Weight Per Foot of Fillet Welds and Common Butt Welds

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Handbook - Calculations http://www.esabna.com/EUWeb/FM_handbook/577fm8_9.



Stainless Weight Per Foot of Weld Metal for Fillet Welds and
Steel Elements of Common Butt Joints (lb/ft) Steel
Products Instructions
1. Make a drawing of the cross-section of the joint to exact scale.
2. Divide the cross-section into right triangles, rectangles and
Solid Wire sketch in the desired reinforcement.
& Rod 3. Measure the thickness, angles angle leg lengths, root opening
and the length and height of the reinforcement.
4. Total the weight per foot of each of the elements from the chart
for the weight per foot of the weld.

lbs./ft. of Rectangle A lbs./ft. of Triangle B lbs./ft. Reinforcement C
Inches 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5° 10° 15° 22 1/2° 30° 45° 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4"
1/8 .027 .053 .080 .106 .159 .212 .002 .005 .007 .011 .015 .027
3/16 .040 .080 .119 .159 .239 .318 .005 .011 .016 .025 .035 .060 .027
Cored .053 .106 .159 .212 .318 .425 .009 .019 .028 .044 .061 .106 .035
Wire .066 .133 .199 .265 .390 .531 .015 .029 .044 .069 .096 .166 .044 .884
Products 3/8 .080 .159 .239 .318 .478 .637 .021 .042 .064 .099 .138 .239 .053 .106
7/16 .091 .186 .279 .371 .557 .743 .028 .057 .087 .129 .188 .325 .062 .124
1/2 .106 .212 .318 .425 .637 .849 .037 .075 .114 .176 .245 .425 .071 .141 .212
Submerged lbs./ft. of Rectangle A lbs./ft. of Triangle B lbs./ft. Reinforcement C
Arc T G S H
Products Inches 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5° 10° 15° 22 1/2° 30° 45° 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4"
9/16 .119 .239 .358 .478 .716 .955 .047 .095 .144 .223 .311 .451 .080 .159 .239
5/8 .133 .265 .398 .531 .796 1.061 .058 .117 .178 .275 .383 .664 .088 .177 .265 .354
11/16 .146 .292 .438 .584 .876 1.167 .070 .142 .215 .332 .464 .804 .097 .195 .292 .389
Hard- 3/4 .159 .318 .478 .637 .995 1.274 .084 .169 .256 .396 .552 .956 .106 .212 .318 .424
surfacing .172 .345 .517 .690 1.035 1.380 .098 .198 .301 .464 .648 1.121 .115 .230 .345 .460
Products Filler Metal .186 .371 .557 .743 1.114 1.486 .114 .230 .349 .538 .751 1.300 .124 .248 .371 .495
Consumption 7/8
15/16 .199 .398 .597 .796 1.194 1.592 .131 .263 .400 .618 .863 1.493 .133 .266 .398 .530
1 .212 .425 .637 .849 1.274 1.698 .149 .300 .456 .703 .981 1.698 .141 .283 .424 .566
Correction 1 1/8 .239 .478 .716 .955 1.433 1.910 .188 .379 .577 .890 1.241 2.149 .159 .318 .477 .637
Calculations 1 1/4 .265 .531 .796 1.061 1.592 2.123 .232 .468 .712 1.099 1.532 2.653 .177 .354 .531 .707
1 3/8 .292 .584 .876 1.167 1.751 2.335 .281 .567 .861 1.330 1.853 3.210 .195 .389 .584 .777
Electrode/Wire .318 .637 .955 1.274 1.910 2.547 .334 .674 1.023 1.582 2.206 3.821 .212 .424 .637 .849
Consumption 1 1/2
1 5/8 .345 .690 1.035 1.380 2.069 2.759 .393 .792 1.201 1.857 2.589 4.484 .230 .460 .690 .920
Weld Metal Cost 1 3/4 .371 .743 1.114 1.486 2.229 2.972 .455 .918 1.393 2.154 3.002 5.200 .248 .495 .743 .990
Filler Metals Worksheet 1 7/8 .390 .796 1.194 1.592 2.388 3.184 .523 1.053 1.599 2.473 3.447 5.970 .266 .531 .796 1.061
2 .425 .649 1.274 1.698 2.547 3.396 .594 1.197 1.820 2.813 3.921 6.792 .283 .566 .849 1.132
Steels Weight/Foot 2 1/4 .478 .955 1.433 1.910 2.865 3.821 .752 1.516 2.303 3.561 4.963 8.596 .318 .637 .955 1.273
Weld Metal 2 1/2 .530 1.061 1.592 2.123 3.184 4.245 .928 1.871 2.844 4.396 6.127 10.613 .354 .707 1.061 1.415
2 3/4 .584 1.167 1.751 2.335 3.502 4.669 1.123 2.264 3.441 5.319 7.414 12.841 .389 .778 1.167 1.556
Weight/Meter 3 .636 1.274 1.910 2.547 3.821 5.094 1.337 2.695 4.095 6.330 8.823 15.282 .424 .849 1.273 1.698
Conversion Weld Metal
Tables 9

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