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The document outlines the contents and lesson plan for a 5-day proficiency course in survival craft and rescue boats. It discusses different types of lifeboats, safety procedures and equipment, as well as responding to emergencies at sea.

The different types of lifeboats mentioned include class C lifeboats, mechanically hand propelled lifeboats, open lifeboats, partially enclosed lifeboats, totally enclosed lifeboats, and TEMPSC (totally enclosed motor propelled survival craft). Rescue boats and inflatable boats are also mentioned.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided for all practical sessions and must be worn. Any deficiencies should be brought to the attention of staff members.




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Course Timetable
Shipboard Safety Information
SOLAS Symbols

Class 'C' Lifeboats

Mechanically Hand Propelled Lifeboats

Open Lifeboats
Partially Enclosed Lifeboats and Procedures
PSCRB Definitions

Totally Enclosed Lifeboats

TEMPSC Launching Procedure

Lifeboat Release Gear Lifeboat Recovery after drills Freefall Lifeboats Rescue Boats Inflatable Boats

Bad weather boat recovery

Liferafts Launching Appliances
GMDSS and flectronic Survival Aids



Rowing orders as appropriate Beaching a Lifeboat (MCA)

Factors affecting survival and hypothermia

Summary of first aid relevant to survival Appendices: Revised SOLAS Regs for Ferries

Summary of lifeboat requirements

Resuscitation and Life Support
SOLAS Lifesaving Packs MGN 388F Fall Preventer Devices

Report into Lifeboat Accident lnvestigation

Lesson Plan for 5 dav Proficienc~ in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (Other Than Fast Rescue Boats)

n n o n d a y
Morning (0830):

Tuesday Morning (0830): - Theory presentation (2) and equipment demonstration Continuation of practical work from Monday pm

Wednesdav Morning (0830): - Theory presentation (3) and equipment demonstration - Continuation of practical work from Tuesday pm

Thursdav Morning (0830):

Friday Morning (0830):


- Brief on final assessments - Job selection for final abandonment assessment (practical) Practical exercises at Pier Head

- Oral Q & A assessment

Safety Brief Course Introduction

Final abandonment assessment (practical) at pier head

- Theory presentation (1) and equipment demonstration Afternoon: Practical exercises at Pier Head


Practical exercises at Pier Head

Practical at Pier Head and in Solent.

- Theory Presentation (4)

demonstration session

Classroom debrief and issue of certificates.

Finish: 1700

Finish: 1700

Finish: 1700

- Question and answer session

Finish: 1700

Finish: 1245


1. 2.

Theabovetimetableissubjecttochangeaccordingtogroupsizeaswellasweatherand equipment requirements.

Unless told otherwise, all theory sessions will be conducted in the PSCRB classroom (No 2 ) and commence at 0830.

Candidates with any medical problems must inform the Course Manager at the commencement of the PSCRB course.


Personal protective Equipment (PPE) i s provided for a l l practical sessions and MUST be worn. Any deficiencies should be brought t o the attention of a member of staff.
Tea, coffee and lunch breaks will be provided at a time suitable to the course timetable and operational requirements.


Shipboard Safety Information

Most seafarers can relate to an onboard emergency a t some point during their sea-going career. Emergencies at sea can happen at any time, anywhere in the world and causes can be many and varied. However, they are usually as a result of; Fire, Collision, Foundering, or Stranding. Should there be an emergency situation on board, the procedures that have been practiced at musters and drills will put into practice. Although often difficult to achieve (particularly where crews are minimal) drills should be varied, in an attempt to simulate all foreseeable emergencies, and all crewmembers should participate fully to gain maximum training. It i s particularly important that personnel alternate duties to ensure that in the event of death or serious injury, all roles can be fulfilled by whatever personnel are available.


A well planned, comprehensive program of drills and exercises will lead to a competent crew that have confidence in their own and each others abilities, will not panic when faced with uncertainty, and will therefore stand a much better chance of survival in an emergency situation.



Muster List
This document i s specific to a particular vessel. It notifies individual crewmembers of their duties and responsibilities in the event of an emergency and details the audible alarm signal for various types of emergency. The muster l i s t must be sited in a variety of locations to allow access to the information it contains. Muster lists vary considerably according t o type, size and role of a vessel. However, they all contain certain statutory information (see below). It i s the responsibility of each crewmember to familiarise themselves with their duties and
responsibilities in accordance with the muster list when joining a vessel. The standard newjoiners safety tour should incorporate muster l i s t familiarisation as well as a briefing of the relevant duties. Examples of muster lists can be found around the PSCRB classroom.

Crew's duties may include:

Preparation and launching of survival craft (including releasing of gripes etc) Fire fighting, first aid duties, lifeboat/rescue boat coxswain Closing of watertight doors and other openings such as portholes and side scuttles Care for passengers, ensure they are suitably dressed, assist with lifejackets etc (All crewmembers nominated to assist passengers must have completed a course or had instruction i n crowd management) Statutory contents of a Muster List:
1. Details of the general emergency alarm and other emergency signals 2. The duties of each crewmember i n an emergency (At emergency, boat and abandon ship stations) 3. Details of devolved command (i.e. who will undertake which duties in the event of incapacitation) 4. The survival craft or launching station t o which crew member i s assigned


5. The name or rank of the officer who i s responsible for the maintenance of lifesaving and fire fighting equipment, (this may be one or more persons depending on the size of vessels) 6. On passenger ships, passenger assembly stations must be identified
In ships with a significant number of nowEnglish speaking crew the muster l i s t should include translation into the appropriate language or languages.
Fire and Safety Plan
A general arrangement plan drawing of the vessel upon which details of all safety equipment may be found. Equipment i s represented by standard IMO symbols on the plan. The drawing will be mounted in at least one of the accommodation alleyways and is usually found in the following places: 1. Fire wallet 2. On Bridge 3. In main access alleyway 4. In emergency headquarters
Emerqency Instructions. When joining a vessel, each crew member must be provided with clear instructions to be followed in the event of an emergency. These are usually summarised on a clear placard inside each crewmember's cabin and show:

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Assembly station Emergency duty Lifeboat/liferaft allocation General emergency alarm signal Any other emergency signal The order to abandon ship(usual1y verbal from the Master, or senior surviving Deck Officer)

On passenger ships emergency instructions, illustrated i f possible, must be displayed in each passenger cabin and in other passenger spaces. The instructions should be in English and i n any other language appropriate to the principal nationalities carried on the route the ship i s operating. The emergency instructions for passengers will show; Assembly stations Actions to be taken on hearing the general emergency alarm, or any other signal requiring action on their part Lifejacket donning instructions Location of lifejackets

Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seaman (COSWP)

This publication (copy available in PSCRB classroom for reference) provides information and guidance on procedures to be followed and measures to be adopted for improving the safety and health of those living and working onboard shlps. COSWP provides generic information for all ships as well as specific guidance towards particular types of vessel. The code i s addressed to

everyone on a ship irrespective of rank or rating because the recommendations can only be effective if they are understood by a l l and i f all cooperate i n their implementation.
The recommendations contained i n the code are made up from active Statutory Instruments (regulations given power under the Merchant Shipping Act) and must therefore k treated as though they themselves are legalty binding. Failure to comply with any part of COSWP can lead to prosecution and criminal convictions. UK registered ships are required by Merchant Shipping Regulations to ensure that copies of this code are carried onboard ship, with the number carried dependent upon the total crew onboard. Chapter 10, for example, gives advice on emergency procedures; including "Action i n the Event of a Fire", "Musters and Drills" etc.
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Merchant Shipping Notices (MSN)

Merchant Shipping Notices are used to bring safety and other regulatory matters to your attention. Copies of current ones should be kept i n a designated file onboard the ship for reference. Many companies additionally have regulations available on CD-Rom for the quick reference by a l l personnel. An MSN will relate to Statutory Instruments, conveying mandatory K legislation. MSN's are coloured white. information which must be complied with under U
Marine Guidance Notes (MGNL

Marine Guidance Notes will provide guidance and advice to relevant parties i n order to improve the safety of shipping and of life a t sea, and to prevent or minimise pollution from shipping. Each MGN witl be numbered in sequence from MGN I.MGN's are coloured blue. Whilst the information i s designated as guidance, all recommendations must be treated as though they are statutory regulations.
Marine lnformation Notes (MIN1

Marine Information Notes provide information intended for a specific sector of the marine industry, such as training establishments or equipment manufacturers. MIN's will be numbered in sequence from MIN 1. Each will have a cancellation date which will be typically 12 months after publication. MIN's are coloured green. An index MIN i s issued annualty detailing all current, Sl's, MSN's, MGN's, and MIN's a t the time of publication. The shipboard safety officer (or another designated person) should be aware of any cancellations, new issues or amended legislation that has been promulgated.

A suffix i s be used to indicate whether documents relate to merchant ships or fishing vessels or to both. (M) for merchant ships (F) for fishing vessels (M+F)for both merchant and fishing vessels 7

SOLAS TrainingManuals

A training manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances provided on the ship. It shall also contain information on the best methods of survival. The material in the manual shall be in easily understood terms and illustrated where appropriate. A t i t s simplest, a training manual may incorporate selective information from the manuals supplied by manufacturers for equipment onboard. A training manual may comprise of one or more volumes and any part of the instructions and information may be provided in the form of video or DVD's as an alternative to documented material.

As appropriate, the following shall be explained i n detail:

Donning lifejackets, and immersion suits where carried. Muster a t the assigned stations. Boarding, launching, and clearing the survival craft, rescue and other boats. Methods of launching from within the survival craft. Release from launching appliances. Methods and use of devices for protection in launching areas. Illumination in launching areas. Use of all survival equipment. Use of all detection equipment. The use of radio- lifesaving equipment. The use of sea anchors. The use of engines and accessories. Recovery of survival craft, rescue and other boats including stowage and securing. The hazards of exposure and the need for warm clothing. Methods of retrieval, including the use of helicopter rescue equipment.

A l l other functions contained i n the muster l i s t and emergency instructions.

Summary of Emergency Signals and Drills MGN 71 (MI

The general alarm signal is the internationally recognised signal for summoning the crew and passengers, i f any, to their assembly stations and for initiating the actions shown i n the muster list. This signal consists of seven or more short blasts followed by one long sounded on the ships whistle or siren and on a bell, klaxon or similar warning system on ships required to be provided with such systems. On a cargo ship with a fire alarm system which can be manually activated from locations within the accommodation, or where a system such as a fire or smoke detection system automatically activates alarms throughout the ship, the signal made by such means may be used to summon the crew to their assembly stations. Such alarm signals shoutd be accompanied by the general alarm emergency signal sounded on the whistle or siren. Signals for incidents not requiring an assembty of the passengers or of the whole crew, or for dealing with a minor incident, are at the Masters discretion.


On a cargo ship a signal may be allocated to summon the crew to a survival craft embarkation stations only, for the purpose of a drill or assembling the crew at the survival craft embarkation stations during an emergency.

The means by which the order to abandon ship is given at the Masters discretion and may be by signal or by word of mouth, but arrangements should be such that everyone onboard including those i n emergency parties in remote locations will receive it.


A l l signals must be described i n the muster list, in the crew emergency instructions and as appropriate, in the emergency instructions for passengers.
The relevant signah mentioned i n this section should be used when musters and drills are conducted. All persons onboard should be notified beforehand that a muster or drill i s about to be held. Each crew member must participate in at least one abandon ship and one fire drill every month. These drills must be held within 24 hours of leaving port i f more than 25% of the crew have not taken part in drills an board the ship in the previous month. If circumstances are such that it not practical to hold 'full' driils within the 24 hour then musters and instruction should be given to the crew on their emergency duties and abandonment procedure. In addition on ships of classes I, II, Ila and Ill an abandon ship drilt and fire drills must be conducted weekly, with as many of the crew participating as possible. These drills should be arranged so that each crew member participates in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month.


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to the water and manoeuvred. Periods for these are 3 monthly for lifeboats, monthly for rescue boats, and 6 monthly for freefall boats (3 months when practicable). If required, exemptions can be obtained from the MCA as the UK's Flag State administration where operational circumstances restrict the ability to meet the requirements for testing of survival craft.

1. As of lSt July 2006, all cargo ships and bulk carriers operating north of 2O0N and south of 20"s must have immersion suits for the entire ship's complement, not just the rescue boat crew (as was the old legislation).
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2. When lowering survival craft with the intention of boarding and manoeuvring, the craft must> be first lowered and recovered without any personnel onboard. This i s to confirm the functionality of the davits and a l l lowering and recovery equipment (such as winches, emergency cut outs and davit structures).

Symbols for SOLAS Equipment and Areas

The following symbols are commonly found throughout the global maritime industry and indicate various pieces of Life Saving Appliance equipment / areas:

Davit launched Liferaft


Parachute Flare

Sunrival Craft


Handheld VHF Radio

WMA/MOS/ JJG 15DPSCRB Notes 104.201 0


There are many different types of survival craft detailed within the regulations and these can be categorised into the following types :'C' Class lifeboats


Open lifeboats

3 Partially Enclosed lifeboats

Totally enclosed motor propelled Survival Craft (TEMPSC)

k Free fall lifeboats




General Description
A 'Class C' boat i s a small open boat, usually of GRP or aluminium construction with a square transom. I t can carry from 4-9 persons, depending on its length and may readily be distinguished from an ordinary open lifeboat because of its small size and square stern.

Carriaqe Requirement

Under the MS (Lifesaving appliances) Regs, 1999, a 'Class C' boat fitted with a motor may be carried i n addition t o liferafts, as an alternative t o ordinary open (ifeboats aboard vessels of under 1600 grt. No motor need be fitted if a vessel i s of under 500 grt, A 'Class C' boat may also be carried by a tug or similar small vessel.
An inflatable boat i s taken to be an equivalent survival craft and i s often fitted in lieu of a 'Class C' boat.

Main Features Length 3.6m to 4.8m (4 to 9 persons). Square stern. Internal buoyancy provided either in the form of built i n foam blocks (GRP boats) or as air cases (aluminium boats). This must be sufficient to enable the boat to remain afIoat when completely flooded. Thwarts and side benches are provided as seats. Bottom boards must be fitted in the bottom of the boat. Markings on 'Class C' Boats Painted on either bow Permanent markings

Ship's name and port of registry Dimensions (fotlowed by letter 'C') Maximum no. of persons Surveyor's stamp, initials and date (Other information may be included on the manufacturer's 'plate', such as the serial number of the boat, the manufacturer's name and the volume of foam buoyancy built into the hull.
'Class C' Boat Equipment

A single banked complement of buoyant oars + 1 spare (minimum - 3 oars). 1 set of crutches 1 boat hook 2 plugs per plughole (or an automatic drain valve) 1 bailer 1 bucket 1 rudder and titter I small gear locker 1 toggie painter 1 signalling torch (plus spare batteries and a spare bulb) 2 light buoyant heaving lines 1 hatchet 6 hand flares 2 buoyant smoke signals A l l items, apart from the boat hook, must be suitably secured.
Launching Appliances

A variety of launching appliances, both single and twin fall may be employed. Launching provisions are similar to those for infiatable boats and a launching crew of 2 persons may be specified. If a davit or boat i s not of sufficient strength to enable the boat t o be lowered into the water, when fully loaded with its full complement of persons, then the davit must be conspicuously marked with a red band 150mm wide, which is to be painted on a white background.


Under the MS (Lifesaving Appliances) Regulations 1980 mechanical propulsion was allowed to be fitted to open lifeboats i n lieu of a full set of oars and a mast and sails. Such boats s t i l l had to retain hatf the normal complement of oars as a back up system and were also required to carry two boat hooks instead of one.

Mechanical propulsion i s easier to operate than an oared rowing system in a large and crowded lifeboat. For this reason boat capacities of up to 100 persons were allowed when this type of propulsion was fitted, with a maximum of 60 persons being permitted in oared lifeboats. Mechanically propelled lifehats are therefore most likely to be found on passenger ships fitted with large capacity craft. The propelling gear must be so arranged that it can be rapidly and easily made ready for service, and a t the same time not interfere with the rapid embarkation of persons into the lifeboat.
Two systems In one the boat's xcupants push control levers backwards and forwards, and in the other the boat's occupants s i t facing inboard and manually rotate long handles, which are positioned along the centreline of the boat. In both cases the various coupling rods are connected to the propeller, via a gearbox device which is fitted with an AHEAD/ASTERN control lever. This arrangement allows the propeller's direction to be reversed a t any time, without altering the direction of rotation of the mechanical propulsion. Mechanically propelled lifebats have to be capable of achieving and maintaining a s p e d of a t least 3.5 knots, when fully laden in calm water, over a distance of 3 nautical miles. Despite all this, mechanically lifeboats are now rarely found i n active service, having been replaced by modern partially or totalty enclosed survival craft.

Prior to 1986, open lifeboats were commonly found on most types of vessels from general cargo ships to tankers. However, subsequent amendments to the SOLAS regulations recognised the limited protection provided by such survivai craft, not just from the elements but also from dangerous cargoes k i n g carried and led to the introduction of the partially and totally enclosed tifeboat. Despite this many open lifeboats are s t i l l found on pre-1986 bulk carriers, passenger and general cargo ships and as a result training on this type of craft i s still a requirement within the syllabus.

An open Lifeboat must he suitably constructed with rigid sides to t~ safely lowered to the watertine fully loaded and show no residual deflection even when overloaded to a maximum of 25%. When i n the water, the boat must have sufficient freeboard and residual stability even when loaded with a full complement of person and equipment.

WMA/MOS/ JJG /50PSCRB Notes/04.2010

An open lifeboat must be not less than 4.9m in length unless it i s being carried as a direct replacement of a 'C* class boat on a vessel of less than 1600 tons. The open lifeboat must be fitted with a compression ignition engine (commonly a 'Lister* type diesel engine) that i s easily started in cold weather conditions and has the facility to operate both ahead and astern. The craft must be able t o do at least 6 knots and carry sufficient fuel for at least 24hrs when being propelled at full speed with a full complement. Buoyancy must be provided internally. This can be through either air cases or buoyant material, to enabte the boat to remain afloat with the ~unwate amidships, when flooded and with a full complement of persons and equipment. Equipment and rations for open lifeboats:

*l. A single banked complement of oars (one oar for each rowing position) plus two spare oars; these are all normally stowed on the side benches, lightly lashed and with their blades facing forward. One spare oar only need be carried where there is only one lifeboat on a vessel of under 1600 grt. Motor boats and mechanically propelled boats need not carry more than half the normal complement of oars.


A steering oar; this i s longer than the oars and has i t s blade painted a distinctive colour, usually white. It i s stowed with the other oars on the side benches but has i t s blade facing aft. In use i t s loom i s passed through a wire grommet near the stern of the boat. Not required where one lifeboat alone is carried on a vessel under 1600 grt. A set and half of crutches; attached to the lifeboat by means of short chains or lanyards. One set of crutches only need be present where one lifeboat alone i s carried on a vessel under 1600 grt.
A boat hook; motor boats and mechanically propelled boats must carry two boat hooks. Boat hooks are not t o be lashed down.




2 plugs for each plus hole; except where automatic valves are fitted. attached close to the plug holes by means of short chains or Lanyards.

The plugs are

A bailer and 2 buckets (9litre capacity); all with lanyards. Only one bucket need be present where one lifeboat alone i s carried on a vessel under 1600 grt. A rudder and a tiller; the rudder should be kept shipped at all times, whenever possible. Both items must be attached to the boat with lanyards.


A becketed line around the outside of the lifeboat plus means for persons to cling t o an upturned boat; bilge keels or bilge rails together with athwartships grab lines. The latter have figure of eight knots in them at intervals and have 'arm loops' at the keel made from tying a sheepshank. Keel grab lines are not required where only one lifeboat i s carried on a vessel of under 1600 srt. Cordage used must normally be manila or Maritime & Coastguard Agency 'LSA Approved' potypropylene.
A locker; for the stowage of small sear and watertight tanks for the stowage of food and water, which must be suitably marked as such.



2 hatchets; one at each end of the lifeboat; they must be readily available and attached to the boat by means of lanyards. Only one hatchet need be carried where one lifeboat alone i s carried in a vessel under 1600 grt.
A lamp with oil sufficient for 12 hours; this i s a globe lamp giving an all round light. It can be used for signalling by dipping i t into a bucket and it is a good idea to keep it protected i n the boat by suspending it from a thwart with a bucket round it. Lamps burn either Colza oil or paraffin, the latter having a cowling over the wick. Although not a requirement, it i s usual to have a 4.5 litre container of fuel, marked 'LAMP', within the lifeboat. A lamp i s not required where only one lifeboat is carried on a vessel of under 1600 grt.



