guidance that addresses the notification to the PIC of on-board dangerous goods. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 514, 519, 590 and 630.

GRH 3.4.2 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure a qualified individual is designated to be responsible for the correct loading and securing of dangerous goods on board the aircraft

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Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.4.3 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for the loading and securing of dangerous goods on an aircraft in a manner that: i) Prevents damage to packages and containers during aircraft loading and unloading; ii) Provides for separation and segregation in accordance with applicable requirements; iii) Prevents any movement in the aircraft. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to DGR 9.3, which contains guidance that addresses the loading and securing of dangerous goods.

GRH 3.4.4 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place that assure, when a dangerous goods package or shipment appears to be damaged or leaking: i) The package or shipment is prevented from being loaded into an aircraft; ii) If already loaded, the package or shipment is removed from an aircraft; iii) In the case of leakage, an evaluation is conducted to identify and prevent from transport any baggage, cargo, transport devices or other items that may have become contaminated. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to DGR 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4, which contain guidance that addresses apparent damage to dangerous

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goods shipments.

GRH 3.4.5 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place that require, when an aircraft has been contaminated by dangerous goods leakage: i) Hazardous contamination is removed from the aircraft without delay; ii) In the case of radioactive contamination, arrangements are made to take the aircraft out of service for evaluation by appropriately qualified personnel. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.4.6 If the Operator transports revenue or non-revenue cargo, the Operator shall ensure a process is in place that requires, when undeclared or mis-declared dangerous goods are discovered in cargo during aircraft loading, a report is made to the appropriate authority of the state of occurrence. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Specifications of this provision are applicable to operators that do and do not transport dangerous goods. Refer to IGOM Chapter 6 for guidance that addresses dangerous goods reporting. Additional guidance may be found in DGR 9.6.

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GRH 3.4.8 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place that prevent shipments labeled Cargo Aircraft Only from being loaded onto an aircraft for a passenger flight. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.4.10 If the Operator conducts passenger flights and transports dangerous goods, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place that prevent dangerous goods from being carried in an aircraft cabin occupied by passengers, except as permitted by the Authority or the IATA DGR. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: In general, dangerous goods are prohibited from being transported in an aircraft cabin occupied by passengers. Limitations and exceptions are specified in DGR Section 2.

GRH 3.4.11 If the Operator transports dangerous goods as cargo, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place that prevent dangerous goods from being carried on the aircraft flight deck, except as permitted by the Authority or the IATA DGR. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: In general, dangerous goods are prohibited from being transported on the flight deck of an aircraft. Limitations and exceptions are specified in DGR Section 2.

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GRH 3.4.12 If the Operator conducts passenger flights and transports revenue or non-revenue cargo and/or mail in the passenger seats of the aircraft cabin, the Operator shall ensure aircraft loading procedures are in place that assure such packages or shipments: i) Are secured by a safety belt or restraint device having enough strength to eliminate the possibility of shifting under all normal anticipated flight and ground conditions; ii) Are packaged or covered in a manner to avoid possible injury to passengers and cabin crew members; iii) Do not impose any load on the seats that exceeds the load limitation for the seats; iv) Do not restrict access to or use of any required emergency or regular exit, or aisle(s) in the cabin; v) Do not obscure any passenger's view of the seat belt sign, no smoking sign or required exit sign. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.4.13 If the Operator conducts passenger flights, but does not transport revenue cargo, nonrevenue cargo and/or mail, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place to identify items of cargo or mail that are not permitted for transport and prevent such items from being loaded onto an aircraft for a passenger flight. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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GRH 3.5.1 The Operator should ensure practices and procedures are in place for the operation of ground support equipment used in aircraft handling operations that assure such equipment is operated in a manner that prevents damage to the aircraft and injury to personnel. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Operating practices and procedures are designed to ensure: - Standard operating procedures, applicable to specific location, are followed by drivers (or operators) of each type of ground support equipment; - Personnel do not operate vehicles or equipment while using hand-held portable electronic devices unless a suitable "hands free" capability exists and is utilized; - Equipment is used only for its intended purpose; - Unserviceable equipment is clearly identified and removed from operations; - Equipment is never moved across the path of taxiing aircraft or passengers walking between an aircraft and the terminal; - Safety cones are placed on the apron to mark hazard areas; - An equipment restraint line is marked or displayed on the apron; - Equipment is positioned behind the equipment restraint line with parking brakes applied prior to any aircraft movement (departure and arrival on the apron); - The parking brake is always applied, with gear selector in park or neutral, when equipment is parked away from or positioned at the aircraft; - The passenger loading bridge is in the fully retracted position prior to aircraft arrival and departure; - Equipment (including the loading bridge) is not moved toward an arriving aircraft until it has come to a complete stop, chocks are positioned, engines are shut down, anti-collision beacons are switched off and, if applicable, ground-to-flight deck communication has been established (exception: external power may be connected to the aircraft, if necessary); - Prior to equipment movement, a guide person, visible to the driver (or operator), is in position to accurately judge clearances and communicate guidance using hand signals; - Equipment movement does not commence or is halted, if the driver (or operator) does not have or loses visual contact with a guide person; - Equipment or vehicles are not moved into hazard areas associated with the aircraft type; - A brake check is accomplished prior to entering an equipment restraint area; - Motorized equipment make a full stop as a brake check before entering the equipment restraint area and again before reaching the aircraft side; - Equipment, when approaching or leaving an aircraft, is not driven faster than walking speed; - Stabilizers, when fitted on equipment, are deployed when equipment is positioned at the aircraft; - Equipment with elevating devices is not driven in the elevated position, except for final positioning at the aircraft; - Equipment is not removed from an aircraft cabin access door unless the driver (or operator) has advised appropriate persons on the aircraft and on the ramp; - Equipment is not removed from a position at an aircraft cabin access door until the door has been closed and secured by an authorized person or a highly visible safety device has been placed across an open door. Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

