10 Ink Stain Solutions

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10 Ink Stain Solutions

Simple solutions for treating ink stains. from Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things Share on Twitter Pin It

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Butter Uh-oh, one of the kids used a pen to draw a new smile on that fa orite doll!s fa"e. Try eliminating the kiddy graffiti #y ru##ing #utter on it and lea ing the doll fa"e-up in the sun for a few days. $ash it off with soap and water. See more uses for %utter. Cornstarch Oh no, ink on the "arpet& In this "ase a little spilt milk might sa e you from "rying. 'ix the milk with "ornstar"h to make a paste. (pply the paste to the ink stain. (llow the "on"o"tion to dry on the "arpet for a few hours, then #rush off the dried residue and a"uum it up. See more uses for )ornstar"h. Hair Spray *our toddler +ust went wild with a #allpoint pen on your new white shirt. S,uirt the stain with hair spray and the pen marks should "ome right off. See more uses for -air Spray. Milk To remo e ink stains from "olored "lothes, an o ernight milk #ath will often do the tri"k. .ust soak the affe"ted garment in milk o ernight and launder as usual the next day. See more uses for 'ilk.

Nail Polish Remover If the ink stains on your skin won!t "ome off with soap and water, they are pro#a#ly not watersolu#le. Try using nail polish remo er instead. Take a "otton #all and wipe the affe"ted areas with the solution. On"e the ink stains are gone, wash skin with soap and water. /ail polish remo er "an also eliminate ink stains on the drum of your "lothes dryer. See more uses for /ail Polish 0emo er. Rubbing lcohol 1id you get ink on your fa orite shirt or dress2 Try soaking the spot in ru##ing al"ohol for a few minutes #efore putting the garment in the wash. See more uses for 0u##ing (l"ohol. San!paper ( little fine-grit sandpaper and a gentle tou"h is great for remo ing or at least minimi3ing an ink stain or small s"uff mark on suede "lothing or shoes. (fterward, #ring up the nap with a tooth#rush or nail#rush. *ou might a oid an expensi e trip to the dry "leaner& See more uses for Sandpaper. Shortening /ext time a leaky pen lea es your hands full of ink, rea"h for a "an of shortening. To remo e ink stains from your hands and also from inyl surfa"es, ru# on a dollop of shortening and wipe the stains away with a rag or paper towel. See more uses for Shortening. "oothpaste Oh no, a pen opened up in the po"ket of your fa orite shirt& This may or may not work, depending on the fa#ri" and the ink, #ut it is "ertainly worth a try #efore "onsigning the shirt to the s"rap #in. Put non-gel toothpaste on the stain and ru# the fa#ri" igorously together. 0inse with water. 1id some of the ink "ome out2 4reat& 0epeat the pro"ess a few more times until you get rid of all the ink. The same pro"ess works for lipsti"k. See more uses for Toothpaste. #inegar

1id someone in your house "ome home with a leaky pen in his po"ket2 Treat the stain #y first wetting it with some white inegar, then ru# in a paste of 5 parts inegar to 6 parts "ornstar"h. 7et the paste thoroughly dry #efore washing the item. See more uses for 8inegar.

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