A watertiqht box containinq 2 boxes of 'windproof matches; normally 24 - 30 matches are supplied and the boxes are stowed in the small gear locker. Matches are not required where only one lifeboat is carried on a vessel of under 1600 grt. A mast, with qalvanised wire stavs, toqether with orangle coloured sails; the mainsail is marked with the first and last letters of the ship's name, together with the boat's number. Sails are normally stowed i n a canvas bag for protection and placed with the mast on the outboard side bench, where they are all lightly lashed in place.
The mast and sails are not required to be carried by motor boats, mechanically propelled boats, boats on vessels under 1600 grt where only one lifeboat is carried, and lifeboats on ferries and cargo vessel which stay within 'Near Continental' trading limits.



A compass i n a binnacle; this must have some acceptable form of illumination so that a course can be steered at night. A compass i s not required where only one lifeboat is carried on a vessel under 1600 grt,


&sea anchor; with a hawser three times the length of the boat and a tripping line 32 metres longer than the hawser. This i s stowed at the forward end of the lifeboat. A sea anchor i s not required where only one lifeboat i s carried on a vessel under 1600 grt.
A vessel containinq 4.5 litres of veqetable, fish or animal oil; this is usually marked with the word 'WAVE' and lashed to a thwart by means of a lanyard. In order to distribute the oil i n heavy weather an oil baq, loosely filted with oakum, i s provided and this can be attached to the sea anchor. One recommended method of doing this i s by using the jib head block and halyard. If this i s attached to the sea anchor hawser the oil bag can then be hauled back and forth for replenishment, 'Wave' oil, etc, i s not required where only one lifeboat i s carried on a vessel under 1600 grt.



2 painters; of between 2Omm and 28mm diameter, depending on boat length, each long enough to reach the boat deck securing position from the water when the vessel has a 20" adverse tist, The 'permanent' painter i s shackled or spliced to a ring bolt i n the bow and this is used for towing or joining craft once the vessel has been abandoned. It is coiled down i n the bow with the 'toggle' painter on top. The toggle painter has an eye and toggle in the end made fast to a forward thwart in the boat in such a way that it can be slipped from within the boat. It must be tight enough to ensure that the boat does not fall aft of i t s launching position, as this could cause interference with other boats, or cause the falls to become tight so that they are difficult to release. The toggle painter i s always passed over the inboard bow prior to lowering the boat. Marking the end with white paint will ensure that the permanent painter is not used by mistake. Where only one lifeboat is carried on a vessel under 1600 grt only the 'toggle' painter i s required.


2 buoyant orange smoke signats

4 red parachute distress rockets 6 hand held red distress flares

These all have a three year life and are stowed in a plastic watertight container. Where only one lifeboat i s carried on a vessel under 1400 grt the red parachute distress rockets are not required.

A First Aid Kit; this i s to a prescribed standard and has a l i s t of contends printed on the outside. I t is packed in a durable, damp proof and effectively sealed container and stowed in the small gear locker.
It i s not required to be carried where there is one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt.

6 anti-sickness tabiets per person; stowed in the small gear locker. Not required to be carried where there i s one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt.
A waterproof electric torch; suitable for morse signalling together with 1 spare set of batteries and 1 spare bulb. The torch must be of an 'accepted type'. Batteries to be renewed annually. Stowed in the small gear locker.

A davlight si~nallinq mirror; of an 'accepted type'. Stowed i n the small gear locker. Mirrors are not required where there i s one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt or on lifeboats aboard ferries or cargo vessels which stay within 'Near Continental' trading limits.
A iack knife; fitted with a tin opener. This is to be kept attached to the lifeboat by means of a lanyard. The tin opener i s for opening the tinned condensed milk carried as part of the rations. Not required to be carried where there i s one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt. 2 liqht buovant heavinq lines; these are stowed i n the small gear locker. They are to be at least 18.3m (10 fms) in length and made of 8mm diameter cotton or polythene. Knots are placed at 3m intervals in polythene lines in order to ensure grip. These lines are normally orange i n colour. A manual pump; this i s bolted in place near the stern of the boat and i t s cover can be removed for easy cleaning. It i s self priming. I t i s not required to be carried where there is one lifeboat alone on a vessel under 1600 grt. A whistle; stowed i n the small gear locker. Not required to be carried where there is one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt. A fishinr! tine and six hooks; stowed i n the small gear locker. Not required to be carried where there i s one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt, or on lifeboats aboard ferries or cargo vessels which star within 'Near Continental' trading limits.
An exposure cover; of a highly visible colour capable of protecting the occupants against injury by exposure. it extends for about 70% of the length of the boat from forward and can be of synthetic material or canvas. The cover i s supported by metal hoops and sometimes also by wooden battens. The cover must be capable of being raised and secured a t the sides of the boat i n such a way that the occupants can row the lifeboat i f required. When fully i n place the exposure cover must not be tightly lashed down at the

gunwales in case peopie become trapped inside the boat in a capsize. Light lashings at the forward and after supports are permissibte. Exposure covers are not required to be carried where there is one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt. 29.
A copy of a SOLAS No2 card; stowed in the small gear locker. This i s not required where there is one lifeboat alone on a vesset of under 1600 grt.


Means to enabie persons i n the water to climb into the lifeboat; a short rope or wire ladder stowed in the bottom boards. Not required where there is one lifeboat alone on a vessel of under 1600 grt.
Motor Boats Only:- 2 portabte fire extinguishers capable of discharging foam or other substance suitable for extinguishing oil fires. Recharge annually. Passenger ship motor lifeboats - 'radio' lifeboats; 1 or 2 of these boats are carried depending on the number of persons carried on a passenger ship engaged in 'long international voyages' e,g. large cruise liners. In addition to their normal equipment 'radio' lifeboats carry: -



A fixed radiotelegraph installation in a cabin large enough to take the set and an operator. A battery to supply power for the radio and an engine driven dynamo capable of recharging it and other batteries in the boat.
A searchlight which will operate for at least 3 hours continuously and effectively for a total of 6 hours. A spare bulb must be carried.


"Paragraphs marked indicate equipment required to be carried in lifeboats or Class C boats where only 1 boat i s carried in a vessel under 1600 grt. A note in the paragraph indicates whether this equipment has to be carried to the same scale as other lifeboats. No rations need carried in these lifeboats or Class C boats.


Eg: Watercraft 50 to 150 persons 8 to 11 metres
Carriage Requirements; for vessels constructed from 1s t July 1986

These craft may be carried as an alternative to totally enclosed craft on the following types of vessels: Passenger vessels on 'international voyages' - certain cargo vessels, other than oil tankers, chemical tankers or gas carriers which only trade i n 'favourable climatic conditions and i n suitable areas'. Lifeboats on cargo vessels must be of the self-righting type.

Self Riuhtin~ Partially Enclosed Lifeboats

These craft must comply with many of the provisions that apply to totally enclosed lifeboal. The engine must have the same capsize features and the b a t must be self righting with a futt or partial complement o f persons secured i n their places by means o f 4 point safety belts. The lifeboat must also be self bailing. In lieu of a rigid canopy these lifeboats have rigid bow and stern covers, each extending over not less than 20% of the length o f the boat. The centre section of the boat i s left open. This area i s equipped with permanently attached insulated and foldable canopies, which can be put i n place by not more than 2 persons in not more than 2 minutes.
The rigid end sections of the boat must include windows, so that artificial tighting i s not required when the craft i s i n the 'closed down' condition. If the end wctions are built with transverse bulkheads, these must be constructed so there i s easy access into the end shelters for persons wearing either immersion suits, or warm clothing and lifejackets. It is doubtful i f the self righting partially enclosed lifeboat will ever prove to be a popular option, since it i s likely to cost more than a totally enclosed lifeboat to build. I t s origin as a hybrid craft was the result of a compromise at IMO, behveen those delegates who wanted to retain open tifeboats for operations i n favourable climatic conditions and areas and those who preferred to opt for totally enclosed craft. Partially Enclosed Lifeboats
These craft are not required to be self righting, but they are fitted with the rigid end covers and fold down insulated covers which have already been mentioned as a requirement for their self righting counterparts. They may be self bailing, or be provided with an 'effective means of baiting'.
Since these craft are not self rishting they do not have to be fitted with seat belts, but many usually are. However, they do have to be equipped with suitable hand holds, such as bilge rails, so that i n the event of a capsize the occupants will be able to cling to the upturned b a t .

Om advantage of the par tially enclosed lifeboat's o w n area amidships is the ease of access that
this gives to facilitate the rapid boarding of a large number of people. For this reason there i s m restriction on the use of cross thwarts, as there i s in totally enclosed craft.

Partially enclosed lifeboats of large capacity are common on passenger ships, with the maximum capacity of any lifeboat being limited to 150 persons.

One example of a Passenger Vessel fitted with large capacity partially enclosed lifeboats i s PBO Cruises' "ROYAL PRINCESS".
Watercraft produced 6 of these craft for the ship - in addition to 5 partially closed passenger launch / lifeboats (capacity 106 persons) and 2 partially enctosed rescue boat/ lifeboats (capacity 40 persons).
The main particulars of these lifeboats are as follows:-

Capacity: Engine:
Release Gear: Dimensions: Total Davit weight:

142 persons (136 in craft with fixed radio installations) Thornycroft 251 marine diesel with fresh water cooling system. Starting systems - hydraulic and electric. Fuel for 24 hours running at 6 knots. Mills 'Titan' 'on load' hook release - with hydro-static locking device. 12.70m L x 4.17111 B x 1.62m D (moulded) 20.92/20.98 tonnes {laden)

WMA Partially Enclosed Lifeboat Launchinq and Recovery Procedures Launching, handling and recovery of WMA's Watercraft 8 metre Partially Enclosed Lifeboat PELB) forms a large part of the syllabus for the PSCRB Course, all students are required to take charge of this operation and act as Coxswain for the procedure. A t first it may appear a daunting task with new terminology and equipment to remember as well as the orders and sequence to safely conduct a lifeboat drill, although once the procedure has been completed a few times it will become much easier. A precis of the evolution follows which can be used as an aide memoir to assist in remembering i f required.

, -

1. Person i n charge (I/C) account for all personnel to be embarked. 'Buddy buddy' system for checking correct dress (Correct PPE, Lifejackets, Hard hats with chinstays down).

2. Send two crew members to Lower embarkation ladder and then to carry out pre launch checks on lifeboat:
i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Check Fall Preventer Devices (FPD's) are fitted correctly before entering lifeboat. S IN RED Remove safety chains, lift side cover and enter boat, CHECK INDICATOR I SECTOR (LOCKED) If not, exit boat and inform staff. Open forward hatch and re-check FPD i s fitted correctly, Tricing Pennant is fitted correctly, Toggle Painter i s correctly rigged and Hook indicator is in 'closed' position. Open aft hatch to carry out checks as above (no toggle painter). Check that Bilge Plugs are fitted to both drain holes. Ensure Brake Remote Release Cable is passed through the hole i n the canopy roof. Check steering functions correctly and rudder i s amidships (centralised). Close both hatches, exit craft, close side cover, replace safety chains, report to (l/C) that checks are complete, reporting any problems.

3, Select two crew members to remove the span wire, ensuring that both parts of the wire are securely stowed and away from any trapping hazards.

4. Select one crew member to act as brake operator for lowering the boat. I / C to ensure that davit arm landing zones are clear, Bowsing Tackles are cleared away, fall wires and sheaves are free from obstructions. It is essential to check over the side i s clear and that no


personnel are standing near either end of the boat as the Gripe Wires may cause injury when released.

5. When alt checks are complete, direct the brake operator to remove the safety chain and slowly raise the brake leaver until the drums start to turn. Keep the lever i n this position until the davit arms are fully lowered. Then lift the lever slightly to bring the boat into the embarkation deck. Ensure that the weight i s evenly distributed between the Fall Chains and Tricing Pennants, adjusting by hoisting as necessary.

6. Select two crew members to enter boat ready to attach the Bowsing Tackles, and two members to pass the tackles across. Take down all slack on the tackles and secure around cleats. I / C and 2nd I/C are to observe, ensuring there are no twists or chaffing on the tackles, and that they are turned up correctiy around cleats. Tackles are to be backed up
and kept in hand.

7. Instruct the crew members in the lifeboat to remove the Tricing Pennant Release Straps (black straps) and t o s i t down. I / C Positions themselves so they can observe both crew members inside the boat. Instruct both crew members to simultaneously release the Tricing Pennants ("one, two, three - release").

8. I/C instructs the 2" l/C to supervise the boarding of passengers, before enterjng boat and sitting i n Coxswains position - A t this point onboard a ship the engine would be started. 2" l / C directs passengers to their seats before entering lifeboat, closing side screen and informing Coxswain (l/C) that all passengers are embarked and seated.
9. Coxswain then fotlows the l i s t of commands which is situated on the steering console:
"Ease out Tackles" - Crew members backing up the Bowsing Tackles gently ease them out 'hand over hand' until all weight i s off the tackles and fall chains are vertical. "Off Tackles" - Crew members at bow and stern remove Bowsing Tackles, pass them to crew members on pier who hang them on securing strops. Coxswain starts engine (WMA routine - this i s done later than normal to allow effective communication to continue between staff and students) "Check Clear Below" - persons on deck to check and confirm that launching zone i s clear. "Lower" - 2" l / C pulls firmly on remote brake release cable, ensuring that it i s not wrapped around hand. Once boat is lowered, Coxswain observes Hydrostatic Indicator to confirm waterborne. "Off Fali Preventers" - Crew members at bow and stern open hatches and remove FPD's. Inform Coxswain when removed. Whilst this i s occurring, Coxswain to stand up and have a good all round observation of other craft on water and to plan departure route. "Close Hatches" - Both hatches are closed and Coxswain informed. Coxswain to close hatch prior to departing. Coxswain removes retaining pin and operates handle on hook release unit. Observes that hooks release and fall blocks are hoisted clear by staff (to prevent damage to boat) "Release Toggle Painter" - Crew member in bow pulls on orange handle attached to Toggle Painter Release Lanyard. Observes that Toggle has released the Painter. Report to Coxswain that it is released. Coxswain engages forward gear and steers vessel slowly away from pier, ensuring safe navigation around buoys and other river users. Once clear and navigationally safe:

ii) iii) iv )


vii) viii) ix)

xi) xii) xiii) xiv)



xviii) xix)

xxi )

"Standby To Reset Hooks" - Crew members at bow and stern open hatches and ensure the hooks are seated correctly i n the 'down position' (ctosed). Inform Coxswain when done. Coxswain removes retaining pin and returns handie on hook release unit to the closed position. "Check Hooks" - Crew members at bow and stern ensure the hooks are locked correctly in the closed position. Check indicators on side of hook and inform Coxswain when done. Coxswain manoeuvres lifeboat as required to make slow approach to end of pier. "Standby to attach Tog~le Painter" - Crew member at bow takes boat hook and stands up through the open hatch. Coxswain approaches the toggle painter and maintains lifeboat in correct position whilst Painter is re-attached at bow. Crew member to inform Coxswain when attached. "Hook on Forward" - Fall b(ocks are lowered by staff to allow link a t bow of lifeboat to be hooked on by crew member. Inform Coxswain when attached. "Hook on Aft" - Fall blocks are (owered by staff to allow link a t stern of lifeboat to be hooked on by crew member. Inform Coxswain when attached. "On Fall Preventers" - FPD's at bow and stern are reconnected. Inform Coxswain when correctly attached. "Close Hatches" - Bow and Stern hatches are closed, 2"d I / C confirms a l l occupants are seated. "Hoist Half a Metre" - The winch operator commences hoisting on the winch control. Stop when keel of boat i s just clear of the water. When stopped, Coxswain observes that Hydrostatic Indicator has returned to the correct position (closed). If correct: "Hoist all the way" - Winch operator continues to hoist. BOTH LIMIT SWITCHES ARE CHECKED FOR CORRECT OPERATION, before the lifeboat is hoisted to the stowed position. Final stowage is undertaken by manual hoisting using the winch handle. "Refit the Tricing Pennants" - crew members at bow and stern re-attach the Tricing Pennants, ensuring they are fitted the correct way round (Point of hook facing towards the boat), the red Velcro restraints are correctly fastened then resecure the release strap i n the orange Velcro restraint.

Once the lifeboat is hoisted fully by hand, the Span Wire i s re-attached to ensure the 10. lifeboat i s secure. Passengers can now disembark the lifeboat and return to embarkation level. Crew ensure that the bung i s removed to drain any water from bilge (only on last drill of the day), steering i s amidships and brake wire i s re-inserted through canopy roof ready for next use.

11. I / C selects two crew members to re-attach the Gripe Wires over the spigots a t the bow and stern of the lifeboat.

See picture on following page for identification of named parts of Davit System.

PSCRB Definitions

The ' W qkta' secure the davit arm in

connected together wing

or pitchi~g.They are locked in p i e by the 'tripping plotd(2) and Isad around the

stared t o the davit

Screwe(3). As the lifeboat is l o w e d the

is used to tightly hold the lifeboat a t the e m ~ ~ i deck o na d take the weight off

fast to this deat.

relased by removing a


system and relies on the weight of. the life m for lowering when the brake is released. Both d s of the fall wire are secured t o the winch drums leadig in a continuous loop through a m i e s of blocks f Wed t o the davit structure.

7 -



Carriage Requirements (for vessels constructed from Is t July 1986)

Totally enciosed lifebats are required to be carried aboard the fotlowing types of vessels:Passenger ships on 'in ternationat or 'short international' voyages, with the option that 'partially enclosed lifeboats' or 'self righting partially enclosed lifeboats' may be carried instead. Vessels o f under 500 grt, which are certified to carry less than 200 persons, may carry a mixture of lifetmats and liferafts as their primary survival craft instead of lifeboats alone. Cargo vessels of 85 m in length or more and all tankers of 500 prt or over:
i Vessels under this size may carry Uferaf t s instead of lifeboats as their primary survival craft. k Cargo vessels may carry a 'free fall' lifeboat a t the stern i n lieu of conventional types on either side of the ship. If this is the case then the liferafts on a t least one side of the ship must be served by a launching appliance, such as a single arm davit. r Chemical carriers and gas tankers carrying cargoes emitting toxic vapours or gases must have lifeboats equipped with a self contained air support system. 9 O i l tankers, chemical carriers and gas carriers which carry cargoes having a ftashpoint not exceeding 60C (c tosed cup test) must carry fire protected lifeboats.

Most modern totally enclosed lifeboats are of fi breglass (GRP) construction, although some aluminium and steel boats have been produced, particularly for specialised 'free fall' applications. Lifeboats with a self-contained air support system must have a supply of safe and breathable air, provided at slightly above atmospheric pressure i n order to keep out fumes, for a shut down period of not less than 10 minutes, Air bttles are placed beneath the seats in the bottom of the boat to meet this need. These are activated by means of manually operated valves and gauges are provided so t h a t pressure can be monitored. Fire protected lifeboats must protect their occupants from the effects of a continuous oil fire that envelopes the boat for a period of not less than 8 minutes. Protection for the hull i s normally provided by means of a water spray system, which i s supplied with water by a self priming motor driven pump which is connected to the main engine. An 'on-off valve i s provided on the pump's suction pipe, so t h a t the water spray can k turned off when not required. For

maintenance purposes, arrangements are made so that the system can be flushed through with fresh water and drained down. Lifeboat canopies must be constructed so that a clear view i s maintained for launching and manoeuvring the boat and a helmsman's dome i s provided for this purpose. Canopies must also have iarge access hatches, to permit rapid boarding into the boat. In the case of a cargo ship this must be capable of being achieved by all occupants within a time limit of 3 minutes. Hatches must also be large enough to permit the recovery of helpless people from the water and for the handling of stretchers. To avoid people having to climb over obstructions in the boat in order to reach their seats, cross thwarts and similar fixtures are not permitted i n modern totally enclosed lifeboats. End hatches are also provided, in order to give personnel access to the release hooks. Windows or translucent panels are to be inserted in the canopy, so that sufficient daylight enters the boat when the hatches are closed. One way of achieving this is to make the access doors and hatches of translucent material. When the hatches and vents are closed the boat must be capable of self-righting i f capsized, provided that the occupants remain strapped i n their seats. A four point safety belt and head protection i s provided in every seating position. Should the craft capsize when in a damaged state, above water escape exits must be provided. In practice, manufacturers have achieved this by making their boats self-right i n the flooded condition. This is normally achieved by adding a quantity of foam buoyancy to the roof of the canopy.
It should be noted that older types of totally enclosed boats, not built to the latest regulations, do not have the ability to self right when flooded. They will howerer self right in the intact condition, again with the proviso that the occupants remain strapped in their places. Such lifeboats are normally only provided with lap seat belts, similar to those provided in aircraft.