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IOSA Checklist
GRH 3.5.2 The Operator should ensure a process is in place that assures only qualified and authorized personnel are permitted to operate ground support equipment . (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to AHM 630, which addresses the operation of GSE.

GRH 3.5.3 The Operator shall ensure a program is in place for the maintenance of ground support equipment, which assures such equipment remains serviceable and in good mechanical condition. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Guidance may be found in AHM 630.

GRH 3.5.4 The Operator shall ensure a process is in place for recording maintenance completed on ground support equipment. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

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IOSA Checklist
GRH 3.6.1 The Operator shall ensure an emergency management plan is in place for responding to accidents or other emergencies that may occur during aircraft ground handling operations. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: An emergency management plan may also be known as a crisis or contingency management plan. It is a control mechanism to manage response procedures to a very serious situation (i.e., crisis) prior to that situation becoming a disaster. Control is achieved through preparation and the capability to implement emergency actions in a timely manner. Typical elements of an emergency management plan include ownership, crisis management team, communication and a control center. To ensure continuing effectiveness, testing of an emergency management plan is undertaken periodically against various crisis scenarios. Guidance may be found in AHM 620.

GRH 3.6.2 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for responding to emergencies that require the evacuation of an aircraft during the conduct of ground handling operations. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Guidance may be found in AHM 633.

GRH 3.6.3 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for response to ground handling incidents. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.6.4 The Operator should ensure a process is in place for the retention of records of accidents and incidents associated with aircraft ground handling operations.

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IOSA Checklist

Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 3.6.5 The Operator shall ensure a process is in place that requires dangerous goods accidents or incidents to be reported to the appropriate authority of the State of the Operator (hereinafter, the State) and the state in which the accident or incident occurred, and such reports are in accordance with the reporting requirements of the appropriate authorities. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definition of State. Specifications of this provision are applicable to operators that do and do not transport dangerous goods. Guidance may be found in DGR 9.6.

