14-15 Study Guide

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Chapter #14: Forging the National Economy Big Picture Themes 1. A wave of immigration came over starting in the 1840s, headed up by hungry Irish and Germans seeking a better life. Both of these groups were looked upon with suspicion, but they were hard workers and did well for themselves. 2. The factory system was in its infancy, led by Eli Whitneys interchangeable parts Cyrus McCormicks mechanical reaping machine paved the way for modern agriculture. 3. Changes were foreshadowed including women beginning to work outside the home. 4. The nation became smaller and tied together more closely thanks to (a) railroads being built, (b) canals such as the Erie, (c) steamships, and (d) the Pony Express. IDENTIFICATIONS: American Industrial Revolution The industrial revolution started in the United States when it was brought by Samuel Slater. Nativism An anti-immigration group made by Americans that have had been in the United States. Canal Age A time period when canals were being made. Samuel Slater Father of the Factory System, he brought the systems of industrialization from Europe. Eli Whitney/Cotton Gin Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin to make a quick buck. Elias Howe Invented the sewing machine, an important machine for sewing. Lowell/Waltham System Lowell Mill is a mill that young females went to work. Commonwealth v. Hunt A Supreme Court Case that declared labor unions to be legal. Erie Canal The Erie Canal is an ambitious project finished in New York that connected the Northeast to the West. GUIDED READING QUESTIONS: The Westward Movement

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Know: "Self-Reliance" 1. What were settlers of the frontier like? The presidency of Andrew Jackson exemplified the westward march of Americans. Half of Americans overall were under the age of 30. Life was grim and lonely. Pioneers were isolated, noholds-barred wrestling, and reading Self-Reliance. Shaping the Western Landscape Know: Kentucky Bluegrass, Rendezvous, Bison, George Catlin 2. "The westward movement also molded the physical environment." Explain. In the Kentucky bottomlands, cane was burned off and were ably replaced with Kentucky Bluegrass, which made ideal pasture for livestock. Fur traders met up with a system called the rendenvous while bison were nearly annihilated as bison robed flourished. George Catlin, one of the first conservationist, proposed a national park system. The March of the Millions Know: Chicago, Irish and Germans, America Letters 3. How and why did American demographics change from 1820 to 1860? Chicago, known as the hog butcher for the world, fed the United States. Urban growth exploded and sewers had to be made. Millions of Irish and Germans moved to the United States. Immigrants wrote back home America Letters The Emerald Isle Moves West Know: Molly Maguires, Tammany Hall, Paddy Wagons, Twisting the British Lion's Tail 4. After reading this section, does it seem logical or unbelievable that an Irish-American became president in 1960? Explain. The Molly Maguires served to be a miners union in Pennsylvania. Soon Irishmen began to gain control of powerful city machines, like New Yorks Tammany Hall. THey themselves now drove the Paddy wagons that had brought their forebears to jail. Twisting the British Lions tail was something now done to win the Irish vote. The German Forty-Eighters Know: Carl Schurz, Conestoga Wagon, Kindergarten, Beer 5. Did the Germans make as large a contribution to America as the Irish did? Explain. Carl Schulz was a lanky liberal and a relentless foe of slavery and public contribution, which meant he helped contribute to the elevation of American political life. Germans brought the Conestoga wagon, the Kentucky rifle, and the Christmas Tree. THey drank huge quantities of beer. Flare-Ups of Antiforeignism Know: Nativists, Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, American (Know-Nothing) Party 6. Why were immigrants from Germany and Ireland feared and hated? Nativists hated the Irish and some Germans for being Catholics. They made the Order of the StarSpangled Banner, which soon developed in the the Know Nothing Party.