Release Hooks
The release hooks i n new lifeboats must have an 'on load' release capability, although the on load release has a hydrostatic interlock (diaphragm), or similar device, to prevent release before the boat is in the water. Great care must be taken to see that the release hook mechanisms are properly adjusted and maintained. A release device for the painter must also be fitted, so that this can be released when under tension.
Propulsion Totally enclosed lifeboats must be capable of a speed of at least 6 knots and have sufficient fuel to maintain this speed for not less than 24 hours. They must also be able t o tow a loaded 25 person liferaft at a speed of at least 2 knots i f this is required. In the event of a capsize, the engine must either continue to run or be designed to cut out during the capsize and then be easily restarted afterwards. The engine must be capable of operating when flooded up to the crankshaft and provision must be made to protect the occupants from both hot or moving parts and from excessive engine noise.


. .

The propeller i s required to be yarded in order to protect people in the water and to fend off floating debris. This is either achieved by means of a steering nozzle or by the fitting of a metal 'basket' device. Engine starting may be either manual or powered, although in practice the former tends only to be used as a back up to a power operated system. The regulations state that any powered system must be supplied with two 'independent rechargeable energy sources'. This i s commonly a duplicated electrical system, but hydraulic and mechanical (spring activated) systems may also be employed.

In addition to the engine starting systems, means must be provided i n the boat to recharge searchlight and radio batteries. There must also be some means of recharging lifeboat batteries from the parent vessel's power supply. Lifeboat fittings

A ma nu all^ controlled lamp on top of canopy; this may be fixed or fiashing and must have all round range of at least 2 miles for not less than 12 hours i n dark and clear conditions.
& An internal light; this must have a duration of not less than 12 hours and provide sufficient

illumination within the boat to enable survival instructions to be read. It replaces the oil lamp found in older lifeboats - this i s no longer a required item.

> >

A t least 1 automatic bilqe drain valve; provided with a cap or plug.

b A buoyant lifeline; becketed around the outside the boat.

An ernerqency tiller; totally enclosed lifeboats are fitted with wheel steering and the tiller would only be used if this failed. Means of storinq collected rainwater.

P Tanks or lockers for equipment, water and provisions. P A permanently installed earth connection; for a portable survival craft radio, together with arrangements for siting and securing i t s aerial.


Skates and fenders; are necessary to protect the boat during launching and to faciiitate launching down the side of a ship with an adverse list.

k Handrails; on the exterior of the canopy.

Lifeboat Markings
The following information must be permanently marked on the lifeboat. On G.R.P. lifeboats a metal plated screwed onto the hull or canopy i s the usual means of providing this:- Dimensions of the lifeboat - Maximum number of persons - Makers serial number and date of manufacture. Other information, such as the surveyors' stamp and initials, the volume of foam buoyancy used in construction and the manufacturers' name and boat type may also be marked on the plate.

The name and port of registry of the parent vessel must be marked in block capitals on each bow of the boat and it i s also common practice to clearly mark on the hull the number of the lifeboat and the maximum number of persons that the boat will carry.
Means of identifying the ship to which the lifeboat belongs and the number of the boat must be marked in such a way that they are visible from above. Chanaes made to Lifeboat equipment i n the The Merchant Shippinq {Lifesavinq Appliances) Requlations 1986 These Regulations were brought i n and applied (before being superseded by the 1999 Regulations) to ships constructed after 1 July 1986. The following changes were made to equipment and rations aboard enclosed lifeboats fitted to these vessels: -

'Sufficient buovant oars or paddles to make headwav in calm seas', toqether with a set of crutches, or their equivalent, are to be carried in lieu of previous arrangements. No steering oar i s required. Totally enclosed lifeboats may have srnali oval apertures cut in the canopy to act as rowing ports. I t i s important to blank these off i f the boat i s to be in the closed down condition in the presence o f toxic fumes, smoke or flames. Since at1 new lifeboats are motor boats,

- no mast or sails need be carried.

Oil lamps and their 'windproof' matches have been replaced b y internal and external liqhts i n the boat. These must have an endurance of a t least 12 hours and be provided with a manual switch. The internal light must be sufficientiy bright so that instruction cards can be read and the external light on the canopy may be fixed or flashing. The external light must be visible at a distance of at least 2 miles on a clear dark night and have all round visibility.
'WAVE' oil i s no lonqer required to be carried.

One seasickness bae per person i s to be carried i n addition to the previous requirement for anti-seasickness pills. There must now be sufficient tools for minor adjustments to the enqine and i t s accessories.

A searchlight i s to be fitted. This must be capable of working cantinuausly for at least 3 hours and of providing a beam of specified area for a total period of 6 hours.
An efficient radar reflector must now be provided. Thermal Protective Aids (TPA's) sufficient for 10% of the lifeboat's complement (with a minimum of 2 ) are t o be provided. These are waterproof suits or bags, of a highly visible colour, which are designed to enclose the whole of the wearer's body, with the exception of the face, and so reduce heat loss from the body.

No separate exposure cover i s required - as all new lifeboats are now either totally enclosed craft or, on most passenger vessels, partially enclosed craft with permanently
attached foldable canopies.


There i s no longer a requirement for a sand box or scoop in motor lifeboats. Grab lines and bitge keels are not compulsory for self-righting craft. Meansmustbeprovidedforthestora~eofrainwater.


A survival manual and enqine startinq instructions are to be provided.

Other Technical changes include:Drain Valves Compass

These must be automatic and be provided with a cap or plug to dose the valve manually. A t least one drain valve must be fitted. This must now be marked i n 5 degree graduations, instead of in 'points'.



These must now be of a length equal to not less than twice the stowage height of the lifeboat (lightest seagoing draft) or 15 metres, whichever i s the greater. Instead of a toggle, a special release device has to be provided to enable one of the painters to be released under tension. Lifeboats on cargo vessels of 20,000 gross tons and upwards must be capable of being launched with the ship making headway a t speeds of up to 5 knots i n calm water. This provision also applies to rescue boats and where necessary, painters must k capable of being released a t these speeds. This i s now defined as totalling 'not less than 10,000 kilojoules per person', and must include a t least 300 grams of carbohydrate i n the form of barley sugar sweets, glucose of 'food' tablets.
May now be i n cans, sachets or plastic bottles instead of i n bulk tanks. No reduction in lifetmat equipment i s now allowed, since Liferafts may k carried i n lieu of lifeboats an many such vessels under the 1986 Regubtions.

Food Ration

Water Rations Vessels under 1600 qrt

Sea Anchor

This is now of the same generat design as that now used i n liferafts i.e. it i s constructed of porous material and i s conical i n shape with a painter line length of 30 metres. No oil bag or tripping line is fitted and the size of the anchor itself i s larger than that: used i n liferafts.
UMOE Schat Harding KISS Totally Enclosed Survival Craft


Building material: Main dimensions:

FRP (Fibre glass Reinforced Polyester)

Capacity (max. persons):

90 (US: 76 @ 21")

Loa x Boa x H (mm): 10790x2910x 2850

Hook distance (mm): 10340

Weight, empty boat (kg): Weight, fully equipped kc^):

Weight, fully loaded (kg):

3740 (US: Cond. "A")


11050 (US: Cond. "5")


Weight, fully loaded (US 76 p.) (kg): Lifting Hooks: Onload release, SWL: 6,5 tons

11 520 (U5:Cond. "B")

Material: Galvanised steel / Stainless steel

Steering: Fuel tank:

Fresh water cooled diesel engine, 27 HP, 6 knots Materials: Brass propeller, Stainless steel shaft, A l. nozzle Fixed titler steering.

215 ttr. Material: Polyethylene


Engine starter system:


2 x 12 V 55 AH
42 V AC 1 12 V DC, Male/Fernale plug lP68

Battery charger:
Lights: Hatches: Skates x 4: Lifeline: Bilge system: Handrails: Metal fittings: Tanker version only:

Search light, Marker tight, Cabin light

Far embarkation, lifting hook and painter access

For protection during lowering

Fitted around the craft Manual bilge pumps and automatic drain valve

Made of aluminium
Non corrosive materials

Emergency air supply and sprinkler system.

Loose equipment:

According to rules i n English language

According to rules excl. of water; provision, medicine, radio equipment, pyrotec hinc equipment
Watercraft Mk 4

I t s additional features compared with previous Watercraft lifeboats include:-


2 large access hatches aft and a stretcher hatch forward.

P Steering nozzle protection for the propeller. P A high profile canopy with in-built foam buoyancy. This allows the craft to self right i n the flooded condition.
Padded high backed seats with head protection and four point safety harnesses for the occupants to protect them in the event of a capsize or impact damage.
& Helmsman's dome with improved visibility.

Mills 'TITAN' on load release gear fitted as standard.


Boat equipment to international requirements. (1983 Amendments to SOLAS 1974 &. MS (LSA)(AMENDMENTS) 1991 80 persons.

k A range of 6 MK.IV lifeboats i s now in production, with capacities from 32 to

TEMPSC Launching Procedure (For WMA Watercraft)

(in the event of fire and toxic gases being present)
1. Assemble and check off the personnel to be embarked. 2. Prepare the boat for launching - for outrigger davits on offshore installations, check that the maintenance pendants are not attached to the hooks and that gripes (if fitted) are released. On ships, operate the gravity davits according to the davit manufacturer's instructions and bowse the boat i n a t the embarkation deck.

NOTE Many ship davits are now designed so that the boat can be boarded and lowered from the stowed position. This dispenses with the need for either tricing pendants or bowsing tacktes. 3. Open inboard doors and secure them i n the open position. 4. The helmsman and designated crew members enter the boat - they check that the engine and life support system controts are in the 'start-up' position and ensure that the drain plug i s closed (screw down valve), 5. The helmsman starts the engine according to the instruction labels attached to the steering console.

LISTER STW engines with Hamworthy 'Startorque' hydraulic starting arrangements and standby hand crank (As for WMA Watercraft): 1. Open accumulator shut-off valve. 2. Check hydraulic pressure gauge to ensure that system is at 2500 psi -pump up system as required. 3. Ensure that decompression Levers are towards the gearbox.

4. If cold conditions exist, pull cold start lever and rotate anti-clockwise. 5. With throttle control lever i n the neutral position, push knob on top of control (or pull base of lever away from body) to disengage gears - then push throttle control lever into full ahead position. 6. Depress foot start valve to rotate engine 2 or 3 times - engine should now fire, 7. As soon as engine reaches normal speed turn the cold start lever i n a clockwise direction to the RUN position (if point 4 above has been observed). 8. If engine does not fire, reverse position of decompression levers, turn engine over siowly 4 or 5 times with handle, return decompression levels towards gearbox and proceed from 6 above. 9 . Put throttle control into neutral position until boat is waterborne.
Cold Start below minus 10C

Before 4 (above), half fill the oil priming cup with S.A.E. 5 lubricating oil and press plunger right down. Then proceed from 4 above. Do not prime more than twice.
Hand Crank
1. Ensure that decompression levers are away from the gearbox.

2. With throttle control lever i n the neutral position, push knob on top of control (or pull base of lever away from body) to disengage gears.
3. Push throttle control lever into full ahead position.

4. If cold conditions exist, pull cold start lever and rotate anti-clockwise. 5. Fit starting handle and rotate engine 3 to 20 times, according to ambient temperature and prime systems. Keep thumb on same side of handle as fingers, in order to prevent injury if the engine kicks bock.
6. Increase speed of rotation on handle until as fast a speed as physically possible i s obtained, operate decompression levers towards the gearbox and continue rotating until the engine fires. Remove starting handle and stow.
7. As soon as engine reaches normal speed, turn the cold start lever i n a clockwise direction to the Run Position (if 5.13 above has been observed).



8. If engine does not fire, reverse position of decompression levers and repeat from 5 above. 9. Put throttle control lever into neutral position until boat is waterborne.

Cold Start below minus 10C

1. Before 3 above, half fill the oil priming cup with S.A.E. 5 lubricating oil and press plunger right down. Then proceed from 3 above. Do not prime more than twice.


2. Open the sea suction valve of the spray system - pull lever in line with suction pipe. This is situated a t floor lever forward of the engine casing. Do not open this valve if the water spray is not being used, i.e. no fire danger).
3. Embark all personnel and ensure that all lap seat belts are fastened.

4. Close a l l hatches and doors securely.

5. Release air into the craft by operating the air valve i n an anti-clockwise rotation (lever type - i n line with pipe). This valve i s situated foward of amidships under the centre line seat.

The air supply will continue for approximately 10 minutes only.

6. The helmsman pulls and maintains steady tension on the lowering control wire until the boat i s waterborne. If this wire is released a t any time lowering will cease, so the descent of the boat can be controlled. Once waterborne, the control wire should not be released immediately, so as to ensure that there i s a slack on the falts - this i s particularly important i f 'off-load' release gear i s fitted.

7. Once the craft i s waterborne, the helmsman operates the hook release handle according to the instructions adjacent to the control.

Lifeboat Release Gear

Lifeboat release equipment can be divided into 2 distinct categories: Off-load: Commonly (but not exclusively) found on older vessels with open lifeboats, this system requires any load to be off the fall wires k f o r e the falls can be manuaily unhooked. Simply lowering the boat to the waterline may not be sufficient to allow the boat to be released as any dynamic forces (such as forwardlaft motion, effect of environmental conditions) will mean that there may still be load on the fall wires. Consequently, the coxswain may have to manmuvre the craft to remove any weight, thus allowing the falls to be released. For this reason the boat should always be lowered into the water to allow for "slack falls" when waterborne before the brake is applied.

2. On-load: Now found on the majority o f totally and partially enclosed lifeboats. This system i s designed to use any weight on the fall wires to trip the hooks and release the lifeboat. A normal on-load release prccedure involves lowering the lifeboat into the water, operating the release handle (Diagrams 1821, and (either by manoeuvring (Diagram 3) aheadlastern, or using environmental conditions) placing load on the fall wires which will i n turn allow the hooks to rotate freely and reIease the lifeboat. 1 2 3

I t must be appreciated that NO davit launched lifeboat is designed t a be released whilst wt of the water (even at heights of l m or less) and to do so will potentially cause significant damage to the boat and injuriedfa talities to those onboard.

Features of an On-Load release mechanism:

Safety interlocks are provided to mechanically prevent inadvertent operation of the release mechanism.

Hydrostatic Safety lnterlock: This type of safety interlock comprises of a flexible membrane diaphragm and i s found on the vast majority of lifeboats fitted with on-load reiease mechanisms. Once submerged, water enters the inlet, fills the cavity and forces the membrane upwards. There i s a piston positioned on top the membrane surface, and as the membrane rises, the piston is forced upwards releasing the mechanical interlock which normally prevents operation of the release handle. A connecting cable also allows the motion removing the interIock to be transferred to the yellow indicator and as the membrane rises, so does the indicator, moving it from the green to red sector of the release unit.

2. When recovering the lifeboat, recovery should cease a t 0.5m (above the waterline) to confirm that the cavity has emptied and the interlock indicator has reset itself into the

WMA/MOS/ J JG 15DPSCRB Notes /04.2010

locked position. Under no circumstances should a lifeboat be fulty recovered i f the interlock fails to reset itself once clear of the water as this would imply that the release handle could be operated mid-air with potentially fatal consequences. 3. Release unit: This comprises of the release handle, safety pin and indicator (often with the indicator casing painted !green/red and marked locked/ unlocked) to denote operational status. When the indicator i s i n the locked position (i.e. the lifeboat is clear of the water) it should not be possible to operate the release handle for reasons explained above.

4. Hook assemblies: These are fitted to the lifeboat fore and aft and support the full weight of the boat (and complement) whilst it i s suspended from the fall wires. The hook securing mechanism (i.e. cam or cone) i s located inside the hook assembly and must be reset once operated i n order to at low the hook to be re-secured, and the boat recovered from the water. The hook assemblies have side plates which are in turn bolted to a main keel foundation.

5. Cables: The action of operating the hook release handle causes motion to be transmitted
via the main cables which i n turn cause the hook securing mechanism to rotate and release the hooks. Cables must be of the correct length and the outer casing secured otherwise the safety of the system as a whole may be compromised.


6. Fall Preventer Devices (FPD's)(appendix 5): MGN 388 (M+F) issued in February 2009 recommends the fitting of FPD's to reduce the danger of accidental on-ioad hook release. The FPD may take the form of a safety pin which fits through the side plates of the hook casing and the hook itself which will have to be removed when waterborne prior to operation of the release mechanism. It may also be in the form of a sling/strop and hook arrangement which will serve the same purpose - act as an extra preventer i n the case of hook/mechanism failure or incorrect operation.
Emergency interlock override:

Should the boat be waterborne and the release handie i s not operational (i-e. the diaphragm or associated cables have failed), then there is the option to break to protective indicator cover, manually l i f t the indicator into the unlocked sector and operate the release handle. However, it must be stressed that the lifeboat MUST be waterborne to prevent structural damage or injuries to personnel. Different tvpes of mechanical on-load release mechanism Cone tvpe as found on WMA 'Hardinq' lifeboat): Putl operating handle vertically upwards and rotate it through 90". This will open the release hooks a t both ends of the boat simultaneously and keep them open, so that there i s no possibility of accidental hook closure once the boat has been released. The instructions are clearly marked on the release mechanism and will allow the TEMPSC to be released. However, familiarity with the mechanism will lead to a much speedier operation. I t should be noted that handle "A" cannot be lifted until the TEMPSC i s waterborne to prevent accidental release and injury


to personnet. This i s due to the hydrostatic safety interlock. The interlock i s released by a diaphragm (encased i n a disc on the port side) connected to the hull bottom by a p i p . If handle "A" i s jammed or the diaphragm fails, then the lock can be overridden. It must be realised t h a t the b a t MUST be waterborne k f o r e releasing.
To override the lock:

Break glass "C" and pull handle "D". With the lock released insert handle "B" into "A" and lift up and across. When the hooks are clear lever " E will drop. Both hooks will release as the mechanisms are connected by a wire. If the wire parts, the forward hook can be released independently.
Cam tvpe as found on WMA Enclosed lifeboat:

This type of release uses a machined cam to secure the hooks i n the locked position. This reduces the chance of a 'hook-up' but could result i n premature release i f adequate maintenance i s not undertaken. In order to ensure that the boat will normally only be able to be released when waterborne, (and as with all on-load systems) a hydrostatic interlock i s fitted. When the

boat i s out of the water the interlock mechanism prevents the release handle from being operated. Once the boat i s water borne, water pressure operates the diaphragm and associated interlock enabling the release handle to be operated. To operate the release mechanism when the boat i s waterborne:
1 . Remove the 'T'headed safety pin from the release unit (NOT until the b a t i s waterborne) 2. Grasp the release handle firmly and pull upwards against spring pressure - to clear the locating pins on the handle from their slots. 3. Pull the release handle a f t to its fullest extent. Both cams should now be rotated allowing the hook to pivot freely once load i s applied to the fat1 wires. 4. Once the release mechanism has been operated, the coxswain places the throttle ahead and steers away on a designated compass course out of the danger area. The lifeboat is capable o f maintaining a cruising speed of 6 knots and has sufficient fuel for 24 hours running a t this




speed. 5. Once outside the danger zone, the boat should heave to and open ventilators as required.

Emerqency Interlock Override procedure:

Should an emergency arise where i t is absolutely clear that the craft is waterborne and the yellow hydrostatic indicator lever i s s t i l l i n the lacked position (and thus not atlowing the release mechanism to operate) - it is possible to break the glass protective viewing panel and operate the locking lever manually. The yellow indicator should be held up against i t s spring, in the unlocked position (red sector), whilst the release lever i s operated to release the hook mechanism.

NB Should a capsize occur, the boat i s self righting provided that the occupants are strapped %o their seats and that the hatches are closed. The ventilators are fitted with counter-weights to ensure automatic closure during inversion.



Ensure that there is sufficient slack on the fall wires. Lift winch brake and operate manual pay off wheel if more slack i s required. In the lifeboat, return the hook release handle t o the closed position as follows:-


Cone System

1. Lift, rotate and push down the release handle into the closed position. Make sure that rotation is only in a clockwise direction (the opposite of the release operation) i n order to avoid twisting the operating cables in older boats. 2. Manoeuvre the iifeboat under the davit, so that the bow and stern men can pick up their respective fall wires, and engage the end links into the release hook assemblies.

WMA enclosed Lifeboat:

Push the operating release handle as far forward as it will travel. The pin in the handle will then be above the slots in the side plates. The handle i s now ready for re-cocking the gear. The bow and stern men must then ensure that each hook i s manually returned to the closed position and the tail of the hook i s behind the cam release pin. The gear i s re-cocked by operating a short re-cocking lever which i s situated on one side of each of the two release hooks. Pulling upwards on this lever, untii it reaches i t s stop position, will rotate the cam release pin and lock any movement of the hook. The tail of the hook must be hard up against the flat face of the pin and this should be checked.

