Moulding Sand Properties

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The key takeaways are the different properties required in molding materials like refractoriness, permeability, green strength etc. and the different tests conducted on molding sand to check these properties.

The different properties required in molding materials are refractoriness, permeability, green strength, dry strength and hot strength.

The different tests conducted on molding sand to check its properties are moisture content test, strength tests like green compression strength, green shear strength and dry strength. Other tests include mould hardness, deformation tests etc.

Module-I of Manufacturing Science-I


A large variety of molding materials is used in foundries for manufacturing molds and cores. They
include molding sand, system sand or backing sand, facing sand, parting sand, and core sand. The choice of
molding materials is based on their processing properties. The properties that are generally required in
molding materials are:
It is the ability of the molding material to resist the temperature of the liquid metal to be poured so that it
does not get fused with the metal. The refractoriness of the silica sand is highest.
During pouring and subsequent solidification of a casting, a large amount of gases and steam is generated.
These gases are those that have been absorbed by the metal during melting, air absorbed from the
atmosphere and the steam generated by the molding and core sand. If these gases are not allowed to escape
from the mold, they would be entrapped inside the casting and cause casting defects. To overcome this
problem the molding material must be porous. Proper venting of the mold also helps in escaping the gases
that are generated inside the mold cavity.
Green Strength
The molding sand that contains moisture is termed as green sand. The green sand particles must have the
ability to cling to each other to impart sufficient strength to the mold. The green sand must have enough
strength so that the constructed mold retains its shape.
Dry Strength
When the molten metal is poured in the mold, the sand around the mold cavity is quickly converted into dry
sand as the moisture in the sand evaporates due to the heat of the molten metal. At this stage the molding
sand must posses the sufficient strength to retain the exact shape of the mold cavity and at the same time it
must be able to withstand the metallostatic pressure of the liquid material.
Hot Strength
As soon as the moisture is eliminated, the sand would reach at a high temperature when the metal in the
mold is still in liquid state. The strength of the sand that is required to hold the shape of the cavity is called
hot strength.
The molding sand should also have collapsibility so that during the contraction of the solidified casting it
does not provide any resistance, which may result in cracks in the castings. Besides these specific
properties the molding material should be cheap, reusable and should have good thermal conductivity.


The moulding sand after it is prepared, should be properly tested to see that the requisite properties
are achieved. These are standard tests to be done as per Indian Standards.
Sample Preparation
Tests are conducted on a sample of the standard sand. The moulding sand should be prepared exactly as is
done in the shop on the standard equipment and then carefully enclosed in a container to safeguard its
moisture content.
Moisture Content
Moisture is an important element of the moulding sand as it affects many properties. To test the
moisture of moulding sand a carefully weighed sand test sample of 50g is dried at a temperature of 1050 C
to 1100 C for 2 hours by which time all the moisture in the sand would have been evaporated. The sample is
then weighed. The weight difference in grams when multiplied by two would give the percentage of
moisture contained in the moulding sand. Alternatively a moisture teller can also be used for measuring the
moisture content. In this sand is dried by suspending the sample on a fine metallic screen and allowing hot
air to flow through the sample. This method of drying completes the removal of moisture in a matter of
minutes compared to 2 hours as in the earlier method.
Another moisture teller utilizes calcium carbide to measure the moisture content. A measured
amount of calcium carbide ( a little more than actually required for complete reaction) in a container along
with a separate cap consisting of measured quantity of moulding sand is kept in the moisture teller. Care

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das 21

Module-I of Manufacturing Science-I

has to be taken before closing the apparatus that carbide and sand do not come into contact. The apparatus
is then shaken vigorously such that the following reaction takes place:

CaC2 + 2 H2O → C2H2 + Ca(OH)2

The acetylene ( C2H2) coming out will be collected in the space above the sand raising the pressure. A
pressure gauge connected to the apparatus would give directly the amount of acetylene generated which is
proportional to the moisture present. It is possible to calibrate the pressure gauge directly read the amount
of moisture.
Clay Content
The clay content of the moulding sand is determined by dissolving or washing it off the sand. To
determine the clay percentage a 50 g sample is dried at 105 to 1100 C and the dried sample is taken in a one
litre glass flask and added with 475 ml of distilled water and 25ml of a one percent solution of caustic soda
(NaOH 25 g per litre). This sample is thoroughly stirred.
After the stirring, for a period of five minutes, the sample is diluted with fresh water up to a 150
mm graduation mark and the sample is left undisturbed for 10 minutes to settle. The sand settles at the
bottom and the clay particles washed from the sand would be floating in the water. 125 mm of this water is
siphoned off the flask and it is again topped to the same level and allowed to settle for five minutes. The
above operation is repeated till the water above the sand becomes clear, which is an indication that all the
clay in the moulding sand has been removed. Now, the sand removed from the flask and dried by heating.
The difference in weight of the dried sand and 50g when multiplied by two gives the clay percentage in the
moulding sand.
Sand Grain Size
To find out the sand grain size, a sand sample which is devoid of moisture and clay such as the
one obtained after the previous testing is to be used. The dried clay free sand grains are placed on the top
sieve of a sieve shaker which contains a series of sieves one upon the other with gradually decreasing mesh
sizes. The sieves are shaken continuously for a period of 15 minutes. After this shaking operation, the
sieves are taken apart and the sand left over on each of the sieve is carefully weighed. The sand retained on
each sieve expressed as a percentage of the total mass can be plotted against sieve number. But more
important is the Grain Finesses Number (GFN) which is a quantitative indication of the grain distribution.
To calculate the GFN each sieve has been given a weightage factor as given in the Table –IV. The amount
retained on each sieve is multiplied by the respective weightage factor, summed up and then divided by the
total mass of the sample, which gives the GFN.

