Progress Report Title: Name of Project and Lead Institution

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Progress Report Title

Project Name Name of project and lead institution Report compiled by Person responsible for producing and submitting report Reporting period Dates covered by report (e.g. 4 Nov-11 Nov 2013)

Section One : Summary

Please provide a short overview (1-2 paragraphs) of project progress during this reporting period, which could be disseminated to project stakeholders

Section Two : Activities and Progress

Report on activities as outlined in your work packages for the period covered by this report and describe any changes to this, including the reasons for these. Do include any additional activities undertaken that are not in your work packages, providing the background to their inclusion.

Section Three : Curve S Report

Report any key metrics and curve. For instance, number of task developed to date versus planned, completion chart, etc. This is to be a very brief summary

Section Four: Issues, Risks and Challenges

Report on any issues or problems that have impacted on the development and implementation of the project during the reporting period. Detail what impact any issues may have on the achievement of project targets, and set out how you plan to tackle these issues. Report on any unexpected project achievements. In this section you can list whether there has been changes in risks, whether they have become issues and whether new risks have been identified.

Section Five : HSE Issues

Report on any changes or issues in HSE context

Section Six : Financial Status

In this section you should detail the expenditure of the project so far. Against the budget headings you should set out the expenditure for the reporting period, noting any significant over/under spend giving reasons for this. You should also state the total expenditure to date against each budget heading.

Section Seven: Next Steps

In this section you should very briefly list the activities planned and/ other information of relevance for the next stage of the project.

Section Eight: Outputs and Deliverables

Are there any outputs or deliverables you would like to share (latest progress photo, drawing, documents etc.)

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