2. When both hooks are re-cocked, the helmsman's release handle pin will then be free to drop down into i t s slotted 'locked' position. The bow and stern men inspect and pull on the hooks t o ensure that they are secureiy locked and report to the helmsman - "Hooks are re-cocked".
3. The helmsman ensures that the operating release handle i s fully slotted home and then inserts the T headed safety pin, in order to ensure that the handle cannot be operated inadvertently.

4. Slip the end link onto the hook by pushing it over the guard plate. The latter automaticaliy drops back into position when this has been done and blocks off the mouth

of the hook. This prevents the end link from slipping off. A check should be made that guard plate has i n fact closed, before advising the helmsman that all i s ready for hoisting.
5. The helmsman informs the winch operator that the fatls are engaged and that hoisting can commence. Once the weight i s taken on the falls, the bow and stern men can return to their seats. Before starting the winch motor, the operator should ensure that the brake i s on fully.
6 . Once the lifebat i s clear of the water, the engine may k stopped. The hydrostatic interlock should automatically lock the hook release handle as soon as the boat has been lifted clear of the water surface.
7. Hoisting is maintained by the winch operator maintaining pressure on the remote push button or lever for the hoist motor. If this i s released, hoisting will stop immediately, The limit switches should be tested as soon as possible after winching re-commences.

8. Approach the fully stowed position with caution, i n case of limit switch malfunction. The limit switch i s designed to automatically cut off the power when the boat i s close to i t s chocks, i n order to prevent the fall wires from being over tensioned.
9, Complete stowage by hand cranking. Do not over tension the falls once the boat i s stowed and remove the crank handie after use.


10. The boat's occupants unfasten seat beits, open the doors and leave the craft.

11. Replace gripes (if fitted) and re-insert the lowering control cable into the boat.

12. The boat's crew re-prepare the craft for emergency use: Check fuel, oil and water levels and replenish as necessary. Fold seat b l t s . Set engine controls i n the 'start-up' position. Pump up hydraulic accumulator to above 2500 psi and shut off valve. Remove plug i n b i l ~ e . Leave ventilators open. Stow loose gear, Close hatches and doors firmly.

NOTE tnstructian and maintenance manuals will be available for your sunrival craft and davits. These should k studied to ensure that correct procedures are being followed.


WMA /MOW J JG /5DPSCRB Notes /04.2010

of the hook. This prevents the end link from slipping off. A check should be made that guard plate has i n fact closed, before advising the helmsman that all i s ready for hoisting.

5. The hetmsman informs the winch operator that the falls are engaged and that hoisting can commence. Once the weight i s taken on the falls, the bow and stern men can return to their seats. Before starting the winch motor, the operator should ensure that the
brake i s on fully. 6. Once the lifeboat i s clear of the water, the engine may be stopped. The hydrostatic interlock should automatically lock the hook release handle as soon as the boat has been lifted clear of the water surface.

7. Hoisting i s maintained by the winch operator maintaining pressure on the remote push button or lever for the hoist motor. If this i s released, hoisting will stop immediately. The limit switches should be tested as soon as possible after winching re-commences,
8. Approach the fully stowed position with caution, i n case of limit switch malfunction. The limit switch i s designed to automatically cut off the power when the boat is close to its chocks, in order to prevent the fall wires from being over tensioned.

9. Complete stowage by hand cranking. Do not over tension the falls once the boat i s stowed and remove the crank handle after uw. 10. The boat's occupants unfasten seat belts, open the doors and leave the craft.

11. Replace gripes (if fitted) and re-insert the lowering control cable into the boat. 12. The boat's crew re-prepare the craft for emergency use: Check fuel, oil and water levels and replenish as necessary. Fold seat belts. Set engine controls i n the 'start-up' position. Pump up hydraulic accumulator to above 2500 psi and shut off valve. Remove plug in bilge. Leave ventilators open. Stow loose gear. Close hatches and doors firmly.

NOTE Instruction and maintenance manuals will be available for your survival craft and davits. These should be studied to ensure that correct procedures are being followed.

WU4/MOS/ JJG 15DPSCRB Notes/04.2010

WMA Harding Lifeboat:

Lift the counterweight so that the hook i s fully open. Insert the end link of the davit fall wire into release, and close the hook by pushing dawn on the countenwight. It is essential that pressure i s maintained on the weight until all slack in the wire i s taken up. The tip of the release hook must be right across the 'Vee' in the sideplates of the release gear, so that there i s no possibility of the end link slipping off the hook. As a safety measure, the tips of all hooks should now be painted a bright colour to show the extent to which they are inserted into the sideplates. The recovery procedure i s then the same as for the watercraft lifeboat.

Free fall Lifeboats were first investigated by the Dutch firm 'Verhoef' following two major accidents with conventional lifeboats i n 1950. However, i t was not until 1973 that the Nowegian Maritime Directorate directed companies to look at the possibility of a new type of lifesaving system for use on ships i n rough conditions. Several manufacturers became involved with gantry design and construction and in conjunction with lifeboat designers, produced a suitable strengthened lifeboat. Trials were sufficiently successful to enable production of a prototype lifeboat and davit type system for fitting onboard the 120,000dwt Bulk carrier MV Tarcoola.
In June 1977 the first trial launching was held; with a free fall drop of 17 metres leading to the resurfacing craft moving away from the ship a t 8 knots. Once the system had been proven, further advances took place onboard to reach a position were the free fall lifeboat i s now a common feature. The Offshore Oil Industry quickly followed w i t h free faU height of up to 40 metres. A l l new installations now have free fall lifebaats.

Manufactures of free fall lifeboats are Norway, West Germany, Sweden, Netherlands and the UK. The IMO 1983 Amendments to SOLSA 1974 indicated that free fall lifeboats may be used as an aiternative to the more conventional systems (Regulation ) One disadvantage that has become apparent i s that the recovery of the free fall i n rough weather i s very difficult - therefore a separate rescue boat must be carried for MOB recovery. Umoe Schat-Harding first produced (1975) 5 different sizes, with capacities from 18 to 34 persons secured by a single point hydrostatic hook. These craft can be launched from heights of up to 26 metres. The first UK Vessel to be equipped with a free fall lifeboat was the Brabourne and Blackrock with Verhoef aluminium craft. On many ships the manufacturer now provides a complete package consisting of free fall lifeboat and davit systems, a rescue boat with davit and a davit launched liferaft with davit.
Advances in design are moving forward rapidly. The main requirements of the free fall is t h a t it must be able to :1. Free fall off the stern of the ship 2. Be fitted with a hydrostatic release system i n order to be able to float free i n the event of the ship sinking quickly. 3. Must k able to be lowered into the sea by a davit if required 4. Recovered by a davit system.

Freefal l

Float free

Gravty - toruering


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Requirements: k The b a t must make positive headway after becoming waterborne without engine power. ) . Tolerances of 10" trim and 20" list are established before the boat comes into contact with the ship. P The boat must have two independent release activation systems which may only be operated from inside the boat. + Every freefall lifeboat must be launched a t a maximum of 6 monthly intervals. r The boat must be sufficiently constructed to withstand a drop of 1.3 times the certified freefall height with a full complement without sustaining damage.


Definitions: Chapter V of the LSA Code 1. Rescue boats may be either of rigid or inflatable construction or a combination of both and ky shall be: 2. Not less than 3.8m and not more than 8.5m in length 3. Carry a t least five seated persons and a person lying down on a stretcher 4. Capable of manoeuvring a t a speed of a t least 6 knots and maintaining that speed for a period of a t least 4 hours. 5. Be capable of retrieving a person from the water, marshalling and towing largest liferaft carried on t h e ship when fully loaded a t a speed of a t Least 6 knots.
A Fast Rescue Boat may be; rigid, inflatable or rigidlinflatable construction and shodd:


2. 3.

Be not less than 6m and not greater than 8.5m in length Capable of carrying at least five persons and one lying down Shatl k capabte o f manoeuvring a t a speed of a t least 20 knots for a t Least 4 hours in calm waters with a suitably qualified crew of a t least three persons. Capable of manoeuvring a t least 8 knots when fully loaded.

A rescue boat i s defined as 'a boat designed to rescue persons i n distress and to marshal survival craft'. A lifeboat may be allowed to have a dual role as a rescue boat, provided that i t meets all the requirements of b t h craft, including launching and stowage arrangements.


The rescue boat must be kept in a continuous state of readiness for launching in not more than 5 minutes. It i s normalty boarded and launched from the stowed position. If it has a dual role as a lifeboat on a passenger ship, then it may be boarded at the embarkation deck - i f the other lifeboats are arranged to be boarded in this fashion.
Rapid access into and disembarkation from rescue boats i s required. On cargo vessels, the boat's crew have t o be able to enter the craft within a 3 minute period from the boarding instruction being given. Launchinq and Recovery


F .

, . -

Provisions are similar to other survival craft. However, all rescue boats must be capable of being launched with the parent ship making up t o 5 knots headway in calm conditions. Painters may be used in order to achieve this. Rapid recovery of the craft i s also required - with a hoist rate of not less than 0.3m/sec being specified for a boat with its full rescue complement of 6 persons plus equipment aboard. 'Off load/On load' hook release systems are allowed for launching and recovery purposes. Under UK Regulations, a recovery strop system must be fitted to all twin fall systems, i n order to facilitate recovery of the boat i n adverse weather conditions. Construction

< .

Rescue boats may be either of rigid or inflated construction, or a combination of the two. They must comply with most of the ordinary lifeboat provisions with regard to strength, capacity, inherent buoyancy, fittings, release mechanisms and markings. In addition they must:h Be fitted with permanent arrangements for towing - this i s t o include provision of a buoyant towline. Be equipped with either an inboard or outboard engine - with petrol driven outboards being acceptable, provided that the fuel tanks are specially protected against fire and explosion. Manual or power starting systems may be used. Be fitted with a bow cover extending over not less than 15% of the boat's length. The cover i s not required on boats which already have an adequate bow sheer. Be equipped with 'thwarts, benches, or fixed chairs' for everyone that the boat i s designed to accommodate. P Inflated rescue boats must be capable of being righted by not more than 2 people i f they capsize.



Boat Markings

Capacity - Number of persons. Name of ship and port of Registry. Date of manufacture. Maker's name or trademark and serial number. Dependant on the largest liferaft on board which has to be towed

Enqine Size

As per the regulations there must t~ sufficient fuel for at least 3 hours running at a "satisfactory speed". In practice, a 22.7 litre (5 gallon) tank will be sufficient for about 5 hours running a t cruising speed. Outbard motors must k test run once a week and property serviced a t least annually. Operating and maintenance manuals should be provided for the engine.
Boat Covers Inflatable boats should be kept covered a t all times i n order to protect them and i n particular their buoyancy tubes, from funnel deposits such as sparks. Such a cover should be designed for quick release and removal i n an emergency. The boats tube proofing i s resistant b oil and fungal attack but a weekly wash with clean fresh water will help to preserve the boat i n good condition. Inflatable boats should not be used as painting punts Boats may be stowed flat, or on their sides or ends, provided that their holding down arrangements can be quickly released.

Inflation To ensure that boats are readily available for use they must always remain fully inflated. Full and even tube inflation will also ensure good performance and reduce chafe. An occasional "top up" with the bellows provided may be required to maintain the boat i n its proper condition. Cleaninq Sand and debris can accumulate i n the floor and corners of the boat and a c t as an abrasive, so i t i s important to keep the boat clean.

Launc hinq arranqements Stowage and launching arrangements are to be illuminated by deck lighting. In an emergency, boats may well be hand launched, but mechanical means of launching and recovering should be provided and i n all circumstances should be used when an engine i s fitted. Single arm davits are frequently provided, and the boat must be capable of being easily moved from its stowage position to the davit for launching, if it i s not already stowed under the davit arm. The davit must have a SWL sufficient to launch or recover a fully fuelled and equipped boat, plus a launching crew of 2

persons. Davits are usually designed for manual operation only, but powered boat recovery may be incorporated, provided that there i s a manual override i n the event of a power failure. Inflatable Boat Equipment
A t least 2 buoyant oars and 2 buoyant paddles. A bailer and 2 sponges. A crutch or steering grommet on the transom. Grab lines secured both around the outside and the inside of the boat. A painter of adequate size and length not less than 16m long. (Breaking strain to be not less than 500kg). Hand holds or straps for righting the boat if it capsizes. A short line i s usually stowed i n a pocket on one side of the b a t amidships for this purpose. Boats must be capable of being righted by not more than 2 persons. Manually operated k l l o w s or pump. 4 legged bridle sling for hoisting and lowering the boat with full equipment, engine, fuel and 2 persons aboard. A puncture repair kit. A sea anchor with a line a t least 9m i n length. To be capable of preventing the loaded boat drifting at more than 1 knot i n wind force 5 or 6. A safety knife. 2 buoyant rescue quoits each h w ti 18 metres of light buoyant line. A waterproof electric torch with a spare set of batteries and a spare bulb. A container or pocket for loose equipment. If an engine i s fitted, a portable fire extinguisher must be carried - usually a dry powder type of 23kg. Tools and spares should be provided for the engine and include the following items:1 set spark plugs/ 3 propeller drive shear pins (if appropriate) 3 propeller nut split pins/ 1 starter rope/ 1 spark plug spanner/ 1 pair pliers.


This craft was introduced under the M S (Lifesaving Appliances) Regulations 1986 which came into force on 1 July 1986, and which apply to new vessels from that date.

The inflated boat specifications align very closely to those previously adopted for the "DOTI" inflatabie and it i s intended to act as a rescue boat on cargo vessels of tess than 500 gross tons, and other small vessels. This i s a UK, rather than an international (IMO) provision, and has been introduced i n order t o upgrade equipment on ships which have a tonnage which i s Less than that provided for under SOLAS Regulations.

Overall Length


Not less than 3.8m and not more than 8.5m. At least three persons and one lying down. With minor variations, very similar to "DOTI" inflatable specificatjons. The new Regulations state that an automatic drain valve must now be fitted and that seating positions be marked. The boat i s required to be powered by an outboard engine (maximum 10hp) and be capable of manoeuvring at speeds of a t least 6 knots with two persons aboard. At 6 knots endurance must be at least 2 hours. In addition, the boat must be capable of towing the largest liferaft fitted to the vessel at a speed of at least 2 knots, when it i s fully loaded with personnel. In this respect, permanent arrangements for towing must be fitted.


Lifeboat Recovery in bad weather

Step One: Survival craft lowered with nylon recovery pennant secured to boat with weak cord that will break when boat i s released.
Step Two:

Boat departs falls Leaving hanging off pennant dangling and ready for recovery

Step Three:

Step Four:

Boat is returned to falls a t controlled speed and crew member places recovery pennant into re-set hook mechanism.

Boat is lifted just

clear of water to check FBA

pennants secure and that diaphragm interlock on release mechanism has reset.

Step Six:
Hanging off pennants are attached. Weight transferred to them before the recovery pennants are removed and the original f a l l bbcks reconnected to the hooks. Weight then transferred hack ta main falls and hanging off

Step Five:
Boat is hoisted to embarkation deck t o evacuate un-necessary or injured personnel


Liferafts can be either throw over or Davit iaunched (DLR).

Davit Launched Liferafts:

These liferafts are designed to be inflated and boarded a t deck level and then lowered to the water on a single fall wire. A special release hook i s provided, which i s attached to a metal ring on top of each liferaft. It should never be cocked for release until the liferaft i s about 2 metres above the sea surface, i n case there i s a malfunction. Once cocked the hook i s designed not to release until there is no weight on it, i.e. the liferaft i s waterborne. In the event of the hook not releasing, the cocking line should be pulled again this can be done by somebody i n the liferaft entrance. If possible, this should k the person in charge of the raft.

Launching posters are usually posted up close to davit positions and i t i s normal to launch a number of liferafts from the same davit. in an extreme emergency it i s possible to dispense with the davit and to launch the rafts by throwing them over the side of the installation into the sea. Before doing this i t is essential t h a t the 'long' painter be secured to a strong point on the installation. Liferafts on merchant vessels are generaly regarded as a backup to the primary means of evacuation to sea level - i n the form of totally enclosed lifeboats or survival capsules. This i s because they are without power for manoeuvring and are very much at the mercy of the wind and waves. This may well influence the decision to launch liferafts from one side or the other. Obviously a lee side location i s preferable.

Deck Stowed Liferafts:

If the launching height i s not excessive, many vessels will carry deck stowed liferafts. These will either be stowed i n deck cradles or more commonly on launching ramps. In the case of a ramp stowage, several liferafts may k stowed on one ramp and it i s important that only one be launched a t a time. If this i s not done, there i s a good chance that the rafts wilt interfere with each other during inflation - this may lead to one raft riding up aver the other, or in one of the rafts being blown over.
Try to board liferafts dry i f possible, but do not jump onto them from a too great a height - yau may injure yourself or others i n the raft. Attempt to climb down as close to the sea level as possible and only jump a few feet into the raft entrance. Rope ladders, fixed ladders on the structure, knotted ropes or scrambling nets may t~ some of the '

devices provided to enable you to do this. As a last resort, you may have to enter the water and swim to a survival craft.
If it i s not possible to launch a liferaft from i t s normal position, because of weather conditions, smoke, fumes etc. It can be removed from its stowage and carried to an alternative location - do not forget to re-attach the painter before launching!


1. Ensure that the painter i s made fast to a strong point of the vessel.
2. Remove the securing strap on the cradle or ramp.

3. Make sure that the water i s clear of obstructions.

4. Doublecheck the painter

5 . Throw the liferaft i n to the water or, on a ramp stowage, hinge down the raft's securing plate and allow the raft to roll into the sea. Then pull out the painter to its fullest extent and jerk i t to fire the C02 gas bottle.
6. The liferaft will inflate i n about 30 seconds once the painter has activated the sas bottle.

Do not launch liferafts before they are required and do not inflate them on deck an empty inflated tiferaft i s wind prone and vulnerable to damage. Aiways board liferafts as soon as possible when they are inflated a fully loaded (iferaft i s much more stable than an empty one. First persons to board the liferaft should sit on the windward side, i n order to minimise the possibility of capsize. This i s particularly important with older liferaft designs which do not have such efficient ballast pockets as the newer ones.

Entering the water from a height

Make sure that it i s clear to step off. Cover your airway (mouth and nose). Hold down your lifejacket. Put your feet together. took ahead when you step off the vessel.

Once you reach a survival craft, cling onto it or it could drift away. Putting your arm through grablines i s better than hanging on with your hands, which can become numb quickly in cold conditions. If there is no survival craft i n your vicinity, swim clear of the immediate danger area and then float quietly in your lifejacket until help arrives. If possible join up with other survivors so that you can help each other. Grouping together will also make it easier for rescuers to see you and to manoeuvre to your position. in cold conditions it i s essential that you put on as much warm clothing as possible, including a waterproof outer layer, i n order to maximise your chances of survival.

It cannot be emphasised too strongly that successful boarding of a liferaft i s not i n itself sufficient in all cases to ensure survival, particularly i n rough seas and cold weather. Experience has shown that certain vital actions must be taken as soon as possible to maximise your chances of survival. These actions have priority over others and can be memorised by the use of four 'key" words:-


CUT -Assist other survivors to board the liferaft. Pull as much of the painter into the raft as possible then cut the painter with a knife, which you will find in a clearly marked sheath at the raft entrance closest to the painter attachment. Then use the paddles and Sea Anchor to manoeuvre the liferaft clear of danger - A safe distance away from the stricken vessel so as not to be set back towards the danger or for the ship to drift onto you.
STREAM When you are clear of the ship or installation - stream the sea anchor (drogue). This will open in the water like a parachute and will help to reduce the drift rate of the liferaft. The raft will then be prevented from drifting rapidly away from survivors who may still be in the water, and will also be stopped from moving an excessive distance from the distress position and the area of maximum search.

The drogue line i s permanently attached to the liferaft at a point to one side of the raft entrances, When the drogue is streamed the liferaft will drift down wind until i t s line tightens. The taut line has the effect of keeping the raft entrances at an angle to the prevailing wind and waves, and will also help to resist any tendency of the liferaft to capsize, since any capsizing movement is resisted by the downward pull of the line.
Should the original drogue be lost, there i s a spare in the emergency pack. This may also be used as a towline, i n which case it must be secured to a strong point, such as a painter loop.
CLOSE In cold weather, close up the raft entrances and inflate the raft floor with the hand pump provided in the emergency pack. The body heat of the occupants will then rapidly warm the interior of the liferaft. If the liferaft i s fitted with internal pressure relief valves for the main buoyancy tubes, do not close the entrance until the valves have stopped venting, or there wit1 be a build of C02 gas in the raft. Ensure that you always use slip knots when typing doorway tapes, or you could be trapped in the unlikely event of a raft capsize.