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Creeping Mechanization Know: Factory System, Industrial Revolution 8. What barriers stood in the way of the industrial Revolution in the United States? Land had been cheap in AMerica. Labor was scarce - until immigrants began to pour ashore in the 1840s. THe Factory system however was soon brought from Britain. Soon the Industrial Revolution was occuring in the United States. Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine Know: Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, Cotton Gin, King Cotton 9. Samuel Slater and Eli Whitney caused the North and South to develop in opposite directions. Explain. Samuel Slater brought the Factory System. Eli Whitney made the cotton gin. The North developed into a manufacturing society, while the South, with its use of slaves, were able to produce tons of cotton to ship off around the world. In the South, King Cotton usurped the power. Marvels in Manufacturing Know: Interchangeable Parts, Isaac Singer, Limited Liability, Free Incorporation Laws, Samuel F. B. Morse 10. Which were more important in Antebellum America, new inventions or changes in business forms and legal status? Explain. Interchangeable Parts were made by Eli Whitney in order to create a uniformity to manufacturing. Issac Singer perfected the sewing machine so that factories making clothes in New England could become more efficient. Limited liability made sure that investors never made more or lost more than their share of stocks in a company. Laws of free incorporation meant that businessmen could create corporations without applying for individual charters from the legislature. Samuel F. B. Morse made the telegraph. Workers and "Wage Slaves" Know: Wage Slaves, Strikebreakers (Scabs), Commonwealth v. Hunt 11. What demands did labor have in the 1830's and 1840's? Wage slaves worked for very low incomes and were chained to set incomes that the bosses would set. Strikebreakers were imported in order to break strikes by the employers hiring immigrants that wouldnt complain about anything for their new job. Commonwealth v. Hunt ruled that labor unions were not illegal conspiracies. Women and the Economy Know: Lowell Mills, Catherine Beecher, Cult of Domesticity, Fertility Rate, Child-centered Homes 12. What types of work were done by women in Antebellum America? (Be careful on this one.) THe Boston Associates proudly pointed to their Lowell Milles, where the workers were all New England farm girls. Catherine Beecher called for women to enter the teaching profession. The cult of domesticity glorified the customary functions of the home maker. The fertility rate of each woman fell drastically. Homes began to become child centered.

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Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields Know: Corn, John Deere, Steel Plow, Cyrus McCormick, Mechanical Mower-reaper, Cash-crop Agriculture 13. What factors led to increased productivity for farmers? Corn could be fed to hogs or distilled into liquor. John Deere produced a steel plow which could break through the thickly matted soil of the West. Cyrus McCormick contributed a wondrous contraption called the mechanical mower-reaper.

Highways and Steamboats Know: Lancaster Turnpike, National (Cumberland) Road, Robert Fulton 14. Why were turnpikes and steamboats important? The Lancaster Turnpike was a highway that thrusted from Philadelhipa to Lancaster, both in Pennsylvania. The National Road however stretched all the way from Maryland to Vandalia. Robert Fulton installed a powerful steam engine in a vessel that come to be known as the Clermont. "Clinton's Big Ditch" in New York Know: Erie Canal 15. The Erie Canal brought revolutionary change to two regions. Explain. Clinton led the building of the Erie Canal. This would link New York across to Lake Erie and therefore to many other far states in the west. Therefore immigrants and native farmers in New York and New England moved to the west along this route and food was brought back at a cheaper price. The Iron Horse 16. Name some of the advantages and disadvantages of early railroads. Railroads proved to be cheaper to build than canals. Thousands of miles of it was built.Early railroads were a public menace as sparks would often fly out and start fires in haystacks and houses. Brakes were feeble. Cables, Clippers, and Pony Riders Know: Trans-Atlantic Cable, Clipper Ships, Stagecoaches, Pony Express 17. The clipper ship, stagecoach and Pony Express ultimately failed because they were not forward looking. Explain. A Transatlantic cable was pulled by Cyrus Field which went from Newfoundland to Ireland. Sleek new craft called Clipper Ships could outrun any steamer. Stagecoaches brought Americans out west from the muddy MIssouri River to California. The Pony Express speedily brought mail from St Joseph Missouri to Sacramento Calironia. The Transport Web Binds the Union

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Know: Division of Labor 18. Explain the effects of division of labor on a national and personal basis. Each region now specialized in a particular type of economic activity. This economic pattern had fateful political and military implications. The Market Revolution Know: John Jacob Astor, Social Mobility 19. To what extent was social mobility possible in the United States in the years before the Civil War? John Jacob Aston, fur-trader and real estate speculator left an estate of 30 million dollars on his death. Social mobility was not as much as the legends portray it but was still much more than in the Old World.