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IOSA Checklist

Special Aircraft Ground Handling Operations

GRH 4.1.1 The Operator shall have a process to ensure fuel suppliers are maintaining standards of fuel safety and quality acceptable to the Operator and fuel delivered and loaded onto aircraft is: i) Free from contamination; ii) Of the correct grade and specification for each aircraft type. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: The process ensures fuel is stored, handled and serviced in accordance with accepted standards. Approved fuel specifications are contained in each aircraft manual. To ensure fuel corresponds to the specifications and grade of product necessary for the applicable aircraft type(s), a control process at each location where the operator has aircraft fueling operations is necessary. Such process ensures the existence of periodic inspections of critical aspects of the fuel supply system at each applicable location, to include, as a minimum: - Fuel facilities; - Safety and quality procedures; - Performance levels of personnel. Additional guidance may be found in the IFQP (IATA Fuel Quality Pool) Quality and Safety Procedures.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 4.1.2 The Operator shall ensure, during fueling operations with passengers or crew onboard the aircraft, procedures are in place that provide for the designation of a person with responsibility for fueling operations and specify the method(s) by which that responsible person: i) Communicates with the flight crew or other qualified persons onboard the aircraft; ii) Provides notification to the flight crew or other qualified personnel onboard the aircraft and/or other appropriate personnel engaged in aircraft ground handling activities when fueling is about to begin and has been completed unless an equivalent procedural means has been established to ensure the flight and/or cabin crew are aware of fueling operations and are in a position to effect an expeditious evacuation of the aircraft, if necessary; iii) Provides notification to the flight crew or other qualified personnel onboard the aircraft when a hazardous condition or situation has been determined to exist. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Ground handling personnel, including those who provide aircraft fuel servicing, are to be properly trained and have a clear understanding of all required communication procedures and have the ability to execute such procedures in an expeditious manner should a dangerous situation develop. The specification in item ii) may be satisfied by either: - Equivalent procedural means, acceptable to the State and applicable authorities, that would permit the flight crew or other qualified persons to be aware of the start and completion of fueling operations, or - Procedures established by the operator that would ensure authorized personnel onboard the aircraft are continuously in a position to effect an expeditious evacuation of the aircraft for any reason, including a fuel spill or fire. A suitable method of communication with the flight crew or other qualified persons onboard the aircraft includes use of the aircraft inter-communication system, direct person-to-person contact or other methods that ensure direct and timely communication. Use of the aircraft inter-communication system to maintain continuous two-way communication during fueling operations is not a requirement. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 175 and 631, as well as the ICAO Airport Services Manual, Document 9137 (ASM), Part 1.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 4.1.3 The Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for fueling operations with passengers or crew on board the aircraft that provide for, in the event of a fuel spill, immediate and follow-up actions to assure: i) Fueling is stopped; ii) Appropriate ground response personnel or airport fire service is summoned, as applicable; iii) Notification of the flight crew or other qualified persons on board the aircraft. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to IGOM Chapter 4 for guidance that addresses fuel spillage

GRH 4.1.4 The Operator should ensure, during fueling operations with passengers or crew onboard the aircraft, procedures are in place that establish a fueling safety zone and specify restrictions and limitations for the use of devices, conduct of activities and operation of vehicles and ground support equipment within the safety zone. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments: Procedures typically specify the fueling safety zone as the area within a radius of at least three meters (ten feet), or as specified by local regulations, from filling and venting points of the aircraft, hydrant pits, fuelling vehicle and its hoses in use. Limitations and restrictions in a fueling safety zone typically preclude the use or activation of: Items that could be sources of ignition or fire (e.g., matches, welding equipment, flashbulbs); Portable electronic devices with proper separation distance from aircraft fuel vents and/or fueling equipment (e.g., mobile telephones, portable radios, pagers). Refer to IGOM Chapter 4 for guidance that addresses fueling safety zone. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 175 and 630, as well as the ICAO ASM, Part 1.

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Issue date: 28-Jun-2013 Effective date: 28-Jun-2013

IOSA Checklist

GRH 4.1.5 The Operator shall ensure safety procedures associated with aircraft fueling operations are in place that assure, during fueling operations with passengers or crew onboard the aircraft: i) The ground area beneath aircraft exit doors that have been designated for rapid deplaning or emergency evacuation is kept clear of obstructions; ii) Where a boarding bridge is in use, an interior access path is maintained from the aircraft to the terminal; iii) Where a passenger boarding bridge is not in use, aircraft passenger steps or an alternate means of emergency evacuation is in place. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Refer to the IRM for the definition of Integral Airstairs. When deployed, integral airstairs are acceptable as an alternate means of emergency evacuation. Refer to IGOM Chapter 4 for guidance that addresses fueling safety zone. Additional guidance may be found in AHM 175 and 630, as well as the ICAO ASM, Part 1.

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IOSA Checklist

GRH 4.1.6 The Operator should ensure safety procedures associated with aircraft fueling operations are in place that assure, during fueling operations with passengers or crew onboard the aircraft: i) Establishment of a bonding connection between the fueling vehicle and aircraft to provide for dissipation of electrical energy that may develop; ii) A prohibition from connecting or disconnecting electrical equipment to the aircraft; iii) Provisions for operation of the aircraft APU; iv) Prevention of damage to the fuel hose; v) A requirement for the cessation of aircraft fueling when it is determined lightning is a threat. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

Guidance may be found in AHM 175 and 630.

GRH 4.1.7 The Operator shall ensure, during aircraft fueling operations: i) Fire extinguishing equipment suitable for at least initial intervention in the event of a fuel fire is readily available, and personnel have been trained in the use of such equipment; ii) Procedures are in place for quickly summoning the rescue and fire fighting service in the event of a fire or major fuel spill. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments:

Guidance may be found in AHM 175 and 630.