In warm climates it i s unlikely that you will need to close the entrance fully or to inflate the floor i f the floor i s not permanently insulated), except at night when it can becomes cold, since your major need will be to remain cool i n order to reduce fluid loss or perspiration.

MAINTAIN Bail and sponge out any water. Check the liferaft for leaks or damage; plug and repair leaks with the repair kit provided in the emergency pack, Remember that permanent patches cannot be applied over damaged areas until the raft material i s completely dry.

The 'Initial Actions' are essential to combat exposure, and the following actions should be taken as soon as possible, although not necessarily i n the order i n which they are presented:-

SEASICK Liferafts i n particular are known to make even the best sailors seasick and this incapacitating illness may destroy the will to survive. In order to carry out survival procedures you need to be physically fit and mentally capable, thus it i s imperative to take anti sea sickness pills as early as possible.
Seasickness i s not only a physical handicap, but valuable body fluid may be lost. The pllts themseives will tend to make survivors feel lethargic and suffer from a dry mouth. The urge to drink must be resisted. INJURED SURVIVORS Treat injured survivors. A first aid kit with instructions is available in every liferaft. BAIL OUT Continue to remove any water with the bailer provided and dry out with sponges. One good tip i s to try to save one sponge for the express purpose of mopping up condensation, in order to supplement water supplies. WARMING UP If survivors are chilled and shivering, get everybody to huddle together but be careful not to upset the trim of the raft - the closer the survivors get, the warmer they get. Use all avaitable spare clothing and blankets to cover survivors and, provided conditions are reasonable, lifejackets may be sat upon i n order to provide extra insulation. If necessary, strip clothing from the dead. Although this i s unpleasant, you may need to do this i n order to survive. CONGREGATION If immediate outside assistance i s not available, try to join up with other survival craft. Try to congregate a safe distance away from the stricken vessel so as not to be set back towards any danger or for the ship to drift onto you. Equipment can then be shared, and survivors are more likely to be spotted quickly by rescuers.

The initial and secondary actions combat the immediate threat to survivors. There now follows some necessary subsequent actions and advice concerning the establishment of a survival craft routine.
LEADER The senior person present will normally take charge, but in his absence the leader will need to be appointed or elected, bearing in mind the expertise and ability of the group of survivors. Different situations in the raft may require different 'leaders' to deal with them,

SHARP OBJECTS Collect sharp objects or potential weapons. Special care must be taken regarding footwear, as it affords the best protection to the feet yet may puncture the raft.
ROLL CALL I t i s essential to have a roll call of survivors in order to establish the likelihood of further survivors being found, the numbers available for watches, the numbers injured and the expertise available in the craft.

ROUTINE Establish a routine and allocate duties to survivors e.g. ration keeper, lookouts, repair party, balers. It is important to keep the minds of all survivors fully occupied, whilst avoiding unnecessary exertion.

WATCHES As a general rule, watches should be set in pairs for about one hour at a time with one person on outside Iookout and the other on watch inside the liferaft. Lookout times must be monitored carefully in hot or cold climates so as not to put personnel at risk from hypothermia or heat exhaustion.
The person on outside lookout should be suitably dressed and protected as far as possible from the elements, as welt as being secured to the raft in case of accident. This person i s responsible for keeping a lookout for other survivors, ships, aircraft, land and any possible dangers. The person on the inside is responsible for the maintenance of the raft (baiting, drying, ventilation and inspecting buoyancy tubes) as well as supervisinll the raft management while the others rest. This includes attending to injured persons, operating radio aids, and looking after equipment. One point worthy of mention here, i s that a closed down raft should be ventilated for a few minutes every half an hour to vent any C02 gas which may have built up inside the canopy.


Listen to whistles and look for survivors, signalling lights and lights of other rafts, ships or aircraft. The lookouts should be properly briefed in their duties,
POST LOOKOUT - brief to include how and when to use location aids - especially the pyrotechnics.

HANDBOOK - all survivors should read the survival craft handbook as soon as possible, in order that everyone aboard the craft can receive as much guidance concerning the situation. PASSING WATER - within two hours of boarding the craft all survivors should be encouraged to pass water i n order to avoid later problems due t o urine retention.

WATER AND FOOD - 1.5 litres of water and 10,000 kilojoules of high enercjy, low thirst provoking food per person. If rescue i s likely to be delayed, do not issue any rations during the first twenty four hours except to conscious, injured people. Rain water should be collected from the outset.

WMA/MOS/ JJGI 5DPSCRB Notes/04.2010

Launchinq Appliances
There are a number of different types for launching survival units: -

1. Luffing - quadrant (found on old vessels) 2. Luffing - hydraulic, compress air 3. Single Pivot gravity 4. Gravity trackway 5. Under deck storage davit 6. Single arm slewing davit 7. Free fall 8. Fast Rescue Boat davit 9. Means of Rescue davit

Lifeboats and their launching appliances together farm an integrated lifesaving system.
Launching Appliances: Red banded

If a davit or boat i s not of sufficient strength to enable the boat to be lowered into the water, when fully loaded w i t h a full complement of persons, then the davit must be conspicuously marked with a RED BAND 1 50mm wide to be painted on a white background. The appliance should be used with a maximum of two crew, then boarded when waterborne.
Launching times
i Passenger Vessels all survival craft must be capab(e of being launched within a period of 30

minutes from the time that the abandon ship signal i s given. Cargo vessels this time i s reduced to 10 minutes 3 Rescue boats stowed i n a state of continuous readiness for launching in not less than 5 minutes

Luffing quadrant This type i s now confined to vessels built during the 40s to 50s period; found on older vessels such as the Paddle ship Waverley and Steam Ship Shieldhaul which i s berthed in Southampton
Single Pivot Gravity Davit

The pivot gravity davit, which has one pivot point for each arm, i s probabiy the most widely used type of gravity davit. The falls are led between the davits via a crossbeam, leaving the deck free of wire, and the boat i s stowed i n suck a way as to leave the deck beneath clear.

Roller Track aravitv davits


On decks where \ack of space does not allow the fitting of a pivot gravity davit, an overhead roller type may well provide a suitable alternative. It leaves a maximum of clear deck space beneath the boat, and has a low boat stowage aspect. In many cases the deck house can be used a5 a back support for the davit, but free standing is also available.




Under-Deck Stored Power davih

Umoe Schat-Harding Company have developed this type of davit mainly for cruise liners and ferries which allows promenade decks underneath survival craft can be kept free. The stored power telescopic gantry davit system f i t s neatly between decks and i s capable of carrying partialty enclosed 150-seater survival craft.



This type incorporates a stored power unit, it comes complete with power pack, accumulators, safety valves and pressure switches. Control stand provided at railing overlooking embarkation area. Electrically driven b a t winches. Attached by welding under deck Hydraulic turning out gear provided to move empty boats from stowed inboard position to outboard position Lowest possible centre of gravity for total life-saving installations. The system can handle survival craft and cruise tenders weighing up to 24
'Ihe C!nder-neck Stnretl I'cjwer Ilst it that not onlv sets ttew %tn~~rlards for ~21rt.t) a11d paw o f h a ~ ~ < l l i a hu ~&

WMA /MOS/J JG 15DPSCRB Notes /04.2010

VIP Gravity davits A new generation of gravity davits. Simple but innovative geometry i s employed to link steel profiles in a way that ~ives the davit high lateral reach i n relation to its size, Guided by a special tension bar, the upper davit arm swings in a predetermined curve which moves the boat along a virtually straight line into its lowering position. This feature significantly reduces the forces acting on the system and makes gravity lowering easier, even from a vessel with a heavy list. VIP davits can handle craft from 8 to 25 tonnes

, ,

Slewing davit for Fast Rescue boats:




In the above pictures, two distinct types of single arm davit can k seen. The one on the left (Wellin Lambie) complies with current regulations and consists of a stored powered FRB davit with constant tension winch system. This constant tension mechanism can be either electronic or hydraulic and i s set for sea state 5 conditions. The davit has additional shock absorbing arrangement and an enhanced docking frame. Variable speed lowering control from 0-40mlmin,
The davit on the right does not meet current regulations as there i s no tensioning facility and consists of just a single arm, powered winch mechanism.


The conventional single arm davit consists of a davit which i s slewed by hand to the outboard position, and a winch with a centrifugal and stopping brakes to lower the fully laden raft into the water. The winch is equipped with a mechanism enabling the falls to k recovered quickly, so the davit i s suitable for sequence launching. A remote control mechanism can be fitted to the winch to allow the brake to k opened from within the raft,


near ssaay




Where space prevents the fitting of a swinging arm then a fixed davit can be turned outboard with a spindle, and the raft boarded through the A-frame. As well as saving deck space this type of davit has the advantage that, i n the event a low-side list, i t need only be turned just enough to bring the raft near to the ships side, making it unnecessary to bowse the I raft in,



H I . ~ It r l l l H ~ 1 i * [ k k 1 1 1 !,HOT1

Following the Estonia ferry disaster i n December 1994, all Ro-Ro ferries and passenger vessels must now be equipped with a rescue davit (see picture below) to assist with the recovery of survivors i n adverse weather candi tions. The davit consists of a single arm, with power operated hoist mechanism.


,/ '



The Global Maritime Distress tir Safety System (GMOSS)


System was fully implemented on 1 February 1999

GDMSS provisions apply to ships of 300 grt and upwards and equipment are related to sea areas of operation rather than to size of vessel. Four mutually exclusive sea areas are defined as follows: Al
A2 A3

An area within RIT coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous

DSC alerting i s available.

As above, but with reference to an MF coast station. An area within INMARSAT geostationary satellite coverage, i n which 'continuous alerting' i s available. Any area outside of sea areas A1 , A2 and A3 - usually the high latitudes. Designated Geographical coveraqe areas of GMDSS Sea Area A1:
VHF provides a short-range service on the following frequencies: 156.525 MHr(channet 70) for distress alerts and safety calls by DSC, and 156.8MHz(channel 16) for distress and safety traffic by radiotelephony, including SAR co-ordinating functions and on-scene communications. Also VHF Channels 06 (safety of navigation) and 13 (Inter-ship), have been designated for subsequent voice communications. Passenger ships require VHF equipment t o be fitted with the aeronautical distress and homing frequencies 121.5 & 123.1MHz

Sea Area A2:

A medium-range service is provided on frequencies in the 2MHz band. In the ship-to-shore, ship-toship and shore-to-ship directions 2187.5 kHz will i s used for distress alerts and safety cails by DSC and 2182kHz will be used for distress and safety traffic by radiotelephony, including SAR coordinating functions and on-scene communications. [2174.5kHz will be used to transmit navigational and meteorological warnings in the NAVTEX system].
Sea Area A3:

The use of satellite communication t o improve maritime safety is particularly important for the effectiveness of the GMDSS in sea area A3. Satellite communications are used i n both shipto-shore and shore-to-ship directions. A t present there are two satellite systems in use for distress alerting. The lNMARSAT sateliite system which employs geostationary satellites and operates i n the 1.5 and 1 .b GHr frequency bands, provides a means of alerting from ships by using ship earth station ; or satellite EPIRBs and a capability for two-way

comms using radiotelex (SAT-C) and optionally radiotelephone (SAT-0). Braadcas ts of marine safety information (Enhanced Group Calling as part of the fleet SafetyNet function) to ships using radiotelex are also provided through the INMARSAT system using either a standard ship earth station and associated equipment or dedicated faci(ities.
COSPAS-SARSAT i s a near polar-orbiting satelite EPlRB service operating i n the 406406.1 MHZ frequency band, It i s operated and monitored by a French - Russian consortium, monitored on 406 MHz band, listening for EPlRBs signals. On picking up such a signal the satellite determines the location of the beacon using a combination o f doppler- shift and known satellite position. Information relating to the coordinates of the beacon are then transmitted down to ground monitoring stations who, i n turn, pass this information to the Rescue Co-ordination Centre.

Sea Area A4:

The INMARSAT footprint of ~eostationary satetl ites does not allow for coverage in high latitudes, therefore other systems must be used. The orbit of COSPAS/SARSAT satellites does atlow for a period of coverage, however, this may be unreliable a t the poles. As a result of this, High Frequency (HF) radio is often used for communications i n these areas.

Shipborne components of the svstem:

3 VHF Transmitting and Receivinq:

Onbard VHF equipment with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capability forms the basis of distress alerting i n sea area A1.

Search and Rescue Radar Transponder (SART) :

The radar transponders operate in a similar manner to navigation *'Racont'beacons. Search and Rescue vessels, operating on 3cm(X-band) radars may pick up signals from a SART when the SART i s stimulated into operation by their radar SARTs only operate on 3cm transmission. wavelengths (corresponding frequency band 9.2 - 9.5 GHz) The range of a radar transponder is not very great but as with most radio wave devices i s dependent upon height of the aerial unit for increased range. Typically when heid aloft by a person standing i n a lifebat, will produce a useful range of approximately 4-12 miles to surface SAR craft, although aircraft may pick up the signal a t up to 50nm dependent upon altitude.

McMurdo SART

Emergency Position lndicatinq Radio Beacon (EPI RBI: This indicates that one (or more) persons are i n distress and that they may no longer be aboard their vessel. As a result of this the transmission i s one way and there i s no way for rescue services to contact any survivors. Emergency position indicating radio beacons take several forms, from smail, hand-held devices to larger, floatfree beacons employing a hydrostatic release mechanism. The advancement of technology means that EPIRB's are getting smaller, and when incorporated with a GPS receiver, are able to provide submetre positional accuracy. The smaller PI RBs operate on 121.5 MHz (aircraft distress frequency - Civil). Whereas the larger EPl RBs float free operate on 406 - 406.1 MHz as part of the COSPASISARSAT satellite systems.
The "L-Band" INMARSAT- E system was equipped to pick up position . - indicating signals from EPI*S designed to operat= i n the-l.6GHz band. However, INMARSAT phased out this service i n December 2006 due to lack of demand and the predominance of ship stations using COSPAS/SARSAT based equipment. Despite this, INMARSAT continue to provide SAT-C distress alerting.

Medium Frequency t MF):

Transmitting and receiving for distress and safety purposes, on 2182 KHz (voice) and 2187.5 KHz (DSC). A continuous DSC watch must also be kept in this frequency. Hiqh Frequencv (HF) Communications:
Many GMDSS stations incorporate dual purpose MFIHF receivers and transmitters. HF frequencies vary and will depend upon atmospheric conditions and intended range.

Functions of the GMDSS


Distress alerting i s the rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide or co-ordinate assistance. This could be another ship in the vicinity or a rescue co-

ordination centre (RCC). When an alert i s received by an RCC, normally via a coast station or land earth station, the RCC will relay the alert to SAR units and to ships i n the vicinity of the distress incident. A distress alert should indicate the identification and position of the distress and, where practicable, i t s nature and other information which could be used for reKue operations.

The communications arrangements are designed to enable distress alerting to be performed i n all three directions: ship-to-shore, ship-to-ship and shore-to-ship, i n all sea areas. The probabiiity of a successfut alert i s high and, as the alerting time i s usually reasonably short, response should be rapid, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful rescue. However, ship- to-ship alerting i s designed to be effective at distances of up to 100 miles. When there i s no ship within about 100 miles of the ship i n distress, the system is designed to enable assistance to be provided through arrangement made from the shore, using either satellite or HF communications, or a combination of both.
A distress alert wiU normally be initiated manually and all distress alerts will be acknowledged manually. However, if a ship sinks before the crew can initiate a 'MAYDAY' call then the float-free satellite EPlRB i s automatically activated.

The relaying of a distress alert from the RCC to ships in the vicinity of a distress incident wili be made either by satellite commur~ica tion to ship earth stations and /or by terrestr~at communications using appropriate frequencies. To avoid all ships i n a large sea area being alerted, an "area call" will normally be transmitted so that only those ships i n the vicinity of the distress incident are alerted. On receipt of a relayed distress alert, ships i n the area addressed should estabiish communications with the RCC concerned to enable the assistance to be co-ordinated. In ~eneral these are the communications necessary for the co-ordination of ships and aircraft participating i n the search resulting from a distress alert and include comrnun~cationsbetween RCCs and any "on-scene coordinator" or "co-ord~nator surface search" in the area of the distress incident.

On-scene communications
On-scene communications normally take place i n the MF and VHF bands on frequencies designated for distress and safety traffic by radiotelephony or radiotelex. These communications will k between the ship or to the rescue of survivors. When aircraft are involved i n on-scene communications they should be provided with equipment to communicate on 2182 kHz or 1 56.8MHz or both as well as on other maritime mobile frequencies.
Locating siqnals

Locating signals are transmissions intended to facilitate the finding of a ship i n distress or the location of survivors. These can be based around the 9GHz SART transmission or a 121.5MHz homing signal.

Carriage requirements:

Passenger Ships: lifejacket per person k Plus lO%(totalpassengers) extra for children ) . Plus a t least 5% spare lifejackets i Plus extra lifejackets for watchkeepers and for use a t remotely located survival craft stations.

Cargo Ships: k Lifej acket per person including children's lifejackets if required, i Plus a t least 4 extra lifejackets where a number of persons on board i s 16 or less and a t least 25% extra on other vessels. These are for watchkeeping and for use a t remotely located survival craft stations. Chapter II: Personal Life-saving Appliances LSA Code

General requirements for lifejackets A t least 75% of persons, who are completely unfamiliar with tifejackets, can correctly don i t within a period of one minute without assistance, guidance or prior demonstration; after demonstration, all persons can correctly don it within a period of 1 minute without assistance. It is clearly capable of being worn i n only one way or, as far as is practicable, cannot be donned incorrectlv. It i s comfortable to wear: i n d it allows the wearer t o jump from a height of a t least 4.5 metres into water without injury and without dislodging or damaging the lifejacket.
An adult lifejacket shall have sufficient buoyancy and stability i n calm fresh water to turn the body of an unconscious person in the water from any position to one where the mouth i s clear of the water i n not more than 5 seconds. An adult lifejacket shalt allow the person wearing i t to swim a short distance and board a survival

A child lifejacket shall be constructed and perform the same as an adult lifejacket except as follows: donning assistance is permitted for small children; assistance may be given to board a survival craft, but wearer mobility shall not be significantly reduced.
Markings required for a child lifejacket shall be marked with:

The height or weight range for which the lifejacket will meet the testing and evaluation criteria recommended by the organization; and a "child" symbol as shown i n the "child's lifejacket" symbol adopted by the Organization.

Carriage requirements:

Passenger Ships - between 8 and 30 lifebuoys are required depending upon the ship's length i n metres

Cargo Ships - between 8 and 14 tifebuoys are required depending upon the ships length in metres. Vessels under 100 metres i n length and under 500 grt need only carry 4 lifebuoys;



A t (east one lifebuoy on each side of the ship must be fitted with a buoyant tine. The length of the line attached must equal twice the lifebuoy's stowage height or 30m, whichever is the greater. On very large ships this length may be reduced.
Not less than 50% of the total number of lifebuoys, with a minimum of 6 on a passenger ship, must be provided with self igniting lights. Such tights may be fixed or flashing (not less than 50 flashes and not more than 70 flashes per minute) and must maintain an effective luminous intensity of not iess than 2 candela for at least 2 hours. On tankers the lights must be of the electrical battery type.



There must be a lifebuoy fitted i n a quick release unit on each side of the bridge wing. These must be fitted with both self-igniting light (duration 2 hours) and self-activating orange smoke signal(duration at least 15 minutes) Lifebuoy must be of a highly visible colour and fitted with patches of r e t r o - r e f l ~ t i v e material. They must be marked i n block capitals with the name of the ship and i t s port of registration.
Be fitted with a grabline not less than 9.5mm i n diameter and not less than four times the outside diameter of the body of the buoy i n length. The grabline shall be secured a t four equidistant points around the circumference of the buoy to form four equal loops.



Lifebuoys must be constructed of inherently buoyant nlaterial; normalty foam. It shalt not depend upon rushes, cork shavings or granulated cork, any other loose granulated material or any air compartment which depends on inflation for buoyancy granulated They must k circular i n shape, with dimensions as set out i n the LSA Code.

Lifebuoys and their attachments must be of sufficient strength to withstand a drop into the water from the height a t which it i s stowed above the waterline i n its lightest sea going condition or 30 metres, whichever i s the greater, without impairing either i t s operating capacity or that of its attached components.