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Chapter #15: The Ferment of Reform and Culture Big Picture Themes 1. The "Second Great Awakening" began in the 1830s. It's purpose was to wake people from lackluster religion and, like the First Great Awakening, was led by passionate and emotional preachers. 2. The Mormons emerged from these beginnings and wandered westward to the Great Salt Lake. 3. Free public schools began in large measure. 4. There was push to ban alcohol called "temperance." This was led by the ladies; they felt the way to save the family was to ban alcohol. 5. The first women's rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, NY. They asserted that all men, and women were created equal. 6. Many "utopia experiments" began. The overall mission was to perfect society and create true equality. Most simply failed and none of them succeeded in the ways envisioned. IDENTIFICATIONS: Second Great Awakening The Second religious movement that called for people to convert because of emotion and passion. Shakers People that shook with passion because of God and would not marry or have sex. Mormons A new religion formed by Joseph Smith the prophet. Brigham Young A Mormon Moses that brought Mormons out to Utah. Transcendentalists Those who believed they could find a higher being within. Ralph Waldo Emerson The most popular lecturist of morality in the philosophy of transcendentalism. Henry David Thoreau A transcendentalist who practiced what he preached. Utopia A society usually made in small groups that were meant to become a better, reformed society. Brook Farm Utopian society made of transcendentalists. New Harmony Made by Robert Owens, this society quickly failed as too diverse of a group of liberals came here. Oneida Community A society that practiced eugenics and free love.

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Temperance Crusade A call to stop the drinking of alcohol. Seneca Falls Convention Convention for the rights of women. American Colonization Society A call for African Americans to be sent to Liberia where they might have better treatment. William Lloyd Garrison A prominent abolitionist in Antebellum US. David Walker A black freeman who called attention to the abuses of slavery. Hudson River School A school famous for painting American landscapes.

GUIDED READING QUESTIONS: Reviving Religion Know: Alexis de Tocqueville, The Age of Reason, Deism, Unitarians, Second Great Awakening, Camp Meetings, Charles Grandison Finney 1. In what ways did religion in the United States become more liberal and more conservative in the early decades of the 19th century? Alexis de Tocqueville was a French thinker who noted the United Statess religious tendencies. Thomas Paine wrote the Age of Reason, denouncing churches. Deism caught on thinkers believed mainly in God but who does nothing. Unitarians believe in God but not the traditional trinity. The Second Great Awakening however called men back to become conservative Christians. Camp meetings were attended. Charles Grandison was an excellent preacher that might have converted millions.

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Denominational Diversity Know: Burned-Over-District, Millerites (Adventists) 2. What effect did the Second Great Awakening have on organized religion? The burned-over-district was a region in west New York where Puritans preached hellfire. Millerites believed that they knew were Jesus was coming back. A Desert Zion in Utah (Website if interest: http://www.pbs.org/mormons/view) Know: Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon, Brigham Young 3. What characteristics of the Mormons caused them to be persecuted by their neighbors? Raising a military and voting as a unit made the Mormons despised. Joseph Smith was the first prophet. He wrote the Book of Mormon. Brigham Young took over after Smiths death and led the movement into Utah. Free Schools for a Free People Know: Three R's, Horace Mann, Noah Webster, McGuffey's Readers 4. What advances were made in the field of education from 1820 to 1850? Many Americans believed that all they had to learn was reading riting, and rithmetic. Horace Mann was an educator reformer. Noah Webster wrote textbooks. McGuffery wrote popular readers that instilled morals in grade school. Higher Goals for Higher Learning Know: University of Virginia, Oberlin College, Mary Lyon, Lyceum, Magazines 5. In what ways did higher education become more modern in the antebellum years? Higher education became more modern as liberal arts colleges were formed. Oberlin College accepted women as well as blacks. Mary Lyon started a seminary. Lyceum were the traveling lectures. Magazines were widely read. An Age of Reform Know: Sylvester Graham, Penitentiaries, Dorthea Dix 6. How and why did Dorthea Dix participate in the reform movements? Sylvester Graham called for a fad diet consisting of whole wheat bread and crackers. People believed that jails should become penitentiaries where criminals could learn their wrongdoings. Dorothea Dix went to asylums and found that crazy people were treated with abuse and called for mental health reform.

