What Is Meant by Adjacency Matrix?

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What is a spanning tree? Define dynamic programming.

What is meant by adjacency matrix?

Explain the algorithm of Quicksort by sorting the following set of numbers as an example: 42 47 52 57 62 37 32 27 22 Or (b) Describe divide and conquer technique with the help of mergesort. (16)

Discuss Prims and Kruskals algorithm for computing the minimal spanning tree weighted undirected graph. (16) 15. (a) (i) Write a C program to implement binary search and compute its complexity. (8) (ii) Compare the worst case and best case time complexity of various sorting techniques. (8) Or (b) Explain the all pairs shortest path algorithm with an example. (16) Describe the shortest path identification using dijkstra's algorithm.

Describe the concept of Bubble sort & Merge Sort with example.

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