A l l pyrotechnics have a storage life of 3 years and have their date of manufacture and expiry date marked on them. MGN refers to the disposal of out-to-date pyrotechnics and states that these shoutd never be used for testing or practical purposes, as there i s a possibility that the chemicals may have deteriorated with age. Expired pyrotechnics must not be disposed of a t sea, they should k landed to a certified shore disposal company (MGN refers). If this i s not done there is always the possibility that pyrotechnics dumped a t sea they will be washed ashore and perhaps cause injury to members o f the public, especially children, who may tamper with them.
NOTE: In the UK, the police can no longer accept out of date pyrotechnics for disposal and HM Coastguard has only limited disposal facilities for ieisure users only. Pyrotechnics should be returned to the manufacturer (or their agent for disposal)

Rocket Parachute Flares

Carriage Requirements: A t least 12 per vessel on passenger and cargo ships, i n addition to those required to be carried aboard survival craft. i 4 are carried i n lifeboats and liferafts engaged i n long international voyages, although only 2 are carried i n liferafts on vessels engaged i n "short international voyages".

1. 2. 3.


Single red flare suspended on a parachute. Luminous intensity not less than 30,000 candela. Burn time at least 40 seconds. Altitude attained - a t least 300 metres (1000'). Descent rate - not more than 5m/sec.

Many manufacturers have an embossed 'parachute' symbol of the letter 'P' on one end to assist with determining the firing mechanism a t night. Under normal conditions rocket parachute flares should be fired vertically. If a strong wind i s blowing they should be angled a t about 15" away from the direction of the wind. If pointed into the wind the rocket will tend to seek the wind and be deflected a t a large angle. This will reduce its maximum altitude and hence its range of visibility. If there i s a low cloud base the rocket may be kept below the clouds by deliberately tilting the flare over to about an angle of 45" downwind before firing it, Although there i s little rmoil, care should be taken to hold the flare canister firmly. Rocket parachute flares are good first detection devices for tong range signalling to ships and aircraft. Great care should be taken p J to fire them when aircraft or helicopters are i n the close proximity.

Red Pin Point Hand Flares

Carriage Requirements:

6 per lifeboat and liferaft aboard passenger and cargo ships. This i s reduced to 3 in liferafts carried aboard vessels engaged i n "short international voyages".


i Bright red hand fiare which burns with a luminous intensity of not less than 15,000 candela for a period of a t least 1 minute.

Individual manufacturer's instructions vary. In many cases the hand flare is activated by turning the handle grip 90" and then striking the base upwards. Once this has been done then the flare must be gripped by the plastic base and held up at arm's length, i n order to increase their range of visibility for searching vessels. Care should be taken to hold them to leeward of the survival craft as once ignited the magnesium inside will burn with enough ferocity to make the tube glow white hot.
Hand flares are of use when signalling to aircraft of to ships a t short range, say within 3nm of the survival craft. When used at night it i s important that the burning flare should not be looked at, since survivors" night visibility could be impaired and a condition similar to welders 'arc eye' induced. Red hand flares, rather than smoke signals, should be used when visibility i s poor, i n high wind conditions and during the hours of darkness.

Buoyant Smoke Sienals

Carriage Requirements:

2 per lifeboat and liferaft aboard passenger and cargo ships. This i s reduced to 1 in liferafts carried aboard vessels engaged on "short international voyages".
Smoke Float:

Highly visible orange smoke emitted for a period of not less than 3 minutes, whilst the signal i s floating i n calm water. I t must be capable of operating i n a seaway.


A very e f f ~ t i v e daytime signal, especially when viewed from abve, lt shows up well in bright sunlight, but tends to blow parallel to the waves i n high wind Conditions. This is a disadvantage when used for signalling to surface ships.
Use smoke signals rather than hand flares i n good visibility conditions, in bright daylight and when winds are light.

Line Throwing Equipment

. U S -

Carriage Requirement: To be carried aboard both passenger and cargo vessels.

1 2

A t least 4 rcckets and lines must be suppiied. These are now often in

their own separate integral units. Each rocket must k capable of carrying its line a distance of a t least 230 metres in calm weather. The maximum lateral deflection on either side of the direction of firing must not exceed 10%of the length of flight of the rocket in calm weather.


These units are used for passing a line to another vessel prior to taking it in tow or engaging in other rescue operations. They may also be used for making contact with the shore if a b r e ~ h e s buoy rescue apparatus i s to be employed. They can also be used for firing a line b a survival craft from
a rescue vessel.

If possible rockets should be fired downwind or directly into the wind, so as to improve aiming accuracy. When fired across the wind the rockets tend to be deflected upwind, whilst the lines are blown downwind in a bight. NEVER fire a rocket for practice purposes unless i t s line i s attached, as it can lose i t s directional stabitity and could cause serious injury to personnel.

NEVER fire a rocket if helicopters are operating in the vicinity.

NEVER fire a rocket over a vessel flying a "B" flag by day, or at night a red light at the masthead - as it i s indicating that there i s a risk of ignition of flammable vapours or a similar hazard. Such a vessel may also sound "GU" in morse code on the whistle i n poor visibility, which means "It i s not safe to fire a rocket".

Emer~ency Liqht and Smoke marker for


Man overboard:

This i s a combined day and night marker and i s safe to use on petrol and oil covered waters. I t i s designed to be attached to an emergency lifebuoy by a tanyard, and when released indicates position by dense orange smoke and two water activated lights.

1. 2.

Automatic emergency lifebuoy k marker connected to the wing of the bridge and i s automatically activated as it falls away from mounting when pushed overboard. I t can be manually released.

The signal is normally mounted in the inverted position until it i s required for use. A speciai bracket i s available for the purpose.

Produces dense orange smoke far 1 5 minutes. Each light burns a t 2 candela for 2 hours. These water activated batteries are sealed silver chloride.

Having successfully abandoned the vessel, the next priority is to alert SAR authorities and when required, prepare for rescue.


As previously mentioned i n the GMDSS section, distress alerting methods will vary according to the location. Survivors in a TEMPSC or liferaft should have a SART and EPlRB onboard together with pyrotechnics, a heliograph, radar reflector, and handheld VHF radios. The EPlRB should be deployed over the side of the survival craft and attached via i t ' s lanyard to a secure point on the craft. For ctase range alerting the radar reflector can assist in enhancing the radar reflecting potential of a small craft although this should not be used i n conjunction with a SART as the reflector will mask the SART signal when interrogated. Try and ensure that the SART is mounted as high as possible using the telescopic pole supplied. This will improve it's range and your chances of detection.
Pyrotechnics can be used to alert rescue craft in the immediate vicinity, although parachute rockets MUST NOT be used when aircraft are ctose by.

SOLAS No2 card:

. -

Contained within all SOLAS approved survival craft i s the SOLAS 2 card. This contains details of signal that may be made by rescue services to survival craft, and other that can be made by survivors to rescuers. At1 signals are internationally recognised. An example of the SOLAS 2 card i s below:
nEPnR'r,W*Nl <I> Y RaNAronr

surtncr lu LIIC rlrrual h l y n r l k

S(II..(S S a 2


d a m I#a11 ur

ounama~~ I D I. n~rtmn

m r r r fi shb er a QrnWin r

4nmsnrbc r r g d d b? L& srvgla btsbnm allrn r m L % are 4 r ~ t r ~ ~

.- -.-U. -I"4-*

L . I..



Preparinq for rescue:

Assuming that a helicopter has detected the survival craft, a number of actions must be taken to ensure the safety o f both the survivors and the rescue aircraft prior and during recovery operations:

2 3

b 7

Secure all loose gear i n the survival craft. Strike the mast (if fitted) and secure all loose rigging. Deploy the sea anchor. Switch off the SART and all electronic alerting devices Deflate the floor if i n a liferaft Lash back the canapy (if i n a raft) Brief aa(L crewmembers.

Highline transfer:
When winching from small craft that would be deflected by the down draught from a SAR helicopters rotor blades (such as liferaft or lifeboat), it i s common practice for SAR units to a use a Hi-line transfer technique. This enables the helicopter to 'stand off' from the craft and minimises drift from the rotors. In this method a weighted bag(s) on the end of a line i s lowered from the helicopter into the survival craft. As the bag i s [owered, one person should coil the line into a bucket or onto an open space on the r a f t floor. On NO ACCOUNT should the line be ma& fast to anything in or on the s u ~ v acraft. l If the winch operator sees this being done then they will cut the line and rescue may be delayed or aborted.


Once sufficient line has k e n lowered, the winchman will then be towered down with the rescue strop, ensuring that the earthing wire first dips i n the water to earth the aircraft. This must happen before anyone touches the winchman or winch wire. Once the helicopter has been earthed, the winchman can be pulled towards the survival c r a f t using the hi-line. They will ~ i v e instructions once onboard as to how the rescue i s to be effected and their instructions must be followed for the safety of all personnel concerned. When putting on the winching strop, it must go over the head and sit on top of any lifejackets being worn. The securing ring should be pulled down tight. When ready the winchman will give a signal to the helicopter and winching wili commence. Arms must be kept by the side throughout, or there i s the risk of slipping out of the rescue strop,


In certain circumstances the winchman will stay onboard the aircraft and when this occurs, it i s up to the survivors to manage the hi-line transfer. Always use the hi-line to pull the empty strop towards the craft. If being rescued from a liferaft, then the tast Wo survivors may be told to enter the water to prevent themselves from being trapped if the raft capsizes due to the rotor downwash.
H i-line bag and nylon line being lowered

Winc hman being lowered and pulled onboard using hi-line

STCW95 states that rowins will take place as appropriate to survival craft 8 conditions
GElTING CLEAR Coxswain orders six crew to take up positions; 2 on bench i n bow, 2 on mast bench 8 two by fuel tank to act as stroke oars. Oars t o be shipped from stern to forward.



Place the crutch into i t s socket. In crutches both sides i f possible

Release Toggle

Use boat hook to bear off




All crew follow the Stroke Oars. Stop rowing; return oars to a level position, blades horizontal to the water



WARNING - tell your crew to brace themselves against the oar handle when you give this order (as you are putting the brakes on)
Dip the oar into the water and keep the blade vertical Push on the oars instead of pulling (reverse direction to normal rowing).




The bowman holds his boathook vertically and stands facing forward or as directed by the Cox. Toss oars on the side next to the ship first, before they get trapped. Stow the oars along the side of the boat with the blades facing forward 6 loorns(handles) facing aft Starting from fwd first.



Stow a l l crutches.

Beaching a lifeboat in anything other than calm conditions can be a potentially hazardous manoeuvre and should be avoided i f there i s a more suitable method of landing survivors - such as helicopter winching or transfer to an RNLl lifeboat or another ship. Whenever possible beaching should be carried out in daylight and the most suitable location must be selected with care. Ashore, landing signals from the "Rescue Signal Table" may be used to assist the lifeboat's coxswain t o make his decision on the best spot to choose.
In the lifeboat a ~ o o d lookout should be kept at all times for isolated rocks and other dangers. Some indication of the steepness of the beach can be judged by observing how far offshore the waves are beginning to break. If the beach has a shallow slope breaking waves will start t o occur well away from the shoreline. A lifeboat should not be allowed to "surf" in with the waves, as a wave approaching from astern could slew the boat broadside on, with the very real risk of capsizing her and pitching the occupants into the sea. Breaking waves are therefore best approached head on - which means that the boat will have to be turned so as t o approach the beach stern-first.
A motor lifeboat i s at a disadvantage in these circumstances, as it does not manoeuvre weil astern. In addition, its propeller may not be able to operate efficiently, either because the boat is pitching so heavily that i t i s lifted from the water, or i f aerated broken water causes it to cavitate. In these conditions the sea anchor should be streamed over the bow, to help keep the boat's head up into the seas, and the lifeboat should then be allowed to drift slowly in, with every effort being made to keep it at right angles t o the approaching waves.

Open lifeboats with oars are likely to cope better in such conditions, as the oars maintain better control of the boat i f it i s pitching badly or i f it gets into broken water. The steering oar should be shipped and used in place of the rudder, which will become ineffective i f the boat is pitching. As before, the sea anchor should be rigged so as to keep the Lifeboat heading up into the seas. Progress towards the beach may be made by "back watering" the oars and by using the tripping line to spill water from the sea anchor, so as to prevent it from impeding the lifeboat's drift astern. The coxswain must keep a careful watch on the approaching waves and when one is near, the sea anchor should be properly deployed again and the oars and steering oar used to hold the boat at right angles to the wave as it passes, but i f the wave i s slow moving the boat should be rowed into it, so as to reduce the period spent in the hazardous area of the wave front.

Once the lifeboat i s aground it should be held stern on to the beach whilst the crew disembark. In light surf this can be accomplished by the crew in the stern going over the side and clinging onto the boat whilst the men in the bow continue to row. In heavy surf it may necessary to order the entire crew over the side to hold onto the boat. If circumstances permit, the lifeboat should then be dragged up the beach as far as is possible in the conditions. Boat stores and 2, : 9 equipment should be removed i f rescue i s : : -? not likeiy to be imminent. Great care is needed when the boat i s evacuated, as the undertow of the waves could sweep some of the occupants out to sea again i f they do not cling onto the boat when they are in the water.


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Initial Immersion -2 - 3 minutes

"Cold Shock" reactions are present. Sudden immersion i n cold water produces a dramatic increase in heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate. Although these responses decline within a few minutes of immersion, they have been known to incapacitate or even kill immersion casualties, particularly middle-aged or elderly people already suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease. Adequate protective clothing will help to reduce the effects of cold shock and some authorities suggest that personnel lower themseives slowly into the water, rather than jump, i n order to make the temperature change more gradual. Unless i n immediate danger, it may also be an advantage to allow the body to stabilise for a few minutes by remaining relatively s t i l l and avoiding over exertion. The decision to do this will be influenced by factors such as weather conditions and the proximity of rescue or survival craft.
Short Term Immersion - 3 - 15 minutes
Exhaustion and drowning may occur. It has been found that normally competent swimmers have become exhausted rapidly when immersed in cold water, partly because it i s difficult to maintain an adequate arm and leg stroke rate when subjected to rapid gasping for breath, which i s part of the 'cold shock' reaction. A t this stage casualties may inhale water and drown. As swimming is difficult, the importance of wearing a lifejacket cannot be overstated. A lifejacket with a face visor fitted wili give good protection from wave splash and spray inhalation. This i s particularly important for an unconscious person, who will automatically be turned to face the wind and sea when wearing a lifejacket. This i s because the lower half of the body tends to act as a 'sea anchor' - with the legs trailing to windward of the jacket,

Long Term lmmersion - 30 minutes

Effects of progressive cooling and hypothermia are seen, Post immersion Detail can be found under 'Treatment of Hypothermia' Hypothermia Normal body temperature i s about 36.9" C. Hypothermia is when the core body temperature falls below 35C. lmmersion casualties are vulnerable as body heat loss in water i s 26 times greater than in air. If left unmanaged, hypothermia can result in cardiac arrest and death. The first signs of exposure to the cold are shivering and increasing numbness of the body, particularly the extremities. The onset of hypothermia is indicated by increasing slowness of physical and mental responses accompanied by slurring of speech and vision difficulties. The casualty may also be irritable and behave irrationally. Cramp, nausea and complete lethargy may occur. Later, shivering disappears and may be replaced by persistent muscular rigidity with final lapse into unconsciousness, depressed breathing and a slow pulse rate. The casualty will die as a result of heart failure at about 24" C, Hypothermia i s a risk i n water below a temperature of about 25C. UK summer sea water temperatures are normally between 14-18C and survival time in ordinary clothing and a lifejacket will be between about 2% and 9 hours. This depends on light or heavy clothing as well

as the other parameters aiready mentioned. In winter the sea temperature falls to 6-8OC and survival time will be reduced from between % - 2 hours.
Body heat loss to the water from a naked person wearing a lifejacket is about 26 times that which could occur if the person was i n the same temperature conditions on land, not counting wind chill effects. This heat loss increases i f the person exercises or swims i n an attempt to feel warmer, as blood supply to the muscles would be increased and warmed water would be forced out from beneath waterproof clothing such as oilskins. It is important that as little time as possible is spent i n the water and that i n the absence of a survival craft the survivor should float quietly i n their lifejacket. The American Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) should be used to minimise heat loss in the water. Elbows should be kept close to the chest, and the neck of the lifejacket gripped. A t the same time legs should be crossed. If there are 2 or 3 survivors, then the 'HUDDLE' position should be formed. To adopt the 'HUDDLE' position two survivors should face each other and put both arms and legs around each other. This will help to stop heat loss and increase survival time by up to 30%. When more than 3 survivors are together a 'SURVIVAL CIRCLE' should be formed by facing inwards and linking arms at the elbow. If someone i s injured or unconscious then they can be put in the middle to protect them from wind and waves. A lifejacket with a face visor gives even better protection. Alcohol should not be drunk prior to entering the water, or in a survival craft, as it will lead to even greater heat loss as well as impairing cognition.
Managing Hypothermia

In a Survival Croft Wet outer clothing should be removed and replaced with dry garments i f available. Warm the casualty by covering them with extra layers of clothing and use lifejackets as extra insulation. Ensure that the head is well covered, as this is a high heat loss area. If a thermal protective aid (TPA) i s available, use this as well, to prevent further heat loss. Huddling close to the casualty will assist with re-warming, but do not rub limbs, gjve alcohol or allow the casualty to exert themselves. Cold casualties should be handled gentiy, as movement may trigger abnormal heart rhythms. Severely hypothermic casualties may well appear lifeless. If cardio pulmonary resuscitation i s commenced it should be continued for as long as possible.

On a Rescue Vessel
When a casualty has been immersed in cold water their blood pressure wiil be reduced. During immersion the surface blood vessels become constricted as a defensive mechanism, to maintain blood supply to vital organs and preserve heat in the body central core. A t a later stage the constriction of the surface blood vessels is not fully maintained and blood pressure falls as a result. While in the sea, the extent of blood pressure fall i s lessened to some extent by the compensating pressure of the surrounding water on the body. Removal from the water, particularly i f lifted vertically, can cause up to a 30% reduction to heart output, which may result in sudden collapse or even in death. To help prevent this, casualties should not be allowed to exert themselves more than necessary and i f possible should be helped aboard, rather than be allowed to climb pilot ladders etc unaided. Ideally, survivors should be lifted aboard i n a horizontal position, i f this i s possible in

the circumstances. After rescue the casualty should be carried i n a slightly head down posture in order to maintain an adequate blood supply to the brain and to the heart. Once inside the ship's accommodation the conscious casualty should be placed horizontally with legs slightly raised. If unconscious, the recovery position should be used to maintain the airway. If the casualty i s not breathing cardio pulmonary resuscitation should be commenced. To avoid excessive manhandling, only loose outer clothing should be removed and the casualty should be insulated with a blanket or sleeping bag and allowed to re-warm slowly. Hot water bottles and the rubbing of limbs should be avoided, as these may dilate the surface blood vessels too rapidly and lead to collapse, as well as tissue damage.


A casualty who is alert and conscious, but merely cold and shivering, may be ~ i v e n a warm bath or shower. Careful monitoring is required and the casualty shoutd not be left alone. If a shower is used for rewarming the casualty should be sat on the floor and not allowed to stand. Medical supervision i s required for a severely hypothermic casualty.

Alert and conscious casualties should be rested and given a warm drink, but not alcohol. Any person who has spent more than the briefest period i n cold water and who has suffered the effects of either drowning or hypothermia should seek further medical advice as soon as possible, as there may be delayed effects. Other Factors

Sea State

In calm weather survival chances improve because there i s less drenching with spray and being tossed around.

Wind Effect
When out of the water, particularly when clothing is wet, the effect of wind chill can be marked in reducing body temperature. Protection from the wind should be sought by sheltering under the exposure cover of the liferaft or lifeboat and huddling ctose to other survivors for warmth. If on wreckage, crouch down to reduce the body surface area exposed to the wind.


Clothing Worn
Survival time can be increased considerably when wearing normal clothes, i f extra layers of insulative clothing, such as woollen sweaters and thick trousers are worn, as well as wearing a waterproof outer layer, oilskins, or even better, an immersion suit. This will help to prevent the rapid escape of heat from your body. Extremities of the body, i f not protected, will cool rapidly. Head covering, gloves and thick socks should be worn.

A l l liferafts are equipped with Thermal Protective Aids (TPA). These are waterproof suits or bags designed to be put on over normal clothing in order to sive extra insulation.
Age, Physical Fitness and Body Size

Age and generat health affect survival. The elderly, children, those suffering from illness, and the injured, are more at risk. Those who are obese have an insulating layer of fat which allows better protection form the cold. However this has to be balanced against general physical fitness.