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Demon Rum--The "Old Deluder" Know: American Temperance Society, Neil S. Dow, Maine Law of 1851 7. Assess the successfulness of the temperance reformers. The American Temperance Society was formed in order to call those who wanted to stop drinking. Neil S. Dow was the caller for the Maine Law. Women in Revolt Know: Spinsters, Alexis de Tocqueville, Cult of Domesticity, Catherine Beecher, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Margaret Fuller, Sarah and Angelina Grimke, Amelia Bloomer, Seneca Falls, Declaration of Sentiments 8. Describe the status of women in the first half of the 19th century. Spinsters did not marry. Alexis de Tocqueville noted that in France, rape was much more lightly treated. The cult of domesticity called for women to stay home. Catherine Beecher called for education by women. Lucretia Mott was not recognized at the London antislavery convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton advocated womens suffrage. Susan Be. Anthony fearlessly exposed herself to insults. Margaret Fuller, an editor of a journal, even brought unity and republicanism to Italy. Elizabeth Blackwell became the first female graduate of medical school. Sarah and Angelina Grimke called for antislavery. Amelia Bloomer wore a shorter skirt. At Seneca Falls, Elizabeth Cady Stanton read the Declaration of Sentiments. Wilderness Utopias Know: Utopias, New Harmony, Brook Farm, Oneida Community, Complex Marriage, Shakers 9. In what ways were utopian communities different from mainstream America?

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Utopias were societies in which extreme reform could happen. Robert Own set up a place called New Harmony which did not prevail as too many different types of liberals dissonated. Brook Farm comprised two hundred acres of grudging soil to the transcendentalists. THe Oneida Community called for Eugenics and complex marriage (free love). Shakers were all called to a a religious community of marriage prohibition. The Dawn of Scientific Achievement Know: Benjamin Silliman, John J. Audubon 10. Was the United States a leader in the world in scientific pursuits? Explain. Benjamin Silliman was a pioneer chemist and geologist. John J Audubon studied American birds. Makers of America: The Oneida Community Know: John Humphrey Noyes, Bible Communism, Mutual Criticism 11. The word "utopia" is a word that is "derived from Greek that slyly combines the meanings of `a good place' and `no such place'." Does the Oneida Community fit this definition? Explain. No this community does not fit the description. John Noyes was a totalitarian leader and called for a communism indicted by the bible. Mutual criticism allowed citizens to judge others. Artistic Achievements Know: Thomas Jefferson, Gilbert Stuart, Charles Wilson Peale, John Trumball, Hudson River School, Daguerreotype, Stephen C. Foster 12. "The antebellum period was a time in which American art began to come of age." Assess. Thomas Jeffersopn was the first good architech. Gilbert Stuart was a great painter who painted Washington. Charles Wilson Peale painted 60 portraits of the first president. John Trumbull painted about his role in the Revolutionary War. The Hudson River School painted beautiful landscapes. Daguerrerotypes were made for the first time photographs. Stephen C. Foster became a songwriter. The Blossoming of a National Literature Know: Knickerbocker Group, Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, William Cullen Bryant 13. In the early 1800's American writers emerged, who were recognized world-wide for their ability. What made them uniquely American? The Knickerbocker Group was known for their literature. Washington Irving wrote nonfiction, Cooper wrote novels, and Bryant wrote poetry. Trumpeters of Transcendentalism Know: Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or Life in the Woods, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, Walt Whitman 14. Which of the transcendentalists mentioned here best illustrated the theory in his life and writings? Explain. Transcendentalism was the practice of going higher in their own lives. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the most popular. Thoreau wrote very well and lived the life he preached by living in

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the wild and being jailed for hid civil disobedience. Walt WHitman was highly individualistic and wrote Leaves of Green. Glowing Literary Lights Know: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Louisa May Alcott, Emily Dickinson 15. Name six important American writers and explain the significance of each. Longfellow was very popular. Whittier wrote poetry. Lowell replaced Longfellow at the Harvard College. Holmes wrote poetry and was witty. Alcott was a female transcendentalist. Emily Dickinson never published her poetry until after her death. Literary Individualists and Dissenters Know: Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville 16. Why do you think Poe and Melville were not appreciated as much in America at the time as they were in other times and places? Poe was not appreciated as his writings were dark and sophisticaed, as was Melvilles Moby Dick. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the Scarlet Letter. Portrayers of the Past Know: George Bancroft, William H. Prescott, Francis Parkman 17. How did the geographic background of early historians affect the history they wrote? George Bancroft is the father of American history. William H. Prescott wrote about Peru and Mexico. Francis Parkman wrote about the struggle between France and Britain for colonial mastery.

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