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Issue date: 28-Jun-2013 Effective date: 28-Jun-2013

IOSA Checklist

GRH 4.2.1 If the Operator has the potential to conduct commercial and/or non-commercial flights from any airport when conditions are conducive to ground aircraft icing, the Operator shall have a De-/Anti-icing Program, which, if applicable, is approved by the Authority and, as a minimum: i) Ensures adherence to the Clean Aircraft Concept; ii) Defines responsibilities within the Program; iii) Addresses applicable locations within the route network; iv) Defines areas of responsibility; v) Specifies technical and operational requirements; vi) Specifies training and qualification requirements; vii) Is applicable to external service providers that perform de-/anti-icing functions for the Operator. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Refer to the IRM for the definitions of De-/Anti-icing Program and Clean Aircraft Concept. A de-/anti-icing program covers all locations where flights might be conducted and that have the potential for ground icing conditions, and defines all areas of responsibility pertaining to aircraft de-icing and antiicing, including functions conducted by external ground handling service providers. If the operator has a regional route network that does not include any airports that have the potential for ground icing conditions, the Operations Manual would have a statement that specifically prohibit flights to any airports where there is a possibility of ground icing conditions. The program requires all persons involved in ground de-icing and anti-icing activities to be trained and qualified in the procedures, communications and limitations of each area of responsibility. If any de-/anti-icing functions will be conducted by external ground handling agents or service providers, the program describes and defines specific control processes that ensure all de-icing and anti-icing requirements of the operator are fulfilled by external service providers. Additional guidance may be found in ICAO Doc 9640-AN/940, Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Antiicing Operations, Chapter 7, and in the AEA Recommendations for De-icing/Anti-icing of Aircraft on the Ground.

GRH 4.2.2 If the Operator has a De-/Anti-icing Program, the Operator shall ensure policies and procedures are in place that result in: i) Standardized methods of fluid application;

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IOSA Checklist

ii) Compliance with specific aircraft limitations; iii) A clean aircraft through proper treatment of applicable surfaces. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Policies and procedures define equipment for and methods of applying de-icing and anti-icing fluid to produce an aircraft free of contamination (clean aircraft). Procedures specify a sequence for fluid application to the applicable aircraft surfaces and define specific methods and techniques for applying fluid to each individual surface. Procedures provide limitations that are to be observed to successfully complete the process, including correct fluid mixtures, fluid temperatures and nozzle pressure. Additional guidance may be found in ICAO Doc 9640-AN/940, Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Antiicing Operations, Chapter 11.

GRH 4.2.3 If the Operator has a De-/Anti-icing Program, the Operator should have a process to ensure the availability and use of adequate facilities and equipment for aircraft de-/anti-icing operations at applicable locations. Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Observation) Implemented not Documented (Observation) Not Documented not Implemented (Observation) N/A Auditor Comments:

GRH 4.2.4 If the Operator has a De-/Anti-icing Program, the Operator shall ensure fluids used in de-icing and anti-icing operations are: i) Stored, handled and applied in accordance with criteria established by the Operator, fluid manufacturer and aircraft manufacturer;

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IOSA Checklist

ii) Manufactured in accordance with ISO specifications. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: To be effective, fluids used in the de-/anti-icing process are required to meet use criteria established by the operator, fluid manufacturer and aircraft manufacturer. Additionally, fluids are to be manufactured in accordance with ISO specifications. There is a means for ensuring the appropriate types of fluids (Types I, II, III or IV) are utilized in the proper manner for conditions under which de-icing and anti-icing operations are being conducted, each diluted as required to achieve desired results. Procedures ensure fluids are handled in accordance with recommendations of the fluid manufacturer and effectiveness is not degraded due to contamination. Additional guidance may be found in ICAO Doc 9640-AN/940, Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Antiicing Operations, Chapter 11.

GRH 4.2.5 If the Operator has a De-/Anti-icing Program, the Operator shall ensure procedures are in place for ground handling personnel to communicate with the flight crew to assure: i) The aircraft is properly configured prior to beginning the de-/anti-icing process; ii) The flight crew receives all necessary information relevant to fluid(s) applied to the aircraft surfaces;

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IOSA Checklist

iii) The flight crew receives confirmation of a clean aircraft; iv) The flight crew receives an "all clear" signal at the completion of the de-/anti-icing process and prior to aircraft movement. (GM) Documented and Implemented (Conformity) Documented not Implemented (Finding) Implemented not Documented (Finding) Not Documented not Implemented (Finding) N/A Auditor Comments: Procedures define all communication necessary between ground handling personnel and the flight crew prior to and after completion of the de-/anti-icing process. Communication procedures require ground handling personnel to provide the flight crew with final information about the process that verifies the aircraft is in compliance with the Clean Aircraft Concept. Additional guidance may be found in ICAO Doc 9640-AN/940, Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Antiicing Operations, Chapter 10. CARGO OPERATIONS (CGO)

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