Swimming Ability

Learn how to swim. Knowing how to trap air under clothing can also help to give some extra support. Wear a lifejacket and protective clothing. Even a good swimmer can quickly be disabled by hypothermia, or physical injuries suffered prior to or during abandonment of a sinking vessel. People swimming i n cold water quickly become breathless and unable to control their breathing. This may quickly lead to exhaustion, even for normally good swimmers, and the wearing of a lifejacket is therefore essential. Get into a survival craft, or even support yourself with floating wreckage i f nothing else i s to hand. Get clear of the vessel to avoid being trapped as she sinks.
Dehydration and Starvation

Without water survival will be for between 7-10 days and without food for 20-40 days. Fluid loss happens in a number of ways. While in a liferaft efforts should be made to reduce fluid loss as much as possible.
Vomit ins

Anti-seasickness tablets should be taken as soon as possibie and for at least 48 hours, whether nausea is present or not. There is a supply of anti-seasickness pills in the ship's medical locker, as well as the Liferaft, and where possible a dose should be taken before leaving the ship. Do not exceed the stated dose if the medicine i s not having any effect. Try to stay warm and as comfortable as possible. The use of disposabte bags i s said t o heip stop a chain reaction i f a person i s being sick. Perspiration and Heavy Breathing To avoid fluid loss by sweating you should rest as much as possible and avoid unnecessary exertion. Do not be tempted to go swimming. This will expend a lot of energy re-boarding the survival craft. Rest as much as possibie. In hot weather ventilate the raft by shifting the drogue to the doorway position and do not inflate the raft door. Wet the raft or boat canopy. Evaporation of the water will have a cooling effect. Lightly wetting clothing may also help. Stay i n the shade,

lnjur ies
Fluid can be iost from burns and wounds so appropriate treatment of these should be carried out.

Woter Supplies
The rations provided consist of 1% litres of fresh water per person in a liferaft (3 iitres per person in a lifeboat). Save rationed water if other sources of water are available, since it will stay fresh indefinitely. Use polythene bags (sick bags) to collect and store rainwater. Collect as much water in screw topped plastic containers and also save as much rain water as possible. Fresh water from a chemical de-salting apparatus may be another source of supply. It may also be possible to mop up condensation formed on the raft canopy with one of the sponges in the emergency pack.
Rationing Regime

Nowater for the first 24 hours, except to theinjured and others who have lost a lot of body fluid. ?hlitre of water per day thereafter. Never have less than this, unless supplies are down

to the last half litre of water, and then make this Last for two days. Take water three times a day and swill it around the mouth before drinking it to alleviate dryness. Only catch and eat fish, turtles or seabirds i f there i s sufficient excess water to be able to drink at least 1 litre of water per day. This i s because fats and proteins use valuable stomach juices whilst they are being digested and will thus accelerate dehydration of the body unless extra fluids are taken. Carbohydrates help to retain fluids by reducing the breakdown of body protein and are therefore valuable. Follow the instructions given with the food rations provided i n survival craft, and i f possible bring cereals, sugar and biscuits from the ship.

Note - Water is provided in sachets and plastic bottles.


Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (See Appendix 3 - at back of notes book)

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Resuscitation techniques are not taught on this PSCRB course and students will need to undertake first aid training t o 06 tain skills in practical resuscitation procedures.
First Aid

The following table briefly summarises how t o recognise and manage first aid incidents relevant to a survival situation. I t is a brief summary only and students should undertake a first aid course t o gain full details of these and other first aid issues.

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information may be found in The Ship Captains Medical Guide. I t should be noted that the current 22nd Edition does not contain the most up to date first aid practice and procedures.
The Elementary First Aid course is undertaken along with this Personal Survival Techniques course by all students, as part of the basic safety training required by all seafarers.


Condition Drowning (wet) Cause and Recognition Casualty not breathing due to water entering lungs Prevention and lnitiat Management (Summary Only) Cardio pulmonary resuscitation according to current Resuscitation Guidelines (i) The casualty may require assisted ventilation by means of mouth-tomouth ventilation. This should be synchronised with the patient's own breathing. (ii)encourage deep breathing and coughing Medical emergency. Urgent evacuation and hospital care required.

p p

Apparent (Dry) (i) The casualty i s breathing but Drowning ventilation is inadequate because of small amounts of water i n the lungs. Lips may be blue and skin pale indicating inadequate oxygenation. Coughing and chest pain may be present. (ii) Casualties who have inhaled water Secondary Drowning Lungs are affected by inhaled water and casualty coughs up copious fluid and has great difficulty breathing. It may occur up to 5 days after drowning episode. Life threatening, Refer to main notes Hypothermia and Immersion Occurs at extremities after exposure to cold wind. Skin appears frozen, hard and white.



Immersion Foot

Swelling, numbness, discolouration and ulceration of feet. Resulting from poor circulation i n cold and feet in water.

Avoid by wearing protective clothing and keeping warm under cover. Reduce lookout periods in cold weather. Monitor each others condition (Buddy system). Gentle movement of fingers and toes to assist circulation. Remove constrictions eg rings and watches. Do not rub skin. Gentle rewarming eg hold hands in armpits. Treat as cold burn. Keep feet dry and elevate. Do not rub,

Heat Exhaustion

Caused by fluid loss eg excessive sweating. Symptoms: pale clammy skin, normal temperature, rapid weak pulse, rapid shallow breathing.
Body unable to control temperature. No sweating. Hot dry skin. Temperature above 40 " C. Strong pulse. Noisy breathing. Life threatening needs urgent attention.

Keep survival craft cool. Avoid physical activity. Treat as for shock. Additional water ration when possible.
Maintain airway i f unconscious. Strip casualty. Cover in light wet clothing. Keep replacing wet covers. Cool air fanning. Replace fluids. Maintain until temperature returns to normal. Additional water ration when possible Avoid skin exposure to sun. Treat as burn. Cool skin with water.

Heat Stroke


Sun exposure. Skin red and tender. May blister.


Urine retention

Urine is produced but the bladder cannot be emptied. The cause may be psychological or physical.

Pass urine before, or as soon as possible after, entering the liferaft. Placing a hand in water may encourage urination. Urine will become concentrated with decreased fluid intake. Refer to main notes: dehydration


Cause: reduced fluid and food intake, immobility. Practical difficulties of defaecation. If severe may cause abdominal pain.

No treatment. Do not give laxatives. Maintain fluid intake as possible.


Cause: sea water soaking skin

Dry mouth , cracked lips Cause: sun exposure, dehydration

Do not prick or squeeze. Keep dry. Cover with dressing.

Sore mouth

Smear petroleum jelly on lips, Encourage salivation by sucking on hard object eg button. Keep sea water off lips.

Swollen Legs Oil Contamination

Common because of immobility.

No treatment
(i) Rinse eyes out with sea water. Petroleum jelly can be applied to lessen sting (ii) On a rescue vessel milky drinks may be ~ i v e n to lessen the effect. (iii) Treat wound as i f oil not present.

(i) Vision i s blurred and eyes sting. (ii) nausea and vomiting i f swallowed (iii) contamination of wounds

Appendix 1
Revised SOLAS Regulations for Ro-Ro ferries
The sinking of the m l v Estonia in the Baltic Sea on 28 September 1994, with the loss of 852 lives resulted i n a Panel of Experts being formed to enhance the safety of passengers on Ro-Ro Ferries.
Formal introduction of equipment and procedures are now being implemented: SOLAS Regulation 1 July 1997
; . Lights are required for all lifejackets (1 July 1998)


All liferafts t o have a float free stowage All liferafts t o have a semi rigid boarding ramp fitted at least t o one entrance Liferafts t o be served by marine evacuation systems or davit launching systems.


Liferafts t o be either automatically self-righting, or to be canopied reversible rafts which are capable of operating safely whichever way up they are floating. As an alternative, where a vessel already fitted with a normal complement of standards liferafts, it must carry these extra enhanced liferafts to accommodate at least 50%of those persons not accommodated i n lifeboats. Every Ro-Ro passenger ship must be equipped with a Means of Rescue Designed to recover a survivor on board the ship from the water, or from a survival craft or rescue boat.


P At least one rescue boat must be a fast rescue boaticraft (FRC) designed to be launched and retrieved even under severe weather conditions.


Helicopter pick-up areas must be provided and ferries with a length of 130m or more must be fitted with a helicopter landing area. Landing area will only apply to vessels constructed on or after 7 July 1999

P Passengers must be counted prior t o departure. Applies to all passenger ships. From 1 Jan 1999 the names and gender of all persons on board, distinguishing between adults, and children and infants must be recorded for search and rescue purposes.
; . A decision support system for emergency management must be provided on the bridge. Applies to all passenger ships. Ships built before 1 July 1997 have until their first periodical survey after 1 July 2000 to comply.

The system must provide emergency information and procedures that will help the Master to deal with all types of foreseeable emergencies. The basic plan must be in the form of printed plans, but a computer based system may additionally be used,


SAR Co-operation Plans. Chapter Five of SOLAS requires passenger vessels on fixed routes t o develop a plan for cooperation with appropriate SAR services in the event of an emergency

Escape Routes In addition to the current regulations on the marking and provision of escape routes, for RORO passenger vessets constructed on or after 1 July 1999 it will be a requirement to carry out an evacuation analysis of the proposed escape routes a t the design stage.

b Public Address systems A public address system, meeting the International performance Standards, i s now required
to be fitted aboard all passenger vessels.

Automatic Fire Detection, Alarm and Water Sprinkler system This system is required to be fitted to all modern passenger vessels. Vessels built before 1 October 1994 have to be upgraded with specific fire fighting and detection equipment by certain dates.

Appendix 2
Summarv of Lifeboat requirements
1. Setf righting totally enclosed lifeboats are required for a l l cargo vessels. 2. Tankers and gas carriers are to have fire protected lifeboats (8 minutes) 3. Gas and chemical carriers with cargoes giving off toxic vapours or gasses t o have fume protection (10 Minutes) 4. Cargo vessels are allowed to carry a free fat1 lifeboat at the stern in lieu of lifeboats on either side. 5. Passenger vessels are required to have partially enclosed lifeboats instead of open lifeboats Maximum size 150 persons. 6. A l l lifeboats to be motorised (6 Knots for 24 hours) and to be fitted with release gear that will allow the hooks to be released "On Load". 7. Totally enclosed lifeboats are now fitted with four point harnesses and padded head restraints. All lifeboats are required to have searchlights and external marker lights. Thermal protective aids are supplied for 10%occupants(D1der open lifeboats have been retrofitted with 3 immersion + TPAs for 100%because of their greater vulnerability) 8. Rescue boats may be of a specialised type - rigid, rigid inflatable or inflatable - or may be ordinary lifeboats that comply with the rescue boat provisions (6 knots)

Launching Appliances
1. Deck level boarding of both Liferafts and lifeboats i s now a requirement for passenger vessels. Escape slides or chutes may be used as a substitute for davit launched liferafts on ferries. The 30 minute evacuation time remains unchanged for passenger vessei, but special rules apply to high speed craft (High Speed Croft Code) 2. Lifeboats on cargo ships must be capable of being boarded and launched from the stowed position (removing the need for tricing pendants and bowsing tackles). 3. A 10 minute evacuation time i s now specified for cargo vessels. 4. Vessel of over 20,000 grt must be able to launch their lifeboats whilst making headway at up to 5 knots. 5. List limits for launching survival craft have been increased from 1 5 degrees to 20 degrees. 6. Rescue boat crews are now required to be supplied with automatic inflatable lifejackets, plus immersion suits or anti-exposure suits{LSA Code).

Appendix 3

Adult Basic Life Support

Victims Of Drowning Unconscious Casualty


Resuscitation Council (UK) Adult BLS Sequence

2006 Guidelines

Basic life support consists of the following sequence of actions.

1 2

Make sure the victim, any bystanders, and you are safe.
Check the victim for a response. - Gently tap his shoulders and ask loudly, 'Are you all right?'


If he responds: - Leave him i n the position in which you find him provided there is no further danger. - Try to find out what i s wrong with him and get help i f needed - Reassess him regularly.
If he does not respond: - Shout for help. - Turn the victim onto his back and then open the airway using head tiIt and chin lift - Place your hand on his forehead and gentiy tilt his head back. - Withyourfingertipsunderthepointofthevictim'schin, liftthechin to open the airway


Keeping the airway open, look, listen, and feel for normal breathing. - Look for chest movement - Listen at the victim's mouth for breath sounds - Feel for air on your cheek
In the first few minutes after cardiac arrest, a victim may be barely breathing, or taking infrequent, noisy, gasps. Do not confuse this with normal breathing. Look, Listen, and feel for no more than 10 sec to determine i f the victim i s breathing normally. If you have any doubt whether breathing i s normal, act as i f it i s not normal.


If he & breathing normally: - Turn him into the recovery position taking into account any obvious injuries. - Send or go for help, or call for an ambulance - Check for continued breathing
If he i s not breathing normally: Ask someone to call for an ambulance or, i f you are on your own, do this yourself; you may need to leave the victim, Start chest compression as follows: - Kneel by the side of the victim - Place the heel of one hand in the centre of the victim's chest - Place the heel of your other hand on top of the first hand - Interlock the fingers of your hands and ensure that pressure i s not applied over


the victim's ribs. Do not apply any pressure over the upper abdomen or the bottom end of the bony sternum (breastbone) Position yourself verticaliy above the victim's chest and, with your arms straight, press down on the sternum 4 - 5 cm After each compression, release all the pressure on the chest without losing

contact between your hands and the sternum. Repeat at a rate of about 100 times a minute (a little less than 2 compressions a second) Compression and release should take an equal amount of time


Combine chest compression with rescue breaths. - After 30 compressions open the airway again using head tilt and chin lift - Pinch the soft part of the victim's nose closed, using the index finger and thumb of your hand on his forehead - Allow his mouth to open, but maintain chin l i f t - Take a normal breath and place your lips around his mouth, making sure that you have a good seal - Blow steadily into his mouth whilst watching for his chest to rise; take about one second to make his chest rise as in normal breathing; this is an effective rescue breath - Maintaininghead tilt andchin lift, takeyourrnouthawayfrom thevictimand watch for his chest to fall as air comes out - Take another normal breath and blow into the victim's mouth once more to give a total of two effective rescue breaths. Then return your hands without delay to the correct position on the sternum and give a further 30 chest compressions - Continue with chest compressions and rescue breaths in a ratio of 30: 2 - Stop to recheck the victim only i f he starts breathing normally; otherwise do not interrupt resuscitation

If your rescue breaths do not make the chest rise as in normal breathing, then before your next attempt: - Check the victim's mouth and remove any visible obstruction - Recheck that there i s adequate head tilt and chin lift - Do not attempt more than two breaths each time before returning to chest compressions
If there is more than one rescuer present, another should take over CPR about every 2 min to prevent fatigue. Ensure the minimum of delay during the changeover of rescuers. 6B

Chest-compression-only CPR.

If you are not abie, or are unwilling, to give rescue breaths, give chest compressions only If chest compressions only are given, these should be continuous a t a rate of 100 a minute Stop to recheck the victim only i f he starts breathing normally; otherwise do not interrupt resuscitation


Continue resuscitation unti I: - qualified help arrives and takes over, or - the victim starts breathing normally, or - you become exhausted

Explanatory Notes:
Risk t o the rescuer The safety of both the rescuer and victim are paramount during a resuscitation attempt. There have been few incidents of rescuers suffering adverse effects from undertaking CPR, with only isolated reports of infections such as tuberculosis (TB) and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (SARS). Transmission of HIV during CPR has never been reported. There have been no human studies to address the effectiveness of barrier devices during CPR; however, laboratory studies have shown that certain filters, or barrier devices with one-way valves, prevent oral bacteria transmission from the victim to the rescuer during mouth- to- mouth ventilation. Rescuers should take appropriate safety precautions where feasible, especially i f the victim is known to have a serious infection, such as TB.

Initial rescue breaths During the first few minutes after non-asphyxial cardiac arrest the blood oxygen content remains high. Ventilation is, therefore, less important than chest compression at this time. It i s well recognised that skill acquisition and retention are aided by simplification of the BLS sequence of actions. It i s also recognised that rescuers are frequentiy unwilling to carry out mouth-to-mouth ventilation for a variety of reasons, including fear of infection and distaste for the procedure. For these reasons, and to emphasise the priority of chest compressions, it i s recommended that, i n most adults, CPR should start with chest compressions rather than initial ventilations.
Jaw thrust The jaw thrust technique is not recommended for lay rescuers because it i s difficult to (earn and perform. Therefore, the lay rescuer should open the airway using a head-tilt-chin-lift manoeuvre.

Agonal gasps Agonal gasps are present in up to 40%of cardiac arrest victims. Lay people should, therefore, be taught to begin C P R i f the victim i s unconscious (unresponsive) and not breathing normalty. It should be emphasised during training that agonal gasps occur commonly in the first few minutes after sudden cardiac arrest. They are an indication for starting CPR immediately and should not be confused with normal breathing.
Mouth-to-nose ventilation Mouth-to-nose ventilation is an effective alternative to mouth-to-mouth ventilation. It may be considered i f the victim's mouth i s seriously injured or cannot be opened, the rescuer i s assisting a victim in the water, or a mouth-to-mouth seal i s difficult to achieve.
Mouth-to-tracheostomy ventilation Mouth-to-tracheostomy ventilation may be used for a victim with a tracheostomy tube or tracheal stoma who requires rescue breathing.

Bag-mask ventilation Considerable practice and skill are required to use a bag and mask for ventilation. The lone rescuer has to be able to open the airway with a jaw thrust whilst simu(taneous1y holding the mask to the victim's face. It i s a technique that i s appropriate only for lay rescuers who work in highly specialised areas, such as where there i s a risk of cyanide poisoning or exposure to other toxic agents. There are other specific circumstances in which non-healthcare providers receive extended training in first aid which could include training, and retraining, i n the use of bag-mask ventilation. The same strict training that applies to healthcare professionals should be followed and the two-person technique i s preferable.

Chest compression In most circumstances it will be possible to identify the correct hand position for chest compression without removing the victim's clothes. If in any doubt, remove outer clothing. In Guidelines 2000 a method was recommended for finding the correct hand position by placing one finger on the lower end of the sternum and sliding the other hand down to it. It has been shown that the same hand position can be found more quickly i f rescuers are taught to 'place the heel of your hand in the centre of the chest with the other hand on top', provided the teaching includes a demonstration of placing the hands in the middle of the lower half of the sternum. Whilst performing chest compression: - Each time compressions are resumed, the rescuer should place his hands without delay 'in the centre of the chest'. - Compressthechestatarateofabout100aminute. - Pay attention to achieving the fuli compression depth of 4-5 cm (for an adult). - Allow the chest to recoil completely after each compression. - Take approximately the same amount of time for compression and relaxation. - Minimise interruptions i n chest compression. - Do not rely on a palpable carotid or femoral pulse as a gauge of effective arterial flow. - 'Compression rate' refers to the speed a t which compressions are given, not the total number delivered in each minute. The number delivered is determined not only by the rate, but also by the number of interruptions to open the airway, deliver rescue breaths, and allow AED anatysis.
Compression-only CPR Studies have shown that chest-compression-only CPR may be as effective as combined ventilation and compression in the first few minutes after non-asphyxia1 arrest. Lay people should, therefore, be encouraged to do compression-only CPR i f they are unable or unwilling to provide rescue breaths, although combined chest compression and ventilation i s the better method of CPR. Over-the-head CPR Over-the-head CPR for a single rescuer and straddle CPR for two rescuers may be considered for resuscitation in confined spaces.
Resuscitation O f Drowning Victims Both ventilation and compression are important for victims of cardiac arrest when the oxygen stores become depleted - about 4-6 min after collapse from vet-ltricular fibrillation (VF), and immediately after coilapse for victims of asphyxia1 arrest. Previous guidelines tried to take into account the difference in causation, and recommended that victims of identifiable asphyxia (drowning; trauma; intoxication) should receive 1 min of CPR before the lone rescuer left the victim to get heip. The majority of cases of sudden cardiac arrest out of hospital, however, occur in adults and are of cardiac origin due to VF. These additional recommendations, therefore, added to the complexity of the guidelines whilst affecting only a minority of victims. Give five initial rescue breaths before starting chest compressions (adult sequence of actions 5B). If you are on your own perform CPR for approximately 1 min before going for help.

Compress the chest by approximately one-third of i t s depth

The same modifications of five initial breaths, and 1 min of CPR by the lone rescuer before getting help, may improve outcome for victims of drowning. This modification should be taught only to those who have a specific duty of care to potential drowning victims (e.3. lifeguards).
Drowning i s easily identified. I t can be difficult, on the other hand, for a layperson to determine whether cardio respiratory arrest has been caused by trauma or intoxication. These victims should, therefore, be managed according t o the standard protocol.