Figure 1.4.1: Sieve shaker

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das 22

Module-I of Manufacturing Science-I


∑Mf i i

∑f i

Where Mi = multiplying factor for the ith sieve

fi = amount of sand retained on the ith sieve

US Series Equivalent No. IS Sieve No.

Mesh Opening(mm) Multiplying Factor
(ASTM) Microns
6 3.327 3.35 3
12 1.651 1.70 5
20 0.833 850 10
30 0.589 600 20
40 0.414 425 30
50 0.295 300 40
70 0.208 212 50
100 0.147 150 70
140 0.104 106 100
200 0.074 75 145
270 0.053 53 200
PAN - - 300
Table-IV: AFS Sieve Numbers and Their Indian Equivalents with sizes

A typical example is presented in Table-V for calculation of GFN.

Multiplying Retained
Sieve Number Percentage Mi x Pi Mi x fi
Factor, Mi Sample, fi (g)
40 30 2.495 5 150 74.85
50 40 13.972 28 1120 558.88
70 50 23.952 48 2400 1197.60
100 70 6.986 14 980 489.02
140 100 2.495 5 500 249.50
49.900 100 5150 2569.85

Mi x Pi 5150
GFN = = = 51.50
Pi 100
Mi x fi 2569.85
= = = 51.50
fi 49.90
GFN is the average grain size and corresponds to a sieve number through which all the sand grains would
pass through, if they were all of the same size. GFN value varies between 40 and 220 for those sands used
by most of the foundries. Though the sand properties depend on both the grain size and the grain size
distribution, GFN is a very convenient way of finding the sand properties since it takes both into account.
Example: GFN 41 : steel castings 50 Kg and more
67 : Small steel castings
105: Light cast iron and copper castings
150: Aluminium alloy castings

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das 23

Module-I of Manufacturing Science-I

The rate of flow of air passing through a standard specimen under a standard pressure is termed as
permeability number. The standard permeability test is to measure time taken by a 2000 cm3 of air at a
pressure typically of 980 Pa to pass through a standard sand specimen confined in a specimen tube. The
standard specimen size is 50.8 mm in diameter and a length of 50.8 mm. Then, the permeability number, P
is obtained by

Where V = volume of air = 2000 cm3
H = height of the sand specimen = 5.08 cm
p = air pressure, g/cm2
A = cross sectional area of sand specimen= 20.268 cm2
T = time in minutes for the complete air to pas through
Inserting the above standard values into the expression, we get


Figure 1.4.2: Permeability measuring set up

Specimen Preparation
Since the permeability of sand is dependent to a great extent, on the degree of ramming, it is necessary that
the specimen be prepared under standard conditions. To get reproducible ramming conditions, a laboratory
sand rammer is used along with a specimen tube. The measured amount of sand is filled in the specimen
tube, and a fixed weight of 6.35 to 7.25 Kg is allowed to fall on the sand three times from a height of 50.8 ±
0.125 mm. The specimen thus produced should have a height of 50.8± 0.8 mm. To produce this size of
specimen usually sand of 145 to 175 g would be required. After preparing a test sample of sand as
described, 2000 cm3 of air are passed through the sample and time taken by it to completely pass through
the specimen is noted.

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das 24

Module-I of Manufacturing Science-I

Figure 1.4.3: Sand rammer for specimen preparation

Measurement of strength of moulding sands can be carried out on the universal sand strength testing
machine. The strength can be measured in compression, shear and tension. The sands that could be tested
are green sand, dry sand or core sand. The compression and shear test involve the standard cylindrical
specimen that was used for the permeability test.
Green Compression Strength
Green compression strength or simply green strength generally refers to the stress required to rupture the
sand specimen under compressive loading. The sand specimen is taken out of the specimen tube and is
immediately (any delay causes the drying of the sample which increases the strength) put on the strength
testing machine and the force required to cause the compression failure is determined. The green strength
of sands is generally in the range of 30 to 160 KPa.
Green Shear Strength
With a sand sample similar to the above test, a different adapter is fitted in the universal machine so that the
loading now be made for the shearing of the sand sample. The stress required to shear the specimen along
the axis is then represented as the green shear strength. It may vary from 10 to 50 KPa.
Dry Strength
This test uses the standard specimens dried between 105 and 1100 C for 2 hours. Since the strength
increases with drying, it may be necessary to apply larger stresses than the previous tests. The range of dry
compression strengths found in moulding sands is from 140 to 1800 KPa, depending on the sand sample.

Figure 1.4.4: Sand strength testing set up

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das 25

Module-I of Manufacturing Science-I

Figure 1.4.5: Universal sand strength measuring set up

Mould Hardness
The mould hardness is measured by a method similar to the Brinell hardness test. A spring loaded steel ball
with a mass of 0.9 Kg is indented into the standard sand specimen prepared. The depth of indentation can
be directly measured on the scale which shows units 0 to 100. When no penetration occurs, then it is a
mould hardness of 100 and when it sinks completely, the reading is zero indicating a very soft mould.

Figure 1.4.6: Mould and core hardness tester

Besides these, there are other tests to determine such properties as deformation, green tensile
strength, hot strength, expansion, etc.

1. Manufacturing Technology by P.N.Rao, TMH

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das 26

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