Adult Basic Life Support

Qpen ainvay



2 rescue breaths 30 compressi~ns


Resuscitation Counci 1 (UK) -2006 Guidelines

Recovery position
There are several variations of the recovery position, each with i t s own advantages. No single position i s perfect for all victims. The position should be stable, near a true lateral position with the head dependent, and with no pressure on the chest to impair breathing. The Resuscitation Council (UK) recommends this sequence of actions to place a victim in the recovery position:

Remove the victim's spectacles Kneel beside the victim and make sure that both his legs are straight Place the arm nearest to you out at right angles to his body, elbow bent with the hand palm uppermost Bringthefararmacrossthechest, andholdthebackofthehandagainstthevictim's cheek nearest to you With yourotherhand, grasp the far leg just abovethekneeand pullit up, keeping the foot on the ground Keeping his hand pressed against his cheek, pull on the far Leg to roll the victim towards you onto his side Adjust the upper leg so that both the hip and knee are bent at right angles Tilt the head back to make sure the airway remains open Adjust the hand under the cheek, i f necessary, to keep the head tilted Check breathing regularty

If the victim has to be kept in the recovery position for more than 30 min turn him to the opposite side to relieve the pressure on the lower arm.

Appendix 4
SOLAS A and B Packs


L "




Appendix 5
MGN 388 (M+F)

Lifeboats: Fitting of 'Fall Preventer Devices' to reduce the danger of accidental on-load hook release
Notfce to all Shipowners; Masters; Deck Officers; Manufacturers of lifeboats and launching appliances and 1raining establishments This notice should be read in conjunction wft h MSNs 1492, 1523, f 655,1734,f735,1803.
PLEASE NOTE: Where this document provides guidance on the law it should not be regarded as definitive. The way the law applies to any particular case can vary according to cfrcumstances - for example, from vessel to vessel and you should consider seeking you are unsure of your



$ :

'2 -. '4

Fall Preventer Device for existing quipment. negotiations at the IMO have only recently started, it will be some time before any ew measures are agreed. Although on load release systems fitted to lifeboati are safe if operated and maintained properly, there have been a number of accidents during drills and sewicing. This notice provides interim guidance on the design considerations, shipbard operation, testing and potential problems associated with 'Fall Prwenter Devices'. 'Fall Preventer Devices' can be either pins or strops fitted to on-load release hooks to prevent the lifeboat from falling to the water in the event of an equipment failure. The use of 'Fall Preventer Devices' should be considered as an interim measure to allow time for a new hook design criteria to be agreed at IMO. This notice is only applicabte to davit-launched lifeboats fitted with on-load release

t .lI n 1986, on-load release hooks for Mfeboats and rescue boats were made mandatory by SOLAS, in response to Norway's worst offshore accident in March 1980. The Alexander Kielland platform in the North Sea Ekofisk field capsized killing, 123 of the 212 persons on board. These new SOLAS requirements were considered an important step forward in lifeboat design. 1.2 Some deaths in this accident were attributed to the fact that the lifeboat had no means of release when the weight of the lifeboat was on the hooks and falls, Therefore, on-load release systems were seen to offer benefits. I.3 Since 1986 when the IMO requirements for all new ships to be fltted with on-load retease systems came into place there have been a number of serious accidents during drills and seryicing. 1 -4 Many of these accidents were attributed to lack of maintenance, poor design or inadequate training. Failures of equipment can result in the premature opening of the

1 -


on-load hook mechanism, causing the lifeboat to fall from the davits unexpectedly even with three safety interlocks provided for in the design arrangements. 1.5 A number of current designs of on-toad release hooks can be described as unstable, in that they are designed to open under the effect of the lifeboat's own weight and often need to be held closed by the operating mechanism. This means that any defects or faults in the operating mechanism, errors by the crew or incorrect resetting of the hook after being previousty operated can result in premature release. 1.6 A 'Fall Preventer Device' (FPD) can be used t o minimise risk of injury or death in the event of the failure of the on-load hook or i t s release mechanism, or by accidental release of the on-load hook. 1.7 The use of 'FPDs' should be considered as an interim measure to allow time for new hook design criteria to be agreed at IMO.

2. Type Approval, Modification, Replacement, Testing, Installation, and Survey 2. I Type approval 2.1.1 No modification of a lifting appliance or lifeboat that i s to be fitted t o a ship must be made, unless the Notified Body authorised to carry out the approval under the United Kingdom's Marine Equipment Directive (MED) Regulations has agreed the change. Any unauthorised modifications to either the lifting appliance or lifeboat by the manufacturer may invatidate the approval and require the equipment to be re-tested. 2.1.2 Where changes involve modifications to individual type approved components of the system such as the davit, winch, on-load release hook or the lifeboat, the manufacturer should contact the Notified Body that approved the equipment, to verify that the changes are acceptable, and i f any additional tests are required for the equipment. Where changes are made that have been agreed by the Notified Body, they must be fully documented in the technical file. 2.1.3 For information on the approval of marine equipment and Notified Bodies appointed by the United Kingdom, Merchant Shipping Notice (MSN) 1734 should be consulted. For pre- 3 - MED equipment approved by a Nominated Body or the MSA as detailed in MSN 1735, the MCA should be contacted for advice. 2.2 Installation and survey 2.2.1 The system, including FPD shoutd be verified at the initial survey for a new ship or an equivalent survey for an existing ship i f equipment i s changed or modified. This i s to ensure that the installed system with the FPD fitted functions correctly. 2.2.2 The operation and design of 'FPDs' fitted to a ship must be accepted by the MCA or a Recognised Organisation appointed by them taking into account the guidance provided in this document. 2.3 Modification of existing type approved on-load hooks already fitted to a ship to incorporate a FPD 2.3.1 The MCA should be contacted for advicelagreement before any modification i s made t o the hook, lifeboat or davit. Any re-testing of any equipment must be agreed and witnessed by the MCA or a Recognised Organisation appointed by them. 2.3.2 The re-testing of an on-load release hook, where modified to incorporate a pin, should include a static proof load test of at least 2.2 times the maximum working load to the satisfaction of the MCA or Recognised Organisation appointed by it. It should be noted that this test cannot be conducted using the lifeboat and davit as the winch i s only designed for a test load of 1.5 times the SWL for the winch capacity. This test must therefore be conducted with the lifeboat hooks removed from the lifeboat.


2.3.3 Any fixed structural connections must be designed with a calculated factor of safety of 6 based on the uttimate strength of the materials used, assuming that the mass of the lifeboat i s equally distributed between the falls. 2.3.4 If modifications are made t o any type approved component, the system shoutd be tested by conducting the five yearly lifeboat test contained in SOLAS chapter Ill Regulation 20.1I. 2.4 Replacement of an existing on-load release system with an alternative approved system that incorporates a FPD 2.4.1 If a ship intends to replace i t s existing lifeboat release gear with a new system that incorporates a FPD to provide an enhanced levet of safety and that system was not fitted as original equipment to the lifeboat, the MCA must be contacted for advice/agreement before any changes are made t o the system. The original prototype approval testing of the lifeboat and the attachment of fitting, such as the on-load hook, are tested as a single unit and changes to one part may influence the structural integrity or operation of another. 2.4.2 The original lifeboat prototype approval certificate will detail the type of on-load hook that i s fitted. This shoutd not prevent the hook being changed for an on-load hook that has falt prevention or 'fail safe' capability provided it can be demonstrated t o the MCA or Recognised Organisation that the arrangements are equivalent. 2.4.3 Where the on- toad hook system i s replaced it must be verified to the satisfaction of the MCA or a Recognised Organisation appointed by it that the structural attachment points to the lifeboat are of an equivalent strength and the system functions correctly. The type and level of verification wilt depend on the replacement hook, i t s associated control mechanism and the number and type of modifications made to the lifeboat. 2.4.4 If a type approved component i s changed the system should be tested by conducting the five yearly lifeboat test contained in SOLAS chapter Ill Regulation 20..11. 2.4.5 It should be noted that under both SOLAS and the MED, the lifeboat, release gear and davit are type approved separately and each part of the system will have i t s own type approval certificate before it i s installed in the lifeboat. Replacement equipment must be MED/ SOLAS approved. 2.4.6 Designs of on-load release mechanisms fitted with pins acting as a 'FPDs' that are already type approved under the MED do not require re-testing. However, any operational procedures should be agreed by the MCA, or a Recognised Organisation appointed by them, and included in the ship's ISM documentation. 3. Design and operation of FPDs
3.1 FPDs (Locking pins) The following points should be considered when utilising locking pins as 'FPDs'; 1. Existing on-load release hooks fitted to ships must not be modified by drilling to provide a locking pin insertion point as this may significantly reduce the strength of the hook. Any modifications must be agreed as detailed in section 2 above, 2. locking pins should have clear operational instructions located nearby the insertion point of the locking pin and be colour coded so that it i s clear where the pins are to be inserted, 3 . locking pins should be designed so that they cannot be inadvertently inserted in the wrong place, 4. a strict procedure for removal of the locking pin must be in place to prevent the locking pin being left in the hook before the boat i s released in an on-load condition. If the hooks are operated in an on-toad condition, with the pins s t i l l in, it will not be

possible t o release the boat until there i s no weight on the falls thereby losing on-load release capability, 5. the removal of the pin should be achievable quickly and easily without posing any risk to the seafarer designated to carry out the task once the lifeboat has reached the water, 6. i f the removal of the pins requires opening of the lifeboat hatch it should be readily achievable by a person at each device from within the craft, 3.2 FPDs (Strops or slings) The following points should be considered when synthetic strops or slings are used as 'FPDs' ; I . Where 'FPDs' are synthetic strops or slings and no modifications are required to the lifeboat, the on-load release hook or launching equipment, a functional test should be carried out. The functional test should demonstrate to the MCA or the Recognised Organisation appointed by it that the equipment performs without interfering in the operation of the lifeboat or launching equipment. Once the functional test has been conducted t o verify that the system works and a snatch load has been applied to the strops, they should be replaced with new strops or slings. Strops or slings should be resilient fibre in construction. Wires or chains are unacceptable, as they do not absorb shock loads. 2. The strops or slings should be issued with an appropriate certificate by a recognised testing establishment. The test certificate should document a SWL, which provides for a factor of safety of a least six. The strops or stings should be inspected in accordance with the Merchant Shipping Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER Regulations) and reptaced every 5 years. The material of the strop or sling must be rot proof, corrosion-resistant, not be unduly affected by seawater, oil or fungal attack and UV resistant. 3. I t should be verified that any attachment point i s sufficiently rated to withstand the dynamic shock that may be imparted during a premature or unintentional release. The attachment point of the strop or sling t o the on-load release hook and the davit falls btock must be clearly marked and designed so that any connection device such as shackles cannot be connected to either the wrong part of the block or the wrong part of the on-load release hook. 4. The release of the strops or slings should be achievable quickly and easily without posing any risk to the seaman designated to carry out the task once the lifeboat has reached the water. If the release of the strops or slings requires opening of the lifeboat hatch it should be readily achievable by a person at each device from within the craft. Once detached the strops or slings must not interfere with the operation of the on-load release gear or the propeller. 5. Once the recovery stage of the operation i s underway and the on-load release hooks are connected t o the lifeboat, the strops or slings must be reattached to the lifeboat before the boat i s hoisted clear of the water. The strops or slings must be designed so that they do not interfere with either the lifting or restowing of the lifeboat into the davits. 6. A strop or sling used as a 'FPD' should be arranged to allow the transfer of load from the hook mechanism t o the strop with minimal movement (drop) of the boat in the event of a release mechanism failure. Should a fall preventer strop or ding be subject to an unintentional dynamic shock loading then the strop or sling should be replaced and the associated attachment points inspected. In such cases, the MCA must be informed as soon as possible and the Master should provide a full report of the circumstances of the incident.

7. Fall preventer strops or sling must not be used for any other purpose and should be fitted t o the lifeboat a t all times or stowed so that they are readily accessible. 3.3 Lifeboat and hook design t o incorporate FPD Lifeboat and release gear manufacturers and designers are encouraged to consider the design of both the lifeboat and hook so that 'FPDs' can be released from inside the boat. The possibility of modifying existing boats and hooks so that 'FPDs' can be released from within the boat should be considered. This i s particularly relevant to 'FPDs' fitted t o oil, gas and chemical tankers. A pragmatic approach should be taken by all stakeholders to allow equipment to be upgraded so that 'FPDs' can be fitted t o existing equipment.

4. Drills, testing, inspections, and maintenance of lifeboats and launching appliances.

4.1 The ship's Master or the officer in charge of any lifeboat lowering or lifting operation should ensure that the lifeboat 'FPD* are fitted before commencing any drili, testing, inspection or maintenance where persons are in the lifeboat, unless the lifeboat has either an off-load hook system or has been approved to be used without a 'FPD'. 4.2 The ship's crew must be fully trained in the operation of the 'FPD* fitted to the lifeboat on their ship. The procedure to be followed should be contained in ISM documentation and ship's training manual. 4.3 It should be taken into account that with certain types of ship such as oil, gas or chemical tankers it may not be possible to use a 'FPD' in an abandon ship situation where the release mechanism of the device i s not inside the lifeboat. Those conducting training dri tls and drafting ISM procedures must consider this. Where a different procedure i s followed during routine drilIs compared with an abandon ship situation this should be clearly described in the ISM documentation and training manual. 4.4 SOLAS Chapter Ill Regulation 20.6.3 requires that a t sea, "lifeboats, except freefall lifeboats, on cargo ships shalt be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on-board, to the extent necessary to demonstrate satisfactory operation of the launching appliances, i f weather and sea conditions allow". 4.5 The use of a 'FPD' i s currently not mandatory in SOLAS, however this document must be taken into account before a lifeboat i s used for training, maintenance or servicing. Reference should also be made to SOLAS Chapter I Il regulation 19 and MSC. 1 /Circ. 1206 Annex 2. 4.6 lf any on-load retease hook i s subject to a premature or unintentional release, the MCA must be informed as soon as possible and the Master should provide a full report of the circumstances of the incident. 4.7 The following points should be considered when conducting drills, testing, inspections, or maintenance of lifeboats and launching appliances: 1. the officer in charge of the lowering operations should verify the correct fitting of the 'FPDs' before the iifeboat i s boarded and any davit harbour pins or gripes are removed. Where possible the 'FPDs* should be readily visible by the officer in charge, persons inside the lifeboat and the person at the winch controls; 2. it i s acceptable to allow lifeboats to be lowered or recovered without the operating crew inside to reduce the risk of accidents during launching and recovery; 3. before removing any securing devices the on-load release systems should be inspected to ensure that the hooks are properly locked;

4. there should be clear visual indication t o the coxswain of the lifeboat that the FPD i s fitted, this may be achieved by the use of placards at the coxswains position and/or hook; 5. in order to simulate emergency use, the 'FPD' should be disconnected (strops or slings) or removed (pins) when the lifeboat i s just touching the water but with weight s t i l l on the falls. The lifeboat should then be lowered until it i s fully waterborne and the driil continue by activating the on-load release mechanism in the normal manner; 6. on recovery, the lifeboat should be re-connected to the falls and the 'FPD' reconnected. The lifeboat shoutd then be lifted just clear of the water and the ontoad release mechanism checked paying particular attention to ensure that the interlock has reset and the hooks are properly locked. Once confirmed, recovery to embarkation deck or stowage position can be continued. When the lifeboat i s recovered it should be stowed and checked that all i s ready for emergency operation.

5. On-load release gear not fitted with 'FPDs'

5.1 The following should be considered when it i s impracticable to f i t 'FPDs: 1. where the lifeboat i s lowered to the water without persons onboard for drills, testing inspections or maintenance the lifeboat should not be boarded by the shipside embarkation ladder. In exceptional circumstances where this cannot be avoided, adequate measures must be been taken to ensure that persons boarding the lifeboat cannot fall from the ladder; 2. i f there i s any doubt as t o the safety of boarding by a ship-side ladder and the lifeboat can not be boarded as described below, then the drill or inspection should continue as far as practicable so that the davit sheaves, winches and brakes can be examined to verify that the equipment i s operating correctly. If the drill cannot be completed the ship's Master should make an appropriate entry in the official logbook; 3. where a 'FPD' i s not fitted consideration should be given to the use of shoreside facilities such as a hired boat t o board the lifeboat safely once it i s afloat; 4. consideration should be given to modification, to include the fitting of attachment points such that the boat can be used with FPD. Any such modification shall be in accordance with the approvals mentioned in section 2 of this MGN.

6. Shore based lifeboat training

6.1 Shore-based training that includes a practicai abandon ship exercise and the participation of students t o demonstrate the use and operation of on-load release systems should use 'FPDs' for such training exercises. In comparison with the industry, shore based training establishments have a good record of minimal accident statistics when launching and recovering survival craft, due to enhanced training, maintenance and procedural control. As there i s now a clear recognition that 'FPDs' are routinely used at sea, then it i s important that they are included during shore-based survival craft training. 6.2 Shore based practical training should, as i s currently the case, simulate an abandon ship scenario as closely as possible. Historically, training establishments have delivered training that followed equipment manufacturer's guidelines. This training has replicated the simple procedure required to effectively and safely abandon ship using on-load survival craft release mechanisms. In reflection of the growing accident statistics, it i s now recognised that there are inherent issues with some on-load release systems. In the interest of best practice, and to accommodate a higher level of safety, it i s considered beneficial that 'FPDs' are included in the training and assessment process for all

lifeboats. Therefore, training establishments should provide training in the principles of 'FPDs' detailed in this guidance. 6.3 As survival craft on-load release systems used in training establishments will be operated frequently, the maintenance and testing regime of the training establishment for this equipment should be designed to take account of frequent use to ensure an enhanced Ievel of safety.
More Information Marine Tech nology Branch Maritime and Coastguard Agency Bay 2/29 Spring Place 105 Commercial Road Sou thampton SO15 1EG Tel : +44 (0) 23 8032 91 20 Fax : +44 (0) 23 8032 91 61 e-mail: ShippingSafety@rncga, General Inquiries: infoline@mc~a.gav. uk MCA Website Address: www. mcga. gov. uk File Ref: MS0031007/0150 Published: February 2009 Please note that all addresses and telephone numbers are correct a t time of publishing 0 Crown Copyright 2009


SYNOPSIS of the report on the investigation * ~pendix of accident 6 to lifeboat and fast rescue

craft from European Highway In Zeebrugge on 1 Dec 2000 Four injured.

On 1 December 2000, the Marine Accident Investigation Branch was notified that four people had been injured after a lifeboat had fallen from the ro-ro passenger/cargo ferry, European Highway. An investigation began that day.



The ro-ro passenger/cargo ferry, European Highway, was berthed in Zeebmgge harbwr during the morning of 1 December 2000. Her port lifeboat had been swung wt and lowered slfghtly with three men on board. The weight of the lifeboat was k i n g taken on hanging-off pendants, a pair of wires from which the lifeboat can be slung for maintenance or recovery purposes.
The owratfng lever of the wspedon hook release m ~ h a n i s m was activated, and resutted in the lifeboat falling into the water shortly before 0933, It initially struck part of a support cotumn for an adjacent walkway, and then fell intb the


I I alongside.


Authorities ashore were alerted. The vesset's recentlv installed fast rescue




injured the Second Offtcer. Once in the water the FRC was able to tow the. lifeboat towards a nearby pilot boat.
With the aid of a quayside crane. the inverted lifeboat was lifted, and the two men beneath recovered on to the pilot boat. All three men had been recovered from the water by 0950. These three and the second officer were taken to hospital with a range of Injuries, some serious.

While the FRC was being recovered, lack of vertical ctearance prevented,it.from k i n g swung over some adjacent tiferaft canisters, While usfng the hand-winding lever to raise .., the FRC slightly, it involuntarily lowered on to a canister, and tipped towards the 3 unguarded side of the vessel. However, the FRClr three crewmen were able to hold on ::' until assisted from the craft on to the vessel's deck.
I JJG/50PK;R6 Plotes/W.ZOtO

The lifeboat fell because the hanging-off pendants had been attached incorrectly. The second officer's injury was caused by the rotation of the FRC davlt's handwinding lever. A lack of headroom on the davit cawed the FRC to tip during its recovery. The owners have corrected the headroom problem on the FRC davit by increasing the height of its support column, Similarly, they have also changed the tifeboats' hangingoff pendant arrangement so that it is impossible to make the incorrect connections that occurred in this incident.

The owners of Europepn Highwuy are recommended to supplement training and instruction material, and to modify procedures, with the aim of preventing a repetition of this Inddent. A recommendation i s also made .to the MGA to consider whether t k standards required of FRC davits are sufficient to ensure the safety of all personnel involved with their operation.
More information and the full report ca - '.- . ,-nd at:
http: //WWW. maib. gov. uklcms resources. cfm?file=leuropean-hkhwav. pdf

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